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Environmental Pollution Essay
Environmental Pollution
Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday.
Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us don't take our
Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn't hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the
drain. Well to many people have that theory and they are killing offour Earth and also physically harming themselves from the air they breath and
the water they swim in. Our Earth is fragile like a human and people don't know. There are many different types ofenvironmental pollution (e.g.
Water, air, atmospheric.)
Scientists believe that more content...
If this depletion opens up dangerous and deadly UV Rays from the sun will come into Earth. Air pollution causes global warming which scientist
believe is making the Earth warmer and melting ice up in the South and North
Pole. The country Holland has had water from the ocean got too high for them and flooded into towns. Holland spent millions of dollars to put
up "dikes" which are big barriers in the water to prevent their town to be completely submerged.
With the ocean getting deeper coastal cites all around the world could flood, billions of dollars would be spent to try to prevent it, but in a while
it could not be stopped. Instead of waiting and having to spend all this money why don't we put it together today and try different ways of
preventing air pollution, it would be much easier than all the trouble of stopping flooding.
Water pollution is another major aspect of environmental pollution.
Water pollution is scary because over 75% of our Earth is covered by the ocean.
Water pollution comes from many different sources around the world. One major pollutant that destroys the ocean is oil spills. The oil from an
oil spill kills hundreds of sea animals from fish, to whales, to birds. Below is a small list of just some of the major oil spills. Notice how many
tons were spilled into our ocean... Notable Oil Spills Date Location Description Tons
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Essay about The Ocean Environment
Ocean Environment
The sea is the most obvious feature of the earth's surface.
Approximately seventy percent of this surface is covered by water, in one way or another. Beneath this water are the familiar sands of the
beaches, bottoms of bays, and the inshore ocean. Farther offshore this water covers an amazing submarine topography of underwater canyons,
trenches, mountains, and plains.
Unlike the continents, which are physically separated from one another, the oceans are continuous and interconnected. Since the "world
ocean is continuous"(M.J. Keen) it has similar characteristics throughout. In the early
1870s oceanographers collected seawater samples from all of the seas of the world at a more content...
They all have crests, troughs, wave heights, lengths, and periods. Also, water particles that make up the waves all move in identical orbital
patterns. The orbital pattern is up and forward in the crest and down and back in the trough. It is only when the wave becomes unstable that the
orbital motion is destroyed. The water particles then begin to move at the same speed as the moving wave form.
Breaking waves release a tremendous amount of stored energy on a beach face. This energy moves the sand about and changes the configuration
of the bottom. As the bottom configuration is changed by the waves, it changes the characteristics of incoming waves. This interaction between
the waves and the bottom results in the beach face having an everlasting wave pattern.
Everything in the universe is composed of extremely small paritcles called atoms, which are often bonded together to form molecules. Molecules
are formed as the result fo the transfer of electrons between atoms. The complete loss and gain of electrons results in the formation of ionic
molecules, which have completely positive and negative vegions. Unequal sharing of electrons, on the other hand, characterizes the polar covalent
molecules, which have only partially positive and negative regions. The
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Changes In The Earths Environment Essay
Changes in the Earth's Environment
The 20th century, especially in the second half, has been one of rapid change in the Earth's environment. The impact of humans on the physical
form and functioning of the Earth have reached levels that are global in character, and have done so at an increasingly mounting speed. 20 years
ago the environment was seen as posing a threat to the future of humanity as death rates from natural hazards had increased dramatically since the
turn of the century. The Earth though has always been plagued by natural disasters. Now, with the world population growing at a rapid rate more
people are living in hazard prone areas.
Events which may have gone unnoticed previously, only become hazards when there more content...
It is this growing world population, Burton et al
(1978) suggest, that is the main reason behind why hazards are increasing and were seen to pose such a threat to humankind in the 70's. While the
average number of disasters remained relatively constant at about 30 per year, death rates climbed significantly.
As the growing world population requires the cultivation of land more prone to hazards, more people and property are thus exposed to the risk of
disaster than ever before, and as Stow (1992) argues, the death toll inevitably rises. An example that shows the concern that humans faced from the
environment can be exemplified by the Bangladesh cyclone of 1970, which killed approximately
250,000 people. Although part of the reason for so many deaths can be put down to a then poorly understood process, land–use can also be
implicated. Because of a rising population, land in Bangladesh was reclaimed by the government and held against the sea. People in large
numbers were then encouraged to occupy the area.
An area which turned out to be one of great risk. Major disruption was inevitable Burton et al (1978) argue whenever population was in the path
of such forces. Had reasonable measures been taken in advance of the storm, the material damage, loss of life and social dislocation could have
been seriously reduced.
In the 1990's we live in an information age. Today we have remarkable monitoring and predictive capabilities for natural hazards. The use of
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My Love Of The Environment
I have always been concerned about the environment. In elementary school, I made posters encouraging students to recycle and hung them up
everywhere. I organized my first protest when I was nine. My best friend and I made picket signs to object the trimming of trees on our street. I
didn't realize at the time it was to protect the power lines, but the good intentions were there.
My concern for protecting the environment (and every tree on the street) has only grown stronger as I've grown up; now, I'm choosing to major in
Environmental Studies because I know that the environment is all we have. Humans are fully dependent on natural resources, but we continue to
overfish oceans, chop down rainforests, and use harmful practices like fracking to extract oil from the earth. We're so focused on short term
financial gains that we forget the fact that our environment influences our entire lives; every poor choice we make now will spiral out to impact
future generations. I want to major in environmental studies so that I can better understand the complex relationships between humans and the
environment, and find ways for humans to take care of the environment instead of exploiting it.
