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Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                             Median Sold Price by Month
                                                                        Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is up 1%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                           Dec-10                                         Change                                              %
                   272,120                                          274,250                                         2,130                                             +1%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All            Bedrooms:    All             Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         1 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                   Median Sold Price by Month
                                                          Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is up 1%

Time Period             Median Price            # Units       Average DOM
Dec-10                      274,250                 464                    91
Nov-10                      279,845                 383                    85
Oct-10                      294,000                 383                    87
Sep-10                      280,000                 417                    84
Aug-10                      290,000                 531                    75
Jul-10                      305,000                 562                    71
Jun-10                      296,500                 718                    67
May-10                      269,500                 707                    63
Apr-10                      248,450                 652                    66
Mar-10                      244,500                 559                    70
Feb-10                      253,000                 359                    75
Jan-10                      257,354                 254                    85
Dec-09                      282,750                 448                    87
Nov-09                      247,250                 500                    81
Oct-09                      247,750                 560                    76
Sep-09                      253,750                 558                    76
Aug-09                      256,900                 583                    75
Jul-09                      260,000                 712                    75
Jun-09                      255,000                 657                    81
May-09                      270,000                 571                    74
Apr-09                      248,000                 473                    75
Mar-09                      273,300                 378                    90
Feb-09                      273,000                 313                    95
Jan-09                      278,500                 233                    91
Dec-08                      272,120                 383                    84

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                           2 of 2                                                                                01/18/2011
                                       Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     2 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                          Median For Sale vs. Median Sold
             Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 12% and the median price of sold properties is up 1%

                             Dec-08 vs. Dec-10                                                                                                                       Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
    Dec-08              Dec-10                Change                       %                                                                    Dec-08             Dec-10                Change              %
    348,038             305,000               -43,038                    -12%                                                                   272,120            274,250                2,130             +1%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:    2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                              Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                      1 of 2                                                                                            01/18/2011
                                                  Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         3 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                              Median For Sale vs. Median Sold
          Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 12% and the median price of sold properties is up 1%

                             For Sale                # Properties                         Sold                 # Properties                        Price
Time Period                   Median                     For Sale                       Median                        Sold                    Difference
Dec-10                       305,000                          3,782                    274,250                           464                     -30,750
Nov-10                       311,806                          4,352                    279,845                           383                     -31,961
Oct-10                       305,110                          4,796                    294,000                           383                     -11,110
Sep-10                       310,000                          5,062                    280,000                           417                     -30,000
Aug-10                       313,480                          5,456                    290,000                           531                     -23,480
Jul-10                       315,000                          5,758                    305,000                           562                     -10,000
Jun-10                       319,000                          5,729                    296,500                           718                     -22,500
May-10                       324,900                          5,492                    269,500                           707                     -55,400
Apr-10                       310,000                          5,650                    248,450                           652                     -61,550
Mar-10                       315,000                          5,125                    244,500                           559                     -70,500
Feb-10                       310,950                          4,370                    253,000                           359                     -57,950
Jan-10                       319,000                          4,050                    257,354                           254                     -61,647
Dec-09                       330,000                          4,029                    282,750                           448                     -47,250
Nov-09                       340,000                          4,433                    247,250                           500                     -92,750
Oct-09                       340,000                          4,803                    247,750                           560                     -92,250
Sep-09                       349,000                          5,027                    253,750                           558                     -95,250
Aug-09                       349,000                          5,321                    256,900                           583                     -92,100
Jul-09                       349,000                          5,553                    260,000                           712                     -89,000
Jun-09                       349,900                          5,623                    255,000                           657                     -94,900
May-09                       350,000                          5,457                    270,000                           571                     -80,000
Apr-09                       350,000                          5,371                    248,000                           473                    -102,000
Mar-09                       349,000                          5,094                    273,300                           378                     -75,700
Feb-09                       347,900                          4,599                    273,000                           313                     -74,900
Jan-09                       339,900                          4,523                    278,500                           233                     -61,400
Dec-08                       348,038                          4,587                    272,120                           383                     -75,918

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                                01/18/2011
                                        Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     4 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                                 Sold Properties by Month
                                                             Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is up 21%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                             %
                    383                                                  464                                         81                                              +21%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         5 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                       Sold Properties by Month
                                                    Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is up 21%

                                       Full Market                                                Bank Properties                                            Non-Bank Properties
Time Period             # Properties      Median Price         Average DOM              # Properties         % Bank            Median Price           # Properties    % Non-Bank   Median Price
Dec-10                          464             274,250                     91                     44             9.5               200,875                     420         90.5       283,250
Nov-10                          383             279,845                     85                     34             8.9               209,000                     349         91.1       292,500
Oct-10                          383             294,000                     87                     19             5.0               238,400                     364         95.0       294,450
Sep-10                          417             280,000                     84                     24             5.8               178,436                     393         94.2       284,130
Aug-10                          531             290,000                     75                     30             5.7               174,750                     501         94.3       295,000
Jul-10                          562             305,000                     71                     27             4.8               280,000                     535         95.2       305,092
Jun-10                          718             296,500                     67                     37             5.2               250,000                     681         94.8       297,500
May-10                          707             269,500                     63                     35             5.0               264,900                     672         95.0       269,700
Apr-10                          652             248,450                     66                     31             4.8               237,000                     621         95.2       248,900
Mar-10                          559             244,500                     70                     43             7.7               174,000                     516         92.3       249,950
Feb-10                          359             253,000                     75                     35             9.8               223,000                     324         90.2       257,500
Jan-10                          254             257,354                     85                     18             7.1               274,250                     236         92.9       252,604
Dec-09                          448             282,750                     87                     42             9.4               238,750                     406         90.6       285,643
Nov-09                          500             247,250                     81                     22             4.4               213,500                     478         95.6       248,150
Oct-09                          560             247,750                     76                     27             4.8               206,250                     533         95.2       249,000
Sep-09                          558             253,750                     76                     28             5.0               255,232                     530         95.0       250,979
Aug-09                          583             256,900                     75                     38             6.5               232,450                     545         93.5       258,600
Jul-09                          712             260,000                     75                     28             3.9               183,750                     684         96.1       262,275
Jun-09                          657             255,000                     81                     26             4.0               174,500                     631         96.0       260,000
May-09                          571             270,000                     74                     33             5.8               232,000                     538         94.2       274,500
Apr-09                          473             248,000                     75                     32             6.8               193,250                     441         93.2       252,750
Mar-09                          378             273,300                     90                     28             7.4               196,500                     350         92.6       279,200
Feb-09                          313             273,000                     95                     29             9.3               254,375                     284         90.7       274,250
Jan-09                          233             278,500                     91                     14             6.0               170,500                     219         94.0       280,000
Dec-08                          383             272,120                     84                     15             3.9               258,000                     368         96.1       272,310

