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Kalyan Mondal (2012ca49)
Jyoti Shrivastava (2012ca52)
Kamal Kishore (2012ca34)
Jyotsna Agnihotri (2012ca66)
Karishma Gupta(2012ca55)
Presented By:
Subject: Software Engineering
Mr Anoj Kumar
 Software Planning
 LOC: Lines of Code
 Function Point
 Cost Estimation
 Development Mode
• Basic COCOMO
• Intermediate COCOMO
• Detailed COCOMO
• Application Composition
• Early Design Model
• Post Architecture Model
 References
Software planning begins before technical work starts, continues as the softwa
Evolves from concept to reality, and culminates only when the software is retir
Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
Fig:- Activities during software project planning
• A Line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment
or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or
fragments on the line. This specifically includes all lines
containing program header, declarations, and executable and
non-executable statements.
• While line of codes have their uses, their usefulness is limited for
other tasks like functionality, complexity, efficiency, etc.
Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
Function point measures functionality which is a solution to the size
measurement problem.
It is decomposed into following functional units
Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
Inputs Outputs Enquiries
Functional units Low Average High
External Inputs 3 4 6
External Outputs 4 5 7
External Inquiries 3 4 5
Internal logical files (ILF) 7 10 15
External interface files
5 7 10
The procedure for the calculation of UFP in mathematical form is
given below
5 3
UFP = ∑ ∑ 𝑍𝑖𝑗WijUFP : Unadjusted Function Point i=1
Where i indicates the row and j indicates the column of table.
Wij : It is the entry of ith row and jth column of the table.
Zij: It is the count of the number of functional unit of type i that have been
classified as having the complexity corresponding to column j
Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
An example
Consider a project with the following functional units: 50 user inputs,40
user outputs, 35 user enquiries,6 user files,4 external interfaces.
Assume all complexity adjustment factors and weighting factors are
Compute the function points for the project. Suppose that program
needs 70 LOC per FP. Find out the size of complete project.
5 3
UFP = ∑ ∑ 𝑍𝑖𝑗Wij
i=1 j=1
UFP= 50 * 4 + 40 * 5 + 35 * 4 + 6 * 10 + 4 * 7
= 200+200+140+60+28 = 628
CAF= (0.65 + ∑𝐹𝑖 )
=(0.65 + 0.01 (14 * 3 )) = 1.07
=628 * 1.07 = 672
Size = FP * (LOC per FP) = 672 * 70 = 47040 LOC
Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, Yogesh S
Cost Estimation
 Approximate judgement of the costs for a project. It
should be done throughout the entire life cycle.
 Why we need?
 To determine how much effort and time a
software project requires.
Important for making good management
It facilitates competitive contract bids.
It affect the planning and budgeting of a project.
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Jyoti Shrivastava
Development Mode of S/W Projects
Mode Project
Nature of Project Innovation Deadline
Organic Typically
2-50 KLOC
Small size project,
Little Not Tight
Medium size project
and team.
Medium Medium
Embedded Typically
Large project, Real-
time systems
Significant Tight
Constructive Cost Model(COCOMO )
 The COCOMO model is a single variable software
cost estimation model developed by Barry Boehm
in 1981.
 The model uses a basic regression formula, with
parameters that are derived from historical project
data and current project characteristics.
Hierarchy of Cocomo Model
1. Basic COCOMO model
2. Intermediate COCOMO model
3. Detailed COCOMO model
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Jyoti Shrivastava
Basic COCOMO Model
It take the form:
Effort(E) = ab * (KLOC)b
b(in Person-months)
DevelopmentTime(D) = cb * (E) d
b (in month)
Average staff size(SS) = E/D (in Person)
Productivity(P) = KLOC / E (in KLOC/Person-month)
Project ab bb cb db
Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38
Semidetached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35
Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Jyoti Shrivastava
What is Person-Months ?
The area under the curve
Ref: Fundamentals of Software Engineering By Rajib Mall Created by:
Basic cocomo: Example
A project size of 200KLOC is to be developed.S/W
development team has average experience on
similar type of projects.The project schedule is not
very tight.Calculate the effort and development time
of the project.
Ans: 200 KLOC implies semi-detached mode.
Hence, E= 3.0 * (200)1.12 = 1133.12 PM
D=2.5 * (1133.12)0.35 = 29.3 M
Avg. staff size(SS) = E/D
= 1133.12/29.3=38.67 Persons.
Productivity (P) = KLOC/E
= 200/1133.12=0.1765
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Jyoti
Intermediate COCOMO
 Extension of Basic COCOMO
 Why Use ?
Basic model lacks accuracy
 Computes software development effort as a function of
program size and set of 15 Cost Drivers
 Cost Driver: A multiplicative factor that determines the effort
required to complete the software project.
 Why Cost Drivers?