My love of the environment has always been supported by my strong interest in politics. I am especially drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of
this major; to solve environmental issues, it is necessary to understand politics, economics, and human nature. I want to have a job where I can
make a
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Environmental Awareness
"The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." – Mahatma Gandhi.
The 'Environment' is a term used to represent an entire systems, geology, and climate. An Environment can be any scale, including global,
regional, local, and even down to single locations, and things like buildings. Often the phrase 'the environment' is used to denote the global
environment, or a larger regional environment. On a more human level, the environment, the air, water, temperature, and biology of a certain
extent of a place are what sustain us, and define the limits of what we can do to a certain extent. Prior to the industrial revolution, more
Taking a holistic approach to saving the earth, many of today's modern day conservationists focus on everything from pollution and energy usage
to ecological health and peaceful coexistence with the animal kingdom. In other words, the same ideals are being shared by what is commonly
deemed the ecology movement, green movement, peace movement and environmental movement. It's no coincidence that one of the most famous
groups working in the name of these ideals calls themselves Green Peace.
Water conservation can be defined as (a) any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality, (b) a
reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures or, (c) improved water management
practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water. A water conservation measure is an action, behavioural change, device, technology,
or improved design or process implemented to reduce water loss, waste, or use. Water efficiency is a tool of water conservation. That results in
more efficient water use and thus reduces water demand. The value and cost–effectiveness of a water efficiency measure must be evaluated in
relation to its effects on the use and cost of other natural resources (e.g. Energy or chemicals). Water can be conserved in a lot of ways and most
of us are aware of those means. It is our duty to actually implement those in our daily life.
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Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that
are natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social
features that surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools.
Included in the community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air
pollution to our natural environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise,
socioeconomic status and more content...
The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower
levels of pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we
are exposed to the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the
population, it can mask the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the
exposures and how it will influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children
may acquire lifelong damage compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the
public health policy. The focus will be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring
public health. With the contaminated environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced
health care disparities. When the health of all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the
climate change. The climate poses a challenge to our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the
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The Environment Of The Earth 's Environment
Throughout the majority of earth's history, the environment influenced all living organisms. Not until the relatively recent evolution of human
beings have we seen life effect the earth's environment. This human influence comes with great responsibility since our negligence can negatively
alter the environment we require to survive. By polluting our basic necessities, we will end up causing our own extinction. Polluting the air we
breathe with toxins can lead to respiratory disease and cancer. Likewise, polluting our water with bacteria and parasites, developing waterborne
diseases, will make it undrinkable. Even though these are serious issues, the public has a deep detachment that occurs when talking about our
influence on the environment. For example, when environmental advocates preach to save the earth most people detach themselves from the
problem by thinking that they will not be affected by this issue. However, 'save the earth' really means 'save humanity and all other life on earth.'
The planet will not disappear, but the changing environment will be unable to sustain life. Additionally, the increase in floods, heatwaves, and
droughts are all a warning sign and not a coincidence as some choose to believe. This miscommunication and misinformation results in negligence
and apathy by the residents of earth. The science community needs to take the lead in properly educating the public to create an involved
community. Although public engagement is not a priority for
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Environmental Science Essay
Environmental Fundamentals
Laura Jackson
April 8, 2013
Environmental Fundamentals
Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact
with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely
diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental
science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability
and why it should be studied; how more content...
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of
keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental
sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support
systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally.
Human Values affecting Society
The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million
per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on
earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our
food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of
communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer
opportunities for our descendants and ourselves: where the process reaches
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Annie Leonard, a sustainability advocate, once said, "There is no such thing as "away". When we throw anything away it must go somewhere." In
other words, the waste that is disposed of within every household has to go somewhere. Although this quote appears to be insignificant, it
showcases how my mindset on environmental sustainability within my life professionally and personally has changed after taking this course. The
readings and lectures presented by Professor Birkenholtz, Lucero, McCall, Siva, and Viswanathan have allowed me to have a holistic way of
thinking relating to how my actions affect the wellbeing of the environment. This new way of thinking will allow me to foster a green
transformation towards sustainability by making an impact with my decisions throughout my career and personal endeavours. In other words, my
vision personally and professionally in regard to sustainability is to make an impact where I can, and bring awareness to the importance of
sustainability. Environmental Sustainability is a complex issue, but the importance should not be understated.
Before taking this course, sustainability was something that caught my interest. However, I ignored the idea that an impact could be made on a
personal level through my professional and personal experiences and decisions. Professor Siva's lectures on the exposed me to the validity of the
argument for sustainability. The society today takes water for granted because the idea of water being present is
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Importance Of Environment Essay
The environment plays a significant role in life. It is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and
healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow and nourish on this earth. It helps human beings, animals and
other living things to grow and develop naturally. But now days,our everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment,
causing pollution, deforestation, overfishing.We are disturbing our environment in many ways which affecting not only the environment but all
living beings. Any type of disturbance in the nature's balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives. Ever since the first
human beings, there more content...
All across the world, people are facing challenging environmental problems every day. Global warming is the biggest problem that our planet
is facing right now. It is one of the most current and widely discussed problem. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all
living things on earth.Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of greenhouse gases. Global
warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also lead to
natural disaster such as flash floods and desertification. A decade ago, global warming was not much of a concern as it is now. No matter how
much we are informed about it , we as a society seem to ignore the future disasters that global warming will acquire. Global warming is a "global"
dilemma and everyone has an obligation to help reduce emissions. Human influence has always been a very serious issue to Global warming.We
as human are not taking care of the earth. Human influence to this global warming is more than the natural causes .The earth has been changing
for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, gas
emission,burning fossil fuel and deforestation. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from
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Essay on Environmental Ethics
Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human's moral relationships on the
environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine
human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it
(Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social
obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions
and the more content...
