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Agility.	Security.	Delivered.	
Agile Tes)ng for Embedded
So3ware Development
About Coveros
•  Coveros	builds	security-criIcal	applicaIons	using	
agile	methods.	
•  Coveros	Services	
•  Agile	transformaIons	
•  Agile	development	and	tesIng	
•  DevOps	and	conInuous	integraIon	
•  ApplicaIon	security	analysis	
•  Agile	&	Security	training	
•  Government	qualificaIons	
•  DCAA	approved	rates	and	accounIng	
•  TS	facility	clearance	
Areas	of	Exper8se
What is embedded so3ware
•  Embedded	soTware	is	soTware	that	controls	a	device	
•  A	device	is	a	combinaIon	of	soTware,	firmware	and	hardware	that	
make	up	a	system	
•  The	system	has	hardware	components	that	are	either	sensors	or	
•  The	soTware	and	firmware	control	the	hardware	components,	using	
the	sensors	to	discover	and	the	manipulators	to	carry	out	acIons	
•  Examples	include:	
•  Medical	devices	
•  Self	driving	cars	
•  Fitness	wearables	
•  HVAC	systems	
What is agile tes)ng
•  Agile	tesIng	is	the	the	set	of	pracIces	used	to	build	quality	in	and	
make	sure	that	soTware	created	by	the	team	is	of	high	quality	
•  The	whole	team	is	responsible	for	quality	
•  Test	automaIon	is	integrated	into	the	ConInuous	IntegraIon	and	
ConInuous	Delivery	pipeline	
•  TesIng	of	new	funcIonality	is	conducted	during	the	same	sprint	or	
iteraIon	in	which	the	funcIonality	is	developed	
•  Unit	tesIng	is	used	as	part	of	the	quality	assurance	process	
•  Acceptance	tesIng	is	conducted	using	acceptance	criteria	created	
directly	from	the	requirements
User Acceptance Tes)ng (UAT)
•  UAT	is	the	process	of	ge]ng	stakeholders	to	write	down	what	results	
they	want	to	see	from	the	soTware	in	order	to	determine	it	works	as	
the	requirements	intended	
•  Acceptance	criteria	are	wri^en	before	development	of	the	soTware	
•  Acceptance	criteria	are	a	form	of	requirements	that	are	used	to	let	
the	team	know	what	key	aspects	of	the	requirements	need	to	be	met	
in	order	for	the	stakeholders	to	feel	that	they	can	accept	the	soTware	
•  TesIng	of	acceptance	criteria	happens	at	the	end	of	an	increment	
and	gives	the	team	feedback	on	how	well	they	have	created	soTware	
that	the	stakeholders	expected.	
Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
•  BDD	is	a	test	automaIon	process	for	tesIng	soTware	based	on	the	
•  The	tests	are	wri^en	before	the	code	is	wri^en	or	at	least	
independently	of	the	code	
•  For	some	teams	BDD	is	used	to	automate	UAT	tests	
•  Many	BDD	tools	exist	such	as	Cucumber	and	Behave	
•  Most	tools	use	the	Gherkin	language,	which	uses	the	following	
•  Given	ini8al	condi8on	
•  When	some	ac8on	or	trigger	
•  Then	resul8ng	ac8on
Test Driven Development (TDD)
•  TDD,	also	called	Test	First	Development,	is	the	process	of	using	unit	
tests	to	help	design	the	code	for	an	applicaIon	
•  The	developer	will	write	a	test	of	what	they	intend	the	code	to	do	
and	then	write	the	code	to	make	the	test	pass	
•  Red,	Green,	Refactor	cycle	
•  This	has	a	number	of	posiIve	results:	
•  Makes	the	code	more	testable	
•  Makes	the	code	more	modular	or	self	contained	
•  Makes	the	code	more	maintainable	
•  Gives	the	code	a	regression	test	suite	
•  Makes	the	intent	of	the	code	easier	to	understand	
Con)nuous Integra)on (CI)
•  CI	is	the	process	of	integraIng	and	tesIng	code	upon	check	in	
•  In	CI,	integraIon	is	the	process	of	integraIng	a	developer’s	code	with	
the	code	already	in	the	repository	
•  The	goal	of	CI	is	to	make	sure	the	code	can	build	and	pass	an	iniIal	
set	of	regression	tests	before	other	tesIng	and	quality	assurance	is	
applied	to	a	specific	build	
•  CI	uses	a	build	server	such	as	Jenkins	to	do	a	clean	build	of	the	code	
and	run	a	suite	of	unit	tests	
•  If	the	build	breaks,	the	people	that	checked	in	since	the	last	
