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SOLID In Practice
@jessicamauerhan |
Software Engineer
@jessicamauerhan |
What is SOLID?
● Five principles for Object
Oriented Programming
● Guidelines which can help
ensure system is easy to
● Primarily focused on
communication between
dependencies or
Let ϕ(픁) be a property provable
about objects 픁 of type T.
Then ϕ(퐲) should be true for
objects 퐲 of type S where S is a
subtype of T
@jessicamauerhan |
Class Rectangle
protected $length;
protected $height;
public function area()
return $this-length * $this-area();
public function setLength($length)
$this-length = $length;
public function setHeight($height)
$this-height = $height;
Class Square extends Rectangle
public function setLength($length)
$this-length = $length;
$this-height = $length;
public function setHeight($height)
$this-length = $height;
$this-height = $height;
@jessicamauerhan |
● Single Responsibility
● Open/Closed
● Liskov Substitution
● Interface Segregation
● Dependency Inversion
It's All About Change
@jessicamauerhan |
User Registration
● Collect User Input
● Validate User Input
● Persist User Data
● Send Confirmation Email
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER'];
$db = pg_connect($dsn);
$result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
$rows = pg_num_rows($result);
return $rows  0;
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
//Validate user input
if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']);
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER'];
$db = pg_connect($dsn);
$result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
$rows = pg_num_rows($result);
return $rows  0;
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
//Validate user input
if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']);
//Persist User
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { [...] }
private function saveUser(User $user)
$dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER'];
$db = pg_connect($dsn);
pg_query($db, INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}'));
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER'];
$db = pg_connect($dsn);
$result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
$rows = pg_num_rows($result);
return $rows  0;
private function saveUser(User $user)
$dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER'];
$db = pg_connect($dsn);
pg_query($db, INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}'));
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
return $rows  0;
private function saveUser(User $user)
DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}'));
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
//Validate user input
if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']);
//Persist User
//Send Confirmation Email
return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']);
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email)
$subject = Confirm Email;
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!;
$headers = From:;
mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response {
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
//Validate user input
if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']);
//Persist User
//Send Confirmation Email
return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']);
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) {
$subject = Confirm Email;
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!;
$headers = From:;
mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);
private function saveUser(User $user) {
DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}'));
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool {
$rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
return $rows  0;
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response {
//Collect user input
if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']);
$user = new User();
$user-email = $request-get('email');
$user-password = $request-get('password');
//Validate user input
if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) {
return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']);
//Persist User
//Send Confirmation Email
return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']);
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) {
$subject = Confirm Email;
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!;
$headers = From:;
mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);
private function saveUser(User $user) {
DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}'));
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool {
$rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
return $rows  0;
@jessicamauerhan |
Dependency Injection
● Collaborators are supplied to
class from outside - aka
injected into it
Service Location
● Collaborators are retrieved or
instantiated from inside the
class using them
Class UserRegistration
public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] }
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { [...] }
private function saveUser(User $user)
$sql = INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
return $rows  0;
Class UserRegistration
private $db;
public function __construct(Database $db)
$this-db = $db;
public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] }
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { [...] }
private function saveUser(User $user)
$sql = INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool
$rows = $this-db-query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}'));
return $rows  0;
Class UserRegistration
private $db;
private $mailer;
public function __construct(Database $db, Mailer $mailer)
$this-db = $db;
$this-mailer = $mailer;
public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] }
private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email)
//Convert our email to Mandrill's email
$mandrillEmail = [
'to' = ['email' = $email-getTo()],
'from_email' = $email-getFrom(),
'subject' = $email-getSubject(),
'text' = $email-getMessage()
private function saveUser(User $user) { [...] }
private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { [...] }
Dependency Inversion
Single Responsibility Principle
Class UserRegistration
private $factory;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory)
$this-factory = $factory;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator, $repository;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator,
UserRepository $repository)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
$this-repository = $repository;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
try {
return UserCreatedResponse($user);
} catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) {
return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user);
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
interface UserRepository
* @throws UnableToCreateUser
