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Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis and the Misrepresentation of Humanity Raymond Tallis Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts and the New Parenting Culture Parenting and neuroscience 1
That we are not responsible for our behaviour: ‘my brain makes me do it’ That it has show the early experience is crucial because its consequences are hard-wired into us That neuroscience can guide social policies That we can look beyond the politics of ‘left’ and ‘right’ to the politics of left brain and right brain Parenting and neuroscience 2 Neuroscience Has Shown
Summa contra Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 3
The belief that human beings are essentially biological organisms and that they are best understood through the biological sciences The humanities should aspire to be ‘animalities’ Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 4
A conscious agent An organism, a piece of living matter Two Ways of Seeing a Human Being Parenting and neuroscience 5
Advances in the scientific  understanding of the organism H. sapiens The assumption that the only alternative to a supernatural account of humanity is a naturalistic one Behind the Rise of Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 6
We are not identical with our bodies understood as animal organisms We are embodied subjects who have many different relationships to our body: being, having, using, taking care of, judging, interpreting, factually knowing We are ‘extra-natural’ – both a part of nature and apart from it Against Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 7
Neuromania Darwinitis The Two Pillars of Unwisdom Parenting and neuroscience 8
Human consciousness is identical with neural activity in the human brain ‘I am my (you are your)  brain’ Neuromania (1) Parenting and neuroscience 9
The brain explains every aspect of awareness and behaviour To understand human beings, you must peer into the intracranial darkness using the techniques of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience 10 Neuromania (2)
‘The Fast-acting Solvent of the Critical Faculties’  Parenting and neuroscience 11
Love Wisdom Sense of beauty Wanna Know About…? Parenting and neuroscience 12
An inflamed or pathological version of Darwinism Asserts that evolutionary theory explains not only how the organismH. sapiens  arose but also the nature of people like you and me Darwinitis (1) Parenting and neuroscience 13
Evolutionary forces – natural selection, survival advantage – explain the origin and purpose of human behaviour and human institutions All is forged in or indirectly relates to the blood bath in which the gene is shaped by differential survival The processes that produced Mozart were those that produced millipedes Parenting and neuroscience 14 Darwinitis (2)
Darwinism encompasses not only the biological roots (of the human organism) but the cultural leaves (of the human person) Darwinitis in Brief Parenting and neuroscience 15
The brain is an evolved organ ‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution’ Theodosius Dobzhansky   The neural explanation of human consciousness therefore demands a Darwinian interpretation of our behaviour. The Link between Neuromania and Darwinitis Parenting and neuroscience 16
 The human brain is  a machine which alone accounts for all our 	actions, our most private thoughts, our beliefs…All our actions are products of the activity of our brains. It makes no sense (in scientific terms) to try to distinguish sharply between acts that result from conscious attention and those that result from our 	reflexes or are caused by disease or damage to the brain.The Mechanics of Mind Colin Blakemore Parenting and neuroscience 17
Passive: in the grip of biological forces which boil down to physical forces Ignorant: unaware of the reasons for his/her actions Not a conscious agent The Image of Humanity Parenting and neuroscience 18
Absorbed into nature rather than offset from it A material part of the material world Wired into the forces of physical nature Unfree Biologised Humanity Parenting and neuroscience 19
The Humanities Welcome the Occupying Forces Parenting and neuroscience 20
‘[T]he humanities, ranging from philosophy and history to moral reasoning, comparative religion,  and interpretation of the arts, will draw closer to the sciences and partly fuse with them’ EO Wilson  The Prophet of the Humanities become Animalities  Parenting and neuroscience 21
[T]otalConsilience holds that nature is organised by simple universal laws of physics to which all other laws and principles can eventually be reduced. EO Wilson Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge 1998), Physics the Final Destination of the Humanities Parenting and neuroscience 22
Some Half-Way Houses (1) Neuro-aesthetics: Neural explanation of creativity and aesthetic pleasure Darwinian aesthetics: evolutionary explanations of artistic creation and appreciation Neuro-law – brain science and ‘biological justice’ Parenting and neuroscience 23
