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Sadhak Anshit Describes “After Death Mystery”
Sadhak Anshit is a dynamic personality and known world wide as a meditation learner and teacher…he
is sharing his experiences with youth of India. people from all walk of life are visiting him for their
different problems. sadhak Anshit message to all humanity is – “human has a lot potential just this
potentiality has to be realized with in….a man can do anything and meditation is the key.”
The innumerable recorded and researched cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all
the recorded cases of reincarnations, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the
person and his next reincarnation on Earth. So, where do we go after death till our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a
single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence? If so, what are the factors that decide
where we go after death? In this article, we present the answers to these and other questions about this topic.
Note: In order to understand this article better, it is recommended that you read the article on the three
subtle basic components of Sattva, Raja and Tama.
Spiritual research has shown that man is comprised of the following four basic bodies:
 Physical
 Mental
 Causal or intellectual
 Supracausal or subtle ego
The picture below is a diagrammatic representation of what a human being is comprised of.
Sadhak Anshit
When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. However, the rest of his existence or consciousness
continues. The existence of the person minus the physical body is known as the subtle body (linga-dēha) and it
comprises of the mental, causal (intellect) and supracausal (subtle ego) bodies. This subtle body then goes to
one of the 13 subtle planes of existence other than the Earth plane.
There are 14 main planes of existence in the Universe. Seven of them are positive planes of existence and
seven are negative planes of existence. The seven negative planes of existence are commonly known as Hell
(Pātāl). There are numerous sub-planes within these main planes of existence.
According to an evolved Saint Adi Shankaracharya from India (8th – 9th century AD),Righteousness (Dharma) is
that which accomplishes the 3 tasks of:
1. Keeping the social system in excellent condition
2. Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being
3. Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well.
– Shri Adi Shankaracharya
Seven positive planes of existence: The planes of existence occupied mostly by living persons and subtle
bodies doing righteous deeds and engaged in spiritual practice according to the positive path of spiritual practice
are known as the seven positive planes of existence or saptalok. By positive path, we mean the orientation of
spiritual practice is towards God-realisation, which is the ultimate in spiritual growth.
The Earth plane is the only physical plane of existence in the Universe and is also the first plane of existence in
the hierarchy of the positive planes of existence in the Universe.
Seven Negative planes of existence: These are planes of existence occupied mostly by subtle bodies that
have done unrighteous deeds and are engaged in spiritual practice according to the negative path. By negative
path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice is towards attaining spiritual power, e.g. supernatural powers.
This spiritual power is primarily used to enhance one’s control over others or for negative purposes. Thus all
subtle bodies that go to any one of the planes of existence of Hell, by virtue of their evil intentions become
Refer to the article on, ‘What is a ghost’?
Sub planes of existence of Hell (Narak): Every plane of existence of Hell has a sub-plane known as Narak. For
example, the first plane of existence of Hell will have within it a sub-plane that is known as the
first Narak. Narak is reserved for the worst ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in Hell. The ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) occupying the first Narak face more severe punishment and for a
longer duration than those occupying the first plane of existence of Hell.
The diagram below shows the 14 planes of existence in the Universe.
Please note:
1. For the sake of simplicity, though we have shown the planes of existence one on top of the other in this
diagram, in reality they are around us in all directions. It’s just that Earth being the physically tangible plane is
seen; whereas the other planes are progressively more and more subtle and hence invisible to the gross eye. In
fact different people, though living on the Earth plane experience thoughts and emotions corresponding to the
different planes of existence as per their spiritual level or thoughts. For example Saints, i.e. spiritually evolved
people beyond the 70% spiritual level, lead an existence corresponding to the positive planes of existence of
Heaven and beyond. In contrast a person planning theft experiences thoughts corresponding to the 1st plane of
Hell, one planning some act aimed at harming others at 2nd plane of Hell and so on and a person planning
murder experiences thoughts corresponding to the 7th plane of Hell. However no 2 planes of existence can be
experienced simultaneously, i.e. a person cannot experience thoughts corresponding to 2 different planes, e.g.
Heaven and Mahārlok.
2. The Nether region (Bhuvarlok) to be precise is a region that is aligned away from God. We have however
depicted it as a positive plane as subtle bodies from this region still have a chance to be born on Earth to
progress spiritually.
Once subtle bodies regress to any of the regions of Hell, then there is a remote possibility of their being born on
Earth and progressing towards God.
An explanation behind the colour scheme used
Plane of
Level %
of Sattvacomponent
Type of person Predominant body6 Predominant emo
Satya 90 95
Nearly completely
Subtle ego
Sattvik happiness (5%
Bliss & Serenity (95%
Tapo 80 90
Sattvik happiness (25%
Bliss & Serenity (75%
Jana 70 85
Sattvik happiness (50%
Bliss & Serenity (50%
Mahar 605 80 Knowledgeable Intellect/Causal
Sattvik happiness9(75%
Bliss & Serenity (25%
50 75 More Merits Intellect/Causal More happiness
404 60 Fewer Merits Mental body Less happiness8
25 40 Average
Desires part of the
mental body
 Earth is depicted reddish as it represents action (i.e. subtle basic Raja component), as it is the only plane
where we have the physical body to do something.
 Heaven has been depicted in pink, which represents an abundance of happiness.
 Yellow represents spiritual knowledge and an increase in the subtle basic Sattva component. It finally
becomes almost white at the highest stage, which represents the close proximity to the unmanifest God
 The regions of Hell are represented by darker shades to black, as there is an increase in the subtle
basic Tama component.
