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The Turtles
In a tropical islandof monsters,aheavyrain,inthe form of hotdogs, pouredthroughoutthe land.It
penetratedintothe groundlike howamanbeatsa drumwithhissticks.Twogroups livedoneachside
of the island.The leftside wasalandof meadow anditwas made up of the extroverts.Theycalledtheir
landExExEx.Theywere aggressive andlovedsports.Theyalsowere nude.Why?Well theirnuditywas
saidto letall theirsinsescape fromtheirsinful flesh.Of course,nuditywasreallylegaltoobserve the
prettynude women.
The govermentwastolitarian.Theirleaderwasthe DictatorThadeusMahoney.He was the largestof all
the extrovertsandcouldbreathe fire.He couldbreathe fire becausehe hadsex withadragon.The
dragon's pussyjuice went inside throughhispenisandintohisthroat.Moreover,he hadhuge muscles,a
glisseningbody,andsoftdarkcurlyhair. Hisiriseswere orange.Andhisfavouriteelementwasfire.
Thadeuswoke upfrombedaftera nightof passionwithfiftywomentothe diamondbalconyof his
palace.He was nude butno one cared. The menadmiredhisbodywhile the womenlustedoverit.
Belowthe balcony,youcouldsee hisballsandpenis.Theirhuge andsmooth.Notasingle wasonthem.
Thadeushadthe hairshavedsothat the womenhe made lovedwithcouldrubtheirfacesthroughhis
private areawithoutfeelingdisruptedbyhairrubbingroughlyagainstthem.
The right side of the islandlivedthe introverts.The landthere consistedof Unlike the extroverts,they
were veryshyand kind.Artisticandintelligent.Theyalsowore clothestokeepthemselveswarm.Nudity
made themfeel insecure abouttheirbodies.
The Fourth Reich
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Hitlerisinhisbunker.The Russiansare in Berlin.
The Russiansare enteringBerlins.
A Russian:We will winthiswarand bringpeace to the world!
A Russianflagisbeingplacedona Berlinbuilding.
The Nazi swastikaisbeingblownup.
Nazi soldiersare gettingkilled.
Nazi soldiers are retreating.
A Nazi soldier:Retreat!We have lostthe war!
Damn youHitler!Youhave brought bloodshedandmiserytoGermany!
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We have to keepfighting,we have tokeepfighting!We have to!I will notlose tothe Communists,to
Stalin!We mustsaidin more reinforcements!Thenwe’ll win.
My Furher!We can’t! The Russiansoutnumberus!Andthe morale amongyourfightersisweaknow!
We have lo-
Don’tsay we lost!
Everybody,myownpeople isweak!Youcan’tevenwin!Youlostthe firstwar,now you’ll thisone as
well!We’ll be exterminatedonce were putontrial!Andthisnationwill be…
Infectedonce againbythe Jews…
Losers!Everyone inGermanyare losers!
We have lost…
I had plansto make Germanygreaterand to rule the worldwithanironfistthus bringinggloryand
peace to the world.Butnow…mydreamsare gone. I have wokenuptothis cruel harshreality.
I’mgoingto kill myself.If I’mgoingtodie,I’ll use myownhands.Idon’tany inferiorSlavstodoit andfor
my corpse to be put ina glass coffinandusedtoentertainpeople like the bodyof Lenin.
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Eva, mywife,will youdie withyourhusband.
Yes mylove.
The HybridZoo
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Panel 1.1
My name isAdonis.I’m biracial;I’mhalf blackandhalf white. Myfatherwas blackand mymotherwas
Adonis’caris goingforwardto the zoo.
I’mgoingto the zoo.I like animalssoIwantto see them.
Adonisislookingat tapirs.
For a while,Icontinuedtoobserve the zoo’smanyanimals.ThenIcame acrossan animal that really
interested me.
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A ligerisseen.
Thisanimal wasa newadditiontothe zoo.
Afterreadingfromthe animalsdescription,Irealizedthatitwas a liger. A mix betweenalionanda tiger.
More specifically,amix betweenamale lionanda female tiger.
The ligerisseenagain.
A ligerislargerand strongerthana lionand tiger. There are alwaysdebatesonwhatwouldwinina
fight.A lion?Or a tiger? If you throwa ligerintothat battle,the ligerwoulddominate boththe lionand
the tiger.
Afterobservingthe ligerfora longer(Iobserveditlongerthanthe previousanimals;manyminuteshad
passed),Irealizedthatthe ligerhadbecome myfavourite animal.
In bed,Ikeptthinkingaboutthe liger.Itwasjustan amazinganimal.
The ligerwasa hybridof twoanimals.There mustotheranimal hybrids! Andevenplanthybridsaswell!
HeyI’m a hybridas well!A humanhybrid!
It’s11’o clock.It’slate so I bettergo to sleep.
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Pancakeswithmaple syrupare nearAdonis;pieceshave takenoff sothatmeanthe has beeneating
them. Also,he’sholdingafork.
At breakfast,Ibecame thinkingmore aboutanimal andplanthybrids.
A mango-dragonfruithybridwouldtaste delicious.
Adonisisputtingisforkup inthe air; he’sreallyhappy.
ThenI came up witha reallygreatidea.
Why don’tI create a zoo of hybridanimals?!Hybridanimalsare sounique thattheydeserve theirown
Adonisisdrivinghiscarin a highway. There’salotof grasseverywhere.
Later on inthe day, I wentlookingforaplace to buildmyzoo in.
Adonishasstoppedhiscar; he’souton the side of the highway.
Thisplace is perfecttobuildmyzooin. There’ssomuchopenspace to buildin. Andwithsomany
people passingthe highway,theywill be able tosee itandvisitin.I’ll have somanyvisitorsinmyzoo.
Adonis’zooisseen. It’scalledthe HybridZoo. Also,people are enteringandleavingit.
Afterthree years,myzooof hybridanimalswasbuilt. Itwasa success.
Ligersare seen.
In the HybridZoo,I had manykindsof hybridanimalslikeligers…
Grolar bears,hybrids betweengrizzlybearsandpolarbears…
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Wholphins,hybridsbetween false killerwhalesanddolphins…
Beefalos,hybridsbetween bison anddomesticcattle…
Iron age pigs,hybrids betweenpigand wildboars
Sheep-goathybrids,hybridsbetween,well obviouslygoatsandsheep…
Andhybridiguanas,hybridsbetweenlandiguanasandmarine iguanas…
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A clothiscoveringa cage; Adonisisnearit.His handis onit so that meanshe’sgoingtotake the cloth
Eventually,Icreatedthe greatesthybridinmyzoo.
Ladies,andgentlemen,underthisclothisacage containingmygreatesthybrid.Itisso unique thatyou
are goingto be so surprised!
Adonisistakingthe clothout; the clothisstill coveringthe cage.
The cloth isno longercoveringthe cage;it’sonthe groundnow.The hybridinside the cage isa
humanzee,ahybridbetweenahumanand a chimpanzee.
The Humanzee!A hybridbetweenahumananda chimpanzee!
The audience isverysurprised.
It’sa male andit ismy son. His name is Sape. I had sex witha female chimpanzeetocreate it.So what
do youthink?It’sgreat,huh?
Hey,howcome nobodyischeeringmyson?
You createda monster!
You’re sick!You had sex witha chimp!
Your son isan abomination!
Kill them!
Uh oh.
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Adonisisunlockingthe cage.
Adonisisrunningawaywithhissonfromthe angrybloodthirstycrowd.
Adonisisdrivingfarawayfromthe angrycrowd; people are chasingafterhim.
Sape.I reallywishedwe couldhave broughtyourmother withus.
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A boy:What’s that?
The boy istakingis iPhone out.
The boy isfilmingwhathe’sseeing.
Sape is oldernow.He’srunningaway.
Sape is nearhiscottage home.
Son!What’s wrong?
Human!Saw me. Thinksme sasqua
Oh,he thinksyou’re sasquatch. Sape,youhave tobe more careful.Thisisyour thirdtime thatpeople
have spottedyou.Youcan’t letotherpeople see you.Otherwise,manypeople will come here,findout
aboutyou,what I didto create you,and thenwe’ll bothbe in trouble. Will nolongerbe able tolive in
peace fromsociety.
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Me sorry dad.
Nowlet’sgoinside ourcottage.
Adonisisholdingoutthe rabbitstoSape.
I’mcookingrabbitstewfor dinner.
Sape is happy.He has a big grinon hisface and he’sclappingseveral times.
Don’tclap! People will hearyou.
Sape is concernedandwhisperingtoo.
Oh,sorry dad!
AdonisandSape are walkingbacktotheircottage.
The End
The Red TailedHawk
As I wassurfingthe neton mylaptop,I decidedtolookupthe newsinCanada. Since Ino longer
watchedthe Canadianmainstreamnewsandwasmore interestedinreallyimportantglobal news(Not
infotainment),Iwasn’treallywhatwashappeningmycountry.Unless,itwasreallyimportantlike the
pipelinethatwouldbringoil fromAlbertatothe States(Notgoodbecause of possiblespills,
environmental issues,anditaffectingpeople negatively) and Harpersayingthathe wouldlike awar
withIran.A war like thatwouldbe devastating.
I pressedthe newsonthe topof Google andsuddenlybecame surprised. There were several news
reportssay that there wouldbe avote on whatthe national birdof Canadashould be. I presseda
HuffingtonPostarticle aboutit.Iwas annoyedof the celebritygossip. There wasthe reallystoryof the
WilliamandKate givingbirthtotheirbabygirl.It seemslike everybodycaresaboutthisstory.ButI
Anyways,Ireadthe articlesforsome minutesandthenI wasfinished.The tencandidatesof the national
birdof Canada,fromlesspopularto mostpopular,were the tundraswan,snow goose,short-billed
crow, the snowyowl GreatBlue Heron, Canadianjay,ravencommonloon,the Canadageese,andthe
redtailedhawk. The Canadagoose and redtailedhawkas candidateswaspopular. Onlyone of these
birdswouldbe Canada’snational bird.The winnerwouldbe chosenonJuly1st
Thisstory excitedme.Canada,mycountrywouldhave anational bird.Iwonderedwhatitshould.Ihad
twochoicesfor the national bird,the Canadagoose or the redtailedhawk.Ihad the needto thinkabout
thisdecisionsoIclosedmylaptop,got up,and beganthinking.
AnotherreasononwhyI had gottenupwas because Ihad a pressure sore onmyleftbuttcheek.Itwas
bigand sore.I knewthatit was bigbecause Ifeltit(Yes,I feltmybuttcheek) andwheneverIsat,itgot
sore.Because I gotsore,I had to constantlystandandmove around. Sometimes,Iwouldturnonthe
radioto listentomusic.
I had beganthinkingabout mydecisiononwhetherthe goose orthe hawkshouldbe Canada’snational
bird.I’dlike the geese asthe national birdbecause mycountry’sname,Canada,waspart of its name,it’s
foundthroughoutCanada,andit’swell knownbyCanadians. Butthe disadvantagesinmyopinionto
havingas the national birdwasthat itpoopeda lot,it crashesintoplanes,andit’sa birdthat getspicked
on,in otherwordsit getseatenby predators.
On the otherhand,the red tailedhawkdoesn’tgetpickedon,itpicksonothers,inotherwordsitkills
and eatsotheranimals. It’sstrongand toughbird,itstail containsredand red ispart of Canada’sflag,
thisbirdflyinginthe skyrepresentsfreedom(Evenif Canadaisfacingissueswithfreedom),andit’s
foundalmosteverywhere inCanada(It’snotfoundinNunavut). Thenagain,it’snotreallyaCanadian
bird;it’smore like a NorthAmericanbirdanddo we reallywanta killerasour national bird.A birdthat
killsandeatsotheranimals. Aftermuchthinking,Idid’tknow whatbirdtopick.
Soon,it wasJuly1st
, a Saturday and the dayon whichthe national birdof Canada wouldbe chosen.Even
thoughmuch time hadpassedsince December,Istill hadnoideawhatthe national birdwouldbe. Ihad
learnedduringthe previousmonthsthatthe national birdwouldbe chosenin2p.m. There hadbeena
vote overwhatthe birdshouldbe.Ireallywantedtoknow whatthe national birdwouldbe.
As time passed,Igotout of bed,wentdownstairs,andmade myself acrunchypeanutbutterand
marmalade sandwichandcoffee forbreakfast.Ihadlearnedtomake coffee inJanuary.Itookvanillaout
of the fridge andpoureditintomy coffee. Atthatpoint,Igot on my kneesandprayedtothe Lord for
my food.Then,Igot up and broughtmyplate containingmysandwhichandcupof coffee upstairstomy
AfterI wasdone eating,Imoveda little bitaroundbecause Iwasgoingto sita while readingbooks.Idid
that once I was done.AsI readbooksby Shakespeare,poetrybyT.S.Elliot,andthe BhagavadGita,I was
entertainedandIlearnedalot.But thenthere where timeswhere Iwantedtogetup.Aftertwohours,I
got up to domy hour longexcercies.Iwoulddomoveslikeliftweights,runthirtytimes,anddoa six
step(A breakdance move). Iturnedonthe radio to listentodifferentkindsof musiclike Jazzandnew
rock while Inexcerciesed.Listeningtofastmusicmade me hypersobeingthatway gave me the
strengthandenergyto excercise.Once Iwasfinished,Icontinuedreadingmybooksandpoetry.
Whenit wasalmost,twelve o’clock,Ihearfootstepsheadingupthe stairs.Iknew thatpersongoingup
was mygrandmother(InFilipino,grandmotherispronouncedaslolaandlolaispronouncedaslow-la).
She knockedonthe door so I openedit. Ihad lockeditbecause Idon’twantanybodygoinginside my
room suddenly. She hadcurlyhairwaswearingacheckereddress;itwaswhite andblue.Also, she was
holdingaplate of my lunch.It wasfriedrice withhotdogs. A spoonwas throughthe rice.
“Here’syourfood,”she replied.See,I’malsogivingyourfoodbutyouralwaystellingme togo away.”
She saidthiswhile makingherrighthandgo ina goinga awaypositionbythrustingherpalmandarm
sidewaysinthe air.
“Sorry,lola.”I replied. “Thanksforthe food. ThenItook myfood,wentto mytable,sat nearit,and ate
my food. Itwas goodand I likedhowhotitwas. Once I had consumedmymeal,Ibroughtit downto the
sinkand gotmyself asnack. My snack wascorn flakeswithmilk. AfterIwasdone eating,Ibroughtmy
plate withthe spooninside ittothe kitchensick.
From 12 somethingto2 something,Ispentmytime readingmy booksandat timesgotto exercise after
sittingtwomuch.Whenit 2 something(After2:00),I broughtmylaptopfrom the bedand intothe table.
Since itwas aftertwoo’ clock,that meantthat Canada’snational birdhadbeenchosen.Iwas excitedto
knowthe results.
I openedmylaptop,typedGoogle inthe searchbar(I had an internetscreenon),andtyped“Canada’s
newnational bird”inthe searchengine.IsuddenlylearnedthatCanada’snational birdwas…the red
tailedhawk. Huh,the U.S. hasthe baldeagle asitsnational bird,Mexicoeitherhasthe goldeneagle as
itsnational bird(Ithink).WhatI meanis thatCanada and these otherNorthAmericancountrieshave
birdsof prey hastheirsymbols.It’slike were connectedinthatway. Wasthispossible because North
Americamaybecome the NorthAmericanUnion?Idon’tknow.
It was SundaymorningandI wastakingmy usual walksinthe HumberValley.Rightnow,Iwaswalking
ina large field.Inthisfield,there were signsaboutbirdsinthe HumberValley.Ittalked aboutthe bird
specieslike atype of owl. Ilookedupat the clear blue skyandto my surprise Isaw a redtailedhawk
soaringhighabove me.I sawthe rustyredunderneathitstail of feathers.Itlookedmajesticandfree
flying.There were nolimitstohowfar itcouldgo as it flied.Itwaslikeditcouldsoarand soar andnever
gettired.AsI watchedthisraptor, I realizedthatthe redtailedhawkistrulythe rightbirdto be the
national birdof Canada.
Fish out of Water
Page 1
Fish are seen; there looking up.
Up there,beyond our waters,there is a place called Land.
What’s it like it land?
None of us know, little one. We’ve spent all of our lives in this lake. Only those who have been captured
by land dwellers no but…
They’ve never returned. They could have been…
Little one, it’s dangerous up there in land. It is wiser for us to stay down here where it’s safe.
I want to go up there one day.
.All of the fish are surprised.
What?! Why?! It dangerous?! To you want to die?!
Grandpa…I’m afraid but…it’s so interesting up there.
But your safety, your peace.
Page 2
I’ll be fine.
Narrator:One day, a nuculear power plant owner by the name of Fred Ted came up with an idea
involving the lake.
FT: This lake. It’s so big, beautiful, and full of life.
It’s a perfect place for me to dump my chemicals.
It’s also a great place to dump Willfield’s garbage in. I’ll tell the Mayor that. She’ll be thrilled.
And so chemicals and garbage were dumped into the lake.
The leake is seen underneath; therr’s garbage everywhere.
Though the lake had become polluted, the aninmals didn’t die.
Chemicals are seen.
The chemicals…
A city of the animals are seen.
Had made them intelligent.
Good Kevin and Bad Kevin
So back in grade 8, I wasn’t the only person named Kevin. My classmate had the name Kevin too. I was
Kevin Galasinao and he was Kevin Kany (It’s pronounced Kan- nuy and I don’t know it’s truly spelt so
I’ll just say is last name is Kany).
Anyways, during the school year, he became a student in my school, St. Andrew Catholic school. In my
school, I had social anxiety so I rarely talked to anyone. Though people talked to me. But due to my
anxiety, I never made any realfriends. I was lonely.
I remember early in the school year that I let these students, Trian and Daniel poke my neck severaltimes.
In didn’t tell them to stop. I just let them do it. Why? I don’t know.
I should tell you things about Trian and Daniel. Let’s start with Trian. He was light skinned (I’m unsure
about his race),he had long air, he used to like pro wrestling, and he could draw well. (Him and this
Asian girl named Jenny drew anime) He were close at first when I first came to St. Andrew in grade 4 but
in time, we drifted apart. But at that time in September we were kind of close.
Now let’s talk about Daniel. Well, he’s Guyanese, athletic like Trian, had short black hair, and he was
girfted. By gifted, I meant that he was intelligent. He was a smart kid. And he was a bully to me. No the
kind of bully whos says insults or fight. Well, then again, he did use insults but not in a loud direct wa. He
used it in a sneaky way. It’s hard to put into words. He also convinced me to give him marks when the
class was marking each other’s tests. I didn’t like doing it but I was afraid of him so I did it.
When Kevin Kany became a St. Andrew student, he became best friends with Trian. Trian was closer
with Kevin Kany than he ever was with him. They did things together like play soccer while I was lonely
during recess and they talked to one another. My relationship with Kevin Kany was okay but like with
Trian, we weren’t close.
And my relationship with Trian…declined. There came a point when he was fed up with my shyness.
During a Fully Alive (Things about reproduction and life) unit, when a shy smart boy was described.
Trian said that the boy should have join clubs. He stared at me while he said. He was talking about me. I
felt so confused. His face was cold, distant, and anger. I felt his emotions towards me. They were
negative. Then in time, he confronted me about my shyness, he told me that there were people in class
who wanted to be my friend but that I had to talk. He suggested that I talk. But despite his advice, I made
no effort to socialize with my peers.
After Saturday class (this class was for Confirmation) was over, I walked back home. Far away in front of
me, I saw Trian and Kevin Kany walking together. At that moment, I realized how alone I was. Then, the
both of them turned their heads towards me. They were looking at me. They probably felt sorry for me.
Secessionist Spring
Page 1
The map of Scotland is seen.
N: In 2013, there was a referendum on whether Scotland would get to be its own country.
Votes are seen. This shows how many people accept or disapprove of Scottish independence. Many
people approve of it.
N: Many people supported Scottish independence so Scotland got to be its own country.
The world is seen.
Scotland’s independence sparked the independence movements throughout the world.
People going to the polls.
In order to gain independence, people went to the polls for their regions to be free.
Other people held mass protests.
While others turned to terrorism.
Or formed military groups.
After many years of the secessionist spring, there were certain regions that obtained independence.
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The flag of Wales is seen.
The map of Wales is seen.
Wales coloured on the world is seen.
The crest of Wales is seen.
Government: Democracy
The country that it was a part of
-The United Kingdom
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Isle of Man
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Carpathian Ruthenia
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Basque Country
Page 16
The Kingdom of Navarra
Page 17
The Republic of Catalonia
Page 18
Val d’Aran
Page 19
The Balearic Islands
Page 20
The Middle East
South America
North America
Dissolvy the Saltman
Page 1
Frosty the Snowman is running the welcome to Adorville.
One day, Frosty the Snowman decided to play with the children of Adorville, a small Canadian town.
F: I hope these children adore me.
Frosty is in Adorville.
Now to find the-
Wait a second! There’s no snow in this town.
Huh, why not?
A kid!
Hey little gitl! How About you a-
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Hey? Why did you tell me to shush? That’s not nice.
