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Bash for production systems
Survival guide for quality scripts
Adrien Mahieux - Sysadmin++ (Performance Engineer)
tw: @Saruspete
Adrien Mahieux - @Saruspete
French pun, because I constantly grumble...
Work in highly critical environment…
Ok, maybe not that critical. No life will be lost if we reboot the
wrong server.
My prod is not your prod
If you think you can handle it, we hire !
Time^W Latency is money
You don’t have time to rewrite everything ? You certainly
have even less time when it’s broken at the worst moment.
Why this guide ?
- Because I always forgot how to do some snippets
- Sharing is caring
- Snippets and samples are easy to read / understand / copy
- Understand use-cases before using them
What to do with it ?
- It’s not a tutorial. More like examples of safe ways to write
usual patterns.
- help you do enlightened choices. If you have all the cards in
hand, you’re the best to know what choice to make
- share with your friends & coworkers.
- stop whining "shell scripts are unreadable", and rewrite
them cleanly.
- If your script is unreadable, you don’t know bash enough (or
you shouldn’t have used it at first).
Different shells, different features
Why and When to use bash ?
Define your use-case
- Commercial Support ?
Accountability and robustness
- Supported systems ?
Wide or short list, tests, versions,
duration of support...
- Why shell script ?
Other languages available
- bash != GNU != POSIX
Check support with your target
List the features you’ll need
- Required complexity ?
Shell is bad at handling complex
parsing and long texts
- Interactions with other binaries ?
Shell is the glue between processes
but parsing is tricky.
- Are shell features enough ?
May require a lot of external tools to
process content as required
Others shells available
Shell Full Name Advantages Inconvenients
bash Bourne Again Shell Full featured Not standard on Unix
ksh Korn Shell Full featured
Not standard on Linux
ash Almquist Shell Portable
Very fast
Features missing
dash Debian Almquist Shell Portable
Very fast
More features added
Features missing
sh Bourne Shell Portable Features missing
What’s the target OS ?
OS Name /bin/sh real name Bash Location Bash Version
Linux Redhat 7 bash /bin/bash 4.2
Linux Debian 9 dash /bin/bash 4.4
Busybox ash → /bin/busybox N/A N/A
OpenBSD 6.2 ksh (pdksh) /usr/local/bin/bash 4.4
FreeBSD 12 sh (ash) /usr/local/bin/bash 4.4
OSX 10.13 bash /bin/bash 3.2
Illumos ksh93 (may vary) /bin/bash 4.3
Solaris 11 sh (not posix) (/usr/bin/xpg4) /usr/bin/bash 4.3
AIX 7.2 ksh /usr/bin/bash 4.4
"/usr/bin/env bash" to the rescue (looks in $PATH).
A word on the shebang...
Bash is only one of the many "shell command interpreter". But it’s the default one
on GNU/Linux, which is the most known and deployed *nix distribution.
Consider POSIX standard if your script is simple enough. This will ease portability.
The choice of the correct shebang is depending on target usage:
- If your script is not meant to be
re-used in an untested distribution
(eg, part of commercial product
with strict list of supported OS)
- If your script is tightly tied to the
target system, and you don’t want
to rely on the $PATH value.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
- If your script will be open-source
in some way, you should ease the
work of all contributors, whatever
their OS.
- If your script is more for users
than system, it will help
POSIX or bash ?
Features & keywords not in POSIX. Mostly coming from KSH
- Arrays and associative arrays (bash-4)
- [[ extended operator
- Replacement ${var//search/replace} or substring ${var:offset:length}
- function f { }
- declare / typeset / type
- Arithmetic for loop "for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do … ; done"
- extended glob
- /dev/tcp/$host/$port
- Named pipes
- source
- Mapfile / readarray 8
[ is a binary & a built-in.
[[ is a keyword.
function f {}
f() { }
function f() {}
[ is using arguments. No smart parsing
[[ is more lisible, faster and smarter
function does not exists in POSIX
"function f ()" only works in bash
In ksh, $0 behaves differently within
“function f” and “f()”
In bash, use $FUNCNAME
The pipestatus is an array with the return
code of all commands in a pipeline. So
"$?" Is equivalent to "${PIPESTATUS[-1]} "
Differences - built in VS binary
$ time ps
4345 pts/16 00:00:00 ps
30198 pts/16 00:00:00 bash
real 0m0.009s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m0.004s
$ /usr/bin/time ps
4349 pts/16 00:00:00 time
4350 pts/16 00:00:00 ps
30198 pts/16 00:00:00 bash
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.00elapsed
85%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
(0major+110minor)pagefaults 0swaps
Differences - Variable visibility
f1 () {
typeset v2="func" v3="func"
} ; f1
echo "v1=$v1 v2=$v2 v3=$v3"
v1=func v2=global v3=
recurse() (
[[ $1 -le 0 ]] && return
v2="$1 $(recurse $(($1 -1))"
echo "$v2"
recurse 3 ; echo "$v2"
3 2 1
POSIX: all vars are global (even those defined
inside a function)
bash: With keyword, kept local inside a function,
even if overlap a global var.
ksh: differs between “function f” and “f()” :
- function f : local, like bash
- f() : all global, like posix
Recursion ? use function parameters, or use ( )
instead of { } to declare the function body
Snippets and features
The magic header
Shebang (change according to your use)
All vars must be declared
All erasing stream must be explicit
Reset the lang to avoid localization
Reset the path to a secure one
Always work with absolute dirs ! Your
script can be called from anywhere.
If GNU readlink is not available, use :
"MYPATH="$(cd -- "$(dirname
-- "$0")" && pwd -P)"
Prefer “typeset” over “declare” for KSH
None will work on sh / ash / dash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o nounset # or "set -u"
set -o noclobber # or "set -C"
export LC_ALL=C
export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"
readonly MYSELF="$(readlink -f $0)"
readonly MYPATH="${MYSELF%/*}"
readonly MYTEMP="$MYPATH/temp/run.$$"
mkdir -p "$MYTEMP"
# If needed to cleanup
# trap '(rm -fr $MYTEMP)' TERM QUIT INT
The magic header - implications
All variables accessed must be defined, even
through tests. So you must provide a default
value if you want to test an unknown variable:
With noclobber, bash will refuse to truncate a file
if you don’t explicitly ask so with >|
set -o nounset
[[ -n "${1:-}" ]]
set -o noclobber
echo "Start instance" >|
Variable assignment - usual rules
typeset VAR1="Can by used anywhere"
ftest () {
typeset tmpval="only used localy"
echo "$VAR1 != $tmpval"
UPPERCASE variables are global to the
whole script
lowercase variables are local to a
This won’t change the variable visibility,
but you’ll have a hint on whether you
should use it or not.
This is a commonly accepted rule, but not
a language requirement. You should
adhere to it anyway.
Variable assignment - String
hostn="$(uname -n)"
strdyn="value with spaces on $hostn"
strraw='value with $special chars
strcat='The quick brown fox'
strcat+="Jumps over the lazy dog"
Always enclose interpretable strings with
double quotes !
Always enclose non-interpretable (literal)
strings with single quotes
Concatenation is also way easier with
bash "+=" syntax.
Variable assignment - String Quoting
hostn="$(uname -n)"
strdyn="value with spaces on $hostn"
strraw='value with $special chars
echo $strdyn
value with spaces on odin
echo $strraw
value with $special chars
/tmp/pulse-PKdhtXMmr1 /tmp/runtime-adrien
echo "$strraw"
value with $special chars /tmp/*
Let’s take our previous strings and focus
on the quoting...
