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Chris Pirilloʼs
140 Twitter Tips

140 Twitter Tips

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we only love what it has brought to our lives.

                Content in this publication falls under the Creative
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                Unported" License.

2!             @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

An entry on Twitter must be 140                tweet with the "@" character. This
characters or less and is referred to          indicates "conversation" mode.
as a "tweet." That naming convention
came from the community.                       Auto-following people may sound
                                               like a good idea on paper, but in
The action of posting a tweet is               practice it attracts more flies than
referred to as "tweeting," not                 fulfillment.
twittering. Many Twitter-specific
words start with the letters: "tw."            Be mindful of the time of day at
                                               which you tweet. A tweet at 5am may
Tweet for yourself first, your                 not receive the same amount of
followers second, the world third.             attention as the same tweet at 5pm.

It's been suggested that the half-life         Give credit where credit is due (if
of a tweet is approximately seven              possible). Everybody loves a hat tip.
minutes. Tweeting more frequently              Example: @HipsForHire and
than that is ill-advised.                      @KatArmstrong helped me with this
Verify links before tweeting them. Be
sure they're not broken or                     Hashtags (created with a "#"
misdirected.                                   character preceding a string) are
                                               typically used to "tag" tweets so you
Assume most of your followers will             can click #words and see more
never respond to you in any capacity.          tagged tweets.
That's the nature of most digital
communities.                                   If you want to tweet a link, be sure to
                                               "shorten" it first with a service like
Think before you tweet when you're    (which is seemingly the
feeling emotionally charged. Your              most popular on Twitter).
words will likely come back and
haunt you.                                     Be mindful that Twitter is for
To address someone on Twitter,                 people of all ages and maturity
simply put the "@" character before            levels.
their username. You can find us
@lfsocialmedia there.

If you want all your followers to see
your public replies, never begin a

   3!                       @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips
It's courtesy that if you send a               Make it a point to follow others, not
Direct Message (DM) to someone,                just attract other followers. Why
you should be following them so                should they listen to you if you
that they can respond in kind.                 don't listen to them? [via
Alcohol and Twitter seldom mix. Oh
sure, you might THINK it's funny or            Do yr bst to avd wrtng as tho yr kbd
poignant when you're still                     is bkn. Pls. If you nd mre spc thn
inebriated, but...                             use yr blog.

See a tweet you like (or want to               There's NOT a specific formula to
recall it at a moment's notice)?               "succeeding" on Twitter. You're
"Favorite" it! Click the star icon to          there, you're trying, and you should
add that tweet to your Favorites.              be happy with that.

Personal attacks are immature and              Follower counts are a poor way to
often unwarranted. If you're going             judge the value of a Twitter user.
to do this on Twitter, try going the           What's valuable to you might not be
private route.                                 valuable to someone else.

Track your replies religiously,                NOTHING is so important that you
                                               need to interrupt "real life" to tell
but I'd also suggest setting up a
                                               your followers what you're doing.
single search for keywords                     Keep your ego in check.
associated with your name,
                                               You don't need to be following a
site(s), etc.
                                               person to add them to a list (or to
                                               view them in someone else's list).

                                               Do your best, even with replies, to
                                               encapsulate full intention in a single
                                               tweet. Don't stump your followers
                                               with "LOL!" - what's so funny?

                                               Just because you tweet it doesn't
                                               make it truth. Opinion is opinion,
                                               no matter how or where it's shared.

                                               If you really want responses, ask
                                               questions. Give your tweet a call-
                                               to- action if you expect to see a
                                               reaction from it.

4!                      @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

Pithy is profitable in terms of how         Change your bio to fill it with
many times you could get retweeted.         keywords related to your interests
Sometimes, shorter is better.               and/or expertise. Answer this
                                            question: "Why should I follow you?"
After authenticating your Facebook
account (on Twitter's "Goodies"             When you're moderating (or sitting
page), use #fb in a tweet to send the       on) a panel, it's wise for someone on
update to your Facebook profile.            stage to keep an eye on Twitter.
                                            Watch for questions, feedback.
There are various conventions for
reposting ("retweeting") a tweet.           Twitter's a great place to tell the
Either use the official retweet button      world what you're thinking before
or include "RT" in the tweet.               you've had a chance to think about it.
                                            Edit yourself.
Never log into your account from
                                            If (and when) you see the "Fail
a site or service other than
                                            Whale," just hit refresh or wait a Only use tools that            moment and all will likely be return
ask for you to Approve or Deny              to normal quickly. Don't panic.
                                            When you see a "" URL, you can
                                            add a "+" to the end of it to see click
                                            stats from the shortened link. Like:

                                            It's easy to spot a spammer on
Post your Twitter profile link on your      Twitter (especially bots). Do the
blog, your YouTube videos, email            community a favor and click the
newsletters, etc. Let people know           "report for spam" link in their profile.
they can follow you!
                                            It's okay to send a very personalized
There are countless services that will      thank you via Direct Message to
help you gain more insight in terms         those who follow you, but don't set
of your activity on Twitter. Check out      up a generic auto-response. for starters.
                                            People are interested on your take on
If you want to export Twitter replies,      a popular subject. Don't be afraid to
conversations, or searches (to post to      include your thoughts in a retweet!
your blog, email, a spreadsheet, etc.),

  5!                    @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips
Read your tweet twice (and at least             Want to meet some of your most
once aloud) to catch grammatical,               responsive local Twitterers? Try
spelling, and usage errors before               hosting a "Tweetup" related to your
sending. [via @hipsforhire]                     interests. [via @hipsforhire]

Mix it up. All replies, all quotes, all         Sometimes, private tweets are
links? No. Variety is the unofficial            inadvertently posted publicly
spice of Twitter!                               because the user didn't use the
                                                proper field. Double-check!
You may authorize any application
to access your Twitter account.                 Be wary about strange links in
Change permissions on
                                                Direct Messages from friends. It
settings/connections anytime.                   could be a "phishing" scam
                                                making the rounds.
Do you follow people with similar
interests to your own? No easier way
for them to discover you than by
being an active follower.

Consider setting up more than one
Twitter account if you have a
personal and professional "face" you
wish to maintain. [via @hipsforhire]

If you make a mistake on Twitter,
take steps to correct your mistake
and offer a public apology. You can
also delete tweets. [via @hipsforhire]

Consider carefully whether you
would like to geotag your tweets. Do
you really want the world to know
where you live?                                 Believe it or not, most Twitter
                                                accounts are abandoned almost as
People are just as interested in                quickly as they're created. Do YOU
problem-solving as they are in                  know why you're on Twitter?
humorous but valid complaints.
Balance your tweets with a mixture              Don't feel pressured into sharing
of both.                                        every single thing that happens to
                                                you. Before tweeting, ask yourself:
Use multiple social media services?             "Will anybody care?" [via
Try to update all your                  @lukas2511]
networks simultaneously.

6!                      @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

Impersonating a police officer is              Only somebody else can call you an
illegal. Impersonating a real person           expert. Think twice before using
on Twitter is misleading (and                  that word to describe your
annoying). Please don't do either.             background in the Twitter bio.

If you expect people to respect your           "Social Media" hasn't been a label
privacy, respect theirs. Don't RT a            for too long. Before it, there was
DM without first asking.                       "New Media." It's just a set of tools.
                                               Keep them in perspective.
To submit a support ticket (after
reading Twitter's official FAQ), visit         Personal attacks are seldom             warranted. Even if you believe
ew after logging in.                           you're in the right, please take your
                                               venom to a more private channel.
How many tweets should you post
in a 24-hour period? That's                    If you haven't yet decided, try to
completely up to you. There is no              pick a username that's easy to read
truly "proper" number.                         and just as easy to remember.

Think in "Headlines." What words               Unless given tacit or direct
draw your attention? They'll likely            approval, don't tweet about your
capture the attention of your                  job or your co-workers. You might
followers, too.                                be tweeting from the
                                               unemployment line.

     Arguments happen. You might, however, take a debate "offline"
     (away from Twitter) if it's consuming your timeline.

7!                       @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

Before you RT a link, check to make           "With great power comes great
sure (a) a valid link, and (b) the            responsibility." One tweet can
destination is REALLY worth                   change the world - even from a user
retweeting.                                   very few already know.

A single tweet can make quite a               Occasionally, letting your followers
large impact - don't underestimate            know something very personal
the power at your fingertips. Get             about you invites them to care. Just
seen, get shared.                             know there's such a thing as TMI.
                                              [via @hipsforhire]
If your goal is to build a following
quickly, cover various subjects to            Inevitably, you'll think of a great
add value instead of creating                 tweet, but you can't share it
multiple handles and splitting your           immediately. Carry an "idea book"
followers. [via @hipsforhire]                 and write it down for later posting.
                                              [via @hipsforhire]
Before you use a #hashtag, check to
see that it's not being used by               Do not offer a service or product
others in another context.                    that you have no intention of
Otherwise, you're muddying its                delivering.
purpose. [via @dlb1752]
                                              If you've discovered truly amazing
Copying someone else's Twitter                people to follow, wait until Friday to
                                              brag - then tag your
"style" is not very original. Let
                                              recommendations with #FF (Follow
inspiration strike, then make this            Friday)
journey your own.
                                              If you are a music fanatic, share
                                              your favorites on "Music Mondays"
                                              being sure to add the #MM tag
                                              when you do.