successful	build	are	informed	and	they	are	expected	to	get	the	build	
back	to	a	working	state
Con)nuous Delivery (CD)
•  CD	is	the	process	of	taking	a	build	through	a	build	pipeline	that	
consists	of	a	CI	process	followed	by	several	quality	gates	that	verify	
the	code	through	various	quality	checks	including:	
•  Automated	funcIonal	tests	
•  StaIc	code	analysis	
•  Automated	non-funcIonal	tests	like	performance	and	security	
•  Automated	deployment	into	progressively	higher	environments	
•  It	could	include	on	demand	deployment	to	a	manual	test	environment	
•  On	demand	deployment	to	a	UAT	environment	
•  On	demand	deployment	to	a	demo	environment	
•  ConInuous	Deployment	is	automaIcally	progressing	to	producIon	
including	automaIcally	deploying	into	producIon	
Value Stream Mapping
•  Value	stream	mapping	is	the	process	of	determining	how	a	product	is	
created	in	your	environment	from	incepIon	to	deployment	and	use	
in	producIon		
•  By	creaIng	a	value	stream	map	you	can	figure	out	how	many	steps	
you	have	in	your	delivery	process	and	how	long	each	step	takes	
•  Once	you	have	a	map	of	your	process	you	can	start	to	opImize	and	
automate	the	different	steps	to	streamline	your	process	
•  The	goal	is	to	reduce	the	Ime	it	takes	to	move	requirements	through	
your	process	and	get	new	features	into	producIon
Build Pipeline
•  The	build	pipeline	is	the	part	of	your	value	stream	that	takes	checked	
in	code	and	makes	it	into	high	quality,	tested	soTware	that	is	either	in	
producIon	or	ready	to	be	distributed	to	customers	
•  CI/CD	are	a	subset	of	your	build	pipeline	
•  AutomaIon,	including	test	automaIon,	is	the	only	way	to	make	a	
build	pipeline	work	in	a	fast	and	efficient	manner	
•  Many	of	the	quality	gates	in	a	build	pipeline	are	tesIng	focused	and	
require	strong	tesIng	acumen	in	order	to	help	deliver	high	quality	
Version Control
•  Version	control	is	the	process	of	managing	the	code	over	Ime	by	
allowing	a	project	to	keep	track	of	the	state	of	the	code	as	it	
•  All	code,	including	tes6ng	code	and	test	automa6on	code	needs	to	
be	checked	into	version	control	
•  ApplicaIon	code	and	tesIng	code	should	be	versioned	together	since	
the	test	code	acts	on	the	applicaIon	and	changes	over	Ime	to	keep	
in	sync	with	changes	to	the	applicaIon	code	
•  Version	control	tools	include:	
•  Subversion	
•  Git	
•  Others
Configura)on Management
•  ConfiguraIon	Management	are	the	tools	and	process	used	to	
determine	how	soTware	is	setup	in	any	given	environment	and	how	
to	account	for	all	of	the	different	files	needed	to	make	the	soTware	
•  This	includes	binaries,	configuraIon	files	and	environment	se]ngs	
•  Most	build	pipelines	have	a	component	that	manages	configuraIon	
elements	for	each	deployment	so	that	the	team	can	know	exactly	
what	is	deployed	and	tested	for	every	environment	
Tes)ng So3ware vs. Hardware vs. System
•  With	embedded	systems	you	are	tesIng	three	things:	
•  SoTware	–	The	code	that	manages	the	system	
•  Hardware	–	The	mechanical	and/or	electrical	parts	of	the	system	
•  System	–	The	combinaIon	of	hardware	and	soTware	
•  SomeImes	firmware	is	tested	like	soTware,	someImes	it	is	tested	
like	hardware	(depending	on	how	firm	it	is)	
•  IsolaIng	what	you	are	tesIng	can	help	you	create	test	automaIon	
that	covers	a	much	of	the	product	as	possible	
•  Some	amount	of	manual	tesIng	might	be	unavoidable
So3ware Tes)ng
•  During	soTware	tesIng	you	are	tesIng	only	the	soTware	part	of	your	
•  This	means	that	all	input	(sensor	data)	should	be	supplied	by	a	known	
source,	if	possible	by	recording	the	data	and	playing	it	back,	or	
simulaIng	it	
•  Output	can	be	ignored	or	simulated	
•  Record	and	playback,	or	simulaIon	can	be	less	expensive	and	easier	
to	setup	
•  You	should	be	focused	on	tesIng	the	business	logic	of	the	soTware,	