If you don’t put double quotes between
echo, it may not change the output…
But if your string has any special char, it
will hurt you… badly… because they will
get interpreted, then passed on to echo
So, ALWAYS double quotes your
variables. Especially if they are strings.
Variable assignment - Integer
typeset -i i=5
echo $i
If you declare a variable as an int, it will
save you from mis-usage or bad values
And also ease your life with += operator
Variable assignment - Integer bases
typeset -i i=5
bash: 080: value too great for base
echo $((16#A))
echo $((36#helloworld))
echo $((16#deadbeef))
printf "%x" 3735928559
But beware of 0 as octal prefix... (may
happen if using “date +%j”)
You can also convert any base to base 10
As expected works back and forth
Variable assignment - nameref
nameref are kind of a pointer. It will avoid
you a lot of troubles with “eval”. The
nameref is assigned during the typeset.
Then, you can manipulate directly the
targeted variable with a common name.
If you modify the nameref, you’ll modify
the referenced variable (not the nameref)
If you want to change which variable is
referenced, you have to use typeset.
Same for unset: to unset the nameref (and
not the referenced var) use “-n”.
typeset foo="bar"
typeset -i num=2
typeset foo2="barbaz"
typeset -n ref="foo"
echo "The referenced var = $ref"
The referenced var = bar
echo "And now, foo=$foo"
And now, foo=foo2
typeset -n ref="foo$num"
echo "This time, foo$num=$ref"
This time, foo2=barbaz
unset -n ref
String expansion
rm /tmp/$prefix.$$.*
shopt -s globstar
ls /proc/**
bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long
sudo ls /root/.ssh/id_*
ls: cannot access /root/.ssh/id_*: No
such file or directory
Expansion (var, list, star, completion…) is
done by the shell, not the application.
If too many files matches a pattern, you’ll
have error “too many arguments”
If your shell doesn’t have access to read
files and do the expansion, you’ll have an
error, and the pattern will be provided as
is (unless you set globfail or nullglob
String Heredoc
Heredoc is very useful to put large block
of text inside a script, like a configuration
template, a help section… It’s a stream, so
uses stdin/out, not arguments.
Why use tabs instead of space for
indenting (aside the fact it’s their primary
usage) ? Because bash can strip the tabs
on this heredoc, not spaces.
As usual, if you don’t want any expansion
to happen, use single quotes between
your separator keyword
You may also use heredoc as a cheap
environment variable and command
processing inside a configuration file for
your application (but shouldn’t)
$ cat >/tmp/toto <<EOT
Usage: $0 <required> [optional]
This is a multiline text
$ cat <<-EOT
Using "<<-", the tabs at start of this text
are stripped, so you can keep indent
$ cat << 'EOT'
This text won't be taken as a litteral.
No $variable or $(cat /etc/passwd) will expand
$ (echo 'cat << _EOT'; cat file.cfg; echo
Process - Execution
cat /proc/self/mounts
usrs="`getent passwd|awk -F: '{print $1}'`"
grps="$(getent group|awk -F: '{print $1}')"
alias ls="ls --color"
cd() {
builtin cd "$@" && echo "$PWD"
To execute a cmd, just call it…
To capture its output, you can use
`cmd` or $(cmd). But for sake of
clarity, always use $(cmd) format.
Even when overridden, you can
still call the binary by prefixing 
But if you want a builtin, just prefix
the command by "builtin"
Process - Background processes
tail -f /var/log/messages >/dev/null
for i in {1..10}; do
sleep $i &
wait $!
You can run cmds in background...
and forget about them (daemon like)
Or launch multiple applications in
And only wait for the last one you launched
Or wait for all of them
Process - Job specification
for i in {1..9}; do
sleep 10$i &
[1] Running sleep 10$i &
[2] Running sleep 10$i &
[ . . . ]
[7] Running sleep 10$i &
[8]- Running sleep 10$i &
[9]+ Running sleep 10$i &
kill %5
fg %-
Lets start a few commands in
And you can see their jobspec ID and
status using “jobs”
%X : where X is the jobspec ID
%+ : (current job) the command you act
on if you don’t specify a jobspec ID.
%- : one-before last command.
Builtin like wait, disown, kill, fg, bg…
understand the % as a jobspec id.
Process - Coprocess
Just. Fuckin’. Don’t.
If you need coprocess, you need another
scripting language, like python or perl.
if you are Clifford Williams level and can
produce scripts like the one pasted here.
But in that case, you won’t learn anything
new within this document
#!/usr/bin/env ksh93
#Author: G. Clifford Williams
#Purpose: This is a simple producer/consumer example written in KSH93 to
# demonstrate parallel execution with discreet I/O.
#Note: This example script requires KSH93. It will not work with BASH, PDKSH,
# MKSH, ZSH, KSH88, etc. Further it incorporates features foun in version r+
# and later. KSH93 u+ has been around for 5 years and is the version I used
# but your mileage may vary.
typeset -a inputs=()
typeset -a outputs=()
set +o bgnice
for counter in {A..F}{0..9} ; do
#create a background job that has output on it's STDOUT at a random interval
{ while true ; do
#print -n "pump ${counter}: $(date)" >> ${my_file}
integer sleep_time=$(( $(( $RANDOM + 1 )) / 32768.0 * 5 ))
printf "pump %s/%i: %(%H:%M:%S)Tn" ${counter} ${sleep_time} now
sleep ${sleep_time}
# The '|&' above is how ksh launches a co-process in the background with
# bi-directional I/O. We wrap everything in a command-list ({;}) for clarity
#The bit below can seem confusing. The co-process produces output which is
#input to the consumer. We aren't sending any messages to the co-process in
#this case but if we were our output would be the input to the co-process.
#The [in,out](put) variables are named from the perspective of the parent.
exec {in}<&p #store the output fdesc in $in
inputs+=( ${in} ) #append the value in $in to the $inputs list
exec {out}>&p #store the input fdesc in $out
outputs+=( ${out} ) #append the value in $out to the $outputs list
while true; do #perpetual loop
for counter in ${inputs[*]}; do #iterate through the list of input fdescs
unset line_in #clear our holder variable
read -t0.1 -u${counter} line_in #timeout after .1 seconds of no input
if [[ -z "${line_in}" ]] ; then
print "${counter}: timed out"
print "${counter}: ${line_in}"
Process - Signal handling
readonly TMPDIR="/tmp/data.$$"
mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
trap INT QUIT TERM cleanup
trap USR1 status
cleanup () {
rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
status () {
echo "Current TMPDIR: $TMPDIR"
Use “trap” to catch signals like Ctrl+C or
You can list available signals with “trap
-l”, but don’t trap them if you don’t know
what they’re doing !