public function create(User $user): bool;
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator, $repository, $emailer;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator,
UserRepository $repository, ConfirmationEmailer $emailer)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
$this-repository = $repository;
$this-emailer = $emailer;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
try {
return UserCreatedResponse($user);
} catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) {
return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user);
} catch (MailerException $mailerException) {
return UnableToSendConfirmationEmailResponse($user);
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
interface UserRepository
* @throws UnableToCreateUser
public function create(User $user): bool;
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
interface UserRepository
* @throws UnableToCreateUser
public function create(User $user): bool;
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
Class UserRegistration
private $factory;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory)
$this-factory = $factory;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator, $repository;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator,
UserRepository $repository)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
$this-repository = $repository;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
try {
return UserCreatedResponse($user);
} catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) {
return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user);
Class UserRegistration
private $factory, $validator, $repository, $emailer;
public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator,
UserRepository $repository, ConfirmationEmailer $emailer)
$this-factory = $factory;
$this-validator = $validator;
$this-repository = $repository;
$this-emailer = $emailer;
public function register(Request $request): Response
try {
$user = $this-factory-createUser($request);
} catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) {
return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors());
if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) {
$invalidProperties = $this-validator
return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties);
try {
return UserCreatedResponse($user);
} catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) {
return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user);
} catch (MailerException $mailerException) {
return UnableToSendConfirmationEmailResponse($user);
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
interface UserRepository
* @throws UnableToCreateUser
public function create(User $user): bool;
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createUser(Request $request): User;
interface UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createUser(Request $request): User;
class RegisterFormUserFactory implements UserFactory
* @throws UnableToParseUser
public function createUser(Request $request): User
if(!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')){
throw new UnableToParseUser();
$email = $request-get('email');
$password = $request-get('password');
return new User($email, $password);
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
interface UserValidator
public function isValid(User $user): bool;
public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array;
class NewUserValidator implements UserValidator
/** @var UserRepository */
private $userRepository;
public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository)
$this-userRepository = $userRepository;
public function isValid(User $user): bool
$emailExists = $this-userRepository-emailExists($user-getEmail());
if ($emailExists === true) {
return false;
return true;
interface UserRepository
* @param User $user
* @return bool
* @throws UnableToCreateUser
public function create(User $user): bool;
* @param string $email
* @return bool
* @throws DataSourceError
public function emailExists(string $email): bool;
class PdoUserRepository implements UserRepository
/** @var Pdo */
private $pdo;
public function __construct(Pdo $pdo) {
$this-pdo = $pdo;
public function create(User $user): bool {
try {
$statement = $this-pdo-prepare(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES(:email, :password));
$statement-execute(['email' = $user-getEmail(), 'password' = $user-getPassword()]);
} catch (PDOException $PDOException) {
throw new UnableToCreateUser($user-getEmail());
return true;
public function emailExists(string $email): bool {
try {
$statement = $this-pdo-prepare(SELECT count(id) AS numRows FROM users WHERE email = :email);
$statement-execute([email = $email]);
$result = $statement-fetchColumn();
return ($result  0);
} catch (PDOException $PDOException) {
throw new DataSourceError();
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mandrill;
public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill)
$this-mandrill = $mandrill;
public function send(User $user)
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.;
$from =;
$subject = Confirm your account;
$email = [
'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]],
'from_email' = $from,
'subject' = $subject,
'text' = $message
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mandrill;
public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill)
$this-mandrill = $mandrill;
public function send(User $user)
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.;
$from =;
$subject = Confirm your account;
$email = [
'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]],
'from_email' = $from,
'subject' = $subject,
'text' = $message
interface ConfirmationEmailer
* @throws MailerException
public function send(string $to);
class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mandrill;
public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill)
$this-mandrill = $mandrill;
public function send(User $user)
$message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.;
$from =;
$subject = Confirm your account;
$email = [
'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]],
'from_email' = $from,
'subject' = $subject,
'text' = $message
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface Mailer
public function send(Email $email);
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface Mailer
public function send(Email $email);
class Email
private $to, $from, $subject, $message;
public function __construct(string $to, string $from,
string $subject, string $message) {
$this-to = $to;
$this-from = $from;
$this-subject = $subject;
$this-message = $message;
public function getTo(): string {
return $this-to;
public function getFrom(): string {
return $this-from;
public function getSubject(): string {
return $this-subject;
public function getMessage(): string {
return $this-message;
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface Mailer
public function send(Email $email);
class Email
