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 1. Need for Web Workers

 2.   Introduction
            Types of Web Workers

 3.   Web Workers API

 4.   Web-Worker support in browser
          “localhost” bug

 5. Working of Web Workers
         Message Passing Model
         Communicating with a Dedicated Web Worker
         Communicating with a Shared Web Worker
         Example of Dedicated Web Worker
         Example of Shared Web Worker
         Terminating a worker

 6. Error handling and debugging

 7. Advantages of using web workers

 8. Disadvantages of using web workers

 9. Conclusion

 10. References
Problems with JavaScript Concurrency

(Need for Web Workers)
    JavaScript is a single-threaded environment, meaning multiple scripts
    cannot run at the same time. As an example, imagine a site that needs to
    handle UI events, query and process large amounts of API data, and
    manipulate the DOM. Unfortunately all of that can't be done simultaneous
    due to limitations in browsers' JavaScript runtime. Script execution
    happens within a single thread. The downside of this is that some CPU
    intensive piece of JavaScript can render the page unresponsive or slow it to
    a crawl. If the script took long enough, the browser would prompt the user
    to see if he/she wanted to stop the unresponsive script.

                            Unresponsive Script dialog box

    Developers implement concurrency by using techniques like setTimeout(),
    setInterval(), XMLHttpRequest and event handlers. Though all of these
    features run asynchronously but these events are processed after the current
    executing script has yielded.
Web Workers – Introduction

     The Web Workers specification defines an API for spawning background
     scripts in our web application. Web Workers allow us to do things like fire
     up long-running scripts to handle computationally intensive tasks, but
     without blocking the UI or other scripts to handle user interactions (the
     window stays responsive to inputs like clicks and scrolling, even while

     Workers utilize thread-like message passing to achieve
     parallelism thus bringing about true multi-threading in

Types of Web Workers
     Dedicated Workers
     Shared Workers

The Difference between the two

           Dedicated Workers are linked           The shared Web Workers are
           to the script that created them        named so that any script
           (called the owner or creator).         running in the same
                                                  origin/domain can
           Dedicated Web Worker is                communicate with them,
           targeted for applications              either by the URL of the
           requiring point to point               script used to create it, or by
           communication.                         name.

                                                  Shared web workers for
                                                  communication with multiple
                                                  producers and consumers

                                                  A Shared Worker exposes
                                                  more of the Messaging API
Web Workers API

  // Check if Web Workers are supported
  if (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") {
    document.getElementById("support").innerHTML =
    "Your browser supports HTML5 Web Workers";
  // Create a new worker
  // The URL for the JavaScript file on the same origin
  worker = new Worker ("echoWorker.js");
  //to load additional JavaScript in the worker
  importScripts("helper.js", "anotherHelper.js");

  //From the main page
  worker.postMessage("Here's a message for we");
  //Add event listener
  worker.addEventListener("message”, messageHandler,
  //Process incoming messages
  function messageHandler(e) {
    // process message from worker
  //Handle errors
  worker.addEventListener("error", errorHandler, true);
  //Stop worker

 //From the Web Worker
 function messageHandler(e) {
   postMessage("worker says: " + + " too");
 //Add event listener
 addEventListener("message", messageHandler, true);
 //Using a Web Worker within a Web Worker
 var subWorker = new Worker("subWorker.js");
Checking Web-Worker support in browser

     /* Check if Web Workers are supported */
     function getWebWorkerSupport() {
     return (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") ?

   Before we create any web worker related code, we must find out if our
   browser supports web-workers.

    Currently, Shared web workers are supported in Chrome, Safari and

    Dedicated Web Workers are implemented by Firefox 3.5, Safari 4 and

    Mozilla Firefox 4 does not support shared web workers.
“localhost” bug

     When we try to run a Worker script in Chrome on our local machine and not
     on a webserver, an error is reported. Workers are restricted by the Same
     Origin Policy.

       The Same Origin Policy is an important security concept for a number
       of browser-side programming languages, such as JavaScript. The
       policy permits scripts running on pages originating from the same site
       to access each other's methods and properties with no specific
       restrictions, but prevents access to most methods and properties across
       pages on different sites.

     The behavior of same-origin checks and related mechanisms is not well-
     defined in a number of corner cases, such as for protocols that do not have a
     clearly defined host name or port associated with their URLs (file:, data:,

     The exact error is:

              "Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM
              Exception 18". viewing this file in the
              file:/// protocol or over http://?
              We’ll have to serve the page in order for
              security to process it correctly."