Footnotes (based on the numbers in red in the above table):
1. Each positive and negative plane of existence beyond the Earth (physical) plane of existence becomes more
and more subtle. By subtle, we mean, that which is beyond the comprehension of the five senses, mind and
intellect. Satyalok is the subtlest positive plane, and therefore is the most difficult to perceive or comprehend
unless the highest sixth sense (ESP) level is attained.
2. Due to lack of spiritual practice and a higher proportion of demerits (sins), most people in the current era go
to either the Nether world or one of the planes of existence of Hell. We generally go to the Nether world after
death when the proportion of demerits (incurred due to wrong doings on Earth) is approximately 30%.
Demerits typically include malice towards others and a lot of desires. The likelihood of being attacked in the
Nether world by higher-level ghosts from the lower plane of existence of Hell is almost certain.
3. Earth is the only plane of existence where there is an amalgamation of people with varying spiritual levels.
However, after death we go to the precise plane of existence corresponding to our spiritual level.
4. The minimum spiritual level required to attain Heaven after death is 40%. Please refer to the article, which
describes what spiritual level is and the breakdown of the world population in 2016 according to spiritual
level. This breakdown is valid up until the coming World War 3. Basically from the Spiritual science
perspective, meritorious acts to attain Heaven or the higher positive planes of existence are those acts done
without expectation with the objective of God-realisation. The following three criteria can be applied:
 Acts done without doership, i.e., with the outlook that God Himself is getting it done from me and hence I
cannot lay claim to any credit.
 Done without expectation of acclaim or appreciation.
 Done without expectation of results. More than the acts per se, it is the attitude or outlook behind the acts
that counts more.
It is important to note that subtle bodies at the borderline of just 40% and thereabouts often get pulled back
by negative energies and hence remain in the Nether world (Bhuvarlok).
5. To attain a higher plane of existence that is beyond Heaven, one needs to be at a spiritual level higher than
60%. This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual
practice along with a major reduction in ego.
6. By predominant body, we mean the body that is most active, i.e., mental, intellect or the subtle ego. For
example, in the Nether plane of existence (Bhuvarlok), the subtle bodies still have a lot of desires and
attachments. As a result, quite often they become ghosts trying to fulfil some desire of theirs through their
descendants or people on Earth. This leaves them open to higher-level negative energies from the lower
regions of Hell; who take advantage of their cravings so as to affect people on Earth.
7. In the Nether world plane of existence, subtle bodies experience only unhappiness as desires cannot be
8. In the plane of existence known as Heaven, subtle bodies experience an overabundance of happiness. This
happiness is much beyond the happiness experienced on Earth in quantity, quality and duration. As we go
up the positive planes of existence, there is an increase in the quality of happiness and no unhappiness.
Earth 203 33 Average Physical Happiness/Unhappines
9. Sāttvik happiness means happiness derived from helping others without any expectations or strings
attached. When ego is involved in the act, it becomes rājasik.
10.Serenity is a higher spiritual experience than Bliss.
From the subtle planes of existence below Maharlok, people need to be reincarnated on the Earth plane of
existence in order to settle their destiny and complete their give-and-take accounts. If after one’s death one
attains higher regions such as Maharlok or Janalok due to higher spiritual level, one does not need to be
reincarnated as all of the individual’s remaining destiny (accumulated account) can be worked out from these
planes themselves. However, these evolved subtle bodies may choose to be born of their own will. They do so
because of their expansive nature primarily to act as spiritual guides for humanity and to help society grow
In some circumstances people who pass away even below the spiritual level of 60% can attain Maharlok. Here
the person’s potential for further spiritual growth is considered. Through spiritual research we have found that
that there are 5 factors that influence this potential for further spiritual growth.
 Having a high amount of spiritual emotion (bhāv),
 Having a low ego,
 Having an intense desire for spiritual growth,
 Doing regular spiritual practice of increasingly higher levels,
 Affected or not affected by negative energies. Being affected/possessed by negative energies can severely
obstruct the ability for spiritual growth. In the afterlife such affected subtle bodies even if they are at a
spiritual level of 60% can be obstructed from reaching the higher subtle regions of the Universe by negative
The Earth plane of existence is very important. It is the only plane of existence where we can make rapid
spiritual growth and settle our give-and-take account in the shortest period of time. The main reason for this is
that with the help of the physical body, we can do many things to enhance our spiritual growth and spiritual level
and reduce the basic subtle Tama component.
Other than Earth, spiritual growth is mostly likely to occur only in the regions beyond Heaven such
as Maharlok etc. This is because in Heaven, the subtle bodies run the risk of getting caught up in the unending
pleasures it offers. In the Nether and Hell planes of existence, the punishment is so severe and also the distress
from the other higher-level ghosts is such that it becomes very difficult to rise above the suffering to undertake
any spiritual practice of value.
Plane of existence
of Hell (Pātāl)
% of Sattva
Type of person Predominant body
1st 28% ↓ Physical ↓
2nd 25% ↓
Desires part of the
mental body
Plane of existence
of Hell (Pātāl)
% of Sattva
Type of person Predominant body
3rd 22% ↓ Mental body ↓
4th 19% Increasingly tāmasik Intellect / Causal
5th 16% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓
6th 13% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓
7th 10% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓
 As one goes to lower planes of existence of Hell, as the subtle basic Sattva component progressively
reduces the environment becomes less conducive to the experience of happiness.
 Within the planes of existence of Hell, there are some ghosts who do certain types of spiritual practice to
gain spiritual power. The highest in the hierarchy of ghosts are sorcerers from the seventh plane of existence
of Hell. They have immense spiritual power almost equivalent to a Saint at the 90% spiritual level. They
control all the other types of ghosts with lesser spiritual power.
