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Cardio - vascular, circulatory
and hematology disorder
5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 1
At the end of the session the students will be
able to:-
Describe the anatomical and physiological
aspect of the cardiovascular system
Discuss disorders of the cardiovascular system
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Anatomy and physiology over view
 The heart is a hallow muscular organ located in
the center of the thorax.
 It occupies the space between the lungs and rests
over the diaphragm.
 It is encased in the thin fibrous tissue (sac) called
the Pericardium containing two layers.
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Anatomy and physiology over view
• The visceral pericardium lies over the heart
and the parietal pericardium supports the heart
in the mediastinum by attaching with the
diaphragm, sternum, and the vertebral column.
• Mediastinum is the section of the chest
between the lungs, where the heart,
oesophagus and vagus nerves are situated.
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Chambers of the heart
The heart has four chambers.
 Left atrium and ventricles, right atrium and ventricles.
 The Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the body
against systemic pressure and it is about 2-5 times
thicker than the right ventricle which pumps
deoxygenated blood from the lung against pulmonary
 The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lung
and the right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from
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Valves of the heart
 They permit blood flow only in one direction
1. Atrioventricular valves- separate the atria from
the ventricles.
A. Tricuspid valve - separate the right atrium &
right ventricles
B. Bicuspid valve- separates the left atrium & left
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2. Semi lunar valve- separates the ventricles and
the large arteries draining blood from them.
(Right ventricle from pulmonary artery and left
ventricle from aorta)
A. Pulmonic valve- lies between right ventricle
& pulmonary artery.
B. Aortic valve-lies between the left ventricle
and aorta.
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Cardiac Muscles: -
Heart consists of three layer
1. The Endocardium - the inner part that lines the
inside part of the heart & valves.
2. The myocardium- middle layer that is made up
of muscles responsible for cardiac contraction.
3. The epicardium- the outer layer that lies
beneath the pericardium
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Blood supply to the heart
 The heart consumes about 70-80% of the body
oxygen for its metabolic demand.
 It is supplied by the coronary arteries.
 They bifurcate/separates from aorta just above
the aortic valve.
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Conduction pathway
 The SA node (primary
pacemaker) near the
junction of atrium &
superior vena cava is the
starting point of electrical
stimuli in the myocardial
 Then it travels in the right
atrium through the
conduction path way
called the inter nodal
path way till it reach the
AV node near the tricuspid
valve in the atria wall.
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 After a slight delay (giving
time for atrial contraction)
impulses travel from the
AV node to the ventricles
through a conduction path
way called the bundle of
his across the septum
separating the left and the
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 The bundle of His separate in to left and right
side supplying both the left and the right
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 The left bundle again
subdivides in to left
anterior & posterior
branches terminating in
fibers called purkunje
fibers which are the
terminal point of the
electrical conduction in
the heart.
 It is after the impulse
reach this point that the
ventricles will contract.
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 Cardiac out put (CO)- is the amount of blood
pumped by the left ventricle during a given
period of time usually in one minute.
 Stroke volume (SV)-the amount of blood
ejected per heartbeat (by one heartbeat).
 The normal heartbeat is approximately about
70-beats/ min (60-80), and during each beat the
left ventricle pumps about 70 ml of blood.
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 So cardiac out put (CO) can be Calculated as
CO = SV x HR = 70mlx72 beat/min = 5040
 Pulse pressure: is the difference b/n systolic
and diastolic pressure which is usually
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i. Health history.
 Patients with cardiovascular disorders
commonly have one or more of the following
signs and symptoms:
Chest pain or discomfort (angina pectoris, MI,
valvular heart disease)
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Shortness of breath or
dyspnea (MI, left
ventricular failure, HF)
Edema and weight
gain (right ventricular
failure, HF)
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Palpitations (dysrhythmias resulting from
myocardial ischemia, valvular heart disease,
ventricular aneurysm, stress, electrolyte
 Fatigue (earliest symptom associated with
several cardiovascular disorders)
 Dizziness and syncope or loss of
consciousness (postural hypotension,
dysrhythmias, vasovagal effect,
cerebrovascular effect)
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 Medication: -
Aspirin- prolongs clotting time.
Tricyclic antidepressant-cause arrhythmia
Phenothiazide-arrhythmia & hypotension
Oral contraceptive-increase risk of
Theophiline-tachycardiac & arrhythmia
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 Surgery -past history of surgery
- whether ECG was taken or not
- Admission related to CVS problem.
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ii. Physical Assessment: -
 This is to confirm information obtained from
 The assessment area include pain
characteristic, vital sign, heart sound,
peripheral edema etc.
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 General Appearance and Cognition
The nurse observes the patient’s level of
distress, level of consciousness, and thought
processes as an indication of the heart’s ability
to propel oxygen to the brain (cerebral
The nurse also observes for evidence of
anxiety, along with any effects emotional
factors may have on cardiovascular status.
The nurse attempts to put the anxious patient at
ease throughout the examination.
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 Inspection of the Skin
Pallor- a decrease in the color of the skin is
caused by lack of oxyhemoglobin.
It is a result of anemia or decreased arterial
Pallor is best observed around the fingernails,
lips, and oral mucosa.
In patients with dark skin, the nurse observes
the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
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Peripheral cyanosis a bluish tinge, most often
of the nails and skin of the nose, lips, earlobes,
and extremities suggests decreased flow rate of
blood to a particular area, which allows more
time for the hemoglobin molecule to become
This may occur normally in peripheral
vasoconstriction associated with a cold
environment, in patients with anxiety, or in
disease states such as HF.
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Central cyanosis- a bluish tinge observed in
the tongue and buccal mucosa denotes serious
cardiac disorders (pulmonary edema and
congenital heart disease) in which venous
blood passes through the pulmonary
circulation without being oxygenated.
Reduced skin turgor occurs with dehydration
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Normally the skin is warm and dry.
Under stress, the hands may become cool and
In cardiogenic shock, sympathetic nervous
system stimulation causes vasoconstriction,
and the skin becomes cold and clammy.
During an acute MI, diaphoresis is common.
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 Blood Pressure
Systemic arterial BP is the pressure exerted on
the walls of the arteries during ventricular
systole and diastole.
 It is affected by factors such as cardiac output,
distention of the arteries, and the volume,
velocity, and viscosity of the blood.
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BP usually is expressed as the ratio of the
systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure,
with normal adult values ranging from 100/60
to 140/90 mm Hg.
The average normal BP usually cited is 120/80
mm Hg.
An increase in BP above the upper normal
range is called hypertension, whereas a
decrease below the lower range is called
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The normal pulse rate varies from a low of 50
bpm in healthy, athletic young adults to rates
well in excess of 100 bpm after exercise or
during times of excitement.
Anxiety frequently raises the pulse rate during
the physical examination.
 If the rate is higher than expected, it is
appropriate to reassess it near the end of the
physical examination, when the patient may be
more relaxed.
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• Heart Inspection and Palpation
The heart is examined indirectly by inspection,
palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the
chest wall.
A systematic approach is the cornerstone of a
thorough assessment.
Examination of the chest wall is performed in
the following six areas.
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1. Aortic area second intercostal space to the right
of the sternum.
2. Pulmonic area second intercostal space to the
left of the sternum
3. Erb’s point third intercostal space to the left of
the sternum
4. Right ventricular or tricuspid area fourth and
fifth intercostals spaces to the left of the sternum
5. Left ventricular or apical area the location on
the chest where heart contractions can be
6. Epigastric area below the xiphoid process
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 Inspection of the Extremities
The hands, arms, legs, and feet are observed for
skin and vascular changes.
The most significant changes include the
Decreased capillary refill time indicates a
slower peripheral flow rate from sluggish
reperfusion and is often observed in patients
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Capillary refill time provides the basis for
estimating the rate of peripheral blood flow.
 To test capillary refill, briefly compress the
nail bed so that it blanches, and then release
the pressure.
Normally, reperfusion occurs within 3 seconds,
as evidenced by the return of color.
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 Peripheral edema -is fluid accumulation in
dependent areas of the body (feet and legs,
sacrum in the bedridden patient).
 Assess for pitting edema (a depression over an
area of pressure) by pressing firmly for 5
seconds with the thumb over the dorsum of
each foot.
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 Clubbing of the fingers and toes implies
chronic hemoglobin desaturation, as in
congenital heart disease.
 Hypoxia causes an angle greater than
180° between the fingernail and nail
base; nail feels springy when palpated.
 Normal nail: Has an angle of
approximately 160° between the
fingernail and nail base; nail feels firm
when palpated.
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Findings frequently exhibited by cardiac
patients include the following respiratory
system sign and symptoms:
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 For the cardiac patient, two components of the
abdominal examination are frequently
Hepatojugular reflux
Bladder distention.
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iii. Common Diagnostic procedure
 Radiography (x-ray)
 Echocardiogram:-
 Cardiac catheterization
 Hemodynamic Monitoring
 Electrocardiogram: -
 Magnetic resonance image
 Computed tomography
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Echocardiography is a noninvasive
ultrasound test that is used to measure the
ejection fraction and examine the size, shape,
and motion of cardiac structures.
The Electrocardiography/ECG is a graphic
representation of the electrical currents of the
The ECG is obtained by placing disposable
electrodes in standard positions on the skin of
the chest wall and extremities
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Blood Tests
 Blood urea Nitrogen (BUN) - end product of
protein metabolism indicate reduced renal
function in cardiac patient when elevated.
 Fasting blood sugar
 Lipid profile-cholesterol, triglyceride, and
lipoprotein - cholesterol >200dl/ mg indicates
risk of atherosclerosis.
 Serum electrolyte analysis- (Na, k; Ca, Mg) are
important for depolarization &
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Management of patient with dysarthymias and
conduction problems
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 Is the disorder of heart beat caused by the
disturbance in automaticity or conductivity
or more commonly both.
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A/ Bradycardia
 A condition when SA node creates an impulse
at a slower rate (40-60 bpm or less) than
 It is because of decreased automaticity in the
SA node.
 All the other characteristics are normal except
its rate.
 It is more common in well-trained athletes, at
rest and during night.
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Associated situation-
 Sepsis
Vagal stimulation
After surgical damage to SA node
Acute myocardial infarction etc
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Objective is to increase the rate to normal
 Identifying & removing cause
 Atropine blocks vagal stimulation thus
allow normal rate.
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B/ Tachycardia:
 Is a condition where the sinus node creates an
impulse at a faster rate than normal (Exceeding
100 bpm).
 It is in response to enhanced automaticity in the
SA node
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It may be caused by: -
Exercise where O2 demand is high.
Emotional stress, pain
Stimulation / coffee, tea
Drugs (atropine, Catecholamine, alcohol etc---
Hypovolemia, Anemia, heart failure
All of its aspects are normal except its rate
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Increased heart rate
Decreased diastolic
filling time
Decreased Cardiac Out Put
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 Objective is to decrease the heart rate to
- Remove the cause
-Propranolol (blocks the effect of adrenergic
fiber- reduce rate)
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C/ Atrial Fibrillation:
 A rapid disorganized and uncoordinated
twitching of atrial muscle.
 It may occur over short time or chronically.
 The atrial rate is 300-600 bpm while
ventricular response is 100-160 bpm, because
the AV node is unable to conduct multiple
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Advancement in age, pulmonary disease
Valvular heart disease, hyperthyroidism
 Cardiomyopathy
Moderate to heavy ingestion of alcohol
Some times with out underlying characteristics
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 Identify and remove the cause
 Vagal stimulation
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D/ Cardiac Arrest
Occurs when the heart ceases to produce an
effective pulse and blood circulation.
There is an immediate loss of consciousness
and an absence of pulse.