     Loading a local file, even with a relative URL, is the same as loading a file
     with the file: protocol. So the problem is that when we are trying to load the
     .js file of worker as a local file - Chrome doesn't like this (for some security
     reasons), though we can force the issue by starting Chrome like this:
     chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files.
Working of Web Workers

Message Passing Model

               Page                                WorkerGlobalScope

             onmessage                                    worker.js


                         Web Messaging Infrastructure

               PORT            MESSAGING CHANNEL          PORT

Messages passed between the main page and workers are copied, not shared. It
appears that the object is being passed directly to the worker even though it's
running in a separate, dedicated space. In actuality, what is happening is that the
object is being serialized as it's handed to the worker, and subsequently, de-
serialized on the other end. The page and worker do not share the same instance, so
the end result is that a duplicate is created on each pass. Most browsers implement
this feature by automatically JSON encoding/decoding the value on either end.
   Workers have their own JavaScript context, separate from the renderer
         Global scope (this) is NOT window
   No DOM access
         No window
         No Document
         No cookies
         No storage
                      Chrome now provides Web Database API
   Common Functions (across all implementations)
         Event support
                      addEventListener
                      dispatchEvent
                      removeEventListener
         location (read only)
         setTimeout()/clearTimeout() and setInterval()/clearInterval()
Web Messaging Infrastructure`

Web Messaging more securely enables cross-document communication. Enabling
Cross-site scripting opens a security hole in a browser. For security reasons cross-
site scripting is disabled. Cross-document communication is important to building
Web Applications, so Web Messaging has been architected for security as well as
communication capability.

Web Messaging protocols pass around a MessageEvent object. In the example,
"data" is the attribute containing the message payload; "data" is a string in the
example, but can be any type.

Web Workers leverage the Web Messaging Channel messaging infrastructure. A
MessageChannel connects two MessagePorts. The specification refers to the setup
as "entangling" the ports. A call to postMessage on a MessagePort puts data across
the channel. Each MessagePort maintains a message queue. Messages posted on
one port on the MessageChannel are set to the other port on the MessageChannel
and visa-versa. MessagePorts receive a message via an "onmessage" function.

Web Workers extend the Web Messaging infrastructure supporting posting to an
Array of MessagePorts. MessagePort Arrays are handy for multiple notifications.
Communicating with a dedicated worker
Dedicated workers use MessagePort objects behind the scenes, and thus support all
the same features, such as sending structured data, transferring binary data, and
transferring other ports.
To receive messages from a dedicated worker, use the onmessage event handler
IDL attribute on the Worker object:
    worker.onmessage = function (event) { ... };

We can also use the addEventListener() method.

The implicit MessagePort used by dedicated workers has its port message
queue implicitly enabled when it is created, so there is no equivalent to
the MessagePort interface's start() method on the Worker interface.

To send data to a worker, use the postMessage() method. Structured data can be
sent over this communication channel. To send ArrayBuffer objects efficiently (by
transferring them rather than cloning them), list them in an array in the second
      operation: 'find-edges',
      input: buffer, // an ArrayBuffer object
      threshold: 0.6,
    }, [buffer]);

To receive a message inside the worker, the onmessage event handler IDL
attribute is used.
    onmessage = function (event) { ... };

We can again also use the addEventListener() method.

In either case, the data is provided in the event object's data attribute.

To send messages back, we again use postMessage(). It supports the structured data
in the same manner.
    postMessage(, []); //
    transfer the buffer back.
Communicating with a shared worker
Shared workers are identified in one of two ways: either by the URL of the script
used to create it, or by explicit name. When created by name, the URL used by the
first page to create the worker with that name is the URL of the script that will be
used for that worker. This allows multiple applications on a domain to all use a
single shared worker to provide a common service, without the applications having
to keep track of a common URL for the script used to provide the service.In either
case, shared workers are scoped by origin. Two different sites using the same
names will not collide.

Creating shared workers is done using the SharedWorker() constructor. This
constructor takes the URL to the script to use for its first argument, and the name
of the worker, if any, as the second argument.
    var worker = new SharedWorker('service.js');

Communicating with shared workers is done with explicit MessagePort objects.
The object returned by the SharedWorker() constructor holds a reference to the port
on its port attribute.
    worker.port.onmessage = function (event) { ... };
    worker.port.postMessage('some message');
    worker.port.postMessage({ foo: 'structured', bar:
    ['data', 'also', 'possible']});

Inside the shared worker, new clients of the worker are announced using
the connect event. The port for the new client is given by the event object's source
    onconnect = function (event) {
      var newPort = event.source;
      // set up a listener
      newPort.onmessage = function (event) { ... };
      // send a message back to the port
      newPort.postMessage('ready!'); // can also send
    structured data.};

A shared worker will remain active as long as one window has a connection to it.
Example of Dedicated Worker

