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Cystic Fibrosis
Megan Smith, Dietetic Intern
University of Maryland College Park
Children’s National Medical Center Case Study
January 31, 2014
Google Images Labeled for Re-use: File: Lungs
 Cystic Fibrosis
 Nutrition and Cystic Fibrosis
 Case Study
 Initial Assessment
 Follow-up
Cystic Fibrosis
 Cystic Fibrosis is an
autosomal recessive disorder
that primarily affects the
lungs and digestive system.
 Mutation on the CFTR gene
 Defective chloride ion
exchange system
alterations in chloride, water,
and salt transport
 Results in heavy, thick, sticky
mucus production, clogging
air way passages and ducts
Google images labeled for reuse: commons wikipedia. File:Cysticfibrosis01.jpg
Cystic Fibrosis
 Diagnosis:
 Newborn Screening (NBS)~60% detected
 Sweat Chloride Test-2 tests to confirm
 Genetic Testing
 Who:
 1 in 3500 births
 Most common in Caucasian people (95%) but can occur
in all racial and ethnic groups
 Estimated 30,000 people in the USA, 1000 new cases
each year
Cystic Fibrosis
 Research has identified more than 1,800 mutations
 Mutations are grouped into several different classes
based on how they mutate the CFTR gene
 Nonsense or Stop
 Gating
 Protein processing
 Other
Cystic Fibrosis
 Signs/Symptoms
 Salty-tasting skin
 Persistent cough, at times with phlegm
 Frequent lung infections
 Wheezing or SOB
 Good appetite with poor growth and slow weight gain
 Greasy, bulky stools; or difficulty in bowel movement
 Nutritional Implications: Malnutrition/FTT, Fat soluble vitamin
deficiencies, CF-related diabetes mellitus (CFRD)
 Treatment
 Airway Clearance
 Antibiotics oral, intravenous, inhaled
 Steroids
 High Calorie Diet
 Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy if PI present
Nutrition and Cystic
 High Caloric Diet to meet increased energy needs due to
 Increased energy expenditure
 Decreased intake
 Maldigestion and malabsorption
 CF-related Diabetes
 Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT)
 PI (85-90% of patients) diagnosed by fecal elastase stool study
 <200 mcg/g of Elastase in stool indicates PI
 Dosing based on lipase/kg/meal
 Fat-soluble multi-vitamin in a water miscible form
 Take with enzymes and food for max absorption
 Salt Supplementation
 1/8th tsp to meet needs from birth-6 months
 ¼ tsp to meet needs from 6-24 months
 24 months and older, diet rich in salt
Adult CF Nutrition
 High Calorie Diet
 Add butter or margarine to all foods
 Add oils to soups, stews, vegetables
 Heavy cream in milk, mashed potatoes, milkshakes
 Oral supplements
 Pancreatic Enzymes
 Swallow whole or pour beads into mouth; no chewing
 Take prior (30-60 minutes) to consumption of meals, snacks,
and milk-based beverages
 Only foods that do not need enzyme supplementation: simple
sugars (soda, fruit snacks, hard candy, popsicles)
 Salt supplementation
Infant CF Nutrition
 Increase Caloric intake of Breast milk or standard infant formulas
 Concentrate formula (27-28 kcal/oz)
 Duocal/Scandicalabove 28 kcal/oz
 Fortify breast milk or supplement concentrated formula after
 Add butter or oil to baby foods
 Pancreatic Enzymes
 Combine capsule beads with a pureed acidic food (applesauce);
alkaline environment (milk-based items) will induce premature
 Feed immediately after enzymes are taken
 Sweep mouth for leftover beads to avoid skin breakdown
 Salt Supplementation
Case Study
 LN is a 9.8 month old female
 PMH: CF (1421-deletion) diagnosed at 4 months.