These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less important than humans themselves. Environmental
ethics challenges these beliefs by questioning the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008).
Preservation of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very
existence of humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The
environmental issues that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The
need to improve the quality of life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered
by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths
atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in
nature, everything is connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the expansion of human habitats
is happening around the world. This
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Essay about Environment: What’s really going on?
What's really going on?
For the past few many people have wonder, or become more aware of our planet's changes and the way it has been affecting us all along. Some
people take this very serious, but others are not taking the warnings that our Earth, our home, has given us. There has been a lot of research over
the past couple of decades to determine the effect of the many unusual patterns of some natural "disasters". There has been a lot of confusion
based on the results of the many scientists that have tried to work out this ongoing process. This confusion is due to the different data results of
each investigation. Some scientist have predicted that the worst is coming just around the corner. That it is a fact that catastrophes more
This is all tied up on how it affects us. It's a long lasting relationship between man and the Earth. If something affects the Earth, then it will have
an effect on us, and the same will happen if it occurs to us first. However, climate shifts can be recorded in some parts of the globe, not all at
once like Robert B. Gagosian, President and Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said: Climate shifts do not necessarily have
universal, global effects. They can generate a counterintuitive scenario: Even as the earth as a whole continues to warm gradually, large regions
may experience a precipitous and disruptive shift into colder climates.(Gagosian)
In other words, even if people can not detect one, there might be a climate change going on without being perceived. One perfect example of this
kind of shifts is during the time that dentists love the most, Halloween. This is a personal experience that I am sure many other people have
noticed too. When I used to trick–or–treat when I was a lot younger which was about 10 years ago, I remember that on top of my costume I
would have to carry a sweater that my mother would force me to wear because it was really cold, and I could get extremely sick. A few years
after, my mother did not remind me to wear the sweater because she did not have to. The weather had really changed over the years. Those
nights were still hot like any ordinary summer's day, and I
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Caring About Our Environment Essay
Caring About Our Environment
Improving and maintaining the earth's environment is becoming a more important task every day of our lives. Due to ignorance and frequent
carelessness, this important task is quickly becoming a critical one. For this reason, I took it upon myself to construct a strategic plan to enlighten
my peers to the problems of our environment. I did this in hopes that it would encourage everyone to act responsibly towards improving and
maintaining the environment. With ongoing threats to the earth's water supply,atmosphere, and surface, I found it necessary to devise a method of
environmental enlightenment. I plan to apply this method at my place of academic study, The University. If supported by the more
I recently discovered that one cheeseburger takes more than 700 gallons of water to produce (includes water consumed by cows, water used to
irrigate the cornfields that feed the cows, and the water used to produce the beef and cheese). When considering the millions of cheeseburgers that
are consumed worldwide everyday, it is evident that the earth's water supply is declining rapidly. Due to air pollution, theozone layer is also being
consumed at an extreme rate. Its arch nemesis is the various fumes from cars and factories. Scientists estimate that each 1% drop in ozone levels
causes a 3 to 6% rise in skin cancer cases. Since the ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet and other high–energy radiation from penetrating to the
earth's surface, this is a crisis that has to be rectified. The ozone's depletion has dropped to a level so thin that if we brought it down to Earth, it
would only be as deep as the thickness of three dimes. The only positive outlook concerning this matter is that the ozone has the ability to
reconstruct itself when UV–C rays break the bond of O2. Single oxygen atoms combine with O2 to form ozone (UV–B rays limit this process still
yet). This evidence shows that the world is in dire need of an environmental resurrection. In order for this to occur and be successful, it would
require an effort by every individual nation of our world.
My resolution requires that The University of South Carolina
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Persuasive Essay On The Environment
Ian Somerhalder once said, "The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs; the rivers, our bloodstream. We are all
interconnected, and what you do to the environment, ultimately you do to yourself (SC 2)." I have noticed in my everyday life how unaware
my friends and family are when it involves the environment. I often hear, "Just throw it away" or "Throw it in the ditch" when I am out in
public. Disappointed and sad, I became an advocate for the environment (BE 1). If I was able to change the world by myself, I would change the
pollution issues of land, water, and air. The land pollution has become a growing issue for years with landfills being the leading factor. In 2006,
Americans generated 251 million tons of trash with at least three locations to go: fifty–five percent to landfills, thirty–three percent to recycling,
and twelve and a half percent to incinerators (SC 7) (Kulpinski). Daily, one person would generate 4.6 pounds of garbage (BE 3). Many
Americans do not think of the build–up from trash when they take out the garbage once a week. When a landfill site develops, there is an impact
on biodiversity. About thirty to three hundred species are lost according to the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests when landfills are
introduced to a new environment. Along with biodiversity, soil and groundwater are affected. Soil fertility decreases because of the mixture of
toxic substance and decaying organic material. Groundwater can contain high levels of toxic metals, ammonia, toxic organic compounds,
pathogens (SC 4) (Newton). Along with land pollution, the human race pollutes water and air. According to Jacques Cousteau, water and air, the
two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become one thing – a global garbage can (SC 8).
Since I was young, I have had a special place in my heart for bodies of water, especially the ocean, because of countless family vacations (BE
2). It is estimated that almost 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year (Sifferlin). This has caused for animals such as
turtles and dolphins, fish and sharks, crabs and seabirds to be the victims of plastic debris (SC 6) (Cause and Effects). To put the issue into scale, it
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Climate Change Impacts and Threats Essay
Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is
simply a rise or fall in Earth's temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans
and how we live day to day. Although many people have heard ofclimate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it.
