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Happiness Data 
Playbook for a City
What does 
have to do 
with any of 
Over 100 areas have 
gathered data using the 
Gross National Happiness 
Index. They have their scores. 
They are asking: 
The Happiness Data Playbook 
for a City is a guide for policy 
makers and activist to take 
action for happiness, 
sustainability and resilience 
based on their area’s Gross 
National Happiness Scores.
Our sources for 
these project, 
policies and 
Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy 
Happiness science tells us that our happiness is impacted more by 
what our wealth is in comparison to others than the amount of 
goods or our wealth alone. In addition. There are many positive 
connections with greater income equality including health, 
psychology and safety. 
The Easterlin Paradox tells us 
that happiness increases 
greatly as your salary increases 
up to a certain point – about 
75K for a family of four no 
matter where they live in the 
US. After this, there are only 
marginal and diminishing 
returns to happiness as income 
increases. The Easterlin 
Paradox is true for countries 
across the globe, although the 
amount varies. Note that short 
term happiness does increase 
with a big win or boost in 
salary, but will return to prior 
levels in 2 weeks – 6 months. 
Your areas average scores for standard of living/material well-being 
are likely high, but if you look at specific populations or 
the difference between those who self assess high and those 
who self assess low, you will find a large spread, with some 
scoring themselves as low as 1 others as high as 9.5 or even 10. 
And studies tell us that everyone’s wellbeing increases when no 
one in an area is suffering economically. In other words, as the 
gap between rich and poor decreases, everyone’s happiness 
“Jobs” is often the answer to alleviate economic suffering. 
Happiness data helps to point to the populations the jobs will 
most help.
Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy 
Minimum Wage Laws 
to help low-income workers and 
their families. 
An example process: 1) Mayor 
forms an Income Inequality 
Advisory Committee that 
includes representatives from 
labor, business, and non-profits 
to make recommendations. 2) 
Mayor makes a proposal to the 
City Council. 3) City Council 
forms a Select Committee to 
make recommendations. 4) City 
Council votes. 
example minimum wage ordinance:
Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy 
Inclusionary Zoning Laws 
– zoning laws define how you can use 
your property. 
Inclusionary zoning is being used in 
some areas to increase diversity and 
inclusion in neighborhoods. Inclusionary 
zoning requires large housing units or 
housing development projects 
to dedicate a portion of their units to 
lower income households. 
example inclusionary zoning laws:
Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy 
Reengaging Disconnected 
Youth Programs - Up to one 
forth of 16- 24 year olds are not in 
school or employed. Cities often 
collaborate with nonprofits to offer 
job training and employment, 
secondary and post secondary 
education, substance abuse 
counseling, community service, 
mentor networking, early 
childhood & juvenile programs, 
arts& recreation programs, 
financial literacy and health care. 
Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy 
Green Energy Investment 
City-owned utilities investing in 
green energy often starts with a goal 
for renewable megawatts and solar 
or wind power installations. Jobs 
can come from investment in 
manufacturing, education, research 
& development, as well as incentive 
example Green Energy Investment: 
example Green Energy incentive programs:
Science tells us that 
participating in the 
democratic process leads 
to a deeper sense of 
happiness and wellbeing. 
Moreover, research 
indicates that when 
governance quality 
increases, people’s 
wellbeing increases. 
Governance systems 
include the judicial system, 
the police system and the 
legislative process. 
Scores in the domain of governance are consistently low for 
most every area. Confidence in local and federal 
government, ability to influence public officials and 
corruption are measured. The most common objective 
metric used to measure participation in government is 
voting rates. 
Consistently low scores could indicate a degree of crisis in 
belief that one can make a difference or counts when it 
comes to politics. 
Measuring citizen happiness and using this data to inform 
decisions for allocation of resources and promulgation of 
policy is one way to reengage voters and rebuild trust in 
government. Subjective wellbeing surveys are also a way to 
create a feedback loop between the recipients of services 
and the people, departments and bureaucracies providing 
services, which is proven to increase satisfaction with 
government services.
Almedalen Political Festival 
modeled after a Swedish program: 
An annual 3-day to week long 
public meeting for politicians, the 
public, journalists and NGOs. All 
parties have equal opportunity. In 
Sweden, the political festival is 
national event. In Denmark, cities 
and regions hold politial festivals 
for shorter times (3 days). 
Participatory Budgeting 
Citizens meet with policy 
makers to come to agreement 
on the priorities for part of the 
local government budget for 
their neighborhood or the city 
and help the implementation of 
projects or policies. 
