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Linke d In Training – N ational R e gion

                                                               P H AS E 1 of 3

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                        1
©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
Linke d In S tats
                      •     1 50 m illion+ u s e rs , m ore th an 55 m illion from U S A
                      •     58 ne w u s e rs p e r m inu te
                      •     E VE R Y F ortu ne 500 C E O is on Linke d In
                      •     58% of B2B m arke te rs u s e Linke d In m ore th an any oth e r s ocial ne twork
                      •     61 % u s e Linke d In s ole ly for ind u s try ne tworking
                      •     62% of com p anie s u s ing Linke d In h ave acqu ire d a cu s tom e r from th e ne twork

                                        N u m b e r of G M s with ou t Linke d In accou nt: 7

                                       N u m b e r of AE s with ou t Linke d In accou nt: 1 1

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              2

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 : S ign U p

                          E nte r com p le te inform ation inclu d ing you r F rontie r e m ail accou nt for e as y contact

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                        3
©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 2: Be gin Im p rove m e nt G u id e
                                                                                                                                                                 Linke d In h as
                                                                                                                                                                  d e ve lo p e d a
                                                                                                                                                                       p rofile
                                                                                                                                                                 im p rove m e nt
                                                                                                                                                                  gu id e to ad d
                                                                                                                                                                inform ation to
                                                                                                                                                                   any p rofile .

                                                                                                                                                                  F ollow th e
                                                                                                                                                                s te p s to ad d
                                                                                                                                                                   re le vant
                                                                                                                                                                 inform ation
                                                                                                                                                                    s u ch as
                                                                                                                                                                    cu rre nt
                                                                                                                                                                   p os ition,
                                                                                                                                                                   p re viou s
                                                                                                                                                               p os itions h e ld
                                                                                                                                                               and e d u cation
                                                                                                                                                                b ackgrou nd .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              4

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 3: D e s crib e C u rre nt P os ition

                                                                                                                                                                     inform ation
                                                                                                                                                                   e nte re d . N ow
                                                                                                                                                                  it’s tim e to ad d
                                                                                                                                                                     d e tails and
                                                                                                                                                                    d e s crip tions .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              5

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 4: P os ition D e s crip tions

                                                                                                                                                            Th e cu rre nt p os itio n
                                                                                                                                                         d e s crip tion is m os t vital
                                                                                                                                                            to u s ing Linke d In. It
                                                                                                                                                          d e s crib e s wh at you d o
                                                                                                                                                            and can d o fo r you r
                                                                                                                                                                      LAM .

                                                                                                                                                          A s am p le S BAE and
                                                                                                                                                          M AE d e s crip tion are
                                                                                                                                                              attach e d to th is
                                                                                                                                                            p re s e ntation in th e
                                                                                                                                                          Ap p e nd ix. Ad d itional
                                                                              You m ay always s kip th is s te p and                                          d e s crip tions are
                                                                                    com e b ack to it late r.                                                   availab le via
                                                                                                                                                       h ttp :/ corp orate .frontie

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              6

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 5: C ontinu e D e ve lop ing
                                                                                                                                                                  O nce you r initial
                                                                                                                                                                   inform ation Is
                                                                                                                                                                 e nte re d , click th e
                                                                                                                                                                continu e im p roving
                                                                                                                                                                    b u tton to ad d
                                                                                                                                                                       ad d itio nal
                                                                                                                                                               inform ation s u ch as
                                                                                                                                                                  a p rofile p ictu re ,
                                                                                                                                                                   d ire ct co ntact
                                                                                                                                                                  inform ation and
                                                                                                                                                                   we b s ite U R Ls .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              7

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 6: U p load A P h oto

                        It is vital to u p load a p rofe s s ional p h oto o f you rs e lf to you r
                             p rofile . You r p h oto M U S T e xp re s s p rofe s s ionalis m .