The best way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our
planet. By researching, one can determine their impact on the climate, as well as how to reduce this effect. To understand how to fix global
climate change, we must more content...
It is also thought to be possible that the movement of continents changed the temperature of the land, the air, and the oceans (encyclopedia of
science). These environmental shifts have definitely played a part in atmospheric changes. More recently, however, humans have had a much
greater effect on the earth. This all began in the late 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in bloom and there was more need for
factories and equipment. The smog and pollution coming from these buildings was visible to all, and the damages were huge. This altered the
composition of the earth's atmosphere by creating much more carbon dioxide, and quickly had an effect on the global climate ( Even
though each individual created very little carbon dioxide, when put together, the United States created a lot. This is put best by Malcolm
Gladwell, when he explains "we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events and that
sometimes these changes can happen very quickly" (11). To understand how much of an effect humans have had, one must rely on the numbers
and the experts. The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts
per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The [Intergovernmental] panel [on Climate Change] also concluded there's a better than
90 percent probability that
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The Micro Environment
The micro environmental analysis is the second step in creating the Environmental Analysis. The micro environment examines the general
business climate as it relates to the organization within its industry. The microenvironment is also known as Porter's Five Forces of Competition.
The macro environment is primarily concerned with major issues and upcoming changes in the environment. The analysis looks at five areas of
interest, which are 1) Power of the Buyers; 2) Power of the Suppliers; 3) Threat of Substitute Products; 4) Threat of New Entrants; and 5) Intensity
of Rivalry. Notice in the following diagram, how these interact and influence each other.
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Each of the five forces is ranked on a high to low scale, sometimes part of the force is high, but other parts are low. A pet store has many suppliers
of dog toys. Most people do not have a brand preference – as long as the dog likes the toy, it is acceptable. Thus, the supplier power of dog toys is
low. However, the pet store also sells purebred dogs. The most wanted breeds are Labradors and Beagles. There are a small number of breeders in
the area. Thus, the supplier power of dogs is high.
MGMT 488
Chapter 3 – Macro Environment
Page 5
Present the analysis in bullet format with short complete sentences, if needed. Identify the issue in each category. Unlike the macro environmental
analysis, the entire micro environmental analysis goes in the main body of a business plan. Here is an example of how a Micro environmental
analysis should be presented for a mythical pet store that sells pets and supplies in rural Montana.
The micro environmental analysis is an examination
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Environmental Science Reflection
Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount
about current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have
caught my attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and
has changed my understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular
environmental issues that I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the
environment, which has even led me to change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted
me personally, in many different ways First, this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a
negative impact on our environment. For example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe
negative threat to the biodiversity of an ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have,
which leads them to believe their cat is fine roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They
allowed me to realize that countries can be affected differently by the same
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Essay about Environmental Activism
1. The large mainstream environmentalism groups started to compromise too much with regulatory agencies and bureaus, starting with the Glen
Canyon Dam project. This began an estrangement with the mainstreams that culminated in the rise of more militant groups like Earth First! Glen
Canyon represented what was fundamentally wrong with the country's conservation policies: arrogant government officials motivated by a
quasireligious zeal to industrialize the natural world, and a diffident bureaucratic leadership in the mainstream environmental organizations that
more or less willingly collaborated in this process.The mainstream environmental groups and government held the premise that mankind should
control and manage the natural world. more content...
This conflict will inevitably lead to the imposition of authoritarian regimes. There is already evidence of "ecological elite's" where
power and status are increasingly measured not merely by economic control, but by control over the ecology.
Access to clean water, fresh air, open wild spaces, and natural products is competing with ownership of German autos and Swiss watches. It is
becoming the main preoccupation of political debate. As an example, even when a corporation decides to create a item through genetic or
non–genetic engineering, it is often indirectly determining what species will be exterminated to increase profits, which habitats will be
sacrificed for economic growth, and whose children will be allocated the toxic water, poisoned food, and radioactive living space. If the
environmental crisis is causing us to reexamine and reject the accepted values of the civilization complex in its entirety, a unique event is taking
place: the passing of civilization into history.2. Societal breakdown in the face of a continually deteriorating physical world may face many
As stated above by historian Toynbee, a conflict may lead to the imposition of authoritarian
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The external environment in which businesses operate can have a significant effect on their success. To what extent do you think that the external
environment in the UK is favourable for businesses at the moment? Justify your answer with reference to external factors and/or businesses that
you know. (40 marks) You must include a plan. 3 В
Ѕ pages handwritten.
Not petrol?
Can argue against in evaluation – favourable for some industries but not others Make a point, explain and evaluate (3–4 main points)
The external environment for a business is equally as important to its success (or otherwise) as it's internal environment. This is because external
factors will directly impact on the business. These factors are complex and more content...
For a manufacturing company like Cadbury, a growing UK population is leading to more sales opportunities. Changes in eating habits, with fewer
families sitting to eat regular meals together has continued to fuel the 'on the go' eating trend, which has lead to the launch of more snacking type
product offers, increasing Cadbury's portfolio of products. Finally, the current and ongoing concern around healthy eating, obesity, sugar and fat
intake has necessitated reviews of product recipes, formats and consumer communications. EG there have been a lot more restrictions on
advertising to children, which has recently been banned for certain product types.
The Technological landscape has seen massive change over recent years and an understanding of this is vital for business owners. This covers
areas such as basic infrastructure level, rate of technological change, spending on research & development, technology incentives, legislation
regarding technology, technology level in your industry, communication infrastructure, access to newest technology, Internet infrastructure and
penetration. For a Company like Cadbury,
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Environmental Art Essay
Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by things found in nature to make a piece of art.
