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Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and
Forecast to 2017
Published on June 2011

                                                                                                                                           Report Summary

This research presents actual information about the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid and its state in April 2011. The purpose of
this marketing research is to describe the situation on the Russian market of sulphur and sulphuric acid, to present actual information
about the volumes of production, export, import, consumption, and state of the market, and also the changes that took place in 2010,
as well as to build a forecast for the development of the industry in the medium term for the period until 2017.

The report on the marketing research includes:
-         Analysis and forecast of the market dynamics -                                Structure of consumption by Federal Regions -            Analysis of the
domestic production and the market shares of the main market participants -                                       Analysis of the imports and exports -        Analysis
of the factors that influence the development of the market -                                    Analysis of the state of the raw materials' base -     Analysis of the
forecast of the consuming industries -                         Evaluation and forecast of the development of the market -                    Financially-economic
profiles of the leading enterprises in the industry

-         Expert Interviews with top managers, representatives of the largest players on the market -                                   Analysis of documents,
coming from the main market participants -                            Analysis of statistical information: - The Federal Service of Government Statistics
"Rosstat" - Federal Customs Service "VED" - Ministry of the Economic Development - Federal Tax Service - Industry associations
In the report is analyzed information about the following commodity groups: -                                     Natural sulphur -      Technical sulphur -
Sulphuric acid

The report will allow you to:
Identify the major market indicators, build a forecast of the development of your own business on the basis of the state of the market
Evaluate the growth potential and market threats Main indicators, presented in the report: Volume of production, exports and imports
Market state indicators Consumption indicators

                                                                                                                                            Table of Content

Table of Contents*
1.     Executive summary                       2.     Research design              3.      Sulphur and sulphuric acid classification 4.       Characteristics of the
Russian market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 4.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian
market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 4.2. Structure of the market of sulphur and sulphuric
acid: production, export, import, consumption 5.                          Characteristics of the domestic production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 -
2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 5.1. Volume and dynamics of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011
5.1.1. Production sulphur in 2005 - March 2011 5.1.2. Production sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 5.2. Structure of the
production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation                                         5.3. Production powers of the
enterprises and coefficient of the loading of the production powers 5.4. Level of concentration of production and characteristics of the
competitiveness on the market 5.5. Main manufacturers of the sulphur and sulphuric acid and their market shares 5.5.1. OJSC
"GAZPROM"                     LLC "GAZPROM DOBYChA ASTRAHAN''"                                    LLC "GAZPROM DOBYChA ORENBURG"

