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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Departamento de Planes, Programas y Superación Académica
Manual del Estudiante - Aprendizajes Esperados
Semestre: 4
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Aprendizaje Esperado Estrategias de Aprendizaje Instrumento de evaluación
• frecuencia
• modo
• tiempo
• lugar
Se explica la regla gramatical
para el uso de adverbios en sus
modalidades, con el uso de
recursos didácticos del
maestro (termómetro, %, etc.)
Aplicación de las 4 habilidades
Ejercicios de
Resolución, realizados por
losalumnos durante la clase,
post clase y ejercicios en
Learning Outcome
• Students communicate using explicit expressions and adverbs of manner that
describe the actions developed according to the context they are.
• Students elaborate specific subject descriptions using correlatives to emphasize
common or contrasting features.
Learning piece of evidence
• Have students write a text where they describe the different actions of a character.
To read and act the description out, identifying the adverbs used.
• Student elaborate a box with objects that have similar features to compare between
• Student write sentences using comparatives describing characteristic of objects and
present them to the group orally.
• Students use “adverbs of manner” before the verbs. Describes different detailed
situations using adverbs of manner.
• Students work collaboratively with their classmates.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Los adverbios de frecuencia se utilizan para indicar actividades rutinarias. Suelen emplearse con el
presente simple. Si una frase tiene un solo verbo, coloque el adverbio de frecuencia en medio de la
frase, de modo que se sitúe después del sujeto, pero antes del verbo. Por ejemplo:
I always play soccer.
Adverb Time of use Example
Always (Siempre) 100% I always play soccer
Almost always (Casi siempre) 95% She almost always eats apple.
Usually (Usualmente) 75% He usually gets up late.
Often (A menudo) 50% I often do exercise in the
Sometimes (A veces) 25% We sometimes go to dace.
Seldom (Rara vez) 5% You seldom see her.
Rarely (Rara vez) 5% You rarely see her.
Hardly ever (Casi nunca) 5% They hardly ever see him.
Never (nunca) 0% They never come to class early.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 1.1
Task: Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some sentences may have more
than one answer). (Rellene los siguientes espacios en blanco con los adverbios de frecuencia que
correspondan (algunas frases pueden tener más de una respuesta).
1. She dance with Peter. She doesn't dance with someone else.
2. He eat pizza. He does not like other food
3. I remember to do my homework.
4. Mary seldom goes to the cinema. She sees movies.
5. Jose saw a doctor for the first time in three years. She gets sick.
6. You get up at five o’clock seven days a week. You get up early.
7. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I see snow.
8. My sister almost never eats burgers and fries. She eats healthy foods.
9. I take a bus to class, maybe three or four days a week.
10. They go to the beach. They don’t like it.
Este es el tipo de adverbios (ADVERBIOS DE MODO) los utilizamos cuando queremos expresar cuál es
la manera en la que se realiza una acción. En Inglés normalmente se forman agregando “ly” al final
del adjetivo. Pero como así visto todo parece muy complicado, vamos a ver algunos ejemplos.
Adjetivo Adverbio
Slow – Lento Slowly – Lentamente
Easy – Fácil Easily – Fácilmente
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Simple – Simple Simply – Simplemente
Careful – Cuidado Carefully – Cuidadosamente
Natural – Natural Naturally – Naturalmente
Happy – Feliz Happily – Felizmente
Clear – Claro Clearly – Claramente
Calm- Calma Calmly-calmadamente
Actividad 1.2
Task: Complete the following paragraph with the correct form of the adverb of manner. Completa
el siguiente párrafo con la forma correcta del adverbio de modo.
1. The children in the yellow house play (happy) in the garden. They run
(slow) and their siblings catch them (easy). The
children have fun just running after a ball. (natural), they are watched by
their parents. (clear), they are not of age and are
(happy) with their family.
2. The cell phone is a (natural) reliable piece of equipment. It is a tool that
is easy to operate and, (happy), can be found in any technology store.
(clear), it has been the best invention because students can use it
Los adverbios de lugar pueden ser direccionales, indicar distancia o indicar la posición de un objeto
en relación con otro. Por ejemplo, debajo, entre, encima, detrás, a través, alrededor y así
sucesivamente. Los adverbios de lugar se colocan normalmente después del objeto de la frase o del
verbo principal.
En inglés existen palabras que nos indican el lugar donde se desarrolla o desarrolló una acción. Estas
palabras se denominan adverbs of place / adverbios de lugar, y como lo indica su nombre, determinan
el sitio en donde algo ocurrió. Los adverbios de lugar, por su condición, deben ubicarse luego del
verbo principal de la oración.
Usualmente los adjetivos se ubican al final de la oración, pero en casos particulares, como there / allí,
pueden ubicarse al principio de la oración para enfatizar el sentido de la misma, sin cambiar su
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Listado con algunos de estos adverbios, su significado y características:
Actividad 1.3
Task: Underlines the adverb of place within the sentence highlighted in bold type. Subraya el adverbio
de lugar dentro de la oración remarcada en negrita.
There: Allí, allá, por ahí. Al usar este adverbio nos referimos al lugar donde se realiza una acción que
podemos ver, pero no se encuentra cerca de nosotros:
There is the place of the accident/ Este es el lugar del accidente.
Here: Aquí, acá, por aquí, por acá. Lo podemos utilizar al indicar el lugar donde se realiza una acción,
pero que es cerca nosotros:
Please sit down here/ Por favor, siéntese aquí.
Nearby: Cerca de, no tan lejos, cercano. Indica cercanía física, mas no temporal. Este adverbio puede
utilizarse antes o después del nombre al que describe. A diferencia de near, que puede cumplir
función de preposición y de adverbio de lugar, nearby sólo puede usarse como adverbio de lugar:
We have a nearby library/ Tenemos una biblioteca cercana.
Out: Afuera, fuera. Cuando decimos que el lugar, objeto o sujeto se encuentra lejos o fuera de su
espacio habitual como lo puede ser su ciudad, país u hogar, se puede usar "out". También lo puedes
usar si algo sucede a las afueras de un espacio específico, por ejemplo un recinto cerrado, edificación
o construcción:
I want you out of my office! / ¡Te quiero fuera de mi oficina!
Outside: A las afueras, hacia afuera, afuera. Hace referencia a estar fuera de algo o de algún lugar,
pero de manera cercana o próxima, a diferencia de out, cuyas distancias pueden ser grandes:
Why are you outside the house? / ¿Por qué estás afuera de la casa?
Upstairs: Arriba, en el piso de arriba. Este adverbio lo puedes utilizar para decir que algo está pasando
en un piso superior:
Lindsay is upstairs in her office/Lindsay está en el piso de arriba de su oficina.
Downstairs. Abajo, en el piso de abajo. Contrario a upstairs, con este adverbio nos referimos a un
espacio inferior, como el piso de un edificio o construcción:
Where is the bathroom? It's downstairs. / ¿Dónde está el baño? Está en el piso de abajo.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Ahead: Adelante, delante de: Utilízalo para hacer referencia a planes futuros, a espacios que se
encuentren justo en frente tuyo, cuando se ubica algo o sucede en forma lineal, o en el caso del
tiempo, para registrar un suceso reciente:
John always drives ahead of us. / Juan siempre conduce delante de nosotros.
All over: Por todas partes/Puedes usarlo para situaciones generalizadas o globales:
That virus is all over the city /Ese virus está por toda la ciudad.
Around: Al rededor, por todas partes. Con este adverbio puedes referirte a algo que esté sucediendo
en un espacio cercano o lejano a ti:
Look around you. There is nothing/Mira alrededor tuyo. No hay nada.
Aside: A un lado, aparte. Nos da a entender que algo está aparte o distanciado:
Why did you leave aside my project? / ¿Por qué dejaron a un lado mi proyecto?
Back: De vuelta, de regreso. Nos indica que algo está de regreso:
Mom, Jane is back home! / ¡Mamá, Jane está de vuelta a casa!
Beyond: Más allá. Nos indica que algo sucede lejos del espacio desde donde se narran los hechos:
We will walk beyond the mountains/ Caminaremos más allá de las montañas.
Cuando queremos decir cuándo, durante cuánto tiempo o con qué frecuencia sucede algo,
necesitamos usar adverbios de tiempo. Aquí hay una guía sobre todos estos adverbios para que
pueda comenzar a utilizarlos más fácilmente cuando hables y escribas.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Los adverbios de tiempo más comunes son palabras que indican un momento particular en el pasado,
presente y futuro. Estos adverbios incluyen:
Now (ahora)
Today (hoy)
Yesterday (ayer)
Tomorrow (mañana)
Tonight (esta noche)
Last month (el mes pasado)
Later (luego)
Early (Temprano)
Late (Tarde)
Earlier (Antes, Más Temprano)
Then (Luego, Entonces) Before
After (Después)
Nowadays (Hoy Día)
Currently (Actualmente)
Actividad 1.4
Task: Underline the adverbs of time in the following sentences. (Subraya los adverbios de tiempo en
las siguientes oraciones).
1. Fernanda went to the Bears' house yesterday (Fernanda fue ayer a casa de los Osos).
2. I'm going to tidy my room tomorrow (Mañana voy a ordenar mi habitación).
3. I saw Sally today (Hoy vi a Sally)
4. I will call you later (Te llamaré más tarde).
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
5. I have to leave now (Tengo que irme ahora)
6. I saw that movie last year (Vi esa película el año pasado).
7. I saw her in the cafeteria yesterday. (La vi en la cafetería ayer)
8. She will come afterwards. (Ella vendrá después)
9. She spoke with her about the problem on Friday. (Ella habló con ella sobre el problema
el viernes)
10. The bill must be paid today. (La factura debe ser pagada hoy)
11. You have to come tomorrow. (Tú tienes que venir mañana)
12. He is moving to London next week. (Él se mudará a Londres la siguiente semana)
13. She will answer me next weekend. (Ella me responderá el siguiente fin de semana)
14. She will go for a walk in the park on Saturday. (Ella dará un paseo en el parque el sábado)
15. I recived your letter last week. (Recibí tu carta la semana pasada)
Aprendizaje Esperado Estrategias de Aprendizaje Instrumento de evaluación
Uso y aplicación
Either= O/ uno u
Nor= No/ni
Or= O
Both= ambos/ambas
Not only… but also= No
sino también.
Se explica la regla gramatical
para el uso de conjunciones
correlativas en sus
modalidades, con el uso de
recursos didácticos
proporcionados por el maestro.
Aplicación de las 4 habilidades
Ejercicios de
Resolución, realizados por el
alumno durante la clase,
post clase y ejercicios en
Whether= si / ya sea
And= Y
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Definition: Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses.
The correlative conjunctions are either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but also,
Either= O/ uno u otro
Neiher= ni/ tampoco
Nor= No/ni
Or= O
Both= ambos/ambas
Not only… but also= No solo… sino también.
Whether= si / ya sea
And= Y
Joining words: My uncle is not only a doctor but also a pharmacist.
Joining phrases: All of these clothes are either too small or worn out.
Joining clauses: Either Monica will bring drinks, or she will bring brownies.
Correlative conjunctions are stronger than coordinating conjunctions and emphasize the
relationship between the ideas being joined. Notice the difference in the following sentences:
Cats and dogs make good pets.
Both cats and dogs make good pets.
Ron or Davie found my bicycle.
Either Ron or Davie found my bicycle.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Note: Not only...but also can be split apart. Even the second half can be split. Not only cannot be
I like not only ice skating but also hockey. Not only is he a great singer, but he is also an actor.
Note: Be careful of the placement of the parts of the conjunction.
Confusing: Either you must bring in your permission slip or stay home. (The reader is left hanging
waiting for the second clause.)
Better: You must either bring in your permission slip or stay home. (You must do one of these two
Also better: Either you must bring in your permission slip, or you must stay home.
Confusing: It was not only a long movie but also exciting.
Better: The movie was not only long but also exciting.
Better: It was not only a long movie but also an exciting one.
As you learned in the modifiers unit, watch where you put only.
Confusing: Jeremy not only won a trophy but also money.
Better: Jeremy won not only a trophy but also money.
When using correlative conjunctions, ensure verbs agree so your sentences make sense. For
example: Every night, either loud music or fighting neighbors wake John from his sleep.
When you use a correlative conjunction, you must be sure that pronouns agree. For example:
Neither Debra nor Sally expressed her annoyance when the cat broke the antique lamp.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
When using correlative conjunctions, be sure to keep parallel structure intact. Equal grammatical
units need to be incorporated into the entire sentence. For example: Not only did Mary grill burgers
for Michael, but she also fixed a steak for her dog, Vinny.
Actividad 1.5: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1.She is neither polite funny.
a) Or
b) Nor
c) Not
d) Yet
2. Have you made a decision about to go to the movies not?
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
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Subdirección de Innovación Académica
a) If /then
b) Either/ or
c) Whether/or
d) What with/and
3. This salad is delicious healthy.
a) Whether / or
b) Both / and
c) Scarcely / when
d) Rather / than
4. I like to sing opera, to spend my spare time practicing ballroom
a) not only / but also
b) whether / or
c) neither / nor
d) not / but
5. The test was very short quite easy.
a) not / but
b) both / and
c) whether / or
d) scarcely / when
6. Joe his sisters could understand what their parents were saying when
they spoke French.