Social Media & E-Government 
New York City has over 300 social media 
channels, from you tube for the 
environmental protection department to 
facebook for the mayor’s office. NYC also 
took a hint from Beijing city in 
implementing E-Government, where by 
internal and external (everything from 
filing in court to monitoring programs and 
forming policy), suppliers and other is 
streamlined through use of information 
A sense of safety, trust in others and giving in 
terms of volunteerism and donations are 
measured in the community domain. 
Encouraging and facilitating volunteerism in a city 
or rural area is likely a crucial strategy to 
happiness for residents and the sustainability of a 
city or rural community. 
Community and social support is likely the most 
important life circumstance that influences our 
happiness. A strong sense of community has 
impacts on our psychological and physical 
health, participation in the democratic process, 
our local economy and how we treat nature.
National Citizen Service for Youth 
is a program that provides leadership development and 
team building to high school youth during school breaks. 
Youth spend the 3 days – 2 weeks hiking and team 
building, followed by a week of residential volunteer 
work. They identify their passion and develop a social 
action project that meets a need in their community. 
They then spend 30 hours implementing the project in 
their community. They also receive mentoring. Some 
programs offer students about $100 to complete the 
program, others are funded or supported by companies. 
source & example: mm 
Parking Days – one 
day whereby anyone 
transform a parking space 
into a mini-park. Here, a 
woman is giving away 
Social Support 
Personal relationships, feeling loved, feeling that people caring 
about one are all aspects of social support. A personal safety net 
helps one when they need help, such as when out of a job, 
homeless or seriously ill. Safety nets can come from family and 
friends and policies and programs that help people when they 
are in need. Where governments provide strong safety nets, 
people self-assess themselves happier than others living in a city, 
state or country where safety nets are the job of family or non-governmental 
organizations, or non-existent. 
Happiness science tells us that you will be 
about as happy as those whose company you 
keep. This means one should choose one’s 
friends wisely and make choices about one’s 
own life circumstances and way of being to 
be good company. 
Some of the most unhappy places on earth 
are those where people feel the utmost of 
danger: countries suffering under civil 
warfare. The ability to meet one’s 
psychological and safety needs are necessary 
to the pursuit of happiness.
Rights to Fresh Air is part of 
Eldercare in Denmark and it is illegal to 
imprison people with dimentia in locked 
wards. At Lotte, the rockstar of eldercare in 
Copenhagen, elders and caregivers look like a 
family, even falling in love in old age. The 
home, like many in Denmark, is small (about 
20 -30 elders). Elders are provided 
kitchenettes and meals are together. 
Social Support 
Lifelong learning 
Lifelong learning is not necessarily tied to education 
levels. Certainly one learns from formal education, but 
there are many ways to learn informally. Lifelong learning 
can be a portal to greater happiness and reaching one’s 
full potential. 
Emerging science tells us that we learn 
throughout our lives on many levels: intellectual, 
emotional, moral, social, intrapersonal, strategic, 
spiritual, musical, mathematical, 
kinesthetic/somatic affective, spatial, 
psychosexual and others. One can be highly 
developed on one level, but not on another (such 
as highly intellectual but not moral).
Apprenticeship programs 
offer training and job experience, 
sometimes structured to allow a person an 
education without debt. Rochester, NY 
passed an ordinance that requires city 
construction projects over a certain 
amount to offer apprenticeships. San 
Fernando, CA Mariachi Masters apprentice 
program for youth fosters the local 
heritage and has lead to increased high 
school graduation rates and number of 
students pursuing higher education. 
Lifelong learning 
example: & 
Chicago's Botanical 
Gardens are open to the public and 
free. In addition to opportunities to learn 
about nature and plant identification, the 
garden offers a host of classes for adults 
ranging from arts and crafts, 
photography, cooking or master gardener 
classes. There is also an urban agriculture 
job training program for youth and a 
conservation program. The garden is 
expanding to include more classrooms for 
fitness programs and a children’s garden. 
Lifelong learning 
Arts & culture 
Arts and culture include the sports, visual art, literature, 
music, theatre, film, dance, cuisine, language, social habit, 
religion and the beliefs and customs of a society, group or 
geographic region. 
A city or rural region devoid of arts and culture is devoid 
of character, and conversely, thriving societies, 
economies and natural environments are often tied to a 
strong sense of an areas culture. 
A strong sense of culture is closely ties with a 
strong sense of community, and can help bolster 
one’s sense of community. Community is highly 
correlated with personal happiness and wellbeing 
for all.