Pseudomonas PNA and FTT s/p PICU hospitalization from
7/29/14—9/11/14 with respiratory failure requiring intubation
 Admitted 1/20/15: Presented with 1 week posttussive
emesis and increased work of breathing. Mom reports poor
appetite x 4 days, increased sweating and decreased wet
 PICU transfer on this admission for severe metabolic
insufficiency (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia)
Past Medical Course &
 LN Presents to PICU at 3 months 26 days with severe
hyponatremia of unknown etiology with weight loss and severe
 Improved Na levels with NaCl added to feeds
 Clinical symptoms continued to worsen, weight decreased
regardless of nutrient intake
Suspected Cystic Fibrosis but conflicting results
 Normal NBS
 2 inconclusive sweat tests (due to lack of sweat)
 Full gene sequencing of CFTR with analysis for insertions
/deletionspositive; finally diagnosed.
 Fecal Elastase done 2 x (<15)Pancreatic Insufficient
 Over course of stay, patient with FTT and multiple complications
common to CF patients
Ethiopian Family
 Illness is considered a punishment from God for a person’s
sins or as the anger of spirits
 Some families depend primarily on traditional healers, local
herbal and animal remedies
 Spiritual healing, such as prayer, is the preferred treatment
for many diseases
“Healthcare provider-patient relationship factors such as
communication, support, trust, and inclusion in decision making
are associated with better adherence in many diseases.”
 Nutrition Risk Level: Malnutrition as evidenced by
weight for length z-score of -1.66
 Diet Prior to admission: Per father, Similac Advance
26 kcal/oz, Q3hrs (7-8 feedings per day)
 Supplements: Per father, Creon 3,000 3 caps with
feeds; AQUADEK 1 mL/day; 1/8 tsp salt daily
 Diet Order: Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz po ad lib Q3
Diet History
 Patient was NPO 4 days prior to admission on 1/20/15
 Prior to this, per patient father, diet and supplement
intake was adequate. This was confirmed by 15 g/day
weight gain since 9/4/14
 Upon admission, patient with severe electrolyte
imbalances, started on IV fluids
Weight for Age/Weight for
Current Weight
• 5.7 kg
• <1st percentile
• Z-score: -3.81
• Weight-age: 2.12 months
Current Height
• 66 cm
• 5th percentile
• Z-score: -1.66
• Height-age: 5.11 months
Head Circumference
&Weight for Length
Current Head
• 44 cm
• 44th percentile
• Z-score: -.14
Weight for Length
• <3rd percentile
• Z-score: -3.42
Pertinent Lab Values
Lab Normal Range 1/20 1/21 1/22
Sodium 132-143 mEq/L 114, 125 (L) 131 (L), 136 140
Potassium 3.5-5.8 mEq/L 1.9, 2.3 (L) 2.4, 2.7 (L) 4.9
Chloride 97-106 mEq/L 78, 66 (L) 91, 86 (L) 98
CO2 13-23 mEq/L 42, 41 (H) 39, 38 (H) 31 (H)
Blood Glucose 54-117 mg/dL 84
BUN 1-14 mg/dL 8.6 2, 2 2
Creatinine 0.2-0.5 mg/dL 0.5, 0.4 0.2, 0.4 0.3
Calcium 8.1-11.0 mg/dL 10.2, 10.5 9.8, 9.8 9.5
Albumin 2.3-4.7 g/dL 4.3
Phosphorus 3.1-7.2 mg/dL 3.6 2.7 3.8
Magnesium 1.6-2.2 mg/dL 2.4 2.6 2.2
Total Protein 4.6-7.8 g/dL 8.6 (H) -- --
Total Bilirubin <0.8 mg/dL 0.8 -- --
WBC 6.48-13.02 K/mcL 18.27 (H) -- --
Vitamin A 30-75 mcg/dL 11 (L) -- --
Vitamin E 2.0-6.0 mg/L 4.4 -- --
Medications at assessment
Medicine Function Possible Nutrition-
Related Side Effect
Albuterol Bronchdilator; relaxes muscles in
airways, increases air flow to lungs
Difficulty swallowing
Pulmicort (contains budesonide—
Prevent asthma attacks by decreasing
irritation and swelling in the airways
Abdominal or stomach pain, heartburn,
increased thirst, loss of appetite,
nausea/vomiting, weight gain or loss
Atrovent bronchodilator Sore throat, constipation, dryness of the
mouth, unpleasant taste, loss of
appetite, indigestion, heartburn,
diarrhea, stomach pain
Ceftazidime antibiotic Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea (may
be watery, severe, bloody), increased
thirst, nausea/vomiting, unusual weight
loss, loss of appetite
Azithromycin Antibiotic Diarrhea, loose stools, abdominal pain,
sore throat, dry throat, loss of appetite,
nausea or vomiting
Lasix Diuretic Loss of appetite, severe pain in upper
stomach, nausea and vomiting, weight
loss or rapid weight gain
PES Statement
 NC-3.1 Underweight related to poor growth and
development due to CF and delayed PERT therapy as
evidenced by weight for length <3rd percentile and z-
score of -3.42.