 As one goes deeper into the various planes of existence of Hell, i.e. from 1st to 7th, the extent of happiness
experienced by the subtle bodies therein goes on decreasing and the extent of unhappiness goes on
multiplying. The minimal experience of happiness is also due to being engrossed in memories of past
positive events, pleasant memories of wealth in a past life, etc. The experience of unhappiness is due to
memories of physical pain and insulting events, memories of unfulfilled desires, e.g. regarding education,
house, career, expectation of happiness from children in past life.
 The extent of punishment/pain to be endured in the various planes of existence of Hell and their
associated Narak goes on increasing with the subsequent plane of existence of Hell. Also, the period of
punishment to be endured in each Narak is in excess compared to the corresponding plane of existence of
Hell. If we consider the punishment in first plane of existence of Hell as 100%, then the punishment in the
corresponding first Narak region is 50% more, i.e. 150%.
The following table is a description of examples along with the average intensity of happiness and unhappiness
we experience in the various planes of existence of Hell.
Plane of
Hell (Pātāl)
% of
Example of
% of
Example of unhappiness
1st 30%
Experience of
happiness by being
engrossed in
memories of
positive events in
past life
Experience of unhappiness due to
memories of physical pain and
insulting events in past life
2nd 25%
Pleasant memories
of wealthy in the
worldly transactions
Experience of unhappiness due to
memories of unfulfilled desires, e.g.
education, house, career, happiness
from children
3rd 20%
Experience of
happiness by
remembering the
fulfilled desires in
past life
Unhappiness due to unfulfilled desires
owing to lack of a physical body
4th 15%
happiness by
viewing suffering of
others and the
feeling that there are
others in the same
boat, that one is not
alone in suffering
Beginning of mental suffering due the
innumerable sufferings in Hell and
the foul smell
5th 10%
happiness with the
thought that
someone someday
will rellieve one of
the suffering
A life of slavery to sorcerers, an
overwhelming extreme dejection due
the thoughts that one will never
escape the suffering
6th – None 90%
Severe mental torture due to extreme
7th – None 100%
The constant suffering bringing about
a feeling of apathy
Note 1: In the most cases, columns of happiness and unhappiness do not add up to 100%. The reason is
that the remaining percentage is when the subtle bodies in Hell are in a state of neutral emotion. For
example, when doing some mundane task and not having happy or unhappy thoughts.
One is assigned that plane of existence which matches one’s basic nature in terms of Sattva, Raja and Tama.
This is also a function of one’s spiritual level. Hence, subtle bodies from lower positive planes of existence
cannot go to higher positive planes of existence and those from first or second negative planes of existence
cannot go to the deeper planes of existence Hell. This is similar to how people living in the planes find breathing
difficult at higher altitudes, but people staying at higher altitudes manage fine.
At the time of death, as the physical body becomes inactive the vital energy used for the functioning of the
physical body is liberated into the Universe. This vital energy at the time of death propels the subtle body away
from the Earth region. Just as the weight of a projectile decides how far a rocket will propel it, similarly the
weight of the subtle body decides which plane of existence it goes to in the subtle planes of existence in life after
The ‘weight’ of the subtle body is primarily a function of the amount of the subtle basic Tama component in our
The 3 subtle basic components: Each one of us is made up of three subtle basic components or guṇas. These
components are spiritual in nature and cannot be seen but they define our personalities. They are:
 Sattva: Purity and knowledge
 Raja: Action and passion
 Tama: Ignorance and inertia In an average person in the current era, the basic subtle Tama component is as
high as 50%.
Please read the article on the 3 subtle basic components
The more we are filled with the Raja and Tama components the more we display the following characteristics
which add to our ‘weight’ and impact which plane of existence we go to in our life after death:
 More attachment to worldly things and selfishness
 More unfulfilled desires
 Feelings of revenge
 Higher amount of demerits or wrong-doings
 Higher amount of personality defects such as anger, greed, fear, etc.
 A higher amount of ego: By ego we mean how much a person identifies himself with his body, mind and
intellect as opposed to the soul within
 Resulting in lower spiritual level
A permanent reduction in the proportion of the subtle basic Tama component and the related characteristics
mentioned above come about only with sustained spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual
practice. Psychological improvements with self-help books or trying to be nice are at best superficial and
The mental state at the point of death, apart from what has been mentioned above, is very important. Our
mental state is generally relative to the proportion of the subtle basic components in our being.
If a person is actually doing his spiritual practice such as chanting the Name of God at the time of death then the
influence of desires, attachments, ghosts, etc. are minimal possible for that person compared to his state when
not chanting. This makes his subtle body lighter. Hence, if he passes away while chanting, he attains better
plane of existence among the sub-planes than what he would have attained were he to pass away without
At the time of death, if a person is chanting the Name of God and is also in a state of surrender to God’s will,
then he attains an even better plane of existence in his life after death and his sojourn is undertaken with
lightning speed. This is because the person being in a state of surrender on Earth plane of existence itself, has
very less chance of increasing his ego in his life after death. Also, the entire responsibility of his well-being in his
life after death is undertaken by his evolved spiritual guide (Guru).
The following are the types of deeds in our life on Earth that typically land us in one of the planes of existence of
Plane of Hell
% of
Example of the type of demerit
1st 40% Causing harm limited to individuals
2nd 50%
Causing harm to parts of society like swindling many people
simultaneously as in large scale fraud
3rd 55%
Causing harm to large parts of society like adulterating food or
medicines, etc.