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It can occur with:
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation
Av block
It may follow respiratory arrest
It may occur when there are impulses but
ineffective cardiac contraction & circulating
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 Hypovolemia
 Hypothermia
 Massive pulmonary emboli
 Acidosis
 Acute massive myocardial infraction
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Sign & Symptom: -
 Seizure may or may not occur
 Absence of carotid pulse
 Brain damage may occur within four minutes
Management –
 Remove the underlying cause
 Epinephrine or atropine
 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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Congestive Heart failure
 Heart failure refers to a collection of signs
and symptoms that result from the heart’s
inability to pump enough blood to meet the
body’s metabolic demands.
 It is a common clinical syndrome that results
from the impaired ability of the ventricle to fill
with or eject blood.
 The pump itself is impaired and unable to
supply adequate blood to meet the cellular
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Causes of CHF
The causes of CHF are classified into two
major classes as
Underlying causes and
Precipitating (secondary) causes
In general, CAD is the cause in 60% of cases.
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
I. Underlying causes
It is the main pathological lesion that is
responsible for the heart not to pump
adequately. These include:
Myocardial lesions
- Cardiomyopathy
- Myocarditis
- Myocardial infarction
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
I. Underlying causes … cont’d
Valvular & Endocardial lesions
- Endocarditis
- Congenital valvular heart disease
- RHD (Rheumatic Heart Disease)
Pericardial lesions
- Pericarditis
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
II. Precipitating (secondary) causes
 Normally in the absence of precipitating
factors or causes, an individual heart with
those underlying lesions tries to compensate
by making multiple Pathophysiologic
 But when the precipitating causes come to
the picture the individual heart goes in to
full blown clinical signs and symptoms of
 The precipitating causes are abbreviated by a
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
II. Precipitating (secondary) causes… cont’d
• H = Hypertension
• E = Infective Endocarditis
• A = Anemia
• R = Rheumatic fever (Recurrence)
• T = Thyrotoxicosis
• F = Fetus (pregnancy) -L-lung
• A = Arrhythmias -S-stress
• I = Infections Rahel N.ArsiU. 62
Stages of HF depending on New York Heart
 Class I (mild)- Ordinary physical activity does
not cause symptoms.
 Class II (mild)- Comfortable at rest but ordinary
physical activity results in symptoms
 Class III (moderate)- Comfortable at rest but less
than ordinary activity causes symptoms
 Class IV (severe)- Symptoms at rest
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Stages of HF depending on American Heart
Stage A- Patients at high risk for developing
heart failure due to underlying conditions such
as systemic hypertension, coronary artery
disease, diabetes mellitus, or family history of
Stage B- Patients have structural heart disease
such as left ventricular hypertrophy or valvular
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Stage C- Patients have current or prior
symptoms of heart failure associated with
underlying structural heart disease that
includes left ventricular systolic dysfunction.
Stage D- Patients with advanced structural
heart disease and marked symptoms of heart
failure at rest despite maximal medical
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
• The onset of heart failure may be acute or
• It is often associated with systolic or diastolic
over loading and with myocardial weakness
• As the physiologic stress on the heart muscle
reaches a critical level, the contractility of the
muscle is reduced and cardiac output declines,
But venous input to the ventricle remains the same
or becomes increased which is responsible for
cardiac over load
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d
• When cardiac output is decreased; the body
undergoes alteration to compensate for the
• There are two types of compensatory
mechanisms for congestive heart failure:-
I. Systemic compensatory mechanisms
II. Cardiac compensatory mechanisms
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d
I. Systemic compensatory mechanisms
A. Reflex increase in sympathetic activity.
B. Release of renin from the kidneys.
C. Anaerobic metabolism by affected tissues.
D. Increased extraction of oxygen by the
peripheral cells.
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d
II. Cardiac compensatory mechanisms
A. Myocardial dilatation
B. Myocardial Hypertrophy
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d
Systemic compensatory… cont’d
A) Sympathetic response to heart Failure:-A
decrease in cardiac out put results in
decreased blood pressure, which causes a
reflex stimulation of sympathetic nervous
system (SNS).
• The SNS causes increased force and rate of
myocardial contraction.
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Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)…
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d
Systemic compensatory… cont’d
A) Sympathetic response to heart Failure:-
• It also causes vasoconstriction of arterioles
throughout the body.
• These effects temporarily prolong the
patient’s life.
• But in the long run, it facilitates the
progress of pumping failure (cause cardiac
decompositions). Rahel N.ArsiU. 71
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system:-
Decreased perfusion of tissues/renal
Release of Renin from juxtaglomerular cells
of the kidney
Formation of Angiotensin I ( formed from
Angiotensinogen in the liver by the action
of renin )
Formation of Angiotensin II ( by enzyme
reaction in the pulmonary capillary bed )
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Pathophysiology of Heart Failure…
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NB. * After load:- the arterial pressure
against which the ventricles must contract.
** Preload:-It is the pressure during filling of
the ventricles or tension on myocardium due
to congestion.
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1. Left sided heart failure
 Results from left ventricular dysfunction,
which causes blood, back up through the left
atrium & in to the pulmonary vein.
 The increased pressure causes fluid
extravasations from the pulmonary capillary
bed in to the interstitial and the alveoli, which
is manifested as pulmonary congestion and
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 Myocardial infarction, Systemic hypertension
 Cardiomyopathy, Rheumatic heart disease
 Aortic stenosis
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2. Right sided heart failure:
 Failure of right ventricle to eject leading to
venous congestion in the systemic circulation.
 Congestive: - both left and right sided heart
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Sign and symptom: -
Left sided
 Increased heat rate
 Left ventricular hypertrophy
 Poor oxygen exchange
 Dyspnea (32-40 shallow breath)
 Orthopnea –Dyspnea at lying flat
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 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea- Orthopnea at
 Dry cough, crackle
 Hemoptysis, fatigue
 Anorexia, restlessness
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Right sided
 Edema –peripheral- in the leg
 Liver – hepatomegally
 Abdominal cavity –Ascitis
 Spleen- splenomegally
 Anasarca- massive edema
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Right sided…
 Edema of dependent body parts – pedal,
Sacrum, labia
 Jugular vein distension
 Weight gain, Nausea,
 Anorexia, vomiting
 Weakness, fatigue
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Sign and symptom of CHF
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Diagnosis: -
History and physical examination
 Determining of underlying cause
 Chest x-ray
 Echocardiography
 Blood urea nitrogen
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Complication: -
 Cardiogenic shock
 Pulmonary edema
 Renal failure
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Management: -
 Treating underlying cause
 Oxygen therapy to reduce dyspnea and fatigue
 Physical & emotional rest to conserve energy &
high oxygen demand.
 Digitalis – increase the force of myocardial
 Decrease the conduction speed – decrease heart
 Diuretics –to mobilize edematous fluid
 Reduce pulmonary venous pressure and reduce
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- To decrease systemic vascular resistance
- To decrease pulmonary & peripheral venous
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Salt restriction
Fluid restriction
Weight reduction
Position- high fowler to decrease pulmonary
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Rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic fever
 Is an inflammatory disease of the heart
potentially involving all layers of the heart
(Endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium).
 The resulting damage to the heart from the
rheumatic fever is called rheumatic heart
 It is chronic disease characterized by scarring
and deformity of the heart valves.
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 Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection
of the URTI.
Predisposing factor
 Poor socioeconomic system.
 Crowded living condition
 Family tendency- may be related to altered
immune system.
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 The heart and other organs are not damaged
directly by the microorganism causing the
infection but rather by the toxin they release.
 In this speculation how the attack reoccur is
not well known.
 Another theory suggests that the antigens of
the streptococcal and human tissue are
remarkably similar.
 So, antibodies mistakenly destroy normal
tissue as antigen.
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Clinical manifestation & diagnosis
 The American heart Association provided a
logical basis for the diagnosis as the presence
 Two major criteria or
 One major + two minor criteria accompanied
by evidence of proceeding group A
streptococcal infection.
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Major criterion
A. Carditis (Inflammation of the heart) with: -
 Murmur
 Congestive heart failure with cardiac
 Dysrhythmias
 Pericarditis
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B. Polyarthritis – inflammation of more than one
 Large joints (knee, elbow, ankle etc) are
mostly affected and almost always
 Has dramatic response to salisylates (within
48 hrs).
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C. Chorea – spontaneous, purposeless, rapid
jerking movement
 Mostly seen in girls
 It is self limiting within weeks to months
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D. Erythema marginatum lesion
 Redness of the skin b/c of widening of blood
 Bright pink macular lesion in the chest &
inner aspect of upper arm & thigh but never
in face.
 It is non pruiritic & non painful
E. Subcutaneous nodule
 Firm, hard, small painless swelling 1- 4cm
mostly over bony prominences
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Minor criteria
 Arthralgia- joint pain
 Previous reoccurrence of rheumatic fever or
heart disease
 Fever
 Prolonged PR interval on ECG
 Lab finding Positive throat culture
 - ESR increase (> 15 mm in male & 20 in
 - Increased WBC count
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No specific cure once it has occurred
 Benzanthine penicillin
 ASA and steroid to inhibit inflammatory
 Bed rest
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Nursing management
 Prophylaxis to prevent recurrence- monthly
Benzanthine injection
 Antipyretics
 Oral fluid- adequately
 Promoting optimal rest to decrease cardiac
work load
 Comforting pt- to relief joint pain
 Pt education
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Infective Endocarditis
 Infective endocarditis is an infection of the
valves and endothelial surface of the heart.
 Etiology - Bacteria
- Fungi
- Variety of invasive procedure allow
organism to enter the blood stream
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Predisposing factor
 Cardiac conditions like valvular disease
 Congenital heart disease
 Cardiac surgery, severe burn
 Immuno suppressive conditions, cancer
 Invasive surgery- dental surgery
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Clinical manifestation
 Fever, chills, anorexia, weight loss, cough,
back & joint pain
 Splenomegally, murmur, CHF
 Headache.
 Lung, kidney, heart, brain manifestations)
 Determining the causative organism by blood
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 The anti biotic is usually given for 4-6 weeks.
 Penicillin is the drug of choice and for fungal
infection amphotricin B is used.
 Surgical valve replacement for pts who
develop CHF as result of aortic or mitral valve
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 Penicillin prophylaxis for pts who undergo
procedures known to put the pt at risk like
-Vaginal hysterectomy
-Urethral catheterization
-Prostatic surgery
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Valvular stenosis
Myocardial damage
Mycotic aneurysms
Cerebral vascular complication
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 Is inflammation of the pericardium the
membrane sac involving the heart.
 It leads to fluid accumulation in the
pericardial sac & leads to the thickening of the
heart that decreases its elasticity resulting in
cardiac failure.
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 Idiopathic (unknown)
 Infection
Streptococcus, meningococcus
Staphylococcus, mycobacterium TB
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Clinical manifestation
 Fever, sweating chills
 Dyspnea due to decreased cardiac out put
 Pain- in the anterior chest
- Aggravate with breathing turning in bed
twisting of body
- Relieved by sitting up
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Diagnosis - clinical manifestation
- ECG record
- Analgesia
- Corticosteroid
- Antibiotic
- Amphotercin B for mycotic
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Nursing management
 Encourage the pt on bed rest
 Encourage the pt to increase activity with
 Bed rest should be reassumed if fever, pain &
friction rub reoccurs
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Myocardial infarction
 Myocardial infarction -refers to the process
by which myocardial tissue is destroyed in
regions of the heart that are deprived of blood
supply because of reduced coronary blood
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 Hemorrhage & shock decrease coronary blood
 Non-sclerotic coronary artery occlusion from
emboli, trauma, inflammation,
hypercoagubility disorder.
 Thrombus in coronary artery.
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 Angina due to ischemia causes sustained
reversible cellular injury but myocardial
infarction is the result of sustained ischemia.
 Cardiac cells can withstand ischemia for about
20 seconds before cellular death or necrosis.
 When oxygen supply severely decreases, cell
damage starts endocardially & slowly progresses
through the epicardium.
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Clinical manifestation
 Lower sternal chest pain
 It is severe immobilizing pain that relieves
neither by rest nor by nitroglycerin.
