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This Super Simple
"Soup Ritual" Melted
Pounds of Nagging Fat
After My Humiliating
Discover How Women & Men
Over 50 Are Dropping Pounds
Like Crazy With a Simple Daily
Ritual That:
Burns Stubborn Abdominal Fat
Increases Fat-Burning Metabolism After
Kills Hunger & the Most Intense
Cravings Without Cutting Calories
Eliminates Rebound Weight Gain
Flatter More Firm Stomach Without
Skipping Meals Or Eating Less
Would You Guess She's Almost 42 & Just Had 2 Kids?
Give This Waist-Slimming
Secret 48 Hours Then
Weigh Yourself in the
Women and men over 50 are buzzing about a
new wave of weight-loss soups that melt
away stubborn stomach fat like crazy...
Why do they work so well?
It's a combination of the right ingredients that
kill hunger...
Along with using the latest science to pack
this convenient comfort food with nutrients
that make belly fat melt faster.
Nutrients that most women and men over 50
aren't getting nearly enough of.
Penn State University researchers found that
the combination of solid foods in liquid
tricks the body into feeling full about 400
calories sooner than normal.
That means you'll naturally be eating less...
Without su몭ering through intense hunger or
Think of it like Mother Nature's appetite
However, I must warn you...
Not all soup, or soup diets, are created equal.
In fact, most don't work because they focus
on restricting calories or use the wrong
ingredients, which triggers cravings and can
lead to weight gain.
And most soups aren't spiked with key
nutrients that optimize fat-burning in the
body a몭er 50...
...when your hormones are drastically
di몭erent than they were just a few years ago.
Jessica, a 53-Year-Old
Mom From Virginia Was
Looking for Relief From
Her Constant Achiness
Her Constant Achiness
and Fatigue
And she thought eating these new soups
would be easiest because of her busy
When she craved comfort food, she had a
bowl of soup.
Within days, pounds starting pouring off,
motivating Jessica even more.
In the end, she went down from a size 18
to a size 10 without completely changing
her diet.
Just remember, you can't eat any old soup
to get these kind of jaw­dropping results.
Just Follow This Daily
Ritual and Watch As
Fat Melts O몭 Your
If nothing has ever worked for you before...
Maybe you've tried keto and low­carb
Or Weight Watchers...
Or maybe you've tried skipping meals and
cutting way back on calories...
Or eating nothing but protein and
If none of those ever work for you, then
you're in luck...
Because if you can take a spoonful of
soup, lift it up to your mouth, swallow it,
and then repeat until you're full...
Then this will work for you.
It's that simple.
There's no way you can fail unless you
hate soup.
And no, I'm not talking about canned soup
you buy at the grocery store that's filled
with added chemicals, processed foods,
and nasty ingredients.
Or certain homemade soups that use
ingredients that trigger fat storage in adults
over 50...
These are different.
Even better, the weight loss is so easy to
maintain because you can still have
dessert (like a big piece of chocolate cake
after your soup)...
And the weight will still come off.
And Here's the Real
These slimming soups have a built­in
appetite suppressant...
Thanks to a handful of little­known "super­
nutrients" that help kill cravings, eliminate
mindless snacking, and all­but end
emotional eating.
That's the real reason why this works so
Because if you're hungry all the time, no
matter how healthy you're eating, it's just
not going to work.
You know yourself better than anyone, and
when's the last time being constantly
hungry led to any substantial weight loss?
Bonus #4 - Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start Guide
hungry led to any substantial weight loss?
The Soup Plan For a
Tiny Waist
Hi, my name is Josh…
I have an unusual true story to share about
how I saved my own life…
...and lost over 100 pounds eating soup.
So if you’re wondering whether you can burn
belly fat every week by simply eating more
The answer is yes.
But it’s not what you think.
These aren’t soups from a can or a restaurant.
Yet you can make them right at home with
just a handful of ingredients.
When I started sharing my recipes online,
people from all over the world started
slimming down…
Like Wendy, a 68-Year
Old Grandmother Who
Like Wendy, a 68-Year
Old Grandmother Who
Lost 12.2 Pounds
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
And Dr. Qureshi Lost
13.2 Pounds Eating
More Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
Yet The Secret to These
Naturally Slimming Soups
They contain a handful of herbs, spices, and
minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially
minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially
around your stomach area.
Don’t worry, I’ll give you the entire list in just
a minute and explain WHY each one works in
That way you can use them at home as soon
as tonight.
But the real reason they work is because they
unclog an overworked detox system in the
body that a몭ects 80% of women over 50.
This detox system is a complex network of
capillaries and vessels that help the body
flush out fat..
And when it’s backed up, it leads to fat piling
up on the body.
So it’s not about eating fewer calories…
Or skipping meals…
Or eating less…
None of those matter if your internal detox
system is slow, sluggish, sludgy.
So today, we’re going to fix it.
Frustrated Dieters Are
Starting to Realize
This Is the “Missing
What I’m going to share with you today has
been overlooked by the top doctors, experts,
and dietitians for years.
That’s because they’re all so busy, they don’t
have the time to research how the body
changes as you get older.
However, researchers from Stanford
University discovered that this “slowdown”
causes fat storage to double in women…
And it triggers the creation of more fat cells
that expand your waistline and make your
belly bigger…
Which makes losing weight on ANY diet
virtually impossible.
So if you’ve been dieting for years and the
pounds never come o몭…
Or maybe you’ve tried everything and since
nothing ever works, you give up because
what’s the point?
Or maybe your mom was overweight and you
think you’re doomed to the same fate…
Well, today we’re going to change that.
Before I Go Any
Further, Let Me Warn
What I’m going to share today flies in the face
of traditional medicine and human
It’s not about eating more vegetables…
Or exercising more…
Or going on a crash diet...
Unfortunately, we’ve gotten in wrong for
And both you and I have been the ones to
With growing waistlines, dangerous belly fat,
and cellulite in all the wrong places.
That’s why I’m writing to you today.
Because through my own frustrating journey,
where I ballooned up to over 300 pounds, I
stumbled upon a real-life working miracle
that took over 100 pounds o몭 my body…
And literally saved my life.
It le몭 my doctor scratching his head…
And my wife ecstatic that we get to spend the
rest of our lives together.
There are plenty of people who want me to
keep my mouth shut…
Because if I tell you how easy this is, then
millions of dollars could be lost by big
companies who prey on the sick…
However, if you haven’t been feeling like
yourself lately…
Then what I have for you here today can be
Then what I have for you here today can be
First, let me tell you exactly who I am…
And how I stumbled across this weight loss
As I Mentioned Before,
My Name Is Josh
I’m not a doctor…
I’m not a dietician…
And I’m not a personal trainer.
I’m just a normal guy from Georgia who
married his high-school sweetheart when she
was the only friend I ever had.
And a몭er our wedding, where I banned all the
photographers because I didn’t want any
pictures taken of me…
I Stumbled Across a
Simple Daily Ritual
That Saved My Own
However, first I want to share something with
you that I haven’t told ANYONE…
Not my friends, not my parents, and not even
my wife of over 15 years…
So here’s the god’s honest truth…
It sucks being fat.
And I should know…
Up until a few years ago, I spent almost my
entire life overweight.
And as hard as it is for me to talk about, I
know my story might help you when NO ONE
else understands what you’re going
So here’s the quick story…
Since I was a kid, I’ve struggled with my
All the way back to elementary school, kids
would make fun of me, call me names, and
bully me constantly.
No One Would Sit With
Me on the School Bus
As I walked down the bus aisle looking for a
seat, I could already hear the other kids
laughing at me.
“Look at the pig!”…
“Hey fat butt!”…
“Hope you eat the teachers so we get out of
class earlier”…
And of course, no one would let me sit by
The verbal abuse was just so hard.
I wanted to cry…
Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things
Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things
And even though this was by far the WORST
time in my life, where I was so miserable I
didn’t even want to go out in public or even
stand in front of mirror in the morning…
It was also the start of my journey.
Time passed and things didn’t get any
I was depressed…
Never wanted to get out of bed in the
And I Quickly Grew to
Hate My Own Life
I still remember one day at lunch during high
I was looking for a table when one of the
“popular” kids walked by, bumped into me
on purpose, then shoved me to the ground.
I fell flat on my face.
Food went flying everywhere, all over my
And all I could do was pick up my tray and
keep walking to my table.
I was so embarrassed, yet as sad as it is to
That was just the beginning.
A Humiliating
Honeymoon Photo Led Me
To Discover a Daily Ritual
That Melted Over 100
A few years later, I ended up marrying my
high-school sweetheart.
We went to Nashville for our honeymoon...
And one day we went to a bird park.
As we were exploring all these rare and exotic
birds, our tour guide asked if I wanted a
picture taken.
I said sure and didn't think much of it.
When we finished the tour and got our
pictures, I was SHOCKED…
I looked HUGE!
It hit
me like
a ton
because I wasn’t just a little overweight…
I was easily over 300 pounds!
We went back to the cabin, and I asked my
wife if I had really put on that much weight…
And she said, “Well, yeah…but I love you
regardless so it doesn’t really matter to me.”
That photo turned my world upside down…
All of a sudden, the same feelings and
emotions from high school came rushing
Those feelings of being alone…
It only took one picture to bring all of those
horrible feelings back.
I was in denial…
And it took me days to accept the fact that I
was still that same person who got picked on
every day back in school.
That's When I Hit My
Breaking Point
I just didn't feel like myself anymore.
I was tired all the time...
I could barely get going in the morning...
And then I couldn't fall asleep at night.
I felt so rundown that I didn't even have the
energy to go on a walk with my wife a몭er
Or take our dog to the dog park.
My weight was higher than it had ever been
And I just knew that something wasn't right...
But I couldn't put my finger on it.
Stanford University
Nicknamed This Fat-
Storing Nightmare
"Lymphatic Slowdown"
If you spent the last few months eating
healthier without losing a single pound...
Or maybe your rings fit tight, your knees feel
a little creaky, and your body feels more tired
than usual...
These signs all point to a congested
lymphatic system.
Your lymphatic system is a network of
capillaries and vessels that help the body get
rid of toxins, excess fluids and fat.
However, the lymph can easily be overloaded
with chemicals, pesticides from fruits and
veggies, and a variety of other pollutants
lurking in the air we breathe.
Plus, everyday stress is also shuts down the
When this system gets slowed down and
It can sabotage your weight loss e몭orts.
An Estimated 80% of
Women Over 50 Have a
Congested Lymphatic
System That Dumps Fat
Around Your Belly, Hips &
"When the lymph flow is slow and congested, it
leads to an accumulation of body fat", says
Bruno Chikly, M.D., director of the Lymph
Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs
Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs
in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Think of your lymphatic system as a
When there's cars lined up in rush hour tra몭ic,
other cars can't squeeze in.
