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Julien Truffaut
Backend Scala developer for 10+ years
FP instructor at
Co-founder of
Implicit parameters
def newBlogPost(title: String)(implicit author: User): BlogPost
class UserService(db: Connection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {}
Implicit parameters
def newBlogPost(title: String)(implicit author: User): BlogPost
class UserService(db: Connection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {}
When should we define a parameter as implicit?
Parameters definition
def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): String =
s"$firstName $lastName"
fullName("John", "Doe")
// res0: String = "John Doe"
Parameters definition
def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): String =
s"$firstName $lastName"
fullName("John", "Doe")
// res0: String = "John Doe"
fullName(lastName = "Smith", firstName = "Bob")
// res1: String = "Bob Smith"
sealed abstract class AcademicTitle(val shortForm: String)
case object MasterOfScience extends AcademicTitle("MSc")
case object Magistrate extends AcademicTitle("Mag")
sealed abstract class AcademicTitle(val shortForm: String)
case object MasterOfScience extends AcademicTitle("MSc")
case object Magistrate extends AcademicTitle("Mag")
def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String, title: Option[AcademicTitle]): String = {
val suffix =" " + _.shortForm).getOrElse("")
s"${firstName} ${lastName}${suffix}"
fullName("John", "Doe", None)
// res: String = "John Doe"
fullName("Bob", "Smith", Some(MasterOfScience))
// res: String = "Bob Smith MSc"
Parameters definition
Default value
def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String, title: Option[AcademicTitle] = None): String = {
val suffix =" " + _.shortForm).getOrElse("")
s"${firstName} ${lastName}${suffix}"
fullName("John", "Doe")
// res: String = "John Doe"
fullName("Bob", "Smith", Some(MasterOfScience))
// res: String = "Bob Smith MSc"
Parameters definition
Default value
def kafkaListener(
topic : String,
bootstrapServers : String,
commitTimeout : FiniteDuration = 50.millis,
pollInterval : FiniteDuration = 15.millis,
autoOffsetReset : AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest,
Parameters definition
Default value
def kafkaListener(
topic : String,
bootstrapServers : String,
commitTimeout : FiniteDuration = 50.millis,
pollInterval : FiniteDuration = 15.millis,
autoOffsetReset : AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest,
Similar options: Overloads or Builder Pattern
Parameters definition
case class BlogPost(
author : UserId,
title : String,
content : String,
case class UserId(value: String)
Parameters definition
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = ""
Parameters definition
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = ""
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(UserId("john_1234")) // Explicit call
// res: BlogPost = BlogPost(
// author = UserId("john_1234"),
// title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide",
// content = "",
// )
Parameters definition
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = ""
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // Implicit call
// res: BlogPost = BlogPost(
// author = UserId("john_1234"),
// title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide",
// content = "",
// )
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
UserId -> UserId("john_1234"),
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
UserId -> UserId("john_1234"),
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
UserId -> UserId("john_1234"),
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
UserId -> UserId("john_1234"),
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(UserId("john_1234"))
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
// No UserId
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time
Implicit resolution
val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler
Int -> 5,
String -> "",
// No UserId
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time
error: could not find implicit value for parameter requesterId: UserId // compile-time error
Implicit Definition
implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234")
createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")
// res: BlogPost = BlogPost(
// author = UserId("john_1234"),
// title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide",
// content = "",
// )
Implicit Scope
class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite {
test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") {
implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234")
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile
assert( == requesterId)
test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") {
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ❌ could not find implicit value
Implicit Scope
class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite {
test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") {
implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234")
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile
assert( == requesterId)
test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") {
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ❌ could not find implicit value
Implicit Scope
class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite {
implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234")
test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") {
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile
assert( == requesterId)
test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") {
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile
1. The compiler keeps track of all the implicits available within a scope
2. At compile-time, the compiler injects all implicit parameters
3. If an implicit is missing, we get a compiled-time error
1. The compiler keeps track of all the implicits available within a scope
2. At compile-time, the compiler injects all implicit parameters
3. If an implicit is missing, we get a compiled-time error
4. If there are 2 or more implicit values of the same type in scope, we also
get a compiled-time error
Within a Scope, there must be Only One implicit value per Type
Environment Pattern
Environment Pattern
val httpService = {
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => // create a blog
case req @ PUT -> Root / "blog" / id => // update a blog
case req @ DELETE -> Root / "blog" / id => // delete a blog
Environment Pattern
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" =>
implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req)
for {
payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog]
_ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title)
} yield Ok()
Environment Pattern
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" =>
implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req)
for {
payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog]
_ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title)
} yield Ok()
Environment Pattern
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" =>
implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req)
for {
payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog]
_ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title)
} yield Ok()
class BlogAPI(db: DB) {
def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = {
val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title)
Environment Pattern
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" =>
implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req)
for {
payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog]
_ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title)
} yield Ok()
class BlogAPI(db: DB) {
def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = {
val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title)
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
Environment Pattern
case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" =>
implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req)
for {
payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog]
_ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title)
} yield Ok()
class BlogAPI(db: DB) {
def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = {
val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title)
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
Environment Pattern
case class BlogPost(
author : UserId,
title : String,
content : String,
createAt: Instant,
Environment Pattern
case class BlogPost(
author : UserId,
title : String,
content : String,
createAt: Instant,
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
createAt =,
Environment Pattern
test("create blog post") {
implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234")
val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Test")
assert(result == BlogPost(requesterId, "Test", "", ???))
