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Uplift Program (VHL Part 1):
Livelihood Teachers Manual
Uplift Livelihood Overview/Goals
Lesson        Teaching Objective                              Results
   1   Welcome & Livelihood Orientation     Recipients Know What They’ll be Learning
       Vermiculture Introduction            Recipients Know What They Need to Prepare
   2   Vermiculture Overview                Basic Understanding of Vermiculture
       Teach Vermi Food                     Create Food Prep Area
       Teach Vermi Bin                      Make Vermi Tea
       Create Vermi Bin                     Functioning Vermi Bins
       Teach Vermi Tea
   3   Give 1kg Vermi for community         21 Pass Test
       Teach Container Farming              Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food
       Demonstration                        Plant 10 Vegetables
       Give 2 sacks of Cast & 310 Seeds
       Teach Record Keeping
   4   Teach CRH                            CRH
       1 Carbonizer for community           Collect 4 sacks of Vermi Food
       Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds     Plant 30 Vegetables
                                            30 Recipients Record New Seeds in Booklets
  5     Teach Botanical Pesticide           Produce Botanical Pesticide
        Share about Student Record          Recipients Understand Student Booklet
        Booklet                             Collect Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food
        Give 31 Booklets, 2 sacks of Cast
        & 930 Seeds
  6     Teach and Demonstrate SODIS         Recipients Produce Clean Water using
        Teach Cast Harvesting               SODIS
        Review Record Keeping for           Harvest their own Vermicast
        Harvesting                          Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food
        Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds
  7     Teach Vegetable Harvesting          Create Marketing Plan
        Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds    Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food
  8     Teach Seed Banking                  Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food
        Give 930 Seeds
  9     Teach Marketing                     Recipients Write Marketing Plans
        Give 930 Seeds                      Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food
  10    Teach IMO+                          Produce IMO+
        Give 930 Seeds                      Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food
  11    Share Your Personal Vision and      Recipients Write Personal Vision & Goal
        Goals                               Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food
        Teach Personal Visioning
        Give 930 Seeds
  12    Give 930 Seeds                      Collect 1kg of Worms for Office
        Graduation & Prize Awarding
ICM’s Vision

    ICM is called to release the poorest of the poor in the Philippines from spiritual,
                            emotional and physical bondage.

                              Uplift Livelihood Vision
We want our communities to:
• Understand the components of sustainable organic farming.
    • For 25 of 31 families to at least try it.
    • For 15 families to plant most of the seeds we give them.
    • For 75% of the vegetables to reach maturity; to be sold or consumed.
• Understand basic marketing.
    • For 15 of the families to sell their vegetables to their neighbors.
• Understand the importance of thinking and planning for the future.
    • For 20 of the families to set specific goals.
              Objectives (Results):
              At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Understand the scheduling, system and topics of VHL,
   •   Understand that they will need to prepare before some livelihood lessons,
   •   Understand that they will receive livelihood materials in exchange for local materials (vermi food).

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline.
    • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin.
Teaching Outline (35 minutes including general VHL Orientation):
            Content                                               Trainers notes
Welcome & Introduction         • Introduce yourself and your role.
                               • Inform them that all of our livelihood teaching is very practical and can help
             Timing: 5 minutes   them produce more food and income.
VHL Orientation                • Every week this ICM team will visit your area.
                               • In the mornings (or afternoon) we’ll be visiting a few of your houses to see
                                 how things are going. You can ask us any questions during those visits.
                                 Also, we’ll need to do a survey.
                               • In the afternoon (or morning) we’ll all gather here to learn 3 lessons each
                                 week: Values, Health & Livelihood. Each lessons is only 30 minutes! We
                                 know many of you need to look after your family so our aim is not take
            Timing: 10 minutes   more than 2 hours.
Livelihood Topics Orientation • We’ll teach you sustainable agriculture: vermiculture, seed banking, CRH
                                 and botanical pesticide.
                               • We’ll also teach you some basic marketing tips so that you can earn some
                                 money from your hard work!
                               • We’ll be providing many of the materials you’ll need to implement
                                 sustainable agriculture, but you will also need to provide some of them. For
                                 example next week, we need all of you to bring 1 plastic/amount of any of
                                 the following: banana trunk, animal tai/poo, dagami/rice straw or leaves.
                                 We need those types of materials so that we can teach you how to make
                                 high quality organic fertilizer.
                               • When we do give you vermi and seeds, we’ll need you to “pay” for those
                                 things. Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay with money, you can pay us with
            Timing: 10 minutes   vermi food materials.
What is Vermicomposting?       Characteristics of the African Night Crawler:
The process of organic matter  1. Hermaphrodites that mature in 8 weeks.
becoming fertilizer by using a 2. Population can grow extremely fast!
species of earthworm.          3. Prefers a moist (70%) environment.
                               Vermi eat organic matter (such as tai and banana trunk) and turn it into the
                               highest quality fertilizer.
                               Note: producing your own fertilizer is a key component in sustainable
            Timing: 5 minutes farming.
Vision Casting                 • We want to get to know each of you, your families and your situations.
                               • We want to remind you that there is hope for a better future and we want to
                                 get along side you for the next 3 months to help you achieve some
                                 victories in your life.
                               • We think each of you are worth our time and the donors money because
                                 we believe you are all created in the image of our great God.
             Timing: 5 minutes • We are excited to partner with all of you.
Remind: Everyone should bring at least 1 sack of vermi food and enough materials (check Lesson 2 for
list of needed materials) to make a vermi bin next week!
                             LESSON 2: VERMICULTURE & VERMI TEA
              Objectives (Results):
              At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Understand the basics of vermiculture,
   •   Prepare vermi food and construct a vermi bin,
   •   Make vermi tea.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review vermiculture & vermi tea.
    • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 1 kg of vermicast (to make vermi tea).

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
           Content                                                    Trainers notes
Typical Problems                     1. 33% of Filipinos are in poverty because of underemployment, low
                                          productivity and lack of education.
                                     2. Hunger: lack of food, limited area for food production.
                                     3. Poor health: sickness from poor diet and low quality food.
                                     4. Poor environment: pollution, air, water, sewage and uncollected
          Timing: 4 Minutes               garbage!
Vermicomposting is a Solution        1. Increases income: increases the productivity of the soil, so more food
                                          can be grown (less bought and more can be).
                                     2. Reduces hunger: helps lift production of quality food.
                                     3. Reduces sickness by improving diet.
                                     4. Improves the environment, by helping more plants grow! Green is
            Timing: 4 Minutes             beautiful!
Prepare Vermi Food                   3 main types of vermi food to make quality NPK fertilizer:
                                     1. Banana Trunk (Potassium)
                                     2. Manure, seafood scraps & banana peels (Phosphorus)
                                     3. Leguminous (ipil-ipil, kakawate) (Nitrogen)
                                     Layer the 3 types in equal proportions (1:1:1)
                                     Other vermi food can be added: rice straw, ampalaya leaves, rotten non-
                                     citrus fruit, eggshells, bones, cuttings, non-oily food scraps, paper and
             Timing: 7 minutes       Note: Add goat manure if there are rats.
Construct a Vermi Bin                • Materials needed:
   (1m x 2m x 1m high)               Bamboo or wood poles, bamboo or plywood slats, nails or twine, rice
   Advantages of a raised bin        sacks, four containers, and used oil or water.
   include protection from ants,     • The top of the bin should have a depth of around 2 feet. Vermi Food will
   flooding and easy access.           need to be at least 1 foot deep at all times to achieve a faster rate of
              Timing: 5 minutes      Note: A 2 square meter bin can handle up to 2 kg of worms.
Prepare Vermi Tea                    1. Ingredients: cast + water (1:4)
(IMO substitute)                     2. Mix cast and water in container.
                                     3. Leave for 24 hours for most effectiveness.
                                     4. Apply to vermi food.
              Timing: 5 minutes      Note: It can also be used as liquid fertilizer.
Stages of Growing Vermi                  1. Gather vermi food.
                                         2. Add vermi tea and leave for 7-14 days.
                                         3. Then add to the vermi bin at least 1 foot to 2 feet deep.
                                         4. Add water to keep the bin around 70% moist.
                                         5. Harvest cast by scraping the vermicast from the top of the bin.
                 Timing: 5 Minutes 6. Add more vermi food to keep the depth of the food at least 1 foot deep.
Remind: The vermi bin must be completely ready in order to get worms!
 Vermicompost (also called worm compost, vermicast, worm castings, worm humus or worm manure) is the end-
product of the breakdown of organic matter by some species of earthworm. Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich, natural
fertilizer and soil conditioner. The process of producing vermicompost is called vermicomposting.
Together with bacteria (indigenous micro-organisms or IMO), earthworms are the major catalyst for decomposition in a
healthy vermicomposting system, although other soil species also play a contributing role: these include insects, other
worms and molds.

