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Copyright	©	2014	Splunk	Inc.	
Security	Opera;ons:	
Hun$ng	Wabbits,	
Possum,	and	APT	
Ryan	Chapman	
Bechtel	Corpora;on
During	the	course	of	this	presenta;on,	we	may	make	forward	looking	statements	regarding	future	
events	or	the	expected	performance	of	the	company.	We	cau;on	you	that	such	statements	reflect	our	
current	expecta;ons	and	es;mates	based	on	factors	currently	known	to	us	and	that	actual	events	or	
results	could	differ	materially.	For	important	factors	that	may	cause	actual	results	to	differ	from	those	
contained	in	our	forward-looking	statements,	please	review	our	filings	with	the	SEC.	The	forward-
looking	statements	made	in	the	this	presenta;on	are	being	made	as	of	the	;me	and	date	of	its	live	
presenta;on.	If	reviewed	aRer	its	live	presenta;on,	this	presenta;on	may	not	contain	current	or	
accurate	informa;on.	We	do	not	assume	any	obliga;on	to	update	any	forward	looking	statements	we	
may	make.		
In	addi;on,	any	informa;on	about	our	roadmap	outlines	our	general	product	direc;on	and	is	subject	to	
change	at	any	;me	without	no;ce.	It	is	for	informa;onal	purposes	only	and	shall	not,	be	incorporated	
into	any	contract	or	other	commitment.	Splunk	undertakes	no	obliga;on	either	to	develop	the	features	
or	func;onality	described	or	to	include	any	such	feature	or	func;onality	in	a	future	release.
•  Intro	to	Bechtel	
•  Who’s	This	Guy?	
•  Overview	of	Security	@	Bechtel	
•  Why	Splunk?	
•  Hun$ng	Tips	and	Tricks
Bechtel	Corpora;on	
•  Largest	Engineering,	Construc;on,	&	PM	Company	in	the	U.S.	
•  55,400	colleagues	|	25,000	projects	|	160	countries	|	7	con;nents	
•  Target	Rich	Environment	–	Global	Threats	
•  2012	Goal:	Develop	World-Class	SOC
Ryan	J.	Chapman	
•  Computer	Incident	Response	Team	(CIRT)	
–  Network	Security	Monitoring	Analyst	
•  Incident	Handler	
•  CIRT	/	SOC	Liaison	
•  “Did	You	Check	Splunk?”	Guy	
ê  No,	Really.		Did	You	Check	Splunk?	
It	Takes	A	Village!	
•  We	ALL	Par$cipate	in	Hun$ng	
•  Bechtel	SOC	&	CIRT	
–  SOC:	Time	Allocated	
–  CIRT:	Required	During	On-Call	
•  Tribal	Training	+	“Security	Blitz”	+	“Tech	Talks”	
•  Example	of	a	Rockstar:	
–  Keith	Tyler	(@keithtyler)	
Security	@	Bechtel
Post	Remedia;on	Structure
APT	Events	
Use	Case	 BEFORE	
to	CIRT	
• 99%	of	Events	 • 2013-2014:	
<	3%	
• 2015:	
<	1%	
APT	Events	
•  1	APT	Event	 •  2013:		269	APT	Events	
•  2014:		82	APT	Events
The	Security	Stack	
Intense	Monitoring	
Full	Packet	Capture	
DNS	Protec$on	
Network	Event	Parsing	
Applica$on	Firewall	
Email	Blocking	
Behavior	Analysis	
APT	Detec$on	
Log	Forwarding	
Why	Splunk?	
•  Beuer	than	GREP?	
•  Parsing	Individual	Logs?	
–  2.35TB/day	License	
•  Primary	Uses:	
–  Alert	Genera;on	
–  Incident	Handling	/	Response	
ê  The	“5	W’s”	
Because	it’s	Awesome!
Obligatory	Splunk	Quote	
“We	wouldn’t	be	able	to	do	our	jobs	
without	Splunk.”
Hun;ng	Tac;cs
•  Ask	Ques;ons	
–  Read	Ar;cles	/	Twiuer	/	OSINT	
•  Develop	Queries	
–  Create	Baselines	/	Tune	Queries	
•  Implement	Saved	Searches	
•  Allocate	Time	for	Hun$ng	
The	Hunter	Mentality	
Be	like	water…	but	also	mimic	a	nosy	neighbor
Go	Home	Word,	
You’re	Drunk
Word	Up!	
Tell	Your	Brother,	Your	Sister,	and	Your	Momma	Too…	
•  Word	Files	=	Common	Carrier	File	
•  Easy	to	Weaponize	
–  VBA	/	Macro	
–  CVE-based	Exploit	(Metasploit)	
•  Weaponized	Files	Launch…	
–  All	The	Things	
Q:	Is	Word	Launching…	Stuff?