 May radiate to the neck, jaw down the arms to
 Pts prefer dying than experiencing such a pain
 Associated symptom- nausea, dizziness,
diaphoresis, dyspnea, extreme fatigue
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Pts history
 Cardiac enzymes analysis
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 Vasodilators – nitroglycerines are drugs of
choice to increase blood in supply
 Anticoagulants- heparin delays the clotting
time & reduces thrombus formation
 Thrombolytics – dissolves the thrombus and
prevents vascular occlusion
 Analgesics morphine decreases the pain and
associated anxiety
 oxygien administrations
 Surgical coronary artery by pass.
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 * Diabetic pts may not feel the pain as such
because of a diabetic neuropathy which
interfere with neuroceptors thus dulling the
pain experience.
 * Elderly pts may not feel the pain too because
of the decrease in neurotransmission that
occurs with aging.
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 Dysrthythmia
 Cardiogenic shock
 Mitral valve insufficiency
 Ventricular aneurysm etc
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Angina pectoris
 Angina pectoris- Is a clinical syndrome
characterized by paroxysm of pain or feeling
of pressure on the anterior chest caused by
disruption of myocardial oxygen demand &
 It occurs when myocardial oxygen demands is
greater than the capacity of arteries to supply
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 Coronary artery disease
 Valvular heart disease
 Hypertension
 Any factor that increase 02 demand
 Anemia
 Exercise
 Emotional stress
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Clinical manifestation
 Varying from pressure to agonizing pain, which
can be described as heavy, Squeezing, pressing
burning crushing.
 Occurs behind the upper or middle third of
 It may radiate to the left shoulder down the
inner aspect of the arm to the elbow, wrist &
 Typically an attack lasts less than 3 seconds &
removed by avoiding precipitating factors, rest
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Clinical manifestation…
Precipitating factors
 Cold – constrict blood vessels
 Heavy meal - increase blood supply to the
Relieving factors –rest, nitroglycerine
Associated factors (symptoms)
 Dyspnea, tachycardia
 Palpitation diaphoresis
 Nausea & vomiting
 Important feature of angina pain is that it
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Angina pectoris…
• History
• Clinical manifestation
• Nitroglycerine
• Propronalol
• Nifidipine
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Ob j e c t i v e s
 On completion of this session, the learner will
be able to:
1.Define normal blood pressure and categories of
abnormal pressures.
2. Identify risk factors for hypertension.
3.Describe treatment approaches for hypertension,
including lifestyle and medication therapy.
4. Use the nursing process as a framework for care
of the patient with hypertension.
5. Describe hypertensive crises and their treatment.
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 Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood
pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and a
diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg
based on the average of two or more accurate
blood pressure measurements taken during two
or more contacts with a health care provider.
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Stages of hypertension
 Prehypertension is a warning sign that you may
get high blood pressure in the future.
 It is characterized by the systolic reading of 120
mmHg-139 mmHg, or the diastolic of 80 mmHg-
89 mmHg.
 It is a risk factor for high blood pressure in the
 It can be treated with diet, lifestyle habits,
and medications.
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High blood pressure increases your risk of
 Heart attack,
 Stroke,
 coronary heart disease,
 Heart failure, and
 Kidney failure.
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 Mild hypertension diastolic blood pressure 90–
99 mmHg, systolic blood pressure 140–149
 Moderate hypertension diastolic blood
pressure 100–109 mmHg, systolic blood
pressure 150–159 mmHg.
 Severe hypertension diastolic blood pressure
110 mmHg or greater, systolic blood pressure
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Sign and symptoms of Hypertension
 People with hypertension is asymptomatic
and remain so for many years. i.e. It is a silent
 However, when specific signs and symptoms
appear, they usually indicate vascular damage,
with specific manifestations related to the
organs served by the involved vessels.
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 Retinal change such as hemorrhages,
exudates(fluid accumulation), arteriolar
narrowing, and small infarctions occur.
 In severe hypertension, papilledema (swelling
of the optic disk) may be seen.
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 Coronary artery disease with angina and
myocardial infarction are common
consequences of hypertension.
 Left ventricular hypertrophy occurs in
response to the increased workload placed on
the ventricle as it contracts against higher
systemic pressure.
 Heart failure
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Reading assignment on the Pathophysiology
of Hypertension
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 Urinalysis
 Blood chemistry potassium, sodium,
creatinine/estimated glomerular filtration rate
 Fasting blood glucose
 Fasting total cholesterol, high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides
 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
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Management of Hypertension
Non pharmacology
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Treatment Objectives
 Detection and management of other
cardiovascular risk factors
 Detection and management of target organ
 Prevention of target organ damage
 Decrease the side effects of medications
 Achieve target blood pressure (<
140/90mmHg, in patients having diabetes with
proteinuria and chronic kidney disease (<
130/80 mmHg)
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Non pharmacologic
Smoking cessation
Complete cessation of smoking
Physical activity: At least 30 minutes of
moderate intensity activity 5-7 days per week
Weight reduction: BMI 18-24kg/m2
Dietary recommendations
Reduce salt intake: about1 tsp of table salt.
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 Alcohol consumption: limited to two drinks or
less per day (one standard drink)
 1 bottle (341 mL) of 5% beer or,
 1 glass (150 mL) of 12% wine or,
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 It is diminished tension, lowered B/P, systolic
< 90 mm of Hg & Diastolic less than 60 mm
 An extremely low B/P is occasionally
symptoms of a serious condition which can
result in shock.
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Types of Hypotension
 Orthostatic (postural) hypotension
Associated with dizziness, Syncope, & blurred
vision occurring up on standing or when standing
motionless in fixed position.
 Hypotensive hypotension
Characterized by abnormal low B/P due to
decreased volume.
 Hypotens or hypotension
Occur because of substance that lowers the B/P
Example Antihypertensive drugs when taken in
large dose.
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Causes of Hypotension
Blood loss
 Dehydration (diaphoresis, diarrhoea,
vomiting, not taking fluids)
High dose of anti hypertensive drugs (diuretic,
 Systemic disease (Malaria & Septicaemia)
 Hormonal (Addison’s disease), & Poison
(snake bite & orally taken poisons).
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Clinical Manifestations
Dizziness, Syncope & even shock, tachycardia.
• Physical examination (Measuring B/P & Pulse
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The objective is to increase the B/P to the normal
Treat the patient based on the identified problem,
Remove the cause; Blood loss should be
transfused if severe.
Dehydration should be replaced with IV or oral
If drug over dose withheld it & correct B/P
If hormonal example Addison’s increase salt &
Sugar intake.
If poison Adrenalin or hydrocortisone may be
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Nursing Care
Take B/P on regular base
 Measure intake & out put
Educate the patient how to prevent &
Educate the patient on the adherence to
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It is the hardening of the arteries.
It is a diffuse process where the muscle fibres
& endothelial lining of the wall of small
arteries & arterioles become thickened.
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• It affects the intimae of the large & medium
sized arteries.
• These changes consists the accumulation of
lipids, calcium, blood components,
carbohydrate & fibres tissue in the intimae
layer of the artery.
• These accumulations are referred to us
Atheromas or plaques.
• ECG interpretation
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• Aneurysm is a sac formed by localized dilation
of an artery or vein.
• The most common affected are renal artery,
abdominal artery, subclavian artery & most
frequently poplitial artery.
• Congenital, Traumatic & infections (usually
localized infections).
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Clinical manifestations
Mass & pulsation with disturbance of peripheral
Pain & swelling because of pressure on adjacent
 Surgical repair with replacement graft.
The prognosis of ruptured aneurysm is poor so it
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• Rupture & bleeding if there is coexisting
hypertension & thrombi formation.
Nursing care
• Encourage the patient to move the legs to
prevent stasis & increased circulation
• Anticoagulant after surgery, & assess after
surgical incision frequently for evidence
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Disorders of the veins
• It is an inflammation of the vein related to both
chemicals and mechanical irritation,
characterized by reddened warm area around
the insertion site or a long the path of the vein
& swelling.
• Incidence – Length of the IV line, composition
of fluid (medication) especially it’s PH,
tonicity, size & site of cannula, improper
anchoring of the line & introduction of micro
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• Discontinue the IV line & start on other site.
• Apply warm & moist compress.
• The prevention is avoiding the incidence
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• When a clot develops initially in veins as a
result of stasis or hypercoagulability with out
• Three factors play a significant role in its
Stasis of blood
vessel wall injury &
altered blood coagulation.
• Presences of at least two of these factors are
necessary for thrombus to occur.
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It is the inflammation of the wall of the veins
& is frequently accompanied by formation of a
clot or presence of a clot plus inflammation in
the veins.
 Vein thrombus can occur in any vein but
occurs most frequently in deep veins of the
lower extremities (but both superficial & deep
veins thrombus can occur).
All surgical patients are at risk for deep vein
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Deep Vein Thrombosis
Produces oedema & swelling, of the extremities
because venous blood flows is inhibited.
Other sign & symptom includes warm skin,
prominent superficial vein & tenderness.
Superficial Veins
 The risk of superficial vein thrombi become
dislodge is very rare because most of them
dislodge spontaneously.
The sign & symptom includes localized pain
(tenderness), redness & warmth.
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Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Endothelial damage-leg trauma, surgery,
central venous catheters & local vein damage.
Venous Stasis– immobilization, bed rest,
obesity, history of varicosities & over 65 yrs.
 Coagulopathy– malignancy, pregnancy, OC,
polycythemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis
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Preventive Measures– Elastic stocking for
patient with venous insufficiency
,administration of subcutaneous heparin for
surgical patient.
Body position & exercise (elevate feet & lower
leg periodically above the level of the heart,
active & passive leg exercise & early
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Management – active application of the
preventive measures should be applied.
Contraindications to Anticoagulant therapy –
bleeding from GI, GU, & Respiratory, severe
hepatic or renal disease.
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Varicose Veins
Varicose vein (Varicosities) are abnormal
dilated tortuous superficial vein caused by
incompetent venous valves.
Commonly occurs in lower extremities.
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Primarily (with out involvement of deep veins)
& Secondary (resulting from obstruction of
deep veins).
When superficial veins are affected the person
may have no symptoms but may be troubled
by cosmetic appearance of the dilated veins.
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 If symptoms present it includes dull pain;
muscle cramps & increase muscle fatigue.
 When deep vein obstruction oedema, pain,
pigmentation, ulceration, & increase
susceptibility to infection.
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Surgery, Sclerotherapy (irritating chemicals
such as 0.5 % Na tetradecyl sulphates is
injected in to the vein, elastic bandages
application, elevating the lower extremities &
avoid long standing.
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Hematologic disorders
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It is a condition in which the haemoglobin
concentration is lower than normal.
 It reflects the presences of fewer RBCs than
normal in the circulation.
As a result the amount of oxygen delivered to
the tissue is decreased.
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 There are many kinds of anaemia;
Some are due to inadequate production of RBC
Premature excessive destruction of RBC
 Blood loss
Deficit in nutrients eg.vit
 Heredity factor (unknown origin) &
Chronic disease.
 Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common
anaemia in the world.
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Aetiology & Classification
1. Hypoproliferative anaemia - is a deficiency of
RBCs because of their defect in their
These are:
A. Iron deficiency anaemia - because of decreased
B. Megaloblastic anaemia - because of decreased
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C. Foliate deficiency anaemia - because of
decreased or deficiency of folic acid.
D. Aplastic anaemia- Anaemia due to bone
marrow failure. When the bone marrow is
depressed (e.g. by medication, tumours, toxin).
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2. Haemorrhagic Anaemia - is anaemia due to
excessive bleeding potentially occurring from any
major source such as GIT, uterus, nose
(epistaxis), wound etc.
2.1. Acute post haemorrhagic anaemia – It is
anaemia resulted from an immediate haemorrhage
example Accidents, Gunshot etc.
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2.2. Normocytic Normochromic Anaemia
( Normal size of RBC & normal color of RBC)
 It develops following large loss of blood.