Different Earthworm Species used in Vermicomposting
1. Red Wiggler
2. Red Tiger
3. Red Worms
4. Blue Worms
5. African Night Crawlers (most commonly used in the Philippines)

Characteristics of African Night Crawlers
1. Hermaphrodites (each worm has male and female reproductive organs)
2. Matures in 8 weeks.
3. Breeding worms can lay 2-5 cocoons per week, each containing an average of 10
4. Population doubles in about a month.
5. Loves shady areas and strongly dislikes direct sunlight.
6. Prefers a moist, but not wet, environment.
7. Eats continuously.
8. Generally, it will excrete on the surface.

Advantages of Vermicomposting
1. It contains millions of microbes that help breakdown nutrients already present in the soil into plant available forms.
2. Contains worm mucus that keeps nutrients from washing away with the first watering.
3. Environment friendly. Since earthworms feed on anything that is biodegradable, vermicomposting then partially aids
    in the garbage disposal problems.
4. Compost “tea” is liquid fertilizer that is made from brewing vermicasts in water. An enormous diversity of bacteria,
    fungi, protozoa and nematodes should be present depending on the quality of the compost.
5. No imported inputs required. Worms are now locally available and the materials for feeding are abundant in the
    locality as market wastes, grasses, used papers and farm wastes.
6. It doesn’t take much time.
7. Profitable. Both the worms and castings are saleable!
8. Increase moisture and nutrient retention of the soil
9. Improves aeration and root penetration
10. Reduces crusting of soil surface
11. Contain NPK just like chemical fertilizer, except better because it
    doesn’t kill the natural soil.
12. Increases the number of beneficial soil micro-organisms.

100% worm compost is usually too rich for to use as a seed starter. For
seed starting, use a mixture of vermicasts and soil or soil alternatives
(such as rice hull); a mixture of one to four should be used.
Site Selection
1. Source of H2O & VermiFood
2. Shady and Covered

Harvesting Stage
You can harvest the vermicompost every 3-4 weeks. During the week before harvesting, no water should be added to the

                                     LESSON 3: ORGANIC FARMING
               Objectives (Results):
               At the end of this session the recipients will have an operating Vermi Bin and be able to:
   •   Understand the need to use organic farming,
   •   Do container farming as well as plot farming.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review the container farming demonstration.
    • Call the pastor to confirm that their vermi bin is ready. If it is, then bring 1kg worms for the group.
    • Bring 1kg vermi, 310 seeds, 1 sacks of vermicast, 1 container, wire #16 and 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
            Content                                                     Trainers notes
Give 1kg worms to group                    Locate vermi bin in a dark and covered area, with easy access to water
                Timing: 5 Minutes          and vermi food.
Review Typical Problems                    Ask 2 recipients to share a few of their problems.
                Timing: 4 Minutes
Organic Farming is a Solution to           1. Increasing income by reducing the amount of food that needs to be
Poverty                                          bought and producing food that can be sold.
                                           2. Reducing hunger by offering a daily source of food supply.
                                           3. Reducing sickness by improving diet.
                                           4. Improving the environment by recycling old containers & beautifying
                    Timing: 3 Minutes            backyards.
What is Container Farming?                 • A method of vegetable production using old or discarded containers
Types of Containers: jars, old boxes,        that can hold soil for a full-grown plant.
old containers, tires, plastic pots, tin   • It is a cheap, manageable and easy way to start a farm!
cans, and plastic soft drink bottles       Note: Containers must be non-transparent, because the root system of
and water bottles.                         the plant should not be exposed to sunlight. It will affect the growth of
                   Timing: 3 minutes       the plant.
How do we get started?                     1. Clean containers of oil or grease.
1. Prepare the Containers                  2. Cut in halves if needed.
(demonstrate)                              3. Make at least 5 holes, 1 inch from the bottom.
                   Timing: 4 minutes       4. Use wire to hang the containers.
2. Prepare the Soil (demonstrate)          Healthy soil mixture: mix soil, casts & CRH in equal parts (1:1:1)
                   Timing: 3 minutes       Note: If no CRH is available mix soil & casts (1:1)
3. Direct Planting (demonstrate)           1. ¾ of the container should be filled with soil.
                                           2. Water the soil just enough to make it damp/moist.
                                           3. Sow 1 seed in the container with a depth of 2-3 cm and cover.
                Timing: 4 Minutes          4. Water and hang (use #16 tie wire, or string) in a sunny location.
Traditional Farming                        • If you have no containers or have lots of ground space, you should
                                             use a seed box to germinate the seeds. Do not expose the seed box
                                             to direct sunlight, because the heat of the sun will kill the young
                                           • While the seeds are germinating, you should prepare the plots using
                                               • Once the seeds have 3 leaves on them they can be transplanted into
                      Timing: 3 Minutes          the prepared plots.
Give out Seeds                                 Give each recipient a pack of 10 seeds to practice organic farming.
                       Timing: 1 Minute
1. Collect 2 sack of vermi food to pay for the vermicast.
2. The community should have at least 1 sack of rice husk for next weeks lesson.
3. Tell them that they will need to pay back 1 kg of worms on the last week of the program.
Container Farming is a method of vegetable production using discarded containers such as; jars, old boxes, old
containers, tires, plastic bags, pots, tin cans and anything else can hold soil as the planting medium. Using this method
helps save space, recycles old materials and keeps the work simple. Starting a farm using this method can be very cheap,
manageable and easy to scale up. On average each plant will generate P7 of income.

Materials Needed
   • Containers
   • Wire (#18 tie wire preferred) or string
   • Planting materials (seeds, seedlings,
       cuttings, tubers, etc.)
   • Garden tools (bolo, knife, scissors,
       spade, rake or hoe)
   • Garden soil/fertile soil
   • Organic fertilizer (compost, animal manure, vermicompost, etc.)