Adjust the nominal cost of a project to the actual project
 For each Characteristics, Estimator decides the scale factor
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Kalyan
Low Nominal High
Cost Drivers
• Required Software Reliability (RELY)
• Database Size (DATA)
• Product Complexity (CPLX)
• Execution Time Constraint (TIME)
• Main Storage constraint (STOR)
• Virtual Machine volatility (VIRT)
• Computer turnaround time (TURN)
• Analyst Capability (ACAP)
• Application Experience (AEXP)
• Programmer Capability (PCAP)
• Virtual Machine Experience (VEXP)
• Programming language Experience (LEXP)
• Modern programming practices (MODP)
• Use of Software tools (TOOL)
• Required development schedule (SCED)
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
The Calculation
 Multiply all 15 Cost Drivers to get Effort Adjustment
 E(Effort) = ab(KLOC)b
b * EAF(in Person-Month)
 D(Development Time) = cb(E)d
b (in month)
 SS (Avg Staff Size) = E/D (in persons)
 P (Productivity) = KLOC/E (in KLOC/Person-month)
Project ab bb cb db
Organic 3.2 1.05 2.5 0.38
3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35
Embedded 2.8 1.20 2.5 0.32
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Intermediate COCOMO : Example
A new project with estimated 400 KLOC embedded system has to
be developed. Project manager hires developers of low quality but
a lot of experience in programming language. Calculate the Effort,
Development time, Staff size & Productivity.
EAF = 1.29 * 0.95 = 1.22
400 LOC implies Embedded System
Effort = 2.8*(400)1.20 * 1.225 = 3712 * 1.22 = 4528 person-months
Development Time = 2.5 * (4528)0.32 = 2.5 * 14.78 = 36.9 months
Avg. Staff Size = E/D = 4528/36.9 = 122 persons
Productivity = KLOC/Effort = 400/4528 = 0.0884 KLOC/person-
Low Nominal High Very
Extra High
AEXP 1.29 1.13 1.00 0.91 0.82 --
LEXP 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 -- --
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Detailed COCOMO
 Detailed COCOMO = Intermediate COCOMO +
assessment of Cost Drivers impact on each phase.
 Phases
1) Plans and requirements
2) System Design
3) Detailed Design
4) Module code and test
5) Integrate and test
• Cost of each subsystem is estimated separately. This
reduces the margin of error.
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
The Calculation
 Multiply all 15 Cost Drivers to get Effort Adjustment
 E(Effort) = ab(KLOC)b
b * EAF(in Person-Month)
 D(Development Time) = cb(E)d
b (in month)
 Ep (Total Effort) = µp * E (in Person-Month)
 Dp (Total Development Time) = τp * D (in month)
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Detailed COCOMO : Example
Consider a project to develop a full screen editor. The major
components identified and their sizes are (i) Screen Edit – 4K (ii)
Command Lang Interpreter – 2K (iii) File Input and Output – 1K (iv)
Cursor movement – 2K (v) Screen Movement – 3K. Assume the
Required software reliability is high, product complexity is high,
analyst capability is high & programming language experience is
low. Use COCOMO model to estimate cost and time for different
Size of modules : 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 13 KLOC [Organic]
EAF = 1.15 * 1.15 * 0.86 * 1.07 = 1.2169
Low Nominal High Very
Extra High
RELY 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.40 --
CPLX 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.65
ACAP 1.46 1.19 1.00 0.86 0.71
LEXP 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 -- --
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
Example (Contd.)
Initial Effort (E) = ab(KLOC)b
b * EAF = 3.2*(12)1.05 * 1.2169
= 52.9 person-months
Initial Development Time = cb(E)d
b =2.5*(52.9)0.38 = 11.29 months
Phase value of µp and τp
Phase wise effort & development time distribution
Plan &
code & test
& Test
Organic Small
0.06 0.16 0.26 0.42 0.16
Organic Small
0.10 0.19 0.24 0.39 0.18
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
E D Ep (in person-months) Dp (in months)
Plan &
52.9 11.29 0.06*52.9 = 3.17 0.10*11.29=1.1
System Design 52.9 11.29 0.16*52.9=8.46 0.19*11.29=2.1
Detail Design 52.9 11.29 0.26*52.9=13.74 0.24*11.29=2.7
Module code & test 52.9 11.29 0.42*52.9=22.21 0.39*11.29=4.4
 The changes in s/w development techniques included a
move away from mainframe overnight batch processing
to desktop-based real-time turnaround.
 These changes and others began to make applying the
original COCOMO model problematic.
 The model is tuned to the life cycle practices of the 21st
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh and csse website by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Categories Identified By
Cocomo II
 End User Programming
 Infrastructure Sector
 Intermediate Sectors
1. Application Generators And Composition Aids
2. Application Composition Sector
3. System Integration
Stages Of Cocomo-II
Application Composition
Earlier Design
Post Architecture
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Application Composition
Assess Object
Classification Of
Assign Complexity
Weight To Each Object
Determine Object
Compute New
Object Points
Calculation Of
Productivity Rate
Compute The
Effort In Person
• Assess object counts: Estimate the number of screens,
reports and 3 GL components that will comprise this application.
• Classification of complexity levels:
We have to classify each object instance (depending on
values of its characteristics) into :-
o simple
o medium
o Difficult
• Assign complexity weight to each object : The
weights are used for three object types :-
o screen
o report
o 3GL components
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
• Determine object points: Add all the weighted object
instances to get one number and this known as object-point count.