I’m sorry, Frosty. It’s just that you’re in trouble.
How am I in trouble. I feel safe.
Somebody is trying to kill you.
Who’s trying to kill me?
Dissolvy the Saltman!
I’m trying to kill you, Frosty the Snowman!
Killing is wrong. Wait a second, if you’re a saltman, that means you’re made out of salt. So-
I dissolved the snow in this stupid cheery, or once cheery, town.
I killed the snow!
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And like snow, I’m going to kill you, snowman.
How about me and you become frie-
Dissolvy has touch Frosty’s stomach.
Hurts! Doesn’t it?
Dissolvy is touching Frosty severaltimes with his fingers.
All of the children: Frosty!
Frosty is on his knees.
Why do you want to hurt me? What did I ever do to you, Dissolvy?
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I feela lot of pleasure in killing the snow!
Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah!
I am one sadistic fuck!
There’s a spinning tornado of salt on Dissolvy’s right palm.
Now die!
All of the children are pushing Dissolvy away from an injured Frosty.
You little brats!
The girl has kicked Dissolvy’s head; there’s tears in her eyes.
The girl: Run Frosty!
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Frosty is flying away; he’s in his snow form and his hat in top of the snow.
Dissolvy is making himself go back to his body form.
All of the children are running away.
I’m going to kill all of you!
The children are running; Dissolvy, who’s in his salt form, is above the children.
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Dissolvy has gone in front of the children.
Dissolvy is spinning around the children.
Dissolvy’s face has appeared in front of children.
If I can’t kill Frosty, I’ll kill all of you!
Salt is going inside of the children.
All of the children have fallen down; they’re dead.
Dissolvy is coming out of each of the children; he’s forming his body.
Dissolvy is looking up at the sky.
I’ll kill you one day, Frosty.
It was Wednesday afternoon. About 2:05 p.m. I was in middle school, in my grade 7 fourth period art
class, working on my third and final art project, well not the final but the final of three art projects. The
projects consisted of graphic novels. I had created the plot and drew it as well. The plots were okay. The
project was about the Santa’s elves as slaves, the second one was about God created the universe, and the
third one was about the personifications of countries and the theme was about World War I or as I called
it in the comic,the Great War. The story took place before World War II so they called World War I the
Great War.
Anyways, I had finished the previous graphic novels and now I was working on the final one. I just had to
draw the comic, colour the comic, and draw over the characters,panels, bubbles, and words with 8B
pencil. The 8B pencil produced a darker writing so I needed it to create a darker outline. Right now,
however, I needed to draw. I had a printed copy of the script so that I could draw the characters and the
plot. Hmm, I still have too much work. If I don’t finish, I’ll have to work on it during the Christmas
break. Weak.
Currently, I was drawing the opening page. But I didn’t have any idea what the Austro-Hungarian flag
looked like so I typed the name “Austro-Hungarian flag” on the google image search engine. As soon as I
pressed the enter button, I got many pictures of the flag.
As I drew slowly (The graphic novel had to look nice), I realized that the Austro-Hungarian Empire was
the combination between the countries of Austria and Hungary. But not just a combination but an empire
as well. Suddenly, my imagination produced a thought. What if Canada and America were combined like
that empire. Not in the common idea that Canada is apart of the U.S. or more specifically, its provinces
and territories are apart of the U.S. No, what if these two nations were merged together to become one
country? The flag would be merged and so would the name. Would this united country’s name be Cano-
America or Americo-Canada? I wanted to this about this idea but since I had work, I decided to think
about it after school.
It was 3 something. I had come from school. I was in my bedroom pacing and thinking about the idea of
Canada and America being one country. I loved that idea. I just so interesting. Then I decided to come up
with the name of this country. What should it be? Does the name “America” go first or the name
“Canada?” Well, I need to use reason. What sounds better? Americo-Cana. Um,should I cut the names of
Canada and America? You know, instead of saying America or Americo, just say America. And instead
of saying Canada or Canado, just say Cano. Like saying Austro instead of Austria. All right, I’ll make the
names of the Canada and America short with the o at the end of them.
But still don’t know what the name of the united country should be. I continued to think about this idea.
After much thinking and reason, I finally came up with an idea for the name. I decided to call this united
country, Amero-Canada.
You’d think since I was Canadian, I would name the country “Cano-America.” But I chose Amero-
Canada because it sounds better and it’s similar to the name of Austro-Hungary. (Ameron and Austro
both start with a capital a) Also, this united country of Canada and America would most likely be called
the name I’ve chosen because America is more influential and powerful than Canada. Because of that,I
have a feeling that the name of America would be first.
All right I have chosen the name. But I have to consider and answer other questions to this fictional
nation. Like what should the flag look like? What will the national animal be? What will the currency be
I decided to come up with flag of Amero-Canada. I –wait a second. Amero is in the name of the united
country. That’s bad because there’s another definition involving Amero. Amero is the currency of the
nation that is to come, the North American Union. The North American Union is bad because it threatens
the sovereignty of the nations who are said going to be a part of it, Canada,the U.S.,and Mexico. More to
come, the North American Union is part of the NWO’s (New World Order’s) plan.
Now, I need to come up with name again. Weak. I was looking forward to drawing and colouring the flag.
At least I know that America’s name or a name similar to it will be first. So what should the name be?
Americo-Canada or America-Canada? I thought about this question.
The Garbage Men
A forty year old African American man was sitting in his comfy chair. His name was Ervan Pierce. Ervan
was wearing a blue sweater,tan jeans, and chestnut brown shoes. Even though it was Thursday, he was at
home because it was his day off. His other day off was tomorrow; a Friday. He had a two day break that
changed every one month. He worked as a cleaner at an airport.
Ervan was waiting, waiting for his daughter to arrive home from school. He was furious with her. He had
learned that his eleven year old daughter, Nashawn,had been doing something wrong. Something
forbidden in the society that Ervan lived in. Something that was evil. She had been… reading books.
During the afternoon around 1:00 o clock, he had been cleaning his daughter’s room. He vaccumed the
dust in the floor, washed the windows, and put his daughter’s dirty clothes into the laundry bin. Then,
decided to take the mattress out of his daughter’s bed. He figured that it could use a good cleaning. First,
he removed his daughter’s pillows and blanket by putting them on the floor. Then he pulled the cover of
the bed out and put it in the floor as well. As he pulled the white mattress towards him, he suddenly
became surprised and horrified. On his daughter’s bed were loads of literature like novels, collections of
short stories, graphic novels, poerty, and books about the corruptions in society. These literatures had
authors like Plato, Shakespeare,George Orwell, Alan Moore, and Chris Hedges.
“Oh my!” he suddenly started pacing in panic. “My daughter’s been reading? Why? Why? Why?
Why?!” the man questioned furiously? “Why did you hide these books from me! Where did you get
them?!” In Ervan’s society, books were illegal. You see Ervan lived in a totalitarian America. Due to an
economic crisis, the U.S. government had collapsed. So there was chaos in the entire nation. Eventually, a
fascist party took over.
So in one of the nations’, so called ways to help itself was to ban books, make books illegal. They said
that books taught people to do bad things. For example, they’ve stated that if someone reads Catcher in
the Rye, a mentally ill person who has read that whole novel will go out and kill people. Just like how
Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon.
With fear in his mind, he suddenly threw all the books in the ground. Books were open and there were
open books lying on bent paper. Ervan went out. Soon, he appeared with a large black garbage bag. He
bent down with it and immediately starting all of the literature into the bag. And then he tied the bag up
by making a loop at the bag’s entrance.
He ran out of the room. “I need the matches! I need the matches!” His intention was to burn the literature
with matches. He went downstairs into the kitchen. He opened a cabinet and took a tan box of matches
out. Suddenly, he ran back upstairs to his daughter’s room to retrieve the bag.
Ervan was in his garden holding a match and a match box. On the green grass, lay the bag of literature. It
was covered with gasoline. Gasoline could make fire spread quickly. He scraped the match against the
striking surface. A quick scraping sound was made. Now there was fire on the match.
Just as Ervan was about to drop the match, he suddenly realized what would happen if somebody spotted
him, his neighbors, with the books. Or smoke from the fire burning the books. They might report the
literature he possessed and he’ll get in trouble. Or his daughter will get in trouble. After all, the literature
was hers.
Quickly as he could, he put all of the literature into the bag once again. His right hand, which he used to
hold the bag, was now covered with gasoline. Once all of the literature was inside, he ran to the garden
shed, opened it, and went inside.
The shed was filthy and full of cobwebs. It also contained black garbage of Ervan and his wife’s
possesions like an old Christmas tree. And garden tools as well like shovels. Ervan considered burying
the bag of literature. But he figured that if people were too search for the literature, they would notice a
buried brown hole in his green garden.
Instead he just removed a bunch of black bag to the left side and to the right side. He placed the bag unto
the cold dusty ground. Moreover, he pushed the bags on each on top of the bag of literature. He stood up
and looked at the bags. The bag of literature blended in with the other bags. If anyone were to search for
the literature, they wouldn’t tell if it were hidden here.
Ervan heard the sound of the door being unlocked and then footsteps being made. His daughter, Nashawn,
was home. She wore glasses for she was blind. And she was wearing her school uniform, a navy blue
dress that started at the neck (So no cleavage would be shown) and reached near the ankles. Moreover,
she was a smart and shy girl. She didn’t have many friends due to her shyness.
Nashawn took of her school shoes depressed. She hated school. Today, she had made fun of by some
popular students. They had called her loser and loser. Because of that,she ran to a bathroom stall and
cried. But in order to cheer herself, she was going to continue reading “The Taming of the Shrew.”
As soon as Nashawn walked past the living room, her father yelled out to her, “Nashawn!” She suddenly
became frightened and stopped. She wondered why he had yelled at her.
Nashawn went into the inside of the living room slowly. Like a scared red fox trying to eat food from a
human holding it. “Yes,dad?” she said.
“Where did you get all that literature!” he yelled.
“What litera-“
“Don’t lie to me!”
“I was cleaning your room and under your mattress,I saw that you had loads of literature!”
Tears began forming on Nashawn’s eyes. She had become really upset. “I-I’m sorry dad.”
“Where did you get this literature!”
“Uncle Charles.”
“Uncle Charles!” Ervan began pacing once again in panic. He wondered his own brother would expose
his little girl to literature. Evil, evil literature. Literature, which corrupts the mind and causes people to act
evil. Then he realized that if his brother gave the literature, that meant it was his. He read literature. His
mind was corrupted and he thought he was evil now. But he couldn’t have been evil, he hadn’t seen him
act that way.
Ervan turned back to his daughter. He was less angry now but his fear remained. “Leshawn,” he said.
“Why did your uncle give you the literature? Tell me.”
“It’s because,” she replied.” he said that literature can increase your vocabulary, it’s good for your
imagination. it can entertain you, it helps you cope with loneliness; you can spend hours just reading and
reading. And it can teach you about things like war,death, tyranny, and love. I can relate to the literature.
I can relate to it with my pain, the totalitarian government, and the lack of love in society.” She wiped the
tears away from her face.
“Leshawn…” her father said but the stopped. He suddenly realized that his daughter was suffering. He
immediately lost his anger, ran up to her, and hugged his little girl. His little girl hugged him back. Ervan
stroked the Leshawn’s braided hair slowly to comfort her. “Don’t worry, life gets better.”
“No dad,” she replied. “That saying, “life gets better” is just a myth.
Before Ervan could reassure his daughter that it was true that life got better, he heard knocking on the
door. It was loud, quick, and hard. “Open up,” a man’s voice yelled. “We know you have litter-rature!”
He suddenly became filled with fear. He knew who was at the door. It was the garbage men.
Ervan opened the front door and he saw five garbage men. One garage man was in the front (he was the
leader) while two garbage men were on each of his side. The garbage men on the left were in a downright
diagonally while the other garbage men on the right in a down left diagonally. They were all in a v
formation; they resembled migrating Canadian geese. Moreover all of the garbage men behind the front
garbage men each held a black garbage bag and black garbage bin with wheels.
The garbage men looked like regular garbage men. These garbage men were wearing green suits that
covered their upper and lower body. There caps were green as well. They also wore black gloves and
boots as well.
But though the garbage men of Ervan’s society looked like garbage men. Their work was different from
real garbage men. For you see,the work of the garbage men of Ervan’s society was not to throw away
garbage, now it was to throw away literature. The garbage men referred to literature as litter-rature. Litter
meaning garbage. They intended to equate literature with garbage. Make people realize that literature is
“Ervan Pierce!” the lead garbage man said loudly. “We have learned that you have litter-rature in your
home. Hand it to us!”
“I don’t what you’re talking about,” he replied. “You must be mis-“
The garbage leader pushed Ervan assigned and with his right hand. He gestured his garbage men to come
inside the house. Their intention was to look for the litter-rature. Garbage men didn’t warrants,they could
enter into people’s homes if they wanted to.
The five garbage men looked everywhere in the Ervan’s house for the litter-rature. They looked in places
like the living room, the bedrooms, and basement. Yet,they could not find it. As they looked, Leshawn
stayed near her father. She was really afraid for the safety of her father,her mother, and herself. Leshawn
wondered where her father had hidden her literature. She also hope that the garbage men wouldn’t find it;
Ervan hoped this as well.
Eventually, the garbage men realized that there’s no litter-rature in the house. “Well men,” the garbage
leader said. “We have searched and searched the hose but we haven’t found any litter-rature.” Ervan and
Leshawn became happy all of a sudden. They hoped that the garbage men would leave now. “Now,” he
continued, “It is time for us to search in the garden. The happiness that Ervan and Leshawn had felt
vanished quickly and they felt fear once again immediately.
The garbage men were know in the garden. Three garbage men were looking at the ground for a buried
hole. A hole containing the litter-rature. The garbage leader and a garbage accompanying headed towards
the shed. Ervan stared at the garbage leader and his companion. Then he looked at his frightened
daughter, and went back to look at two men. His daughter was in trouble. He felt pity for her and he
wanted to help as well.
The garbage leader and his companion looked all over the shed. They moved boxes, bags, and other
possessions around. They also looked inside the boxes and bags. “That nigger!” the garbage leader said.
“He can’t hide the litter-rature from us.”
“Yup.” His companion replied. “We’ll find it. I feelsorry for Mr. Pierce’s daughter. Her mind has been
corrupted by the litter-rature.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll be sent to a citizen school. Then she’ll be normal.” A citizen school was a type of
school where you were taught to act like a normal citizen of the Totalitarian America. That is to be social,
incapable of thinking critically, obedient, happy, and to be loyal to and love the government and the
Eventually, the companion tore open a garbage bag and he suddenly became surprised. “Captain!” the
companion said. “I’ve found the litter-rature!”
“Good man!” the garbage leader said as he ran towards his companion. The leader was near him now.
“Put the bag containing the litter-rature in your bag.”
“Okay.” The companion did what he was told.
Ervan and his daughter, and the garbage in front of the house now. The bag of bag of litter-rature was in
the trash part of the garbage truck. Inside of that part, the litter-rature had been shredded into severaltiny
pieces. The pieces were kept because they would be sent to a dump to be recycled.
“How did you know that I had the litter-rature?” Ervan said to the garbage captain.
“You’re daughter’s teacher.” The garbage captain replied. “She reported that your daughter has been
speaking with big words. That’s forbidden! Only the leader and his government officials can speak with
big words. The rest of us have to speak mostspeak.” Mostspeak was the vocabulary spoken by the
citizens. There were no words of a high vocabulary involved.
“Now that we have realized that you Mr. Pierce had litter-rature, you and your daughter shall be sent to a
citizen school to become normal citizens. And your wife shall be notified of what will happen to you. And
then she’ll be sent to a citizen school as well.”
“My wife hasn’t read the literature! I promise you!”
“I don’t believe you! If you read and your daughter read; then she must have read as well!”
I promise you! She didn’t-
“Quiet!” Don’t argue with me! Your wife will still be sent to a citizen school! Now, before you go us, tell
me, who gave you the literature.”
“I-I didn’t give my daughter the literature. It-It was…” Ervan felt guilty about telling the garbage men
that it was really his brother Charles who provided his daughter with the literature. But he didn’t want to
go to a citizen school; there was nothing wrong with him. Then again, after what his daughter told him
about how books made her happy, he gained the thought that perhaps, literature isn’t bad after all. His
daughter had been reading a long time but she didn’t become evil. So maybe her and his brother weren’t
evil after all; maybe they just liked reading and reading had truly entertained and helped them.
Ervan decided not to tell the garbage men that his brother, Charles, was the provider of the literature to
his daughter. If literature made him happy, he didn’t want to betray him by telling the garbage what he
did for his daughter. He helped his daughter by helping her read. And if Charles remained a reader and
Leshawn and him became book haters then it would be Charles would could teach them that literature
was good. Charles would make Leshawn a reader again. And introduce him to literature.
“It was some white guy. Ervan said in response to the garbage captain’s question. “He gave them to me in
the winter for money. He was wearing a black ski mask, a brown coat, blue jeans, and black boots so I
couldn’t tell what he looked like. But I knew that he was white because I saw his white hands. He gave
me the litter-rature because he’s trying to corrupt the minds of citizens to destroy America. Being a dumb
negro, I thought reading the litter-rature would be fun. Then I let my family read the literature too. ”
“Some white guy?” the garbage captain wondered. “Hmmm…
“It’s too bad that you two have become litter rats. Litter rats was the garbage men’s version of the word
“literate.” Those who were able to read were litter rats in Ervan’s society. “Into the shredder!” Ervan and
his daughter went inside the shredder. “It’s a good thing the garbage men don’t have people shredded.”
Ervan thought.
Suddenly, Leshawn burst into tears. “I’m so sorry dad! I’ve brought you and mom too that brainwashing
school! You two don’t deserve to go! Only me and Uncle Charles! Oh dad, I’m scared! I don’t want to
change! I don’t want to be like everyone else! I want to be me! I don’t want to be illiterate! I want to read!
I like to read.” She buried her wet face on his father’s lap.
“Leshawn, you and Uncle Charles don’t deserve to go to a citizen school. The two of you are fine. Even
when you were reading. Reading made the both of you smart, it entertained you, and it helped you. Don’t
worry Leshawn,uncle Charles will help you, me, and your mom.” He told his daughter why.
After doing much work, I told myself to turn off my laptop and exercise while listenining to different
kinds of music on the radio. (I needed to burn the fat) I had been colouring my third graphic novel project
that I deserved a break. Eventually, I’ll go on my laptop again to write.
We watched it. Yes,we watched him. We watched Screen in the form of a television aka TV. It was flat,
medium sized, and black. By the way Screen is a living electronic program. Other than coming in the
form of televisions, he also came in the form of computers, iPods, cellphones, and other electronic
And who’s we? Me, Liang Qin, and my family of course. My family members consisting of my young
sister, Sakiya, younger brothers, Chang and Gan, my mother whose real name is Tam, her mother/my
grandmother whose name is Machi, and my father whose name is Delun. We Qins are all Chinese-
So right now, we stood sitting on our couch, a table in front of us containing tray of cheese fries and
nuggets and TV in front of us. We were eating a TV meal while watching a very popular show, Canada’s
Stars. This show was about talented Canadians performing their talent, be it singing, break dancing, or
juggling many balls, in front of a large audience and three judges. The three judges were Paulia, a
cheerful brunette; Jordan, an African man who spoke with a gangster accent (He said things like dawg
and yo), and Sammy, a cynical British judge. Canada’s Stars was very popular, not just in Canada but
throughout the world. A lot of people like it. But not me. I just didn’t really care for what these people
did. Talents shows aren’t what I like to watch. Nor anything else that my family watches like reality
shows, sports like boxing and football, and fashion shows. I like watching different kinds of shows like
drama, action, wrestling, and one about a group of people living in a zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately,
my favourite shows weren’t shown much; only on Sunday. Most of the programming that was what my
family enjoyed; dumb and fast. Nothing slow and what makes think about things like death and love.
On the screen,we watched a young obese man, Terry Gill, sing his heart out. He sang a song called
“When You Believe.” This song was sang by some singer in the far past called Josh Gobran, and it was in
a 2004 Christmas movie called the Polar Express and it was usually sung in the Christmas season. I knew
because of the trivia on the bottom of the screen. It appeared in a long bubble with the title “Triva”
appearing on the above center. The trivia was about trivia about things like the songs and the people
doing their talents. What he sang was really beautiful. His beautiful voice did not match his ugly
appearance. It’s like that old saying, “Don’t judge a show by its title.” I never knew that Doctor Who was
a good show until I watched this episode about garbage can-like robots. Their name started with a d. I
don’t know the name of the robots; I forgot.
Once the Terry was finished singing his song, the entire audience stood up and cheered him. They loved
him. Including the two judges.
“You have a voice of an angel, Terry,” Paulia said sweetly. “I love you. 10 out of 10.” The crowd cheered
her comment and rating. The judges would give a comment whether they loved the person doing the
talent and then rate it out of then.
“Man, your song was…emotional and beautiful. You’re going places kid, you’re going to be a celebrity!
Ten out of ten!” The crowd cheered his comment as well.