                                              One quick way to ruin follower trust
                                              is to tweet spoilers (to potentially-
                                              shared experiences that are offset
                                              by independent schedules). [via

  8!                     @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

Go ahead and tweet about your               A potential tweet may be
favorite charity. Don't shame               understood without context in
followers if they can't support the         your head, but the written word
cause.                                      may convey a double meaning.
                                            Try to be clear.
Shoving your opinions and beliefs
down someone's throat is just as            For the best mobile Twitter
bad on Twitter as it is in real life.       experience, use a smartphone
You be you. Let them be them.               with "killer" software. Using
                                            Twitter via SMS is painful and
Resist the temptation to spread             incomplete.
gossip and rumors on Twitter. If
you can't resist, post them with a          You can put punctuation right
#gossip tag. [via @hipsforhire]             after a @reply. There is no need
                                            for a space. Example:
Remove "noise" from your tweets             @ChrisPirillo's home has an
by extracting unnecessary or                office. [via @sixthdimension]
annoying commentary. [via
@hipsforhire]                               The numbers don't really matter.
                                            Building 30,000 followers is easy.
Re-read a week's worth of your              It's building a community that's
recent tweets. Observe for gaps             hard. [via @Knunez]
or redundancies (intentional or
not) to create more balanced                Twitter's "Trending Topics" is a
content. [via @hipsforhire]                 fresh zeitgeist. You might add
                                            your voice to the fray, but only if
Sometimes, the most enticing                you really have something to say.
tweet is simply a self-describing
link. [via @hipsforhire]                    You might keep your tweets to
                                            120 characters (or less) so your
If you're looking to be inspired,           followers can conveniently RT
listen to a favorite podcast (live or       without having to edit content or
pre- recorded). General thoughts            credit. [via @chrisfyvie]
will come to you quickly.
                                            Twitter is awesome for driving
Instead of organizing your own              attention to live events - be sure
Lists or following a ton of users,          to tweet before and during
why not follow a well-cultivated,           something you're experiencing or
targeted List? It's cleaner and             producing. [via @geekazine]

9!                     @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

Think about using Search on                 According to @DanZarella, most
Twitter before going to Google to           RTs happen at 4:00pm. I strongly
look for something that's                   advise you view "The Science of
happening at that moment. [via              Retweets" here:

Should you post advertisements?             When you meet someone new -
"Sponsored tweets" are up to you,           check out how (and what) they've
but your followers may not like             tweeted. Timelines don't lie, and
them. Either way: always disclose!          are awfully telling of character.

Name-dropping only serves to                Do not underestimate the power of
make you appear LESS important              "crowdsourcing." If you need help,
than you perceive yourself as               tweet your needs clearly. You never
being. Nobody likes a sycophant.            know who will come to your rescue.

Twitter (itself) supports the               Make it easy for people to find your
                                            Twitter profile if you happen to use
UNICODE character set. To
                                            other social media services - or on
spruce up your tweets, try using            your own Web site(s). for a bit of
                                            How much email do you send on a
text fun.
                                            daily basis? Did you remember to
                                            include a link to your Twitter profile
                                            in your signature?

                                            If you tweet important life moments
                                            before telling your family, you
                                            might consider rethinking your

                                            Twitter profiles can be made
                                            private, but a follower may not
                                            realize you've done so - and could
                                            RT something you didn't want
                                            shared openly.