• Compute new object points: We have to estimate the
percentage of reuse to be achieved in a project. Depending on the
percentage reuse, the new object points (NOP) are computed.
Object Points * (100 - %reuse)
NOP = ---------------------------------------------
NOP are the object points that will need to be developed and differ
from the object point count because there may be reuse( percentage of
the Product development which is accomplished by exploiting the
existence of existing component's design-or-development effort).
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh& by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
• Calculation of productivity rate: The productivity
rate can be calculated as:
Productivity rate (PROD) = NOP/Person month
• Compute the effort in Persons-Months: When
PROD is known, we may estimate effort in Person-
Months as:
Effort in PM = ------------
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Example: Consider a database application project with the
following characteristics:
 The application has 4 screens with 4 views each and 7
data tables for 3 servers and 4 clients.
 The application may generate two report of 6 sections
each from 07 data tables for two server and 3 clients.
There is 10% reuse of object points.
 The developer’s experience and capability in the similar
environment is low. The maturity of organization in
terms of capability is also low. Calculate the object point
count, New object points and effort to develop such a
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Solution :
Lets have a look on the tables for screens, for reports , for
complexity weights for each level
No. Of Views
Contained in a
(<2 servers
<3 clients)
(2-3 servers
3-5 clients)
Total 8+
(>3 servers
>5 clients)
<3 Simple Simple Medium
3-7 Simple Medium Difficult
>8 Medium Difficult Difficult
No. Of
Contained in a
(<2 servers
<3 clients)
(2-3 servers
3-5 clients)
Total 8+
(>3 servers
>5 clients)
0 or 1 Simple Simple Medium
2 or 3 Simple Medium Difficult
4+ Medium Difficult Difficult
 This project comes under the category of application composition estimation
 Number of screens = 4 with 4 views each
 Number of reports = 2 with 6 sections each
 From Table we know that each screen will be of medium complexity and
each report will be difficult complexity.
 Using Table of complexity weights, we may calculate object point count
= 4 x 2 + 2 x 8 = 24
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Object Type Simple
Screen 1 2 3
Report 2 5 8
3GL - - 10
Using the formula NOP is calculated as:
NOP= 24 * (100-10)/100=21.6
Low value of productivity is given in above Productivity table =
Efforts in PM=NOP/PROD=21.6/7=3.086 PM
Developer’s Experience
And Capability
Very low 4
Low 7
Nominal 13
High 25
Very high 50
Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
Early Design Model
Used in the early stages of a software project when very little
may be known about:
the size of the product to be developed,
the nature of the target platform,
the nature of the personnel to be involved in the project.
Uses Unadjusted Function Points (UFP) as the measure of size.
Based on a standard formula for COCOMO-II models:
PMnominal = Effort of the project in person months
A = Constant representing the nominal productivity,
provisionally set to 2.5
B = Scale factor
Size = Software size
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh 32
The Scaling Factors that COCOMO-II model uses for the
calculation of B are:
 Precedentness (PREC)
 Development flexibility (FLEX)
 Architecture/ Risk Resolution (RESL)
 Team Cohesion (TEAM)
 Process maturity (PMAT)
Early design cost drivers
There are 7 early design cost drivers and are given below:
1. Product Reliability and Complexity (RCPX)
2. Required Reuse (RUSE)
3. Platform Difficulty (PDIF)
4. Personnel Capability (PERS)
5. Personnel Experience (PREX)
6. Facilities (FCIL)
7. Schedule (SCED)
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh 33
Data for the Computation of B (Scalar Factor)
Scaling Factors Very
Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
Precedentness 6.20 4.96 3.72 2.48 1.24 0.00
5.07 4.05 3.04 2.03 2.03 0.00
Risk Resolution
7.07 5.65 4.24 2.83 1.41 0.00
Team Cohesion 5.48 4.38 3.29 2.19 1.10 0.00
7.80 6.24 4.68 3.12 1.56 0.00
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
If B=1.0, then Linear relationship b/w Effort & Size.
If B 1.0, then Non-Linear relationship b/w Effort & Size.
If B<1.0, then the rate of increase of effort decreases as the size of
the product increases.
If B>1.0, then the rate of increase of effort increases as the size of
the product increases.
B = 0.91 + 0.01 * (Sum of rating on scaling factors for the project)
When all the scaling factors of a project are rated as extra high,
then the best value of B= 0.91 (for COCOMO II.2000)
when all the scaling factors of a project are rated as very low,
Then the worst value of B= 1.23 (for COCOMO II.2000)
Hence, the value of B may vary from 0.91 to 1.23
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Calculate the scalar factor B
Early Design Model:
Question: A software project of application generator category with estimated 50
KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has low precedentness, high
development flexibility and low team cohesion.
Other factors are nominal. The early design cost drivers like platform
difficult (PDIF) and Personnel Capability (PERS) are high and others are
Calculate the Effort in person-months for the development of the project.
