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A Journey in Scientometrics:
quantitative studies of science at the crossroads of
computer science, psychology, and sociology
Guillaume Cabanac
June 18, 2015
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Scientometrics in France
Bassecoulard, Zitt…
Grossetti, Milard…
Labbé C.
Labbé D.
Boukacem, Lafouge…
Cuxac, François…
Lamirel, Lelu…
Cabanac, Dousset, Hubert
Filliatreau, Sigogneau…
Cointet, Turenne…
This is my subjective, not exhaustive view …
Callon, Courtial, Latour, Pontille…
• agronomy
• complex systems
• computer science
• economics
• information science
• linguistics
• sociology
• …
Favre, Loudcher…
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Scientometrics in France – Highlights
My Research Interests
Information Science
 Information Retrieval
 Digital Libraries
Psychology of Science
 Cognitive biases
 Academic writing
Sociology of Science
 Gatekeeping
 Collaboration
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Case Studies
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
What’s in my Toolkit?
Hartley Hubert Milard
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Cabanac, G. (2014). Extracting and quantifying eponyms in full-text articles. Scientometrics, 98, 3, 1631–1645.
Study 1
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Information Science
 Information Retrieval
 Digital Libraries
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
“Eponyms remind us that science
and scholarship are the work of
dedicated people.” (p. 393)
“mnemonic and commemorative device” (p. 121)
Merton, R. K. (1942). Science and technology in a democratic order. Journal of Legal
and Political Sociology, 1(1), 115–126.
“the practice of affixing the name of the scientist to all or part of
what he has found, as with the Copernican system, Hooke’s law,
Planck’s constant, or Halley’s comet” (p. 643)
Merton, R. K. (1957). Priorities in scientific discovery: A chapter in the sociology of
science. American Sociological Review, 22(6), 635–659.
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
 Related Concepts
 The Reward System of Science (Merton, 1942, 1957)
 Obliteration by Incorporation (Merton, 1988; McCain, 2011, 2012)
 Non-indexed Eponymal Citedness (Száva-Kováts, 1994)
 Extraction and Quantification of Eponyms from Full-text
 Show eponimised scientists in my field?
 Update existing dictionaries of eponyms?
 Spot new research trends?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Eponymy and Scientific Heroes
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Cabanac, G. (forthcoming). Bibliogifts in LibGen? A study of a text-sharing platform driven by biblioleaks and
crowdsourcing. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. doi:10.1002/asi.23445
Study 2
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Information Science
 Information Retrieval
 Digital Libraries
Bibliogifts =
+ Crowdsourcing ?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Biblioleaks + Crowdsourcing = Bibliogifts ?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Biblioleaks + Crowdsourcing = Bibliogifts ?
What’s shelved in LibGen ?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
On the LibGen shelves: articles (1/2)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
On the LibGen shelves: articles (2/2)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
On the LibGen shelves: books and textbooks
Proxy to various commercial platforms
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Bibliogifts as Rogue Open Access?
Cabanac, G., & Preuss, T. (2013). Capitalizing on order effects in the bids of peer-reviewed conferences to secure
reviews by expert referees. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 2,
405–415. doi:10.1002/asi.22747
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Study 3
Order Bias in Conference Bids
Psychology of Science
 Cognitive biases
 Academic writing
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Conferences Affected by a Submission-Date bias?
 Peer-review
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
The Submission-Date bias
 Dataset from the ConfMaster conference management system
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
The Submission-Date bias
 Influence of submission date on bids
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Referee Assignment Matters
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Study 4
Issues of
Work-Life Balance
Cabanac, G., & Hartley, J. (2013). Issues of work-life balance among JASIST authors and editors [Brief Communication].