private $to, $from, $subject, $message;
public function __construct(string $to, string $from,
string $subject, string $message) {
$this-to = $to;
$this-from = $from;
$this-subject = $subject;
$this-message = $message;
public function getTo(): string {
return $this-to;
public function getFrom(): string {
return $this-from;
public function getSubject(): string {
return $this-subject;
public function getMessage(): string {
return $this-message;
class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mailer;
private $from = '';
private $subject = 'Confirm Email';
private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email';
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
$this-mailer = $mailer;
public function send(string $to) {
$email = new Email($to, $this-from,
$this-subject, $this-message);
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface Mailer
public function send(Email $email);
class Email
private $to, $from, $subject, $message;
public function __construct(string $to, string $from,
string $subject, string $message) {
$this-to = $to;
$this-from = $from;
$this-subject = $subject;
$this-message = $message;
public function getTo(): string {
return $this-to;
public function getFrom(): string {
return $this-from;
public function getSubject(): string {
return $this-subject;
public function getMessage(): string {
return $this-message;
class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mailer;
private $from = '';
private $subject = 'Confirm Email';
private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email';
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
$this-mailer = $mailer;
public function send(string $to) {
$email = new Email($to, $this-from,
$this-subject, $this-message);
class MandrillMailer implements Mailer
private $mandrill;
public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill) {
$this-mandrill = $mandrill;
public function send(Email $email) {
//Convert our email to Mandrill's email
$mandrillMail = ['to' = ['email' = $email-getTo()],
'from_email' = $email-getFrom(),
'subject' = $email-getSubject(),
'text' = $email-getMessage()];
interface ConfirmationEmailer
public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */
interface Mailer
public function send(Email $email);
class Email
private $to, $from, $subject, $message;
public function __construct(string $to, string $from,
string $subject, string $message) {
$this-to = $to;
$this-from = $from;
$this-subject = $subject;
$this-message = $message;
public function getTo(): string {
return $this-to;
public function getFrom(): string {
return $this-from;
public function getSubject(): string {
return $this-subject;
public function getMessage(): string {
return $this-message;
class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer
private $mailer;
private $from = '';
private $subject = 'Confirm Email';
private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email';
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
$this-mailer = $mailer;
public function send(string $to) {
$email = new Email($to, $this-from,
$this-subject, $this-message);
class SendGridMailer implements Mailer
private $sendgrid;
public function __construct(SendGrid $sendgrid) {
$this-sedngrid = $sendgrid;
public function send(Email $email) {
//Convert our email to SendGrid's email
$sgEmail = new SendGridEmail($email-getTo(),
class AccountOverdueListener
private $mailer;
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer)
$this-mailer = $mailer;
public function handle(OverdueEvent $event)
$account = $event-getAccount();
$email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue());
class AccountOverdueListener
private $mailer;
private $texter;
public function __construct(Mailer $mailer, Texter $texter)
$this-mailer = $mailer;
$this-texter = $texter;
public function handle(OverdueEvent $event)
$account = $event-getAccount();
$notifications = $account-getEnabledNotifications();
foreach ($notifications AS $notificationType) {
if ($notificationType === 'email') {
$email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue());
} elseif ($notificationType === 'text') {
$text = new OverdueText($account-getPhoneNumber(), $account-getAmountDue());
Open/Closed Principle
class AccountOverdueEmailListener
public function handle(Mailer $mailer, OverdueEvent $event)
$account = $event-getAccount();
$email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue());
class AccountOverdueTextListener
public function handle(Texter $texter, OverdueEvent $event)
$account = $event-getAccount();
$text = new OverdueText($account-getPhoneNumber(), $account-getAmountDue());
E-Commerce App
Class PercentageDiscount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item)
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class PercentageDiscount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item)
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount
private $type;
private $countItemsRequired = 2;
public function setEligibleType(string $type)
$this-type = $type;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item)
if ($this-hasEnoughItems()  $item-isType($this-type)) {
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
return 'Error: Not enough items';
public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool
$found = 0;
foreach ($items AS $item) {
if ($item-isType($this-type)) {
if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) {
return true;
return false;
Class PercentageDiscount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount
private $type;
private $countItemsRequired = 2;
public function setEligibleType(string $type)
$this-type = $type;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
if ($this-hasEnoughItems()  $item-isType($this-type)) {
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
throw new NotEnoughItems();
public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool
$found = 0;
foreach ($items AS $item) {
if ($item-isType($this-type)) {
if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) {
return true;
return false;
Liskov Substitution Principle
Class PercentageDiscount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount
private $type;
private $countItemsRequired = 2;
public function setEligibleType(string $type)
$this-type = $type;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
if ($this-hasEnoughItems()  $item-isType($this-type)) {
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
throw new NotEnoughItems();
public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool
$found = 0;
foreach ($items AS $item) {
if ($item-isType($this-type)) {
if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) {
return true;
return false;
Class PercentageDiscount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount
private $type;
private $countItemsRequired = 2;
public function __construct($discount, $type)
$this-type = $type;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item)
if ($this-hasEnoughItems()  $item-isType($this-type)) {