Now it was time for Sammy to give the final verdict. With most singers, he usually stated that he hated
the person’s talent and gave a low rating, usually a one or a two. Because of that, the person would be
upset; there were those who cried because of what he said. Sammy had put his right hand under his chin;
his right arm was on his left hand. He was thinking about whether he liked Terry and whether he would
give him a great rating. We all wondered if he was going to give him a good comment and good rating. If
he hated him, he would immediately express his dissatisfaction and give his low rating.
“Terry,” Sammy said after much thinking. “Now I don’t say this to a lot of people. You’re singing was
very…good.” At once, everyone in the nation watching this program became surprised. “The rating I’m
giving you is an eight out of ten.” Suddenly, the crowd cheered Sammy. He rarely got cheered.
Then the host, a very handsome young man by the name of Randy Sean explained to the audience. “Did
you hear that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls?! Sammy, the judge we all hate, said Terry Fish was
very good and he even gave him a good marking. An eight out of ten! He rarely does this!” Randy was
just so surprised by what Sammy said and did but then he managed to calm himself down. “Audience of
the world, we have had a great show tonight. From the Lizards’ (A breaking dancing group) breakdancing
to Jose Hernandez’ sword eating to magic tricks to Terry’s singing and Sammy’s positive response to his
singing. Goodnight world!”
Suddenly, Screen appeared on the television. He had little green eyes and a green electrical line that was
his mouth. It’s moved kind of like Bender’s mouth from Futurama. Bender is this foul mouth male robot
who runs on alcohol so he drinks it. “People of the world,” he said in a calm soothing voice, “We have
just ended our 4 hour broadcast of Canada’s Stars. I hope you had fun watching it. Tune in next Monday
to watch other contestants show their talent to the world. Now tune in for a 30 minute commercial break
and then Teens in Trouble at 11:30 p.m.” At that a point, a commercial about BBQ flavoured crispy chips
came on it.
“I can’t believe it!” Sakiya said.
“I know!” Chang said. “Sammy gave him an eight.”
“He almost never does that!” Gan replied.
“He’s always angry but not this time,” my father said.
“And the crowd cheered him! He always get booed. I found myself cheering for him.”
“It’s too bad Sammy can’t always give good comments and good ratings to the contestants,” my
grandmother said. Everyone except for me agreed with her.
“Liang,” my sister said. “What do you think of Sammy’s rare response?”
“I don’t really care,” I replied. At once my family became shocked.
“You don’t care!” Gan said. “Why not?!”
“Yeah, Liang” Sakiya asked. “Sammy’s response was really special.”
“I don’t care what he thinks. I’m more interested in Terry’s singing. Why isn’t anyone interested in what
he did. Did you all here him? He sounded great. So why don’t we just focus on him.
“It’s because Sammy’s response is rare,” my father said.
“Yeah,” Chang said. “When’s the last time he called somebody very good?”
“Liang,” my mother said. “We all know that Terry sounded great. But there are always talented people
like him doing there thing on stage. It’s common. But for Sammy to give a good response to Terry whose
very ugly is just rare.”
“She’s right,” my grandmother said. “Who knows when Sammy is going to give a good response again. I
may not live to see it.”
“Well, all of you care about what Sammy said and did but I care more about Terry Gill. He was an
underdog. And he poured out his heart when he sang to all of us.”
“Oh please,” Chang said. “There are always underdogs like Terry.”
“Yup,” Gan said. “Underdogs who are ugly yet talented. But of course there always loved and then
forgotten about.”
“We’ve all seen these underdogs,” Sakiya said. “But we can only remember a few of them.”
“Underdogs are good but not better and more exciting than a cynical judge saying something positive,”
my father said. Once again, everybody agreed with my father.
“Whatever,” I said. I looked up at the clock; it was about 11:42 p.m. It’s late and I think I’m going to go
to sleep.”
“But Liang,” Sakiya said. “Teens in Trouble is coming. Ricky slept with his English teacher Mr. Jones.
We’re all going to watch it.”
“I really don’t like that show,” I replied. “And I don’t care if that happened. Then I addressed my entire
family. “Goodnight everybody.” Everybody told me goodnight in response. I got up from the sofa and
headed towards my bedroom.
Now even if Screen wasn’t on the television. This did not mean could not over hear what was people in
the house said. Nor did that prevent him from seeing what the people were doing in his sight. Screen had
the insidious job of the oligarchic government to spy on its citizens and to keep the citizens distracted
from the world’s problems like Global Warming and a dwindling food supply so that the citizens could
not revolt with the government.
But unfortunately, there were those who were not so distracted with Screen whether he was a television,
computer, or any other electrical equipment. These people thought too much, and did things that did
involve Screen like taking a walk, hanging out with friends, hearing lectures, and reading books. Screen
and the government did not like these kinds of Screen-less people. In fact,they wanted these people to
become like those who watched and used Screen or if they could not be changed eliminated. They wanted
these things to occur because they saw the Screen-less people as a threat to the oligarchic government.
What if the Screen-less people taught the Watchers (People who watched and used Screen) to do activities
not involving Screen? If the Watchers became Screen-less people as well, then Screen-less people will
revolt against the oligarchic government.
So the oligarchy intended now to either Screen-less people into Watchers or let face execution. Screen’s
job was to carry this out. Or too make sure that Watchers who were on the verge of becoming a Screen-
less person was to make sure that they remained a Watcher and loved Screen more than they did at the
moment. To make sure that the Watcher kept looking at Screen and using Screen. Screen liked to be
watched and used, it made him feel special. It hurt him whenever he was ignored.
Liang, he was on the verge of becoming a Screen-less person. Unlike his Watcher family, he rarely not
watched dumb down happy entertaining programing like Canada’s Stars and Jelly Foo Foo. No, he
watched programming that was considered smart and what made you think about things. This kind of
programming only came on Sundays. For the oligarchy and Screen didn’t want to create a smart thinking
minority. It was bad enough that kind of minority existed.
Screen decided that he would make Liang watch him and use him a lot in his different forms. He wanted
Liang to love him like the majority. But if he could not convince Liang to do what he desired, then he
would have the teen executed.
Black Panther-Like
All right, I’m wondering. So you see how there was a “Black Panther Party for African-Americans? The
Black Panther Party being a revolutionary socialist organization from 1960s to the early 1980s which had
involvement for Black Power and U.S. politics. Well, what if there were other Black Panther-Like
organizations for other groups of people based on their unique quality like their race,religion, sexuality,
and personality? I’m going to come up with possible organizations.
Okay, we’ll have an organization called “The Red Wolves” for Aboriginals/Native Americans. Next,
we’ll have an organization called “The Yellow Eyelash Vipers.” (The name may be feminine but the
animal is cool) Also, we’ll have an organization for homosexuals called “The Rainbow Trouts” (Hmm,
the name “trout” doesn’t fit with a group of homosexuals because of how masculine it sounds but the
animal does because of how bright and beautiful it is; it’s name also contains “rainbow.” More to come,
we’ll have an organization for Muslims called “The Muslim Scorpions.” More to come, we’ll have an
organization for women called “The Pink Dolphins.” Finally, we’ll have an organization for introverts
called “The Introvert Turtles” The logo of that organization will be a green sea turtle.
Though, are having Black Panther-like parties for different groups of people good?
In the United States,there are enemies that the country faces; ranging from countries to dictators to
groups of people, including dissidents of the U.S. Dissendents who do not approve the totalitarian
government of the U.S. and its atrocities commited abroad and at home. These enemies are called by
Monsters by the government and the citizens. It is said that these monsters want to destroy America’s
freedom and their savage beliefs and values to the nation. These Monsters are really scapegoats for the
people; scapegoats that are used to distract people from America’s problems.
Now every day, around 4 p.m., the citizens of the nation are brought to Exotic Zones. These zones are
fake cities based on the places of the Monsters. The cities are created to be destroyed by the citizens.
It was nearly 4 p.m., citizens throughout the nations had their eyes glued to the time of their iPhones.
They desired for it too be 4 p.m. Suddenly, the time went from being 3:59 to 4:00 p.m. and outside giant
sirens rang an emergency call. It sounded like the sirens during the Battle of Britain in World War II. It
was loud and an urgent call. A voice, louder than the sirens and one that belonged to America’s fascist
dictator, urged the citizens “My little citizens, it is time to get our righteous anger on the Monsters that
seek to crush our lovely nation. Come, go to the Exotic Zones!” At once citizens were marched from their
work stations (All adults worked, no one stayed home) and their schools to the gate of an Exotic Zone.
The gate was black and full of barb wire. Its purpose was to keep the citizens from the Exotic Zone and to
instill the fear that the foreign lands of the Monsters are evil and horrifying.
The citizens were at the gate’s front door and the front doors. One gate door slid to the left and the other
to the right. At once, the citizens were exposed to the Exotic Zone. It was a large place; its size was large
for the large population of citizens to get their angry out.
The President’s voice said to his citizens. “My dear citizens, enter into this eyesore.” The citizens did
what their leader commanded them. The citizens filled the city but there was still enough space for them
to move around. Once all citizens were in, the gate’s front doors closed.
Fear was among the citizens. The sight of the Monster’s caricatures of their homes instilled the fear in
them. It was as if they were in Hell itself. They were so used to being in their American setting; one of
skyscrapers and continuous party (The President’s party) advertisement.
In the center of the Exotic Zone, of every Exotic Zone, there was a large structure, bigger than any Exotic
Zone structure that stood for every citizen to see. And on its top there was a large screen. Immediately, a
Monster appeared on it. This monster was the Russian Dictator, Vladimir Putin and now rage surged the
crowd. Pictures and film of Putin were displayed unto the large screen. His voice was also heard on the
large structure and in sirens throughout the city.
The citizens, who were full of rage and fear, started expressing their hatred toward the Monster. But the
citizens began rioting as well. They started smashing the fictional stores windows, moved around the
streets cursing the Monsters. In side these stores were protest signs and banners denouncing the Monsters
and Molotov cocktails. The citizens marched with these signs and banners express rage towards the
Russian Monster and they threw Molotov cocktails at buildings, and paint cans to create graffit
denouncing the Monsters. Though, people got hit by the cocktails but nobody cared. They were full of
rage and no empathy.
Soon other Monsters appeared on the screen as well. These Monsters were other dictators, terrorists,
Muslims, philosophers, and journalists. They too appeared in pictures and film. And there voices were
heard on the large structure containing the screen and in the sirens as well.
Throughout the Exotic Zones, property was destroyed. More windows were smashed into, cars were
vandalized, statues of the Monsters were broken by the citizens the sirens were brought down by citizens
so that the voices of the Monsters could be silenced. A more people died and nobody cared.
Additionally, there were citizens who sought to destroy the screen by throwing things like rocks and the
sticks of their protest signs in order to stop the Monsters from appearing on it. But the screen was too high
up for their thrown things to reach the screen and break it. Though, they continued too throws things in
the hope of breaking the horrifying screen. There were times where the thrown things had accidentally hit
the citizens thus injuring them or killing them.
The madness that was the riot continued on and on as the Monsters appeard on the high screen. Their
voices could no longer be heard for the sirens had all been brought down. The Exotic Zone was filled with
fire everywhere and dead bodies as well. But the citizens were still preoccupied with their fear of the
Monsters than the madness they had created.
Suddenly, a Monster on the screen, the journalist Chris Hedges, vanished from the screen and in his place
was the American Flag. This new flag retained the the blue canon and the red and white bars but replacing
the 50 stars was a bundle of sticks and the ax, this was a sign of fascism. But the citizens did not know.
Once the flag appeared,the city stopped their rioting to gaze upon New Glory. This was the new name for
the flag.
Then, sprinkles popped through invisible openings throughout the Exotic Zone and sprinkled water
everywhere and soon, the flames were put out. More to come, new sirens came out from hidden openings
on where the old sirens once stood. As soon as the sirens had come out, the American Anthem started
playing sweetly; it was sung by a man. This anthem would be replayed constantly as long as the screen
was on.
The citizens lost all their fear at once and were filled with happiness and pride for America. On the
screen,New Glory was replaced with pictures and films about things of America like the bald eagle, the
U.S. coat of arms (The seal had been replaced), and U.S armed forces like the army and the marines. But
when the President appeared on the screen,immediately, all of the citizens bowed their heads out of love
for their leader. On the sirens, even with the anthem playing, the President told his citizens in a pre-
recorded voice “My loving citizens, don’t worry, I will keep all you safe from the Monsters.” The citizens
believed him and were so happy whenever he stated this; they wanted protection from the Monsters and
there citizens who cried whenever he stated this.
Soon, the President appeared in a pre-recorded film of himself. His face was mostly showing. “It’s time to
go,” he said nicely. “March slowly to the exit.” Then, the screen went black. The front gate of the exotic
zone opened and all of the citizens marched slowly, as they were told, out of the Exotic Zone.
The Bane Wolf
In a large village surrounded by a wooden gate, a boy ran through the streets. He was filled with fear.
Outside of the large front doors of the gate, he had seen the Bane Wolf. He had heard stories of this
animal but he never thought that it was actually real. The Bane Wolf was large, silver, it had red eyes,and
foam coming out of its mouth. It was a male. The boy had approached the wolf but then wolf tried to
burst through the gate. The Bane Wolf tried to eat the boy. The boy, in his terror, ran away. He intended
know warn the citizens, who were at the village square (The center of the village) that the Bane Wolf was
trying enter into the village.
Soon, the boy had reached the village square. It was completely filled with the village’s citizens like the
boy’s parents, priest, mailman, idiot, and mayor. All of them were talking about celebrity trivia like the
pop star Jake Bee’s new girlfriend, the British prince Will and princess Kelly’s new baby, and the pop
star, once black, Marlo Johnny’s funeral. The boy found their talk to be unimportant.
“My fellow villagers!” the boy said loudly. “The Bane Wolf is real! He’s at the gate! We have to do
something! The villagers looked at the boy but then they resumed talking about their celebrity trivia.
“Hey, didn’t you hear me?! The Bane Wolf is at the gate! We have to do something! If we don’t do
something, we’re all going to die!” The citizens continued to talk to each other about celebrity gossip.
“Mom, dad! The Bane wolf is at the gate!” Even the boy’s parents did not listen to him. The boy
continued to rant about the Bane Wolf being at the gate and the citizens still talked about celebrity gossip.
The boy wondered why the citizens didn’t listen to him and angry that they didn’t listen to him. The
citizens, they knew that there was a Bane Wolf at the gate but since they too were afraid of the giant
canine, they decided to not acknowledge its existence and distract themselves from their fear of the wolf
with celebrity trivia. They hoped that by ignoring the wolf, it would go away. But the wolf did not go
away; it was waiting outside battering itself on the gate to break it down.
“I said that there is a Bane Wolf at the gate!”
“We hear you son!” the boy’s father said. “But son, there is no wolf at the gate.
“Yes there is. Listen, all of you. Just be quiet and you’ll hear it.” The whole villagers including the door
became quiet. They hear banging, which was the Bane Wolf banging itself against the wooden gate,and
the wolf’s angry snarls.
“You see!” That’s the Bane Wolf making those sounds!”
“No it’s not,” the mayor said. “Those snarls is just dog snarls. It’s probably snarling at a fox. And that
banging is just…the wind! A fierce wind! Yeah! There is no Bane Wolf at the gate.”
“Son” the boy’s mother said. “Whatever the mayor says,it’s true. He would never lie. So there is no Bane
Wolf at the gate. All of the other villagers agreed that whatever the mayor said was true.
“Young man,” the priest said. “You’re like the boy who cried wolf. If we listen to you, we’ll go to the
gate and see that there’s no Bane Wolf at all. You’re just saying that this wolf is here for fun and
I’m not! Please,all of you.” He said and then he turned towards his mothers. He started to cry. Mom, dad,
let’s do something before it’s too late.”
“Son!” the boy’s father said. There is no Bane Wolf!” The boy who had tears flowing from his eyes was
angry and he had enough of warning the villagers. He turned away from the villagers and ran to his house.
“You should have a talk with your son,” the mayor said to the boy’s parents. “Tell him that he needs to
believe in what other people tell him; especially me. And he needs to learn to stop telling the negative
truth; ignore it, and just talk about what’s nice.”
“We know,” the boy’s mother said.
“We’ll talk with him,” the boy’s father said.
“Well, villagers!” the mayor announced. “Let’s talk about celebrities. The villagers became happy once
again and talked about the events and situations of celebrities.
The boy entered his home. He knew that the Bane Wolf would break down the gate. The gate could not
hold its powerful strength. The boy decided to hide in the house’s cellar. But right now, he needed to get
his father’s shotgun. He needed to protect himself from the Bane Wolf.
Outside of the front gate, the Bane Wolf continued to bang itself against it severaltimes until the gate
crashed down. A loud thump was made when the gate banged the ground. The Bane Wolf, ran through
the village’s entrance and headed towards the village’s square.
The villagers continued to talk about celebrity trivia. There was a euphoria and unity throughout the
crowd that was created when talked about their petty trivia amongst themselves. But that euphoria was
eliminated when the heard and saw the Bane Wolf jump towards them. The Bane Wolf had jumped on the
boy’s father and ate him quickly. The boy’s mother screamed but then the wolf jumped on her and ate her
as well. The frightened villagers began running away but one by one the Bane Wolf began eating them
quickly. As citizens were getting eaten, screams were heard but there was less of them as more citizens
got eaten and some of their blood splattered on the floor. The mayor was the last to be eaten.
Now everybody was dead except the boy who remained alive. The Bane Wolf sensed the boy’s scent and
ran in its direction so that the Bane Wolf could find the boy and eat him.
The boy felt guilty. He wanted to go out into the streets and the shoot the wolf down to stop it from
killing the villagers. Oh, how depressed he had felt when the villagers, including his parents,scream and
get eaten by the Bane Wolf. He knew that they had been eaten because he had heard screams of villagers
claiming that the Bane Wolf was eating villagers. As the carnage went on outside, he remained quiet as
possible so that the wolf could not hear him.
But know he knew that the Bane Wolf was running towards him. He heard the wolf’s footsteps and
breathing. It could louder as the wolf got closer. The boy aimed his sniper rifle towards the ceiling cellar
door. The wolf was now near the cellar door. The wolf dug the cellar door with its large sharp claws. The
door broke immediately and the wolf climbed down the cellar stairs. But then the boy shot the wolf on its
head. The wolf fell down from the stairs and went into the ground. The boy approached the Bane Wolf.
There was a bullet hole on the right side of its head and ended on the wolf’s left side of its head. Red
blood was pouring out of left wound and it spread touching the wolf and throughout the ground. He was
surprised of how large it was. “If only they listened to me,” the boy thought, “the villagers and my family
wouldn’t have died.”
The Humber Fairy
On a sunny July morning, a girl by the name of Kimberly Galasinao decided to talk a walk. She wanted to
exercise for family kept giving her large amounts of food. She wished that they would stopped begging
her to hurt. She wanted to eat healthily, like her big brother Kevin.
But excecising wasn’t the only reason why she wanted to go for a walk. No, she wanted to the nature of
the Humber Valley. She loved nature. This valley was where she wanted to take in. There all kinds of
plants, invasive and native, and animals. It contained all kinds of habitats like the Humber river and
deciduous sforests. Also, there is a grey trail goes through the valley. So that people could walk, run, ride
their bike, or use whatever kind of transportation on the trail.
Kimberly put on her shoes and went outside. Walking from Albion to the Humber valley took long. On
her way, she spotted a church, the Elbank elementary school, the Father Henry Carr high school, and the
BESTCO superstore.
When, she was near the Humber valley, she looked down at it. She was on a highway bridge. The sight
was beautiful To her left was the forest, a meadow with a stream running through it, then the slow moving
Humber river, and the trail.
In order to get down to the Humber Valley, Kimberly went to the edge of the bridge. On the edge, she
saw a trail of grass and plants such as weeds to the left and trees to the rights that went down in a slope to
the grey trail. Kimberly decided to run down it for fun.
Soon she had reached the trail. She was gasping for air. Now there two paths that she could go. Her
brother Kevin had told her this. To her left, the path was filled nature. It the habitats and the wild animals.
To her right was the path that was well, it didn’t contain much habitats. Due to Kimberly’s love of nature,
she decided to take the left path.
The left path had a bridge over it. The same bridge that Kimberly had been on to observe the Humber
Valley. She started walking along the left path. She went under the bridge. To her right, she saw that there
was nice looking graffiti on the wall. There were words that GC with a king’s crown above them, PS3
pwns XBOX 360, and Smoke with a marijuana cigarette to the right of it.
Kimberly looked straight ahead again when all of a suddenly, a monster jumped down from the side of
the bridge and went in front of her. The monster had four yellow horns, six sapphire eyes, three large
sharp teeth (They resembled the teeth of a sabertooth tiger), it had a body like a gorilla, it had purple hair,
and it had two devil-like tails.
Kimberly horrified at the sight of the monster so she began to run away from it immediately. But the
monster jumped right in front of her. “Don’t be in a such a hurry,” the monster said mockingly.
“Don’t hurt me!” Kimberly said full of fear. She began to cry.
“I’m not going to hurt you! I’m going to eat you!”