                                            Build your own Twitter "widget" on
If several people are tweeting from
the same account, append tweets             s (to embed on Facebook, Blogger,
with a caret and author initials.           or any other Web page).
"Chris Pirillo" would add: ^CP

10!                   @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips

    Never tweet and drive. Period. If          Firefox and Google Chrome
    it's REALLY important for you to
                                               have excellent extensions for
    pay attention to Twitter at THAT
    moment, find a designated driver.          enhancing your experience on
    [via @hipsforhire]                - bringing new
                                               functionality to the site.
    To separate your thoughts from
    another's, consider including your
    succinct commentary at the end
    of a retweet: [between brackets]
    [via @hipsforhire]

    Counterbalance every negative
    tweet with a positive one to avoid
    being perceived as a digital

    Keep your use of capitalization to
    an intentional minimum.
    OTHERWISE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE             If you want to collaborate
    YELLING AT EVERYBODY. [via                 instantly with your followers (or
    @hipsforhire]                              anybody for that matter), try
                                               something like
    The letter "d" placed at the very - easy!
    beginning of a tweet will trigger a
    DM to the username it precedes.            Stay active; after six months of
    Example: d @ChrisPirillo Thank             inactivity, your account can either
    you!                                       be subject to deletion or transfer
                                               to another party.
    Consider intercapping your                 Use of occasional "geeky" words
    username if it contains two or             are eye-catching. Excessive use
    more words. Twitter sees                   of jargon may alienate outsiders.
    @ChrisPirillo the same as it does          Tweet to a wider audience. [via
    @chrispirillo.                             @hipsforhire]

    Grab your own name, brand, or              Using "@username" in a tweet will
    preferred username before                  only trigger a notification for that
    someone else (like a "squatter")           username. Don't direct a tweet to
    does. Avoid using someone else's           someone's "@first" or "@last"
    trademark                                  name. [via @kristin]

11!                      @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips
Asking for retweets is                      An unwritten "rule" of Twitter
                                            dictates: quality over quantity.
common - so long as you're
                                            [via @jaddes_green]
NOT requesting the action on
a daily basis. Suggested: use               Do not beg people to follow you
                                            or complain that you have "no"
the word "please" when you
                                            followers. Tweet good stuff and
ask.                                        your audience and brand will
                                            likely grow. [via @ArielBambino]

                                            The number of retweets is NOT
                                            proportional to the overall
                                            visibility of the original tweet.
                                            Note: RTs might come from spam

                                            Before disparaging a person's
                                            efforts publicly, understand: (a)
Breaking a single thought                   they'll see your negative remarks,
between two (or more) tweets                and (b) nothing positive will be
isn't advised. If you can't keep it         gained.
to the character limit, rethink             If you follow a large number of
your wording.
                                            people in a short amount of time,
Poor avatar choices: group                  your account may be flagged as
photos, blurry or blocky images,            spam. Take it slow and steady,
adult- themed photos,                       my friend.
copyrighted material. Good                  Check out who has added you to
choices? Your face or logo. [via
                                            a List. Are these fans following
@hipsforhire]                               you AND organizing you with
Just because many users access              similar users? They're your
Twitter via remote utilities doesn't        biggest supporters!
mean you shouldn't change your              Most people who claim you have
profile background image! Make
                                            failed have never succeeded at
it unique.
                                            something worth tweeting. Take a
Monitoring active users and                 stranger's public criticism VERY
activities in your area is                  lightly.
suggested for both individuals
and businesses. You share locale
in common. [via @hipsforhire]

12!                    @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips
If you want your @reply to be
seen by everyone, place a single
                                           When someone says
character (like a ".") before the          they don't have enough
"@" symbol at the beginning of
your tweet. [via @dlb1752]                 time to tweet, they're
Use “#in” in a tweet to send the
                                           doing it wrong. With
update to your LinkedIn account            Twitter it's easy to share
(after you've authenticated the
LinkedIn service with Twitter). [via
                                           yourself and your world.

To reduce the amount of
duplicate results uncovered in a
search, add "- RT" to your query
(without quotes). [via

Twitter is a global commons -
your culture and beliefs aren't
shared by everyone. Respect
differences politely to be a better

When tweeting a generic link,
insert a distributive word in
brackets that would explain its
characteristic - such as [VID] or
[PIC] [via @Bdenn]

Found a sale, bargain, discount,
or special? Tweet it to help your
followers save money. Include a
company's @username if
possible. [via @TSStechAngel]

13!                @lfsocialmedia&
140 Twitter Tips
!                                            !
                                    About the Author

            Chris Pirillo has been working in the content publishing industry since
            1996. He launched his first company, LockerGnome, to provide
            practical technology knowledge to millions. Not long thereafter, he
            became an expert in growing online communities – a skill that has
            served him well as the Internet has evolved. He’s hosted television
programs, conferences, and radio shows – frequently called upon by media
outlets to help translate “geek” into something everybody can understand.

Today, Chris helps drive businesses and entrepreneurs forward by providing
insight and guidance through speaking engagements, consulting arrangements,
and coaching endeavors – with intelligence that further enables personal and
corporate brands to better engage their existing or intended audiences. His
experience has preceded a dominant social media presence, giving him an edge
over most working to help others achieve their goals.