Container Location
The container can go anywhere as long as they meet the 2 requirements listed below.
    • Sunlight
             o Leafy vegetables: 4 to 5 hours of sunlight everyday.
             o Fruit bearing: 5 to 6 hours of sunlight everyday.
    • Wind/breeze/air movement
             o Not too strong of wind or the plant might get damaged.
Container Selection
    • Choose a container size based on the size of plant you wanted to
    • Clean the container if necessary (oil, grease, etc.)
    • Cut into two halves if needed.
    • Make at least 5 holes around, 1 inch from the bottom.
    • If necessary, attach a string or wire to the container for hanging.
1. Soil Mixtures-Local Soil:Vermicast:CRH (1:1:1)
2. Planting: place seed 1/2 inch under the soil mixture
3. Water twice a day. Don’t over water!
4. Harvest On Time (use record book)!
5.Record Sales And Planting Data

                                      1. Direct Planting
                                      Raddish, Pitchay, Carrot, Onion, Beans,
                                      Squash, Garlic, Ampalaya, Upo, Camote
                                      2. Seedlines
                                      Peppers, Tomato, Eggplant, Okra

                                                                      Types of Seed Box
        VEG         HARVEST          SOIL           SOIL       SUNLIGHT
                                  DIAMETER        DEPTH
1     Pechay        30-45 days      6 inches       5 inches   4-5 hours a day
2    Pole Sitaw     37-43 days     12 inches      12 inches   5-6 hours a day
3      Carrot       80-100 days     2 inches       7 inches   5-6 hours a day
4    Ampalaya         90 days      16 inches      12 inches   5-6 hours a day
5     Lettuce          30-45       12 inches      12 inches   4-5 hours a day
6      Garlic       90-110 days     8 inches       8 inches   4-5 hours a day
7     Tomato          45-60         12 inches     12 inches   5-6 hours a day
8      Radish       45-60 days       2 inches     12 inches   5-6 hours a day
9    Bell Pepper     60 days         6 inches     12 inches   5-6 hours a day
        Onion         90 days       10 inches     3 inches    4-5 hours a day
         Upo          90 days       12 inches     16 inches   5-6 hours a day
      Eggplant        90 days       12 inches     16 inches   5-6 hours a day
     Camote tops       30-45        12 inches     12 inches   4-5 hours a day
      Hot chilli      90 days       10 inches     12 inches   4-5 hours a day
        Okra          60 days       12 inches     12 inches   5-6 hours a day
       Squash         90 days       12 inches     18 inches   5-6 hours a day

Types of Soil
1. Sandy
        a. Large spaces between particles allowing water and minerals to flow
        b. No capacity to hold water
        c. Made up of granules of minerals and rocks
        d. Not Fertile
2. Clay
        a. Very little space between particles, poor drainage, poor aeration
        b. Not good for planting
        c. Good for art crafts such as pots, jars etc.
        d. light brown, reddish brown, light yellow in color
3. Silt
        a. Fertile soil, rich in nutrient, good drainage
        b. Ideal for all plants
4. Loam
        a. Made up of different kinds of soil
        b. With good water holding capacity
        c. Fertile soil, rich in nutrient, good drainage
        d. Good aeration
        e. Black in color
              Objectives (Results):
              At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Make CRH (Carbonized Rice Husk),
   •   Understand the importance of keeping records for planting, harvesting and marketing as well as
       personal finances.

Office Preparations Before the Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review making CRH.
    • Bring a Carbonizer, 31 student booklets, 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin, 930 seeds & 2 sacks of vermicast.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
              Content                                                      Trainers notes
Make CRH                                 1. Make a small fire.
                                         2. Place the Carbonizer on top of the fire.
                                         3. Put 1 sack of rice husk around the Carbonizer.
                                         4. Add wood to the fire through the chimney.
                                         5. When 85% of the husk turns black remove the fire.
                                         6. Using a shovel, slowly mix the rice husk until it’s 99% black.
                                         7. Add water and mix until it stops smoking.
                                         8. Spread it out so that it will dry.
                                         9. Once dried, add to soil or store it in a sack until needed.
                                         Note: The husk should not catch on fire or become gray. (It
                      Timing: 15 Minutes becomes useless at that point.)
Why do we make CRH?                      1. It’s is a soil loosener.
CRH contains phosphorus, potassium,      2. It aids moisture retention.
calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients 3. It can enhance seedling growth.
vital for growing crops.                 4. It minimizes weed growth.
                                         5. Rice Husk is normally free or very cheap.
                                         6. A Carbonizer is cheap and easy to operate.
                                         7. When it’s added to casts it makes a great soil enhancer.
                       Timing: 5 Minutes 8. It eliminates fungus that damage and kill plants.
Student Booklet                          • The 1st half of the booklet has a summary of everything we are
(show them a sample booklet)               teaching you. The 2nd half is to record all the important information
                                           like the date the seed is planted, how much is harvested and sold.
                                           In a few more weeks we’ll also use the booklet to record some of
                                           our personal goals and dreams.
                                         • If you keep your records up-to-date, you will be able to see how
                                           much you’ve been able to produce and earn because of your
                                           efforts to grow food for your family. And hopefully you will be
                                           encouraged to see that you can also earn money by selling your
                                           extra vegetables!
                                         • Each recipient will get 1 booklet. If you loose it, you will need to
                                           pay P5 to ICM to replace it. Please keep it in a safe place! We
                                           want you to have the information so that when ICM finished this
                                           program, you still have the information.
Timing: 8 Minutes Note: The pastor can keep your booklet if you feel like there is no
                                       safe place in your house. Make sure you write your name on it!

Give out Seeds                              Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                     Timing: 2 Minutes
1. Collect 4 sacks of vermi food to pay for the Carbonizer and vermicast.
2. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
                        LESSON 5: PLANT MANAGEMENT & REWARDS!
             Objectives (Results):
             At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Prepare botanical pesticide,
   •   Demonstrate plant management and pest control.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review making botanical pestcide.
    • Bring botanical pesticide ingredients (1/4 kg of kakawate leaves and 1 teaspoon of Lanate), 1 Uplift
       livelihood tarpaulin, 930 seeds & 2 sacks of vermicast.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
              Content                                            Trainers notes
Basic Plant Management and Care     1. Pests: watch and remove insects and pests.
                                    2. Remove weeds.
                                    3. Water: twice per day, but don’t drowned the plants.
                  Timing: 5 Minutes Note: If it’s raining, you may not need to water your plants.
Make Botanical Pesticide            1. Gather ¼ kg of kakawate leaves.
                                    2. Pound it using a hammer, stone, wood or even grind it (pwede
                                        pud ug lobokon).
                                    3. Once the leaves are broken, mix it well with 250ml of water and
                                        soak it over night.
                                    4. After 12 hours, strain out all the leaves so that it will not cause
                                        the sprayer to break down.
                                    5. Mix 4L of water and 3 tablespoons of kakawate juice.
                                    6. Spray mixture on your plants during sunrise and sunset.
                                    7. If some pests or bacteria remain, add in 1 teaspoon of the
                                        chemical pesticide Lanate to mixture.
                                    8. The mixture should be used within 3 days.
                                    Note: botanical pesticides should only be used when needed (when
                Timing: 18 minutes the problem starts).
Vegetable Production Rewards        • The family that plants and maintains the most vegetables will
                                      receive a reward: 1 year supply of seeds!!
                                    • On the 11th week of the program, ICM staff will visit each house to
                                      count how many vegetable plants the family has. The family with
                                      the most plants wins!
                                    Note: Only healthy plants will be counted. Plants that are dying will
                                    be disqualified.
Timing: 5 Minutes
Give out Seeds                            Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                   Timing: 2 Minutes
1. Collect 4 sacks of vermi food to pay for Botanical Pesticide Materials and vermicast.
2. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
                             LESSON 6: SODIS & CAST HARVESTING
             Objectives (Results):
             At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Purify their water source using SODIS method,
   •   Harvest vermicast.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review SODIS, vermicast harvesting (scraping technique) & bin
    • Bring a SODIS instruction guide, 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.
Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
             Content                                           Trainers notes
Safe Drinking & Cooking Water    It is so important to have a safe source of water. 1.6 million people die
                                 every year because of severe diarrhoea. 94% of those deaths are
                                 preventable by washing hands and using safe water. We’ve already
                                 learned about proper hand washing through PHE. But we haven’t
               Timing: 5 minutes taught you how to get safe water yet.
SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection) SODIS is a very simple and cheap way to produce safe water. Do the
                                 following steps:
                                 1. Get a bucket of water (your normal source) and strain it with some
                                 2. Take a transparent bottle and remove any labels.
                                 3. Pour the strained water into the bottle and tighten the lid.
                                 4. Then place the bottle in direct sunlight, such as your roof.
                                 5. After 10 hours, on a sunny day, the water is safe to drink. If it’s
                                      cloudy, then leave the bottle for 2 days.