Neuro-economics: brain science explains unwise purchases Evolutionary economics: conspicuous consumption advertises genetic health (‘peacock’s tail) Neuropolitics – replace arguments over left versus right with looking at the balance between left and right hemisphere Neuro-theology: God is a tingle in the ‘God-spot’ in the brain Evolutionary theology: religious belief is genetically implanted in us to maximise inclusive fitness Some Half-Way Houses (2) Parenting and neuroscience 24
The sum of an organism’s classical fitness (how many of its own offspring it produces and supports) and the number of equivalents of its own offspring it can add to the population by supporting or cooperating with others.   Inclusive Fitness Royal Institution  25
Parenting and neuroscience 26 Camilla Batmanghelidgh
Seems to have excellent results  Now wants to do brain scans to see if the changes are ‘real’ It works in practice but does it work in theory? Parenting and neuroscience 27 Camilla Batmanghelidgh
The thought that I am going to die makes me very miserable but that does not prove I must be immortal. ‘Yuk’ is not an argument The Palatable and the True Parenting and neuroscience 28
Neuromania Darwinitis Critique Parenting and neuroscience 29
Logical: the conceptual muddle  Empirical: current methodological limits of neuroscience Logical/Empirical: the future limits of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience Problems with Neuromania 30
The Central Muddle   While  to live a human life   requires a brain in some kind of working order,  it does not follow from this that living a human life is  to be  a brain in some kind of working order. Parenting and neuroscience 31
My position (2) Neurosciencereveals some of the most important necessary conditions of behaviour and awareness.  Neuromania holds that it will give a complete account of the sufficient conditions of awareness and behaviour.  Parenting and neuroscience 32
The correlation between neural activity and consciousness means that neural activity is consciousness.  Parenting and neuroscience The Fundamental Error of Neuromania 33
‘Evidence’ that our deepest and most complex feelings are identical with activity in the brain (Barthels, Zeki)  ‘Evidence’ that our brains are calling the shots (Libet, Soon) Parenting and neuroscience Empirical Problems with Neuromania: Exemplary Cases 34
Andreas  Bartels and Semi  Zeki ‘The Neural Basis of Romantic Love’  NeuroReport 2001 11: 3829-3834 Parenting and neuroscience The Secret of Love (Romantic)  35
Place head of subject (attached to body) in fMRI scan Record responses to pictures of the beloved and pictures of mere friends Subtract brain activity of latter from former Repeat many times on many subjects Parenting and neuroscience Finding the Secret of Love 36
Love (romantic) is due to  activity in a highly restricted area of the brain: ‘in the medial insula and the anterior cingulate cortex and, sub cortically, in the caudate nucleus and the putamen, all bilaterally’.  Parenting and neuroscience What, Then,  is Love? 37
What, Then,  is Love? Parenting and neuroscience 38
Not like a response to a simple stimulus such as a picture.  Not even a single enduring state, like being cold.  A many-splendoured and many-miseried thing Parenting and neuroscience What is Love?A Primer  for Martians and Neuromaniacs (1) 39
Not feeling in love at that moment Hunger for, simulated indifference to, delight over the beloved Wanting to be kind to, wanting to impress the Special Other Lust, awe, surprise, joy, guilt, anger, jealousy. Imagining conversations, events; Speculating what the loved one is doing, feeling Parenting and neuroscience Love: A Primerfor Martians and Neuromaniacs (2) 40
Not simply a property of part of an organ (brain) It is not simply a property of an organism as a whole It belongs to a self that relates to a community of minds Parenting and neuroscience Love  41
Reduce it to a response to a stimulus Take it out of the community of minds/selves and stuff it back into the intracranial darkness Parenting and neuroscience How to Neuralise Love Etc 42
Vul, E., Harris C., Winklielan, P., & Pashler, H. ‘Puzzlingly high correlations in fMRI studies of emotion, personality, and social cognition’ Perspectives on Psychological Science  2009; 4(3): 274-290 [Originally called ‘Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience’] Parenting and neuroscience Rumblings of Doubt 43
Libet, B ‘Unconscious Cerebral Initiative and the Role of Conscious Will in Voluntary Action’ Behavioural and Brain Sciences  1985; 8: 529-566. ‘one of the philosophically most challenging studies.. in modern scientific psychology Haggard, P.  and Eimer, M. 1999 ‘On the relation between brain potentials and voluntary movement’ Experimental Brain Research 126: 128-133.  Neurodeterminism (1) Parenting and neuroscience 44
Subjects asked to flex wrist or digit Time the Readiness Potential (RP) Subjective timing of forming intention RP precedes the timing of awareness of intention Parenting and neuroscience Libet’s Experiment 45