The	Sobriety	Test	
index=wls* EventID=4688
CreatorProcessName="WINWORD" Signed=False
NOT (NewProcessName="C:Windows*" OR
| table _time, host, SubjectUserName,
BaseFileName, CommandLine, NewProcessName,
NOTE:	“Audit	Process	Crea0on”	must	be	enabled
Test	Results:	INEBRIATED	
_$me	 host	 Base	
NewProcessName	 MD5	
[DERP]	 Purchase	
Order	rd2015	
Order	rd2015	oct-
dec	#40098.exe	
What’cha	Drinking?
What	About	Malicious	Scripts?	
•  Common	Script	Handlers:	
–  cscript	/	wscript	/	powershell			ß	These	Run	Scripts	
•  Carrier	File	Handlers:	
–  Word 	 	(doc)	
–  Excel 	 	(xls)	
–  PowerPoint 	(ppt)	
–  Adobe	Reader 	(pdf)	
–  Etc.
The	Pwnie	Express	
index=wls EventID=4688
(CommandLine="*cscript*" OR CommandLine="*wscript*" OR
(CreatorProcessName="WINWORD" OR
CreatorProcessName="POWERPNT" OR
CreatorProcessName="EXCEL" OR
| table _time, host, SubjectUserName,
CreatorProcessName, BaseFileName, CommandLine
‘Cause	They	Are	Carrier	Files!
I	“C”	A	Script	
_$me	 host	 Creator	
[DERP]	 EXCEL	 cscript.exe	 cscript	'C:Users
Loto	Permit	Excel
Scheduled	Tasks	
via	at.exe
Scheduled	Tasks	
•  schtasks.exe	–	Common	Task	Scheduler/Viewer	
•  at.exe	
–  Deprecated,	but	Available	Through	Windows	7	
–  Historically	Used	for	Privilege	Escala;on	(WinXP)	
ê Ajackers	S$ll	Love	It	(Older	Admins	Too)	
–  Creates	`%System_Root%/Tasks/at[0-9].job`	Files	
ê Sweep	Enterprise	for	These	&	Analyze!	
Q:	Anyone	Running	at.exe?
The	Query	
Anyone	Running	at.exe?	
index=wls EventID=4688
NOT BaseFileName="[known good]"
NOT CommandLine="[known good]"
| table …
Nothing	Silly	Recently	
But	A	Few	Years	Ago…	
_$me	 host	 Base	
CommandLine	 Creator	
[DERP]	 at.exe	 at	04:03	/interac$ve		
cmd	/c	cmd.exe	
PowerShell	Shenanigans	
Auackers	LOVE	PowerShell	
  Why	Are	Auackers	Using	PowerShell?	
–  Powerful,	Built-in	Tool	–	(Nearly)	Always	Available	
–  Can	Execute	in	Memory	(Diskless)	
–  Easy	to	Avoid	Detec;on	
ê A	Hacker’s	Best	Toolkit	=	Tools	on	the	Box!	
  PowerShell	is	a	Growing	Concern	
–  See:	PowerSploit	Framework
PowerShell	Snooping	
  Discussion:	Event	Code	4688	vs.	4103/4	
  We	Already	Look	for	Encoded	PS	Commands	
–  See:	“Splunk	Live!	Santa	Clara	2015”	Talk	
  What	About	Remote	PS	Access	Methods?	
–  PowerShell	Can	Run	Remote	Scripts	
Q:	Is	Anyone	Running	Remote	PS	Commands?
Remote	PowerShell	
Just	a	Few	Samples…	
  Common	Remote	Methods:	
Get-Service winrm
Invoke-Command –computername
	General	use	of: 	–computer
NOTE: -computer can specify
PowerShell:	WSMan
PowerShell	Search	
Remote	Methods	=	Auacker’s	Forte	
index=wls* EventID=4688
(CommandLine="*winrm*" OR
CommandLine="*psremoting*" OR
CommandLine="*pssession*" OR
CommandLine="*invoke-command*" OR
[OR CommandLine="*-computer*"])
| table …
PowerShellMafia’s	PowerSploit	
Dirty	Dirty	Tricks	
  Open	Source	PowerShell	Auack	Framework	
–  Becoming	More	and	More	Common	
  We	Can	Enumerate	All	PowerSploit	PS	Modules	
–  And	Look	For	Them	
ê  And	yell/cry/smile	if	we	find	any	
Q:	Is	Anyone	Running	PowerSploit?	(BETTER	NOT	BE!)