                   84% of Linke d In u s e rs will not conne ct with s om e one wh o d oe s
                       not h ave a p rofile p ictu re b e cau s e it looks like s p am *

                    You are e as ie r to s p ot in p e rs on with a p rofile p ictu re and can
                    e xp one ntially e xp and you r ne twork online and in p e rs on s ole ly
                                    from u p load ing a p ro fe s s ional p h oto.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              8

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 7: P h oto P rivacy

 Make s u re to s e le ct you r p h oto vis ib ility to “E ve ryone ”. S e arch
  re s u lts will s h ow you r p ictu re and h e lp id e ntify wh o yo u are .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                              9

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 8a: E d iting You r P rofile
                                                                                                                                                                           To e d it you r
                                                                                                                                                                          p rofile at any
                                                                                                                                                                            tim e , click
                                                                                                                                                                              th e E d it
                                                                                                                                                                            P rofile link
                                                                                                                                                                               on th e
                                                                                                                                                                            d rop d own
                                                                                                                                                                               P rofile
                                                                                                                                                                               m e nu .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          10

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 8b : E d iting You r P rofile

                                                                                                                                                 U p on clicking th e
                                                                                                                                                  E d it P rofile link,
                                                                                                                                                      you r p rofile
                                                                                                                                                 ap p e ars with e d it
                                                                                                                                                 b u ttons in e ve ry
                                                                                                                                                  s e ction for e as y
                                                                                                                                                   p rofile e d iting.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          11

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 9: Ad d itional Inform ation

                                                                                                                                                   C om p any We b s ite U R L:
                                                                                                                                                   h ttp :/ www.frontie

                                                                                                                                                 R e gional F ace b ook P age
                                                                                                                                                              U R L:
                                                                                                                                               h ttp :/ www.face b / r
                                                                                                                                                       /                     F
                                                                                                                                                         ontie rN ational

                                                                                                                                               Ad d any inform ation h e re
                                                                                                                                                  th at m ay b oos t you r
                                                                                                                                             cre d ib ility and p rofile . Be as
                                                                                                                                               d e taile d as p os s ib le with
                                                                                                                                              award s & grou p affiliation.
                                                                                                                                              O nly m e ntion p rofe s s ional
                                                                                                                                              ach ie ve m e nts , no p e rs o nal
                                                                                                                                              award s /   grou p involve m e nt.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          12

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 0a: Ad d ing P e rs onal C ontact Inform ation

                                                                                                                         At th e b ottom of you r p rofile
                                                                                                                          p age wh ile in E d it P rofile
                                                                                                                            m od e , th e re is an e d it
                                                                                                                          P e rs onal Inform ation link.
                                                                                                                         Th is allows you to ad d you r
                                                                                                                         office p h one nu m b e r, office
                                                                                                                            ad d re s s and b irth d ay.

                                                                                                                          It is h igh ly re com m e nd e d to
                                                                                                                             not ind icate you r m arital
                                                                                                                                         s tatu s .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          13

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 0b : Ad d ing P e rs onal C ontact Inform ation

                                                                                                                                                             S p e cify th e p h one
                                                                                                                                                              nu m b e r p rovid e d
                                                                                                                                                                 is you r work
                                                                                                                                                                    nu m b e r.
                                                                                                                                                                U s e you r office
                                                                                                                                                                 ad d re s s only.
                                                                                                                        You r b irth d ay
                                                                                                                        inform ation is
                                                                                                                    op tional. It ne ith e r
                                                                                                                    h arm s nor b e ne fits
                                                                                                                       you to ad d th at
                                                                                                                         inform ation.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          14

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 1 a: C u s tom U R L

                                                                                                                                                                To e as ily conne ct
                                                                                                                                                               with p o te ntial le ad s ,
                                                                                                                                                               you can cu s tom ize
                                                                                                                                                               you r p rofile to h ave
                                                                                                                                                                  a cu s tom U R L.

                                                                                                                                                                       It is h igh ly
                                                                                                                                                                 e ncou rage d to d o
                                                                                                                                                                   th is righ t away.

                                                                                                                                                               C lick e d it in th e E d it
                                                                                                                                                               P rofile m od e of you r
                                                                                                                                                                        p rofile .

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          15

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 1 b : C u s tom U R L

                                                                                                                                                           C lick th e “C u s tom ize
                                                                                                                                                             you r p u b lic p rofile
                                                                                                                                                                  U R L” link.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          16

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 1 c: C u s tom U R L

                                                                                                                                                                A p op u p wind ow will
                                                                                                                                                                ap p e ar to e nte r you r
                                                                                                                                                                     cu s tom U R L.

                                                                                                                                                                   Th e gre e n ch e ck
                                                                                                                                                                   m ark ind icate s an
                                                                                                                                                                    availab le U R L.

                                                                                                                                                                      It is h igh ly
                                                                                                                                                                 e ncou rage d to u s e
                                                                                                                                                                you r fu ll nam e . If it is
                                                                                                                                                                 not availab le , ad d a
                                                                                                                                                                   m id d le initial or
                                                                                                                                                                    m id d le nam e .