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
return 0;
public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool
$found = 0;
foreach ($items AS $item) {
if ($item-isType($this-type)) {
if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) {
return true;
return false;
Interface Discount
/** @throws DiscountException */
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float;
Class DiscountException extends Exception
Class PercentageDiscount implements Discount
private $discount;
public function __construct(int $discount)
$this-discount = $discount;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount
private $type;
private $countItemsRequired = 2;
public function __construct($discount, $type)
$this-type = $type;
public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item)
if ($this-hasEnoughItems()  $item-isType($this-type)) {
return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost();
throw new DiscountException ();
public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool
$found = 0;
foreach ($items AS $item) {
if ($item-isType($this-type)) {
if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) {
return true;
return false;
Shopping Cart
Interface Item
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
Interface Item
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
class Cart
private $items;
private $total;
public function addItem(Item $item)
$this-items[] = $item;
public function calculateTotal()
$subtotal = 0;
$shippingTotal = 0;
foreach ($this-items AS $item) {
$subtotal += $item-getPrice();
$shippingTotal += $item-getShippingCost();
return $subtotal + $shippingTotal;
Interface Item
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker;
public function assignWorker(Worker $worker);
public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime;
public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime;
public function isCompleted(): bool;
Class Cart { [...] }
Class ServiceManager
private $services;
public function addService(Item $item)
$this-services[] = $item;
public function getCompletedServices()
$completed = [];
foreach ($this-services AS $service) {
if ($service-isCompleted()) {
$completed[] = $service;
return $completed;
Interface Segregation
Interface Item
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker;
public function assignWorker(Worker $worker);
public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime;
public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime;
public function isCompleted(): bool;
Interface Buyable
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
Interface Product
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
Interface Service
public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker;
public function assignWorker(Worker $worker);
public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime;
public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime;
public function isCompleted(): bool;
Interface Buyable
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
Interface Product
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
Interface Service
public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker;
public function assignWorker(Worker $worker);
public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime;
public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime;
public function isCompleted(): bool;
Class BuyableItem implements Buyable
protected $name, $price;
public function __construct(string $name,
float $price)
$this-name = $name;
$this-price = $price;
public function getName(): string
return $this-name;
public function getPrice(): float
return $this-price;
Interface Buyable
public function getName(): string;
public function getPrice(): float;
Interface Product
public function getShippingWeight(): float;
public function getShippingCost(): float;
Interface Service
public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker;
public function assignWorker(Worker $worker);
public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime;
public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime;
public function isCompleted(): bool;
Class BuyableItem implements Buyable { [...] }
Class BuyableProduct extends BuyableItem implements
protected $shippingCost, $shippingWeight;
public function __construct(string $name,
float $price,
float $shippingCost,
float $shippingWeight)
$this-shippingCost = $shippingCost;
$this-shippingWeight = $shippingWeight;
parent::__construct($name, $price);
public function getShippingCost(): float {
return $this-getShippingCost();
public function getShippingWeight(): float {
return $this-shippingWeight;
● Single Responsibility - Registration Class delegating to Collaborators
● Open/Closed - Adding new Notifiers without always editing Listener
● Liskov Substitution - Ensured Discount subtypes could be used as Discount
● Interface Segregation - Items use Buyable, Product and Service interfaces
● Dependency Inversion - Registration Controller, Emailer, Shopping Cart,
Notification Factory - all use interfaces, not implementations
@jessicamauerhan |
SLD: Apply Often
● Single Responsibility
● Liskov Substitution
● Dependency Inversion
OI: Apply As Needed
When Changes Occur
● Open/Closed
● Interface Segregation
@jessicamauerhan |
Thank You!
SOLID in Practice
Feedback  Questions?
Welcome  Encouraged!

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SOLID In Practice: User Registration Example

  • 1. SOLID In Practice @jessicamauerhan |
  • 3. @jessicamauerhan | What is SOLID? ● Five principles for Object Oriented Programming ● Guidelines which can help ensure system is easy to maintain ● Primarily focused on communication between dependencies or collaborators
  • 4. Let ϕ(픁) be a property provable about objects 픁 of type T. Then ϕ(퐲) should be true for objects 퐲 of type S where S is a subtype of T
  • 5. @jessicamauerhan | Class Rectangle { protected $length; protected $height; public function area() { return $this-length * $this-area(); } public function setLength($length) { $this-length = $length; } public function setHeight($height) { $this-height = $height; } } Class Square extends Rectangle { public function setLength($length) { $this-length = $length; $this-height = $length; } public function setHeight($height) { $this-length = $height; $this-height = $height; } }
  • 7. @jessicamauerhan | S.O.L.I.D. ● Single Responsibility ● Open/Closed ● Liskov Substitution ● Interface Segregation ● Dependency Inversion
  • 8. It's All About Change
  • 9. @jessicamauerhan | User Registration ● Collect User Input ● Validate User Input ● Persist User Data ● Send Confirmation Email
  • 10. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); } }
  • 11. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER']; $db = pg_connect($dsn); $result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); $rows = pg_num_rows($result); return $rows 0; } }