“A	PowerShell	Post-Exploita;on	Framework”
Enumerated	PowerSploit	Modules	
index=wls* EventID=4688 (BaseFileName=powershell.exe OR BaseFileName=cmd.exe)
(CommandLine="*powersploit*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-DllInjection*" OR
CommandLine="*Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-Shellcode*" OR
CommandLine="*Invoke-WmiCommand*" OR CommandLine="*Out-EncodedCommand*" OR
CommandLine="*Out-CompressedDll*" OR CommandLine="*Out-EncryptedScript*" OR
CommandLine="*Remove-Comments*" OR CommandLine="*New-UserPersistenceOption*" OR
CommandLine="*New-ElevatedPersistenceOption*" OR CommandLine="*Add-Persistence*" OR
CommandLine="*Install-SSP*" OR CommandLine="*Get-SecurityPackages*" OR
CommandLine="*Find-AVSignature*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-TokenManipulation*" OR
CommandLine="*Invoke-CredentialInjection*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-NinjaCopy*" OR
CommandLine="*Invoke-Mimikatz*" OR CommandLine="*Get-Keystrokes*" OR
CommandLine="*Get-GPPPassword*" OR CommandLine="*Get-TimedScreenshot*" OR
CommandLine="*New-VolumeShadowCopy*" OR CommandLine="*Get-VolumeShadowCopy*" OR
CommandLine="*Mount-VolumeShadowCopy*" OR CommandLine="*Remove-VolumeShadowCopy*" OR
CommandLine="*Get-VaultCredential*" OR CommandLine="*Out-Minidump*" OR
CommandLine="*Set-MasterBootRecord*" OR CommandLine="*Set-CriticalProcess*" OR
CommandLine="*PowerUp*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-Portscan*" OR CommandLine="*Get-
HttpStatus*" OR CommandLine="*Invoke-ReverseDnsLookup*" OR CommandLine="*PowerView*")
| table …
Quick	Example:	
Rogue	svchost.exe
svchost.exe	w/Bad	Parent	
smss.exe	->	wininit.exe	->	services.exe	->	svchost.exe	
index=wls EventID=4688
NOT CreatorProcessName="services"
| table …
Quick	Example:	
CLI>	blah	[IPv4]	blah
IPv4	Addresses	in	CLI	
The	Internet	is	a	Scary	Place	
index=wls* EventID=4688 CommandLine="*"
NOT BaseFileName=cscript.exe OR
BaseFileName=nslookup.exe OR
BaseFileName=cmd.exe OR
BaseFileName=ping.exe OR
BaseFileName=nblookup.exe OR
| regex CommandLine="sd{1,3}.d{1,3}.
Recap	&	Takeaways	
•  Ask	Ques$ons	
–  Read	Ar$cles	/	Twijer	Feeds	/	OSINT	Reports	/	etc.	
–  “Does	This	Happen	Here?”	
•  Develop	Queries	
•  Establish	Baselines	
–  Tune	Over	Time	
•  Create	Saved	Searches	
•  Allocate	Time	For	Hun$ng!	
Keep	Hun;n’!
•  Windows	Logging	Service	(WLS)	Home	Page	
–  By	Jason	McCord	(@digira;82)	
–  hups://digira;;on/	
•  “Know	your	Windows	Processes	or	Die	Trying”	
–  Ar;cle	by	Patrick	Olsen,	2014/01/18	
–  hup://	
•  Bechtel	Splunk	Live!	Santa	Clara	2015	Preso	
–  hup://;on		
Keep	Hun;n’!
Thank	You	
Security	Opera;ons:	
Hun$ng	Wabbits,	Possum,	
and	APT	
Ryan	Chapman	–	@rj_chap		

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Splunk Enterprise for IT Troubleshooting Hands-On
Enterprise Security featuring UBA
Enterprise Security featuring UBAEnterprise Security featuring UBA
Enterprise Security featuring UBA
SplunkLive DC April 2016 - Operationalizing Machine Learning
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Getting Started with Splunk Enterprise
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Getting Started with Splunk Enterprise
Experian Customer Presentation
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Deception-Triggered Security Data Science to Detect Adversary Movements
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Machine Learning + Analytics in Splunk
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Machine Learning + Analytics in Splunk
SplunkLive Perth Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Melbourne Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Canberra Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Canberra Machine Learning & Analytics
SplunkLive Perth Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Melbourne Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Melbourne Machine Learning & Analytics
SplunkLive Sydney Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Canberra Machine Learning & Analytics
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SplunkLive Sydney Machine Learning & Analytics
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Plus de Splunk

.conf Go 2023 - Data analysis as a routine
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.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTV
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.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTVSplunk
.conf Go 2023 - Navegando la normativa SOX (Telefónica)
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.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank International
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.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank InternationalSplunk
.conf Go 2023 - På liv og død Om sikkerhetsarbeid i Norsk helsenett
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.conf Go 2023 - Many roads lead to Rome - this was our journey (Julius Bär)
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.conf go 2023 - Cyber Resilienz – Herausforderungen und Ansatz für Energiever...