Chung Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-JochenHeinze, John-Dylan Hayes ‘Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain’ Nature Neuroscience  (2008); 11: 543-545. A network of control areas ‘that begins to prepare a decision long before it enters awareness’.  Neurodeterminism (2) Parenting and neuroscience 46
We don’t know what we are doing until we have found that we have done it.  Parenting and neuroscience Conclusion from Libet/Soon 47
‘The  only connexion between willing and acting is that both come from the same unconscious source’. Daniel Wegner The Illusion of Conscious Will Cambridge MA: The MIT Press,  2002) Neurodeterminism (3) Unconscious Influences on Behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 48
Simple action Only a small component of a bigger action The story of the action begins much earlier Parenting and neuroscience Critique of Libet/Soon (1) 49
Action reduced to atoms of movement Context stripped off Overlooks that intention is a field Ignores the human world Removes the very conditions that make the experiments possible Parenting and neuroscience Critique of Libet/Soon (2) 50
Neural activity is consciousness (and the origin of behaviour) Parenting and neuroscience Key Assumption 51
When we are talking about the brain, we are talking about a piece of matter subject to the laws of physics Parenting and neuroscience The Neuroscientistic Orthodoxy 52
The Neuroscientistic Orthodoxy There is only one sort of stuff, namely matter – the physical stuff of physics, chemistry and physiology – and the mind is somehow nothing but a physical phenomenon.  In short, the mind is the brain…  We can (in principle!) account for every mental phenomenon using the same physical principles, laws and raw materials that suffice to explain radioactivity, continental drift,  photosynthesis, reproduction, nutrition and growth. 			Daniel Dennett Consciousness 						Explained Parenting and neuroscience 53
If we have serious problems understanding the relationship between brain and even ground floor consciousness it is absurd to look to brain science to cast light on the upper storeys of human consciousness. Parenting and neuroscience Central Message 54
Parenting and neuroscience The Ground Floor: Perception of an Object 55
The mystery of intentionality: Perception Parenting and neuroscience Neural activity Identity Perception Light as Cause  Intentionalityof gaze Glass “Glass” 56
Limitations of the Physiology of Visual Perception The inward causal chain explains how the light gets into my brain but not how this results in a  gaze that looks out. Parenting and neuroscience 57
The mystery of intentionality Parenting and neuroscience Neural activity Identity Perception Light as Cause  Intentionalityof gaze Glass “Glass” 58
My perception of the glass would require the neural activity in the visual cortex to reach causally upstream to the events that caused them. Parenting and neuroscience The Mystery of Intentionality if Neuromania Were True 59
Tears the hitherto seamless fabric of a causally closed material world The seed out of which grows first-person being (unique to humans) And freedom And the community of minds And the human world – the semiosphere All beyond the reach of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience Intentionality: More Than Meets the Eye 60
It creates the possibility of an ever-widening gap between the conscious individual and the material world This possibility is realised in humans who are not simply organisms but embodied subjects Parenting and neuroscience The Significance of Intentionality (1) 61
The emergence of awareness of the form ‘That such-and-such is the case’ Humans are not just immersed in matter but are surrounded by ‘Thatter’ most clearly expressed in factual knowledge Parenting and neuroscience The Significance of Intentionality (2) 62
It requires that the interaction between two material objects – the glass and my brain – should cause the one to appear  to the other. Parenting and neuroscience Neuromania in Trouble 63
The progressive enclosure of the world within the framework of physical science tends towards the elimination or disappearance of (phenomenal) appearance Parenting and neuroscience Physical Science: The Disappearance of Appearance 64
Physical Science: The Disappearance of Appearance Replacement of phenomenal appearance by measurements Drift from the phenomena of subjective consciousness a realm of abstract, general quantitative terms.  The elimination of ‘secondary qualities’ (Galileo, John Locke) Parenting and neuroscience 65
The Disappearance of Appearance. The Bottom Line Nothing in physical science  can explain why a physical object such as a brain should find, uncover, or create,  appearances and, in particular, secondary qualities,  in the world. Parenting and neuroscience 66
Matter does not generate viewpoints Parenting and neuroscience The Bottom Line 67
The Phenomenal Appearance of a Rock from No Viewpoint Parenting and neuroscience 68
Parenting and neuroscience The Material World as Revealed by a Piece of the Material World 69
Parenting and neuroscience The Gaze of Physics 70
Subjects (Selves, Persons) Unity-in-multiplicity Temporal depth Parenting and neuroscience 71