Tests - “if test1 / else” VS “test1 && { } || { }”
# if/elif/else/fi are real test keywords
# the result of the test in them are the only
# way to act on a branch. The result inside
# their block doesn’t change the validity of
# the differents branches.
if grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null; then
[[ -e /nonexistantfile ]]
echo "This should not be printed"
# Nothing is displayed
# { ... } is a ‘group command’.
# its last command will be the return code
# of the whole group.
# By using a || or && after, bash will act
# on this final return code, not just the
# test at the beginning.
grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null && {
[[ -e /nonexistantfile ]]
} || {
echo "This should not be printed"
# Display "This should not be printed"
Variable tests - [ or [[
# In pure bash, always use [[
typeset -i foo=15
[[ $foo -gt 7 ]]
[[ $foo > 7 ]]
[[ $foo = 15 && $foo < 30 ]]
# Finding a string
haystack='spaces and * $$ >'
[[ "$haystack" = *$needle* ]]
# same, but case insensitive
shopt -s nocasematch
[[ "$haystack" = *$needle* ]]
# Use [ for POSIX compatibility
[ "$foo" -gt 7 ]
[ $(($foo > 7)) -ne 0 ]
[ "$foo" = 7 ] && [ "$foo" -lt 30 ]
# You’ll need to use grep or a switch
case $haystack in
*and*) echo 'found !' ;;
# Could also be done with "grep -i"
case $haystack in
*[aA][nN][dD]*) echo 'found !' ;;
# Beware of [ and keywords, like ‘>’
[ "$foo" > 7 ] # will create file '7'
Variable tests
Test if $v ... Do Don’t
is empty [[ -z "$v" ]] [ x$v = x ]
is equal to $x [[ "$v" = "$x" ]] [ $v = $x ]
is in a list of words [[ "$v" =~ ^(foo|bar)$ ]] echo "$v"|egrep '^(foo|bar)$'
contains a pattern [[ "$v" = *"foo"* ]] echo "$v"|grep -i 'foo'
Variable default value
Action Format
Expands to "def" if $v is unset. Else expands to value of $v ${v-def}
Expands to "def" if $v is unset or empty. Else expands to value of $v ${v:-def}
Expands to "def" if $v is set. Else expands to nothing ${v+def}
Expands to "def" if $v is set and not empty. Else expands to nothing ${v:+def}
Set value of $v to "def" if $v is unset. Expands to the final value of $v ${v=def}
Set value of $v to "def" if $v is unset or empty. Expands to the final value of $v ${v:=def}
# You can use :+ for options mapping between options and external tools
myimagetool ${ratio:+--ratio=$ratio} ${crop:+--crop=$crop} file.png
Variable modification
Action Format Result
Remove ending-pattern ${v%.txt} /path/to/prefix_file
Remove ending-pattern (ungreedy) ${v%/*} /path/to
Remove starting-pattern (ungreedy) ${v#*/} path/to/prefix_file.txt
Remove starting-pattern (greedy) ${v##*/} prefix_file.txt
Replace pattern with another ${v//p??/foo} /fooh/to/foofix_file.txt
Replace starting pattern with another (greedy) ${v/#*prefix/new
Replace ending nattern with another (greedy) ${v/%.*/.pdf} /path/to/prefix_file.pdf
Substring (starting at pos 6, for 4 chars) ${v:6:4} to/p
Substring (last 5 chars) ${v:(-5)} e.txt
Variable modification
s="hello World fooBAR"
Action Format Result
Uppercase the first occurence of “o” ${s^o} hellO World fooBAR
Uppercase all chars ${s^^} HELLO WORLD FOOBAR
Uppercase all occurences of “o” ${s^^o} hellO WOrld fOOBAR
Lowercase the full string ${s,,} Hello world foobar
Invert the case of first char ${s~} Hello World fooBAR
Invert the case of all chars ${s~~} HELLO wORLD FOObar
Invert the case of letters o ${s~~o} hellO WOrld fOOBAR
Variable modification - arrays
typeset -a ifaces=( $(find /sys/class/net/ -type l)
echo ${ifaces[@]}
/sys/class/net/lo /sys/class/net/enp0s31f6
/sys/class/net/wwp0s20f0u6 /sys/class/net/wlp4s0
echo ${ifaces[@]##*/}
lo enp0s31f6 wwp0s20f0u6 wlp4s0 virbr0
typeset -a opts=("hello" "world")
echo cmd ${opts[@]/#/--text=}
cmd --text=hello --text=world
You can act on all values
in an array too.
Decomposing it:
ifaces[@] : all values
## : Remove all matches
*/ : Pattern to remove
For all values of array
opts, replace from
begining ("/#") all empty
values (no pattern given)
by "--text=" (text after the
2nd "/")
Variable expansion - Position parameters
$@ $* "$@" "$*"
(A3.1 A3.2)
./ "A1" "A2" "A3.1 A3.2"
for v in $@; do
echo "($v)"
99% of the time, you’ll want to use “$@” to
keep intact your elements with spaces
Without quotes, $@ and $* have same
The only caveat comes with "$*" : It use the
first char of $IFS as separator (which
happens to be space by default).
poorManCsv() {
echo "$*"
poorManCsv hello world "1 2 3"
Hello;world;1 2 3
Variable expansion - On array
usesOnlyArgs2and3 () {
for v in "${@:2:2}"; do
echo "($v)"
usesOnlyArgs2and3 v1 v2 "v3.1 v3.2" v4
(v3.1 v3.2)
If you apply the substring format to
an array (${@:x:y} or ${t[@]:x:y}),
instead of doing a substring, it will
select Y elements of the array
starting from element number X
Beware: when using an array,
elements IDs starts at 0.
When using $@, $@[0] is equivalent
to $0 which is the name of the
script. So elements ID are shifted by
Brace expansion
$ echo prefix-{x,y,z}-suffix
prefix-x-suffix prefix-y-suffix prefix-z-suffix
$ echo mv /path/to/file{,.bak}
mv /path/to/file /path/to/file.bak
$ echo mkdir -p "/home/www/"{bin,cron,html,{conf,logs,priv}/{nginx,phpfpm}}
mkdir -p /home/www/bin /home/www/cron /home/www/html
/home/www/conf/nginx /home/www/conf/phpfpm
/home/www/logs/nginx /home/www/logs/phpfpm
/home/www/priv/nginx /home/www/priv/phpfpm
# But beware, chars are expanded from their ASCII code...
$ echo {d..Z}
d c b a ` _ ^ ] [ Z Y X
Array - Indexed
typeset -a t
# Push (ksh way):
t[${#t[@]}]="use this"
# Push (bash style)
t+=("Prefer this")
t+=("Much cleaner")
t+=("Bash syntax")
# Count:
# Iterate over values
for value in "${t[@]}"; do :; done
# Iterate over values using index
for key in "${!t[@]}"; do
typeset value="${t[$key]}"
# Replace over an array
t[0]="hello world"
t[1]="hi there"
for i in "${t[@]//h/z}"; do echo "$i";
zello zorld
hi zhere
Array - Associative
Same as indexed arrays but declared
using "typeset -A"
Available on bash4 and ksh88+
Automatically ordered on ksh
Can expand and filter keys with
typeset -A t
# Like a foreach
for key in ${!t[@]}; do
# Can also autocomplete indexes
echo "${!BASH@}"
unset ${!PYTHON@}
Array - mapfile / readarray
# Read file.txt and put lines in ARR
readarray ARR < file.txt
# read only 5 lines after the 2nd line
readarray -s 2 -n 5 ARR < /etc/passwd
# There is also a callback, to be called
# every X quantum
cb () {
echo "$num = $str"
mapfile -C 'cb' -c 1 ARR < /etc/passwd
Easily map a stream into an
It’s also easier than play with tail
+ head.
As the line ($2) contains also
the separator (n here), I’m
removing it with "${2%?}" as it’s
the last char.
Loops - iterate over elements
words="hello world foo bar"
for w in $words; do
echo "($w)"
typeset -a words=("hello world" "foo bar")
for w in "${words[@]}"; do
echo "($w)"
for file in /var/tmp/*; do
echo "==== $file: $(< $file)"
for i in {1..10}; do
echo "Im the $i"
For loop are used to iterate over a
list of words (based on $IFS).