The sign & symptom of normocytic anaemia is
RBC < 1000, 000/mm3, Leukopenia (<
2000/mm3), & Thrombocytopenia (<
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2.3. Chronic Blood Loss Anaemia – Anaemia
due to chronic bleeding (Epistaxis, bleeding
from cancerous lesion).
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3. Haemolytic Anaemia – it may occur because of
over active reticulo endothelial system(RES) or
other problems. These can be:-
3.1- Sickle cell anaemia - cell lyses occurs because
of the abnormal shape of RBCs.
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 It is a chronic hereditary disorder characterized
by the presence of RBC that contains
abnormal haemoglobin (Hgb).
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3.2- Hypersplenism anaemia- RBCs cell lysis
occurs because of hyperactive RES.
3.3. Anaemia b/c of haemolytic transfusion
reaction –
It is anaemia due to clumping of RBC
 Example Erythroblastosis fetalis.
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 Two types of haemolytic anaemia;
Intracorpusular (haemolysis in the cell) example
enzympathy (G6Pd) deficiency; fragile RBCs <
120 days
Extracorpusular (haemolysis out side the cell)
example trauma, & Protozoal infections (malaria).
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The three-hall marks of haemolytic anaemia
Decreased RBC life span (90-120 days),
Increase number of RBC destroyed &
Failure of the bone marrow to compensate for
the vast number of RBC destroyed.
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When anaemia occurs because of the above
different reasons, the demand of oxygen will
increase stimulating the heart to increase its
out put.
When this condition continues for longer
period of time the heart finally fails to pump
the required blood.
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Sign & Symptoms-
 Retculocytosis (formation of immature RBCs),
 Jaundice,
 Cholelithiasis (Gallstone),
 Hepatomegally,
 Hyperbilirubinemia with high urinary & faecal
uribilinogen) &
 Haemoglobinemia,
 Haemoglobinuria (especially with haemolytic),
tachycardia, fast breathing, dyspnea, fatigue and
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 Eliminate the cause e.g. Malaria
 Fluid & electrolyte balance, Maintain renal
 Blood transfusion & Spleenectomy for
autoimmune disorder.
 Remove steroids, Antibiotics & vitamins to
activate the bone marrow.
 Oxygen, rest, maintain renal function,
 Iron, folic acid, vitamin B 12 supplements.
 Fluid and electrolyte balance.
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Nursing management-
 Correct medication administration.
 Monitoring the pt if the pt is taking fluid,
blood, oxygen etc.
 Pt educations on diet, avoidance of bare foot,
prevention of hook warm related anaemia
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1. Purpura – is a bleeding in the skin, mucous
membrane or the subcutaneous tissue.
These hemorrhagic spots do not disappear on
2. Ecchymosis – larger purpuric haemorrhage
3. Pitachiae – these are tiny purpuric
haemorrhage of pinpoint or pinhead sized
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4. Thrombocytopenic purpura – purpura that
occurs because of failure of the coagulation
This may be due to deficiency of circulating
blood platelets.
 The reduced number of the thrombocytes may
be primary or secondary.
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5.Thrombocytopenia– is a condition in which the
number of platelets is decreased because of
decreased production by the bone marrow,
increased destruction by the autoimmune
reaction or increased consumption.
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Cause –
A/ Primary or idiopatic thrombocytopenia – with
unknown cause
B/ Secondary thrombocytopenia – occurs as a
result of depressed bone marrow activity that is
associated with radiation exposure, drug
sensitivity and anticancer drugs.
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Clinical manifestation.
Pitachiae, nasals and gingival bleeding, heavy
menses in women.
Excessive bleeding after procedures,
intracranial or intestinal hemorrhage.
The purpuric area may appear on the skin (dry
purpura) or on the mucous membrane (wet
purpura) from the nose, GIT, GUT, lung.
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Platelet transfusion
Remove the medications that prolong the
clotting time e.g. aspirin, quinine etc.
Splenoctomy if more severe.
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6. Haemophilia (Clotting Factor Defects)
 It is a hereditary disease caused by deficiency
of a clotting factor VIII (Haemophilia A) and
factor IX (Haemophilia B)
 Factor VIII deficiency is about 3 times more
 Males are affected mostly.
 Females are also affected but mostly they are
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Clinical Presentations
Spreading bruises & bleeding in to muscle,
joint & soft tissues.
Haemorrhage after minimal trauma
Joint pain (joint haemorrhage in sever case),
haematuria & GI bleeding.
Pain, swelling and limited motion of the joints.
Spontaneous hematuria, GIT bleeding.
Many patient die before they reach adult hood.
5/30/2023 189
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Management –
IV administration of clotting factor VIII & IX.
Never administer ASA (b/c it prolong the clotting
 IM injections are contraindicated
Bleeding episodes.
Ankylosis (fixation) of joint from haemorrhage
Spontaneous haematuria & GI bleeding
Risk of blood born infections due to repeated
transfusion e.g. HIV, hepatitis virus.
5/30/2023 190
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Nursing management –
• Educate pt to avoid conditions that induce
bleeding e.g. drugs (Aspirin, NSAIDs) &
• Assist the pt to cope with the disease.
• Avoid hazardous practice that cause injury
• Cold compress to avoid joint pain, assess and
quantify bleedings.
5/30/2023 191
Rahel N.ArsiU.
5/30/2023 192
Rahel N.ArsiU.
• Polycythemia refers to an increased volume of
RBCs. It is a term used when the hematocrit
is elevated (to more than 55% in males, more
than 50% in females).
• Dehydration (decreased volume of plasma) can
cause an elevated hematocrit, but not typically
to the level to be considered polycythemia.
5/30/2023 193
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Pathophysiology of Polycythemia
5/30/2023 194
Rahel N.ArsiU.
• Normal hematocrit at FMLH:
–Male 47  5 percent
–Female 42  5 percent
• Normal hemoglobin at FMLH:
–Male 15  2 gm/dl
–Female 13.5  1.5 gm/dl
5/30/2023 195
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Polycythemia is classified as either
• Primary polycythemia/ polycythemia vera
• Secondary polycythemia
5/30/2023 196
Rahel N.ArsiU.
A. Primary polycthemia
 Is a proliferation disorder in which all the
marrow cells that produce RBCs seem to have
escaped from the normal control mechanism.
 Here the myeloid cells from which RBCs are
produced become out of the normal control
 The bone marrow is hyper cellular and
consequently the number of the RBCs,
platelets increase but the RBCs count is highly
5/30/2023 197
Rahel N.ArsiU.
B. Secondary polycythemia
Is caused by excessive production of
This may occur in response to a reduced
amount of oxygen, which acts as a hypoxic
stimulus as in COPD, or cyanotic heart
5/30/2023 198
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Clinical manifestation
Hepato or splenomegally,
Headache, dizziness, and pruiritis
 Thrombolytic disorder.
 Excessive bleeding because of abnormal
functioning platelets
 CHF, hypertension, death
5/30/2023 199
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Phlebotomy (removal of blood from the vein).
Treating the primary cause
 Antihistamines for the pruiritis
Suppressing the function of the bone marrow
by radioactive phosphorous etc.
Fluid replacement
5/30/2023 200
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Nursing Care
Prevent complications (CHF);
Avoid infections,
Oral & skin care
5/30/2023 201
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Leukaemia is a persistent unregulated and
abnormal proliferation or accumulation of
WBC in the bone marrow.
There is also proliferation abnormally in the
liver, spleen & lymph node & invasion of non-
haematologic organs such as Meninges, GIT,
Kidney, & Skin.
5/30/2023 202
Rahel N.ArsiU.
 unknown but genetic predisposition
 radiation exposure
viral pathogenesis and
chemicals as benzene play a major role in the
5/30/2023 203
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Two types are there: -
• Acute leukaemia
• Chronic leukaemia
5/30/2023 204
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Acute leukaemia
 It may be lymphocytic (is the most common
variety and common in children), granulocytic
or monocytic.
It is the most common cause of death from
malignant disease in children.
Clinical Manifestations
– Acute onset with fever, general malaise,
- Gum bleeding, muscular and joint pain.
- Spleeno or hepathomegally.
- Increased WBC count (as much as 20-50,000/
5/30/2023 205
Rahel N.ArsiU.
• Complication
• Diagnosis
– CBC shows decrease erythrocyte &
–Bone marrow specimen shows excess
immature blast cells.
5/30/2023 206
Rahel N.ArsiU.
B/ Chronic leukaemia
 It is uncontrolled proliferation of immature
WBCs from the bone marrow, spleen and liver.
Clinical Manifestations
 Many pts are asympyomatic but some may
Shortage of breath
spleeno or hepatomegally
weight loss.
5/30/2023 207
Rahel N.ArsiU.
• Chemotherapy and
• Radiotherapy .
5/30/2023 208
Rahel N.ArsiU.
Supportive Care
 Administering blood products treat infections
 Bone marrow transplantation after destruction of
leukemic marrow by chemotherapy.
 Rest and prevention of unnecessary expenditure
of energy
 Assisting the pt in turning and moving.
 Increase fluid intake.
 Encourage the pt on high calorie and high
vitamin diet.
 Advise the pt on oral hygiene and skin care.
5/30/2023 209
Rahel N.ArsiU.
With treatment survive an average of only one
 The cause for death is infection or
 Untreated patients survive only about 2 –5
5/30/2023 210
Rahel N.ArsiU.
5/30/2023 211
Rahel N.ArsiU.