Unity-in Multiplicity of Consciousness We are co-conscious of many separate things in a conscious field Models of integration do not deliver unity-in-multiplicity  - i.e. merging without mushing Models of binding do not deliver unity never mind unity-in-multiplicity Parenting and neuroscience 72
Subjects (Selves, Persons) Unity-in-multiplicity Temporal depth Parenting and neuroscience 73
Neurophysiology of Memory Memory as a cerebral deposit ‘Stored’ in the form of the altered reactivity of the brain Parenting and neuroscience 74
Critique of Neurophysiology of Memory Do not capture important modes of memory e.g. autobiographical memory The past states of a material object cannot be retained in the present state of a material object Memories are explicitly of the past.   Tensed time not evident in the material world Parenting and neuroscience 75
Einstein on Tensed Time Physicists know that the distinction between past, present and future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Einstein,  1952 Parenting and neuroscience 76
Neuromania Darwinitis Critique Parenting and neuroscience 77
Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 78 The Distance between Man and Beast
Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 79 The Distance between Man and Beast
Between Human and Animal Feeding Cooking Time-regulated eating The structure of meals Meals as festivals Table ware Food miles People miles Money Parenting and neuroscience 80
Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 81 The Distance between Man and Beast
It is something that is done rather than merely happening Involves practising Involves teaching Is mediated by institutions Includes acquisition of knowledge Is part of a life narrative Parenting and neuroscience 82 Learning in Humans
Woven out of shared/joined attention A ‘semiosphere’ Woven out of a trillion cognitive handshakes A public domain that transcends the organism H sapiens  Constructed over 100s of 1000’s of years This is how far Darwinitis is out of date  Parenting and neuroscience 83 The Human World
Parenting and neuroscience 84 Man: Reminders for Martians (1) We guide, justify, and excuse our behaviour according to general and abstract principles We create cities, laws, institutions We entertain theories about our own nature and about the world
We frame our individual lives within a shared history We systematically inquire into the order of things and the patterns of causation and physical laws that seem to  underpin that order. Parenting and neuroscience 85 Man: Reminders for Martians (2)
Lead our lives rather than merely organically live them Live out narratives based on an elaborate sense of possibility Conscious of ourselves Conscious of other selves Conscious of the material world and its intrinsic existence and properties  Parenting and neuroscience 86 Man: The Explicit Animal
‘Humanity transcends apehood to the same degree by which life transcends mundane chemistry and physics’.   	VS Ramachandran The Tell-Tale Brain. A            	Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us 	Human 2011 Parenting and neuroscience 87 Distance from Our Nearest Animal Kin
Language Misplaced sense of honesty Thinking that Darwinism requires it of us Confusing organisms and people Parenting and neuroscience 88 Why We Avoid Seeing the Obvious
We personify the brain – it ‘decides’, it ‘signals’, it ‘judges’ etc So we can ‘brainify’ the person Parenting and neuroscience 89 The Power of Words
Biology is the key to understanding human nature We are best understood as (largely) unconscious or programmed organism operating in a natural world We are not best understood as conscious agents acting in a uniquely human world The humanities are biological sciences in a primitive state of development Parenting and neuroscience 90 Biologism
The gap between humans and non-human animals elided Even higher level awareness reduced to the properties of living matter The assumption of a fundamental difference between human actions and other events in the world looks shaky The personless laws of the physical world encroach upon, engulf and digest humanity Parenting and neuroscience 91 Consequences of Biologism(if taken seriously)
Neuromania Darwinitis Parenting and neuroscience 92 The Proper Home of the Pillars of Unwisdom
‘I hear the tortoise of time explode in the micro-wave of eternity’ Parenting and neuroscience The End Is in Sight 93
Parenting and neuroscience The Silent Acorn: The Brain 94
Parenting and neuroscience The Whispering Wood: The Community of Minds 95
Trying to find the community of minds, forged from a trillion cognitive handshakes, in bits of the stand-alone brain lighting up in the intracranial darkness. Parenting and neuroscience The Quintessence of Neuromania 96
I am not against biological science. I do not have a religious agenda – I am an atheist humanist I accept Darwin’s theory is beyond reasonable doubt I am not a Creationist Nutter I am not a dualist: man is not a ghost in a machine Parenting and neuroscience 97 To Head off Misunderstanding
Parenting and neuroscience 98 A Hard-Wired Politician?
