digital preservation pericles fp7 change management acting on change digital ecosystem periclesfp7 linked resource model sheer curation conference risk assessment technical appraisal open-source tool ontologies dependencies digital ecosystem model ecobuilder model-driven preservation evolving ecosystem fp7 idcc17 risk management proactive data management owl metadata encapsulation techniques ecosystem model domain ontologies semantic change workshop significant environment information automation pericles reuse of science data community of practice impact analysis complex digital objects capability gap ermr policy management process compiler model-driven approach software dem modelling oais ontology file formats features continuum approach semantic web ltdp semantic drift domain ontology idcc 2015 reuse digital object appraisal access forgetit information model human memory knowledge management authenticity data quality big data dataset model diachron archiving strategy preparing for change semadrift drift detection self-organising maps somoclu evolving semantics ontology maintenance research data tate emulation software-based artwork impact assessment technical appraisal tool digital video artworks model impact change explorer mice workflow pericles exctraction tool pet mediator script entity registry model repository scenario standards eumetsat automatic policy application lrm services policy change pericles in practice data-driven approach automated extractors scientific workflows complex digital data timbus reproducibility automating decision support accessibility data reuse appraisal tool open source software development scientific experiments context model replicability lrm change propagation policy modelling modelling strategies ncdd aggregated processes atomic processes validation technical infrastructure user communities reasoning domain modelling linked data ontology editor risk analysis model-driven crowdsourcing architecture model decision criteria for technique use scenario zip data conservancy structured source code tar oai-ore mets research object premis data dictionary lmer information packaging compound documents bagit restoration localiser decapsulation algorithm information frames xmp digital watermarking steganography exif iptc-imm and iptc fields science case study behavioral change media case study knowledge modelling policies quality assurance modelling card game model art & media lrm adoption upper level ontology model-based approach nasa solar variations b.usoc space data owl ontology vector spaces field approach ontology evolution digital objects preservation by design research project
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