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 10, 2182–2186. doi:10.1002/asi.22888
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Psychology of Science
 Cognitive biases
 Academic writing
Issues of Work-life Balance
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Issues of Work-life Balance
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Issues of Work-life Balance
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Issues of Work-life Balance
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Issues of Work-life Balance
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Study 5
Research Landscape from the
Perspective of Gatekeepers
in Information Systems
Cabanac, G. (2012). Shaping the landscape of research in information systems from the perspective of editorial
boards: A scientometric study of 77 leading journals. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, 63, 5, 977–996. doi:10.1002/asi.22609
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Sociology of Science
 Gatekeeping
 Collaboration
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 The gatekeepers of science
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
(Braun, 2009)
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 The 77 core peer-reviewed IS journals in the WoS
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Exploratory data analysis
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Exploratory data analysis
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Topical map of the IS field
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Most influential
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Number of gatekeepers per country
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Landscape of Research in Information Systems
 Geographic and gender diversity
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Studies 6 and 7
Differences in Academic Writing:
Gender & Solo/Multiauthor
Hartley, J., & Cabanac, G. (2014). Do men and women differ in their use of tables and graphs in academic
publications? Scientometrics, 98, 2, 1161-1172. doi:10.1007/s11192-013-1096-3
Cabanac, G., Hubert, G., & Hartley, J. (2014). Solo versus collaborative writing: Discrepancies in the use of tables
and graphs in academic articles. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,
65, 4, 812–820. doi:10.1002/asi.23014
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Psychology of Science
 Cognitive biases
 Academic writing
Academic Writing – Gender Study
 Theory in Psychology (1960’s)
 Men are more spatially and mathematically oriented than women
 Women are more verbally oriented than men
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Academic Writing – Gender Study
 Our findings on 1,403 single-authored articles in science
 Men use 26% more figures than Women (p < 0.001)
 Men use 11% more tables than Women (p = 0.102)
… but is the difference practical?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations
 The “Friday” Hypothesis
 When writing in groups, it is harder to agree on text than on figures/graphs
 More Figures and Graphs in multi-author papers?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations
 More tables in multi-author vs. single-author papers
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations
 More figures in multi-author vs. single-author papers
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Cabanac, G., Hubert, G., & Milard, B. (2015). Academic careers in Computer Science: continuance and transience
of lifetime co-authorships. Scientometrics, 102, 1, 135–150. doi:10.1007/s11192-014-1426-0
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Study 8
Lifelong Publication
Dynamics in CS
Sociology of Science
 Gatekeeping
 Collaboration
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Publishing in CS: conferences & journals
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
The population
The sampled
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Continuance and Transience
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Renewal of Collaborations
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Success Breads Success and Homophily
Qualitative study on Transience (1/3)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Qualitative study on Transience (2/3)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Qualitative study on Transience (3/3)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Miscellaneous Ongoing Studies
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
The Core of CS?
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Unconventional Academic Writing
Cabanac, G. (2015): Unconventional academic writing. figshare. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1306561
Case Studies
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Research question:
- compelling
- genuine
- important
Literature review:
- broad
- interdisciplinary
Data and methods:
- original data shared with the community
- mixed: quanti + quali
Study 9
How to Recommend Researchers
According to their Research Topics
and Social Clues?
Cabanac, G. (2011). Accuracy of inter-researcher similarity measures based on topical and social clues.
Scientometrics, 87, 3, 597–620. doi:10.1007/s11192-011-0358-1
Information Science
 Information Retrieval
 Digital Libraries
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Recommendation of Literature (McNee et al., 2006)
 Collaborative filtering
 Principle: mining the preferences of researchers
 those who liked this paper also liked…
 Snowball effect / fad
 Innovation?
 Relevance of theme?
 Cognitive filtering
 Principle: mining the contents of articles
 profile of resources (researcher, articles)
 citation graph
 Hybrid approach
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Foundations: Similarity Measures Under Study
 Model
 Coauthors graph authors  auteurs
 Venues graph authors  conferences / journals
 Social similarities
 Inverse degree of separation length of the shortest path
 Strength of the tie number of shortest paths
 Shared conferences number of shared conference editions
 Thematic similarity
 Cosine on Vector Space Model di = (wi
1, … , wi
built on titles (doc / researcher)
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Computing Similarities with Social Clues
 Task of literature review
 Requirement topical relevance
 Preference social proximity (meetings, project…)
 re-rank topical results with social clues
 Combination with CombMNZ (Fox & Shaw, 1993)
 Final result: list of recommended researchers
Degree of separation
Strength of ties
Shared conferences
Social list
Topical list
CombMNZ TS list
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Evaluation Design
 Comparison of recommendations and researchers’ perception
 Q1 : Effectiveness of topical (only) recommendations?
 Q2 : Gain due to integrating social clues?
 IR experiments: Cranfield paradigm (TREC…)
 Does the search engine retrieve relevant documents?
