[DSC 2016] 系列活動:李宏毅 / 一天搞懂深度學習

台灣資料科學年會 il y a 7 ans

Ad Click Prediction - Paper review

Mazen Aly il y a 7 ans


Guoyang Shen il y a 8 ans

Factorization Machines with libFM

Liangjie Hong il y a 11 ans

Reinventing the Y combinator

Ian Wang il y a 12 ans

Dreaming Infrastructure

kyhpudding il y a 14 ans

The Impala Cookbook

Cloudera, Inc. il y a 9 ans

Impala Architecture presentation

hadooparchbook il y a 10 ans

Presto overview

Shixiong Zhu il y a 10 ans

An introduction to maven gradle and sbt

Fabio Fumarola il y a 9 ans

Ee 想说爱你不容易

xiaoerxiaoer il y a 9 ans

Transfer learning@r语言大会2.0 发布版

xiaoerxiaoer il y a 8 ans

Overlapping Experiments Infrastructure

Srihari Sriraman il y a 8 ans

Python Generator Hacking

David Beazley (Dabeaz LLC) il y a 13 ans

Tornado Web Server Internals

Praveen Gollakota il y a 11 ans

20 mins of Liblinear

Chandler Huang il y a 10 ans