Arts & culture 
Limit or Ban Marketing to Children. A few cities limit or 
ban marketing to children. Quebec does allow children to be subject 
to “treatment whose design appeals particularly to the instinctual 
needs of children so as to arouse their interest” such as undue use of 
a child’s voice, magic and fantasy themes, exploitation of parent-child 
bonds, animation, and music that particularly appeals to 
Cultural Policy. Sydney, 
Australia’s cultural policy 
promotes creativity in the arts, 
such as public art, festivals, live 
performances and music, 
creative hubs and partnerships 
to foster expressions of 
creativity and creative spaces. 
The cultural policy includes 
plans to develop a fellowship 
program, artist housing, street 
and building murals, and foster 
appreciation of aboriginal 
culture and its expression. 
Arts & culture 
Productivity, autonomy, appreciation, and levels of interest 
are measured in the work domain. Work comprises about 
one third of a person’s waking life. Work is also an important 
factor that determines whether a person will stay in a city or 
rural region or stay. 
Many cities and rural communities area starting to 
understand the difference between job creation and quality 
job creation that serves local people who need and will 
benefit from the jobs as opposed to new jobs that bring in 
non-locals and leave local with fewer and fewer options on 
many levels. 
Happiness science tells us that happiness at work highly tied to work that demands one’s 
highest capacity and greatest interests brings about happiness, greater productivity and better 
results. Another way to say this is work that enables one to “self-actualize” brings about 
better results for all – the employee, the employer and society at large.
Workforce Development 
for the homeless, people not 
literate in English and ex-cons is 
provided by the City of Chicago 
through various agencies. 
Industry specific training, 
placement and support through 
the first six months of work, 
transitional jobs which provides 
subsidized employment paired 
with skills development and 
other services, and community 
re-entry support centers for ex-offenders 
that provides 
employment assistance, 
housing, counseling and family 
reunification services are 
Time Balance 
Time balance scores are consistently the lowest of all domain 
scores for most every area. There are two types of time 
imbalance: not having enough time to do everything you want to 
do, and not having enough time to do all the things you don’t 
want to do. Studies show that when people work over 40 hours, 
no matter how much they are paid or love their jobs, their 
wellbeing suffer. 
Flextime, compressed work-week, Job sharing (2 part 
time employees for one FT position), telecommuting 
and permanent part time (often 30 hours a week, 
with employee deciding hours and days working), 
wellness-leave (as opposed to sick leave) days, 
shortened work hours for parents of small children 
or sick elders and limits on long work hours or 
overnight working and are a few solutions employers 
have used to manage time balance. 
Happiness science tells 
us that the most 
unhappy times are 
commutes to work. The 
most unhappy days are 
Tuesday, (not Monday) 
and we are happiest on 
the weekends or 
Time Balance 
Transportation System. 
Copenhagen is famous for being bicycle 
friendly, but metro, train, ferry, road and bus 
system work together to provide one of the 
most complete transportation systems. Up to 
half commute are by bike, with city-provided 
public bikes available. Most bike lanes are 
separated from traffic or on greenways. 
Regional trains connects suburban areas to the 
city, trains serve the urban neighborhoods and 
buses and an underground metro system serves 
the city. The same ticket can be used for trains, 
metro and buses.
Time Balance 
Pedestrianized streets. Downtown Burlington, 
VT Church Street is pedestrian-only for four blocks. The streets 
were converted in the 1980s and includes over 80 retail stores. 
The street was resurfaced with brick, the addition of canopies 
and shelters and bus stops at intersections. Construction did 
not cause any business closures. Today, the area is vibrant 
with festivals, street artists, café dining and shopping. 
Time Balance 
Sick Leave Ordinances - The City 
of San Francisco Administrative Code 
Paid Sick Leave Ordinance provides sick 
leave for workers and includes part time 
and temp workers. In the City of Seattle, 
council members passed Paid Sick Leave 
and Paid Safe time ordinance 123698 
that provides leave for illness, as well as 
children and elder illness. It also provides 
leave for domestic violence victims who 
need time off to ensure their own safety. 
example: &
Environment scores are usually high for rural areas and low in urban 
areas. Questions in the survey include the topics of access to nature, 
efforts to conserve and restore the environment, and air quality. 