The end

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Cardiovascular Disorders Guide

  • 1. Cardio - vascular, circulatory and hematology disorder 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 1
  • 2. Objectives At the end of the session the students will be able to:- Describe the anatomical and physiological aspect of the cardiovascular system Discuss disorders of the cardiovascular system 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 2
  • 3. Anatomy and physiology over view  The heart is a hallow muscular organ located in the center of the thorax.  It occupies the space between the lungs and rests over the diaphragm.  It is encased in the thin fibrous tissue (sac) called the Pericardium containing two layers. 5/30/2023 3 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 4. Anatomy and physiology over view • The visceral pericardium lies over the heart and the parietal pericardium supports the heart in the mediastinum by attaching with the diaphragm, sternum, and the vertebral column. • Mediastinum is the section of the chest between the lungs, where the heart, oesophagus and vagus nerves are situated. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 4
  • 5. Chambers of the heart The heart has four chambers.  Left atrium and ventricles, right atrium and ventricles.  The Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the body against systemic pressure and it is about 2-5 times thicker than the right ventricle which pumps deoxygenated blood from the lung against pulmonary pressure.  The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lung and the right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from 5/30/2023 5 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 6. Valves of the heart  They permit blood flow only in one direction 1. Atrioventricular valves- separate the atria from the ventricles. A. Tricuspid valve - separate the right atrium & right ventricles B. Bicuspid valve- separates the left atrium & left ventricles 5/30/2023 6 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 7. Cont’d… 2. Semi lunar valve- separates the ventricles and the large arteries draining blood from them. (Right ventricle from pulmonary artery and left ventricle from aorta) A. Pulmonic valve- lies between right ventricle & pulmonary artery. B. Aortic valve-lies between the left ventricle and aorta. 5/30/2023 7 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 8. Cardiac Muscles: - Heart consists of three layer 1. The Endocardium - the inner part that lines the inside part of the heart & valves. 2. The myocardium- middle layer that is made up of muscles responsible for cardiac contraction. 3. The epicardium- the outer layer that lies beneath the pericardium 5/30/2023 8 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 9. Blood supply to the heart  The heart consumes about 70-80% of the body oxygen for its metabolic demand.  It is supplied by the coronary arteries.  They bifurcate/separates from aorta just above the aortic valve. 5/30/2023 9 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 10. Conduction pathway  The SA node (primary pacemaker) near the junction of atrium & superior vena cava is the starting point of electrical stimuli in the myocardial tissue.  Then it travels in the right atrium through the conduction path way called the inter nodal path way till it reach the AV node near the tricuspid valve in the atria wall. 5/30/2023 10 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 11. Cont’d…  After a slight delay (giving time for atrial contraction) impulses travel from the AV node to the ventricles through a conduction path way called the bundle of his across the septum separating the left and the 5/30/2023 11 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 12. Cont’d…  The bundle of His separate in to left and right side supplying both the left and the right ventricles. 5/30/2023 12 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 13. Cont’d…  The left bundle again subdivides in to left anterior & posterior branches terminating in fibers called purkunje fibers which are the terminal point of the electrical conduction in the heart.  It is after the impulse reach this point that the ventricles will contract. 5/30/2023 13 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 14. Cont’d…  Cardiac out put (CO)- is the amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle during a given period of time usually in one minute.  Stroke volume (SV)-the amount of blood ejected per heartbeat (by one heartbeat).  The normal heartbeat is approximately about 70-beats/ min (60-80), and during each beat the left ventricle pumps about 70 ml of blood. 5/30/2023 14 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 15. Cont’d…  So cardiac out put (CO) can be Calculated as CO = SV x HR = 70mlx72 beat/min = 5040 ml/min  Pulse pressure: is the difference b/n systolic and diastolic pressure which is usually 40mmHg. 5/30/2023 15 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 16. ASSSESSMENT OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM i. Health history.  Patients with cardiovascular disorders commonly have one or more of the following signs and symptoms: Chest pain or discomfort (angina pectoris, MI, valvular heart disease) 5/30/2023 16 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 17. Assessment… Shortness of breath or dyspnea (MI, left ventricular failure, HF) Edema and weight gain (right ventricular failure, HF) 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 17
  • 18. Cont’d… Palpitations (dysrhythmias resulting from myocardial ischemia, valvular heart disease, ventricular aneurysm, stress, electrolyte imbalance)  Fatigue (earliest symptom associated with several cardiovascular disorders)  Dizziness and syncope or loss of consciousness (postural hypotension, dysrhythmias, vasovagal effect, cerebrovascular effect) 5/30/2023 18 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 19. Cont’d…  Medication: - Aspirin- prolongs clotting time. Tricyclic antidepressant-cause arrhythmia Phenothiazide-arrhythmia & hypotension Oral contraceptive-increase risk of thrombophlebitis. Lithium-arrhythmia Theophiline-tachycardiac & arrhythmia 5/30/2023 19 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 20. Cont’d…  Surgery -past history of surgery - whether ECG was taken or not - Admission related to CVS problem. 5/30/2023 20 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 21. Cont’d… ii. Physical Assessment: -  This is to confirm information obtained from history.  The assessment area include pain characteristic, vital sign, heart sound, peripheral edema etc. 5/30/2023 21 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 22. Cont’d…  General Appearance and Cognition The nurse observes the patient’s level of distress, level of consciousness, and thought processes as an indication of the heart’s ability to propel oxygen to the brain (cerebral perfusion). The nurse also observes for evidence of anxiety, along with any effects emotional factors may have on cardiovascular status. The nurse attempts to put the anxious patient at ease throughout the examination. 5/30/2023 22 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 23. Cont’d…  Inspection of the Skin Pallor- a decrease in the color of the skin is caused by lack of oxyhemoglobin. It is a result of anemia or decreased arterial perfusion. Pallor is best observed around the fingernails, lips, and oral mucosa. In patients with dark skin, the nurse observes the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. 5/30/2023 23 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 24. Cont’d… Peripheral cyanosis a bluish tinge, most often of the nails and skin of the nose, lips, earlobes, and extremities suggests decreased flow rate of blood to a particular area, which allows more time for the hemoglobin molecule to become desaturated. This may occur normally in peripheral vasoconstriction associated with a cold environment, in patients with anxiety, or in disease states such as HF. 5/30/2023 24 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 25. Cont’d… Central cyanosis- a bluish tinge observed in the tongue and buccal mucosa denotes serious cardiac disorders (pulmonary edema and congenital heart disease) in which venous blood passes through the pulmonary circulation without being oxygenated. Reduced skin turgor occurs with dehydration 5/30/2023 25 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 26. Cont’d… Normally the skin is warm and dry. Under stress, the hands may become cool and moist. In cardiogenic shock, sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes vasoconstriction, and the skin becomes cold and clammy. During an acute MI, diaphoresis is common. 5/30/2023 26 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 27. Cont’d…  Blood Pressure Systemic arterial BP is the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries during ventricular systole and diastole.  It is affected by factors such as cardiac output, distention of the arteries, and the volume, velocity, and viscosity of the blood. 5/30/2023 27 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 28. Cont’d… BP usually is expressed as the ratio of the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure, with normal adult values ranging from 100/60 to 140/90 mm Hg. The average normal BP usually cited is 120/80 mm Hg. An increase in BP above the upper normal range is called hypertension, whereas a decrease below the lower range is called hypotension. 5/30/2023 28 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 29. Cont’d… PULSE RATE The normal pulse rate varies from a low of 50 bpm in healthy, athletic young adults to rates well in excess of 100 bpm after exercise or during times of excitement. Anxiety frequently raises the pulse rate during the physical examination.  If the rate is higher than expected, it is appropriate to reassess it near the end of the physical examination, when the patient may be more relaxed. 5/30/2023 29 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 30. Cont’d… • Heart Inspection and Palpation The heart is examined indirectly by inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the chest wall. A systematic approach is the cornerstone of a thorough assessment. Examination of the chest wall is performed in the following six areas. 5/30/2023 30 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 31. Cont’d… 1. Aortic area second intercostal space to the right of the sternum. 2. Pulmonic area second intercostal space to the left of the sternum 3. Erb’s point third intercostal space to the left of the sternum 4. Right ventricular or tricuspid area fourth and fifth intercostals spaces to the left of the sternum 5. Left ventricular or apical area the location on the chest where heart contractions can be palpated. 6. Epigastric area below the xiphoid process 5/30/2023 31 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 32. Cont’d…  Inspection of the Extremities The hands, arms, legs, and feet are observed for skin and vascular changes. The most significant changes include the following: Decreased capillary refill time indicates a slower peripheral flow rate from sluggish reperfusion and is often observed in patients 5/30/2023 32 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 33. Cont’d… Capillary refill time provides the basis for estimating the rate of peripheral blood flow.  To test capillary refill, briefly compress the nail bed so that it blanches, and then release the pressure. Normally, reperfusion occurs within 3 seconds, as evidenced by the return of color. 5/30/2023 33 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 34. Cont’d…  Peripheral edema -is fluid accumulation in dependent areas of the body (feet and legs, sacrum in the bedridden patient).  Assess for pitting edema (a depression over an area of pressure) by pressing firmly for 5 seconds with the thumb over the dorsum of each foot. 5/30/2023 34 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 35. Cont’d…  Clubbing of the fingers and toes implies chronic hemoglobin desaturation, as in congenital heart disease.  Hypoxia causes an angle greater than 180° between the fingernail and nail base; nail feels springy when palpated.  Normal nail: Has an angle of approximately 160° between the fingernail and nail base; nail feels firm when palpated. 5/30/2023 35 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 36. Cont’d… LUNGS Findings frequently exhibited by cardiac patients include the following respiratory system sign and symptoms: Tachypnea Hemoptysis Cough Crackles Wheezes 5/30/2023 36 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 37. Cont’d… ABDOMEN  For the cardiac patient, two components of the abdominal examination are frequently performed. Hepatojugular reflux Bladder distention. 5/30/2023 37 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 38. Cont’d… iii. Common Diagnostic procedure  Radiography (x-ray)  Echocardiogram:-  Cardiac catheterization  Hemodynamic Monitoring  Electrocardiogram: -  Magnetic resonance image  Computed tomography 5/30/2023 38 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 39. Cont’d… Echocardiography is a noninvasive ultrasound test that is used to measure the ejection fraction and examine the size, shape, and motion of cardiac structures. The Electrocardiography/ECG is a graphic representation of the electrical currents of the heart. The ECG is obtained by placing disposable electrodes in standard positions on the skin of the chest wall and extremities 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 39