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                                  01/18/2011
                                        Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     6 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                    Under Contract Properties by Month
                                                    Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 43%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                             %
                    277                                                  397                                        120                                              +43%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         7 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                          Under Contract Properties by Month
                                           Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 43%

                                       Full Market                                                Bank Properties                                            Non-Bank Properties
Time Period             # Properties      Median Price         Average DOM              # Properties         % Bank            Median Price           # Properties    % Non-Bank   Median Price
Dec-10                          397             275,000                    100                     46            11.6               172,610                     351         88.4       279,999
Nov-10                          407             289,900                     84                     43            10.6               209,000                     364         89.4       299,000
Oct-10                          438             289,700                     90                     39             8.9               194,900                     399         91.1       299,000
Sep-10                          391             297,701                     90                     25             6.4               234,900                     366         93.6       299,000
Aug-10                          456             306,625                     77                     29             6.4               229,000                     427         93.6       309,900
Jul-10                          518             299,900                     77                     27             5.2               165,000                     491         94.8       299,999
Jun-10                          560             309,900                     72                     24             4.3               194,750                     536         95.7       311,562
May-10                          511             324,900                     66                     26             5.1               284,900                     485         94.9       325,000
Apr-10                          864             269,850                     62                     35             4.0               244,950                     829         96.0       269,900
Mar-10                          722             259,700                     64                     47             6.5               259,900                     675         93.5       259,500
Feb-10                          502             249,900                     73                     34             6.8               187,450                     468         93.2       250,000
Jan-10                          403             255,500                     78                     38             9.4               221,950                     365         90.6       269,900
Dec-09                          311             254,900                     91                     30             9.7               259,450                     281         90.3       254,900
Nov-09                          360             285,000                     89                     28             7.8               247,450                     332         92.2       286,500
Oct-09                          537             264,600                     78                     23             4.3               239,850                     514         95.7       265,000
Sep-09                          557             259,000                     74                     30             5.4               200,625                     527         94.6       259,900
Aug-09                          576             269,700                     77                     30             5.2               249,900                     546         94.8       269,900
Jul-09                          615             254,900                     73                     35             5.7               229,900                     580         94.3       255,000
Jun-09                          643             270,500                     79                     28             4.3               211,450                     615         95.7       275,000
May-09                          639             265,000                     78                     20             3.1               229,700                     619         96.9       269,000
Apr-09                          593             264,900                     74                     32             5.4               204,700                     561         94.6       268,900
Mar-09                          510             269,000                     77                     33             6.5               200,000                     477         93.5       279,000
Feb-09                          345             272,000                     88                     26             7.5               174,900                     319         92.5       284,400
Jan-09                          362             289,000                     97                     39            10.8               278,900                     323         89.2       289,000
Dec-08                          277             279,000                     86                     14             5.0               165,700                     263         95.0       289,531

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                                  01/18/2011
                                        Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     8 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                                 New Properties by Month
                                                           Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 24%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                               %
                    605                                                  462                                        -143                                              -24%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         9 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                      New Properties by Month
                                                 Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 24%

                            Full Market                                   Bank Properties                                             Non-Bank Properties
Time Period             # Properties     Median Price            # Properties         % Bank              Median Price         # Properties       % Non-Bank          Median Price
Dec-10                          462            269,250                     46             10.0                179,900                   416                90.0           279,900
Nov-10                          666            289,900                     59              8.9                188,000                   607                91.1           299,900
Oct-10                          792            285,000                     46              5.8                212,700                   746                94.2           289,900
Sep-10                          812            279,000                     60              7.4                187,450                   752                92.6           286,000
Aug-10                          839            269,900                     47              5.6                200,000                   792                94.4           275,000
Jul-10                        1,131            289,000                     48              4.2                192,450                 1,083                95.8           294,000
Jun-10                        1,202            294,992                     66              5.5                217,200                 1,136                94.5           299,000
May-10                        1,106            335,000                     44              4.0                239,700                 1,062                96.0           339,000
Apr-10                        1,682            286,250                     47              2.8                199,900                 1,635                97.2           288,900
Mar-10                        1,543            299,900                     62              4.0                224,900                 1,481                96.0           300,000
Feb-10                        1,123            277,571                     48              4.3                209,900                 1,075                95.7           279,000
Jan-10                        1,003            269,950                     53              5.3                244,950                   950                94.7           273,800
Dec-09                          533            274,900                     58             10.9                224,625                   475                89.1           279,950
Nov-09                          725            289,900                     47              6.5                242,500                   678                93.5           296,750
Oct-09                          909            289,000                     44              4.8                224,900                   865                95.2           289,900
Sep-09                          908            288,700                     32              3.5                184,900                   876                96.5           289,900
Aug-09                        1,020            282,565                     45              4.4                264,900                   975                95.6           283,500
Jul-09                        1,104            289,000                     53              4.8                227,900                 1,051                95.2           295,000
Jun-09                        1,235            299,000                     41              3.3                274,900                 1,194                96.7           299,857
May-09                        1,168            309,450                     42              3.6                259,950                 1,126                96.4           314,700
Apr-09                        1,241            324,995                     31              2.5                310,000                 1,210                97.5           324,998
Mar-09                        1,269            325,000                     53              4.2                239,900                 1,216                95.8           334,200
Feb-09                          974            327,960                     37              3.8                222,000                   937                96.2           330,000
Jan-09                          991            315,000                     51              5.2                238,900                   940                94.8           319,974
Dec-08                          605            319,900                     38              6.3                272,000                   567                93.7           329,000