4th 60%
Organized harm to parts of society – violence associated with firearms
5th 70% Instigating others to cause harm to society
6th 80% Causing harm within / to part of a nation
7th 90% Causing harm to a nation as a whole and to those working for society
The extent, duration and intention behind the wrong-doings are important factors deciding the planes of
existence of Hell attained after death rather than just the action itself.
There are two types of death with regards to its timing.
Destined final death: This is the time of death that no one can escape.
Possible death: This is where a person can possibly die. Each person may undergo a possible death wherein
one comes close to death but may be saved due to his or her merits.
For more information on the types of death please refer to our article – Time of Death
In cases where a person is going through insurmountable crisis in his life or has severe personality disorders, he
may think of taking his own life in a depressed state. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) also fuel
the depression of a suicidal person and sometimes are instrumental in pushing a person over the edge into
committing suicide. However, in most cases, suicide remains a willful act that happens when a person is going
through a possible death phase as per their destiny.
Life on the Earth plane of existence is precious and is given to us primarily for spiritual growth. When we kill
others, we create/settle a karmic give-and-take account with them. However by committing suicide, we squander
away the opportunity for spiritual growth and hence incur demerits or sin. The gravity of sin can vary depending
on the circumstances under which a person commits suicide. Invariably the subtle-body of an average suicide
case will go to Bhuvarlok. However for greater sins incurred during their life and the circumstances under which
they commit suicide they can go to the lower regions of Hell.
 Killing a Saint incurs the maximum amount of sin and on a scale of 0-100, it is 100.
 Killing an ordinary person incurs 40 on the same scale
 Killing oneself incurs 30% sin as opposed to killing another person of average spiritual level. Generally
people who commit suicide are at a lower spiritual level. Their spiritual level gets eroded due to continuous
Cause Sin incurred Merits Comments
Where only oneself is involved
Physical: If one is experiencing
severe pain or terminally ill due to
illness and cannot take the pain
any more voluntary euthanasia.
30% of killing
another person of
average spiritual
Refer to the article on Euthanasia –
Section 4.2
Psychological: Severe depression,
psychiatric patient
30% of killing
another person of
average spiritual
Spiritual: Taking one’s life when
totally under the command of
negative energies
0 –
The subtle body-continues to be under
the influence of negative energies after
death. Intense spiritual practice helps to
come out of the clutches of demonic
Where others are involved
Sacrificing oneself to save others
0 Varies
Depends on who one is sacrificing for.
If sacrificing oneself for an evil person
then one in fact incurs demerits and not
Sacrificing oneself to save a
Saint’s life
0 100
Saving a Saint’s life accrues the highest
amount of merits.
Suicide bomber (killing oneself
and others)
Varies Varies
As per cause.
For example if a soldier were to kill
Hitler in a suicide mission to save
millions of lives and rid the world of a
menace, then merits would be accrued.
Alternatively if a suicide bomber killed
innocent adults and children then only
demerits would be incurred.
In the course of research by using hypnotic trance to trace the past lives of the person, it has been found that
the time lag between two reincarnations on Earth could be on average 50 to 400 years. The reasons for this time
lag are as follows:
 The subtle body remains in the Heaven or the Nether plane of existence for variable periods of time to
undergo its merits and demerits (sins).
 Circumstances on Earth plane of existence need to be favourable to complete the give-and-take account
from previous births with various people. This is in accordance with the law of Karma. The reincarnation of
the subtle body is postponed until the time various other people who they have a give-and-take account with
are also preparing to take reincarnation.
 Sometimes in past life regression, a person does not report a reincarnation in the trance state. The reason
for this is that a certain reincarnation has been very uneventful or brief and the person may not remember
any details of it.
In the case of subtle bodies that have been relegated to the deeper planes of existence of Hell, the time lag
between two reincarnations may be thousands of years. They stay in their respective plane of existence of Hell
until such time they have completed their punishment. In most cases, this means languishing in plane of
existence of Hell in their life after death till the dissolution of the Universe.
The above facts about the various planes of existence give us a fair idea of the possible consequences in our
life after death of how we live our lives. Only with spiritual practice or with extreme meritorious deeds can one go
to the higher planes of existence and thereby avoid unhappiness and punishment and enjoy higher levels of
happiness. There are also better chances of a reincarnation on Earth plane of existence in circumstances
conducive to spiritual practice. This is so that one moves further up in the subtle planes of existence in the
Universe. As we go further into the current Era of Strife (Kaliyug), there is lesser likelihood of people going to the
higher planes of existence.
Once we go to the lower planes of existence such as the Nether plane of existence or other planes of existence
of Hell, we stay there and experience severe unhappiness for centuries until we completely pay for our demerits
(sins) by suffering the intense punishments meted there and get a chance to be reincarnated on Earth.
To do consistent spiritual practice on the Earth plane of existence according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual
practice is like swimming against the tide in the current era. However, it is also a guaranteed way of advancing
to higher planes of existence in our life after death.

