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Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science
ISSN 3453-9875
It was established in November 2016 with support from the Norwegian Academy of Science.
The Scientific journal “Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science” is issued 24 times a year
and is a scientific publication on topical problems of science.
Editor in chief – Karin Kristiansen (University of Oslo, Norway)
The assistant of theeditor in chief – Olof Hansen
• James Smith (University of Birmingham, UK)
• Kristian Nilsen (University Centre in Svalbard, Norway)
• Arne Jensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
• Sander Svein (University of Tromsø, Norway)
• Lena Meyer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
• Hans Rasmussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
• Chantal Girard (ESC Rennes School of Business, France)
• Ann Claes (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
• Ingrid Karlsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
• Terje Gruterson (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway)
• Sander Langfjord (University Hospital, Norway)
• Fredrik Mardosas (Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway)
• Emil Berger (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway)
• Sofie Olsen (BioFokus, Norway)
• Rolf Ulrich Becker (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
• Lutz Jäncke (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
• Elizabeth Davies (University of Glasgow, UK)
• Chan Jiang(Peking University, China) and other independent experts
1000 copies
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science
Iduns gate 4A, 0178, Oslo, Norway
Kainbayeva Zh., Dzholdasbaeva A.
Pulatov Yu., Khakberdiev A.
INTERROGATION .........................................................6
Atalykova G., Ibratova F., Esanova Z.
AND PRACTICE...........................................................10
Abubakirova R., Zhacheva E.
Mykhailyuk N.
OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION ......................16
Sadykova I.
Nesprava M.
Rohova O., Karpan I., Reznikov S.
NEW UKRAINIAN SCHOOL.........................................37
Lyla M., Chyzhma D.
LANGUAGE LEARNING ..............................................41
Biletskaya M., Dudakova M.
Biletskaya M., Polumeeva D., Biletsky M.
ALIMENTARY OBESITY ...............................................53
Savina T.
CHILDREN WITH ASD.................................................55
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 3
Kainbayeva Zh.,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Fine Arts and Design,
West Kazakhstan University. M. Utemisova (Uralk) Republic of Kazakhstan
Dzholdasbaeva A.
1st year undergraduate EP Design of the West Kazakhstan University. M. Utemisova (Uralk)
Republic of Kazakhstan
Кайнбаева Ж.С.,
кандидат педагогических наук, зав. кафедрой изобразительного искусства и дизайна Западно-Ка-
захстанского университета им. М.Утемисова (г.Уральк) Республика Казахстан
Джолдасбаева А.Т.
магистрант 1 курса ОП Дизайн Западно-Казахстанского университета
им. М.Утемисова (г.Уральк) Республика Казахстан
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-3-5
The article is devoted to the study of the importance and significance of the use of visual images of material
culture in the design of modern interior solutions for an apartment, taking into account functionality, artistic con-
tent and aesthetic expressiveness, as well as in creating a project for an interior of a modern apartment using visual
images (paintings, wall panels, collages, etc. etc.)
Статья посвящена рассмотрению изучения важности и значимости использования визуальных образов
материальной культуры в дизайне современных интерьерных решений квартиры с учетом функциональ-
ности, художественного содержания и эстетической выразительности, а также в создании проекта ин-
терьера современной квартиры с использованием визуальных образов (картины, настенные панно, ко-
ллажи и т. д.)
Keywords: visual images, living space, subject-spatial content, subject interior, eclecticism, modern design
concepts, modern interior.
Ключевые слова: визуальные образы,жилое пространство,предметно-пространственное наполнение,
предметный интерьер,эклектика, современные дизайнерские концепции, современный интерьер.
Современный человек, сегодня творец соб-
ственного жилого пространства, он наполняет свое
жилое пространство предметами близкими и понят-
ными его эстетическому восприятию, а в конечном
итоге весь мир вещами. Через предметы он «изме-
няет» окружающее пространство, включает его в
материальную культуру, создает среду современ-
ного интерьера. Наполняя свой дом вещами, со-
здаем свое индивидуальное пространство, осознаем
территорию собственного комфортного интерьера.
Любое жилище, будь то квартира, коттедж, офис,
где живет или работает человек, имеет тенденцию
к обрастанию дорогими ему вещами и предметами,
будь то картины, милые вазочки, сувениры, книги
и т.д. [1].
Предметно-пространственное наполнение
среды современного интерьера это одна из основ-
ных задач дизайна жилой среды. В современном
дизайне жилой среды выделяют архитектурный и
предметный типы интерьера.
Предметный интерьер начал формироваться в
начале 19 века «В искусстве Бидермайер, относя-
щейся к австрийско-германской провинции, но по-
лучил законченное название в викторианской Ан-
глии. Викторианская эпоха была полна оптимизма,
все было радостно и эмоционально красиво. В этот
период Англия пережила промышленный подъем и
стала «творческой мастерской Европы»[2]. Есте-
ственно, что тогда развивалась и психология пред-
ставителей нового среднего класса, стремящихся
окружить себя атрибутами «богатой жизни». К
этим атрибутам можно отнести картины, графиче-
ские рисунки, скульптуры, предметы дорогой ме-
бели и т. Д. Это время характеризовалось эклектиз-
мом, сменой стилей.
Эклектика сопровождалась отрицательным
влиянием результатов промышленной революции.
Производство мануфактурным способом дешевило
любую картину, статуэтку, элемент декора, объем-
ную резьбу. Изготовление многих вещей сводилось
к созданию бутафории из папье-маше или краше-
ного гипса, или из жестяных пластин. По существу,
4 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
викторианский стиль Англии можно назвать сти-
лем подделок и имитаций, бутафории и суррогата,
в котором дешевые материалы при использовании
механической обработки создавали иллюзию бо-
гатства «доброй старой классической Англии» [3].
«Интерьер того времени был перегружен вещами,
не было свободного места. Создавалось впечатле-
ние, что люди опасаются пустоты в интерьере. Мы
купили много мебели и вещей. Интерьеры были пе-
регружены множеством декоративных элементов,
многое придавало интерьеру хаос, казалось, что хо-
зяину не хватало понятия вкуса и светского тона, в
таких помещениях не было абсолютно никакого
комфорта», - писал в своей книге о История внут-
реннего убранства К. Маккоркодейла [4].
Английский писатель Джеймс Дж. Вдохнов-
ленный интерьерами того времени, написал свои
ядовитые строки, посвященные хозяевам интерье-
ров того времени: «Они густо покрыли стены ми-
шурными орнаментами и вырезками с какими-то
странными наростами и выпуклыми складками дра-
пировок; Благодаря всевозможным безделушкам,
которые можно было подарить только горничным,
этот неописуемый комфорт мог доставить огром-
ное удовольствие слепым"[5].
Параллельно этому стилю в Англии, стиль Ма-
карт появился в Вене. Этот стиль получил свое
название от модного тогда австрийского худож-
ника Х. Макарта. Обязательными предметами та-
кого интерьера были огромные букеты из искус-
ственных цветов, помост, тронное кресло, искус-
ственные украшения, мебель в грубоватом нео-
стиле с обилием позолоты.
Эклектика в интерьере навеяна перенасыще-
нием рынка дешевыми низкокачественными това-
рами из-за механизации человеческого труда. Кон-
фликт между промышленным производством и ре-
меслом вызвал протесты интеллигенции, чутко
относящейся к художникам и теоретикам искус-
ства, в результате чего в Англии возникло антиэк-
лектическое движение [6].
Это движение возглавил Дж. Рескин. Рескин
ненавидел промышленное и мануфактурное произ-
водство и видел единственное спасение искусства в
возвращении к ранней готике, к навыкам средневе-
кового ремесла, когда мастер еще не был отчужден
от производства вещи. Он был убежден, что только
в средневековье, в эпоху гармонии искусства и
жизни, духовные, религиозные и нравственные
ценности преобладали над материальными. Дело Д.
Рескина продолжил его ученик У. Моррис - органи-
затор движения «Искусства и ремесла», ставившего
целью возрождение традиций средневекового руч-
ного ремесла. Эти начинания составили «антивик-
торианское» течение английского искусства сере-
дины XIX века [7].
По мнению Морриса, перед художниками по-
ставлена задача огромной важности – привить эсте-
тические вкусы обществу и развить его материаль-
ную культуру. Являясь противником промышлен-
ного производства викторианского эпохи, всю
жизнь боровшийся за открытость художественного
творчества, он был художником, во многом опреде-
лившим дальнейшие пути развития материальной
культуры. Уже одним своим стремлением уйти от
эклектики XX века и выработать целостный визу-
альный язык, «найти законы формообразования по
аналогии с живой природой, наполнить предметное
творчество актуальной философией и восприятием
мира материей, несомненно, был шагом вперед»
Сегодня предметы изобразительного искус-
ства захватили умы современных людей. В дизайне
интерьеров нет ни одного художественного стиля,
с помощью которого нельзя было бы разместить на
стене картину, серию графических работ, скульп-
туру и т. д.
В связи с этим взгляд дизайнеров последних
лет направлен на решение эстетических и культур-
ных проблем художественного наполнения средо-
вого пространства современного интерьера квар-
тиры и элементов, его образующих.
Следует отметить, что в последнее время оно
резко обострилось и обнаружило невиданную ранее
динамику, зависимость внутреннего пространства
от визуальных объектов. Внутренняя среда форми-
руется по разным причинам - цветовым предпочте-
ниям, стилистическим решениям. легкие градации,
а также от повышения смысловой функционально-
сти до конкретной индивидуализации товаров для
дома для конкретного потребителя - все это актуа-
лизирует концептуальные и практические вопросы,
связанные с повышением художественного уровня
культурно-бытовых товаров, и подтверждает про-
гнозную и реальную ценность выполненной работы
Современные дизайнерские концепции отли-
чаются разнообразием форм, функциональностью,
гибкостью и мобильностью. В зависимости от реги-
ональных социокультурных и экономических ха-
рактеристик, влияющих на процесс проектирова-
ния современного интерьера, его наполнение мате-
риальными объектами, составляющими целостную
систему, выражающую образ среды данного потре-
бителя, а также сами происходящие процессы в
этой среде существенно различаются в зависимости
от образа жизни их обитателей. Это делает задачу
создания образного содержания культурно-быто-
вых изделий крайне сложной, а выбор предлагае-
мых художественно-дизайнерских решений - дело
ответственное.Также необходимо учитывать тот
факт, что необходимо придать концептуальный об-
раз утилитарным продуктам - гибкость, способ-
ность отслеживать изменения в экономике и обще-
стве, перестраиваться применительно к более дина-
мичным социокультурным требованиям и
Концепция исследования сформирована на ос-
нове теоретических положений, разработанных В.
Сидоренко, А. Рубиным, Н. Вороновым, К. Кондра-
тьевой, Е. Лазаревым, С. Хан-Магомедовым, Г. Де-
мосфеновой, Э. Жердевым и др., и предполагает ту
трансформацию среды в объект, который, увеличи-
вая в ней художественное и образное содержание,
должен усиливать гуманизацию, экологизацию
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 5
культуры нашей повседневной жизни на всех уров-
нях - от художественного образа единое произведе-
ние с образным содержанием средообразующей си-
стемы элементов культурно-бытового назначения
во всех аспектах - от освоения достижений передо-
вых инженерных технологий до новых способов
возрождения народного творчества [8].
Таким образом, необходимо моделировать на
типологическом уровне в качестве основного
структурного компонента те явления и процессы,
которые находят отражение в культурно-историче-
ском разрезе и выражение образа жизни в стилисти-
ческом воплощении. Также необходимо принять во
внимание тот факт, что современный образ жизни
сегодня уже не только в сравнении даже с прошлым
веком, но такой исследовательский и дизайнерский
подход объяснил бы его собственные несравненные
художественные ценности, которые он выдвигает
смыслообразование художественных изделий для
интерьерных решений.
Тенденция нашего времени открывать слож-
ное в простом, универсальное в малом и актуальное
в забытом, окрасила художественное и творческое
восприятие дизайна, создавая современные интерь-
ерные решения в новых тонах. На основании выше-
изложенного была обозначена исследовательская
проблема, направленная на изучение использова-
ния визуальных образов материальной культуры в
дизайне современных интерьерных решений.
Цель исследования: теоретически обосновать,
проанализировать важность и значимость исполь-
зования визуальных образов материальной куль-
туры в дизайне современных интерьерных решений
квартиры с учетом функциональности, художе-
ственного содержания и эстетической выразитель-
ности, а также в создании проекта интерьера совре-
менной квартиры с использованием визуальных об-
разов (картины, настенные панно, коллажи и т. д.)
- рассмотреть возможность понимания «визу-
ального образа» в теории искусства и дизайна;
- проанализировать теоретические положения
и терминологические определения понятия визу-
альных образов материальной культуры;
- определить роль использования визуальных
образов материальной культуры в дизайне совре-
менных интерьерных решений;
- выявить современные тенденции изменения
роли и места художественного образа в утилитар-
ной среде;
- Разработать дизайн-проект современного ин-
терьера квартиры с использованием визуальных об-
разов материальной культуры как объектов средо-
вого содержания.
Ожидаемые результаты: в ходе проведения ма-
гистерского исследования будут проанализиро-
ваны теоретические положения и терминологиче-
ские определения понятия визуальных образов ма-
териальной культуры, определена роль
использования визуальных образов материальной
культуры в проектировании современных интерь-
ерных решений, выявлены современные тенденции
дизайна к изменению роли и места художествен-
ного стиля интерьера в проектировании жилой
среды средствами визуализации (картины, настен-
ные панно, коллажи и т.д.), а также будет разрабо-
тан дизайн-проект современного интерьера квар-
тиры с использованием визуальных образов мате-
риальной культуры (картины, настенные панно,
коллажи и т.д.) как объектов средового наполнения.
1. Моррис, У. Искусство и жизнь. Избранные
статьи, лекции, речи, письма. / У. Моррис. - М.,
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2. Фар-Беккер Г. Искусство модерна / Пер. с
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3. Стерноу, С.А. Арт-Нуво. Дух прекрасной
эпохи / С.А. Стерноу. - Минск: Белфакс, 1997. – 126
с, ил.
4. Сарабьянов, Д.В. Модерн. История стиля /
Д. В. Сарабьянов. - М.: Галарт, 2001. - 344 с, ил.
5. Моран, А. де. История декоративно-при-
кладного искусства / Пер с фр. / А. де Моран. - М.:
Искусство, 1982. - 577 с; ил.
6. Пузанов, В.И. Лицом к лицу с модерном //
Техническая эстетика. - 1990. - № 10.
7. Курьерова, Г.Г. О судьбах понятия «стиль»
и стилевого анализа в дизайне.//Проблемы стиля в
современном дизайне. - М., ВНИИТЭ, 1998 - 123 с.
8. Лаврентьев, А.Н. История дизайна: учеб.
пособие /А.Н. Лаврентьев. - М.: Гардарики, 2006. -
303 с, ил.
6 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
Pulatov Yu.,
Doctor of Law, Professor
Military Technical Institute of the National Guard
Republic of Uzbekistan
Khakberdiev A.
senior teacher of Tashkent
State Law University
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-6-9
The article discusses the features of interrogation in compliance with the norms of criminal procedure legis-
lation, the content of the psychological preparation of the investigator for interrogation of a suspect, a witness, as
well as the types of factors affecting the effectiveness of interrogation. It is concluded that during interrogation it
is prohibited to use violence, physical and psychological, and deception, as well as a professional investigator to
be an intellectual, a good psychologist, and have a high level of legal awareness.