From creating compelling content to fostering community building to
implementing winning social media strategies, Chris Pirillo has been there and
done that – and continues to help others do the same for themselves. He loves
to help people spread the word about their projects and ventures.

Chris Pirillo is a personality in whom tech enthusiasts trust to answer questions
and lead discussions. His approachability, undeniable spirit, and candor have
drawn hundreds of thousands of persons to follow him and his
recommendations. Chris understands that valid communication is fostered
through interpersonal connections. As such, he is ready to leverage his skills,
connections, and widespread recognition to help those in need of the unique
assistance he can provide. He is never short of ideas.

      To learn more about Chris, his speaking, coaching or products go to

14!                      @lfsocialmedia&

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Chris pirillos-140-twitter-tips-final

  • 1. Chris Pirilloʼs 140 Twitter Tips Edited&by&@ChrisPirillo&& Illustrated&by&@kristin&
  • 2. 140 Twitter Tips ! Have an amazing Twitter tip to share? Email your 140- character suggestion to for credit in a future revision! Share ANY single tip in this eBook with attribution! Please follow us [@lfsocialmedia] and retweet this link: http:// We are not affiliated with Twitter in any official capacity - we only love what it has brought to our lives. Content in this publication falls under the Creative Commons "Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported" License. 2! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 3. 140 Twitter Tips ! An entry on Twitter must be 140 tweet with the "@" character. This characters or less and is referred to indicates "conversation" mode. as a "tweet." That naming convention came from the community. Auto-following people may sound like a good idea on paper, but in The action of posting a tweet is practice it attracts more flies than referred to as "tweeting," not fulfillment. twittering. Many Twitter-specific words start with the letters: "tw." Be mindful of the time of day at which you tweet. A tweet at 5am may Tweet for yourself first, your not receive the same amount of followers second, the world third. attention as the same tweet at 5pm. It's been suggested that the half-life Give credit where credit is due (if of a tweet is approximately seven possible). Everybody loves a hat tip. minutes. Tweeting more frequently Example: @HipsForHire and than that is ill-advised. @KatArmstrong helped me with this eBook. Verify links before tweeting them. Be sure they're not broken or Hashtags (created with a "#" misdirected. character preceding a string) are typically used to "tag" tweets so you Assume most of your followers will can click #words and see more never respond to you in any capacity. tagged tweets. That's the nature of most digital communities. If you want to tweet a link, be sure to "shorten" it first with a service like Think before you tweet when you're (which is seemingly the feeling emotionally charged. Your most popular on Twitter). words will likely come back and haunt you. Be mindful that Twitter is for To address someone on Twitter, people of all ages and maturity simply put the "@" character before levels. their username. You can find us @lfsocialmedia there. If you want all your followers to see your public replies, never begin a 3! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 4. 140 Twitter Tips ! It's courtesy that if you send a Make it a point to follow others, not Direct Message (DM) to someone, just attract other followers. Why you should be following them so should they listen to you if you that they can respond in kind. don't listen to them? [via @hipsforhire] Alcohol and Twitter seldom mix. Oh sure, you might THINK it's funny or Do yr bst to avd wrtng as tho yr kbd poignant when you're still is bkn. Pls. If you nd mre spc thn inebriated, but... use yr blog. See a tweet you like (or want to There's NOT a specific formula to recall it at a moment's notice)? "succeeding" on Twitter. You're "Favorite" it! Click the star icon to there, you're trying, and you should add that tweet to your Favorites. be happy with that. Personal attacks are immature and Follower counts are a poor way to often unwarranted. If you're going judge the value of a Twitter user. to do this on Twitter, try going the What's valuable to you might not be private route. valuable to someone else. Track your replies religiously, NOTHING is so important that you need to interrupt "real life" to tell but I'd also suggest setting up a your followers what you're doing. single search for keywords Keep your ego in check. associated with your name, You don't need to be following a site(s), etc. person to add them to a list (or to view them in someone else's list). Do your best, even with replies, to encapsulate full intention in a single tweet. Don't stump your followers with "LOL!" - what's so funny? Just because you tweet it doesn't make it truth. Opinion is opinion, no matter how or where it's shared. If you really want responses, ask questions. Give your tweet a call- to- action if you expect to see a reaction from it. 4! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 5. 