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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
a) Whether / or
b) No sooner / than
c) Rather / than
d). Neither / nor
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 1.6 El alumno seguirá el enlace adjunto y repetirá las oraciones en la grabación.
"Correlative conjuctions"
Say the following sentences in each chart below. Click on the
microphone and start speaking.
1. Both the man and his wife came down the hall and went into the room.
2. Either you or I will have to move.
3. I like neither reading nor writing.
4. Your work is both neat and accurate.
5. The meal is not only delicious but also nutritious
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 1.7 El alumno escuchará y escribirá la palabra faltante entrando al enlace adjunto ubicado al final del
Correlative Conjunctions
Instructions: Listen and write the missing word
1.She is neither polite funny.
2. that is the case, I’m not
surprised about what’s happening.
3. Have you made a decision about to go
to the movies not?
4. had I put my umbrella away, it
started raining.
5. This salad is delicious healthy.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 1.8
Activity: Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some
sentences may have more than one answer). (Rellene los siguientes espacios en
blanco con los adverbios de frecuencia que correspondan(algunasfrasespueden
1. She dancewithPeter.Shedoesn't dancewithsomeoneelse.
2. He eat pizza.Hedoesnot likeother food
3. I remembertodomyhomework.
4. Maryseldomgoestothecinema.She seesmovies.
5. Josesawadoctor forthefirst timeinthreeyears.She getssick.
6. Youget upat fiveo’clocksevendaysaweek.You get upearly.
7. It’salwayshot andsunnywhereI live.That’swhyI seesnow.
8. Mysisteralmost nevereatsburgersandfries.She eatshealthyfoods.
9. I takeabustoclass,maybethreeorfourdaysaweek.
10. They gotothebeach.Theydon’t likeit.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 1.9 El alumno resolverá el crucigrama de adverbios que se generan a partir de la lista de adjetivos.
Real Late Hard Bad Most Easy Quick
Slow Clear Hopeful Good Brave Anxious Fast
Early Wrong
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Use of ICT for Learning
Actividad 1.8 El alumno llenara los espacios en blanco con el adverbio adecuado en el siguiente enlace
Nash, Kitty. English Grammar, consultado desde
Byram, M. (1989). Teaching-and-learning Language-and-culture.
Adverbs of manner -
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
2 Satisfactorio 3 Excelente
Claridad El discurso de los estudiantes
era incomprensible para
entender casi todo el tiempo
La presentación no tenía los
contenidos adecuados
indicados en las instrucciones
El discurso de los alumnos
fue claro y comprensible en
todo momento
Pronunciación El estudiante era difícil de
entender, callado al hablar,
poco claro en la pronunciación
A veces, el estudiante no tenía
clara la pronunciación, pero en
general es aceptable.
La pronunciación era buena y
no interfería con la
Fluidez Al estudiante le faltaba tono y
entonación por completo. El
habla era robótica y
monótona, sin mostrar
ninguna emoción o inflexión
en absoluto
El habla de los estudiantes era
lenta y, a menudo, vacilante e
irregular. Las oraciones pueden
quedar sin completar, pero el
estudiante puede continuar
La pronunciación era buena
y no interfería con la
Entonación Al estudiante le faltaba tono
y entonación por completo.
El habla era robótica y
monótona, sin mostrar
ninguna emoción o inflexión
en absoluto.
El estudiante mostró un buen
uso del tono y la entonación.
Sin embargo, el tono y la
entonación eran
inapropiados para el contexto
en ocasiones
El estudiante mostró un
excelente uso del tono y la
entonación, tanto el tono
como la entonación fueron
adecuados al contexto en
cada momento.
Contenido La presentación no tenía los
contenidos adecuados
indicados en las instrucciones
La presentación tenía solo
algunos de los contenidos
indicados en las instrucciones.
La presentación tenía todo el
contenido indicado en las
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
1 Pto.
2 Ptos.
Muy Bueno
3 Ptos.
4 Ptos.
El tema y la idea
se presentan de
forma clara
Pobre Bueno Muy Bueno Excelente
Las oraciones y los
presentan ideas
claras, el escrito
en general
secuencia lógica
de las ideas
(inicio, desarrollo
y cierre)
Pobre Muy Bueno Excelente
Gramática y
Uso adecuado del
vocabulario y las
Pobre Muy Bueno Excelente
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Regular 1
Bueno 2
Excelente 3
Contenido Distingue lo
relevante del texto.
Distingue lo
relevante del texto
y hace preguntas de
lo que lee.
Distingue lo relevante del texto y
hace preguntas de lo que lee e
infiere significado de palabras.
Argumentación Registra ideas
de manera
clara y
coherente y
sintética en
uno o más
textos para
, ordena e
interpreta las
ideas y
explícitos e
implícitos de
uno o más
considerando el
contexto en el
que se
una postura
sobre la
obtenida de
uno o más
puntos de
vista de
crítica y
Fluidez Lee de forma
no fluida y no
utiliza el
timbre de voz
de acuerdo a
las estructuras
Lee con poca
fluidez y utiliza
adecuada en
algunas de las
Lee de forma fluida y utiliza la
entonación de voz en todas las
estructuras gramaticales
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Muy bien, 3 Ptos. Bien, 2 Ptos. Suficiente, 1 Pto.
Entiende los
elementos de la
Conoce muy bien lo
que lee
Conoce bien lo
que lee
Conoce parcialmente lo
que lee.
Conoce muy
bien el
Conoce bien el vocabulario Conoce
el vocabulario
sobre el
a muy
bien lo
que lee
bien lo que
a lo que
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Definition: A comparative adjective is an adjective used to compare two people or things. We use
comparative adjectives to say that one person or thing demonstrates a high degree of a quality or
is a better example of a quality than the other is. Words like taller, smarter, and slower are
examples of comparative adjectives.
How to create Comparatives:
One syllable adjectives:
Add -er for the comparative. If the adjective has a consonant + single vowel + consonant spelling,
the final consonant must be doubled before adding the ending.
Two syllables
Adjectives with two syllables can form the comparative either by
adding -er or by preceeding the adjective with more. In many cases,
both forms are used, although one usage will be more common than the other. If you are not sure
whether a two-syllable adjective can take a comparative or superlative ending, play it safe and use
more instead. For adjectives ending in y, change the y to an i before
adding the ending.
Three or more syllables
Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative by putting
more in front of the adjective.
Adjective Comparative
important more important
expensive more expensive
Irregular comparatives and superlatives
These very common adjectives have completely irregular
comparative and superlative forms.
Adjective Comparative
tall taller
fat fatter
big bigger
sad sadder
Adjective Comparative
happy happier
simple simpler
busy busier
tilted more tilted
tangled More tangled
Adjective Comparative
good better
bad worse
little less
much more
far further / farther
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Actividad 2.1: Complete the following comparisons, some examples are given.
clean Ana + vs Alan - 1.- Ana is cleaner than Alan
cold Ana+ vs Alan- 2.- Ana is colder than Alan
slow Ana+ vs Alan- 3.-
large Ana+ vs Alan- 4.-
Pretty Ana+ vs Alan- 5.-
Happy Ana+ vs Alan- 6.- Ana is happier than Alan
smart Ana+ vs Alan- 7.-
big Ana+ vs Alan- 8.-
beautiful Ana+ vs Alan- 9.-
important Ana+ vs Alan- 10.- Ana is more important than Alan
good Ana+ vs Alan- 11.-
Bad Ana+ vs Alan- 12.-
Actividad 2.2: Complete the following comparisons, use the words that you need.
1.- interesting He knows a story.
2. expensive That dress is than this sweater.
3. new Her car is than mine
4. dangerous That road is at night.
5. good She is a student than he is.
6. deep Atlantic Ocean is than any cave.
7. important His job is than mine.
8. selfish Kyla is than Emily.
9. bad Yesterday the weather was than today’s
10. high Mount Kilimanjaro is than Mount Elbrus
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Actividad 2.3: Complete the conversation. Use the comparative form of the adjectives given,
compare your answers with a partner, then practice the conversation in pairs.
David: How do you like living in a big city?
Maria: I like it so much. There are many things that make it (good) than
the country.
David: Oh, really? Can you give me some examples?
Maria: Well, it is more interesting out in the city than it is in the country. The buildings are
(large) and there are (nice) things to see!
David: Yes, but the city is (dangerous) than the
Maria: That's true. People in the country are (friendly) and
the country is also (safe) than the city.
David: I'm sure that the country is (relaxed) too!
Maria: Yes, the city is (busy) than the country.
David: How about the cost of living? Is the country (cheap) than
the city?
Maria: Oh, yes. Living in the city is (expensive) than
in the country.
David: Life in the country is also (healthy) than in the city.
Maria: Yes, it's (clean) and less dangerous in the country.
But, the city is (exciting). It's
(fast), (crazy) and
David: I think you are crazy for moving to the city.
Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm married and have children I'll move back to
the country.
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Actividad 2.4: Complete the task as in the example
EXAMPLE: GIVEN SENTENCE: Name something sweeter than an apple
ANSWER: A candy is sweeter than an apple.
1. Name a country that is larger than Mexico.
2. Name a planet that is closer to the sun than the Earth.
3. Name someone who is younger than you are.
4. Name an animal that is more dangerous than a wild dog.
5. Name a bird that is larger than a chicken.
6. Name something that is more expensive than a Mercedes car.
7. Name a sport that is more popular internationally than baseball.
8. Name someone who is more famous than you.
9. Name someone who is taller than you.
10. Name something that is more interesting than basic arithmetic.
11. Name an ocean that is smaller than the Pacific Ocean.
12. Name a place that is farther away from school than your home is.
13. Name an animal that is stronger than a sheep.
14. Name a sport that, in your opinion, is more exciting than golf.
15. Name a place that is colder than this city.
16. Name a place that is more beautiful than your city or town.
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Actividad 2.5: Work in pairs. Make comparisons.
Ask your partner several questions based on the sentences above.
You: What is sweeter than an apple?
Partner: A candy is sweeter than an apple.
Change roles and start again.
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Actividad 2.6.1- Look at the picture below. Write the country where these cities are located and
threeof the most important places to visit in each of them. If you don’t remember, google the
Information or watch a video. What is your favorite city?
Example: New York City: United States. The Empire State Building, the Statue of liberty, Central
Hong Kong:
New York City:
Kuala Lumpur:
Actividad 2.6.2: According to your own interests, elaborate a leaflet (written production)
providing characteristics and comparing two of your favorite cities in the world (Choose from
the cities below and use your research) with the objective of providing information about
these touristicdestinations. (include comparisons and so, very, too, both, either..or, neither…
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Actividad 2.7.- Videotape (or present live) some quick advertisements related to
comparatives, you can choose a particular topic to promote in a 30 second – 1-minute
Examples of topics:
-The city and the country, Bicycles and cars, The Moon and The Sun, America and
Europe, or Being poor and being rich
Actividad 2.8.- Chain Game: The aim of the game is to make as many “comparative
chains”as possible.
a) Divide the class into teams.
b) The class brainstorms some comparative adjectives; you can write them on the board.
c) Choose a topic that has many nouns, such as “animals”.
d) Write a comparative sentence on the board comparing two animals. For example:
“Elephants are bigger than cats”.
To make a chain, you must make a comparative sentence starting with the last noun of
the previous sentence.
So, for example, if the first sentence is “Elephants are bigger than cats” then the next
sentence must start with “Cats” (e.g. “Cats are smarter than pigs”) and the following
sentence must start with “Pigs” (e.g. “Pigs are fatter than dogs.”) and so on.
e) Give 2 to 3 minutes to make as many “comparative chains” as possible, and then
change the topic (e.g. food, sports, countries, school subjects)
Each team takes turns to make the chains on the board, or all teams can write the
sentences on a piece of paper at the same time.
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Superlative Adjectives
We use the superlative form of the adjective to compare three or more people, places, or things.When
comparing more than two things, you’ll likely use words and phrases like smallest, biggest,tallest, most
interesting, and least interesting. Notice the –est ending and the words most and least.
Make sure you use the proper ending or superlative adjective when forming these superlatives.The
examples below illustrate the correct form:
Formation of Superlative Adjectives
As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
Short adjectives: add "-est"
Long adjectives: use "most"
We also usually add 'the' at the beginning.
Short adjectives
Syllable adjectives: old, fast
Syllable adjectives ending in -y: happy, easy
RULE: add "-est" old → the oldest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st : late → the latest
Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonant big
→ the biggest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to I : happy → the happiest
Long adjectives
2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y: modern, pleasant
All adjectives of 3 or more syllables: expensive, intellectual
RULE: use "most" modern → the most modern
expensive → the most expensive
With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most":
quiet → the quietest/most quiet
clever → the cleverest/most clever
narrow → the narrowest/most narrow
simple → the simplest/most simple
Exception: The following adjectives have irregular forms:
good → the best
bad → the worst
far → the farthest/furthest
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Actividad 2.9- Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box.