//The code below will find out the value of pi. It requires looping many, many
times to get at some real accuracy, and that's really processor intensive!. I have not
used web workers here.
<script type="text/javascript">
function CalculatePi(){
    var loop = document.getElementById("loop");
    var c = parseInt(loop.value);
    var f = parseFloat(loop.value);
    var Pi=0, n=1;
    try {
       if (isNaN(c) || f != c ) {
       } else if (c<=0) {
       for (var i=0;i<=c;i++) {
         n=n+4;       }
       document.getElementById("PiValue").innerHTML = Pi;
    } catch (e) {
       var msg = "Input Error: ";
       if (e=="errInvalidNumber")
         msg += "Invalid number.";
       else if (e=="errNegativeNumber")
         msg += "Input must be positive.";
       else         msg += e.message;
<label for="loop">Enter the number of cycles:</label>
<input id="loop" type="number" value="100" />
<input type="button" onclick="CalculatePi()"
value="Calculate Pi" />
<br> <br>
<div id="PiValue">PI value appears here</div>

We’ll see that for small values of ‘number of cycles’ the user interface will not
block and the value computes within no time but when we enter value in millions
and above, it would do two things: give a fairly accurate value of pi and slow down
the interface to a crawl.

                 On running the above code for 10000000000 cycles.
//Code with web workers
// pi.htm (main thread)
<script type="text/javascript">
  function launchPiWebWorker() {
    var worker = new Worker('pi.js');

    worker.onmessage = function(e) {
       document.getElementById("PiValue").innerHTML =;
    worker.onerror = function(e) {
       alert('Error: Line ' + e.lineno + ' in ' +
e.filename + ': ' + e.message);

    //start the worker
    worker.postMessage({'cmd':   'CalculatePi',

<label for="loop">Enter the number of cycles:</label>
<input id="loop" type="number" value="100" />
<input type="button" onclick="launchPiWebWorker()"
value="Calculate Pi" />
<div id="PiValue">PI value appears here</div>
//worker file pi.js

function CalculatePi(loop)
    var c = parseInt(loop);
    var f = parseFloat(loop);
    var n=1;

      //these errors will need more work…
      if (isNaN(c) || f != c ) {
      } else if (c<=0) {

      for (var i=0,Pi=0;i<=c;i++) {
      self.postMessage({'PiValue': Pi});
//wait for the start 'CalculatePi' message
//e is the event and contains the JSON object
self.onmessage = function(e) {

The above code uses a worker to compute the value of pi. This does not block the
user interface as the calculation part is done in a separate thread i.e. in the worker.

This snippet will not run in Chrome if we use the “file://” protocol because of
security reasons in chrome mentioned above in “localhost bug”.

(I have checked this in Chrome version 19.0.1084.52)
Example of a Shared Worker

When we have a web application with multiple windows each needing access to a
worker thread we don't really want to create a new thread in each window because
it takes time and system resources to create each worker thread.

The ability to share a single worker thread among each window from the same
origin comes as a great benefit in this case.
The following is the simplest way to create a SharedWorker thread that multiple
windows from the same origin can make use of:
// Window 1
var aSharedWorker = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js");

// Window 2
var aSharedWorker = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js");

The SharedWorker object accepts an optional 2nd parameter in the constructor that
serves as the name of the worker.

Most of the time having one shared worker will give the needed functionality. If
we simply have a desire to add more parallel processing, the shared worker can
always spawn web workers of its own.

What if we run into a scenario where we have a need for several windows to share
several workers rather than just the one?

That's where the 2nd parameter of the SharedWorker constructor comes into play.
We can create several different SharedWorker threads by specifying different
names when creating the worker objects.

The following is an example of two windows each sharing two worker threads
'Worker1' and 'Worker2':
// Window 1 - Shared Worker 1 & 2
var aSharedWorker1 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker1");

var aSharedWorker2 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker2");

// Window 2 - Shared Worker 1 & 2
var aSharedWorker1 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker1");
var aSharedWorker2 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker2");

Here is a very good example of using shared workers.

NOTE: Shared workers would not work in firefox and in chrome will work only
using http:// protocol.
Terminating the Web Workers

   Once the main page starts a Worker thread, the thread doesn’t terminate by
   itself. The calling page has to explicitly ask the Worker to terminate. This
   may become necessary because creating each new Worker consumes
   precious browser resources, which we will need to reclaim once the Workers
   task is no longer required.


   Once a worker is terminated, it goes out of scope and a new worker has to be
   created if needed.

   close() function can also be used to close the worker from within itself.

   self.onmessage = function(e) {
       if ( == "STOP!") self.close();
Error Handling and Debugging
    Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the worker's
    scripts, if the error did not occur while handling a previous script error, the
    user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource that contained the
    script, with the position(line number and column number) where the error
    occurred, in the origin of the scripts running in the worker, using the
    WorkerGlobalScope object’s onerror attribute.

    If the implicit port connecting the worker to its Worker object has been
    disentangled (i.e. if the parent worker has been terminated), then the user
    agent must act as if the Worker object had no error event handler and as if
    that worker's onerror attribute was null.
    There are some browser differences to note here:

        Chrome 5 and Safari 5 both just pass the error as a string to the error
         handler in the thread
        Firefox 3.6.8 and 4.0 beta 2 pass in an ErrorEvent object to the error
         handler in the thread.