Environment Pattern
trait Clock {
def now(): Instant
Environment Pattern
trait Clock {
def now(): Instant
object Clock {
val real: Clock = new Clock {
def now(): Instant =
def static(timestamp: Instant): Clock = new Clock {
def now(): Instant = timestamp
Environment Pattern
trait Clock {
def now(): Instant
object Clock {
val real: Clock = new Clock {
def now(): Instant =
def static(timestamp: Instant): Clock = new Clock {
def now(): Instant = timestamp
Environment Pattern
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId, clock: Clock): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
createAt =,
Environment Pattern
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId, clock: Clock): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
createAt =,
object Main extends App {
implicit val clock: Clock = Clock.real
class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite {
implicit val clock: Clock = Clock.static(Instant.EPOCH)
Environment Pattern
object Main extends App {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext =
class BlogDatabaseTest extends AnyFunSuite {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = fixedSizeExecutionContext(1)
Environment parameters are Static in a given Context
Context: Per request
Context: Prod / Test
ExecutionContext (for Future)
1. Use precise types
def createQueue[A](implicit size: Int): Queue[A] =
def connect(hostname: String)(implicit port: Int): Unit =
1. Use precise types
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId,
title = title,
content = "",
def shareBlog(blog: BlogPost, targetUser: UserId)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] =
1. Use precise types
case class RequesterId(userId: UserId)
def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: RequesterId): BlogPost =
author = requesterId.userId,
title = title,
content = "",
2. Use clear and simple Context
The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious
Environment Pattern Alternatives
def createBlogPost(title: String) : Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), BlogPost] = ...
def createProject(projectName: String): Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), Project] = ...
for {
blog <- createBlogPost("Implicits for the noob")
project <- createProject("tutorial")
} yield ...
Environment Pattern Alternatives
def createBlogPost(title: String) : Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), BlogPost] = ...
def createProject(projectName: String): Reader[RequesterId , Project] = ...
for {
blog <- createBlogPost("Implicits for the noob")
project <- createProject("tutorial") ❌
} yield ...
Environment Pattern Alternatives
trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A]
Typeclass Pattern
Typeclass Pattern
val user : User = ...
val userIds: List[UserId] = ...
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Typeclass Pattern
val user : User = ...
val userIds: List[UserId] = ...
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, value.toJson)
Typeclass Pattern
val user : User = ...
val userIds: List[UserId] = ...
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, value.toJson)
Typeclass Pattern
val user : User = ...
val userIds: List[UserId] = ...
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, value.toJson)
Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ???
Typeclass Pattern
trait JsonEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Json
Typeclass Pattern
trait JsonEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Json
def Ok[A](value: A, encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value))
Typeclass Pattern
trait JsonEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Json
def Ok[A](value: A, encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value))
val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ...
val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ...
Ok(user, userEncoder)
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
Ok(userIds, listUserIdsEncoder)
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Typeclass Pattern
trait JsonEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Json
def Ok[A](value: A)(implicit encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse =
HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value))
implicit val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ...
implicit val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ...
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Typeclass Pattern
object JsonSerializer {
implicit val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ...
implicit val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ...
import JsonSerializer._
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
Implicit Search
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
Search for JsonEncoder[User] in User companion object
case class User(userId: UserId, email: String)
object User {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ...
Implicit Search
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in List companion object
sealed trait List[A]
object List {
// There is no JsonEncoder here
Implicit Search
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object
object JsonEncoder {
implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ...
implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ...
implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ...
implicit val list : JsonEncoder[List[???]] = ...