Keywords: features, conduct, interrogation, tactics, legality, criminal procedure legislation, investigator, psy-
One of the most important investigative actions,
from which, according to Art. 2 of the Criminal Proce-
dure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan depends on
the rapid and complete disclosure of crimes, the expo-
sure of the perpetrators, is interrogation. From the
standpoint of the criminal process of forensic science,
interrogation is the receipt of information from the in-
terrogated about the crime being investigated.
Interrogation in legal psychology is a communica-
tion between the investigator and the interrogated, dur-
ing which the influence on the mental, emotional and
volitional sphere of the latter is carried out, regulated
within the framework of the law, using psychological
methods, in order to obtain from him complete and cor-
rect information about the events and facts of interest
to the investigation1
From the point of view of psychology, thus, inter-
rogation can be defined as a process of communication
and influence on the interrogated.
The psychological patterns of human communica-
tion during interrogation have their own specific fea-
Interrogation is regulated by the norms of criminal
procedure legislation, according to which the investiga-
tor is endowed with the function of managing commu-
A situation arises between the investigator and the
interrogated forced communication, which affects the
mental state of the interrogated.
The criminal procedure legislation established that
the results of the interrogation between the investigator
Sirliev B.I. Psychology of law enforcement: A textbook. -
T.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Repub-
lic of Uzbekistan, 2010.
Pulatov Yu.S., Bababekov N.D. Questions and answers on
the tactics of individual investigative actions: Handbook. - T
.: MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2016. - P. 25-26.
Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS
and the interrogated must be certified in the interroga-
tion protocol2
Interrogation presupposes inequality in the ex-
change of information from the outset. On the part of
the investigator, it is always extremely limited. A clear
regulation of the interrogation, its volume, quantity,
quality, sequence of transmission of information by the
investigator is an indispensable condition for its effec-
tive conduct.
The conduct of this investigative action differs
from other investigative actions in a number of im-
portant psychological features. Moreover, there are
both positive and negative aspects3
On the positive side, these features are manifested
in the following:
– interrogation is easier to carry out than other in-
vestigative actions;
– the effectiveness of its implementation largely
depends on the professional skill of the investigator;
– it can be carried out again, if something is
missed, it can be postponed.
Negative features are manifested in the following:
– the presence of psychological barriers in com-
– the dependence of the results of the interrogation
on the reliability of the testimony of witnesses and vic-
– technical difficulties in conducting an interroga-
Like any other investigative action, interrogation
has its own psychological content:
REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019.
– №. 11-2. – С. 55-61.
Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observation-Bank-
ruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Economic Court of Uz-
bekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 7
– study of the psychological characteristics of the
person being interrogated: his motives, interests, char-
acteristics of temperament and character, etc.;
– change in the mental state of the person being
interrogated: affective, frustrating, etc.;
– establishing psychological contact with the per-
son being interrogated and developing a trusting rela-
tionship with him5
– providing lawful psychological influence on the
person being interrogated;
– the use of tactical and psychological techniques
to obtain information on the case under investigation.
Interrogation is an independent and complex type
of activity, consisting of a set of individual actions,
which in the psychological literature is represented by
certain stages6
Psychological readiness is a prerequisite for the ef-
fectiveness of any human activity. Willingness is the
selective activity of an individual aimed at obtaining
the result of the chosen activity.
How to determine the level of psychological prep-
aration of an investigator for interrogation based on his
If the interrogation is conducted uncertainly, with-
out a specific system, inconsistently, then this is evi-
dence that the investigator is not prepared for it.7
What is the content of the psychological prepara-
tion of the investigator for the interrogation of the sus-
pect, witness, etc.?
Psychological preparation involves [4]:
– awareness of the need to obtain information
from the person being interrogated;
– determination of the purpose of the interroga-
– foreseeing the conditions in which the interroga-
tion will take place, using one's past experience in such
– determining the most appropriate tactical tech-
niques and developing a mental plan for the interroga-
tion 8
The investigator must know where to start the in-
terrogation, what questions to ask, what psychological
techniques to use to influence the interrogated. The in-
vestigator adjusts to a certain behavior during interro-
gation, takes into account the opposition from the inter-
rogated. Outwardly, psychological readiness for inter-
rogation is manifested in confident movements,
persuasive speech, etc., which, of course, the interro-
gated also feels. In addition, a number of factors affect
the effectiveness of interrogation.
Factors affecting the effectiveness of interroga-
Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal sys-
tems: cases and collisions. – 2017.
Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. -
T .: "Adolat", 2018.
Барышова М. В. и др. Социальное предприниматель-
ство: научные исследования и практика. – 2019.
Пулатов Ю.С., Бабабеков Н.Д. Тактика производства
отдельных следственных действий в вопросах и ответах:
Пособие. – Т.: ТВВТУ МВД Республики Узбекистан,
2016. - С. 111-112.
Isroilov D. On the question of the tactical significance of
preparing an investigator for interrogation // Tactics and
– choice of time and place of interrogation;
– exposure to extraneous stimuli;
– the situation in the investigator's office;
– the use of tape recording;
– the behavior of the investigator during interro-
When conducting an interrogation, it is necessary
to take into account the psychology of its participants,
depending on the category of persons to be interro-
gated. The investigator announces who the person will
be interrogated, his procedural rights and offers to tes-
tify on the merits. The interrogated gives testimony in
free form. The investigator analyzes this information
and, depending on their assessment, selects methods of
psychological influence, with the help of which the sus-
pect is not only assisted in restoring individual facts and
events, but also internal hesitations are overcome when
deciding to give truthful testimony.
Необходимым условием успешного проведе-
ния допроса является установление психологиче-
ского контакта с допрашиваемым. Необходимость
установления такого контакта обусловлена следую-
щими обстоятельствами.
A prerequisite for successful interrogation is the
establishment of psychological contact with the inter-
rogated. The need to establish such contact is due to the
following circumstances.
The simplest interrogation situation is conflict-
free. This situation is characterized by an actively be-
nevolent position of the interrogated in relation to the
investigation and a sincere desire to help the investiga-
tor to know the truth in the case9
Difficulties in this situation may arise as follows:
– errors of perception - once distorted mental im-
ages of once perceived events and facts that have arisen
under the influence of some objective and subjective
reasons (external hindrances and shortcomings of the
psychophysiological state at the time of perception10
– errors of reproduction - inaccurate ideas about
the essence or qualities of an object that have developed
in the mind of a person. In this case, the object or its
individual property is perceived correctly, but its as-
sessment is at odds with the generally accepted one;
– forgetting - forgetting, freeing a person's RAM
from unnecessary information11
– conscientious failure to communicate all infor-
mation to the investigation.
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult, almost im-
possible to eliminate errors of perception.
The technique of clarity is used to correct repro-
duction errors. Sometimes it is difficult to correctly
name the color of an object, describe its shape, identify
methods of interrogation in court: the experience of Uzbeki-
stan and Germany. Collection of articles / Responsible editor
А. G'afurov. T .: Adolat, 2013. - p. 115-120.
Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases
in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of
the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые проблемы при-
знания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей
в Республике Узбекистан //Вопросы современной юрис-
пруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-6 (47).
8 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
the object itself[6]. To help the interrogated, the interior
of the investigator's office, the landscape outside the
window, (search for similar forms), various catalogs
(colors - in all senses, items of clothing, tools) can be
To overcome obstacles of the third kind, such a
feature of the human psyche as associative thinking is
used. The adjacency technique allows you to recall the
circumstances of interest to the consequence by refer-
ring to events, facts or phenomena that are in a spatial
or temporal (simple association) connection. It is pos-
sible to present any object related to the crime. In the
process of recognizing the object, the interrogated re-
calls many circumstances associated with it. An exam-
ple of complex (semantic, sensory) associations can be
mnemonics - a method of memorization, which consists
in creating images with a pre-developed code that en-
codes words, events, dates. Often those interrogated
find it difficult to remember the nickname, surname, to
describe the appearance of a certain person. For this,
the investigator must have at hand special reference
books and albums.
Also, to overcome forgetfulness, the contrast tech-
nique is used. It is suitable in cases where the interro-
gated initially answers the question “forgot”, “I don’t
remember”. Then it is proposed to compare, according
to some parameters, the objects or persons in question
(if there were several objects of perception).
Departure for interrogation at the scene is possi-
ble. In this case, a number of simple and complex asso-
ciations are aroused in the person being interrogated,
which greatly facilitates recall.
There are cases when the interrogated, due to ab-
sent-mindedness, his own considerations about the
value of the material presented, does not report some
circumstances that are important for the investigation.
In this regard, it is necessary to explain to him that any
details may be useful and necessary, ask him to tell eve-
rything that he can remember, in chronological order
from some earlier date than the crime (when I first
thought about the possibility of committing this act), or
try to change the sequence of events, making the read-
ings as detailed as possible.
It also happens that a conscientious interrogator
cannot remember anything due to excessive internal
stress. Mental stress is usually indicated by visible en-
slavement, stiffness in speech, movements, reactions,
or, conversely, increased motor skills, absent-minded-
ness and other behavioral anomalies. To eliminate the
indicated interference, the investigator must reassure
the interrogated - encourage him, express gratitude for
his cooperation. Many defendants do not understand
the importance of actively helping the investigation. In
this situation, the investigator should explain to the ac-
cused, preferably using examples, the existence of such
a mitigating circumstance.
However, one should not forget about the "pit-
falls" of such active cooperation of the accused. It is
Salimova I. M. The Concept Of Relevance In Civil And
Economic Procedural Law And Its Relationship With Other
Legal Categories //Journal of Contemporary Issues in Busi-
ness and Government. – 2021. – Т. 27. – №. 1. – С. 362-
important to find out the motives for helping the inves-
tigation, because among them there may be a desire to
avoid responsibility for another, unrelated crime.
In case of conflict behavior of the offender, it is
very important to find out the reasons why he does not
want to make contact12
. Among the most typical mo-
tives are the fear of criminal liability, the belief that the
investigation will not collect the necessary evidence.
Sometimes, among the motives, there is a desire to
shield accomplices (this is especially typical for minors
and members of criminal associations). The most ver-
satile and general interrogation technique is called "ex-
posing a lie" and is used in combination with other tech-
niques or (less often) separately. Its essence lies in the
use of internal and external contradictions in the testi-
mony of the person under investigation to overcome his
negative position in relation to the investigation.
The use of the positive qualities of the interrogated
is also closely related. Skillfully comparing the positive
qualities of the accused, who understands the immoral-
ity of the act he has committed and still gives false tes-
timony, with his high authority, great merits in the past
or present, the investigator can convince the accused to
tell the truth, increasing his sense of guilt.
When interrogating persons who actively resist in
establishing the truth in the case and have certain
knowledge in the criminal law sphere, it is not uncom-
mon for these persons to discredit the evidence at the
disposal of the investigation. In this case, the investiga-
tor, before presenting such evidence, must in a veiled
form find out and record the person's attitude to the
source of information. This technique is called "distrac-
There is also a trick of "inertia". Its essence lies in
creating such a situation in which the interrogated, un-
willingly, says too much. Creating the conditions for
the application of this technique, the investigator con-
ducts a conversation with the person on some abstract
topic. At the moment when the conversation has been
going on for quite a long time and the investigator sees
that the interrogated has relaxed and does not expect a
catch, it is important not to change the tempo, tone, vol-
ume, emotional coloring of the voice to ask the question
that interests the investigation. It is very likely that the
accused will give a truthful answer by inertia. When he
realizes, two options are possible: either the person re-
fuses to sign the protocol and the reception can be con-
sidered unsuccessful, or the accused realizes the further
uselessness of the denials and voluntarily goes to the
aid of the investigation.
Evidence, based on tactical considerations, can be
presented in one or during a series of interrogations.
In relation to the presentation of evidence, the
terms "strength of evidence", "strong evidence"13
. The
term "strong, compelling evidence" should be under-
stood as "evidence that stands out with a special emo-
tional coloring, as well as that evidence that, for various
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 9
reasons, the interrogated person perceives as decisive
in exposing him".
When none of the evidence available in the case
can separately prove the fact that the investigator needs
and thereby influence the accused without supporting
other evidence, they should be used in aggregate14
Some tactical techniques raise doubts about their
admissibility, stand on the verge of permitted and pro-
hibited 15
The use of violence, physical and mental, and decep-
tion is definitely prohibited during interrogation. Also, it
is not allowed to excite base feelings in the interrogated.
From the above, it should be concluded that a profes-
sional investigator should:
– to be an intellectual;
– a good psychologist;
– have a high level of legal awareness.
1. Sirliev B.I. Psychology of law enforcement: A
textbook. - T.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Af-
fairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2010.
2. Pulatov Yu.S., Bababekov N.D. Questions and
answers on the tactics of individual investigative
actions: Handbook. - T .: MIA of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, 2016. - P. 25-26.
3. Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES
UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11-
2. – С. 55-61.
4. Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of
Observation-Bankruptcy Procedures Applicable by the
Economic Court of Uzbekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. &
Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187.
5. Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern
legal systems: cases and collisions. – 2017.
6. Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. - T .: «Adolat», 2018.
7. Барышова М. В. и др. Социальное
предпринимательство: научные исследования и
практика. – 2019.
8. Пулатов Ю.С., Бабабеков Н.Д. Тактика
производства отдельных следственных действий в
вопросах и ответах: Пособие. – Т.: ТВВТУ МВД
Республики Узбекистан, 2016. - С. 111-112.
9. Isroilov D. On the question of the tactical
significance of preparing an investigator for
interrogation // Tactics and methods of interrogation in
court: the experience of Uzbekistan and Germany.
Collection of articles / Responsible editor А. G'afurov.
T .: Adolat, 2013. - p. 115-120.
10. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in
bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian
Journal of Development of the International Science. –
2019. – №. 28-3.
11. Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые
проблемы признания банкротами индивидуальных
предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан
//Вопросы современной юриспруденции. – 2015. –
№. 5-6 (47).
12. Salimova I. M. The Concept Of Relevance In
Civil And Economic Procedural Law And Its
Relationship With Other Legal Categories //Journal of
Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. –
2021. – Т. 27. – №. 1. – С. 362-369.
13. Эсанова З. Н. УЧАСТНИКИ
СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 447-453.
14. Пирматов О. Разрешение споров в режиме
онлайн это новый этап виртуализации
гражданского судопроизводства //Review of law
sciences. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. Спецвыпуск.
15. Хайрулина А. Б. МЕЖДУНАРОДНО-
тадқиқотлар» электрон журнали. – 2019. – №.
16. Эсанова З. УЧАСТНИКИ
sciences. – 2020. – №. 3.
ООН //«Ҳуқуқий тадқиқотлар» электрон журнали. –
2019. – №. SPECIAL IS.
sciences. – 2020. – №. 3.
10 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
Atalykova G.,
Senior Lecturer of the South Kazakhstan
State University named after M. Auezov,
Doctor of Philosophy.
Ibratova F.,
Associate Professor of the Tashkent State
Law University, Ph.D.
Esanova Z.
Professor of the Tashkent State
Law University, Doctor of Law
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-10-13
The article examines the social significance of invalidation of adoption, theoretical and practical aspects of
cancellation and invalidation, legal differences in the invalidity of adoption from its cancellation. It is proposed to
make an addition to the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Chapter 292. Invalidation of the
adoption of a child".
Keywords: invalidation, adoption, orphans, protection of civil rights, civil procedure, cancellation of adop-
The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On
Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts
of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated April 30, 2013
No.ZRU-352, Article 168 of the Investigative Commit-
tee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on invalidating adop-
tion was canceled16
. In the resolution of the Plenum of
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On
the practice of the application of legislation by courts
in cases of adoption" dated December 11, 2013 No. No.
