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The Conscience, the life of men and the continuous help that it comes us from the Sky
The Conscience has been so defined by the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77
(Circle Florence 77): << BODY AKASICO. (equal <<Conscience>>): What receives and it
transcribes, making it become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual,
existing, it discovers and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold
incarnations, but it constituted little by little while the individual evolves 1
The altruism and the love of the men depend on the ampleness of their conscience; the
men at the first incarnations on the Earth have a dwarfish or small conscience and therefore they
have a violent egoism 2
and therefore these men are not altruist, neither they are able to love;
instead men of average evolution they start to be altruist and to love despite they have still
spiritual poverties or limits, that is to say vices an defects; as an example they are liar; instead men
with an ample conscience, that is already evolved, they are those that they know to love because
they have become holy.
To understand who are the men that live on the Earth in the various epochs it needs to
know how much Conscience they have because the nature of the men depends on the ampleness
of their conscience ; as far as I know about the human history I can say that the world goes badly
almost always because the conscience of the greatest part of the men that they live on it has
always been small or dwarfish; the Lord Jesus told us whose the spirits of the men were, they were
those of the Angels that were rebelled to God: "…The fallen spirits that had voluntarily gone away
from me had undertaken the wrong way, they were not able and they didn't want to know nothing
of progress of improvement; nevertheless, not to block them completely the road, they were set
under conditions in which, firm their personal liberty staying, they can return back when they want.
For this it was created the whole material world now, the whole universe, the man. In him,
according to the degree of their wickedness the spirits were dressed again of matter, exposed to
struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions of
life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also begin in this way their
volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle
of improvement it comes as second… All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies they
are formed from the great soul of Satan: the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the
great spirit of Lucifer and its retinue banished and fallen in the matter; God, that is eternal love and
compassion, would have been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to
the life it is able yes to change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler, or vice versa, but it
can never be destroyed 3
But when the demons can be embodied in the men? When the inferior beings (crystals,
vegetables and animals) have developed in the three Kingdoms of the Nature (mineral, vegetable
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagine 162 - 163, Armenia
and animal) an enough Conscience or Akasico body for the incarnation of the demons in the men.
Then, little by little these consciences are developed the Lord God donate them to the demons,
together with the Spark or Divine Drop, Spirit or Self, to the physical body, to the astral body, to the
mental body; it is so that is formed the whole of the man that is always animated by the Spirit, that
is by the Divine Spark in every existence in the four worlds of the Cosmos (physical, astral, mental
and Akasico 4
). The things on the Earth almost always gone badly, but because? Are they perhaps
the same demons that embody them in the same men or both demons and men change
periodically while they widen their conscience as provided by the divine law of the evolution 5
? No,
they are not the same demons 6
that continually embody them in the same men on the Earth
because life has been conceived and rnealized by the Lord God in such a way to make to grow
the conscience and the mind of the men in successive incarnations on the basis of the Law of the
Evolution: << Process for which life, by means of forms more and more organized, it expresses
degrees always greater of Mind and of Spirit 7
>> (My note: For Spirit you intend Conscience
because the Spirit of the man is the Drop or Divine Spark - Spirit - Self that is the "Fulcrum of the
individual existence not to evolution subject. Divine emanation that determines the individuality and
the life of the individual or the microcosm 8
Of the races and of the formalities of incarnation of the same it has been said by who
knows a lot more than the men (The spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence
<< The Earth, school of "races" in evolution; Question: It is difficult to ascertain that
from the beginning of the times up today there has really been a continuous evolution in the
behaviour and in the conscience of the men; rather some, judging from this world, they speak of
Answer of the aforesaid Teachers: << Looking at the things of the Earth could seem that some
evolution has not been in the men. The comparisons with great civilizations of the past seem, and
perhaps they are, unfavourable to today's men. But it needs to keep in mind that various "races"
they cyclically follow themselves on the Earth. It is not that all the men that were at the beginning
of the human incarnations on the Earth are the same of today; it is not that how many they started
their evolution in human form at the beginning of the Manifestation they are advanced up to today,
and you are substantially those same of that time: in such case the doubt on the evolution would
be legitimate looking around ourselves. But it needs to keep in mind, just, the cyclical to follow one
another of different "races"; for which when one "race" it has reached its maximum evolution it
leaves the Earth; and before this happens, already at the half of its cycle it embodies a new one
that starts its evolution; not only, but when the first one "race" it has finished its evolution, from the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione),
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee
point in which it doesn't embody any more it starts to become incarnate another "race" still, for
which there is a further lowering of the general level. Looking at the Earth, then it can be said, that
it is a kind of environment that serves to the evolution, as a school serves to give education. If one
looks from the outside the school, without realizing of which are the individuals that frequent it, he
will say: "But these men never learn, they are always at school!". And so, looking from the outside,
it can be said: "But these men never evolve!". The fact is that they are not the same men, as they
are not always the same pupils that attend the same school. The evolution is not seen for this
reason, and it is not subject to statistic. They are seen, every now and then, some great spirits,
and they are those that have begun their evolution different thousand of years ago; and then are
seen men of average evolution; and then are seen men at the primitive state, not as civilization
but from the spiritual point of view, whose evolution is initiated since not too long. The Earth is an
admixture of all these "races" and underaces that alternates them and they intertwine them, it is a
kind of gym where us men come on purpose for evolving and that, when we have reached a
certain evolutionary stadium, we abandon for continuing the evolution in other dimension 9
Therefore they are not always the same men that attend the Earth, the very good school
among those of the Spirit 10
But how it does to make to live the men in peace on the Earth, considered that the life of
the beings, especially of the men has been exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 11
Because to the omniscience of God such type of life is revealed the sole type of life suited
for making to grow in the demons the Conscience, the culture and also God's knowledge.
Then, being so the things, it seems me that to improve the world is necessary to improve the single
men; improving them they are reduced the violences at every level, but also the conflicts all due to
the nature or to the small or dwarfish conscience of the individuals exposed to struggles,
temptations and pains. But there is more: the demons, those not incarnate on the Earth in men,
from the Life after Death, they influence only not in the human choices with the temptations - that
they are inherent in the life - but also and above all with the assaults and attacks that such not
incarnate Demons on the Earth do to the human beings 12
. For these aspects of the difficulty
to live because of the Demons not incarnated on the Earth the special Deepenings of this
Catechism is seen in the folder of Angels and Demons.
It is to keep well in mind whether to overcome our vices and defects, our self or me with
our egoism 13
; the self-discipline it is needed, but without imposing on ourselves excessive
sacrifices and least of all afflictions. All of this that must be done is not very difficult and all can do
it: we have to learn to know ourselves by means of the constant awareness of our being man
trying to understand as really we are because the truth of ourselves frees us from our limits and
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, dated 5-25-1988, 12- 25-1991 (assalti) and 2-25-1992, MIR
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (io), Mediterranee
therefore from our egoism and from our human self or me because after such awareness they
have entrance within ourselves the “to feel of conscience” 14
: this means that the discovery of our
vices and our defects produces their elimination following intimate reflections, of a careful analysis
of itselves. It is very important to know ourselves so much that one of the spiritual Teachers of the
Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said that " To know ourselves means to spiritually
live 15
". But it is also more important to become able to love God and the other human beings
because we are united from a relationship of love 16
Speaking of the love Saint Theresa of the Jesus Child , the Saint of the Small Way, doctor
of the Catholic Church said: <<… I understand so well that only the love can make us pleasant to
the Lord, to constitute it my sole ambition. To Jesus likes to show me the only walk that conducts
to the divine furnace, that is the abandonment of the child which falls asleep without fear among
the arms of his/her Father. " If someone is little comes to me ", it has said the Holy Spirit for mouth
of Salomon, and this same Spirit has still said that " mercy is granted to the little ones. ". Ah if all
the weak and defective souls felt what it feels the smallest among them, the soul of its Theresa,
not one would despair to reach the peak of the mountain of love, since Jesus doesn't ask great
actions, on the contrary only the abandonment and the thankfulness. Him in fact it tells in the
Psalm XLIX " I have no need some of the goat male of your flocks. If I was hungry, not to you I
would tell, because the earth and all of this that it contains are mine. Do I perhaps have to eat the
meat of the bulls and to drink the blood of the rams? You immolate to God some sacrifices of
praise and thanks. Here what Jesus demands from us, He doesn't have at all need of our works,
but only of our love, because this God same that declares not to have need to tell us that He is
hungry, He has not hesitated to beg some water from the Samaritan woman….Jesus, I know it
well, the love is paid only with the love, therefore I have looked for, I have found relief returning
you love for love. Not to wealths and glory (it also concerned the glory of the Sky) it aspires the
heart of the child. Yes, Beloved, my life will be consumed so. I don't have other means to prove
you my love, if not to throw some flowers, that is not let to run away some small sacrifice, some
care, some word, and to profit of all the small things, and to do it for love. My Jesus, I love you, I
love the Church my Mother, I remember that “the least motion of pure love is more profitable than
not all the other works reunited together”, but does the pure love exists in my heart?.... Jesus, I am
too much little to make great things, and my folly is to hope that your Love welcomes me as a
victim! My folly consists of begging the eagles, my sisters, because they get me the grace to fly
toward the sun of the love with the same wings in the divine Eagle… Oh Jesus, why I cannot tell all
the small souls how much ineffable it is your condescension… I feel that if, impossible thing, would
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi) ; La
voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi) ; La voce dell’ignoto, page 47,
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio del 12 Settembre, Amrita
find you a soul weaker, smaller than mine, you would please to fill her with greater favours even, if
she abandoned with complete trust to your endless mercy. 17
After so many winged words we add only some small example respect to what we must do
for widening our conscience and therefore to grow in the love: we must understand that the
purpose of our life is not that to satisfy our our egoism, that is our own necessities, our own
senses, our own instincts and our own desires, on the contrary that to help the others, to be careful
to what we can do for them under every point of view discovering so that love also permeates the
whole life ours also. After all what we must do it is not impossible; some example: all it takes is
turning our attention to the poor men, to renounce to a piece of dessert to give it to another person,
it is enough a kind gesture to a stranger, the renouncement to something to help another person;
the kindnesses are necessary above all for the others, especially if gotten sick or imprisoned; on
the subject we remember what it said the Lord Jesus speaking of the small good actions that we
have done to others little as us, because we have also done them to Him 18
: because everybody
are One in the Reality of the Spirit 19
: both who is well like, the riches, the hungry ones, the thirsty
ones, the strangers, the naked persons, the patients and the prisoners. It is evident however that
so much more we is rich or powerful, so much more are the good deeds that the men must do
because they must be commensurate to the greater possibilities that they have to donate and to do
for the others. Shortly we must learn to evangelically live as the Lord Jesus prescribes in His
Gospels. To the Lord God and to the Lord Jesus all it takes is our commitment in to doing our best
to evangelically live 20
As for the human nature it needs to recognize that especially in the first human
incarnations 21
the man has a violent egoism and therefore a wicked man; on the subject the Lord
Jesus said: << Listen to me everybody and try to understand! Nothing of what enters the man from
the outside it can make him/her become impure. Rather, it is what it goes out of the heart that a
man can make impure.>>. When Jesus was away from the crowd and he had entered house his
disciples they questioned him on that parable. The Lord told them: <<Not even you are not able of
understanding? But do you not understand that all of this that enters the man from the outside
cannot make him/her become impure, because it doesn't enter in his/her heart but in the stomach
and therefore it goes in a sewer?... >>. With these words Jesus declared that all foods can be
eaten. Then the Lord said also : <<It is what it goes out of the man that it makes him/her impure.
As a mater of fact, from the intimate, from the heart of the man all the bad thoughts go out, that
bring to the evil; the sexual sins, the thefts, the assassins, the betrayals between husband and
wife, the desire to have the things of the others, the malices, the frauds, the obscenities, the envy,
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 206-245, Postulazione Generale dei Carmelitani Scalzi, Roma
Vangelo di Matteo 25, 31-46
Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 20-25 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72
(Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.4°, page 318, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
the backbiting, the haughtiness, the foolishness… . All these bad things come out of the man and
they make him/her become impure 22
As for the wicked influence of the Demons on the human beings we inform you that such
influence is not limited - unfortunately to the only temptations - since when the not incarnate
demons on the Earth consider it convenient for their wicked purposes they assault or attack men
"flinging them" on malevolent energies from the Life after Death to make them become worse of as
they are in certain particular situations or transmitting them pessimistic thoughts, or persuading
them we don’t know how, to make ugly dreams to make them be badly. Our Lady Mary disclosed
us at Medjugorje the existence of such perfidious and cruel demoniac behaviours that they worsen
our state of being 23
; for the explanation of the matter we make reference to some explanatory
documents available in this Catechism among the Deepenings in the folder of Angels and Demons.
The Book of Jeremiah of the Bible teaches us that the nature of the man, that is well note to
the Lord God, is mysterious and hardly recoverable 24
; it can be added that such nature remains
unknown to the man himself/herself, if he/she doesn't do the effort of auto knowing himself/herself
, of the necessity to do such effort the Lord Jesus spoke to us in Palestine two thousand years
ago 26
, together with so many other rules to be observed for getting the liberation from the chain of
the births and the deaths 27
; this means to free us from the chain of the poverties, of the illnesses
and of the pains 28
. Such liberation happens after manifold incarnation on the Earth 29
when the
man has become almost saint by means of the enlargement / evolution of his/her conscience 30
Two thousand years ago the Messiah Jesus said what the people could understand, considered
both the mind and of the culture of the ancient populations of the world. In the XIX century the
possibilities of learning of the man - and therefore its knowledges - had been much widen since the
times of the incarnation of Jesus in Palestine; therefore it had become possible to give to a great
number of people teachings more deepened through which it could be learned better and without
need of so many mysteries and romanced histories the secrets of the life.
For such reasons the Lord Jesus chose in Austria in the XIX century a saint man,
Jakob Lorber as His scribe and He dictated him a vast work that was transcribed in over
thirty books (published by La Nuova Rivelazione, 148, Via Vetrego, 30035 Mirano (VE),
telephone and fax 041 - 43. 61. 54).
Vangelo di Marco 7, 14-23
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991 (Assalti), February 25th 1992
(Attacchi) and March 25th 1992 ( Satan makes fun of you and I cannot help you because you are far away from heart ),
Libro di Geremia 17, 9
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi),
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione); Per un mondo migliore, page 214
(Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 133-137 (Il significato della miseria, della malattia e del dolore), Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione) ; Per un mondo migliore, page 214
(Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 106-112 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Such work includes the great Gospel of John, contained in 11 books for overall 4000 pages
and perhaps more. In such Gospel they have also been treated logically the followings themes
also: Essence and purpose of the Revelation, God and his Kingdom, the Creation, the man, the
Angels, Satan and the consequences of his fall for the man, the Hell, the Death and the Life after
Death, the Day of the Judgment, the Resurrection of the flesh, the Reincarnation, the End of the
times and the Return of the Lord. The Great Gospel of John has been reassumed for themes by
Josef Mahlberg in a book of 196 pages; this book is very useful and has for title, “Il Signore parla”
(The Lord speaks) it gas edited by Armenia, but evidently is a great deal synthetic, in comparison
to the original Gospel dictated to Jakob Lorber.
The work dictated to Jakob Lorber also includes scientific teachings or secrets of the nature
some of which they have been discovered subsequently from the Science to the Revelation to
Jakob Lorber.
In the twentieth century, the Lord God decided to integrate the preceding Revelations; the
new Revelations have been made possible by the intellectual and cultural growth of men that it
allowed a diffusion generalized of truths stayed until then patrimony of few chosens:
- The Gospel revealed by the Lord Jesus to Maria Valtorta and ha been transcribed in ten
volumes of around 400 pages each; the man of this epoch has the possibility to know
every episode of the public life of the Lord and many episodes of His family life with His
mother Mary and the stepfather Joseph. We are therefore in presence of a very
important work that makes us relive the life of the Christ from the birth to the
resurrection and the following Apparitions in Palestine, more numerous than those
reported by the canonical Gospels;
- The Revelations of Findhorn of the same Lord God to Eileen Caddy and that of the
Angels to Dorothy Maclean (respectively edited by Edizioni Amrita and Edizioni
- The Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77):
it is an ethical and philosophical - esoteric teaching (Edizioni Mediterranee) very useful
to widen our knowledges on the life;
- Our Lady Mary Revelation, at Medjugorje, that since 1981 until April 2017 teaches us to
spiritually live with a teaching, so much effective as simple, that the simplest and less
cultured man can also understand (Edizioni MIR and Shalom);
These Revelations complement each other.