Winter is season of the year.
Mount Everest is mountain in the world.
February is month of the year.
The blue whale is mammal in the world.
Mercury is planet.
Mercury is also planet to the sun.
Activity 2.10 - Correct the errors.
Alaska is largest state in the United States.
Monica is the old of all sisters.
Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is big.
I am the most tall person in my family.
This restaurant serves goodest food in town.
small near cold high long large short
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Actividad 2.11: Friso.
In teams, create a Friso with information and pictures to explain the topic “Superlatives”. Make
sure to identify the main ideas and check the evaluation criteria from the checklist provided by
the teacher.
A friso is a folded brochure to illustrate a certain topic. It is made of sequenced images and
information to explain a topic. It encourages creativity, knowledge and the development of
cognitive and communicative activities. It is used to organize different aspects of the same topic
in a logical sequence. Besides, it shows the most important aspects in a topic exposition
How do we make it?
✓ Identify the main ideas about
the topic (Superlatives)
✓ Choose any type of paper
✓ (Blank sheets, colored sheets
or cardboard)
✓ You can choose whatever
shape you want
✓ It must be folded, creative and
✓ Sequence the images,
drawings in an organized
✓ It must contain more images
tan text.
✓ It must contain legible
handwriting and be organized.
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Actividad 2.12: Use the following table to talk about your family using superlatives.
Example: “Marcos is the funniest person in my family”
.- Funny .- Strong
.- Intelligent .- Happy
.- Tall .- Practical
.- Fast .- Serious
.- Responsible .- Talkative
.- Honest .- Shy
.- Friendly .- Competitive
Actividad 13.- Design an infographic about different places, use images and a
superlativesentence to provide information about the different places.
You can use cardboard or design this activity in designing apps or platforms such as: canva,
Infogram, Pixlr, Piktochart, etc.
Example: “North Pole is the coldest place”
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Intensifiers are kind of words which use is to give force to the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs, but also, they can give a soft intensity to the message, in other words, they weaken the
meaning too. Examples:
Forcing the meaning:
a) I am really interested in your story.
b) My mom is strongly disappointed with your behaviour.
Weakening the meaning:
a) Are you ok? I feel little cold but I can deal with it.
b) My father was a bit annoyed with the scene my brother did.
Also, intensifiers can give a negative connotation to the meaning of the message: example:
a) You looked awfully pale after the party.
b) I knew it was an insanely clever idea, but I loved it.
There are a lot of common intensifiers like: very, so, such,
enough, too, and so on. The list is long. Let´s check the way
we use the previous ones.
So, such (synonymous of “very”), enough (the right amount of
something) and too (more than necessary), are used to
express degree. Examples:
a)It was so cold in the mountain that I stayed in the tent.
b)It was such an interesting book that I didn´t sleep all night.
c)Excuse me do you want more soup? No, thank you. I got
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Activity 2.14: How much do I know? Find the words in the puzzle
Activity 2.15: How much do I know? Match each sentence with the correct alternative.
too hot big enough very hard sunny enough early enough
enough time too slowly too much really hungry enough food
I didn’t have lunch. I’m .
My mom hates driving at rush hour. There’s traffic.
This coffee is to drink.
Tony never wins because he runs .
This exam is for us.
Did you buy
We missed our flight. We didn’t arrive
for all of us?
They didn’t finish the project. They say they didn’t have .
These shoes aren’t . My feet hurt!
We can go swimming today. It is .
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Actividad 2.16: Complete the sentences by using a suitable intensifier and circle the
wordthey are modifying.
1. The soup was delicious.
2. They are good friends.
3. Today is nice.
4. Cheetahs are fast.
5. The gift is perfect.
6. Lions are dangerous.
7. My sister is sick.
8. I love this song.
9. Sometimes money is hard to get.
10. My students are hard working.
11. Pokemon are amazing creatures.
12. Among us has become a popular game.
13. Christmas is joyful.
14. The Internet is useful.
15. Mozart was a amazing composer.
Indicador SI NO
Comprendo el uso de los intensificadores.
Identifico su uso en la oración.
Uso correctamente los intensificadores en
las oraciones.
¿Sobre qué temas requiero más Asesoríá Académica?
What are your favorite activities?
Actividad 2.17: Describe the different activities that you like a lot and not so much using
thefollowing words.
Example: Swimming is quite entertaining
is completely
is totally
is absolutely
is extremely
is really
is rather
is quite
is kind of
is a little
is not really
is not at all
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Activity 2.18: Read the text about extreme sports and underline the intensifiers.
Extreme sports are different from average sports because they are incredibly risky.
Either you perform the sport at an extremely fast pace or its location is incredibly
dangerous. In order to do an extreme sport completely safely, you should be really
experienced at it.
Free solo climbing is an example of a very dangerous extreme sport. It involves climbing
incredibly steep cliffs that can be thousands of feet high. The most terrifying thing about
this sport is that you climb without any equipment. That's totally crazy, right? Those
who have done this sport have said that the only way to do it successfully is by climbing
very slowly and remaining totally focused on every move you make.
For the adrenaline junkies, extreme sports are very attractive and intriguing. But, if
you're thinking about taking up an extreme sport, think very hard about the challenges
Actividad 2.19.- Write down the intensifiers that you underlined in the text.
Actividad 2.20. - Complete each sentence with an intensifier and an adjective.
1. Starting a new sport can be .
2. Doing an extreme sport without any experience is
3. Extreme sports are more attractive than regular sports because
4. While doing an extreme sport you should be _
5. Some people won't ever try an extreme sport because
6. If I ever did an extreme sport, I would feel
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Anexo 1: checklist
Evaluation instruments
Description Yes No Points
The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives
The student practices the dialogue in understandable English
The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner
The student does the activity on time
Total points
Anexo 2
Description Yes No Points
The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives in the
The student answers the task with correct and logical sentences
The student asks and answers the questions in understandable English
The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner
The student does the activity on time
Total Points
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Anexo 3
Description Yes No Points
The student did the proper research on time
The student wrote the city and 3 of the main tourist spots.
The student showed interest in the activity.
Total points
Anexo 4
Evaluation instrument: “A leaflet of two tourist cities”
CRITERIA Poor Good excellent
Ss. finished on time.
Ss. Assignment is clean, organized and
well presented.
Ss. Follow the provided instructions and
the proper structures.
Ss. Composition is original and shows
no usage of electronic translator.
Ss. Apply the learned structures
Excellent: 2 points
Good: 1 point
Poor: 0 points
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Anexo 5
Description Yes No Points
The student´s English when presenting the ad is understandable.
The student displays visual material: slides, pictures, images, realia, etc.
The student uses at least 8 comparative sentences when presenting the ad.
The student delivers the activity on time.
Total points
Anexo 6
Description Yes No Points
The team finishes the activity first.
The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives in the sentences.
The student answers the task with correct and logical sentences.
The student pronounces correctly most of the sentences.
The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner
Total Points
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Topic: 1 Tag questions
El estudiante usa tag questions para confirmar suposiciones.
Actividad 3.1. TAG QUESTIONS
A. Investiga en internet, consultar los siguientes videos tutoriales
o la siguiente presentación y toma notas sobre el tema de las tag questions.
B. Escribe Falso o Verdadero al final de cada enunciado
a. Las tag questions se usan para que la persona que está platicando
contigo, reafirme lo que acabas de decir.
b. Una oración positiva está seguida de una Tag question en positivo
c. Cuando el verbo en la oración principal está en present simple se
forma la Tag question con do/does
d. Cuando la oración contiene una palabra en negativa como
barely, hardly, etc. la Tag question necesita estar en negativo
e. Sin importar el tiempo verbal en el que estén las tag questions
podrían significar: ¿Correcto? ¿Cierto? ¿No es así?
f. aren’t I? es la tag question para cuando un enunciado empieza
con I am
g. No existen tag questions para enunciados imperativos
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Actividad 3.2
Instructions: Match the tag questions with the corresponding sentence.
Instructions: Complete the following, using the tag questions.
1. She is collecting stickers, ?
2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
3. You have cleaned your bike, ?
4. John and Max don't like math, ?
5. Peter played handball yesterday, ?
6. They are going home from school, ?
7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
8. He could have bought a new car, ?
9. Kevin will come tonight, ?
10. I'm clever, ?
Actividad 3.3
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Add a question- tag to the next sentences.
14. They aren’t in Rome at the moment, ?
13. He’s very handsome, ?
12. The weather is really bad today, ?
11. Julie isn’t an accountant, ?
10. I’m not the person with the tickets, ?
9. The dog is sleepy, ?
8. There are lots of bags here, ?
7. You can't see the difference, ?
6. The students didn't come, ?
5. She doesn't know your mother ?
4. She is late this morning, ?
3. They are on vacations, ?
2. Mr. Smith have a new house, ?
1. You´re going to the picnic with us, ?
Instruction: Circle the correct tag to complete the
It's next to the supermarket, don’t it / isn’t it?
1. You've met my brother before, don’t you / haven’t you?
3. He was born in 1970, didn’t he / wasn’t he?
4. Bela can help, can’t she / doesn’t she?
5. I'm right, aren’t I / am I?
6. You can't drive down your road, can’t you / can you?
7. They won't be late, will they / are they?
8. You're coming tomorrow, aren’t you / do you?
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Instruction: Circle the option that has the correct question-tag.
1-She does her homework very well
a) does she?
b) doesn´t she?
c) she doesn´t?
6-She has got a new car,
a) doesn´t she?
b) hasn´t she?
c) has she?
2-You didn´t take the exam,
a) didn´t they?
b) did you?
c) didn´t you?
7-We have to buy another car,
a) doesn´t we?
b) hasn´t we?
c) haven´t we?
3-The movies were very fun
a) wasn´t they?
b) were they?
c) weren´t they?
8-Nowadays finding a new job is easy,
a) isn´t it?
b) is it?
c) doesn´t it?
4-Your sister doesn´t play the violin
a) doesn´t it?
b) does she?
c) doesn´t she?
9-I think she isn´t Mexican,
a) isn´t I?
b) isn´t she?
c) is she?
5-Most people can´t go to Qatar
a) can´t they?
b) mostn´t they?
c) can they?
10-We had better stay,
a) haven´t we?
b) hadn´t we?
c) had we?
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Instruction: Match
the next columns
to complete the next questions with the correct question-tag.
1. Your sister won the race, a) did she?
2. He went to the concert, b) don´t you?
3. Your brother plays the piano, c) mustn’t we?
4. We must be at school al 7:30am, d) didn´t you?
5. The teacher didn´t came, e) didn´t we?
6. The concert was fantastic, f) wasn´t it?
7. You used to live in NY, g) didn´t she?
8. You buy a new car, h) doesn´t he?
9. We won the race, i) didn´t they?
10. Sam and Marc played tennis, j) didn´t he?
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Actividad 3.5:
Read the following dialogue and write your own using “Tag questions” correctly, use at least 5.
Paula: Hi! It's a cold evening, isn't it?
Christopher: SURE, it is! Could be better?
Paula: If it snows today, we won't have classes.
Christopher: Yeah, the teacher told us to study for a very hard biology test. Isn’t he?
Paula: Yes, and every exercise is written by him.
Christopher: He is going to drive me crazy!, isn’t he?
Paula: Hey Christopher! Calm down... If we pay more attention we will pass the exam very easy!
Christopher: OK, we should try to do it.
Paula: I have studied so hard, I think I'm ready, but I'm kind of scared.
Christopher: I haven’t understood him never, but I'm going to pay more attention.
Paula: I can help you if you want. Can I?
Christopher: oh yes, please! Would you do it FOR ME?
Paula: Sure! I can show you my notes.
Christopher: Thank you! This notebook is GREAT! Isn’t it?
Paula: Really? I made it by myself
Christopher: AWESOME!
Write your dialogue:
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I can use correct
strategies for
different situations:
Easily ✔ Well ☹
With difficulty
Topic 2: Using linking words to complement ideas.
El estudiante comunica ideas y opiniones dando información adicional usando palabras que indican causa,
efecto o contraste.
Actividad 3.6
Introductory activity
Instructions: Complete the text with a word in bold. Compare your answer with a partner or other pair.
Actividad 3.7.
Linking word classification
Instructions: Listen to the teacher's presentation, check out the links below, or research on the internet
about linking word or connectors, and complete the graphic organizer.
● Conectores en inglés
● Conectores en inglés |Linking words
and since so due to because
We could not go to the movie theater it was raining. We had to postpone it
the bad climate. we stayed at home watched
some movies. We went to bed too late. The next day we were very tired…
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Instructions: Read the texts below and underline the linking words.
Why do onions make us cry?
Firstly, an onion is a vegetable that
grows in the ground and it contains
vitamins and minerals. We usually like
to slice it or dice it and add onion to
our meals. But have you ever sliced an
onion? It makes your eyes water!
However, it is not the strong smell of
the onion that makes us cry, but the
gas that the onion releases when we
cut this member of the lily family.
The onion itself contains oil, which
contains sulphur, which is an irritant
to both our noses and to our eyes.
