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Functional ProgrammingFunctional Programming
(in Scala):Day1(in Scala):Day1
Who am I?Who am I?
Taisuke Oe (Twitter: @OE_uia, GitHub: @taisukeoe)
ScalaMatsuri organizer as a chairperson
Technical Advisor at Septeni Original, Inc.
ScalaMatsuri CFP is open now!ScalaMatsuri CFP is open now!
"Functional Programming""Functional Programming"
Functional Programming is the paradigm to construct a
software with composing computations like functions.
(in a casual de nition)
Through learning FP, you can learn the ways to make
functions or comutations smallish, composable and iducible.
That helps to keep your software clean and extensible, even
in OOP.
Scala is indeed a functional language,Scala is indeed a functional language,
not very strict about FP principles.
Scala uni es FP and OOP, and recommends to leverage both
of their strengths.
Today's topicToday's topic
Function compositions.
Function purity.
Abstracting from functions and composition.
Composing functions andComposing functions and
What is a function?What is a function?
A function is a computation to transform inputs into outputs.
It's an instance of FunctionNtraits in Scala.
FunctionNmeans a function type which takes N arguments
(from 0 to 22).
Function0[T], Function1[T1,T2], ... , Function22[T1,...,T23]
Int=Intis a type alias to Function1[Int,Int].
scala val double = (i:Int) = i * 2
double: Int = Int = function1
Function1 is composable.Function1 is composable.
Function1has andThenand composemethod for function
scala val quadraple = double compose double
quadraple: Int = Int = function1
scala quadraple(3)
res0: Int = 12
Function2 to 22 don't have thoseFunction2 to 22 don't have those
methods, but...methods, but...
Function2 to 22 can be curried.Function2 to 22 can be curried.
Curryingmeans converting a multiple argument funtion to
Currying Function2Currying Function2
Function2[Int,String,Int]is curriedto
scala val combine = (left:Int, right:Int) = left + right
combine: (Int, Int) = Int = function2
scala combine.curried
res0: Int = (Int = Int) = function1
Function2 to 22 can be composed viaFunction2 to 22 can be composed via
Thus Function1- Function22are composable.
scala double andThen combine.curried
res0: Int = (Int = Int) = function1
FP fundamentalsFP fundamentals
As we see, functions can take another function as an
agrument or a return value.
This is to say a function is a rst class citizen.
Those functions are called higher order functions.
Above two are fundamentals in FP.
Methods and type parameterMethods and type parameter
Di erence from functionsDi erence from functions
Method is de ned by def keyword.
Methods can be expanded to FunctionNby _. (eta-expansion)
scala def double(i:Int):Int = i * 2
double: (i: Int)Int
scala double _
res0: Int = Int = function1
Methods can take type parameters or an implicit parameter
list, while functions cannot.
Methods with type parameterMethods with type parameter
Seq[T] has a method map[U]which modi es Ttyped elements
into Utyped elements.
def map[U](f: T = U): Seq[U]
scala Seq(1,2,3).map(_ + 1)
res0: Seq[Int] = List(2,3,4)
Combine all together.Combine all together.
Now we know function composition basics!
scala val apCurried = combine.curried
apCurried: Int = (Int = Int) = function1
// (X + 3) * 2
scala val plus3Double = apCurried(3) andThen double
plus3Double: Int = Int = function1
scala seq = Seq(1,2,3).map(plus3Double)
seq: Seq[Int] = Seq(8,10,12)
Pure FunctionsPure Functions
All functions so far are pure functions
They always return the same value with the same arguments.
Watch out side e ectsWatch out side e ects
Changing any state.
Depending on mutable state which may change.
Standard ouput
File I/O
Throwing exceptions.
All above side effects may change functions behaviour
depends on state.
What isWhat is resultresult??
var counter = 0
val next = (nth: Int) = {
counter += nth
scala next(1)
res0: Int = 1
scala val result = (next andThen next andThen next)(3)
You have to care the order of execution and each state, even
if you compose!
It's sometimes hard to predict how impure functions behave.
scala val result = (next andThen next andThen next)(3)
result: Int = 16
localize side-e ectslocalize side-e ects
All side effects cannot be removed from your program.
