District zakat committee, FSD

alifaisalabad il y a 13 ans

Evaluating zakat system in pakistan in the light

Dr. Naseem Razi Associate Professor of Law il y a 7 ans

Porters Diamond

Santosh Balaguru il y a 15 ans


Colby Rabideau il y a 11 ans

Constitution of Pakistan and Peoples Rights

Nazeer Mahar il y a 8 ans

Human rights and fundamental rights

vishnugud il y a 7 ans

Why nations-fail j-robinson

Perez Black il y a 9 ans

Forms of Government-Basic Ideas

Sameer Babu M il y a 8 ans

Islam, Islamism, and Islamophobia

elegantbrain il y a 9 ans

Religion and social change 1

Beth Lee il y a 9 ans

Science & Religion: Friends or Foes?

Dr. Liza Manalo, MSc. il y a 12 ans

Religion, Politics, and Development Essays in Development Economics and Political Economics

Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics il y a 9 ans

Chapter 13 religion

Adrian Christian Bulgan il y a 9 ans

Two questions part 1 religion and me

Blue Lotus Enterprises il y a 11 ans

Religious extremism in pakistan

Amna Kazim il y a 8 ans