Doc relevant?
relevance judgments
{0, 1} binary
[0, N] gradual
Effectiveness measures
Mean Average Precision
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
topic S1 S2
1 0.5687 0.6521
… … …
50 0.7124 0.7512
avg 0.6421 0.7215
improvement +12.3 %
significativity p < 0.05 (paired t-test)
search engine x
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Evaluating Recommendations
 Adaptation of the Cranfield paradigm (TREC…)
 Is the search engine rec. sys. Retrieving relevant documents researchers?
doc relevant ?
relevance judgments
{0, 1} binary
[0, N] gradual
Effectiveness measures
Mean Average Precision
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
topic S1 S2
1 0.5687 0.6521
… … …
50 0.7124 0.7512
avg 0.6421 0.7215
improvement +12.3 %
significativity p < 0.05 (paired t-test)
search engine x
name of a
« With whom would you like to chat for
improving your research? »
recommender system
topical +
Top 25
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
 Features
 Data dblp.xml (713 MB = 1.3M publications for 811,787 researchers)
 Subjects 90 researchers-contacts contacted by mail
74 researchers began to fill the questionnaire. 71 completed it
 Interface for assessing recommendations
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Experiments: Profile of the Participants
 Experience of the 71 subjects Mdn = 13 years
 Productivity of the 71 subjects Mdn = 15 publications
Number of publications
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Empirical Validation of our Hypothesis
 Strong baseline  effective approach based on VSM
 +8.49 % = significant improvement (p < 0.05 ; n = 70)
of topical recommendations by social clues
productivity experience
+8,49 % +10,39 % +7,03 % +6,50 % +10,22 %
Topical Topical + social
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac

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A Journey in Scientometrics: quantitative studies of science at the crossroads of computer science, psychology, and sociology

  • 1. A Journey in Scientometrics: quantitative studies of science at the crossroads of computer science, psychology, and sociology Guillaume Cabanac @gcabanac June 18, 2015 Lyon
  • 2. 2 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 3. 3 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Scientometrics in France Bassecoulard, Zitt… Carayol… Grossetti, Milard… Labbé C. Labbé D. Jensen … Boukacem, Lafouge… Cuxac, François… Lamirel, Lelu… Cabanac, Dousset, Hubert Chavalarias… Filliatreau, Sigogneau… Cointet, Turenne… Prime-Claverie… Bouyssou… This is my subjective, not exhaustive view … Combes Callon, Courtial, Latour, Pontille… Turner… • agronomy • complex systems • computer science • economics • information science • linguistics • sociology • … Salaün… Favre, Loudcher…
  • 4. 4 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Scientometrics in France – Highlights 1993 1999
  • 5. My Research Interests 5 Information Science  Information Retrieval  Digital Libraries Psychology of Science  Cognitive biases  Academic writing Sociology of Science  Gatekeeping  Collaboration Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 6. Case Studies 6 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 7. What’s in my Toolkit? 7 Merton Price Tukey Hartley Hubert Milard Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 8. 8 Cabanac, G. (2014). Extracting and quantifying eponyms in full-text articles. Scientometrics, 98, 3, 1631–1645. doi:10.1007/s11192-013-1091-8 Study 1 Eponymy and Scientific Heroes Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Information Science  Information Retrieval  Digital Libraries
  • 9. Eponymy and Scientific Heroes 9 “Eponyms remind us that science and scholarship are the work of dedicated people.” (p. 393) “mnemonic and commemorative device” (p. 121) Merton, R. K. (1942). Science and technology in a democratic order. Journal of Legal and Political Sociology, 1(1), 115–126. “the practice of affixing the name of the scientist to all or part of what he has found, as with the Copernican system, Hooke’s law, Planck’s constant, or Halley’s comet” (p. 643) Merton, R. K. (1957). Priorities in scientific discovery: A chapter in the sociology of science. American Sociological Review, 22(6), 635–659. Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 10. Eponymy and Scientific Heroes 10 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 11. Eponymy and Scientific Heroes 11  Related Concepts  The Reward System of Science (Merton, 1942, 1957)  Obliteration by Incorporation (Merton, 1988; McCain, 2011, 2012)  Non-indexed Eponymal Citedness (Száva-Kováts, 1994)  Extraction and Quantification of Eponyms from Full-text  Show eponimised scientists in my field?  Update existing dictionaries of eponyms?  Spot new research trends? Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 12. Eponymy and Scientific Heroes 12 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 13. Eponymy and Scientific Heroes 13 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 14. 14 Cabanac, G. (forthcoming). Bibliogifts in LibGen? A study of a text-sharing platform driven by biblioleaks and crowdsourcing. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. doi:10.1002/asi.23445 Study 2 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Information Science  Information Retrieval  Digital Libraries Bibliogifts = Biblioleaks + Crowdsourcing ?