The key is to localize and seperate side effects from other
Referential transparencyReferential transparency
Excluding side-effects, expressions can be replaced with its
evaluation with keeping the meaning of program.
It is called referentially transparent
Referential transparent functions are called pure functions.
Abstracting from functionsAbstracting from functions
RethinkRethink combinecombinefunctionfunction
We de ned combinefunction as a binary operation of Int.
It's amazingly useful for fold-like operation.
scala val combine = (left:Int, right:Int) = left + right
combine: (Int, Int) = Int = function2
Here is the foldLeftsignature of Seq[A].
This foldLefttakes two arguments - one is a default value,
and another is a binary operation of Int.
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B
It folds the sequence from left to right. Thus:
(((0 + 1) + 2) + 3)
Seq(1,2,3).foldLeft(0)((x: Int, y:Int) = x + y)
ApplyApply combinecombineintointo foldLeftfoldLeft
combineworks for Seq[Int]Then how about
scala Seq(1,2,3).foldLeft(0)(combine)
res0: Int = 6
combiningcombining Option[Int]Option[Int]scala val combineOptions = (left:Option[Int], right:Option[Int
(left , right) match{
case (None, None) = None
case (Some(l), None) = Some(l)
case (None, Some(r)) = Some(r)
case (Some(l), Some(r)) = Some(l + r)
combineOptions: (Option[Int], Option[Int]) = Option[Int] = fun
Okay then, how about Seq[Option[String]]?
scala Seq(Some(1),None,Some(3)).foldLeft(None)(combineOptions)
res0: Option[Int] = Some(4)
Do we have to de ne combineOptionXXXfor each Option[T]?
Abstract from functions.Abstract from functions.
We see the following operations are required for the element
type of Seqand its foldLeftoperation.
returning default value
binary operation
Let's abstract these two and make a certain type for them.
We call the type Monoid.
Monoidcan be de ned as follows.
trait Monoid[T] {
def empty: T
def combine(t1: T, t2: T): T
De neDe ne MonoidMonoidofof IntIntandand StringString
In this context, implicitis the keyword to pass a value as an
argument implicitly.
implicit val intMonoid: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] {
val empty: Int = 0
def combine(left: Int, right: Int): Int = left + right
implicit val stringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
val empty: String = 
def combine(left: String, right: String): String = left + righ
Induce Monoid of Option[T]Induce Monoid of Option[T]
Now Monoid[Option[T]]instance can be induced from
(Disclaimer: for simplicity, above induction function is de ned as T
type has to be Monoid, instead of Semigroup. )
implicit def optionMonoid[T](implicit M:Monoid[T]): Monoid[Optio
val empty: Option[T] = None
def combine(left:Option[T], right:Option[T]) =
(left , right) match{
case (None, None) = None
case (Some(l), None) = Some(l)
case (None, Some(r)) = Some(r)
case (Some(l), Some(r)) = Some(M.combine(l, r))
Compose Monoids for tupleCompose Monoids for tuple
You can also compose Monoid instances.
implicit def tupleMonoid[S,T](implicit MS:Monoid[S], MT:Monoid[T
new Monoid[(S,T)]{
val empty: (S,T) = (MS.empty, MT.empty)
def combine(left:(S,T), right:(S,T)) =
(MS.combine(left._1, right._1), MT.combine(left._2, righ
De neDe ne foldLeftfoldLeftmethod to usemethod to use
MonoidMonoiddef foldLeft[T](seq: Seq[T])(implicit M:Monoid[T]): T = seq.fold
scala foldLeft(Seq(1,2,3))
res0: Int = 6
scala foldLeft(Seq(Some(1), None, Some(3)))
res1: Option[Int] = Some(4)
scala foldLeft(Seq(Some((1,a)), None, Some(2,b)))
res2: Option[(Int,String)] = Some((3,ab))
Now you enjoy foldLeftfor any type with Monoid!
Cooler stu ofCooler stu of MonoidMonoid
Let's de ne a new fold operation like foldMapusing Monoid.