Access to nature and experiencing a healthy environment can be a 
challenge when spaces are limited and there are many factors on a 
global scale and outside of our control. Providing opportunities to 
experience and appreciate nature on a neighborhood level can help 
inspire hope and encourage actions to preserve and restore our 
Happiness data gathered from 
apps tells us that for most of 
us, we are happiest when we 
are in nature. This can be a 
park, in the garden or hiking in 
the mountains. We experience 
lower stress and higher life 
satisfaction when we are in 
nature. Science is also 
indicating that when we spend 
time in nature, we get sick less.
Daylighting streams or 
creeks involves restoring a stream 
to a more natural state. Streams or 
creeks that had been diverted into 
culvers or drainage systems are restored 
when parking lots, vacant lots or roads 
are removed. In addition the waterway, 
banks or “riparian zones” are rebuilt to 
restore the waterways natural 
functions, including fish and wildlife 
habitat, storm water management and 
urban watershed improvement. 
Pocket parks, also called 
parkettes, mini-parks, vesty parks 
are small public spaces. They are 
sometimes built on vacant lots or 
irregular plots in a city or rural 
community. Plants, habitat for 
birds and other wildlife, gathering 
places and a playground can 
characterize a pocket park. They 
are often created through a 
partnership between community 
members and a city or regional 
Research indicates that health 
is more highly correlated to 
happiness than income. 
Science also shows us that the 
more friends one has, the less 
chance a person will get sick 
with the cold or flu. 
Physical health is closely tied to 
psychological health as well as to a 
sense of community and a healthy 
environment. Access to 
healthcare and life expectancy are 
the common metrics used to 
measure health. Subjective 
metrics gather information on 
how healthy and capable people 
feel they are, their energy levels, 
and satisfaction with their quality 
of exercise.
Urban Agriculture 
Ordinances allows 
small-scale farming in urban 
and residential areas. 
Keeping chickens (but not 
roosters), goats, beehives, 
and other small animals is 
allowed. Urban Ag ordinances 
also allow for farm structures 
and may permit selling of 
produce and eggs, meat, fur 
or animals. They may also 
allow for roof-top and vertical 
indoor farms. 
example: Seattle City Ordinance 123378: 
Food Stamps at Farmers Markets 
Farmers markets in Salt Lake City, Moab and other cities in 
Utah accept food stamps due to a collaboration with the state 
department of agriculture and workforce service. The USDA 
helps farmers markets accept food stamps and other forms of 
supplemental payment from low income people. 
Psychological Health 
Feeling one is part of something 
greater than oneself and that one 
has an impact on that higher 
sense of self are key factors in 
personal happiness. A person 
who feels they are part of 
something greater than 
themselves but have little or no 
impact can become depressed. 
Mental wellbeing or psychological 
wellbeing is measured using the 
“thriving index” and asks 
questions related to self-efficacy, 
optimism and positive self-thinking. 
Mental wellbeing is 
highly correlated to feeling happy 
and satisfied with life. Conversely, 
mental illness has a strong 
negative impact on an individuals 
happiness. The World Happiness 
Report 2013 places high priority 
on mental health.
Mental Illness Treatment -Training 
to primary healthcare providers (general 
practice doctors, nurses and community 
health workers) for recognizing and 
treating mental illness using the World 
Health Organization guidelines. It is being 
used in some rural areas in China for 
epilepsy (where it was considered 
possession by evil spirits), cities in Nigeria 
for mentally disabled children, and cities in 
India and Sri Lanka for students vulnerable 
to suicide. 
Psychological Health 
source: en/ 
Mindfulness in Schools is 
integrated into primary school 
curricula by training teachers on 
mindfulness practices and how to 
guide children through mindfulness 
to help them learn how to “pay 
attention.” Mindfulness training is 
based on scientific development for 
secular use and aimed at helping 
children focus on their breathing and 
practice loving kindness. 
Psychological Health 
Psychological Health 
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) 
programs in schools. Teachers are trained to integrate SEL 
into the curriculum so that SEL lessons are taught every day. 
Children learn the social and behavioral skills needed to be 
successful. Lessons including social problem solving, 
relationship skills, social awareness, self awareness, dispute 
innovation, communication, resilience and capacity to deal 
with uncertainty, and decision making. &
This is a working 
We intend to keep building it. 
This is a working 
We intend to keep building it.
HHaavvee aann iiddeeaa?? 
Let us know. 
Let us know. 
Join the Happiness Revolution 
Take the 
Gross National Happiness Index 
Use the Gross National Happiness Index 
for your project or area
More ideas on happiness in 
practice and policy for 
Happiness in Public Policy 
by Laura Musikanski

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Happiness Data Playbook For A City

  • 2. What does happiness have to do with any of this?