With such integrations it doesn't result at all diminished the fertility of the Doctrine of Son
Jesus, the personified Knowledge not even that of two thousand years ago, since it is sufficient
also a chapter only of the canonical Gospels and of the Fifth Gospel of Thomas to understand the
way that the man must follow for returning the Father’s Home; a lot of times it is enough a page
and sometimes also an verse only to bring the men on the main road of the Kingdom of the Skies;
I make you an example of illuminating verse of the above-said Gospels: << Do also to the others
everything that that you want that they do to you... 31
.Nevertheless this mass of new notions in modern language, enriches the universal sacred
Doctrine of the first nineteen centuries, also under the aspect philosophical (with the Teaching of
the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77).
In the New Revelations many matters are illustrated or deepened because the growth of the
conscience, of the mind and of the human culture they allowed it. All of this has been served by the
Divinity in line with the rhythms and the gradualness of the human evolution. The Truths of Abram
and Mosè for the people of their time could not be those of the men of the centuries XIX and XX;
The Lord God, made to tell the prophet Mohammed from the angel Gabriel:
- << We already sent other apostles before you…; every epoch… it has a book 32
>> ;
- << God cancels what he wants or … it confirms it, and close to him is the mother (the
prototype) of the Book 33
The Sacred Writings of the past are always fertile of teachings even we have to remember
the errors of the Oral Traditions; for instance the errors of the Jewish Oral Tradition corrected by
Lord Jesus 34
The Sacred Writings of the world reveal to the man, little by little that he/ spiritually grows -
also in a same life – meanings that only five or three years before he/she had not known
immediately; this reality is for us true, especially for the Gospels, that are Word of God 35
. The
four canonical Gospels, very synthetic (around 250 pages all the four together) and the Fifth
Gospel of Thomas’ apostle of forty pages, is still proper for the catechesis of a lot of people, but
the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta contains only not the public teaching, but also that reserved
to the Apostles. It contains besides the history of the birth of the Jesus Child and episodes of the
life hidden of Mary and Jesus, as well as different other episodes of the private life of the Lord.
While the Great Gospel of John contains important revelations, for instance those of the
absence of the final Judgment, of the existence of the individual judgment for every man
after each terrestrial incarnation (this judgement is founded only and exclusively on the
good deeds that we made on the Earth and never on the sins that we committed) and of the
true meaning of the resurrection of the flesh.
Every Sacred Writing, independently from others or from the new Revelations of the XIX
and XX centuries, it has a range of meanings whose discovery asks for reflection, meditation and
comparison with the daily stories of each man 36
. It is as to say that every day the man can learn
alone with his/her experiences only and intelligence what the daily stories, to the light of the Sacred
Writing, they want to teach him.
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIV 38, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIV 39, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Matteo chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19 and 23
Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-12 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
You see for an instance , AA.VV. Guida alla lettura della Bibbia, pages 319-367, San Paolo
In comparison to the past, the man common of today it is very benefitted, because he/she
can also have the Sacred Writings of other peoples, besides those you already quoted of the
centuries XIX and XX. Such ancient and modern Writings can confirm him/her what he/she knows
about its religion, but also to add new truths to sharpen and to complete its theological knowledges
and those of the life in the planet Earth in its changeable aspects, also at level thought 37
. And for
what regards the Angels Dorothy Maclean, of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland, explains us
their precious activities in the Kingdoms of the Nature 38
The Lord God - as Father, Great Mother Holy Spirit 39
and Son Jesus - It has a great care of
us and of our cultural and religious education-formation and of us; it results us that God as Mother
appeared an only time on the Earth, at La Salette, in France 40
; God as Mother appeared to two
little shepherds, Melania and Massimino, on September 19th
1846, but the Catholic Church has
not recognized it, while it was being clear - both for the aspect and for Her discourse – that the
Beautiful Lady was not Mary of Nazareth, because Mary is not of tall stature and of majestic
appearance; to make to become the Apparition of La Salette a Mary’s apparition it was said: " The
Beautiful Lady speaks in the name of God that you has sent her, as he already did for the
Prophets 41
The Lord God directly spoke to us, when He embodied himself in the man Jesus of
Nazareth 42
or indirectly, through prophets or Angels (for instance, in the case of the Koran). The
Lord speaks to us since ever , but with gradualness, regularity and continuity, century after century.
Then, the Lord God, as Mother has talked us at La Salette in the XIX century. But it is not
everything: God also talks to the single men that have faith and trust in Him when they
make silence inside of them to listen to the Lord 43
Our Lady Mary speaks to us since when she lived in Palestine 44
; in this Catechism of Her
here we quote principally the Revelation of Medjugorje, in Croatia, a Teaching as much simple so
much efficacious, that lasts up to now ( April 2017 ) since 1981 (and this is another sign of the
serious situation in which the humanity is found, but at the same time that this is a time of grace
and of growth). Many are the books that report Mary’s Apparitions; an efficacious synthesis of them
is found in the book of Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, San Paolo.
Through Jakob Lorber, His Austrian scribe, the Lord Jesus has let to the modern man know
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141(…come l’uomo pensa così egli sarà: come pensate così
create; questa è la Mia Legge), Mediterranee
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario, Pincherle, pages 101, 103 and 104, Macroedizioni
Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, pages 18 and next, San Paolo
Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 24, San Paolo
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 6th
, Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page
143 (Stai nella quiete e ascolta), Mediterranee
Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, page 5, San Paolo
a. That the Lord God created Lucifer and this the Angels, but with the powers and the might
received by God; all of them were created free to be or less faithful to God. We know that
Lucifer, created being, rebelled him to God and with him a part of the Angels. After their
rebellion the Creator was seen in front of a dilemma, considering that the rebellious Angels
had the intention to fight Him (also the war is a wicked invention of Satan ): to annihilate
them or to save them. The annihilation of the rebels was contrary to His fond nature and it
would also have meant the annihilation of the Angels remained faithful to God 45
, headed by
the archangel Michael 46
b. L' alternative consisted of the accepting from God the situation created by Lucifer and by its
followers and in to conceive and realize a plan of salvation of the Demons organizing a
project of life repairer: the life of the demons on the Earth through the men, as we know it,
exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 47
for the return of the rebellious Angels or
Demons in the Divine Plan with God. The celestial conflict was a conflict between Lucifer-
Satan and same God and is to be considered the spiritual death of Lucifer-Satan and of the
other rebellious Angels; the separation from God had been created by the rebellious Angels
with their thoughts because the thought creates 48
, but in the Reality of God such
separation was not possible, because the Whole is One God is the Absolute that never
separates Him from His children 49
c. The separation from God (but only at mental level 50
) of Satan the rebellious and of the
other rebellious Angels originated their betrayal; the conflict between them and God that
lasts till now originated the punishment-correction of the Demons, with all of this that follows
of it, for the rebels' recovery on the planet Earth through the incarnations of same demons
in the men 51
. We know that such punishment - correction continues in the planes or worlds
of existence of the Life after Death (astral, mental and Akasico or of the Conscience)
because the man doesn't die on the Earth, but lives in continuation in the Cosmos 52
because the life is eternal, death doesn't exist and therefore the man is immortal 53
; the
punishment-correction of the human demons 54
continues in the following terrestrial
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia
Albert J Herbert, S-M. L’Arcangelo San Michele, Edizioni Segno
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141 (…come l’uomo pensa così egli sarà; come pensate così
create; questa è la Mia legge), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio,
pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto),
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee ; Raymond A. Moody, La vita oltre
la vita, Oscar Mondadori
Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages
188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia
incarnations up to when the human demon will reach the threshold of the Holiness;
afterwards attends him the life in the Divine Plane ( The Kingdom of the Skies);
d. Being God love 55
the eternal Hell, that is the sufferings and the eternal unhappiness,
cannot exists in the Reality because God would not allow it; but objectively the Heaven
doesn't exist even; the Lord God and the Lord Jesus teach that the Hell and the Heaven
are states of being or mental states that the man brings with him/her 56
. While the infernal
and eternal state of being could not exist because it would be in contradiction with the plan
of Redemption and Salvation of God and above all with the love, the omnipotence and the
omniscience of God; the temporary infernal state of being is destined to be beaten by every
man during the process of amplification-evolution of its conscience during the over fifty
thousands years of human life 57
and the numerous incarnations on the Earth.
e. But then who has created the Hell and who the Heaven and where are they are situated if
objectively they don't exist? One of the Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, the Teacher
Kempis has said: << It is not true that terrestrial life must have run away for making
himself/herself worths in Sky and to honor God. The Hell - If existed - it would not be
enough deep to worthily welcome who so had lived 58
>>. Both the Hell and the Heaven
they have been created by the thought of the man because the thought of the man also
creates 59
: Consequently, the religions have been with the thoughts of priests and believers
to create the Hell and the Heaven in zones of the plane or mental world. Speaking of the
Heaven it has been said by the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): <<
An indication to that region of the "mental world" correspondent to the Skies described by
the religions: a creature, which were in these skies, is not separated from the others if not
by a particular state of conscience. Everything is around you. A man that had lived for
deserving himself/herself an eternal prize or he/she had devoted his/her life to an ideal,
after the passing in the mental plan, for karma, he/she sees and it experiments the dreamt
ideal. This state corresponds to a sense of appeasement of beatitude. A lot of entities that
are show themselves in certain mediumistic meetings originate just from this region of the
"mental world ": That is why they describe an Life after Death similar to what they believed
it existed while they were being in life, because they are experimenting it and, for them, it is
a real thing not a dream. Once that the not enough evolved individual has ceased this
dream, he/she rests, he/she sees again with clarity and with calm all the past existences,
but he/she is not aware of how much happens around him/her because he/she has entered
the "plane" following to that mental (my note: the plane akasico or of the conscience),
he/she has abandoned his/her mental body and it is found on the thresholds of a plane (my
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le orte interiori, Message dated December 14th
, Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176,
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 94, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee
note: the plane akasico or of the Conscience) in which he/she will live an immense,
indescribable beatitude 60
f. From the imaginary separation from God, created by the thought of Satan - and also by that
of the other rebellious Angels - it derived the removal of the ex Archangel Lucifer, become
Satan, the Demon or the Devil, and of the other rebellious Angels, become Demons or
Devils from the Divine Plane 61
, because two contrary sentiments, love and hate, cannot
coexist that is, in how much the one excludes the other. Nevertheless God that is love,
decides to correct the Demons because he/she wanted to embrace again them in the
Kingdom of the Skies after having them confined in the worlds of the Matter for educational
purpose because Satan and his followers opposing themselves to the Creator, they could
not keep on living in His house. The Demons that they feel somehow separated by God
because of their negative thought, they were not it indeed, both because the Tall Lord
never separates himself from His children 62
, both because He is absolute 63
and therefore
all of this that exists that is worlds beings and things is a part of Him. The rebellious Angels,
having cultivated the hate inside them of every other negative quality and they changed
their nature; therefore Lucifer, could not have called this way anymore because it brought
the Darkness and not the Light and therefore it became Satan, the Demon or the Devil and
the other rebellious Angels they became Demons or Devils and God it removed from
Lucifer and his followers the power and the creative ability that He had attributed them 64
And naturally, all the Demons, I said, they had pushed away from the Divine Plane and they
were confined in the worlds of the Matter of the Cosmos ( astral and mental); I don't believe
that the Demons also live in the Plane akasico or of the conscience because they don't
have conscience until the Lord God won't donate them it in concomitance of the first human
incarnation, when they will receive the conscience of a evolved beast, for instance an
horse, a dog and so on, together with the Divine Spark. Such conscience will become
larger, as it will develop the mind of the demons, by means of the manifold incarnations of
the man on the Earth in strength of the law of the evolution 65
; the Lord God created the
Cosmos 66
with the worlds, all the things, the animals and the man to educate and to save
the Demons themselves.
g. The betrayal of Satan created the conditions of a conflict and therefore the refusal of the
fatherly and maternal authority, that made essential, for love, the consequent correction /
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 179-180, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 220 (Piano Divino), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto),pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ;
Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
education with the purpose to make to recover to the Angels rebels the nature and the
condition of the original life in the Kingdom of the Skies (Divine Plane).
That being stated, it can be said that the Kingdom of the Skies also means intimacy and
communion with God in the unity of the Holy Trinity of God 67
, Father, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit
(the Great Mother 68
); and also the men's unity in the Son and that of the Son in the Father.
Of it derives that is correct to say:
a. that God is a Communion of beings 69
united by a relationship of love 70
and - to intend
better what type of relationship can be had with God - we can also say that He is in itself
a Family, (the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother, Holy Spirit) and then all
living beings and things in the Christ 71
b. From the One who is God they have origin all worlds, the things and the living beings, to
start from the last creature the most complete: this last, the man, was made at image
and similarity of the Creator himself 72
. The same Lord God, to complete the plan of
Redemption and Salvation of the demons embodied Himself in the man Jesus of
Nazareth with His Verb or Word 73
; in the Son the Lord God improved / completed the
Mosaic Law and all the other Sacred Writings of the world with the Gospels making also
us informed about of some unthinkable Realities of the Spirit: the fusions of beings 74
. In
the Reality of the Spirit Creator the creatures are fused in the variety 75
, but the Beings
feel themselves itselves as never before. Besides the man also all the living beings and
all the things are recapitulated in the Conscience of the Son Jesus 76
We know what the Redemption for the Salvation is 77
a. the Redemption corresponds to the evolutionary process for which life, by means of forms
more and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of mind and of conscience by
means of the manifold incarnations, the karmic corrections/teachings and the spiritual
redemption of the Lord Jesus 78
; in other terms it can be said that the Redemption is an
amplification of conscience, of culture and of knowledge of God and care, purification,
teaching and spiritual expiation, to work of the Great Mother Holy Spirit, of the Lord Jesus,
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad Mario Pincherle, page 101 e 105, Macroedizioni
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63-64 (Coscienza
Genesi 1, 27 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1 ; IL Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli ; Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da
Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124
(Fusione, you see Comunione)), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, pages 209-210 (L’Uno e i molti), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-4
Isaia 40, 1-11 ; Vangelo di Luca 3, 1-6
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ;Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
but also of Our Lady Mary, the Co-Redeemer Woman 79
because She is One with the Son
Jesus 80
. On the Earth there are many places that hells can be defined, especially in the
South of the world. The Redemption continues in the Life after Death because the man
doesn't die when its physical body dies on the Earth; "…there is not any interruption
between life of a physical vehicle and the continuation of the existence with the life
in another vehicle, the astral vehicle… 81
", neither there is for the continuation of the
existence from the astral Plane to the mental Plane and subsequently from the
mental Plane to the Plane Akasico or of the Conscience. When the man from the Earth
runs through to live in the Life after Death he/she runs through with "his/her" Divine Spark
in the plane or astral world with the astral body, the mental body and the body akasico or of
the conscience; the Conscience is an eternal body what the man brings with itself in the
Communion of the Saints always animated by the Divine Spark. In the planes or worlds
astral and mental, the man will live two different existences or lives during which he/she will
assimilate the experiences lived in the physical plane, the Earth, in the form of sensations
and emotions (astral plane), and thoughts (mental plane 82
) ; afterwards will runs through in
the plane Akasico or of the Conscience, always animated by "its" Divine Spark. After such
existences ultra physical the man that has not become holy yet will reincarnate on the Earth
until he/she won't have become it; afterwards will eternally live in the Plane of the
Communion of the Saints 83
. Of it derives that the man never dies as we have already
said and always animated by the Divine Spark uninterruptedly lives in the four
planes or worlds of the Cosmos (the physical - with the Earth - the astral one, the
mental one and the akasico or of the conscience) four different existences of which
the life in the physical plane is fundamental 84
. The reincarnation and the death of the
bodies physical, astral and mental allows to the individual …always new experiences with
personalities always renewed… 85
. Then the life is eternal and therefore death doesn't
exist 86
: we transmigrate from the Earth when our physical body there dies, but - always
animated by the Divine Spark - we immediately “wake up” in the astral world and there we
live with the bodies astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience; when the astral body
dies in the astral plane, the man - always animated by the Divine Spark – continues to live
in the mental plan with the mental body and the conscience or body akasico and it will
finally go to live - always animated by the Divine Spark - in the world Akasico with the body
Akasico or of the Conscience. The three planes or ultra terrestrial worlds are “places” of
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I, page 96, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 216-221 (Piani), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione and Comunione dei Santi, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, pages 102-104, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 53, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, MediterraneeCerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages
188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee
purification and assimilation of the experiences done in the physical plane (the Earth). From
the world akasico we will reincarnate again on the Earth and then again we will reincarnate
in the other three planes of life of the Cosmos (astral, mental and akasico 87
) always living
until we won't have become saints. The incarnations on the Earth stop when we will have
become saints. As saints we will eternally live in the Communion of the Saints. The purpose
of the life of the man on the Earth is that to learn to love widening its conscience that is
altruism. From how much above it derives that we must never be afraid neither of the
death and least of all of the Hell that it doesn't exist in the Reality, because the last
aim of the terrestrial life of the man is the Kingdom of the Skies, for which we
uninterruptedly live in the four floors of life of the Cosmos. To live means to grow in
conscience 88
also ; for this living and growth we must make our part 89
, because if
someone did it for us we would become as of the automatons.