Implicit Derivation
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object
object JsonEncoder {
implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ...
implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ...
implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ...
implicit def list[A]: JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ...
Implicit Derivation
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object
object JsonEncoder {
implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ...
implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ...
implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ...
implicit def list[A](implicit valueEncoder: A): JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ...
Implicit Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]]
1. Search current scope ❌
2. Search companion object of List ❌
3. Search companion object of JsonEncoder (Maybe)
4. Search companion object of UserId ✅
Typeclass Pattern
def Ok[A](value: A)(implicit encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ❌ compile-time error: could not find implicit value for parameter
Typeclass Pattern
def Ok[A: JsonEncoder](value: A): HttpResponse
// res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"})
// res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"])
Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ❌ compile-time error: could not find implicit value for parameter
Typeclass Pattern
trait JsonEncoder[A] {
def encode(value: A): Json
Typeclass Pattern
For types we own, define instances in the companion object
object User {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ...
object UserId {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[UserId] = ...
For other types, define instances in the companion object of the typeclass
object JsonEncoder {
implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ...
implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ...
implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ...
Typeclass Pattern
Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances
object JsonEncoder {
implicit def list[A](implicit valueEncoder: A): JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ...
Typeclass Pattern
Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances
object JsonEncoder {
// shapeless, magnolia
implicit def caseClass[A: JsonEncoder, B: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[CaseClass[A, B]] = ...
case class User(userId: UserId, email: String)
object User {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = JsonEncoder.caseClass
Typeclass Pattern (Scala 3)
Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances
case class User(userId: UserId, email: String) derives JsonEncoder
Don't define instances in custom objects
object Client1Encoder {
implicit val userEncoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ...
object Client2Encoder {
implicit val userEncoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ...
import Client1Encoder._
// lots of code
The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious
trait Ordering[A] {
def compare(left: A, right: A): Int
trait Ordering[A] {
def compare(left: A, right: A): Int
trait List[A] {
def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
trait Ordering[A] {
def compare(left: A, right: A): Int
trait List[A] {
def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
// ???
trait Ordering[A] {
def compare(left: A, right: A): Int
trait List[A] {
def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
// res3: List[Int] = List(1, 8, 9)
Custom Ordering
implicit val descendingIntOrdering: Ordering[Int] = Ordering.Int.reverse
// res4: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1)
Custom Ordering
implicit val descendingIntOrdering: Ordering[Int] = Ordering.Int.reverse
// res4: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1)
// res5: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1)
Better Ordering
trait List[A] {
def sorted(ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ...
// res: List[Int] = List(1, 8, 9)
// res: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1)
Great tooling
Default value
When one value is much more common than the others
When some parameters value are static within a context
When writing generic functions
The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious

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Implicit parameters, when to use them (or not)!

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Julien Truffaut Backend Scala developer for 10+ years FP instructor at Co-founder of 2
  • 3. Implicit parameters def newBlogPost(title: String)(implicit author: User): BlogPost class UserService(db: Connection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {} 3
  • 4. Implicit parameters def newBlogPost(title: String)(implicit author: User): BlogPost class UserService(db: Connection)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {} When should we define a parameter as implicit? 4
  • 5. Parameters definition Explicit def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): String = s"$firstName $lastName" fullName("John", "Doe") // res0: String = "John Doe" 5
  • 6. Parameters definition Explicit def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): String = s"$firstName $lastName" fullName("John", "Doe") // res0: String = "John Doe" fullName(lastName = "Smith", firstName = "Bob") // res1: String = "Bob Smith" 6
  • 7. Austria sealed abstract class AcademicTitle(val shortForm: String) case object MasterOfScience extends AcademicTitle("MSc") case object Magistrate extends AcademicTitle("Mag") ... 7
  • 8. Austria sealed abstract class AcademicTitle(val shortForm: String) case object MasterOfScience extends AcademicTitle("MSc") case object Magistrate extends AcademicTitle("Mag") ... def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String, title: Option[AcademicTitle]): String = { val suffix =" " + _.shortForm).getOrElse("") s"${firstName} ${lastName}${suffix}" } fullName("John", "Doe", None) // res: String = "John Doe" fullName("Bob", "Smith", Some(MasterOfScience)) // res: String = "Bob Smith MSc" 8