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                               01/18/2011
                                       Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     10 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                            For Sale Properties by Month
                                                        Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 18%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                               %
                    4,587                                                3,782                                      -805                                              -18%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         11 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                  For Sale Properties by Month
                                               Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 18%

                                       Full Market                                                Bank Properties                                            Non-Bank Properties
Time Period             # Properties      Median Price         Average DOM              # Properties         % Bank            Median Price           # Properties    % Non-Bank   Median Price
Dec-10                        3,782             305,000                    153                   223              5.9               189,900                   3,559         94.1       315,000
Nov-10                        4,352             311,806                    158                   238              5.5               197,700                   4,114         94.5       319,900
Oct-10                        4,796             305,110                    165                   244              5.1               204,250                   4,552         94.9       315,000
Sep-10                        5,062             310,000                    171                   248              4.9               219,900                   4,814         95.1       318,750
Aug-10                        5,456             313,480                    171                   240              4.4               229,000                   5,216         95.6       319,000
Jul-10                        5,758             315,000                    171                   231              4.0               229,000                   5,527         96.0       319,650
Jun-10                        5,729             319,000                    171                   224              3.9               237,450                   5,505         96.1       319,900
May-10                        5,492             324,900                    176                   194              3.5               264,700                   5,298         96.5       325,000
Apr-10                        5,650             310,000                    171                   202              3.6               245,000                   5,448         96.4       312,856
Mar-10                        5,125             315,000                    177                   219              4.3               265,000                   4,906         95.7       319,000
Feb-10                        4,370             310,950                    191                   202              4.6               254,950                   4,168         95.4       315,000
Jan-10                        4,050             319,000                    202                   204              5.0               250,000                   3,846         95.0       322,935
Dec-09                        4,029             330,000                    210                   196              4.9               245,950                   3,833         95.1       339,000
Nov-09                        4,433             340,000                    203                   181              4.1               260,000                   4,252         95.9       347,821
Oct-09                        4,803             340,000                    196                   174              3.6               262,450                   4,629         96.4       346,331
Sep-09                        5,027             349,000                    195                   168              3.3               264,950                   4,859         96.7       349,900
Aug-09                        5,321             349,000                    191                   180              3.4               279,750                   5,141         96.6       349,500
Jul-09                        5,553             349,000                    187                   183              3.3               274,900                   5,370         96.7       349,790
Jun-09                        5,623             349,900                    188                   171              3.0               284,500                   5,452         97.0       350,000
May-09                        5,457             350,000                    189                   160              2.9               274,950                   5,297         97.1       355,000
Apr-09                        5,371             350,000                    189                   162              3.0               273,650                   5,209         97.0       353,900
Mar-09                        5,094             349,000                    192                   179              3.5               250,000                   4,915         96.5       349,900
Feb-09                        4,599             347,900                    202                   167              3.6               249,500                   4,432         96.4       349,900
Jan-09                        4,523             339,900                    206                   178              3.9               253,400                   4,345         96.1       348,000
Dec-08                        4,587             348,038                    207                   154              3.4               264,450                   4,433         96.6       349,880

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                                  01/18/2011
                                        Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     12 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                            Expired Properties by Month
                                                        Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is down 17%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                               %
                    778                                                  647                                        -131                                              -17%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         13 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                   Expired Properties by Month
                                               Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is down 17%

                                       Full Market                                                Bank Properties                                            Non-Bank Properties
Time Period             # Properties      Median Price         Average DOM             # Properties          % Bank           Median Price           # Properties     % Non-Bank   Median Price
Dec-10                          647             315,000                    162                     17             2.6               275,000                     630         97.4       315,223
Nov-10                          625             319,000                    142                     18             2.9               234,700                     607         97.1       319,900
Oct-10                          672             287,000                    148                     26             3.9               227,450                     646         96.1       289,250
Sep-10                          667             310,000                    137                     25             3.8               326,000                     642         96.2       309,000
Aug-10                          750             287,950                    127                     23             3.1               214,900                     727         96.9       289,000
Jul-10                          623             299,000                    128                     11             1.8               292,900                     612         98.2       299,000
Jun-10                          542             290,000                    124                     17             3.1               179,900                     525         96.9       290,000
May-10                          454             289,450                    135                     10             2.2               199,950                     444         97.8       291,000
Apr-10                          400             337,750                    161                     17             4.2               214,900                     383         95.8       349,000
Mar-10                          435             325,000                    139                     17             3.9               279,900                     418         96.1       328,500
Feb-10                          286             337,450                    153                     11             3.9               220,000                     275         96.2       345,000
Jan-10                          400             325,000                    162                     12             3.0               269,000                     388         97.0       325,000
Dec-09                          671             354,000                    154                     15             2.2               186,900                     656         97.8       359,000
Nov-09                          577             389,500                    148                     15             2.6               245,000                     562         97.4       399,800
Oct-09                          558             359,000                    148                     17             3.0               266,000                     541         97.0       361,498
Sep-09                          576             384,750                    150                      8             1.4               290,450                     568         98.6       386,250
Aug-09                          626             339,342                    134                     14             2.2               349,950                     612         97.8       339,092
Jul-09                          637             365,000                    131                     13             2.0               320,000                     624         98.0       365,000
Jun-09                          531             364,990                    147                     13             2.5               269,000                     518         97.5       369,185
May-09                          430             329,700                    123                     10             2.3               257,250                     420         97.7       337,000
Apr-09                          489             339,900                    133                     12             2.5               282,450                     477         97.5       342,900
Mar-09                          454             325,548                    129                     15             3.3               225,000                     439         96.7       329,900
Feb-09                          429             334,962                    142                     15             3.5               251,900                     414         96.5       335,500
Jan-09                          536             359,000                    148                      9             1.7               339,000                     527         98.3       360,000
Dec-08                          778             350,000                    146                     13             1.7               334,900                     765         98.3       350,000