21, it is explained, if a judicial authority is declared in-
valid, adoption can only take place as determined by the
loss of force by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated April 30, 2013, Article 168 of the Family Code,
and only in relation to the child whose child was
adopted before that time: if the adoption decision was
based on false documents; if the adoption is in fictitious
form; in case of adoption of an adult person; when the
adopted child is not eligible for adoption in accordance
with article 152 of the Family Code and in other cases17
Both legal mechanisms remain in the legislation of
Kazakhstan: the recognition of the adoption as invalid
and the cancellation of the adoption.
Noting the social significance of invalidating
adoption, B.A. Dzhandarbek argues that invalidation is
one of the most significant of the limited choice of
means, which serves to protect the legal interests of the
adopted child, in the hands of unscrupulous people, in
rare cases, from criminals. The danger is especially se-
Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Vedomosti of
the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1998, appen-
dix to No. 5-6; 2003, no. 1, art. 8; 2004, No. 1-2, Art. eight-
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Re-
public of Uzbekistan "On the practice of the courts' applica-
tion of legislation on adoption cases" dated December 11,
2013 No. 21.
Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de-
gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh-
stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111.
rious in the case of adoption by foreign nationals: inter-
national adoption. Publications appearing in the media
testify to the phenomenon of transnational crime, one
of the objects of which is18
Article 92 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakh-
stan "On Marriage (Matrimony) and the Family" sets
out the main conditions (reasons) for declaring an adop-
tion invalid. It is recognized as invalid in the following
cases: 1) the decision on adoption was made on the ba-
sis of forged documents; 2) adoption without parental
consent, as required by law; 3) adoption by marriage
without the consent of the other spouse; 4) adoption, by
spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as in-
competent or partially capable19
One of the most important problems, which is sig-
nificant in theoretical and practical aspects20
, is to iden-
tify the true correlation between the concepts of revo-
cation and invalidation. It should be noted that earlier
literature suggested that in principle one term could be
considered “revocation of adoption”. This path has
gone into modern Russian legislation, where there is no
concept of invalidation of adoption21
German law also allows the possibility of invali-
dating an adoption. In Germany, an adoption can only
be declared invalid in strictly established cases, for ex-
ample, the lack of prior parental consent, as well as the
adoption was obtained through deception, deception
and threats (according to statistics, the number of these
processes compared to the total number of adoptions is
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On marriage (matri-
mony) and family" dated December 26, 2011 No. 518-IV ЗРК
// Bulletin of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
2011, December, No. 22 (2599), art. 174.
Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal sys-
tems: cases and collisions. – 2017.
СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 547-552.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 11
10%). In this case, the judicial authority will declare the
adoption illegal. The statute of limitations for these
cases is three years. During this time, a reverse absorp-
tion procedure is possible. In Germany, this is called
de-adoption. This happens primarily in the interests of
the child, when mutual understanding does not develop
between him and his new parents, and his future life in
a new family becomes unbearable. The result of such a
court decision is that, on the one hand, there is the pos-
sibility of the child returning to his biological parents
in his family, and on the other hand, the possibility of
adoption by other people. When deciding on adoption,
a court in Germany must be guided, above all, by re-
specting and protecting the interests of the child22
Agreeing with the views of V.A. Ryasentsev, it
must be emphasized that there are some differences in
the invalidity of adoption from its cancellation:
– firstly, the cancellation of adoption, in contrast
to the recognition of the adoption as invalid, can be
based on general categories, this means taking into ac-
count the poor living conditions of the child. Ac-
ceptance of invalidity of adoption is carried out only in
cases strictly provided for by law;
– secondly, when the adoption is canceled, the re-
lationship between the adoptive parent and the adopted
child ends in the future, and when the adoption is de-
clared invalid, it is considered invalid from the moment
of adoption, that is, the court decision is retroactive;
– thirdly, the cancellation of adoption is allowed if
it does not contradict the interests of the child and the
law does not contain this clause, which recognizes the
invalidity of adoption. If there are legitimate reasons,
the adoption must be declared unconditionally invalid;
– fourth, when the adoption is canceled, the adopt-
er's surname and patronymic may be retained, and
when the adoption is invalidated, this option will not be
– fifthly, when the adoption is canceled, the obli-
gation to pay alimony in favor of the adopted parent
may be imposed on the adoptive parent; when the adop-
tion is recognized, it is not provided. However, if he
harmed the child, a fine may be charged;
– sixth, only parents have the right to demand the
cancellation of adoption, the guardianship and trustee-
ship body, but any other person has the right to demand
the invalidation of adoption in addition to them23
A.I. Pergament noted that when the adoption is
canceled, the rights and obligations cease only for the
future, and when invalidated, it is considered that they
Buyanova E. V. Adoption procedure under the legislation
of foreign countries: monograph / E. V. Buyanova. - Oren-
burg: LLC IPK "Universitet", 2013. - P. 21.
Ryasentsev V.A. Cancellation of adoption and its invalida-
tion // Soviet justice. 1970. No. 16. - P.78.
Parchment A.I. Fundamentals of Marriage and Family
Legislation. –M .: Knowledge, 1969. –S. 130-131
Commentary on the Code of Marriage and Family of the
Kazakh SSR / Ed. Yu.G. Basin and M.A. Vaksberg. Alma-
Ata: Kazakhstan, 1972. - P. 149.
Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de-
gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh-
stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111.
did not arise at all, and therefore did not exist at all24
Yu.G. Basina, noting that in the recognition of adoption
as invalid, the rights and obligations that arise during
adoption are considered without a valid reason and,
therefore, do not exist25
Yu. G. Basin pointed out the possibility of a wide
range of legal grounds that are not directly provided for
in family law, but which must be taken into account in
recognizing the invalidity of adoption.
According to B.A. Dzhandarbek, a logical ques-
tion arises as to why it was proposed to use the analogy
of law, and not the analogy of law, that is, the norms of
family law that regulate similar relations: the invalidity
of marriage. In this connection, it should be noted that
the similarity of relations does not lead to a successful
combination of their legal regulation. In the civil legis-
lation of Kazakhstan, issues of invalidity and possible
legal actions - transactions are taken into account in dif-
ferent ways. Therefore, taking into account the relevant
norms of civil law, this is of great importance in the
study and in the invalidation of adoption26
It should be noted that the fictitious nature of
adoption is distinguished by a characteristic that is not
characteristic of other fictitious actions27
, for example,
a fictitious marriage, fictitious divorce and all imagi-
nary conclusions. Since then, the false nature of these
actions and conclusions is well known to all their par-
. But with the fictitious nature of adoption,
the child, not knowing this condition, serves as a means
for the adoptive parent to achieve his selfish goals, be-
coming completely helpless and defenseless.
We agree with the opinion of B.A. Dzhandarbek
that in family law it is necessary to provide an inde-
pendent basis for the invalidity of adoption as a ficti-
tious nature of adoption. The use of legal analogy is
only a temporary measure that does not fill the gaps in
existing family law. The importance of developing cri-
teria for fictitious adoption is of great practical im-
portance. This is due to the fact that in family law it is
impossible to distinguish between adoption by the type
of invalidity, as in civil law. In civil law, one can dis-
tinguish between the invalidity of transactions based on
their contradiction to the law (Article 18 of the Civil
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and the invalidity
of an imaginary conclusion (Article 169 of the Civil
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)29
It should be noted that in paragraph 21 of the Reg-
ulation on the adoption of minors and the adoption of
Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые проблемы при-
знания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей
в Республике Узбекистан //Вопросы современной юрис-
пруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-6 (47).
Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS
REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019.
– №. 11-2. – С. 55-61.
Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de-
gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh-
stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111.
12 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
children in the family for upbringing (patronage), ap-
proved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 12, 1999. No. 171,
one of the grounds for invalidation is fictitious adop-
tion, which currently has legal force. In addition, the
adoption is considered invalid if: the adoption was car-
ried out in accordance with forged documents; the
adoption was fictitious; adopted by an adult; an adop-
tive parent is a person who does not have the right to be
an adoptive parent, that is, without parental rights or
limited parental rights, is recognized legally incapaci-
tated or partially incapacitated, registered in psychiatric
or narcotic institutions, previously convicted of an in-
tentional crime, as well as a former adoptive parent in
case of refusal adoption.
The specificity of adoption is such that it cannot
have various illegal contents, otherwise the court will
not consider the conditions of adoption fulfilled. How-
ever, the adopter may pursue the same illegal goals that
were mentioned above with regard to adoption, this
may include the exploitation of his labor, participation
in begging, trafficking in children, and so on. The in-
validation of an adoption is only possible because of its
fictitious nature30
, which means that it is not intended
to create an adoption relationship, which at the same
time covers a wide range of life situations where a mi-
nor may be the victim of a criminal and a fraudster.
In addition, other addiction motives of the adopt-
ees who were forced to take an inactive position in
court are also sufficient to invalidate the adoption.
Thus, B.A. Dzhandarbek attributes the following types
of actions associated with vices of will: first, the mis-
conception of parents about their rights and the rights
of adoptive parents, the best interests of the child and
other circumstances. Threats and violence against par-
ents may make them unable to protect their rights and
prohibit adoption. In this case, the defect is an incorrect
(due to external factors) education of will in relation to
adoption, as a result, these people have a negative or
neutral attitude to their family law, neutral or positive
regarding the future legal status of the adoptive parent,
and also refuses or partially refrains from realizing their
own procedural rights. Secondly, adoption by one per-
son without the consent of the other spouse. The lack
of consent of the second spouse leads to a decision
against the will, which has legal significance. Thirdly,
adoption by spouses, one of whom is recognized by the
court as incompetent or partially. If one of the spouses
is incompetent or partially unable to act, the legal will
of the participant in the adoption relationship cannot be
formed for objective reasons31
The concept of civil law provides for the division
of transactions into voidable ones. A similar division
exists in the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
as well as in many CIS countries, namely the Russian
Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observation-Bank-
ruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Economic Court of Uz-
bekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С.
Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de-
gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh-
stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 116.
Federation, it is not in the Civil Code of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. The contested transaction is invalidated
by a court decision, and the court decision is not obliged
to invalidate the transaction. However, this feature is
not reliable enough. If at least one of the parties to the
transaction does not agree with his assessment, the
court decision cannot be omitted. According to Yu. G.
Bastin, in essence, it is not a question of whether or not
to request judicial recognition of the invalidity of the
transaction, but about whose interests (private or pub-
lic) were violations in resolving the transaction and also
who has the right to apply to the court. organ with the
proper condition. The same conclusions can be applied
to the invalidity of an adoption. But it must be empha-
sized that inadmissible adoption always violates some-
one else's legal interests: private, public, or both. Thus,
inadmissible adoption is always a combination of ac-
tions of several subjects or one subject that violate the
rights and interests of certain subjects. B.A.Dzhandar-
bek defines three main signs of invalidity of adoption:
1) nullity from the point of view of causing the legal
consequences of the adoption of the actions of the par-
ticipants in these relations; 2) harmfulness (meaning
the violation of both the rights and the legally protected
interests of individuals); 3) the obvious unlawfulness of
the behavior of the adoption participants. In his opin-
ion, the recognition of the invalidity of adoption im-
plies the presence of all three characters32
Therefore, it is important that in the event of the
alleged invalidity of the adoption due to the lack of will
of the participant, an assessment of the behavior of the
adoptive parent and the circumstances that took place
at the time of the consideration of the case in court and
its decision is made. In addition, the behavior and legal
will of the adoptive parent and some other participants
in the adoption are important. Thus, when it comes to
deliberate adoption or actions that have caused signifi-
cant damage to the interests of the adopted child or
other people, as a result of which the resulting defect of
unscrupulous participants33
, which is of value for adop-
tion, the adoption, of course, should be recognized as
Another aspect arises - the civil procedure, which
must be considered, since the recognition of an adop-
tion as invalid differs from transactions in that it is es-
tablished by a court decision. Transactions can be rec-
ognized by the court as having no legal consequences,
since, thus, the protection of civil rights is ensured and
this method is directly indicated in Article 9 of the Civil
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Although the pos-
sibility of recognizing an adoption as invalid is also
provided for in family law and, within the meaning of
its norms, is also a way to protect family rights, proce-
dural norms should be established in the Code of Civil
Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re-
public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de-
gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh-
stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P.119.
Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases
in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of
the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 13
Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan for consider-
ing cases on recognizing an adoption as invalid.
In addition, in order to ensure the protection of the
rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of orphans and
children left unattended by their parents, it would be
advisable to restore the norms of the Family Code of
the Republic of Uzbekistan on the recognition of adop-
tion as invalid.
In order to legally resolve cases on invalidating the
adoption of a child and based on the practice of Latvia
(Chapter 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Re-
public of Latvia), it is proposed to amend the Code of
Civil Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the
Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
a separate chapter "Chapter 292. Invalidation of the
adoption of a child".
1. Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Vedomosti of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uz-
bekistan, 1998, appendix to No. 5-6; 2003, no. 1, art. 8;
2004, No. 1-2, Art. eighteen.
2. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the practice
of the courts' application of legislation on adoption
cases" dated December 11, 2013 No. 21.
3. Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adop-
tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan (theory and prac-
tice). Diss. for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.
The Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P.
4. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On mar-
riage (matrimony) and family" dated December 26,
2011 No. 518-IV ЗРК // Bulletin of the Parliament of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011, December, No. 22
(2599), art. 174.
5. Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern
legal systems: cases and collisions. – 2017.
НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 547-552.
7. Buyanova E. V. Adoption procedure under the
legislation of foreign countries: monograph / E. V.
Buyanova. - Orenburg: LLC IPK "Universitet", 2013. -
P. 21.
8. Ryasentsev V.A. Cancellation of adoption and
its invalidation // Soviet justice. 1970. No. 16. - P.78.
9. Parchment A.I. Fundamentals of Marriage and
Family Legislation. –M .: Knowledge, 1969. –S. 130-
10. Commentary on the Code of Marriage and
Family of the Kazakh SSR / Ed. Yu.G. Basin and M.A.
Vaksberg. Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1972. - P. 149.
11. Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adop-
tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan (theory and prac-
tice). Diss. for the degree of candidate of legal sciences.
The Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P.
12. Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые про-
блемы признания банкротами индивидуальных
предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан //Во-
просы современной юриспруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-
6 (47).
13. Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES
UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11-
2. – С. 55-61.
14. Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observa-
tion-Bankruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Eco-
nomic Court of Uzbekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. &
Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187.
15. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bank-
ruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of
Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №.
14 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021
Abubakirova R.,
Master student of the University of International Business. Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zhacheva E.
Senior teacher of the language center of the University of International Business. Specialist. Almaty
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-14-16
The article considers some aspects of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Education of others through the inclusion of children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment,
as well as current problems in the implementation of inclusive education. The relevance of the implementation of
inclusive education in the modern educational system is beyond doubt. It is well known that the modern system of
special education is undergoing changes. These changes focus on working with children with special educational
needs in different directions. But today there is an urgent question about alternative options for teaching and raising
children with special educational needs to closed special education.
Keywords: inclusive education, medical and pedagogical correction, exteriorization, emotional and informa-
tional substance, correction pedagogic support.
Issues of ensuring the life of children of this cate-
gory are defined in the Laws of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan "on education", "on the rights of the child in
the Republic of Kazakhstan", "on social and medical-
pedagogical correctional support for children with dis-
abilities", as well as in a number of regulatory legal
Having equal rights to education and creative de-
velopment with all other children in accordance with
the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the
law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education". In
life, children with disabilities face difficulties, or even
the inability to get a good education. Today, the major-
ity of children with disabilities receive education in
special correctional educational institutions with resi-
dential or home-based accommodation.
The main goal of inclusive education is to realize
the right of children with developmental disabilities to
receive education. In accordance with their cognitive
capabilities and abilities at the place of residence, their
social adaptation and integration into society, increas-
ing the role of the family in the upbringing and devel-
opment of their child (Elhotova, Alpatova, Djan-
serikov, 2017).