    All browsers (Chrome 5, Safari 5, Firefox 3.6.8 / 4.0 beta 2) implement the
    dedicated worker instance error event in the same way by passing in the
    ErrorEvent object. When it comes to shared workers, however, the shared
    worker object instance cannot trigger the onerror event in Chrome 5 or
    Safari 5. It appears that for shared workers the onerror event will only be
    triggered for the shared worker instance if there was a network error while
    the worker thread was being created.
The following is an example of attaching to the onerror event of a dedicated
worker thread (the example will also work for shared workers with the exception
that with shared workers postMessage needs to be called on a port):

      // Attach to the global error handler of the
      // thread
      onerror = OnErrorHandler;

      function OnErrorHandler(e)
      // In Chrome 5/Safari 5, 'e' is a string for
      // both dedicated and shared workers within
      // the thread
      if (typeof (e) == "string")
      postMessage("Error Message: " + e);
      else // Dedicated worker in Firefox...(Firefox
      // does not yet support shared workers)
      postMessage("Error Message: " + e.message + " File
      Name: " + e.filename + " Line Number: " + e.lineno);
      // to test the error handler, throw an error
      throw "This is a test error";

The message attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object is
created, this attribute must be initialized to the empty string. It represents the error

The filename attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object
is created, this attribute must be initialized to the empty string. It represents the
absolute URL of the script in which the error originally occurred.

The lineno attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object is
created, this attribute must be initialized to zero. It represents the line number
where the error occurred in the script.
Web Workers for which scenarios?

   Image processing by using the data extracted from the <canvas> or the
   <video> elements. We can divide the image into several zones and push
   them to the different Workers that will work in parallel. We’ll then benefit
   from the new generation of multi-cores CPUs.

   Big amount of data retrieved that we need to parse after an
   XMLHTTPRequest call. If the time needed to process this data is important,
   we’d better do it in background inside a Web Worker to avoid freezing the
   UI Thread. We’ll then keep a reactive application.

   Background text analysis: as we have potentially more CPU time available
   when using the Web Workers, we can now think about new scenarios in
   JavaScript. For instance, we could imagine parsing in real-time what the user
   is currently typing without impacting the UI experience. Think about an
   application like Word (of our Office Web Apps suite) leveraging such
   possibility: background search in dictionaries to help the user while typing,
   automatic correction, etc.

   Concurrent requests against a local database. IndexDB will allow what
   the Local Storage can’t offer us: a thread-safe storage environment for our
   Web Workers.

   Prefetching and/or caching data for later use

   Code syntax highlighting or other real-time text formatting

   Background I/O or polling of web services

   Processing large arrays or humungous JSON responses

   Updating many rows of a local web database

   Analyzing video or audio data
Advantages of Web Workers

   The Worker interface spawns real OS-level threads, and concurrency can
   cause interesting effects in our code if we aren't careful. However, in the
   case of web workers, the carefully controlled communication points with
   other threads mean that it's actually very hard to cause concurrency
   problems. There's no access to non-thread safe components or the DOM and
   we have to pass specific data in and out of a thread through serialized

   Web Workers are not ridden with classic concurrency problems such as
   deadlocks and race condition

   Worker makes a natural sandbox for running untrusted code because it can’t
   access page content or cookies.

   “Jsandbox is an open source JavaScript sandboxing library that makes use of
   HTML5 web workers. Jsandbox makes it possible to run untrusted
   JavaScript without having to worry about any potential dangers.

   Much of the danger comes from the script being executed on the same origin
   – XMLHttpRequest
   – OpenDatabase etc.
   But new Worker() is same domain only and communication API allows for
   cross-origin messaging using postMessage.

   Multiple windows (viewers) can be opened that are all viewing the same
   item for instance a map. All the windows share the same map information,
   with a single worker coordinating all the viewers. Each viewer can move
   around independently, but if they set any data on the map, all the viewers are
   updated.( This feature of shared web workers can be used in our project )
Disadvantages of using Web Workers

   postMessage can transfer strings between threads. But it is very rare that
   data requiring analysis is solely string based, mostly we are working with
   other primitive types as well such as numbers, Booleans, DateTimes, etc.
   and the cost of converting (serializing) strings to/from these data types is

   One thing to be aware of with web workers is that they are not intended to
   be used in large numbers and are expected to be long-lived. The worker
   threads also have a high start-up performance cost as well as a high memory
   cost per worker instance.

   Can’t send – Functions:
   var func=function(e){return e}
   postMessage(func); // Not allowed

   Multi-threaded processes are difficult to debug.