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                            2 of 2                                                                                   01/18/2011
                                        Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     14 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                          Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                                Supply & Demand by Month
                   Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 18% and the number of sold properties is up 21%

                             Dec-08 vs. Dec-10                                                                                                                       Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
     Dec-08             Dec-10                Change                       %                                                                    Dec-08              Dec-10               Change              %
      4,587              3,782                 -805                      -18%                                                                    383                 464                   81               +21%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:    2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                              Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                      1 of 2                                                                                            01/18/2011
                                                  Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         15 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                           Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                     Supply & Demand by Month
                Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 18% and the number of sold properties is up 21%

                          # Properties              Average DOM                    # Properties               Average DOM
Time Period                   For Sale                   For Sale                         Sold                        Sold
Dec-10                          3,782                            153                         464                           91
Nov-10                          4,352                            158                         383                           85
Oct-10                          4,796                            165                         383                           87
Sep-10                          5,062                            171                         417                           84
Aug-10                          5,456                            171                         531                           75
Jul-10                          5,758                            171                         562                           71
Jun-10                          5,729                            171                         718                           67
May-10                          5,492                            176                         707                           63
Apr-10                          5,650                            171                         652                           66
Mar-10                          5,125                            177                         559                           70
Feb-10                          4,370                            191                         359                           75
Jan-10                          4,050                            202                         254                           85
Dec-09                          4,029                            210                         448                           87
Nov-09                          4,433                            203                         500                           81
Oct-09                          4,803                            196                         560                           76
Sep-09                          5,027                            195                         558                           76
Aug-09                          5,321                            191                         583                           75
Jul-09                          5,553                            187                         712                           75
Jun-09                          5,623                            188                         657                           81
May-09                          5,457                            189                         571                           74
Apr-09                          5,371                            189                         473                           75
Mar-09                          5,094                            192                         378                           90
Feb-09                          4,599                            202                         313                           95
Jan-09                          4,523                            206                         233                           91
Dec-08                          4,587                            207                         383                           84

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                              2 of 2                                                                               01/18/2011
                                         Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     16 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                  The Average Days on Market by Month
                                                               Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is up 16%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                             %
                     86                                                  100                                         13                                              +16%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All             Bedrooms:    All            Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         17 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                        Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                     The Average Days on Market by Month
                                                    Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is up 16%

Time Period             Average DOM      # UC Units
Dec-10                          100              397
Nov-10                           84              407
Oct-10                           90              438
Sep-10                           90              391
Aug-10                           77              456
Jul-10                           77              518
Jun-10                           72              560
May-10                           66              511
Apr-10                           62              864
Mar-10                           64              722
Feb-10                           73              502
Jan-10                           78              403
Dec-09                           91              311
Nov-09                           89              360
Oct-09                           78              537
Sep-09                           74              557
Aug-09                           77              576
Jul-09                           73              615
Jun-09                           79              643
May-09                           78              639
Apr-09                           74              593
Mar-09                           77              510
Feb-09                           88              345
Jan-09                           97              362
Dec-08                           86              277

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                          2 of 2                                                                                01/18/2011
                                      Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     18 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                                         Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                             Months Supply of Inventory
                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 46%

                                                                                  Dec-08 vs. Dec-10
                   Dec-08                                               Dec-10                                     Change                                              %
                    12.8                                                 6.9                                        -5.9                                             -46%

MLS: ACTRIS        Period:   2 years (monthly)           Price:   All                        Construction Type:    All            Bedrooms:    All             Bathrooms:      All         Lot Size: All
Property Types:    Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown)                                                             Sq Ft:    All
MLS Areas:         10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                     1 of 2                                                                                           01/18/2011
                                                 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

         | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                         19 of 20
Blake Taylor                                                                                                                                                               Austin Board of REALTORS
                                                                         Months Supply of Inventory
                                              Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 46%

                          # Units For Sale          # UC Units                                   UC Average
Time Period             Last Day of Month         During Month                      MSI                DOM
Dec-10                     2,738                              397                    6.9                   100
Nov-10                     3,320                              407                    8.2                       84
Oct-10                     3,686                              438                    8.4                       90
Sep-10                     4,004                              391                   10.2                       90
Aug-10                     4,250                              456                    9.3                       77
Jul-10                     4,617                              518                    8.9                       77
Jun-10                     4,627                              560                    8.3                       72
May-10                     4,527                              511                    8.9                       66
Apr-10                     4,386                              864                    5.1                       62
Mar-10                     3,968                              722                    5.5                       64
Feb-10                     3,582                              502                    7.1                       73
Jan-10                     3,247                              403                    8.1                       78
Dec-09                     3,047                              311                    9.8                       91
Nov-09                     3,496                              360                    9.7                       89
Oct-09                     3,708                              537                    6.9                       78
Sep-09                     3,894                              557                    7.0                       74
Aug-09                     4,119                              576                    7.2                       77
Jul-09                     4,301                              615                    7.0                       73
Jun-09                     4,449                              643                    6.9                       79
May-09                     4,388                              639                    6.9                       78
Apr-09                     4,289                              593                    7.2                       74
Mar-09                     4,130                              510                    8.1                       77
Feb-09                     3,825                              345                   11.1                       88
Jan-09                     3,625                              362                   10.0                       97
Dec-08                     3,532                              277                   12.8                       86