So, now we know what the chemical
is! Although I am not sure that helps
very much when we have to peel or
chop onions!
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Why do mosquito bites cause so much trouble?
Probably, male mosquitoes are innocent, because only
the female mosquito feeds on blood. As soon as she
lands on you, she sticks her beak into your skin and
quickly starts sucking out blood. Although we always
call them mosquito bites, it’s not really a bite at all! The
problem is that she injects some of her saliva into your
skin and this is an irritant. This eventually produces an
allergic reaction and then it itches and becomes red and
Why do skunks stink?
Skunks do not always smell bad and they
smell sweet to other skunks! They smell because of a special fluid
which they spray out of their backside. In addition to smelling awful,
the spray can cause vomiting in humans and also have effects similar
to tear gas.
Unless it has a reason to be afraid, a skunk does not spray their
strong odour. It just raises its tail and stamps its feet so for most
ause and effect
ause and Effect, Connectors Showing Cause & Effect, 2019)
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Connectors of c
(Connectors of C
Sentence connectors improve your writing. They add variety and sophistication to your style of writing, we
use several different words to show cause and effect.
Connectors are words or groups of words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. Cause and
effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the others. They are a
combination of action and reaction.
When we talk about an effect resulting from a certain cause, we use expressions such as: because, since, as,
owing to, due to.
In addition, while an effect is produced by a cause, cause is the producer of an effect. The cause can be a
person, object, situation, or event that can result in something, while an effect is the result of the actions of
the person or the outcome of some chain of events that have happened.
The cause will in a way explain the reason why the effect happened in the first place. The cause naturally
precedes an effect, while the effect will always follow it.
Cause and Effect Linking Words
There are three main types of linking words: conjunctions, transitions, and prepositions.
Conjunctions; The most common conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Words of “because”, “since”
introduce a cause; “so” introduces an effect.
Example: I stayed at my office because it was raining.
Transitions; The most common transitions are therefore, consequently, and as a result.
Example: It was raining, therefore I stayed in my office.
Prepositions; The most common prepositions are due to and because of.
Example: I stayed at my office due to the rain
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2. Watch the video and complete the following chart selecting the correct answer.
Differences between
because of due to
Part of speech: o It is an adverbial phrase
o It is an adjective
o It is an adverbial phrase
o It is an adjective
This connector is
equivalent to:
o ‘as a result of’ or ‘caused by’
o none
o ‘as a result of’ or ‘caused by’
o none
What is the structure
that this connectors
o Modifies: pronouns and nouns
o Modifies verbs
o Modifies: pronouns and nouns
o Modifies verbs
Go to the link:
Complete the following sentences with due to or because of
Actividad 3.10
Watch a video to clarify the use of ‘because of’ and ‘due to’
1. The heavy snowfall was the cold front.
2. The snowfall came the effects of the cold front.
3. the effects of the cold front, the snowfall was heavy.
4. The crash was the erratic nature of the other driver.
5. The crash occurred the erratic nature of the other driver.
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✔ Connectors of Cause and Effect, Connectors Showing Cause & Effect. (2019, 23 diciembre). English
Grammar Here.
✔ Oxford English Now. (2019, 29 marzo). DUE TO or BECAUSE OF? - English Grammar Lesson [Video].
Actividad 3.11
1. Although the bad
weather, we enjoyed
our holiday.
2. Although we studied
very hard for our final
test, we didn’t pass it.
1. In spite of the rain, we
went for a long walk.
2. In spite of her headache,
she completed her task.
1. Despite raining heavily,
we went for a long walk.
2. Despite having a
headache, she
completed her task.
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Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Match the three columns to make complete
sentences. In some sentences, more than one answer is possible. After that, write the
sentences on the lines below the chart.
1. She decided to buy the car…
…in spite of…
a. …feeling sick all day long.
2. We will make the exposition… b. …the snow
3. I handed my homework in on
c…. we didn’t have a lot of
4. I enjoyed the course… d. …the fact she doesn´t
know how to drive.
5. We decided to go out… e. …playing very well.
6. They didn´t win… f. …our classmate didn´t
show up.
For further information about the use of these connectors, watch the following video:
✔ Connectors Although, In spite of, Despite. (2019, Abril). ESL forums. Website:
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Actividad 3.12
Connectors: Because, As and Since, For ,Owing to + Noun
✔ Because
It is used to give a reason of something important for the listener.
Example: Because I did not finish my assignments on time, I can’t go to the party.
We also use it to give an answer to the question Word: Why?
Example: Why can’t you go to the party? I can’t go because I have homework.
✔ As and Since
They are normally used when the listener knows the reason why something happens.
Example: As you did not finish on time, you are not able to attend the meeting. (that you did not finish
your activities on time is not something new to the listener.)
Since I studied, I approved my exam.
✔ For
Introduces a new reason to the listener.
For-clause can’t be used at the beginning of a sentence.
· Example: I was not able to attend the meeting – for the deadline of my tasks.
✔ Owing to + noun
It indicates that an action happened as a result of something. It is also used to introduce the reason for
something happening:
Examples: He was not allowed to attend owing to his bad behavior.
Owing to his bad behavior he was not allowed to attend the meeting.
For further information, check these web pages about these connectors:
Complete using:
Because As Since For
a) we read, we continue learning.
b) we have practiced a lot of English; our pronunciation has improved.
c) We ate some snacks - we were very hungry.
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d) The students did not have classes today
the teacher was ill.
Underline the correct answer:
1. his problems he thinks so much.
a) As b) Owing to
2. Why didn't you eat the pizza? I didn’t eat it I wasn’t hungry.
a) owing to b) because
3. I stayed at home my illness.
a) as b) owing to
4. bad weather, we called the trip.
a) Owing to b) For
5. She couldn’t walk she broke her leg.
a) because b) as
For further practice check this web page:
✔ BBC (2022). 'Due to', 'owing to', on account of' and 'because of'. Retrieved from:
✔ GrammarBank (2011).Because/ Since/ As/ For/. Retrieved from:
Actividad 3.13
For the closure, you are going to create a conversation with 2 of your Friends.
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Subdirección de Innovación Académica
1. Watch the videos and read the conversation so
you can help to create the dialogue.
● Tag questions:
● Linking words:
2. Read the following dialogue and underline all the connectors you
can find.
3. Circle all the tag questions in the dialogue.
4. Then, write your own dialogue using at least 5 tag questions and 5
connectors (Linking words).
Elena: Hey Karla. What do you think about the new English literature professor?
Karla: Well, to be honest, he is not very elegant. However, he seems to be a good teacher, because he is
always worried about his students.
Elena: Some of our partners mentioned that they were disappointed with his attitude, and they stopped
encouraging him.
Karla: I think he is a good person but he is not very polite. Isn’t he?
Elena: Yes, you are right. On the other hand, he teaches very well. Doesn’t he?
Karla: I agree. I remember we haven’t had such a good professor since two years ago. So, I don’t mind if he
is not polite enough.
Elena: Anyway, I think we are here because of knowledge, so we need to continue learning and improving.
Aren’t we?
Karla: I totally agree. Besides, we can learn in spite of the teacher. I mean, if we study we approve, although
we have a good teacher or not.
Elena: Of course, besides, we need to consider that the teacher was hired owing to his knowledge and
academic experience. Don’t you think?
Write your dialogue
_ __ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
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_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
I can use tag
questions and
connectors correctly.
Easily ✔ Well ☹
With difficulty
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Instrumentos de evaluación
Nombre del alumno (a):
Grupo: Especialidad:
Competencia: Completa las siguientes oraciones de acuerdo con el correcto uso de la gramática y
ortografía de las Tag Questions.
Identifica correctamente el uso
de tag questions.
Emplea correctamente la
gramática y ortografía.
Relaciona correctamente la
oración con su question-tag
Completa correctamente las
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación EducativaSubdirección de Innovación Académica
VOCABULARIO Usa vocabulario
pertinente y
durante todo el
Usa vocabulario
durante la mayor
parte del diálogo y
Usa vocabulario
pertinente en
algunas ocasiones
y el diálogo es un
poco incoherente.
No utiliza
pertinente y no
coherencia el
GRAMATICA Utiliza las
gramaticales de
forma adecuada
durante todo el
Utiliza las
gramaticales de
forma adecuada
algunas veces.
Utiliza las
gramaticales de
forma adecuada
algunas veces.
No utiliza las
gramaticales de
forma adecuada.
CONTENIDO El tema es
pertinente a lo
visto en clases y al
nivel de inglés.
El tema es
pertinente a lo
visto en clases y al
nivel de inglés en
su mayoría
El tema es
pertinente a lo
visto en clases y al
nivel de inglés
El tema no tiene
relación con lo
visto en clase y no
corresponde al
nivel de inglés
EXTENSIÓN La extensión del
texto es correcta
para permitir un
diálogo coherente.
La extensión del
texto es buena
para permitir un
diálogo coherente.
La extensión del
texto es
adecuada para
permitir un
diálogo coherente.
La extensión del
texto no permite
un diálogo
INSTRUCCIÓN Utiliza al menos 5
Tag Question y 5
Linking words
dentro del diálogo.
Utiliza 3 a 4 Tag
Questions y de 3 a
4 Linking words
dentro del diálogo.
Utiliza de 3 a 2 Tag
Questions y de 3 a
2 Linking words
dentro del diálogo.
No utiliza Tag
Questions ni
Linking words
dentro del diálogo.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
VOCABULARIO Usa vocabulario
adecuado al tema
de conectores y de
Usa vocabulario
adecuado al tema
de conectores y de
Usa vocabulario
adecuado al tema
de conectores y de
No utiliza
adecuado al tema,
tag questions en
un 90 al 100 %.
tag questions en
un 60 %
tag questions en
un 40 %
no incluye
conectores ni tag
GRAMATICA La gramática es
adecuada durante
todo el diálogo,
muestra buen
dominio de las
utilizadas en clase.
La gramática es
adecuada durante
todo el diálogo,
utiliza las
utilizadas en clase
con algunas
aunque el texto es
La gramática no es
del todo
adecuada, hace
poco uso de las
utilizadas en clase
con algunas
inconsistencias, sin
embargo, el texto
es comprensible
en su mayoría.
La gramática no es
la adecuada, hace
uso nulo de las
utilizadas en clase
y el texto no es del
El contenido del
diálogo se
presenta de forma
lógica y se facilita
su comprensión.
El contenido del
diálogo se
presenta de forma
lógica, pero
presenta algunas
El contenido del
diálogo presenta
que no permiten
del todo su
El texto presenta
errores en su
organización y
contenido por lo
que no es
EXTENSIÓN La extensión del
texto es correcta y
el diálogo es del
todo coherente.
La extensión del
texto es adecuada
para permitir un
diálogo coherente.
La extensión del
texto no es
adecuada para
permitir un
diálogo coherente.
La extensión del
texto no permite
la identificación
coherente del
Utiliza un mínimo
de 5 conectores y
5 tag questions
como se indica en
la instrucción
Utiliza de 3 a 4
conectores y de 3
a 5 tag questions.
Utiliza menos de 3
3 conectores de y
menos de 3 tag
No utiliza ningún
conector ni usa tag
questions como se
indica en la

Contenu connexe

Similaire à Manual Del Estudiante_Ingles IV.pdf (20)

Level 2
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Level 2Level 2
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Adultos 2000- Inglés
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Phrasal verbs
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Phrasal verbs
Ingles 22222222222
Ingles 22222222222Ingles 22222222222
Ingles 22222222222
Ingles intermedio
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Ingles intermedio
Ingles plan 5.
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Ingles plan 5.
Lesson 1 cintia
Lesson 1 cintiaLesson 1 cintia
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Lesson 1 cintia
Facunda  ENGLISHFacunda  ENGLISH
preposiciones preposiciones
las preposiciones
las preposiciones las preposiciones
las preposiciones
Adverbs leccion 1
Adverbs leccion 1Adverbs leccion 1
Adverbs leccion 1


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UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE N° 01 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE N° 01 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...
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Guía para registrarse en slideshare..pdfJohn Muñoz

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UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE N° 01 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...UNIDAD DE APRENDIZAJE N° 01 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...
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Manual Del Estudiante_Ingles IV.pdf

  • 1. Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Departamento de Planes, Programas y Superación Académica Manual del Estudiante - Aprendizajes Esperados Semestre: 4 Inglés
  • 2. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica INGLÉS 4 UNIDAD I 1.ADVERBS Aprendizaje Esperado Estrategias de Aprendizaje Instrumento de evaluación • frecuencia • modo • tiempo • lugar Se explica la regla gramatical para el uso de adverbios en sus modalidades, con el uso de recursos didácticos del maestro (termómetro, %, etc.) Aplicación de las 4 habilidades Ejercicios de Resolución, realizados por losalumnos durante la clase, post clase y ejercicios en línea. Learning Outcome • Students communicate using explicit expressions and adverbs of manner that describe the actions developed according to the context they are. • Students elaborate specific subject descriptions using correlatives to emphasize common or contrasting features. Learning piece of evidence • Have students write a text where they describe the different actions of a character. To read and act the description out, identifying the adverbs used. • Student elaborate a box with objects that have similar features to compare between them. • Student write sentences using comparatives describing characteristic of objects and present them to the group orally. EvaluationProcess • Students use “adverbs of manner” before the verbs. Describes different detailed situations using adverbs of manner. • Students work collaboratively with their classmates.