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Early Design
Cost Drivers
Low Nominal High Very
RCPX 0.73 0.81 0.98 1.0 1.30 1.74 2.38
RUSE - - 0.95 1.0 1.07 1.15 1.24
PDIF - - 0.87 1.0 1.29 1.81 2.61
PERS 2.12 1.62 1.26 1.0 0.83 0.63 0.50
PREX 1.59 1.33 1.12 1.0 0.87 0.71 0.62
FCIL 1.43 1.30 1.10 1.0 0.87 0.73 0.62
SCED - 1.43 1.14 1.0 1.0 1.0 -
B = 0.91 + 0.01 * (Sum of rating on scaling factors for the
= 0.91 + 0.01 * (4.96 + 2.03 + 4.24 + 4.38 + 4.68)
= 0.91 + 0.01(20.29)=1.1129
= 2.5 * (50)1.1129 = 194.41 Person-months
here A=2.5 (for COCOMO II.2000) predefined
The 7 cost drivers are:
PDIF = high (1.29) PERS = high (0.83)
RCPX = nominal (1.0) RUSE = nominal (1.0)
PREX = nominal (1.0) FCIL = nominal (1.0)
SCEO = nominal (1.0)
Solution :
= 194.41 * [1.29 x 0.83]
= 194.41 x 1.07
= 208.155 Person months
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Post Architecture Model
• Most detailed estimation model.
• Used when a software life cycle architecture has been completed.
• Used in the development and maintenance of software products
in the application generators, system integration or infrastructure
EM : Effort multiplier which is the product of 17 cost drivers.
PMnominal = Effort of the project in person months.
Lines of Codes Counting Rules
Function Points
Cost Drivers
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Cost Drivers of Post Architecture
• Required Software Reliability (RELY)
• Database Size (DATA)
• Product Complexity (CPLX)
• Documentation (DOCU)
• Required Reusability (RUSE)
• Execution Time Constraint (TIME)
• Platform Volatility (PVOL)
• Main Storage constraint (STOR)
• Analyst Capability (ACAP)
• Personnel Continuity (PCON)
• Programmer Experience (PEXP)
• Programmer Capability (PCAP)
• Analyst Experience(AEXP)
• Language & Tool Experience (LTEX)
• Use of Software tools (TOOL)
• Required development schedule (SCED)
• Site Locations & Communications Technology
b/w sites (SITE)
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Added Cost
7 cost drivers
Deleted Cost
5 Cost Drivers
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
RELY 0.75 0.88 1.00 2.48 1.24 0.00
DATA 0.93 1.00 2.03 2.03 0.00
CPLX 0.75 0.88 1.00 2.83 1.41 0.00
RUSE 0.91 1.00 2.19 1.10 0.00
DOCU 0.89 0.95 1.00 3.12 1.56 0.00
TIME 1.00 1.11 1.31 1.67
STOR 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.57
PVOL 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30
ACAP 1.50 1.22 1.00 0.83 0.67
PCAP 1.37 1.16 1.00 0.87 0.74
PCON 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84
AEXP 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.89 0.81
PEXP 1.25 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.81
LTEX 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.84
TOOL 1.24 1.12 1.00 0.86 0.72
SITE 1.25 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.78
SCED 1.29 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00
17 Cost Drivers
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Schedule Estimation
Development time can be calculated using PMadjusted as a key
factor and the desired equation is:
= constant, provisionally set to 3.67, B = Scaling factor
TDEVnominal = calendar time in months with a scheduled constraint
PMadjusted = Estimated effort in Person months (after adjustment)
Size can be measured in any unit and the model can be calibrated
accordingly. However, COCOMO II details are:
I. Application composition model uses the size in object points.
II. The other two models use size in KLOC.
Size Measurement
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Post Architecture: Example
Ques: A software project of application generator category with estimated 50
KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has low precedentness, high
development flexibility and low team cohesion. The identified 17 Cost drivers are
high reliability (RELY), very high database size (DATA), high execution time
constraint (TIME),
very high analyst capability (ACAP), high programmers capability (PCAP).
The other cost drivers are nominal.
 Calculate the effort in Person-Months for the development of the project.
Here B = 1.1129
PMnominal = 194.41 Person-months
= 194.41 x (1.15 x 1.19 x 1.11 x 0.67 x 0.87)
= 194.41 x 0.885
= 172.05 Person-months
Solution :
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
Yogesh Singh
Final Word
“The models are just there to help,
not to make the management
decisions for you.”
--Barry Boehm
 Software Engineering (Third Edition) By
K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh
 Fundamentals of Software Engineering (Third
Edition) By Rajib Mall
 Software Engineering , 6th Edition By Ian
 Software Engineering (Sixth Edition) by Roger S.