The same thing happens with your fat
"A slow lymphatic system can no longer
properly transport fat where it needs to go", Dr.
Chikly explains.
This extra fat piles up around your belly, hips,
and thighs.
And according to researchers at Stanford
University, lymphatic slowdown causes fat
storage to double!
This Forces Your Body
to "Hold On" To Extra
This was a big breakthrough for me in
understanding why my body was always
storing fat even if I was on a diet.
storing fat even if I was on a diet.
According to lymph expert Jenna Macciochi,
Ph.D., "Carrying around extra pounds triggers
inflammation - a problem for both your
immune system and your waistline."
"As part of its role as a superhighway, the
lymphatic system carries immune cells through
your body to infection-fighting lymph nodes.
However, inflammation thwarts this process by
reducing lymph flow."
And researchers at St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital report that this
inflammation triggers the creation of more fat
cells to store these toxins in...
Which makes losing weight even more
When you have slow
lymph flow in your body,
as most women do, it
forces your cells to
"hold on" to extra
It's like those old pair of jeans that you never
And yet you can't bring yourself to get rid of
them because MAYBE you'll wear them again.
So they sit in your closet, taking up space.
It's the same with fat when your lymph flow is
Your body just won't get rid of it like it should.
And that's how the fat starts piling up in all
the wrong places.
Are you starting to notice how your body is
stacked up against the 8 ball without you
even knowing?
A Congested Lymp
System Also Causes
If your lymph isn't flowing, your tissues aren't
draining excess fluid.
This creates a backlog that results in bloating.
Even worse, this backed-up fluid sticks to
fat cells making them bigger.
As your fat cells get bigger, they start to burst
through your fascia...
Which is a protective layer of tissue
underneath your skin.
When your fat cells start popping through the
fascia, it creates a "dimple e몭ect"...
Which leads to cellulite. 
Combine that with the hormonal changes
every woman and man goes through as you
get older...
Along with being less active, less mobile, and
losing precious lean muscle tissue...
It's easy to see how cellulite can start popping
up all over your butt and thighs.
Yet it's not from eating too many calories...
It all starts with your lymph system slowing
down, killing your ability to burn fat.
How Do You Know If
"Lymphatic Slowdown" Is
To Blame?
(Do This 10-Second Self-Test)
Do you eat reasonably healthy without ever
losing a single pound?
Are your rings sometimes tight on your
Are your joints more sore now compared to
when you were younger?
Are you o몭en tired even when getting plenty
of rest?
These signs all point to a congested
lymphatic system.
When your lymph fluid isn't flowing properly,
it causes your tissue to swell.
These bloated, inflamed tissues can add up to
15 pounds to your weight and cause you to
swell two extra dress sizes.
And it causes your fat-storage to double.
Which is why your stomach may be getting
bigger despite eating healthier foods.
Luckily, this NEW "quick fix" is easier than
Especially if you love eating warm meals.
It's one of the safest things you can do to look
10 years younger while getting the extra
weight o몭 quickly...
And it's the "missing link" most adults
overlook when trying to drop pounds.
This Simple Daily
Ritual Thins Out a
Clogged Lymph to
Flush Away Raw Fat
When you eat more of these specific soups
that support your body, it reduces toxin
buildup and allows more fluid to be pumped
through the body...
O몭en in as little as 7 days.
Once lymphatic fluid is moving freely, fat can
be burned for fuel and excess toxins can be
flushed from the body.
Just remember, when your lymphatic system
isn't working properly...
Because your lymph fluid is too thick from the
wear and tear of aging...
Fat molecules can't be transported to be
burned for fuel.
Instead, they stay stuck to your belly, hips,
and waistline...
...causing a buildup of excess pounds.
These 3 "Missing
Minerals" Thin Out a
Clogged Lymph to
Power O몭 Pounds
Now that you know a clogged lymph keeps
stubborn pounds on your body...
And the key is thinning out your lymph fluid...
...because when it flows freely, your body can
burn fat and flush toxins...
Let's talk about exactly what you should do to
get this fixed.
A몭er my doctor dumped all this new
information on me...
I started studying cases where people
successfully reversed their clogged lymphs
and were losing anywhere from 20 to 55
pounds in a matter of months.
And what kept coming up in study a몭er study
were these 3 minerals that most adults are
were these 3 minerals that most adults are
So my first recommendation would be to start
adding foods rich in these minerals right
Missing Mineral #1:
The most important thing you can do to flush
out the extra pounds is...
Reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for
energy instead of sugars and carbs.
Don't worry, it's a lot easier than you think.
And I'll explain how in just a minute.
However, in order to do that, you need a lot of
If you ever go up a flight of stairs and your
legs feel really heavy or you don't have the
That's a potassium deficiency.
Now, why it's really important for fat-burning
Potassium helps regulate fluid in the body.
Consuming more potassium helps thin lymph
fluid so it can easily flow through the
lymphatic tubes, which speeds up slimming.
It also helps reduce high blood pressure,
protect against strokes, helps prevent
osteoporosis, and may help prevent kidney
Now, most people think of bananas when it
comes to potassium, but...
Since they're high in sugar, you'll want to
avoid them if you want a smaller waistline.
Instead, some great options are mushrooms
and zucchini.
Missing Mineral #2:
Magnesium is a “co-factor”.
That means it’s a helper element that’s
involved in the activation of certain enzymes.
One of magnesium’s most important job
deals with the mitochondria.
Think of mitochondria as little “energy
bubbles” in your cells.
Mitochondria produces energy and the spark
plug that activates the enzyme to produce
more energy is…
If you don’t have enough magnesium in your
body, you may su몭er from:
**Low energy
**Inability to relax
**Cramps and muscle spasms
**Chronic back pain
Now, here’s the kicker…
The more extra weight you have on your
body, the harder it is for you to absorb
Which is why studies show that so many
overweight adults are lacking in this powerful
It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to
It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to
reverse a sluggish lymph and banish stubborn
Missing Mineral #3:
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our
It's what makes up our bones, muscles,
tendons, connective tissues, and even our
Without it, your metabolism slows down...
You get wrinkles...
And your muscles and joints become weaker.
Unfortunately, our body's collagen
production naturally begins to slow down as
production naturally begins to slow down as
we get older.
This leads to visible signs of aging...
Sagging skin...
And joint pains due to weaker cartilage.
Diets high in sugar also deplete collagen
However, when you start adding more
collagen to your diet...
It helps increase your fat-burning
So you burn more calories and fat throughout
the day...
It reduces cellulite and wrinkles...
It makes your skin look younger and more
And it "tightens up" loose and saggy skin...
Have you ever seen someone lose a lot of
And their stomach has this "pooch" of
le몭over skin?
Collagen helps tighten that up...
Which is why...
If you haven't already...
It's extremely important to get more high-
quality collagen into your diet.
I like to sprinkle some on top of my soups.
This Daily Ritual
Melted O몭 A Couple
Pounds of Stubborn
Fat Every Week
A몭er my doctor dumped all this new
information on me...
I was a bit overwhelmed.
It was crystal clear that my lymph system was
so backed up...
My body was hanging on to over 30 pounds
of dead weight.
Just as I was about to leave...
My doctor reached into his desk drawer and
pulled out a thin booklet.
"This is what I give to my most stubborn
patients, where the weight just wont' come o몭.
It's a soup diet.
It has all the minerals and nutrients we talked
And it's a way to get your body burning fat
again without worrying about calories...
Because the liquid in the soup naturally fills up
your stomach...
So there's less room for food.
And it'll get your lymph fluid flowing again...
So your body will start burning fat."
That night, I went over the soup detox my
doctor gave me.
It seemed simple enough, I had all the
ingredients already, and so...
I started making soup.
Every night for dinner I had a big bowl of soup
and usually had enough le몭over for lunch the
next day.
However, there was just one problem...
The soups tasted absolutely AWFUL!
There was no salt…
No flavor…
And I had to plug my nose just to choke it
Desperate to make something happen…
My wife, who’s an
amazing cook,
started adding in
these secret
spices that made
spices that made
the soup POP…
Suddenly, the soups tasted amazing, and
since I could eat as much as I wanted…
I felt like I was in heaven.
I couldn't believe it.
I had been dieting for over 10 years, I was
always cutting calories and worried about
eating too much...
Yet now, I was eating as much as I wanted and
I felt great.
The next morning, I woke up and my stomach
looked a little flatter.
I jumped on the scale and I was already down
a pound a몭er just one night.
Within 5 days, things really started to change.
I was down 3 pounds and my size 44 jeans
were feeling loose around the waist.
I swear my stomach was shrinking.
Just a week later, I lost another 3 pounds
and my energy levels were through the roof.
And it only got better.
Over the next 6 weeks, I had lost 18 pounds
and 6 inches o몭 my stomach and waist...
I felt like a completely di몭erent person.
But that wasn't the best part.
My clothes start fitting better from Day 1…
I finally had the energy to go for walks with
my wife and really connect with her…
And I was no longer exhausted and worn out
a몭er another 50 hour work week…
Over The Next 3
Months a MIRACLE
By the end of the third month, I finally wore
swim trunks in public for the first time...
Without a shirt on.
That might not seem like a big deal...
But it's something I'd never done before.
I was down about 50 pounds and my
confidence was growing fast.
I looked and felt better than I did when I was
Even more important…
I was no longer pre-diabetic and my high
blood sugar has been gone for months.
Within the first year and a half, I lost a
whopping 110 pounds.
Getting a clean bill of health from my doctor
just a few months later was one of the most
amazing moments in my life…
My wife cried tears of joy knowing that I'd be
around to grow old together.
And we got more serious about trying to have
Since the weight was coming o몭 so quickly...
People at work kept asking what I was doing.
And so, I started sharing this simple soup
detox with anyone who asked.
Like Gabrielle...
She Lost 15 Pounds
Eating More Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
Andrew Lost 14.3 Pounds
With Simple Slimming
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
The Secret to
Consistent Weight
Rebound Weight Gain
Once I saw how quickly this soup detox was
working for my friends, family, and co-
workers who tried it...
I realized that we were on to something BIG.
Look, if this worked for me…
Someone who’s been overweight my entire
Traumatized by bullying, getting beat up
because I was the "fat kid", while failing on
every diet I tried…
Then I know it can work for you too.
Just think about it…
The only way I was finally able to lose weight
was by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what
everyone else is doing…
I didn't eat a single salad...
I only ate broccoli when it was in my thick and
creamy broccoli and cheddar soup...
I ate as much as I wanted...
And I never counted calories or tracked my
Once I saw how e몭ective this soup diet was...
I realized I had to get it into the hands of as
many people as possible.
So you can fight back against age-related
weight gain.
That's Why I Organized
All These Secrets Into
an Easy to Use Done-
For-You Protocol
Called the 14-Day
Rapid Soup Diet
The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is an all natural
nutrition program that contains a done-for-
you meal plan, delicious fat-burning soup
recipes, and personal accountability to strip
away unwanted fat in just 2 weeks.