  • 12. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); //Validate user input if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']); } } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER']; $db = pg_connect($dsn); $result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); $rows = pg_num_rows($result); return $rows 0; } }
  • 13. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); //Validate user input if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']); } //Persist User $this-saveUser($user); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { [...] } private function saveUser(User $user) { $dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER']; $db = pg_connect($dsn); pg_query($db, INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')); } }
  • 14. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER']; $db = pg_connect($dsn); $result = pg_query($db, SELECT id FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); $rows = pg_num_rows($result); return $rows 0; } private function saveUser(User $user) { $dsn = 'host='.$_ENV['DB_HOST'].' dbname='.$_ENV['DB_DB'].' password='.$_ENV['DB_PASS'].' user='.$_ENV['DB_USER']; $db = pg_connect($dsn); pg_query($db, INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')); } }
  • 15. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); return $rows 0; } private function saveUser(User $user) { DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')); } }
  • 16. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); //Validate user input if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']); } //Persist User $this-saveUser($user); //Send Confirmation Email $this-sendConfirmationEmail($user-getEmail()); return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']); } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { $subject = Confirm Email; $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!; $headers = From:; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); }
  • 17. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); //Validate user input if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']); } //Persist User $this-saveUser($user); //Send Confirmation Email $this-sendConfirmationEmail($user-getEmail()); return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']); } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { $subject = Confirm Email; $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!; $headers = From:; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); } private function saveUser(User $user) { DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); return $rows 0; } }
  • 18. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { //Collect user input if (!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Please provide an email and a password']); } $user = new User(); $user-email = $request-get('email'); $user-password = $request-get('password'); //Validate user input if ($this-emailIsRegistered($user-getEmail())) { return new Response('register', ['error' = 'Your email address is already registered']); } //Persist User $this-saveUser($user); //Send Confirmation Email $this-sendConfirmationEmail($user-getEmail()); return new Response('register', ['success' = 'You are registered! Please check your email!']); } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { $subject = Confirm Email; $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your email!; $headers = From:; mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); } private function saveUser(User $user) { DB::query(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}')); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); return $rows 0; } }
  • 19. @jessicamauerhan | Dependency Injection ● Collaborators are supplied to class from outside - aka injected into it Service Location ● Collaborators are retrieved or instantiated from inside the class using them
  • 20. Class UserRegistration { public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { [...] } private function saveUser(User $user) { $sql = INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}') DB::query($sql); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $rows = DB::query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); return $rows 0; } }
  • 21. Class UserRegistration { private $db; public function __construct(Database $db) { $this-db = $db; } public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { [...] } private function saveUser(User $user) { $sql = INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES('{$user-email}', '{$user-password}') $this-db-query($sql); } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { $rows = $this-db-query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE (email='{$email}')); return $rows 0; } }
  • 22. Class UserRegistration { private $db; private $mailer; public function __construct(Database $db, Mailer $mailer) { $this-db = $db; $this-mailer = $mailer; } public function register(Request $request): Response { [...] } private function sendConfirmationEmail(string $email) { //Convert our email to Mandrill's email $mandrillEmail = [ 'to' = ['email' = $email-getTo()], 'from_email' = $email-getFrom(), 'subject' = $email-getSubject(), 'text' = $email-getMessage() ]; $this-mandrill-send($mandrillEmail); } private function saveUser(User $user) { [...] } private function emailIsRegistered(string $email): bool { [...] }
  • 25. Class UserRegistration { private $factory; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory) { $this-factory = $factory; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } } } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; }
  • 26. interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } } }
  • 27. Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator, $repository; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator, UserRepository $repository) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; $this-repository = $repository; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } try { $this-repository-create($user); return UserCreatedResponse($user); } catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) { return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user); } } } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } interface UserRepository { /** * @throws UnableToCreateUser */ public function create(User $user): bool; } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; }