                                                                                                                                                                  D O N O T u s e you r
                                                                                                                                                                  com p any nam e o r
                                                                                                                                                                 p os ition title in you r
                                                                                                                                                                        U R L. (E x:
                                                                                                                                                                  Joh nD oe F rontie r)

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          17

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 2a: H e ad line
                                                                                                                          Your LinkedIn headline is critical as it’s
                                                                                                                              the only customizable personal
                                                                                                                           information people will see of you in
                                                                                                                          search listings, group discussions and
                                                                                                                                      the home feed.

                                                                                                                          When you appear in search results for
                                                                                                                           instance, your name, location and
                                                                                                                          headline will be the three visible bits.

                                                                                                                                             LinkedIn automatically
                                                                                                                                            defaults your headline to
                                                                                                                                           your current position title.

                                                                                                                                          Customize it to be found in
                                                                                                                                           keyword searches and to
                                                                                                                                             express your specific
                                                                                                                                            talents and specialties.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          18

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 2b : H e ad line

                                                                                                                                                You may find the space to
                                                                                                                                                 edit your Headline in the
                                                                                                                                               general editing area where
                                                                                                                                               your name and location are

                                                                                                                                                   As you can see, it has
                                                                                                                                                   been defaulted as your
                                                                                                                                                    current position title.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          19

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
S te p 1 2c: H e ad line
                                                                                                                                                                 An example of the
                                                                                                                                                               keywords an AE could
                                                                                                                                                                use to develop their
                                                                                                                                                                 own branding and
                                                                                                                                                               personalized headline.

                                                                                                                                                           Keywords to consider:
                                                                                                                                                          •Business Development
                                                                                                                                                             •Account Manager
                                                                                                                                                            •Sales Professional
                                                                                                                                                             •Business Advisor
                                                                                                                                                            •Sales and Support
                                                                                                                                                              •Rocket Scientist
                                                                                                                                                                •Cat Herder

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          20

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
P h as e 1 C om p le te
                                                                                                                                                       C ongratu lations !
                                                                                                                                                      You h ave a Linke d In
                                                                                                                                                             p rofile !

                                                                                                                                                      N ow it is tim e to e d it
                                                                                                                                                        you r p rofile , ad d
                                                                                                                                                      p roj cts , ad d s kills ,
                                                                                                                                                          e nte r s p e cific
                                                                                                                                                       clas s e s you h ave
                                                                                                                                                            take n, e tc.

                                                                                                                                                             You are not
                                                                                                                                                            conne cte d to
                                                                                                                                                       anyone and it is an
                                                                                                                                                       op p ortu nity to le arn
                                                                                                                                                        th e ins and ou ts of
                                                                                                                                                        Linke d In inclu d ing
                                                                                                                                                         h ow to b oos t you r
                                                                                                                                                       p rofile e ve n fu rth e r
                                                                                                                                                           with ou t anyone
                                                                                                                                                      s ignificantly noticing.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          21

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
Ap p e nd ix I
                      To find more position descriptions, please visit:

 SBAE LinkedIn Position Description                                                                   MAE LinkedIn Position Description

 •Sell individual products and integrated complex communication                                       •Responsible for service contract renewals and servicing
 solutions and develop/maintain executive level relationships within the                              additional products to an assigned list of existing Medium
 businesses I serve.
 •Prospect both within an assigned account module for new customers                                   Segment accounts.
 and Winback opportunities. This will involves generating                                             •Develop and maintain executive level relationship within
 proposals/contracts and providing a consultative selling approach. In                                an organization including at the C-level of an
 providing a consultative selling approach, I work within multiple                                    organization.
 territories of the Company and develop and maintain relationships with                               •Manage an existing base of revenue within assigned
 the appropriate internal resources, i.e., Sales Engineers, Regulatory,
 Field Operations, Product Management, Implementation and Project
                                                                                                      accounts for Renewals & Revenue Retention.
 Management resources.                                                                                •Prospect for upgrades and additional services within
 •Maintain a monthly net new revenue sales quota of $4,000.00 with                                    these assigned accounts to generate leads.
 accurate forecasting and reporting with a concentration on securing                                  •Maintain current and accurate contact, opportunity and
 customer contracts.                                                                                  account information with the applicable tools provided.
 •Manage an existing base of revenue within assigned accounts for
                                                                                                      •Provide internal resources (including but not limited to
 Renewals & Revenue Retention.
 •Prospect for upgrades and additional services within my assigned                                    Customer Service teams/CSA/Sales Engineers) with all
 accounts to generate net new recurring revenue, communicate new                                      information required for a timely and quality installation of
 products and promotions, and continuous relationship building.                                       sold services.
 •Proposal preparation, Billing Analysis, Contract preparation,                                       •Support local General Managers on corporate Marketing
 Forecasting updates, Sales Reports, Forecasting Reports.
 •Provide internal resources (including but not limited to Customer                                   and Sales initiatives; report results on a weekly basis.
 Service teams/CSA/Sales Engineers) with all information required for
 a timely and quality installation of sold services.

