dr shashwat jani obstetrics gynecology pregnancy infertility management high risk pregnancy gynaecology female infertility critical care obstetrics obstetric emergency diagnosis male infertility endoscopy laparoscopy medical management treatment non hormonal treatment of infertility medical progesterone ivf endometriosis male obstetric icu complications pre eclampsia in vitro fertilization art eclampsia hysteroscopy recent management clinical diagnosis aub recurrent pregnancy loss ovulation ovulation induction letrozole idiopathic male infertility pcos dic ante natal care drugs pih hysterectomy prolapse pph post partum haemorrhage guidelines recurrent miscarriage ivf-et assisted reproduction techniques menstrual disorders recent iui preterm labor preterm labour menopause figo classification dub dysfunctional uterine bleeding abnormal uterine bleeding menorrhagia medical disorder in pregnancy dengue pyrexia fever mycobacterium tuberculosis akt koch's tuberculosis genital tuberculosis genital tb pelvic organ prolapse mosquito bite chronic pelvic pain clomiphene citrate artificial reproductive techniques recent update blood transfusion blood components blood products medicine antioxidents urogynecology pcod pcos management micronutrients carnitine l carnitine hypertensive disorders of pregnancy fogsi medicines writing l arginine oligohydramnios arginine vault prolapse vault surgical management varicocele fertility enhancing surgery pelvic pain recurrence hormonal contraceptives dysmenorrhea investigations medical disorder refer preeclampsia practical tips evidence lactation advances in contraception female contraceptives male contraceptives newer contraceptives combined oral contraceptive pills contraception blood anemia labour monitoring anatomy female obesity intrauterine insemination ectopic newborn techniques breast feeding embryo transfer hyperemesis ohss challenges early pregnancy postpartum thyroiditis l thyroxine thyrotoxicosis thyroid storm graves disease endocrine free t4 free t3 thyroid stimulating hormone hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism tsh thyroid disorder thyroid disease thyroid intestinal perforation ovarian endometriosis bowel endometriosis delivery deep infiltrating endometriosis d.i.e. aedes egypti dengue hemorrhagic fever dengue fever cervical length debate os tightening cervical encirclage short cervix cervix hormone replacement therapy hrt hot flush perimenopause vasomotor problems vasomotor symptoms vasomotor labor tertiary care higher centre transfer referral transport transportation natural micronised progesterone pprom promotion ptl premature labour tog ectopic pregnancy ovarian reserve platelet rich plasma prp ovarian rejuvenation fsh premature ovarian failure pof ovarian failure preconceptional care modern era current scenario nifedepin labetolol hypertension dipsi metformin insulin obs gestational diabetes mellitus gestational gdm dubai anti tubercular genital kochs male genital organs male reproductive system sterility clinical examination examination typhoid malaria aspirin heparin rpl anticardiolipin antibody lupus anticoagulant aps apla management of apla syndrome apla syndrome aromatase inhibitors anovulation first line therapy enclomiphene follicular study sterile decontamination disinfection maintainance instruments eto formalin cidex sterilisation sterilization sacrocolpopexy pectopexy suspension surgery uterosacral ligament fixation enterocele rectocele cystocele communication skill communication fetal demise fetal death intrauterine fetal demise intrauterine fetal death iufd news spikes protocol medico leagal breaking bad news bad news x ray hysterosalpingography hsg mdrtb pid pessary prolapse uterus uterine interpretation importance fdp d dimer prothrombin time cbc disseminated intravascular coagulation bichemical hematological laboratory critical care icu infectious disease infectious zika infection zika vírus zika dienogest progestin complete mole h mole oncogynecology molar pregnancy invasive mole hydatidiform mole v mole oncology vesicular mole trophoblastic tumor chemotherapy gestational trophoblastic disease gtd gtn social media marketing internet marketing legal healthcare marketing advertising advertisements ethical marketing and advertising marketing publicity aid aih induction cranberry nitrofurantoin urinary tract urinary tract infection recurrent uti uti ffp whole blood platelets severe anemia antepartum haemorrhage aph pcv anemia in pregnancy flashdrive portable storage solutions hard drive storage devices medical devices information technology healthcare information technology pendrive healthcare reactive oxygen species co enzyme q 10 ros sexual disorders female sexuality physiology pelvic floor female sexual dysfunction sexuality hyperandrogenism excercise polycystic ovaries weight reduction caloric restriction weight loss lifestyle diet plan insulin resistance diet polycystic ovarian syndrome reduced fetal movements reduced nst fetal movements compromised fetus fetal distress ctg fetal hypoxia decreased fetal movements semen analysis high risk hellp syndrome pet hdp gestosis hellp picsep workshop dissertation thesis phd jogi single umbilical artery umbilical cord abnormalities cord prolapse sickle cell anemia thalassemia maternal maternal mortality iron deficiency anemia prescription pre conception prescribing aminoacid nitric oxide donor iugr vaginal urology robotic surgery reproductive surgery chocolate cyst second look redo acute uterine inversion shock inversion of uterus uterine inversion family planning contraceptive pills poor responders abdominal pain influenza h1n1 swine flu support luteal phase defect luteal phase support phase hcg luteal phase insufficiency luteal icsi test tube baby ultrasonography placenta previa increta retained percreta accreta adherent placenta seizures convulsions tool box emergency maternity home kit box office calcium cynocobalamin vitamin b12 folic acid. cobalamin hyperhomocystienemia methylcobalamin vitamin d3 oral pills contraceptives coc combined oral pills tetanus rubella rabies vaccination safety vaccines iron anaemia who partograph partogram applied pelvis pelvic evolution historical aspects history panel discussion success optimizing basics advance management amenorrhoea jani shashwat
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