b. The redemption of the man it is realized with the reincarnation 90
, the karmic credits and
corrections 91
as well as the spiritual "treatment" in the Christ’s Conscience 92
. The divine
law of the karma gives compensation for the Good that the man does (karmic credits) with
peace and calmness while the Evil is compensated with pains and distresses 93
debts/corrections/teachings).The karmic corrections/teachings implicate physical or psychic
pain and therefore sufferings when we are mature for understanding such corrections 94
Pain is revealed to God’s omniscience the sole teaching that helps the man to widen
its conscience through the reflection and understanding of its behavioural errors of
the past also called sins. Therefore we have to remember that if in the life everything is
karma – or a linking together of causes and effects – it is because chance, good luck and
bad luck do not exist 95
since everything is karma 96
and at the same time everything is in
God’s hands 97
c. The Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state that each must look for and find 98
. This way it
must be because God has told it, but ourselves we can ascertain it through in ours small
observing our mental state of being during the daily life and with the auto psychoanalysis by
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 65 (Cosmo) and 78 (Dopomorte), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
, August 29th
and 31st
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma) ; Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 153-156 (karma), and page 159 (Legge di causa e di effetto that it is applied in individual or human
sphere), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le gramdi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee and page 159
(Law of cause and effect that it is applied in the individual or human sphere), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°4, 5, 6 and 7) and page 158, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th
and December 14th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st
, Amrita
means of which we learn to know ourselves 99
. It is very important to know itselves;
"The man must know himself/herself, to know his/her own limits (my note: vices and
defects) to understand up to what point he/she is of the world and up to what point is of the
spirit. This means to live a spiritual life…to spiritually live it means to be sincere with
itselves… 100
d. The Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state not a place and therefore it is inside of us, but
you must know it, to believe to it and to make it emerge 101
. The Kingdom of the Skies is in
the intimate world of the man because inside of us there is God. We can experiment such
mental state recognizing it, believing it and making it emerge inside of us; we have only to
reflect us afterwards we will realize of it, both for how much it personally regards us, both
as it regards the people that live in our house and for those that we know well, but that they
live elsewhere because what it is inside of us it manifests it to the outside. All it takes is
reading the newspapers o listening the newscast to understand where is the Kingdom of
the Skies and where the hells are. The Kingdom of the Skies exists where love there is and
where love there is there is God 102
; while the hells exist inside the man where the hate
there is, the violences also done inside the families - also on the children -, that they are
undefended and sacred; or the hells exist where revolutions, wars, famines, epidemics and
so many other ugly things of which is studded the life of the men that they live mostly their
way ignoring the Decalogue 103
and the Commandments of the love 104
e. We don't owe therefore to ever be afraid of the life or the future because every terrestrial
existence of the man founds it upon a project that improves the life for each one of us 105
but there is more: every man has a specific talent to donate and of which there is need,
because we belong to an Everything 106
and of this we must be thankful to God 107
. We
don't owe, least of all, to be afraid of the death because it doesn't exist 108
in how
much the man continually lives in one of the four planes or worlds of the Cosmos until
he/she won't have become saint and as Saint he/she will eternally live in the plane of the
Communion of the Saints ( the Kingdom of the Skies) as it is already said. The purpose of
every life of every man on the Earth is that to widen his/her own culture, his/her own
conscience and the knowledge of God until he/she has become Saints. Since then we will
eternally live in the Plane of the Communion of the Saints and so the Lord God will realize
the project that He has done for every demon: to make him/her return by means of the man
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 127 (Il significato di vivere spiritualmente), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th
, Amrita
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th
and December 14th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated ay 17th
and August 14th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee
in the Kingdom of the Skies; however, as we know every man the Kingdom of the Skies
he/she must be earned, making his/her part 109
, because if someone did it for us we would
remain always spiritual children, while God wants that we become saints - that is adults in
the love, in the conscience and in the faith - to give us the eternal happiness.
f. Truly, all of us can testify that for so many infernal states of being that there are within
innumerable men of the planet Earth in every epoch, we don't have as many experiences of
paradisiacal states of being in the man, that is of sanctified men. In the man the
paradisiacal states of being (of joy, of happiness, but also of peace because the Lord
Jesus, after His Resurrection, He greeted so His Apostles: "Peace to You! 110
" ) they are
less frequent than those infernal which are much more diffused because the selfish people,
that is bad people, are much more numerous, of those altruist, that is nice people. The
chronicles of the Mass Media report us of few paradisiacal states of being while in reality
they are much more. Instead such chronicles they are furnishing us innumerable daily
testimonies of infernal states of beings describing us crimes and sufferings of every kind in
all parts of the world, no one excluded, even if the intensities of the pain are different for the
so many differences that there are among the men. The guilt of all of this is of Satan, Eva
and Adam with decreasing responsibility. And then ours, of all men, more or less, with the
so many man-demons 111
that are actors or actress of that immense theatre that it is this
world. An example? The terrorists, but they are not the only wicked ones. But not even
these individuals are lost because the last aim of the terrestrial life is the Kingdom of the
Skies for them also, that however every one must gain living manifold successive lives in a
sequence on the Earth and then in the other three planes or worlds of the Cosmos (astral,
mental and akasico), doing in every terrestrial existence his/her own part 112
, because if
someone did it for us we would remain always wicked but the life, that is Teacher, through
the law of evolution, the reincarnation, the karmic corrections, the forgiveness of the sins
and the Redemption of Jesus Redeemer it will also redeem the terrorists and all the others
wicked ones and the cruel ones of the world.
g. The Evolution has been defined the " Process for which life by means of forms more and
more organized always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 113
“. (note of mine:
for Spirit you understand Conscience because the Spirit is perfect ) . The Evolution realizes
itself through the reincarnations 114
and of the relative karmic corrections/teachings 115
. The
evolution can also be defined a process of redemption and purification of the person that
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 31st
, Amrita
Vangelo di Luca 24, 36-42 e Vangelo di Giovanni 20, 10-29
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo
migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
the teaching of the pain must suffer for the evil that it has done. But we must not be afraid
of not to succeed because the Spirit is always at work to help us to understand the errors
that we have committed in the past; we have only to arm us of good will in to accept the
karmic correction, because the whole life has had for purpose our true good and nothing
has been by chance for such purpose 116
: the reunion in God of everyone of us happens
always at the end of manifold terrestrial incarnations of our Divine Spark and our
Conscience in men always different with greater degrees of mind and of conscience and
always with new personalities 117
, within over fifty thousand years 118
to see the thinghs
always from different points of sight.
h. The life of the beings in the Cosmos has been projected from the Lord God to save the
Angels rebellious become Demons at the orders of Lucifer, through the life of men in the
four planes or worlds of the Cosmos to induce them to understand their errors "… and
for beginning in this way their volunteer return…119
. ; this teaching comes us from the
Revelation of the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber.
i. If it is true as it is true that the heavens and the hells are in the intimate of men 120
and that
consequently they are equivalent to states of being or mental states or of “to feel” 121
however it is true also that the heavens and the hells on the Earth are equivalent also to
conditions of life of many regions of the Earth, especially in the South of the world. Such
conditions of life heavenly and infernal may exist in the Life after Death also in the first
plane of existence ultra mundane (Astral world: it is the case of the sufferings for those who
take their (own) life (suicidal) for avoiding moral or physical sufferings 122
). The heavenly
and infernal conditions of life that exists on the Earth are useful for making widen to many
human demons 123
the culture, the Conscience and the knowledge of God by means of the
life on the Earth and in the other three planes or worlds of the Cosmos (astral, mental and
Akasico or of the Conscience) in men having always a greater degree of mind and of
Conscience. These four different planes or worlds of the Cosmos (physical, astral, mental
and akasico or of the Conscience) they are schools of the Spirit, of which the life on the
Earth is the fundamental one 124
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 53 Perché deve esistere la morte del corpo fisico, del corpo astrale e di
quello mentale), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176,
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 257-263 (Sentire), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 284 (Suicidio), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page
228, Mediterranee ; Maestro perché?, pages 102-104, Mediterranee
j. We always have to remember that the thought creates 125
and therefore we must check our
thoughts learning to evangelically live. In such way we can improve ourselves and
contemporarily our spiritual condition, because our life is orderly to make to continually
grow our mind and our conscience on the basis of the Law of the Evolution more times
quoted. But we must choose to obey to the Commandments of God (Decalogue 126
Commandments of the Love 127
), life after life, because the aim of our manifold terrestrial
existences 128
is the reunion with God, in the Christ, that won't return on the Earth anymore,
but He will rise inside of us 129
k. The hells on the Earth are innumerable because innumerable they are the people that don't
evangelically live still but they selfishly live rather; a lot of them are wicked and violent; it is
above all due to these last people if the hells and the infernal states of beings exist on this
Earth. Innumerable they are also the people that in the world the Commandments of the
Lord Jesus don't live well, also striving himself/herself/itself to do it as they make the
Christians. But if we start to apply more us in to pray, since the prayer is tuning with
God 130
, but the prayer it is not sufficient because it is necessary to make good
deeds 131
and so we will contribute, each in its small, to improve the world.
l. In the first human incarnations on the Earth the men have a violent egoism 132
; the self
(me) 133
and the egoism of these men they are stronger than their Ego formed by their
Divine Spark and by their small Conscience for which, practically, they try to impose their
will on the person who is with them. The evil that they do is corrected with the reincarnation
and the teachings of the pain in a lot of their lives successive, until they won't understand
that God has not set the happiness in the material and sensual pleasures of the world and
the flesh neither in the wealths, in the power and in the success. But living, sinning and
being wrong 134
, the man-demons will gradually will discover. with the teaching of the pain,
of the families and of the religions, but above all with their reflections. that the true values of
the life are those that they were taught by the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels.
We must have trust in God and in the future live that the Lord himself has planned
for us 135
and for which there is a pattern and a plan, because nothing is casual 136
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 17th
, February 28th
and August 31st
Amrita ; La voce di Dio
a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 31st and La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita
experimenting the future occurrences of such terrestrial existences, the man will
gradually understand that every occurrence, also the most negative it has been
instrumental because nothing happens in vain 137
to donate knowledges and
conscience and to make him/her understand that this is the purpose of our
existences on the Earth.
m. The experiences of the human life on the Earth are essential to come to understand that
the true treasures of the life are the good deeds, that we do or the gentleness, the cares,
the assistance, the helps to the needy persons et cetera. If this is understood then the
meaning and the purpose of our terrestrial life it will also be understood: to teach us to love
God and all the brothers men as ourselves. And then we will also understand where the
Lord God has set the happiness; He has set it in the simple life, in to take care of the
others, stopping thinking to ourselves and doing the will of God 138
, all things that the Lord
Jesus teaches us with His spiritual model of evangelical life. To understand as we must
behave us it is enough to reflect on the Commandments of which the Christ speaks to us in
the ancient and modern Gospel.
n. The choice to live according to such Commandments brings us to the victory on our
human Self (Me) and on our egoism. All of this it is valid for all men of the Earth, of all
the epochs, not only for the Christians; anybody however, be afraid, because the eye of
God always watches over on us we don't escape His look and His “ love flows to each one
alike “ 139
, therefore we must have faith and trust in Him and we must obey to His
Commandments and to those of Jesus 140
; our part is also this and nobody can do it
to our place 141
o. Since the antiquity the Lord God has given us only not the Decalogue and the
Commandments of the love from which it derives the Moral law to put us in condition to
distinguish the Good from the Evil, but then He has also taught us what Way to choose
among that of the Good and that of the Evil 142
; then, the same God has inspired to the
Kings the legal system to discipline the life of the peoples in the better possible way; finally
– we say it to synthesize. the Lord God has planned the life of every day with the Variants
, so that we can always choose the Good among the alternatives included in the daily
occurrences of the life, which always give us the possibility to choose in every instant
between the Good and the Evil, the two ways among which we must choose 144
. In other
terms, we are put all in condition to be always able, moment for moment, to choose the way
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 14
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
and 31st
, Amrita
Deuteronomio 30, 15-20
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 301-304 (Varianti), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 30, 15-20
of the Good. The life on the Earth has the purpose to make us to grow in the love, to widen
our conscience, our culture and the knowledge of God; therefore it is very important to live
it at the best of our possibilities alternating the job to the relaxation. The life that every one
of us lives doesn't derive from the chance and it has been conceived expressly for each
one of us and it is therefore perfect 145
; and it is for such reason that we must accept and
live it with gratitude thanking and praising God 146
. It is therefore absurd to be afraid to
live, and it is even more absurd to commit suicide because not even the suicides
escape to the corrections / teachings of the Karma law because their “… effects are
; as a matter of fact << Those who kill themselves for avoiding the physical
or moral sufferings do not achieve their ends because until the karma it is not exhausted
their sufferings continue in the astral world… 148
>>. Life is a precious gift, also when we
suffer, because it is being suffering and reflecting that we understand the errors that we
have committed in precedence and therefore we learn as we would have had to behave us
and - understanding the errors that we did - we grow in altruism, knowledge and
p. We know that the Evil consists in the living selfishly, while the Good it consists in
altruistically living; the Good is also gift of itselves same. The chaos that there is in the
world shows that we have not understood yet that the pleasures of the world and the flesh,
the successes, the wealths and the power must not become the purpose of our life,
because the Matter has been only a means to bring back the Demons on the ways of the
Spirit. The Lord Jesus said on the subject: " …Now also clear how Lucifer believes to have
had to act as he has acted, for the matter could be created; an error in every case,
because the aim of my creation is not the matter, on the contrary only the free knowledge,
the love and the understanding of the Divinity from the beings gone out of Me: the matter
has been only a means. Lucifer insisted in this his second error and lost himself in the
extreme of his polar qualities, deceiving himself in the idea to have to preserve the matter.
He wanted to reign making himself prince of the matter, that he considered his ownership
and it darkened therefore more and more the human beings that went forming themselves,
since the struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent and conservative of the life.