140 Twitter Tips ! Pithy is profitable in terms of how Change your bio to fill it with many times you could get retweeted. keywords related to your interests Sometimes, shorter is better. and/or expertise. Answer this question: "Why should I follow you?" After authenticating your Facebook account (on Twitter's "Goodies" When you're moderating (or sitting page), use #fb in a tweet to send the on) a panel, it's wise for someone on update to your Facebook profile. stage to keep an eye on Twitter. Watch for questions, feedback. There are various conventions for reposting ("retweeting") a tweet. Twitter's a great place to tell the Either use the official retweet button world what you're thinking before or include "RT" in the tweet. you've had a chance to think about it. Edit yourself. Never log into your account from If (and when) you see the "Fail a site or service other than Whale," just hit refresh or wait a Only use tools that moment and all will likely be return ask for you to Approve or Deny to normal quickly. Don't panic. access. When you see a "" URL, you can add a "+" to the end of it to see click stats from the shortened link. Like: It's easy to spot a spammer on Post your Twitter profile link on your Twitter (especially bots). Do the blog, your YouTube videos, email community a favor and click the newsletters, etc. Let people know "report for spam" link in their profile. they can follow you! It's okay to send a very personalized There are countless services that will thank you via Direct Message to help you gain more insight in terms those who follow you, but don't set of your activity on Twitter. Check out up a generic auto-response. for starters. People are interested on your take on If you want to export Twitter replies, a popular subject. Don't be afraid to conversations, or searches (to post to include your thoughts in a retweet! your blog, email, a spreadsheet, etc.), use 5! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 6. 140 Twitter Tips ! Read your tweet twice (and at least Want to meet some of your most once aloud) to catch grammatical, responsive local Twitterers? Try spelling, and usage errors before hosting a "Tweetup" related to your sending. [via @hipsforhire] interests. [via @hipsforhire] Mix it up. All replies, all quotes, all Sometimes, private tweets are links? No. Variety is the unofficial inadvertently posted publicly spice of Twitter! because the user didn't use the proper field. Double-check! You may authorize any application to access your Twitter account. Be wary about strange links in Change permissions on Direct Messages from friends. It settings/connections anytime. could be a "phishing" scam making the rounds. Do you follow people with similar interests to your own? No easier way for them to discover you than by being an active follower. Consider setting up more than one Twitter account if you have a personal and professional "face" you wish to maintain. [via @hipsforhire] If you make a mistake on Twitter, take steps to correct your mistake and offer a public apology. You can also delete tweets. [via @hipsforhire] Consider carefully whether you would like to geotag your tweets. Do you really want the world to know where you live? Believe it or not, most Twitter accounts are abandoned almost as People are just as interested in quickly as they're created. Do YOU problem-solving as they are in know why you're on Twitter? humorous but valid complaints. Balance your tweets with a mixture Don't feel pressured into sharing of both. every single thing that happens to you. Before tweeting, ask yourself: Use multiple social media services? "Will anybody care?" [via Try to update all your @lukas2511] networks simultaneously. 6! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 7. 140 Twitter Tips ! Impersonating a police officer is Only somebody else can call you an illegal. Impersonating a real person expert. Think twice before using on Twitter is misleading (and that word to describe your annoying). Please don't do either. background in the Twitter bio. If you expect people to respect your "Social Media" hasn't been a label privacy, respect theirs. Don't RT a for too long. Before it, there was DM without first asking. "New Media." It's just a set of tools. Keep them in perspective. To submit a support ticket (after reading Twitter's official FAQ), visit Personal attacks are seldom warranted. Even if you believe ew after logging in. you're in the right, please take your venom to a more private channel. How many tweets should you post in a 24-hour period? That's If you haven't yet decided, try to completely up to you. There is no pick a username that's easy to read truly "proper" number. and just as easy to remember. Think in "Headlines." What words Unless given tacit or direct draw your attention? They'll likely approval, don't tweet about your capture the attention of your job or your co-workers. You might followers, too. be tweeting from the unemployment line. Arguments happen. You might, however, take a debate "offline" (away from Twitter) if it's consuming your timeline. 7! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 8. 