  • 9. Parameters definition Default value def fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String, title: Option[AcademicTitle] = None): String = { val suffix =" " + _.shortForm).getOrElse("") s"${firstName} ${lastName}${suffix}" } fullName("John", "Doe") // res: String = "John Doe" fullName("Bob", "Smith", Some(MasterOfScience)) // res: String = "Bob Smith MSc" 9
  • 10. Parameters definition Default value def kafkaListener( topic : String, bootstrapServers : String, commitTimeout : FiniteDuration = 50.millis, pollInterval : FiniteDuration = 15.millis, autoOffsetReset : AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest, ) 10
  • 11. Parameters definition Default value def kafkaListener( topic : String, bootstrapServers : String, commitTimeout : FiniteDuration = 50.millis, pollInterval : FiniteDuration = 15.millis, autoOffsetReset : AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest, ) Similar options: Overloads or Builder Pattern 11
  • 12. Parameters definition Implicit case class BlogPost( author : UserId, title : String, content : String, ) case class UserId(value: String) 12
  • 13. Parameters definition Implicit def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "" ) 13
  • 14. Parameters definition Implicit def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "" ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(UserId("john_1234")) // Explicit call // res: BlogPost = BlogPost( // author = UserId("john_1234"), // title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide", // content = "", // ) 14
  • 15. Parameters definition Implicit def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "" ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // Implicit call // res: BlogPost = BlogPost( // author = UserId("john_1234"), // title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide", // content = "", // ) 15
  • 16. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", UserId -> UserId("john_1234"), ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code 16
  • 17. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", UserId -> UserId("john_1234"), ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time 17
  • 18. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", UserId -> UserId("john_1234"), ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time 18
  • 19. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", UserId -> UserId("john_1234"), ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(UserId("john_1234")) 19
  • 20. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", // No UserId ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time | v ??? 20
  • 21. Implicit resolution val ImplicitValues: Map[Type, Value] = // Maintained by the compiler Map( Int -> 5, String -> "", // No UserId ) createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // user code | v createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide")(ImplicitValues(UserId)) // lookup at compile-time | v error: could not find implicit value for parameter requesterId: UserId // compile-time error 21
  • 22. Implicit Definition implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234") createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // res: BlogPost = BlogPost( // author = UserId("john_1234"), // title = "Scala Implicits: The complete guide", // content = "", // ) 22
  • 23. Implicit Scope class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") { implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234") val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile assert( == requesterId) } test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") { val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ❌ could not find implicit value assert(result.content.isEmpty) } } 23
  • 24. Implicit Scope class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite { test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") { implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234") val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile assert( == requesterId) } test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") { val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ❌ could not find implicit value assert(result.content.isEmpty) } } 24
  • 25. Implicit Scope class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite { implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234") test("createEmptyBlogPost gets the author implicitly") { val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile assert( == requesterId) } test("createEmptyBlogPost has no content") { val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Scala Implicits: The complete guide") // ✅ Compile assert(result.content.isEmpty) } } 25
  • 26. Summary 1. The compiler keeps track of all the implicits available within a scope 2. At compile-time, the compiler injects all implicit parameters 3. If an implicit is missing, we get a compiled-time error 26
  • 27. Summary 1. The compiler keeps track of all the implicits available within a scope 2. At compile-time, the compiler injects all implicit parameters 3. If an implicit is missing, we get a compiled-time error 4. If there are 2 or more implicit values of the same type in scope, we also get a compiled-time error 27
  • 28. Within a Scope, there must be Only One implicit value per Type 28
  • 30. Environment Pattern val httpService = { case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => // create a blog case req @ PUT -> Root / "blog" / id => // update a blog case req @ DELETE -> Root / "blog" / id => // delete a blog } 30
  • 31. Environment Pattern case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req) for { payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog] _ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title) } yield Ok() 31
  • 32. Environment Pattern case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req) for { payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog] _ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title) } yield Ok() 32