  • 40. Cont’d… Blood Tests  Blood urea Nitrogen (BUN) - end product of protein metabolism indicate reduced renal function in cardiac patient when elevated.  Fasting blood sugar  Lipid profile-cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein - cholesterol >200dl/ mg indicates risk of atherosclerosis.  Serum electrolyte analysis- (Na, k; Ca, Mg) are important for depolarization & repolarization. 5/30/2023 40 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 41. Management of patient with dysarthymias and conduction problems 5/30/2023 41 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 42. Arryhthmias/Dysrryhthmias  Is the disorder of heart beat caused by the disturbance in automaticity or conductivity or more commonly both. 5/30/2023 42 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 43. Cont’d… A/ Bradycardia  A condition when SA node creates an impulse at a slower rate (40-60 bpm or less) than normal.  It is because of decreased automaticity in the SA node.  All the other characteristics are normal except its rate.  It is more common in well-trained athletes, at rest and during night. 5/30/2023 43 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 44. Associated situation-  Sepsis Vagal stimulation Vomiting After surgical damage to SA node Acute myocardial infarction etc 5/30/2023 44 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 45. Management Objective is to increase the rate to normal  Identifying & removing cause  Atropine blocks vagal stimulation thus allow normal rate. 5/30/2023 45 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 46. B/ Tachycardia:  Is a condition where the sinus node creates an impulse at a faster rate than normal (Exceeding 100 bpm).  It is in response to enhanced automaticity in the SA node 5/30/2023 46 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 47. Cont’d… It may be caused by: - Exercise where O2 demand is high. Emotional stress, pain Stimulation / coffee, tea Drugs (atropine, Catecholamine, alcohol etc--- ) Hypovolemia, Anemia, heart failure All of its aspects are normal except its rate 5/30/2023 47 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 48. Increased heart rate Decreased diastolic filling time Decreased Cardiac Out Put Hypotension 5/30/2023 48 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 49. Management  Objective is to decrease the heart rate to normal - Remove the cause -Propranolol (blocks the effect of adrenergic fiber- reduce rate) 5/30/2023 49 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 50. C/ Atrial Fibrillation:  A rapid disorganized and uncoordinated twitching of atrial muscle.  It may occur over short time or chronically.  The atrial rate is 300-600 bpm while ventricular response is 100-160 bpm, because the AV node is unable to conduct multiple impulses. 5/30/2023 50 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 51. Cause: Advancement in age, pulmonary disease Valvular heart disease, hyperthyroidism  Cardiomyopathy Inflammation Moderate to heavy ingestion of alcohol Some times with out underlying characteristics 5/30/2023 51 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 52. Management  Identify and remove the cause  Vagal stimulation 5/30/2023 52 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 53. D/ Cardiac Arrest Occurs when the heart ceases to produce an effective pulse and blood circulation. There is an immediate loss of consciousness and an absence of pulse. 5/30/2023 53 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 54. Cont’d… It can occur with: Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation Bradycardia Av block It may follow respiratory arrest It may occur when there are impulses but ineffective cardiac contraction & circulating volume. 5/30/2023 54 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 55. Etiology:  Hypovolemia  Hypothermia  Massive pulmonary emboli  Acidosis  Acute massive myocardial infraction 5/30/2023 55 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 56. Sign & Symptom: -  Seizure may or may not occur  Absence of carotid pulse  Brain damage may occur within four minutes Management –  Remove the underlying cause  Epinephrine or atropine  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 5/30/2023 56 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 57. Congestive Heart failure  Heart failure refers to a collection of signs and symptoms that result from the heart’s inability to pump enough blood to meet the body’s metabolic demands.  It is a common clinical syndrome that results from the impaired ability of the ventricle to fill with or eject blood.  The pump itself is impaired and unable to supply adequate blood to meet the cellular needs. 5/30/2023 57 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 58. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Causes of CHF The causes of CHF are classified into two major classes as Underlying causes and Precipitating (secondary) causes In general, CAD is the cause in 60% of cases. Rahel N.ArsiU. 58 5/30/2023
  • 59. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… I. Underlying causes It is the main pathological lesion that is responsible for the heart not to pump adequately. These include: Myocardial lesions - Cardiomyopathy - Myocarditis - Myocardial infarction Rahel N.ArsiU. 59 5/30/2023
  • 60. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… I. Underlying causes … cont’d Valvular & Endocardial lesions - Endocarditis - Congenital valvular heart disease - RHD (Rheumatic Heart Disease) Pericardial lesions - Pericarditis Rahel N.ArsiU. 60 5/30/2023
  • 61. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… II. Precipitating (secondary) causes  Normally in the absence of precipitating factors or causes, an individual heart with those underlying lesions tries to compensate by making multiple Pathophysiologic changes.  But when the precipitating causes come to the picture the individual heart goes in to full blown clinical signs and symptoms of CHF.  The precipitating causes are abbreviated by a Rahel N.ArsiU. 61 5/30/2023
  • 62. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… II. Precipitating (secondary) causes… cont’d • H = Hypertension • E = Infective Endocarditis • A = Anemia • R = Rheumatic fever (Recurrence) • T = Thyrotoxicosis • F = Fetus (pregnancy) -L-lung problems/pathologies • A = Arrhythmias -S-stress • I = Infections Rahel N.ArsiU. 62 5/30/2023
  • 63. Stages of HF depending on New York Heart Association  Class I (mild)- Ordinary physical activity does not cause symptoms.  Class II (mild)- Comfortable at rest but ordinary physical activity results in symptoms  Class III (moderate)- Comfortable at rest but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms  Class IV (severe)- Symptoms at rest 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 63
  • 64. Stages of HF depending on American Heart Association Stage A- Patients at high risk for developing heart failure due to underlying conditions such as systemic hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, or family history of cardiomyopathy. Stage B- Patients have structural heart disease such as left ventricular hypertrophy or valvular 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 64
  • 65. Cont’d… Stage C- Patients have current or prior symptoms of heart failure associated with underlying structural heart disease that includes left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Stage D- Patients with advanced structural heart disease and marked symptoms of heart failure at rest despite maximal medical therapy. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 65
  • 66. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure • The onset of heart failure may be acute or insidious • It is often associated with systolic or diastolic over loading and with myocardial weakness • As the physiologic stress on the heart muscle reaches a critical level, the contractility of the muscle is reduced and cardiac output declines, But venous input to the ventricle remains the same or becomes increased which is responsible for cardiac over load Rahel N.ArsiU. 66 5/30/2023
  • 67. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d • When cardiac output is decreased; the body undergoes alteration to compensate for the failure. • There are two types of compensatory mechanisms for congestive heart failure:- I. Systemic compensatory mechanisms II. Cardiac compensatory mechanisms Rahel N.ArsiU. 67 5/30/2023
  • 68. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d I. Systemic compensatory mechanisms A. Reflex increase in sympathetic activity. B. Release of renin from the kidneys. C. Anaerobic metabolism by affected tissues. D. Increased extraction of oxygen by the peripheral cells. Rahel N.ArsiU. 68 5/30/2023
  • 69. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d II. Cardiac compensatory mechanisms A. Myocardial dilatation B. Myocardial Hypertrophy Rahel N.ArsiU. 69 5/30/2023
  • 70. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d Systemic compensatory… cont’d A) Sympathetic response to heart Failure:-A decrease in cardiac out put results in decreased blood pressure, which causes a reflex stimulation of sympathetic nervous system (SNS). • The SNS causes increased force and rate of myocardial contraction. Rahel N.ArsiU. 70 5/30/2023
  • 71. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)… Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… cont’d Systemic compensatory… cont’d A) Sympathetic response to heart Failure:- • It also causes vasoconstriction of arterioles throughout the body. • These effects temporarily prolong the patient’s life. • But in the long run, it facilitates the progress of pumping failure (cause cardiac decompositions). Rahel N.ArsiU. 71 5/30/2023
  • 72. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system:- Decreased perfusion of tissues/renal tissues Release of Renin from juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney Formation of Angiotensin I ( formed from Angiotensinogen in the liver by the action of renin ) Formation of Angiotensin II ( by enzyme reaction in the pulmonary capillary bed ) 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 72
  • 73. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure… 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 73
  • 74. Cont’d… NB. * After load:- the arterial pressure against which the ventricles must contract. ** Preload:-It is the pressure during filling of the ventricles or tension on myocardium due to congestion. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 74
  • 75. Types 1. Left sided heart failure  Results from left ventricular dysfunction, which causes blood, back up through the left atrium & in to the pulmonary vein.  The increased pressure causes fluid extravasations from the pulmonary capillary bed in to the interstitial and the alveoli, which is manifested as pulmonary congestion and edema. 5/30/2023 75 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 76. Cont’d… Causes  Myocardial infarction, Systemic hypertension  Cardiomyopathy, Rheumatic heart disease  Aortic stenosis 5/30/2023 76 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 77. 2. Right sided heart failure:  Failure of right ventricle to eject leading to venous congestion in the systemic circulation.  Congestive: - both left and right sided heart failure 5/30/2023 77 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 78. Sign and symptom: - Left sided  Increased heat rate  Left ventricular hypertrophy  Poor oxygen exchange  Dyspnea (32-40 shallow breath)  Orthopnea –Dyspnea at lying flat 5/30/2023 78 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 79. Cont’d…  Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea- Orthopnea at night  Dry cough, crackle  Hemoptysis, fatigue  Anorexia, restlessness 5/30/2023 79 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 80. Right sided  Edema –peripheral- in the leg  Liver – hepatomegally  Abdominal cavity –Ascitis  Spleen- splenomegally  Anasarca- massive edema 5/30/2023 80 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 81. Right sided…  Edema of dependent body parts – pedal, Sacrum, labia  Jugular vein distension  Weight gain, Nausea,  Anorexia, vomiting  Weakness, fatigue 5/30/2023 81 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 82. Sign and symptom of CHF 5/30/2023 82 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 84. Diagnosis: - History and physical examination  Determining of underlying cause  Chest x-ray  Echocardiography  Blood urea nitrogen 5/30/2023 84 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 85. Complication: -  Cardiogenic shock  Pulmonary edema  Renal failure 5/30/2023 85 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 86. Management: -  Treating underlying cause  Oxygen therapy to reduce dyspnea and fatigue  Physical & emotional rest to conserve energy & high oxygen demand.  Digitalis – increase the force of myocardial contraction  Decrease the conduction speed – decrease heart rate  Diuretics –to mobilize edematous fluid  Reduce pulmonary venous pressure and reduce 5/30/2023 86 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 87. Cont’d Vasodilator - To decrease systemic vascular resistance - To decrease pulmonary & peripheral venous pressure. 5/30/2023 87 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 88. PATIENT TEACHING Salt restriction Fluid restriction Weight reduction Position- high fowler to decrease pulmonary edema. 5/30/2023 88 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 89. Rheumatic heart disease Rheumatic fever  Is an inflammatory disease of the heart potentially involving all layers of the heart (Endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium).  The resulting damage to the heart from the rheumatic fever is called rheumatic heart disease.  It is chronic disease characterized by scarring and deformity of the heart valves. 5/30/2023 89 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 90. Cause  Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection of the URTI. Predisposing factor  Poor socioeconomic system.  Crowded living condition  Family tendency- may be related to altered immune system. 5/30/2023 90 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 91. Pathophysiology  The heart and other organs are not damaged directly by the microorganism causing the infection but rather by the toxin they release.  In this speculation how the attack reoccur is not well known.  Another theory suggests that the antigens of the streptococcal and human tissue are remarkably similar.  So, antibodies mistakenly destroy normal tissue as antigen. 5/30/2023 91 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 92. Clinical manifestation & diagnosis  The American heart Association provided a logical basis for the diagnosis as the presence of:-  Two major criteria or  One major + two minor criteria accompanied by evidence of proceeding group A streptococcal infection. 5/30/2023 92 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 93. Major criterion A. Carditis (Inflammation of the heart) with: -  Murmur  Congestive heart failure with cardiac enlargement  Dysrhythmias  Pericarditis 5/30/2023 93 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 94. Cont’d… B. Polyarthritis – inflammation of more than one joint  Large joints (knee, elbow, ankle etc) are mostly affected and almost always migratory.  Has dramatic response to salisylates (within 48 hrs). 5/30/2023 94 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 95. Cont’d… C. Chorea – spontaneous, purposeless, rapid jerking movement  Mostly seen in girls  It is self limiting within weeks to months 5/30/2023 95 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 96. Cont’d… D. Erythema marginatum lesion  Redness of the skin b/c of widening of blood vessels.  Bright pink macular lesion in the chest & inner aspect of upper arm & thigh but never in face.  It is non pruiritic & non painful E. Subcutaneous nodule  Firm, hard, small painless swelling 1- 4cm mostly over bony prominences 5/30/2023 96 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 97. Minor criteria  Arthralgia- joint pain  Previous reoccurrence of rheumatic fever or heart disease  Fever  Prolonged PR interval on ECG  Lab finding Positive throat culture  - ESR increase (> 15 mm in male & 20 in female)  - Increased WBC count 5/30/2023 97 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 98. Management No specific cure once it has occurred  Benzanthine penicillin  ASA and steroid to inhibit inflammatory response  Bed rest 5/30/2023 98 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 99. Nursing management  Prophylaxis to prevent recurrence- monthly Benzanthine injection  Antipyretics  Oral fluid- adequately  Promoting optimal rest to decrease cardiac work load  Comforting pt- to relief joint pain  Pt education 5/30/2023 99 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 100. Infective Endocarditis  Infective endocarditis is an infection of the valves and endothelial surface of the heart.  Etiology - Bacteria - Fungi - Variety of invasive procedure allow micro organism to enter the blood stream 5/30/2023 100 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 101. Predisposing factor  Cardiac conditions like valvular disease  Congenital heart disease  Cardiac surgery, severe burn  Immuno suppressive conditions, cancer  Invasive surgery- dental surgery 5/30/2023 101 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 102. Clinical manifestation  Fever, chills, anorexia, weight loss, cough, back & joint pain  Splenomegally, murmur, CHF  Headache.  