This also explains the mystery of My incarnation, that had to break the matter, that
otherwise, Lucifer losing himself more and more in the asperities of the opposite pole, it
would become progressively harder. My incarnation meant therefore an halt and it showed
as we could free us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it had to
show (and this was the first aim) as the death that ties the men to the matter and its
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 30th
and August 27th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 3rd
, 4th
, July 30th
and August 6th
and 27th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Kama) ; You see Assenza di Libertà, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 284-286 (Suicidio), Mediterranee
pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop it in the
matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this 149
q. Who alive selfishly creates himself/herself some idols: himself or other human beings, the
money, the power, the success et cetera; therefore we must be very attentive to our
thought, so that it doesn't make us slave of any idols, that induce us to make some sins that
are transgressions to the Commandments of God. Be able every one of us to discover
inside of itself as soon as possible that it has in itself God and therefore the love, the
Kingdom of the Skies and the theological virtues: the Faith, the Hope and the Charity. The
altruism, consequence of the love, is also it inside of everybody and everything it emerges
within us if we stay calm and we listen to the voice of God 150
and we live according to His
Word, rather than to limit ourselves to listen to it 151
r. The observance of the Word of God free us from the slavery of the pleasures of the world
and the flesh or the slavery of the sin 152
. It doesn't want a lot, as it teaches Saint Teresa of
the Jesus Child; daily reflections are enough on the Sacred Writings and to as they are
applied in our life; to make pleasure to God and to unite us to Him is necessary to
recognize Him and to accept Him (and then all becomes possible 153
); it is also
necessary to be thankful to God and to have faith and trust in Him 154
and gratitude
; but it is not enough because we must evangelically live at the best of our
possibilities day after day. But it also needs to simply live and to have an effective control
of our thoughts that doesn't make us exceed in nothing, except that in good deeds even
though dwarfish. Well, when year after year we will have shown appreciation for God's
work, faith and trust, gratitude and good will, the Mother Holy Spirit will donate us the
Continence or the Temperance and so we will become able to moderate our needs,
senses, instincts and desires. And little by little it will be donate other qualities and virtues of
which have need to grow in the love; but it is therefore necessary also our daily
commitment in the to do to the others everything that that we would want that they did to us
. Our commitment is essential, because the law says " As you give so shall you receive.
These are not just words; they are the law. As you live them and put them into action, you
will see how wonderfully they work. When you start giving you will discover to receive
always more. Fear nothing, withhold nothing; simply give and go on giving. An open,
generous heart draws all the very best to it. Let your heart be open and generous so that
Jakob Lorber, IL Signore parla, pages 161-162, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 6th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 143 (Stai
nella quiete ed ascolta), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-36
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 4th
, June 23rd
and September 10th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 3rd
and 4th
, July 30th
, August 27th
and November 12th
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
you withhold nothing, and let the spirit of giving be ever there. Assess what you have to
give and then give it, no matter what it is, for as each gift is offered, it helps to complete the
whole. Do not expect someone else to draw your gifts out of you, but give willingly of what
you have. As you do, you will see where it fits into the whole, as the piece of a jigsaw
puzzle when placed in its rightful position completes the picture 157
>> . And who gives all
it receives all 158
as the Lord Jesus. This whole is equal to an important way of faith in God
and of Charity, to whatever religion we belongs, but it is not enough for reuniting us to God ;
to complete the asceticism - that is the spiritual apprenticeship that allows us to win the self
(me) and the egoism it is necessary to become able to love God and the others;
s. The Lord God told Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland: <<…You
must learn that only when you give all do you receive all. You can only do it when you have
learnt to love Me, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; for without love you cannot
take these steps, you cannot live this life. So open your heart and love 159
t. The Lord Jesus auto defined itself the Good Shepherd and He stays the Good Shepherd
for excellence; it can perhaps be said that they are good shepherds all the good priests of
all the true religions. It can perhaps be said that also all religions, when they don't twist the
spirit and the letter of the Divine Revelations, they are formed by good shepherds.
u. In an other occasion the Messiah Jesus also defined the two terrestrial powers, that
temporal and that religious and specified at the same time which they had to be the
competences, the duties and the responsibilities of the civil and religious institutions with
the very famous answer that the Lord told the Pharisees that tried to trap Him in error: "
Well then, you give to the emperor what belongs to the emperor but what it belongs to God
give it to God 160
>>; with such answer the Christ implicitly said that temporal power is not
up to the religions, but to the kings or to the presidents of the republics and that the man
owes obedience both to the kings and to the presidents of the Republics, but also to the
true Religions for the respective competences; they are true religions those that prescribe
to love God, the other human beings as itselves and to forgive to the others.
v. The Gospel are explanations of the Decalogue 161
. The religions should teach the God’s
Commandments without twisting its Revelations, as it is happened with the Hebrews 162
most of all with the Arabs 163
. Practically all religions, because of the errors of the Oral
Traditions and of the interpretations of themes and verses of the divine Revelations they
have modified the teachings of God, of Jesus and of the Prophets.
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 22nd , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 15-22
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 123, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 23
In our Catechism, among the Deepenings of the Religions, you will find the Elaborate N°4 regarding the numerous
mistakes of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Koran committed with astuteness and wickedness by the
Islamic Fundamentalists
w. The Lord Jesus refused every power and terrestrial honor and He expressly said that His
kingdom was not of this world 164
. Of it derives that the religions must be interested only
and exclusively of the spiritual life of the believers, but they must be always ready to defend
them from the abuses of the kings, also at the cost of the life, but always without any
violence, as the Lord Jesus and the Indian Gandhi, the great Soul of India, taught.
x. Even in the Arabism or Muslimism (or Islam - as maliciously they have taught to say the
Arabic violent Fundamentalists successors of the Prophet of the Bedouin ones: Mohammed
) civil and military powers would could be attributed to the religious because the Archangel
Gabriele told Mohammed:
- "You warn therefore men, since you are only one whom warns 165
- " You are not, as a matter of fact, constituted of authority on them 166
" ;
- In another translation the two verses are coupled: "Be of admonishment to everybody
because you are an admonitory and don't have been named them sovereign 167
" ;
- In a third translation it is written: " You admonish therefore, because other you are not
that an admonitory and you don't have any authority on them ". Here the translator has
set a note on the basis of which he points out that the admonishment of the Angel
concerned the time in which Mohammed "…was not still to head of a community of
believers 168
". But this, in my opinion, it is only one opinion of his very probably
unfounded. It is remembered that to cause and in strength of wrong human
interpretations the religion of the Arabs has been deformed, as it is explained in the
Elaborate 4 of this Catechism - that you will find among the Deepenings of the Religions
- with the title "Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous
errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet
Mohammed, committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Islamic
Fundamentalists " ;
- Another translation of the Koran, that of the Bausani, the sura LXXXVIII doesn't contain
the verses above mentioned.
y. In all Nations the quoted two powers civil and military from a part and that religious, from
the other, they must collaborate to assure to men the calmest life possible even though is
known that the conflicts and the dissensions among individuals, groups, tribes and peoples
have been inevitable till now and in our opinion they will still be until all Demons won't be
redeemed. This because since when the Archangel Lucifer wanted the war against God
and for this reason his name was modified in Satan; he is the ex-Archangel who keeps on
wanting the war; on the subject Our Lady Mary at Medjugorje has said he " … .wants the
Vangelo di Giovanni 18, 33-37
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXXXVIII 21, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXXXVIII 22, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80, sura LXXXVIII 21-22, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. Hanza R. Piccardo, sura LXXXIII 21-22, you see note N°5, Newton & Compton
war and the hate… 169
"; the conflicts make part of the nature of Satan and its malignant
purposes, that men share for a long time before learning to love.
z. But God helps us in this also because all that of Evil happens on the Earth become
instrumental to the Divine Story of Salvation because "nothing happens in vain " and
therefore all of us will draw benefit from our errors also 170
included impious ones,
warmongers wicked ones and the terrorists, because God loves us all without distinctions,
since to His " …eyes all souls are equal 171
", so much is true that the Lord said: “ You are
all My beloveds, and the sooner you realize it the better, for you are all one in My sight, and
My love flows to each one alike. When you can accept your oneness with Me, you will be
able to accept your oneness with the others 172
“ . It derives of it that all peoples as all men,
are beloved by God equally. It must be so because the Lord has said of Himself:” I am love
"; therefore it cannot exists a favourite people, because every people is His people 174
; in
the antiquity at least two prophets they told it to the Hebrews: Isaia and Sofonia 175
aa. It derives of it that also the Evil is instrumental to the Redemption and the Salvation of the
man-demons 176
, but it is necessary to recognize the fatherly and maternal authority of God
and to obey to His Commandments; therefore all men must also observe the Gospels
precepts, repenting themselves, converting themselves and evangelically living the whole
life at the best of their possibilities and so God is glad 177
. The sufferings consequents to
the karmic teaching of the pain also owed to "struggles, temptations and pains" they must
be accepted by man because necessary to understand what errors of behaviour we
committed in the past and in such way we will grow in knowledge and conscience and we
will overcome, day after day, our egoism and our egocentrism. Only so we will understand
the meaning and the aim inherent the God’s design for our terrestrial life 178
bb. It is the pain 179
that makes the man to discover the shine of the altruism; the altruism is a
manifestation of the love. The conflicts, also armed, they cannot be avoided for the
contemporary presence of the admixture of men (in the sense of Souls) that exists on the
Earth in every epoch 180
, as we explain in the Elaborate 1, "Contribution to the knowledge
of the life, of the origin and of the destiny of the man", available in our Catechism among
the Deepenings in the folder of "The Nature, the Life and the Destiny of the man ".
Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th 2001 , Shalom
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 16th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 23, Mediterranee
Isaia, capitolo 56 e Sofonia 3, 9-10
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 4th , page 319, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th and December 14th , Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione),
Nevertheless, it is duty of the kings and of the religions, each in its role, to work together
intensely for reducing the sufferings and the needs of the citizens;
cc. The manifold terrestrial existences, so troubled, that the man must live on the planet Earth
to widen his/her culture, Conscience and the knowledge of God181
, they don't last forever,
because little by lithe that each one lives ones, he/she arrives gradually, even if slowly to
understand what the Life and God that has conceived and realized it wants to teach
him/her: God through life wants to teach us to love Itself and to love all the other brothers
as ourselves. I think that this progressively happened in the last terrestrial existence of
every man when it will become saint, in virtue of the Law of the Evolution and the karmic
corrections through the teaching of the pain, of the teachings of the families and of the true
religions. Little by little, life after life 182
, each one of us comes to understand only not all the
errors that he/she has committed in the distant or recent past, but also that it is better an
accord that a quarrel and that peace is better than a victorious war with all of its horrors;
therefore, every human being, as every people, gradually and slowly learns also to avoid
the quarrels or to compose them , each one according to the times of his/her own ability to
understand that we are all brothers all children of God. In such way, avoiding criticisms,
jealousies, judgments, controversies and conflicts 183
all they set out kindly on the way of
the peace but troubles - the Lord Jesus would say - to those pseudos religious Sects that
of the true religions they have only the formalities and troubles to that priests and that
heads of State that preach the hate, the revenge and the war.
dd.The Europeans, after the second great world war, have chosen the way of the peace, but
they do not go along it yet with that sense of brotherhood and altruism that would bring
them to help more and better the poor peoples of the South of the world. We wish to Arabs
and Hebrews in Palestine - in the territory where the Lord Jesus preached - to also choose
them the road of the obedience to their Sacred Writing, in which the command is found to
go along the road of the peace and of the pardon. Europeans, Hebrews and Palestinian, all
in their role, must learn to work more and better for the peace, Bible (Commandments of
the love) and Koran to the hand 184
ee. The Lord God teaches us all of this that we must not do and that that, we must do for
entering the Kingdom of the Skies instead: " Yes, Father, in the existence of each one there
is one day when Your voice is heard. It is not that that day it says:
<< I don't have given you the life in the world because you brought the death.
I have not given you the desire because you became avid.
I have not given you the mind because you made yourself enslaved of its traps.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 54 (Conoscenza), pages 106-112 (Evoluzione) and pages 238-240
(Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Thorwald Dethlefsen, Vita dopo vita, dialoghi con reincarnati, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura VII 199 (You know to forgive) and page 101, sura XLV
14-15 ( You say to those who believe of forgiving), Xenia Tascabili
Neither I have given you the calm because you vegetated, and the progress because you
surrounded yourself of useless things or youI lost your life in the search of those.
I have not given you the greatness because you despised the humble ones.
Neither I have given you the power because you oppressed and you operated injustices.
I have not given you the peace because you destroyed it.
And if I have allowed the war, it is because you appreciated the agreement.
If I have allowed the pain that comes from the egoism of yours similar and from yours it is
because you understood the shine of the altruism.
If I have allowed the intolerance, the offense, the slavery, is because you pursued the
contrary virtues.
And if I have allowed that you were humiliated, exploited, misunderstood, it is because you
learned not to humiliate, not to exploit, to understand, because a happy but sterile life is not
very precious as one who gives understanding.
But I have given you the life in the world because you made it more beautiful. I have given
you the abundance because it were you easier to give. I have given you the wellbeing
because you had pity of whom suffers. I have given you the knowledge because you
I have given you the desire because you created the good of yours similar and the mind
because you understood that a sole thing is necessary, and that you chose: that thing that
conducts you beyond the opposite ones, whereas there is no separation, where cause and
effect are a sole Reality 185
The continuous help that comes to the man from the Sky
The Lord God talks to all those people that recognize Him and they accept Him 186
and they
live according to His laws to the best of their possibilities and so God is glad 187
; one of the things
that we must do is to be still and listen 188
the teachings of the Lord, each one man according to its
spiritual necessities. But there is an important help about which we rarely think: it is the help that
God gives to each one of us by means of the Angels, for instance the Guardian angel, the angel of
the Hearth for every family, the angel of every house and the Angels healers 189
; particularly
important for each of us it is the Guardian angel; of him the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio
Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said:
a. Guardian angel: <<The spiritual guide (you see "Voice of the conscience", by
your religion called Guardian angel, must not be see how an external being,
extraneous, that shelters you from the blows, that protects you in the
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 229-230, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st
, Amrita
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. IV, page 319, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 143-144, Mediterranee
Giuditta Dembech, Gli Angeli fra noi, pages 103-120, L’Ariete
traditional and personal sense, on the contrary something that from your
intimate being surfaces and that he tries to make to bud your conscience, to
make it affirm towards the pejorative impulses, 231-233 g 190
b. Voice of the Conscience: << The to be successful itself of the conscience in
positive sense, altruistic, it is "something" that it comes from the tallest layers
and more depths of the world of the to feel, from this center of conscience
that is said "spiritual guide" and that in the moments in which the individual is
submitted to the so-called temptations - to use a word that makes to smile -
he tries to represent him/her the reality in straighter way, more exact. It is the
voice of the conscience according to the definition of some one. Here: the
voice of the conscience is neither more neither less that this communication,
this channel that goes down from his/her own spiritual guide in the intimate of
the beings (you see "Guardian angel" ), 231g 191
The Angels are innumerable and they carry out on behalf of God and to advantage of all the
living beings the necessary assignments to give order and Light to the whole Creation. If the
planets perfectly cover their orbits it is due to the activities of the Angels and the same it is said for
the growth of all the agricultural products and of the forest. A demonstration of the extraordinary
possibilities of the Angels it has been given at Findhorn in Scotland where on the strength of the
collaboration between Angels and men, << …in a desert moor where until then they were always
grown only the weeds; the garden on the sand it has become luxuriant and any agronomist and
farmer was able of to find an explanation…>>. Dorothy says << If us that we were three adults
with three small children, we have been able to create that stupendous garden, other men, uniting
themselves with good will, they could turn into an Eden the Sahara also …192
>>. (My note: the
request of collaboration to the Angels from the men of the deserts it is implicit here. I recommend
the reading of the book of Dorothy Maclean to everybody on the Spirits of Nature because in such
way they can learn a lot not only on them and from them (the Angels), but they can even change
itselves and to become true children of God and therefore they will be able "….contribute to create
a best and more right world … ").
Imitating the Lord Jesus, our Redeemer and Savior, I say "Peace to you men of the
Earth" .