Clarus MarketMetrics®                                                                                 2 of 2                                                                                01/18/2011
                                             Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors (

     | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                                     20 of 20

Contenu connexe


6,7, 78704, travis heights, bouldin creek, barton hills
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Area 1a northwest hills, highland park
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1 a, nw hills, highland park, cat mountain
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Heartland TX - January 2011 - Housing Market Report
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Tendances (20)

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Westlake Metrics
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Westlake Metrics
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Ls, lakeway, bee cave metrics
Dt, downtown austin metrics
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Dt, downtown austin metrics
Area 1n jester, lakewood
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Area 1n jester, lakewood
Area 1a northwest hills, highland park
Area 1a   northwest hills, highland parkArea 1a   northwest hills, highland park
Area 1a northwest hills, highland park
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Ut metrics
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Ut metrics
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W Metrics
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W Metrics
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June 2010 Philadelphia County Sold Median Price
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En vedette

En vedette (6)

2, allandale, crestview, brentwood metrics
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Area 8e, 8w westlake
Area 8e, 8w   westlakeArea 8e, 8w   westlake
Area 8e, 8w westlake
Area 4 hyde park, shoal creek, rosedale
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Area 4 hyde park, shoal creek, rosedale
DT Downtown
DT   DowntownDT   Downtown
DT Downtown
Windsor Park, Delwood, Mueller
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Windsor Park, Delwood, Mueller
5, east austin metrics
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Similaire à Central Austin Metrics

Area 2 allandale, brentwood, crestview
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Area 3 windsor park, delwood, mueller
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10 n, 10s, south austin metrics
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NW Hills, Highland Park Metrics
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2 n, scofield farms, gracy farms, quail creek, lamplight village metrics
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Addison TX - Housing Market Report - November 2010
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Murphy TX - Housing Market Report - August 2010
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Similaire à Central Austin Metrics (10)

Area 2 allandale, brentwood, crestview
Area 2   allandale, brentwood, crestviewArea 2   allandale, brentwood, crestview
Area 2 allandale, brentwood, crestview
Area 3 windsor park, delwood, mueller
Area 3   windsor park, delwood, muellerArea 3   windsor park, delwood, mueller
Area 3 windsor park, delwood, mueller
10 n, 10s, south austin metrics
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10 n, 10s, south austin metrics
Area 5 east austin
Area 5   east austinArea 5   east austin
Area 5 east austin
NW Hills, Highland Park Metrics
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NW Hills, Highland Park Metrics
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Addison TX - Housing Market Report - November 2010
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Murphy TX - Housing Market Report - August 2010
Murphy TX - Housing Market Report - August 2010Murphy TX - Housing Market Report - August 2010
Murphy TX - Housing Market Report - August 2010