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.conf go 2023 - De NOC a CSIRT (Cellnex)
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Data foundations building success, at city scale – Imperial College London
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Splunk: How Vodafone established Operational Analytics in a Hybrid Environmen...
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.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Keynote
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.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Platform Session
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.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session
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Plus de Splunk (20)

.conf Go 2023 - Data analysis as a routine
.conf Go 2023 - Data analysis as a routine.conf Go 2023 - Data analysis as a routine
.conf Go 2023 - Data analysis as a routine
.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTV
.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTV.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTV
.conf Go 2023 - How KPN drives Customer Satisfaction on IPTV
.conf Go 2023 - Navegando la normativa SOX (Telefónica)
.conf Go 2023 - Navegando la normativa SOX (Telefónica).conf Go 2023 - Navegando la normativa SOX (Telefónica)
.conf Go 2023 - Navegando la normativa SOX (Telefónica)
.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank International
.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank International.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank International
.conf Go 2023 - Raiffeisen Bank International
.conf Go 2023 - På liv og død Om sikkerhetsarbeid i Norsk helsenett
.conf Go 2023 - På liv og død Om sikkerhetsarbeid i Norsk helsenett .conf Go 2023 - På liv og død Om sikkerhetsarbeid i Norsk helsenett
.conf Go 2023 - På liv og død Om sikkerhetsarbeid i Norsk helsenett
.conf Go 2023 - Many roads lead to Rome - this was our journey (Julius Bär)
.conf Go 2023 - Many roads lead to Rome - this was our journey (Julius Bär).conf Go 2023 - Many roads lead to Rome - this was our journey (Julius Bär)
.conf Go 2023 - Many roads lead to Rome - this was our journey (Julius Bär)
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.conf Go 2023 - Das passende Rezept für die digitale (Security) Revolution zu....conf Go 2023 - Das passende Rezept für die digitale (Security) Revolution zu...
.conf Go 2023 - Das passende Rezept für die digitale (Security) Revolution zu...
.conf go 2023 - Cyber Resilienz – Herausforderungen und Ansatz für Energiever...
.conf go 2023 - Cyber Resilienz – Herausforderungen und Ansatz für Energiever....conf go 2023 - Cyber Resilienz – Herausforderungen und Ansatz für Energiever...
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.conf go 2023 - De NOC a CSIRT (Cellnex)
.conf go 2023 - De NOC a CSIRT (Cellnex).conf go 2023 - De NOC a CSIRT (Cellnex)
.conf go 2023 - De NOC a CSIRT (Cellnex)
conf go 2023 - El camino hacia la ciberseguridad (ABANCA)
conf go 2023 - El camino hacia la ciberseguridad (ABANCA)conf go 2023 - El camino hacia la ciberseguridad (ABANCA)
conf go 2023 - El camino hacia la ciberseguridad (ABANCA)
Splunk - BMW connects business and IT with data driven operations SRE and O11y
Splunk - BMW connects business and IT with data driven operations SRE and O11ySplunk - BMW connects business and IT with data driven operations SRE and O11y
Splunk - BMW connects business and IT with data driven operations SRE and O11y
Splunk x Freenet - .conf Go Köln
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Splunk x Freenet - .conf Go Köln
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Splunk Security Session - .conf Go Köln
Data foundations building success, at city scale – Imperial College London
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Data foundations building success, at city scale – Imperial College London
Splunk: How Vodafone established Operational Analytics in a Hybrid Environmen...
Splunk: How Vodafone established Operational Analytics in a Hybrid Environmen...Splunk: How Vodafone established Operational Analytics in a Hybrid Environmen...
Splunk: How Vodafone established Operational Analytics in a Hybrid Environmen...
SOC, Amore Mio! | Security Webinar
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SOC, Amore Mio! | Security Webinar
.conf Go 2022 - Observability Session
.conf Go 2022 - Observability Session.conf Go 2022 - Observability Session
.conf Go 2022 - Observability Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Keynote
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Keynote.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Keynote
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Keynote
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Platform Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Platform Session.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Platform Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Platform Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session
.conf Go Zurich 2022 - Security Session


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Bechtel Customer Presentation

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Global reach = Global threats
  2. NOT TIER 1/2!!!!
  3. Remove 2015??