Conceptual approaches to the development of in-
clusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan ap-
proved by the order of MES RK from June 1, 2015 No
348 confirms the development of the education system
one of the most important priorities of state policy.
Currently, there are 56 psychological, medical and
pedagogical consultations funded by local budgets in
Kazakhstan. According to the regulations, there should
be 79 such organizations in the Republic. Methodolog-
ical guidance of these consultations is assigned to the
Republican psychological, medical, and pedagogical
consultation, located in Almaty.
According to the Ministry of education and sci-
ence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of January 1 this
year, 149,246 children with disabilities live in the coun-
try, which is about 3.15% of the total number of minors
in the Republic. However, these statistics do not reflect
the real situation, since there are facts of adding statis-
tics and, conversely, not including children in need.
According to the State program of education de-
velopment in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-
2020, approved by presidential decree of 7 December
2010 No 1118, presents a set of interrelated resource
and timing of events that help to create the necessary
organizational basis for the inclusion of children with
special educational needs in mainstream schools. It is
planned to increase the share of schools that have cre-
ated conditions for inclusive education to 70% of their
total number by 2020 (Ibrayev, 2015).
According to the Director of the Department of
secondary education of the MES of Kazakhstan N. Ar-
shabekov, international organizations note that in the
Republic of Kazakhstan, in comparison with other Cen-
tral Asian republics, the process of introducing inclu-
sive education is very active, which of course once
again confirms the political course of the established
In the current period, an Internet project based on
the site is being implemented in the
framework of information support for stakeholders in
the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan.
As one of the alternative directions of develop-
ment of the system of special education and upbringing,
it is possible to name the introduction of a child with
disabilities in mass groups and classes of General edu-
cational institutions. This process can take place within
the framework of integration, as well as within a
slightly different and, in our opinion, more promising
direction — inclusion. But it should be noted that the
process of including children with disabilities in devel-
opment in mass educational institutions involves many
difficulties that are currently insurmountable for our
country. One of the most significant and still unre-
solved problems is the problem of creating educational
and methodological complexes for successful inclusive
education of all categories of children in General edu-
cational preschool and school institutions. An inclusive
school is, first of all, a democratic school that instills
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 15
respect for people and their lifestyle. In such a school,
students work together creatively to solve educational
problems. The subject of inclusion is a child with disa-
bilities and special educational needs. Attendance at lo-
cal schools is one of the important factors proving chil-
dren's inclusion in society. Children are taught not only
in schools. They learn in the family, contacting their
peers and friends, participating in various social activi-
ties of their co-society. School attendance also supports
other forms of learning. Teachers have the sole respon-
sibility to ensure that all students take an active part in
providing equal learning opportunities for all.
The results of sociological surveys showed that
more than 68% of Kazakhstanis believe that these chil-
dren should study in a normal environment in order to
develop faster and be included in society.
Today there are many problems that are barriers
for children with disabilities to get an education among
their peers (Movkebayeva, 2017). Teachers should ex-
plain to other students the reasons why some students
can't or can't speak, behave differently, and so on. Dif-
ferences must be established and respected. Similar
work should be done at parent-teacher meetings. The
greatest obstacle to inclusion is usually a negative atti-
tude. Children are not used to seeing other children
around them who look and behave differently. Parents
may also worry unnecessarily about" lowering stand-
ards " if children with disabilities or other special needs
are included in regular classes. Teachers should play
the role of guides in changing attitudes towards the fu-
ture among students, their parents, and, of course, other
teachers. When working with such children, an ordi-
nary teacher can be successful if he is flexible enough,
interested in difficulties and ready to try different ap-
proaches (Suleimenova, 2015). The teacher must re-
spect individual differences, be able to listen to and ap-
ply the recommendations of team members, and agree
to work together with other teachers in the same team.
When teachers make their class or their school more in-
clusive, they become more qualified and better practi-
tioners. This means that all students benefit from this,
not just children with "special needs".
In the implementation of this program of inclusive
education in the Republic as a whole, there are still a
number of unsolved tasks for the development of inclu-
sive education, such as:
- improving the legal, organizational and eco-
nomic foundations and mechanisms for the develop-
ment of inclusive education;
- improvement of methodological and methodical
bases of development of inclusive education (adapta-
tion and modification of curricula and programs, text-
books, teaching materials, introduction of criteria-
based assessment system of educational achievements);
- implementation of individualized correctional-
pedagogical and social-psychological support for stu-
dents, creation of a comfortable educational environ-
ment that provides students with the opportunity to be-
come a significant and active member of the school
community, increase their self-esteem, motivation for
learning and socialization;
- creating an accessible "barrier-free environment"
and providing students with compensatory means;
- improving the staffing of educational organiza-
tions that implement inclusive education;
- providing conditions for continuing education of
persons with special educational needs at the levels of
technical, professional and higher education with the
prospect of mastering the profession;
- conducting applied research in the field of inclu-
sive education.
Inclusive education contributes to the formation of
the inner world of the individual.
The inner world of a person can be considered a
verbal metaphor that defines virtual reality, modeled by
electrochemical processes of interaction of neurons
(Pritchard, 1963). The inner world can be rich, deep,
harmonious, complex, or simple. The inner (subjective)
world is the psychic reality, the organized content of the
human psyche, the need-emotional-informational sub-
stance, the entire conscious spiritual life of a person, the
source of his spiritual energy (Deno, 1968).
M. Ibrayev believes that a person develops in in-
teraction with the world throughout life in the dynamics
of exteriorization and interiorization (2015). The inner
world of a person, along with the reflection of reality,
is an integral part of consciousness. In the inner world,
certain work takes place, which is then externalized in
the process of activity. A person, as a subject of activ-
ity, is constantly changing in the process of its imple-
mentation. The individual makes a unique contribution
to social development by exteriorizing his inner world.
It is in the products of exteriorization of the inner world
that the observation of individuality is possible (Alkha-
tova, Beisembayeva, 2017). Consciously or uncon-
sciously, modern society will improve its inner world if
we allow it to take care of and participate in the lives of
children with special educational needs.
1. Alkhatova T. S., Beisembayeva A. Training of
future teachers of the subject of "self-Knowledge" as a
factor of dynamic development of society Standards of
the new generation, 2017. No. 9. 68 p.
2. Bakieva M. Inclusive education: the child is in
the center of attention. «Open school». No. 4 (135),
April 2014.
3. Conceptual approaches to the development of
inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Astana: national Academy of education named after I.
Altynsarin, 2015. 16 p.
4. Culham A., Nind M. Deconstructing Normal-
isation: Clearing the Way for Inclusion // Journal of In-
tellectual and Developmental Disability, 2003. Vol. 28.
No 1. P. 65-78.
5. Elhotova T. S., Alpatova R. K., Djanserikov
R. K. Priority directions of development of science and
technology reports of the XXI international scientific-
technical conference, 2017. No 2. 98 p.2.
6. Ibrayev M. On state of inclusive education in
educational institutions of Akmola region, 2015. No. 4.
102 p.
7. Deno E. N. Special Education as Developmen-
tal Capital // Exceptional Children, 1970. No 37. P.
229-237. 6. Dunn L. M. Special Education for the
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Mildly Retarded: Is Much of It Justifiable? // Excep-
tional Children, 1968. No 35. P. 5-22.
8. Oliver M., Barnes C. Disabled People and So-
cial Policy: from Exclusion to Inclusion. L.: Longman,
1994. 187 p.
9. Order of the Minister of education and science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 1, 2015 No
348 on approval of Conceptual approaches to the de-
velopment of inclusive education in the Republic of
10. Pritchard D. G. The Development of Schools
for Handicapped Children in England during the Nine-
teenth Century // History of Education Quarterly, 1963.
Vol. 3. No 4. P. 215-222.
11. Movkebayeva Z. A. Psychological and peda-
gogical support of disabled students in higher educa-
tional institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [Elec-
tronic resource]. Access mode: http://group - (accessed: 09.01.2017).
12. Novikov S. I. Separate training as a pedagogi-
cal problem // Problems of science, 2015. No 1 (1). Pp.
13. Nirje B. The Normalization Principle and Its
Human Management Implications // The International
Social Role Valorization Journal, 1994. Vol. 1. No 2.
P. 19-23.
14. Suleimenova R. A. On the issue of inclusive
education. «Open school». No 06 (147), August 2015.
Pp. 56-58.
15. Suleimenova R. A. Inclusive education in the
Republic of Kazakhstan: situation analysis and practi-
cal steps. «Open school». No. 4 (135), April 2014.
Mykhailyuk N.
Senior teacher of Kharkiv National
Semyon Kuznets University of Economics, Kharkiv
Михайлюк Н.В.
Старший викладач Харківського національного
економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця, місто Харків
DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-16-23
The article analyses scientific approaches of the development of criteria, indicators and indicators of the for-
mation of professional culture of specialists. Significant criteria, indicators and indicators of the formation of pro-
fessional culture and bachelor's degrees in banking. The main criteria are: professional competence, professional
identity, professional morality. Opening indicators of the level of formation of professional culture in the future of
the bank sphere.
У статті проведений аналіз наукових підходів щодо розробки критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформо-
ваності професійної культури фахівців. Визначені критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професійної
культури майбутніх бакалаврів банківської справи. Основними критеріями визначено: професійна компе-
тентність, професійна ідентичність, професійна мораль. Розкриті показники рівнів сформованості профе-
сійної культури майбутніх фахівців банківської сфери.
Keywords: professional culture of specialists, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional
culture, interest in professional activity.
Ключові слова: професійна культура фахівців, критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професій-
ної культури, інтерес до професійної діяльності.
Постановка проблеми.
Важливим кроком на шляху розвитку соціаль-
ної свідомості молодого покоління є формування
нового наукового економічного мислення, мотива-
ція до постійного оновлення своїх знань та навичок,
прагнення до особистого вдосконалення, до аналізу
результатів своєї роботи та роботи всього колек-
тиву. Це завдання стоїть, у першу чергу, перед за-
кладами вищої освіти економічного профілю, які
мають готувати фахівців високої професійної ква-
ліфікації [1]. Особливої вагомості набуває відпові-
дність рівня сформованості професійної культури
майбутніх бакалаврів банківської справи сучасним
соціально-економічним вимогам і потребам [2,с.4].
Основи професійної культури повинні бути сфор-
мовані у студентів ще під час навчання у закладі ви-
щої освіти, адже соціум потребує фахівців, здатних
практично вирішувати поставлені перед ними жит-
Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 17
тєві та професійні проблеми. У зв’язку з цим, особ-
ливий акцент робиться в питаннях підготовки бака-
лаврів банківської справи, оскільки діяльність пра-
цівника банку вимагає значних моральних, фізич-
них та інтелектуальних затрат, великої віддачі своїй
справі, а також високого рівня сформованості про-
фесійної культури.
В ході нашого дослідження ми провели розбір
критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформованості про-
фесійної культури майбутніх бакалаврів банківсь-
кої справи. Це дозволить нам отримати методологі-
чні інструменти для аналізу стану сформованості
професійної культури студента, а також всебічно
оцінити ефективність навчально-виховного про-
Аналіз досліджень і публікацій.
Питання визначення критеріїв, показників та
рівнів сформованості професійної культури фахі-
вця досить широко представлене в розробках вітчи-
зняних та зарубіжних науковців. Зокрема, визна-
ченню критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформовано-
сті вмінь і навичок професійної діяльності
представників різних професій присвячені дослі-
дження Я. Крупського, В.Михалевича [3], С. Гонча-
ренко [4], А. Новікова [5], Л. Серман [6], С. Шумо-
вецької [7], О. Жихорської [8], М. Ростоки [9], Ю.
Рибалко [10], Н. Бурмакіної [11], І. Сабатовської
[12], Т. Корольової [13], Є. Чернищової, Н. Гузій
[14], Р. Богданова [15], О. Ящук [16], Ю. Безручен-
кова, Г. Щуки [17] , А. Казьмерчук [18], О. Нали-
вайко[19] та інші. Проте, не достатньо є вивченим
питання визначення критеріїв, показників та рівнів
сформованості професійної культури майбутніх ба-
калаврів банківської справи.
Мета статті: визначити критерії, показники
та рівні сформованості професійної культури май-
бутніх бакалаврів банківської справи в закладу ви-
щої освіти.
Виклад основного матеріалу дослідження.
Для більш досконалого аналізу цього питання
слід детальніше розглянути терміни «критерії»,
«показники», «рівні».
Тлумачний словник української мови визначає
«критерій» як «підставу для оцінки, визначення або
класифікації чогось; мірило» [20].
Я. Крупський, В.Михалевич окреслюють «кри-
терії» як «мірило оцінювання параметрів, які опи-
суються певними показниками; мірило для визна-
чення оцінки предмета, явища; ознака, взята за ос-
нову класифікації» [3].
С. Гончаренко визначає, що «Критерії статис-
тичні — показники, які поєднують у собі методи
розрахунку, теоретичну модель розподілу і правила
прийняття рішення про правдоподібність нульової
або однієї із альтернативних гіпотез»[4].
А. Новіков вважає, що «Критерії ефективності
професійного навчання — сукупність оцінок ре-
зультатів професійного навчання. Це:
- витрати часу учнів і педагогів на досягнення
необхідних результатів;
- витрати зусиль учнів і педагогів на досяг-
нення необхідних результатів за відведений час;
- обсяг витрат: фінансових, матеріально-техні-
чних та інших ресурсів на досягнення необхідних
результатів за відведений час;
- відсоток відсіву учнів за повний курс нав-
- відповідність рівня сформованості загально-
наукових та професійних знань, професійних умінь
(компетенцій) і навичок, тих чи інших професійно
важливих якостей особистості вимогам професій-
них стандартів та професійно-кваліфікаційних ха-
- працевлаштування випускників професій-
ного освітнього закладу за набутою професією, спе-
ціальністю; оцінки роботодавців про їх кваліфіка-
ції» [5].
Л. Серман розглядає критерій як «ознаку, на
основі якої дається оцінка, судження про предмет,
об’єкт чи явище»[6]. Критерій конкретизується че-
рез показники. Критерій призначений для оцінки
явища з урахуванням усіх його істотних властивос-
тей. Показник характеризує явище тільки з одного
боку. Усі критерії та показники можуть проявля-
тися у різній мірі. Дослідниця дотримується таких
вимог до вибору критеріїв: критерії повинні носити
інформативний та нейтральний характер, мати мо-
жливість бути якісно описаними та конкретизова-
ними у виглядф показників [6].
С. Шумовецька, аналізуючи розробки вчених,
приходить до висновку, що для оцінки сформова-
ності професійної культури доцільно використову-
вати групи індикаторів, об’єднаних спільною озна-
кою, тобто структурні компоненти навчальної дія-
льності, які відображають структуру професійної
культури. Науковець виокремлює у структурі про-
фесійної культури майбутніх фахівців ціннісний,
пізнавальний, комунікативний, поведінковий та
професійно особистісний компоненти та відпо-
відно до них визначає критерії.
Авторка вважає, що «критерії мають відобра-
жати структуру професійної культури як особисті-
сного явища і визначає, що критеріями її сформова-
ності може бути аксіологічний (слугує для діагнос-
тики ціннісного компонента), когнітивний
(необхідний для діагностики пізнавального компо-
нента професійної культури), діяльнісний (призна-
чений для оцінювання поведінкового компонента),
інтерактивний (необхідний для діагностики кому-
нікативного компонента), особистісний (відповідає
професійно особистісному компоненту) критерії.