Lung, kidney, heart, brain manifestations) Diagnosis-  Determining the causative organism by blood culture 5/30/2023 102 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 103. Management  The anti biotic is usually given for 4-6 weeks.  Penicillin is the drug of choice and for fungal infection amphotricin B is used.  Surgical valve replacement for pts who develop CHF as result of aortic or mitral valve stenosis 5/30/2023 103 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 104. Management  Penicillin prophylaxis for pts who undergo procedures known to put the pt at risk like -Tonsillectomy -Vaginal hysterectomy -Urethral catheterization -Prostatic surgery 5/30/2023 104 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 105. Complication CHF Valvular stenosis Myocardial damage Mycotic aneurysms Cerebral vascular complication 5/30/2023 105 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 106. PERICARDITIS  Is inflammation of the pericardium the membrane sac involving the heart.  It leads to fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac & leads to the thickening of the heart that decreases its elasticity resulting in cardiac failure. 5/30/2023 106 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 107. Etiology  Idiopathic (unknown)  Infection Viral Maycotic Bacterial Streptococcus, meningococcus pneumococcus Staphylococcus, mycobacterium TB 5/30/2023 107 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 108. Clinical manifestation  Fever, sweating chills  Dyspnea due to decreased cardiac out put  Pain- in the anterior chest - Aggravate with breathing turning in bed twisting of body - Relieved by sitting up 5/30/2023 108 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 109. Cont’d… Diagnosis - clinical manifestation - ECG record Management - Analgesia - Corticosteroid - Antibiotic - Amphotercin B for mycotic 5/30/2023 109 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 110. Nursing management  Encourage the pt on bed rest  Encourage the pt to increase activity with improvement  Bed rest should be reassumed if fever, pain & friction rub reoccurs 5/30/2023 110 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 111. Myocardial infarction  Myocardial infarction -refers to the process by which myocardial tissue is destroyed in regions of the heart that are deprived of blood supply because of reduced coronary blood flow. 5/30/2023 111 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 112. Cause  Hemorrhage & shock decrease coronary blood flow  Non-sclerotic coronary artery occlusion from emboli, trauma, inflammation, hypercoagubility disorder.  Thrombus in coronary artery. 5/30/2023 112 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 113. Pathophysiology  Angina due to ischemia causes sustained reversible cellular injury but myocardial infarction is the result of sustained ischemia.  Cardiac cells can withstand ischemia for about 20 seconds before cellular death or necrosis.  When oxygen supply severely decreases, cell damage starts endocardially & slowly progresses through the epicardium. 5/30/2023 113 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 114. Clinical manifestation  Lower sternal chest pain  It is severe immobilizing pain that relieves neither by rest nor by nitroglycerin.  May radiate to the neck, jaw down the arms to fingers  Pts prefer dying than experiencing such a pain again  Associated symptom- nausea, dizziness, diaphoresis, dyspnea, extreme fatigue 5/30/2023 114 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 115. Diagnosis Pts history  ECG  Cardiac enzymes analysis 5/30/2023 115 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 116. Management  Vasodilators – nitroglycerines are drugs of choice to increase blood in supply  Anticoagulants- heparin delays the clotting time & reduces thrombus formation  Thrombolytics – dissolves the thrombus and prevents vascular occlusion  Analgesics morphine decreases the pain and associated anxiety  oxygien administrations  Surgical coronary artery by pass. 5/30/2023 116 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 117. Management…  * Diabetic pts may not feel the pain as such because of a diabetic neuropathy which interfere with neuroceptors thus dulling the pain experience.  * Elderly pts may not feel the pain too because of the decrease in neurotransmission that occurs with aging. 5/30/2023 117 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 118. Complications  Dysrthythmia  Cardiogenic shock  Mitral valve insufficiency  Ventricular aneurysm etc 5/30/2023 118 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 119. Angina pectoris  Angina pectoris- Is a clinical syndrome characterized by paroxysm of pain or feeling of pressure on the anterior chest caused by disruption of myocardial oxygen demand & supply.  It occurs when myocardial oxygen demands is greater than the capacity of arteries to supply 5/30/2023 119 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 120. Cont’d… Etiology  Coronary artery disease  Valvular heart disease  Hypertension  Any factor that increase 02 demand  Anemia  Exercise  Emotional stress 5/30/2023 120 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 121. Clinical manifestation Pain  Varying from pressure to agonizing pain, which can be described as heavy, Squeezing, pressing burning crushing.  Occurs behind the upper or middle third of sternum  It may radiate to the left shoulder down the inner aspect of the arm to the elbow, wrist & fingers  Typically an attack lasts less than 3 seconds & removed by avoiding precipitating factors, rest 5/30/2023 121 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 122. Clinical manifestation… Precipitating factors  Cold – constrict blood vessels  Heavy meal - increase blood supply to the mesentery Relieving factors –rest, nitroglycerine Associated factors (symptoms)  Dyspnea, tachycardia  Palpitation diaphoresis  Nausea & vomiting  Important feature of angina pain is that it 5/30/2023 122 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 123. Angina pectoris… Diagnosis • History • Clinical manifestation • ECG Management • Nitroglycerine • Propronalol • Nifidipine 5/30/2023 123 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 126. Ob j e c t i v e s  On completion of this session, the learner will be able to: 1.Define normal blood pressure and categories of abnormal pressures. 2. Identify risk factors for hypertension. 3.Describe treatment approaches for hypertension, including lifestyle and medication therapy. 4. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of the patient with hypertension. 5. Describe hypertensive crises and their treatment. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 126
  • 127. Hypertension…  Hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg based on the average of two or more accurate blood pressure measurements taken during two or more contacts with a health care provider. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 127
  • 128. Stages of hypertension  Prehypertension is a warning sign that you may get high blood pressure in the future.  It is characterized by the systolic reading of 120 mmHg-139 mmHg, or the diastolic of 80 mmHg- 89 mmHg.  It is a risk factor for high blood pressure in the future.  It can be treated with diet, lifestyle habits, and medications. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 128
  • 129. Cont’d… High blood pressure increases your risk of  Heart attack,  Stroke,  coronary heart disease,  Heart failure, and  Kidney failure. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 129
  • 130. Cont’d…  Mild hypertension diastolic blood pressure 90– 99 mmHg, systolic blood pressure 140–149 mmHg.  Moderate hypertension diastolic blood pressure 100–109 mmHg, systolic blood pressure 150–159 mmHg.  Severe hypertension diastolic blood pressure 110 mmHg or greater, systolic blood pressure 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 130
  • 131. Sign and symptoms of Hypertension  People with hypertension is asymptomatic and remain so for many years. i.e. It is a silent killer.  However, when specific signs and symptoms appear, they usually indicate vascular damage, with specific manifestations related to the organs served by the involved vessels. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 131
  • 132. Cont’d…  Retinal change such as hemorrhages, exudates(fluid accumulation), arteriolar narrowing, and small infarctions occur.  In severe hypertension, papilledema (swelling of the optic disk) may be seen. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 132
  • 133. Cont’d…  Coronary artery disease with angina and myocardial infarction are common consequences of hypertension.  Left ventricular hypertrophy occurs in response to the increased workload placed on the ventricle as it contracts against higher systemic pressure.  Heart failure 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 133
  • 134. Reading assignment on the Pathophysiology of Hypertension 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 134
  • 135. Investigations  Urinalysis  Blood chemistry potassium, sodium, creatinine/estimated glomerular filtration rate  Fasting blood glucose  Fasting total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides  Electrocardiogram (ECG) 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 135
  • 136. Management of Hypertension Non pharmacology Pharmacological 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 136
  • 137. Treatment Objectives  Detection and management of other cardiovascular risk factors  Detection and management of target organ damage  Prevention of target organ damage  Decrease the side effects of medications  Achieve target blood pressure (< 140/90mmHg, in patients having diabetes with proteinuria and chronic kidney disease (< 130/80 mmHg) 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 137
  • 138. Non pharmacologic Smoking cessation Complete cessation of smoking Physical activity: At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity 5-7 days per week Weight reduction: BMI 18-24kg/m2 Dietary recommendations Reduce salt intake: about1 tsp of table salt. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 138
  • 139. Cont’d…  Alcohol consumption: limited to two drinks or less per day (one standard drink)  1 bottle (341 mL) of 5% beer or,  1 glass (150 mL) of 12% wine or, 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 139
  • 140. Hypotension  It is diminished tension, lowered B/P, systolic < 90 mm of Hg & Diastolic less than 60 mm Hg.  An extremely low B/P is occasionally symptoms of a serious condition which can result in shock. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 140
  • 141. Types of Hypotension  Orthostatic (postural) hypotension Associated with dizziness, Syncope, & blurred vision occurring up on standing or when standing motionless in fixed position.  Hypotensive hypotension Characterized by abnormal low B/P due to decreased volume.  Hypotens or hypotension Occur because of substance that lowers the B/P Example Antihypertensive drugs when taken in large dose. 5/30/2023 141 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 142. Causes of Hypotension Blood loss  Dehydration (diaphoresis, diarrhoea, vomiting, not taking fluids) High dose of anti hypertensive drugs (diuretic, vasodilators)  Systemic disease (Malaria & Septicaemia)  Hormonal (Addison’s disease), & Poison (snake bite & orally taken poisons). 5/30/2023 142 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 143. Clinical Manifestations Dizziness, Syncope & even shock, tachycardia. Diagnosis • Physical examination (Measuring B/P & Pulse rate). 5/30/2023 143 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 144. Management The objective is to increase the B/P to the normal level. Treat the patient based on the identified problem, Remove the cause; Blood loss should be transfused if severe. Dehydration should be replaced with IV or oral fluid. If drug over dose withheld it & correct B/P If hormonal example Addison’s increase salt & Sugar intake. If poison Adrenalin or hydrocortisone may be used. 5/30/2023 144 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 145. Nursing Care Take B/P on regular base  Measure intake & out put Educate the patient how to prevent & Educate the patient on the adherence to treatment 5/30/2023 145 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 146. DISEASE OF THE ARTERIES 5/30/2023 146 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 147. Arteriosclerosis It is the hardening of the arteries. It is a diffuse process where the muscle fibres & endothelial lining of the wall of small arteries & arterioles become thickened. 5/30/2023 147 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 148. Atherosclerosis • It affects the intimae of the large & medium sized arteries. • These changes consists the accumulation of lipids, calcium, blood components, carbohydrate & fibres tissue in the intimae layer of the artery. • These accumulations are referred to us Atheromas or plaques. • ECG interpretation 5/30/2023 148 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 149. Aneurysm • Aneurysm is a sac formed by localized dilation of an artery or vein. • The most common affected are renal artery, abdominal artery, subclavian artery & most frequently poplitial artery. Cause • Congenital, Traumatic & infections (usually localized infections). 5/30/2023 149 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 150. Cont.. Clinical manifestations Mass & pulsation with disturbance of peripheral circulation Pain & swelling because of pressure on adjacent nerve. Diagnosis x-ray Management  Surgical repair with replacement graft. The prognosis of ruptured aneurysm is poor so it 5/30/2023 150 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 151. Complications • Rupture & bleeding if there is coexisting hypertension & thrombi formation. Nursing care • Encourage the patient to move the legs to prevent stasis & increased circulation • Anticoagulant after surgery, & assess after surgical incision frequently for evidence haemorrhage. 5/30/2023 151 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 152. Disorders of the veins Phlebitis • It is an inflammation of the vein related to both chemicals and mechanical irritation, characterized by reddened warm area around the insertion site or a long the path of the vein & swelling. • Incidence – Length of the IV line, composition of fluid (medication) especially it’s PH, tonicity, size & site of cannula, improper anchoring of the line & introduction of micro 5/30/2023 152 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 153. Treatment • Discontinue the IV line & start on other site. • Apply warm & moist compress. • The prevention is avoiding the incidence factors. 5/30/2023 153 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 154. Phlebothrombosis • When a clot develops initially in veins as a result of stasis or hypercoagulability with out inflammation. • Three factors play a significant role in its development. Stasis of blood vessel wall injury & altered blood coagulation. • Presences of at least two of these factors are necessary for thrombus to occur. 5/30/2023 154 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 155. Thrombophlebitis It is the inflammation of the wall of the veins & is frequently accompanied by formation of a clot or presence of a clot plus inflammation in the veins.  Vein thrombus can occur in any vein but occurs most frequently in deep veins of the lower extremities (but both superficial & deep veins thrombus can occur). All surgical patients are at risk for deep vein thrombosis. 5/30/2023 155 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 156. Deep Vein Thrombosis Produces oedema & swelling, of the extremities because venous blood flows is inhibited. Other sign & symptom includes warm skin, prominent superficial vein & tenderness. Superficial Veins  The risk of superficial vein thrombi become dislodge is very rare because most of them dislodge spontaneously. The sign & symptom includes localized pain (tenderness), redness & warmth. 5/30/2023 156 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 157. Risk Factors for Deep Vein Thrombosis Endothelial damage-leg trauma, surgery, central venous catheters & local vein damage. Venous Stasis– immobilization, bed rest, obesity, history of varicosities & over 65 yrs.  Coagulopathy– malignancy, pregnancy, OC, polycythemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis 5/30/2023 157 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 158. Cont’d Preventive Measures– Elastic stocking for patient with venous insufficiency ,administration of subcutaneous heparin for surgical patient. Body position & exercise (elevate feet & lower leg periodically above the level of the heart, active & passive leg exercise & early ambulation). 5/30/2023 158 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 159. Cont’d…. Management – active application of the preventive measures should be applied. Contraindications to Anticoagulant therapy – bleeding from GI, GU, & Respiratory, severe hepatic or renal disease. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 159