  • 15. 15 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 16. 16 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 17. 17 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 18. 18 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Biblioleaks + Crowdsourcing = Bibliogifts ?
  • 19. 19 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Biblioleaks + Crowdsourcing = Bibliogifts ?
  • 20. What’s shelved in LibGen ? 20 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 21. On the LibGen shelves: articles (1/2) 21 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 22. 22 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac On the LibGen shelves: articles (2/2)
  • 23. 23 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac On the LibGen shelves: books and textbooks
  • 24. 24 Proxy to various commercial platforms Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 25. 25 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Bibliogifts as Rogue Open Access?
  • 26. 26 Cabanac, G., & Preuss, T. (2013). Capitalizing on order effects in the bids of peer-reviewed conferences to secure reviews by expert referees. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 2, 405–415. doi:10.1002/asi.22747 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Study 3 Order Bias in Conference Bids Psychology of Science  Cognitive biases  Academic writing
  • 27. 27 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 28. 28 Conferences Affected by a Submission-Date bias?  Peer-review Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 29. 29 The Submission-Date bias  Dataset from the ConfMaster conference management system Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 30. 30 The Submission-Date bias  Influence of submission date on bids Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 31. 31 Referee Assignment Matters Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 32. 32 Study 4 Issues of Work-Life Balance Cabanac, G., & Hartley, J. (2013). Issues of work-life balance among JASIST authors and editors [Brief Communication]. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 10, 2182–2186. doi:10.1002/asi.22888 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Psychology of Science  Cognitive biases  Academic writing
  • 33. Issues of Work-life Balance 33 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 34. Issues of Work-life Balance 34 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 35. 35 Issues of Work-life Balance Sunday! Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 36. 36 Issues of Work-life Balance Authors Editors Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 37. 37 Issues of Work-life Balance […] Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 38. 38 Study 5 Research Landscape from the Perspective of Gatekeepers in Information Systems Cabanac, G. (2012). Shaping the landscape of research in information systems from the perspective of editorial boards: A scientometric study of 77 leading journals. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63, 5, 977–996. doi:10.1002/asi.22609 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Sociology of Science  Gatekeeping  Collaboration
  • 39. 39 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  The gatekeepers of science Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac (Braun, 2009)
  • 40. 40 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  The 77 core peer-reviewed IS journals in the WoS Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 41. 41 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Exploratory data analysis Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 42. 42 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Exploratory data analysis Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 43. 43 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Topical map of the IS field Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac … …
  • 44. 44 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Most influential gatekeepers Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 45. 45 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Number of gatekeepers per country Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 46. 46 Landscape of Research in Information Systems  Geographic and gender diversity Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 47. 47 Studies 6 and 7 Differences in Academic Writing: Gender & Solo/Multiauthor Hartley, J., & Cabanac, G. (2014). Do men and women differ in their use of tables and graphs in academic publications? Scientometrics, 98, 2, 1161-1172. doi:10.1007/s11192-013-1096-3 Cabanac, G., Hubert, G., & Hartley, J. (2014). Solo versus collaborative writing: Discrepancies in the use of tables and graphs in academic articles. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65, 4, 812–820. doi:10.1002/asi.23014 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Psychology of Science  Cognitive biases  Academic writing
  • 48. 48 Academic Writing – Gender Study  Theory in Psychology (1960’s)  Men are more spatially and mathematically oriented than women  Women are more verbally oriented than men Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 49. 49 Academic Writing – Gender Study  Our findings on 1,403 single-authored articles in science  Men use 26% more figures than Women (p < 0.001)  Men use 11% more tables than Women (p = 0.102) … but is the difference practical? Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 50. 50 Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations  The “Friday” Hypothesis  When writing in groups, it is harder to agree on text than on figures/graphs  More Figures and Graphs in multi-author papers? Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 51. 51 Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations  More tables in multi-author vs. single-author papers Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 52. 52 Academic Writing – Study of Collaborations  More figures in multi-author vs. single-author papers Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 53. 53 Cabanac, G., Hubert, G., & Milard, B. (2015). Academic careers in Computer Science: continuance and transience of lifetime co-authorships. Scientometrics, 102, 1, 135–150. doi:10.1007/s11192-014-1426-0 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Study 8 Lifelong Publication Dynamics in CS Sociology of Science  Gatekeeping  Collaboration
  • 54. 54 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 55. 55 Publishing in CS: conferences & journals Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 56. 56 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Source: The population The sampled “fiftysomethings”
  • 57. 57 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Continuance and Transience
  • 58. 58 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Renewal of Collaborations
  • 59. 59 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Success Breads Success and Homophily
  • 60. 60 Qualitative study on Transience (1/3) Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 61. 61 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Qualitative study on Transience (2/3)
  • 62. 62 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Qualitative study on Transience (3/3)
  • 63. 63 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac PsyIS Soc Miscellaneous Ongoing Studies
  • 64. 64 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac The Core of CS?