Estimated Nutrient Needs
 Energy needs (Kcals/kg): 120 kcal/kg/day (range:
120-140 kcal/kg/day)
 Based on the DRI/age x 1.5-1.8
 Protein needs (Grams Protein/kg): 1.8 g/kg/day
(range: 1.8-2.4 g pro/kg)
 Protein: Based on DRI/age x 1.8-2
 Maintenance fluid needs (mL/day): 100 mL/kg/day;
570 mL/day
 Fluids: Based on Holiday Segar Method (100 mL/kg) for
infants 1-10 kg; (100x5.7)=570 mL/day
 Continue Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz po ad lib Q3 hrs; Minimum
goal of 24 oz (720 mL/oz) (provides 126 mL/day, 109 kcal/kg, 2.2
gm PRO/kg) Max goal of 26-28 oz/day (provides 120-130 kcal/kg)
 Continue Creon 3,000, 3 caps with each feed (provides 12, 631
units of lipase/kg/day)
 To administer capsule, sprinkle beads on applesauce and feed via
spoon. Please sweep inside of mouth for any left over beads as
they cause skin ulceration
 AQUADEK 1 mL/day
 1/8 tsp salt daily
 Monitor daily weights: Goal 25-35 g/day for catch-up growth
 Monitor stools
Follow-Up Assessment
 Diet: Last 24 hours patient took in 930 mL Similac
Advance 26 kcal/oz (provides 157 mL/kg, 136 kcal/kg,
and 2.7 grams protein/kg)
 Supplements: Creon 3,000, 3 caps with feeds (12, 162
units of lipase/kg/day), AQUADEK 1 mL/day, NaCl 5
mEq TID.
 Stooling 2-3 x daily
 Demonstrates good po intake and weight gain
Growth Trends
• 27 g/day
growth since
 9/23-960 mL
 9/24-960 mL
 9/25-835 mL
 9/26-900 mL
 9/27-930 mL
 On average she is exceeding max goal intake of 840 mL
23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep
Formula Intake Since Assessment
Follow-Up Recs
 Advance to Similac 28 kcal/oz po ad lib. Minimum goal of 26
oz (720 mL/day) will provide: 122 mL/kg, 123 kcal/kg, 2.5 g
PRO/kg. To meet 100% of goal calories patient to have goal
of 28-30 oz (provides ~130-140 kcal/kg)
 Continue Creon 3,000, 3 caps with each feed (This provides
12,162 units of lipase/kg/day)
 AQUADEK 1 mL/day
 Continue NaCl 5 mEq TID
 Pt to continue 1/8 tsp salt daily for discharge
 Monitor daily weights: Goal 25-35 g/day for catch up growth
 Monitor stools
 US National Library of Medicine. Genetics Home Reference-CFTR. 2008. Available at Accessed January 24, 2015.
 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Available at Accessed January 24, 2015.
 Children’s National. Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis Slides. January 25, 2015.