Авторка пропонує оцінювати сформованість про-
фесійної культури майбутніх фахівців за чотирма
рівнями — низьким, середнім, достатнім і висо-
ким» [7].
О. Жихорська поняття «критерій» використо-
вує як «мірило, орієнтир, індикатор, на основі якого
відбувається оцінка стану сформованості професій-
ної компетентності фахівця» [8].
Авторка узагальнює вимоги вчених щодо виді-
лення та обґрунтування критеріїв професійної ку-
1. «Критерії повинні відображати основні за-
кономірності функціонування об’єкта;
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  • 1. №60/2021 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science ISSN 3453-9875 VOL.3 It was established in November 2016 with support from the Norwegian Academy of Science. DESCRIPTION The Scientific journal “Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science” is issued 24 times a year and is a scientific publication on topical problems of science. Editor in chief – Karin Kristiansen (University of Oslo, Norway) The assistant of theeditor in chief – Olof Hansen • James Smith (University of Birmingham, UK) • Kristian Nilsen (University Centre in Svalbard, Norway) • Arne Jensen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) • Sander Svein (University of Tromsø, Norway) • Lena Meyer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) • Hans Rasmussen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) • Chantal Girard (ESC Rennes School of Business, France) • Ann Claes (University of Groningen, Netherlands) • Ingrid Karlsen (University of Oslo, Norway) • Terje Gruterson (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway) • Sander Langfjord (University Hospital, Norway) • Fredrik Mardosas (Oslo and Akershus University College, Norway) • Emil Berger (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Norway) • Sofie Olsen (BioFokus, Norway) • Rolf Ulrich Becker (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) • Lutz Jäncke (University of Zürich, Switzerland) • Elizabeth Davies (University of Glasgow, UK) • Chan Jiang(Peking University, China) and other independent experts 1000 copies Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science Iduns gate 4A, 0178, Oslo, Norway email: site:
  • 3. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 3 ARTS VISUAL IMAGES OF MATERIAL CULTURE IN THE DESIGN OF MODERN INTERIOR SOLUTIONS Kainbayeva Zh., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head. Department of Fine Arts and Design, West Kazakhstan University. M. Utemisova (Uralk) Republic of Kazakhstan Dzholdasbaeva A. 1st year undergraduate EP Design of the West Kazakhstan University. M. Utemisova (Uralk) Republic of Kazakhstan ВИЗУАЛЬНЫЕ ОБРАЗЫ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ В ДИЗАЙНЕ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ИНТЕРЬЕРНЫХ РЕШЕНИЙ Кайнбаева Ж.С., кандидат педагогических наук, зав. кафедрой изобразительного искусства и дизайна Западно-Ка- захстанского университета им. М.Утемисова (г.Уральк) Республика Казахстан Джолдасбаева А.Т. магистрант 1 курса ОП Дизайн Западно-Казахстанского университета им. М.Утемисова (г.Уральк) Республика Казахстан DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-3-5 Abstract The article is devoted to the study of the importance and significance of the use of visual images of material culture in the design of modern interior solutions for an apartment, taking into account functionality, artistic con- tent and aesthetic expressiveness, as well as in creating a project for an interior of a modern apartment using visual images (paintings, wall panels, collages, etc. etc.) Аннотация Статья посвящена рассмотрению изучения важности и значимости использования визуальных образов материальной культуры в дизайне современных интерьерных решений квартиры с учетом функциональ- ности, художественного содержания и эстетической выразительности, а также в создании проекта ин- терьера современной квартиры с использованием визуальных образов (картины, настенные панно, ко- ллажи и т. д.) Keywords: visual images, living space, subject-spatial content, subject interior, eclecticism, modern design concepts, modern interior. Ключевые слова: визуальные образы,жилое пространство,предметно-пространственное наполнение, предметный интерьер,эклектика, современные дизайнерские концепции, современный интерьер. Современный человек, сегодня творец соб- ственного жилого пространства, он наполняет свое жилое пространство предметами близкими и понят- ными его эстетическому восприятию, а в конечном итоге весь мир вещами. Через предметы он «изме- няет» окружающее пространство, включает его в материальную культуру, создает среду современ- ного интерьера. Наполняя свой дом вещами, со- здаем свое индивидуальное пространство, осознаем территорию собственного комфортного интерьера. Любое жилище, будь то квартира, коттедж, офис, где живет или работает человек, имеет тенденцию к обрастанию дорогими ему вещами и предметами, будь то картины, милые вазочки, сувениры, книги и т.д. [1]. Предметно-пространственное наполнение среды современного интерьера это одна из основ- ных задач дизайна жилой среды. В современном дизайне жилой среды выделяют архитектурный и предметный типы интерьера. Предметный интерьер начал формироваться в начале 19 века «В искусстве Бидермайер, относя- щейся к австрийско-германской провинции, но по- лучил законченное название в викторианской Ан- глии. Викторианская эпоха была полна оптимизма, все было радостно и эмоционально красиво. В этот период Англия пережила промышленный подъем и стала «творческой мастерской Европы»[2]. Есте- ственно, что тогда развивалась и психология пред- ставителей нового среднего класса, стремящихся окружить себя атрибутами «богатой жизни». К этим атрибутам можно отнести картины, графиче- ские рисунки, скульптуры, предметы дорогой ме- бели и т. Д. Это время характеризовалось эклектиз- мом, сменой стилей. Эклектика сопровождалась отрицательным влиянием результатов промышленной революции. Производство мануфактурным способом дешевило любую картину, статуэтку, элемент декора, объем- ную резьбу. Изготовление многих вещей сводилось к созданию бутафории из папье-маше или краше- ного гипса, или из жестяных пластин. По существу,
  • 4. 4 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 викторианский стиль Англии можно назвать сти- лем подделок и имитаций, бутафории и суррогата, в котором дешевые материалы при использовании механической обработки создавали иллюзию бо- гатства «доброй старой классической Англии» [3]. «Интерьер того времени был перегружен вещами, не было свободного места. Создавалось впечатле- ние, что люди опасаются пустоты в интерьере. Мы купили много мебели и вещей. Интерьеры были пе- регружены множеством декоративных элементов, многое придавало интерьеру хаос, казалось, что хо- зяину не хватало понятия вкуса и светского тона, в таких помещениях не было абсолютно никакого комфорта», - писал в своей книге о История внут- реннего убранства К. Маккоркодейла [4]. Английский писатель Джеймс Дж. Вдохнов- ленный интерьерами того времени, написал свои ядовитые строки, посвященные хозяевам интерье- ров того времени: «Они густо покрыли стены ми- шурными орнаментами и вырезками с какими-то странными наростами и выпуклыми складками дра- пировок; Благодаря всевозможным безделушкам, которые можно было подарить только горничным, этот неописуемый комфорт мог доставить огром- ное удовольствие слепым"[5]. Параллельно этому стилю в Англии, стиль Ма- карт появился в Вене. Этот стиль получил свое название от модного тогда австрийского худож- ника Х. Макарта. Обязательными предметами та- кого интерьера были огромные букеты из искус- ственных цветов, помост, тронное кресло, искус- ственные украшения, мебель в грубоватом нео- стиле с обилием позолоты. Эклектика в интерьере навеяна перенасыще- нием рынка дешевыми низкокачественными това- рами из-за механизации человеческого труда. Кон- фликт между промышленным производством и ре- меслом вызвал протесты интеллигенции, чутко относящейся к художникам и теоретикам искус- ства, в результате чего в Англии возникло антиэк- лектическое движение [6]. Это движение возглавил Дж. Рескин. Рескин ненавидел промышленное и мануфактурное произ- водство и видел единственное спасение искусства в возвращении к ранней готике, к навыкам средневе- кового ремесла, когда мастер еще не был отчужден от производства вещи. Он был убежден, что только в средневековье, в эпоху гармонии искусства и жизни, духовные, религиозные и нравственные ценности преобладали над материальными. Дело Д. Рескина продолжил его ученик У. Моррис - органи- затор движения «Искусства и ремесла», ставившего целью возрождение традиций средневекового руч- ного ремесла. Эти начинания составили «антивик- торианское» течение английского искусства сере- дины XIX века [7]. По мнению Морриса, перед художниками по- ставлена задача огромной важности – привить эсте- тические вкусы обществу и развить его материаль- ную культуру. Являясь противником промышлен- ного производства викторианского эпохи, всю жизнь боровшийся за открытость художественного творчества, он был художником, во многом опреде- лившим дальнейшие пути развития материальной культуры. Уже одним своим стремлением уйти от эклектики XX века и выработать целостный визу- альный язык, «найти законы формообразования по аналогии с живой природой, наполнить предметное творчество актуальной философией и восприятием мира материей, несомненно, был шагом вперед» [8]. Сегодня предметы изобразительного искус- ства захватили умы современных людей. В дизайне интерьеров нет ни одного художественного стиля, с помощью которого нельзя было бы разместить на стене картину, серию графических работ, скульп- туру и т. д. В связи с этим взгляд дизайнеров последних лет направлен на решение эстетических и культур- ных проблем художественного наполнения средо- вого пространства современного интерьера квар- тиры и элементов, его образующих. Следует отметить, что в последнее время оно резко обострилось и обнаружило невиданную ранее динамику, зависимость внутреннего пространства от визуальных объектов. Внутренняя среда форми- руется по разным причинам - цветовым предпочте- ниям, стилистическим решениям. легкие градации, а также от повышения смысловой функционально- сти до конкретной индивидуализации товаров для дома для конкретного потребителя - все это актуа- лизирует концептуальные и практические вопросы, связанные с повышением художественного уровня культурно-бытовых товаров, и подтверждает про- гнозную и реальную ценность выполненной работы [7]. Современные дизайнерские концепции отли- чаются разнообразием форм, функциональностью, гибкостью и мобильностью. В зависимости от реги- ональных социокультурных и экономических ха- рактеристик, влияющих на процесс проектирова- ния современного интерьера, его наполнение мате- риальными объектами, составляющими целостную систему, выражающую образ среды данного потре- бителя, а также сами происходящие процессы в этой среде существенно различаются в зависимости от образа жизни их обитателей. Это делает задачу создания образного содержания культурно-быто- вых изделий крайне сложной, а выбор предлагае- мых художественно-дизайнерских решений - дело ответственное.Также необходимо учитывать тот факт, что необходимо придать концептуальный об- раз утилитарным продуктам - гибкость, способ- ность отслеживать изменения в экономике и обще- стве, перестраиваться применительно к более дина- мичным социокультурным требованиям и процессам. Концепция исследования сформирована на ос- нове теоретических положений, разработанных В. Сидоренко, А. Рубиным, Н. Вороновым, К. Кондра- тьевой, Е. Лазаревым, С. Хан-Магомедовым, Г. Де- мосфеновой, Э. Жердевым и др., и предполагает ту трансформацию среды в объект, который, увеличи- вая в ней художественное и образное содержание, должен усиливать гуманизацию, экологизацию
  • 5. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 5 культуры нашей повседневной жизни на всех уров- нях - от художественного образа единое произведе- ние с образным содержанием средообразующей си- стемы элементов культурно-бытового назначения во всех аспектах - от освоения достижений передо- вых инженерных технологий до новых способов возрождения народного творчества [8]. Таким образом, необходимо моделировать на типологическом уровне в качестве основного структурного компонента те явления и процессы, которые находят отражение в культурно-историче- ском разрезе и выражение образа жизни в стилисти- ческом воплощении. Также необходимо принять во внимание тот факт, что современный образ жизни сегодня уже не только в сравнении даже с прошлым веком, но такой исследовательский и дизайнерский подход объяснил бы его собственные несравненные художественные ценности, которые он выдвигает смыслообразование художественных изделий для интерьерных решений. Тенденция нашего времени открывать слож- ное в простом, универсальное в малом и актуальное в забытом, окрасила художественное и творческое восприятие дизайна, создавая современные интерь- ерные решения в новых тонах. На основании выше- изложенного была обозначена исследовательская проблема, направленная на изучение использова- ния визуальных образов материальной культуры в дизайне современных интерьерных решений. Цель исследования: теоретически обосновать, проанализировать важность и значимость исполь- зования визуальных образов материальной куль- туры в дизайне современных интерьерных решений квартиры с учетом функциональности, художе- ственного содержания и эстетической выразитель- ности, а также в создании проекта интерьера совре- менной квартиры с использованием визуальных об- разов (картины, настенные панно, коллажи и т. д.) Задачи: - рассмотреть возможность понимания «визу- ального образа» в теории искусства и дизайна; - проанализировать теоретические положения и терминологические определения понятия визу- альных образов материальной культуры; - определить роль использования визуальных образов материальной культуры в дизайне совре- менных интерьерных решений; - выявить современные тенденции изменения роли и места художественного образа в утилитар- ной среде; - Разработать дизайн-проект современного ин- терьера квартиры с использованием визуальных об- разов материальной культуры как объектов средо- вого содержания. Ожидаемые результаты: в ходе проведения ма- гистерского исследования будут проанализиро- ваны теоретические положения и терминологиче- ские определения понятия визуальных образов ма- териальной культуры, определена роль использования визуальных образов материальной культуры в проектировании современных интерь- ерных решений, выявлены современные тенденции дизайна к изменению роли и места художествен- ного стиля интерьера в проектировании жилой среды средствами визуализации (картины, настен- ные панно, коллажи и т.д.), а также будет разрабо- тан дизайн-проект современного интерьера квар- тиры с использованием визуальных образов мате- риальной культуры (картины, настенные панно, коллажи и т.д.) как объектов средового наполнения. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ: 1. Моррис, У. Искусство и жизнь. Избранные статьи, лекции, речи, письма. / У. Моррис. - М., 1973.-512 с; ил. 2. Фар-Беккер Г. Искусство модерна / Пер. с нем. / Фар-Беккер. - Koln: Konemann, 2000. - 428 с, ил. 3. Стерноу, С.А. Арт-Нуво. Дух прекрасной эпохи / С.А. Стерноу. - Минск: Белфакс, 1997. – 126 с, ил. 4. Сарабьянов, Д.В. Модерн. История стиля / Д. В. Сарабьянов. - М.: Галарт, 2001. - 344 с, ил. 5. Моран, А. де. История декоративно-при- кладного искусства / Пер с фр. / А. де Моран. - М.: Искусство, 1982. - 577 с; ил. 6. Пузанов, В.И. Лицом к лицу с модерном // Техническая эстетика. - 1990. - № 10. 7. Курьерова, Г.Г. О судьбах понятия «стиль» и стилевого анализа в дизайне.//Проблемы стиля в современном дизайне. - М., ВНИИТЭ, 1998 - 123 с. 8. Лаврентьев, А.Н. История дизайна: учеб. пособие /А.Н. Лаврентьев. - М.: Гардарики, 2006. - 303 с, ил.