Man need not be degraded to a machine by being denied to be a ghost in a machine. He might, after all, be a sort of animal, namely a higher mammal. There has yet to be ventured the hazardous leap to the hypothesis that perhaps he is man.  	Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind Parenting and neuroscience 99 A Hazardous Leap

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  • 1. Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis and the Misrepresentation of Humanity Raymond Tallis Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts and the New Parenting Culture Parenting and neuroscience 1
  • 2. That we are not responsible for our behaviour: ‘my brain makes me do it’ That it has show the early experience is crucial because its consequences are hard-wired into us That neuroscience can guide social policies That we can look beyond the politics of ‘left’ and ‘right’ to the politics of left brain and right brain Parenting and neuroscience 2 Neuroscience Has Shown
  • 3. Summa contra Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 3
  • 4. The belief that human beings are essentially biological organisms and that they are best understood through the biological sciences The humanities should aspire to be ‘animalities’ Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 4
  • 5. A conscious agent An organism, a piece of living matter Two Ways of Seeing a Human Being Parenting and neuroscience 5
  • 6. Advances in the scientific understanding of the organism H. sapiens The assumption that the only alternative to a supernatural account of humanity is a naturalistic one Behind the Rise of Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 6
  • 7. We are not identical with our bodies understood as animal organisms We are embodied subjects who have many different relationships to our body: being, having, using, taking care of, judging, interpreting, factually knowing We are ‘extra-natural’ – both a part of nature and apart from it Against Biologism Parenting and neuroscience 7
  • 8. Neuromania Darwinitis The Two Pillars of Unwisdom Parenting and neuroscience 8
  • 9. Human consciousness is identical with neural activity in the human brain ‘I am my (you are your) brain’ Neuromania (1) Parenting and neuroscience 9
  • 10. The brain explains every aspect of awareness and behaviour To understand human beings, you must peer into the intracranial darkness using the techniques of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience 10 Neuromania (2)
  • 11. ‘The Fast-acting Solvent of the Critical Faculties’ Parenting and neuroscience 11
  • 12. Love Wisdom Sense of beauty Wanna Know About…? Parenting and neuroscience 12
  • 13. An inflamed or pathological version of Darwinism Asserts that evolutionary theory explains not only how the organismH. sapiens arose but also the nature of people like you and me Darwinitis (1) Parenting and neuroscience 13
  • 14. Evolutionary forces – natural selection, survival advantage – explain the origin and purpose of human behaviour and human institutions All is forged in or indirectly relates to the blood bath in which the gene is shaped by differential survival The processes that produced Mozart were those that produced millipedes Parenting and neuroscience 14 Darwinitis (2)
  • 15. Darwinism encompasses not only the biological roots (of the human organism) but the cultural leaves (of the human person) Darwinitis in Brief Parenting and neuroscience 15
  • 16. The brain is an evolved organ ‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution’ Theodosius Dobzhansky The neural explanation of human consciousness therefore demands a Darwinian interpretation of our behaviour. The Link between Neuromania and Darwinitis Parenting and neuroscience 16
  • 17. The human brain is a machine which alone accounts for all our actions, our most private thoughts, our beliefs…All our actions are products of the activity of our brains. It makes no sense (in scientific terms) to try to distinguish sharply between acts that result from conscious attention and those that result from our reflexes or are caused by disease or damage to the brain.The Mechanics of Mind Colin Blakemore Parenting and neuroscience 17
  • 18. Passive: in the grip of biological forces which boil down to physical forces Ignorant: unaware of the reasons for his/her actions Not a conscious agent The Image of Humanity Parenting and neuroscience 18
  • 19. Absorbed into nature rather than offset from it A material part of the material world Wired into the forces of physical nature Unfree Biologised Humanity Parenting and neuroscience 19
  • 20. The Humanities Welcome the Occupying Forces Parenting and neuroscience 20
  • 21. ‘[T]he humanities, ranging from philosophy and history to moral reasoning, comparative religion, and interpretation of the arts, will draw closer to the sciences and partly fuse with them’ EO Wilson The Prophet of the Humanities become Animalities Parenting and neuroscience 21
  • 22. [T]otalConsilience holds that nature is organised by simple universal laws of physics to which all other laws and principles can eventually be reduced. EO Wilson Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge 1998), Physics the Final Destination of the Humanities Parenting and neuroscience 22
  • 23. Some Half-Way Houses (1) Neuro-aesthetics: Neural explanation of creativity and aesthetic pleasure Darwinian aesthetics: evolutionary explanations of artistic creation and appreciation Neuro-law – brain science and ‘biological justice’ Parenting and neuroscience 23