Now you can map values and fold them with traversing a
sequence just once!
def foldMap[T,U](s: Seq[T])(f: T = U)(implicit M:Monoid[U]) =
s.foldLeft(M.empty){case (l, r) = M.combine(l, f(r))}
scala foldMap(Seq(1,2,3))(_.toString)
res0: String = 123
RecapRecap MonoidMonoid- it's a typeclass.- it's a typeclass.
Monoid[T]is a type for a binary operation and a default value
against Ttype.
By de ning Monoid[T]instance against Ttype, new
behaviours are added into Ttype.
Monoidis so called typeclass and above description is the
bene t of typeclass.
What is typeclass?What is typeclass?
typeclass comes from Functional Language Haskell to
contrain a type parameter and admit new functions to its
It means adding new behaviours into exisiting types without
changing their codebase!
Thus you can add new behaviours into even Stringtype
which souce codes cannot be modi ed or extended.
This is so called Adhoc Polymorphism.
Typeclasses out of the boxTypeclasses out of the box
Scala standard library de nes several typeclasses.
Ordering[T]typeclass is to de ne natural ordering of Ttype.
sortedmethod in Seq[T]use Ordering[T]typeclass
instances otherwise it fails to compile.
def sorted[B : A](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): List[A]
scala Seq(3,1,2).sorted
res3: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
Typeclass works well with OOPTypeclass works well with OOP
Typeclass is not a concept just for Functional Programming.
Typeclass makes types more extesible without modi cation
of its original behaviour.
So typeclass is inline with open/closed principles.
Further readingFurther reading
Functional Programming in Scala Chinese version
OSS projectOSS project
Both of these projects have a tons of typeclasses .
Cats: Typelevel.scala
Any question?Any question?

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How to start Functional Programming (in Scala):Day1

  • 1. How to startHow to start Functional ProgrammingFunctional Programming (in Scala):Day1(in Scala):Day1
  • 2. Who am I?Who am I?
  • 3. Taisuke Oe (Twitter: @OE_uia, GitHub: @taisukeoe) ScalaMatsuri organizer as a chairperson Technical Advisor at Septeni Original, Inc.
  • 4. ScalaMatsuri CFP is open now!ScalaMatsuri CFP is open now!
  • 6. Functional Programming is the paradigm to construct a software with composing computations like functions. (in a casual de nition)
  • 7. Through learning FP, you can learn the ways to make functions or comutations smallish, composable and iducible.
  • 8. That helps to keep your software clean and extensible, even in OOP.
  • 9. Scala is indeed a functional language,Scala is indeed a functional language, butbut not very strict about FP principles.
  • 10. Scala uni es FP and OOP, and recommends to leverage both of their strengths.
  • 11. Today's topicToday's topic Function compositions. Function purity. Abstracting from functions and composition.
  • 12. Composing functions andComposing functions and methods.methods.
  • 13. What is a function?What is a function? A function is a computation to transform inputs into outputs. It's an instance of FunctionNtraits in Scala. FunctionNmeans a function type which takes N arguments (from 0 to 22). Function0[T], Function1[T1,T2], ... , Function22[T1,...,T23] Function1Function1 Int=Intis a type alias to Function1[Int,Int]. scala val double = (i:Int) = i * 2 double: Int = Int = function1
  • 14. Function1 is composable.Function1 is composable. Function1has andThenand composemethod for function compositions. scala val quadraple = double compose double quadraple: Int = Int = function1 scala quadraple(3) res0: Int = 12
  • 15. Function2 to 22 don't have thoseFunction2 to 22 don't have those methods, but...methods, but...
  • 16. Function2 to 22 can be curried.Function2 to 22 can be curried. Curryingmeans converting a multiple argument funtion to Function1.
  • 17. Currying Function2Currying Function2 Function2[Int,String,Int]is curriedto Function1[Int,Function1[String,Int]] scala val combine = (left:Int, right:Int) = left + right combine: (Int, Int) = Int = function2 scala combine.curried res0: Int = (Int = Int) = function1
  • 18. Function2 to 22 can be composed viaFunction2 to 22 can be composed via currying.currying. Thus Function1- Function22are composable. scala double andThen combine.curried res0: Int = (Int = Int) = function1
  • 19. FP fundamentalsFP fundamentals As we see, functions can take another function as an agrument or a return value. This is to say a function is a rst class citizen. Those functions are called higher order functions. Above two are fundamentals in FP.