Central Austin Metrics

  • 1. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Median Sold Price by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is up 1% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 272,120 274,250 2,130 +1% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 1 of 20
  • 2. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Median Sold Price by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median sold price is up 1% Time Period Median Price # Units Average DOM Dec-10 274,250 464 91 Nov-10 279,845 383 85 Oct-10 294,000 383 87 Sep-10 280,000 417 84 Aug-10 290,000 531 75 Jul-10 305,000 562 71 Jun-10 296,500 718 67 May-10 269,500 707 63 Apr-10 248,450 652 66 Mar-10 244,500 559 70 Feb-10 253,000 359 75 Jan-10 257,354 254 85 Dec-09 282,750 448 87 Nov-09 247,250 500 81 Oct-09 247,750 560 76 Sep-09 253,750 558 76 Aug-09 256,900 583 75 Jul-09 260,000 712 75 Jun-09 255,000 657 81 May-09 270,000 571 74 Apr-09 248,000 473 75 Mar-09 273,300 378 90 Feb-09 273,000 313 95 Jan-09 278,500 233 91 Dec-08 272,120 383 84 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 2 of 20
  • 3. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Median For Sale vs. Median Sold Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 12% and the median price of sold properties is up 1% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 348,038 305,000 -43,038 -12% 272,120 274,250 2,130 +1% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 3 of 20
  • 4. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Median For Sale vs. Median Sold Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The median price of for sale properties is down 12% and the median price of sold properties is up 1% For Sale # Properties Sold # Properties Price Time Period Median For Sale Median Sold Difference Dec-10 305,000 3,782 274,250 464 -30,750 Nov-10 311,806 4,352 279,845 383 -31,961 Oct-10 305,110 4,796 294,000 383 -11,110 Sep-10 310,000 5,062 280,000 417 -30,000 Aug-10 313,480 5,456 290,000 531 -23,480 Jul-10 315,000 5,758 305,000 562 -10,000 Jun-10 319,000 5,729 296,500 718 -22,500 May-10 324,900 5,492 269,500 707 -55,400 Apr-10 310,000 5,650 248,450 652 -61,550 Mar-10 315,000 5,125 244,500 559 -70,500 Feb-10 310,950 4,370 253,000 359 -57,950 Jan-10 319,000 4,050 257,354 254 -61,647 Dec-09 330,000 4,029 282,750 448 -47,250 Nov-09 340,000 4,433 247,250 500 -92,750 Oct-09 340,000 4,803 247,750 560 -92,250 Sep-09 349,000 5,027 253,750 558 -95,250 Aug-09 349,000 5,321 256,900 583 -92,100 Jul-09 349,000 5,553 260,000 712 -89,000 Jun-09 349,900 5,623 255,000 657 -94,900 May-09 350,000 5,457 270,000 571 -80,000 Apr-09 350,000 5,371 248,000 473 -102,000 Mar-09 349,000 5,094 273,300 378 -75,700 Feb-09 347,900 4,599 273,000 313 -74,900 Jan-09 339,900 4,523 278,500 233 -61,400 Dec-08 348,038 4,587 272,120 383 -75,918 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 4 of 20
  • 5. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Sold Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is up 21% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 383 464 81 +21% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 5 of 20
  • 6. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Sold Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Sold properties is up 21% Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price Dec-10 464 274,250 91 44 9.5 200,875 420 90.5 283,250 Nov-10 383 279,845 85 34 8.9 209,000 349 91.1 292,500 Oct-10 383 294,000 87 19 5.0 238,400 364 95.0 294,450 Sep-10 417 280,000 84 24 5.8 178,436 393 94.2 284,130 Aug-10 531 290,000 75 30 5.7 174,750 501 94.3 295,000 Jul-10 562 305,000 71 27 4.8 280,000 535 95.2 305,092 Jun-10 718 296,500 67 37 5.2 250,000 681 94.8 297,500 May-10 707 269,500 63 35 5.0 264,900 672 95.0 269,700 Apr-10 652 248,450 66 31 4.8 237,000 621 95.2 248,900 Mar-10 559 244,500 70 43 7.7 174,000 516 92.3 249,950 Feb-10 359 253,000 75 35 9.8 223,000 324 90.2 257,500 Jan-10 254 257,354 85 18 7.1 274,250 236 92.9 252,604 Dec-09 448 282,750 87 42 9.4 238,750 406 90.6 285,643 Nov-09 500 247,250 81 22 4.4 213,500 478 95.6 248,150 Oct-09 560 247,750 76 27 4.8 206,250 533 95.2 249,000 Sep-09 558 253,750 76 28 5.0 255,232 530 95.0 250,979 Aug-09 583 256,900 75 38 6.5 232,450 545 93.5 258,600 Jul-09 712 260,000 75 28 3.9 183,750 684 96.1 262,275 Jun-09 657 255,000 81 26 4.0 174,500 631 96.0 260,000 May-09 571 270,000 74 33 5.8 232,000 538 94.2 274,500 Apr-09 473 248,000 75 32 6.8 193,250 441 93.2 252,750 Mar-09 378 273,300 90 28 7.4 196,500 350 92.6 279,200 Feb-09 313 273,000 95 29 9.3 254,375 284 90.7 274,250 Jan-09 233 278,500 91 14 6.0 170,500 219 94.0 280,000 Dec-08 383 272,120 84 15 3.9 258,000 368 96.1 272,310 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 6 of 20
  • 7. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Under Contract Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 43% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 277 397 120 +43% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 7 of 20