   As browser-based apps continue to become more complex, and CPUs gain
   more cores, there will be a natural need to offload work into separate
   threads. HTML5 Web Workers will likely form a big part of this and
   combining them with jQuery Deferred objects can make it simpler for
   developers to write simple, easy-to-read, parallel code, without adding any
   extra overhead.
   JavaScript web workers are in their infancy and the use cases are limited.
   Browser support varies from patchy to non-existent and debugging is tough.


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Web workers

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents 1. Need for Web Workers 2. Introduction Types of Web Workers 3. Web Workers API 4. Web-Worker support in browser “localhost” bug 5. Working of Web Workers Message Passing Model Communicating with a Dedicated Web Worker Communicating with a Shared Web Worker Example of Dedicated Web Worker Example of Shared Web Worker Terminating a worker 6. Error handling and debugging 7. Advantages of using web workers 8. Disadvantages of using web workers 9. Conclusion 10. References
  • 3. Problems with JavaScript Concurrency (Need for Web Workers) JavaScript is a single-threaded environment, meaning multiple scripts cannot run at the same time. As an example, imagine a site that needs to handle UI events, query and process large amounts of API data, and manipulate the DOM. Unfortunately all of that can't be done simultaneous due to limitations in browsers' JavaScript runtime. Script execution happens within a single thread. The downside of this is that some CPU intensive piece of JavaScript can render the page unresponsive or slow it to a crawl. If the script took long enough, the browser would prompt the user to see if he/she wanted to stop the unresponsive script. Unresponsive Script dialog box Developers implement concurrency by using techniques like setTimeout(), setInterval(), XMLHttpRequest and event handlers. Though all of these features run asynchronously but these events are processed after the current executing script has yielded.
  • 4. Web Workers – Introduction The Web Workers specification defines an API for spawning background scripts in our web application. Web Workers allow us to do things like fire up long-running scripts to handle computationally intensive tasks, but without blocking the UI or other scripts to handle user interactions (the window stays responsive to inputs like clicks and scrolling, even while processing). Workers utilize thread-like message passing to achieve parallelism thus bringing about true multi-threading in JavaScript. Types of Web Workers Dedicated Workers Shared Workers The Difference between the two Dedicated Workers are linked The shared Web Workers are to the script that created them named so that any script (called the owner or creator). running in the same origin/domain can Dedicated Web Worker is communicate with them, targeted for applications either by the URL of the requiring point to point script used to create it, or by communication. name. Shared web workers for communication with multiple producers and consumers A Shared Worker exposes more of the Messaging API components.
  • 5. Web Workers API // Check if Web Workers are supported if (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") { document.getElementById("support").innerHTML = "Your browser supports HTML5 Web Workers"; } // Create a new worker // The URL for the JavaScript file on the same origin worker = new Worker ("echoWorker.js"); //to load additional JavaScript in the worker importScripts("helper.js", "anotherHelper.js"); //From the main page worker.postMessage("Here's a message for we"); //Add event listener worker.addEventListener("message”, messageHandler, true); //Process incoming messages function messageHandler(e) { // process message from worker } //Handle errors worker.addEventListener("error", errorHandler, true); //Stop worker worker.terminate(); //From the Web Worker function messageHandler(e) { postMessage("worker says: " + + " too"); } //Add event listener addEventListener("message", messageHandler, true); //Using a Web Worker within a Web Worker var subWorker = new Worker("subWorker.js");
  • 6. Checking Web-Worker support in browser /* Check if Web Workers are supported */ function getWebWorkerSupport() { return (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") ? true:false; } Before we create any web worker related code, we must find out if our browser supports web-workers. Currently, Shared web workers are supported in Chrome, Safari and Opera. Dedicated Web Workers are implemented by Firefox 3.5, Safari 4 and Chrome. Mozilla Firefox 4 does not support shared web workers.
  • 7. “localhost” bug When we try to run a Worker script in Chrome on our local machine and not on a webserver, an error is reported. Workers are restricted by the Same Origin Policy. The Same Origin Policy is an important security concept for a number of browser-side programming languages, such as JavaScript. The policy permits scripts running on pages originating from the same site to access each other's methods and properties with no specific restrictions, but prevents access to most methods and properties across pages on different sites. The behavior of same-origin checks and related mechanisms is not well- defined in a number of corner cases, such as for protocols that do not have a clearly defined host name or port associated with their URLs (file:, data:, etc.). The exact error is: "Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18". viewing this file in the file:/// protocol or over http://? We’ll have to serve the page in order for security to process it correctly." Loading a local file, even with a relative URL, is the same as loading a file with the file: protocol. So the problem is that when we are trying to load the .js file of worker as a local file - Chrome doesn't like this (for some security reasons), though we can force the issue by starting Chrome like this: chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files.