  • 24. Neuro-economics: brain science explains unwise purchases Evolutionary economics: conspicuous consumption advertises genetic health (‘peacock’s tail) Neuropolitics – replace arguments over left versus right with looking at the balance between left and right hemisphere Neuro-theology: God is a tingle in the ‘God-spot’ in the brain Evolutionary theology: religious belief is genetically implanted in us to maximise inclusive fitness Some Half-Way Houses (2) Parenting and neuroscience 24
  • 25. The sum of an organism’s classical fitness (how many of its own offspring it produces and supports) and the number of equivalents of its own offspring it can add to the population by supporting or cooperating with others. Inclusive Fitness Royal Institution 25
  • 26. Parenting and neuroscience 26 Camilla Batmanghelidgh
  • 27. Seems to have excellent results Now wants to do brain scans to see if the changes are ‘real’ It works in practice but does it work in theory? Parenting and neuroscience 27 Camilla Batmanghelidgh
  • 28. The thought that I am going to die makes me very miserable but that does not prove I must be immortal. ‘Yuk’ is not an argument The Palatable and the True Parenting and neuroscience 28
  • 29. Neuromania Darwinitis Critique Parenting and neuroscience 29
  • 30. Logical: the conceptual muddle Empirical: current methodological limits of neuroscience Logical/Empirical: the future limits of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience Problems with Neuromania 30
  • 31. The Central Muddle While to live a human life requires a brain in some kind of working order, it does not follow from this that living a human life is to be a brain in some kind of working order. Parenting and neuroscience 31
  • 32. My position (2) Neurosciencereveals some of the most important necessary conditions of behaviour and awareness. Neuromania holds that it will give a complete account of the sufficient conditions of awareness and behaviour. Parenting and neuroscience 32
  • 33. The correlation between neural activity and consciousness means that neural activity is consciousness. Parenting and neuroscience The Fundamental Error of Neuromania 33
  • 34. ‘Evidence’ that our deepest and most complex feelings are identical with activity in the brain (Barthels, Zeki) ‘Evidence’ that our brains are calling the shots (Libet, Soon) Parenting and neuroscience Empirical Problems with Neuromania: Exemplary Cases 34
  • 35. Andreas Bartels and Semi Zeki ‘The Neural Basis of Romantic Love’ NeuroReport 2001 11: 3829-3834 Parenting and neuroscience The Secret of Love (Romantic) 35
  • 36. Place head of subject (attached to body) in fMRI scan Record responses to pictures of the beloved and pictures of mere friends Subtract brain activity of latter from former Repeat many times on many subjects Parenting and neuroscience Finding the Secret of Love 36
  • 37. Love (romantic) is due to activity in a highly restricted area of the brain: ‘in the medial insula and the anterior cingulate cortex and, sub cortically, in the caudate nucleus and the putamen, all bilaterally’. Parenting and neuroscience What, Then, is Love? 37
  • 38. What, Then, is Love? Parenting and neuroscience 38
  • 39. Not like a response to a simple stimulus such as a picture. Not even a single enduring state, like being cold. A many-splendoured and many-miseried thing Parenting and neuroscience What is Love?A Primer for Martians and Neuromaniacs (1) 39
  • 40. Not feeling in love at that moment Hunger for, simulated indifference to, delight over the beloved Wanting to be kind to, wanting to impress the Special Other Lust, awe, surprise, joy, guilt, anger, jealousy. Imagining conversations, events; Speculating what the loved one is doing, feeling Parenting and neuroscience Love: A Primerfor Martians and Neuromaniacs (2) 40
  • 41. Not simply a property of part of an organ (brain) It is not simply a property of an organism as a whole It belongs to a self that relates to a community of minds Parenting and neuroscience Love 41
  • 42. Reduce it to a response to a stimulus Take it out of the community of minds/selves and stuff it back into the intracranial darkness Parenting and neuroscience How to Neuralise Love Etc 42
  • 43. Vul, E., Harris C., Winklielan, P., & Pashler, H. ‘Puzzlingly high correlations in fMRI studies of emotion, personality, and social cognition’ Perspectives on Psychological Science 2009; 4(3): 274-290 [Originally called ‘Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience’] Parenting and neuroscience Rumblings of Doubt 43
  • 44. Libet, B ‘Unconscious Cerebral Initiative and the Role of Conscious Will in Voluntary Action’ Behavioural and Brain Sciences 1985; 8: 529-566. ‘one of the philosophically most challenging studies.. in modern scientific psychology Haggard, P. and Eimer, M. 1999 ‘On the relation between brain potentials and voluntary movement’ Experimental Brain Research 126: 128-133. Neurodeterminism (1) Parenting and neuroscience 44
  • 45. Subjects asked to flex wrist or digit Time the Readiness Potential (RP) Subjective timing of forming intention RP precedes the timing of awareness of intention Parenting and neuroscience Libet’s Experiment 45