In fact, most people see and feel a
di몭erence in their waistline in the first 48
I'm so excited to share these slimming soup
secrets with more people just like you.
You see, a몭er losing over 100 pounds myself, I
made it my mission to help at least 100,000
struggling men and women lose at least 10
And the only way to do that was to package
up all my secrets into an easy to use follow
along system.
This NEW and proven protocol is designed
specifically for women and men...
Who love to eat...
Hate dieting...
And want a flatter stomach without killing
yourself at the gym or going on another crash
If this sounds like you, then the 14-Day Rapid
Soup Diet is the answer you've been looking
Eating These Delicious
Soups Will Melt Away
More Fat Than 2 Hours
on the Treadmill
When you start eating these super-healing
soups, you can start burning fat in as little as
24 hours.
You'll start to have more energy so you can
get more things done around the house...
You'll feel lighter...
Your jeans will start feeling a little loose
around the waist...
And your skin will reclaim that youthful glow
that only happens when you heal your body
from the inside out.
Now, here's the real magic behind why these
soups work so well for weight loss...
When you give your body the right mix of
minerals, proteins, and healthy fats...
Your body takes it as a sign that it's ok to start
burning fat for energy.
And so, little by little, your body will start
burning up the fat around your stomach, your
hips, your love handles, and your thighs..
...using it for energy to get you through your
Then, since your fat-burning hormones will be
at an all time high, they'll start working
overtime while you sleep.
You see, deep sleep is the most e몭ective time
for your body to burn fat...
And so, within the first couple of days, you're
going to wake up feeling lighter and leaner
than ever before.
The more soups you eat, the lighter you'll
Until all the unwanted flab is o몭 your body,
revealing the new, sexy you.
No Other Solution Will
Slim You Down Like
These Simple Soups
I'm sorry if I'm making this sound too easy.
I just know how hard I struggled for years
trying to get the weight o몭 and all the
complicated diet solutions and exhausting
exercise programs never worked.
I tried working out 5 times a week and my
knees got so sore I could barely into my car to
drive to work in the morning.
I went on a vegetarian diet because plants are
supposed to be so healthy, yet a몭er 4 days I
was pulling my hair out because I was so
...and eating salads with radishes and
pumpkin seeds didn't sound fun to me.
I tried Paleo and quickly realized that eating
all that meat only le몭 me feeling bloated,
heavy, and sluggish.
I tried the "all-fruit" diet and was eating
around the clock yet I was always hungry and
felt my body getting weaker a몭er the first
I tried nothing but shakes and smoothies for a
few weeks, but what are you supposed to do,
bring your blender to work?
Plus, my wife wanted to eat real food instead
of another kale apple smoothie.
I even tried a plant-based diet only to spend
all day in the bathroom...
...let's just say my body didn't agree with all
the raw plants.
Look, I know you've probably tried dozens of
And you're extremely skeptical about
anything when it comes to losing weight.
All I can say is this is the first thing that
worked for me in over 10 years.
It's simple.
It's natural.
You eat real food...
You do NOT eat less...
Your body is happy...
Your mood improves...
And because burning fat is all about
hormones, the weight quickly starts to come
Over 15,000 women and men have tried it
since 2017 and the results speak for
themselves. Like...
Michele Dropped 4
Michele Dropped 4
Sizes Faster Than Ever
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
Sharon Lost 10 Pounds
Using This Daily Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
This Proven Slimming
Soup Detox Works for
Anyone, At Any Age, At
Any Weight...Even If:
I'm Too Busy & Don't Have Time
As a busy husband who used to work at
least 50 hours a week, I know that there
simply aren't enough hours in the day.
That's why I designed this entire system
to quickly melt the fat o몭 without long,
exhausting works, hours of meal prep,
or dozens of complicated recipes.
As someone who hates to cook, I just
wanted something fast that I could
squeeze in during my hectic day.
This won't take any extra time out of
your day...
The program is extremely simple to
follow with only a few guidelines, so
you'll never be confused.
And even better, most of the soup
recipes can last for days, which only
saves you time.
I'm Too Old & Nothing Ever Works For Me
After seeing so many women and men in
their 60's and 70's thrive on this new
way of eating...
I'm con몭dent in saying that age is just a
You see, as you get older, certain
hormones like estrogen and
progesterone drop...
Along with testosterone in men.
Which means your body goes into more
of a "storage mode".
When this happens, most try eating less,
or they end up eating the wrong foods,
which is the absolute worst thing you
can do.
Eating less just slows down your
metabolism even more because your
body thinks it's starving.
Instead, when you eat the right
combinations of minerals, healthy fats,
and proteins at the right times
throughout the day...
The weight starts coming o몭 and your
body burns fat for energy.
Meal timing is especially important as
Meal timing is especially important as
you get older, which why this program
works so well.
I Can't Exercise and I'm Not Very Active
One of the biggest myths is that you
need to exercise to lose weight.
You don't. The truth is...
You lose by eating foods that keep your
insulin levels low.
Insulin is a storage  hormone that gets
released every time you eat.
However, the magic in these soups is
that they keep your insulin levels lower
than normal.
When that happens, your body naturally
turns to your stored fat for energy.
Which means you start burning the extra
fat around your belly, hips, and thighs
for fuel throughout the day.
I've personally helped people lose over
30 pounds without exercising at all.
Don't get me wrong, exercise is great for
heart health, building strong bones, and
building up your lungs.
But for fat loss, it doesn't make much of
a di몭erence.
Marilyn Lost 11 Pounds
With This Daily Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
Here's What You Get
Today When You Pick
Up Your Copy of the
14-Day Rapid Soup
Rapid Soup Diet System
The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow
The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow
14-day protocol designed to melt away
the most amount of fat possible without
Within this protocol, you'll know exactly
what to do for breakfast, lunch, and
It's 몭lled with fat-burning recipes,
delicious soups, and mouth-watering
meals that take the weight o몭 without
leaving you feeling hungry or deprived.
In fact, there are no limits. You can eat
as much as you want.
Within the 몭rst few days, your body will
shift into burning fat for energy and
that's when you'll really notice a
di몭erence in the mirror.
This protocol is extremely easy to follow,
it delivers results FAST, and it can only
be found here on this website.
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
Bonus #1 - Keto Soups Cookbook
The ketogenic diet is the most popular
diet of 2020 and it's easy to see why.
All over the world, thousands of women
and men in their 50's, 60's, 70's and
beyond are losing weight like crazy.
That's because when you start burning
your stored body fat for energy, the
weight comes o몭 extremely fast.
Now, when it comes to soups, most of
Now, when it comes to soups, most of
them are 몭lled with beans, rice and
starchy veggies, which STOP fat-burning
in the body.
That's why we put together 30 amazing
keto soup recipes that you can use day
after day to 몭atten your midsection
while feeling full at the same time.
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
Bonus #2 - Weekend Soup Detox
Bonus #2 - Weekend Soup Detox
I'm a big fan of taking "baby steps" when
it comes to burning fat, after all...
Completely overhauling your diet for
weeks at a time is a recipe for disaster.
That's why I like to start with something
short because I know the shorter it is,
the more likely it is that you stick with
And when you stick with something even
for just a few days, you'll see results,
You'll be much more likely to continue
your healthy eating habits!
That's why I put together a brand NEW
Weekend Soup Detox, that way...
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
All you have to do is commit to a few
measly days of eating delicious foods
and soups.
My personal clients have lost anywhere
from 2-7 pounds on this delicious
weekend plan, and...
It's the PERFECT way to get started, or...
You can bring it out on any weekend
where you want to eat yummy soups
and drop a few pounds while you're at it.
This is by FAR one of my most popular
programs, and...
I'm including it for FREE when you pick
up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup
Diet here today.
Diet here today.
Bonus #3 - Immunity-Boosting Soup
With everything going on these days,
one of the most important things is your
Because the last thing you want to do is
get sick.
Now, Step #1 when it comes to your
immunity is eating healthier foods that
still taste good to you.
After all, if you don't like what you're
eating, you're not going to stick with it.
So I went ahead and put together an
entire cookbook of immunity soups that
will also help you lose weight.
Simply make one for lunch or dinner as
often as you can and watch the pounds
come o몭, while you feel better than
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
Bonus #4 - Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start
There's nothing worse than buying a
new program only to have NO IDEA how
to get started.
You're confused, you don't know where
to start, and all your excitement quickly
vanishes before you ever get started.
Unfortunately, that's all too common
these days...
Which is why I created a speci몭c and
detailed Quick Start Guide...
So you know exactly what to do 몭rst...
How to get started...
What to buy at the grocery store...
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
And when the best time is to eat your
meals (aka meal timing).
All of this is laid out for you in step-by-
step detail.
And if you are confused or have
questions, you can just shoot me an
email and I'll answer them right away.
I'm here to help, I love hearing from
those who trust in me enough to invest
in one of my programs...
And I won't stop until you get the results
you want.
Bonus #5 - Keto Immunity Smoothie
I don't know about you, but I don't
always have an hour or two to prep for a
full meal...
Cook everything...
And then clean up afterwards.
It can be A LOT of work that's extremely
That's why I included an entire recipe
book of Keto Immunity Smoothies.
These "emergency smoothies" an be
used as a meal replacement, or...
used as a meal replacement, or...
As a tasty guilt-free snack or dessert.
Each keto smoothie takes less than 5
minutes to make...
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
And it doesn't include all the sugar and
carbs that most smoothies do, which
always end up adding inches to your
Instead, you can continue to slim down
while enjoying thick, creamy keto
smoothies as often as you'd like.
These 4 Bonuses Are
Worth $147 But You Get
Them FREE When You
Pick Up This Rapid Soup
Detox Today
I'll admit that I was a bit unsure of
putting all these free bonuses into the
14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system, after
You can get amazing results with just the
main program.
However, as a religious couple from the
South, my wife reminded me...
"Do unto others as you would have them
do to you".
Which is why I'm happy to give away all
these bonuses absolutely free as my way
of saying thank you for investing in your
of saying thank you for investing in your
health today.
You Simply Can't Find
These Slimming Soup
Secrets Anywhere Else
What makes this system truly unique is
that I'm a normal person just like you.
I wasn't skinny my whole life (far from it),
I don't have a bunch of fancy medical
degrees, and I actually know what it feels
like to be overweight and the toll that
takes emotionally.
That's why this program is so di몭erent
than everything else.
Because I know what works for real
people like you and me.
This program was designed by someone
that GETS YOU - we're both busy, we
both have a lot going on, and we both
have struggled with traditional forms of
I get that, heck I lived that for over 10
That's why I promise I designed this
program to get the extra weight o몭 in a
way that you've never tried before.