  • 28. Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator, $repository, $emailer; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator, UserRepository $repository, ConfirmationEmailer $emailer) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; $this-repository = $repository; $this-emailer = $emailer; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } try { $this-repository-create($user); $this-emailer-sendConfirmationEmail($user); return UserCreatedResponse($user); } catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) { return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user); } catch (MailerException $mailerException) { return UnableToSendConfirmationEmailResponse($user); } } } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } interface UserRepository { /** * @throws UnableToCreateUser */ public function create(User $user): bool; } interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } interface UserRepository { /** * @throws UnableToCreateUser */ public function create(User $user): bool; } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; }
  • 29. Class UserRegistration { private $factory; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory) { $this-factory = $factory; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } } } Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } } } Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator, $repository; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator, UserRepository $repository) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; $this-repository = $repository; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } try { $this-repository-create($user); return UserCreatedResponse($user); } catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) { return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user); } } } Class UserRegistration { private $factory, $validator, $repository, $emailer; public function __construct(UserFactory $factory, UserValidator $validator, UserRepository $repository, ConfirmationEmailer $emailer) { $this-factory = $factory; $this-validator = $validator; $this-repository = $repository; $this-emailer = $emailer; } public function register(Request $request): Response { try { $user = $this-factory-createUser($request); } catch (UnableToParseUser $exception) { return new InvalidRequestResponse($exception-getErrors()); } if ($this-validator-isValid($user) === false) { $invalidProperties = $this-validator -getInvalidProperties($user); return new InvalidUserResponse($invalidProperties); } try { $this-repository-create($user); $this-emailer-sendConfirmationEmail($user); return UserCreatedResponse($user); } catch (UnableToCreateUser $exception) { return UnableToCreateUserResponse($user); } catch (MailerException $mailerException) { return UnableToSendConfirmationEmailResponse($user); } } } interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createRegisteringUser(Request $request): User; } interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } interface UserRepository { /** * @throws UnableToCreateUser */ public function create(User $user): bool; } interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); }
  • 30. interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createUser(Request $request): User; }
  • 31. interface UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createUser(Request $request): User; } class RegisterFormUserFactory implements UserFactory { /** * @throws UnableToParseUser */ public function createUser(Request $request): User { if(!$request-has('email') || !$request-has('password')){ throw new UnableToParseUser(); } $email = $request-get('email'); $password = $request-get('password'); return new User($email, $password); } }
  • 32. interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; }
  • 33. interface UserValidator { public function isValid(User $user): bool; public function getInvalidProperties(User $user):array; } class NewUserValidator implements UserValidator { /** @var UserRepository */ private $userRepository; public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) { $this-userRepository = $userRepository; } public function isValid(User $user): bool { $emailExists = $this-userRepository-emailExists($user-getEmail()); if ($emailExists === true) { return false; } return true; } }
  • 34. interface UserRepository { /** * @param User $user * @return bool * * @throws UnableToCreateUser */ public function create(User $user): bool; /** * @param string $email * @return bool * * @throws DataSourceError */ public function emailExists(string $email): bool; }
  • 35. class PdoUserRepository implements UserRepository { /** @var Pdo */ private $pdo; public function __construct(Pdo $pdo) { $this-pdo = $pdo; } public function create(User $user): bool { try { $statement = $this-pdo-prepare(INSERT INTO users(email, password) VALUES(:email, :password)); $statement-execute(['email' = $user-getEmail(), 'password' = $user-getPassword()]); } catch (PDOException $PDOException) { throw new UnableToCreateUser($user-getEmail()); } return true; } public function emailExists(string $email): bool { try { $statement = $this-pdo-prepare(SELECT count(id) AS numRows FROM users WHERE email = :email); $statement-execute([email = $email]); $result = $statement-fetchColumn(); return ($result 0); } catch (PDOException $PDOException) { throw new DataSourceError(); } } }
  • 36. interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); }
  • 37. interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); } class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mandrill; public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill) { $this-mandrill = $mandrill; } public function send(User $user) { $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.; $from =; $subject = Confirm your account; $email = [ 'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]], 'from_email' = $from, 'subject' = $subject, 'text' = $message ]; $this-mandrill-send($email); } }
  • 38. interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); } class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mandrill; public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill) { $this-mandrill = $mandrill; } public function send(User $user) { $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.; $from =; $subject = Confirm your account; $email = [ 'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]], 'from_email' = $from, 'subject' = $subject, 'text' = $message ]; $this-mandrill-send($email); } }
  • 39. interface ConfirmationEmailer { /** * @throws MailerException */ public function send(string $to); } class MandrillConfirmationEmailer implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mandrill; public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill) { $this-mandrill = $mandrill; } public function send(User $user) { $message = Please aclick here/a to confirm your account.; $from =; $subject = Confirm your account; $email = [ 'to' = [['EmailTemplate' = $user-getEmail()]], 'from_email' = $from, 'subject' = $subject, 'text' = $message ]; $this-mandrill-send($email); } }
  • 40. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ }
  • 41. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ } interface Mailer { public function send(Email $email); }