i.e.	the	calculaIons	and	determinaIons	that	soTware	makes	
•  You	can	also	focus	on	tesIng	the	user	interface	or	interacIve	
elements	of	the	system	
Hardware Tes)ng
•  Hardware	tesIng	can	be	agile	as	well	
•  Hardware	can	have	a	different	cadence	than	soTware	
•  Agile	hardware	tesIng	is	about	automaIng	as	much	of	the	tesIng	
process	as	possible	
•  SoTware	tools,	both	homegrown	and	third	party,	can	be	used	to	
automate	hardware	tesIng	
•  Using	the	system	soTware	the	controls	that	hardware	to	test	the	
hardware	is	acceptable	but	keep	the	focus	on	the	hardware
System Tes)ng
•  System	tesIng	is	the	combinaIon	of	the	soTware	and	hardware	
working	together	
•  Depending	on	the	nature	of	your	embedded	system,	this	can	be	hard	
to	automated	or	automate	completely	
•  Depending	on	the	nature	of	your	embedded	system	there	may	be	a	
good	deal	of	tooling	that	can	help	you	test	the	system	or	there	may	
be	nothing	at	all	
•  TesIng	the	system	is	criIcal	because	you	don’t	know	how	the	
soTware	and	hardware	will	interact	unIl	you	actually	have	them	
Test Automa)on vs. Manual Tes)ng
•  Agile	tesIng	focuses	on	test	automaIon	and	in	some	types	of	
applicaIons	it	is	possible	to	automate	nearly	all	of	the	tesIng	
•  With	the	focus	on	test	automaton	it	is	easy	to	think	that	manually	
tesIng	has	no	place	in	agile	but	that	isn’t	true	
•  Manual	tesIng	is	oTen	a	precursor	to	funcIonal	test	automaIon	
•  Manual	tesIng	can	be	cheaper	or	more	effecIve	for	some	features	of	
an	embedded	system	
•  Exploratory	tesIng	can	exercise	the	system	in	a	way	that	test	
automaIon	will	not	and	find	deeper	issues
How much can you automate?
•  Look	at	this	from	a	number	of	points	of	view:	
•  What	can	you	afford	
•  What	do	you	have	the	skills	or	abiliIes	to	automate	
•  What	is	possible	
•  What	is	the	most	beneficial	
•  Finding	a	balance	between	test	automaIon	and	manual	tesIng	will	
be	a	challenge	that	all	projects	face	
•  The	answer	will	change	over	Ime	as	you	learn	and	as	your	code	
Coding Standards (for tests too)
•  Using	coding	standards	means:	
•  Making	the	coding	standards	
•  Enforcing	coding	standards	using	code	reviews	
•  It	doesn’t	ma^er	what	specific	coding	standards	you	use	so	much	as	
you	have	them	and	the	team	agrees	to	them	
•  If	possible,	use	an	exisIng	coding	standard	for	your	technology	
•  Make	coding	standards	compliance	part	of	your	code	review	
•  Be^er	yet,	use	a	code	forma^er	to	apply	the	standard	during	code	
•  Apply	coding	standards	to	your	tests	as	well
Code Inspec)ons
•  Code	inspecIons	include	a	number	of	things:	
•  Code	reviews	
•  StaIc	code	analysis	
•  Secure	code	reviews	
•  Format	and	style	reviews	
•  Automate	what	you	can,	format	and	style	are	easy	to	automate	
•  StaIc	code	analysis	can	be	a	good	input	into	code	reviews	
•  Code	review	tools	can	help,	things	like	Crucible	and	ReviewBoard	
•  A	secure	code	reviews	is	different	than	a	code	review	and	is	a	
different	skill	set,	you	should	master	both	
Unit Tes)ng
•  Unit	tests	are	developer	tests	that	are	used	to	make	sure	that	the	
code	that	they	write	behaves	as	the	developer	intended	
•  Unit	tests	are	wri^en	in	the	language	and	technology	planorm	of	the	
applicaIon	code	and	oTen	use	a	framework	like	Unity	(see	h^p://	
•  Unit	tests	might	be	run	on	the	dev	planorm	or	the	target	planorm,	
this	oTen	depends	on	how	the	tooling	works	
•  Sample	code:	
void	test_FuncIonWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain(void)	 		
					TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0,	FindFuncIon_WhichIsBroken(78)); 	 		
					TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a,	FuncIonWhichReturnsLocalVariable()); 		
BDD Sample Code
Scenario:	Subtract	two	numbers	
				Given	I	have	a	calculator	on	
				When	I	enter	”25"	into	the	calculator	
				And	I	enter	”10"	into	the	calculator	