  • 8. Working of Web Workers Message Passing Model Page WorkerGlobalScope onmessage worker.js postMessaage Web Messaging Infrastructure PORT MESSAGING CHANNEL PORT Messages passed between the main page and workers are copied, not shared. It appears that the object is being passed directly to the worker even though it's running in a separate, dedicated space. In actuality, what is happening is that the object is being serialized as it's handed to the worker, and subsequently, de- serialized on the other end. The page and worker do not share the same instance, so the end result is that a duplicate is created on each pass. Most browsers implement this feature by automatically JSON encoding/decoding the value on either end.
  • 9. WorkerGlobalScope Workers have their own JavaScript context, separate from the renderer Global scope (this) is NOT window No DOM access No window No Document No cookies No storage  Chrome now provides Web Database API Common Functions (across all implementations) postMessage Event support  addEventListener  dispatchEvent  removeEventListener importScripts location (read only) navigator XMLHttpRequest setTimeout()/clearTimeout() and setInterval()/clearInterval()
  • 10. Web Messaging Infrastructure` Web Messaging more securely enables cross-document communication. Enabling Cross-site scripting opens a security hole in a browser. For security reasons cross- site scripting is disabled. Cross-document communication is important to building Web Applications, so Web Messaging has been architected for security as well as communication capability. Web Messaging protocols pass around a MessageEvent object. In the example, "data" is the attribute containing the message payload; "data" is a string in the example, but can be any type. Web Workers leverage the Web Messaging Channel messaging infrastructure. A MessageChannel connects two MessagePorts. The specification refers to the setup as "entangling" the ports. A call to postMessage on a MessagePort puts data across the channel. Each MessagePort maintains a message queue. Messages posted on one port on the MessageChannel are set to the other port on the MessageChannel and visa-versa. MessagePorts receive a message via an "onmessage" function. Web Workers extend the Web Messaging infrastructure supporting posting to an Array of MessagePorts. MessagePort Arrays are handy for multiple notifications.
  • 11. Communicating with a dedicated worker Dedicated workers use MessagePort objects behind the scenes, and thus support all the same features, such as sending structured data, transferring binary data, and transferring other ports. To receive messages from a dedicated worker, use the onmessage event handler IDL attribute on the Worker object: worker.onmessage = function (event) { ... }; We can also use the addEventListener() method. The implicit MessagePort used by dedicated workers has its port message queue implicitly enabled when it is created, so there is no equivalent to the MessagePort interface's start() method on the Worker interface. To send data to a worker, use the postMessage() method. Structured data can be sent over this communication channel. To send ArrayBuffer objects efficiently (by transferring them rather than cloning them), list them in an array in the second argument. worker.postMessage({ operation: 'find-edges', input: buffer, // an ArrayBuffer object threshold: 0.6, }, [buffer]); To receive a message inside the worker, the onmessage event handler IDL attribute is used. onmessage = function (event) { ... }; We can again also use the addEventListener() method. In either case, the data is provided in the event object's data attribute. To send messages back, we again use postMessage(). It supports the structured data in the same manner. postMessage(, []); // transfer the buffer back.
  • 12. Communicating with a shared worker Shared workers are identified in one of two ways: either by the URL of the script used to create it, or by explicit name. When created by name, the URL used by the first page to create the worker with that name is the URL of the script that will be used for that worker. This allows multiple applications on a domain to all use a single shared worker to provide a common service, without the applications having to keep track of a common URL for the script used to provide the service.In either case, shared workers are scoped by origin. Two different sites using the same names will not collide. Creating shared workers is done using the SharedWorker() constructor. This constructor takes the URL to the script to use for its first argument, and the name of the worker, if any, as the second argument. var worker = new SharedWorker('service.js'); Communicating with shared workers is done with explicit MessagePort objects. The object returned by the SharedWorker() constructor holds a reference to the port on its port attribute. worker.port.onmessage = function (event) { ... }; worker.port.postMessage('some message'); worker.port.postMessage({ foo: 'structured', bar: ['data', 'also', 'possible']}); Inside the shared worker, new clients of the worker are announced using the connect event. The port for the new client is given by the event object's source attribute. onconnect = function (event) { var newPort = event.source; // set up a listener newPort.onmessage = function (event) { ... }; // send a message back to the port newPort.postMessage('ready!'); // can also send structured data.}; A shared worker will remain active as long as one window has a connection to it.