Thank You

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Cocomo model

  • 1. LOC, COCOMO I & COCOMO II Kalyan Mondal (2012ca49) Jyoti Shrivastava (2012ca52) Kamal Kishore (2012ca34) Jyotsna Agnihotri (2012ca66) Karishma Gupta(2012ca55) Presented By: Subject: Software Engineering Coordinator: Mr Anoj Kumar
  • 2. Contents  Software Planning  LOC: Lines of Code  Function Point  Cost Estimation  Development Mode  COCOMO I • Basic COCOMO • Intermediate COCOMO • Detailed COCOMO  COCOMO II • Application Composition • Early Design Model • Post Architecture Model  References
  • 3. SOFTWARE PLANNING Software planning begins before technical work starts, continues as the softwa Evolves from concept to reality, and culminates only when the software is retir Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si Fig:- Activities during software project planning
  • 4. LINES OF CODE(LOC) • A Line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or fragments on the line. This specifically includes all lines containing program header, declarations, and executable and non-executable statements. • While line of codes have their uses, their usefulness is limited for other tasks like functionality, complexity, efficiency, etc. Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
  • 5. FUNCTION POINT Function point measures functionality which is a solution to the size measurement problem. It is decomposed into following functional units Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si Inputs Outputs Enquiries Internal Logical Files External Interface Files
  • 6. FUNCTIONAL UNITS WITH WEIGHTING FACTORS Functional units Low Average High External Inputs 3 4 6 External Outputs 4 5 7 External Inquiries 3 4 5 Internal logical files (ILF) 7 10 15 External interface files (EIF) 5 7 10 The procedure for the calculation of UFP in mathematical form is given below 5 3 UFP = ∑ ∑ 𝑍𝑖𝑗WijUFP : Unadjusted Function Point i=1 j=1 Where i indicates the row and j indicates the column of table. Wij : It is the entry of ith row and jth column of the table. Zij: It is the count of the number of functional unit of type i that have been classified as having the complexity corresponding to column j Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, yogesh si
  • 7. An example Consider a project with the following functional units: 50 user inputs,40 user outputs, 35 user enquiries,6 user files,4 external interfaces. Assume all complexity adjustment factors and weighting factors are average. Compute the function points for the project. Suppose that program needs 70 LOC per FP. Find out the size of complete project. Solution: 5 3 UFP = ∑ ∑ 𝑍𝑖𝑗Wij i=1 j=1 UFP= 50 * 4 + 40 * 5 + 35 * 4 + 6 * 10 + 4 * 7 = 200+200+140+60+28 = 628 CAF= (0.65 + ∑𝐹𝑖 ) =(0.65 + 0.01 (14 * 3 )) = 1.07 FP= UFP * CAF =628 * 1.07 = 672 Size = FP * (LOC per FP) = 672 * 70 = 47040 LOC Created by:- Kamal kishore(2012ca34) Ref :-software engineering by K.K.Agrawal, Yogesh S
  • 8. Cost Estimation  Approximate judgement of the costs for a project. It should be done throughout the entire life cycle.  Why we need?  To determine how much effort and time a software project requires. Important for making good management decisions. It facilitates competitive contract bids. It affect the planning and budgeting of a project. Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Jyoti Shrivastava
  • 9. Development Mode of S/W Projects Mode Project Size Nature of Project Innovation Deadline Organic Typically 2-50 KLOC Small size project, Experienced developers. Little Not Tight Semi Detached Typically 50- 300KLOC Medium size project and team. Medium Medium Embedded Typically over 300KLOC Large project, Real- time systems Significant Tight
  • 10. Constructive Cost Model(COCOMO )  The COCOMO model is a single variable software cost estimation model developed by Barry Boehm in 1981.  The model uses a basic regression formula, with parameters that are derived from historical project data and current project characteristics. Hierarchy of Cocomo Model 1. Basic COCOMO model 2. Intermediate COCOMO model 3. Detailed COCOMO model Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Jyoti Shrivastava
  • 11. Basic COCOMO Model It take the form: Effort(E) = ab * (KLOC)b b(in Person-months) DevelopmentTime(D) = cb * (E) d b (in month) Average staff size(SS) = E/D (in Person) Productivity(P) = KLOC / E (in KLOC/Person-month) Project ab bb cb db Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38 Semidetached 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35 Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32 Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Jyoti Shrivastava
  • 12. Person-Months What is Person-Months ? The area under the curve Ref: Fundamentals of Software Engineering By Rajib Mall Created by:
  • 13. Basic cocomo: Example A project size of 200KLOC is to be developed.S/W development team has average experience on similar type of projects.The project schedule is not very tight.Calculate the effort and development time of the project. Ans: 200 KLOC implies semi-detached mode. Hence, E= 3.0 * (200)1.12 = 1133.12 PM D=2.5 * (1133.12)0.35 = 29.3 M Avg. staff size(SS) = E/D = 1133.12/29.3=38.67 Persons. Productivity (P) = KLOC/E = 200/1133.12=0.1765 KLOC/PM. Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Jyoti Shrivastava