If you have a word that has an $IFS
inside, it’ll be split in two. Double
quotes won’t work: “$word” will be
seen as a single element: use arrays
If you want to list files, don’t call for
“ls”, simply use patterns
Loops - while read
while IFS=: read login pass uid gid gecos home shell _canary; do
[[ -n "$_canary" ]] && {
echo "Line for user $login is malformated (canary: $_canary)"
echo "$login - $uid - $home"
done < /etc/passwd
- The last var in the list will contain all remaining words (useful for reading the whole line with “while
read line”).
- If you need to change IFS, put it just after the "while", like an environment variable set only to “read”,
so it will not "contaminate" the loop, nor after.
- If you have a fixed number of elements, add a “canary” (_junk) at the end. If it not empty, that means
you had more fields than awaited, and some vars are potentially incorrect.
Loops - while read + var assignation inside
typeset -A users
awk -F: '$3>100{print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd | while read login gecos; do
for login in ${!users[@]}; do
echo "$login = ${users[$login]}"
Solution 1 : Bashism
while read login gecos; do
done < <(awk -F: '$3>100{print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd)
Solution 2 : Set hack
set +m
shopt -o lastpipe
Won’t work : pipe will execute left expression in a subshell, not propagating variables to parent shell.
Streams - redirection
cat file1 | sort > /tmp/$$.f1
cat file2 | sort > /tmp/$$.f2
vimdiff /tmp/$$.f1 /tmp/$$.f2
rm /tmp/$$.f1 /tmp/$$.f2
# Is equivalent to :
vimdiff <(cat file1 | sort) <(cat file2
| sort)
When using tools that requires files to
work on (eg, diff 2 content), but the
output is from commands, you need to
use temporary files.
With bash, no need to use temporary
files, it’ll provide the stdout’ fd to other
Streams - redirection
# Prefix the stderr redirection
echo >&2 "This is an error message"
# Redirect stderr to stdout
exec 2>&1
# Or close them all before daemonizing
exec 0>&- 1>&- 2>&-
# You can create new out FD
exec 99>/tmp/debug.log
# But beware of the order!
exec 2>&1 1>/dev/null
# Is different from
Exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
Outputs the message to stderr. Useful
for logging
You can also redirect streams while in
the script. Close them with "&-"
If you try to write to a closed fd, you’ll
have the error “Bad file descriptor”
Redirections are using dup() to duplicate
a stream, so calling order is critical !
If you send a stream to a target(2>&1)
then close the target (1>/dev/null) 2 will
still have a fd opened to original target.
Streams - Embedded TCP client
# No telnet ? bash can act like one...
# Open the socket as a stream
exec 5<> /dev/tcp/$server/$port
# Write something to it
echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0nHost: ${server}nn"
# and read from it
cat 0<&5
# When finished, close it
exec 5>&-
Virtual folder /dev/tcp is
handled by bash.
You can use it as a standard
Then, a lot of tools can be
rewritten as pure bash, given
you implement the protocol :)
# Combine the topics we saw
# A simple log to stderr
echo >&2 "Starting debugging"
# Change the debug prefix to a more useful one
# Push the debug log in a dedicated file
exec 99>$0.dbg
# And activate debug
set -x
Flags to change bash behavior
Shell Options - stricture
set -o nounset # set -u
set -o noclobber # set
set -o noexec # set -n
set -o errexit # set -e
set -o monitor # set -m
set -o pipefail
All variables used must be defined first
Do not truncate an existing & non empty file
Do not execute any command (check syntax)
Exit on first return code != 0 (beware!)
Monitor processes
Return code will be the one of the first rightmost
failing (non-0) program in the pipeline, instead of
only the last (leftmost) called in pipeline.
Shell Options - debug
set -o monitor # set -m
set -o verbose # set -v
set -o xtrace # set -x
Monitor processes
Show content of code being processed
Enable cross-calls debug (execution and tests)
Shell Options - nullglob
$ for f in /etc/toto*; do
echo "== $f"
== /etc/toto*
$ shopt -s nullglob
$ for f in /etc/toto*; do
echo “== $f”
By default, if a pattern doesn’t match any file,
the shell will use the pattern itself as a literal
string. Then, the for loop will use this literal
string as if it matched a filed called “/etc/toto*”,
which does not exists.
By enabling nullglob, if a pattern doesn’t match
any file, it will expand to null (empty), so the
loop is never entered.
Shell Options - extglob / dotglob / globstar
$ shopt -s extglob
+( ) @( ) !( ) *( )
$ ls -d *config
ls: cannot access *config:
No such file or directory
$ shopt -s dotglob
$ ls -d *config
$ ls /proc/$$/**
$ shopt -s globstar
$ ls /proc/$$/**
Shell Options - nice for interactive shell
shopt -s autocd
shopt -s dirspell
shopt -s direxpand
shopt -s histappend
set -o notify # set -b
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;history
Report the status of terminated
background job immediately, rather than
waiting for next prompt.
This will sync the history between
multiple instances (zsh-like)
Special Variables
Bonus - grep and awk useful snippets
grep useful snippets
# Avoid grep in process list
ps aux | grep process | grep -v grep
# Escape some regex-related chars
echo "Hello+.+" | grep '.+'
# Grep in shell scripts
find -name '*.sh' -exec grep DOH {}
# What about "Useless Use Of cat" ?
cat bar.txt | grep foo
# And what about couting ?
grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
# This one self-excludes
ps aux | grep [p]rocess
# Use -F to avoid any regex
echo "Hello+.+" | grep -F '.+'
# Grep can do recursion itself
grep -r --include '*.sh' DOH
# Just call grep
grep foo bar.txt
# Same thing : only grep
grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
awk useful snippets
# Awk is often reduced to "print
grep foo bar.txt | awk '{print $1}'
# Instead of multiple programs
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd |grep -v
# Operations can be complex...
typeset -i s=0
for i in $(cut -d: -f3
echo $s
# But awk is self-sufficient for grep
awk '/foo/{ print $1 }' bar.txt
# simply change the separator
awk -F: '$1!="root"{print $1}'
# while summing in awk is easy too !
awk -F: '{s+=$3} END{print s}'
Tools and Bibliography
Shell-Lab : Code Snippets and tests against different shell interpreters please contribute :-)
ShellCheck : static analysis (linter) for shell code. /
Checkbashims : Check your script for elements not available in posix flavour.