Kimberly screamed as loud as she could, “Somebody, help me!” Her urgent cry was heard by the Humber
Fairy. The Humber Fairy was a girl. She had pink monarch butterfly-like wings, pointed ears, small like a
butterfly, green hair, brown skin, and purple eyes. She wore a light blue dress and carried a green wand
that was covered with shining green sparkles that kept coming off the wand and kept appearing all over it.
Also, the sparkles faded away quickly.
The Humber Fairy had been looking a fish in the Humber river when she heard Kimberly’s cry for help.
She raced towards Kimberly and stood between her and the monster. She crossed her arms and was very
angry the monster. Kimberly and the monster were surprised of the Humber Fairy. Kimberly also thought
that the fairy before her very eyes was beautiful. The monster was also angry at her.
“Humber Fairy!” the monster said. “Get out of here! This is none of your business!”
“When you try to eat a little girl,” the Humber Fairy replied pointing her finger at the monster. “then it
does because my business, troll!”
“Oh,” Kimberly thought. That fairy is called the Humber Fairy and that big evil monster is a troll.”
“Leave Kimberly alone,” the Humber Fairy said. Then she pointed her wand at him. “Or else.”
“Fine!” the troll said quickly. Suddenly the troll went to the small pipe with water flowing from it and slid
inside it smoothly despite his large size.
“Thank you,” Kimberly said to the Humber Fairy.
“You’re welcome,” the Humber Fairy replied.
In April 28 1996, the Port Arthur massacre occurred. 35 people were killed and 23 were wounded by
Martin Bryant. After the massacre,Australia, even though it had a high gun culture, put strict guns laws in
order to prevent from any massacres in the future. There has not been a massacre since. But what if this
massacre never occurred. What if Australia’s strict gun laws had never been in place?
The year is 2031. Australia has a very high gun culture. Mostly everybody has a gun. They own guns to
hunt for fun and for protection against killers. The flag of Austrailia has replaced the U.K. flag with a
yellow canton containing two black M4s in an x.
Unfortunately, even mentally ill people own guns. Like Taylor Baxby. He had bipolar disorder, social
anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder. He lived with his parents and was unemployed. After years
of neglect from his parents, feeling inadequate compared to his successfulbrother, bullying by his peers,
and loneliness in his life, he hated the world. He blamed it for all of his problems. He wanted to destroy it.
But he knew he couldn’t. The world would kill him if he tried. So he decided to kill what was easy.
One day, his mother and father in the kitchen eating waffles with syrup. She was going to her work as a
teacher at Desert Claw elementary school. She taught junior kindergarten. Taylor’s father worked as a
manager at a paper company called Peel. It was called Peelbecause the paper was seen as peeling off
from a tree.
Taylor could hear his mother and father chewing. The bastards, he thought. They could have at least
woken him up to eat. He loved waffles with pancakes. So what, if he didn’t like to be disturbed. And so
what if he yelled at them when thry knocked on his door. He wanted waffles with syrup.
But npow he had to endure the sickening sounds of parents chewing. The food been broken down by
saliva and the food and saliva gushing in their mouths. And a little saliva pouring from their mouths.
Fortunately he for him, he was going to make the accursed sounds stop.
Taylor got up from his bed, bent down under it, and got his M4. He had a large grin that bared his dirty
yellow teeth. “It’s time,” he said. He moved through the junk in his room towards the door, opened, and
went out. He held his gun.
“Well,” Taylor’s mother said. “I’m going to brush my teeth before I go. I don’t want anyone to see gunk
on my teeth.”
“Yes,” Taylor’s father said. “You don’t want to have a dirty mouth like our loser son, Taylor.”
“Yup.” When Taylor’s mother faced away from her husband, she saw his son pointing his M4 at her. His
father saw him as well. They were both surprised and afraid.
“I’m. Not. A. Loser.” Taylor said angrily. Then he shot his mouth severaltimes in the stomach and his
mother collapsed on the table. Blood was pouring out of her wounds. The sound of the M4 being fired
was too loud. It had frightened Taylor’s father even more.
“Jesus…” Taylor’s father said, looking at his dead wife. “Die!” Taylor said loudly as his father turned to
look at him. Then, he should his father severaltimes and he collapsed to the ground. Taylor looked at the
lifeless bodies of his parents. They were covered with bullet holes and were very bloody. Taylor still
hated his parents so much that he shot his each parents with his gun severaltimes. He started with his
mom and ended with his father. The flesh on their bodies was shredded now and blood was everywhere.
Taylor felt sorry for killing his parents. But then he extinguished that worry and reminded himself of all
the crappy times his parents treated him. Now, anger and vegeance over came him once again. Though his
parents had been taken care off, he still felt the urge to destroy. He was like a fire. A fire that needed to
spread and burn everything, everything,in its path. Why if he had superpowers, he would blow the entire
planet up.
Taylor thought of what to destroy next. He considered his choices carefully. He wanted to kill a lot. He
didn’t want to kill a few people and then ended up getting shot by the police. No, he wanted to kill a lot of
people. After much thinking, he decided to shoot little children at his mother’s school. That school was
where he went to when he was just a child. He hated that school. In it, he was bullied by many bullies,
physically and emotionally. He was also very lonely; he ate lunch alone and spent his recesses wandering
the school yard while children play with each other for they were friends. His mother knew that he
suffered so she brought him to therapy and forced him to join clubs to make friends. But therapy and
joining clubs did not work. He remained mentally ill and he was still lonely. Because of his mental
illness, his bullying, and his loneliness that plagued Taylor, he cut himself severaltimes. When he cut
himself too deep, he had to go to the hospital.
Taylor went out with his powerful gun to his mother’s minivan. He took the key out and opened the door
to get in. He started the car,drove back to the road, and drove to his former elementary school. As h
drove, he remembered all the times he suffered in the school to keep his desire to kill.
Soon, Taylor was near his school and he parked the car in the parking lot. He looked out at the recess area
near the parking lot. It sepearated itself from the parking lot with a high fence. Their in the recess area,
the ground was made out of stone and there was a lot of space. He waited for the children to play there.
They Also, there were many children
Throughout the forests of Britain, there were many deer everywhere. The types of deer that lived in
Britain were the native species,red deer and roe deer, and the introduced species, Chinese water deer
(They have tusks), fallow deer,muntjac (They’re small), and sika deer.
The deer had stripped plants of their leaves. Most of the plants were bare. And they had eaten most plants
as well. These deer roamed throughout the land in search of plants; even in urban areas. But because there
were no plants, they were dying out.
People in Britain saw the overpopulation of deer and the lack of leaves as a problem. This problem
needed to be dealt with. Solutions had been suggested to keep the population low like hunting the deer.
But in the end, a much more better solution was accepted. This solution was to introduce large predators
in Britain to eat the deer so that the deer population could be kept at an appropriate level.
In a large ship, a lynx cub by the name of Manx woke up. He yawned. He looked at his surroundings. He
had learned that he was in a cage with his mother Julia, his father Ron, and his three siblings. He a brother
named Johnny, and two sisters named Amy and Eunice. They’re were all sleeping peacefully.
The last thing he remembered was getting shot with a tranqiliser dart to put him to sleep. The rest of his
family had been shot with these sleep inducing darts. Manx wondered why? What did he and his family
do to deserve to get shot up at?
He also wondered where he was? He looked out at the cage. He was in this large area filled with other
cages. These cages contained other animals as well. There was lynx just like him and his family, grey
wolves, and brown bears. “Hmm,” Manx thought. “Am I in Animal Heaven? Was me,my family, and all
these other animals killed? Where are we,really?” Manx desperately wanted to know. So he decided to
ask one of the animals.
Manx looked at the other animals in their cages. Like his family, they’re were all sleeping. He kept
searching for some awaken animal to provide him answers he needed to help understand the situations
they were all facing.
Then, a young male brown bear woke up and yawned; his cage was next to Manx and his family. Manx
saw him. “Mister bear!” Manx yelled out. “Do you know where all of us animals are and why were
trapped in these…whatever they are? I’m scared!”
“What’s your name, lynx?” the bear called out.
“Manx! What’s yours!”
“Wood! Now listen to me, Manx, you are a predator! Predators are not supposed to be afraid; only prey.
“Okay, Wood! I’ll try my hardest not to be afraid!”
“Don’t try, do!”
“As for your questions, we are inside a ship. What’s a ship?”
“A ship is a form of transportation of humans and other things like us animals. It floats and moves on
water. Humans don’t prefer to swim to their destinations; either because they can’t or because it would
tire them out. And ships are large enough for humans to carry their possessions on. And that’s good. It
would be dangerous for the humans to try to bring us to our destination by just carrying us. The humans
they’re bringing us to a place called Britain. Do you know that place?”
Manx suddenly became surprised. “Yes! It’s that island near mainland Europe. Why are we going there?”
Well, you see. The ancestors of the animals inside this ship, lynx, grey wolves, used to live there. But the
humans killed them all out of fear and because there were those who feasted on their livestock like sheep,
cows,and chickens. But now, they’re bringing us back because we us large predators around, the deer
population has grown to large. They need us predators to keep the population low by letting us eat the
“Ohhhhhh,” Max realizing.
“And were very fortunate. In the beginning, there’s going to be so much deer to eat.”
“Thanks for asking my questions, Wood.”
“Your welcome.” Then, Manx’s father woke up. He was suddenly surprised of his surroundings and
wondered where he was. “W-Where am I! D-Did me and my family die!”
“Father” Manx was concerned for his father.
“Manx! You’re alive! Thank goodness! Ron looked at the rest of his sleeping family. And they’re alive
has well! Thank, thank goodness! He turned towards his son again. Stay near me son! I don’t where we
are and what will happen to us but I’ll my hardest to protect this family from harm.”
“Father, relax. We’re not in any danger.”
“What?! Of course we are.”
“Now were not. You see thanks to the bear next to us, Wood…” So Manx began explaining to his father
where they were,what a ship was,where they were going and why? Ron became happy. When the rest of
Manx’s family woke up, Manx told them the same questions. Soon, the other animals woke up, and the
Lynx family and Wood began telling them the same questions.
During some hours, Manx and Wood had spoken to each other about things. They had become friends.
Soon, the ship landed in London. Men and women riding yellow machines went inside the large room of
animals and brought the cages out with the help of the machines; they’re were claws in front of the
machines and these claws carried the cages.
One of the machines clawed onto the lynx family. Manx was sad because that meant he was going to
leave Wood; Wood had become his friend. He wished that they could have been friends longer. Wood
wasn’t as upset as Manx but he was sad that he would never Manx again.
As the machine brought the cage,containing the lynx family, away from its previous spot, Manx yelled
“Goodbye Wood!”
“Goodbye Manx!” Wood shot back.
Manx’s cage was put into the back of a large truck. There were other cages with lynx as well, grey
wolves, and brown bears. Manx wished that Wood had been put the truck with him. As the lynx family
were inside the truck, they heard a noise. It was the sound of the engine; the truck was ready to move.
Soon, the truck reached a bare forest; there wasn’t much plants because the deer had eaten most of it.
Four people got out of the truck and went to the back of it. Someone opened it. Suddenly, they became
surprised. They were surprised by how many deer there were. There was too much deer. All of the
predatos inside the truck wanted to eat the deer and were so happy that there was so much of them. This
abundance of deer made the animals love that Britain had become their new home. The lynx family licked
their lips. “Julia,” Ron said.
“Yes, Ron.”
“When we get out of here,let’s bring down a deer and eat it.”
“Yes! Let’s do that! I’m hungry! Let’s bring down a large stag!”
“Okay, we’ll hunt a stag, a large one.”
“I’m hungry too!” Manx cried out.
“Me too!” Amy said.
“I want food!” Eunice said.
“I want to eat now!” Johnny said.
“Children,” Ron said. “When we get out, your mother and me will hunt down a deer, a large bring it all of
you, and we will eat it. But while were out there, you have to watch us and not get near the deer because
they might trample on you or harm you. Understood? The lynx kittens agreed with him. As the lynx
family waited to get out, they chose what stag should be hunted, killed, and eaten. Soon, they chose one.
It was a very large red deer stag.
The people took machines out of the back and used them to bring the cages out. The cages were allline
up and each of them was faraway from another cage so that the predators wouldn’t fight each other. and
so they’re could be room for the cage doors and the cage doors wouldn’t block the entrances of other
cages. The people went back inside into the front of the truck. The woman behind the steering wheel took
out a device from her pocket and pressed a green button. Immediately, the doors of the cages opened by
sliding left and right. The animals, including the lynx family got out. Ron and Julia ran towards the large
stag they intended to hunt and kill.
Eventually, thanks to the reintroduced grey wolves, lynx, and brown bears, the deer population was
brought down to a normal level and there were many plants again.
It was night time in Paris. Nearly ten’o clock. It was a Saturday night. People were out in the streets with
their friends socializing and such. Others were inside their homes enjoying the fact that there would be no
work tomorrow. They did simple things like watch TV, go on the internet, or read a novel. A famous
French fashion designer by the name of Lucas Desjardins was drawing his idea for a new fashion line of a
clothing on large piece of paper. The paper was on a table that was up diagonally. The reason for this
occurring was so that Lucas did not need to arch his back. If he did this constantly, it would be bed for
Now down on the large piece of paper, he continued to draw clothes of a new fashion clothes. He was
focused on drawing. Eventually, he was finished. He had drawn many a scuba diving-like outfit that
started from the head to the feet; it had an attached mask that covered the entire face but since it was thing
like the rest of the outfit, he was easy to breathe while wearing it, and the mask had glasses.
Now it was time for him for Lucas to colour the outfit. He coloured it with only one colour, black, with a
black pencil crayon. He colour the entire outfit black. He coloured the glasses lightly. When he was done,
he looked at his drawing. “It is beau…ti…ful,” he said softy.”
Lucas intended to call this outfit “panther.” It would be available to everyone, men, women, the young
and the old. And animals like dogs and cats.
As Lucas gazed upon his outfit, a grin bearing his shiny white teeth formed. He was grinning sinisterly.
“Soon…” he said. “People will die.” Lucas’s had an awful intention involving his idea of the outfit he had
created. It was as if he were Victor Frankenstein and his outfit was Frankenstein’s monster.
Soon, Lucas’ outfit had been created in real life. It became available in every clothing store on December
26. On this day, the day after Christmas, prices were cheap. People around the world loved his panter
clothing. So they went into stores and purchased it. Everywhere,most people were wearing panther
clothing. Those who didn’t wear it, the very few,were mocked and called ugly. Also, those who wore it
were called panthers.
Lucas had said the panther clothing, because it was black, was to be worn at night. The colour matched
night. So people went outside when it was night. But this was a bad idea. For you see,many people liked
to cross the streets without following a street light that told them to stop crossing the street when the light
signaled red because cars would pass,and to cross the street when the light signaled green because cars
would stop. Street lights would also tell the cars to stop and go.
Now around the world, when it was night, people wearing panther clothing poured into the roads. Drivers
in vehicles did not see the panthers; their black clothing blended in with the night. So, the vehicles struck
many panthers. Panthers even got hit and killed when they crossed a street when the red light was on.
Drivers thought there was no one crossing the street so they rushed passed the crosswalk even when the
red light was on. Hundreds of panthers got killed or injured.
Lucas gazed down out of his large condo window at panthers getting struck by vehicles, injured panthers
and drivers, and heard the people’s screaming and cries. He laughed wildly. Lucas’s intention of making
people wear his panther clothing, going out at night into the streets,and many of them being struck by
vehicles had come to true. He did this because he was evil.
The Factory
“Let us out!” A man yelled. “Let us out! Please!” This man was surrounded by many, many people.
Millions. They too were screaming; screaming to be let out. You see all of these people were stuck in a
pen. The pen surrounded by a giant fence. Additionally, all of these people were naked.
The man knew what was going to happen to him and all the people. He knew that there many pens
scattered across the world. The oceans had been dried up so now there pens on what was once the sea. He
knew deep down that know how much they begged, pleaded, and cried; they would never be free. They
were all going to die.
He looked at his people. Like him, there were dirty, afraid, naked, and doomed. He saw that there people
of different colours, ages,sexuality. Yet, there were all humans. And like all humans, they would be
killed. But he wondered when everyone else and him was going to die. He wished that it would be a long
time till everyone else and him died. He feared death.
Soon, it was feeding time. From the ceiling, out of rotating hoses, green mush with little bits of red
sprayed and descended unto the ground. Immediately, the people started eating this mush; they licked off
their bodies. This green mush did not come from earth and was not created by humans; it was created
by...aliens. Yes,aliens. The mush they made could make those who ate gain weight quickly. It was them
who kept the humans penned up like cattle and fat; they intended to eat the humans. After a long period
time of eating, water was sprinkled down on the humans so that it could remove the mush from their
bodies and so that they could drink it.
These aliens did not understand English or any other earthling language. When a human spoke, it sound
alien to them; like hearing a cow moo. They saw humans as animals. They were big so they had a lot of
meat on to eat. And there was so many humans to eat.
The man was no sleeping. He curled himself up into a little ball. He had been crying at the fact that he
was going to die. Mostly, he would cry himself to sleep. Like most people did. When somebody cried,
there was no mocking; empathy and pity was felt for the crier.
The man, he missed his wife and two children; a boy and girl. They had separated by the aliens many
years ago. His children must have been grown and then eaten. He hoped they were still alive. And he
wished to meet them; oh but no, that would never happen.
And his wife, he hoped that she hadn’t been raped. For you see,the aliens needed to produce more
humans so they had created machines; these machines had penis-shaped bottle-like contraptions that
squirted out human sperm. Humans called them sperm squirters. The women would be held down on their
backs by bird of prey feet-like machines so they could not escape or squirm. Then, a sperm squirter would
shove itself up the woman’s vagina very hard and squirted sperm. Women did not enjoy this. Also, as
long as the women were in a state that they could have babies; they were squirted inside with a sperm
squirter. So a girl as young as fourteen could be squirted.
Suddenly, one of the gates to the pen slid open. “Wake up!” called a woman. “The gate has opened, the
gate has opened.
“What?!” the man replied in confusion.
“The gate!” she was pointing at it. “It has opened. The man looked at it. She was right.
“No…” The man was unlucky to be near this gate. He had always tried to stay away from gates. But he
was unlucky to fall asleep near one. He had forgotten to stay away from a gate. If you’re near a gate, you
had to come out. Most humans struggled to stay at the center of the pen. Aliens got humans out of the
center by using a hose that sprayed hot water.
Although the gate had been opened, no dared to escape from their pen. In front of the gate, there were
severalaliens. These aliens were huge, green, they had two oval shaped silver eyes, they had one
antennaes on top of their heads, vertical shaped mouths and they had pincers near their mouths, long
arms, they had bird of prey-like feet, and smooth skin. They wore red suits, and there were those who
carried guns while others carried rod with electricity at the tip. These guns shot rays and could shoot very
quickly; like a machine gun. A quick shooting gun could kill humans quickly. And those electrical rods;
there purpose was to shock the humans so they could keep moving forward.
The aliens entered into to the pen. The aliens with the rods shocked humans to move forward, out of the
gate. Humans learned this so they walked out of the gate; including the man. Any weak,old, or humans
that refused to follow the aliens orders were shot to death. Humans that were killed in a way that was not
part of the process to turn them into food were thrown into a crematorium; the fire turned the corpses into
The man heard the aliens speak in their own language. It was a language of clicks. He couldn’t understand
their language; like all humans. Though, the aliens were click quickly and loudly. The man knew that the
aliens were telling the humans to move quickly to their destination.
The humans were forced by the aliens to march in a straight path in a pathway. The pathway was made
out of walls, and on each pathyway, there aliens wielding rods and guns. The aliens forced the humans to
run. The man was now running.
As the man ran, he remembered the time when the aliens invaded the earth. They came in giant ships that
brought destruction to places and people. The man remembered that day; his family and him were
terrified like other people.
A war had been fought between the aliens and the humans. It had been a short war. The aliens had won it
because of their advanced technology and many aliens. The man had been a British soldier in the war.
The last time he saw his family was when he had been sent to fight in the war. Facing and shooting the
large aliens scared him. It felt like to him, the humans were David while aliens were Goliath. But unlike
David, they didn’t defeat Goliath. He remembered being captured; he felt weak. He still feels weak.
Humans had been forced by the aliens to remove their clothes and put in pens that been built very quickly.
Then the earth was turned into the horrible place of humans being The man had been put in his pen for so
many years. He also tried to remain deep in a pen; hiding among the people. But now he was marching
towards his death. Approaching him was a tunnel. He did not what was inside. But whatever was inside
meant death.