               Timing: 7 minutes
How does SODIS Work?              UV-radiation from the sun will kill 99.9% of the pathogens that cause
               Timing: 3 minutes  the diseases, except amibiasis.
Vermicast Harvesting              1. Scrape the top layer of casts.
              Timing: 10 minutes  2. Use casts for new containers or sell them.
Bin Maintenance                   1. After harvesting some of the casts:
                                      • Add the prepared vermi food to the bin
                                      • Maintain 70% moisture level
               Timing: 3 minutes 2. When there are too many worms in a bin you can create a 2nd bin.
Give out Seeds Timing: 2 Minutes Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
          Objectives (Results):
          At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
•   Harvest vegetables.
Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review plant harvesting, preparation and planting.
    • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
             Content                                            Trainers notes
Container Harvesting               1. Harvest the vegetables that are ready.
                                   2. Consume or sell harvest.
                                   Note: Make sure you sell the best quality vegetables and consume the
                                   average ones. Your buyers will continue to purchase from you if you
               Timing: 10 Minutes sell good products.
Container Replanting               1. Take out the old soil and divide it in 2 while removing all the old
                                      root system. If the roots are difficult to remove, put the old soil in
                                      the sun for 7 days to kill the bacteria.
                                   2. Mix the old soil with new vermicast soil.
                                   3. Place the new mix back into the container.
                                   4. Water the soil just enough to get wet.
                                   5. Sow 1 seed in the container with a depth of 2-3 cm and cover.
               Timing: 18 Minutes 6. Water and hang in a sunny location.
Give out Seeds                     Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                 Timing: 2 Minutes
Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!

                                      LESSON 8: SEED BANKING
             Objectives (Results):
             At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Harvest seeds from certain mature plants.
Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review seed banking.
    • Bring cellophane (for seed banking), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
              Content                                                     Trainers notes
Review Soil Preparation                Healthy soil mixture:
                                       Mix soil, casts & CRH in equal parts (1:1:1)
                  Timing: 5 minutes Note: If no CRH is available mix soil & casts (1:1)
What is Seed Banking?                  • Seed banking is allowing a plant to grow to full maturity (when it
                                         begins to flower) and harvesting its seeds.
                                       • The following plants can be kept for seed banking: pechay, tomato,
                                         ampalaya, eggplant, bell pepper, hot pepper, pole sitaw, and
                                       • We recommend you have 1 plant, per variety, to be used for seed
                                       • When the plant reach full maturity and begins to flower, tie plastic
                                         sacks around the flowering part of the plant so that the seeds will
                                         fall into the sack. Once most of the seeds have dropped, shack the
                                         plant and then remove the sacks with the seeds inside. The seeds
                 Timing: 10 minutes      should be stored in a safe dry environment.
Demonstrate Seed Banking               Visit someone nearby garden to show them how to prepare a plant to
                 Timing: 13 minutes harvest it’s seeds.
Give out Seeds                         Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                   Timing: 2 Minutes
1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
2. Everyone needs to bring their booklets next week!

                                        LESSON 9: MARKETING
             Objectives (Results):
             At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Create a Marketing Plan.
Office Preparations Before the Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review marketing.
    • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
            Content                                                    Trainers notes
What Products can you Sell?       1.   Vegetables
                                  2.   Vermicast
                                  3.   Seedlings
                Timing: 4 Minutes 4.   Vermi (depends on the area)
Who/Where do you sell to?         1.   Neighbors: Door-2-Door
                                  2.   The Market: Stall
                Timing: 6 Minutes 3.   Kalindirias/Restaurants
How do you sell?                  1.   Tell potential buyers about your product
                                  2.   Show them your product
                                  3.   Agree on a fair price and sell it
               Timing: 4 minutes 4.    Ask them if they want to buy more
When do you sell?                 1.   When is the customer looking to buy? What is the best time to sell?
                                       After work, before dinner, etc.
                Timing: 4 minutes 2. Manage inventory: you must sell your products before they go bad!
Create a Marketing Plan            • What are you going to sell, where, when, how and at what price?
               Timing: 10 minutes • Fill out your own marketing plan found in your booklet.
Give out Seeds                     Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                Timing: 2 Minutes
1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!

                                             LESSON 10: IMO+
              Objectives (Results):
              At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Produce and understand the purpose of IMO+.
Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review IMO+.
    • Bring ingredients for IMO+ (4kg of sugar (kinugay), 1kg of fish scraps, 1kg of very ripe papaya, 1kg of
       cooked rice, 1kg of banana trunk, bamboo container, 4 containers, strainer, rubber band, plastic, paper
       and pale), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
            Content                                              Trainers notes
What is IMO+?                    • IMO stands for Indigenous Micro Organisms. These
                                   organisms/bacteria are good.
                                 • God made them to help recycle the earth. They eat/break down
                                   decaying matter, such as leaves, manure and banana trunk.
                                 • The “+” stands for the extra food/nutrients we add to the IMO to make
                                   the organisms grow faster. It also adds benefits to the soil. There are
               Timing: 4 minutes   3 types of “+”: FFA, FFJ and FPJ.
Why do we use IMO+?              • These organisms exist everywhere, but we are helping them multiply
                                   so that they work faster!
                                 • They help us reuse our farm/local wastes for a productive purpose.
               Timing: 4 minutes • They help us make organic fertilizer.
How do we make IMO?              1. Put 1kg of cooked rice into bamboo and then cover the top with
                                      paper, then plastic and then tie a string around it to keep it secure.
                                 2. Keep it in a cool place for 3 days.
                                 3. Remove the fermented rice and then mix with 1kg of sugar.
                                 4. Return the mixture into the bamboo and reseal it.
                                 5. Keep it in a cool place for 7 days.
                                 6. Remove the mixture and strain out the liquid from the solid.
                                 7. Store the liquid in a plastic container with the lid loosely on (gases
                                      will build up so don’t put the lid on too tight).

               Timing: 10 minutes
How do we make FFA, FFJ and       1. Chop 1kg of fish scraps (or very ripe papaya or banana trunk) into
FPJ?                                 small pieces then mix with 1kg of sugar.
                                  2. Put the mixture into a plastic container then cover the top with
                                     paper, then plastic and then tie a string around it to keep it secure.
                                  3. Keep it in a cool place for 7 days.
                                  4. Remove the mixture and strain out the liquid from the solid.
                                  5. Store the liquid in a plastic container with the lid loosely on (gases
               Timing: 10 minutes    will build up so don’t put the lid on too tight).
Give out Seeds                    Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                Timing: 2 Minutes
1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
2. Everyone needs to bring their booklets next week!

                                LESSON 11: PERSONAL VISIONING
             Objectives (Results):
             At the end of this session the recipients will be able to:
   •   Know personal goals and vision.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • Read over lesson outline and review personal visioning.
    • Bring your personal goals/vision (to use as an example), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds.