 Children’s National Pediatric Nutrition Assessment Slides. January 25, 2015.
 Gifford, Heather. Nutrition Management of the Cystic Fibrosis Patient. Support Line. 2009, 31; 8-11.
 Chou, Joseph. Peditools, Clinical Tools for Pediatric providers. Available at
Accessed January 22, 2015
 EthnoMed. Ethiopian Cultural Profile. Available at Accessed January
26, 2015.
 Reikert, K, Eakin, M. Opportunities for Cystic Fibrosis Care Teams to support treatment adherence.
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2015, 14; 142-148.
 Cystic Fibrosis. Google Image Search Labeled for Re-use.
 Lungs. Google Image Search Labeled for Re-use.

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Cystic Fibrosis Case Study new

  • 1. Cystic Fibrosis Megan Smith, Dietetic Intern University of Maryland College Park Children’s National Medical Center Case Study January 31, 2014 Google Images Labeled for Re-use: File: Lungs (animated).gif
  • 2. Outline  Cystic Fibrosis  Nutrition and Cystic Fibrosis  Case Study  Initial Assessment  Follow-up
  • 3. Cystic Fibrosis  Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system.  Mutation on the CFTR gene  Defective chloride ion exchange system alterations in chloride, water, and salt transport  Results in heavy, thick, sticky mucus production, clogging air way passages and ducts Google images labeled for reuse: commons wikipedia. File:Cysticfibrosis01.jpg
  • 4. Cystic Fibrosis  Diagnosis:  Newborn Screening (NBS)~60% detected  Sweat Chloride Test-2 tests to confirm  Genetic Testing  Who:  1 in 3500 births  Most common in Caucasian people (95%) but can occur in all racial and ethnic groups  Estimated 30,000 people in the USA, 1000 new cases each year
  • 5. Cystic Fibrosis Mutations  Research has identified more than 1,800 mutations  Mutations are grouped into several different classes based on how they mutate the CFTR gene  Nonsense or Stop  Gating  Protein processing  Other
  • 6. Cystic Fibrosis  Signs/Symptoms  Salty-tasting skin  Persistent cough, at times with phlegm  Frequent lung infections  Wheezing or SOB  Good appetite with poor growth and slow weight gain  Greasy, bulky stools; or difficulty in bowel movement  Nutritional Implications: Malnutrition/FTT, Fat soluble vitamin deficiencies, CF-related diabetes mellitus (CFRD)  Treatment  Airway Clearance  Antibiotics oral, intravenous, inhaled  Steroids  High Calorie Diet  Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy if PI present
  • 7. Nutrition and Cystic Fibrosis  High Caloric Diet to meet increased energy needs due to  Increased energy expenditure  Decreased intake  Maldigestion and malabsorption  CF-related Diabetes  Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT)  PI (85-90% of patients) diagnosed by fecal elastase stool study  <200 mcg/g of Elastase in stool indicates PI  Dosing based on lipase/kg/meal  Fat-soluble multi-vitamin in a water miscible form  Take with enzymes and food for max absorption  AQUADEK  Salt Supplementation  1/8th tsp to meet needs from birth-6 months  ¼ tsp to meet needs from 6-24 months  24 months and older, diet rich in salt
  • 8. Adult CF Nutrition  High Calorie Diet  Add butter or margarine to all foods  Add oils to soups, stews, vegetables  Heavy cream in milk, mashed potatoes, milkshakes  Oral supplements  Pancreatic Enzymes  Swallow whole or pour beads into mouth; no chewing  Take prior (30-60 minutes) to consumption of meals, snacks, and milk-based beverages  Only foods that do not need enzyme supplementation: simple sugars (soda, fruit snacks, hard candy, popsicles)  Salt supplementation
  • 9. Infant CF Nutrition  Increase Caloric intake of Breast milk or standard infant formulas  Concentrate formula (27-28 kcal/oz)  Duocal/Scandicalabove 28 kcal/oz  Fortify breast milk or supplement concentrated formula after breastfeeding  Add butter or oil to baby foods  Pancreatic Enzymes  Combine capsule beads with a pureed acidic food (applesauce); alkaline environment (milk-based items) will induce premature activation  Feed immediately after enzymes are taken  Sweep mouth for leftover beads to avoid skin breakdown  Salt Supplementation