  • 14. Intermediate COCOMO  Extension of Basic COCOMO  Why Use ? Basic model lacks accuracy  Computes software development effort as a function of program size and set of 15 Cost Drivers  Cost Driver: A multiplicative factor that determines the effort required to complete the software project.  Why Cost Drivers? Adjust the nominal cost of a project to the actual project Environment.  For each Characteristics, Estimator decides the scale factor Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: Kalyan Mondal Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High
  • 15. Cost Drivers • Required Software Reliability (RELY) • Database Size (DATA) • Product Complexity (CPLX) Product Attributes • Execution Time Constraint (TIME) • Main Storage constraint (STOR) • Virtual Machine volatility (VIRT) • Computer turnaround time (TURN) Computer Attributes • Analyst Capability (ACAP) • Application Experience (AEXP) • Programmer Capability (PCAP) • Virtual Machine Experience (VEXP) • Programming language Experience (LEXP) Personnel Attributes • Modern programming practices (MODP) • Use of Software tools (TOOL) • Required development schedule (SCED) Project Attributes Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 16. The Calculation  Multiply all 15 Cost Drivers to get Effort Adjustment Factor(EAF)  E(Effort) = ab(KLOC)b b * EAF(in Person-Month)  D(Development Time) = cb(E)d b (in month)  SS (Avg Staff Size) = E/D (in persons)  P (Productivity) = KLOC/E (in KLOC/Person-month) Project ab bb cb db Organic 3.2 1.05 2.5 0.38 Semidetach ed 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35 Embedded 2.8 1.20 2.5 0.32 Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 17. Intermediate COCOMO : Example A new project with estimated 400 KLOC embedded system has to be developed. Project manager hires developers of low quality but a lot of experience in programming language. Calculate the Effort, Development time, Staff size & Productivity. EAF = 1.29 * 0.95 = 1.22 400 LOC implies Embedded System Effort = 2.8*(400)1.20 * 1.225 = 3712 * 1.22 = 4528 person-months Development Time = 2.5 * (4528)0.32 = 2.5 * 14.78 = 36.9 months Avg. Staff Size = E/D = 4528/36.9 = 122 persons Productivity = KLOC/Effort = 400/4528 = 0.0884 KLOC/person- month Cost Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High AEXP 1.29 1.13 1.00 0.91 0.82 -- LEXP 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 -- -- Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 18. Detailed COCOMO  Detailed COCOMO = Intermediate COCOMO + assessment of Cost Drivers impact on each phase.  Phases 1) Plans and requirements 2) System Design 3) Detailed Design 4) Module code and test 5) Integrate and test • Cost of each subsystem is estimated separately. This reduces the margin of error. Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 19. The Calculation  Multiply all 15 Cost Drivers to get Effort Adjustment Factor(EAF)  E(Effort) = ab(KLOC)b b * EAF(in Person-Month)  D(Development Time) = cb(E)d b (in month)  Ep (Total Effort) = µp * E (in Person-Month)  Dp (Total Development Time) = τp * D (in month) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 20. Detailed COCOMO : Example Consider a project to develop a full screen editor. The major components identified and their sizes are (i) Screen Edit – 4K (ii) Command Lang Interpreter – 2K (iii) File Input and Output – 1K (iv) Cursor movement – 2K (v) Screen Movement – 3K. Assume the Required software reliability is high, product complexity is high, analyst capability is high & programming language experience is low. Use COCOMO model to estimate cost and time for different phases. Size of modules : 4 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 13 KLOC [Organic] EAF = 1.15 * 1.15 * 0.86 * 1.07 = 1.2169 Cost Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High RELY 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.15 1.40 -- CPLX 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.65 ACAP 1.46 1.19 1.00 0.86 0.71 LEXP 1.14 1.07 1.00 0.95 -- -- Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by:
  • 21. Example (Contd.) Initial Effort (E) = ab(KLOC)b b * EAF = 3.2*(12)1.05 * 1.2169 = 52.9 person-months Initial Development Time = cb(E)d b =2.5*(52.9)0.38 = 11.29 months Phase value of µp and τp Phase wise effort & development time distribution Plan & Reqr System Design Detail Design Module code & test Integration & Test Organic Small µp 0.06 0.16 0.26 0.42 0.16 Organic Small τp 0.10 0.19 0.24 0.39 0.18 Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh Created by: E D Ep (in person-months) Dp (in months) Plan & Requirement 52.9 11.29 0.06*52.9 = 3.17 0.10*11.29=1.1 2 System Design 52.9 11.29 0.16*52.9=8.46 0.19*11.29=2.1 4 Detail Design 52.9 11.29 0.26*52.9=13.74 0.24*11.29=2.7 0 Module code & test 52.9 11.29 0.42*52.9=22.21 0.39*11.29=4.4
  • 22. WHY COCOMO-II ?  The changes in s/w development techniques included a move away from mainframe overnight batch processing to desktop-based real-time turnaround.  These changes and others began to make applying the original COCOMO model problematic.  The model is tuned to the life cycle practices of the 21st century. Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh and csse website by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 23. Categories Identified By Cocomo II  End User Programming  Infrastructure Sector  Intermediate Sectors 1. Application Generators And Composition Aids 2. Application Composition Sector 3. System Integration Stages Of Cocomo-II Application Composition Earlier Design Post Architecture Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 24. Application Composition Assess Object Counts Classification Of Complexity Levels Assign Complexity Weight To Each Object Determine Object Points Compute New Object Points Calculation Of Productivity Rate Compute The Effort In Person Months.