Teaching Outline (30 minutes):
             Content                                           Trainers notes
Personal Visioning                • Importance of personal vision and goals. “Without a vision the people
                                    perish”. Example: Great Commission (Mt 28:19-20).
                                  • Share your example of personal vision and goals.
                                  • Types of personal goals: family, education, housing and income
               Timing: 10 minutes   goals.
Personal Visioning Exercise       Recipients should write down their personal vision and goals in their
                                  record booklet.
                                  Note: If there are some who can’t write, have the counselors help them
               Timing: 18 minutes write their thoughts down.
Give out Seeds                    Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming.
                Timing: 2 Minutes
Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
              Objectives (Results):
              At the end of this session the recipients should:
   •   Graduate from VHL Part 1.

Office Preparations Before Session:
    • All the recipients who are qualified (based on the recipients participation, H2H score card and visitation)
       to join our VHL teachers training should be identified.
    • Bring VHL Part 1 graduation certificates, VHL teachers training invitations and 930 seeds.

                 Content                                             Trainers notes
Giving of Graduation Certificates         All the recipients should receive a framed ICM VHL graduation
                       Timing: 10 minutes certificate.
Giving of Invitation to VHL Certification • Some of you have excelled through our program and we’d like
(optional)                                  to give you the opportunity to become certified VHL trainers.
                                          • ICM will hold a free 2 day VHL training in _________ on _____.
                                            Food will be included.
                                          • Announce the names of those who are invited and give them
                       Timing: 10 minutes   their personalized invitation.
Give out Seeds                            Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic
                        Timing: 2 Minutes farming.
Uplift Livelihood Manual 3 Month (Draft Edition)

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Uplift Livelihood Manual 3 Month (Draft Edition)