  • 46. Chung Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-JochenHeinze, John-Dylan Hayes ‘Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain’ Nature Neuroscience (2008); 11: 543-545. A network of control areas ‘that begins to prepare a decision long before it enters awareness’. Neurodeterminism (2) Parenting and neuroscience 46
  • 47. We don’t know what we are doing until we have found that we have done it. Parenting and neuroscience Conclusion from Libet/Soon 47
  • 48. ‘The only connexion between willing and acting is that both come from the same unconscious source’. Daniel Wegner The Illusion of Conscious Will Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 2002) Neurodeterminism (3) Unconscious Influences on Behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 48
  • 49. Simple action Only a small component of a bigger action The story of the action begins much earlier Parenting and neuroscience Critique of Libet/Soon (1) 49
  • 50. Action reduced to atoms of movement Context stripped off Overlooks that intention is a field Ignores the human world Removes the very conditions that make the experiments possible Parenting and neuroscience Critique of Libet/Soon (2) 50
  • 51. Neural activity is consciousness (and the origin of behaviour) Parenting and neuroscience Key Assumption 51
  • 52. When we are talking about the brain, we are talking about a piece of matter subject to the laws of physics Parenting and neuroscience The Neuroscientistic Orthodoxy 52
  • 53. The Neuroscientistic Orthodoxy There is only one sort of stuff, namely matter – the physical stuff of physics, chemistry and physiology – and the mind is somehow nothing but a physical phenomenon. In short, the mind is the brain… We can (in principle!) account for every mental phenomenon using the same physical principles, laws and raw materials that suffice to explain radioactivity, continental drift, photosynthesis, reproduction, nutrition and growth. Daniel Dennett Consciousness Explained Parenting and neuroscience 53
  • 54. If we have serious problems understanding the relationship between brain and even ground floor consciousness it is absurd to look to brain science to cast light on the upper storeys of human consciousness. Parenting and neuroscience Central Message 54
  • 55. Parenting and neuroscience The Ground Floor: Perception of an Object 55
  • 56. The mystery of intentionality: Perception Parenting and neuroscience Neural activity Identity Perception Light as Cause Intentionalityof gaze Glass “Glass” 56
  • 57. Limitations of the Physiology of Visual Perception The inward causal chain explains how the light gets into my brain but not how this results in a gaze that looks out. Parenting and neuroscience 57
  • 58. The mystery of intentionality Parenting and neuroscience Neural activity Identity Perception Light as Cause Intentionalityof gaze Glass “Glass” 58
  • 59. My perception of the glass would require the neural activity in the visual cortex to reach causally upstream to the events that caused them. Parenting and neuroscience The Mystery of Intentionality if Neuromania Were True 59
  • 60. Tears the hitherto seamless fabric of a causally closed material world The seed out of which grows first-person being (unique to humans) And freedom And the community of minds And the human world – the semiosphere All beyond the reach of neuroscience Parenting and neuroscience Intentionality: More Than Meets the Eye 60
  • 61. It creates the possibility of an ever-widening gap between the conscious individual and the material world This possibility is realised in humans who are not simply organisms but embodied subjects Parenting and neuroscience The Significance of Intentionality (1) 61
  • 62. The emergence of awareness of the form ‘That such-and-such is the case’ Humans are not just immersed in matter but are surrounded by ‘Thatter’ most clearly expressed in factual knowledge Parenting and neuroscience The Significance of Intentionality (2) 62
  • 63. It requires that the interaction between two material objects – the glass and my brain – should cause the one to appear to the other. Parenting and neuroscience Neuromania in Trouble 63
  • 64. The progressive enclosure of the world within the framework of physical science tends towards the elimination or disappearance of (phenomenal) appearance Parenting and neuroscience Physical Science: The Disappearance of Appearance 64
  • 65. Physical Science: The Disappearance of Appearance Replacement of phenomenal appearance by measurements Drift from the phenomena of subjective consciousness a realm of abstract, general quantitative terms. The elimination of ‘secondary qualities’ (Galileo, John Locke) Parenting and neuroscience 65
  • 66. The Disappearance of Appearance. The Bottom Line Nothing in physical science can explain why a physical object such as a brain should find, uncover, or create, appearances and, in particular, secondary qualities, in the world. Parenting and neuroscience 66
  • 67. Matter does not generate viewpoints Parenting and neuroscience The Bottom Line 67
  • 68. The Phenomenal Appearance of a Rock from No Viewpoint Parenting and neuroscience 68
  • 69. Parenting and neuroscience The Material World as Revealed by a Piece of the Material World 69
  • 70. Parenting and neuroscience The Gaze of Physics 70
  • 71. Subjects (Selves, Persons) Unity-in-multiplicity Temporal depth Parenting and neuroscience 71
  • 72. Unity-in Multiplicity of Consciousness We are co-conscious of many separate things in a conscious field Models of integration do not deliver unity-in-multiplicity - i.e. merging without mushing Models of binding do not deliver unity never mind unity-in-multiplicity Parenting and neuroscience 72