  • 42. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ } interface Mailer { public function send(Email $email); } class Email { private $to, $from, $subject, $message; public function __construct(string $to, string $from, string $subject, string $message) { $this-to = $to; $this-from = $from; $this-subject = $subject; $this-message = $message; } public function getTo(): string { return $this-to; } public function getFrom(): string { return $this-from; } public function getSubject(): string { return $this-subject; } public function getMessage(): string { return $this-message; } }
  • 43. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ } interface Mailer { public function send(Email $email); } class Email { private $to, $from, $subject, $message; public function __construct(string $to, string $from, string $subject, string $message) { $this-to = $to; $this-from = $from; $this-subject = $subject; $this-message = $message; } public function getTo(): string { return $this-to; } public function getFrom(): string { return $this-from; } public function getSubject(): string { return $this-subject; } public function getMessage(): string { return $this-message; } } class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mailer; private $from = ''; private $subject = 'Confirm Email'; private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email'; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this-mailer = $mailer; } public function send(string $to) { $email = new Email($to, $this-from, $this-subject, $this-message); $this-mailer-send($email); } }
  • 44. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ } interface Mailer { public function send(Email $email); } class Email { private $to, $from, $subject, $message; public function __construct(string $to, string $from, string $subject, string $message) { $this-to = $to; $this-from = $from; $this-subject = $subject; $this-message = $message; } public function getTo(): string { return $this-to; } public function getFrom(): string { return $this-from; } public function getSubject(): string { return $this-subject; } public function getMessage(): string { return $this-message; } } class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mailer; private $from = ''; private $subject = 'Confirm Email'; private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email'; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this-mailer = $mailer; } public function send(string $to) { $email = new Email($to, $this-from, $this-subject, $this-message); $this-mailer-send($email); } } class MandrillMailer implements Mailer { private $mandrill; public function __construct(Mandrill $mandrill) { $this-mandrill = $mandrill; } public function send(Email $email) { //Convert our email to Mandrill's email $mandrillMail = ['to' = ['email' = $email-getTo()], 'from_email' = $email-getFrom(), 'subject' = $email-getSubject(), 'text' = $email-getMessage()]; $this-mandrill-send($mandrillEmail); } }
  • 45. interface ConfirmationEmailer { public function send(string $to); /** @throws MailerException */ } interface Mailer { public function send(Email $email); } class Email { private $to, $from, $subject, $message; public function __construct(string $to, string $from, string $subject, string $message) { $this-to = $to; $this-from = $from; $this-subject = $subject; $this-message = $message; } public function getTo(): string { return $this-to; } public function getFrom(): string { return $this-from; } public function getSubject(): string { return $this-subject; } public function getMessage(): string { return $this-message; } } class ConfirmationEmailService implements ConfirmationEmailer { private $mailer; private $from = ''; private $subject = 'Confirm Email'; private $message = 'Please click here to confirm your email'; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this-mailer = $mailer; } public function send(string $to) { $email = new Email($to, $this-from, $this-subject, $this-message); $this-mailer-send($email); } } class SendGridMailer implements Mailer { private $sendgrid; public function __construct(SendGrid $sendgrid) { $this-sedngrid = $sendgrid; } public function send(Email $email) { //Convert our email to SendGrid's email $sgEmail = new SendGridEmail($email-getTo(), $email-getFrom(), $email-getSubject(), $email-getMessage()); $this-sendgrid-queue($sgEmail); } }
  • 46. class AccountOverdueListener { private $mailer; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this-mailer = $mailer; } public function handle(OverdueEvent $event) { $account = $event-getAccount(); $email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue()); $this-mailer-send($email); } }
  • 47. class AccountOverdueListener { private $mailer; private $texter; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer, Texter $texter) { $this-mailer = $mailer; $this-texter = $texter; } public function handle(OverdueEvent $event) { $account = $event-getAccount(); $notifications = $account-getEnabledNotifications(); foreach ($notifications AS $notificationType) { if ($notificationType === 'email') { $email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue()); $this-mailer-send($email); } elseif ($notificationType === 'text') { $text = new OverdueText($account-getPhoneNumber(), $account-getAmountDue()); $this-texter-send($text); } } } }
  • 49. class AccountOverdueEmailListener { public function handle(Mailer $mailer, OverdueEvent $event) { $account = $event-getAccount(); $email = new OverdueEmail($account-getEmailAddress(), $account-getAmountDue()); $mailer-send($email); } } class AccountOverdueTextListener { public function handle(Texter $texter, OverdueEvent $event) { $account = $event-getAccount(); $text = new OverdueText($account-getPhoneNumber(), $account-getAmountDue()); $texter-send($text); } }
  • 51. Class PercentageDiscount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } }
  • 52. Class PercentageDiscount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } } Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount { private $type; private $countItemsRequired = 2; public function setEligibleType(string $type) { $this-type = $type; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item) { if ($this-hasEnoughItems() $item-isType($this-type)) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } return 'Error: Not enough items'; } public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool { $found = 0; foreach ($items AS $item) { if ($item-isType($this-type)) { $found++; } if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) { return true; } } return false; } }
  • 53. Class PercentageDiscount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } } Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount { private $type; private $countItemsRequired = 2; public function setEligibleType(string $type) { $this-type = $type; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { if ($this-hasEnoughItems() $item-isType($this-type)) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } throw new NotEnoughItems(); } public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool { $found = 0; foreach ($items AS $item) { if ($item-isType($this-type)) { $found++; } if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) { return true; } } return false; } }