  • 13. Example of Dedicated Worker //The code below will find out the value of pi. It requires looping many, many times to get at some real accuracy, and that's really processor intensive!. I have not used web workers here. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function CalculatePi(){ var loop = document.getElementById("loop"); var c = parseInt(loop.value); var f = parseFloat(loop.value); var Pi=0, n=1; try { if (isNaN(c) || f != c ) { throw("errInvalidNumber"); } else if (c<=0) { throw("errNegativeNumber"); } for (var i=0;i<=c;i++) { Pi=Pi+(4/n)-(4/(n+2)); n=n+4; } document.getElementById("PiValue").innerHTML = Pi; } catch (e) { var msg = "Input Error: "; if (e=="errInvalidNumber") msg += "Invalid number."; else if (e=="errNegativeNumber") msg += "Input must be positive."; else msg += e.message; alert(msg); }} </script> </head> <body> <label for="loop">Enter the number of cycles:</label> <input id="loop" type="number" value="100" /> <input type="button" onclick="CalculatePi()" value="Calculate Pi" /> <br> <br>
  • 14. <div id="PiValue">PI value appears here</div> </body> </html> We’ll see that for small values of ‘number of cycles’ the user interface will not block and the value computes within no time but when we enter value in millions and above, it would do two things: give a fairly accurate value of pi and slow down the interface to a crawl. On running the above code for 10000000000 cycles.
  • 15. //Code with web workers // pi.htm (main thread) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function launchPiWebWorker() { var worker = new Worker('pi.js'); worker.onmessage = function(e) { document.getElementById("PiValue").innerHTML =; }; worker.onerror = function(e) { alert('Error: Line ' + e.lineno + ' in ' + e.filename + ': ' + e.message); }; //start the worker worker.postMessage({'cmd': 'CalculatePi', 'value': document.getElementById("loop").value }); } </script> </head> <body> <label for="loop">Enter the number of cycles:</label> <input id="loop" type="number" value="100" /> <input type="button" onclick="launchPiWebWorker()" value="Calculate Pi" /> <br> <br> <div id="PiValue">PI value appears here</div> </body> </html>
  • 16. //worker file pi.js function CalculatePi(loop) { var c = parseInt(loop); var f = parseFloat(loop); var n=1; //these errors will need more work… if (isNaN(c) || f != c ) { throw("errInvalidNumber"); } else if (c<=0) { throw("errNegativeNumber"); } for (var i=0,Pi=0;i<=c;i++) { Pi=Pi+(4/n)-(4/(n+2)); n=n+4; } self.postMessage({'PiValue': Pi}); } //wait for the start 'CalculatePi' message //e is the event and contains the JSON object self.onmessage = function(e) { CalculatePi(; } The above code uses a worker to compute the value of pi. This does not block the user interface as the calculation part is done in a separate thread i.e. in the worker. This snippet will not run in Chrome if we use the “file://” protocol because of security reasons in chrome mentioned above in “localhost bug”. (I have checked this in Chrome version 19.0.1084.52)
  • 17. Example of a Shared Worker When we have a web application with multiple windows each needing access to a worker thread we don't really want to create a new thread in each window because it takes time and system resources to create each worker thread. The ability to share a single worker thread among each window from the same origin comes as a great benefit in this case. The following is the simplest way to create a SharedWorker thread that multiple windows from the same origin can make use of: // Window 1 var aSharedWorker = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js"); // Window 2 var aSharedWorker = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js"); The SharedWorker object accepts an optional 2nd parameter in the constructor that serves as the name of the worker. Most of the time having one shared worker will give the needed functionality. If we simply have a desire to add more parallel processing, the shared worker can always spawn web workers of its own. What if we run into a scenario where we have a need for several windows to share several workers rather than just the one? That's where the 2nd parameter of the SharedWorker constructor comes into play. We can create several different SharedWorker threads by specifying different names when creating the worker objects. The following is an example of two windows each sharing two worker threads 'Worker1' and 'Worker2': // Window 1 - Shared Worker 1 & 2 var aSharedWorker1 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker1"); var aSharedWorker2 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker2"); // Window 2 - Shared Worker 1 & 2 var aSharedWorker1 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker1");
  • 18. var aSharedWorker2 = new SharedWorker("SharedWorker.js", "Worker2"); Here is a very good example of using shared workers. NOTE: Shared workers would not work in firefox and in chrome will work only using http:// protocol.
  • 19. Terminating the Web Workers Once the main page starts a Worker thread, the thread doesn’t terminate by itself. The calling page has to explicitly ask the Worker to terminate. This may become necessary because creating each new Worker consumes precious browser resources, which we will need to reclaim once the Workers task is no longer required. worker.terminate(); Once a worker is terminated, it goes out of scope and a new worker has to be created if needed. close() function can also be used to close the worker from within itself. self.onmessage = function(e) { if ( == "STOP!") self.close(); };
  • 20. Error Handling and Debugging Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the worker's scripts, if the error did not occur while handling a previous script error, the user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource that contained the script, with the position(line number and column number) where the error occurred, in the origin of the scripts running in the worker, using the WorkerGlobalScope object’s onerror attribute. If the implicit port connecting the worker to its Worker object has been disentangled (i.e. if the parent worker has been terminated), then the user agent must act as if the Worker object had no error event handler and as if that worker's onerror attribute was null. There are some browser differences to note here:  Chrome 5 and Safari 5 both just pass the error as a string to the error handler in the thread  Firefox 3.6.8 and 4.0 beta 2 pass in an ErrorEvent object to the error handler in the thread. All browsers (Chrome 5, Safari 5, Firefox 3.6.8 / 4.0 beta 2) implement the dedicated worker instance error event in the same way by passing in the ErrorEvent object. When it comes to shared workers, however, the shared worker object instance cannot trigger the onerror event in Chrome 5 or Safari 5. It appears that for shared workers the onerror event will only be triggered for the shared worker instance if there was a network error while the worker thread was being created.