  • 3. Over 100 areas have gathered data using the Gross National Happiness Index. They have their scores. They are asking: WHAT NOW?
  • 4. The Happiness Data Playbook for a City is a guide for policy makers and activist to take action for happiness, sustainability and resilience based on their area’s Gross National Happiness Scores.
  • 5. Our sources for these project, policies and programs
  • 6. Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy Happiness science tells us that our happiness is impacted more by what our wealth is in comparison to others than the amount of goods or our wealth alone. In addition. There are many positive connections with greater income equality including health, psychology and safety. The Easterlin Paradox tells us that happiness increases greatly as your salary increases up to a certain point – about 75K for a family of four no matter where they live in the US. After this, there are only marginal and diminishing returns to happiness as income increases. The Easterlin Paradox is true for countries across the globe, although the amount varies. Note that short term happiness does increase with a big win or boost in salary, but will return to prior levels in 2 weeks – 6 months. Your areas average scores for standard of living/material well-being are likely high, but if you look at specific populations or the difference between those who self assess high and those who self assess low, you will find a large spread, with some scoring themselves as low as 1 others as high as 9.5 or even 10. And studies tell us that everyone’s wellbeing increases when no one in an area is suffering economically. In other words, as the gap between rich and poor decreases, everyone’s happiness increases. “Jobs” is often the answer to alleviate economic suffering. Happiness data helps to point to the populations the jobs will most help.
  • 7. income Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy Minimum Wage Laws to help low-income workers and their families. An example process: 1) Mayor forms an Income Inequality Advisory Committee that includes representatives from labor, business, and non-profits to make recommendations. 2) Mayor makes a proposal to the City Council. 3) City Council forms a Select Committee to make recommendations. 4) City Council votes. example minimum wage ordinance:
  • 8. Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy Inclusionary Zoning Laws – zoning laws define how you can use your property. Inclusionary zoning is being used in some areas to increase diversity and inclusion in neighborhoods. Inclusionary zoning requires large housing units or housing development projects to dedicate a portion of their units to lower income households. example inclusionary zoning laws:
  • 9. Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy Reengaging Disconnected Youth Programs - Up to one forth of 16- 24 year olds are not in school or employed. Cities often collaborate with nonprofits to offer job training and employment, secondary and post secondary education, substance abuse counseling, community service, mentor networking, early childhood & juvenile programs, arts& recreation programs, financial literacy and health care. source: Risk%20Youth/disconnected-youth-action-kit-apr07.pdf
  • 10. Standard of Living/Material Well-being/Economy Green Energy Investment City-owned utilities investing in green energy often starts with a goal for renewable megawatts and solar or wind power installations. Jobs can come from investment in manufacturing, education, research & development, as well as incentive programs. example Green Energy Investment: example Green Energy incentive programs:
  • 11. Governance Science tells us that participating in the democratic process leads to a deeper sense of happiness and wellbeing. Moreover, research indicates that when governance quality increases, people’s wellbeing increases. Governance systems include the judicial system, the police system and the legislative process. Scores in the domain of governance are consistently low for most every area. Confidence in local and federal government, ability to influence public officials and corruption are measured. The most common objective metric used to measure participation in government is voting rates. Consistently low scores could indicate a degree of crisis in belief that one can make a difference or counts when it comes to politics. Measuring citizen happiness and using this data to inform decisions for allocation of resources and promulgation of policy is one way to reengage voters and rebuild trust in government. Subjective wellbeing surveys are also a way to create a feedback loop between the recipients of services and the people, departments and bureaucracies providing services, which is proven to increase satisfaction with government services.
  • 12. Almedalen Political Festival modeled after a Swedish program: An annual 3-day to week long public meeting for politicians, the public, journalists and NGOs. All parties have equal opportunity. In Sweden, the political festival is national event. In Denmark, cities and regions hold politial festivals for shorter times (3 days). Governance example:
  • 13. Participatory Budgeting Citizens meet with policy makers to come to agreement on the priorities for part of the local government budget for their neighborhood or the city and help the implementation of projects or policies. Governance source: example:
  • 14. Social Media & E-Government New York City has over 300 social media channels, from you tube for the environmental protection department to facebook for the mayor’s office. NYC also took a hint from Beijing city in implementing E-Government, where by internal and external (everything from filing in court to monitoring programs and forming policy), suppliers and other is streamlined through use of information technology. Governance example: resource:
  • 15. Community A sense of safety, trust in others and giving in terms of volunteerism and donations are measured in the community domain. Encouraging and facilitating volunteerism in a city or rural area is likely a crucial strategy to happiness for residents and the sustainability of a city or rural community. Community and social support is likely the most important life circumstance that influences our happiness. A strong sense of community has impacts on our psychological and physical health, participation in the democratic process, our local economy and how we treat nature.