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 28, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 311 (Voce della Coscienza), Mediterranee
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, pages 12-13, Mediterranee

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028a - The conscience, the life of men and the continuos help that come us from the Sky

  • 1. The Conscience, the life of men and the continuous help that it comes us from the Sky The Conscience has been so defined by the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): << BODY AKASICO. (equal <<Conscience>>): What receives and it transcribes, making it become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual, existing, it discovers and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold incarnations, but it constituted little by little while the individual evolves 1 >>. The altruism and the love of the men depend on the ampleness of their conscience; the men at the first incarnations on the Earth have a dwarfish or small conscience and therefore they have a violent egoism 2 and therefore these men are not altruist, neither they are able to love; instead men of average evolution they start to be altruist and to love despite they have still spiritual poverties or limits, that is to say vices an defects; as an example they are liar; instead men with an ample conscience, that is already evolved, they are those that they know to love because they have become holy. To understand who are the men that live on the Earth in the various epochs it needs to know how much Conscience they have because the nature of the men depends on the ampleness of their conscience ; as far as I know about the human history I can say that the world goes badly almost always because the conscience of the greatest part of the men that they live on it has always been small or dwarfish; the Lord Jesus told us whose the spirits of the men were, they were those of the Angels that were rebelled to God: "…The fallen spirits that had voluntarily gone away from me had undertaken the wrong way, they were not able and they didn't want to know nothing of progress of improvement; nevertheless, not to block them completely the road, they were set under conditions in which, firm their personal liberty staying, they can return back when they want. For this it was created the whole material world now, the whole universe, the man. In him, according to the degree of their wickedness the spirits were dressed again of matter, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also begin in this way their volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle of improvement it comes as second… All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies they are formed from the great soul of Satan: the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer and its retinue banished and fallen in the matter; God, that is eternal love and compassion, would have been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to the life it is able yes to change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler, or vice versa, but it can never be destroyed 3 ". But when the demons can be embodied in the men? When the inferior beings (crystals, vegetables and animals) have developed in the three Kingdoms of the Nature (mineral, vegetable 1 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 2 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 3 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagine 162 - 163, Armenia 1
  • 2. and animal) an enough Conscience or Akasico body for the incarnation of the demons in the men. Then, little by little these consciences are developed the Lord God donate them to the demons, together with the Spark or Divine Drop, Spirit or Self, to the physical body, to the astral body, to the mental body; it is so that is formed the whole of the man that is always animated by the Spirit, that is by the Divine Spark in every existence in the four worlds of the Cosmos (physical, astral, mental and Akasico 4 ). The things on the Earth almost always gone badly, but because? Are they perhaps the same demons that embody them in the same men or both demons and men change periodically while they widen their conscience as provided by the divine law of the evolution 5 ? No, they are not the same demons 6 that continually embody them in the same men on the Earth because life has been conceived and rnealized by the Lord God in such a way to make to grow the conscience and the mind of the men in successive incarnations on the basis of the Law of the Evolution: << Process for which life, by means of forms more and more organized, it expresses degrees always greater of Mind and of Spirit 7 >> (My note: For Spirit you intend Conscience because the Spirit of the man is the Drop or Divine Spark - Spirit - Self that is the "Fulcrum of the individual existence not to evolution subject. Divine emanation that determines the individuality and the life of the individual or the microcosm 8 ". Of the races and of the formalities of incarnation of the same it has been said by who knows a lot more than the men (The spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): << The Earth, school of "races" in evolution; Question: It is difficult to ascertain that from the beginning of the times up today there has really been a continuous evolution in the behaviour and in the conscience of the men; rather some, judging from this world, they speak of regress… Answer of the aforesaid Teachers: << Looking at the things of the Earth could seem that some evolution has not been in the men. The comparisons with great civilizations of the past seem, and perhaps they are, unfavourable to today's men. But it needs to keep in mind that various "races" they cyclically follow themselves on the Earth. It is not that all the men that were at the beginning of the human incarnations on the Earth are the same of today; it is not that how many they started their evolution in human form at the beginning of the Manifestation they are advanced up to today, and you are substantially those same of that time: in such case the doubt on the evolution would be legitimate looking around ourselves. But it needs to keep in mind, just, the cyclical to follow one another of different "races"; for which when one "race" it has reached its maximum evolution it leaves the Earth; and before this happens, already at the half of its cycle it embodies a new one that starts its evolution; not only, but when the first one "race" it has finished its evolution, from the 4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 5 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee 7 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 2
  • 3. point in which it doesn't embody any more it starts to become incarnate another "race" still, for which there is a further lowering of the general level. Looking at the Earth, then it can be said, that it is a kind of environment that serves to the evolution, as a school serves to give education. If one looks from the outside the school, without realizing of which are the individuals that frequent it, he will say: "But these men never learn, they are always at school!". And so, looking from the outside, it can be said: "But these men never evolve!". The fact is that they are not the same men, as they are not always the same pupils that attend the same school. The evolution is not seen for this reason, and it is not subject to statistic. They are seen, every now and then, some great spirits, and they are those that have begun their evolution different thousand of years ago; and then are seen men of average evolution; and then are seen men at the primitive state, not as civilization but from the spiritual point of view, whose evolution is initiated since not too long. The Earth is an admixture of all these "races" and underaces that alternates them and they intertwine them, it is a kind of gym where us men come on purpose for evolving and that, when we have reached a certain evolutionary stadium, we abandon for continuing the evolution in other dimension 9 >>. Therefore they are not always the same men that attend the Earth, the very good school among those of the Spirit 10 . But how it does to make to live the men in peace on the Earth, considered that the life of the beings, especially of the men has been exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 11 ? Because to the omniscience of God such type of life is revealed the sole type of life suited for making to grow in the demons the Conscience, the culture and also God's knowledge. Then, being so the things, it seems me that to improve the world is necessary to improve the single men; improving them they are reduced the violences at every level, but also the conflicts all due to the nature or to the small or dwarfish conscience of the individuals exposed to struggles, temptations and pains. But there is more: the demons, those not incarnate on the Earth in men, from the Life after Death, they influence only not in the human choices with the temptations - that they are inherent in the life - but also and above all with the assaults and attacks that such not incarnate Demons on the Earth do to the human beings 12 . For these aspects of the difficulty to live because of the Demons not incarnated on the Earth the special Deepenings of this Catechism is seen in the folder of Angels and Demons. It is to keep well in mind whether to overcome our vices and defects, our self or me with our egoism 13 ; the self-discipline it is needed, but without imposing on ourselves excessive sacrifices and least of all afflictions. All of this that must be done is not very difficult and all can do it: we have to learn to know ourselves by means of the constant awareness of our being man trying to understand as really we are because the truth of ourselves frees us from our limits and 9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee 10 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia 11 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 12 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, dated 5-25-1988, 12- 25-1991 (assalti) and 2-25-1992, MIR 13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (io), Mediterranee 3
  • 4. therefore from our egoism and from our human self or me because after such awareness they have entrance within ourselves the “to feel of conscience” 14 : this means that the discovery of our vices and our defects produces their elimination following intimate reflections, of a careful analysis of itselves. It is very important to know ourselves so much that one of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said that " To know ourselves means to spiritually live 15 ". But it is also more important to become able to love God and the other human beings because we are united from a relationship of love 16 . Speaking of the love Saint Theresa of the Jesus Child , the Saint of the Small Way, doctor of the Catholic Church said: <<… I understand so well that only the love can make us pleasant to the Lord, to constitute it my sole ambition. To Jesus likes to show me the only walk that conducts to the divine furnace, that is the abandonment of the child which falls asleep without fear among the arms of his/her Father. " If someone is little comes to me ", it has said the Holy Spirit for mouth of Salomon, and this same Spirit has still said that " mercy is granted to the little ones. ". Ah if all the weak and defective souls felt what it feels the smallest among them, the soul of its Theresa, not one would despair to reach the peak of the mountain of love, since Jesus doesn't ask great actions, on the contrary only the abandonment and the thankfulness. Him in fact it tells in the Psalm XLIX " I have no need some of the goat male of your flocks. If I was hungry, not to you I would tell, because the earth and all of this that it contains are mine. Do I perhaps have to eat the meat of the bulls and to drink the blood of the rams? You immolate to God some sacrifices of praise and thanks. Here what Jesus demands from us, He doesn't have at all need of our works, but only of our love, because this God same that declares not to have need to tell us that He is hungry, He has not hesitated to beg some water from the Samaritan woman….Jesus, I know it well, the love is paid only with the love, therefore I have looked for, I have found relief returning you love for love. Not to wealths and glory (it also concerned the glory of the Sky) it aspires the heart of the child. Yes, Beloved, my life will be consumed so. I don't have other means to prove you my love, if not to throw some flowers, that is not let to run away some small sacrifice, some care, some word, and to profit of all the small things, and to do it for love. My Jesus, I love you, I love the Church my Mother, I remember that “the least motion of pure love is more profitable than not all the other works reunited together”, but does the pure love exists in my heart?.... Jesus, I am too much little to make great things, and my folly is to hope that your Love welcomes me as a victim! My folly consists of begging the eagles, my sisters, because they get me the grace to fly toward the sun of the love with the same wings in the divine Eagle… Oh Jesus, why I cannot tell all the small souls how much ineffable it is your condescension… I feel that if, impossible thing, would 14 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi) ; La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee 15 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi) ; La voce dell’ignoto, page 47, Mediterranee 16 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio del 12 Settembre, Amrita 4
  • 5. find you a soul weaker, smaller than mine, you would please to fill her with greater favours even, if she abandoned with complete trust to your endless mercy. 17 >>. After so many winged words we add only some small example respect to what we must do for widening our conscience and therefore to grow in the love: we must understand that the purpose of our life is not that to satisfy our our egoism, that is our own necessities, our own senses, our own instincts and our own desires, on the contrary that to help the others, to be careful to what we can do for them under every point of view discovering so that love also permeates the whole life ours also. After all what we must do it is not impossible; some example: all it takes is turning our attention to the poor men, to renounce to a piece of dessert to give it to another person, it is enough a kind gesture to a stranger, the renouncement to something to help another person; the kindnesses are necessary above all for the others, especially if gotten sick or imprisoned; on the subject we remember what it said the Lord Jesus speaking of the small good actions that we have done to others little as us, because we have also done them to Him 18 : because everybody are One in the Reality of the Spirit 19 : both who is well like, the riches, the hungry ones, the thirsty ones, the strangers, the naked persons, the patients and the prisoners. It is evident however that so much more we is rich or powerful, so much more are the good deeds that the men must do because they must be commensurate to the greater possibilities that they have to donate and to do for the others. Shortly we must learn to evangelically live as the Lord Jesus prescribes in His Gospels. To the Lord God and to the Lord Jesus all it takes is our commitment in to doing our best to evangelically live 20 . As for the human nature it needs to recognize that especially in the first human incarnations 21 the man has a violent egoism and therefore a wicked man; on the subject the Lord Jesus said: << Listen to me everybody and try to understand! Nothing of what enters the man from the outside it can make him/her become impure. Rather, it is what it goes out of the heart that a man can make impure.>>. When Jesus was away from the crowd and he had entered house his disciples they questioned him on that parable. The Lord told them: <<Not even you are not able of understanding? But do you not understand that all of this that enters the man from the outside cannot make him/her become impure, because it doesn't enter in his/her heart but in the stomach and therefore it goes in a sewer?... >>. With these words Jesus declared that all foods can be eaten. Then the Lord said also : <<It is what it goes out of the man that it makes him/her impure. As a mater of fact, from the intimate, from the heart of the man all the bad thoughts go out, that bring to the evil; the sexual sins, the thefts, the assassins, the betrayals between husband and wife, the desire to have the things of the others, the malices, the frauds, the obscenities, the envy, 17 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 206-245, Postulazione Generale dei Carmelitani Scalzi, Roma 18 Vangelo di Matteo 25, 31-46 19 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 20-25 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 20 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.4°, page 318, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 5
  • 6. the backbiting, the haughtiness, the foolishness… . All these bad things come out of the man and they make him/her become impure 22 >>. As for the wicked influence of the Demons on the human beings we inform you that such influence is not limited - unfortunately to the only temptations - since when the not incarnate demons on the Earth consider it convenient for their wicked purposes they assault or attack men "flinging them" on malevolent energies from the Life after Death to make them become worse of as they are in certain particular situations or transmitting them pessimistic thoughts, or persuading them we don’t know how, to make ugly dreams to make them be badly. Our Lady Mary disclosed us at Medjugorje the existence of such perfidious and cruel demoniac behaviours that they worsen our state of being 23 ; for the explanation of the matter we make reference to some explanatory documents available in this Catechism among the Deepenings in the folder of Angels and Demons. The Book of Jeremiah of the Bible teaches us that the nature of the man, that is well note to the Lord God, is mysterious and hardly recoverable 24 ; it can be added that such nature remains unknown to the man himself/herself, if he/she doesn't do the effort of auto knowing himself/herself 25 , of the necessity to do such effort the Lord Jesus spoke to us in Palestine two thousand years ago 26 , together with so many other rules to be observed for getting the liberation from the chain of the births and the deaths 27 ; this means to free us from the chain of the poverties, of the illnesses and of the pains 28 . Such liberation happens after manifold incarnation on the Earth 29 when the man has become almost saint by means of the enlargement / evolution of his/her conscience 30 . Two thousand years ago the Messiah Jesus said what the people could understand, considered both the mind and of the culture of the ancient populations of the world. In the XIX century the possibilities of learning of the man - and therefore its knowledges - had been much widen since the times of the incarnation of Jesus in Palestine; therefore it had become possible to give to a great number of people teachings more deepened through which it could be learned better and without need of so many mysteries and romanced histories the secrets of the life. For such reasons the Lord Jesus chose in Austria in the XIX century a saint man, Jakob Lorber as His scribe and He dictated him a vast work that was transcribed in over thirty books (published by La Nuova Rivelazione, 148, Via Vetrego, 30035 Mirano (VE), telephone and fax 041 - 43. 61. 54). 22 Vangelo di Marco 7, 14-23 23 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991 (Assalti), February 25th 1992 (Attacchi) and March 25th 1992 ( Satan makes fun of you and I cannot help you because you are far away from heart ), MIR 24 Libro di Geremia 17, 9 25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 26 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione); Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 28 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 133-137 (Il significato della miseria, della malattia e del dolore), Armenia 29 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione) ; Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 30 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 106-112 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 6
  • 7. Such work includes the great Gospel of John, contained in 11 books for overall 4000 pages and perhaps more. In such Gospel they have also been treated logically the followings themes also: Essence and purpose of the Revelation, God and his Kingdom, the Creation, the man, the Angels, Satan and the consequences of his fall for the man, the Hell, the Death and the Life after Death, the Day of the Judgment, the Resurrection of the flesh, the Reincarnation, the End of the times and the Return of the Lord. The Great Gospel of John has been reassumed for themes by Josef Mahlberg in a book of 196 pages; this book is very useful and has for title, “Il Signore parla” (The Lord speaks) it gas edited by Armenia, but evidently is a great deal synthetic, in comparison to the original Gospel dictated to Jakob Lorber. The work dictated to Jakob Lorber also includes scientific teachings or secrets of the nature some of which they have been discovered subsequently from the Science to the Revelation to Jakob Lorber. In the twentieth century, the Lord God decided to integrate the preceding Revelations; the new Revelations have been made possible by the intellectual and cultural growth of men that it allowed a diffusion generalized of truths stayed until then patrimony of few chosens: - The Gospel revealed by the Lord Jesus to Maria Valtorta and ha been transcribed in ten volumes of around 400 pages each; the man of this epoch has the possibility to know every episode of the public life of the Lord and many episodes of His family life with His mother Mary and the stepfather Joseph. We are therefore in presence of a very important work that makes us relive the life of the Christ from the birth to the resurrection and the following Apparitions in Palestine, more numerous than those reported by the canonical Gospels; - The Revelations of Findhorn of the same Lord God to Eileen Caddy and that of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean (respectively edited by Edizioni Amrita and Edizioni Mediterranee); - The Revelation of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): it is an ethical and philosophical - esoteric teaching (Edizioni Mediterranee) very useful to widen our knowledges on the life; - Our Lady Mary Revelation, at Medjugorje, that since 1981 until April 2017 teaches us to spiritually live with a teaching, so much effective as simple, that the simplest and less cultured man can also understand (Edizioni MIR and Shalom); These Revelations complement each other. With such integrations it doesn't result at all diminished the fertility of the Doctrine of Son Jesus, the personified Knowledge not even that of two thousand years ago, since it is sufficient also a chapter only of the canonical Gospels and of the Fifth Gospel of Thomas to understand the way that the man must follow for returning the Father’s Home; a lot of times it is enough a page and sometimes also an verse only to bring the men on the main road of the Kingdom of the Skies; 7