  • 3. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Los adverbios de frecuencia se utilizan para indicar actividades rutinarias. Suelen emplearse con el presente simple. Si una frase tiene un solo verbo, coloque el adverbio de frecuencia en medio de la frase, de modo que se sitúe después del sujeto, pero antes del verbo. Por ejemplo: I always play soccer. ADVERBS OF FRECUENCY. Adverb Time of use Example Always (Siempre) 100% I always play soccer Almost always (Casi siempre) 95% She almost always eats apple. Usually (Usualmente) 75% He usually gets up late. Often (A menudo) 50% I often do exercise in the morning. Sometimes (A veces) 25% We sometimes go to dace. Seldom (Rara vez) 5% You seldom see her. Rarely (Rara vez) 5% You rarely see her. Hardly ever (Casi nunca) 5% They hardly ever see him. Never (nunca) 0% They never come to class early.
  • 4. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 1.1 Task: Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some sentences may have more than one answer). (Rellene los siguientes espacios en blanco con los adverbios de frecuencia que correspondan (algunas frases pueden tener más de una respuesta). 1. She dance with Peter. She doesn't dance with someone else. 2. He eat pizza. He does not like other food 3. I remember to do my homework. 4. Mary seldom goes to the cinema. She sees movies. 5. Jose saw a doctor for the first time in three years. She gets sick. 6. You get up at five o’clock seven days a week. You get up early. 7. It’s always hot and sunny where I live. That’s why I see snow. 8. My sister almost never eats burgers and fries. She eats healthy foods. 9. I take a bus to class, maybe three or four days a week. 10. They go to the beach. They don’t like it. ADVERBS OF MANNER (MANNER ADVERBS) Este es el tipo de adverbios (ADVERBIOS DE MODO) los utilizamos cuando queremos expresar cuál es la manera en la que se realiza una acción. En Inglés normalmente se forman agregando “ly” al final del adjetivo. Pero como así visto todo parece muy complicado, vamos a ver algunos ejemplos. Adjetivo Adverbio Slow – Lento Slowly – Lentamente Easy – Fácil Easily – Fácilmente
  • 5. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Simple – Simple Simply – Simplemente Careful – Cuidado Carefully – Cuidadosamente Natural – Natural Naturally – Naturalmente Happy – Feliz Happily – Felizmente Clear – Claro Clearly – Claramente Calm- Calma Calmly-calmadamente Actividad 1.2 Task: Complete the following paragraph with the correct form of the adverb of manner. Completa el siguiente párrafo con la forma correcta del adverbio de modo. 1. The children in the yellow house play (happy) in the garden. They run (slow) and their siblings catch them (easy). The children have fun just running after a ball. (natural), they are watched by their parents. (clear), they are not of age and are (happy) with their family. 2. The cell phone is a (natural) reliable piece of equipment. It is a tool that is easy to operate and, (happy), can be found in any technology store. (clear), it has been the best invention because students can use it (carefull). ADVERBS OF PLACES Los adverbios de lugar pueden ser direccionales, indicar distancia o indicar la posición de un objeto en relación con otro. Por ejemplo, debajo, entre, encima, detrás, a través, alrededor y así sucesivamente. Los adverbios de lugar se colocan normalmente después del objeto de la frase o del verbo principal. En inglés existen palabras que nos indican el lugar donde se desarrolla o desarrolló una acción. Estas palabras se denominan adverbs of place / adverbios de lugar, y como lo indica su nombre, determinan el sitio en donde algo ocurrió. Los adverbios de lugar, por su condición, deben ubicarse luego del verbo principal de la oración. Usualmente los adjetivos se ubican al final de la oración, pero en casos particulares, como there / allí, pueden ubicarse al principio de la oración para enfatizar el sentido de la misma, sin cambiar su significado.
  • 6. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Listado con algunos de estos adverbios, su significado y características: Actividad 1.3 Task: Underlines the adverb of place within the sentence highlighted in bold type. Subraya el adverbio de lugar dentro de la oración remarcada en negrita. There: Allí, allá, por ahí. Al usar este adverbio nos referimos al lugar donde se realiza una acción que podemos ver, pero no se encuentra cerca de nosotros: There is the place of the accident/ Este es el lugar del accidente. Here: Aquí, acá, por aquí, por acá. Lo podemos utilizar al indicar el lugar donde se realiza una acción, pero que es cerca nosotros: Please sit down here/ Por favor, siéntese aquí. Nearby: Cerca de, no tan lejos, cercano. Indica cercanía física, mas no temporal. Este adverbio puede utilizarse antes o después del nombre al que describe. A diferencia de near, que puede cumplir función de preposición y de adverbio de lugar, nearby sólo puede usarse como adverbio de lugar: We have a nearby library/ Tenemos una biblioteca cercana. Out: Afuera, fuera. Cuando decimos que el lugar, objeto o sujeto se encuentra lejos o fuera de su espacio habitual como lo puede ser su ciudad, país u hogar, se puede usar "out". También lo puedes usar si algo sucede a las afueras de un espacio específico, por ejemplo un recinto cerrado, edificación o construcción: I want you out of my office! / ¡Te quiero fuera de mi oficina! Outside: A las afueras, hacia afuera, afuera. Hace referencia a estar fuera de algo o de algún lugar, pero de manera cercana o próxima, a diferencia de out, cuyas distancias pueden ser grandes: Why are you outside the house? / ¿Por qué estás afuera de la casa? Upstairs: Arriba, en el piso de arriba. Este adverbio lo puedes utilizar para decir que algo está pasando en un piso superior: Lindsay is upstairs in her office/Lindsay está en el piso de arriba de su oficina. Downstairs. Abajo, en el piso de abajo. Contrario a upstairs, con este adverbio nos referimos a un espacio inferior, como el piso de un edificio o construcción: Where is the bathroom? It's downstairs. / ¿Dónde está el baño? Está en el piso de abajo.
  • 7. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Ahead: Adelante, delante de: Utilízalo para hacer referencia a planes futuros, a espacios que se encuentren justo en frente tuyo, cuando se ubica algo o sucede en forma lineal, o en el caso del tiempo, para registrar un suceso reciente: John always drives ahead of us. / Juan siempre conduce delante de nosotros. All over: Por todas partes/Puedes usarlo para situaciones generalizadas o globales: That virus is all over the city /Ese virus está por toda la ciudad. Around: Al rededor, por todas partes. Con este adverbio puedes referirte a algo que esté sucediendo en un espacio cercano o lejano a ti: Look around you. There is nothing/Mira alrededor tuyo. No hay nada. Aside: A un lado, aparte. Nos da a entender que algo está aparte o distanciado: Why did you leave aside my project? / ¿Por qué dejaron a un lado mi proyecto? Back: De vuelta, de regreso. Nos indica que algo está de regreso: Mom, Jane is back home! / ¡Mamá, Jane está de vuelta a casa! Beyond: Más allá. Nos indica que algo sucede lejos del espacio desde donde se narran los hechos: We will walk beyond the mountains/ Caminaremos más allá de las montañas. ADVERBS OF TIME Cuando queremos decir cuándo, durante cuánto tiempo o con qué frecuencia sucede algo, necesitamos usar adverbios de tiempo. Aquí hay una guía sobre todos estos adverbios para que pueda comenzar a utilizarlos más fácilmente cuando hables y escribas.
  • 8. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Los adverbios de tiempo más comunes son palabras que indican un momento particular en el pasado, presente y futuro. Estos adverbios incluyen: Now (ahora) Today (hoy) Yesterday (ayer) Tomorrow (mañana) Tonight (esta noche) Last month (el mes pasado) Later (luego) Early (Temprano) Late (Tarde) Earlier (Antes, Más Temprano) Then (Luego, Entonces) Before (Antes) After (Después) Nowadays (Hoy Día) Currently (Actualmente) Actividad 1.4 Task: Underline the adverbs of time in the following sentences. (Subraya los adverbios de tiempo en las siguientes oraciones). 1. Fernanda went to the Bears' house yesterday (Fernanda fue ayer a casa de los Osos). 2. I'm going to tidy my room tomorrow (Mañana voy a ordenar mi habitación). 3. I saw Sally today (Hoy vi a Sally) 4. I will call you later (Te llamaré más tarde).
  • 9. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica 5. I have to leave now (Tengo que irme ahora) 6. I saw that movie last year (Vi esa película el año pasado). 7. I saw her in the cafeteria yesterday. (La vi en la cafetería ayer) 8. She will come afterwards. (Ella vendrá después) 9. She spoke with her about the problem on Friday. (Ella habló con ella sobre el problema el viernes) 10. The bill must be paid today. (La factura debe ser pagada hoy) 11. You have to come tomorrow. (Tú tienes que venir mañana) 12. He is moving to London next week. (Él se mudará a Londres la siguiente semana) 13. She will answer me next weekend. (Ella me responderá el siguiente fin de semana) 14. She will go for a walk in the park on Saturday. (Ella dará un paseo en el parque el sábado) 15. I recived your letter last week. (Recibí tu carta la semana pasada) 2.CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS Aprendizaje Esperado Estrategias de Aprendizaje Instrumento de evaluación Uso y aplicación Either= O/ uno u otro Neither=ni/tampoco Nor= No/ni Or= O Both= ambos/ambas Not only… but also= No solo… sino también. Se explica la regla gramatical para el uso de conjunciones correlativas en sus modalidades, con el uso de recursos didácticos proporcionados por el maestro. Aplicación de las 4 habilidades Ejercicios de Resolución, realizados por el alumno durante la clase, post clase y ejercicios en línea. Whether= si / ya sea And= Y
  • 10. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Definition: Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join words, phrases, or clauses. The correlative conjunctions are either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but also, whether...or. Either= O/ uno u otro Neiher= ni/ tampoco Nor= No/ni Or= O Both= ambos/ambas Not only… but also= No solo… sino también. Whether= si / ya sea And= Y Joining words: My uncle is not only a doctor but also a pharmacist. Joining phrases: All of these clothes are either too small or worn out. Joining clauses: Either Monica will bring drinks, or she will bring brownies. Correlative conjunctions are stronger than coordinating conjunctions and emphasize the relationship between the ideas being joined. Notice the difference in the following sentences: Cats and dogs make good pets. Both cats and dogs make good pets. Ron or Davie found my bicycle. Either Ron or Davie found my bicycle.
  • 11. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Note: Not only...but also can be split apart. Even the second half can be split. Not only cannot be split. I like not only ice skating but also hockey. Not only is he a great singer, but he is also an actor. Note: Be careful of the placement of the parts of the conjunction. Confusing: Either you must bring in your permission slip or stay home. (The reader is left hanging waiting for the second clause.) Better: You must either bring in your permission slip or stay home. (You must do one of these two actions.) Also better: Either you must bring in your permission slip, or you must stay home. Confusing: It was not only a long movie but also exciting. Better: The movie was not only long but also exciting. Better: It was not only a long movie but also an exciting one. As you learned in the modifiers unit, watch where you put only. Confusing: Jeremy not only won a trophy but also money. Better: Jeremy won not only a trophy but also money. When using correlative conjunctions, ensure verbs agree so your sentences make sense. For example: Every night, either loud music or fighting neighbors wake John from his sleep. When you use a correlative conjunction, you must be sure that pronouns agree. For example: Neither Debra nor Sally expressed her annoyance when the cat broke the antique lamp.
  • 12. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica When using correlative conjunctions, be sure to keep parallel structure intact. Equal grammatical units need to be incorporated into the entire sentence. For example: Not only did Mary grill burgers for Michael, but she also fixed a steak for her dog, Vinny. Actividad 1.5: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1.She is neither polite funny. a) Or b) Nor c) Not d) Yet 2. Have you made a decision about to go to the movies not?
  • 13. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica a) If /then b) Either/ or c) Whether/or d) What with/and 3. This salad is delicious healthy. a) Whether / or b) Both / and c) Scarcely / when d) Rather / than 4. I like to sing opera, to spend my spare time practicing ballroom dances. a) not only / but also b) whether / or c) neither / nor d) not / but 5. The test was very short quite easy. a) not / but b) both / and c) whether / or d) scarcely / when 6. Joe his sisters could understand what their parents were saying when they spoke French.
  • 14. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica a) Whether / or b) No sooner / than c) Rather / than d). Neither / nor
  • 15. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 1.6 El alumno seguirá el enlace adjunto y repetirá las oraciones en la grabación. "Correlative conjuctions" Say the following sentences in each chart below. Click on the microphone and start speaking. 1. Both the man and his wife came down the hall and went into the room. 2. Either you or I will have to move. 3. I like neither reading nor writing. 4. Your work is both neat and accurate. 5. The meal is not only delicious but also nutritious .