Some of the the environmental art would be so large in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved
without destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist would create an environmental work of
art, such as : to address environmental issues affecting earth today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural
phenomenon (like lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a means to help restore
ecosystems in an aesthetic more content...
Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa. According to Double negative, "The trenches line up
across a large gap formed by the natural shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure 1,500
feet long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this work, he took away earth to create the two trenches
and thus, creating negative space, and that is how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to
start the earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art. Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work
in progress and has been a life–long project that is somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is
still working on it. He is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by Native American traditions of
mound–building and the ancient cities of Central and South America." Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later.
I'm interested in making a work of art that will represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in California in 1935. He
studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went to New York in 1960. His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist
art. In the late 1960's, he started to
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Essay About Environment

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  • 6. My Love Of The Environment I have always been concerned about the environment. In elementary school, I made posters encouraging students to recycle and hung them up everywhere. I organized my first protest when I was nine. My best friend and I made picket signs to object the trimming of trees on our street. I didn't realize at the time it was to protect the power lines, but the good intentions were there. My concern for protecting the environment (and every tree on the street) has only grown stronger as I've grown up; now, I'm choosing to major in Environmental Studies because I know that the environment is all we have. Humans are fully dependent on natural resources, but we continue to overfish oceans, chop down rainforests, and use harmful practices like fracking to extract oil from the earth. We're so focused on short term financial gains that we forget the fact that our environment influences our entire lives; every poor choice we make now will spiral out to impact future generations. I want to major in environmental studies so that I can better understand the complex relationships between humans and the environment, and find ways for humans to take care of the environment instead of exploiting it. My love of the environment has always been supported by my strong interest in politics. I am especially drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of this major; to solve environmental issues, it is necessary to understand politics, economics, and human nature. I want to have a job where I can make a Get more content on
  • 7. Environmental Awareness ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS "The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." – Mahatma Gandhi. The 'Environment' is a term used to represent an entire systems, geology, and climate. An Environment can be any scale, including global, regional, local, and even down to single locations, and things like buildings. Often the phrase 'the environment' is used to denote the global environment, or a larger regional environment. On a more human level, the environment, the air, water, temperature, and biology of a certain extent of a place are what sustain us, and define the limits of what we can do to a certain extent. Prior to the industrial revolution, more content... Taking a holistic approach to saving the earth, many of today's modern day conservationists focus on everything from pollution and energy usage to ecological health and peaceful coexistence with the animal kingdom. In other words, the same ideals are being shared by what is commonly deemed the ecology movement, green movement, peace movement and environmental movement. It's no coincidence that one of the most famous groups working in the name of these ideals calls themselves Green Peace. Water conservation can be defined as (a) any beneficial reduction in water loss, use or waste as well as the preservation of water quality, (b) a reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures or, (c) improved water management practices that reduce or enhance the beneficial use of water. A water conservation measure is an action, behavioural change, device, technology, or improved design or process implemented to reduce water loss, waste, or use. Water efficiency is a tool of water conservation. That results in more efficient water use and thus reduces water demand. The value and cost–effectiveness of a water efficiency measure must be evaluated in relation to its effects on the use and cost of other natural resources (e.g. Energy or chemicals). Water can be conserved in a lot of ways and most of us are aware of those means. It is our duty to actually implement those in our daily life. Get more content on
  • 8. Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil. However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that surround us every day. The physical environment is the man–made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and more content... The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxics. When we are exposed to the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population. The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost–effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to our health. Threats to our health caused by a toxin or disease pathogen, there are ways the Get more content on
  • 9. The Environment Of The Earth 's Environment Throughout the majority of earth's history, the environment influenced all living organisms. Not until the relatively recent evolution of human beings have we seen life effect the earth's environment. This human influence comes with great responsibility since our negligence can negatively alter the environment we require to survive. By polluting our basic necessities, we will end up causing our own extinction. Polluting the air we breathe with toxins can lead to respiratory disease and cancer. Likewise, polluting our water with bacteria and parasites, developing waterborne diseases, will make it undrinkable. Even though these are serious issues, the public has a deep detachment that occurs when talking about our influence on the environment. For example, when environmental advocates preach to save the earth most people detach themselves from the problem by thinking that they will not be affected by this issue. However, 'save the earth' really means 'save humanity and all other life on earth.' The planet will not disappear, but the changing environment will be unable to sustain life. Additionally, the increase in floods, heatwaves, and droughts are all a warning sign and not a coincidence as some choose to believe. This miscommunication and misinformation results in negligence and apathy by the residents of earth. The science community needs to take the lead in properly educating the public to create an involved community. Although public engagement is not a priority for Get more content on