  • 1. Uplift Program (VHL Part 1): Livelihood Teachers Manual
  • 2. Uplift Livelihood Overview/Goals Lesson Teaching Objective Results 1 Welcome & Livelihood Orientation Recipients Know What They’ll be Learning Vermiculture Introduction Recipients Know What They Need to Prepare 2 Vermiculture Overview Basic Understanding of Vermiculture Teach Vermi Food Create Food Prep Area Teach Vermi Bin Make Vermi Tea Create Vermi Bin Functioning Vermi Bins Teach Vermi Tea 3 Give 1kg Vermi for community 21 Pass Test Teach Container Farming Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food Demonstration Plant 10 Vegetables Give 2 sacks of Cast & 310 Seeds Teach Record Keeping 4 Teach CRH CRH 1 Carbonizer for community Collect 4 sacks of Vermi Food Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds Plant 30 Vegetables 30 Recipients Record New Seeds in Booklets 5 Teach Botanical Pesticide Produce Botanical Pesticide Share about Student Record Recipients Understand Student Booklet Booklet Collect Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food Give 31 Booklets, 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds 6 Teach and Demonstrate SODIS Recipients Produce Clean Water using Teach Cast Harvesting SODIS Review Record Keeping for Harvest their own Vermicast Harvesting Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds 7 Teach Vegetable Harvesting Create Marketing Plan Give 2 sacks of Cast & 930 Seeds Collect 2 sacks of Vermi Food 8 Teach Seed Banking Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food Give 930 Seeds 9 Teach Marketing Recipients Write Marketing Plans Give 930 Seeds Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food 10 Teach IMO+ Produce IMO+ Give 930 Seeds Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food 11 Share Your Personal Vision and Recipients Write Personal Vision & Goal Goals Collect 1 sack of Vermi Food Teach Personal Visioning Give 930 Seeds 12 Give 930 Seeds Collect 1kg of Worms for Office Graduation & Prize Awarding
  • 3. ICM’s Vision ICM is called to release the poorest of the poor in the Philippines from spiritual, emotional and physical bondage. Uplift Livelihood Vision We want our communities to: • Understand the components of sustainable organic farming. • For 25 of 31 families to at least try it. • For 15 families to plant most of the seeds we give them. • For 75% of the vegetables to reach maturity; to be sold or consumed. • Understand basic marketing. • For 15 of the families to sell their vegetables to their neighbors. • Understand the importance of thinking and planning for the future. • For 20 of the families to set specific goals.
  • 4. LESSON 1: WELCOME, INTRODUCTION & OREINTATION Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Understand the scheduling, system and topics of VHL, • Understand that they will need to prepare before some livelihood lessons, • Understand that they will receive livelihood materials in exchange for local materials (vermi food). Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline. • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin. Teaching Outline (35 minutes including general VHL Orientation): Content Trainers notes Welcome & Introduction • Introduce yourself and your role. • Inform them that all of our livelihood teaching is very practical and can help Timing: 5 minutes them produce more food and income. VHL Orientation • Every week this ICM team will visit your area. • In the mornings (or afternoon) we’ll be visiting a few of your houses to see how things are going. You can ask us any questions during those visits. Also, we’ll need to do a survey. • In the afternoon (or morning) we’ll all gather here to learn 3 lessons each week: Values, Health & Livelihood. Each lessons is only 30 minutes! We know many of you need to look after your family so our aim is not take Timing: 10 minutes more than 2 hours. Livelihood Topics Orientation • We’ll teach you sustainable agriculture: vermiculture, seed banking, CRH and botanical pesticide. • We’ll also teach you some basic marketing tips so that you can earn some money from your hard work! • We’ll be providing many of the materials you’ll need to implement sustainable agriculture, but you will also need to provide some of them. For example next week, we need all of you to bring 1 plastic/amount of any of the following: banana trunk, animal tai/poo, dagami/rice straw or leaves. We need those types of materials so that we can teach you how to make high quality organic fertilizer. • When we do give you vermi and seeds, we’ll need you to “pay” for those things. Don’t worry, you don’t need to pay with money, you can pay us with Timing: 10 minutes vermi food materials. What is Vermicomposting? Characteristics of the African Night Crawler: The process of organic matter 1. Hermaphrodites that mature in 8 weeks. becoming fertilizer by using a 2. Population can grow extremely fast! species of earthworm. 3. Prefers a moist (70%) environment. Vermi eat organic matter (such as tai and banana trunk) and turn it into the highest quality fertilizer. Note: producing your own fertilizer is a key component in sustainable Timing: 5 minutes farming. Vision Casting • We want to get to know each of you, your families and your situations. • We want to remind you that there is hope for a better future and we want to get along side you for the next 3 months to help you achieve some victories in your life. • We think each of you are worth our time and the donors money because we believe you are all created in the image of our great God. Timing: 5 minutes • We are excited to partner with all of you.
  • 5. Remind: Everyone should bring at least 1 sack of vermi food and enough materials (check Lesson 2 for list of needed materials) to make a vermi bin next week! LESSON 2: VERMICULTURE & VERMI TEA Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Understand the basics of vermiculture, • Prepare vermi food and construct a vermi bin, • Make vermi tea. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review vermiculture & vermi tea. • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 1 kg of vermicast (to make vermi tea). Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Typical Problems 1. 33% of Filipinos are in poverty because of underemployment, low productivity and lack of education. 2. Hunger: lack of food, limited area for food production. 3. Poor health: sickness from poor diet and low quality food. 4. Poor environment: pollution, air, water, sewage and uncollected Timing: 4 Minutes garbage! Vermicomposting is a Solution 1. Increases income: increases the productivity of the soil, so more food can be grown (less bought and more can be). 2. Reduces hunger: helps lift production of quality food. 3. Reduces sickness by improving diet. 4. Improves the environment, by helping more plants grow! Green is Timing: 4 Minutes beautiful! Prepare Vermi Food 3 main types of vermi food to make quality NPK fertilizer: 1. Banana Trunk (Potassium) 2. Manure, seafood scraps & banana peels (Phosphorus) 3. Leguminous (ipil-ipil, kakawate) (Nitrogen) Layer the 3 types in equal proportions (1:1:1) Other vermi food can be added: rice straw, ampalaya leaves, rotten non- citrus fruit, eggshells, bones, cuttings, non-oily food scraps, paper and cardboard. Timing: 7 minutes Note: Add goat manure if there are rats. Construct a Vermi Bin • Materials needed: (1m x 2m x 1m high) Bamboo or wood poles, bamboo or plywood slats, nails or twine, rice Advantages of a raised bin sacks, four containers, and used oil or water. include protection from ants, • The top of the bin should have a depth of around 2 feet. Vermi Food will flooding and easy access. need to be at least 1 foot deep at all times to achieve a faster rate of production. Timing: 5 minutes Note: A 2 square meter bin can handle up to 2 kg of worms. Prepare Vermi Tea 1. Ingredients: cast + water (1:4) (IMO substitute) 2. Mix cast and water in container. 3. Leave for 24 hours for most effectiveness. 4. Apply to vermi food. Timing: 5 minutes Note: It can also be used as liquid fertilizer.
  • 6. Stages of Growing Vermi 1. Gather vermi food. 2. Add vermi tea and leave for 7-14 days. 3. Then add to the vermi bin at least 1 foot to 2 feet deep. 4. Add water to keep the bin around 70% moist. 5. Harvest cast by scraping the vermicast from the top of the bin. Timing: 5 Minutes 6. Add more vermi food to keep the depth of the food at least 1 foot deep. Remind: The vermi bin must be completely ready in order to get worms! Vermicompost (also called worm compost, vermicast, worm castings, worm humus or worm manure) is the end- product of the breakdown of organic matter by some species of earthworm. Vermicompost is a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer and soil conditioner. The process of producing vermicompost is called vermicomposting. Together with bacteria (indigenous micro-organisms or IMO), earthworms are the major catalyst for decomposition in a healthy vermicomposting system, although other soil species also play a contributing role: these include insects, other worms and molds. Different Earthworm Species used in Vermicomposting 1. Red Wiggler 2. Red Tiger 3. Red Worms 4. Blue Worms 5. African Night Crawlers (most commonly used in the Philippines) Characteristics of African Night Crawlers 1. Hermaphrodites (each worm has male and female reproductive organs) 2. Matures in 8 weeks. 3. Breeding worms can lay 2-5 cocoons per week, each containing an average of 10 worms. 4. Population doubles in about a month. 5. Loves shady areas and strongly dislikes direct sunlight. 6. Prefers a moist, but not wet, environment. 7. Eats continuously. 8. Generally, it will excrete on the surface. Advantages of Vermicomposting 1. It contains millions of microbes that help breakdown nutrients already present in the soil into plant available forms. 2. Contains worm mucus that keeps nutrients from washing away with the first watering. 3. Environment friendly. Since earthworms feed on anything that is biodegradable, vermicomposting then partially aids in the garbage disposal problems. 4. Compost “tea” is liquid fertilizer that is made from brewing vermicasts in water. An enormous diversity of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes should be present depending on the quality of the compost. 5. No imported inputs required. Worms are now locally available and the materials for feeding are abundant in the locality as market wastes, grasses, used papers and farm wastes. 6. It doesn’t take much time. 7. Profitable. Both the worms and castings are saleable! 8. Increase moisture and nutrient retention of the soil 9. Improves aeration and root penetration 10. Reduces crusting of soil surface 11. Contain NPK just like chemical fertilizer, except better because it doesn’t kill the natural soil. 12. Increases the number of beneficial soil micro-organisms. Caution 100% worm compost is usually too rich for to use as a seed starter. For seed starting, use a mixture of vermicasts and soil or soil alternatives (such as rice hull); a mixture of one to four should be used.