  • 25. • Assess object counts: Estimate the number of screens, reports and 3 GL components that will comprise this application. • Classification of complexity levels: We have to classify each object instance (depending on values of its characteristics) into :- o simple o medium o Difficult • Assign complexity weight to each object : The weights are used for three object types :- o screen o report o 3GL components Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 26. • Determine object points: Add all the weighted object instances to get one number and this known as object-point count. • Compute new object points: We have to estimate the percentage of reuse to be achieved in a project. Depending on the percentage reuse, the new object points (NOP) are computed. Object Points * (100 - %reuse) NOP = --------------------------------------------- 100 NOP are the object points that will need to be developed and differ from the object point count because there may be reuse( percentage of the Product development which is accomplished by exploiting the existence of existing component's design-or-development effort). Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh& by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 27. • Calculation of productivity rate: The productivity rate can be calculated as: Productivity rate (PROD) = NOP/Person month • Compute the effort in Persons-Months: When PROD is known, we may estimate effort in Person- Months as: NOP Effort in PM = ------------ PROD Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 28. Example: Consider a database application project with the following characteristics:  The application has 4 screens with 4 views each and 7 data tables for 3 servers and 4 clients.  The application may generate two report of 6 sections each from 07 data tables for two server and 3 clients. There is 10% reuse of object points.  The developer’s experience and capability in the similar environment is low. The maturity of organization in terms of capability is also low. Calculate the object point count, New object points and effort to develop such a project. Example Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 29. Solution : Lets have a look on the tables for screens, for reports , for complexity weights for each level No. Of Views Contained in a screen Total<4 (<2 servers <3 clients) Total<8 (2-3 servers 3-5 clients) Total 8+ (>3 servers >5 clients) <3 Simple Simple Medium 3-7 Simple Medium Difficult >8 Medium Difficult Difficult No. Of Sections Contained in a report Total<4 (<2 servers <3 clients) Total<8 (2-3 servers 3-5 clients) Total 8+ (>3 servers >5 clients) 0 or 1 Simple Simple Medium 2 or 3 Simple Medium Difficult 4+ Medium Difficult Difficult
  • 30.  This project comes under the category of application composition estimation model.  Number of screens = 4 with 4 views each  Number of reports = 2 with 6 sections each  From Table we know that each screen will be of medium complexity and each report will be difficult complexity.  Using Table of complexity weights, we may calculate object point count = 4 x 2 + 2 x 8 = 24 Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri Object Type Simple Complexity Medium Complexity Difficult Complexity Screen 1 2 3 Report 2 5 8 3GL - - 10
  • 31. Using the formula NOP is calculated as: NOP= 24 * (100-10)/100=21.6 Low value of productivity is given in above Productivity table = 7 Efforts in PM=NOP/PROD=21.6/7=3.086 PM Developer’s Experience And Capability PROD (NOP/PM) Very low 4 Low 7 Nominal 13 High 25 Very high 50 Ref: Software Engineering By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh by : Jyotsna Agnihotri
  • 32. Early Design Model Used in the early stages of a software project when very little may be known about: the size of the product to be developed, the nature of the target platform, the nature of the personnel to be involved in the project. Uses Unadjusted Function Points (UFP) as the measure of size. Based on a standard formula for COCOMO-II models: Where PMnominal = Effort of the project in person months A = Constant representing the nominal productivity, provisionally set to 2.5 B = Scale factor Size = Software size Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh 32
  • 33. The Scaling Factors that COCOMO-II model uses for the calculation of B are:  Precedentness (PREC)  Development flexibility (FLEX)  Architecture/ Risk Resolution (RESL)  Team Cohesion (TEAM)  Process maturity (PMAT) Early design cost drivers There are 7 early design cost drivers and are given below: 1. Product Reliability and Complexity (RCPX) 2. Required Reuse (RUSE) 3. Platform Difficulty (PDIF) 4. Personnel Capability (PERS) 5. Personnel Experience (PREX) 6. Facilities (FCIL) 7. Schedule (SCED) Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh 33
  • 34. Data for the Computation of B (Scalar Factor) Scaling Factors Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High Precedentness 6.20 4.96 3.72 2.48 1.24 0.00 Development Flexibility 5.07 4.05 3.04 2.03 2.03 0.00 Architecture/ Risk Resolution 7.07 5.65 4.24 2.83 1.41 0.00 Team Cohesion 5.48 4.38 3.29 2.19 1.10 0.00 Process Maturity 7.80 6.24 4.68 3.12 1.56 0.00 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 35. If B=1.0, then Linear relationship b/w Effort & Size. If B 1.0, then Non-Linear relationship b/w Effort & Size. If B<1.0, then the rate of increase of effort decreases as the size of the product increases. If B>1.0, then the rate of increase of effort increases as the size of the product increases. B = 0.91 + 0.01 * (Sum of rating on scaling factors for the project) When all the scaling factors of a project are rated as extra high, then the best value of B= 0.91 (for COCOMO II.2000) when all the scaling factors of a project are rated as very low, Then the worst value of B= 1.23 (for COCOMO II.2000) Hence, the value of B may vary from 0.91 to 1.23 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh Calculate the scalar factor B