  • 65. 65 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Unconventional Academic Writing Cabanac, G. (2015): Unconventional academic writing. figshare. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1306561
  • 66. Case Studies 66 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 67. 67 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac Opportunities Research question: - compelling - genuine - important Literature review: - broad - interdisciplinary Data and methods: - original data shared with the community - mixed: quanti + quali
  • 69. 69 Study 9 How to Recommend Researchers According to their Research Topics and Social Clues? Cabanac, G. (2011). Accuracy of inter-researcher similarity measures based on topical and social clues. Scientometrics, 87, 3, 597–620. doi:10.1007/s11192-011-0358-1 PsyIS Soc Information Science  Information Retrieval  Digital Libraries Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 70. 70 Recommendation of Literature (McNee et al., 2006)  Collaborative filtering  Principle: mining the preferences of researchers  those who liked this paper also liked…  Snowball effect / fad  Innovation?  Relevance of theme?  Cognitive filtering  Principle: mining the contents of articles  profile of resources (researcher, articles)  citation graph  Hybrid approach      ???? Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 71. 71 Foundations: Similarity Measures Under Study  Model  Coauthors graph authors  auteurs  Venues graph authors  conferences / journals  Social similarities  Inverse degree of separation length of the shortest path  Strength of the tie number of shortest paths  Shared conferences number of shared conference editions  Thematic similarity  Cosine on Vector Space Model di = (wi 1, … , wi n) built on titles (doc / researcher) Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 72. 72 Computing Similarities with Social Clues  Task of literature review  Requirement topical relevance  Preference social proximity (meetings, project…)  re-rank topical results with social clues  Combination with CombMNZ (Fox & Shaw, 1993)  Final result: list of recommended researchers CombMNZ Degree of separation Strength of ties Shared conferences Social list Topical list  CombMNZ TS list Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 73. 73 Evaluation Design  Comparison of recommendations and researchers’ perception  Q1 : Effectiveness of topical (only) recommendations?  Q2 : Gain due to integrating social clues?  IR experiments: Cranfield paradigm (TREC…)  Does the search engine retrieve relevant documents? Doc relevant? assessor relevance judgments {0, 1} binary [0, N] gradual trec_eval Effectiveness measures Mean Average Precision Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain topic S1 S2 1 0.5687 0.6521 … … … 50 0.7124 0.7512 avg 0.6421 0.7215 improvement +12.3 % significativity p < 0.05 (paired t-test) search engine x topic corpus Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 74. 74 Evaluating Recommendations  Adaptation of the Cranfield paradigm (TREC…)  Is the search engine rec. sys. Retrieving relevant documents researchers? doc relevant ? assessor relevance judgments {0, 1} binary [0, N] gradual trec_eval Effectiveness measures Mean Average Precision Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain topic S1 S2 1 0.5687 0.6521 … … … 50 0.7124 0.7512 avg 0.6421 0.7215 improvement +12.3 % significativity p < 0.05 (paired t-test) search engine x topic corpus name of a researcher researcher « With whom would you like to chat for improving your research? » recommender system topical topical + social #subjects Top 25 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 75. 75 Experiment  Features  Data dblp.xml (713 MB = 1.3M publications for 811,787 researchers)  Subjects 90 researchers-contacts contacted by mail 74 researchers began to fill the questionnaire. 71 completed it  Interface for assessing recommendations    Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 76. 76 Experiments: Profile of the Participants  Experience of the 71 subjects Mdn = 13 years 74  Productivity of the 71 subjects Mdn = 15 publications NumberofparticipantsNumberofparticipants Seniority Number of publications Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 77. 77 Empirical Validation of our Hypothesis  Strong baseline  effective approach based on VSM  +8.49 % = significant improvement (p < 0.05 ; n = 70) of topical recommendations by social clues productivity experience +8,49 % +10,39 % +7,03 % +6,50 % +10,22 % NDCG Topical Topical + social yearsyears Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac
  • 78. 78 Interdisciplinary Research through Scientometrics Guillaume Cabanac