  • 16. National Citizen Service for Youth is a program that provides leadership development and team building to high school youth during school breaks. Youth spend the 3 days – 2 weeks hiking and team building, followed by a week of residential volunteer work. They identify their passion and develop a social action project that meets a need in their community. They then spend 30 hours implementing the project in their community. They also receive mentoring. Some programs offer students about $100 to complete the program, others are funded or supported by companies. source & example: mm Community example: source:
  • 17. Parking Days – one day whereby anyone transform a parking space into a mini-park. Here, a woman is giving away starts. Community example:
  • 18. Social Support Personal relationships, feeling loved, feeling that people caring about one are all aspects of social support. A personal safety net helps one when they need help, such as when out of a job, homeless or seriously ill. Safety nets can come from family and friends and policies and programs that help people when they are in need. Where governments provide strong safety nets, people self-assess themselves happier than others living in a city, state or country where safety nets are the job of family or non-governmental organizations, or non-existent. Happiness science tells us that you will be about as happy as those whose company you keep. This means one should choose one’s friends wisely and make choices about one’s own life circumstances and way of being to be good company. Some of the most unhappy places on earth are those where people feel the utmost of danger: countries suffering under civil warfare. The ability to meet one’s psychological and safety needs are necessary to the pursuit of happiness.
  • 19. Rights to Fresh Air is part of Eldercare in Denmark and it is illegal to imprison people with dimentia in locked wards. At Lotte, the rockstar of eldercare in Copenhagen, elders and caregivers look like a family, even falling in love in old age. The home, like many in Denmark, is small (about 20 -30 elders). Elders are provided kitchenettes and meals are together. Social Support example:
  • 20. Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is not necessarily tied to education levels. Certainly one learns from formal education, but there are many ways to learn informally. Lifelong learning can be a portal to greater happiness and reaching one’s full potential. Emerging science tells us that we learn throughout our lives on many levels: intellectual, emotional, moral, social, intrapersonal, strategic, spiritual, musical, mathematical, kinesthetic/somatic affective, spatial, psychosexual and others. One can be highly developed on one level, but not on another (such as highly intellectual but not moral).
  • 21. Apprenticeship programs offer training and job experience, sometimes structured to allow a person an education without debt. Rochester, NY passed an ordinance that requires city construction projects over a certain amount to offer apprenticeships. San Fernando, CA Mariachi Masters apprentice program for youth fosters the local heritage and has lead to increased high school graduation rates and number of students pursuing higher education. Lifelong learning example: & cultural-art-programs/mariachi-master-apprentice-program-mmap/
  • 22. Chicago's Botanical Gardens are open to the public and free. In addition to opportunities to learn about nature and plant identification, the garden offers a host of classes for adults ranging from arts and crafts, photography, cooking or master gardener classes. There is also an urban agriculture job training program for youth and a conservation program. The garden is expanding to include more classrooms for fitness programs and a children’s garden. Lifelong learning example:
  • 23. Arts & culture Arts and culture include the sports, visual art, literature, music, theatre, film, dance, cuisine, language, social habit, religion and the beliefs and customs of a society, group or geographic region. A city or rural region devoid of arts and culture is devoid of character, and conversely, thriving societies, economies and natural environments are often tied to a strong sense of an areas culture. A strong sense of culture is closely ties with a strong sense of community, and can help bolster one’s sense of community. Community is highly correlated with personal happiness and wellbeing for all.
  • 24. Arts & culture Limit or Ban Marketing to Children. A few cities limit or ban marketing to children. Quebec does allow children to be subject to “treatment whose design appeals particularly to the instinctual needs of children so as to arouse their interest” such as undue use of a child’s voice, magic and fantasy themes, exploitation of parent-child bonds, animation, and music that particularly appeals to children. example:
  • 25. Cultural Policy. Sydney, Australia’s cultural policy promotes creativity in the arts, such as public art, festivals, live performances and music, creative hubs and partnerships to foster expressions of creativity and creative spaces. The cultural policy includes plans to develop a fellowship program, artist housing, street and building murals, and foster appreciation of aboriginal culture and its expression. Arts & culture example
  • 26. Work Productivity, autonomy, appreciation, and levels of interest are measured in the work domain. Work comprises about one third of a person’s waking life. Work is also an important factor that determines whether a person will stay in a city or rural region or stay. Many cities and rural communities area starting to understand the difference between job creation and quality job creation that serves local people who need and will benefit from the jobs as opposed to new jobs that bring in non-locals and leave local with fewer and fewer options on many levels. Happiness science tells us that happiness at work highly tied to work that demands one’s highest capacity and greatest interests brings about happiness, greater productivity and better results. Another way to say this is work that enables one to “self-actualize” brings about better results for all – the employee, the employer and society at large.