  • 10. Environmental Science Essay Environmental Fundamentals Laura Jackson Env/100 April 8, 2013 JOHN ENSWORTH Environmental Fundamentals Introduction Environmental science is defined as the study of the environment and the interconnecting systems it contains, furthermore, the way people interact with their natural surroundings and use natural resources (wise geek, 2013). Scientist in this field is highly interdisciplinary and extremely diverse, for example, a scientist might study volcanoes or climate change. This essay will cover the following; the definition of environmental science, the relationship between science and technology and how it affects environmental problems; the concept of environmental sustainability and why it should be studied; how more content... Environmental Sustainability Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible based on ideal–seeking behavior (Wikipedia, 2010). What makes environmental sustainability so important is that it demands that society designs activities to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet (Wikipedia, 2010). Human consumption can only use the nature's resources at a rate that can be replenished naturally. Human Values affecting Society The most devastating environmental change of all is the loss of biodiversity. The rate of species extinction has remained at one species per million per year, furthermore, the accelerating destruction of habitats throughout the world leads to projections of the loss of two–thirds of all species on earth by the end of this century, and millions of years to recover from the Cretaceous period (, 2013). As individuals, we obtain our
  • 11. food, directly or indirectly from plants, for example, plant our primary use of medicines. Biodiversity also determines the properties of communities and ecosystems, which capture energy from the sun. The world is less resilient, more homogeneous, less interesting, and with fewer opportunities for our descendants and ourselves: where the process reaches Get more content on
  • 12. Annie Leonard, a sustainability advocate, once said, "There is no such thing as "away". When we throw anything away it must go somewhere." In other words, the waste that is disposed of within every household has to go somewhere. Although this quote appears to be insignificant, it showcases how my mindset on environmental sustainability within my life professionally and personally has changed after taking this course. The readings and lectures presented by Professor Birkenholtz, Lucero, McCall, Siva, and Viswanathan have allowed me to have a holistic way of thinking relating to how my actions affect the wellbeing of the environment. This new way of thinking will allow me to foster a green transformation towards sustainability by making an impact with my decisions throughout my career and personal endeavours. In other words, my vision personally and professionally in regard to sustainability is to make an impact where I can, and bring awareness to the importance of sustainability. Environmental Sustainability is a complex issue, but the importance should not be understated. Before taking this course, sustainability was something that caught my interest. However, I ignored the idea that an impact could be made on a personal level through my professional and personal experiences and decisions. Professor Siva's lectures on the exposed me to the validity of the argument for sustainability. The society today takes water for granted because the idea of water being present is Get more content on
  • 13. Importance Of Environment Essay The environment plays a significant role in life. It is an essential part of our life. A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow and nourish on this earth. It helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But now days,our everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution, deforestation, overfishing.We are disturbing our environment in many ways which affecting not only the environment but all living beings. Any type of disturbance in the nature's balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives. Ever since the first human beings, there more content... All across the world, people are facing challenging environmental problems every day. Global warming is the biggest problem that our planet is facing right now. It is one of the most current and widely discussed problem. In short, global warming represents a fundamental threat to all living things on earth.Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also lead to natural disaster such as flash floods and desertification. A decade ago, global warming was not much of a concern as it is now. No matter how much we are informed about it , we as a society seem to ignore the future disasters that global warming will acquire. Global warming is a "global" dilemma and everyone has an obligation to help reduce emissions. Human influence has always been a very serious issue to Global warming.We as human are not taking care of the earth. Human influence to this global warming is more than the natural causes .The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, gas emission,burning fossil fuel and deforestation. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Environmental Ethics Ethics is the study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. Environmental ethics studies the effects of human's moral relationships on the environment and everything within it (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008). The ethical principles that govern those relations determine human duties, obligations, and responsibilities with regard to the Earth's natural environment and all of the animals and plants that inhabit it (Taylor, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to reveal environmental issues that are threatening the existence of life on Earth, and discus our social obligations to refrain from further damaging our environment, health and life for future generations. I will discus the need for appropriate actions and the more content... These perspectives are anthropocentric or human centered and view all non–human life as less important than humans themselves. Environmental ethics challenges these beliefs by questioning the assumed moral superiority of human beings to members of other species on earth (SEP, 2008). Preservation of the environment is essential to the preservation of the human race. Global Warming is the number one concern threatening the very existence of humans and everything within the environment today. The human race is to blame for the destruction of the natural world. The environmental issues that are threatening all human and non–human life today, started in the industrial revolution and the discovery of oil The need to improve the quality of life resulted in the construction of factories to mass produce products for consumers. These factories were powered by fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels emitted great quantities of pollutants that remain in the Earths atmosphere to this day and is the number one cause of global warming. However, in ethics one cannot evaluate just one thing. In ethics, as in nature, everything is connected to everything else (Partridge, 1998). Deforestation for agricultural purposes and the expansion of human habitats is happening around the world. This Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about Environment: What’s really going on? What's really going on? For the past few many people have wonder, or become more aware of our planet's changes and the way it has been affecting us all along. Some people take this very serious, but others are not taking the warnings that our Earth, our home, has given us. There has been a lot of research over the past couple of decades to determine the effect of the many unusual patterns of some natural "disasters". There has been a lot of confusion based on the results of the many scientists that have tried to work out this ongoing process. This confusion is due to the different data results of each investigation. Some scientist have predicted that the worst is coming just around the corner. That it is a fact that catastrophes more content... This is all tied up on how it affects us. It's a long lasting relationship between man and the Earth. If something affects the Earth, then it will have an effect on us, and the same will happen if it occurs to us first. However, climate shifts can be recorded in some parts of the globe, not all at once like Robert B. Gagosian, President and Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said: Climate shifts do not necessarily have universal, global effects. They can generate a counterintuitive scenario: Even as the earth as a whole continues to warm gradually, large regions may experience a precipitous and disruptive shift into colder climates.(Gagosian) In other words, even if people can not detect one, there might be a climate change going on without being perceived. One perfect example of this kind of shifts is during the time that dentists love the most, Halloween. This is a personal experience that I am sure many other people have noticed too. When I used to trick–or–treat when I was a lot younger which was about 10 years ago, I remember that on top of my costume I would have to carry a sweater that my mother would force me to wear because it was really cold, and I could get extremely sick. A few years after, my mother did not remind me to wear the sweater because she did not have to. The weather had really changed over the years. Those nights were still hot like any ordinary summer's day, and I Get more content on