  • 16. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 1.7 El alumno escuchará y escribirá la palabra faltante entrando al enlace adjunto ubicado al final del Correlative Conjunctions Instructions: Listen and write the missing word Name: 1.She is neither polite funny. 2. that is the case, I’m not surprised about what’s happening. 3. Have you made a decision about to go to the movies not? 4. had I put my umbrella away, it started raining. 5. This salad is delicious healthy.
  • 17. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 1.8 Name:________________________ Activity: Fill in the blanks below with the best adverbs of frequency (some sentences may have more than one answer). (Rellene los siguientes espacios en blanco con los adverbios de frecuencia que correspondan(algunasfrasespueden tenermásdeunarespuesta). 1. She dancewithPeter.Shedoesn't dancewithsomeoneelse. 2. He eat pizza.Hedoesnot likeother food 3. I remembertodomyhomework. 4. Maryseldomgoestothecinema.She seesmovies. 5. Josesawadoctor forthefirst timeinthreeyears.She getssick. 6. Youget upat fiveo’clocksevendaysaweek.You get upearly. 7. It’salwayshot andsunnywhereI live.That’swhyI seesnow. 8. Mysisteralmost nevereatsburgersandfries.She eatshealthyfoods. 9. I takeabustoclass,maybethreeorfourdaysaweek. 10. They gotothebeach.Theydon’t likeit.
  • 18. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 1.9 El alumno resolverá el crucigrama de adverbios que se generan a partir de la lista de adjetivos. SEARCH, FIND AND COLOR THE ADVERBS CORRESPONDING TO THE ADJECTIVES LISTED BELOW. Real Late Hard Bad Most Easy Quick Slow Clear Hopeful Good Brave Anxious Fast Early Wrong
  • 19. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Use of ICT for Learning Actividad 1.8 El alumno llenara los espacios en blanco con el adverbio adecuado en el siguiente enlace References Nash, Kitty. English Grammar, consultado desde 8/conjunctions-and-interjections/lesson-2/correlative-conjunctions Byram, M. (1989). Teaching-and-learning Language-and-culture. ( Adverbs of manner - =DAFQwlRDp5o&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
  • 20. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica RUBRICA PARA ACTIVIDAD DE HABLA 1Necesita mejorar 2 Satisfactorio 3 Excelente Claridad El discurso de los estudiantes era incomprensible para entender casi todo el tiempo La presentación no tenía los contenidos adecuados indicados en las instrucciones El discurso de los alumnos fue claro y comprensible en todo momento Pronunciación El estudiante era difícil de entender, callado al hablar, poco claro en la pronunciación A veces, el estudiante no tenía clara la pronunciación, pero en general es aceptable. La pronunciación era buena y no interfería con la comunicación. Fluidez Al estudiante le faltaba tono y entonación por completo. El habla era robótica y monótona, sin mostrar ninguna emoción o inflexión en absoluto El habla de los estudiantes era lenta y, a menudo, vacilante e irregular. Las oraciones pueden quedar sin completar, pero el estudiante puede continuar La pronunciación era buena y no interfería con la comunicación. Entonación Al estudiante le faltaba tono y entonación por completo. El habla era robótica y monótona, sin mostrar ninguna emoción o inflexión en absoluto. El estudiante mostró un buen uso del tono y la entonación. Sin embargo, el tono y la entonación eran inapropiados para el contexto en ocasiones El estudiante mostró un excelente uso del tono y la entonación, tanto el tono como la entonación fueron adecuados al contexto en cada momento. Contenido La presentación no tenía los contenidos adecuados indicados en las instrucciones La presentación tenía solo algunos de los contenidos indicados en las instrucciones. La presentación tenía todo el contenido indicado en las instrucciones
  • 21. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica RUBRICA PARA ACTIVIDAD DE ESCRITURA Pobre 1 Pto. Bueno 2 Ptos. Muy Bueno 3 Ptos. Excelente 4 Ptos. Contenido El tema y la idea se presentan de forma clara Pobre Bueno Muy Bueno Excelente Organización Las oraciones y los párrafos presentan ideas claras, el escrito en general presenta secuencia lógica de las ideas (inicio, desarrollo y cierre) Pobre Muy Bueno Excelente Gramática y vocabulario Uso adecuado del vocabulario y las reglas gramaticales. Pobre Muy Bueno Excelente
  • 22. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica RUBRICA PARA ACTIVIDAD DE LECTURA Regular 1 Pto. Bueno 2 Ptos. Excelente 3 Ptos. Contenido Distingue lo relevante del texto. Distingue lo relevante del texto y hace preguntas de lo que lee. Distingue lo relevante del texto y hace preguntas de lo que lee e infiere significado de palabras. Argumentación Registra ideas de manera clara y coherente y sintética en uno o más textos para desarrollar argumentos. Identifica , ordena e interpreta las ideas y conceptos explícitos e implícitos de uno o más textos considerando el contexto en el que se generaron. Sustenta una postura personal sobre la información obtenida de uno o más textos. considera otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva. Fluidez Lee de forma no fluida y no utiliza el timbre de voz de acuerdo a las estructuras gramaticales Lee con poca fluidez y utiliza entonación adecuada en algunas de las estructuras gramaticales. Lee de forma fluida y utiliza la entonación de voz en todas las estructuras gramaticales
  • 23. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica RUBRICA PARA ACTIVIDAD DE ESCUCHA Muy bien, 3 Ptos. Bien, 2 Ptos. Suficiente, 1 Pto. Entiende los elementos de la lectura Conoce muy bien lo que lee Conoce bien lo que lee Conoce parcialmente lo que lee. Reconoce el vocabulario Conoce muy bien el vocabulario Conoce bien el vocabulario Conoce parcialmente el vocabulario Reflexiona sobre el contenido Reflexión a muy bien lo que lee Reflexiona bien lo que lee Reflexión a lo que lee
  • 24. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica PARCIAL 2 Definition: A comparative adjective is an adjective used to compare two people or things. We use comparative adjectives to say that one person or thing demonstrates a high degree of a quality or is a better example of a quality than the other is. Words like taller, smarter, and slower are examples of comparative adjectives. How to create Comparatives: One syllable adjectives: Add -er for the comparative. If the adjective has a consonant + single vowel + consonant spelling, the final consonant must be doubled before adding the ending. Two syllables Adjectives with two syllables can form the comparative either by adding -er or by preceeding the adjective with more. In many cases, both forms are used, although one usage will be more common than the other. If you are not sure whether a two-syllable adjective can take a comparative or superlative ending, play it safe and use more instead. For adjectives ending in y, change the y to an i before adding the ending. Three or more syllables Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative by putting more in front of the adjective. Adjective Comparative important more important expensive more expensive Irregular comparatives and superlatives These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms. Adjective Comparative tall taller fat fatter big bigger sad sadder Adjective Comparative happy happier simple simpler busy busier tilted more tilted tangled More tangled Adjective Comparative good better bad worse little less much more far further / farther
  • 25. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.1: Complete the following comparisons, some examples are given. clean Ana + vs Alan - 1.- Ana is cleaner than Alan cold Ana+ vs Alan- 2.- Ana is colder than Alan slow Ana+ vs Alan- 3.- large Ana+ vs Alan- 4.- Pretty Ana+ vs Alan- 5.- Happy Ana+ vs Alan- 6.- Ana is happier than Alan smart Ana+ vs Alan- 7.- big Ana+ vs Alan- 8.- beautiful Ana+ vs Alan- 9.- important Ana+ vs Alan- 10.- Ana is more important than Alan good Ana+ vs Alan- 11.- Bad Ana+ vs Alan- 12.- Actividad 2.2: Complete the following comparisons, use the words that you need. 1.- interesting He knows a story. 2. expensive That dress is than this sweater. 3. new Her car is than mine 4. dangerous That road is at night. 5. good She is a student than he is. 6. deep Atlantic Ocean is than any cave. 7. important His job is than mine. 8. selfish Kyla is than Emily. 9. bad Yesterday the weather was than today’s 10. high Mount Kilimanjaro is than Mount Elbrus
  • 26. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.3: Complete the conversation. Use the comparative form of the adjectives given, compare your answers with a partner, then practice the conversation in pairs. David: How do you like living in a big city? Maria: I like it so much. There are many things that make it (good) than the country. David: Oh, really? Can you give me some examples? Maria: Well, it is more interesting out in the city than it is in the country. The buildings are (large) and there are (nice) things to see! David: Yes, but the city is (dangerous) than the country. Maria: That's true. People in the country are (friendly) and the country is also (safe) than the city. David: I'm sure that the country is (relaxed) too! Maria: Yes, the city is (busy) than the country. David: How about the cost of living? Is the country (cheap) than the city? Maria: Oh, yes. Living in the city is (expensive) than in the country. David: Life in the country is also (healthy) than in the city. Maria: Yes, it's (clean) and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is (exciting). It's (fast), (crazy) and (fun). David: I think you are crazy for moving to the city. Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm married and have children I'll move back to the country.
  • 27. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.4: Complete the task as in the example EXAMPLE: GIVEN SENTENCE: Name something sweeter than an apple ANSWER: A candy is sweeter than an apple. 1. Name a country that is larger than Mexico. . 2. Name a planet that is closer to the sun than the Earth. . 3. Name someone who is younger than you are. . 4. Name an animal that is more dangerous than a wild dog. . 5. Name a bird that is larger than a chicken. . 6. Name something that is more expensive than a Mercedes car. . 7. Name a sport that is more popular internationally than baseball. . 8. Name someone who is more famous than you. . 9. Name someone who is taller than you. . 10. Name something that is more interesting than basic arithmetic. . 11. Name an ocean that is smaller than the Pacific Ocean. . 12. Name a place that is farther away from school than your home is. . 13. Name an animal that is stronger than a sheep. . 14. Name a sport that, in your opinion, is more exciting than golf. . 15. Name a place that is colder than this city. . 16. Name a place that is more beautiful than your city or town. .
  • 28. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.5: Work in pairs. Make comparisons. Ask your partner several questions based on the sentences above. Example: You: What is sweeter than an apple? Partner: A candy is sweeter than an apple. Change roles and start again.
  • 29. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.6.1- Look at the picture below. Write the country where these cities are located and threeof the most important places to visit in each of them. If you don’t remember, google the Information or watch a video. What is your favorite city? Example: New York City: United States. The Empire State Building, the Statue of liberty, Central Park Bangkok: London: Singapore: Tokyo: Dubai: Hong Kong: New York City: Seoul: Kuala Lumpur: Shenzhen: Actividad 2.6.2: According to your own interests, elaborate a leaflet (written production) providing characteristics and comparing two of your favorite cities in the world (Choose from the cities below and use your research) with the objective of providing information about these touristicdestinations. (include comparisons and so, very, too, both, either..or, neither… nor)
  • 30. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.7.- Videotape (or present live) some quick advertisements related to comparatives, you can choose a particular topic to promote in a 30 second – 1-minute ad. Examples of topics: -The city and the country, Bicycles and cars, The Moon and The Sun, America and Europe, or Being poor and being rich Actividad 2.8.- Chain Game: The aim of the game is to make as many “comparative chains”as possible. INSTRUCTIONS: a) Divide the class into teams. b) The class brainstorms some comparative adjectives; you can write them on the board. c) Choose a topic that has many nouns, such as “animals”. d) Write a comparative sentence on the board comparing two animals. For example: “Elephants are bigger than cats”. To make a chain, you must make a comparative sentence starting with the last noun of the previous sentence. So, for example, if the first sentence is “Elephants are bigger than cats” then the next sentence must start with “Cats” (e.g. “Cats are smarter than pigs”) and the following sentence must start with “Pigs” (e.g. “Pigs are fatter than dogs.”) and so on. e) Give 2 to 3 minutes to make as many “comparative chains” as possible, and then change the topic (e.g. food, sports, countries, school subjects) Each team takes turns to make the chains on the board, or all teams can write the sentences on a piece of paper at the same time.
  • 31. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Superlative Adjectives We use the superlative form of the adjective to compare three or more people, places, or things.When comparing more than two things, you’ll likely use words and phrases like smallest, biggest,tallest, most interesting, and least interesting. Notice the –est ending and the words most and least. Make sure you use the proper ending or superlative adjective when forming these superlatives.The examples below illustrate the correct form: Formation of Superlative Adjectives As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective: Short adjectives: add "-est" Long adjectives: use "most" We also usually add 'the' at the beginning. Short adjectives Syllable adjectives: old, fast Syllable adjectives ending in -y: happy, easy RULE: add "-est" old → the oldest Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -st : late → the latest Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonant big → the biggest Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to I : happy → the happiest Long adjectives 2-syllable adjectives not ending in -y: modern, pleasant All adjectives of 3 or more syllables: expensive, intellectual RULE: use "most" modern → the most modern expensive → the most expensive With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most": quiet → the quietest/most quiet clever → the cleverest/most clever narrow → the narrowest/most narrow simple → the simplest/most simple Exception: The following adjectives have irregular forms: good → the best bad → the worst far → the farthest/furthest
  • 32. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.9- Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box. Winter is season of the year. Mount Everest is mountain in the world. February is month of the year. The blue whale is mammal in the world. Mercury is planet. Mercury is also planet to the sun. Activity 2.10 - Correct the errors. Alaska is largest state in the United States. Monica is the old of all sisters. Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is big. I am the most tall person in my family. This restaurant serves goodest food in town. small near cold high long large short
  • 33. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.11: Friso. In teams, create a Friso with information and pictures to explain the topic “Superlatives”. Make sure to identify the main ideas and check the evaluation criteria from the checklist provided by the teacher. FRISO A friso is a folded brochure to illustrate a certain topic. It is made of sequenced images and information to explain a topic. It encourages creativity, knowledge and the development of cognitive and communicative activities. It is used to organize different aspects of the same topic in a logical sequence. Besides, it shows the most important aspects in a topic exposition How do we make it? ✓ Identify the main ideas about the topic (Superlatives) ✓ Choose any type of paper ✓ (Blank sheets, colored sheets or cardboard) ✓ You can choose whatever shape you want ✓ It must be folded, creative and original. ✓ Sequence the images, drawings in an organized manner. ✓ It must contain more images tan text. ✓ It must contain legible handwriting and be organized.