This Rapid Soup Detox
is NOT For Everyone
I have to be honest with you...
Even though I'm regularly called a
I know that I can't help everyone with
this program.
That's because even this Rapid Soup Diet
can work for anyone, it's de몭nitely NOT
for everyone.
For example, if you're looking for some
magical drink you can have before bed
to 몭ush away 20 pounds of fat, then...
This isn't for you.
By now you have to know those "pipe
dreams" don't really work, right?
And while this is a "quick 몭x" in that
most drop a few pounds and start
burning fat in the 몭rst 48 hours...
It's not magic.
You do have to follow the plan.
So if you want someone else to do
everything for you, while you keep
eating pizza and ice cream, then this
program isn't for you.
This 14-day program is realistic and it's
extremely easy to follow.
And it works 99% of the time when you
follow the blueprint.
But if you can't follow a few simple
guidelines, then it's best we both part
ways now, so we don't waste each
other's time.
This is ONLY for women and men who
are ready to STOP wishing and hoping
for a new body, and are ready to make it
happen NOW.
I've made this as easy as it gets...
So if you're serious about getting the
So if you're serious about getting the
extra weight o몭 while having the 몭at and
몭rm belly you desire, then...
The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the ONLY
solution for you.
Marie Lost 15 Pounds
With This Daily Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
Don't Waste Thousands
of Dollars on Gym
Memberships, Personal
Trainers, or Doctor
You Can Get These Flat Belly
Soup Secrets at a Fraction of the
It took me over 10 years to get my own
health back on track...
And when you think of the dozens of
diet programs, pre-packaged meals,
doctor bills, prescription medications,
and visits with a therapist after getting
bullied as a kid...
Well, it ended up costing a pretty penny.
That's not to mention all the gyms I
joined (and never went to)...
The emotional stress that took a toll on
my childhood and eventually my
Along with hiring personal trainers at
over $100 per session to try and whip
me into shape.
I easily spent over $5,000 trying to get
the help I needed.
And so, I want you to learn from my
mistakes without having to pay a huge
price tag.
Initially, my publishers wanted me to
charge $150 for this complete system...
And since that's less than two sessions
with a personal trainer, I 몭gured it was a
fair price.
Especially since this will take the weight
o몭 MUCH faster without any of the
exhaustive exercise.
Then my wife reminded me why I
wanted to do this in the 몭rst place.
And that's to help people who struggled
like I did.
That's why I decided to take $100 OFF
the suggested price...
And another 60% o몭 of that.
When you pick up your copy of the 14-
Day Rapid Soup Diet today...
Along with all 5 bonuses...
You'll get it for a fraction of the normal
Try The Soup Detox
Out On Me
Being over 300 pounds myself, I
understand that it my be di몭cult for you
to see yourself with the 몭at and 몭rm
belly you desire - just like it was for the
thousands of women and men who
were in the exact same stop you are...
And yet we
out of them.
You see, I
know how
fast and simple this system is, which is
why almost anyone who gives it an
honest try sees amazing, life-changing
That's why I'm willing to put all the risk
on my now-slender shoulders because I
know it will work for you.
Which is why you DON'T have to decide
right now.
Take advantage of my unconditional
"Triple Guarantee" and get results 몭rst,
then decide.
Experience the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup
Diet system for a full 60 days on me, and
if you don't get the results you desire,
you pay nothing!
Just let us know if you're not 100%
satis몭ed and you'll get a full refund with
no questions asked.
The Rapid Soup Diet
"Triple Guarantee"
Guarantee #1: Anyone At ANY Age At
ANY Weight Can Do This
I made sure anyone at any age and at
any weight get can the extra pounds o몭
with this easy-to-use system.
You don't have to "be in shape"...
You don't have to be "self-disciplined"
with food...
And you don't need strong "willpower".
All those are automatically taken care of
when you start eating these delicious
Your need for willpower goes right out
the window because you'll be LOVING
the foods you're eating while the weight
is 몭nally coming o몭.
When that happens, you don't need
willpower anymore.
Guarantee #2: Fast and Long-Lasting
While the belly-slimming results you'll
see on this detox program will happen
...usually within the 몭rst 48 hours...
It's not just another "quick 몭x".
That means you'll 몭nally be able to keep
the weight o몭 this time.
Keeping the weight o몭 is really just
몭nding slimming foods you love,
because when you enjoy your meals, the
temptation to go back to your old way of
eating disappears.
Think about it...
If you had dozens of recipes that you
If you had dozens of recipes that you
loved making, that taste absolutely
delicious, and that melted the fat o몭 like
Would you want to go back to the frozen
pizza's, cheap potato chips, or sugar-
몭lled sodas?
Of course not!
You just haven't found the right foods
for you.
That's why when you start enjoying this
delicious way of eating, you'll be so
much LESS likely to fall back into old
Plus, along the way, I'll be giving you all
my secret tricks to keep the weight o몭,
after all...
When I lost over 100 pounds, I've
successfully kept it o몭 for almost 5 years
Guarantee #3: The Absolute BEST
Customer Service
When you join this Flat Belly family,
you'll never be alone.
My team of coaches and I will always be
by your side, ready to help you at a
moment's notice.
If you have speci몭c questions about the
program, we'll be here to guide you...
If you're not getting the results you want,
just let us know and we'll drop
everything to help you...
If you're confused or frustrated, don't be
a stranger. Reach out to us immediately
because we've got your back.
You're part of the team now and we'll do
everything in our power to make sure
you succeed.
Flash Sale! Limited
Copies of the 14-Day
Rapid Soup Diet
Available at This
Special Price -- Hurry!
As I mentioned before, my dream is to
have the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet as a
physical book sitting on bookshelves all
across America...
Which is why my team and I are working
night and day to make that dream a
However, with that comes high shipping
costs, expensive labor, and paying high
premiums to the top book
manufacturers in the world.
Which is a high price to pay.
That's why I'm having a 몭re sale on the
digital version so you can get it at a
fraction of the cost without having to
wait another year while I work through
all this red tape.
I want to help the action takers, the
women and men who are ready to make
a change NOW...
And want to try an out-of-the-box
solution that works wonders as soon as
you try it.
That's why I'm practically GIVING this
system away for a measly $15.
It's 몭rst come and 몭rst serve...
It's 몭rst come and 몭rst serve...
I truly have no idea how long I can keep
this discounted 몭re sale going, so please
take advantage of it now, so you can still
get the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet at this
ridiculously deep discount.
Seriously, $15 is the price of a couple
burgers and fries at your local fast food
Wouldn't you rather be out enjoying
your slender new body instead of
scar몭ng down more "food" that's
robbing you of the energy and lifestyle
you desire?
To activate your discount and get started
today, simply click the button below.
Enter in your information into our 256-
bit 100% secure order form..
And you'll receive instant access to the
entire Flat Belly system, along with all 5
FREE bonuses.
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
$69 $15
Dr. Abida Lost 13.2lbs
With This Daily Soup
Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week
I'm Always Dieting & It
I'm Always Dieting & It
Never Works, Why
Would This Be Any
I'm not a fan of the word "diet" because
it implies eating low-calorie, su몭ering
while you eat foods you don't enjoy, all
in hopes of losing a few pounds...
...which you'll likely just put back on.
Instead, this is a way of eating that gives
your more energy, reprograms your
body to burn fat for energy, and greatly
decreases your fat-storing hormones like
insulin and cortisol...
Because of one unfair advantage...fat-
burning soups.
Eating low-calorie or going on another
fad diet does NOT give you more energy,
in fact it robs you of your energy...
Eating low-calorie does NOT reprogram
your body to burn more fat, instead
you're just trying to "starve the fat o몭"
by eating less, which never lasts...
by eating less, which never lasts...
And eating low-calorie does NOT lower
your fat-storing hormones.
In fact, it only makes them worse while
increasing your hunger.
Plus, my team and I do something that
barely anyone does.
We help coach you along the way.
Which means, whenever you have a
question, or maybe you plateau and the
weight just isn't coming o몭...
Just send us an email and myself or one
of my coaches will jump in to help you
right away.
Do you think the guy who created p90x
is answering emails from everyone who
bought is program?
Or what about the head of Weight
Watchers, are they answering every
single question that comes across their
Do you think Jillian Michaels is
responding to people who aren't getting
responding to people who aren't getting
results from her DVD's?
Nope, they aren't.
And so you're left on your own to either
몭gure it out yourself, or struggle until it
gets to be too much and you end up
It's NOT your fault, it's just 100 times
easier when you have someone guiding
you along the way.
Everyone is di몭erent, that's why my
team and I are here to help you 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week.
We do get a lot of questions and
feedback, so please just give us 24 hours
to respond.
**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product
available for instant access **
$69 $15
Nothing Will Ever Change
Unless You Try
Something New
Look, I know we covered a lot of information
However, right now, you’re at a crossroads…
And you only have 3 options.
Option #1 is you can close out of this
free presentation and forget everything
you learned here today…
You can keep feeling frustrated and
upset with your body…
You can keep HOPING things will
You can keep HOPING things will
And you can keep doing the same
things over and over again that have
lead you to where you’re at right now
with a body you’re obviously unhappy
However, if you’ve made it this far,
then I know you want more.
Option #2 is you can take everything
you learned here today and try to
apply it yourself…
You can spend weeks researching the
ins and outs of insulin resistance and
how it may be affecting you…
And you can create your own “instant
energy” recipe to kill your craviungs,
and burn more belly fat every single
And you can figure out how to detox
your body from all the toxins and bad
belly bugs that EVERYONE has and
yet very few know how to get rid of….
You can spend the next few months or
even years figuring all of that out on
your own…
However, if that’s your plan, wouldn’t
you have done it already?
Wouldn’t you have figured this all out a
long time ago?
The truth is, soon life will get in the
way like it always does and you’ll end
up in the same spot a year from now,
struggling with your weight and body
image issues when it all could have
been resolved if you simply took action
Or you can take the easy way out,
simply apply all the hard work I’ve
already done for you…
And in just minutes a day you can start
looking and feeling better than you
ever imagined possible…
After all, I’ve already done all the
heavy lifting to figure this out on my
own after years of bullying, being
picked on, and ruthless ridicule from
I Don't Know How Long
so many people in my life…
All you have to do is a few simple
tricks throughout the day that I’ve
already PROVEN work…
And you can start visibly SEEING a
flatter belly that’s more firm to the
touch just days from now without much
extra effort on your end.
So if you want to take the noble and
easy way out, while possibly adding
decades onto your life, so your kids
and grandkids have even more time to
spend with you making memories
that’ll last a lifetime…
Then simply click the “Add to Cart”
button below and I’ll be there waiting
on the inside, ready to personally help
I Don't Know How Long
This $50 Discount Will
Be Available
Be honest...
How many times have you said, "My diet
starts Monday"...