  • 11. Background  LN is a 9.8 month old female  PMH: CF (1421-deletion) diagnosed at 4 months. Pseudomonas PNA and FTT s/p PICU hospitalization from 7/29/14—9/11/14 with respiratory failure requiring intubation  Admitted 1/20/15: Presented with 1 week posttussive emesis and increased work of breathing. Mom reports poor appetite x 4 days, increased sweating and decreased wet diapers.  PICU transfer on this admission for severe metabolic insufficiency (hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia)
  • 12. Past Medical Course & Diagnosis  LN Presents to PICU at 3 months 26 days with severe hyponatremia of unknown etiology with weight loss and severe dehydration.  Improved Na levels with NaCl added to feeds  Clinical symptoms continued to worsen, weight decreased regardless of nutrient intake Suspected Cystic Fibrosis but conflicting results  Normal NBS  2 inconclusive sweat tests (due to lack of sweat)  Full gene sequencing of CFTR with analysis for insertions /deletionspositive; finally diagnosed.  Fecal Elastase done 2 x (<15)Pancreatic Insufficient  Over course of stay, patient with FTT and multiple complications common to CF patients
  • 13. Culture Ethiopian Family  Illness is considered a punishment from God for a person’s sins or as the anger of spirits  Some families depend primarily on traditional healers, local herbal and animal remedies  Spiritual healing, such as prayer, is the preferred treatment for many diseases “Healthcare provider-patient relationship factors such as communication, support, trust, and inclusion in decision making are associated with better adherence in many diseases.” (Riekert)
  • 14. Assessment  Nutrition Risk Level: Malnutrition as evidenced by weight for length z-score of -1.66  Diet Prior to admission: Per father, Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz, Q3hrs (7-8 feedings per day)  Supplements: Per father, Creon 3,000 3 caps with feeds; AQUADEK 1 mL/day; 1/8 tsp salt daily  Diet Order: Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz po ad lib Q3 hrs
  • 15. Diet History  Patient was NPO 4 days prior to admission on 1/20/15  Prior to this, per patient father, diet and supplement intake was adequate. This was confirmed by 15 g/day weight gain since 9/4/14  Upon admission, patient with severe electrolyte imbalances, started on IV fluids
  • 16. Weight for Age/Weight for Height Current Weight • 5.7 kg • <1st percentile • Z-score: -3.81 • Weight-age: 2.12 months Current Height • 66 cm • 5th percentile • Z-score: -1.66 • Height-age: 5.11 months
  • 17. Head Circumference &Weight for Length Current Head Circumference • 44 cm • 44th percentile • Z-score: -.14 Weight for Length • <3rd percentile • Z-score: -3.42
  • 18. Pertinent Lab Values Lab Normal Range 1/20 1/21 1/22 Sodium 132-143 mEq/L 114, 125 (L) 131 (L), 136 140 Potassium 3.5-5.8 mEq/L 1.9, 2.3 (L) 2.4, 2.7 (L) 4.9 Chloride 97-106 mEq/L 78, 66 (L) 91, 86 (L) 98 CO2 13-23 mEq/L 42, 41 (H) 39, 38 (H) 31 (H) Blood Glucose 54-117 mg/dL 84 BUN 1-14 mg/dL 8.6 2, 2 2 Creatinine 0.2-0.5 mg/dL 0.5, 0.4 0.2, 0.4 0.3 Calcium 8.1-11.0 mg/dL 10.2, 10.5 9.8, 9.8 9.5 Albumin 2.3-4.7 g/dL 4.3 Phosphorus 3.1-7.2 mg/dL 3.6 2.7 3.8 Magnesium 1.6-2.2 mg/dL 2.4 2.6 2.2 Total Protein 4.6-7.8 g/dL 8.6 (H) -- -- Total Bilirubin <0.8 mg/dL 0.8 -- -- WBC 6.48-13.02 K/mcL 18.27 (H) -- -- Vitamin A 30-75 mcg/dL 11 (L) -- -- Vitamin E 2.0-6.0 mg/L 4.4 -- --