POSIX Shell:
Bash POSIX mode:
Bash reference sheet:
POSIX Tricks:
ksh/bash differences:
Bash pitfalls:
Options parsing:
Many thanks for their contribution
Benjamin Riou
Aurelien Rougement - Beorn
Graham Christensen - grhmc
G. Clifford Williams -

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Bash production guide

  • 1. Bash for production systems Survival guide for quality scripts Adrien Mahieux - Sysadmin++ (Performance Engineer) gh: tw: @Saruspete gm:
  • 2. $(whoami) Adrien Mahieux - @Saruspete French pun, because I constantly grumble... Work in highly critical environment… Ok, maybe not that critical. No life will be lost if we reboot the wrong server. My prod is not your prod If you think you can handle it, we hire ! Time^W Latency is money You don’t have time to rewrite everything ? You certainly have even less time when it’s broken at the worst moment. Why this guide ? - Because I always forgot how to do some snippets - Sharing is caring - Snippets and samples are easy to read / understand / copy - Understand use-cases before using them What to do with it ? - It’s not a tutorial. More like examples of safe ways to write usual patterns. - help you do enlightened choices. If you have all the cards in hand, you’re the best to know what choice to make - share with your friends & coworkers. - stop whining "shell scripts are unreadable", and rewrite them cleanly. - If your script is unreadable, you don’t know bash enough (or you shouldn’t have used it at first). 2
  • 4. Why and When to use bash ? Define your use-case - Commercial Support ? Accountability and robustness - Supported systems ? Wide or short list, tests, versions, duration of support... - Why shell script ? Other languages available - bash != GNU != POSIX Check support with your target List the features you’ll need - Required complexity ? Shell is bad at handling complex parsing and long texts - Interactions with other binaries ? Shell is the glue between processes but parsing is tricky. - Are shell features enough ? May require a lot of external tools to process content as required 4
  • 5. Others shells available 5 Shell Full Name Advantages Inconvenients bash Bourne Again Shell Full featured Not standard on Unix ksh Korn Shell Full featured Fast Not standard on Linux ash Almquist Shell Portable Very fast Features missing dash Debian Almquist Shell Portable Very fast More features added Features missing sh Bourne Shell Portable Features missing
  • 6. What’s the target OS ? OS Name /bin/sh real name Bash Location Bash Version Linux Redhat 7 bash /bin/bash 4.2 Linux Debian 9 dash /bin/bash 4.4 Busybox ash → /bin/busybox N/A N/A OpenBSD 6.2 ksh (pdksh) /usr/local/bin/bash 4.4 FreeBSD 12 sh (ash) /usr/local/bin/bash 4.4 OSX 10.13 bash /bin/bash 3.2 Illumos ksh93 (may vary) /bin/bash 4.3 Solaris 11 sh (not posix) (/usr/bin/xpg4) /usr/bin/bash 4.3 AIX 7.2 ksh /usr/bin/bash 4.4 "/usr/bin/env bash" to the rescue (looks in $PATH). 6
  • 7. A word on the shebang... 7 Bash is only one of the many "shell command interpreter". But it’s the default one on GNU/Linux, which is the most known and deployed *nix distribution. Consider POSIX standard if your script is simple enough. This will ease portability. The choice of the correct shebang is depending on target usage: #!/bin/bash - If your script is not meant to be re-used in an untested distribution (eg, part of commercial product with strict list of supported OS) - If your script is tightly tied to the target system, and you don’t want to rely on the $PATH value. #!/usr/bin/env bash - If your script will be open-source in some way, you should ease the work of all contributors, whatever their OS. - If your script is more for users than system, it will help
  • 8. POSIX or bash ? Features & keywords not in POSIX. Mostly coming from KSH - Arrays and associative arrays (bash-4) - [[ extended operator - Replacement ${var//search/replace} or substring ${var:offset:length} - function f { } - declare / typeset / type - Arithmetic for loop "for ((i=0; i<10; i++)); do … ; done" - extended glob - $RANDOM $BASH_* - /dev/tcp/$host/$port - Named pipes - source - Mapfile / readarray 8
  • 9. Differences [ is a binary & a built-in. [[ is a keyword. function f {} f() { } function f() {} $0 $FUNCNAME $LINENO ${PIPESTATUS[@]} [ is using arguments. No smart parsing [[ is more lisible, faster and smarter function does not exists in POSIX "function f ()" only works in bash In ksh, $0 behaves differently within “function f” and “f()” In bash, use $FUNCNAME The pipestatus is an array with the return code of all commands in a pipeline. So "$?" Is equivalent to "${PIPESTATUS[-1]} " 9
  • 10. Differences - built in VS binary $ time ps PID TTY TIME CMD 4345 pts/16 00:00:00 ps 30198 pts/16 00:00:00 bash real 0m0.009s user 0m0.004s sys 0m0.004s $ /usr/bin/time ps PID TTY TIME CMD 4349 pts/16 00:00:00 time 4350 pts/16 00:00:00 ps 30198 pts/16 00:00:00 bash 0.00user 0.00system 0:00.00elapsed 85%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2140maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (0major+110minor)pagefaults 0swaps 10
  • 11. Differences - Variable visibility 11 v1="global" v2="global" f1 () { v1="func" typeset v2="func" v3="func" } ; f1 echo "v1=$v1 v2=$v2 v3=$v3" v1=func v2=global v3= recurse() ( [[ $1 -le 0 ]] && return v2="$1 $(recurse $(($1 -1))" echo "$v2" ) recurse 3 ; echo "$v2" 3 2 1 global POSIX: all vars are global (even those defined inside a function) bash: With keyword, kept local inside a function, even if overlap a global var. ksh: differs between “function f” and “f()” : - function f : local, like bash - f() : all global, like posix Recursion ? use function parameters, or use ( ) instead of { } to declare the function body
  • 13. The magic header Shebang (change according to your use) All vars must be declared All erasing stream must be explicit Reset the lang to avoid localization Reset the path to a secure one Always work with absolute dirs ! Your script can be called from anywhere. If GNU readlink is not available, use : "MYPATH="$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)" Prefer “typeset” over “declare” for KSH None will work on sh / ash / dash #!/usr/bin/env bash set -o nounset # or "set -u" set -o noclobber # or "set -C" export LC_ALL=C export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" readonly MYSELF="$(readlink -f $0)" readonly MYPATH="${MYSELF%/*}" readonly MYTEMP="$MYPATH/temp/run.$$" mkdir -p "$MYTEMP" # If needed to cleanup # trap '(rm -fr $MYTEMP)' TERM QUIT INT 13
  • 14. The magic header - implications All variables accessed must be defined, even through tests. So you must provide a default value if you want to test an unknown variable: ${varname:-defaultvalue} With noclobber, bash will refuse to truncate a file if you don’t explicitly ask so with >| set -o nounset [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] set -o noclobber echo "Start instance" >| file.log 14
  • 15. Variable assignment - usual rules typeset VAR1="Can by used anywhere" ftest () { typeset tmpval="only used localy" echo "$VAR1 != $tmpval" } UPPERCASE variables are global to the whole script lowercase variables are local to a function. This won’t change the variable visibility, but you’ll have a hint on whether you should use it or not. This is a commonly accepted rule, but not a language requirement. You should adhere to it anyway. 15