And how many times have you actually
followed through with that?
Don't wait until Monday...
Don't wait until next week...
Don't wait until the "time is right"
because there is NEVER going to be the
perfect time.
Our lives are always chaotic and if you're
waiting for the perfect time when things
start slowing down for you then you're
never going to make the healthy
changes you need to live a long life.
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Discover how women & men over 50 are dropping pounds like crazy with a simple daily ritual that burns stubborn abdominal fat

  • 1. This Super Simple "Soup Ritual" Melted Pounds of Nagging Fat After My Humiliating Honeymoon Discover How Women & Men Over 50 Are Dropping Pounds Like Crazy With a Simple Daily Ritual That: Burns Stubborn Abdominal Fat Increases Fat-Burning Metabolism After 50 Kills Hunger & the Most Intense Cravings Without Cutting Calories Eliminates Rebound Weight Gain Flatter More Firm Stomach Without Skipping Meals Or Eating Less
  • 2. Would You Guess She's Almost 42 & Just Had 2 Kids? Give This Waist-Slimming Secret 48 Hours Then Weigh Yourself in the Morning Women and men over 50 are buzzing about a new wave of weight-loss soups that melt away stubborn stomach fat like crazy... Why do they work so well? It's a combination of the right ingredients that kill hunger... Along with using the latest science to pack this convenient comfort food with nutrients that make belly fat melt faster. Nutrients that most women and men over 50 aren't getting nearly enough of. Penn State University researchers found that the combination of solid foods in liquid
  • 3. tricks the body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than normal. That means you'll naturally be eating less... Without su몭ering through intense hunger or cravings. Think of it like Mother Nature's appetite suppressant. However, I must warn you... Not all soup, or soup diets, are created equal. In fact, most don't work because they focus on restricting calories or use the wrong ingredients, which triggers cravings and can lead to weight gain. And most soups aren't spiked with key nutrients that optimize fat-burning in the body a몭er 50... ...when your hormones are drastically di몭erent than they were just a few years ago. Jessica, a 53-Year-Old Mom From Virginia Was Looking for Relief From Her Constant Achiness
  • 4. Her Constant Achiness and Fatigue And she thought eating these new soups would be easiest because of her busy lifestyle. When she craved comfort food, she had a bowl of soup. Within days, pounds starting pouring off, motivating Jessica even more. In the end, she went down from a size 18 to a size 10 without completely changing her diet. Just remember, you can't eat any old soup to get these kind of jaw­dropping results. Just Follow This Daily Ritual and Watch As Fat Melts O몭 Your Body If nothing has ever worked for you before... Maybe you've tried keto and low­carb diets...
  • 6. These are different. Even better, the weight loss is so easy to maintain because you can still have dessert (like a big piece of chocolate cake after your soup)... And the weight will still come off. And Here's the Real Secret... These slimming soups have a built­in appetite suppressant... Thanks to a handful of little­known "super­ nutrients" that help kill cravings, eliminate mindless snacking, and all­but end emotional eating. That's the real reason why this works so well... Because if you're hungry all the time, no matter how healthy you're eating, it's just not going to work. You know yourself better than anyone, and when's the last time being constantly hungry led to any substantial weight loss?
  • 7. Bonus #4 - Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start Guide
  • 8. hungry led to any substantial weight loss? The Soup Plan For a Tiny Waist Hi, my name is Josh… I have an unusual true story to share about how I saved my own life… ...and lost over 100 pounds eating soup. So if you’re wondering whether you can burn belly fat every week by simply eating more soup… The answer is yes. But it’s not what you think. These aren’t soups from a can or a restaurant. Yet you can make them right at home with just a handful of ingredients. When I started sharing my recipes online, people from all over the world started slimming down… Like Wendy, a 68-Year Old Grandmother Who
  • 9. Like Wendy, a 68-Year Old Grandmother Who Lost 12.2 Pounds Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week And Dr. Qureshi Lost 13.2 Pounds Eating More Soup Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week Yet The Secret to These Naturally Slimming Soups Is... They contain a handful of herbs, spices, and minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially
  • 10. minerals that trigger fat-burning, especially around your stomach area. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the entire list in just a minute and explain WHY each one works in detail. That way you can use them at home as soon as tonight. But the real reason they work is because they unclog an overworked detox system in the body that a몭ects 80% of women over 50. This detox system is a complex network of capillaries and vessels that help the body flush out fat.. And when it’s backed up, it leads to fat piling up on the body. So it’s not about eating fewer calories… Or skipping meals…
  • 11. Or eating less… None of those matter if your internal detox system is slow, sluggish, sludgy. So today, we’re going to fix it. Frustrated Dieters Are Starting to Realize This Is the “Missing Link” What I’m going to share with you today has been overlooked by the top doctors, experts, and dietitians for years. That’s because they’re all so busy, they don’t have the time to research how the body changes as you get older. However, researchers from Stanford University discovered that this “slowdown” causes fat storage to double in women… And it triggers the creation of more fat cells that expand your waistline and make your belly bigger…
  • 12. Which makes losing weight on ANY diet virtually impossible. So if you’ve been dieting for years and the pounds never come o몭… Or maybe you’ve tried everything and since nothing ever works, you give up because what’s the point? Or maybe your mom was overweight and you think you’re doomed to the same fate… Well, today we’re going to change that. Before I Go Any Further, Let Me Warn You What I’m going to share today flies in the face of traditional medicine and human anatomy… It’s not about eating more vegetables… Or exercising more… Or going on a crash diet... Unfortunately, we’ve gotten in wrong for years.
  • 13. years. And both you and I have been the ones to su몭er… With growing waistlines, dangerous belly fat, and cellulite in all the wrong places. That’s why I’m writing to you today. Because through my own frustrating journey, where I ballooned up to over 300 pounds, I stumbled upon a real-life working miracle that took over 100 pounds o몭 my body… And literally saved my life. It le몭 my doctor scratching his head… And my wife ecstatic that we get to spend the rest of our lives together. There are plenty of people who want me to keep my mouth shut… Because if I tell you how easy this is, then millions of dollars could be lost by big companies who prey on the sick… However, if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately… Then what I have for you here today can be
  • 14. Then what I have for you here today can be life-changing. First, let me tell you exactly who I am… And how I stumbled across this weight loss breakthrough. As I Mentioned Before, My Name Is Josh I’m not a doctor… I’m not a dietician… And I’m not a personal trainer. I’m just a normal guy from Georgia who married his high-school sweetheart when she was the only friend I ever had. And a몭er our wedding, where I banned all the photographers because I didn’t want any pictures taken of me… I Stumbled Across a Simple Daily Ritual That Saved My Own Life
  • 15. Life However, first I want to share something with you that I haven’t told ANYONE… Not my friends, not my parents, and not even my wife of over 15 years… So here’s the god’s honest truth… It sucks being fat. And I should know… Up until a few years ago, I spent almost my entire life overweight. And as hard as it is for me to talk about, I know my story might help you when NO ONE else understands what you’re going through… So here’s the quick story… Since I was a kid, I’ve struggled with my weight. All the way back to elementary school, kids would make fun of me, call me names, and bully me constantly.
  • 16. No One Would Sit With Me on the School Bus As I walked down the bus aisle looking for a seat, I could already hear the other kids laughing at me. “Look at the pig!”… “Hey fat butt!”… “Hope you eat the teachers so we get out of class earlier”… And of course, no one would let me sit by them. The verbal abuse was just so hard. I wanted to cry… Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things
  • 17. Yet deep down I knew that’d only make things worse. And even though this was by far the WORST time in my life, where I was so miserable I didn’t even want to go out in public or even stand in front of mirror in the morning… It was also the start of my journey. Time passed and things didn’t get any easier… I was depressed… Never wanted to get out of bed in the morning… And I Quickly Grew to Hate My Own Life I still remember one day at lunch during high school… I was looking for a table when one of the “popular” kids walked by, bumped into me on purpose, then shoved me to the ground. I fell flat on my face.
  • 18. Food went flying everywhere, all over my clothes… And all I could do was pick up my tray and keep walking to my table. I was so embarrassed, yet as sad as it is to say… That was just the beginning. A Humiliating Honeymoon Photo Led Me To Discover a Daily Ritual That Melted Over 100 Pounds A few years later, I ended up marrying my high-school sweetheart. We went to Nashville for our honeymoon... And one day we went to a bird park. As we were exploring all these rare and exotic birds, our tour guide asked if I wanted a picture taken. I said sure and didn't think much of it. However...
  • 19. However... When we finished the tour and got our pictures, I was SHOCKED… I looked HUGE! It hit me like a ton of bricks because I wasn’t just a little overweight… I was easily over 300 pounds! We went back to the cabin, and I asked my wife if I had really put on that much weight… And she said, “Well, yeah…but I love you regardless so it doesn’t really matter to me.” That photo turned my world upside down…
  • 20. All of a sudden, the same feelings and emotions from high school came rushing back… Those feelings of being alone… Depressed… Miserable… Unloved… It only took one picture to bring all of those horrible feelings back. I was in denial… And it took me days to accept the fact that I was still that same person who got picked on every day back in school. That's When I Hit My Breaking Point I just didn't feel like myself anymore. I was tired all the time... I could barely get going in the morning...
  • 21. And then I couldn't fall asleep at night. I felt so rundown that I didn't even have the energy to go on a walk with my wife a몭er dinner... Or take our dog to the dog park. My weight was higher than it had ever been before. And I just knew that something wasn't right... But I couldn't put my finger on it. Stanford University Nicknamed This Fat- Storing Nightmare "Lymphatic Slowdown" If you spent the last few months eating healthier without losing a single pound... Or maybe your rings fit tight, your knees feel a little creaky, and your body feels more tired than usual... These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system.
  • 22. Your lymphatic system is a network of capillaries and vessels that help the body get rid of toxins, excess fluids and fat. However, the lymph can easily be overloaded with chemicals, pesticides from fruits and veggies, and a variety of other pollutants lurking in the air we breathe. Plus, everyday stress is also shuts down the lymph. When this system gets slowed down and congested... It can sabotage your weight loss e몭orts. An Estimated 80% of Women Over 50 Have a Congested Lymphatic System That Dumps Fat Around Your Belly, Hips & Thighs "When the lymph flow is slow and congested, it leads to an accumulation of body fat", says Bruno Chikly, M.D., director of the Lymph Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs
  • 23. Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs in Scottsdale, Arizona. Think of your lymphatic system as a highway... When there's cars lined up in rush hour tra몭ic, other cars can't squeeze in. The same thing happens with your fat molecules. "A slow lymphatic system can no longer properly transport fat where it needs to go", Dr. Chikly explains. This extra fat piles up around your belly, hips, and thighs. And according to researchers at Stanford University, lymphatic slowdown causes fat storage to double! This Forces Your Body to "Hold On" To Extra Weight This was a big breakthrough for me in understanding why my body was always storing fat even if I was on a diet.