  • 19. Medications at assessment Medicine Function Possible Nutrition- Related Side Effect Albuterol Bronchdilator; relaxes muscles in airways, increases air flow to lungs Difficulty swallowing Pulmicort (contains budesonide— corticosteroid) Prevent asthma attacks by decreasing irritation and swelling in the airways Abdominal or stomach pain, heartburn, increased thirst, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, weight gain or loss Atrovent bronchodilator Sore throat, constipation, dryness of the mouth, unpleasant taste, loss of appetite, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach pain Ceftazidime antibiotic Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea (may be watery, severe, bloody), increased thirst, nausea/vomiting, unusual weight loss, loss of appetite Azithromycin Antibiotic Diarrhea, loose stools, abdominal pain, sore throat, dry throat, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting Lasix Diuretic Loss of appetite, severe pain in upper stomach, nausea and vomiting, weight loss or rapid weight gain
  • 20. PES Statement  NC-3.1 Underweight related to poor growth and development due to CF and delayed PERT therapy as evidenced by weight for length <3rd percentile and z- score of -3.42.
  • 21. Estimated Nutrient Needs  Energy needs (Kcals/kg): 120 kcal/kg/day (range: 120-140 kcal/kg/day)  Based on the DRI/age x 1.5-1.8  Protein needs (Grams Protein/kg): 1.8 g/kg/day (range: 1.8-2.4 g pro/kg)  Protein: Based on DRI/age x 1.8-2  Maintenance fluid needs (mL/day): 100 mL/kg/day; 570 mL/day  Fluids: Based on Holiday Segar Method (100 mL/kg) for infants 1-10 kg; (100x5.7)=570 mL/day
  • 22. Recommendations  Continue Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz po ad lib Q3 hrs; Minimum goal of 24 oz (720 mL/oz) (provides 126 mL/day, 109 kcal/kg, 2.2 gm PRO/kg) Max goal of 26-28 oz/day (provides 120-130 kcal/kg)  Continue Creon 3,000, 3 caps with each feed (provides 12, 631 units of lipase/kg/day)  To administer capsule, sprinkle beads on applesauce and feed via spoon. Please sweep inside of mouth for any left over beads as they cause skin ulceration  AQUADEK 1 mL/day  1/8 tsp salt daily  Monitor daily weights: Goal 25-35 g/day for catch-up growth  Monitor stools
  • 23. Follow-Up Assessment  Diet: Last 24 hours patient took in 930 mL Similac Advance 26 kcal/oz (provides 157 mL/kg, 136 kcal/kg, and 2.7 grams protein/kg)  Supplements: Creon 3,000, 3 caps with feeds (12, 162 units of lipase/kg/day), AQUADEK 1 mL/day, NaCl 5 mEq TID.  Stooling 2-3 x daily  Demonstrates good po intake and weight gain
  • 25. Intake  9/23-960 mL  9/24-960 mL  9/25-835 mL  9/26-900 mL  9/27-930 mL  On average she is exceeding max goal intake of 840 mL 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep Formula Intake Since Assessment
  • 26. Follow-Up Recs  Advance to Similac 28 kcal/oz po ad lib. Minimum goal of 26 oz (720 mL/day) will provide: 122 mL/kg, 123 kcal/kg, 2.5 g PRO/kg. To meet 100% of goal calories patient to have goal of 28-30 oz (provides ~130-140 kcal/kg)  Continue Creon 3,000, 3 caps with each feed (This provides 12,162 units of lipase/kg/day)  AQUADEK 1 mL/day  Continue NaCl 5 mEq TID  Pt to continue 1/8 tsp salt daily for discharge  Monitor daily weights: Goal 25-35 g/day for catch up growth  Monitor stools
  • 27. References  US National Library of Medicine. Genetics Home Reference-CFTR. 2008. Available at Accessed January 24, 2015.  Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Available at Accessed January 24, 2015.  Children’s National. Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis Slides. January 25, 2015.  Children’s National Pediatric Nutrition Assessment Slides. January 25, 2015.  Gifford, Heather. Nutrition Management of the Cystic Fibrosis Patient. Support Line. 2009, 31; 8-11.  Chou, Joseph. Peditools, Clinical Tools for Pediatric providers. Available at Accessed January 22, 2015  EthnoMed. Ethiopian Cultural Profile. Available at Accessed January 26, 2015.  Reikert, K, Eakin, M. Opportunities for Cystic Fibrosis Care Teams to support treatment adherence. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 2015, 14; 142-148.  Cystic Fibrosis. Google Image Search Labeled for Re-use.  Lungs. Google Image Search Labeled for Re-use.