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Sadhak anshit describes After Death Mystery

  • 1. Sadhak Anshit Describes “After Death Mystery” Sadhak Anshit is a dynamic personality and known world wide as a meditation learner and teacher…he is sharing his experiences with youth of India. people from all walk of life are visiting him for their different problems. sadhak Anshit message to all humanity is – “human has a lot potential just this potentiality has to be realized with in….a man can do anything and meditation is the key.” Abstract The innumerable recorded and researched cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all the recorded cases of reincarnations, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the person and his next reincarnation on Earth. So, where do we go after death till our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence? If so, what are the factors that decide where we go after death? In this article, we present the answers to these and other questions about this topic. Note: In order to understand this article better, it is recommended that you read the article on the three subtle basic components of Sattva, Raja and Tama. 1. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH? Spiritual research has shown that man is comprised of the following four basic bodies:  Physical  Mental  Causal or intellectual  Supracausal or subtle ego The picture below is a diagrammatic representation of what a human being is comprised of.
  • 2. Sadhak Anshit When a person dies the physical body ceases to exist. However, the rest of his existence or consciousness continues. The existence of the person minus the physical body is known as the subtle body (linga-dēha) and it comprises of the mental, causal (intellect) and supracausal (subtle ego) bodies. This subtle body then goes to one of the 13 subtle planes of existence other than the Earth plane. 2. THE 14 PLANES OF EXISTENCE IN THE UNIVERSE There are 14 main planes of existence in the Universe. Seven of them are positive planes of existence and seven are negative planes of existence. The seven negative planes of existence are commonly known as Hell (Pātāl). There are numerous sub-planes within these main planes of existence. According to an evolved Saint Adi Shankaracharya from India (8th – 9th century AD),Righteousness (Dharma) is that which accomplishes the 3 tasks of: 1. Keeping the social system in excellent condition 2. Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being 3. Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well. – Shri Adi Shankaracharya Seven positive planes of existence: The planes of existence occupied mostly by living persons and subtle bodies doing righteous deeds and engaged in spiritual practice according to the positive path of spiritual practice are known as the seven positive planes of existence or saptalok. By positive path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice is towards God-realisation, which is the ultimate in spiritual growth. The Earth plane is the only physical plane of existence in the Universe and is also the first plane of existence in the hierarchy of the positive planes of existence in the Universe. Seven Negative planes of existence: These are planes of existence occupied mostly by subtle bodies that have done unrighteous deeds and are engaged in spiritual practice according to the negative path. By negative
  • 3. path, we mean the orientation of spiritual practice is towards attaining spiritual power, e.g. supernatural powers. This spiritual power is primarily used to enhance one’s control over others or for negative purposes. Thus all subtle bodies that go to any one of the planes of existence of Hell, by virtue of their evil intentions become ghosts. Refer to the article on, ‘What is a ghost’? Sub planes of existence of Hell (Narak): Every plane of existence of Hell has a sub-plane known as Narak. For example, the first plane of existence of Hell will have within it a sub-plane that is known as the first Narak. Narak is reserved for the worst ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in Hell. The ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) occupying the first Narak face more severe punishment and for a longer duration than those occupying the first plane of existence of Hell. The diagram below shows the 14 planes of existence in the Universe. SadhakAnshit
  • 4. Please note: 1. For the sake of simplicity, though we have shown the planes of existence one on top of the other in this diagram, in reality they are around us in all directions. It’s just that Earth being the physically tangible plane is seen; whereas the other planes are progressively more and more subtle and hence invisible to the gross eye. In fact different people, though living on the Earth plane experience thoughts and emotions corresponding to the different planes of existence as per their spiritual level or thoughts. For example Saints, i.e. spiritually evolved people beyond the 70% spiritual level, lead an existence corresponding to the positive planes of existence of Heaven and beyond. In contrast a person planning theft experiences thoughts corresponding to the 1st plane of Hell, one planning some act aimed at harming others at 2nd plane of Hell and so on and a person planning murder experiences thoughts corresponding to the 7th plane of Hell. However no 2 planes of existence can be experienced simultaneously, i.e. a person cannot experience thoughts corresponding to 2 different planes, e.g. Heaven and Mahārlok. 2. The Nether region (Bhuvarlok) to be precise is a region that is aligned away from God. We have however depicted it as a positive plane as subtle bodies from this region still have a chance to be born on Earth to progress spiritually. Once subtle bodies regress to any of the regions of Hell, then there is a remote possibility of their being born on Earth and progressing towards God. An explanation behind the colour scheme used Plane of existence1 Spiritual Level % Proportion of Sattvacomponent Type of person Predominant body6 Predominant emo Satya 90 95 Nearly completely knowledgeable Subtle ego /Supracausal Sattvik happiness (5% Bliss & Serenity (95% Tapo 80 90 Highly knowledgeable Intellect/Causal Sattvik happiness (25% Bliss & Serenity (75% Jana 70 85 More knowledgeable Intellect/Causal Sattvik happiness (50% Bliss & Serenity (50% Mahar 605 80 Knowledgeable Intellect/Causal Sattvik happiness9(75% Bliss & Serenity (25% Superior Heaven 50 75 More Merits Intellect/Causal More happiness Inferior Heaven 404 60 Fewer Merits Mental body Less happiness8 Nether (Bhuvarlok)2 25 40 Average Desires part of the mental body Unhappiness7