         **Please add any additional bullet points at your own discretion and change the descriptions to match your communication style.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          22

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
Ap p e nd ix II
                      To find more position descriptions, please visit:

                                                    General Manager LinkedIn Position Description

                                                    •Operations Proficiency, Employee Relations, Community
                                                    Relations, Competitive Analysis and Customer
                                                    •Foster innovation and work cross-functionally to drive
                                                    performance and deliver results through customer contact
                                                    and community involvement.
                                                    •Direct P&L responsibility and community involvement
                                                    within specified geographic area.
                                                    •Provide leadership to supervisory staff and workforce of
                                                    technicians that install and maintain residential and
                                                    business lines, OSP cable facilities, multi-line CPE
                                                    equipment, hi-cap access services, broadband services,
                                                    central office/transmission equipment and digital loop
                                                    carrier equipment.
                                                    •Successfully drive change through an established,
                                                    unionized workforce to create a customer focused,
                                                    competitive workforce.
                                                    •Partner with sales, marketing and regulatory
                                                    organizations to evaluating new business opportunities to
                                                    determine the appropriate network support costs and
                                                    timeframes associated with new revenue streams.
                                                    •Manage local engagement events to streamline
                                                    corporate initiatives on a local scale.
         **Please add any additional bullet points at your own discretion and change the descriptions to match your communication style.

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          23

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
F u rth e r Training
                               P h as e 2                                                                                            P h as e 3
               •Establishing connections                                                                   •Recommendations
                     •Commercial customers                                                                      •Current coworkers and customers
                     •Current Frontier employees                                                                •Past employers and customers
                     •Past employers and coworkers                                                              •How to write one for others

               •Developing skills and specialties using                                                    •Groups
               Google keywords                                                                                   •Which groups to join
                                                                                                                 •How to manage the posts and news feed
               •How to post updates and news                                                                     •How to engage in these groups

                                                                                                                  •How to post events, add a portfolio of work and
                                                                                                                  other innovative application tools

                                                               Our Mission            To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and
                                                                                      business customers in our markets                                                                          24

©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.

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LinkedIn Training for Account Executives - Phase 1