  • 33. Environment Pattern case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req) for { payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog] _ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title) } yield Ok() class BlogAPI(db: DB) { def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = { val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title) } } 33
  • 34. Environment Pattern case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req) for { payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog] _ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title) } yield Ok() class BlogAPI(db: DB) { def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = { val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title) } } def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", ) 34
  • 35. Environment Pattern case req @ POST -> Root / "blog" => implicit val requesterId: UserId = extractRequesterId(req) for { payload <- req.parseBodyAs[NewBlog] _ <- blogAPI.create(payload.title) } yield Ok() class BlogAPI(db: DB) { def create(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = { val newBlog = createEmptyBlogPost(title) } } def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", ) 35
  • 36. Environment Pattern case class BlogPost( author : UserId, title : String, content : String, createAt: Instant, ) 36
  • 37. Environment Pattern case class BlogPost( author : UserId, title : String, content : String, createAt: Instant, ) def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", createAt =, ) 37
  • 38. Environment Pattern test("create blog post") { implicit val requesterId: UserId = UserId("john_1234") val result = createEmptyBlogPost("Test") assert(result == BlogPost(requesterId, "Test", "", ???)) } 38
  • 39. Environment Pattern trait Clock { def now(): Instant } 39
  • 40. Environment Pattern trait Clock { def now(): Instant } object Clock { val real: Clock = new Clock { def now(): Instant = } def static(timestamp: Instant): Clock = new Clock { def now(): Instant = timestamp } } 40
  • 41. Environment Pattern trait Clock { def now(): Instant } object Clock { val real: Clock = new Clock { def now(): Instant = } def static(timestamp: Instant): Clock = new Clock { def now(): Instant = timestamp } } 41
  • 42. Environment Pattern def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId, clock: Clock): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", createAt =, ) 42
  • 43. Environment Pattern def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId, clock: Clock): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", createAt =, ) object Main extends App { implicit val clock: Clock = Clock.real ... } class BlogPostTest extends AnyFunSuite { implicit val clock: Clock = Clock.static(Instant.EPOCH) ... } 43
  • 44. Environment Pattern object Main extends App { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ... } class BlogDatabaseTest extends AnyFunSuite { implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = fixedSizeExecutionContext(1) ... } 44
  • 45. Environment parameters are Static in a given Context 45
  • 46. Context: Per request RequesterId TraceId Context: Prod / Test Clock ExecutionContext (for Future) RandomGenerator 46
  • 47. Advice 1. Use precise types def createQueue[A](implicit size: Int): Queue[A] = ... def connect(hostname: String)(implicit port: Int): Unit = ... 47
  • 48. Advice 1. Use precise types def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: UserId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId, title = title, content = "", ) def shareBlog(blog: BlogPost, targetUser: UserId)(implicit requesterId: UserId): Future[Unit] = ... 48
  • 49. Advice 1. Use precise types case class RequesterId(userId: UserId) def createEmptyBlogPost(title: String)(implicit requesterId: RequesterId): BlogPost = BlogPost( author = requesterId.userId, title = title, content = "", ) 49
  • 50. Advice 2. Use clear and simple Context 50
  • 51. The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious 51
  • 52. Environment Pattern Alternatives Reader def createBlogPost(title: String) : Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), BlogPost] = ... def createProject(projectName: String): Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), Project] = ... for { blog <- createBlogPost("Implicits for the noob") project <- createProject("tutorial") } yield ... 52
  • 53. Environment Pattern Alternatives Reader def createBlogPost(title: String) : Reader[(RequesterId, Clock), BlogPost] = ... def createProject(projectName: String): Reader[RequesterId , Project] = ... for { blog <- createBlogPost("Implicits for the noob") project <- createProject("tutorial") ❌ } yield ... 53
  • 56. Typeclass Pattern val user : User = ... val userIds: List[UserId] = ... Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) 56
  • 57. Typeclass Pattern val user : User = ... val userIds: List[UserId] = ... Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, value.toJson) 57
  • 58. Typeclass Pattern val user : User = ... val userIds: List[UserId] = ... Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, value.toJson) 58
  • 59. Typeclass Pattern val user : User = ... val userIds: List[UserId] = ... Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) def Ok[A](value: A): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, value.toJson) Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ??? 59
  • 60. Typeclass Pattern trait JsonEncoder[A] { def encode(value: A): Json } 60
  • 61. Typeclass Pattern trait JsonEncoder[A] { def encode(value: A): Json } def Ok[A](value: A, encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value)) 61
  • 62. Typeclass Pattern trait JsonEncoder[A] { def encode(value: A): Json } def Ok[A](value: A, encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value)) val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ... val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ... Ok(user, userEncoder) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds, listUserIdsEncoder) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) 62