				And	I	press	subtract	
				Then	the	result	should	be	"15"	on	the	screen	
Scenario:	Add	two	numbers	
				Given	I	have	a	calculator	on	
				When	I	enter	”25"	into	the	calculator	
				And	I	enter	”45"	into	the	calculator	
				And	I	press	add	
				Then	the	result	should	be	”70"	on	the	screen	
Mock Objects
•  Mock	objects	are	replacements	for	the	dependencies	of	the	code	
under	test	
•  They	are	used	to	make	it	easier	to	test	the	code	by	responding	the	
same	way	all	the	Ime	
•  There	are	a	number	of	good	mock	object	frameworks	including	
CMock	(see	h^p://
Test Fixtures
•  Test	fixtures	are	the	code	that	creates	a	fixed	state	that	is	used	to	
baseline	tests	so	that	the	test	environment	is	the	same	each	Ime	the	
tests	are	run	
•  Test	frameworks	do	this	by	exposing	methods	or	funcIons	that	allow	
for	the	configuraIon	of	dependent	objects	or	for	the	creaIon	of	
mock	objects	
•  For	a	data	related	test	a	test	fixture	might	load	a	specific	set	of	data	
into	the	database	
•  Most	unit	tesIng	frameworks	and	many	test	automaIon	tools	have		
test	fixtures	build	into	them	
Working with Simulators
•  A	simulator	is	soTware	or	hardware	used	for	tesIng	that	has	the	
same	interface	as	the	applicaIon	or	system	it	is	replacing	
•  Simulators	provide	a	consistent	interface	for	tesIng,	much	like	test	
fixtures	or	mock	objects	
•  Simulators	are	more	full	featured	and	can	react	to	input,	in	more	
varied	ways	that	other	tesIng	tools	
•  The	idea	is	that	a	simulator	will	react	more	like	the	real	component	in	
the	real	world	
•  Simulators	can	be	expensive	to	build	and	maintain	but	there	may	be	
no	other	opIon
Tes)ng services for embedded so3ware
•  Many	Internet	of	Things	(IoT)	devices	use	services	
•  Services	are	Internet	accessible	bits	of	funcIonality	that	do	things	
•  Collect	data	
•  Calculate	results	
•  Coordinate	resources	
•  TesIng	these	services	can	be	easier	to	automate	then	the	devices	
•  Scale	can	be	an	issue	for	services	
•  Network	availability	or	reliability	can	be	an	issue	for	the	devices	
•  Performance	tesIng	is	oTen	important	for	tesIng	services	
What to take away from the presenta)on
•  Test	automaIon	is	the	key	to	agile	tesIng	
•  Do	test	automaIon	planning	while	you	do	test	planning	
•  Create	test	suites	that	test	your	soTware	separately	from	your	
hardware	and	another	suite	that	tests	the	system	as	a	whole
•  Tom	SIehm	
•  @thomassIehm

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Agile Testing for Embedded and IoT Software Development

  • 1.         W16   Agile  Testing   10/5/16  15:00             Agile  Testing  for  Embedded  and  IoT   Software  Development   Presented  by:         Thomas  Stiehm       Coveros,  Inc.     Brought  to  you  by:                 350  Corporate  Way,  Suite  400,  Orange  Park,  FL  32073     888-­‐-­‐-­‐268-­‐-­‐-­‐8770  ·∙·∙  904-­‐-­‐-­‐278-­‐-­‐-­‐0524  -­‐  -­‐            
  • 2.     Thomas  Stiehm       Thomas  Stiehm  has  been  developing  applications  and  managing  software   development  teams  for  eighteen  years.  As  CTO  of  Coveros,  he  is  responsible  for  the   oversight  of  all  technical  projects  and  integrating  new  technologies  and  application   security  practices  into  software  development  projects.  Most  recently,  Thomas  has   been  focusing  on  how  to  incorporate  DevOps  best  practices  into  distributed  agile   development  projects  using  cloud-­‐based  solutions  and  how  to  achieve  a  balance   between  team  productivity  and  cost  while  mitigating  project  risks.  Previously,  as  a   managing  architect  involved  in  agile  development  at  Digital  Focus,  Thomas  found   that  agile  is  the  only  development  methodology  that  makes  the  business  reality  of   constant  change  central  to  the  development  process.    