  • 36. Early Design Model: Example Question: A software project of application generator category with estimated 50 KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has low precedentness, high development flexibility and low team cohesion. Other factors are nominal. The early design cost drivers like platform difficult (PDIF) and Personnel Capability (PERS) are high and others are nominal. Calculate the Effort in person-months for the development of the project. Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh Early Design Cost Drivers Extra Low Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High RCPX 0.73 0.81 0.98 1.0 1.30 1.74 2.38 RUSE - - 0.95 1.0 1.07 1.15 1.24 PDIF - - 0.87 1.0 1.29 1.81 2.61 PERS 2.12 1.62 1.26 1.0 0.83 0.63 0.50 PREX 1.59 1.33 1.12 1.0 0.87 0.71 0.62 FCIL 1.43 1.30 1.10 1.0 0.87 0.73 0.62 SCED - 1.43 1.14 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 36
  • 37. B = 0.91 + 0.01 * (Sum of rating on scaling factors for the project) = 0.91 + 0.01 * (4.96 + 2.03 + 4.24 + 4.38 + 4.68) = 0.91 + 0.01(20.29)=1.1129 = 2.5 * (50)1.1129 = 194.41 Person-months here A=2.5 (for COCOMO II.2000) predefined The 7 cost drivers are: PDIF = high (1.29) PERS = high (0.83) RCPX = nominal (1.0) RUSE = nominal (1.0) PREX = nominal (1.0) FCIL = nominal (1.0) SCEO = nominal (1.0) Solution : = 194.41 * [1.29 x 0.83] = 194.41 x 1.07 = 208.155 Person months 37 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 38. Post Architecture Model • Most detailed estimation model. • Used when a software life cycle architecture has been completed. • Used in the development and maintenance of software products in the application generators, system integration or infrastructure sectors. Where EM : Effort multiplier which is the product of 17 cost drivers. PMnominal = Effort of the project in person months. Lines of Codes Counting Rules Function Points Cost Drivers 38 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 39. Cost Drivers of Post Architecture • Required Software Reliability (RELY) • Database Size (DATA) • Product Complexity (CPLX) • Documentation (DOCU) • Required Reusability (RUSE) Product Attributes • Execution Time Constraint (TIME) • Platform Volatility (PVOL) • Main Storage constraint (STOR) Computer Attributes • Analyst Capability (ACAP) • Personnel Continuity (PCON) • Programmer Experience (PEXP) • Programmer Capability (PCAP) • Analyst Experience(AEXP) • Language & Tool Experience (LTEX) Personnel Attributes • Use of Software tools (TOOL) • Required development schedule (SCED) • Site Locations & Communications Technology b/w sites (SITE) Project Attributes 39 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 40. Added Cost Drivers 7 cost drivers  DOCU  RUSE  PVOL  PLEX  LTEX  PCON  SITE Deleted Cost Drivers 5 Cost Drivers • VIRT • TURN • VEXP • LEXP • MODP Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 41. Cost Drivers Very Low Low Nominal High Very High Extra High RELY 0.75 0.88 1.00 2.48 1.24 0.00 DATA 0.93 1.00 2.03 2.03 0.00 CPLX 0.75 0.88 1.00 2.83 1.41 0.00 RUSE 0.91 1.00 2.19 1.10 0.00 DOCU 0.89 0.95 1.00 3.12 1.56 0.00 TIME 1.00 1.11 1.31 1.67 STOR 1.00 1.06 1.21 1.57 PVOL 0.87 1.00 1.15 1.30 ACAP 1.50 1.22 1.00 0.83 0.67 PCAP 1.37 1.16 1.00 0.87 0.74 PCON 1.24 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 AEXP 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.89 0.81 PEXP 1.25 1.12 1.00 0.88 0.81 LTEX 1.22 1.10 1.00 0.91 0.84 TOOL 1.24 1.12 1.00 0.86 0.72 SITE 1.25 1.10 1.00 0.92 0.84 0.78 SCED 1.29 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 17 Cost Drivers Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal &
  • 42. Schedule Estimation Development time can be calculated using PMadjusted as a key factor and the desired equation is: Where = constant, provisionally set to 3.67, B = Scaling factor TDEVnominal = calendar time in months with a scheduled constraint PMadjusted = Estimated effort in Person months (after adjustment) Size can be measured in any unit and the model can be calibrated accordingly. However, COCOMO II details are: I. Application composition model uses the size in object points. II. The other two models use size in KLOC. Size Measurement 42 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 43. Post Architecture: Example Ques: A software project of application generator category with estimated 50 KLOC has to be developed. The scale factor (B) has low precedentness, high development flexibility and low team cohesion. The identified 17 Cost drivers are high reliability (RELY), very high database size (DATA), high execution time constraint (TIME), very high analyst capability (ACAP), high programmers capability (PCAP). The other cost drivers are nominal.  Calculate the effort in Person-Months for the development of the project. Here B = 1.1129 PMnominal = 194.41 Person-months = 194.41 x (1.15 x 1.19 x 1.11 x 0.67 x 0.87) = 194.41 x 0.885 = 172.05 Person-months Solution : 43 Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 44. Created by- Karishma Gupta (2012CA55) Ref: Software Engineering By K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh
  • 45. Final Word “The models are just there to help, not to make the management decisions for you.” --Barry Boehm Ref:
  • 46. References  Software Engineering (Third Edition) By K.K.Aggarwal & Y. Singh  Fundamentals of Software Engineering (Third Edition) By Rajib Mall  Software Engineering , 6th Edition By Ian Sommerville  Software Engineering (Sixth Edition) by Roger S. Pressman  ocomo.pdf