140 Twitter Tips ! Before you RT a link, check to make "With great power comes great sure (a) a valid link, and (b) the responsibility." One tweet can destination is REALLY worth change the world - even from a user retweeting. very few already know. A single tweet can make quite a Occasionally, letting your followers large impact - don't underestimate know something very personal the power at your fingertips. Get about you invites them to care. Just seen, get shared. know there's such a thing as TMI. [via @hipsforhire] If your goal is to build a following quickly, cover various subjects to Inevitably, you'll think of a great add value instead of creating tweet, but you can't share it multiple handles and splitting your immediately. Carry an "idea book" followers. [via @hipsforhire] and write it down for later posting. [via @hipsforhire] Before you use a #hashtag, check to see that it's not being used by Do not offer a service or product others in another context. that you have no intention of Otherwise, you're muddying its delivering. purpose. [via @dlb1752] If you've discovered truly amazing Copying someone else's Twitter people to follow, wait until Friday to brag - then tag your "style" is not very original. Let recommendations with #FF (Follow inspiration strike, then make this Friday) journey your own. If you are a music fanatic, share your favorites on "Music Mondays" being sure to add the #MM tag when you do. One quick way to ruin follower trust is to tweet spoilers (to potentially- shared experiences that are offset by independent schedules). [via @lisalee] 8! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 9. 140 Twitter Tips ! Go ahead and tweet about your A potential tweet may be favorite charity. Don't shame understood without context in followers if they can't support the your head, but the written word cause. may convey a double meaning. Try to be clear. Shoving your opinions and beliefs down someone's throat is just as For the best mobile Twitter bad on Twitter as it is in real life. experience, use a smartphone You be you. Let them be them. with "killer" software. Using Twitter via SMS is painful and Resist the temptation to spread incomplete. gossip and rumors on Twitter. If you can't resist, post them with a You can put punctuation right #gossip tag. [via @hipsforhire] after a @reply. There is no need for a space. Example: Remove "noise" from your tweets @ChrisPirillo's home has an by extracting unnecessary or office. [via @sixthdimension] annoying commentary. [via @hipsforhire] The numbers don't really matter. Building 30,000 followers is easy. Re-read a week's worth of your It's building a community that's recent tweets. Observe for gaps hard. [via @Knunez] or redundancies (intentional or not) to create more balanced Twitter's "Trending Topics" is a content. [via @hipsforhire] fresh zeitgeist. You might add your voice to the fray, but only if Sometimes, the most enticing you really have something to say. tweet is simply a self-describing link. [via @hipsforhire] You might keep your tweets to 120 characters (or less) so your If you're looking to be inspired, followers can conveniently RT listen to a favorite podcast (live or without having to edit content or pre- recorded). General thoughts credit. [via @chrisfyvie] will come to you quickly. Twitter is awesome for driving Instead of organizing your own attention to live events - be sure Lists or following a ton of users, to tweet before and during why not follow a well-cultivated, something you're experiencing or targeted List? It's cleaner and producing. [via @geekazine] easier. 9! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 10. 140 Twitter Tips ! Think about using Search on According to @DanZarella, most Twitter before going to Google to RTs happen at 4:00pm. I strongly look for something that's advise you view "The Science of happening at that moment. [via Retweets" here: @dccrowley] Should you post advertisements? When you meet someone new - "Sponsored tweets" are up to you, check out how (and what) they've but your followers may not like tweeted. Timelines don't lie, and them. Either way: always disclose! are awfully telling of character. Name-dropping only serves to Do not underestimate the power of make you appear LESS important "crowdsourcing." If you need help, than you perceive yourself as tweet your needs clearly. You never being. Nobody likes a sycophant. know who will come to your rescue. Twitter (itself) supports the Make it easy for people to find your Twitter profile if you happen to use UNICODE character set. To other social media services - or on spruce up your tweets, try using your own Web site(s). for a bit of How much email do you send on a text fun. daily basis? Did you remember to include a link to your Twitter profile in your signature? If you tweet important life moments before telling your family, you might consider rethinking your strategy. Twitter profiles can be made private, but a follower may not realize you've done so - and could RT something you didn't want shared openly. Build your own Twitter "widget" on If several people are tweeting from the same account, append tweets s (to embed on Facebook, Blogger, with a caret and author initials. or any other Web page). "Chris Pirillo" would add: ^CP 10! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 11. 