  • 21. The following is an example of attaching to the onerror event of a dedicated worker thread (the example will also work for shared workers with the exception that with shared workers postMessage needs to be called on a port): // Attach to the global error handler of the // thread onerror = OnErrorHandler; function OnErrorHandler(e) { // In Chrome 5/Safari 5, 'e' is a string for // both dedicated and shared workers within // the thread if (typeof (e) == "string") { postMessage("Error Message: " + e); } else // Dedicated worker in Firefox...(Firefox // does not yet support shared workers) { postMessage("Error Message: " + e.message + " File Name: " + e.filename + " Line Number: " + e.lineno); } } // to test the error handler, throw an error throw "This is a test error"; The message attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object is created, this attribute must be initialized to the empty string. It represents the error message. The filename attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object is created, this attribute must be initialized to the empty string. It represents the absolute URL of the script in which the error originally occurred. The lineno attribute must return the value it was initialized to. When the object is created, this attribute must be initialized to zero. It represents the line number where the error occurred in the script.
  • 22. Web Workers for which scenarios? Image processing by using the data extracted from the <canvas> or the <video> elements. We can divide the image into several zones and push them to the different Workers that will work in parallel. We’ll then benefit from the new generation of multi-cores CPUs. Big amount of data retrieved that we need to parse after an XMLHTTPRequest call. If the time needed to process this data is important, we’d better do it in background inside a Web Worker to avoid freezing the UI Thread. We’ll then keep a reactive application. Background text analysis: as we have potentially more CPU time available when using the Web Workers, we can now think about new scenarios in JavaScript. For instance, we could imagine parsing in real-time what the user is currently typing without impacting the UI experience. Think about an application like Word (of our Office Web Apps suite) leveraging such possibility: background search in dictionaries to help the user while typing, automatic correction, etc. Concurrent requests against a local database. IndexDB will allow what the Local Storage can’t offer us: a thread-safe storage environment for our Web Workers. Prefetching and/or caching data for later use Code syntax highlighting or other real-time text formatting Background I/O or polling of web services Processing large arrays or humungous JSON responses Updating many rows of a local web database Analyzing video or audio data
  • 23. Advantages of Web Workers The Worker interface spawns real OS-level threads, and concurrency can cause interesting effects in our code if we aren't careful. However, in the case of web workers, the carefully controlled communication points with other threads mean that it's actually very hard to cause concurrency problems. There's no access to non-thread safe components or the DOM and we have to pass specific data in and out of a thread through serialized objects. Web Workers are not ridden with classic concurrency problems such as deadlocks and race condition Worker makes a natural sandbox for running untrusted code because it can’t access page content or cookies. “Jsandbox is an open source JavaScript sandboxing library that makes use of HTML5 web workers. Jsandbox makes it possible to run untrusted JavaScript without having to worry about any potential dangers. Much of the danger comes from the script being executed on the same origin – XMLHttpRequest – OpenDatabase etc. But new Worker() is same domain only and communication API allows for cross-origin messaging using postMessage. Multiple windows (viewers) can be opened that are all viewing the same item for instance a map. All the windows share the same map information, with a single worker coordinating all the viewers. Each viewer can move around independently, but if they set any data on the map, all the viewers are updated.( This feature of shared web workers can be used in our project )
  • 24. Disadvantages of using Web Workers postMessage can transfer strings between threads. But it is very rare that data requiring analysis is solely string based, mostly we are working with other primitive types as well such as numbers, Booleans, DateTimes, etc. and the cost of converting (serializing) strings to/from these data types is huge. One thing to be aware of with web workers is that they are not intended to be used in large numbers and are expected to be long-lived. The worker threads also have a high start-up performance cost as well as a high memory cost per worker instance. Can’t send – Functions: var func=function(e){return e} postMessage(func); // Not allowed Multi-threaded processes are difficult to debug.
  • 25. Conclusion As browser-based apps continue to become more complex, and CPUs gain more cores, there will be a natural need to offload work into separate threads. HTML5 Web Workers will likely form a big part of this and combining them with jQuery Deferred objects can make it simpler for developers to write simple, easy-to-read, parallel code, without adding any extra overhead. JavaScript web workers are in their infancy and the use cases are limited. Browser support varies from patchy to non-existent and debugging is tough.
  • 26. References 1. 2. workers.html 3.