  • 8. I make you an example of illuminating verse of the above-said Gospels: << Do also to the others everything that that you want that they do to you... 31 >>. .Nevertheless this mass of new notions in modern language, enriches the universal sacred Doctrine of the first nineteen centuries, also under the aspect philosophical (with the Teaching of the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77). In the New Revelations many matters are illustrated or deepened because the growth of the conscience, of the mind and of the human culture they allowed it. All of this has been served by the Divinity in line with the rhythms and the gradualness of the human evolution. The Truths of Abram and Mosè for the people of their time could not be those of the men of the centuries XIX and XX; The Lord God, made to tell the prophet Mohammed from the angel Gabriel: - << We already sent other apostles before you…; every epoch… it has a book 32 >> ; - << God cancels what he wants or … it confirms it, and close to him is the mother (the prototype) of the Book 33 >>. The Sacred Writings of the past are always fertile of teachings even we have to remember the errors of the Oral Traditions; for instance the errors of the Jewish Oral Tradition corrected by Lord Jesus 34 . The Sacred Writings of the world reveal to the man, little by little that he/ spiritually grows - also in a same life – meanings that only five or three years before he/she had not known immediately; this reality is for us true, especially for the Gospels, that are Word of God 35 . The four canonical Gospels, very synthetic (around 250 pages all the four together) and the Fifth Gospel of Thomas’ apostle of forty pages, is still proper for the catechesis of a lot of people, but the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta contains only not the public teaching, but also that reserved to the Apostles. It contains besides the history of the birth of the Jesus Child and episodes of the life hidden of Mary and Jesus, as well as different other episodes of the private life of the Lord. While the Great Gospel of John contains important revelations, for instance those of the absence of the final Judgment, of the existence of the individual judgment for every man after each terrestrial incarnation (this judgement is founded only and exclusively on the good deeds that we made on the Earth and never on the sins that we committed) and of the true meaning of the resurrection of the flesh. Every Sacred Writing, independently from others or from the new Revelations of the XIX and XX centuries, it has a range of meanings whose discovery asks for reflection, meditation and comparison with the daily stories of each man 36 . It is as to say that every day the man can learn alone with his/her experiences only and intelligence what the daily stories, to the light of the Sacred Writing, they want to teach him. 31 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 32 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIV 38, Ulrico Hoepli 33 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIV 39, Ulrico Hoepli 34 Vangelo di Matteo chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19 and 23 35 Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-12 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 36 You see for an instance , AA.VV. Guida alla lettura della Bibbia, pages 319-367, San Paolo 8
  • 9. In comparison to the past, the man common of today it is very benefitted, because he/she can also have the Sacred Writings of other peoples, besides those you already quoted of the centuries XIX and XX. Such ancient and modern Writings can confirm him/her what he/she knows about its religion, but also to add new truths to sharpen and to complete its theological knowledges and those of the life in the planet Earth in its changeable aspects, also at level thought 37 . And for what regards the Angels Dorothy Maclean, of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland, explains us their precious activities in the Kingdoms of the Nature 38 . The Lord God - as Father, Great Mother Holy Spirit 39 and Son Jesus - It has a great care of us and of our cultural and religious education-formation and of us; it results us that God as Mother appeared an only time on the Earth, at La Salette, in France 40 ; God as Mother appeared to two little shepherds, Melania and Massimino, on September 19th 1846, but the Catholic Church has not recognized it, while it was being clear - both for the aspect and for Her discourse – that the Beautiful Lady was not Mary of Nazareth, because Mary is not of tall stature and of majestic appearance; to make to become the Apparition of La Salette a Mary’s apparition it was said: " The Beautiful Lady speaks in the name of God that you has sent her, as he already did for the Prophets 41 . The Lord God directly spoke to us, when He embodied himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth 42 or indirectly, through prophets or Angels (for instance, in the case of the Koran). The Lord speaks to us since ever , but with gradualness, regularity and continuity, century after century. Then, the Lord God, as Mother has talked us at La Salette in the XIX century. But it is not everything: God also talks to the single men that have faith and trust in Him when they make silence inside of them to listen to the Lord 43 . Our Lady Mary speaks to us since when she lived in Palestine 44 ; in this Catechism of Her here we quote principally the Revelation of Medjugorje, in Croatia, a Teaching as much simple so much efficacious, that lasts up to now ( April 2017 ) since 1981 (and this is another sign of the serious situation in which the humanity is found, but at the same time that this is a time of grace and of growth). Many are the books that report Mary’s Apparitions; an efficacious synthesis of them is found in the book of Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, San Paolo. Through Jakob Lorber, His Austrian scribe, the Lord Jesus has let to the modern man know also: 37 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141(…come l’uomo pensa così egli sarà: come pensate così create; questa è la Mia Legge), Mediterranee 38 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee 39 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario, Pincherle, pages 101, 103 and 104, Macroedizioni 40 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, pages 18 and next, San Paolo 41 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 24, San Paolo 42 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR 43 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 6th , Amrita ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 143 (Stai nella quiete e ascolta), Mediterranee 44 Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, page 5, San Paolo 9
  • 10. a. That the Lord God created Lucifer and this the Angels, but with the powers and the might received by God; all of them were created free to be or less faithful to God. We know that Lucifer, created being, rebelled him to God and with him a part of the Angels. After their rebellion the Creator was seen in front of a dilemma, considering that the rebellious Angels had the intention to fight Him (also the war is a wicked invention of Satan ): to annihilate them or to save them. The annihilation of the rebels was contrary to His fond nature and it would also have meant the annihilation of the Angels remained faithful to God 45 , headed by the archangel Michael 46 ; b. L' alternative consisted of the accepting from God the situation created by Lucifer and by its followers and in to conceive and realize a plan of salvation of the Demons organizing a project of life repairer: the life of the demons on the Earth through the men, as we know it, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains 47 for the return of the rebellious Angels or Demons in the Divine Plan with God. The celestial conflict was a conflict between Lucifer- Satan and same God and is to be considered the spiritual death of Lucifer-Satan and of the other rebellious Angels; the separation from God had been created by the rebellious Angels with their thoughts because the thought creates 48 , but in the Reality of God such separation was not possible, because the Whole is One God is the Absolute that never separates Him from His children 49 ; c. The separation from God (but only at mental level 50 ) of Satan the rebellious and of the other rebellious Angels originated their betrayal; the conflict between them and God that lasts till now originated the punishment-correction of the Demons, with all of this that follows of it, for the rebels' recovery on the planet Earth through the incarnations of same demons in the men 51 . We know that such punishment - correction continues in the planes or worlds of existence of the Life after Death (astral, mental and Akasico or of the Conscience) because the man doesn't die on the Earth, but lives in continuation in the Cosmos 52 , because the life is eternal, death doesn't exist and therefore the man is immortal 53 ; the punishment-correction of the human demons 54 continues in the following terrestrial 45 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia 46 Albert J Herbert, S-M. L’Arcangelo San Michele, Edizioni Segno 47 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 48 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141 (…come l’uomo pensa così egli sarà; come pensate così create; questa è la Mia legge), Mediterranee 49 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto), pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 50 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita 51 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia 52 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee ; Raymond A. Moody, La vita oltre la vita, Oscar Mondadori 53 Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee 54 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia 10
  • 11. incarnations up to when the human demon will reach the threshold of the Holiness; afterwards attends him the life in the Divine Plane ( The Kingdom of the Skies); d. Being God love 55 the eternal Hell, that is the sufferings and the eternal unhappiness, cannot exists in the Reality because God would not allow it; but objectively the Heaven doesn't exist even; the Lord God and the Lord Jesus teach that the Hell and the Heaven are states of being or mental states that the man brings with him/her 56 . While the infernal and eternal state of being could not exist because it would be in contradiction with the plan of Redemption and Salvation of God and above all with the love, the omnipotence and the omniscience of God; the temporary infernal state of being is destined to be beaten by every man during the process of amplification-evolution of its conscience during the over fifty thousands years of human life 57 and the numerous incarnations on the Earth. e. But then who has created the Hell and who the Heaven and where are they are situated if objectively they don't exist? One of the Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, the Teacher Kempis has said: << It is not true that terrestrial life must have run away for making himself/herself worths in Sky and to honor God. The Hell - If existed - it would not be enough deep to worthily welcome who so had lived 58 >>. Both the Hell and the Heaven they have been created by the thought of the man because the thought of the man also creates 59 : Consequently, the religions have been with the thoughts of priests and believers to create the Hell and the Heaven in zones of the plane or mental world. Speaking of the Heaven it has been said by the Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): << An indication to that region of the "mental world" correspondent to the Skies described by the religions: a creature, which were in these skies, is not separated from the others if not by a particular state of conscience. Everything is around you. A man that had lived for deserving himself/herself an eternal prize or he/she had devoted his/her life to an ideal, after the passing in the mental plan, for karma, he/she sees and it experiments the dreamt ideal. This state corresponds to a sense of appeasement of beatitude. A lot of entities that are show themselves in certain mediumistic meetings originate just from this region of the "mental world ": That is why they describe an Life after Death similar to what they believed it existed while they were being in life, because they are experimenting it and, for them, it is a real thing not a dream. Once that the not enough evolved individual has ceased this dream, he/she rests, he/she sees again with clarity and with calm all the past existences, but he/she is not aware of how much happens around him/her because he/she has entered the "plane" following to that mental (my note: the plane akasico or of the conscience), he/she has abandoned his/her mental body and it is found on the thresholds of a plane (my 55 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 56 Eileen Caddy, Le orte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia 57 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee 58 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 94, Mediterranee 59 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee 11
  • 12. note: the plane akasico or of the Conscience) in which he/she will live an immense, indescribable beatitude 60 >>. f. From the imaginary separation from God, created by the thought of Satan - and also by that of the other rebellious Angels - it derived the removal of the ex Archangel Lucifer, become Satan, the Demon or the Devil, and of the other rebellious Angels, become Demons or Devils from the Divine Plane 61 , because two contrary sentiments, love and hate, cannot coexist that is, in how much the one excludes the other. Nevertheless God that is love, decides to correct the Demons because he/she wanted to embrace again them in the Kingdom of the Skies after having them confined in the worlds of the Matter for educational purpose because Satan and his followers opposing themselves to the Creator, they could not keep on living in His house. The Demons that they feel somehow separated by God because of their negative thought, they were not it indeed, both because the Tall Lord never separates himself from His children 62 , both because He is absolute 63 and therefore all of this that exists that is worlds beings and things is a part of Him. The rebellious Angels, having cultivated the hate inside them of every other negative quality and they changed their nature; therefore Lucifer, could not have called this way anymore because it brought the Darkness and not the Light and therefore it became Satan, the Demon or the Devil and the other rebellious Angels they became Demons or Devils and God it removed from Lucifer and his followers the power and the creative ability that He had attributed them 64 . And naturally, all the Demons, I said, they had pushed away from the Divine Plane and they were confined in the worlds of the Matter of the Cosmos ( astral and mental); I don't believe that the Demons also live in the Plane akasico or of the conscience because they don't have conscience until the Lord God won't donate them it in concomitance of the first human incarnation, when they will receive the conscience of a evolved beast, for instance an horse, a dog and so on, together with the Divine Spark. Such conscience will become larger, as it will develop the mind of the demons, by means of the manifold incarnations of the man on the Earth in strength of the law of the evolution 65 ; the Lord God created the Cosmos 66 with the worlds, all the things, the animals and the man to educate and to save the Demons themselves. g. The betrayal of Satan created the conditions of a conflict and therefore the refusal of the fatherly and maternal authority, that made essential, for love, the consequent correction / 60 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 179-180, Mediterranee 61 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 220 (Piano Divino), Mediterranee 62 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita 63 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33-34 (Assoluto),pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 64 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia 65 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 12
  • 13. education with the purpose to make to recover to the Angels rebels the nature and the condition of the original life in the Kingdom of the Skies (Divine Plane). That being stated, it can be said that the Kingdom of the Skies also means intimacy and communion with God in the unity of the Holy Trinity of God 67 , Father, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit (the Great Mother 68 ); and also the men's unity in the Son and that of the Son in the Father. Of it derives that is correct to say: a. that God is a Communion of beings 69 united by a relationship of love 70 and - to intend better what type of relationship can be had with God - we can also say that He is in itself a Family, (the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother, Holy Spirit) and then all living beings and things in the Christ 71 . b. From the One who is God they have origin all worlds, the things and the living beings, to start from the last creature the most complete: this last, the man, was made at image and similarity of the Creator himself 72 . The same Lord God, to complete the plan of Redemption and Salvation of the demons embodied Himself in the man Jesus of Nazareth with His Verb or Word 73 ; in the Son the Lord God improved / completed the Mosaic Law and all the other Sacred Writings of the world with the Gospels making also us informed about of some unthinkable Realities of the Spirit: the fusions of beings 74 . In the Reality of the Spirit Creator the creatures are fused in the variety 75 , but the Beings feel themselves itselves as never before. Besides the man also all the living beings and all the things are recapitulated in the Conscience of the Son Jesus 76 . We know what the Redemption for the Salvation is 77 : a. the Redemption corresponds to the evolutionary process for which life, by means of forms more and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of mind and of conscience by means of the manifold incarnations, the karmic corrections/teachings and the spiritual redemption of the Lord Jesus 78 ; in other terms it can be said that the Redemption is an amplification of conscience, of culture and of knowledge of God and care, purification, teaching and spiritual expiation, to work of the Great Mother Holy Spirit, of the Lord Jesus, 67 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia 68 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad Mario Pincherle, page 101 e 105, Macroedizioni 69 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione), Mediterranee 70 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 71 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica),Mediterranee 72 Genesi 1, 27 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th, Amrita 73 Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1 ; IL Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli ; Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th 1988, MIR 74 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124 (Fusione, you see Comunione)), Mediterranee 75 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, pages 209-210 (L’Uno e i molti), Mediterranee 76 Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-4 77 Isaia 40, 1-11 ; Vangelo di Luca 3, 1-6 78 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ;Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 13
  • 14. but also of Our Lady Mary, the Co-Redeemer Woman 79 because She is One with the Son Jesus 80 . On the Earth there are many places that hells can be defined, especially in the South of the world. The Redemption continues in the Life after Death because the man doesn't die when its physical body dies on the Earth; "…there is not any interruption between life of a physical vehicle and the continuation of the existence with the life in another vehicle, the astral vehicle… 81 ", neither there is for the continuation of the existence from the astral Plane to the mental Plane and subsequently from the mental Plane to the Plane Akasico or of the Conscience. When the man from the Earth runs through to live in the Life after Death he/she runs through with "his/her" Divine Spark in the plane or astral world with the astral body, the mental body and the body akasico or of the conscience; the Conscience is an eternal body what the man brings with itself in the Communion of the Saints always animated by the Divine Spark. In the planes or worlds astral and mental, the man will live two different existences or lives during which he/she will assimilate the experiences lived in the physical plane, the Earth, in the form of sensations and emotions (astral plane), and thoughts (mental plane 82 ) ; afterwards will runs through in the plane Akasico or of the Conscience, always animated by "its" Divine Spark. After such existences ultra physical the man that has not become holy yet will reincarnate on the Earth until he/she won't have become it; afterwards will eternally live in the Plane of the Communion of the Saints 83 . Of it derives that the man never dies as we have already said and always animated by the Divine Spark uninterruptedly lives in the four planes or worlds of the Cosmos (the physical - with the Earth - the astral one, the mental one and the akasico or of the conscience) four different existences of which the life in the physical plane is fundamental 84 . The reincarnation and the death of the bodies physical, astral and mental allows to the individual …always new experiences with personalities always renewed… 85 . Then the life is eternal and therefore death doesn't exist 86 : we transmigrate from the Earth when our physical body there dies, but - always animated by the Divine Spark - we immediately “wake up” in the astral world and there we live with the bodies astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience; when the astral body dies in the astral plane, the man - always animated by the Divine Spark – continues to live in the mental plan with the mental body and the conscience or body akasico and it will finally go to live - always animated by the Divine Spark - in the world Akasico with the body Akasico or of the Conscience. The three planes or ultra terrestrial worlds are “places” of 79 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I, page 96, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 80 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 81 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee 82 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 216-221 (Piani), Mediterranee 83 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione and Comunione dei Santi, Mediterranee 84 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, pages 102-104, Mediterranee 85 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 53, Mediterranee 86 Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, MediterraneeCerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee 14