  • 7. Site Selection 1. Source of H2O & VermiFood 2. Shady and Covered Harvesting Stage You can harvest the vermicompost every 3-4 weeks. During the week before harvesting, no water should be added to the substrate. LESSON 3: ORGANIC FARMING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will have an operating Vermi Bin and be able to: • Understand the need to use organic farming, • Do container farming as well as plot farming. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review the container farming demonstration. • Call the pastor to confirm that their vermi bin is ready. If it is, then bring 1kg worms for the group. • Bring 1kg vermi, 310 seeds, 1 sacks of vermicast, 1 container, wire #16 and 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Give 1kg worms to group Locate vermi bin in a dark and covered area, with easy access to water Timing: 5 Minutes and vermi food. Review Typical Problems Ask 2 recipients to share a few of their problems. Timing: 4 Minutes Organic Farming is a Solution to 1. Increasing income by reducing the amount of food that needs to be Poverty bought and producing food that can be sold. 2. Reducing hunger by offering a daily source of food supply. 3. Reducing sickness by improving diet. 4. Improving the environment by recycling old containers & beautifying Timing: 3 Minutes backyards. What is Container Farming? • A method of vegetable production using old or discarded containers Types of Containers: jars, old boxes, that can hold soil for a full-grown plant. old containers, tires, plastic pots, tin • It is a cheap, manageable and easy way to start a farm! cans, and plastic soft drink bottles Note: Containers must be non-transparent, because the root system of and water bottles. the plant should not be exposed to sunlight. It will affect the growth of Timing: 3 minutes the plant. How do we get started? 1. Clean containers of oil or grease. 1. Prepare the Containers 2. Cut in halves if needed. (demonstrate) 3. Make at least 5 holes, 1 inch from the bottom. Timing: 4 minutes 4. Use wire to hang the containers. 2. Prepare the Soil (demonstrate) Healthy soil mixture: mix soil, casts & CRH in equal parts (1:1:1) Timing: 3 minutes Note: If no CRH is available mix soil & casts (1:1) 3. Direct Planting (demonstrate) 1. ¾ of the container should be filled with soil. 2. Water the soil just enough to make it damp/moist. 3. Sow 1 seed in the container with a depth of 2-3 cm and cover. Timing: 4 Minutes 4. Water and hang (use #16 tie wire, or string) in a sunny location. Traditional Farming • If you have no containers or have lots of ground space, you should use a seed box to germinate the seeds. Do not expose the seed box to direct sunlight, because the heat of the sun will kill the young leaves. • While the seeds are germinating, you should prepare the plots using
  • 8. vermicast. • Once the seeds have 3 leaves on them they can be transplanted into Timing: 3 Minutes the prepared plots. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 10 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 1 Minute Reminds: 1. Collect 2 sack of vermi food to pay for the vermicast. 2. The community should have at least 1 sack of rice husk for next weeks lesson. 3. Tell them that they will need to pay back 1 kg of worms on the last week of the program. Container Farming is a method of vegetable production using discarded containers such as; jars, old boxes, old containers, tires, plastic bags, pots, tin cans and anything else can hold soil as the planting medium. Using this method helps save space, recycles old materials and keeps the work simple. Starting a farm using this method can be very cheap, manageable and easy to scale up. On average each plant will generate P7 of income. Materials Needed • Containers • Wire (#18 tie wire preferred) or string • Planting materials (seeds, seedlings, cuttings, tubers, etc.) • Garden tools (bolo, knife, scissors, spade, rake or hoe) • Garden soil/fertile soil • Organic fertilizer (compost, animal manure, vermicompost, etc.) Container Location The container can go anywhere as long as they meet the 2 requirements listed below. • Sunlight o Leafy vegetables: 4 to 5 hours of sunlight everyday. o Fruit bearing: 5 to 6 hours of sunlight everyday. • Wind/breeze/air movement o Not too strong of wind or the plant might get damaged. Container Selection • Choose a container size based on the size of plant you wanted to grow. • Clean the container if necessary (oil, grease, etc.) • Cut into two halves if needed. • Make at least 5 holes around, 1 inch from the bottom. • If necessary, attach a string or wire to the container for hanging. Reminders 1. Soil Mixtures-Local Soil:Vermicast:CRH (1:1:1) 2. Planting: place seed 1/2 inch under the soil mixture 3. Water twice a day. Don’t over water! 4. Harvest On Time (use record book)! 5.Record Sales And Planting Data Germinating 1. Direct Planting Raddish, Pitchay, Carrot, Onion, Beans, Squash, Garlic, Ampalaya, Upo, Camote 2. Seedlines Peppers, Tomato, Eggplant, Okra Types of Seed Box
  • 9. CONTAINER GARDEN PLANTING GUIDE VEG HARVEST SOIL SOIL SUNLIGHT DIAMETER DEPTH 1 Pechay 30-45 days 6 inches 5 inches 4-5 hours a day 2 Pole Sitaw 37-43 days 12 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 3 Carrot 80-100 days 2 inches 7 inches 5-6 hours a day 4 Ampalaya 90 days 16 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 5 Lettuce 30-45 12 inches 12 inches 4-5 hours a day 6 Garlic 90-110 days 8 inches 8 inches 4-5 hours a day 7 Tomato 45-60 12 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 8 Radish 45-60 days 2 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 9 Bell Pepper 60 days 6 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 1 Onion 90 days 10 inches 3 inches 4-5 hours a day 0 1 Upo 90 days 12 inches 16 inches 5-6 hours a day 1 1 Eggplant 90 days 12 inches 16 inches 5-6 hours a day 2 1 Camote tops 30-45 12 inches 12 inches 4-5 hours a day 3 1 Hot chilli 90 days 10 inches 12 inches 4-5 hours a day 4 1 Okra 60 days 12 inches 12 inches 5-6 hours a day 5 1 Squash 90 days 12 inches 18 inches 5-6 hours a day 6 Types of Soil 1. Sandy a. Large spaces between particles allowing water and minerals to flow b. No capacity to hold water c. Made up of granules of minerals and rocks d. Not Fertile 2. Clay a. Very little space between particles, poor drainage, poor aeration b. Not good for planting c. Good for art crafts such as pots, jars etc. d. light brown, reddish brown, light yellow in color 3. Silt a. Fertile soil, rich in nutrient, good drainage b. Ideal for all plants 4. Loam a. Made up of different kinds of soil b. With good water holding capacity c. Fertile soil, rich in nutrient, good drainage d. Good aeration e. Black in color
  • 10. LESSON 4: CRH & STUDENT BOOKLETS Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Make CRH (Carbonized Rice Husk), • Understand the importance of keeping records for planting, harvesting and marketing as well as personal finances. Office Preparations Before the Session: • Read over lesson outline and review making CRH. • Bring a Carbonizer, 31 student booklets, 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin, 930 seeds & 2 sacks of vermicast. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Make CRH 1. Make a small fire. 2. Place the Carbonizer on top of the fire. 3. Put 1 sack of rice husk around the Carbonizer. 4. Add wood to the fire through the chimney. 5. When 85% of the husk turns black remove the fire. 6. Using a shovel, slowly mix the rice husk until it’s 99% black. 7. Add water and mix until it stops smoking. 8. Spread it out so that it will dry. 9. Once dried, add to soil or store it in a sack until needed. Note: The husk should not catch on fire or become gray. (It Timing: 15 Minutes becomes useless at that point.) Why do we make CRH? 1. It’s is a soil loosener. CRH contains phosphorus, potassium, 2. It aids moisture retention. calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients 3. It can enhance seedling growth. vital for growing crops. 4. It minimizes weed growth. 5. Rice Husk is normally free or very cheap. 6. A Carbonizer is cheap and easy to operate. 7. When it’s added to casts it makes a great soil enhancer. Timing: 5 Minutes 8. It eliminates fungus that damage and kill plants. Student Booklet • The 1st half of the booklet has a summary of everything we are (show them a sample booklet) teaching you. The 2nd half is to record all the important information like the date the seed is planted, how much is harvested and sold. In a few more weeks we’ll also use the booklet to record some of our personal goals and dreams. • If you keep your records up-to-date, you will be able to see how much you’ve been able to produce and earn because of your efforts to grow food for your family. And hopefully you will be encouraged to see that you can also earn money by selling your extra vegetables! • Each recipient will get 1 booklet. If you loose it, you will need to pay P5 to ICM to replace it. Please keep it in a safe place! We want you to have the information so that when ICM finished this program, you still have the information.
  • 11. Timing: 8 Minutes Note: The pastor can keep your booklet if you feel like there is no safe place in your house. Make sure you write your name on it! Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminders: 1. Collect 4 sacks of vermi food to pay for the Carbonizer and vermicast. 2. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! LESSON 5: PLANT MANAGEMENT & REWARDS! Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Prepare botanical pesticide, • Demonstrate plant management and pest control. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review making botanical pestcide. • Bring botanical pesticide ingredients (1/4 kg of kakawate leaves and 1 teaspoon of Lanate), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin, 930 seeds & 2 sacks of vermicast. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Basic Plant Management and Care 1. Pests: watch and remove insects and pests. 2. Remove weeds. 3. Water: twice per day, but don’t drowned the plants. Timing: 5 Minutes Note: If it’s raining, you may not need to water your plants. Make Botanical Pesticide 1. Gather ¼ kg of kakawate leaves. 2. Pound it using a hammer, stone, wood or even grind it (pwede pud ug lobokon). 3. Once the leaves are broken, mix it well with 250ml of water and soak it over night. 4. After 12 hours, strain out all the leaves so that it will not cause the sprayer to break down. 5. Mix 4L of water and 3 tablespoons of kakawate juice. 6. Spray mixture on your plants during sunrise and sunset. 7. If some pests or bacteria remain, add in 1 teaspoon of the chemical pesticide Lanate to mixture. 8. The mixture should be used within 3 days. Note: botanical pesticides should only be used when needed (when Timing: 18 minutes the problem starts). Vegetable Production Rewards • The family that plants and maintains the most vegetables will receive a reward: 1 year supply of seeds!! • On the 11th week of the program, ICM staff will visit each house to count how many vegetable plants the family has. The family with the most plants wins! Note: Only healthy plants will be counted. Plants that are dying will be disqualified.