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse
Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse

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Short Stories; I, Mimic Octopus-Man/Kevin Leal Joseph Galasinao, The Good Orthodox Trotskyist/TradeUnionSupportingCommunistAndAnti-EvilEconomicSystemsPosadist,CanPredictTheFutureAndSeeDifferentUniversesInTheMultiverse

  • 1. The Turtles In a tropical islandof monsters,aheavyrain,inthe form of hotdogs, pouredthroughoutthe land.It penetratedintothe groundlike howamanbeatsa drumwithhissticks.Twogroups livedoneachside of the island.The leftside wasalandof meadow anditwas made up of the extroverts.Theycalledtheir landExExEx.Theywere aggressive andlovedsports.Theyalsowere nude.Why?Well theirnuditywas saidto letall theirsinsescape fromtheirsinful flesh.Of course,nuditywasreallylegaltoobserve the prettynude women. The govermentwastolitarian.Theirleaderwasthe DictatorThadeusMahoney.He was the largestof all the extrovertsandcouldbreathe fire.He couldbreathe fire becausehe hadsex withadragon.The dragon's pussyjuice went inside throughhispenisandintohisthroat.Moreover,he hadhuge muscles,a glisseningbody,andsoftdarkcurlyhair. Hisiriseswere orange.Andhisfavouriteelementwasfire. Thadeuswoke upfrombedaftera nightof passionwithfiftywomentothe diamondbalconyof his palace.He was nude butno one cared. The menadmiredhisbodywhile the womenlustedoverit. Belowthe balcony,youcouldsee hisballsandpenis.Theirhuge andsmooth.Notasingle wasonthem. Thadeushadthe hairshavedsothat the womenhe made lovedwithcouldrubtheirfacesthroughhis private areawithoutfeelingdisruptedbyhairrubbingroughlyagainstthem. The right side of the islandlivedthe introverts.The landthere consistedof Unlike the extroverts,they were veryshyand kind.Artisticandintelligent.Theyalsowore clothestokeepthemselveswarm.Nudity made themfeel insecure abouttheirbodies. The Fourth Reich Page 1 1.1 Hitlerisinhisbunker.The Russiansare in Berlin. Hitler:DamnRussians! 1.2 The Russiansare enteringBerlins. 1.3 A Russian:We will winthiswarand bringpeace to the world! 1.4 A Russianflagisbeingplacedona Berlinbuilding. 1.5
  • 2. The Nazi swastikaisbeingblownup. 1.6 Nazi soldiersare gettingkilled. 1.7 Nazi soldiers are retreating. A Nazi soldier:Retreat!We have lostthe war! 1.8 Damn youHitler!Youhave brought bloodshedandmiserytoGermany! Page 2 2.1 We have to keepfighting,we have tokeepfighting!We have to!I will notlose tothe Communists,to Stalin!We mustsaidin more reinforcements!Thenwe’ll win. My Furher!We can’t! The Russiansoutnumberus!Andthe morale amongyourfightersisweaknow! We have lo- 2.2 Don’tsay we lost! 2.3 Everybody,myownpeople isweak!Youcan’tevenwin!Youlostthe firstwar,now you’ll thisone as well!We’ll be exterminatedonce were putontrial!Andthisnationwill be… 2.4 Infectedonce againbythe Jews… 2.5 Losers!Everyone inGermanyare losers! 2.6 We have lost… 2.7
  • 3. I had plansto make Germanygreaterand to rule the worldwithanironfistthus bringinggloryand peace to the world.Butnow…mydreamsare gone. I have wokenuptothis cruel harshreality. 2.8 I’mgoingto kill myself.If I’mgoingtodie,I’ll use myownhands.Idon’tany inferiorSlavstodoit andfor my corpse to be put ina glass coffinandusedtoentertainpeople like the bodyof Lenin. Page 3 3.1 Eva, mywife,will youdie withyourhusband. Yes mylove. The HybridZoo Page 1 Panel 1.1 Adonisisdrivinghiscar. My name isAdonis.I’m biracial;I’mhalf blackandhalf white. Myfatherwas blackand mymotherwas white. 1.2 Adonis’caris goingforwardto the zoo. I’mgoingto the zoo.I like animalssoIwantto see them. 1.3 Adonisislookingatmonkeys. 1.4 Adonisislookingnilecrocodiles. 1.5 Adonisislookingat tapirs. 1.6 Adonisislookingatmeekrats. 1.7
  • 4. Adonisislookingatplatypus’ 1.8 Adonislookssurprised. For a while,Icontinuedtoobserve the zoo’smanyanimals.ThenIcame acrossan animal that really interested me. Page 2 2.1 A ligerisseen. Thisanimal wasa newadditiontothe zoo. 2.2 Afterreadingfromthe animalsdescription,Irealizedthatitwas a liger. A mix betweenalionanda tiger. More specifically,amix betweenamale lionanda female tiger. 2.3 The ligerisseenagain. A ligerislargerand strongerthana lionand tiger. There are alwaysdebatesonwhatwouldwinina fight.A lion?Or a tiger? If you throwa ligerintothat battle,the ligerwoulddominate boththe lionand the tiger. 2.4 Adonisissmiling. Afterobservingthe ligerfora longer(Iobserveditlongerthanthe previousanimals;manyminuteshad passed),Irealizedthatthe ligerhadbecome myfavourite animal. 2.5 Adonisislyinginbed;he’ssmiling. In bed,Ikeptthinkingaboutthe liger.Itwasjustan amazinganimal. 2.6 Adonisissurprised. The ligerwasa hybridof twoanimals.There mustotheranimal hybrids! Andevenplanthybridsaswell! HeyI’m a hybridas well!A humanhybrid!
  • 5. 2.7 Adonisisyawning. Aaaaaaaaaah! 2.8 It’s11’o clock.It’slate so I bettergo to sleep. 2.9 Adonisissleeping. Page 3 3.1 Pancakeswithmaple syrupare nearAdonis;pieceshave takenoff sothatmeanthe has beeneating them. Also,he’sholdingafork. At breakfast,Ibecame thinkingmore aboutanimal andplanthybrids. A mango-dragonfruithybridwouldtaste delicious. 3.2 Adonisisputtingisforkup inthe air; he’sreallyhappy. ThenI came up witha reallygreatidea. Why don’tI create a zoo of hybridanimals?!Hybridanimalsare sounique thattheydeserve theirown zoo. 3.3 Adonisisdrivinghiscarin a highway. There’salotof grasseverywhere. Later on inthe day, I wentlookingforaplace to buildmyzoo in. 3.4 Adonishasstoppedhiscar; he’souton the side of the highway. Thisplace is perfecttobuildmyzooin. There’ssomuchopenspace to buildin. Andwithsomany people passingthe highway,theywill be able tosee itandvisitin.I’ll have somanyvisitorsinmyzoo. 3.5 Adonis’zooisseen. It’scalledthe HybridZoo. Also,people are enteringandleavingit.
  • 6. Afterthree years,myzooof hybridanimalswasbuilt. Itwasa success. 3.6 Ligersare seen. In the HybridZoo,I had manykindsof hybridanimalslikeligers… 3.7 Grolar bears,hybrids betweengrizzlybearsandpolarbears… 3.8 Camas,hybridsbetweencamelsandllamas… Page 4 4.1 Zebroids,hybridsbetweenzebrasandhorses… 4.2 Wholphins,hybridsbetween false killerwhalesanddolphins… 4.3 Hybridsalamanders,hybridsbetweenbarredtigersalamandersandCaliforniasalamanders… 4.4 Beefalos,hybridsbetween bison anddomesticcattle… 4.5 Iron age pigs,hybrids betweenpigand wildboars 4.6 Coywolves,hybridsbetweenwolvesandcoyotes… . Sheep-goathybrids,hybridsbetween,well obviouslygoatsandsheep… 4.7 Andhybridiguanas,hybridsbetweenlandiguanasandmarine iguanas…
  • 7. Page 5 5.1 A clothiscoveringa cage; Adonisisnearit.His handis onit so that meanshe’sgoingtotake the cloth out. Eventually,Icreatedthe greatesthybridinmyzoo. Ladies,andgentlemen,underthisclothisacage containingmygreatesthybrid.Itisso unique thatyou are goingto be so surprised! 5.2 Adonisistakingthe clothout; the clothisstill coveringthe cage. Behold! 5.3 The cloth isno longercoveringthe cage;it’sonthe groundnow.The hybridinside the cage isa humanzee,ahybridbetweenahumanand a chimpanzee. The Humanzee!A hybridbetweenahumananda chimpanzee! 5.4 The audience isverysurprised. 5.5 It’sa male andit ismy son. His name is Sape. I had sex witha female chimpanzeetocreate it.So what do youthink?It’sgreat,huh? 5.6 Adonisisconfused. Hey,howcome nobodyischeeringmyson? 5.7 You createda monster! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
  • 8. You’re sick!You had sex witha chimp! Your son isan abomination! Kill them! 5.8 Uh oh. Page 6 Adonisisunlockingthe cage. 6.2 Adonisisrunningawaywithhisson. 6.3 Adonisisrunningawaywithhissonfromthe angrybloodthirstycrowd. 6.4 Adonisisnearhiscar. 6.5 Adonishasopenedhistruck. 6.6 Adonisisdrivingfarawayfromthe angrycrowd; people are chasingafterhim. 6.7 Sape.I reallywishedwe couldhave broughtyourmother withus. Page 7 Caption Twentyyearslater. 7.1 A boy:What’s that? .2
  • 9. The boy istakingis iPhone out. 7.2 The boy isfilmingwhathe’sseeing. . Sape is oldernow.He’srunningaway. It’ssasquatch! . Sape is nearhiscottage home. . Adonisisseen;he’scarryingdeadrabbits. Son!What’s wrong? Human!Saw me. Thinksme sasqua . Oh,he thinksyou’re sasquatch. Sape,youhave tobe more careful.Thisisyour thirdtime thatpeople have spottedyou.Youcan’t letotherpeople see you.Otherwise,manypeople will come here,findout aboutyou,what I didto create you,and thenwe’ll bothbe in trouble. Will nolongerbe able tolive in peace fromsociety. Page 8 .1 Me sorry dad. Apologyaccepted. .2 Nowlet’sgoinside ourcottage. .3 Adonisisholdingoutthe rabbitstoSape. I’mcookingrabbitstewfor dinner. .4
  • 10. Sape is happy.He has a big grinon hisface and he’sclappingseveral times. Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap! .5 Adonisiswhispering. Don’tclap! People will hearyou. .6 Sape is concernedandwhisperingtoo. Oh,sorry dad! .7 AdonisandSape are walkingbacktotheircottage. Caption The End The Red TailedHawk As I wassurfingthe neton mylaptop,I decidedtolookupthe newsinCanada. Since Ino longer watchedthe Canadianmainstreamnewsandwasmore interestedinreallyimportantglobal news(Not infotainment),Iwasn’treallywhatwashappeningmycountry.Unless,itwasreallyimportantlike the pipelinethatwouldbringoil fromAlbertatothe States(Notgoodbecause of possiblespills, environmental issues,anditaffectingpeople negatively) and Harpersayingthathe wouldlike awar withIran.A war like thatwouldbe devastating. I pressedthe newsonthe topof Google andsuddenlybecame surprised. There were several news reportssay that there wouldbe avote on whatthe national birdof Canadashould be. I presseda HuffingtonPostarticle aboutit.Iwas annoyedof the celebritygossip. There wasthe reallystoryof the WilliamandKate givingbirthtotheirbabygirl.It seemslike everybodycaresaboutthisstory.ButI don’t. Anyways,Ireadthe articlesforsome minutesandthenI wasfinished.The tencandidatesof the national birdof Canada,fromlesspopularto mostpopular,were the tundraswan,snow goose,short-billed crow, the snowyowl GreatBlue Heron, Canadianjay,ravencommonloon,the Canadageese,andthe redtailedhawk. The Canadagoose and redtailedhawkas candidateswaspopular. Onlyone of these birdswouldbe Canada’snational bird.The winnerwouldbe chosenonJuly1st ,CanadaDay.
  • 11. Thisstory excitedme.Canada,mycountrywouldhave anational bird.Iwonderedwhatitshould.Ihad twochoicesfor the national bird,the Canadagoose or the redtailedhawk.Ihad the needto thinkabout thisdecisionsoIclosedmylaptop,got up,and beganthinking. AnotherreasononwhyI had gottenupwas because Ihad a pressure sore onmyleftbuttcheek.Itwas bigand sore.I knewthatit was bigbecause Ifeltit(Yes,I feltmybuttcheek) andwheneverIsat,itgot sore.Because I gotsore,I had to constantlystandandmove around. Sometimes,Iwouldturnonthe radioto listentomusic. I had beganthinkingabout mydecisiononwhetherthe goose orthe hawkshouldbe Canada’snational bird.I’dlike the geese asthe national birdbecause mycountry’sname,Canada,waspart of its name,it’s foundthroughoutCanada,andit’swell knownbyCanadians. Butthe disadvantagesinmyopinionto havingas the national birdwasthat itpoopeda lot,it crashesintoplanes,andit’sa birdthat getspicked on,in otherwordsit getseatenby predators. On the otherhand,the red tailedhawkdoesn’tgetpickedon,itpicksonothers,inotherwordsitkills and eatsotheranimals. It’sstrongand toughbird,itstail containsredand red ispart of Canada’sflag, thisbirdflyinginthe skyrepresentsfreedom(Evenif Canadaisfacingissueswithfreedom),andit’s foundalmosteverywhere inCanada(It’snotfoundinNunavut). Thenagain,it’snotreallyaCanadian bird;it’smore like a NorthAmericanbirdanddo we reallywanta killerasour national bird.A birdthat killsandeatsotheranimals. Aftermuchthinking,Idid’tknow whatbirdtopick. Soon,it wasJuly1st , a Saturday and the dayon whichthe national birdof Canada wouldbe chosen.Even thoughmuch time hadpassedsince December,Istill hadnoideawhatthe national birdwouldbe. Ihad learnedduringthe previousmonthsthatthe national birdwouldbe chosenin2p.m. There hadbeena vote overwhatthe birdshouldbe.Ireallywantedtoknow whatthe national birdwouldbe. As time passed,Igotout of bed,wentdownstairs,andmade myself acrunchypeanutbutterand marmalade sandwichandcoffee forbreakfast.Ihadlearnedtomake coffee inJanuary.Itookvanillaout of the fridge andpoureditintomy coffee. Atthatpoint,Igot on my kneesandprayedtothe Lord for my food.Then,Igot up and broughtmyplate containingmysandwhichandcupof coffee upstairstomy bedroom. AfterI wasdone eating,Imoveda little bitaroundbecause Iwasgoingto sita while readingbooks.Idid that once I was done.AsI readbooksby Shakespeare,poetrybyT.S.Elliot,andthe BhagavadGita,I was entertainedandIlearnedalot.But thenthere where timeswhere Iwantedtogetup.Aftertwohours,I got up to domy hour longexcercies.Iwoulddomoveslikeliftweights,runthirtytimes,anddoa six step(A breakdance move). Iturnedonthe radio to listentodifferentkindsof musiclike Jazzandnew rock while Inexcerciesed.Listeningtofastmusicmade me hypersobeingthatway gave me the strengthandenergyto excercise.Once Iwasfinished,Icontinuedreadingmybooksandpoetry. Whenit wasalmost,twelve o’clock,Ihearfootstepsheadingupthe stairs.Iknew thatpersongoingup was mygrandmother(InFilipino,grandmotherispronouncedaslolaandlolaispronouncedaslow-la). She knockedonthe door so I openedit. Ihad lockeditbecause Idon’twantanybodygoinginside my
  • 12. room suddenly. She hadcurlyhairwaswearingacheckereddress;itwaswhite andblue.Also, she was holdingaplate of my lunch.It wasfriedrice withhotdogs. A spoonwas throughthe rice. “Here’syourfood,”she replied.See,I’malsogivingyourfoodbutyouralwaystellingme togo away.” She saidthiswhile makingherrighthandgo ina goinga awaypositionbythrustingherpalmandarm sidewaysinthe air. “Sorry,lola.”I replied. “Thanksforthe food. ThenItook myfood,wentto mytable,sat nearit,and ate my food. Itwas goodand I likedhowhotitwas. Once I had consumedmymeal,Ibroughtit downto the sinkand gotmyself asnack. My snack wascorn flakeswithmilk. AfterIwasdone eating,Ibroughtmy plate withthe spooninside ittothe kitchensick. From 12 somethingto2 something,Ispentmytime readingmy booksandat timesgotto exercise after sittingtwomuch.Whenit 2 something(After2:00),I broughtmylaptopfrom the bedand intothe table. Since itwas aftertwoo’ clock,that meantthat Canada’snational birdhadbeenchosen.Iwas excitedto knowthe results. I openedmylaptop,typedGoogle inthe searchbar(I had an internetscreenon),andtyped“Canada’s newnational bird”inthe searchengine.IsuddenlylearnedthatCanada’snational birdwas…the red tailedhawk. Huh,the U.S. hasthe baldeagle asitsnational bird,Mexicoeitherhasthe goldeneagle as itsnational bird(Ithink).WhatI meanis thatCanada and these otherNorthAmericancountrieshave birdsof prey hastheirsymbols.It’slike were connectedinthatway. Wasthispossible because North Americamaybecome the NorthAmericanUnion?Idon’tknow. It was SundaymorningandI wastakingmy usual walksinthe HumberValley.Rightnow,Iwaswalking ina large field.Inthisfield,there were signsaboutbirdsinthe HumberValley.Ittalked aboutthe bird specieslike atype of owl. Ilookedupat the clear blue skyandto my surprise Isaw a redtailedhawk soaringhighabove me.I sawthe rustyredunderneathitstail of feathers.Itlookedmajesticandfree flying.There were nolimitstohowfar itcouldgo as it flied.Itwaslikeditcouldsoarand soar andnever gettired.AsI watchedthisraptor, I realizedthatthe redtailedhawkistrulythe rightbirdto be the national birdof Canada. Fish out of Water Page 1 1.1 Fish are seen; there looking up. 1.2 Up there,beyond our waters,there is a place called Land. 1.3
  • 13. What’s it like it land? 1.4 None of us know, little one. We’ve spent all of our lives in this lake. Only those who have been captured by land dwellers no but… 1.5 They’ve never returned. They could have been… 1.6 Little one, it’s dangerous up there in land. It is wiser for us to stay down here where it’s safe. 1.7 I want to go up there one day. .All of the fish are surprised. What?! Why?! It dangerous?! To you want to die?! 1.8 Grandpa…I’m afraid but…it’s so interesting up there. But your safety, your peace. Page 2 2.1 I’ll be fine. 2.2 Narrator:One day, a nuculear power plant owner by the name of Fred Ted came up with an idea involving the lake. FT: This lake. It’s so big, beautiful, and full of life. 2.3 It’s a perfect place for me to dump my chemicals. 2.4 It’s also a great place to dump Willfield’s garbage in. I’ll tell the Mayor that. She’ll be thrilled. 2.5
  • 14. And so chemicals and garbage were dumped into the lake. 2.6 The leake is seen underneath; therr’s garbage everywhere. Though the lake had become polluted, the aninmals didn’t die. 2.7 Chemicals are seen. The chemicals… 2.8 A city of the animals are seen. Had made them intelligent. Good Kevin and Bad Kevin So back in grade 8, I wasn’t the only person named Kevin. My classmate had the name Kevin too. I was Kevin Galasinao and he was Kevin Kany (It’s pronounced Kan- nuy and I don’t know it’s truly spelt so I’ll just say is last name is Kany). Anyways, during the school year, he became a student in my school, St. Andrew Catholic school. In my school, I had social anxiety so I rarely talked to anyone. Though people talked to me. But due to my anxiety, I never made any realfriends. I was lonely. I remember early in the school year that I let these students, Trian and Daniel poke my neck severaltimes. In didn’t tell them to stop. I just let them do it. Why? I don’t know. I should tell you things about Trian and Daniel. Let’s start with Trian. He was light skinned (I’m unsure about his race),he had long air, he used to like pro wrestling, and he could draw well. (Him and this Asian girl named Jenny drew anime) He were close at first when I first came to St. Andrew in grade 4 but in time, we drifted apart. But at that time in September we were kind of close. Now let’s talk about Daniel. Well, he’s Guyanese, athletic like Trian, had short black hair, and he was girfted. By gifted, I meant that he was intelligent. He was a smart kid. And he was a bully to me. No the kind of bully whos says insults or fight. Well, then again, he did use insults but not in a loud direct wa. He used it in a sneaky way. It’s hard to put into words. He also convinced me to give him marks when the class was marking each other’s tests. I didn’t like doing it but I was afraid of him so I did it. When Kevin Kany became a St. Andrew student, he became best friends with Trian. Trian was closer with Kevin Kany than he ever was with him. They did things together like play soccer while I was lonely during recess and they talked to one another. My relationship with Kevin Kany was okay but like with Trian, we weren’t close.