  • 5.  Earth is depicted reddish as it represents action (i.e. subtle basic Raja component), as it is the only plane where we have the physical body to do something.  Heaven has been depicted in pink, which represents an abundance of happiness.  Yellow represents spiritual knowledge and an increase in the subtle basic Sattva component. It finally becomes almost white at the highest stage, which represents the close proximity to the unmanifest God principle.  The regions of Hell are represented by darker shades to black, as there is an increase in the subtle basic Tama component. 3. HEAVEN AND THE OTHER POSITIVE PLANES OF EXISTENCE IN THE UNIVERSE Footnotes (based on the numbers in red in the above table): 1. Each positive and negative plane of existence beyond the Earth (physical) plane of existence becomes more and more subtle. By subtle, we mean, that which is beyond the comprehension of the five senses, mind and intellect. Satyalok is the subtlest positive plane, and therefore is the most difficult to perceive or comprehend unless the highest sixth sense (ESP) level is attained. 2. Due to lack of spiritual practice and a higher proportion of demerits (sins), most people in the current era go to either the Nether world or one of the planes of existence of Hell. We generally go to the Nether world after death when the proportion of demerits (incurred due to wrong doings on Earth) is approximately 30%. Demerits typically include malice towards others and a lot of desires. The likelihood of being attacked in the Nether world by higher-level ghosts from the lower plane of existence of Hell is almost certain. 3. Earth is the only plane of existence where there is an amalgamation of people with varying spiritual levels. However, after death we go to the precise plane of existence corresponding to our spiritual level. 4. The minimum spiritual level required to attain Heaven after death is 40%. Please refer to the article, which describes what spiritual level is and the breakdown of the world population in 2016 according to spiritual level. This breakdown is valid up until the coming World War 3. Basically from the Spiritual science perspective, meritorious acts to attain Heaven or the higher positive planes of existence are those acts done without expectation with the objective of God-realisation. The following three criteria can be applied:  Acts done without doership, i.e., with the outlook that God Himself is getting it done from me and hence I cannot lay claim to any credit.  Done without expectation of acclaim or appreciation.  Done without expectation of results. More than the acts per se, it is the attitude or outlook behind the acts that counts more. It is important to note that subtle bodies at the borderline of just 40% and thereabouts often get pulled back by negative energies and hence remain in the Nether world (Bhuvarlok). 5. To attain a higher plane of existence that is beyond Heaven, one needs to be at a spiritual level higher than 60%. This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice along with a major reduction in ego. 6. By predominant body, we mean the body that is most active, i.e., mental, intellect or the subtle ego. For example, in the Nether plane of existence (Bhuvarlok), the subtle bodies still have a lot of desires and attachments. As a result, quite often they become ghosts trying to fulfil some desire of theirs through their descendants or people on Earth. This leaves them open to higher-level negative energies from the lower regions of Hell; who take advantage of their cravings so as to affect people on Earth. 7. In the Nether world plane of existence, subtle bodies experience only unhappiness as desires cannot be fulfilled. 8. In the plane of existence known as Heaven, subtle bodies experience an overabundance of happiness. This happiness is much beyond the happiness experienced on Earth in quantity, quality and duration. As we go up the positive planes of existence, there is an increase in the quality of happiness and no unhappiness. Earth 203 33 Average Physical Happiness/Unhappines
  • 6. 9. Sāttvik happiness means happiness derived from helping others without any expectations or strings attached. When ego is involved in the act, it becomes rājasik. 10.Serenity is a higher spiritual experience than Bliss. 3.1 POSITIVE PLANES OF EXISTENCE AND REINCARNATION ON EARTH From the subtle planes of existence below Maharlok, people need to be reincarnated on the Earth plane of existence in order to settle their destiny and complete their give-and-take accounts. If after one’s death one attains higher regions such as Maharlok or Janalok due to higher spiritual level, one does not need to be reincarnated as all of the individual’s remaining destiny (accumulated account) can be worked out from these planes themselves. However, these evolved subtle bodies may choose to be born of their own will. They do so because of their expansive nature primarily to act as spiritual guides for humanity and to help society grow spiritually. In some circumstances people who pass away even below the spiritual level of 60% can attain Maharlok. Here the person’s potential for further spiritual growth is considered. Through spiritual research we have found that that there are 5 factors that influence this potential for further spiritual growth.  Having a high amount of spiritual emotion (bhāv),  Having a low ego,  Having an intense desire for spiritual growth,  Doing regular spiritual practice of increasingly higher levels,  Affected or not affected by negative energies. Being affected/possessed by negative energies can severely obstruct the ability for spiritual growth. In the afterlife such affected subtle bodies even if they are at a spiritual level of 60% can be obstructed from reaching the higher subtle regions of the Universe by negative energies. 3.2 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EARTH PLANE OF EXISTENCE The Earth plane of existence is very important. It is the only plane of existence where we can make rapid spiritual growth and settle our give-and-take account in the shortest period of time. The main reason for this is that with the help of the physical body, we can do many things to enhance our spiritual growth and spiritual level and reduce the basic subtle Tama component. Other than Earth, spiritual growth is mostly likely to occur only in the regions beyond Heaven such as Maharlok etc. This is because in Heaven, the subtle bodies run the risk of getting caught up in the unending pleasures it offers. In the Nether and Hell planes of existence, the punishment is so severe and also the distress from the other higher-level ghosts is such that it becomes very difficult to rise above the suffering to undertake any spiritual practice of value. 4. WHAT IS HELL, WHO GOES TO HELL AND WHAT IS HELL LIKE? Plane of existence of Hell (Pātāl) % of Sattva component Type of person Predominant body Predominant emotion 1st 28% ↓ Physical ↓ 2nd 25% ↓ Desires part of the mental body ↓