  • 24. storing fat even if I was on a diet. According to lymph expert Jenna Macciochi, Ph.D., "Carrying around extra pounds triggers inflammation - a problem for both your immune system and your waistline." "As part of its role as a superhighway, the lymphatic system carries immune cells through your body to infection-fighting lymph nodes. However, inflammation thwarts this process by reducing lymph flow." And researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital report that this inflammation triggers the creation of more fat cells to store these toxins in... Which makes losing weight even more di몭icult.
  • 25. When you have slow lymph flow in your body, as most women do, it forces your cells to "hold on" to extra weight... It's like those old pair of jeans that you never wear... And yet you can't bring yourself to get rid of them because MAYBE you'll wear them again. So they sit in your closet, taking up space. It's the same with fat when your lymph flow is congested. Your body just won't get rid of it like it should. And that's how the fat starts piling up in all the wrong places. Are you starting to notice how your body is stacked up against the 8 ball without you even knowing? A Congested Lymp System Also Causes Cellulite
  • 26. Cellulite If your lymph isn't flowing, your tissues aren't draining excess fluid. This creates a backlog that results in bloating. Even worse, this backed-up fluid sticks to fat cells making them bigger. As your fat cells get bigger, they start to burst through your fascia... Which is a protective layer of tissue underneath your skin. When your fat cells start popping through the fascia, it creates a "dimple e몭ect"... Which leads to cellulite.  Combine that with the hormonal changes every woman and man goes through as you get older...
  • 27. Along with being less active, less mobile, and losing precious lean muscle tissue... It's easy to see how cellulite can start popping up all over your butt and thighs. Yet it's not from eating too many calories... It all starts with your lymph system slowing down, killing your ability to burn fat. How Do You Know If "Lymphatic Slowdown" Is To Blame? (Do This 10-Second Self-Test) Do you eat reasonably healthy without ever losing a single pound? Are your rings sometimes tight on your fingers?
  • 28. Are your joints more sore now compared to when you were younger? Are you o몭en tired even when getting plenty of rest? These signs all point to a congested lymphatic system. When your lymph fluid isn't flowing properly, it causes your tissue to swell. These bloated, inflamed tissues can add up to 15 pounds to your weight and cause you to swell two extra dress sizes. And it causes your fat-storage to double. Which is why your stomach may be getting bigger despite eating healthier foods. Luckily, this NEW "quick fix" is easier than ever. Especially if you love eating warm meals. It's one of the safest things you can do to look 10 years younger while getting the extra weight o몭 quickly...
  • 29. And it's the "missing link" most adults overlook when trying to drop pounds. This Simple Daily Ritual Thins Out a Clogged Lymph to Flush Away Raw Fat When you eat more of these specific soups that support your body, it reduces toxin buildup and allows more fluid to be pumped through the body... O몭en in as little as 7 days. Once lymphatic fluid is moving freely, fat can be burned for fuel and excess toxins can be flushed from the body. Just remember, when your lymphatic system isn't working properly... Because your lymph fluid is too thick from the wear and tear of aging... Fat molecules can't be transported to be burned for fuel. Instead, they stay stuck to your belly, hips,
  • 30. and waistline... ...causing a buildup of excess pounds. These 3 "Missing Minerals" Thin Out a Clogged Lymph to Power O몭 Pounds Now that you know a clogged lymph keeps stubborn pounds on your body... And the key is thinning out your lymph fluid... ...because when it flows freely, your body can burn fat and flush toxins... Let's talk about exactly what you should do to get this fixed. A몭er my doctor dumped all this new information on me... I started studying cases where people successfully reversed their clogged lymphs and were losing anywhere from 20 to 55 pounds in a matter of months. And what kept coming up in study a몭er study were these 3 minerals that most adults are
  • 31. were these 3 minerals that most adults are lacking. So my first recommendation would be to start adding foods rich in these minerals right away. Missing Mineral #1: Potassium The most important thing you can do to flush out the extra pounds is... Reprogram your metabolism to burn fat for energy instead of sugars and carbs.
  • 32. Don't worry, it's a lot easier than you think. And I'll explain how in just a minute. However, in order to do that, you need a lot of potassium. If you ever go up a flight of stairs and your legs feel really heavy or you don't have the endurance... That's a potassium deficiency. Now, why it's really important for fat-burning is... Potassium helps regulate fluid in the body. Consuming more potassium helps thin lymph fluid so it can easily flow through the lymphatic tubes, which speeds up slimming. It also helps reduce high blood pressure, protect against strokes, helps prevent osteoporosis, and may help prevent kidney stones. Now, most people think of bananas when it comes to potassium, but... Since they're high in sugar, you'll want to avoid them if you want a smaller waistline.
  • 33. Instead, some great options are mushrooms and zucchini. Missing Mineral #2: Magnesium Magnesium is a “co-factor”. That means it’s a helper element that’s involved in the activation of certain enzymes. One of magnesium’s most important job deals with the mitochondria. Think of mitochondria as little “energy bubbles” in your cells.
  • 34. Mitochondria produces energy and the spark plug that activates the enzyme to produce more energy is… Magnesium. If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, you may su몭er from: **Low energy **Fatigue **Inability to relax **Cramps and muscle spasms **Constipation **Insomnia **Chronic back pain Now, here’s the kicker… The more extra weight you have on your body, the harder it is for you to absorb magnesium. Which is why studies show that so many overweight adults are lacking in this powerful mineral. It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to
  • 35. It also helps speed up the removal of toxins to reverse a sluggish lymph and banish stubborn pounds. Missing Mineral #3: Collagen Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It's what makes up our bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissues, and even our skin! Without it, your metabolism slows down... You get wrinkles... And your muscles and joints become weaker. Unfortunately, our body's collagen production naturally begins to slow down as
  • 36. production naturally begins to slow down as we get older. This leads to visible signs of aging... Wrinkles... Sagging skin... And joint pains due to weaker cartilage. Diets high in sugar also deplete collagen levels. However, when you start adding more collagen to your diet... It helps increase your fat-burning metabolism... So you burn more calories and fat throughout the day... It reduces cellulite and wrinkles... It makes your skin look younger and more youthful... And it "tightens up" loose and saggy skin... Have you ever seen someone lose a lot of weight...
  • 37. And their stomach has this "pooch" of le몭over skin? Collagen helps tighten that up... Which is why... If you haven't already... It's extremely important to get more high- quality collagen into your diet. I like to sprinkle some on top of my soups. This Daily Ritual Melted O몭 A Couple Pounds of Stubborn Fat Every Week A몭er my doctor dumped all this new information on me... I was a bit overwhelmed.
  • 38. It was crystal clear that my lymph system was so backed up... My body was hanging on to over 30 pounds of dead weight. Just as I was about to leave... My doctor reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a thin booklet. "This is what I give to my most stubborn patients, where the weight just wont' come o몭. It's a soup diet. It has all the minerals and nutrients we talked about. And it's a way to get your body burning fat again without worrying about calories... Because the liquid in the soup naturally fills up your stomach... So there's less room for food. And it'll get your lymph fluid flowing again... So your body will start burning fat."
  • 39. That night, I went over the soup detox my doctor gave me. It seemed simple enough, I had all the ingredients already, and so... I started making soup. Every night for dinner I had a big bowl of soup and usually had enough le몭over for lunch the next day. However, there was just one problem... The soups tasted absolutely AWFUL! There was no salt… No flavor… And I had to plug my nose just to choke it down. Desperate to make something happen… My wife, who’s an amazing cook, started adding in these secret spices that made
  • 40. spices that made the soup POP… Suddenly, the soups tasted amazing, and since I could eat as much as I wanted… I felt like I was in heaven. I couldn't believe it. I had been dieting for over 10 years, I was always cutting calories and worried about eating too much... Yet now, I was eating as much as I wanted and I felt great. The next morning, I woke up and my stomach looked a little flatter. I jumped on the scale and I was already down a pound a몭er just one night. Within 5 days, things really started to change. I was down 3 pounds and my size 44 jeans were feeling loose around the waist. I swear my stomach was shrinking. Just a week later, I lost another 3 pounds and my energy levels were through the roof.
  • 41. And it only got better. Over the next 6 weeks, I had lost 18 pounds and 6 inches o몭 my stomach and waist... I felt like a completely di몭erent person. But that wasn't the best part. My clothes start fitting better from Day 1… I finally had the energy to go for walks with my wife and really connect with her… And I was no longer exhausted and worn out a몭er another 50 hour work week… Over The Next 3 Months a MIRACLE Happened By the end of the third month, I finally wore swim trunks in public for the first time... Without a shirt on. That might not seem like a big deal... But it's something I'd never done before.
  • 42. I was down about 50 pounds and my confidence was growing fast. I looked and felt better than I did when I was 20 Even more important… I was no longer pre-diabetic and my high blood sugar has been gone for months. Within the first year and a half, I lost a whopping 110 pounds. Getting a clean bill of health from my doctor just a few months later was one of the most amazing moments in my life… My wife cried tears of joy knowing that I'd be around to grow old together. And we got more serious about trying to have kids.
  • 43. kids. Since the weight was coming o몭 so quickly... People at work kept asking what I was doing. And so, I started sharing this simple soup detox with anyone who asked. Like Gabrielle... She Lost 15 Pounds Eating More Soup Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week Andrew Lost 14.3 Pounds With Simple Slimming Soups
  • 44. Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week The Secret to Consistent Weight Loss WITHOUT Rebound Weight Gain Once I saw how quickly this soup detox was working for my friends, family, and co- workers who tried it... I realized that we were on to something BIG. Look, if this worked for me…
  • 45. Someone who’s been overweight my entire life… Traumatized by bullying, getting beat up because I was the "fat kid", while failing on every diet I tried… Then I know it can work for you too. Just think about it… The only way I was finally able to lose weight was by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing… I didn't eat a single salad... I only ate broccoli when it was in my thick and creamy broccoli and cheddar soup... I ate as much as I wanted... And I never counted calories or tracked my food. Once I saw how e몭ective this soup diet was... I realized I had to get it into the hands of as many people as possible. So you can fight back against age-related weight gain.
  • 46. That's Why I Organized All These Secrets Into an Easy to Use Done- For-You Protocol Called the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is an all natural nutrition program that contains a done-for- you meal plan, delicious fat-burning soup recipes, and personal accountability to strip away unwanted fat in just 2 weeks. In fact, most people see and feel a di몭erence in their waistline in the first 48 hours. I'm so excited to share these slimming soup secrets with more people just like you. You see, a몭er losing over 100 pounds myself, I made it my mission to help at least 100,000 struggling men and women lose at least 10 pounds... And the only way to do that was to package
  • 47. up all my secrets into an easy to use follow along system. This NEW and proven protocol is designed specifically for women and men... Who love to eat... Hate dieting... And want a flatter stomach without killing yourself at the gym or going on another crash diet. If this sounds like you, then the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the answer you've been looking for. Eating These Delicious Soups Will Melt Away More Fat Than 2 Hours on the Treadmill When you start eating these super-healing soups, you can start burning fat in as little as 24 hours. You'll start to have more energy so you can get more things done around the house...