  • 15. purification and assimilation of the experiences done in the physical plane (the Earth). From the world akasico we will reincarnate again on the Earth and then again we will reincarnate in the other three planes of life of the Cosmos (astral, mental and akasico 87 ) always living until we won't have become saints. The incarnations on the Earth stop when we will have become saints. As saints we will eternally live in the Communion of the Saints. The purpose of the life of the man on the Earth is that to learn to love widening its conscience that is altruism. From how much above it derives that we must never be afraid neither of the death and least of all of the Hell that it doesn't exist in the Reality, because the last aim of the terrestrial life of the man is the Kingdom of the Skies, for which we uninterruptedly live in the four floors of life of the Cosmos. To live means to grow in conscience 88 also ; for this living and growth we must make our part 89 , because if someone did it for us we would become as of the automatons. b. The redemption of the man it is realized with the reincarnation 90 , the karmic credits and corrections 91 as well as the spiritual "treatment" in the Christ’s Conscience 92 . The divine law of the karma gives compensation for the Good that the man does (karmic credits) with peace and calmness while the Evil is compensated with pains and distresses 93 (karmic debts/corrections/teachings).The karmic corrections/teachings implicate physical or psychic pain and therefore sufferings when we are mature for understanding such corrections 94 ; Pain is revealed to God’s omniscience the sole teaching that helps the man to widen its conscience through the reflection and understanding of its behavioural errors of the past also called sins. Therefore we have to remember that if in the life everything is karma – or a linking together of causes and effects – it is because chance, good luck and bad luck do not exist 95 since everything is karma 96 and at the same time everything is in God’s hands 97 . c. The Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state that each must look for and find 98 . This way it must be because God has told it, but ourselves we can ascertain it through in ours small observing our mental state of being during the daily life and with the auto psychoanalysis by 87 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 65 (Cosmo) and 78 (Dopomorte), Mediterranee 88 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 89 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th , August 29th and 31st , Amrita 90 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 91 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (karma), and page 159 (Legge di causa e di effetto that it is applied in individual or human sphere), Mediterranee 92 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le gramdi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 93 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee and page 159 (Law of cause and effect that it is applied in the individual or human sphere), Mediterranee 94 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°4, 5, 6 and 7) and page 158, Mediterranee 95 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Mediterranee 96 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 97 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita 98 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita 15
  • 16. means of which we learn to know ourselves 99 . It is very important to know itselves; "The man must know himself/herself, to know his/her own limits (my note: vices and defects) to understand up to what point he/she is of the world and up to what point is of the spirit. This means to live a spiritual life…to spiritually live it means to be sincere with itselves… 100 . d. The Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state not a place and therefore it is inside of us, but you must know it, to believe to it and to make it emerge 101 . The Kingdom of the Skies is in the intimate world of the man because inside of us there is God. We can experiment such mental state recognizing it, believing it and making it emerge inside of us; we have only to reflect us afterwards we will realize of it, both for how much it personally regards us, both as it regards the people that live in our house and for those that we know well, but that they live elsewhere because what it is inside of us it manifests it to the outside. All it takes is reading the newspapers o listening the newscast to understand where is the Kingdom of the Skies and where the hells are. The Kingdom of the Skies exists where love there is and where love there is there is God 102 ; while the hells exist inside the man where the hate there is, the violences also done inside the families - also on the children -, that they are undefended and sacred; or the hells exist where revolutions, wars, famines, epidemics and so many other ugly things of which is studded the life of the men that they live mostly their way ignoring the Decalogue 103 and the Commandments of the love 104 . e. We don't owe therefore to ever be afraid of the life or the future because every terrestrial existence of the man founds it upon a project that improves the life for each one of us 105 ; but there is more: every man has a specific talent to donate and of which there is need, because we belong to an Everything 106 and of this we must be thankful to God 107 . We don't owe, least of all, to be afraid of the death because it doesn't exist 108 in how much the man continually lives in one of the four planes or worlds of the Cosmos until he/she won't have become saint and as Saint he/she will eternally live in the plane of the Communion of the Saints ( the Kingdom of the Skies) as it is already said. The purpose of every life of every man on the Earth is that to widen his/her own culture, his/her own conscience and the knowledge of God until he/she has become Saints. Since then we will eternally live in the Plane of the Communion of the Saints and so the Lord God will realize the project that He has done for every demon: to make him/her return by means of the man 99 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 100 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 127 (Il significato di vivere spiritualmente), Mediterranee 101 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita 102 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita 103 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 104 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 105 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th and December 14th , Amrita 106 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated ay 17th and August 14th , Amrita 107 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 108 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee 16
  • 17. in the Kingdom of the Skies; however, as we know every man the Kingdom of the Skies he/she must be earned, making his/her part 109 , because if someone did it for us we would remain always spiritual children, while God wants that we become saints - that is adults in the love, in the conscience and in the faith - to give us the eternal happiness. f. Truly, all of us can testify that for so many infernal states of being that there are within innumerable men of the planet Earth in every epoch, we don't have as many experiences of paradisiacal states of being in the man, that is of sanctified men. In the man the paradisiacal states of being (of joy, of happiness, but also of peace because the Lord Jesus, after His Resurrection, He greeted so His Apostles: "Peace to You! 110 " ) they are less frequent than those infernal which are much more diffused because the selfish people, that is bad people, are much more numerous, of those altruist, that is nice people. The chronicles of the Mass Media report us of few paradisiacal states of being while in reality they are much more. Instead such chronicles they are furnishing us innumerable daily testimonies of infernal states of beings describing us crimes and sufferings of every kind in all parts of the world, no one excluded, even if the intensities of the pain are different for the so many differences that there are among the men. The guilt of all of this is of Satan, Eva and Adam with decreasing responsibility. And then ours, of all men, more or less, with the so many man-demons 111 that are actors or actress of that immense theatre that it is this world. An example? The terrorists, but they are not the only wicked ones. But not even these individuals are lost because the last aim of the terrestrial life is the Kingdom of the Skies for them also, that however every one must gain living manifold successive lives in a sequence on the Earth and then in the other three planes or worlds of the Cosmos (astral, mental and akasico), doing in every terrestrial existence his/her own part 112 , because if someone did it for us we would remain always wicked but the life, that is Teacher, through the law of evolution, the reincarnation, the karmic corrections, the forgiveness of the sins and the Redemption of Jesus Redeemer it will also redeem the terrorists and all the others wicked ones and the cruel ones of the world. g. The Evolution has been defined the " Process for which life by means of forms more and more organized always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 113 “. (note of mine: for Spirit you understand Conscience because the Spirit is perfect ) . The Evolution realizes itself through the reincarnations 114 and of the relative karmic corrections/teachings 115 . The evolution can also be defined a process of redemption and purification of the person that 109 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 31st , Amrita 110 Vangelo di Luca 24, 36-42 e Vangelo di Giovanni 20, 10-29 111 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 112 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 113 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 114 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 115 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 17
  • 18. the teaching of the pain must suffer for the evil that it has done. But we must not be afraid of not to succeed because the Spirit is always at work to help us to understand the errors that we have committed in the past; we have only to arm us of good will in to accept the karmic correction, because the whole life has had for purpose our true good and nothing has been by chance for such purpose 116 : the reunion in God of everyone of us happens always at the end of manifold terrestrial incarnations of our Divine Spark and our Conscience in men always different with greater degrees of mind and of conscience and always with new personalities 117 , within over fifty thousand years 118 to see the thinghs always from different points of sight. h. The life of the beings in the Cosmos has been projected from the Lord God to save the Angels rebellious become Demons at the orders of Lucifer, through the life of men in the four planes or worlds of the Cosmos to induce them to understand their errors "… and for beginning in this way their volunteer return…119 . ; this teaching comes us from the Revelation of the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber. i. If it is true as it is true that the heavens and the hells are in the intimate of men 120 and that consequently they are equivalent to states of being or mental states or of “to feel” 121 , however it is true also that the heavens and the hells on the Earth are equivalent also to conditions of life of many regions of the Earth, especially in the South of the world. Such conditions of life heavenly and infernal may exist in the Life after Death also in the first plane of existence ultra mundane (Astral world: it is the case of the sufferings for those who take their (own) life (suicidal) for avoiding moral or physical sufferings 122 ). The heavenly and infernal conditions of life that exists on the Earth are useful for making widen to many human demons 123 the culture, the Conscience and the knowledge of God by means of the life on the Earth and in the other three planes or worlds of the Cosmos (astral, mental and Akasico or of the Conscience) in men having always a greater degree of mind and of Conscience. These four different planes or worlds of the Cosmos (physical, astral, mental and akasico or of the Conscience) they are schools of the Spirit, of which the life on the Earth is the fundamental one 124 ; 116 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 117 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 53 Perché deve esistere la morte del corpo fisico, del corpo astrale e di quello mentale), Mediterranee 118 Cerchio Firenze 77, Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee 119 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th, Amrita 120 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia 121 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 257-263 (Sentire), Mediterranee 122 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 284 (Suicidio), Mediterranee 123 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia 124 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 228, Mediterranee ; Maestro perché?, pages 102-104, Mediterranee 18
  • 19. j. We always have to remember that the thought creates 125 and therefore we must check our thoughts learning to evangelically live. In such way we can improve ourselves and contemporarily our spiritual condition, because our life is orderly to make to continually grow our mind and our conscience on the basis of the Law of the Evolution more times quoted. But we must choose to obey to the Commandments of God (Decalogue 126 and Commandments of the Love 127 ), life after life, because the aim of our manifold terrestrial existences 128 is the reunion with God, in the Christ, that won't return on the Earth anymore, but He will rise inside of us 129 . k. The hells on the Earth are innumerable because innumerable they are the people that don't evangelically live still but they selfishly live rather; a lot of them are wicked and violent; it is above all due to these last people if the hells and the infernal states of beings exist on this Earth. Innumerable they are also the people that in the world the Commandments of the Lord Jesus don't live well, also striving himself/herself/itself to do it as they make the Christians. But if we start to apply more us in to pray, since the prayer is tuning with God 130 , but the prayer it is not sufficient because it is necessary to make good deeds 131 and so we will contribute, each in its small, to improve the world. l. In the first human incarnations on the Earth the men have a violent egoism 132 ; the self (me) 133 and the egoism of these men they are stronger than their Ego formed by their Divine Spark and by their small Conscience for which, practically, they try to impose their will on the person who is with them. The evil that they do is corrected with the reincarnation and the teachings of the pain in a lot of their lives successive, until they won't understand that God has not set the happiness in the material and sensual pleasures of the world and the flesh neither in the wealths, in the power and in the success. But living, sinning and being wrong 134 , the man-demons will gradually will discover. with the teaching of the pain, of the families and of the religions, but above all with their reflections. that the true values of the life are those that they were taught by the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospels. We must have trust in God and in the future live that the Lord himself has planned for us 135 and for which there is a pattern and a plan, because nothing is casual 136 ; 125 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee 126 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 127 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 128 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 129 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 130 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 17th , February 28th and August 31st Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee 131 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 31st and La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee 132 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 133 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee 134 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 135 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 136 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 19
  • 20. experimenting the future occurrences of such terrestrial existences, the man will gradually understand that every occurrence, also the most negative it has been instrumental because nothing happens in vain 137 to donate knowledges and conscience and to make him/her understand that this is the purpose of our existences on the Earth. m. The experiences of the human life on the Earth are essential to come to understand that the true treasures of the life are the good deeds, that we do or the gentleness, the cares, the assistance, the helps to the needy persons et cetera. If this is understood then the meaning and the purpose of our terrestrial life it will also be understood: to teach us to love God and all the brothers men as ourselves. And then we will also understand where the Lord God has set the happiness; He has set it in the simple life, in to take care of the others, stopping thinking to ourselves and doing the will of God 138 , all things that the Lord Jesus teaches us with His spiritual model of evangelical life. To understand as we must behave us it is enough to reflect on the Commandments of which the Christ speaks to us in the ancient and modern Gospel. n. The choice to live according to such Commandments brings us to the victory on our human Self (Me) and on our egoism. All of this it is valid for all men of the Earth, of all the epochs, not only for the Christians; anybody however, be afraid, because the eye of God always watches over on us we don't escape His look and His “ love flows to each one alike “ 139 , therefore we must have faith and trust in Him and we must obey to His Commandments and to those of Jesus 140 ; our part is also this and nobody can do it to our place 141 ; o. Since the antiquity the Lord God has given us only not the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love from which it derives the Moral law to put us in condition to distinguish the Good from the Evil, but then He has also taught us what Way to choose among that of the Good and that of the Evil 142 ; then, the same God has inspired to the Kings the legal system to discipline the life of the peoples in the better possible way; finally – we say it to synthesize. the Lord God has planned the life of every day with the Variants 143 , so that we can always choose the Good among the alternatives included in the daily occurrences of the life, which always give us the possibility to choose in every instant between the Good and the Evil, the two ways among which we must choose 144 . In other terms, we are put all in condition to be always able, moment for moment, to choose the way 137 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 138 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50 139 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita 140 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 14 141 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th and 31st , Amrita 142 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 143 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 301-304 (Varianti), Mediterranee 144 Deuteronomio 30, 15-20 20
  • 21. of the Good. The life on the Earth has the purpose to make us to grow in the love, to widen our conscience, our culture and the knowledge of God; therefore it is very important to live it at the best of our possibilities alternating the job to the relaxation. The life that every one of us lives doesn't derive from the chance and it has been conceived expressly for each one of us and it is therefore perfect 145 ; and it is for such reason that we must accept and live it with gratitude thanking and praising God 146 . It is therefore absurd to be afraid to live, and it is even more absurd to commit suicide because not even the suicides escape to the corrections / teachings of the Karma law because their “… effects are ineluctable…147 ; as a matter of fact << Those who kill themselves for avoiding the physical or moral sufferings do not achieve their ends because until the karma it is not exhausted their sufferings continue in the astral world… 148 >>. Life is a precious gift, also when we suffer, because it is being suffering and reflecting that we understand the errors that we have committed in precedence and therefore we learn as we would have had to behave us and - understanding the errors that we did - we grow in altruism, knowledge and conscience. p. We know that the Evil consists in the living selfishly, while the Good it consists in altruistically living; the Good is also gift of itselves same. The chaos that there is in the world shows that we have not understood yet that the pleasures of the world and the flesh, the successes, the wealths and the power must not become the purpose of our life, because the Matter has been only a means to bring back the Demons on the ways of the Spirit. The Lord Jesus said on the subject: " …Now also clear how Lucifer believes to have had to act as he has acted, for the matter could be created; an error in every case, because the aim of my creation is not the matter, on the contrary only the free knowledge, the love and the understanding of the Divinity from the beings gone out of Me: the matter has been only a means. Lucifer insisted in this his second error and lost himself in the extreme of his polar qualities, deceiving himself in the idea to have to preserve the matter. He wanted to reign making himself prince of the matter, that he considered his ownership and it darkened therefore more and more the human beings that went forming themselves, since the struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent and conservative of the life. This also explains the mystery of My incarnation, that had to break the matter, that otherwise, Lucifer losing himself more and more in the asperities of the opposite pole, it would become progressively harder. My incarnation meant therefore an halt and it showed as we could free us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it had to show (and this was the first aim) as the death that ties the men to the matter and its 145 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 30th and August 27th , Amrita 146 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 3rd , 4th , July 30th and August 6th and 27th , Amrita 147 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Kama) ; You see Assenza di Libertà, Mediterranee 148 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 284-286 (Suicidio), Mediterranee 21