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                                               >> Get this Report Now by email!           OJSC "GAZPROMNEFT'' " ONPZ"                                   OJSC "SLAVNEFT''-JaROSLAVNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.2. OJSC
"SALAVATNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.3. OJSC ANK "BAShNEFT''"                                                  OJSC "UFANEFTEHIM"              OJSC
NEFTEGAZOVAJa KOMPANIJa"                                    OJSC "MOSKOVSKIJ NPZ" 5.5.5. TAIF gruppa kompanij                           OJSC
"TAIF-NK" 5.5.6. OJSC "LUKOJL" 5.5.7. LLC "LUKOJL-PERMNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.8. OJSC "UGMK"                                                             OJSC
"SUMZ"                OJSC "SVJaTOGOR" 5.5.9. OJSC "FOSARGO"                                     OJSC "AMMOFOS"              LLC
"BALAKOVSKIE MINUDOBRENIJA" 5.5.10. OJSC "Mineral'no-himicheskaja kompanija "EvroHim'                                                  LLC "PG
"FOSFORIT"                  LLC "EVROHIM-BMU"5.5.11. OJSC "Ob'edinennaja himicheskaja kompanija "URALHIM"
OJSC "VOSKRESENSKIE MINUDOBRENIJA' 5.5.12. OJSC "WEKINOAZOT" 5.5.13. OJSC "TNK-VR Holding"                                                             CJSC
"RJaZANSKAJa NPK" 5.5.14. CJSC "GHK BOR" (RGRK) 5.6. Investment projects in the industry 6.                                              Characteristics of the prices
of sulphur and sulphuric acid                       6.1. Dynamics of the manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011
6.2. Comparison of the manufacturers' prices by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation 6.3. Dynamics of the retail prices of
the sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 7.                              Characteristics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid on the Russian
market            7.1. Volume and dynamics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid                               7.2. Manufacturing countries, leading
suppliers of the sulphur and sulphuric acid on the territory of the Russian Federation                                 7.3. Foreign companies, manufacturing the
sulphur and sulphuric acid, imported in the Russian Federation 7.4. Russian companies, recipients of the imports of sulphur and
sulphuric acid           7.5. Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation                               8.
Characteristics of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid                                  8.1. Volume and dynamics of the exports of sulphur and
sulphuric acid           8.2. Recipient countries of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid                               8.3. Manufacturing companies,
supplying sulphur and sulphuric acid for exports                          8.4. Sending regions of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 9.
Factors, influencing the development of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid                                     9.1. Standard of well-being inhabitants 9.2.
State of chemical industry 9.3. State of fertilizer manufacturing 9.4. State of petroleum industry 10. Characteristics of consumption
of sulphur and sulphuric acid                 10.1.Volume and dynamics of the consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast
for 2011 - 2017 10.2.Volume and structure of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - 2010. Forecast
for 2011 - 2017 10.3.Structure of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid by industries in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017
10.4.Balance of the production and consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010 11. Forecast of the development of the
market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2011 - 2017 11.1.Evaluation of the potential volume of supply of sulphur and sulphuric acid in
2011 - 2017              Appendix 1. Financial and economic indicators of the industry -                             Turnover (net) from sales of products, in 2006 -
2010, in billions of RUR -                  Commercial and management expenses in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR -                               Cost price of the
production in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR -                            Gross profit from sales in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR -              Investment in
industry in 2006 - 2010, in thousands of RUR -                               Average number of employees in the industry in 2006 - 2010 Appendix 2.
Profiles of the leading manufacturers Contacts of the enterprise Registration data of the enterprise Management of the enterprise
Daughter enterprises Main shareholders Accounting balance of the enterprise Profit and loss statement of the enterprise Main
financial indicators of the activity * This research is ready at 70% and is in a state of completion. On your request, we can change its
structure and contents. The ready research will be presented to you in 5 working days after your order. Data, presented in Tables -
       Dynamics of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2007 - 2016                                 -       Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 -
March 2011, thousands tons -                         Volume of production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by types in January - March 2011, thousands
tons -             Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - March 2011, thousands tons -                                      Usage of the
annual average production powers of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010, by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation, in %
 -             Average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January 2007 - March 2011
-          Volume of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing countries in 2010, thousands tons -                                       Volume of the
imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in 2010, thousands tons -                                         Volume of the imports of sulphur
and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by importing companies in 2010, thousands tons -                                         Volume of the imports of
sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation in 2010, thousands tons -                                         Volume of the Russian
exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by recipient countries in 2010, thousands tons -                                    Volume of the Russian exports of sulphur
and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in 2010, thousands tons -                                        Volume of the Russian exports of sulphur and
sulphuric acid by sending regions in 2009, thousands tons -                                      Indicators of the state of the petroleum industry in 2008 - March
2011       -         Indicators of the state of the chemical industry in 2008 - March 2011 -                             Indicators of the state of the fertilizer

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manufacturing in 2008 - March 2011 -                            Indicators of the state of the agricultural industry in 2008 - March 2011 -                Forecast of
the volume of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid for the period until 2017 by Federal Regions                                  Data, presented in Figures -
       Volume of supply on the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2007 - 2016                                 -       Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid
in 2009 - March 2011, thousands tons -                             Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in January 2008 - March 2011, in %, to the
analogical period of the previous year                      -         Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010, thousands tons -
Structure of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid, in January - March 2011 by types, thousands tons . -                                     Structure of the
production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in January - March 2011                                    -      Structure of the production of sulphur
and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - 2010 -                                      Production powers of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in
2010, thousands tons -                     Level of the usage of annual average production powers for the manufacturing of sulphur and sulphuric
acid in 2000 - 2010, in %                   -         Commissioning of production powers for the manufacturing of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the
Russian Federation in 2000 - 2010, thousands tons -                                   Indexes of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric
acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011                                  -        Indexes of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and
sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011                                    -      Dynamics of the average manufacturers' prices of
sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January 2009 - March 2011, deviation in %, to the analogical period of the
previous year -               Comparison of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions, in March
2011 -             Dynamics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011, thousands
tons -            Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by manufacturing countries in 2010.
   -         Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by manufacturing companies in 2010 -
Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by importing companies -                                       Structure of the
imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation in 2010 -                                      Dynamics of the Russian exports
of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2010, thousands tons -                                     Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by
recipient countries in 2010                 -          Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in
2010         -          Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by sending regions in 2010 -                               Indicators of the
state of the petroleum industry in 2008 - March 2011                            -           Indicators of the state of the chemical industry in 2008 - March 2011 -
    Indicators of the state of the fertilizer manufacturing in 2008 - March 2011 -                                Indicators of the state of the agricultural industry
in 2008 - March 2011 -                     Dynamics of the consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2009 - 2017,
thousands tons