Editor's Notes

  1. CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene provides instructions for making the chloride ion transport channel Chloride is a component of sweat Chloride ions help control the movement of water into and out of cells, which is necessary for the production of thin, freeflowing mucus Due to a defective chloride ion exchange system, the cells lining the pancreas, and lungs end up producing sticky, thick mucus
  2. Genetic Testing: Tests for common CFTR mutations Median age of CF diagnosis is 4 yo Sweat test: >60mmol/L
  3. Increased energy expenditure due to lung infection and cost of breathing Decreased intake due to anorexia, abdominal bloating and pain and reflux (or spit up) Maldigestion and malabsorption due to pancreatic insufficiency CF-related diabetes-lack of insulin to use calories from CHO Symptoms of PI: frequent abdominal cramping, flatus, stools Symptoms of ineffective PI therapy --frequent, loose, foul-smelling large bowel movements --oil or grease seen in diaper or toilet --stools float --excessive gas --abdominal pain --poor weight gain despite adquate caloric intake
  4. Look up Duocal/Scandical
  5. Course of trying to diagnose her she continued to develop multiple medical symptoms, especially experiencing symptoms indicative of CF: respiratory distress, hypovolemia, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, leukocytosis, hepatomegaly, pseudonomas pneumonia, Continued to grow worst, required intubation s/p pressors due to acue decompensation after bronchoscopy MOM requested second CFTR testing for 2nd confrimatory lab exam --Several family meetings mom with RD and health care team memberscultural beliefs vs. needed treatment 9/9 2 days before discharge, mom was still refusing to give child enzymes, CPS almost involved due to the severity of FTT vs. the denial of Enzyme replacement therapy 9/9 family meeting health care team finally was able to convince family to commence treatment for FTT with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy Weights: 3.60 (0
  6. Talk about their nutritional significance Sodium: loss of sodium through: sweat, posttussive emesesis, can cause severe dehydration. IV fluids likely needed. Potassium: posttussive emesis, sweat can cause low levels of potassium. Chloride: sweat. CO2: Co2 is in the form of bicarbonate in the body. High levels upon admission were indicative of the patient being in alkalosis secondary to increased work of breathing Vitamin A: Patient Vitamin A levels were lower. Can be indicative of fat malabsorption, but not in this case. She is not showing any signs of malabsorption. Low Vitamin A levels are also common with repeated infections.
  7. 9 months old infant with CF here with possible CF exacerbation and Hyonatremia and hypochloremia. Presented with increase WOB and electrolytes disturbances found to be Pseudomonas positive on CF Cx to receive 2 week course of IV Abx and correction of her electrolytes which is related to her CF UOP ~4cc/kg/hr may be due to increase in NaCl dose. --Chloride, Sodium, and Potassium levels remained low. Co2 still high --Patient receiving KCl 6 meQ bid -