  • 16. Caring About Our Environment Essay Caring About Our Environment Improving and maintaining the earth's environment is becoming a more important task every day of our lives. Due to ignorance and frequent carelessness, this important task is quickly becoming a critical one. For this reason, I took it upon myself to construct a strategic plan to enlighten my peers to the problems of our environment. I did this in hopes that it would encourage everyone to act responsibly towards improving and maintaining the environment. With ongoing threats to the earth's water supply,atmosphere, and surface, I found it necessary to devise a method of environmental enlightenment. I plan to apply this method at my place of academic study, The University. If supported by the more content... I recently discovered that one cheeseburger takes more than 700 gallons of water to produce (includes water consumed by cows, water used to irrigate the cornfields that feed the cows, and the water used to produce the beef and cheese). When considering the millions of cheeseburgers that are consumed worldwide everyday, it is evident that the earth's water supply is declining rapidly. Due to air pollution, theozone layer is also being consumed at an extreme rate. Its arch nemesis is the various fumes from cars and factories. Scientists estimate that each 1% drop in ozone levels causes a 3 to 6% rise in skin cancer cases. Since the ozone layer prevents most ultraviolet and other high–energy radiation from penetrating to the earth's surface, this is a crisis that has to be rectified. The ozone's depletion has dropped to a level so thin that if we brought it down to Earth, it would only be as deep as the thickness of three dimes. The only positive outlook concerning this matter is that the ozone has the ability to reconstruct itself when UV–C rays break the bond of O2. Single oxygen atoms combine with O2 to form ozone (UV–B rays limit this process still yet). This evidence shows that the world is in dire need of an environmental resurrection. In order for this to occur and be successful, it would require an effort by every individual nation of our world. My resolution requires that The University of South Carolina Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On The Environment Ian Somerhalder once said, "The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs; the rivers, our bloodstream. We are all interconnected, and what you do to the environment, ultimately you do to yourself (SC 2)." I have noticed in my everyday life how unaware my friends and family are when it involves the environment. I often hear, "Just throw it away" or "Throw it in the ditch" when I am out in public. Disappointed and sad, I became an advocate for the environment (BE 1). If I was able to change the world by myself, I would change the pollution issues of land, water, and air. The land pollution has become a growing issue for years with landfills being the leading factor. In 2006, Americans generated 251 million tons of trash with at least three locations to go: fifty–five percent to landfills, thirty–three percent to recycling, and twelve and a half percent to incinerators (SC 7) (Kulpinski). Daily, one person would generate 4.6 pounds of garbage (BE 3). Many Americans do not think of the build–up from trash when they take out the garbage once a week. When a landfill site develops, there is an impact on biodiversity. About thirty to three hundred species are lost according to the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests when landfills are introduced to a new environment. Along with biodiversity, soil and groundwater are affected. Soil fertility decreases because of the mixture of toxic substance and decaying organic material. Groundwater can contain high levels of toxic metals, ammonia, toxic organic compounds, pathogens (SC 4) (Newton). Along with land pollution, the human race pollutes water and air. According to Jacques Cousteau, water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become one thing – a global garbage can (SC 8). Since I was young, I have had a special place in my heart for bodies of water, especially the ocean, because of countless family vacations (BE 2). It is estimated that almost 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year (Sifferlin). This has caused for animals such as turtles and dolphins, fish and sharks, crabs and seabirds to be the victims of plastic debris (SC 6) (Cause and Effects). To put the issue into scale, it Get more content on
  • 18. Climate Change Impacts and Threats Essay Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is simply a rise or fall in Earth's temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans and how we live day to day. Although many people have heard ofclimate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it. The best way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our planet. By researching, one can determine their impact on the climate, as well as how to reduce this effect. To understand how to fix global climate change, we must more content... It is also thought to be possible that the movement of continents changed the temperature of the land, the air, and the oceans (encyclopedia of science). These environmental shifts have definitely played a part in atmospheric changes. More recently, however, humans have had a much greater effect on the earth. This all began in the late 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in bloom and there was more need for factories and equipment. The smog and pollution coming from these buildings was visible to all, and the damages were huge. This altered the composition of the earth's atmosphere by creating much more carbon dioxide, and quickly had an effect on the global climate ( Even though each individual created very little carbon dioxide, when put together, the United States created a lot. This is put best by Malcolm Gladwell, when he explains "we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly" (11). To understand how much of an effect humans have had, one must rely on the numbers and the experts. The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The [Intergovernmental] panel [on Climate Change] also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that Get more content on
  • 19. The Micro Environment CHAPTER 3: THE MICRO ENVIRONMENT MGMT 488 – STRATEGY AND POLICY OVERVIEW The micro environmental analysis is the second step in creating the Environmental Analysis. The micro environment examines the general business climate as it relates to the organization within its industry. The microenvironment is also known as Porter's Five Forces of Competition. The macro environment is primarily concerned with major issues and upcoming changes in the environment. The analysis looks at five areas of interest, which are 1) Power of the Buyers; 2) Power of the Suppliers; 3) Threat of Substitute Products; 4) Threat of New Entrants; and 5) Intensity of Rivalry. Notice in the following diagram, how these interact and influence each other. MGMT more content... RANKING THE FORCES Each of the five forces is ranked on a high to low scale, sometimes part of the force is high, but other parts are low. A pet store has many suppliers of dog toys. Most people do not have a brand preference – as long as the dog likes the toy, it is acceptable. Thus, the supplier power of dog toys is low. However, the pet store also sells purebred dogs. The most wanted breeds are Labradors and Beagles. There are a small number of breeders in the area. Thus, the supplier power of dogs is high. MGMT 488 Chapter 3 – Macro Environment Page 5 PRESENTATION