  • 15. And my relationship with Trian…declined. There came a point when he was fed up with my shyness. During a Fully Alive (Things about reproduction and life) unit, when a shy smart boy was described. Trian said that the boy should have join clubs. He stared at me while he said. He was talking about me. I felt so confused. His face was cold, distant, and anger. I felt his emotions towards me. They were negative. Then in time, he confronted me about my shyness, he told me that there were people in class who wanted to be my friend but that I had to talk. He suggested that I talk. But despite his advice, I made no effort to socialize with my peers. After Saturday class (this class was for Confirmation) was over, I walked back home. Far away in front of me, I saw Trian and Kevin Kany walking together. At that moment, I realized how alone I was. Then, the both of them turned their heads towards me. They were looking at me. They probably felt sorry for me. Secessionist Spring Page 1 1.1 The map of Scotland is seen. N: In 2013, there was a referendum on whether Scotland would get to be its own country. 1.2 Votes are seen. This shows how many people accept or disapprove of Scottish independence. Many people approve of it. N: Many people supported Scottish independence so Scotland got to be its own country. 1.3 The world is seen. Scotland’s independence sparked the independence movements throughout the world. 1.4 People going to the polls. In order to gain independence, people went to the polls for their regions to be free. 1.5 Other people held mass protests. 1.6 While others turned to terrorism. 1.7
  • 16. Or formed military groups. 1.8 After many years of the secessionist spring, there were certain regions that obtained independence. Page 2 2 Politics Page 3 3.1 Page 4 Europe Page 5 Wales The flag of Wales is seen. The map of Wales is seen. Wales coloured on the world is seen. The crest of Wales is seen. Facts Government: Democracy Capital: Currency: Motto: The country that it was a part of -The United Kingdom Page 6 Guerny Page 7
  • 17. Isle of Man Page 8 Jersey Page 9 Cornwall Page 10 Crimea Page 11 Carpathian Ruthenia Page 12 Jura Page 13 Samia Page 14 Scania Page 15 Basque Country Page 16 The Kingdom of Navarra Page 17 The Republic of Catalonia Page 18 Val d’Aran Page 19 The Balearic Islands Page 20
  • 18. Asia Oceania The Middle East Africa South America North America Religious Sexuality Dissolvy the Saltman Page 1 1.1 Frosty the Snowman is running the welcome to Adorville. One day, Frosty the Snowman decided to play with the children of Adorville, a small Canadian town. 1.2 F: I hope these children adore me. 1.3 Frosty is in Adorville. Now to find the- 1.4 Wait a second! There’s no snow in this town. 1.5 Huh, why not? 1.6 Frosty! A kid! 1.7
  • 19. Hey little gitl! How About you a- 1.8 Shhhhhh! Page 2 2.1 Hey? Why did you tell me to shush? That’s not nice. 2.2 I’m sorry, Frosty. It’s just that you’re in trouble. 2.3 How am I in trouble. I feel safe. 2.4 Somebody is trying to kill you. Who’s trying to kill me? Meeeeee! 2.5 Dissolvy the Saltman! I’m trying to kill you, Frosty the Snowman! 2.6 Killing is wrong. Wait a second, if you’re a saltman, that means you’re made out of salt. So- 2.7 I dissolved the snow in this stupid cheery, or once cheery, town. 2.8 I killed the snow! Page 3 3.1 And like snow, I’m going to kill you, snowman.
  • 20. 3.2 How about me and you become frie- 3.3 Dissolvy has touch Frosty’s stomach. Aaaah! 3.4 Hurts! Doesn’t it? 3.5 Dissolvy is touching Frosty severaltimes with his fingers. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 3.6 All of the children: Frosty! 3.7 Frosty is on his knees. 3.8 Why do you want to hurt me? What did I ever do to you, Dissolvy? Page 4 4.1 I feela lot of pleasure in killing the snow! 4.2 Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah! 4.3 I am one sadistic fuck! 4.4 There’s a spinning tornado of salt on Dissolvy’s right palm. Now die!
  • 21. 4.5 All of the children are pushing Dissolvy away from an injured Frosty. 4.6 You little brats! 4.7 The girl has kicked Dissolvy’s head; there’s tears in her eyes. 4.8 The girl: Run Frosty! Page 5 5.1 Frosty is flying away; he’s in his snow form and his hat in top of the snow. 5.2 Dissolvy is making himself go back to his body form. 5.3 All of the children are running away. 5.4 I’m going to kill all of you! 5.5 The children are running; Dissolvy, who’s in his salt form, is above the children. Page 6 6.1 Dissolvy has gone in front of the children. 6.2 Dissolvy is spinning around the children. 6.3 Dissolvy’s face has appeared in front of children.
  • 22. If I can’t kill Frosty, I’ll kill all of you! 6.4 Salt is going inside of the children. 6.5 All of the children have fallen down; they’re dead. 6.6 Dissolvy is coming out of each of the children; he’s forming his body. 6.7 Dissolvy is looking up at the sky. I’ll kill you one day, Frosty. United It was Wednesday afternoon. About 2:05 p.m. I was in middle school, in my grade 7 fourth period art class, working on my third and final art project, well not the final but the final of three art projects. The projects consisted of graphic novels. I had created the plot and drew it as well. The plots were okay. The project was about the Santa’s elves as slaves, the second one was about God created the universe, and the third one was about the personifications of countries and the theme was about World War I or as I called it in the comic,the Great War. The story took place before World War II so they called World War I the Great War. Anyways, I had finished the previous graphic novels and now I was working on the final one. I just had to draw the comic, colour the comic, and draw over the characters,panels, bubbles, and words with 8B pencil. The 8B pencil produced a darker writing so I needed it to create a darker outline. Right now, however, I needed to draw. I had a printed copy of the script so that I could draw the characters and the plot. Hmm, I still have too much work. If I don’t finish, I’ll have to work on it during the Christmas break. Weak. Currently, I was drawing the opening page. But I didn’t have any idea what the Austro-Hungarian flag looked like so I typed the name “Austro-Hungarian flag” on the google image search engine. As soon as I pressed the enter button, I got many pictures of the flag. As I drew slowly (The graphic novel had to look nice), I realized that the Austro-Hungarian Empire was the combination between the countries of Austria and Hungary. But not just a combination but an empire as well. Suddenly, my imagination produced a thought. What if Canada and America were combined like that empire. Not in the common idea that Canada is apart of the U.S. or more specifically, its provinces and territories are apart of the U.S. No, what if these two nations were merged together to become one country? The flag would be merged and so would the name. Would this united country’s name be Cano- America or Americo-Canada? I wanted to this about this idea but since I had work, I decided to think about it after school.
  • 23. It was 3 something. I had come from school. I was in my bedroom pacing and thinking about the idea of Canada and America being one country. I loved that idea. I just so interesting. Then I decided to come up with the name of this country. What should it be? Does the name “America” go first or the name “Canada?” Well, I need to use reason. What sounds better? Americo-Cana. Um,should I cut the names of Canada and America? You know, instead of saying America or Americo, just say America. And instead of saying Canada or Canado, just say Cano. Like saying Austro instead of Austria. All right, I’ll make the names of the Canada and America short with the o at the end of them. But still don’t know what the name of the united country should be. I continued to think about this idea. After much thinking and reason, I finally came up with an idea for the name. I decided to call this united country, Amero-Canada. You’d think since I was Canadian, I would name the country “Cano-America.” But I chose Amero- Canada because it sounds better and it’s similar to the name of Austro-Hungary. (Ameron and Austro both start with a capital a) Also, this united country of Canada and America would most likely be called the name I’ve chosen because America is more influential and powerful than Canada. Because of that,I have a feeling that the name of America would be first. All right I have chosen the name. But I have to consider and answer other questions to this fictional nation. Like what should the flag look like? What will the national animal be? What will the currency be called? I decided to come up with flag of Amero-Canada. I –wait a second. Amero is in the name of the united country. That’s bad because there’s another definition involving Amero. Amero is the currency of the nation that is to come, the North American Union. The North American Union is bad because it threatens the sovereignty of the nations who are said going to be a part of it, Canada,the U.S.,and Mexico. More to come, the North American Union is part of the NWO’s (New World Order’s) plan. Now, I need to come up with name again. Weak. I was looking forward to drawing and colouring the flag. At least I know that America’s name or a name similar to it will be first. So what should the name be? Americo-Canada or America-Canada? I thought about this question. The Garbage Men A forty year old African American man was sitting in his comfy chair. His name was Ervan Pierce. Ervan was wearing a blue sweater,tan jeans, and chestnut brown shoes. Even though it was Thursday, he was at home because it was his day off. His other day off was tomorrow; a Friday. He had a two day break that changed every one month. He worked as a cleaner at an airport. Ervan was waiting, waiting for his daughter to arrive home from school. He was furious with her. He had learned that his eleven year old daughter, Nashawn,had been doing something wrong. Something forbidden in the society that Ervan lived in. Something that was evil. She had been… reading books. During the afternoon around 1:00 o clock, he had been cleaning his daughter’s room. He vaccumed the dust in the floor, washed the windows, and put his daughter’s dirty clothes into the laundry bin. Then, decided to take the mattress out of his daughter’s bed. He figured that it could use a good cleaning. First, he removed his daughter’s pillows and blanket by putting them on the floor. Then he pulled the cover of
  • 24. the bed out and put it in the floor as well. As he pulled the white mattress towards him, he suddenly became surprised and horrified. On his daughter’s bed were loads of literature like novels, collections of short stories, graphic novels, poerty, and books about the corruptions in society. These literatures had authors like Plato, Shakespeare,George Orwell, Alan Moore, and Chris Hedges. “Oh my!” he suddenly started pacing in panic. “My daughter’s been reading? Why? Why? Why? Why?!” the man questioned furiously? “Why did you hide these books from me! Where did you get them?!” In Ervan’s society, books were illegal. You see Ervan lived in a totalitarian America. Due to an economic crisis, the U.S. government had collapsed. So there was chaos in the entire nation. Eventually, a fascist party took over. So in one of the nations’, so called ways to help itself was to ban books, make books illegal. They said that books taught people to do bad things. For example, they’ve stated that if someone reads Catcher in the Rye, a mentally ill person who has read that whole novel will go out and kill people. Just like how Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon. With fear in his mind, he suddenly threw all the books in the ground. Books were open and there were open books lying on bent paper. Ervan went out. Soon, he appeared with a large black garbage bag. He bent down with it and immediately starting all of the literature into the bag. And then he tied the bag up by making a loop at the bag’s entrance. He ran out of the room. “I need the matches! I need the matches!” His intention was to burn the literature with matches. He went downstairs into the kitchen. He opened a cabinet and took a tan box of matches out. Suddenly, he ran back upstairs to his daughter’s room to retrieve the bag. Ervan was in his garden holding a match and a match box. On the green grass, lay the bag of literature. It was covered with gasoline. Gasoline could make fire spread quickly. He scraped the match against the striking surface. A quick scraping sound was made. Now there was fire on the match. Just as Ervan was about to drop the match, he suddenly realized what would happen if somebody spotted him, his neighbors, with the books. Or smoke from the fire burning the books. They might report the literature he possessed and he’ll get in trouble. Or his daughter will get in trouble. After all, the literature was hers. Quickly as he could, he put all of the literature into the bag once again. His right hand, which he used to hold the bag, was now covered with gasoline. Once all of the literature was inside, he ran to the garden shed, opened it, and went inside. The shed was filthy and full of cobwebs. It also contained black garbage of Ervan and his wife’s possesions like an old Christmas tree. And garden tools as well like shovels. Ervan considered burying the bag of literature. But he figured that if people were too search for the literature, they would notice a buried brown hole in his green garden. Instead he just removed a bunch of black bag to the left side and to the right side. He placed the bag unto the cold dusty ground. Moreover, he pushed the bags on each on top of the bag of literature. He stood up and looked at the bags. The bag of literature blended in with the other bags. If anyone were to search for the literature, they wouldn’t tell if it were hidden here.
  • 25. Ervan heard the sound of the door being unlocked and then footsteps being made. His daughter, Nashawn, was home. She wore glasses for she was blind. And she was wearing her school uniform, a navy blue dress that started at the neck (So no cleavage would be shown) and reached near the ankles. Moreover, she was a smart and shy girl. She didn’t have many friends due to her shyness. Nashawn took of her school shoes depressed. She hated school. Today, she had made fun of by some popular students. They had called her loser and loser. Because of that,she ran to a bathroom stall and cried. But in order to cheer herself, she was going to continue reading “The Taming of the Shrew.” As soon as Nashawn walked past the living room, her father yelled out to her, “Nashawn!” She suddenly became frightened and stopped. She wondered why he had yelled at her. Nashawn went into the inside of the living room slowly. Like a scared red fox trying to eat food from a human holding it. “Yes,dad?” she said. “Where did you get all that literature!” he yelled. “What litera-“ “Don’t lie to me!” “I was cleaning your room and under your mattress,I saw that you had loads of literature!” Tears began forming on Nashawn’s eyes. She had become really upset. “I-I’m sorry dad.” “Where did you get this literature!” “Uncle Charles.” “Uncle Charles!” Ervan began pacing once again in panic. He wondered his own brother would expose his little girl to literature. Evil, evil literature. Literature, which corrupts the mind and causes people to act evil. Then he realized that if his brother gave the literature, that meant it was his. He read literature. His mind was corrupted and he thought he was evil now. But he couldn’t have been evil, he hadn’t seen him act that way. Ervan turned back to his daughter. He was less angry now but his fear remained. “Leshawn,” he said. “Why did your uncle give you the literature? Tell me.” “It’s because,” she replied.” he said that literature can increase your vocabulary, it’s good for your imagination. it can entertain you, it helps you cope with loneliness; you can spend hours just reading and reading. And it can teach you about things like war,death, tyranny, and love. I can relate to the literature. I can relate to it with my pain, the totalitarian government, and the lack of love in society.” She wiped the tears away from her face. “Leshawn…” her father said but the stopped. He suddenly realized that his daughter was suffering. He immediately lost his anger, ran up to her, and hugged his little girl. His little girl hugged him back. Ervan stroked the Leshawn’s braided hair slowly to comfort her. “Don’t worry, life gets better.” “No dad,” she replied. “That saying, “life gets better” is just a myth.
  • 26. Before Ervan could reassure his daughter that it was true that life got better, he heard knocking on the door. It was loud, quick, and hard. “Open up,” a man’s voice yelled. “We know you have litter-rature!” He suddenly became filled with fear. He knew who was at the door. It was the garbage men. Ervan opened the front door and he saw five garbage men. One garage man was in the front (he was the leader) while two garbage men were on each of his side. The garbage men on the left were in a downright diagonally while the other garbage men on the right in a down left diagonally. They were all in a v formation; they resembled migrating Canadian geese. Moreover all of the garbage men behind the front garbage men each held a black garbage bag and black garbage bin with wheels. The garbage men looked like regular garbage men. These garbage men were wearing green suits that covered their upper and lower body. There caps were green as well. They also wore black gloves and boots as well. But though the garbage men of Ervan’s society looked like garbage men. Their work was different from real garbage men. For you see,the work of the garbage men of Ervan’s society was not to throw away garbage, now it was to throw away literature. The garbage men referred to literature as litter-rature. Litter meaning garbage. They intended to equate literature with garbage. Make people realize that literature is garbage. “Ervan Pierce!” the lead garbage man said loudly. “We have learned that you have litter-rature in your home. Hand it to us!” “I don’t what you’re talking about,” he replied. “You must be mis-“ The garbage leader pushed Ervan assigned and with his right hand. He gestured his garbage men to come inside the house. Their intention was to look for the litter-rature. Garbage men didn’t warrants,they could enter into people’s homes if they wanted to. The five garbage men looked everywhere in the Ervan’s house for the litter-rature. They looked in places like the living room, the bedrooms, and basement. Yet,they could not find it. As they looked, Leshawn stayed near her father. She was really afraid for the safety of her father,her mother, and herself. Leshawn wondered where her father had hidden her literature. She also hope that the garbage men wouldn’t find it; Ervan hoped this as well. Eventually, the garbage men realized that there’s no litter-rature in the house. “Well men,” the garbage leader said. “We have searched and searched the hose but we haven’t found any litter-rature.” Ervan and Leshawn became happy all of a sudden. They hoped that the garbage men would leave now. “Now,” he continued, “It is time for us to search in the garden. The happiness that Ervan and Leshawn had felt vanished quickly and they felt fear once again immediately. The garbage men were know in the garden. Three garbage men were looking at the ground for a buried hole. A hole containing the litter-rature. The garbage leader and a garbage accompanying headed towards the shed. Ervan stared at the garbage leader and his companion. Then he looked at his frightened daughter, and went back to look at two men. His daughter was in trouble. He felt pity for her and he wanted to help as well.
  • 27. The garbage leader and his companion looked all over the shed. They moved boxes, bags, and other possessions around. They also looked inside the boxes and bags. “That nigger!” the garbage leader said. “He can’t hide the litter-rature from us.” “Yup.” His companion replied. “We’ll find it. I feelsorry for Mr. Pierce’s daughter. Her mind has been corrupted by the litter-rature.” “Don’t worry. She’ll be sent to a citizen school. Then she’ll be normal.” A citizen school was a type of school where you were taught to act like a normal citizen of the Totalitarian America. That is to be social, incapable of thinking critically, obedient, happy, and to be loyal to and love the government and the leader. Eventually, the companion tore open a garbage bag and he suddenly became surprised. “Captain!” the companion said. “I’ve found the litter-rature!” “Good man!” the garbage leader said as he ran towards his companion. The leader was near him now. “Put the bag containing the litter-rature in your bag.” “Okay.” The companion did what he was told. Ervan and his daughter, and the garbage in front of the house now. The bag of bag of litter-rature was in the trash part of the garbage truck. Inside of that part, the litter-rature had been shredded into severaltiny pieces. The pieces were kept because they would be sent to a dump to be recycled. “How did you know that I had the litter-rature?” Ervan said to the garbage captain. “You’re daughter’s teacher.” The garbage captain replied. “She reported that your daughter has been speaking with big words. That’s forbidden! Only the leader and his government officials can speak with big words. The rest of us have to speak mostspeak.” Mostspeak was the vocabulary spoken by the citizens. There were no words of a high vocabulary involved. “Now that we have realized that you Mr. Pierce had litter-rature, you and your daughter shall be sent to a citizen school to become normal citizens. And your wife shall be notified of what will happen to you. And then she’ll be sent to a citizen school as well.” “My wife hasn’t read the literature! I promise you!” “I don’t believe you! If you read and your daughter read; then she must have read as well!” I promise you! She didn’t- “Quiet!” Don’t argue with me! Your wife will still be sent to a citizen school! Now, before you go us, tell me, who gave you the literature.” “I-I didn’t give my daughter the literature. It-It was…” Ervan felt guilty about telling the garbage men that it was really his brother Charles who provided his daughter with the literature. But he didn’t want to go to a citizen school; there was nothing wrong with him. Then again, after what his daughter told him about how books made her happy, he gained the thought that perhaps, literature isn’t bad after all. His
  • 28. daughter had been reading a long time but she didn’t become evil. So maybe her and his brother weren’t evil after all; maybe they just liked reading and reading had truly entertained and helped them. Ervan decided not to tell the garbage men that his brother, Charles, was the provider of the literature to his daughter. If literature made him happy, he didn’t want to betray him by telling the garbage what he did for his daughter. He helped his daughter by helping her read. And if Charles remained a reader and Leshawn and him became book haters then it would be Charles would could teach them that literature was good. Charles would make Leshawn a reader again. And introduce him to literature. “It was some white guy. Ervan said in response to the garbage captain’s question. “He gave them to me in the winter for money. He was wearing a black ski mask, a brown coat, blue jeans, and black boots so I couldn’t tell what he looked like. But I knew that he was white because I saw his white hands. He gave me the litter-rature because he’s trying to corrupt the minds of citizens to destroy America. Being a dumb negro, I thought reading the litter-rature would be fun. Then I let my family read the literature too. ” “Some white guy?” the garbage captain wondered. “Hmmm… “It’s too bad that you two have become litter rats. Litter rats was the garbage men’s version of the word “literate.” Those who were able to read were litter rats in Ervan’s society. “Into the shredder!” Ervan and his daughter went inside the shredder. “It’s a good thing the garbage men don’t have people shredded.” Ervan thought. Suddenly, Leshawn burst into tears. “I’m so sorry dad! I’ve brought you and mom too that brainwashing school! You two don’t deserve to go! Only me and Uncle Charles! Oh dad, I’m scared! I don’t want to change! I don’t want to be like everyone else! I want to be me! I don’t want to be illiterate! I want to read! I like to read.” She buried her wet face on his father’s lap. “Leshawn, you and Uncle Charles don’t deserve to go to a citizen school. The two of you are fine. Even when you were reading. Reading made the both of you smart, it entertained you, and it helped you. Don’t worry Leshawn,uncle Charles will help you, me, and your mom.” He told his daughter why. After doing much work, I told myself to turn off my laptop and exercise while listenining to different kinds of music on the radio. (I needed to burn the fat) I had been colouring my third graphic novel project that I deserved a break. Eventually, I’ll go on my laptop again to write. Screen We watched it. Yes,we watched him. We watched Screen in the form of a television aka TV. It was flat, medium sized, and black. By the way Screen is a living electronic program. Other than coming in the form of televisions, he also came in the form of computers, iPods, cellphones, and other electronic devices. And who’s we? Me, Liang Qin, and my family of course. My family members consisting of my young sister, Sakiya, younger brothers, Chang and Gan, my mother whose real name is Tam, her mother/my grandmother whose name is Machi, and my father whose name is Delun. We Qins are all Chinese- Canadians.