  • 22. pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop it in the matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this 149 ". q. Who alive selfishly creates himself/herself some idols: himself or other human beings, the money, the power, the success et cetera; therefore we must be very attentive to our thought, so that it doesn't make us slave of any idols, that induce us to make some sins that are transgressions to the Commandments of God. Be able every one of us to discover inside of itself as soon as possible that it has in itself God and therefore the love, the Kingdom of the Skies and the theological virtues: the Faith, the Hope and the Charity. The altruism, consequence of the love, is also it inside of everybody and everything it emerges within us if we stay calm and we listen to the voice of God 150 and we live according to His Word, rather than to limit ourselves to listen to it 151 ; r. The observance of the Word of God free us from the slavery of the pleasures of the world and the flesh or the slavery of the sin 152 . It doesn't want a lot, as it teaches Saint Teresa of the Jesus Child; daily reflections are enough on the Sacred Writings and to as they are applied in our life; to make pleasure to God and to unite us to Him is necessary to recognize Him and to accept Him (and then all becomes possible 153 ); it is also necessary to be thankful to God and to have faith and trust in Him 154 and gratitude 155 ; but it is not enough because we must evangelically live at the best of our possibilities day after day. But it also needs to simply live and to have an effective control of our thoughts that doesn't make us exceed in nothing, except that in good deeds even though dwarfish. Well, when year after year we will have shown appreciation for God's work, faith and trust, gratitude and good will, the Mother Holy Spirit will donate us the Continence or the Temperance and so we will become able to moderate our needs, senses, instincts and desires. And little by little it will be donate other qualities and virtues of which have need to grow in the love; but it is therefore necessary also our daily commitment in the to do to the others everything that that we would want that they did to us 156 . Our commitment is essential, because the law says " As you give so shall you receive. These are not just words; they are the law. As you live them and put them into action, you will see how wonderfully they work. When you start giving you will discover to receive always more. Fear nothing, withhold nothing; simply give and go on giving. An open, generous heart draws all the very best to it. Let your heart be open and generous so that 149 Jakob Lorber, IL Signore parla, pages 161-162, Armenia 150 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 6th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 143 (Stai nella quiete ed ascolta), Mediterranee 151 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita 152 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-36 153 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita 154 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 4th , June 23rd and September 10th , Amrita 155 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 3rd and 4th , July 30th , August 27th and November 12th , Amrita 156 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 22
  • 23. you withhold nothing, and let the spirit of giving be ever there. Assess what you have to give and then give it, no matter what it is, for as each gift is offered, it helps to complete the whole. Do not expect someone else to draw your gifts out of you, but give willingly of what you have. As you do, you will see where it fits into the whole, as the piece of a jigsaw puzzle when placed in its rightful position completes the picture 157 >> . And who gives all it receives all 158 as the Lord Jesus. This whole is equal to an important way of faith in God and of Charity, to whatever religion we belongs, but it is not enough for reuniting us to God ; to complete the asceticism - that is the spiritual apprenticeship that allows us to win the self (me) and the egoism it is necessary to become able to love God and the others; s. The Lord God told Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland: <<…You must learn that only when you give all do you receive all. You can only do it when you have learnt to love Me, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; for without love you cannot take these steps, you cannot live this life. So open your heart and love 159 >>. t. The Lord Jesus auto defined itself the Good Shepherd and He stays the Good Shepherd for excellence; it can perhaps be said that they are good shepherds all the good priests of all the true religions. It can perhaps be said that also all religions, when they don't twist the spirit and the letter of the Divine Revelations, they are formed by good shepherds. u. In an other occasion the Messiah Jesus also defined the two terrestrial powers, that temporal and that religious and specified at the same time which they had to be the competences, the duties and the responsibilities of the civil and religious institutions with the very famous answer that the Lord told the Pharisees that tried to trap Him in error: " Well then, you give to the emperor what belongs to the emperor but what it belongs to God give it to God 160 >>; with such answer the Christ implicitly said that temporal power is not up to the religions, but to the kings or to the presidents of the republics and that the man owes obedience both to the kings and to the presidents of the Republics, but also to the true Religions for the respective competences; they are true religions those that prescribe to love God, the other human beings as itselves and to forgive to the others. v. The Gospel are explanations of the Decalogue 161 . The religions should teach the God’s Commandments without twisting its Revelations, as it is happened with the Hebrews 162 and most of all with the Arabs 163 . Practically all religions, because of the errors of the Oral Traditions and of the interpretations of themes and verses of the divine Revelations they have modified the teachings of God, of Jesus and of the Prophets. 157 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 22nd , Amrita 158 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 159 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th, Amrita 160 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 15-22 161 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 123, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 162 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 23 163 In our Catechism, among the Deepenings of the Religions, you will find the Elaborate N°4 regarding the numerous mistakes of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Koran committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Islamic Fundamentalists 23
  • 24. w. The Lord Jesus refused every power and terrestrial honor and He expressly said that His kingdom was not of this world 164 . Of it derives that the religions must be interested only and exclusively of the spiritual life of the believers, but they must be always ready to defend them from the abuses of the kings, also at the cost of the life, but always without any violence, as the Lord Jesus and the Indian Gandhi, the great Soul of India, taught. x. Even in the Arabism or Muslimism (or Islam - as maliciously they have taught to say the Arabic violent Fundamentalists successors of the Prophet of the Bedouin ones: Mohammed ) civil and military powers would could be attributed to the religious because the Archangel Gabriele told Mohammed: - "You warn therefore men, since you are only one whom warns 165 "; - " You are not, as a matter of fact, constituted of authority on them 166 " ; - In another translation the two verses are coupled: "Be of admonishment to everybody because you are an admonitory and don't have been named them sovereign 167 " ; - In a third translation it is written: " You admonish therefore, because other you are not that an admonitory and you don't have any authority on them ". Here the translator has set a note on the basis of which he points out that the admonishment of the Angel concerned the time in which Mohammed "…was not still to head of a community of believers 168 ". But this, in my opinion, it is only one opinion of his very probably unfounded. It is remembered that to cause and in strength of wrong human interpretations the religion of the Arabs has been deformed, as it is explained in the Elaborate 4 of this Catechism - that you will find among the Deepenings of the Religions - with the title "Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed, committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Islamic Fundamentalists " ; - Another translation of the Koran, that of the Bausani, the sura LXXXVIII doesn't contain the verses above mentioned. y. In all Nations the quoted two powers civil and military from a part and that religious, from the other, they must collaborate to assure to men the calmest life possible even though is known that the conflicts and the dissensions among individuals, groups, tribes and peoples have been inevitable till now and in our opinion they will still be until all Demons won't be redeemed. This because since when the Archangel Lucifer wanted the war against God and for this reason his name was modified in Satan; he is the ex-Archangel who keeps on wanting the war; on the subject Our Lady Mary at Medjugorje has said he " … .wants the 164 Vangelo di Giovanni 18, 33-37 165 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXXXVIII 21, Ulrico Hoepli 166 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXXXVIII 22, Ulrico Hoepli 167 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80, sura LXXXVIII 21-22, Xenia Tascabili 168 Il Corano, trad. Hanza R. Piccardo, sura LXXXIII 21-22, you see note N°5, Newton & Compton 24
  • 25. war and the hate… 169 "; the conflicts make part of the nature of Satan and its malignant purposes, that men share for a long time before learning to love. z. But God helps us in this also because all that of Evil happens on the Earth become instrumental to the Divine Story of Salvation because "nothing happens in vain " and therefore all of us will draw benefit from our errors also 170 included impious ones, warmongers wicked ones and the terrorists, because God loves us all without distinctions, since to His " …eyes all souls are equal 171 ", so much is true that the Lord said: “ You are all My beloveds, and the sooner you realize it the better, for you are all one in My sight, and My love flows to each one alike. When you can accept your oneness with Me, you will be able to accept your oneness with the others 172 “ . It derives of it that all peoples as all men, are beloved by God equally. It must be so because the Lord has said of Himself:” I am love 173 "; therefore it cannot exists a favourite people, because every people is His people 174 ; in the antiquity at least two prophets they told it to the Hebrews: Isaia and Sofonia 175 . aa. It derives of it that also the Evil is instrumental to the Redemption and the Salvation of the man-demons 176 , but it is necessary to recognize the fatherly and maternal authority of God and to obey to His Commandments; therefore all men must also observe the Gospels precepts, repenting themselves, converting themselves and evangelically living the whole life at the best of their possibilities and so God is glad 177 . The sufferings consequents to the karmic teaching of the pain also owed to "struggles, temptations and pains" they must be accepted by man because necessary to understand what errors of behaviour we committed in the past and in such way we will grow in knowledge and conscience and we will overcome, day after day, our egoism and our egocentrism. Only so we will understand the meaning and the aim inherent the God’s design for our terrestrial life 178 . bb. It is the pain 179 that makes the man to discover the shine of the altruism; the altruism is a manifestation of the love. The conflicts, also armed, they cannot be avoided for the contemporary presence of the admixture of men (in the sense of Souls) that exists on the Earth in every epoch 180 , as we explain in the Elaborate 1, "Contribution to the knowledge of the life, of the origin and of the destiny of the man", available in our Catechism among the Deepenings in the folder of "The Nature, the Life and the Destiny of the man ". 169 Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th 2001 , Shalom 170 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 171 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 16th , Amrita 172 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita 173 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 174 Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, page 23, Mediterranee 175 Isaia, capitolo 56 e Sofonia 3, 9-10 176 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia 177 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 4th , page 319, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 178 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th and December 14th , Amrita 179 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee 180 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee 25
  • 26. Nevertheless, it is duty of the kings and of the religions, each in its role, to work together intensely for reducing the sufferings and the needs of the citizens; cc. The manifold terrestrial existences, so troubled, that the man must live on the planet Earth to widen his/her culture, Conscience and the knowledge of God181 , they don't last forever, because little by lithe that each one lives ones, he/she arrives gradually, even if slowly to understand what the Life and God that has conceived and realized it wants to teach him/her: God through life wants to teach us to love Itself and to love all the other brothers as ourselves. I think that this progressively happened in the last terrestrial existence of every man when it will become saint, in virtue of the Law of the Evolution and the karmic corrections through the teaching of the pain, of the teachings of the families and of the true religions. Little by little, life after life 182 , each one of us comes to understand only not all the errors that he/she has committed in the distant or recent past, but also that it is better an accord that a quarrel and that peace is better than a victorious war with all of its horrors; therefore, every human being, as every people, gradually and slowly learns also to avoid the quarrels or to compose them , each one according to the times of his/her own ability to understand that we are all brothers all children of God. In such way, avoiding criticisms, jealousies, judgments, controversies and conflicts 183 all they set out kindly on the way of the peace but troubles - the Lord Jesus would say - to those pseudos religious Sects that of the true religions they have only the formalities and troubles to that priests and that heads of State that preach the hate, the revenge and the war. dd.The Europeans, after the second great world war, have chosen the way of the peace, but they do not go along it yet with that sense of brotherhood and altruism that would bring them to help more and better the poor peoples of the South of the world. We wish to Arabs and Hebrews in Palestine - in the territory where the Lord Jesus preached - to also choose them the road of the obedience to their Sacred Writing, in which the command is found to go along the road of the peace and of the pardon. Europeans, Hebrews and Palestinian, all in their role, must learn to work more and better for the peace, Bible (Commandments of the love) and Koran to the hand 184 . ee. The Lord God teaches us all of this that we must not do and that that, we must do for entering the Kingdom of the Skies instead: " Yes, Father, in the existence of each one there is one day when Your voice is heard. It is not that that day it says: << I don't have given you the life in the world because you brought the death. I have not given you the desire because you became avid. I have not given you the mind because you made yourself enslaved of its traps. 181 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 54 (Conoscenza), pages 106-112 (Evoluzione) and pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 182 Thorwald Dethlefsen, Vita dopo vita, dialoghi con reincarnati, Mediterranee 183 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 184 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura VII 199 (You know to forgive) and page 101, sura XLV 14-15 ( You say to those who believe of forgiving), Xenia Tascabili 26
  • 27. Neither I have given you the calm because you vegetated, and the progress because you surrounded yourself of useless things or youI lost your life in the search of those. I have not given you the greatness because you despised the humble ones. Neither I have given you the power because you oppressed and you operated injustices. I have not given you the peace because you destroyed it. And if I have allowed the war, it is because you appreciated the agreement. If I have allowed the pain that comes from the egoism of yours similar and from yours it is because you understood the shine of the altruism. If I have allowed the intolerance, the offense, the slavery, is because you pursued the contrary virtues. And if I have allowed that you were humiliated, exploited, misunderstood, it is because you learned not to humiliate, not to exploit, to understand, because a happy but sterile life is not very precious as one who gives understanding. But I have given you the life in the world because you made it more beautiful. I have given you the abundance because it were you easier to give. I have given you the wellbeing because you had pity of whom suffers. I have given you the knowledge because you created. I have given you the desire because you created the good of yours similar and the mind because you understood that a sole thing is necessary, and that you chose: that thing that conducts you beyond the opposite ones, whereas there is no separation, where cause and effect are a sole Reality 185 >>. The continuous help that comes to the man from the Sky The Lord God talks to all those people that recognize Him and they accept Him 186 and they live according to His laws to the best of their possibilities and so God is glad 187 ; one of the things that we must do is to be still and listen 188 the teachings of the Lord, each one man according to its spiritual necessities. But there is an important help about which we rarely think: it is the help that God gives to each one of us by means of the Angels, for instance the Guardian angel, the angel of the Hearth for every family, the angel of every house and the Angels healers 189 ; particularly important for each of us it is the Guardian angel; of him the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said: a. Guardian angel: <<The spiritual guide (you see "Voice of the conscience", by your religion called Guardian angel, must not be see how an external being, extraneous, that shelters you from the blows, that protects you in the 185 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 229-230, Mediterranee 186 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita 187 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. IV, page 319, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 188 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 143-144, Mediterranee 189 Giuditta Dembech, Gli Angeli fra noi, pages 103-120, L’Ariete 27
  • 28. traditional and personal sense, on the contrary something that from your intimate being surfaces and that he tries to make to bud your conscience, to make it affirm towards the pejorative impulses, 231-233 g 190 >>; b. Voice of the Conscience: << The to be successful itself of the conscience in positive sense, altruistic, it is "something" that it comes from the tallest layers and more depths of the world of the to feel, from this center of conscience that is said "spiritual guide" and that in the moments in which the individual is submitted to the so-called temptations - to use a word that makes to smile - he tries to represent him/her the reality in straighter way, more exact. It is the voice of the conscience according to the definition of some one. Here: the voice of the conscience is neither more neither less that this communication, this channel that goes down from his/her own spiritual guide in the intimate of the beings (you see "Guardian angel" ), 231g 191 >>. The Angels are innumerable and they carry out on behalf of God and to advantage of all the living beings the necessary assignments to give order and Light to the whole Creation. If the planets perfectly cover their orbits it is due to the activities of the Angels and the same it is said for the growth of all the agricultural products and of the forest. A demonstration of the extraordinary possibilities of the Angels it has been given at Findhorn in Scotland where on the strength of the collaboration between Angels and men, << …in a desert moor where until then they were always grown only the weeds; the garden on the sand it has become luxuriant and any agronomist and farmer was able of to find an explanation…>>. Dorothy says << If us that we were three adults with three small children, we have been able to create that stupendous garden, other men, uniting themselves with good will, they could turn into an Eden the Sahara also …192 >>. (My note: the request of collaboration to the Angels from the men of the deserts it is implicit here. I recommend the reading of the book of Dorothy Maclean to everybody on the Spirits of Nature because in such way they can learn a lot not only on them and from them (the Angels), but they can even change itselves and to become true children of God and therefore they will be able "….contribute to create a best and more right world … "). Imitating the Lord Jesus, our Redeemer and Savior, I say "Peace to you men of the Earth" . 190 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 28, Mediterranee 191 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 311 (Voce della Coscienza), Mediterranee 192 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, pages 12-13, Mediterranee 28