  • 8. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Under Contract Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Under Contract properties is up 43% Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price Dec-10 397 275,000 100 46 11.6 172,610 351 88.4 279,999 Nov-10 407 289,900 84 43 10.6 209,000 364 89.4 299,000 Oct-10 438 289,700 90 39 8.9 194,900 399 91.1 299,000 Sep-10 391 297,701 90 25 6.4 234,900 366 93.6 299,000 Aug-10 456 306,625 77 29 6.4 229,000 427 93.6 309,900 Jul-10 518 299,900 77 27 5.2 165,000 491 94.8 299,999 Jun-10 560 309,900 72 24 4.3 194,750 536 95.7 311,562 May-10 511 324,900 66 26 5.1 284,900 485 94.9 325,000 Apr-10 864 269,850 62 35 4.0 244,950 829 96.0 269,900 Mar-10 722 259,700 64 47 6.5 259,900 675 93.5 259,500 Feb-10 502 249,900 73 34 6.8 187,450 468 93.2 250,000 Jan-10 403 255,500 78 38 9.4 221,950 365 90.6 269,900 Dec-09 311 254,900 91 30 9.7 259,450 281 90.3 254,900 Nov-09 360 285,000 89 28 7.8 247,450 332 92.2 286,500 Oct-09 537 264,600 78 23 4.3 239,850 514 95.7 265,000 Sep-09 557 259,000 74 30 5.4 200,625 527 94.6 259,900 Aug-09 576 269,700 77 30 5.2 249,900 546 94.8 269,900 Jul-09 615 254,900 73 35 5.7 229,900 580 94.3 255,000 Jun-09 643 270,500 79 28 4.3 211,450 615 95.7 275,000 May-09 639 265,000 78 20 3.1 229,700 619 96.9 269,000 Apr-09 593 264,900 74 32 5.4 204,700 561 94.6 268,900 Mar-09 510 269,000 77 33 6.5 200,000 477 93.5 279,000 Feb-09 345 272,000 88 26 7.5 174,900 319 92.5 284,400 Jan-09 362 289,000 97 39 10.8 278,900 323 89.2 289,000 Dec-08 277 279,000 86 14 5.0 165,700 263 95.0 289,531 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 8 of 20
  • 9. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS New Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 24% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 605 462 -143 -24% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 9 of 20
  • 10. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS New Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of New properties is down 24% Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties Time Period # Properties Median Price # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price Dec-10 462 269,250 46 10.0 179,900 416 90.0 279,900 Nov-10 666 289,900 59 8.9 188,000 607 91.1 299,900 Oct-10 792 285,000 46 5.8 212,700 746 94.2 289,900 Sep-10 812 279,000 60 7.4 187,450 752 92.6 286,000 Aug-10 839 269,900 47 5.6 200,000 792 94.4 275,000 Jul-10 1,131 289,000 48 4.2 192,450 1,083 95.8 294,000 Jun-10 1,202 294,992 66 5.5 217,200 1,136 94.5 299,000 May-10 1,106 335,000 44 4.0 239,700 1,062 96.0 339,000 Apr-10 1,682 286,250 47 2.8 199,900 1,635 97.2 288,900 Mar-10 1,543 299,900 62 4.0 224,900 1,481 96.0 300,000 Feb-10 1,123 277,571 48 4.3 209,900 1,075 95.7 279,000 Jan-10 1,003 269,950 53 5.3 244,950 950 94.7 273,800 Dec-09 533 274,900 58 10.9 224,625 475 89.1 279,950 Nov-09 725 289,900 47 6.5 242,500 678 93.5 296,750 Oct-09 909 289,000 44 4.8 224,900 865 95.2 289,900 Sep-09 908 288,700 32 3.5 184,900 876 96.5 289,900 Aug-09 1,020 282,565 45 4.4 264,900 975 95.6 283,500 Jul-09 1,104 289,000 53 4.8 227,900 1,051 95.2 295,000 Jun-09 1,235 299,000 41 3.3 274,900 1,194 96.7 299,857 May-09 1,168 309,450 42 3.6 259,950 1,126 96.4 314,700 Apr-09 1,241 324,995 31 2.5 310,000 1,210 97.5 324,998 Mar-09 1,269 325,000 53 4.2 239,900 1,216 95.8 334,200 Feb-09 974 327,960 37 3.8 222,000 937 96.2 330,000 Jan-09 991 315,000 51 5.2 238,900 940 94.8 319,974 Dec-08 605 319,900 38 6.3 272,000 567 93.7 329,000 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 10 of 20
  • 11. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS For Sale Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 18% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 4,587 3,782 -805 -18% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 11 of 20
  • 12. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS For Sale Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of For Sale properties is down 18% Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price Dec-10 3,782 305,000 153 223 5.9 189,900 3,559 94.1 315,000 Nov-10 4,352 311,806 158 238 5.5 197,700 4,114 94.5 319,900 Oct-10 4,796 305,110 165 244 5.1 204,250 4,552 94.9 315,000 Sep-10 5,062 310,000 171 248 4.9 219,900 4,814 95.1 318,750 Aug-10 5,456 313,480 171 240 4.4 229,000 5,216 95.6 319,000 Jul-10 5,758 315,000 171 231 4.0 229,000 5,527 96.0 319,650 Jun-10 5,729 319,000 171 224 3.9 237,450 5,505 96.1 319,900 May-10 5,492 324,900 176 194 3.5 264,700 5,298 96.5 325,000 Apr-10 5,650 310,000 171 202 3.6 245,000 5,448 96.4 312,856 Mar-10 5,125 315,000 177 219 4.3 265,000 4,906 95.7 319,000 Feb-10 4,370 310,950 191 202 4.6 254,950 4,168 95.4 315,000 Jan-10 4,050 319,000 202 204 5.0 250,000 3,846 95.0 322,935 Dec-09 4,029 330,000 210 196 4.9 245,950 3,833 95.1 339,000 Nov-09 4,433 340,000 203 181 4.1 260,000 4,252 95.9 347,821 Oct-09 4,803 340,000 196 174 3.6 262,450 4,629 96.4 346,331 Sep-09 5,027 349,000 195 168 3.3 264,950 4,859 96.7 349,900 Aug-09 5,321 349,000 191 180 3.4 279,750 5,141 96.6 349,500 Jul-09 5,553 349,000 187 183 3.3 274,900 5,370 96.7 349,790 Jun-09 5,623 349,900 188 171 3.0 284,500 5,452 97.0 350,000 May-09 5,457 350,000 189 160 2.9 274,950 5,297 97.1 355,000 Apr-09 5,371 350,000 189 162 3.0 273,650 5,209 97.0 353,900 Mar-09 5,094 349,000 192 179 3.5 250,000 4,915 96.5 349,900 Feb-09 4,599 347,900 202 167 3.6 249,500 4,432 96.4 349,900 Jan-09 4,523 339,900 206 178 3.9 253,400 4,345 96.1 348,000 Dec-08 4,587 348,038 207 154 3.4 264,450 4,433 96.6 349,880 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 12 of 20
  • 13. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Expired Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is down 17% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 778 647 -131 -17% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 13 of 20
