Redis for duplicate detection on real time stream

Roberto Franchini il y a 9 ans

Preparing for the Impact of Web 3.0

Judy O'Connell il y a 9 ans

Why relationships are cool but "join" sucks

Luca Garulli il y a 10 ans

Docker in pratice -chenyifei

dotCloud il y a 10 ans

Dropwizard Spring - the perfect Java REST server stack

Jacek Furmankiewicz il y a 11 ans

Java 8 Lambda Expressions & Streams

NewCircle Training il y a 10 ans

Aspect Oriented Approach

Dmytro Chyzhykov il y a 12 ans

Making Java REST with JAX-RS 2.0

Dmytro Chyzhykov il y a 10 ans

Vert.X like Node.js but polyglot and reactive on JVM

Massimiliano Dessì il y a 10 ans

Secure REST with JAX-RS

Carol McDonald il y a 14 ans