  • 20. Methods and type parameterMethods and type parameter
  • 21. Di erence from functionsDi erence from functions Method is de ned by def keyword. Methods can be expanded to FunctionNby _. (eta-expansion) scala def double(i:Int):Int = i * 2 double: (i: Int)Int scala double _ res0: Int = Int = function1
  • 22. Methods can take type parameters or an implicit parameter list, while functions cannot.
  • 23. Methods with type parameterMethods with type parameter Seq[T] has a method map[U]which modi es Ttyped elements into Utyped elements. def map[U](f: T = U): Seq[U] scala Seq(1,2,3).map(_ + 1) res0: Seq[Int] = List(2,3,4)
  • 24. Combine all together.Combine all together. Now we know function composition basics! scala val apCurried = combine.curried apCurried: Int = (Int = Int) = function1 // (X + 3) * 2 scala val plus3Double = apCurried(3) andThen double plus3Double: Int = Int = function1 scala seq = Seq(1,2,3).map(plus3Double) seq: Seq[Int] = Seq(8,10,12)
  • 25. Pure FunctionsPure Functions All functions so far are pure functions They always return the same value with the same arguments.
  • 26. Watch out side e ectsWatch out side e ects Changing any state. Depending on mutable state which may change. Standard ouput File I/O Throwing exceptions. All above side effects may change functions behaviour depends on state.
  • 27. What isWhat is resultresult?? var counter = 0 val next = (nth: Int) = { counter += nth counter } scala next(1) res0: Int = 1 scala val result = (next andThen next andThen next)(3)
  • 28. You have to care the order of execution and each state, even if you compose! It's sometimes hard to predict how impure functions behave. scala val result = (next andThen next andThen next)(3) result: Int = 16
  • 29. localize side-e ectslocalize side-e ects All side effects cannot be removed from your program. The key is to localize and seperate side effects from other functions.
  • 30. Referential transparencyReferential transparency Excluding side-effects, expressions can be replaced with its evaluation with keeping the meaning of program. It is called referentially transparent Referential transparent functions are called pure functions.
  • 32. RethinkRethink combinecombinefunctionfunction We de ned combinefunction as a binary operation of Int. It's amazingly useful for fold-like operation. scala val combine = (left:Int, right:Int) = left + right combine: (Int, Int) = Int = function2
  • 33. foldLeftfoldLeft Here is the foldLeftsignature of Seq[A]. This foldLefttakes two arguments - one is a default value, and another is a binary operation of Int. def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B
  • 34. It folds the sequence from left to right. Thus: means (((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) Seq(1,2,3).foldLeft(0)((x: Int, y:Int) = x + y)
  • 35. ApplyApply combinecombineintointo foldLeftfoldLeft operation.operation. combineworks for Seq[Int]Then how about Seq[Option[Int]]? scala Seq(1,2,3).foldLeft(0)(combine) res0: Int = 6
  • 36. combiningcombining Option[Int]Option[Int]scala val combineOptions = (left:Option[Int], right:Option[Int (left , right) match{ case (None, None) = None case (Some(l), None) = Some(l) case (None, Some(r)) = Some(r) case (Some(l), Some(r)) = Some(l + r) } combineOptions: (Option[Int], Option[Int]) = Option[Int] = fun
  • 37. Okay then, how about Seq[Option[String]]? scala Seq(Some(1),None,Some(3)).foldLeft(None)(combineOptions) res0: Option[Int] = Some(4)
  • 38. Do we have to de ne combineOptionXXXfor each Option[T]?
  • 39. Abstract from functions.Abstract from functions. We see the following operations are required for the element type of Seqand its foldLeftoperation. returning default value binary operation
  • 40. Let's abstract these two and make a certain type for them. We call the type Monoid.
