infrastructure asset management ohm advisors engineering planning stormwater stormwater management 21st century educational design aging utilities smart infrastructure gis city of ann arbor green ohm sanitary sewer asset management water wastewater transportation education climate change public safety murat ulasir innovation architecture urban design sanitary collection systems redevelopment placemaking municipal water system bmp low impact design mdeq stormwater runoff roundabouts low impact energy efficient leed green buildings green building rating system clean water act funding modeling sso treatment collaboration water resources environmental community assetic smart technologies infrastructure asset management aging infrastructure green technology field data collection sewer inspection h2ometrics wastewater management perception public works capital improvements sanitary sewer system epa national stormwater calculator charles humphriss awwa condition forecasting capital costs water utility sidewalks bond debt detention ponds tmdls public health national flood insurance program npdes greg kavinsky stormwater utilities urban planning bill costick gahanna jim houk auburn hills westland john hiltz hilliard mike cousins gisp kyle curie city of novi timothy kuhns isco 2150 continuous wave doppler meter epa swmm epa rational method macp compliant manhole assessment green data collection processes school renovation public-private partnerships arcgis geodatabase drinking water technology in education flexible school programming student-centered learning stem rotary rotaries traffic circles walkable communities sustainable suburbs smart growth bird houk conservation development conservation subdivision cipp spot repair sewer pipes uv quick seal cured in place pipe radar rainfall analysis wet weather modeling new urbanism walkability gis analysis lid best management practice storage needs water shortage sizing water storage tanks water system sanitary collection system antecedent moisture frequency analysis bridge construction apwa road construction walton boulevard context sensitive design high priority projects nichols arboretum university of michigan landform erosion control controlled energy dissipation erosion control wwtp wastewater collection special assessment district pump station discharge permit wastewater treatment municipal government sad o&m storm water permeable pavement porous pavement bioswale water quality public outreach ann arbor roundabout bmps non-point source pollution state revolving fund section 319 elisabeth kubler-ross project innovations charlie fleetham five stages of grief the new normal lunch & learn reengineering municipal government cso sewer antecedent moisture model i3d hydrologic model sewer rehabilitation municipal main tennessee utility districts taud utility districts utilities and declining revenue public utilities waste systems system cupps small capital cip plants improvement
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