  • 27. Workforce Development for the homeless, people not literate in English and ex-cons is provided by the City of Chicago through various agencies. Industry specific training, placement and support through the first six months of work, transitional jobs which provides subsidized employment paired with skills development and other services, and community re-entry support centers for ex-offenders that provides employment assistance, housing, counseling and family reunification services are provided. Work example:
  • 28. Time Balance Time balance scores are consistently the lowest of all domain scores for most every area. There are two types of time imbalance: not having enough time to do everything you want to do, and not having enough time to do all the things you don’t want to do. Studies show that when people work over 40 hours, no matter how much they are paid or love their jobs, their wellbeing suffer. Flextime, compressed work-week, Job sharing (2 part time employees for one FT position), telecommuting and permanent part time (often 30 hours a week, with employee deciding hours and days working), wellness-leave (as opposed to sick leave) days, shortened work hours for parents of small children or sick elders and limits on long work hours or overnight working and are a few solutions employers have used to manage time balance. Happiness science tells us that the most unhappy times are commutes to work. The most unhappy days are Tuesday, (not Monday) and we are happiest on the weekends or holidays.
  • 29. Time Balance Transportation System. Copenhagen is famous for being bicycle friendly, but metro, train, ferry, road and bus system work together to provide one of the most complete transportation systems. Up to half commute are by bike, with city-provided public bikes available. Most bike lanes are separated from traffic or on greenways. Regional trains connects suburban areas to the city, trains serve the urban neighborhoods and buses and an underground metro system serves the city. The same ticket can be used for trains, metro and buses.
  • 30. Time Balance Pedestrianized streets. Downtown Burlington, VT Church Street is pedestrian-only for four blocks. The streets were converted in the 1980s and includes over 80 retail stores. The street was resurfaced with brick, the addition of canopies and shelters and bus stops at intersections. Construction did not cause any business closures. Today, the area is vibrant with festivals, street artists, cafĂ© dining and shopping. resource:
  • 31. Time Balance Sick Leave Ordinances - The City of San Francisco Administrative Code Paid Sick Leave Ordinance provides sick leave for workers and includes part time and temp workers. In the City of Seattle, council members passed Paid Sick Leave and Paid Safe time ordinance 123698 that provides leave for illness, as well as children and elder illness. It also provides leave for domestic violence victims who need time off to ensure their own safety. example: &
  • 32. Environment Environment scores are usually high for rural areas and low in urban areas. Questions in the survey include the topics of access to nature, efforts to conserve and restore the environment, and air quality. Access to nature and experiencing a healthy environment can be a challenge when spaces are limited and there are many factors on a global scale and outside of our control. Providing opportunities to experience and appreciate nature on a neighborhood level can help inspire hope and encourage actions to preserve and restore our environment. Happiness data gathered from apps tells us that for most of us, we are happiest when we are in nature. This can be a park, in the garden or hiking in the mountains. We experience lower stress and higher life satisfaction when we are in nature. Science is also indicating that when we spend time in nature, we get sick less.
  • 33. Environment Daylighting streams or creeks involves restoring a stream to a more natural state. Streams or creeks that had been diverted into culvers or drainage systems are restored when parking lots, vacant lots or roads are removed. In addition the waterway, banks or “riparian zones” are rebuilt to restore the waterways natural functions, including fish and wildlife habitat, storm water management and urban watershed improvement. example:
  • 34. Pocket parks, also called parkettes, mini-parks, vesty parks are small public spaces. They are sometimes built on vacant lots or irregular plots in a city or rural community. Plants, habitat for birds and other wildlife, gathering places and a playground can characterize a pocket park. They are often created through a partnership between community members and a city or regional government. Environment example:
  • 35. Health Research indicates that health is more highly correlated to happiness than income. Science also shows us that the more friends one has, the less chance a person will get sick with the cold or flu. Physical health is closely tied to psychological health as well as to a sense of community and a healthy environment. Access to healthcare and life expectancy are the common metrics used to measure health. Subjective metrics gather information on how healthy and capable people feel they are, their energy levels, and satisfaction with their quality of exercise.