  • 41. MonoidMonoid?? Monoidcan be de ned as follows. trait Monoid[T] { def empty: T def combine(t1: T, t2: T): T }
  • 42. De neDe ne MonoidMonoidofof IntIntandand StringString In this context, implicitis the keyword to pass a value as an argument implicitly. implicit val intMonoid: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] { val empty: Int = 0 def combine(left: Int, right: Int): Int = left + right }
  • 43. implicit val stringMonoid: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] { val empty: String = def combine(left: String, right: String): String = left + righ }
  • 44. Induce Monoid of Option[T]Induce Monoid of Option[T] Now Monoid[Option[T]]instance can be induced from Monoid[T]instance.
  • 45. (Disclaimer: for simplicity, above induction function is de ned as T type has to be Monoid, instead of Semigroup. ) implicit def optionMonoid[T](implicit M:Monoid[T]): Monoid[Optio val empty: Option[T] = None def combine(left:Option[T], right:Option[T]) = (left , right) match{ case (None, None) = None case (Some(l), None) = Some(l) case (None, Some(r)) = Some(r) case (Some(l), Some(r)) = Some(M.combine(l, r)) } }
  • 46. Compose Monoids for tupleCompose Monoids for tuple You can also compose Monoid instances. implicit def tupleMonoid[S,T](implicit MS:Monoid[S], MT:Monoid[T new Monoid[(S,T)]{ val empty: (S,T) = (MS.empty, MT.empty) def combine(left:(S,T), right:(S,T)) = (MS.combine(left._1, right._1), MT.combine(left._2, righ }
  • 47. De neDe ne foldLeftfoldLeftmethod to usemethod to use MonoidMonoiddef foldLeft[T](seq: Seq[T])(implicit M:Monoid[T]): T = seq.fold
  • 48. //Monoid[Int] scala foldLeft(Seq(1,2,3)) res0: Int = 6 //Monoid[Option[Int]] scala foldLeft(Seq(Some(1), None, Some(3))) res1: Option[Int] = Some(4) //Monoid[Option[(Int,String)]] scala foldLeft(Seq(Some((1,a)), None, Some(2,b))) res2: Option[(Int,String)] = Some((3,ab))
  • 49. Now you enjoy foldLeftfor any type with Monoid!
  • 50. Cooler stu ofCooler stu of MonoidMonoid Let's de ne a new fold operation like foldMapusing Monoid.
  • 51. Now you can map values and fold them with traversing a sequence just once! def foldMap[T,U](s: Seq[T])(f: T = U)(implicit M:Monoid[U]) = s.foldLeft(M.empty){case (l, r) = M.combine(l, f(r))} scala foldMap(Seq(1,2,3))(_.toString) res0: String = 123
  • 52. RecapRecap MonoidMonoid- it's a typeclass.- it's a typeclass. Monoid[T]is a type for a binary operation and a default value against Ttype.
  • 53. By de ning Monoid[T]instance against Ttype, new behaviours are added into Ttype.
  • 54. Monoidis so called typeclass and above description is the bene t of typeclass.
  • 55. What is typeclass?What is typeclass? typeclass comes from Functional Language Haskell to contrain a type parameter and admit new functions to its type.
  • 56. It means adding new behaviours into exisiting types without changing their codebase!
  • 57. Thus you can add new behaviours into even Stringtype which souce codes cannot be modi ed or extended.
  • 58. This is so called Adhoc Polymorphism.
  • 59. Typeclasses out of the boxTypeclasses out of the box Scala standard library de nes several typeclasses. Ordering[T]typeclass is to de ne natural ordering of Ttype.
  • 60. sortedmethod in Seq[T]use Ordering[T]typeclass instances otherwise it fails to compile. def sorted[B : A](implicit ord: math.Ordering[B]): List[A] scala Seq(3,1,2).sorted res3: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
  • 61. Typeclass works well with OOPTypeclass works well with OOP Typeclass is not a concept just for Functional Programming.
  • 62. Typeclass makes types more extesible without modi cation of its original behaviour.
  • 63. So typeclass is inline with open/closed principles.
  • 64. Further readingFurther reading Book:Book: Functional Programming in Scala Chinese version
  • 65. OSS projectOSS project Both of these projects have a tons of typeclasses . Scalaz Cats: Typelevel.scala