  • 12. Timing: 5 Minutes Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminders: 1. Collect 4 sacks of vermi food to pay for Botanical Pesticide Materials and vermicast. 2. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! LESSON 6: SODIS & CAST HARVESTING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Purify their water source using SODIS method, • Harvest vermicast. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review SODIS, vermicast harvesting (scraping technique) & bin maintenance. • Bring a SODIS instruction guide, 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Safe Drinking & Cooking Water It is so important to have a safe source of water. 1.6 million people die every year because of severe diarrhoea. 94% of those deaths are preventable by washing hands and using safe water. We’ve already learned about proper hand washing through PHE. But we haven’t Timing: 5 minutes taught you how to get safe water yet. SODIS (Solar Water Disinfection) SODIS is a very simple and cheap way to produce safe water. Do the following steps: 1. Get a bucket of water (your normal source) and strain it with some cloth. 2. Take a transparent bottle and remove any labels. 3. Pour the strained water into the bottle and tighten the lid. 4. Then place the bottle in direct sunlight, such as your roof. 5. After 10 hours, on a sunny day, the water is safe to drink. If it’s cloudy, then leave the bottle for 2 days. Timing: 7 minutes How does SODIS Work? UV-radiation from the sun will kill 99.9% of the pathogens that cause Timing: 3 minutes the diseases, except amibiasis. Vermicast Harvesting 1. Scrape the top layer of casts. Timing: 10 minutes 2. Use casts for new containers or sell them. Bin Maintenance 1. After harvesting some of the casts: • Add the prepared vermi food to the bin • Maintain 70% moisture level Timing: 3 minutes 2. When there are too many worms in a bin you can create a 2nd bin. Give out Seeds Timing: 2 Minutes Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
  • 13. LESSON 7: VEGETABLE HARVESTING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Harvest vegetables.
  • 14. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review plant harvesting, preparation and planting. • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Container Harvesting 1. Harvest the vegetables that are ready. 2. Consume or sell harvest. Note: Make sure you sell the best quality vegetables and consume the average ones. Your buyers will continue to purchase from you if you Timing: 10 Minutes sell good products. Container Replanting 1. Take out the old soil and divide it in 2 while removing all the old root system. If the roots are difficult to remove, put the old soil in the sun for 7 days to kill the bacteria. 2. Mix the old soil with new vermicast soil. 3. Place the new mix back into the container. 4. Water the soil just enough to get wet. 5. Sow 1 seed in the container with a depth of 2-3 cm and cover. Timing: 18 Minutes 6. Water and hang in a sunny location. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! LESSON 8: SEED BANKING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Harvest seeds from certain mature plants.
  • 15. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review seed banking. • Bring cellophane (for seed banking), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Review Soil Preparation Healthy soil mixture: Mix soil, casts & CRH in equal parts (1:1:1) Timing: 5 minutes Note: If no CRH is available mix soil & casts (1:1) What is Seed Banking? • Seed banking is allowing a plant to grow to full maturity (when it begins to flower) and harvesting its seeds. • The following plants can be kept for seed banking: pechay, tomato, ampalaya, eggplant, bell pepper, hot pepper, pole sitaw, and lettuce. • We recommend you have 1 plant, per variety, to be used for seed banking. • When the plant reach full maturity and begins to flower, tie plastic sacks around the flowering part of the plant so that the seeds will fall into the sack. Once most of the seeds have dropped, shack the plant and then remove the sacks with the seeds inside. The seeds Timing: 10 minutes should be stored in a safe dry environment. Demonstrate Seed Banking Visit someone nearby garden to show them how to prepare a plant to Timing: 13 minutes harvest it’s seeds. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminders: 1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! 2. Everyone needs to bring their booklets next week! LESSON 9: MARKETING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Create a Marketing Plan.
  • 16. Office Preparations Before the Session: • Read over lesson outline and review marketing. • Bring 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes What Products can you Sell? 1. Vegetables 2. Vermicast 3. Seedlings Timing: 4 Minutes 4. Vermi (depends on the area) Who/Where do you sell to? 1. Neighbors: Door-2-Door 2. The Market: Stall Timing: 6 Minutes 3. Kalindirias/Restaurants How do you sell? 1. Tell potential buyers about your product 2. Show them your product 3. Agree on a fair price and sell it Timing: 4 minutes 4. Ask them if they want to buy more When do you sell? 1. When is the customer looking to buy? What is the best time to sell? After work, before dinner, etc. Timing: 4 minutes 2. Manage inventory: you must sell your products before they go bad! Create a Marketing Plan • What are you going to sell, where, when, how and at what price? Timing: 10 minutes • Fill out your own marketing plan found in your booklet. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminders: 1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! LESSON 10: IMO+ Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Produce and understand the purpose of IMO+.
  • 17. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review IMO+. • Bring ingredients for IMO+ (4kg of sugar (kinugay), 1kg of fish scraps, 1kg of very ripe papaya, 1kg of cooked rice, 1kg of banana trunk, bamboo container, 4 containers, strainer, rubber band, plastic, paper and pale), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes What is IMO+? • IMO stands for Indigenous Micro Organisms. These organisms/bacteria are good. • God made them to help recycle the earth. They eat/break down decaying matter, such as leaves, manure and banana trunk. • The “+” stands for the extra food/nutrients we add to the IMO to make the organisms grow faster. It also adds benefits to the soil. There are Timing: 4 minutes 3 types of “+”: FFA, FFJ and FPJ. Why do we use IMO+? • These organisms exist everywhere, but we are helping them multiply so that they work faster! • They help us reuse our farm/local wastes for a productive purpose. Timing: 4 minutes • They help us make organic fertilizer. How do we make IMO? 1. Put 1kg of cooked rice into bamboo and then cover the top with paper, then plastic and then tie a string around it to keep it secure. 2. Keep it in a cool place for 3 days. 3. Remove the fermented rice and then mix with 1kg of sugar. 4. Return the mixture into the bamboo and reseal it. 5. Keep it in a cool place for 7 days. 6. Remove the mixture and strain out the liquid from the solid. 7. Store the liquid in a plastic container with the lid loosely on (gases will build up so don’t put the lid on too tight). Timing: 10 minutes How do we make FFA, FFJ and 1. Chop 1kg of fish scraps (or very ripe papaya or banana trunk) into FPJ? small pieces then mix with 1kg of sugar. 2. Put the mixture into a plastic container then cover the top with paper, then plastic and then tie a string around it to keep it secure. 3. Keep it in a cool place for 7 days. 4. Remove the mixture and strain out the liquid from the solid. 5. Store the liquid in a plastic container with the lid loosely on (gases Timing: 10 minutes will build up so don’t put the lid on too tight). Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminders:
  • 18. 1. When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets! 2. Everyone needs to bring their booklets next week! LESSON 11: PERSONAL VISIONING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients will be able to: • Know personal goals and vision. Office Preparations Before Session: • Read over lesson outline and review personal visioning. • Bring your personal goals/vision (to use as an example), 1 Uplift livelihood tarpaulin and 930 seeds. Teaching Outline (30 minutes): Content Trainers notes Personal Visioning • Importance of personal vision and goals. “Without a vision the people perish”. Example: Great Commission (Mt 28:19-20). • Share your example of personal vision and goals. • Types of personal goals: family, education, housing and income Timing: 10 minutes goals. Personal Visioning Exercise Recipients should write down their personal vision and goals in their record booklet. Note: If there are some who can’t write, have the counselors help them Timing: 18 minutes write their thoughts down. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic farming. Timing: 2 Minutes Reminder: When you plant the new seeds remember to record it in your booklets!
  • 19. LESSON 12: GRADUATION & AWARD GIVING Objectives (Results): At the end of this session the recipients should: • Graduate from VHL Part 1. Office Preparations Before Session: • All the recipients who are qualified (based on the recipients participation, H2H score card and visitation) to join our VHL teachers training should be identified. • Bring VHL Part 1 graduation certificates, VHL teachers training invitations and 930 seeds. Program: Content Trainers notes Giving of Graduation Certificates All the recipients should receive a framed ICM VHL graduation Timing: 10 minutes certificate. Giving of Invitation to VHL Certification • Some of you have excelled through our program and we’d like (optional) to give you the opportunity to become certified VHL trainers. • ICM will hold a free 2 day VHL training in _________ on _____. Food will be included. • Announce the names of those who are invited and give them Timing: 10 minutes their personalized invitation. Give out Seeds Give each recipient a pack of 30 seeds to practice organic Timing: 2 Minutes farming.