  • 34. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.12: Use the following table to talk about your family using superlatives. Example: “Marcos is the funniest person in my family” ANEXO 1 ADJECTIVES .- Funny .- Strong .- Intelligent .- Happy .- Tall .- Practical .- Fast .- Serious .- Responsible .- Talkative .- Honest .- Shy .- Friendly .- Competitive Actividad 13.- Design an infographic about different places, use images and a superlativesentence to provide information about the different places. You can use cardboard or design this activity in designing apps or platforms such as: canva, Infogram, Pixlr, Piktochart, etc. Example: “North Pole is the coldest place”
  • 35. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Intensifiers are kind of words which use is to give force to the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, but also, they can give a soft intensity to the message, in other words, they weaken the meaning too. Examples: Forcing the meaning: a) I am really interested in your story. b) My mom is strongly disappointed with your behaviour. Weakening the meaning: a) Are you ok? I feel little cold but I can deal with it. b) My father was a bit annoyed with the scene my brother did. Also, intensifiers can give a negative connotation to the meaning of the message: example: a) You looked awfully pale after the party. b) I knew it was an insanely clever idea, but I loved it. There are a lot of common intensifiers like: very, so, such, enough, too, and so on. The list is long. Let´s check the way we use the previous ones. So, such (synonymous of “very”), enough (the right amount of something) and too (more than necessary), are used to express degree. Examples: a)It was so cold in the mountain that I stayed in the tent. b)It was such an interesting book that I didn´t sleep all night. c)Excuse me do you want more soup? No, thank you. I got enough.
  • 36. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Activity 2.14: How much do I know? Find the words in the puzzle Activity 2.15: How much do I know? Match each sentence with the correct alternative. too hot big enough very hard sunny enough early enough enough time too slowly too much really hungry enough food I didn’t have lunch. I’m . My mom hates driving at rush hour. There’s traffic. This coffee is to drink. Tony never wins because he runs . This exam is for us. Did you buy We missed our flight. We didn’t arrive for all of us? . They didn’t finish the project. They say they didn’t have . These shoes aren’t . My feet hurt! We can go swimming today. It is . EXTREMELY - VERY – PRETTY – REALLY – RATHER – SO - QUITE – SOMEWHAT – TOTALLY – ABSOLUTELY – KIND OF - A LITTLE
  • 37. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 2.16: Complete the sentences by using a suitable intensifier and circle the wordthey are modifying. 1. The soup was delicious. 2. They are good friends. 3. Today is nice. 4. Cheetahs are fast. 5. The gift is perfect. 6. Lions are dangerous. 7. My sister is sick. 8. I love this song. 9. Sometimes money is hard to get. 10. My students are hard working. 11. Pokemon are amazing creatures. 12. Among us has become a popular game. 13. Christmas is joyful. 14. The Internet is useful. 15. Mozart was a amazing composer. Indicador SI NO Comprendo el uso de los intensificadores. Identifico su uso en la oración. Uso correctamente los intensificadores en las oraciones. ¿Sobre qué temas requiero más Asesoríá Académica? What are your favorite activities? Actividad 2.17: Describe the different activities that you like a lot and not so much using thefollowing words. Example: Swimming is quite entertaining is completely is totally is absolutely is extremely is really is rather is quite is kind of is a little is not really is not at all
  • 38. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Activity 2.18: Read the text about extreme sports and underline the intensifiers. Extreme sports are different from average sports because they are incredibly risky. Either you perform the sport at an extremely fast pace or its location is incredibly dangerous. In order to do an extreme sport completely safely, you should be really experienced at it. Free solo climbing is an example of a very dangerous extreme sport. It involves climbing incredibly steep cliffs that can be thousands of feet high. The most terrifying thing about this sport is that you climb without any equipment. That's totally crazy, right? Those who have done this sport have said that the only way to do it successfully is by climbing very slowly and remaining totally focused on every move you make. For the adrenaline junkies, extreme sports are very attractive and intriguing. But, if you're thinking about taking up an extreme sport, think very hard about the challenges involved. Actividad 2.19.- Write down the intensifiers that you underlined in the text. Actividad 2.20. - Complete each sentence with an intensifier and an adjective. 1. Starting a new sport can be . 2. Doing an extreme sport without any experience is 3. Extreme sports are more attractive than regular sports because 4. While doing an extreme sport you should be _ 5. Some people won't ever try an extreme sport because 6. If I ever did an extreme sport, I would feel
  • 39. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Anexo 1: checklist Evaluation instruments CHECKLIST THE CITY OR THE COUNTRY Description Yes No Points The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives /2.5 The student practices the dialogue in understandable English /2.5 The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner /2.5 The student does the activity on time /2.5 Total points Anexo 2 CHECKLIST THINK, WRITE AND TALK Description Yes No Points The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives in the sentences /2 The student answers the task with correct and logical sentences /2 The student asks and answers the questions in understandable English /2 The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner /2 The student does the activity on time /2 Total Points
  • 40. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Anexo 3 CHECKLIST RESEARCH “ TOURIST DESTINATIONS “ Description Yes No Points The student did the proper research on time /2.5 The student wrote the city and 3 of the main tourist spots. /5 The student showed interest in the activity. /2.5 Total points Anexo 4 Evaluation instrument: “A leaflet of two tourist cities” CRITERIA Poor Good excellent Ss. finished on time. Ss. Assignment is clean, organized and well presented. Ss. Follow the provided instructions and the proper structures. Ss. Composition is original and shows no usage of electronic translator. Ss. Apply the learned structures accurately. Excellent: 2 points Good: 1 point Poor: 0 points
  • 41. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Anexo 5 CHECKLIST CLOSURE ACTIVITY 1 – AN AD Description Yes No Points The student´s English when presenting the ad is understandable. /2.5 The student displays visual material: slides, pictures, images, realia, etc. /2.5 The student uses at least 8 comparative sentences when presenting the ad. /2.5 The student delivers the activity on time. /2.5 Total points Anexo 6 CHECKLIST CHAIN GAME Description Yes No Points The team finishes the activity first. /4 The student writes the correct form of most of the comparative adjectives in the sentences. /2 The student answers the task with correct and logical sentences. /1 The student pronounces correctly most of the sentences. /2 The student shows interest in the activity and cooperates with his/her partner /1 Total Points
  • 42. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica 3er Parcial Topic: 1 Tag questions El estudiante usa tag questions para confirmar suposiciones. Actividad 3.1. TAG QUESTIONS A. Investiga en internet, consultar los siguientes videos tutoriales o la siguiente presentación y toma notas sobre el tema de las tag questions. B. Escribe Falso o Verdadero al final de cada enunciado a. Las tag questions se usan para que la persona que está platicando contigo, reafirme lo que acabas de decir. b. Una oración positiva está seguida de una Tag question en positivo c. Cuando el verbo en la oración principal está en present simple se forma la Tag question con do/does d. Cuando la oración contiene una palabra en negativa como barely, hardly, etc. la Tag question necesita estar en negativo e. Sin importar el tiempo verbal en el que estén las tag questions podrían significar: ¿Correcto? ¿Cierto? ¿No es así? f. aren’t I? es la tag question para cuando un enunciado empieza con I am g. No existen tag questions para enunciados imperativos
  • 43. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 3.2 Instructions: Match the tag questions with the corresponding sentence. Instructions: Complete the following, using the tag questions. 1. She is collecting stickers, ? 2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ? 3. You have cleaned your bike, ? 4. John and Max don't like math, ? 5. Peter played handball yesterday, ? 6. They are going home from school, ? 7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ? 8. He could have bought a new car, ? 9. Kevin will come tonight, ? 10. I'm clever, ?
  • 44. Actividad 3.3 Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Add a question- tag to the next sentences. 14. They aren’t in Rome at the moment, ? 13. He’s very handsome, ? 12. The weather is really bad today, ? 11. Julie isn’t an accountant, ? 10. I’m not the person with the tickets, ? 9. The dog is sleepy, ? 8. There are lots of bags here, ? 7. You can't see the difference, ? 6. The students didn't come, ? 5. She doesn't know your mother ? 4. She is late this morning, ? 3. They are on vacations, ? 2. Mr. Smith have a new house, ? 1. You´re going to the picnic with us, ?
  • 45. ACTIVITY 3.4 Instruction: Circle the correct tag to complete the questions. It's next to the supermarket, don’t it / isn’t it? 1. You've met my brother before, don’t you / haven’t you? 3. He was born in 1970, didn’t he / wasn’t he? 4. Bela can help, can’t she / doesn’t she? 5. I'm right, aren’t I / am I? 6. You can't drive down your road, can’t you / can you? 7. They won't be late, will they / are they? 8. You're coming tomorrow, aren’t you / do you? Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Instruction: Circle the option that has the correct question-tag. 1-She does her homework very well a) does she? b) doesn´t she? c) she doesn´t? 6-She has got a new car, a) doesn´t she? b) hasn´t she? c) has she? 2-You didn´t take the exam, a) didn´t they? b) did you? c) didn´t you? 7-We have to buy another car, a) doesn´t we? b) hasn´t we? c) haven´t we? 3-The movies were very fun a) wasn´t they? b) were they? c) weren´t they? 8-Nowadays finding a new job is easy, a) isn´t it? b) is it? c) doesn´t it? 4-Your sister doesn´t play the violin a) doesn´t it? b) does she? c) doesn´t she? 9-I think she isn´t Mexican, a) isn´t I? b) isn´t she? c) is she? 5-Most people can´t go to Qatar a) can´t they? b) mostn´t they? c) can they? 10-We had better stay, a) haven´t we? b) hadn´t we? c) had we?
  • 46. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación EducativaSubdirección de Innovación Académica Instruction: Match the next columns to complete the next questions with the correct question-tag. 1. Your sister won the race, a) did she? 2. He went to the concert, b) don´t you? 3. Your brother plays the piano, c) mustn’t we? 4. We must be at school al 7:30am, d) didn´t you? 5. The teacher didn´t came, e) didn´t we? 6. The concert was fantastic, f) wasn´t it? 7. You used to live in NY, g) didn´t she? 8. You buy a new car, h) doesn´t he? 9. We won the race, i) didn´t they? 10. Sam and Marc played tennis, j) didn´t he?