  • 16. Variable assignment - String hostn="$(uname -n)" strdyn="value with spaces on $hostn" strraw='value with $special chars /tmp/*' strcat='The quick brown fox' strcat+="Jumps over the lazy dog" Always enclose interpretable strings with double quotes ! Always enclose non-interpretable (literal) strings with single quotes Concatenation is also way easier with bash "+=" syntax. 16
  • 17. Variable assignment - String Quoting hostn="$(uname -n)" strdyn="value with spaces on $hostn" strraw='value with $special chars /tmp/*' echo $strdyn value with spaces on odin echo $strraw value with $special chars /tmp/pulse-PKdhtXMmr1 /tmp/runtime-adrien /tmp/ssh-OwoBLZD6leEN echo "$strraw" value with $special chars /tmp/* Let’s take our previous strings and focus on the quoting... If you don’t put double quotes between echo, it may not change the output… But if your string has any special char, it will hurt you… badly… because they will get interpreted, then passed on to echo So, ALWAYS double quotes your variables. Especially if they are strings. 17
  • 18. Variable assignment - Integer typeset -i i=5 i="hello" echo $i i=0 i+=2 If you declare a variable as an int, it will save you from mis-usage or bad values And also ease your life with += operator 18
  • 19. Variable assignment - Integer bases typeset -i i=5 i=080 bash: 080: value too great for base echo $((16#A)) 10 echo $((36#helloworld)) 1767707668033969 echo $((16#deadbeef)) 3735928559 printf "%x" 3735928559 deadbeef But beware of 0 as octal prefix... (may happen if using “date +%j”) You can also convert any base to base 10 As expected works back and forth 19
  • 20. Variable assignment - nameref nameref are kind of a pointer. It will avoid you a lot of troubles with “eval”. The nameref is assigned during the typeset. Then, you can manipulate directly the targeted variable with a common name. If you modify the nameref, you’ll modify the referenced variable (not the nameref) If you want to change which variable is referenced, you have to use typeset. Same for unset: to unset the nameref (and not the referenced var) use “-n”. typeset foo="bar" typeset -i num=2 typeset foo2="barbaz" typeset -n ref="foo" echo "The referenced var = $ref" The referenced var = bar ref="foo$num" echo "And now, foo=$foo" And now, foo=foo2 typeset -n ref="foo$num" echo "This time, foo$num=$ref" This time, foo2=barbaz unset -n ref 20
  • 21. String expansion rm /tmp/$prefix.$$.* shopt -s globstar ls /proc/** bash: /bin/ls: Argument list too long sudo ls /root/.ssh/id_* ls: cannot access /root/.ssh/id_*: No such file or directory Expansion (var, list, star, completion…) is done by the shell, not the application. If too many files matches a pattern, you’ll have error “too many arguments” If your shell doesn’t have access to read files and do the expansion, you’ll have an error, and the pattern will be provided as is (unless you set globfail or nullglob option) 21
  • 22. String Heredoc Heredoc is very useful to put large block of text inside a script, like a configuration template, a help section… It’s a stream, so uses stdin/out, not arguments. Why use tabs instead of space for indenting (aside the fact it’s their primary usage) ? Because bash can strip the tabs on this heredoc, not spaces. As usual, if you don’t want any expansion to happen, use single quotes between your separator keyword You may also use heredoc as a cheap environment variable and command processing inside a configuration file for your application (but shouldn’t) $ cat >/tmp/toto <<EOT Usage: $0 <required> [optional] This is a multiline text EOT $ cat <<-EOT Using "<<-", the tabs at start of this text are stripped, so you can keep indent EOT $ cat << 'EOT' This text won't be taken as a litteral. No $variable or $(cat /etc/passwd) will expand EOT $ (echo 'cat << _EOT'; cat file.cfg; echo '_EOT')|/bin/sh 22
  • 23. Process - Execution cat /proc/self/mounts usrs="`getent passwd|awk -F: '{print $1}'`" grps="$(getent group|awk -F: '{print $1}')" alias ls="ls --color" ls cd() { builtin cd "$@" && echo "$PWD" } 23 To execute a cmd, just call it… To capture its output, you can use `cmd` or $(cmd). But for sake of clarity, always use $(cmd) format. Even when overridden, you can still call the binary by prefixing But if you want a builtin, just prefix the command by "builtin"
  • 24. Process - Background processes tail -f /var/log/messages >/dev/null & disown for i in {1..10}; do sleep $i & done wait $! wait 24 You can run cmds in background... and forget about them (daemon like) Or launch multiple applications in background… And only wait for the last one you launched Or wait for all of them
  • 25. Process - Job specification for i in {1..9}; do sleep 10$i & done jobs [1] Running sleep 10$i & [2] Running sleep 10$i & [ . . . ] [7] Running sleep 10$i & [8]- Running sleep 10$i & [9]+ Running sleep 10$i & kill %5 fg %- 25 Lets start a few commands in background. And you can see their jobspec ID and status using “jobs” %X : where X is the jobspec ID %+ : (current job) the command you act on if you don’t specify a jobspec ID. %- : one-before last command. Builtin like wait, disown, kill, fg, bg… understand the % as a jobspec id.
  • 26. Process - Coprocess Don’t. Just. Fuckin’. Don’t. If you need coprocess, you need another scripting language, like python or perl. EXCEPTION if you are Clifford Williams level and can produce scripts like the one pasted here. But in that case, you won’t learn anything new within this document 26 #!/usr/bin/env ksh93 #Author: G. Clifford Williams #email: #Purpose: This is a simple producer/consumer example written in KSH93 to # demonstrate parallel execution with discreet I/O. # #Note: This example script requires KSH93. It will not work with BASH, PDKSH, # MKSH, ZSH, KSH88, etc. Further it incorporates features foun in version r+ # and later. KSH93 u+ has been around for 5 years and is the version I used # but your mileage may vary. typeset -a inputs=() typeset -a outputs=() set +o bgnice for counter in {A..F}{0..9} ; do #create a background job that has output on it's STDOUT at a random interval { while true ; do #print -n "pump ${counter}: $(date)" >> ${my_file} integer sleep_time=$(( $(( $RANDOM + 1 )) / 32768.0 * 5 )) printf "pump %s/%i: %(%H:%M:%S)Tn" ${counter} ${sleep_time} now sleep ${sleep_time} done }|& # The '|&' above is how ksh launches a co-process in the background with # bi-directional I/O. We wrap everything in a command-list ({;}) for clarity #The bit below can seem confusing. The co-process produces output which is #input to the consumer. We aren't sending any messages to the co-process in #this case but if we were our output would be the input to the co-process. #The [in,out](put) variables are named from the perspective of the parent. exec {in}<&p #store the output fdesc in $in inputs+=( ${in} ) #append the value in $in to the $inputs list exec {out}>&p #store the input fdesc in $out outputs+=( ${out} ) #append the value in $out to the $outputs list done while true; do #perpetual loop for counter in ${inputs[*]}; do #iterate through the list of input fdescs unset line_in #clear our holder variable read -t0.1 -u${counter} line_in #timeout after .1 seconds of no input if [[ -z "${line_in}" ]] ; then print "${counter}: timed out" else print "${counter}: ${line_in}" fi done done