140 Twitter Tips ! Never tweet and drive. Period. If Firefox and Google Chrome it's REALLY important for you to have excellent extensions for pay attention to Twitter at THAT moment, find a designated driver. enhancing your experience on [via @hipsforhire] - bringing new functionality to the site. To separate your thoughts from another's, consider including your succinct commentary at the end of a retweet: [between brackets] [via @hipsforhire] Counterbalance every negative tweet with a positive one to avoid being perceived as a digital curmudgeon. Keep your use of capitalization to an intentional minimum. OTHERWISE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE If you want to collaborate YELLING AT EVERYBODY. [via instantly with your followers (or @hipsforhire] anybody for that matter), try something like The letter "d" placed at the very - easy! beginning of a tweet will trigger a DM to the username it precedes. Stay active; after six months of Example: d @ChrisPirillo Thank inactivity, your account can either you! be subject to deletion or transfer to another party. Consider intercapping your Use of occasional "geeky" words username if it contains two or are eye-catching. Excessive use more words. Twitter sees of jargon may alienate outsiders. @ChrisPirillo the same as it does Tweet to a wider audience. [via @chrispirillo. @hipsforhire] Grab your own name, brand, or Using "@username" in a tweet will preferred username before only trigger a notification for that someone else (like a "squatter") username. Don't direct a tweet to does. Avoid using someone else's someone's "@first" or "@last" trademark name. [via @kristin] 11! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 12. 140 Twitter Tips ! Asking for retweets is An unwritten "rule" of Twitter dictates: quality over quantity. common - so long as you're [via @jaddes_green] NOT requesting the action on a daily basis. Suggested: use Do not beg people to follow you or complain that you have "no" the word "please" when you followers. Tweet good stuff and ask. your audience and brand will likely grow. [via @ArielBambino] The number of retweets is NOT proportional to the overall visibility of the original tweet. Note: RTs might come from spam accounts. Before disparaging a person's efforts publicly, understand: (a) Breaking a single thought they'll see your negative remarks, between two (or more) tweets and (b) nothing positive will be isn't advised. If you can't keep it gained. to the character limit, rethink If you follow a large number of your wording. people in a short amount of time, Poor avatar choices: group your account may be flagged as photos, blurry or blocky images, spam. Take it slow and steady, adult- themed photos, my friend. copyrighted material. Good Check out who has added you to choices? Your face or logo. [via a List. Are these fans following @hipsforhire] you AND organizing you with Just because many users access similar users? They're your Twitter via remote utilities doesn't biggest supporters! mean you shouldn't change your Most people who claim you have profile background image! Make failed have never succeeded at it unique. something worth tweeting. Take a Monitoring active users and stranger's public criticism VERY activities in your area is lightly. suggested for both individuals and businesses. You share locale in common. [via @hipsforhire] 12! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 13. 140 Twitter Tips ! If you want your @reply to be seen by everyone, place a single When someone says character (like a ".") before the they don't have enough "@" symbol at the beginning of your tweet. [via @dlb1752] time to tweet, they're Use “#in” in a tweet to send the doing it wrong. With update to your LinkedIn account Twitter it's easy to share (after you've authenticated the LinkedIn service with Twitter). [via yourself and your world. @jodimode] To reduce the amount of duplicate results uncovered in a search, add "- RT" to your query (without quotes). [via @infinitelymeta] Twitter is a global commons - your culture and beliefs aren't shared by everyone. Respect differences politely to be a better netizen. When tweeting a generic link, insert a distributive word in brackets that would explain its characteristic - such as [VID] or [PIC] [via @Bdenn] Found a sale, bargain, discount, or special? Tweet it to help your followers save money. Include a company's @username if possible. [via @TSStechAngel] 13! @lfsocialmedia&
  • 14. 140 Twitter Tips ! ! ! About the Author Chris Pirillo has been working in the content publishing industry since 1996. He launched his first company, LockerGnome, to provide practical technology knowledge to millions. Not long thereafter, he became an expert in growing online communities – a skill that has served him well as the Internet has evolved. He’s hosted television programs, conferences, and radio shows – frequently called upon by media outlets to help translate “geek” into something everybody can understand. Today, Chris helps drive businesses and entrepreneurs forward by providing insight and guidance through speaking engagements, consulting arrangements, and coaching endeavors – with intelligence that further enables personal and corporate brands to better engage their existing or intended audiences. His experience has preceded a dominant social media presence, giving him an edge over most working to help others achieve their goals. From creating compelling content to fostering community building to implementing winning social media strategies, Chris Pirillo has been there and done that – and continues to help others do the same for themselves. He loves to help people spread the word about their projects and ventures. Chris Pirillo is a personality in whom tech enthusiasts trust to answer questions and lead discussions. His approachability, undeniable spirit, and candor have drawn hundreds of thousands of persons to follow him and his recommendations. Chris understands that valid communication is fostered through interpersonal connections. As such, he is ready to leverage his skills, connections, and widespread recognition to help those in need of the unique assistance he can provide. He is never short of ideas. To learn more about Chris, his speaking, coaching or products go to 14! @lfsocialmedia&