  • 7. Plane of existence of Hell (Pātāl) % of Sattva component Type of person Predominant body Predominant emotion 3rd 22% ↓ Mental body ↓ 4th 19% Increasingly tāmasik Intellect / Causal Increasing unhappiness 5th 16% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓ 6th 13% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓ 7th 10% ↓ Intellect / Causal ↓  As one goes to lower planes of existence of Hell, as the subtle basic Sattva component progressively reduces the environment becomes less conducive to the experience of happiness.  Within the planes of existence of Hell, there are some ghosts who do certain types of spiritual practice to gain spiritual power. The highest in the hierarchy of ghosts are sorcerers from the seventh plane of existence of Hell. They have immense spiritual power almost equivalent to a Saint at the 90% spiritual level. They control all the other types of ghosts with lesser spiritual power.  As one goes deeper into the various planes of existence of Hell, i.e. from 1st to 7th, the extent of happiness experienced by the subtle bodies therein goes on decreasing and the extent of unhappiness goes on multiplying. The minimal experience of happiness is also due to being engrossed in memories of past positive events, pleasant memories of wealth in a past life, etc. The experience of unhappiness is due to memories of physical pain and insulting events, memories of unfulfilled desires, e.g. regarding education, house, career, expectation of happiness from children in past life.  The extent of punishment/pain to be endured in the various planes of existence of Hell and their associated Narak goes on increasing with the subsequent plane of existence of Hell. Also, the period of punishment to be endured in each Narak is in excess compared to the corresponding plane of existence of Hell. If we consider the punishment in first plane of existence of Hell as 100%, then the punishment in the corresponding first Narak region is 50% more, i.e. 150%. The following table is a description of examples along with the average intensity of happiness and unhappiness we experience in the various planes of existence of Hell. Plane of Hell (Pātāl) % of happiness1 Example of happiness % of unhappiness1 Example of unhappiness 1st 30% Experience of happiness by being engrossed in memories of positive events in past life 50% Experience of unhappiness due to memories of physical pain and insulting events in past life
  • 8. 2nd 25% Pleasant memories of wealthy in the worldly transactions 55% Experience of unhappiness due to memories of unfulfilled desires, e.g. education, house, career, happiness from children 3rd 20% Experience of happiness by remembering the fulfilled desires in past life 60% Unhappiness due to unfulfilled desires owing to lack of a physical body 4th 15% Momentary happiness by viewing suffering of others and the feeling that there are others in the same boat, that one is not alone in suffering 70% Beginning of mental suffering due the innumerable sufferings in Hell and the foul smell 5th 10% Momentary happiness with the thought that someone someday will rellieve one of the suffering 80% A life of slavery to sorcerers, an overwhelming extreme dejection due the thoughts that one will never escape the suffering 6th – None 90% Severe mental torture due to extreme suffering 7th – None 100% The constant suffering bringing about a feeling of apathy Note 1: In the most cases, columns of happiness and unhappiness do not add up to 100%. The reason is that the remaining percentage is when the subtle bodies in Hell are in a state of neutral emotion. For example, when doing some mundane task and not having happy or unhappy thoughts. 5. MOVEMENT BETWEEN SUBTLE PLANES OF EXISTENCE IN THE UNIVERSE One is assigned that plane of existence which matches one’s basic nature in terms of Sattva, Raja and Tama. This is also a function of one’s spiritual level. Hence, subtle bodies from lower positive planes of existence cannot go to higher positive planes of existence and those from first or second negative planes of existence cannot go to the deeper planes of existence Hell. This is similar to how people living in the planes find breathing difficult at higher altitudes, but people staying at higher altitudes manage fine.
  • 9. 6. WHAT DECIDES WHERE WE GO AFTER DEATH? At the time of death, as the physical body becomes inactive the vital energy used for the functioning of the physical body is liberated into the Universe. This vital energy at the time of death propels the subtle body away from the Earth region. Just as the weight of a projectile decides how far a rocket will propel it, similarly the weight of the subtle body decides which plane of existence it goes to in the subtle planes of existence in life after death. The ‘weight’ of the subtle body is primarily a function of the amount of the subtle basic Tama component in our being. The 3 subtle basic components: Each one of us is made up of three subtle basic components or guṇas. These components are spiritual in nature and cannot be seen but they define our personalities. They are:  Sattva: Purity and knowledge  Raja: Action and passion  Tama: Ignorance and inertia In an average person in the current era, the basic subtle Tama component is as high as 50%. Please read the article on the 3 subtle basic components The more we are filled with the Raja and Tama components the more we display the following characteristics which add to our ‘weight’ and impact which plane of existence we go to in our life after death:  More attachment to worldly things and selfishness  More unfulfilled desires  Feelings of revenge  Higher amount of demerits or wrong-doings  Higher amount of personality defects such as anger, greed, fear, etc.  A higher amount of ego: By ego we mean how much a person identifies himself with his body, mind and intellect as opposed to the soul within  Resulting in lower spiritual level A permanent reduction in the proportion of the subtle basic Tama component and the related characteristics mentioned above come about only with sustained spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice. Psychological improvements with self-help books or trying to be nice are at best superficial and temporary. 6.1 IMPORTANCE OF THE MENTAL STATE AT THE TIME OF DEATH
  • 10. The mental state at the point of death, apart from what has been mentioned above, is very important. Our mental state is generally relative to the proportion of the subtle basic components in our being. If a person is actually doing his spiritual practice such as chanting the Name of God at the time of death then the influence of desires, attachments, ghosts, etc. are minimal possible for that person compared to his state when not chanting. This makes his subtle body lighter. Hence, if he passes away while chanting, he attains better plane of existence among the sub-planes than what he would have attained were he to pass away without chanting. At the time of death, if a person is chanting the Name of God and is also in a state of surrender to God’s will, then he attains an even better plane of existence in his life after death and his sojourn is undertaken with lightning speed. This is because the person being in a state of surrender on Earth plane of existence itself, has very less chance of increasing his ego in his life after death. Also, the entire responsibility of his well-being in his life after death is undertaken by his evolved spiritual guide (Guru). 6.2 WHO GOES TO HELL? The following are the types of deeds in our life on Earth that typically land us in one of the planes of existence of Hell. Plane of Hell (Pātāl) % of demerits Example of the type of demerit 1st 40% Causing harm limited to individuals 2nd 50% Causing harm to parts of society like swindling many people simultaneously as in large scale fraud 3rd 55% Causing harm to large parts of society like adulterating food or medicines, etc. 4th 60% Organized harm to parts of society – violence associated with firearms included 5th 70% Instigating others to cause harm to society 6th 80% Causing harm within / to part of a nation 7th 90% Causing harm to a nation as a whole and to those working for society The extent, duration and intention behind the wrong-doings are important factors deciding the planes of existence of Hell attained after death rather than just the action itself.