  • 29. So right now, we stood sitting on our couch, a table in front of us containing tray of cheese fries and nuggets and TV in front of us. We were eating a TV meal while watching a very popular show, Canada’s Stars. This show was about talented Canadians performing their talent, be it singing, break dancing, or juggling many balls, in front of a large audience and three judges. The three judges were Paulia, a cheerful brunette; Jordan, an African man who spoke with a gangster accent (He said things like dawg and yo), and Sammy, a cynical British judge. Canada’s Stars was very popular, not just in Canada but throughout the world. A lot of people like it. But not me. I just didn’t really care for what these people did. Talents shows aren’t what I like to watch. Nor anything else that my family watches like reality shows, sports like boxing and football, and fashion shows. I like watching different kinds of shows like drama, action, wrestling, and one about a group of people living in a zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately, my favourite shows weren’t shown much; only on Sunday. Most of the programming that was what my family enjoyed; dumb and fast. Nothing slow and what makes think about things like death and love. On the screen,we watched a young obese man, Terry Gill, sing his heart out. He sang a song called “When You Believe.” This song was sang by some singer in the far past called Josh Gobran, and it was in a 2004 Christmas movie called the Polar Express and it was usually sung in the Christmas season. I knew because of the trivia on the bottom of the screen. It appeared in a long bubble with the title “Triva” appearing on the above center. The trivia was about trivia about things like the songs and the people doing their talents. What he sang was really beautiful. His beautiful voice did not match his ugly appearance. It’s like that old saying, “Don’t judge a show by its title.” I never knew that Doctor Who was a good show until I watched this episode about garbage can-like robots. Their name started with a d. I don’t know the name of the robots; I forgot. Once the Terry was finished singing his song, the entire audience stood up and cheered him. They loved him. Including the two judges. “You have a voice of an angel, Terry,” Paulia said sweetly. “I love you. 10 out of 10.” The crowd cheered her comment and rating. The judges would give a comment whether they loved the person doing the talent and then rate it out of then. “Man, your song was…emotional and beautiful. You’re going places kid, you’re going to be a celebrity! Ten out of ten!” The crowd cheered his comment as well. Now it was time for Sammy to give the final verdict. With most singers, he usually stated that he hated the person’s talent and gave a low rating, usually a one or a two. Because of that, the person would be upset; there were those who cried because of what he said. Sammy had put his right hand under his chin; his right arm was on his left hand. He was thinking about whether he liked Terry and whether he would give him a great rating. We all wondered if he was going to give him a good comment and good rating. If he hated him, he would immediately express his dissatisfaction and give his low rating. “Terry,” Sammy said after much thinking. “Now I don’t say this to a lot of people. You’re singing was very…good.” At once, everyone in the nation watching this program became surprised. “The rating I’m giving you is an eight out of ten.” Suddenly, the crowd cheered Sammy. He rarely got cheered. Then the host, a very handsome young man by the name of Randy Sean explained to the audience. “Did you hear that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls?! Sammy, the judge we all hate, said Terry Fish was
  • 30. very good and he even gave him a good marking. An eight out of ten! He rarely does this!” Randy was just so surprised by what Sammy said and did but then he managed to calm himself down. “Audience of the world, we have had a great show tonight. From the Lizards’ (A breaking dancing group) breakdancing to Jose Hernandez’ sword eating to magic tricks to Terry’s singing and Sammy’s positive response to his singing. Goodnight world!” Suddenly, Screen appeared on the television. He had little green eyes and a green electrical line that was his mouth. It’s moved kind of like Bender’s mouth from Futurama. Bender is this foul mouth male robot who runs on alcohol so he drinks it. “People of the world,” he said in a calm soothing voice, “We have just ended our 4 hour broadcast of Canada’s Stars. I hope you had fun watching it. Tune in next Monday to watch other contestants show their talent to the world. Now tune in for a 30 minute commercial break and then Teens in Trouble at 11:30 p.m.” At that a point, a commercial about BBQ flavoured crispy chips came on it. “I can’t believe it!” Sakiya said. “I know!” Chang said. “Sammy gave him an eight.” “He almost never does that!” Gan replied. “He’s always angry but not this time,” my father said. “And the crowd cheered him! He always get booed. I found myself cheering for him.” “It’s too bad Sammy can’t always give good comments and good ratings to the contestants,” my grandmother said. Everyone except for me agreed with her. “Liang,” my sister said. “What do you think of Sammy’s rare response?” “I don’t really care,” I replied. At once my family became shocked. “You don’t care!” Gan said. “Why not?!” “Yeah, Liang” Sakiya asked. “Sammy’s response was really special.” “I don’t care what he thinks. I’m more interested in Terry’s singing. Why isn’t anyone interested in what he did. Did you all here him? He sounded great. So why don’t we just focus on him. “It’s because Sammy’s response is rare,” my father said. “Yeah,” Chang said. “When’s the last time he called somebody very good?” “Liang,” my mother said. “We all know that Terry sounded great. But there are always talented people like him doing there thing on stage. It’s common. But for Sammy to give a good response to Terry whose very ugly is just rare.” “She’s right,” my grandmother said. “Who knows when Sammy is going to give a good response again. I may not live to see it.”
  • 31. “Well, all of you care about what Sammy said and did but I care more about Terry Gill. He was an underdog. And he poured out his heart when he sang to all of us.” “Oh please,” Chang said. “There are always underdogs like Terry.” “Yup,” Gan said. “Underdogs who are ugly yet talented. But of course there always loved and then forgotten about.” “We’ve all seen these underdogs,” Sakiya said. “But we can only remember a few of them.” “Underdogs are good but not better and more exciting than a cynical judge saying something positive,” my father said. Once again, everybody agreed with my father. “Whatever,” I said. I looked up at the clock; it was about 11:42 p.m. It’s late and I think I’m going to go to sleep.” “But Liang,” Sakiya said. “Teens in Trouble is coming. Ricky slept with his English teacher Mr. Jones. We’re all going to watch it.” “I really don’t like that show,” I replied. “And I don’t care if that happened. Then I addressed my entire family. “Goodnight everybody.” Everybody told me goodnight in response. I got up from the sofa and headed towards my bedroom. Now even if Screen wasn’t on the television. This did not mean could not over hear what was people in the house said. Nor did that prevent him from seeing what the people were doing in his sight. Screen had the insidious job of the oligarchic government to spy on its citizens and to keep the citizens distracted from the world’s problems like Global Warming and a dwindling food supply so that the citizens could not revolt with the government. But unfortunately, there were those who were not so distracted with Screen whether he was a television, computer, or any other electrical equipment. These people thought too much, and did things that did involve Screen like taking a walk, hanging out with friends, hearing lectures, and reading books. Screen and the government did not like these kinds of Screen-less people. In fact,they wanted these people to become like those who watched and used Screen or if they could not be changed eliminated. They wanted these things to occur because they saw the Screen-less people as a threat to the oligarchic government. What if the Screen-less people taught the Watchers (People who watched and used Screen) to do activities not involving Screen? If the Watchers became Screen-less people as well, then Screen-less people will revolt against the oligarchic government. So the oligarchy intended now to either Screen-less people into Watchers or let face execution. Screen’s job was to carry this out. Or too make sure that Watchers who were on the verge of becoming a Screen- less person was to make sure that they remained a Watcher and loved Screen more than they did at the moment. To make sure that the Watcher kept looking at Screen and using Screen. Screen liked to be watched and used, it made him feel special. It hurt him whenever he was ignored. Liang, he was on the verge of becoming a Screen-less person. Unlike his Watcher family, he rarely not watched dumb down happy entertaining programing like Canada’s Stars and Jelly Foo Foo. No, he
  • 32. watched programming that was considered smart and what made you think about things. This kind of programming only came on Sundays. For the oligarchy and Screen didn’t want to create a smart thinking minority. It was bad enough that kind of minority existed. Screen decided that he would make Liang watch him and use him a lot in his different forms. He wanted Liang to love him like the majority. But if he could not convince Liang to do what he desired, then he would have the teen executed. Black Panther-Like All right, I’m wondering. So you see how there was a “Black Panther Party for African-Americans? The Black Panther Party being a revolutionary socialist organization from 1960s to the early 1980s which had involvement for Black Power and U.S. politics. Well, what if there were other Black Panther-Like organizations for other groups of people based on their unique quality like their race,religion, sexuality, and personality? I’m going to come up with possible organizations. Okay, we’ll have an organization called “The Red Wolves” for Aboriginals/Native Americans. Next, we’ll have an organization called “The Yellow Eyelash Vipers.” (The name may be feminine but the animal is cool) Also, we’ll have an organization for homosexuals called “The Rainbow Trouts” (Hmm, the name “trout” doesn’t fit with a group of homosexuals because of how masculine it sounds but the animal does because of how bright and beautiful it is; it’s name also contains “rainbow.” More to come, we’ll have an organization for Muslims called “The Muslim Scorpions.” More to come, we’ll have an organization for women called “The Pink Dolphins.” Finally, we’ll have an organization for introverts called “The Introvert Turtles” The logo of that organization will be a green sea turtle. Though, are having Black Panther-like parties for different groups of people good? Monsters In the United States,there are enemies that the country faces; ranging from countries to dictators to groups of people, including dissidents of the U.S. Dissendents who do not approve the totalitarian government of the U.S. and its atrocities commited abroad and at home. These enemies are called by Monsters by the government and the citizens. It is said that these monsters want to destroy America’s freedom and their savage beliefs and values to the nation. These Monsters are really scapegoats for the people; scapegoats that are used to distract people from America’s problems. Now every day, around 4 p.m., the citizens of the nation are brought to Exotic Zones. These zones are fake cities based on the places of the Monsters. The cities are created to be destroyed by the citizens. It was nearly 4 p.m., citizens throughout the nations had their eyes glued to the time of their iPhones. They desired for it too be 4 p.m. Suddenly, the time went from being 3:59 to 4:00 p.m. and outside giant sirens rang an emergency call. It sounded like the sirens during the Battle of Britain in World War II. It was loud and an urgent call. A voice, louder than the sirens and one that belonged to America’s fascist dictator, urged the citizens “My little citizens, it is time to get our righteous anger on the Monsters that seek to crush our lovely nation. Come, go to the Exotic Zones!” At once citizens were marched from their work stations (All adults worked, no one stayed home) and their schools to the gate of an Exotic Zone.
  • 33. The gate was black and full of barb wire. Its purpose was to keep the citizens from the Exotic Zone and to instill the fear that the foreign lands of the Monsters are evil and horrifying. The citizens were at the gate’s front door and the front doors. One gate door slid to the left and the other to the right. At once, the citizens were exposed to the Exotic Zone. It was a large place; its size was large for the large population of citizens to get their angry out. The President’s voice said to his citizens. “My dear citizens, enter into this eyesore.” The citizens did what their leader commanded them. The citizens filled the city but there was still enough space for them to move around. Once all citizens were in, the gate’s front doors closed. Fear was among the citizens. The sight of the Monster’s caricatures of their homes instilled the fear in them. It was as if they were in Hell itself. They were so used to being in their American setting; one of skyscrapers and continuous party (The President’s party) advertisement. In the center of the Exotic Zone, of every Exotic Zone, there was a large structure, bigger than any Exotic Zone structure that stood for every citizen to see. And on its top there was a large screen. Immediately, a Monster appeared on it. This monster was the Russian Dictator, Vladimir Putin and now rage surged the crowd. Pictures and film of Putin were displayed unto the large screen. His voice was also heard on the large structure and in sirens throughout the city. The citizens, who were full of rage and fear, started expressing their hatred toward the Monster. But the citizens began rioting as well. They started smashing the fictional stores windows, moved around the streets cursing the Monsters. In side these stores were protest signs and banners denouncing the Monsters and Molotov cocktails. The citizens marched with these signs and banners express rage towards the Russian Monster and they threw Molotov cocktails at buildings, and paint cans to create graffit denouncing the Monsters. Though, people got hit by the cocktails but nobody cared. They were full of rage and no empathy. Soon other Monsters appeared on the screen as well. These Monsters were other dictators, terrorists, Muslims, philosophers, and journalists. They too appeared in pictures and film. And there voices were heard on the large structure containing the screen and in the sirens as well. Throughout the Exotic Zones, property was destroyed. More windows were smashed into, cars were vandalized, statues of the Monsters were broken by the citizens the sirens were brought down by citizens so that the voices of the Monsters could be silenced. A more people died and nobody cared. Additionally, there were citizens who sought to destroy the screen by throwing things like rocks and the sticks of their protest signs in order to stop the Monsters from appearing on it. But the screen was too high up for their thrown things to reach the screen and break it. Though, they continued too throws things in the hope of breaking the horrifying screen. There were times where the thrown things had accidentally hit the citizens thus injuring them or killing them. The madness that was the riot continued on and on as the Monsters appeard on the high screen. Their voices could no longer be heard for the sirens had all been brought down. The Exotic Zone was filled with fire everywhere and dead bodies as well. But the citizens were still preoccupied with their fear of the Monsters than the madness they had created.
  • 34. Suddenly, a Monster on the screen, the journalist Chris Hedges, vanished from the screen and in his place was the American Flag. This new flag retained the the blue canon and the red and white bars but replacing the 50 stars was a bundle of sticks and the ax, this was a sign of fascism. But the citizens did not know. Once the flag appeared,the city stopped their rioting to gaze upon New Glory. This was the new name for the flag. Then, sprinkles popped through invisible openings throughout the Exotic Zone and sprinkled water everywhere and soon, the flames were put out. More to come, new sirens came out from hidden openings on where the old sirens once stood. As soon as the sirens had come out, the American Anthem started playing sweetly; it was sung by a man. This anthem would be replayed constantly as long as the screen was on. The citizens lost all their fear at once and were filled with happiness and pride for America. On the screen,New Glory was replaced with pictures and films about things of America like the bald eagle, the U.S. coat of arms (The seal had been replaced), and U.S armed forces like the army and the marines. But when the President appeared on the screen,immediately, all of the citizens bowed their heads out of love for their leader. On the sirens, even with the anthem playing, the President told his citizens in a pre- recorded voice “My loving citizens, don’t worry, I will keep all you safe from the Monsters.” The citizens believed him and were so happy whenever he stated this; they wanted protection from the Monsters and there citizens who cried whenever he stated this. Soon, the President appeared in a pre-recorded film of himself. His face was mostly showing. “It’s time to go,” he said nicely. “March slowly to the exit.” Then, the screen went black. The front gate of the exotic zone opened and all of the citizens marched slowly, as they were told, out of the Exotic Zone. The Bane Wolf In a large village surrounded by a wooden gate, a boy ran through the streets. He was filled with fear. Outside of the large front doors of the gate, he had seen the Bane Wolf. He had heard stories of this animal but he never thought that it was actually real. The Bane Wolf was large, silver, it had red eyes,and foam coming out of its mouth. It was a male. The boy had approached the wolf but then wolf tried to burst through the gate. The Bane Wolf tried to eat the boy. The boy, in his terror, ran away. He intended know warn the citizens, who were at the village square (The center of the village) that the Bane Wolf was trying enter into the village. Soon, the boy had reached the village square. It was completely filled with the village’s citizens like the boy’s parents, priest, mailman, idiot, and mayor. All of them were talking about celebrity trivia like the pop star Jake Bee’s new girlfriend, the British prince Will and princess Kelly’s new baby, and the pop star, once black, Marlo Johnny’s funeral. The boy found their talk to be unimportant. “My fellow villagers!” the boy said loudly. “The Bane Wolf is real! He’s at the gate! We have to do something! The villagers looked at the boy but then they resumed talking about their celebrity trivia. “Hey, didn’t you hear me?! The Bane Wolf is at the gate! We have to do something! If we don’t do something, we’re all going to die!” The citizens continued to talk to each other about celebrity gossip. “Mom, dad! The Bane wolf is at the gate!” Even the boy’s parents did not listen to him. The boy continued to rant about the Bane Wolf being at the gate and the citizens still talked about celebrity gossip.
  • 35. The boy wondered why the citizens didn’t listen to him and angry that they didn’t listen to him. The citizens, they knew that there was a Bane Wolf at the gate but since they too were afraid of the giant canine, they decided to not acknowledge its existence and distract themselves from their fear of the wolf with celebrity trivia. They hoped that by ignoring the wolf, it would go away. But the wolf did not go away; it was waiting outside battering itself on the gate to break it down. “I said that there is a Bane Wolf at the gate!” “We hear you son!” the boy’s father said. “But son, there is no wolf at the gate. “Yes there is. Listen, all of you. Just be quiet and you’ll hear it.” The whole villagers including the door became quiet. They hear banging, which was the Bane Wolf banging itself against the wooden gate,and the wolf’s angry snarls. “You see!” That’s the Bane Wolf making those sounds!” “No it’s not,” the mayor said. “Those snarls is just dog snarls. It’s probably snarling at a fox. And that banging is just…the wind! A fierce wind! Yeah! There is no Bane Wolf at the gate.” “Son” the boy’s mother said. “Whatever the mayor says,it’s true. He would never lie. So there is no Bane Wolf at the gate. All of the other villagers agreed that whatever the mayor said was true. “Young man,” the priest said. “You’re like the boy who cried wolf. If we listen to you, we’ll go to the gate and see that there’s no Bane Wolf at all. You’re just saying that this wolf is here for fun and attention.” I’m not! Please,all of you.” He said and then he turned towards his mothers. He started to cry. Mom, dad, let’s do something before it’s too late.” “Son!” the boy’s father said. There is no Bane Wolf!” The boy who had tears flowing from his eyes was angry and he had enough of warning the villagers. He turned away from the villagers and ran to his house. “You should have a talk with your son,” the mayor said to the boy’s parents. “Tell him that he needs to believe in what other people tell him; especially me. And he needs to learn to stop telling the negative truth; ignore it, and just talk about what’s nice.” “We know,” the boy’s mother said. “We’ll talk with him,” the boy’s father said. “Well, villagers!” the mayor announced. “Let’s talk about celebrities. The villagers became happy once again and talked about the events and situations of celebrities. The boy entered his home. He knew that the Bane Wolf would break down the gate. The gate could not hold its powerful strength. The boy decided to hide in the house’s cellar. But right now, he needed to get his father’s shotgun. He needed to protect himself from the Bane Wolf.
  • 36. Outside of the front gate, the Bane Wolf continued to bang itself against it severaltimes until the gate crashed down. A loud thump was made when the gate banged the ground. The Bane Wolf, ran through the village’s entrance and headed towards the village’s square. The villagers continued to talk about celebrity trivia. There was a euphoria and unity throughout the crowd that was created when talked about their petty trivia amongst themselves. But that euphoria was eliminated when the heard and saw the Bane Wolf jump towards them. The Bane Wolf had jumped on the boy’s father and ate him quickly. The boy’s mother screamed but then the wolf jumped on her and ate her as well. The frightened villagers began running away but one by one the Bane Wolf began eating them quickly. As citizens were getting eaten, screams were heard but there was less of them as more citizens got eaten and some of their blood splattered on the floor. The mayor was the last to be eaten. Now everybody was dead except the boy who remained alive. The Bane Wolf sensed the boy’s scent and ran in its direction so that the Bane Wolf could find the boy and eat him. The boy felt guilty. He wanted to go out into the streets and the shoot the wolf down to stop it from killing the villagers. Oh, how depressed he had felt when the villagers, including his parents,scream and get eaten by the Bane Wolf. He knew that they had been eaten because he had heard screams of villagers claiming that the Bane Wolf was eating villagers. As the carnage went on outside, he remained quiet as possible so that the wolf could not hear him. But know he knew that the Bane Wolf was running towards him. He heard the wolf’s footsteps and breathing. It could louder as the wolf got closer. The boy aimed his sniper rifle towards the ceiling cellar door. The wolf was now near the cellar door. The wolf dug the cellar door with its large sharp claws. The door broke immediately and the wolf climbed down the cellar stairs. But then the boy shot the wolf on its head. The wolf fell down from the stairs and went into the ground. The boy approached the Bane Wolf. There was a bullet hole on the right side of its head and ended on the wolf’s left side of its head. Red blood was pouring out of left wound and it spread touching the wolf and throughout the ground. He was surprised of how large it was. “If only they listened to me,” the boy thought, “the villagers and my family wouldn’t have died.” The Humber Fairy On a sunny July morning, a girl by the name of Kimberly Galasinao decided to talk a walk. She wanted to exercise for family kept giving her large amounts of food. She wished that they would stopped begging her to hurt. She wanted to eat healthily, like her big brother Kevin. But excecising wasn’t the only reason why she wanted to go for a walk. No, she wanted to the nature of the Humber Valley. She loved nature. This valley was where she wanted to take in. There all kinds of plants, invasive and native, and animals. It contained all kinds of habitats like the Humber river and deciduous sforests. Also, there is a grey trail goes through the valley. So that people could walk, run, ride their bike, or use whatever kind of transportation on the trail. Kimberly put on her shoes and went outside. Walking from Albion to the Humber valley took long. On her way, she spotted a church, the Elbank elementary school, the Father Henry Carr high school, and the BESTCO superstore.