  • 47. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 3.5: Read the following dialogue and write your own using “Tag questions” correctly, use at least 5. Paula: Hi! It's a cold evening, isn't it? Christopher: SURE, it is! Could be better? Paula: If it snows today, we won't have classes. Christopher: Yeah, the teacher told us to study for a very hard biology test. Isn’t he? Paula: Yes, and every exercise is written by him. Christopher: He is going to drive me crazy!, isn’t he? Paula: Hey Christopher! Calm down... If we pay more attention we will pass the exam very easy! Christopher: OK, we should try to do it. Paula: I have studied so hard, I think I'm ready, but I'm kind of scared. Christopher: I haven’t understood him never, but I'm going to pay more attention. Paula: I can help you if you want. Can I? Christopher: oh yes, please! Would you do it FOR ME? Paula: Sure! I can show you my notes. Christopher: Thank you! This notebook is GREAT! Isn’t it? Paula: Really? I made it by myself Christopher: AWESOME! Write your dialogue:
  • 48. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Self-assessment I can use correct communication strategies for different situations: Easily ✔ Well ☹ With difficulty Topic 2: Using linking words to complement ideas. El estudiante comunica ideas y opiniones dando información adicional usando palabras que indican causa, efecto o contraste. Actividad 3.6 Introductory activity Instructions: Complete the text with a word in bold. Compare your answer with a partner or other pair. Actividad 3.7. Linking word classification Instructions: Listen to the teacher's presentation, check out the links below, or research on the internet about linking word or connectors, and complete the graphic organizer. ● Conectores en inglés ● Conectores en inglés |Linking words and since so due to because We could not go to the movie theater it was raining. We had to postpone it the bad climate. we stayed at home watched some movies. We went to bed too late. The next day we were very tired…
  • 49. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica ACTIVITY 3.8 Instructions: Read the texts below and underline the linking words. Why do onions make us cry? Firstly, an onion is a vegetable that grows in the ground and it contains vitamins and minerals. We usually like to slice it or dice it and add onion to our meals. But have you ever sliced an onion? It makes your eyes water! However, it is not the strong smell of the onion that makes us cry, but the gas that the onion releases when we cut this member of the lily family. The onion itself contains oil, which contains sulphur, which is an irritant to both our noses and to our eyes. So, now we know what the chemical is! Although I am not sure that helps very much when we have to peel or chop onions! Contrast Effect Cause Linking words
  • 50. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Why do mosquito bites cause so much trouble? Probably, male mosquitoes are innocent, because only the female mosquito feeds on blood. As soon as she lands on you, she sticks her beak into your skin and quickly starts sucking out blood. Although we always call them mosquito bites, it’s not really a bite at all! The problem is that she injects some of her saliva into your skin and this is an irritant. This eventually produces an allergic reaction and then it itches and becomes red and swollen. Why do skunks stink? Skunks do not always smell bad and they probably smell sweet to other skunks! They smell because of a special fluid which they spray out of their backside. In addition to smelling awful, the spray can cause vomiting in humans and also have effects similar to tear gas. Unless it has a reason to be afraid, a skunk does not spray their strong odour. It just raises its tail and stamps its feet so for most
  • 51. ause and effect ause and Effect, Connectors Showing Cause & Effect, 2019) Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación EducativaSubdirección de Innovación Académica ACTIVITY 3.9 Connectors of c (Connectors of C Sentence connectors improve your writing. They add variety and sophistication to your style of writing, we use several different words to show cause and effect. Connectors are words or groups of words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the others. They are a combination of action and reaction. When we talk about an effect resulting from a certain cause, we use expressions such as: because, since, as, owing to, due to. In addition, while an effect is produced by a cause, cause is the producer of an effect. The cause can be a person, object, situation, or event that can result in something, while an effect is the result of the actions of the person or the outcome of some chain of events that have happened. The cause will in a way explain the reason why the effect happened in the first place. The cause naturally precedes an effect, while the effect will always follow it. Cause and Effect Linking Words There are three main types of linking words: conjunctions, transitions, and prepositions. Conjunctions; The most common conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Words of “because”, “since” introduce a cause; “so” introduces an effect. Example: I stayed at my office because it was raining. Transitions; The most common transitions are therefore, consequently, and as a result. Example: It was raining, therefore I stayed in my office. Prepositions; The most common prepositions are due to and because of. Example: I stayed at my office due to the rain
  • 52. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica 1. 2. Watch the video and complete the following chart selecting the correct answer. Differences between because of due to Part of speech: o It is an adverbial phrase o It is an adjective o It is an adverbial phrase o It is an adjective This connector is equivalent to: o ‘as a result of’ or ‘caused by’ o none o ‘as a result of’ or ‘caused by’ o none What is the structure that this connectors modifies o Modifies: pronouns and nouns o Modifies verbs o Modifies: pronouns and nouns o Modifies verbs Go to the link: Complete the following sentences with due to or because of Actividad 3.10 Watch a video to clarify the use of ‘because of’ and ‘due to’ 1. The heavy snowfall was the cold front. 2. The snowfall came the effects of the cold front. 3. the effects of the cold front, the snowfall was heavy. 4. The crash was the erratic nature of the other driver. 5. The crash occurred the erratic nature of the other driver.
  • 53. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica References: ✔ Connectors of Cause and Effect, Connectors Showing Cause & Effect. (2019, 23 diciembre). English Grammar Here. connectors-showing-cause-effect/ ✔ Oxford English Now. (2019, 29 marzo). DUE TO or BECAUSE OF? - English Grammar Lesson [Video]. YouTube. Actividad 3.11 CONNECTORS ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF, DESPITE ALTHOUGH IN SPITE OF DESPITE ● ALTHOUGH + SUBJECT + VERB ● IN SPITE OF +NOUN /PRONOUN ● IN SPITE OF + VERB ING ● DESPITE + NOUN /PRONOUN ● DESPITE VERB + ING EXAMPLES: 1. Although the bad weather, we enjoyed our holiday. 2. Although we studied very hard for our final test, we didn’t pass it. EXAMPLES: 1. In spite of the rain, we went for a long walk. 2. In spite of her headache, she completed her task. EXAMPLES: 1. Despite raining heavily, we went for a long walk. 2. Despite having a headache, she completed her task.
  • 54. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Match the three columns to make complete sentences. In some sentences, more than one answer is possible. After that, write the sentences on the lines below the chart. 1. She decided to buy the car… …although… …despite… …in spite of… a. …feeling sick all day long. 2. We will make the exposition… b. …the snow 3. I handed my homework in on time… c…. we didn’t have a lot of practice. 4. I enjoyed the course… d. …the fact she doesn´t know how to drive. 5. We decided to go out… e. …playing very well. 6. They didn´t win… f. …our classmate didn´t show up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For further information about the use of these connectors, watch the following video: References: ✔ Connectors Although, In spite of, Despite. (2019, Abril). ESL forums. Website: ✔
  • 55. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica Actividad 3.12 Connectors: Because, As and Since, For ,Owing to + Noun ✔ Because It is used to give a reason of something important for the listener. Example: Because I did not finish my assignments on time, I can’t go to the party. We also use it to give an answer to the question Word: Why? Example: Why can’t you go to the party? I can’t go because I have homework. ✔ As and Since They are normally used when the listener knows the reason why something happens. Example: As you did not finish on time, you are not able to attend the meeting. (that you did not finish your activities on time is not something new to the listener.) Since I studied, I approved my exam. ✔ For Introduces a new reason to the listener. For-clause can’t be used at the beginning of a sentence. · Example: I was not able to attend the meeting – for the deadline of my tasks. ✔ Owing to + noun It indicates that an action happened as a result of something. It is also used to introduce the reason for something happening: Examples: He was not allowed to attend owing to his bad behavior. Owing to his bad behavior he was not allowed to attend the meeting. For further information, check these web pages about these connectors: Complete using: Because As Since For a) we read, we continue learning. b) we have practiced a lot of English; our pronunciation has improved. c) We ate some snacks - we were very hungry.
  • 56. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica d) The students did not have classes today the teacher was ill. Underline the correct answer: 1. his problems he thinks so much. a) As b) Owing to 2. Why didn't you eat the pizza? I didn’t eat it I wasn’t hungry. a) owing to b) because 3. I stayed at home my illness. a) as b) owing to 4. bad weather, we called the trip. a) Owing to b) For 5. She couldn’t walk she broke her leg. a) because b) as For further practice check this web page: References: ✔ BBC (2022). 'Due to', 'owing to', on account of' and 'because of'. Retrieved from: e%20to%20and%20owing%20to,and%20are%20often%20used%20interchangeably. ✔ GrammarBank (2011).Because/ Since/ As/ For/. Retrieved from: for.html#:~:text=Like%20because%2C%20we%20use%20as,wanted%20to%20eat%20something%2 0first. Actividad 3.13 For the closure, you are going to create a conversation with 2 of your Friends.
  • 57. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica 1. Watch the videos and read the conversation so you can help to create the dialogue. ● Tag questions: ● Linking words: 2. Read the following dialogue and underline all the connectors you can find. 3. Circle all the tag questions in the dialogue. 4. Then, write your own dialogue using at least 5 tag questions and 5 connectors (Linking words). Dialogue Elena: Hey Karla. What do you think about the new English literature professor? Karla: Well, to be honest, he is not very elegant. However, he seems to be a good teacher, because he is always worried about his students. Elena: Some of our partners mentioned that they were disappointed with his attitude, and they stopped encouraging him. Karla: I think he is a good person but he is not very polite. Isn’t he? Elena: Yes, you are right. On the other hand, he teaches very well. Doesn’t he? Karla: I agree. I remember we haven’t had such a good professor since two years ago. So, I don’t mind if he is not polite enough. Elena: Anyway, I think we are here because of knowledge, so we need to continue learning and improving. Aren’t we? Karla: I totally agree. Besides, we can learn in spite of the teacher. I mean, if we study we approve, although we have a good teacher or not. Elena: Of course, besides, we need to consider that the teacher was hired owing to his knowledge and academic experience. Don’t you think? Write your dialogue _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • 58. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Self-assessment I can use tag questions and connectors correctly. Easily ✔ Well ☹ With difficulty
  • 59. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación EducativaSubdirección de Innovación Académica Instrumentos de evaluación INGLES IV. Docente: Nombre del alumno (a): Grupo: Especialidad: Competencia: Completa las siguientes oraciones de acuerdo con el correcto uso de la gramática y ortografía de las Tag Questions. LISTA DE COTEJO. TAG ACTIVITIES: 1, 2, 3 and 4. INDICADORES: CUMPLE OBSERVACIONES % SI NO NA Identifica correctamente el uso de tag questions. Emplea correctamente la gramática y ortografía. Relaciona correctamente la oración con su question-tag correspondiente. Completa correctamente las oraciones.
  • 60. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación EducativaSubdirección de Innovación Académica RÚBRICA DE EVALUACIÓN PARA EL EJERCICIO 5 DE “TAG QUESTION” NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: GRADO: GRUPO: CATEGORIA EXCELENTE BUENO ACEPTABLE INSUFICIENTE VOCABULARIO Usa vocabulario pertinente y coherencia durante todo el diálogo. Usa vocabulario pertinente durante la mayor parte del diálogo y presenta coherencia. Usa vocabulario pertinente en algunas ocasiones y el diálogo es un poco incoherente. No utiliza vocabulario pertinente y no presenta coherencia el diálogo. GRAMATICA Utiliza las estructuras gramaticales de forma adecuada durante todo el diálogo. Utiliza las estructuras gramaticales de forma adecuada algunas veces. Utiliza las estructuras gramaticales de forma adecuada algunas veces. No utiliza las estructuras gramaticales de forma adecuada. CONTENIDO El tema es pertinente a lo visto en clases y al nivel de inglés. El tema es pertinente a lo visto en clases y al nivel de inglés en su mayoría El tema es medianamente pertinente a lo visto en clases y al nivel de inglés El tema no tiene relación con lo visto en clase y no corresponde al nivel de inglés EXTENSIÓN La extensión del texto es correcta para permitir un diálogo coherente. La extensión del texto es buena para permitir un diálogo coherente. La extensión del texto es medianamente adecuada para permitir un diálogo coherente. La extensión del texto no permite un diálogo coherente. INSTRUCCIÓN Utiliza al menos 5 Tag Question y 5 Linking words dentro del diálogo. Utiliza 3 a 4 Tag Questions y de 3 a 4 Linking words dentro del diálogo. Utiliza de 3 a 2 Tag Questions y de 3 a 2 Linking words dentro del diálogo. No utiliza Tag Questions ni Linking words dentro del diálogo.
  • 61. Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa Subdirección de Innovación Académica RÚBRICA DE EVALUACIÓN PARA EL EJERCICIO 7 DE “CONNECTORS Y TAG QUESTIONS” NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: GRADO: GRUPO: CATEGORIA EXCELENTE BUENO ACEPTABLE INSUFICIENTE VOCABULARIO Usa vocabulario adecuado al tema de conectores y de Usa vocabulario adecuado al tema de conectores y de Usa vocabulario adecuado al tema de conectores y de No utiliza vocabulario adecuado al tema, tag questions en un 90 al 100 %. tag questions en un 60 % tag questions en un 40 % no incluye conectores ni tag questions. GRAMATICA La gramática es adecuada durante todo el diálogo, muestra buen dominio de las estructuras utilizadas en clase. La gramática es adecuada durante todo el diálogo, utiliza las estructuras utilizadas en clase con algunas inconsistencias, aunque el texto es comprensible. La gramática no es del todo adecuada, hace poco uso de las estructuras utilizadas en clase con algunas inconsistencias, sin embargo, el texto es comprensible en su mayoría. La gramática no es la adecuada, hace uso nulo de las estructuras utilizadas en clase y el texto no es del todo comprensible. ORGANIZACIÓN Y CONTENIDO El contenido del diálogo se presenta de forma lógica y se facilita su comprensión. El contenido del diálogo se presenta de forma lógica, pero presenta algunas inconsistencias. El contenido del diálogo presenta inconsistencias que no permiten del todo su comprensión. El texto presenta demasiados errores en su organización y contenido por lo que no es entendible. EXTENSIÓN La extensión del texto es correcta y el diálogo es del todo coherente. La extensión del texto es adecuada para permitir un diálogo coherente. La extensión del texto no es adecuada para permitir un diálogo coherente. La extensión del texto no permite la identificación coherente del diálogo. USO DEL TEMA DE CONECTORES Y TAG QUESTIONS Utiliza un mínimo de 5 conectores y 5 tag questions como se indica en la instrucción Utiliza de 3 a 4 conectores y de 3 a 5 tag questions. Utiliza menos de 3 3 conectores de y menos de 3 tag questions. No utiliza ningún conector ni usa tag questions como se indica en la instrucción.