  • 63. Typeclass Pattern trait JsonEncoder[A] { def encode(value: A): Json } def Ok[A](value: A)(implicit encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse = HttpResponse(200, encoder.encode(value)) implicit val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ... implicit val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ... Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) 63
  • 64. Typeclass Pattern object JsonSerializer { implicit val userEncoder : JsonEncoder[User] = ... implicit val listUserIdsEncoder: JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] = ... } import JsonSerializer._ Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) 64
  • 65. Implicit Search Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Search for JsonEncoder[User] in User companion object case class User(userId: UserId, email: String) object User { implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ... } 65
  • 66. Implicit Search Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in List companion object sealed trait List[A] object List { // There is no JsonEncoder here } 66
  • 67. Implicit Search Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object object JsonEncoder { implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ... implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ... implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ... implicit val list : JsonEncoder[List[???]] = ... } 67
  • 68. Implicit Derivation Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object object JsonEncoder { implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ... implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ... implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ... implicit def list[A]: JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ... } 68
  • 69. Implicit Derivation Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] in JsonEncoder companion object object JsonEncoder { implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ... implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ... implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ... implicit def list[A](implicit valueEncoder: A): JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ... } 69
  • 70. Implicit Search for JsonEncoder[List[UserId]] 1. Search current scope ❌ 2. Search companion object of List ❌ 3. Search companion object of JsonEncoder (Maybe) 4. Search companion object of UserId ✅ 70
  • 71. Typeclass Pattern def Ok[A](value: A)(implicit encoder: JsonEncoder[A]): HttpResponse Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ❌ compile-time error: could not find implicit value for parameter 71
  • 72. Typeclass Pattern def Ok[A: JsonEncoder](value: A): HttpResponse Ok(user) // res: HttpResponse(200, {"userId" : "1234", "name" : "John Doe"}) Ok(userIds) // res: HttpResponse(200, ["1234", "9464", "0582"]) Ok((x: Int) => x + 1) // ❌ compile-time error: could not find implicit value for parameter 72
  • 73. Typeclass Pattern trait JsonEncoder[A] { def encode(value: A): Json } 73
  • 74. Typeclass Pattern For types we own, define instances in the companion object object User { implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ... } object UserId { implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[UserId] = ... } For other types, define instances in the companion object of the typeclass object JsonEncoder { implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = ... implicit val int : JsonEncoder[Int] = ... implicit val date : JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = ... } 74
  • 75. Typeclass Pattern Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances object JsonEncoder { implicit def list[A](implicit valueEncoder: A): JsonEncoder[List[A]] = ... } 75
  • 76. Typeclass Pattern Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances object JsonEncoder { // shapeless, magnolia implicit def caseClass[A: JsonEncoder, B: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[CaseClass[A, B]] = ... } case class User(userId: UserId, email: String) object User { implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[User] = JsonEncoder.caseClass } 76
  • 77. Typeclass Pattern (Scala 3) Use typeclass derivation to automatically create instances case class User(userId: UserId, email: String) derives JsonEncoder 77
  • 78. Advice Don't define instances in custom objects object Client1Encoder { implicit val userEncoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ... } object Client2Encoder { implicit val userEncoder: JsonEncoder[User] = ... } import Client1Encoder._ // lots of code Ok(user) 78
  • 79. The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious 79
  • 80. Ordering trait Ordering[A] { def compare(left: A, right: A): Int } 80
  • 81. Ordering trait Ordering[A] { def compare(left: A, right: A): Int } trait List[A] { def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ... } 81
  • 82. Ordering trait Ordering[A] { def compare(left: A, right: A): Int } trait List[A] { def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ... } List(8,1,9).sorted // ??? 82
  • 83. Ordering trait Ordering[A] { def compare(left: A, right: A): Int } trait List[A] { def sorted(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ... } List(8,1,9).sorted // res3: List[Int] = List(1, 8, 9) 83
  • 84. Custom Ordering implicit val descendingIntOrdering: Ordering[Int] = Ordering.Int.reverse List(8,1,9).sorted // res4: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1) 84
  • 85. Custom Ordering implicit val descendingIntOrdering: Ordering[Int] = Ordering.Int.reverse List(8,1,9).sorted // res4: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1) List(8,1,9).sorted(Ordering.Int.reverse) // res5: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1) 85
  • 86. Better Ordering trait List[A] { def sorted(ordering: Ordering[A]): List[A] = ... } List(8,1,9).sorted(Ordering.Int.ascending) // res: List[Int] = List(1, 8, 9) List(8,1,9).sorted(Ordering.Int.descending) // res: List[Int] = List(9, 8, 1) 86
  • 87. Review Explicit Simple Great tooling Default value When one value is much more common than the others Implicit When some parameters value are static within a context When writing generic functions 87
  • 88. The value of implicit parameters must be Obvious 88
  • 89. 89
  • 91. 91