  • 36. Urban Agriculture Ordinances allows small-scale farming in urban and residential areas. Keeping chickens (but not roosters), goats, beehives, and other small animals is allowed. Urban Ag ordinances also allow for farm structures and may permit selling of produce and eggs, meat, fur or animals. They may also allow for roof-top and vertical indoor farms. example: Seattle City Ordinance 123378: Health
  • 37. Food Stamps at Farmers Markets Farmers markets in Salt Lake City, Moab and other cities in Utah accept food stamps due to a collaboration with the state department of agriculture and workforce service. The USDA helps farmers markets accept food stamps and other forms of supplemental payment from low income people. Health source:
  • 38. Psychological Health Feeling one is part of something greater than oneself and that one has an impact on that higher sense of self are key factors in personal happiness. A person who feels they are part of something greater than themselves but have little or no impact can become depressed. Mental wellbeing or psychological wellbeing is measured using the “thriving index” and asks questions related to self-efficacy, optimism and positive self-thinking. Mental wellbeing is highly correlated to feeling happy and satisfied with life. Conversely, mental illness has a strong negative impact on an individuals happiness. The World Happiness Report 2013 places high priority on mental health.
  • 39. Mental Illness Treatment -Training to primary healthcare providers (general practice doctors, nurses and community health workers) for recognizing and treating mental illness using the World Health Organization guidelines. It is being used in some rural areas in China for epilepsy (where it was considered possession by evil spirits), cities in Nigeria for mentally disabled children, and cities in India and Sri Lanka for students vulnerable to suicide. Psychological Health source: en/ example:
  • 40. Mindfulness in Schools is integrated into primary school curricula by training teachers on mindfulness practices and how to guide children through mindfulness to help them learn how to “pay attention.” Mindfulness training is based on scientific development for secular use and aimed at helping children focus on their breathing and practice loving kindness. Psychological Health example:
  • 41. Psychological Health Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs in schools. Teachers are trained to integrate SEL into the curriculum so that SEL lessons are taught every day. Children learn the social and behavioral skills needed to be successful. Lessons including social problem solving, relationship skills, social awareness, self awareness, dispute innovation, communication, resilience and capacity to deal with uncertainty, and decision making. &
  • 42. This is a working document. We intend to keep building it. This is a working document. We intend to keep building it.
  • 43. HHaavvee aann iiddeeaa?? Let us know. happy@happycounts.or Let us know. happy@happycounts.or g g
  • 44. Join the Happiness Revolution Take the Gross National Happiness Index Use the Gross National Happiness Index for your project or area
  • 45. More ideas on happiness in practice and policy for governments: Happiness in Public Policy by Laura Musikanski

Editor's Notes

  1. World Happiness Report, BRAINPOoL Report Legatum Institute Wellbeing and Public Policy Report by Gus O’Donnell, Angus Deaton, Martine Durand, David Halpern, Richard Layard The Bellagio Initiative Commissioned Paper “Values and Human Wellbeing” by Tim Kasser Legatum Institute Wellbeing and Public Policy Report by Gus O’Donnell, Angus Deaton, Martine Durand, David Halpern, Richard Layard
  2. World Happiness Report, BRAINPOoL Report Legatum Institute Wellbeing and Public Policy Report by Gus O’Donnell, Angus Deaton, Martine Durand, David Halpern, Richard Layard The Bellagio Initiative Commissioned Paper “Values and Human Wellbeing” by Tim Kasser Legatum Institute Wellbeing and Public Policy Report by Gus O’Donnell, Angus Deaton, Martine Durand, David Halpern, Richard Layard
  3. articles about it
  4. guardian article: Analysis of process in 20 cities:
  5. source:
  6. Idea from the Commission on wellbeing and policy report march 2014 guardian article: Analysis of process in 20 cities:
  9. source:
  10. Source: The Bellagio Initiative Commissioned Paper “Values and Human Wellbeing” by Tim Kasser
  11. Source:
  13. Septuagesimo Park in Upper West Side NYC Resource
  14. Health and Happiness: Lessons and Questions for Public Policy
  15. Urban ag planning doc: Urban Agriculture in Seattle: Policy and Barriers Example of further planning Resource: resource:
  16. Source:
  18. Resource: and