  • 11. 7. SUICIDE AND THE AFTER LIFE There are two types of death with regards to its timing. Destined final death: This is the time of death that no one can escape. Possible death: This is where a person can possibly die. Each person may undergo a possible death wherein one comes close to death but may be saved due to his or her merits. For more information on the types of death please refer to our article – Time of Death In cases where a person is going through insurmountable crisis in his life or has severe personality disorders, he may think of taking his own life in a depressed state. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) also fuel the depression of a suicidal person and sometimes are instrumental in pushing a person over the edge into committing suicide. However, in most cases, suicide remains a willful act that happens when a person is going through a possible death phase as per their destiny. Life on the Earth plane of existence is precious and is given to us primarily for spiritual growth. When we kill others, we create/settle a karmic give-and-take account with them. However by committing suicide, we squander away the opportunity for spiritual growth and hence incur demerits or sin. The gravity of sin can vary depending on the circumstances under which a person commits suicide. Invariably the subtle-body of an average suicide case will go to Bhuvarlok. However for greater sins incurred during their life and the circumstances under which they commit suicide they can go to the lower regions of Hell.  Killing a Saint incurs the maximum amount of sin and on a scale of 0-100, it is 100.  Killing an ordinary person incurs 40 on the same scale  Killing oneself incurs 30% sin as opposed to killing another person of average spiritual level. Generally people who commit suicide are at a lower spiritual level. Their spiritual level gets eroded due to continuous depression. Cause Sin incurred Merits Comments Where only oneself is involved
  • 12. Physical: If one is experiencing severe pain or terminally ill due to illness and cannot take the pain any more voluntary euthanasia. 30% of killing another person of average spiritual level – Refer to the article on Euthanasia – Section 4.2 Psychological: Severe depression, psychiatric patient 30% of killing another person of average spiritual level – Spiritual: Taking one’s life when totally under the command of negative energies 0 – The subtle body-continues to be under the influence of negative energies after death. Intense spiritual practice helps to come out of the clutches of demonic possession. Where others are involved Sacrificing oneself to save others selflessly 0 Varies Depends on who one is sacrificing for. If sacrificing oneself for an evil person then one in fact incurs demerits and not merits. Sacrificing oneself to save a Saint’s life 0 100 Saving a Saint’s life accrues the highest amount of merits. Suicide bomber (killing oneself and others) Varies Varies As per cause. For example if a soldier were to kill Hitler in a suicide mission to save millions of lives and rid the world of a menace, then merits would be accrued. Alternatively if a suicide bomber killed innocent adults and children then only demerits would be incurred.
  • 13. 8. WHY IS THERE A TIME LAG BETWEEN TWO REINCARNATIONS? In the course of research by using hypnotic trance to trace the past lives of the person, it has been found that the time lag between two reincarnations on Earth could be on average 50 to 400 years. The reasons for this time lag are as follows:  The subtle body remains in the Heaven or the Nether plane of existence for variable periods of time to undergo its merits and demerits (sins).  Circumstances on Earth plane of existence need to be favourable to complete the give-and-take account from previous births with various people. This is in accordance with the law of Karma. The reincarnation of the subtle body is postponed until the time various other people who they have a give-and-take account with are also preparing to take reincarnation.  Sometimes in past life regression, a person does not report a reincarnation in the trance state. The reason for this is that a certain reincarnation has been very uneventful or brief and the person may not remember any details of it. In the case of subtle bodies that have been relegated to the deeper planes of existence of Hell, the time lag between two reincarnations may be thousands of years. They stay in their respective plane of existence of Hell until such time they have completed their punishment. In most cases, this means languishing in plane of existence of Hell in their life after death till the dissolution of the Universe. 9. LIFE AFTER DEATH – IN SUMMARY The above facts about the various planes of existence give us a fair idea of the possible consequences in our life after death of how we live our lives. Only with spiritual practice or with extreme meritorious deeds can one go to the higher planes of existence and thereby avoid unhappiness and punishment and enjoy higher levels of happiness. There are also better chances of a reincarnation on Earth plane of existence in circumstances conducive to spiritual practice. This is so that one moves further up in the subtle planes of existence in the Universe. As we go further into the current Era of Strife (Kaliyug), there is lesser likelihood of people going to the higher planes of existence. Once we go to the lower planes of existence such as the Nether plane of existence or other planes of existence of Hell, we stay there and experience severe unhappiness for centuries until we completely pay for our demerits (sins) by suffering the intense punishments meted there and get a chance to be reincarnated on Earth. To do consistent spiritual practice on the Earth plane of existence according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice is like swimming against the tide in the current era. However, it is also a guaranteed way of advancing to higher planes of existence in our life after death.