  • 6. 6 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 JURISPRUDENCE ABOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES CONDUCTING AN INTERROGATION Pulatov Yu., Doctor of Law, Professor Military Technical Institute of the National Guard Republic of Uzbekistan Khakberdiev A. senior teacher of Tashkent State Law University DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-6-9 Abstract The article discusses the features of interrogation in compliance with the norms of criminal procedure legis- lation, the content of the psychological preparation of the investigator for interrogation of a suspect, a witness, as well as the types of factors affecting the effectiveness of interrogation. It is concluded that during interrogation it is prohibited to use violence, physical and psychological, and deception, as well as a professional investigator to be an intellectual, a good psychologist, and have a high level of legal awareness. Keywords: features, conduct, interrogation, tactics, legality, criminal procedure legislation, investigator, psy- chology. One of the most important investigative actions, from which, according to Art. 2 of the Criminal Proce- dure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan depends on the rapid and complete disclosure of crimes, the expo- sure of the perpetrators, is interrogation. From the standpoint of the criminal process of forensic science, interrogation is the receipt of information from the in- terrogated about the crime being investigated. Interrogation in legal psychology is a communica- tion between the investigator and the interrogated, dur- ing which the influence on the mental, emotional and volitional sphere of the latter is carried out, regulated within the framework of the law, using psychological methods, in order to obtain from him complete and cor- rect information about the events and facts of interest to the investigation1 . From the point of view of psychology, thus, inter- rogation can be defined as a process of communication and influence on the interrogated. The psychological patterns of human communica- tion during interrogation have their own specific fea- tures. Interrogation is regulated by the norms of criminal procedure legislation, according to which the investiga- tor is endowed with the function of managing commu- nication. A situation arises between the investigator and the interrogated forced communication, which affects the mental state of the interrogated. The criminal procedure legislation established that the results of the interrogation between the investigator 1 Sirliev B.I. Psychology of law enforcement: A textbook. - T.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Repub- lic of Uzbekistan, 2010. 2 Pulatov Yu.S., Bababekov N.D. Questions and answers on the tactics of individual investigative actions: Handbook. - T .: MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2016. - P. 25-26. 3 Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS OF BANKRUPTCY AND THE REALIZATION OF THE and the interrogated must be certified in the interroga- tion protocol2 . Interrogation presupposes inequality in the ex- change of information from the outset. On the part of the investigator, it is always extremely limited. A clear regulation of the interrogation, its volume, quantity, quality, sequence of transmission of information by the investigator is an indispensable condition for its effec- tive conduct. The conduct of this investigative action differs from other investigative actions in a number of im- portant psychological features. Moreover, there are both positive and negative aspects3 . On the positive side, these features are manifested in the following: – interrogation is easier to carry out than other in- vestigative actions; – the effectiveness of its implementation largely depends on the professional skill of the investigator; – it can be carried out again, if something is missed, it can be postponed. Negative features are manifested in the following: – the presence of psychological barriers in com- munication4 ; – the dependence of the results of the interrogation on the reliability of the testimony of witnesses and vic- tims; – technical difficulties in conducting an interroga- tion. Like any other investigative action, interrogation has its own psychological content: RIGHTS OF WORKERS IN CASES OF BANKRUPTCY OF EMPLOYERS UNDER THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11-2. – С. 55-61. 4 Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observation-Bank- ruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Economic Court of Uz- bekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187.
  • 7. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 7 – study of the psychological characteristics of the person being interrogated: his motives, interests, char- acteristics of temperament and character, etc.; – change in the mental state of the person being interrogated: affective, frustrating, etc.; – establishing psychological contact with the per- son being interrogated and developing a trusting rela- tionship with him5 ; – providing lawful psychological influence on the person being interrogated; – the use of tactical and psychological techniques to obtain information on the case under investigation. Interrogation is an independent and complex type of activity, consisting of a set of individual actions, which in the psychological literature is represented by certain stages6 . Psychological readiness is a prerequisite for the ef- fectiveness of any human activity. Willingness is the selective activity of an individual aimed at obtaining the result of the chosen activity. How to determine the level of psychological prep- aration of an investigator for interrogation based on his actions? If the interrogation is conducted uncertainly, with- out a specific system, inconsistently, then this is evi- dence that the investigator is not prepared for it.7 . What is the content of the psychological prepara- tion of the investigator for the interrogation of the sus- pect, witness, etc.? Psychological preparation involves [4]: – awareness of the need to obtain information from the person being interrogated; – determination of the purpose of the interroga- tion; – foreseeing the conditions in which the interroga- tion will take place, using one's past experience in such situations; – determining the most appropriate tactical tech- niques and developing a mental plan for the interroga- tion 8 . The investigator must know where to start the in- terrogation, what questions to ask, what psychological techniques to use to influence the interrogated. The in- vestigator adjusts to a certain behavior during interro- gation, takes into account the opposition from the inter- rogated. Outwardly, psychological readiness for inter- rogation is manifested in confident movements, persuasive speech, etc., which, of course, the interro- gated also feels. In addition, a number of factors affect the effectiveness of interrogation. Factors affecting the effectiveness of interroga- tion: 5 Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal sys- tems: cases and collisions. – 2017. 6 Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T .: "Adolat", 2018. 7 Барышова М. В. и др. Социальное предприниматель- ство: научные исследования и практика. – 2019. 8 Пулатов Ю.С., Бабабеков Н.Д. Тактика производства отдельных следственных действий в вопросах и ответах: Пособие. – Т.: ТВВТУ МВД Республики Узбекистан, 2016. - С. 111-112. 9 Isroilov D. On the question of the tactical significance of preparing an investigator for interrogation // Tactics and – choice of time and place of interrogation; – exposure to extraneous stimuli; – the situation in the investigator's office; – the use of tape recording; – the behavior of the investigator during interro- gation. When conducting an interrogation, it is necessary to take into account the psychology of its participants, depending on the category of persons to be interro- gated. The investigator announces who the person will be interrogated, his procedural rights and offers to tes- tify on the merits. The interrogated gives testimony in free form. The investigator analyzes this information and, depending on their assessment, selects methods of psychological influence, with the help of which the sus- pect is not only assisted in restoring individual facts and events, but also internal hesitations are overcome when deciding to give truthful testimony. Необходимым условием успешного проведе- ния допроса является установление психологиче- ского контакта с допрашиваемым. Необходимость установления такого контакта обусловлена следую- щими обстоятельствами. A prerequisite for successful interrogation is the establishment of psychological contact with the inter- rogated. The need to establish such contact is due to the following circumstances. The simplest interrogation situation is conflict- free. This situation is characterized by an actively be- nevolent position of the interrogated in relation to the investigation and a sincere desire to help the investiga- tor to know the truth in the case9 . Difficulties in this situation may arise as follows: – errors of perception - once distorted mental im- ages of once perceived events and facts that have arisen under the influence of some objective and subjective reasons (external hindrances and shortcomings of the psychophysiological state at the time of perception10 ; – errors of reproduction - inaccurate ideas about the essence or qualities of an object that have developed in the mind of a person. In this case, the object or its individual property is perceived correctly, but its as- sessment is at odds with the generally accepted one; – forgetting - forgetting, freeing a person's RAM from unnecessary information11 ; – conscientious failure to communicate all infor- mation to the investigation. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult, almost im- possible to eliminate errors of perception. The technique of clarity is used to correct repro- duction errors. Sometimes it is difficult to correctly name the color of an object, describe its shape, identify methods of interrogation in court: the experience of Uzbeki- stan and Germany. Collection of articles / Responsible editor А. G'afurov. T .: Adolat, 2013. - p. 115-120. 10 Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3. 11 Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые проблемы при- знания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан //Вопросы современной юрис- пруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-6 (47).
  • 8. 8 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 the object itself[6]. To help the interrogated, the interior of the investigator's office, the landscape outside the window, (search for similar forms), various catalogs (colors - in all senses, items of clothing, tools) can be used. To overcome obstacles of the third kind, such a feature of the human psyche as associative thinking is used. The adjacency technique allows you to recall the circumstances of interest to the consequence by refer- ring to events, facts or phenomena that are in a spatial or temporal (simple association) connection. It is pos- sible to present any object related to the crime. In the process of recognizing the object, the interrogated re- calls many circumstances associated with it. An exam- ple of complex (semantic, sensory) associations can be mnemonics - a method of memorization, which consists in creating images with a pre-developed code that en- codes words, events, dates. Often those interrogated find it difficult to remember the nickname, surname, to describe the appearance of a certain person. For this, the investigator must have at hand special reference books and albums. Also, to overcome forgetfulness, the contrast tech- nique is used. It is suitable in cases where the interro- gated initially answers the question “forgot”, “I don’t remember”. Then it is proposed to compare, according to some parameters, the objects or persons in question (if there were several objects of perception). Departure for interrogation at the scene is possi- ble. In this case, a number of simple and complex asso- ciations are aroused in the person being interrogated, which greatly facilitates recall. There are cases when the interrogated, due to ab- sent-mindedness, his own considerations about the value of the material presented, does not report some circumstances that are important for the investigation. In this regard, it is necessary to explain to him that any details may be useful and necessary, ask him to tell eve- rything that he can remember, in chronological order from some earlier date than the crime (when I first thought about the possibility of committing this act), or try to change the sequence of events, making the read- ings as detailed as possible. It also happens that a conscientious interrogator cannot remember anything due to excessive internal stress. Mental stress is usually indicated by visible en- slavement, stiffness in speech, movements, reactions, or, conversely, increased motor skills, absent-minded- ness and other behavioral anomalies. To eliminate the indicated interference, the investigator must reassure the interrogated - encourage him, express gratitude for his cooperation. Many defendants do not understand the importance of actively helping the investigation. In this situation, the investigator should explain to the ac- cused, preferably using examples, the existence of such a mitigating circumstance. However, one should not forget about the "pit- falls" of such active cooperation of the accused. It is 12 Salimova I. M. The Concept Of Relevance In Civil And Economic Procedural Law And Its Relationship With Other Legal Categories //Journal of Contemporary Issues in Busi- ness and Government. – 2021. – Т. 27. – №. 1. – С. 362- 369. important to find out the motives for helping the inves- tigation, because among them there may be a desire to avoid responsibility for another, unrelated crime. In case of conflict behavior of the offender, it is very important to find out the reasons why he does not want to make contact12 . Among the most typical mo- tives are the fear of criminal liability, the belief that the investigation will not collect the necessary evidence. Sometimes, among the motives, there is a desire to shield accomplices (this is especially typical for minors and members of criminal associations). The most ver- satile and general interrogation technique is called "ex- posing a lie" and is used in combination with other tech- niques or (less often) separately. Its essence lies in the use of internal and external contradictions in the testi- mony of the person under investigation to overcome his negative position in relation to the investigation. The use of the positive qualities of the interrogated is also closely related. Skillfully comparing the positive qualities of the accused, who understands the immoral- ity of the act he has committed and still gives false tes- timony, with his high authority, great merits in the past or present, the investigator can convince the accused to tell the truth, increasing his sense of guilt. When interrogating persons who actively resist in establishing the truth in the case and have certain knowledge in the criminal law sphere, it is not uncom- mon for these persons to discredit the evidence at the disposal of the investigation. In this case, the investiga- tor, before presenting such evidence, must in a veiled form find out and record the person's attitude to the source of information. This technique is called "distrac- tion." There is also a trick of "inertia". Its essence lies in creating such a situation in which the interrogated, un- willingly, says too much. Creating the conditions for the application of this technique, the investigator con- ducts a conversation with the person on some abstract topic. At the moment when the conversation has been going on for quite a long time and the investigator sees that the interrogated has relaxed and does not expect a catch, it is important not to change the tempo, tone, vol- ume, emotional coloring of the voice to ask the question that interests the investigation. It is very likely that the accused will give a truthful answer by inertia. When he realizes, two options are possible: either the person re- fuses to sign the protocol and the reception can be con- sidered unsuccessful, or the accused realizes the further uselessness of the denials and voluntarily goes to the aid of the investigation. Evidence, based on tactical considerations, can be presented in one or during a series of interrogations. In relation to the presentation of evidence, the terms "strength of evidence", "strong evidence"13 . The term "strong, compelling evidence" should be under- stood as "evidence that stands out with a special emo- tional coloring, as well as that evidence that, for various 13 Эсанова З. Н. УЧАСТНИКИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА: ТЕОРИЯ И АНАЛИТИКА //ПОТЕНЦИАЛ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 447-453.
  • 9. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 9 reasons, the interrogated person perceives as decisive in exposing him". When none of the evidence available in the case can separately prove the fact that the investigator needs and thereby influence the accused without supporting other evidence, they should be used in aggregate14 . Some tactical techniques raise doubts about their admissibility, stand on the verge of permitted and pro- hibited 15 . The use of violence, physical and mental, and decep- tion is definitely prohibited during interrogation. Also, it is not allowed to excite base feelings in the interrogated. From the above, it should be concluded that a profes- sional investigator should: – to be an intellectual; – a good psychologist; – have a high level of legal awareness. СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ: 1. Sirliev B.I. Psychology of law enforcement: A textbook. - T.: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Af- fairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2010. 2. Pulatov Yu.S., Bababekov N.D. Questions and answers on the tactics of individual investigative actions: Handbook. - T .: MIA of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2016. - P. 25-26. 3. Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS OF BANKRUPTCY AND THE REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS IN CASES OF BANKRUPTCY OF EMPLOYERS UNDER THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11- 2. – С. 55-61. 4. Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observation-Bankruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Economic Court of Uzbekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187. 5. Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions. – 2017. 6. Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - T .: «Adolat», 2018. 7. Барышова М. В. и др. Социальное предпринимательство: научные исследования и практика. – 2019. 8. Пулатов Ю.С., Бабабеков Н.Д. Тактика производства отдельных следственных действий в вопросах и ответах: Пособие. – Т.: ТВВТУ МВД Республики Узбекистан, 2016. - С. 111-112. 9. Isroilov D. On the question of the tactical significance of preparing an investigator for interrogation // Tactics and methods of interrogation in court: the experience of Uzbekistan and Germany. Collection of articles / Responsible editor А. G'afurov. T .: Adolat, 2013. - p. 115-120. 10. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3. 11. Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые проблемы признания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан //Вопросы современной юриспруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-6 (47). 12. Salimova I. M. The Concept Of Relevance In Civil And Economic Procedural Law And Its Relationship With Other Legal Categories //Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. – 2021. – Т. 27. – №. 1. – С. 362-369. 13. Эсанова З. Н. УЧАСТНИКИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА: ТЕОРИЯ И АНАЛИТИКА //ПОТЕНЦИАЛ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 447-453. 14. Пирматов О. Разрешение споров в режиме онлайн это новый этап виртуализации гражданского судопроизводства //Review of law sciences. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. Спецвыпуск. 15. Хайрулина А. Б. МЕЖДУНАРОДНО- ПРАВОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЗАЩИТЫ ПРАВ ЖЕНЩИН В СИСТЕМЕ ООН //«Ҳуқуқий тадқиқотлар» электрон журнали. – 2019. – №. SPECIAL IS. 16. Эсанова З. УЧАСТНИКИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРАВИЛА И АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ //Review of law sciences. – 2020. – №. 3. 14 Хайрулина А. Б. МЕЖДУНАРОДНО-ПРАВОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ЗАЩИТЫ ПРАВ ЖЕНЩИН В СИСТЕМЕ ООН //«Ҳуқуқий тадқиқотлар» электрон журнали. – 2019. – №. SPECIAL IS. 15 Эсанова З. УЧАСТНИКИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА: ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ПРАВИЛА И АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ //Review of law sciences. – 2020. – №. 3.