  • 37. When, she was near the Humber valley, she looked down at it. She was on a highway bridge. The sight was beautiful To her left was the forest, a meadow with a stream running through it, then the slow moving Humber river, and the trail. In order to get down to the Humber Valley, Kimberly went to the edge of the bridge. On the edge, she saw a trail of grass and plants such as weeds to the left and trees to the rights that went down in a slope to the grey trail. Kimberly decided to run down it for fun. Soon she had reached the trail. She was gasping for air. Now there two paths that she could go. Her brother Kevin had told her this. To her left, the path was filled nature. It the habitats and the wild animals. To her right was the path that was well, it didn’t contain much habitats. Due to Kimberly’s love of nature, she decided to take the left path. The left path had a bridge over it. The same bridge that Kimberly had been on to observe the Humber Valley. She started walking along the left path. She went under the bridge. To her right, she saw that there was nice looking graffiti on the wall. There were words that GC with a king’s crown above them, PS3 pwns XBOX 360, and Smoke with a marijuana cigarette to the right of it. Kimberly looked straight ahead again when all of a suddenly, a monster jumped down from the side of the bridge and went in front of her. The monster had four yellow horns, six sapphire eyes, three large sharp teeth (They resembled the teeth of a sabertooth tiger), it had a body like a gorilla, it had purple hair, and it had two devil-like tails. Kimberly horrified at the sight of the monster so she began to run away from it immediately. But the monster jumped right in front of her. “Don’t be in a such a hurry,” the monster said mockingly. “Don’t hurt me!” Kimberly said full of fear. She began to cry. “I’m not going to hurt you! I’m going to eat you!” Kimberly screamed as loud as she could, “Somebody, help me!” Her urgent cry was heard by the Humber Fairy. The Humber Fairy was a girl. She had pink monarch butterfly-like wings, pointed ears, small like a butterfly, green hair, brown skin, and purple eyes. She wore a light blue dress and carried a green wand that was covered with shining green sparkles that kept coming off the wand and kept appearing all over it. Also, the sparkles faded away quickly. The Humber Fairy had been looking a fish in the Humber river when she heard Kimberly’s cry for help. She raced towards Kimberly and stood between her and the monster. She crossed her arms and was very angry the monster. Kimberly and the monster were surprised of the Humber Fairy. Kimberly also thought that the fairy before her very eyes was beautiful. The monster was also angry at her. “Humber Fairy!” the monster said. “Get out of here! This is none of your business!” “When you try to eat a little girl,” the Humber Fairy replied pointing her finger at the monster. “then it does because my business, troll!” “Oh,” Kimberly thought. That fairy is called the Humber Fairy and that big evil monster is a troll.”
  • 38. “Leave Kimberly alone,” the Humber Fairy said. Then she pointed her wand at him. “Or else.” “Fine!” the troll said quickly. Suddenly the troll went to the small pipe with water flowing from it and slid inside it smoothly despite his large size. “Thank you,” Kimberly said to the Humber Fairy. “You’re welcome,” the Humber Fairy replied. Guns In April 28 1996, the Port Arthur massacre occurred. 35 people were killed and 23 were wounded by Martin Bryant. After the massacre,Australia, even though it had a high gun culture, put strict guns laws in order to prevent from any massacres in the future. There has not been a massacre since. But what if this massacre never occurred. What if Australia’s strict gun laws had never been in place? The year is 2031. Australia has a very high gun culture. Mostly everybody has a gun. They own guns to hunt for fun and for protection against killers. The flag of Austrailia has replaced the U.K. flag with a yellow canton containing two black M4s in an x. Unfortunately, even mentally ill people own guns. Like Taylor Baxby. He had bipolar disorder, social anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder. He lived with his parents and was unemployed. After years of neglect from his parents, feeling inadequate compared to his successfulbrother, bullying by his peers, and loneliness in his life, he hated the world. He blamed it for all of his problems. He wanted to destroy it. But he knew he couldn’t. The world would kill him if he tried. So he decided to kill what was easy. One day, his mother and father in the kitchen eating waffles with syrup. She was going to her work as a teacher at Desert Claw elementary school. She taught junior kindergarten. Taylor’s father worked as a manager at a paper company called Peel. It was called Peelbecause the paper was seen as peeling off from a tree. Taylor could hear his mother and father chewing. The bastards, he thought. They could have at least woken him up to eat. He loved waffles with pancakes. So what, if he didn’t like to be disturbed. And so what if he yelled at them when thry knocked on his door. He wanted waffles with syrup. But npow he had to endure the sickening sounds of parents chewing. The food been broken down by saliva and the food and saliva gushing in their mouths. And a little saliva pouring from their mouths. Fortunately he for him, he was going to make the accursed sounds stop. Taylor got up from his bed, bent down under it, and got his M4. He had a large grin that bared his dirty yellow teeth. “It’s time,” he said. He moved through the junk in his room towards the door, opened, and went out. He held his gun. “Well,” Taylor’s mother said. “I’m going to brush my teeth before I go. I don’t want anyone to see gunk on my teeth.” “Yes,” Taylor’s father said. “You don’t want to have a dirty mouth like our loser son, Taylor.”
  • 39. “Yup.” When Taylor’s mother faced away from her husband, she saw his son pointing his M4 at her. His father saw him as well. They were both surprised and afraid. “I’m. Not. A. Loser.” Taylor said angrily. Then he shot his mouth severaltimes in the stomach and his mother collapsed on the table. Blood was pouring out of her wounds. The sound of the M4 being fired was too loud. It had frightened Taylor’s father even more. “Jesus…” Taylor’s father said, looking at his dead wife. “Die!” Taylor said loudly as his father turned to look at him. Then, he should his father severaltimes and he collapsed to the ground. Taylor looked at the lifeless bodies of his parents. They were covered with bullet holes and were very bloody. Taylor still hated his parents so much that he shot his each parents with his gun severaltimes. He started with his mom and ended with his father. The flesh on their bodies was shredded now and blood was everywhere. Taylor felt sorry for killing his parents. But then he extinguished that worry and reminded himself of all the crappy times his parents treated him. Now, anger and vegeance over came him once again. Though his parents had been taken care off, he still felt the urge to destroy. He was like a fire. A fire that needed to spread and burn everything, everything,in its path. Why if he had superpowers, he would blow the entire planet up. Taylor thought of what to destroy next. He considered his choices carefully. He wanted to kill a lot. He didn’t want to kill a few people and then ended up getting shot by the police. No, he wanted to kill a lot of people. After much thinking, he decided to shoot little children at his mother’s school. That school was where he went to when he was just a child. He hated that school. In it, he was bullied by many bullies, physically and emotionally. He was also very lonely; he ate lunch alone and spent his recesses wandering the school yard while children play with each other for they were friends. His mother knew that he suffered so she brought him to therapy and forced him to join clubs to make friends. But therapy and joining clubs did not work. He remained mentally ill and he was still lonely. Because of his mental illness, his bullying, and his loneliness that plagued Taylor, he cut himself severaltimes. When he cut himself too deep, he had to go to the hospital. Taylor went out with his powerful gun to his mother’s minivan. He took the key out and opened the door to get in. He started the car,drove back to the road, and drove to his former elementary school. As h drove, he remembered all the times he suffered in the school to keep his desire to kill. Soon, Taylor was near his school and he parked the car in the parking lot. He looked out at the recess area near the parking lot. It sepearated itself from the parking lot with a high fence. Their in the recess area, the ground was made out of stone and there was a lot of space. He waited for the children to play there. They Also, there were many children Reintroduction Throughout the forests of Britain, there were many deer everywhere. The types of deer that lived in Britain were the native species,red deer and roe deer, and the introduced species, Chinese water deer (They have tusks), fallow deer,muntjac (They’re small), and sika deer.
  • 40. The deer had stripped plants of their leaves. Most of the plants were bare. And they had eaten most plants as well. These deer roamed throughout the land in search of plants; even in urban areas. But because there were no plants, they were dying out. People in Britain saw the overpopulation of deer and the lack of leaves as a problem. This problem needed to be dealt with. Solutions had been suggested to keep the population low like hunting the deer. But in the end, a much more better solution was accepted. This solution was to introduce large predators in Britain to eat the deer so that the deer population could be kept at an appropriate level. In a large ship, a lynx cub by the name of Manx woke up. He yawned. He looked at his surroundings. He had learned that he was in a cage with his mother Julia, his father Ron, and his three siblings. He a brother named Johnny, and two sisters named Amy and Eunice. They’re were all sleeping peacefully. The last thing he remembered was getting shot with a tranqiliser dart to put him to sleep. The rest of his family had been shot with these sleep inducing darts. Manx wondered why? What did he and his family do to deserve to get shot up at? He also wondered where he was? He looked out at the cage. He was in this large area filled with other cages. These cages contained other animals as well. There was lynx just like him and his family, grey wolves, and brown bears. “Hmm,” Manx thought. “Am I in Animal Heaven? Was me,my family, and all these other animals killed? Where are we,really?” Manx desperately wanted to know. So he decided to ask one of the animals. Manx looked at the other animals in their cages. Like his family, they’re were all sleeping. He kept searching for some awaken animal to provide him answers he needed to help understand the situations they were all facing. Then, a young male brown bear woke up and yawned; his cage was next to Manx and his family. Manx saw him. “Mister bear!” Manx yelled out. “Do you know where all of us animals are and why were trapped in these…whatever they are? I’m scared!” “What’s your name, lynx?” the bear called out. “Manx! What’s yours!” “Wood! Now listen to me, Manx, you are a predator! Predators are not supposed to be afraid; only prey. Okay? “Okay, Wood! I’ll try my hardest not to be afraid!” “Don’t try, do!” “As for your questions, we are inside a ship. What’s a ship?” “A ship is a form of transportation of humans and other things like us animals. It floats and moves on water. Humans don’t prefer to swim to their destinations; either because they can’t or because it would tire them out. And ships are large enough for humans to carry their possessions on. And that’s good. It
  • 41. would be dangerous for the humans to try to bring us to our destination by just carrying us. The humans they’re bringing us to a place called Britain. Do you know that place?” Manx suddenly became surprised. “Yes! It’s that island near mainland Europe. Why are we going there?” Well, you see. The ancestors of the animals inside this ship, lynx, grey wolves, used to live there. But the humans killed them all out of fear and because there were those who feasted on their livestock like sheep, cows,and chickens. But now, they’re bringing us back because we us large predators around, the deer population has grown to large. They need us predators to keep the population low by letting us eat the deer. “Ohhhhhh,” Max realizing. “And were very fortunate. In the beginning, there’s going to be so much deer to eat.” “Thanks for asking my questions, Wood.” “Your welcome.” Then, Manx’s father woke up. He was suddenly surprised of his surroundings and wondered where he was. “W-Where am I! D-Did me and my family die!” “Father” Manx was concerned for his father. “Manx! You’re alive! Thank goodness! Ron looked at the rest of his sleeping family. And they’re alive has well! Thank, thank goodness! He turned towards his son again. Stay near me son! I don’t where we are and what will happen to us but I’ll my hardest to protect this family from harm.” “Father, relax. We’re not in any danger.” “What?! Of course we are.” “Now were not. You see thanks to the bear next to us, Wood…” So Manx began explaining to his father where they were,what a ship was,where they were going and why? Ron became happy. When the rest of Manx’s family woke up, Manx told them the same questions. Soon, the other animals woke up, and the Lynx family and Wood began telling them the same questions. During some hours, Manx and Wood had spoken to each other about things. They had become friends. Soon, the ship landed in London. Men and women riding yellow machines went inside the large room of animals and brought the cages out with the help of the machines; they’re were claws in front of the machines and these claws carried the cages. One of the machines clawed onto the lynx family. Manx was sad because that meant he was going to leave Wood; Wood had become his friend. He wished that they could have been friends longer. Wood wasn’t as upset as Manx but he was sad that he would never Manx again. As the machine brought the cage,containing the lynx family, away from its previous spot, Manx yelled out, “Goodbye Wood!”
  • 42. “Goodbye Manx!” Wood shot back. Manx’s cage was put into the back of a large truck. There were other cages with lynx as well, grey wolves, and brown bears. Manx wished that Wood had been put the truck with him. As the lynx family were inside the truck, they heard a noise. It was the sound of the engine; the truck was ready to move. Soon, the truck reached a bare forest; there wasn’t much plants because the deer had eaten most of it. Four people got out of the truck and went to the back of it. Someone opened it. Suddenly, they became surprised. They were surprised by how many deer there were. There was too much deer. All of the predatos inside the truck wanted to eat the deer and were so happy that there was so much of them. This abundance of deer made the animals love that Britain had become their new home. The lynx family licked their lips. “Julia,” Ron said. “Yes, Ron.” “When we get out of here,let’s bring down a deer and eat it.” “Yes! Let’s do that! I’m hungry! Let’s bring down a large stag!” “Okay, we’ll hunt a stag, a large one.” “I’m hungry too!” Manx cried out. “Me too!” Amy said. “I want food!” Eunice said. “I want to eat now!” Johnny said. “Children,” Ron said. “When we get out, your mother and me will hunt down a deer, a large bring it all of you, and we will eat it. But while were out there, you have to watch us and not get near the deer because they might trample on you or harm you. Understood? The lynx kittens agreed with him. As the lynx family waited to get out, they chose what stag should be hunted, killed, and eaten. Soon, they chose one. It was a very large red deer stag. The people took machines out of the back and used them to bring the cages out. The cages were allline up and each of them was faraway from another cage so that the predators wouldn’t fight each other. and so they’re could be room for the cage doors and the cage doors wouldn’t block the entrances of other cages. The people went back inside into the front of the truck. The woman behind the steering wheel took out a device from her pocket and pressed a green button. Immediately, the doors of the cages opened by sliding left and right. The animals, including the lynx family got out. Ron and Julia ran towards the large stag they intended to hunt and kill. Eventually, thanks to the reintroduced grey wolves, lynx, and brown bears, the deer population was brought down to a normal level and there were many plants again. Dark
  • 43. It was night time in Paris. Nearly ten’o clock. It was a Saturday night. People were out in the streets with their friends socializing and such. Others were inside their homes enjoying the fact that there would be no work tomorrow. They did simple things like watch TV, go on the internet, or read a novel. A famous French fashion designer by the name of Lucas Desjardins was drawing his idea for a new fashion line of a clothing on large piece of paper. The paper was on a table that was up diagonally. The reason for this occurring was so that Lucas did not need to arch his back. If he did this constantly, it would be bed for him. Now down on the large piece of paper, he continued to draw clothes of a new fashion clothes. He was focused on drawing. Eventually, he was finished. He had drawn many a scuba diving-like outfit that started from the head to the feet; it had an attached mask that covered the entire face but since it was thing like the rest of the outfit, he was easy to breathe while wearing it, and the mask had glasses. Now it was time for him for Lucas to colour the outfit. He coloured it with only one colour, black, with a black pencil crayon. He colour the entire outfit black. He coloured the glasses lightly. When he was done, he looked at his drawing. “It is beau…ti…ful,” he said softy.” Lucas intended to call this outfit “panther.” It would be available to everyone, men, women, the young and the old. And animals like dogs and cats. As Lucas gazed upon his outfit, a grin bearing his shiny white teeth formed. He was grinning sinisterly. “Soon…” he said. “People will die.” Lucas’s had an awful intention involving his idea of the outfit he had created. It was as if he were Victor Frankenstein and his outfit was Frankenstein’s monster. Soon, Lucas’ outfit had been created in real life. It became available in every clothing store on December 26. On this day, the day after Christmas, prices were cheap. People around the world loved his panter clothing. So they went into stores and purchased it. Everywhere,most people were wearing panther clothing. Those who didn’t wear it, the very few,were mocked and called ugly. Also, those who wore it were called panthers. Lucas had said the panther clothing, because it was black, was to be worn at night. The colour matched night. So people went outside when it was night. But this was a bad idea. For you see,many people liked to cross the streets without following a street light that told them to stop crossing the street when the light signaled red because cars would pass,and to cross the street when the light signaled green because cars would stop. Street lights would also tell the cars to stop and go. Now around the world, when it was night, people wearing panther clothing poured into the roads. Drivers in vehicles did not see the panthers; their black clothing blended in with the night. So, the vehicles struck many panthers. Panthers even got hit and killed when they crossed a street when the red light was on. Drivers thought there was no one crossing the street so they rushed passed the crosswalk even when the red light was on. Hundreds of panthers got killed or injured. Lucas gazed down out of his large condo window at panthers getting struck by vehicles, injured panthers and drivers, and heard the people’s screaming and cries. He laughed wildly. Lucas’s intention of making people wear his panther clothing, going out at night into the streets,and many of them being struck by vehicles had come to true. He did this because he was evil.
  • 44. The Factory “Let us out!” A man yelled. “Let us out! Please!” This man was surrounded by many, many people. Millions. They too were screaming; screaming to be let out. You see all of these people were stuck in a pen. The pen surrounded by a giant fence. Additionally, all of these people were naked. The man knew what was going to happen to him and all the people. He knew that there many pens scattered across the world. The oceans had been dried up so now there pens on what was once the sea. He knew deep down that know how much they begged, pleaded, and cried; they would never be free. They were all going to die. He looked at his people. Like him, there were dirty, afraid, naked, and doomed. He saw that there people of different colours, ages,sexuality. Yet, there were all humans. And like all humans, they would be killed. But he wondered when everyone else and him was going to die. He wished that it would be a long time till everyone else and him died. He feared death. Soon, it was feeding time. From the ceiling, out of rotating hoses, green mush with little bits of red sprayed and descended unto the ground. Immediately, the people started eating this mush; they licked off their bodies. This green mush did not come from earth and was not created by humans; it was created by...aliens. Yes,aliens. The mush they made could make those who ate gain weight quickly. It was them who kept the humans penned up like cattle and fat; they intended to eat the humans. After a long period time of eating, water was sprinkled down on the humans so that it could remove the mush from their bodies and so that they could drink it. These aliens did not understand English or any other earthling language. When a human spoke, it sound alien to them; like hearing a cow moo. They saw humans as animals. They were big so they had a lot of meat on to eat. And there was so many humans to eat. The man was no sleeping. He curled himself up into a little ball. He had been crying at the fact that he was going to die. Mostly, he would cry himself to sleep. Like most people did. When somebody cried, there was no mocking; empathy and pity was felt for the crier. The man, he missed his wife and two children; a boy and girl. They had separated by the aliens many years ago. His children must have been grown and then eaten. He hoped they were still alive. And he wished to meet them; oh but no, that would never happen. And his wife, he hoped that she hadn’t been raped. For you see,the aliens needed to produce more humans so they had created machines; these machines had penis-shaped bottle-like contraptions that squirted out human sperm. Humans called them sperm squirters. The women would be held down on their backs by bird of prey feet-like machines so they could not escape or squirm. Then, a sperm squirter would shove itself up the woman’s vagina very hard and squirted sperm. Women did not enjoy this. Also, as long as the women were in a state that they could have babies; they were squirted inside with a sperm squirter. So a girl as young as fourteen could be squirted. Suddenly, one of the gates to the pen slid open. “Wake up!” called a woman. “The gate has opened, the gate has opened.
  • 45. “What?!” the man replied in confusion. “The gate!” she was pointing at it. “It has opened. The man looked at it. She was right. “No…” The man was unlucky to be near this gate. He had always tried to stay away from gates. But he was unlucky to fall asleep near one. He had forgotten to stay away from a gate. If you’re near a gate, you had to come out. Most humans struggled to stay at the center of the pen. Aliens got humans out of the center by using a hose that sprayed hot water. Although the gate had been opened, no dared to escape from their pen. In front of the gate, there were severalaliens. These aliens were huge, green, they had two oval shaped silver eyes, they had one antennaes on top of their heads, vertical shaped mouths and they had pincers near their mouths, long arms, they had bird of prey-like feet, and smooth skin. They wore red suits, and there were those who carried guns while others carried rod with electricity at the tip. These guns shot rays and could shoot very quickly; like a machine gun. A quick shooting gun could kill humans quickly. And those electrical rods; there purpose was to shock the humans so they could keep moving forward. The aliens entered into to the pen. The aliens with the rods shocked humans to move forward, out of the gate. Humans learned this so they walked out of the gate; including the man. Any weak,old, or humans that refused to follow the aliens orders were shot to death. Humans that were killed in a way that was not part of the process to turn them into food were thrown into a crematorium; the fire turned the corpses into ashes. The man heard the aliens speak in their own language. It was a language of clicks. He couldn’t understand their language; like all humans. Though, the aliens were click quickly and loudly. The man knew that the aliens were telling the humans to move quickly to their destination. The humans were forced by the aliens to march in a straight path in a pathway. The pathway was made out of walls, and on each pathyway, there aliens wielding rods and guns. The aliens forced the humans to run. The man was now running. As the man ran, he remembered the time when the aliens invaded the earth. They came in giant ships that brought destruction to places and people. The man remembered that day; his family and him were terrified like other people. A war had been fought between the aliens and the humans. It had been a short war. The aliens had won it because of their advanced technology and many aliens. The man had been a British soldier in the war. The last time he saw his family was when he had been sent to fight in the war. Facing and shooting the large aliens scared him. It felt like to him, the humans were David while aliens were Goliath. But unlike David, they didn’t defeat Goliath. He remembered being captured; he felt weak. He still feels weak. Humans had been forced by the aliens to remove their clothes and put in pens that been built very quickly. Then the earth was turned into the horrible place of humans being The man had been put in his pen for so many years. He also tried to remain deep in a pen; hiding among the people. But now he was marching towards his death. Approaching him was a tunnel. He did not what was inside. But whatever was inside meant death.