  • 14. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Expired Properties by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of Expired properties is down 17% Full Market Bank Properties Non-Bank Properties Time Period # Properties Median Price Average DOM # Properties % Bank Median Price # Properties % Non-Bank Median Price Dec-10 647 315,000 162 17 2.6 275,000 630 97.4 315,223 Nov-10 625 319,000 142 18 2.9 234,700 607 97.1 319,900 Oct-10 672 287,000 148 26 3.9 227,450 646 96.1 289,250 Sep-10 667 310,000 137 25 3.8 326,000 642 96.2 309,000 Aug-10 750 287,950 127 23 3.1 214,900 727 96.9 289,000 Jul-10 623 299,000 128 11 1.8 292,900 612 98.2 299,000 Jun-10 542 290,000 124 17 3.1 179,900 525 96.9 290,000 May-10 454 289,450 135 10 2.2 199,950 444 97.8 291,000 Apr-10 400 337,750 161 17 4.2 214,900 383 95.8 349,000 Mar-10 435 325,000 139 17 3.9 279,900 418 96.1 328,500 Feb-10 286 337,450 153 11 3.9 220,000 275 96.2 345,000 Jan-10 400 325,000 162 12 3.0 269,000 388 97.0 325,000 Dec-09 671 354,000 154 15 2.2 186,900 656 97.8 359,000 Nov-09 577 389,500 148 15 2.6 245,000 562 97.4 399,800 Oct-09 558 359,000 148 17 3.0 266,000 541 97.0 361,498 Sep-09 576 384,750 150 8 1.4 290,450 568 98.6 386,250 Aug-09 626 339,342 134 14 2.2 349,950 612 97.8 339,092 Jul-09 637 365,000 131 13 2.0 320,000 624 98.0 365,000 Jun-09 531 364,990 147 13 2.5 269,000 518 97.5 369,185 May-09 430 329,700 123 10 2.3 257,250 420 97.7 337,000 Apr-09 489 339,900 133 12 2.5 282,450 477 97.5 342,900 Mar-09 454 325,548 129 15 3.3 225,000 439 96.7 329,900 Feb-09 429 334,962 142 15 3.5 251,900 414 96.5 335,500 Jan-09 536 359,000 148 9 1.7 339,000 527 98.3 360,000 Dec-08 778 350,000 146 13 1.7 334,900 765 98.3 350,000 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 14 of 20
  • 15. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Supply & Demand by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 18% and the number of sold properties is up 21% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 4,587 3,782 -805 -18% 383 464 81 +21% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 15 of 20
  • 16. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Supply & Demand by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The number of for sale properties is down 18% and the number of sold properties is up 21% # Properties Average DOM # Properties Average DOM Time Period For Sale For Sale Sold Sold Dec-10 3,782 153 464 91 Nov-10 4,352 158 383 85 Oct-10 4,796 165 383 87 Sep-10 5,062 171 417 84 Aug-10 5,456 171 531 75 Jul-10 5,758 171 562 71 Jun-10 5,729 171 718 67 May-10 5,492 176 707 63 Apr-10 5,650 171 652 66 Mar-10 5,125 177 559 70 Feb-10 4,370 191 359 75 Jan-10 4,050 202 254 85 Dec-09 4,029 210 448 87 Nov-09 4,433 203 500 81 Oct-09 4,803 196 560 76 Sep-09 5,027 195 558 76 Aug-09 5,321 191 583 75 Jul-09 5,553 187 712 75 Jun-09 5,623 188 657 81 May-09 5,457 189 571 74 Apr-09 5,371 189 473 75 Mar-09 5,094 192 378 90 Feb-09 4,599 202 313 95 Jan-09 4,523 206 233 91 Dec-08 4,587 207 383 84 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 16 of 20
  • 17. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS The Average Days on Market by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is up 16% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 86 100 13 +16% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 17 of 20
  • 18. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS The Average Days on Market by Month Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average days on market is up 16% Time Period Average DOM # UC Units Dec-10 100 397 Nov-10 84 407 Oct-10 90 438 Sep-10 90 391 Aug-10 77 456 Jul-10 77 518 Jun-10 72 560 May-10 66 511 Apr-10 62 864 Mar-10 64 722 Feb-10 73 502 Jan-10 78 403 Dec-09 91 311 Nov-09 89 360 Oct-09 78 537 Sep-09 74 557 Aug-09 77 576 Jul-09 73 615 Jun-09 79 643 May-09 78 639 Apr-09 74 593 Mar-09 77 510 Feb-09 88 345 Jan-09 97 362 Dec-08 86 277 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 18 of 20
  • 19. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Months Supply of Inventory Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 46% Dec-08 vs. Dec-10 Dec-08 Dec-10 Change % 12.8 6.9 -5.9 -46% MLS: ACTRIS Period: 2 years (monthly) Price: All Construction Type: All Bedrooms: All Bathrooms: All Lot Size: All Property Types: Residential: (House, Condo, Townhouse, Manufactured, Half Duplex, Mobile Home, Loft, Residential - Unknown) Sq Ft: All MLS Areas: 10N, 10S, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8E, 8W, DT, LS, RN, SWW, UT Clarus MarketMetrics® 1 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 19 of 20
  • 20. Blake Taylor Austin Board of REALTORS Months Supply of Inventory Dec-08 vs. Dec-10: The average months supply of inventory is down 46% # Units For Sale # UC Units UC Average Time Period Last Day of Month During Month MSI DOM Dec-10 2,738 397 6.9 100 Nov-10 3,320 407 8.2 84 Oct-10 3,686 438 8.4 90 Sep-10 4,004 391 10.2 90 Aug-10 4,250 456 9.3 77 Jul-10 4,617 518 8.9 77 Jun-10 4,627 560 8.3 72 May-10 4,527 511 8.9 66 Apr-10 4,386 864 5.1 62 Mar-10 3,968 722 5.5 64 Feb-10 3,582 502 7.1 73 Jan-10 3,247 403 8.1 78 Dec-09 3,047 311 9.8 91 Nov-09 3,496 360 9.7 89 Oct-09 3,708 537 6.9 78 Sep-09 3,894 557 7.0 74 Aug-09 4,119 576 7.2 77 Jul-09 4,301 615 7.0 73 Jun-09 4,449 643 6.9 79 May-09 4,388 639 6.9 78 Apr-09 4,289 593 7.2 74 Mar-09 4,130 510 8.1 77 Feb-09 3,825 345 11.1 88 Jan-09 3,625 362 10.0 97 Dec-08 3,532 277 12.8 86 Clarus MarketMetrics® 2 of 2 01/18/2011 Information not guaranteed. © 2009-2010 Terradatum and its suppliers and licensors ( | | Direct: 512.796.4447 | Fax: 512.628.7720 | 1701 Spyglass Dr. Ste. 8 Austin, TX 78746 20 of 20