  • 3. 9/21/16 1 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Agility. Security. Delivered. Agile Tes)ng for Embedded So3ware Development © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 About Coveros •  Coveros builds security-criIcal applicaIons using agile methods. •  Coveros Services •  Agile transformaIons •  Agile development and tesIng •  DevOps and conInuous integraIon •  ApplicaIon security analysis •  Agile & Security training •  Government qualificaIons •  DCAA approved rates and accounIng •  TS facility clearance Areas of Exper8se
  • 4. 9/21/16 2 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 What is embedded so3ware •  Embedded soTware is soTware that controls a device •  A device is a combinaIon of soTware, firmware and hardware that make up a system •  The system has hardware components that are either sensors or manipulators •  The soTware and firmware control the hardware components, using the sensors to discover and the manipulators to carry out acIons •  Examples include: •  Medical devices •  Self driving cars •  Fitness wearables •  HVAC systems © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 What is agile tes)ng •  Agile tesIng is the the set of pracIces used to build quality in and make sure that soTware created by the team is of high quality •  The whole team is responsible for quality •  Test automaIon is integrated into the ConInuous IntegraIon and ConInuous Delivery pipeline •  TesIng of new funcIonality is conducted during the same sprint or iteraIon in which the funcIonality is developed •  Unit tesIng is used as part of the quality assurance process •  Acceptance tesIng is conducted using acceptance criteria created directly from the requirements
  • 5. 9/21/16 3 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 User Acceptance Tes)ng (UAT) •  UAT is the process of ge]ng stakeholders to write down what results they want to see from the soTware in order to determine it works as the requirements intended •  Acceptance criteria are wri^en before development of the soTware begins •  Acceptance criteria are a form of requirements that are used to let the team know what key aspects of the requirements need to be met in order for the stakeholders to feel that they can accept the soTware increment •  TesIng of acceptance criteria happens at the end of an increment and gives the team feedback on how well they have created soTware that the stakeholders expected. © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Behavior Driven Development (BDD) •  BDD is a test automaIon process for tesIng soTware based on the requirements •  The tests are wri^en before the code is wri^en or at least independently of the code •  For some teams BDD is used to automate UAT tests •  Many BDD tools exist such as Cucumber and Behave •  Most tools use the Gherkin language, which uses the following format: •  Given ini8al condi8on •  When some ac8on or trigger •  Then resul8ng ac8on
  • 6. 9/21/16 4 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Test Driven Development (TDD) •  TDD, also called Test First Development, is the process of using unit tests to help design the code for an applicaIon •  The developer will write a test of what they intend the code to do and then write the code to make the test pass •  Red, Green, Refactor cycle •  This has a number of posiIve results: •  Makes the code more testable •  Makes the code more modular or self contained •  Makes the code more maintainable •  Gives the code a regression test suite •  Makes the intent of the code easier to understand © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 Con)nuous Integra)on (CI) •  CI is the process of integraIng and tesIng code upon check in •  In CI, integraIon is the process of integraIng a developer’s code with the code already in the repository •  The goal of CI is to make sure the code can build and pass an iniIal set of regression tests before other tesIng and quality assurance is applied to a specific build •  CI uses a build server such as Jenkins to do a clean build of the code and run a suite of unit tests •  If the build breaks, the people that checked in since the last successful build are informed and they are expected to get the build back to a working state
  • 7. 9/21/16 5 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 Con)nuous Delivery (CD) •  CD is the process of taking a build through a build pipeline that consists of a CI process followed by several quality gates that verify the code through various quality checks including: •  Automated funcIonal tests •  StaIc code analysis •  Automated non-funcIonal tests like performance and security •  Automated deployment into progressively higher environments •  It could include on demand deployment to a manual test environment •  On demand deployment to a UAT environment •  On demand deployment to a demo environment •  ConInuous Deployment is automaIcally progressing to producIon including automaIcally deploying into producIon © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Value Stream Mapping •  Value stream mapping is the process of determining how a product is created in your environment from incepIon to deployment and use in producIon •  By creaIng a value stream map you can figure out how many steps you have in your delivery process and how long each step takes •  Once you have a map of your process you can start to opImize and automate the different steps to streamline your process •  The goal is to reduce the Ime it takes to move requirements through your process and get new features into producIon