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Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and Forecast to 2017

  • 1. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 Published on June 2011 Report Summary This research presents actual information about the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid and its state in April 2011. The purpose of this marketing research is to describe the situation on the Russian market of sulphur and sulphuric acid, to present actual information about the volumes of production, export, import, consumption, and state of the market, and also the changes that took place in 2010, as well as to build a forecast for the development of the industry in the medium term for the period until 2017. The report on the marketing research includes: - Analysis and forecast of the market dynamics - Structure of consumption by Federal Regions - Analysis of the domestic production and the market shares of the main market participants - Analysis of the imports and exports - Analysis of the factors that influence the development of the market - Analysis of the state of the raw materials' base - Analysis of the forecast of the consuming industries - Evaluation and forecast of the development of the market - Financially-economic profiles of the leading enterprises in the industry Methodology - Expert Interviews with top managers, representatives of the largest players on the market - Analysis of documents, coming from the main market participants - Analysis of statistical information: - The Federal Service of Government Statistics "Rosstat" - Federal Customs Service "VED" - Ministry of the Economic Development - Federal Tax Service - Industry associations In the report is analyzed information about the following commodity groups: - Natural sulphur - Technical sulphur - Sulphuric acid The report will allow you to: Identify the major market indicators, build a forecast of the development of your own business on the basis of the state of the market Evaluate the growth potential and market threats Main indicators, presented in the report: Volume of production, exports and imports Market state indicators Consumption indicators Table of Content Table of Contents* 1. Executive summary 2. Research design 3. Sulphur and sulphuric acid classification 4. Characteristics of the Russian market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 4.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 4.2. Structure of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid: production, export, import, consumption 5. Characteristics of the domestic production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 5.1. Volume and dynamics of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 5.1.1. Production sulphur in 2005 - March 2011 5.1.2. Production sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 5.2. Structure of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation 5.3. Production powers of the enterprises and coefficient of the loading of the production powers 5.4. Level of concentration of production and characteristics of the competitiveness on the market 5.5. Main manufacturers of the sulphur and sulphuric acid and their market shares 5.5.1. OJSC "GAZPROM" LLC "GAZPROM DOBYChA ASTRAHAN''" LLC "GAZPROM DOBYChA ORENBURG" Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 1/5
  • 2. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! OJSC "GAZPROMNEFT'' " ONPZ" OJSC "SLAVNEFT''-JaROSLAVNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.2. OJSC "SALAVATNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.3. OJSC ANK "BAShNEFT''" OJSC "UFANEFTEHIM" OJSC "UFIMSKIJ NPZ" OJSC "NOVO-UFIMSKIJ NEFTEPERERABATYVAJuWIJ ZAVOD" 5.5.4. OJSC "MOSKOVSKAJa NEFTEGAZOVAJa KOMPANIJa" OJSC "MOSKOVSKIJ NPZ" 5.5.5. TAIF gruppa kompanij OJSC "TAIF-NK" 5.5.6. OJSC "LUKOJL" 5.5.7. LLC "LUKOJL-PERMNEFTEORGSINTEZ" 5.5.8. OJSC "UGMK" OJSC "SUMZ" OJSC "SVJaTOGOR" 5.5.9. OJSC "FOSARGO" OJSC "AMMOFOS" LLC "BALAKOVSKIE MINUDOBRENIJA" 5.5.10. OJSC "Mineral'no-himicheskaja kompanija "EvroHim' LLC "PG "FOSFORIT" LLC "EVROHIM-BMU"5.5.11. OJSC "Ob'edinennaja himicheskaja kompanija "URALHIM" OJSC "VOSKRESENSKIE MINUDOBRENIJA' 5.5.12. OJSC "WEKINOAZOT" 5.5.13. OJSC "TNK-VR Holding" CJSC "RJaZANSKAJa NPK" 5.5.14. CJSC "GHK BOR" (RGRK) 5.6. Investment projects in the industry 6. Characteristics of the prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid 6.1. Dynamics of the manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 6.2. Comparison of the manufacturers' prices by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation 6.3. Dynamics of the retail prices of the sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011 7. Characteristics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid on the Russian market 7.1. Volume and dynamics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 7.2. Manufacturing countries, leading suppliers of the sulphur and sulphuric acid on the territory of the Russian Federation 7.3. Foreign companies, manufacturing the sulphur and sulphuric acid, imported in the Russian Federation 7.4. Russian companies, recipients of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 7.5. Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation 8. Characteristics of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 8.1. Volume and dynamics of the exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 8.2. Recipient countries of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 8.3. Manufacturing companies, supplying sulphur and sulphuric acid for exports 8.4. Sending regions of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid 9. Factors, influencing the development of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid 9.1. Standard of well-being inhabitants 9.2. State of chemical industry 9.3. State of fertilizer manufacturing 9.4. State of petroleum industry 10. Characteristics of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid 10.1.Volume and dynamics of the consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 10.2.Volume and structure of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 10.3.Structure