  • 27. Process - Signal handling readonly TMPDIR="/tmp/data.$$" mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" trap INT QUIT TERM cleanup trap USR1 status cleanup () { rm -rf "$TMPDIR" } status () { echo "Current TMPDIR: $TMPDIR" } Use “trap” to catch signals like Ctrl+C or “kill”. You can list available signals with “trap -l”, but don’t trap them if you don’t know what they’re doing ! 27
  • 28. Tests - “if test1 / else” VS “test1 && { } || { }” # if/elif/else/fi are real test keywords # the result of the test in them are the only # way to act on a branch. The result inside # their block doesn’t change the validity of # the differents branches. if grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null; then [[ -e /nonexistantfile ]] else echo "This should not be printed" fi # Nothing is displayed # { ... } is a ‘group command’. # its last command will be the return code # of the whole group. # By using a || or && after, bash will act # on this final return code, not just the # test at the beginning. grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null && { [[ -e /nonexistantfile ]] } || { echo "This should not be printed" } # Display "This should not be printed" 28
  • 29. Variable tests - [ or [[ 29 # In pure bash, always use [[ typeset -i foo=15 [[ $foo -gt 7 ]] [[ $foo > 7 ]] [[ $foo = 15 && $foo < 30 ]] # Finding a string haystack='spaces and * $$ >' needle='and' [[ "$haystack" = *$needle* ]] # same, but case insensitive shopt -s nocasematch [[ "$haystack" = *$needle* ]] # Use [ for POSIX compatibility foo=15 [ "$foo" -gt 7 ] [ $(($foo > 7)) -ne 0 ] [ "$foo" = 7 ] && [ "$foo" -lt 30 ] # You’ll need to use grep or a switch case $haystack in *and*) echo 'found !' ;; esac # Could also be done with "grep -i" case $haystack in *[aA][nN][dD]*) echo 'found !' ;; esac # Beware of [ and keywords, like ‘>’ [ "$foo" > 7 ] # will create file '7'
  • 30. Variable tests 30 Test if $v ... Do Don’t is empty [[ -z "$v" ]] [ x$v = x ] is equal to $x [[ "$v" = "$x" ]] [ $v = $x ] is in a list of words [[ "$v" =~ ^(foo|bar)$ ]] echo "$v"|egrep '^(foo|bar)$' contains a pattern [[ "$v" = *"foo"* ]] echo "$v"|grep -i 'foo'
  • 31. Variable default value 31 Action Format Expands to "def" if $v is unset. Else expands to value of $v ${v-def} Expands to "def" if $v is unset or empty. Else expands to value of $v ${v:-def} Expands to "def" if $v is set. Else expands to nothing ${v+def} Expands to "def" if $v is set and not empty. Else expands to nothing ${v:+def} Set value of $v to "def" if $v is unset. Expands to the final value of $v ${v=def} Set value of $v to "def" if $v is unset or empty. Expands to the final value of $v ${v:=def} # You can use :+ for options mapping between options and external tools ratio="500" crop="" myimagetool ${ratio:+--ratio=$ratio} ${crop:+--crop=$crop} file.png
  • 32. Variable modification 32 Action Format Result Remove ending-pattern ${v%.txt} /path/to/prefix_file Remove ending-pattern (ungreedy) ${v%/*} /path/to Remove starting-pattern (ungreedy) ${v#*/} path/to/prefix_file.txt Remove starting-pattern (greedy) ${v##*/} prefix_file.txt Replace pattern with another ${v//p??/foo} /fooh/to/foofix_file.txt Replace starting pattern with another (greedy) ${v/#*prefix/new } new_file.txt Replace ending nattern with another (greedy) ${v/%.*/.pdf} /path/to/prefix_file.pdf Substring (starting at pos 6, for 4 chars) ${v:6:4} to/p Substring (last 5 chars) ${v:(-5)} e.txt v="/path/to/prefix_file.txt"
  • 33. Variable modification 33 s="hello World fooBAR" Action Format Result Uppercase the first occurence of “o” ${s^o} hellO World fooBAR Uppercase all chars ${s^^} HELLO WORLD FOOBAR Uppercase all occurences of “o” ${s^^o} hellO WOrld fOOBAR Lowercase the full string ${s,,} Hello world foobar Invert the case of first char ${s~} Hello World fooBAR Invert the case of all chars ${s~~} HELLO wORLD FOObar Invert the case of letters o ${s~~o} hellO WOrld fOOBAR
  • 34. Variable modification - arrays typeset -a ifaces=( $(find /sys/class/net/ -type l) ) echo ${ifaces[@]} /sys/class/net/lo /sys/class/net/enp0s31f6 /sys/class/net/wwp0s20f0u6 /sys/class/net/wlp4s0 /sys/class/net/virbr0 echo ${ifaces[@]##*/} lo enp0s31f6 wwp0s20f0u6 wlp4s0 virbr0 typeset -a opts=("hello" "world") echo cmd ${opts[@]/#/--text=} cmd --text=hello --text=world 34 You can act on all values in an array too. Decomposing it: ifaces[@] : all values ## : Remove all matches */ : Pattern to remove For all values of array opts, replace from begining ("/#") all empty values (no pattern given) by "--text=" (text after the 2nd "/")
  • 35. Variable expansion - Position parameters $@ $* "$@" "$*" (A1) (A2) (A3.1) (A3.2) (A1) (A2) (A3.1) (A3.2) (A1) (A2) (A3.1 A3.2) (A1) (A2) (A3.1) (A3.2) ./ "A1" "A2" "A3.1 A3.2" for v in $@; do echo "($v)" done 99% of the time, you’ll want to use “$@” to keep intact your elements with spaces within. Without quotes, $@ and $* have same behaviour. The only caveat comes with "$*" : It use the first char of $IFS as separator (which happens to be space by default). 35 poorManCsv() { IFS=';' echo "$*" } poorManCsv hello world "1 2 3" Hello;world;1 2 3
  • 36. Variable expansion - On array usesOnlyArgs2and3 () { for v in "${@:2:2}"; do echo "($v)" done } usesOnlyArgs2and3 v1 v2 "v3.1 v3.2" v4 (v2) (v3.1 v3.2) If you apply the substring format to an array (${@:x:y} or ${t[@]:x:y}), instead of doing a substring, it will select Y elements of the array starting from element number X Beware: when using an array, elements IDs starts at 0. When using $@, $@[0] is equivalent to $0 which is the name of the script. So elements ID are shifted by 1. 36
  • 37. Brace expansion $ echo prefix-{x,y,z}-suffix prefix-x-suffix prefix-y-suffix prefix-z-suffix $ echo mv /path/to/file{,.bak} mv /path/to/file /path/to/file.bak $ echo mkdir -p "/home/www/"{bin,cron,html,{conf,logs,priv}/{nginx,phpfpm}} mkdir -p /home/www/bin /home/www/cron /home/www/html /home/www/conf/nginx /home/www/conf/phpfpm /home/www/logs/nginx /home/www/logs/phpfpm /home/www/priv/nginx /home/www/priv/phpfpm # But beware, chars are expanded from their ASCII code... $ echo {d..Z} d c b a ` _ ^ ] [ Z Y X 37
  • 38. Array - Indexed typeset -a t # Push (ksh way): t[${#t[@]}]="don't" t[${#t[@]}]="use this" t[${#t[@]}]="syntax" # Push (bash style) t+=("Prefer this") t+=("Much cleaner") t+=("Bash syntax") # Count: ${#t[@]} # Iterate over values for value in "${t[@]}"; do :; done # Iterate over values using index for key in "${!t[@]}"; do typeset value="${t[$key]}" done # Replace over an array t[0]="hello world" t[1]="hi there" for i in "${t[@]//h/z}"; do echo "$i"; done zello zorld hi zhere 38
  • 39. Array - Associative Same as indexed arrays but declared using "typeset -A" Available on bash4 and ksh88+ Automatically ordered on ksh Can expand and filter keys with ${!pattern} 39 typeset -A t # Like a foreach for key in ${!t[@]}; do val="${t[$key]}" done # Can also autocomplete indexes echo "${!BASH@}" BASH BASHOPTS BASHPID BASH_ALIASES BASH_ARGC BASH_ARGV BASH_CMDS BASH_COMMAND BASH_COMPLETION_VERSINFO BASH_LINENO BASH_SOURCE BASH_SUBSHELL BASH_VERSINFO BASH_VERSION unset ${!PYTHON@}
  • 40. Array - mapfile / readarray # Read file.txt and put lines in ARR readarray ARR < file.txt # read only 5 lines after the 2nd line readarray -s 2 -n 5 ARR < /etc/passwd # There is also a callback, to be called # every X quantum cb () { num="$1" str="${2%?}" echo "$num = $str" } mapfile -C 'cb' -c 1 ARR < /etc/passwd 40 Easily map a stream into an array It’s also easier than play with tail + head. As the line ($2) contains also the separator (n here), I’m removing it with "${2%?}" as it’s the last char.