  • 20. Present the analysis in bullet format with short complete sentences, if needed. Identify the issue in each category. Unlike the macro environmental analysis, the entire micro environmental analysis goes in the main body of a business plan. Here is an example of how a Micro environmental analysis should be presented for a mythical pet store that sells pets and supplies in rural Montana. MICRO ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The micro environmental analysis is an examination Get more content on
  • 21. Environmental Science Reflection Over the course of the semester, I feel that, in my Introduction to Environmental Science (EVR2001) class, I have learned an extensive amount about current, past, and possibly future environmental issues that our planet is enduring. Many of the issues impacting our environment have caught my attention and opened my eyes to the effects these issues are causing. Environmental science has had an impact on me personally, and has changed my understanding and the intensity of my opinions on many environmental issues in a variety of ways. There are even particular environmental issues that I find relevant to my own life for many reasons. This class taught me how I can reduce my own impact on the environment, which has even led me to change some aspects of my life to reduce my environmental impact as a result. EVR2001 has impacted me personally, in many different ways First, this class has brought so many issues to my attention, and taught me that almost anything can have a negative impact on our environment. For example, I found it intriguing that even letting a pet cat, or feral cats in general, outside, is a severe negative threat to the biodiversity of an ecosystem (Lecture 4 Slides). Personally, I do not believe many people know the effect cats can have, which leads them to believe their cat is fine roaming around outside. The Global Article Analysis assignments had another impact on me. They allowed me to realize that countries can be affected differently by the same Get more content on
  • 22. Essay about Environmental Activism 1. The large mainstream environmentalism groups started to compromise too much with regulatory agencies and bureaus, starting with the Glen Canyon Dam project. This began an estrangement with the mainstreams that culminated in the rise of more militant groups like Earth First! Glen Canyon represented what was fundamentally wrong with the country's conservation policies: arrogant government officials motivated by a quasireligious zeal to industrialize the natural world, and a diffident bureaucratic leadership in the mainstream environmental organizations that more or less willingly collaborated in this process.The mainstream environmental groups and government held the premise that mankind should control and manage the natural world. more content... This conflict will inevitably lead to the imposition of authoritarian regimes. There is already evidence of "ecological elite's" where power and status are increasingly measured not merely by economic control, but by control over the ecology. Access to clean water, fresh air, open wild spaces, and natural products is competing with ownership of German autos and Swiss watches. It is becoming the main preoccupation of political debate. As an example, even when a corporation decides to create a item through genetic or non–genetic engineering, it is often indirectly determining what species will be exterminated to increase profits, which habitats will be sacrificed for economic growth, and whose children will be allocated the toxic water, poisoned food, and radioactive living space. If the environmental crisis is causing us to reexamine and reject the accepted values of the civilization complex in its entirety, a unique event is taking place: the passing of civilization into history.2. Societal breakdown in the face of a continually deteriorating physical world may face many problems. As stated above by historian Toynbee, a conflict may lead to the imposition of authoritarian Get more content on
  • 23. The external environment in which businesses operate can have a significant effect on their success. To what extent do you think that the external environment in the UK is favourable for businesses at the moment? Justify your answer with reference to external factors and/or businesses that you know. (40 marks) You must include a plan. 3 В Ѕ pages handwritten. Not petrol? Can argue against in evaluation – favourable for some industries but not others Make a point, explain and evaluate (3–4 main points) The external environment for a business is equally as important to its success (or otherwise) as it's internal environment. This is because external factors will directly impact on the business. These factors are complex and more content... For a manufacturing company like Cadbury, a growing UK population is leading to more sales opportunities. Changes in eating habits, with fewer families sitting to eat regular meals together has continued to fuel the 'on the go' eating trend, which has lead to the launch of more snacking type product offers, increasing Cadbury's portfolio of products. Finally, the current and ongoing concern around healthy eating, obesity, sugar and fat intake has necessitated reviews of product recipes, formats and consumer communications. EG there have been a lot more restrictions on advertising to children, which has recently been banned for certain product types. The Technological landscape has seen massive change over recent years and an understanding of this is vital for business owners. This covers areas such as basic infrastructure level, rate of technological change, spending on research & development, technology incentives, legislation regarding technology, technology level in your industry, communication infrastructure, access to newest technology, Internet infrastructure and penetration. For a Company like Cadbury, Get more content on
  • 24. Environmental Art Essay Environmental art is a genre of art that was established in the late 1960's and it was created by things found in nature to make a piece of art. Some of the the environmental art would be so large in size, that it would be considered to be monumental. This kind of art can not be moved without destroying it, and the climate and weather can change it. There are many reasons why an artist would create an environmental work of art, such as : to address environmental issues affecting earth today, to show things that could be powered by nature or be interactive with natural phenomenon (like lighting or earthquakes), or to show how people can co–exist with nature, or maybe use it as a means to help restore ecosystems in an aesthetic more content... Michael Hiezer's piece, "Double negative" was built in Nevada, near the Mormon mesa. According to Double negative, "The trenches line up across a large gap formed by the natural shape of the mesa edge. Including this open area across the gap, the trenches together measure 1,500 feet long, 50 feet deep, and 30 feet wide." Heizer just simply subtracted earth to create this work, he took away earth to create the two trenches and thus, creating negative space, and that is how he created a "double negative." This piece was considered to be one of the first works to start the earth art movement. This piece was created to help show people how the earth can relate to art. Heizer's piece "the city" is still a work in progress and has been a life–long project that is somewhere in the Nevada Desert. The site can not be visited by people yet since Heizer is still working on it. He is using "The complexes are made mostly of earth, and were inspired in part by Native American traditions of mound–building and the ancient cities of Central and South America." Heizer states in regards to the City as, "I'm building this work for later. I'm interested in making a work of art that will represent all the civilization to this point." Walter de Maria was born in California in 1935. He studied history and art at UC Berkeley, and then went to New York in 1960. His early art was made from industrial materials to make minimalist art. In the late 1960's, he started to Get more content on