of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid by industries in 2005 - 2010. Forecast for 2011 - 2017 10.4.Balance of the production and consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010 11. Forecast of the development of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2011 - 2017 11.1.Evaluation of the potential volume of supply of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2011 - 2017 Appendix 1. Financial and economic indicators of the industry - Turnover (net) from sales of products, in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR - Commercial and management expenses in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR - Cost price of the production in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR - Gross profit from sales in 2006 - 2010, in billions of RUR - Investment in industry in 2006 - 2010, in thousands of RUR - Average number of employees in the industry in 2006 - 2010 Appendix 2. Profiles of the leading manufacturers Contacts of the enterprise Registration data of the enterprise Management of the enterprise Daughter enterprises Main shareholders Accounting balance of the enterprise Profit and loss statement of the enterprise Main financial indicators of the activity * This research is ready at 70% and is in a state of completion. On your request, we can change its structure and contents. The ready research will be presented to you in 5 working days after your order. Data, presented in Tables - Dynamics of the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2007 - 2016 - Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - March 2011, thousands tons - Volume of production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by types in January - March 2011, thousands tons - Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - March 2011, thousands tons - Usage of the annual average production powers of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010, by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation, in % - Average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January 2007 - March 2011 - Volume of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing countries in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by importing companies in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by recipient countries in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in 2010, thousands tons - Volume of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by sending regions in 2009, thousands tons - Indicators of the state of the petroleum industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the chemical industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the fertilizer Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 2/5
  • 3. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! manufacturing in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the agricultural industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Forecast of the volume of consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid for the period until 2017 by Federal Regions Data, presented in Figures - Volume of supply on the market of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2007 - 2016 - Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2009 - March 2011, thousands tons - Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in January 2008 - March 2011, in %, to the analogical period of the previous year - Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2005 - 2010, thousands tons - Structure of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid, in January - March 2011 by types, thousands tons . - Structure of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in January - March 2011 - Structure of the production of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2005 - 2010 - Production powers of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions in 2010, thousands tons - Level of the usage of annual average production powers for the manufacturing of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2000 - 2010, in % - Commissioning of production powers for the manufacturing of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2000 - 2010, thousands tons - Indexes of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011 - Indexes of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011 - Dynamics of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January 2009 - March 2011, deviation in %, to the analogical period of the previous year - Comparison of the average manufacturers' prices of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions, in March 2011 - Dynamics of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in January - March 2011, thousands tons - Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by manufacturing countries in 2010. - Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by manufacturing companies in 2010 - Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation by importing companies - Structure of the imports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by Federal Regions of the Russian Federation in 2010 - Dynamics of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid in 2010, thousands tons - Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by recipient countries in 2010 - Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by manufacturing companies in 2010 - Structure of the Russian exports of sulphur and sulphuric acid by sending regions in 2010 - Indicators of the state of the petroleum industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the chemical industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the fertilizer manufacturing in 2008 - March 2011 - Indicators of the state of the agricultural industry in 2008 - March 2011 - Dynamics of the consumption of sulphur and sulphuric acid in the Russian Federation in 2009 - 2017, thousands tons Please note that this report will be delivered within 5 business days from the date of purchase. Russia: Market for Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid. Analysis and Forecast to 2017 (From Slideshare) Page 3/5
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