  • 1. Linke d In Training – N ational R e gion P H AS E 1 of 3 Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 1 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 2. Linke d In S tats • 1 50 m illion+ u s e rs , m ore th an 55 m illion from U S A • 58 ne w u s e rs p e r m inu te • E VE R Y F ortu ne 500 C E O is on Linke d In • 58% of B2B m arke te rs u s e Linke d In m ore th an any oth e r s ocial ne twork • 61 % u s e Linke d In s ole ly for ind u s try ne tworking • 62% of com p anie s u s ing Linke d In h ave acqu ire d a cu s tom e r from th e ne twork N u m b e r of G M s with ou t Linke d In accou nt: 7 N u m b e r of AE s with ou t Linke d In accou nt: 1 1 Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 2 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 3. S te p 1 : S ign U p E nte r com p le te inform ation inclu d ing you r F rontie r e m ail accou nt for e as y contact Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 3 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 4. S te p 2: Be gin Im p rove m e nt G u id e Linke d In h as d e ve lo p e d a p rofile im p rove m e nt gu id e to ad d inform ation to any p rofile . F ollow th e s te p s to ad d re le vant inform ation s u ch as cu rre nt p os ition, p re viou s p os itions h e ld and e d u cation b ackgrou nd . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 4 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 5. S te p 3: D e s crib e C u rre nt P os ition Initial inform ation e nte re d . N ow it’s tim e to ad d d e tails and d e s crip tions . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 5 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 6. S te p 4: P os ition D e s crip tions Th e cu rre nt p os itio n d e s crip tion is m os t vital to u s ing Linke d In. It d e s crib e s wh at you d o and can d o fo r you r LAM . A s am p le S BAE and M AE d e s crip tion are attach e d to th is p re s e ntation in th e Ap p e nd ix. Ad d itional You m ay always s kip th is s te p and d e s crip tions are com e b ack to it late r. availab le via h ttp :/ corp orate .frontie / Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 6 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 7. S te p 5: C ontinu e D e ve lop ing O nce you r initial inform ation Is e nte re d , click th e continu e im p roving b u tton to ad d ad d itio nal inform ation s u ch as a p rofile p ictu re , d ire ct co ntact inform ation and we b s ite U R Ls . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 7 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 8. S te p 6: U p load A P h oto It is vital to u p load a p rofe s s ional p h oto o f you rs e lf to you r p rofile . You r p h oto M U S T e xp re s s p rofe s s ionalis m . 84% of Linke d In u s e rs will not conne ct with s om e one wh o d oe s not h ave a p rofile p ictu re b e cau s e it looks like s p am * You are e as ie r to s p ot in p e rs on with a p rofile p ictu re and can e xp one ntially e xp and you r ne twork online and in p e rs on s ole ly from u p load ing a p ro fe s s ional p h oto. * Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 8 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 9. S te p 7: P h oto P rivacy Make s u re to s e le ct you r p h oto vis ib ility to “E ve ryone ”. S e arch re s u lts will s h ow you r p ictu re and h e lp id e ntify wh o yo u are . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 9 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 10. S te p 8a: E d iting You r P rofile To e d it you r p rofile at any tim e , click th e E d it P rofile link on th e d rop d own P rofile m e nu . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 10 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 11. S te p 8b : E d iting You r P rofile U p on clicking th e E d it P rofile link, you r p rofile ap p e ars with e d it b u ttons in e ve ry s e ction for e as y p rofile e d iting. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 11 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 12. S te p 9: Ad d itional Inform ation C om p any We b s ite U R L: h ttp :/ www.frontie / R e gional F ace b ook P age U R L: h ttp :/ www.face b / r / F ontie rN ational Ad d any inform ation h e re th at m ay b oos t you r cre d ib ility and p rofile . Be as d e taile d as p os s ib le with award s & grou p affiliation. O nly m e ntion p rofe s s ional ach ie ve m e nts , no p e rs o nal award s / grou p involve m e nt. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 12 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 13. S te p 1 0a: Ad d ing P e rs onal C ontact Inform ation At th e b ottom of you r p rofile p age wh ile in E d it P rofile m od e , th e re is an e d it P e rs onal Inform ation link. Th is allows you to ad d you r office p h one nu m b e r, office ad d re s s and b irth d ay. It is h igh ly re com m e nd e d to not ind icate you r m arital s tatu s . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 13 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 14. S te p 1 0b : Ad d ing P e rs onal C ontact Inform ation S p e cify th e p h one nu m b e r p rovid e d is you r work nu m b e r. U s e you r office ad d re s s only. You r b irth d ay inform ation is op tional. It ne ith e r h arm s nor b e ne fits you to ad d th at inform ation. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 14 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 15. S te p 1 1 a: C u s tom U R L To e as ily conne ct with p o te ntial le ad s , you can cu s tom ize you r p rofile to h ave a cu s tom U R L. It is h igh ly e ncou rage d to d o th is righ t away. C lick e d it in th e E d it P rofile m od e of you r p rofile . Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 15 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 16. S te p 1 1 b : C u s tom U R L C lick th e “C u s tom ize you r p u b lic p rofile U R L” link. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 16 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 17. S te p 1 1 c: C u s tom U R L A p op u p wind ow will ap p e ar to e nte r you r cu s tom U R L. Th e gre e n ch e ck m ark ind icate s an availab le U R L. It is h igh ly e ncou rage d to u s e you r fu ll nam e . If it is not availab le , ad d a m id d le initial or m id d le nam e . D O N O T u s e you r com p any nam e o r p os ition title in you r U R L. (E x: Joh nD oe F rontie r) Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 17 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 18. S te p 1 2a: H e ad line Your LinkedIn headline is critical as it’s the only customizable personal information people will see of you in search listings, group discussions and the home feed. When you appear in search results for instance, your name, location and headline will be the three visible bits. LinkedIn automatically defaults your headline to your current position title. Customize it to be found in keyword searches and to express your specific talents and specialties. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 18 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 19. S te p 1 2b : H e ad line You may find the space to edit your Headline in the general editing area where your name and location are editable. As you can see, it has been defaulted as your current position title. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 19 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 20. S te p 1 2c: H e ad line An example of the keywords an AE could use to develop their own branding and personalized headline. Keywords to consider: •Business Development •Account Manager •Specialist •Consultant •Sales Professional •Business Advisor •Sales and Support Specialist •Rocket Scientist •Firefighter •Cat Herder Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 20 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 21. P h as e 1 C om p le te C ongratu lations ! You h ave a Linke d In p rofile ! N ow it is tim e to e d it you r p rofile , ad d p roj cts , ad d s kills , e e nte r s p e cific clas s e s you h ave take n, e tc. You are not conne cte d to anyone and it is an op p ortu nity to le arn th e ins and ou ts of Linke d In inclu d ing h ow to b oos t you r p rofile e ve n fu rth e r with ou t anyone s ignificantly noticing. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 21 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 22. Ap p e nd ix I To find more position descriptions, please visit: SBAE LinkedIn Position Description MAE LinkedIn Position Description •Sell individual products and integrated complex communication •Responsible for service contract renewals and servicing solutions and develop/maintain executive level relationships within the additional products to an assigned list of existing Medium businesses I serve. •Prospect both within an assigned account module for new customers Segment accounts. and Winback opportunities. This will involves generating •Develop and maintain executive level relationship within proposals/contracts and providing a consultative selling approach. In an organization including at the C-level of an providing a consultative selling approach, I work within multiple organization. territories of the Company and develop and maintain relationships with •Manage an existing base of revenue within assigned the appropriate internal resources, i.e., Sales Engineers, Regulatory, Field Operations, Product Management, Implementation and Project accounts for Renewals & Revenue Retention. Management resources. •Prospect for upgrades and additional services within •Maintain a monthly net new revenue sales quota of $4,000.00 with these assigned accounts to generate leads. accurate forecasting and reporting with a concentration on securing •Maintain current and accurate contact, opportunity and customer contracts. account information with the applicable tools provided. •Manage an existing base of revenue within assigned accounts for •Provide internal resources (including but not limited to Renewals & Revenue Retention. •Prospect for upgrades and additional services within my assigned Customer Service teams/CSA/Sales Engineers) with all accounts to generate net new recurring revenue, communicate new information required for a timely and quality installation of products and promotions, and continuous relationship building. sold services. •Proposal preparation, Billing Analysis, Contract preparation, •Support local General Managers on corporate Marketing Forecasting updates, Sales Reports, Forecasting Reports. •Provide internal resources (including but not limited to Customer and Sales initiatives; report results on a weekly basis. Service teams/CSA/Sales Engineers) with all information required for a timely and quality installation of sold services. **Please add any additional bullet points at your own discretion and change the descriptions to match your communication style. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 22 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 23. Ap p e nd ix II To find more position descriptions, please visit: General Manager LinkedIn Position Description •Operations Proficiency, Employee Relations, Community Relations, Competitive Analysis and Customer Ownership. •Foster innovation and work cross-functionally to drive performance and deliver results through customer contact and community involvement. •Direct P&L responsibility and community involvement within specified geographic area. •Provide leadership to supervisory staff and workforce of technicians that install and maintain residential and business lines, OSP cable facilities, multi-line CPE equipment, hi-cap access services, broadband services, central office/transmission equipment and digital loop carrier equipment. •Successfully drive change through an established, unionized workforce to create a customer focused, competitive workforce. •Partner with sales, marketing and regulatory organizations to evaluating new business opportunities to determine the appropriate network support costs and timeframes associated with new revenue streams. •Manage local engagement events to streamline corporate initiatives on a local scale. **Please add any additional bullet points at your own discretion and change the descriptions to match your communication style. Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 23 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.
  • 24. F u rth e r Training P h as e 2 P h as e 3 •Establishing connections •Recommendations •Commercial customers •Current coworkers and customers •Current Frontier employees •Past employers and customers •Past employers and coworkers •How to write one for others •Developing skills and specialties using •Groups Google keywords •Which groups to join •How to manage the posts and news feed •How to post updates and news •How to engage in these groups •Applications •How to post events, add a portfolio of work and other innovative application tools Our Mission To be the leader in providing communications services to residential and business customers in our markets 24 ©This document contains proprietary and/or confidential information. This document is intended only for the party to whom it is presented and copying and re-distribution are strictly prohibited.