  • 8. 9/21/16 6 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 Build Pipeline •  The build pipeline is the part of your value stream that takes checked in code and makes it into high quality, tested soTware that is either in producIon or ready to be distributed to customers •  CI/CD are a subset of your build pipeline •  AutomaIon, including test automaIon, is the only way to make a build pipeline work in a fast and efficient manner •  Many of the quality gates in a build pipeline are tesIng focused and require strong tesIng acumen in order to help deliver high quality soTware © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 Version Control •  Version control is the process of managing the code over Ime by allowing a project to keep track of the state of the code as it progresses •  All code, including tes6ng code and test automa6on code needs to be checked into version control •  ApplicaIon code and tesIng code should be versioned together since the test code acts on the applicaIon and changes over Ime to keep in sync with changes to the applicaIon code •  Version control tools include: •  Subversion •  Git •  Others
  • 9. 9/21/16 7 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 Configura)on Management •  ConfiguraIon Management are the tools and process used to determine how soTware is setup in any given environment and how to account for all of the different files needed to make the soTware work •  This includes binaries, configuraIon files and environment se]ngs •  Most build pipelines have a component that manages configuraIon elements for each deployment so that the team can know exactly what is deployed and tested for every environment © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 Tes)ng So3ware vs. Hardware vs. System •  With embedded systems you are tesIng three things: •  SoTware – The code that manages the system •  Hardware – The mechanical and/or electrical parts of the system •  System – The combinaIon of hardware and soTware •  SomeImes firmware is tested like soTware, someImes it is tested like hardware (depending on how firm it is) •  IsolaIng what you are tesIng can help you create test automaIon that covers a much of the product as possible •  Some amount of manual tesIng might be unavoidable
  • 10. 9/21/16 8 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 So3ware Tes)ng •  During soTware tesIng you are tesIng only the soTware part of your system •  This means that all input (sensor data) should be supplied by a known source, if possible by recording the data and playing it back, or simulaIng it •  Output can be ignored or simulated •  Record and playback, or simulaIon can be less expensive and easier to setup •  You should be focused on tesIng the business logic of the soTware, i.e. the calculaIons and determinaIons that soTware makes •  You can also focus on tesIng the user interface or interacIve elements of the system © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 Hardware Tes)ng •  Hardware tesIng can be agile as well •  Hardware can have a different cadence than soTware •  Agile hardware tesIng is about automaIng as much of the tesIng process as possible •  SoTware tools, both homegrown and third party, can be used to automate hardware tesIng •  Using the system soTware the controls that hardware to test the hardware is acceptable but keep the focus on the hardware
  • 11. 9/21/16 9 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17 System Tes)ng •  System tesIng is the combinaIon of the soTware and hardware working together •  Depending on the nature of your embedded system, this can be hard to automated or automate completely •  Depending on the nature of your embedded system there may be a good deal of tooling that can help you test the system or there may be nothing at all •  TesIng the system is criIcal because you don’t know how the soTware and hardware will interact unIl you actually have them interact © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 Test Automa)on vs. Manual Tes)ng •  Agile tesIng focuses on test automaIon and in some types of applicaIons it is possible to automate nearly all of the tesIng •  With the focus on test automaton it is easy to think that manually tesIng has no place in agile but that isn’t true •  Manual tesIng is oTen a precursor to funcIonal test automaIon •  Manual tesIng can be cheaper or more effecIve for some features of an embedded system •  Exploratory tesIng can exercise the system in a way that test automaIon will not and find deeper issues