  • 73. Subjects (Selves, Persons) Unity-in-multiplicity Temporal depth Parenting and neuroscience 73
  • 74. Neurophysiology of Memory Memory as a cerebral deposit ‘Stored’ in the form of the altered reactivity of the brain Parenting and neuroscience 74
  • 75. Critique of Neurophysiology of Memory Do not capture important modes of memory e.g. autobiographical memory The past states of a material object cannot be retained in the present state of a material object Memories are explicitly of the past. Tensed time not evident in the material world Parenting and neuroscience 75
  • 76. Einstein on Tensed Time Physicists know that the distinction between past, present and future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Einstein, 1952 Parenting and neuroscience 76
  • 77. Neuromania Darwinitis Critique Parenting and neuroscience 77
  • 78. Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 78 The Distance between Man and Beast
  • 79. Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 79 The Distance between Man and Beast
  • 80. Between Human and Animal Feeding Cooking Time-regulated eating The structure of meals Meals as festivals Table ware Food miles People miles Money Parenting and neuroscience 80
  • 81. Feeding behaviour Learning behaviour Parenting and neuroscience 81 The Distance between Man and Beast
  • 82. It is something that is done rather than merely happening Involves practising Involves teaching Is mediated by institutions Includes acquisition of knowledge Is part of a life narrative Parenting and neuroscience 82 Learning in Humans
  • 83. Woven out of shared/joined attention A ‘semiosphere’ Woven out of a trillion cognitive handshakes A public domain that transcends the organism H sapiens Constructed over 100s of 1000’s of years This is how far Darwinitis is out of date Parenting and neuroscience 83 The Human World
  • 84. Parenting and neuroscience 84 Man: Reminders for Martians (1) We guide, justify, and excuse our behaviour according to general and abstract principles We create cities, laws, institutions We entertain theories about our own nature and about the world
  • 85. We frame our individual lives within a shared history We systematically inquire into the order of things and the patterns of causation and physical laws that seem to underpin that order. Parenting and neuroscience 85 Man: Reminders for Martians (2)
  • 86. Lead our lives rather than merely organically live them Live out narratives based on an elaborate sense of possibility Conscious of ourselves Conscious of other selves Conscious of the material world and its intrinsic existence and properties Parenting and neuroscience 86 Man: The Explicit Animal
  • 87. ‘Humanity transcends apehood to the same degree by which life transcends mundane chemistry and physics’. VS Ramachandran The Tell-Tale Brain. A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human 2011 Parenting and neuroscience 87 Distance from Our Nearest Animal Kin
  • 88. Language Misplaced sense of honesty Thinking that Darwinism requires it of us Confusing organisms and people Parenting and neuroscience 88 Why We Avoid Seeing the Obvious
  • 89. We personify the brain – it ‘decides’, it ‘signals’, it ‘judges’ etc So we can ‘brainify’ the person Parenting and neuroscience 89 The Power of Words
  • 90. Biology is the key to understanding human nature We are best understood as (largely) unconscious or programmed organism operating in a natural world We are not best understood as conscious agents acting in a uniquely human world The humanities are biological sciences in a primitive state of development Parenting and neuroscience 90 Biologism
  • 91. The gap between humans and non-human animals elided Even higher level awareness reduced to the properties of living matter The assumption of a fundamental difference between human actions and other events in the world looks shaky The personless laws of the physical world encroach upon, engulf and digest humanity Parenting and neuroscience 91 Consequences of Biologism(if taken seriously)
  • 92. Neuromania Darwinitis Parenting and neuroscience 92 The Proper Home of the Pillars of Unwisdom
  • 93. ‘I hear the tortoise of time explode in the micro-wave of eternity’ Parenting and neuroscience The End Is in Sight 93
  • 94. Parenting and neuroscience The Silent Acorn: The Brain 94
  • 95. Parenting and neuroscience The Whispering Wood: The Community of Minds 95
  • 96. Trying to find the community of minds, forged from a trillion cognitive handshakes, in bits of the stand-alone brain lighting up in the intracranial darkness. Parenting and neuroscience The Quintessence of Neuromania 96
  • 97. I am not against biological science. I do not have a religious agenda – I am an atheist humanist I accept Darwin’s theory is beyond reasonable doubt I am not a Creationist Nutter I am not a dualist: man is not a ghost in a machine Parenting and neuroscience 97 To Head off Misunderstanding
  • 98. Parenting and neuroscience 98 A Hard-Wired Politician?
  • 99. Man need not be degraded to a machine by being denied to be a ghost in a machine. He might, after all, be a sort of animal, namely a higher mammal. There has yet to be ventured the hazardous leap to the hypothesis that perhaps he is man. Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind Parenting and neuroscience 99 A Hazardous Leap