  • 41. Loops - iterate over elements words="hello world foo bar" for w in $words; do echo "($w)" done typeset -a words=("hello world" "foo bar") for w in "${words[@]}"; do echo "($w)" done for file in /var/tmp/*; do echo "==== $file: $(< $file)" done for i in {1..10}; do echo "Im the $i" done 41 For loop are used to iterate over a list of words (based on $IFS). If you have a word that has an $IFS inside, it’ll be split in two. Double quotes won’t work: “$word” will be seen as a single element: use arrays If you want to list files, don’t call for “ls”, simply use patterns
  • 42. Loops - while read while IFS=: read login pass uid gid gecos home shell _canary; do [[ -n "$_canary" ]] && { echo "Line for user $login is malformated (canary: $_canary)" continue } echo "$login - $uid - $home" done < /etc/passwd - The last var in the list will contain all remaining words (useful for reading the whole line with “while read line”). - If you need to change IFS, put it just after the "while", like an environment variable set only to “read”, so it will not "contaminate" the loop, nor after. - If you have a fixed number of elements, add a “canary” (_junk) at the end. If it not empty, that means you had more fields than awaited, and some vars are potentially incorrect. 42
  • 43. Loops - while read + var assignation inside typeset -A users awk -F: '$3>100{print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd | while read login gecos; do users[$login]="$gecos" done for login in ${!users[@]}; do echo "$login = ${users[$login]}" done Solution 1 : Bashism while read login gecos; do users[$login]="$gecos" done < <(awk -F: '$3>100{print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd) Solution 2 : Set hack set +m shopt -o lastpipe Won’t work : pipe will execute left expression in a subshell, not propagating variables to parent shell. 43
  • 44. Streams - redirection cat file1 | sort > /tmp/$$.f1 cat file2 | sort > /tmp/$$.f2 vimdiff /tmp/$$.f1 /tmp/$$.f2 rm /tmp/$$.f1 /tmp/$$.f2 # Is equivalent to : vimdiff <(cat file1 | sort) <(cat file2 | sort) When using tools that requires files to work on (eg, diff 2 content), but the output is from commands, you need to use temporary files. With bash, no need to use temporary files, it’ll provide the stdout’ fd to other commands 44
  • 45. Streams - redirection # Prefix the stderr redirection echo >&2 "This is an error message" # Redirect stderr to stdout exec 2>&1 # Or close them all before daemonizing exec 0>&- 1>&- 2>&- # You can create new out FD exec 99>/tmp/debug.log # But beware of the order! exec 2>&1 1>/dev/null # Is different from Exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1 Outputs the message to stderr. Useful for logging You can also redirect streams while in the script. Close them with "&-" If you try to write to a closed fd, you’ll have the error “Bad file descriptor” Redirections are using dup() to duplicate a stream, so calling order is critical ! If you send a stream to a target(2>&1) then close the target (1>/dev/null) 2 will still have a fd opened to original target. 45
  • 46. Streams - Embedded TCP client # No telnet ? bash can act like one... # Open the socket as a stream exec 5<> /dev/tcp/$server/$port # Write something to it echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0nHost: ${server}nn" >&5 # and read from it cat 0<&5 # When finished, close it exec 5>&- Virtual folder /dev/tcp is handled by bash. You can use it as a standard stream. Then, a lot of tools can be rewritten as pure bash, given you implement the protocol :) 46
  • 47. Debugging # Combine the topics we saw # A simple log to stderr echo >&2 "Starting debugging" # Change the debug prefix to a more useful one export PS4='${BASH_SOURCE}::${FUNCNAME[0]}::$LINENO)' # Push the debug log in a dedicated file exec 99>$0.dbg BASH_XTRACEFD=99 # And activate debug set -x 47
  • 48. Flags to change bash behavior 4848
  • 49. Shell Options - stricture set -o nounset # set -u set -o noclobber # set -C set -o noexec # set -n set -o errexit # set -e set -o monitor # set -m set -o pipefail All variables used must be defined first Do not truncate an existing & non empty file Do not execute any command (check syntax) Exit on first return code != 0 (beware!) Monitor processes Return code will be the one of the first rightmost failing (non-0) program in the pipeline, instead of only the last (leftmost) called in pipeline. 49
  • 50. Shell Options - debug set -o monitor # set -m set -o verbose # set -v set -o xtrace # set -x Monitor processes Show content of code being processed Enable cross-calls debug (execution and tests) 50
  • 51. Shell Options - nullglob $ for f in /etc/toto*; do echo "== $f" done == /etc/toto* $ $ shopt -s nullglob $ for f in /etc/toto*; do echo “== $f” done $ By default, if a pattern doesn’t match any file, the shell will use the pattern itself as a literal string. Then, the for loop will use this literal string as if it matched a filed called “/etc/toto*”, which does not exists. By enabling nullglob, if a pattern doesn’t match any file, it will expand to null (empty), so the loop is never entered. 51
  • 52. Shell Options - extglob / dotglob / globstar $ shopt -s extglob +( ) @( ) !( ) *( ) $ ls -d *config ls: cannot access *config: No such file or directory $ shopt -s dotglob $ ls -d *config .config .gitconfig $ ls /proc/$$/** /proc/ $ shopt -s globstar $ ls /proc/$$/** 52
  • 53. Shell Options - nice for interactive shell shopt -s autocd shopt -s dirspell shopt -s direxpand shopt -s histappend set -o notify # set -b PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;history -r" 53 Report the status of terminated background job immediately, rather than waiting for next prompt. This will sync the history between multiple instances (zsh-like)
  • 55. Bonus - grep and awk useful snippets 5555
  • 56. grep useful snippets # Avoid grep in process list ps aux | grep process | grep -v grep # Escape some regex-related chars echo "Hello+.+" | grep '.+' # Grep in shell scripts find -name '*.sh' -exec grep DOH {} ; # What about "Useless Use Of cat" ? cat bar.txt | grep foo # And what about couting ? grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l 56 # This one self-excludes ps aux | grep [p]rocess # Use -F to avoid any regex echo "Hello+.+" | grep -F '.+' # Grep can do recursion itself grep -r --include '*.sh' DOH # Just call grep grep foo bar.txt # Same thing : only grep grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo
  • 57. awk useful snippets # Awk is often reduced to "print $1".. grep foo bar.txt | awk '{print $1}' # Instead of multiple programs cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd |grep -v ^root # Operations can be complex... typeset -i s=0 for i in $(cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd);do s+=i done echo $s 57 # But awk is self-sufficient for grep awk '/foo/{ print $1 }' bar.txt # simply change the separator awk -F: '$1!="root"{print $1}' /etc/passwd # while summing in awk is easy too ! awk -F: '{s+=$3} END{print s}' /etc/passwd
  • 59. Tools Shell-Lab : Code Snippets and tests against different shell interpreters please contribute :-) ShellCheck : static analysis (linter) for shell code. / Checkbashims : Check your script for elements not available in posix flavour. 59
  • 60. Bibliography POSIX Shell: POSIX.1-2017: Bash POSIX mode: Bashims: Bash reference sheet: POSIX Tricks: Operators: ksh/bash differences: Bash pitfalls: Options parsing: 60
  • 61. Many thanks for their contribution Benjamin Riou Aurelien Rougement - Beorn Graham Christensen - grhmc G. Clifford Williams - 61