  • 48. You'll feel lighter... Your jeans will start feeling a little loose around the waist... And your skin will reclaim that youthful glow that only happens when you heal your body from the inside out. Now, here's the real magic behind why these soups work so well for weight loss... When you give your body the right mix of minerals, proteins, and healthy fats... Your body takes it as a sign that it's ok to start burning fat for energy. And so, little by little, your body will start burning up the fat around your stomach, your hips, your love handles, and your thighs.. ...using it for energy to get you through your day.
  • 49. day. Then, since your fat-burning hormones will be at an all time high, they'll start working overtime while you sleep. You see, deep sleep is the most e몭ective time for your body to burn fat... And so, within the first couple of days, you're going to wake up feeling lighter and leaner than ever before. The more soups you eat, the lighter you'll feel... Until all the unwanted flab is o몭 your body, revealing the new, sexy you. No Other Solution Will Slim You Down Like These Simple Soups I'm sorry if I'm making this sound too easy. I just know how hard I struggled for years trying to get the weight o몭 and all the complicated diet solutions and exhausting exercise programs never worked.
  • 50. I tried working out 5 times a week and my knees got so sore I could barely into my car to drive to work in the morning. I went on a vegetarian diet because plants are supposed to be so healthy, yet a몭er 4 days I was pulling my hair out because I was so hungry... ...and eating salads with radishes and pumpkin seeds didn't sound fun to me. I tried Paleo and quickly realized that eating all that meat only le몭 me feeling bloated, heavy, and sluggish. I tried the "all-fruit" diet and was eating around the clock yet I was always hungry and felt my body getting weaker a몭er the first week. I tried nothing but shakes and smoothies for a few weeks, but what are you supposed to do, bring your blender to work? Plus, my wife wanted to eat real food instead of another kale apple smoothie. I even tried a plant-based diet only to spend all day in the bathroom...
  • 51. ...let's just say my body didn't agree with all the raw plants. Look, I know you've probably tried dozens of diets... And you're extremely skeptical about anything when it comes to losing weight. All I can say is this is the first thing that worked for me in over 10 years. It's simple. It's natural. You eat real food... You do NOT eat less... Your body is happy... Your mood improves... And because burning fat is all about hormones, the weight quickly starts to come o몭. Over 15,000 women and men have tried it since 2017 and the results speak for themselves. Like... Michele Dropped 4
  • 52. Michele Dropped 4 Sizes Faster Than Ever Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week Sharon Lost 10 Pounds Using This Daily Soup Ritual Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week This Proven Slimming Soup Detox Works for Anyone, At Any Age, At Any Weight...Even If:
  • 53. I'm Too Busy & Don't Have Time As a busy husband who used to work at least 50 hours a week, I know that there simply aren't enough hours in the day. That's why I designed this entire system to quickly melt the fat o몭 without long, exhausting works, hours of meal prep, or dozens of complicated recipes. As someone who hates to cook, I just wanted something fast that I could squeeze in during my hectic day. This won't take any extra time out of your day... The program is extremely simple to follow with only a few guidelines, so you'll never be confused. And even better, most of the soup recipes can last for days, which only saves you time. I'm Too Old & Nothing Ever Works For Me After seeing so many women and men in their 60's and 70's thrive on this new
  • 54. way of eating... I'm con몭dent in saying that age is just a number. You see, as you get older, certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone drop... Along with testosterone in men. Which means your body goes into more of a "storage mode". When this happens, most try eating less, or they end up eating the wrong foods, which is the absolute worst thing you can do. Eating less just slows down your metabolism even more because your body thinks it's starving. Instead, when you eat the right combinations of minerals, healthy fats, and proteins at the right times throughout the day... The weight starts coming o몭 and your body burns fat for energy. Meal timing is especially important as
  • 55. Meal timing is especially important as you get older, which why this program works so well. I Can't Exercise and I'm Not Very Active One of the biggest myths is that you need to exercise to lose weight. You don't. The truth is... You lose by eating foods that keep your insulin levels low. Insulin is a storage  hormone that gets released every time you eat. However, the magic in these soups is that they keep your insulin levels lower than normal. When that happens, your body naturally turns to your stored fat for energy. Which means you start burning the extra fat around your belly, hips, and thighs for fuel throughout the day. I've personally helped people lose over 30 pounds without exercising at all.
  • 56. Don't get me wrong, exercise is great for heart health, building strong bones, and building up your lungs. But for fat loss, it doesn't make much of a di몭erence. Marilyn Lost 11 Pounds With This Daily Soup Ritual Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week Here's What You Get Today When You Pick Up Your Copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Rapid Soup Diet System The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow
  • 57. The Rapid Soup Diet is an easy-to-follow 14-day protocol designed to melt away the most amount of fat possible without exercise. Within this protocol, you'll know exactly what to do for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's 몭lled with fat-burning recipes, delicious soups, and mouth-watering meals that take the weight o몭 without leaving you feeling hungry or deprived. In fact, there are no limits. You can eat as much as you want. Within the 몭rst few days, your body will shift into burning fat for energy and that's when you'll really notice a di몭erence in the mirror. This protocol is extremely easy to follow, it delivers results FAST, and it can only be found here on this website.
  • 58. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** Bonus #1 - Keto Soups Cookbook The ketogenic diet is the most popular diet of 2020 and it's easy to see why. All over the world, thousands of women and men in their 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond are losing weight like crazy. That's because when you start burning your stored body fat for energy, the weight comes o몭 extremely fast. Now, when it comes to soups, most of
  • 59. Now, when it comes to soups, most of them are 몭lled with beans, rice and starchy veggies, which STOP fat-burning in the body. That's why we put together 30 amazing keto soup recipes that you can use day after day to 몭atten your midsection while feeling full at the same time. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** Bonus #2 - Weekend Soup Detox
  • 60. Bonus #2 - Weekend Soup Detox I'm a big fan of taking "baby steps" when it comes to burning fat, after all... Completely overhauling your diet for weeks at a time is a recipe for disaster. That's why I like to start with something short because I know the shorter it is, the more likely it is that you stick with it... And when you stick with something even for just a few days, you'll see results, and... You'll be much more likely to continue your healthy eating habits! That's why I put together a brand NEW Weekend Soup Detox, that way...
  • 61. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** All you have to do is commit to a few measly days of eating delicious foods and soups. My personal clients have lost anywhere from 2-7 pounds on this delicious weekend plan, and... It's the PERFECT way to get started, or... You can bring it out on any weekend where you want to eat yummy soups and drop a few pounds while you're at it. This is by FAR one of my most popular programs, and... I'm including it for FREE when you pick up your copy of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet here today.
  • 62. Diet here today. Bonus #3 - Immunity-Boosting Soup Cookbook With everything going on these days, one of the most important things is your immunity. Because the last thing you want to do is get sick. Now, Step #1 when it comes to your immunity is eating healthier foods that still taste good to you. After all, if you don't like what you're eating, you're not going to stick with it. So I went ahead and put together an entire cookbook of immunity soups that will also help you lose weight. Simply make one for lunch or dinner as often as you can and watch the pounds come o몭, while you feel better than ever.
  • 63. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** Bonus #4 - Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start Guide There's nothing worse than buying a new program only to have NO IDEA how to get started. You're confused, you don't know where to start, and all your excitement quickly vanishes before you ever get started. Unfortunately, that's all too common these days... Which is why I created a speci몭c and
  • 64. detailed Quick Start Guide... So you know exactly what to do 몭rst... How to get started... What to buy at the grocery store... **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** And when the best time is to eat your meals (aka meal timing).
  • 65. All of this is laid out for you in step-by- step detail. And if you are confused or have questions, you can just shoot me an email and I'll answer them right away. I'm here to help, I love hearing from those who trust in me enough to invest in one of my programs... And I won't stop until you get the results you want. Bonus #5 - Keto Immunity Smoothie Recipes I don't know about you, but I don't always have an hour or two to prep for a full meal... Cook everything... And then clean up afterwards. It can be A LOT of work that's extremely exhausting. That's why I included an entire recipe book of Keto Immunity Smoothies. These "emergency smoothies" an be used as a meal replacement, or...
  • 66. used as a meal replacement, or... As a tasty guilt-free snack or dessert. Each keto smoothie takes less than 5 minutes to make... **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** And it doesn't include all the sugar and carbs that most smoothies do, which always end up adding inches to your waistline.
  • 67. waistline. Instead, you can continue to slim down while enjoying thick, creamy keto smoothies as often as you'd like. These 4 Bonuses Are Worth $147 But You Get Them FREE When You Pick Up This Rapid Soup Detox Today I'll admit that I was a bit unsure of putting all these free bonuses into the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet system, after all... You can get amazing results with just the main program. However, as a religious couple from the South, my wife reminded me... "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". Which is why I'm happy to give away all these bonuses absolutely free as my way of saying thank you for investing in your
  • 68. of saying thank you for investing in your health today. You Simply Can't Find These Slimming Soup Secrets Anywhere Else What makes this system truly unique is that I'm a normal person just like you. I wasn't skinny my whole life (far from it), I don't have a bunch of fancy medical degrees, and I actually know what it feels like to be overweight and the toll that takes emotionally. That's why this program is so di몭erent than everything else. Because I know what works for real people like you and me. This program was designed by someone that GETS YOU - we're both busy, we both have a lot going on, and we both have struggled with traditional forms of "dieting." I get that, heck I lived that for over 10 years.
  • 69. years. That's why I promise I designed this program to get the extra weight o몭 in a way that you've never tried before. This Rapid Soup Detox is NOT For Everyone I have to be honest with you... Even though I'm regularly called a Pollyanna... I know that I can't help everyone with this program. That's because even this Rapid Soup Diet can work for anyone, it's de몭nitely NOT for everyone. For example, if you're looking for some magical drink you can have before bed to 몭ush away 20 pounds of fat, then... This isn't for you. By now you have to know those "pipe dreams" don't really work, right?