  • 10. 10 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 LEGAL ISSUES ON REVOKING ADOPTION: THEORY AND PRACTICE Atalykova G., Senior Lecturer of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, Doctor of Philosophy. Ibratova F., Associate Professor of the Tashkent State Law University, Ph.D. Esanova Z. Professor of the Tashkent State Law University, Doctor of Law DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-10-13 Abstract The article examines the social significance of invalidation of adoption, theoretical and practical aspects of cancellation and invalidation, legal differences in the invalidity of adoption from its cancellation. It is proposed to make an addition to the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Chapter 292. Invalidation of the adoption of a child". Keywords: invalidation, adoption, orphans, protection of civil rights, civil procedure, cancellation of adop- tion. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated April 30, 2013 No.ZRU-352, Article 168 of the Investigative Commit- tee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on invalidating adop- tion was canceled16 . In the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the practice of the application of legislation by courts in cases of adoption" dated December 11, 2013 No. No. 21, it is explained, if a judicial authority is declared in- valid, adoption can only take place as determined by the loss of force by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 30, 2013, Article 168 of the Family Code, and only in relation to the child whose child was adopted before that time: if the adoption decision was based on false documents; if the adoption is in fictitious form; in case of adoption of an adult person; when the adopted child is not eligible for adoption in accordance with article 152 of the Family Code and in other cases17 . Both legal mechanisms remain in the legislation of Kazakhstan: the recognition of the adoption as invalid and the cancellation of the adoption. Noting the social significance of invalidating adoption, B.A. Dzhandarbek argues that invalidation is one of the most significant of the limited choice of means, which serves to protect the legal interests of the adopted child, in the hands of unscrupulous people, in rare cases, from criminals. The danger is especially se- 16 Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Vedomosti of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1998, appen- dix to No. 5-6; 2003, no. 1, art. 8; 2004, No. 1-2, Art. eight- een. 17 Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Re- public of Uzbekistan "On the practice of the courts' applica- tion of legislation on adoption cases" dated December 11, 2013 No. 21. 18 Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re- public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de- gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh- stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111. rious in the case of adoption by foreign nationals: inter- national adoption. Publications appearing in the media testify to the phenomenon of transnational crime, one of the objects of which is18 . Article 92 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakh- stan "On Marriage (Matrimony) and the Family" sets out the main conditions (reasons) for declaring an adop- tion invalid. It is recognized as invalid in the following cases: 1) the decision on adoption was made on the ba- sis of forged documents; 2) adoption without parental consent, as required by law; 3) adoption by marriage without the consent of the other spouse; 4) adoption, by spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as in- competent or partially capable19 . One of the most important problems, which is sig- nificant in theoretical and practical aspects20 , is to iden- tify the true correlation between the concepts of revo- cation and invalidation. It should be noted that earlier literature suggested that in principle one term could be considered “revocation of adoption”. This path has gone into modern Russian legislation, where there is no concept of invalidation of adoption21 . German law also allows the possibility of invali- dating an adoption. In Germany, an adoption can only be declared invalid in strictly established cases, for ex- ample, the lack of prior parental consent, as well as the adoption was obtained through deception, deception and threats (according to statistics, the number of these processes compared to the total number of adoptions is 19 Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On marriage (matri- mony) and family" dated December 26, 2011 No. 518-IV ЗРК // Bulletin of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011, December, No. 22 (2599), art. 174. 20 Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal sys- tems: cases and collisions. – 2017. 21 Эсанова З. Н. РАССМОТРЕНИЕ ДЕЛ ОБ УСЫНОВЛЕНИИ В ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СУДАХ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН) //ПРОБЛЕМЫ ТЕОРИИ И ПРАКТИКИ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 547-552.
  • 11. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 11 10%). In this case, the judicial authority will declare the adoption illegal. The statute of limitations for these cases is three years. During this time, a reverse absorp- tion procedure is possible. In Germany, this is called de-adoption. This happens primarily in the interests of the child, when mutual understanding does not develop between him and his new parents, and his future life in a new family becomes unbearable. The result of such a court decision is that, on the one hand, there is the pos- sibility of the child returning to his biological parents in his family, and on the other hand, the possibility of adoption by other people. When deciding on adoption, a court in Germany must be guided, above all, by re- specting and protecting the interests of the child22 . Agreeing with the views of V.A. Ryasentsev, it must be emphasized that there are some differences in the invalidity of adoption from its cancellation: – firstly, the cancellation of adoption, in contrast to the recognition of the adoption as invalid, can be based on general categories, this means taking into ac- count the poor living conditions of the child. Ac- ceptance of invalidity of adoption is carried out only in cases strictly provided for by law; – secondly, when the adoption is canceled, the re- lationship between the adoptive parent and the adopted child ends in the future, and when the adoption is de- clared invalid, it is considered invalid from the moment of adoption, that is, the court decision is retroactive; – thirdly, the cancellation of adoption is allowed if it does not contradict the interests of the child and the law does not contain this clause, which recognizes the invalidity of adoption. If there are legitimate reasons, the adoption must be declared unconditionally invalid; – fourth, when the adoption is canceled, the adopt- er's surname and patronymic may be retained, and when the adoption is invalidated, this option will not be offered; – fifthly, when the adoption is canceled, the obli- gation to pay alimony in favor of the adopted parent may be imposed on the adoptive parent; when the adop- tion is recognized, it is not provided. However, if he harmed the child, a fine may be charged; – sixth, only parents have the right to demand the cancellation of adoption, the guardianship and trustee- ship body, but any other person has the right to demand the invalidation of adoption in addition to them23 . A.I. Pergament noted that when the adoption is canceled, the rights and obligations cease only for the future, and when invalidated, it is considered that they 22 Buyanova E. V. Adoption procedure under the legislation of foreign countries: monograph / E. V. Buyanova. - Oren- burg: LLC IPK "Universitet", 2013. - P. 21. 23 Ryasentsev V.A. Cancellation of adoption and its invalida- tion // Soviet justice. 1970. No. 16. - P.78. 24 Parchment A.I. Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Legislation. –M .: Knowledge, 1969. –S. 130-131 25 Commentary on the Code of Marriage and Family of the Kazakh SSR / Ed. Yu.G. Basin and M.A. Vaksberg. Alma- Ata: Kazakhstan, 1972. - P. 149. 26 Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re- public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de- gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh- stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111. did not arise at all, and therefore did not exist at all24 . Yu.G. Basina, noting that in the recognition of adoption as invalid, the rights and obligations that arise during adoption are considered without a valid reason and, therefore, do not exist25 . Yu. G. Basin pointed out the possibility of a wide range of legal grounds that are not directly provided for in family law, but which must be taken into account in recognizing the invalidity of adoption. According to B.A. Dzhandarbek, a logical ques- tion arises as to why it was proposed to use the analogy of law, and not the analogy of law, that is, the norms of family law that regulate similar relations: the invalidity of marriage. In this connection, it should be noted that the similarity of relations does not lead to a successful combination of their legal regulation. In the civil legis- lation of Kazakhstan, issues of invalidity and possible legal actions - transactions are taken into account in dif- ferent ways. Therefore, taking into account the relevant norms of civil law, this is of great importance in the study and in the invalidation of adoption26 . It should be noted that the fictitious nature of adoption is distinguished by a characteristic that is not characteristic of other fictitious actions27 , for example, a fictitious marriage, fictitious divorce and all imagi- nary conclusions. Since then, the false nature of these actions and conclusions is well known to all their par- ticipants28 . But with the fictitious nature of adoption, the child, not knowing this condition, serves as a means for the adoptive parent to achieve his selfish goals, be- coming completely helpless and defenseless. We agree with the opinion of B.A. Dzhandarbek that in family law it is necessary to provide an inde- pendent basis for the invalidity of adoption as a ficti- tious nature of adoption. The use of legal analogy is only a temporary measure that does not fill the gaps in existing family law. The importance of developing cri- teria for fictitious adoption is of great practical im- portance. This is due to the fact that in family law it is impossible to distinguish between adoption by the type of invalidity, as in civil law. In civil law, one can dis- tinguish between the invalidity of transactions based on their contradiction to the law (Article 18 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and the invalidity of an imaginary conclusion (Article 169 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)29 . It should be noted that in paragraph 21 of the Reg- ulation on the adoption of minors and the adoption of 27 Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые проблемы при- знания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан //Вопросы современной юрис- пруденции. – 2015. – №. 5-6 (47). 28 Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS OF BANKRUPTCY AND THE REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS IN CASES OF BANKRUPTCY OF EMPLOYERS UNDER THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11-2. – С. 55-61. 29 Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re- public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de- gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh- stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111.
  • 12. 12 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 children in the family for upbringing (patronage), ap- proved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 12, 1999. No. 171, one of the grounds for invalidation is fictitious adop- tion, which currently has legal force. In addition, the adoption is considered invalid if: the adoption was car- ried out in accordance with forged documents; the adoption was fictitious; adopted by an adult; an adop- tive parent is a person who does not have the right to be an adoptive parent, that is, without parental rights or limited parental rights, is recognized legally incapaci- tated or partially incapacitated, registered in psychiatric or narcotic institutions, previously convicted of an in- tentional crime, as well as a former adoptive parent in case of refusal adoption. The specificity of adoption is such that it cannot have various illegal contents, otherwise the court will not consider the conditions of adoption fulfilled. How- ever, the adopter may pursue the same illegal goals that were mentioned above with regard to adoption, this may include the exploitation of his labor, participation in begging, trafficking in children, and so on. The in- validation of an adoption is only possible because of its fictitious nature30 , which means that it is not intended to create an adoption relationship, which at the same time covers a wide range of life situations where a mi- nor may be the victim of a criminal and a fraudster. In addition, other addiction motives of the adopt- ees who were forced to take an inactive position in court are also sufficient to invalidate the adoption. Thus, B.A. Dzhandarbek attributes the following types of actions associated with vices of will: first, the mis- conception of parents about their rights and the rights of adoptive parents, the best interests of the child and other circumstances. Threats and violence against par- ents may make them unable to protect their rights and prohibit adoption. In this case, the defect is an incorrect (due to external factors) education of will in relation to adoption, as a result, these people have a negative or neutral attitude to their family law, neutral or positive regarding the future legal status of the adoptive parent, and also refuses or partially refrains from realizing their own procedural rights. Secondly, adoption by one per- son without the consent of the other spouse. The lack of consent of the second spouse leads to a decision against the will, which has legal significance. Thirdly, adoption by spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as incompetent or partially. If one of the spouses is incompetent or partially unable to act, the legal will of the participant in the adoption relationship cannot be formed for objective reasons31 . The concept of civil law provides for the division of transactions into voidable ones. A similar division exists in the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in many CIS countries, namely the Russian 30 Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observation-Bank- ruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Economic Court of Uz- bekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187. 31 Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re- public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de- gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh- stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 116. Federation, it is not in the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The contested transaction is invalidated by a court decision, and the court decision is not obliged to invalidate the transaction. However, this feature is not reliable enough. If at least one of the parties to the transaction does not agree with his assessment, the court decision cannot be omitted. According to Yu. G. Bastin, in essence, it is not a question of whether or not to request judicial recognition of the invalidity of the transaction, but about whose interests (private or pub- lic) were violations in resolving the transaction and also who has the right to apply to the court. organ with the proper condition. The same conclusions can be applied to the invalidity of an adoption. But it must be empha- sized that inadmissible adoption always violates some- one else's legal interests: private, public, or both. Thus, inadmissible adoption is always a combination of ac- tions of several subjects or one subject that violate the rights and interests of certain subjects. B.A.Dzhandar- bek defines three main signs of invalidity of adoption: 1) nullity from the point of view of causing the legal consequences of the adoption of the actions of the par- ticipants in these relations; 2) harmfulness (meaning the violation of both the rights and the legally protected interests of individuals); 3) the obvious unlawfulness of the behavior of the adoption participants. In his opin- ion, the recognition of the invalidity of adoption im- plies the presence of all three characters32 . Therefore, it is important that in the event of the alleged invalidity of the adoption due to the lack of will of the participant, an assessment of the behavior of the adoptive parent and the circumstances that took place at the time of the consideration of the case in court and its decision is made. In addition, the behavior and legal will of the adoptive parent and some other participants in the adoption are important. Thus, when it comes to deliberate adoption or actions that have caused signifi- cant damage to the interests of the adopted child or other people, as a result of which the resulting defect of unscrupulous participants33 , which is of value for adop- tion, the adoption, of course, should be recognized as valid. Another aspect arises - the civil procedure, which must be considered, since the recognition of an adop- tion as invalid differs from transactions in that it is es- tablished by a court decision. Transactions can be rec- ognized by the court as having no legal consequences, since, thus, the protection of civil rights is ensured and this method is directly indicated in Article 9 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Although the pos- sibility of recognizing an adoption as invalid is also provided for in family law and, within the meaning of its norms, is also a way to protect family rights, proce- dural norms should be established in the Code of Civil 32 Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adoption in the Re- public of Kazakhstan (theory and practice). Diss. for the de- gree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakh- stan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P.119. 33 Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bankruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
  • 13. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 13 Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan for consider- ing cases on recognizing an adoption as invalid. In addition, in order to ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of orphans and children left unattended by their parents, it would be advisable to restore the norms of the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the recognition of adop- tion as invalid. In order to legally resolve cases on invalidating the adoption of a child and based on the practice of Latvia (Chapter 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Re- public of Latvia), it is proposed to amend the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a separate chapter "Chapter 292. Invalidation of the adoption of a child". REFERENCES: 1. Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Vedomosti of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uz- bekistan, 1998, appendix to No. 5-6; 2003, no. 1, art. 8; 2004, No. 1-2, Art. eighteen. 2. Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the practice of the courts' application of legislation on adoption cases" dated December 11, 2013 No. 21. 3. Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adop- tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan (theory and prac- tice). Diss. for the degree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111. 4. Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On mar- riage (matrimony) and family" dated December 26, 2011 No. 518-IV ЗРК // Bulletin of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011, December, No. 22 (2599), art. 174. 5. Ibratova F. B. et al. Special features of modern legal systems: cases and collisions. – 2017. 6. Эсанова З. Н. РАССМОТРЕНИЕ ДЕЛ ОБ УСЫНОВЛЕНИИ В ГРАЖДАНСКИХ СУДАХ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН) //ПРОБЛЕМЫ ТЕОРИИ И ПРАКТИКИ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ. – 2020. – С. 547-552. 7. Buyanova E. V. Adoption procedure under the legislation of foreign countries: monograph / E. V. Buyanova. - Orenburg: LLC IPK "Universitet", 2013. - P. 21. 8. Ryasentsev V.A. Cancellation of adoption and its invalidation // Soviet justice. 1970. No. 16. - P.78. 9. Parchment A.I. Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Legislation. –M .: Knowledge, 1969. –S. 130- 131 10. Commentary on the Code of Marriage and Family of the Kazakh SSR / Ed. Yu.G. Basin and M.A. Vaksberg. Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1972. - P. 149. 11. Dzhandarbek B.A. Legal framework for adop- tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan (theory and prac- tice). Diss. for the degree of candidate of legal sciences. The Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty city. 2002 . - P. 111. 12. Ибратова Ф. Б. Гражданско-правовые про- блемы признания банкротами индивидуальных предпринимателей в Республике Узбекистан //Во- просы современной юриспруденции. – 2015. – №. 5- 6 (47). 13. Ibratova F., Khabibullaev D. LEGAL ISSUES OF SIGNS OF BANKRUPTCY AND THE REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS IN CASES OF BANKRUPTCY OF EMPLOYERS UNDER THE LAWS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN //Znanstvena Misel. – 2019. – №. 11- 2. – С. 55-61. 14. Ibratova F. B. et al. Legal Issues of Observa- tion-Bankruptcy Procedures Applicable by the Eco- nomic Court of Uzbekistan //J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. – 2019. – Т. 10. – С. 187. 15. Ibratova F. Problems of a settlement in bank- ruptcy cases in economic courts //Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science. – 2019. – №. 28-3.