  • 160. Varicose Veins Varicose vein (Varicosities) are abnormal dilated tortuous superficial vein caused by incompetent venous valves. Commonly occurs in lower extremities. 5/30/2023 160 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 161. Pathophysiology Primarily (with out involvement of deep veins) & Secondary (resulting from obstruction of deep veins). When superficial veins are affected the person may have no symptoms but may be troubled by cosmetic appearance of the dilated veins. 5/30/2023 161 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 162. Cont’d…  If symptoms present it includes dull pain; muscle cramps & increase muscle fatigue.  When deep vein obstruction oedema, pain, pigmentation, ulceration, & increase susceptibility to infection. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 162
  • 163. Management Surgery, Sclerotherapy (irritating chemicals such as 0.5 % Na tetradecyl sulphates is injected in to the vein, elastic bandages application, elevating the lower extremities & avoid long standing. 5/30/2023 163 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 165. Anaemia It is a condition in which the haemoglobin concentration is lower than normal.  It reflects the presences of fewer RBCs than normal in the circulation. As a result the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissue is decreased. 5/30/2023 165 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 166. Cont’d…  There are many kinds of anaemia; Some are due to inadequate production of RBC Premature excessive destruction of RBC  Blood loss Deficit in nutrients eg.vit  Heredity factor (unknown origin) & Chronic disease.  Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common anaemia in the world. 5/30/2023 166 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 167. Aetiology & Classification 1. Hypoproliferative anaemia - is a deficiency of RBCs because of their defect in their production. These are: A. Iron deficiency anaemia - because of decreased iron B. Megaloblastic anaemia - because of decreased 5/30/2023 167 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 168. Cont’d… C. Foliate deficiency anaemia - because of decreased or deficiency of folic acid. D. Aplastic anaemia- Anaemia due to bone marrow failure. When the bone marrow is depressed (e.g. by medication, tumours, toxin). 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 168
  • 169. Cont’d… 2. Haemorrhagic Anaemia - is anaemia due to excessive bleeding potentially occurring from any major source such as GIT, uterus, nose (epistaxis), wound etc. 2.1. Acute post haemorrhagic anaemia – It is anaemia resulted from an immediate haemorrhage example Accidents, Gunshot etc. 5/30/2023 169 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 170. Cont’d… 2.2. Normocytic Normochromic Anaemia ( Normal size of RBC & normal color of RBC)  It develops following large loss of blood. The sign & symptom of normocytic anaemia is RBC < 1000, 000/mm3, Leukopenia (< 2000/mm3), & Thrombocytopenia (< 300,000/mm3). 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 170
  • 171. Cont’d… 2.3. Chronic Blood Loss Anaemia – Anaemia due to chronic bleeding (Epistaxis, bleeding from cancerous lesion). 5/30/2023 171 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 172. Cont’d… 3. Haemolytic Anaemia – it may occur because of over active reticulo endothelial system(RES) or other problems. These can be:- 3.1- Sickle cell anaemia - cell lyses occurs because of the abnormal shape of RBCs. 5/30/2023 172 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 173. Cont’d…  It is a chronic hereditary disorder characterized by the presence of RBC that contains abnormal haemoglobin (Hgb). 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 173
  • 174. Cont’d… 3.2- Hypersplenism anaemia- RBCs cell lysis occurs because of hyperactive RES. 3.3. Anaemia b/c of haemolytic transfusion reaction – It is anaemia due to clumping of RBC (haemolysis).  Example Erythroblastosis fetalis. 5/30/2023 174 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 175. Cont’d…  Two types of haemolytic anaemia; Intracorpusular (haemolysis in the cell) example enzympathy (G6Pd) deficiency; fragile RBCs < 120 days Extracorpusular (haemolysis out side the cell) example trauma, & Protozoal infections (malaria). 5/30/2023 175 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 176. The three-hall marks of haemolytic anaemia are Decreased RBC life span (90-120 days), Increase number of RBC destroyed & Failure of the bone marrow to compensate for the vast number of RBC destroyed. 5/30/2023 176 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 177. Pathophysiology When anaemia occurs because of the above different reasons, the demand of oxygen will increase stimulating the heart to increase its out put. When this condition continues for longer period of time the heart finally fails to pump the required blood. 5/30/2023 177 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 178. Sign & Symptoms-  Retculocytosis (formation of immature RBCs),  Jaundice,  Cholelithiasis (Gallstone),  Hepatomegally,  Hyperbilirubinemia with high urinary & faecal uribilinogen) &  Haemoglobinemia,  Haemoglobinuria (especially with haemolytic), tachycardia, fast breathing, dyspnea, fatigue and edema. 5/30/2023 178 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 179. Management  Eliminate the cause e.g. Malaria  Fluid & electrolyte balance, Maintain renal function  Blood transfusion & Spleenectomy for autoimmune disorder.  Remove steroids, Antibiotics & vitamins to activate the bone marrow.  Oxygen, rest, maintain renal function,  Iron, folic acid, vitamin B 12 supplements.  Fluid and electrolyte balance. 5/30/2023 179 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 180. Nursing management-  Correct medication administration.  Monitoring the pt if the pt is taking fluid, blood, oxygen etc.  Pt educations on diet, avoidance of bare foot, prevention of hook warm related anaemia 5/30/2023 180 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 182. HEMORRHAGIC DISORDER 1. Purpura – is a bleeding in the skin, mucous membrane or the subcutaneous tissue. These hemorrhagic spots do not disappear on pressure. 2. Ecchymosis – larger purpuric haemorrhage 3. Pitachiae – these are tiny purpuric haemorrhage of pinpoint or pinhead sized purpura. 5/30/2023 182 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 183. 4. Thrombocytopenic purpura – purpura that occurs because of failure of the coagulation process. This may be due to deficiency of circulating blood platelets.  The reduced number of the thrombocytes may be primary or secondary. 5/30/2023 183 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 184. 5.Thrombocytopenia– is a condition in which the number of platelets is decreased because of decreased production by the bone marrow, increased destruction by the autoimmune reaction or increased consumption. 5/30/2023 184 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 185. Cause – A/ Primary or idiopatic thrombocytopenia – with unknown cause B/ Secondary thrombocytopenia – occurs as a result of depressed bone marrow activity that is associated with radiation exposure, drug sensitivity and anticancer drugs. 5/30/2023 Rahel N.ArsiU. 185
  • 186. Clinical manifestation. Pitachiae, nasals and gingival bleeding, heavy menses in women. Excessive bleeding after procedures, intracranial or intestinal hemorrhage. The purpuric area may appear on the skin (dry purpura) or on the mucous membrane (wet purpura) from the nose, GIT, GUT, lung. 5/30/2023 186 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 187. Management Platelet transfusion Rest, Corticosteroids Remove the medications that prolong the clotting time e.g. aspirin, quinine etc. Splenoctomy if more severe. 5/30/2023 187 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 188. 6. Haemophilia (Clotting Factor Defects)  It is a hereditary disease caused by deficiency of a clotting factor VIII (Haemophilia A) and factor IX (Haemophilia B)  Factor VIII deficiency is about 3 times more common.  Males are affected mostly.  Females are also affected but mostly they are asymptomatic. 5/30/2023 188 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 189. Clinical Presentations Spreading bruises & bleeding in to muscle, joint & soft tissues. Haemorrhage after minimal trauma Joint pain (joint haemorrhage in sever case), haematuria & GI bleeding. Pain, swelling and limited motion of the joints. Spontaneous hematuria, GIT bleeding. Many patient die before they reach adult hood. 5/30/2023 189 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 190. Management – IV administration of clotting factor VIII & IX. Never administer ASA (b/c it prolong the clotting time)  IM injections are contraindicated Complications Bleeding episodes. Ankylosis (fixation) of joint from haemorrhage Spontaneous haematuria & GI bleeding Risk of blood born infections due to repeated transfusion e.g. HIV, hepatitis virus. 5/30/2023 190 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 191. Nursing management – • Educate pt to avoid conditions that induce bleeding e.g. drugs (Aspirin, NSAIDs) & procedures. • Assist the pt to cope with the disease. • Avoid hazardous practice that cause injury • Cold compress to avoid joint pain, assess and quantify bleedings. 5/30/2023 191 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 193. POLYCYTHEMIA • Polycythemia refers to an increased volume of RBCs. It is a term used when the hematocrit is elevated (to more than 55% in males, more than 50% in females). • Dehydration (decreased volume of plasma) can cause an elevated hematocrit, but not typically to the level to be considered polycythemia. 5/30/2023 193 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 195. • Normal hematocrit at FMLH: –Male 47  5 percent –Female 42  5 percent • Normal hemoglobin at FMLH: –Male 15  2 gm/dl –Female 13.5  1.5 gm/dl 5/30/2023 195 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 196. Classification Polycythemia is classified as either • Primary polycythemia/ polycythemia vera • Secondary polycythemia 5/30/2023 196 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 197. A. Primary polycthemia  Is a proliferation disorder in which all the marrow cells that produce RBCs seem to have escaped from the normal control mechanism.  Here the myeloid cells from which RBCs are produced become out of the normal control mechanism.  The bone marrow is hyper cellular and consequently the number of the RBCs, platelets increase but the RBCs count is highly predominant. 5/30/2023 197 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 198. B. Secondary polycythemia Is caused by excessive production of erythropoetin. This may occur in response to a reduced amount of oxygen, which acts as a hypoxic stimulus as in COPD, or cyanotic heart disease. 5/30/2023 198 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 199. Clinical manifestation Hepato or splenomegally, Headache, dizziness, and pruiritis Complications  Thrombolytic disorder.  Excessive bleeding because of abnormal functioning platelets  CHF, hypertension, death 5/30/2023 199 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 200. Management Phlebotomy (removal of blood from the vein). Treating the primary cause  Antihistamines for the pruiritis Suppressing the function of the bone marrow by radioactive phosphorous etc. Fluid replacement 5/30/2023 200 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 201. Nursing Care Prevent complications (CHF); Avoid infections, Oral & skin care 5/30/2023 201 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 202. Leukaemia Leukaemia is a persistent unregulated and abnormal proliferation or accumulation of WBC in the bone marrow. There is also proliferation abnormally in the liver, spleen & lymph node & invasion of non- haematologic organs such as Meninges, GIT, Kidney, & Skin. 5/30/2023 202 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 203. Cause  unknown but genetic predisposition  radiation exposure viral pathogenesis and chemicals as benzene play a major role in the predisposition. 5/30/2023 203 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 204. classification Two types are there: - • Acute leukaemia • Chronic leukaemia 5/30/2023 204 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 205. Acute leukaemia  It may be lymphocytic (is the most common variety and common in children), granulocytic or monocytic. It is the most common cause of death from malignant disease in children. Clinical Manifestations – Acute onset with fever, general malaise, epistaxis. - Gum bleeding, muscular and joint pain. - Spleeno or hepathomegally. - Increased WBC count (as much as 20-50,000/ mm3 5/30/2023 205 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 206. Cont’d… • Complication –Bleeding –infection –death • Diagnosis – CBC shows decrease erythrocyte & platelets –Bone marrow specimen shows excess immature blast cells. 5/30/2023 206 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 207. B/ Chronic leukaemia  It is uncontrolled proliferation of immature WBCs from the bone marrow, spleen and liver. Clinical Manifestations  Many pts are asympyomatic but some may develop: Shortage of breath Confusion spleeno or hepatomegally Malaise Anorexia weight loss. 5/30/2023 207 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 208. Management • Chemotherapy and • Radiotherapy . 5/30/2023 208 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 209. Supportive Care  Administering blood products treat infections  Bone marrow transplantation after destruction of leukemic marrow by chemotherapy.  Rest and prevention of unnecessary expenditure of energy  Assisting the pt in turning and moving.  Increase fluid intake.  Encourage the pt on high calorie and high vitamin diet.  Advise the pt on oral hygiene and skin care. 5/30/2023 209 Rahel N.ArsiU.
  • 210. Prognosis With treatment survive an average of only one year.  The cause for death is infection or haemorrhage.  Untreated patients survive only about 2 –5 months. 5/30/2023 210 Rahel N.ArsiU.

Editor's Notes

  1. PREPARED BY BA 2011