  • 55. Class PercentageDiscount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } } Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount { private $type; private $countItemsRequired = 2; public function setEligibleType(string $type) { $this-type = $type; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { if ($this-hasEnoughItems() $item-isType($this-type)) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } throw new NotEnoughItems(); } public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool { $found = 0; foreach ($items AS $item) { if ($item-isType($this-type)) { $found++; } if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) { return true; } } return false; } }
  • 56. Class PercentageDiscount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } } Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount { private $type; private $countItemsRequired = 2; public function __construct($discount, $type) { $this-type = $type; parent::__construct($discount); } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item) { if ($this-hasEnoughItems() $item-isType($this-type)) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } return 0; } public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool { $found = 0; foreach ($items AS $item) { if ($item-isType($this-type)) { $found++; } if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) { return true; } } return false; }
  • 57. Interface Discount { /** @throws DiscountException */ public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float; } Class DiscountException extends Exception { } Class PercentageDiscount implements Discount { private $discount; public function __construct(int $discount) { $this-discount = $discount; } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item): float { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } } Class BuyItemsToGetDiscount extends PercentageDiscount { private $type; private $countItemsRequired = 2; public function __construct($discount, $type) { $this-type = $type; parent::__construct($discount); } public function calculateAmountOff(Item $item) { if ($this-hasEnoughItems() $item-isType($this-type)) { return ($this-discount / 100) * $item-getCost(); } throw new DiscountException (); } public function hasEnoughItems(array $items): bool { $found = 0; foreach ($items AS $item) { if ($item-isType($this-type)) { $found++; } if ($found == $this-countItemsRequired) { return true; } } return false; }
  • 59. Interface Item { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; }
  • 60. Interface Item { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; } class Cart { private $items; private $total; public function addItem(Item $item) { $this-items[] = $item; } public function calculateTotal() { $subtotal = 0; $shippingTotal = 0; foreach ($this-items AS $item) { $subtotal += $item-getPrice(); $shippingTotal += $item-getShippingCost(); } return $subtotal + $shippingTotal; } }
  • 61. Interface Item { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker; public function assignWorker(Worker $worker); public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime; public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime; public function isCompleted(): bool; } Class Cart { [...] } Class ServiceManager { private $services; public function addService(Item $item) { $this-services[] = $item; } public function getCompletedServices() { $completed = []; foreach ($this-services AS $service) { if ($service-isCompleted()) { $completed[] = $service; } } return $completed; } }
  • 63. Interface Item { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker; public function assignWorker(Worker $worker); public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime; public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime; public function isCompleted(): bool; } Interface Buyable { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; } Interface Product { public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; } Interface Service { public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker; public function assignWorker(Worker $worker); public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime; public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime; public function isCompleted(): bool; }
  • 64. Interface Buyable { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; } Interface Product { public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; } Interface Service { public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker; public function assignWorker(Worker $worker); public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime; public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime; public function isCompleted(): bool; } Class BuyableItem implements Buyable { protected $name, $price; public function __construct(string $name, float $price) { $this-name = $name; $this-price = $price; } public function getName(): string { return $this-name; } public function getPrice(): float { return $this-price; } }
  • 65. Interface Buyable { public function getName(): string; public function getPrice(): float; } Interface Product { public function getShippingWeight(): float; public function getShippingCost(): float; } Interface Service { public function getWorkerAssigned(): Worker; public function assignWorker(Worker $worker); public function getServiceScheduledDate(): DateTime; public function getServiceCompletedDate(): DateTime; public function isCompleted(): bool; } Class BuyableItem implements Buyable { [...] } Class BuyableProduct extends BuyableItem implements Product { protected $shippingCost, $shippingWeight; public function __construct(string $name, float $price, float $shippingCost, float $shippingWeight) { $this-shippingCost = $shippingCost; $this-shippingWeight = $shippingWeight; parent::__construct($name, $price); } public function getShippingCost(): float { return $this-getShippingCost(); } public function getShippingWeight(): float { return $this-shippingWeight; } }
  • 66. S.O.L.I.D. ● Single Responsibility - Registration Class delegating to Collaborators ● Open/Closed - Adding new Notifiers without always editing Listener ● Liskov Substitution - Ensured Discount subtypes could be used as Discount ● Interface Segregation - Items use Buyable, Product and Service interfaces ● Dependency Inversion - Registration Controller, Emailer, Shopping Cart, Notification Factory - all use interfaces, not implementations
  • 67. @jessicamauerhan | SLD: Apply Often Preemptively ● Single Responsibility ● Liskov Substitution ● Dependency Inversion OI: Apply As Needed When Changes Occur ● Open/Closed ● Interface Segregation
  • 68. @jessicamauerhan | Thank You! SOLID in Practice Feedback Questions? Welcome Encouraged! @jessicamauerhan