  • 14. 14 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES MODERN VIEW OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Abubakirova R., Master student of the University of International Business. Kazakhstan, Almaty Zhacheva E. Senior teacher of the language center of the University of International Business. Specialist. Almaty DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-14-16 Abstract The article considers some aspects of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Education of others through the inclusion of children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment, as well as current problems in the implementation of inclusive education. The relevance of the implementation of inclusive education in the modern educational system is beyond doubt. It is well known that the modern system of special education is undergoing changes. These changes focus on working with children with special educational needs in different directions. But today there is an urgent question about alternative options for teaching and raising children with special educational needs to closed special education. Keywords: inclusive education, medical and pedagogical correction, exteriorization, emotional and informa- tional substance, correction pedagogic support. Issues of ensuring the life of children of this cate- gory are defined in the Laws of the Republic of Ka- zakhstan "on education", "on the rights of the child in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "on social and medical- pedagogical correctional support for children with dis- abilities", as well as in a number of regulatory legal acts. Having equal rights to education and creative de- velopment with all other children in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on education". In life, children with disabilities face difficulties, or even the inability to get a good education. Today, the major- ity of children with disabilities receive education in special correctional educational institutions with resi- dential or home-based accommodation. The main goal of inclusive education is to realize the right of children with developmental disabilities to receive education. In accordance with their cognitive capabilities and abilities at the place of residence, their social adaptation and integration into society, increas- ing the role of the family in the upbringing and devel- opment of their child (Elhotova, Alpatova, Djan- serikov, 2017). Conceptual approaches to the development of in- clusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan ap- proved by the order of MES RK from June 1, 2015 No 348 confirms the development of the education system one of the most important priorities of state policy. Currently, there are 56 psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations funded by local budgets in Kazakhstan. According to the regulations, there should be 79 such organizations in the Republic. Methodolog- ical guidance of these consultations is assigned to the Republican psychological, medical, and pedagogical consultation, located in Almaty. According to the Ministry of education and sci- ence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as of January 1 this year, 149,246 children with disabilities live in the coun- try, which is about 3.15% of the total number of minors in the Republic. However, these statistics do not reflect the real situation, since there are facts of adding statis- tics and, conversely, not including children in need. According to the State program of education de- velopment in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011- 2020, approved by presidential decree of 7 December 2010 No 1118, presents a set of interrelated resource and timing of events that help to create the necessary organizational basis for the inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools. It is planned to increase the share of schools that have cre- ated conditions for inclusive education to 70% of their total number by 2020 (Ibrayev, 2015). According to the Director of the Department of secondary education of the MES of Kazakhstan N. Ar- shabekov, international organizations note that in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in comparison with other Cen- tral Asian republics, the process of introducing inclu- sive education is very active, which of course once again confirms the political course of the established state. In the current period, an Internet project based on the site is being implemented in the framework of information support for stakeholders in the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan. As one of the alternative directions of develop- ment of the system of special education and upbringing, it is possible to name the introduction of a child with disabilities in mass groups and classes of General edu- cational institutions. This process can take place within the framework of integration, as well as within a slightly different and, in our opinion, more promising direction — inclusion. But it should be noted that the process of including children with disabilities in devel- opment in mass educational institutions involves many difficulties that are currently insurmountable for our country. One of the most significant and still unre- solved problems is the problem of creating educational and methodological complexes for successful inclusive education of all categories of children in General edu- cational preschool and school institutions. An inclusive school is, first of all, a democratic school that instills
  • 15. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 15 respect for people and their lifestyle. In such a school, students work together creatively to solve educational problems. The subject of inclusion is a child with disa- bilities and special educational needs. Attendance at lo- cal schools is one of the important factors proving chil- dren's inclusion in society. Children are taught not only in schools. They learn in the family, contacting their peers and friends, participating in various social activi- ties of their co-society. School attendance also supports other forms of learning. Teachers have the sole respon- sibility to ensure that all students take an active part in providing equal learning opportunities for all. The results of sociological surveys showed that more than 68% of Kazakhstanis believe that these chil- dren should study in a normal environment in order to develop faster and be included in society. Today there are many problems that are barriers for children with disabilities to get an education among their peers (Movkebayeva, 2017). Teachers should ex- plain to other students the reasons why some students can't or can't speak, behave differently, and so on. Dif- ferences must be established and respected. Similar work should be done at parent-teacher meetings. The greatest obstacle to inclusion is usually a negative atti- tude. Children are not used to seeing other children around them who look and behave differently. Parents may also worry unnecessarily about" lowering stand- ards " if children with disabilities or other special needs are included in regular classes. Teachers should play the role of guides in changing attitudes towards the fu- ture among students, their parents, and, of course, other teachers. When working with such children, an ordi- nary teacher can be successful if he is flexible enough, interested in difficulties and ready to try different ap- proaches (Suleimenova, 2015). The teacher must re- spect individual differences, be able to listen to and ap- ply the recommendations of team members, and agree to work together with other teachers in the same team. When teachers make their class or their school more in- clusive, they become more qualified and better practi- tioners. This means that all students benefit from this, not just children with "special needs". In the implementation of this program of inclusive education in the Republic as a whole, there are still a number of unsolved tasks for the development of inclu- sive education, such as: - improving the legal, organizational and eco- nomic foundations and mechanisms for the develop- ment of inclusive education; - improvement of methodological and methodical bases of development of inclusive education (adapta- tion and modification of curricula and programs, text- books, teaching materials, introduction of criteria- based assessment system of educational achievements); - implementation of individualized correctional- pedagogical and social-psychological support for stu- dents, creation of a comfortable educational environ- ment that provides students with the opportunity to be- come a significant and active member of the school community, increase their self-esteem, motivation for learning and socialization; - creating an accessible "barrier-free environment" and providing students with compensatory means; - improving the staffing of educational organiza- tions that implement inclusive education; - providing conditions for continuing education of persons with special educational needs at the levels of technical, professional and higher education with the prospect of mastering the profession; - conducting applied research in the field of inclu- sive education. Inclusive education contributes to the formation of the inner world of the individual. The inner world of a person can be considered a verbal metaphor that defines virtual reality, modeled by electrochemical processes of interaction of neurons (Pritchard, 1963). The inner world can be rich, deep, harmonious, complex, or simple. The inner (subjective) world is the psychic reality, the organized content of the human psyche, the need-emotional-informational sub- stance, the entire conscious spiritual life of a person, the source of his spiritual energy (Deno, 1968). M. Ibrayev believes that a person develops in in- teraction with the world throughout life in the dynamics of exteriorization and interiorization (2015). The inner world of a person, along with the reflection of reality, is an integral part of consciousness. In the inner world, certain work takes place, which is then externalized in the process of activity. A person, as a subject of activ- ity, is constantly changing in the process of its imple- mentation. The individual makes a unique contribution to social development by exteriorizing his inner world. It is in the products of exteriorization of the inner world that the observation of individuality is possible (Alkha- tova, Beisembayeva, 2017). Consciously or uncon- sciously, modern society will improve its inner world if we allow it to take care of and participate in the lives of children with special educational needs. REFERENCES: 1. Alkhatova T. S., Beisembayeva A. Training of future teachers of the subject of "self-Knowledge" as a factor of dynamic development of society Standards of the new generation, 2017. No. 9. 68 p. 2. Bakieva M. Inclusive education: the child is in the center of attention. «Open school». No. 4 (135), April 2014. 3. Conceptual approaches to the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 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  • 16. 16 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 Mildly Retarded: Is Much of It Justifiable? // Excep- tional Children, 1968. No 35. P. 5-22. 8. Oliver M., Barnes C. Disabled People and So- cial Policy: from Exclusion to Inclusion. L.: Longman, 1994. 187 p. 9. Order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 1, 2015 No 348 on approval of Conceptual approaches to the de- velopment of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 10. Pritchard D. G. The Development of Schools for Handicapped Children in England during the Nine- teenth Century // History of Education Quarterly, 1963. Vol. 3. No 4. P. 215-222. 11. Movkebayeva Z. A. Psychological and peda- gogical support of disabled students in higher educa- tional institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [Elec- tronic resource]. Access mode: http://group - (accessed: 09.01.2017). 12. Novikov S. I. Separate training as a pedagogi- cal problem // Problems of science, 2015. No 1 (1). Pp. 77-81. 13. Nirje B. The Normalization Principle and Its Human Management Implications // The International Social Role Valorization Journal, 1994. Vol. 1. No 2. P. 19-23. 14. Suleimenova R. A. On the issue of inclusive education. «Open school». No 06 (147), August 2015. Pp. 56-58. 15. Suleimenova R. A. Inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: situation analysis and practi- cal steps. «Open school». No. 4 (135), April 2014. CRITERIA, INDICATORS AND LEVELS OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL CULTURE OF FUTURE BACHELORS OF BANKING IN THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION Mykhailyuk N. Senior teacher of Kharkiv National Semyon Kuznets University of Economics, Kharkiv КРИТЕРІЇ, ПОКАЗНИКИ ТА РІВНІ СФОРМОВАНОСТІ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ МАЙБУТНІХ БАКАЛАВРІВ БАНКІВСЬКОЇ СПРАВИ В ОСВІТНЬОМУ СЕРЕДОВИЩІ ЗАКЛАДУ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ Михайлюк Н.В. Старший викладач Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця, місто Харків DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-60-3-16-23 Abstract The article analyses scientific approaches of the development of criteria, indicators and indicators of the for- mation of professional culture of specialists. Significant criteria, indicators and indicators of the formation of pro- fessional culture and bachelor's degrees in banking. The main criteria are: professional competence, professional identity, professional morality. Opening indicators of the level of formation of professional culture in the future of the bank sphere. Анотація У статті проведений аналіз наукових підходів щодо розробки критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформо- ваності професійної культури фахівців. Визначені критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професійної культури майбутніх бакалаврів банківської справи. Основними критеріями визначено: професійна компе- тентність, професійна ідентичність, професійна мораль. Розкриті показники рівнів сформованості профе- сійної культури майбутніх фахівців банківської сфери. Keywords: professional culture of specialists, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professional culture, interest in professional activity. Ключові слова: професійна культура фахівців, критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професій- ної культури, інтерес до професійної діяльності. Постановка проблеми. Важливим кроком на шляху розвитку соціаль- ної свідомості молодого покоління є формування нового наукового економічного мислення, мотива- ція до постійного оновлення своїх знань та навичок, прагнення до особистого вдосконалення, до аналізу результатів своєї роботи та роботи всього колек- тиву. Це завдання стоїть, у першу чергу, перед за- кладами вищої освіти економічного профілю, які мають готувати фахівців високої професійної ква- ліфікації [1]. Особливої вагомості набуває відпові- дність рівня сформованості професійної культури майбутніх бакалаврів банківської справи сучасним соціально-економічним вимогам і потребам [2,с.4]. Основи професійної культури повинні бути сфор- мовані у студентів ще під час навчання у закладі ви- щої освіти, адже соціум потребує фахівців, здатних практично вирішувати поставлені перед ними жит-
  • 17. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 60/2021 17 тєві та професійні проблеми. У зв’язку з цим, особ- ливий акцент робиться в питаннях підготовки бака- лаврів банківської справи, оскільки діяльність пра- цівника банку вимагає значних моральних, фізич- них та інтелектуальних затрат, великої віддачі своїй справі, а також високого рівня сформованості про- фесійної культури. В ході нашого дослідження ми провели розбір критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформованості про- фесійної культури майбутніх бакалаврів банківсь- кої справи. Це дозволить нам отримати методологі- чні інструменти для аналізу стану сформованості професійної культури студента, а також всебічно оцінити ефективність навчально-виховного про- цесу. Аналіз досліджень і публікацій. Питання визначення критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформованості професійної культури фахі- вця досить широко представлене в розробках вітчи- зняних та зарубіжних науковців. Зокрема, визна- ченню критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформовано- сті вмінь і навичок професійної діяльності представників різних професій присвячені дослі- дження Я. Крупського, В.Михалевича [3], С. Гонча- ренко [4], А. Новікова [5], Л. Серман [6], С. Шумо- вецької [7], О. Жихорської [8], М. Ростоки [9], Ю. Рибалко [10], Н. Бурмакіної [11], І. Сабатовської [12], Т. Корольової [13], Є. Чернищової, Н. Гузій [14], Р. Богданова [15], О. Ящук [16], Ю. Безручен- кова, Г. Щуки [17] , А. Казьмерчук [18], О. Нали- вайко[19] та інші. Проте, не достатньо є вивченим питання визначення критеріїв, показників та рівнів сформованості професійної культури майбутніх ба- калаврів банківської справи. Мета статті: визначити критерії, показники та рівні сформованості професійної культури май- бутніх бакалаврів банківської справи в закладу ви- щої освіти. Виклад основного матеріалу дослідження. Для більш досконалого аналізу цього питання слід детальніше розглянути терміни «критерії», «показники», «рівні». Тлумачний словник української мови визначає «критерій» як «підставу для оцінки, визначення або класифікації чогось; мірило» [20]. Я. Крупський, В.Михалевич окреслюють «кри- терії» як «мірило оцінювання параметрів, які опи- суються певними показниками; мірило для визна- чення оцінки предмета, явища; ознака, взята за ос- нову класифікації» [3]. С. Гончаренко визначає, що «Критерії статис- тичні — показники, які поєднують у собі методи розрахунку, теоретичну модель розподілу і правила прийняття рішення про правдоподібність нульової або однієї із альтернативних гіпотез»[4]. А. Новіков вважає, що «Критерії ефективності професійного навчання — сукупність оцінок ре- зультатів професійного навчання. Це: - витрати часу учнів і педагогів на досягнення необхідних результатів; - витрати зусиль учнів і педагогів на досяг- нення необхідних результатів за відведений час; - обсяг витрат: фінансових, матеріально-техні- чних та інших ресурсів на досягнення необхідних результатів за відведений час; - відсоток відсіву учнів за повний курс нав- чання; - відповідність рівня сформованості загально- наукових та професійних знань, професійних умінь (компетенцій) і навичок, тих чи інших професійно важливих якостей особистості вимогам професій- них стандартів та професійно-кваліфікаційних ха- рактеристик; - працевлаштування випускників професій- ного освітнього закладу за набутою професією, спе- ціальністю; оцінки роботодавців про їх кваліфіка- ції» [5]. Л. Серман розглядає критерій як «ознаку, на основі якої дається оцінка, судження про предмет, об’єкт чи явище»[6]. Критерій конкретизується че- рез показники. Критерій призначений для оцінки явища з урахуванням усіх його істотних властивос- тей. Показник характеризує явище тільки з одного боку. Усі критерії та показники можуть проявля- тися у різній мірі. Дослідниця дотримується таких вимог до вибору критеріїв: критерії повинні носити інформативний та нейтральний характер, мати мо- жливість бути якісно описаними та конкретизова- ними у виглядф показників [6]. С. Шумовецька, аналізуючи розробки вчених, приходить до висновку, що для оцінки сформова- ності професійної культури доцільно використову- вати групи індикаторів, об’єднаних спільною озна- кою, тобто структурні компоненти навчальної дія- льності, які відображають структуру професійної культури. Науковець виокремлює у структурі про- фесійної культури майбутніх фахівців ціннісний, пізнавальний, комунікативний, поведінковий та професійно особистісний компоненти та відпо- відно до них визначає критерії. Авторка вважає, що «критерії мають відобра- жати структуру професійної культури як особисті- сного явища і визначає, що критеріями її сформова- ності може бути аксіологічний (слугує для діагнос- тики ціннісного компонента), когнітивний (необхідний для діагностики пізнавального компо- нента професійної культури), діяльнісний (призна- чений для оцінювання поведінкового компонента), інтерактивний (необхідний для діагностики кому- нікативного компонента), особистісний (відповідає професійно особистісному компоненту) критерії. Авторка пропонує оцінювати сформованість про- фесійної культури майбутніх фахівців за чотирма рівнями — низьким, середнім, достатнім і висо- ким» [7]. О. Жихорська поняття «критерій» використо- вує як «мірило, орієнтир, індикатор, на основі якого відбувається оцінка стану сформованості професій- ної компетентності фахівця» [8]. Авторка узагальнює вимоги вчених щодо виді- лення та обґрунтування критеріїв професійної ку- льтури: 1. «Критерії повинні відображати основні за- кономірності функціонування об’єкта;