  • 12. 9/21/16 10 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 How much can you automate? •  Look at this from a number of points of view: •  What can you afford •  What do you have the skills or abiliIes to automate •  What is possible •  What is the most beneficial •  Finding a balance between test automaIon and manual tesIng will be a challenge that all projects face •  The answer will change over Ime as you learn and as your code improves © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 Coding Standards (for tests too) •  Using coding standards means: •  Making the coding standards •  Enforcing coding standards using code reviews •  It doesn’t ma^er what specific coding standards you use so much as you have them and the team agrees to them •  If possible, use an exisIng coding standard for your technology •  Make coding standards compliance part of your code review •  Be^er yet, use a code forma^er to apply the standard during code commit •  Apply coding standards to your tests as well
  • 13. 9/21/16 11 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21 Code Inspec)ons •  Code inspecIons include a number of things: •  Code reviews •  StaIc code analysis •  Secure code reviews •  Format and style reviews •  Automate what you can, format and style are easy to automate •  StaIc code analysis can be a good input into code reviews •  Code review tools can help, things like Crucible and ReviewBoard •  A secure code reviews is different than a code review and is a different skill set, you should master both © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22 Unit Tes)ng •  Unit tests are developer tests that are used to make sure that the code that they write behaves as the developer intended •  Unit tests are wri^en in the language and technology planorm of the applicaIon code and oTen use a framework like Unity (see h^p:// •  Unit tests might be run on the dev planorm or the target planorm, this oTen depends on how the tooling works •  Sample code: void test_FuncIonWhichReturnsLocalVariable_ShouldReturnTheCurrentCounterValueAgain(void) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, FindFuncIon_WhichIsBroken(78)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX(0x5a5a, FuncIonWhichReturnsLocalVariable()); }
  • 14. 9/21/16 12 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 BDD Sample Code Scenario: Subtract two numbers Given I have a calculator on When I enter ”25" into the calculator And I enter ”10" into the calculator And I press subtract Then the result should be "15" on the screen Scenario: Add two numbers Given I have a calculator on When I enter ”25" into the calculator And I enter ”45" into the calculator And I press add Then the result should be ”70" on the screen © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24 Mock Objects •  Mock objects are replacements for the dependencies of the code under test •  They are used to make it easier to test the code by responding the same way all the Ime •  There are a number of good mock object frameworks including CMock (see h^p://
  • 15. 9/21/16 13 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25 Test Fixtures •  Test fixtures are the code that creates a fixed state that is used to baseline tests so that the test environment is the same each Ime the tests are run •  Test frameworks do this by exposing methods or funcIons that allow for the configuraIon of dependent objects or for the creaIon of mock objects •  For a data related test a test fixture might load a specific set of data into the database •  Most unit tesIng frameworks and many test automaIon tools have test fixtures build into them © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26 Working with Simulators •  A simulator is soTware or hardware used for tesIng that has the same interface as the applicaIon or system it is replacing •  Simulators provide a consistent interface for tesIng, much like test fixtures or mock objects •  Simulators are more full featured and can react to input, in more varied ways that other tesIng tools •  The idea is that a simulator will react more like the real component in the real world •  Simulators can be expensive to build and maintain but there may be no other opIon
  • 16. 9/21/16 14 © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 27 Tes)ng services for embedded so3ware •  Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices use services •  Services are Internet accessible bits of funcIonality that do things like: •  Collect data •  Calculate results •  Coordinate resources •  TesIng these services can be easier to automate then the devices themselves •  Scale can be an issue for services •  Network availability or reliability can be an issue for the devices •  Performance tesIng is oTen important for tesIng services © COPYRIGHT 2016 COVEROS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 28 What to take away from the presenta)on •  Test automaIon is the key to agile tesIng •  Do test automaIon planning while you do test planning •  Create test suites that test your soTware separately from your hardware and another suite that tests the system as a whole