  • 70. And while this is a "quick 몭x" in that most drop a few pounds and start burning fat in the 몭rst 48 hours... It's not magic. You do have to follow the plan. So if you want someone else to do everything for you, while you keep eating pizza and ice cream, then this program isn't for you. This 14-day program is realistic and it's extremely easy to follow. And it works 99% of the time when you follow the blueprint. But if you can't follow a few simple guidelines, then it's best we both part ways now, so we don't waste each other's time. This is ONLY for women and men who are ready to STOP wishing and hoping for a new body, and are ready to make it happen NOW. I've made this as easy as it gets... So if you're serious about getting the
  • 71. So if you're serious about getting the extra weight o몭 while having the 몭at and 몭rm belly you desire, then... The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet is the ONLY solution for you. Marie Lost 15 Pounds With This Daily Soup Ritual Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week Don't Waste Thousands of Dollars on Gym Memberships, Personal Trainers, or Doctor Visits You Can Get These Flat Belly Soup Secrets at a Fraction of the Cost
  • 72. It took me over 10 years to get my own health back on track... And when you think of the dozens of diet programs, pre-packaged meals, doctor bills, prescription medications, and visits with a therapist after getting bullied as a kid... Well, it ended up costing a pretty penny. That's not to mention all the gyms I joined (and never went to)... The emotional stress that took a toll on my childhood and eventually my marriage... Along with hiring personal trainers at over $100 per session to try and whip me into shape. I easily spent over $5,000 trying to get the help I needed. And so, I want you to learn from my mistakes without having to pay a huge price tag. Initially, my publishers wanted me to charge $150 for this complete system...
  • 73. And since that's less than two sessions with a personal trainer, I 몭gured it was a fair price. Especially since this will take the weight o몭 MUCH faster without any of the exhaustive exercise. Then my wife reminded me why I wanted to do this in the 몭rst place. And that's to help people who struggled like I did. That's why I decided to take $100 OFF the suggested price... And another 60% o몭 of that. When you pick up your copy of the 14- Day Rapid Soup Diet today... Along with all 5 bonuses... You'll get it for a fraction of the normal price. Try The Soup Detox Out On Me
  • 74. Being over 300 pounds myself, I understand that it my be di몭cult for you to see yourself with the 몭at and 몭rm belly you desire - just like it was for the thousands of women and men who were in the exact same stop you are... And yet we made believers out of them. You see, I know how fast and simple this system is, which is why almost anyone who gives it an honest try sees amazing, life-changing results. That's why I'm willing to put all the risk on my now-slender shoulders because I know it will work for you. Which is why you DON'T have to decide right now. Take advantage of my unconditional "Triple Guarantee" and get results 몭rst, then decide. Experience the entire 14-Day Rapid Soup
  • 75. Diet system for a full 60 days on me, and if you don't get the results you desire, you pay nothing! Just let us know if you're not 100% satis몭ed and you'll get a full refund with no questions asked. The Rapid Soup Diet "Triple Guarantee" Guarantee #1: Anyone At ANY Age At ANY Weight Can Do This I made sure anyone at any age and at any weight get can the extra pounds o몭 with this easy-to-use system. You don't have to "be in shape"... You don't have to be "self-disciplined" with food... And you don't need strong "willpower". All those are automatically taken care of when you start eating these delicious soups. Your need for willpower goes right out
  • 76. the window because you'll be LOVING the foods you're eating while the weight is 몭nally coming o몭. When that happens, you don't need willpower anymore. Guarantee #2: Fast and Long-Lasting Results While the belly-slimming results you'll see on this detox program will happen FAST... ...usually within the 몭rst 48 hours... It's not just another "quick 몭x". That means you'll 몭nally be able to keep the weight o몭 this time. How? Keeping the weight o몭 is really just 몭nding slimming foods you love, because when you enjoy your meals, the temptation to go back to your old way of eating disappears. Think about it... If you had dozens of recipes that you
  • 77. If you had dozens of recipes that you loved making, that taste absolutely delicious, and that melted the fat o몭 like crazy... Would you want to go back to the frozen pizza's, cheap potato chips, or sugar- 몭lled sodas? Of course not! You just haven't found the right foods for you. That's why when you start enjoying this delicious way of eating, you'll be so much LESS likely to fall back into old habits. Plus, along the way, I'll be giving you all my secret tricks to keep the weight o몭, after all... When I lost over 100 pounds, I've successfully kept it o몭 for almost 5 years now. Guarantee #3: The Absolute BEST Customer Service When you join this Flat Belly family, you'll never be alone.
  • 78. My team of coaches and I will always be by your side, ready to help you at a moment's notice. If you have speci몭c questions about the program, we'll be here to guide you... If you're not getting the results you want, just let us know and we'll drop everything to help you... If you're confused or frustrated, don't be a stranger. Reach out to us immediately because we've got your back. You're part of the team now and we'll do everything in our power to make sure you succeed. Flash Sale! Limited Copies of the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Available at This Special Price -- Hurry! As I mentioned before, my dream is to have the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet as a
  • 79. physical book sitting on bookshelves all across America... Which is why my team and I are working night and day to make that dream a reality. However, with that comes high shipping costs, expensive labor, and paying high premiums to the top book manufacturers in the world. Which is a high price to pay. That's why I'm having a 몭re sale on the digital version so you can get it at a fraction of the cost without having to wait another year while I work through all this red tape. I want to help the action takers, the women and men who are ready to make a change NOW... And want to try an out-of-the-box solution that works wonders as soon as you try it. That's why I'm practically GIVING this system away for a measly $15. It's 몭rst come and 몭rst serve...
  • 80. It's 몭rst come and 몭rst serve... I truly have no idea how long I can keep this discounted 몭re sale going, so please take advantage of it now, so you can still get the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet at this ridiculously deep discount. Seriously, $15 is the price of a couple burgers and fries at your local fast food joint... Wouldn't you rather be out enjoying your slender new body instead of scar몭ng down more "food" that's robbing you of the energy and lifestyle you desire? To activate your discount and get started today, simply click the button below. Enter in your information into our 256- bit 100% secure order form.. And you'll receive instant access to the entire Flat Belly system, along with all 5 FREE bonuses.
  • 81. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** $69 $15 Dr. Abida Lost 13.2lbs With This Daily Soup Ritual Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week I'm Always Dieting & It
  • 82. I'm Always Dieting & It Never Works, Why Would This Be Any Di몭erent? I'm not a fan of the word "diet" because it implies eating low-calorie, su몭ering while you eat foods you don't enjoy, all in hopes of losing a few pounds... ...which you'll likely just put back on. Instead, this is a way of eating that gives your more energy, reprograms your body to burn fat for energy, and greatly decreases your fat-storing hormones like insulin and cortisol... Because of one unfair advantage...fat- burning soups. Eating low-calorie or going on another fad diet does NOT give you more energy, in fact it robs you of your energy... Eating low-calorie does NOT reprogram your body to burn more fat, instead you're just trying to "starve the fat o몭" by eating less, which never lasts...
  • 83. by eating less, which never lasts... And eating low-calorie does NOT lower your fat-storing hormones. In fact, it only makes them worse while increasing your hunger. Plus, my team and I do something that barely anyone does. We help coach you along the way. Which means, whenever you have a question, or maybe you plateau and the weight just isn't coming o몭... Just send us an email and myself or one of my coaches will jump in to help you right away. Do you think the guy who created p90x is answering emails from everyone who bought is program? Or what about the head of Weight Watchers, are they answering every single question that comes across their desk? Do you think Jillian Michaels is responding to people who aren't getting
  • 84. responding to people who aren't getting results from her DVD's? Nope, they aren't. And so you're left on your own to either 몭gure it out yourself, or struggle until it gets to be too much and you end up quitting. It's NOT your fault, it's just 100 times easier when you have someone guiding you along the way. Everyone is di몭erent, that's why my team and I are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We do get a lot of questions and feedback, so please just give us 24 hours to respond.
  • 85. **NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access ** $69 $15 Nothing Will Ever Change Unless You Try Something New Look, I know we covered a lot of information today… However, right now, you’re at a crossroads… And you only have 3 options. Option #1 is you can close out of this free presentation and forget everything you learned here today… You can keep feeling frustrated and upset with your body… You can keep HOPING things will
  • 86. You can keep HOPING things will change. And you can keep doing the same things over and over again that have lead you to where you’re at right now with a body you’re obviously unhappy with… However, if you’ve made it this far, then I know you want more. Option #2 is you can take everything you learned here today and try to apply it yourself… You can spend weeks researching the ins and outs of insulin resistance and how it may be affecting you… And you can create your own “instant energy” recipe to kill your craviungs, and burn more belly fat every single day… And you can figure out how to detox your body from all the toxins and bad belly bugs that EVERYONE has and yet very few know how to get rid of….
  • 87. You can spend the next few months or even years figuring all of that out on your own… However, if that’s your plan, wouldn’t you have done it already? Wouldn’t you have figured this all out a long time ago? The truth is, soon life will get in the way like it always does and you’ll end up in the same spot a year from now, struggling with your weight and body image issues when it all could have been resolved if you simply took action today. Or you can take the easy way out, simply apply all the hard work I’ve already done for you… And in just minutes a day you can start looking and feeling better than you ever imagined possible… After all, I’ve already done all the heavy lifting to figure this out on my own after years of bullying, being picked on, and ruthless ridicule from
  • 88. I Don't Know How Long so many people in my life… All you have to do is a few simple tricks throughout the day that I’ve already PROVEN work… And you can start visibly SEEING a flatter belly that’s more firm to the touch just days from now without much extra effort on your end. So if you want to take the noble and easy way out, while possibly adding decades onto your life, so your kids and grandkids have even more time to spend with you making memories that’ll last a lifetime… Then simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and I’ll be there waiting on the inside, ready to personally help you.
  • 89. I Don't Know How Long This $50 Discount Will Be Available Be honest... How many times have you said, "My diet starts Monday"... And how many times have you actually followed through with that? Don't wait until Monday... Don't wait until next week... Don't wait until the "time is right" because there is NEVER going to be the perfect time. Our lives are always chaotic and if you're waiting for the perfect time when things start slowing down for you then you're never going to make the healthy changes you need to live a long life. And while I'm happy to give you such a steep discount... ...because I know how powerful these
  • 90. slimming soups are... I can't keep the discount up forever because just like you, I have a family to feed and I want to keep a roof over my head. So, if you have any desire to lose the extra weight, to shock your friends the next time they see you, to make your family members' jaws DROP when they barely recognize you.. Then take advantage of your $50 o몭 discount while you still can... And grab your copy of this NEW soup detox that's di몭erent than anything else you've tried before. Just click the button below to get it. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
  • 91. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. To your new healthy and vibrant life, -Josh Here Are the Most Common Questions About the 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet System Question: Am I too old for this to work? Answer: Definitely not! It has worked wonders for women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to people in their late 70’s and early 80’s. That’s because the belly slimming movements are low impact and completely optional, so you don’t even have to do them in the beginning to get great results.
  • 94. Question: How does your money back guarantee work? Question: Josh, I’m ready to make a change. What is the next step? Answer: These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits. Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me. If you go through the program and realize that it’s just not for you, send me an email and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund with no questions asked. Answer: I’m so excited and I can’t wait to help you breakthrough and transform your body starting today. The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access