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supplement underwriters:
Celebrate our
The Institute plans
an open house to
inaugurate the new
Regenerative Medicine
Research Center
Buck researchers
utilize stem cell
technology to look for the
“fountain of health”
paid advertising supplement
march 26, 2012
2 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
2.	 Celebrate a New Era at the Buck
Institute; A Message from Buck
Institute President/CEO Brian
Kennedy, PhD
3.	 Public Invitation to the April 14
Open House for the New Research
4.	 Living Long, Living Well
7.	 Four Faculty Among Buck Institute
Stem Cell “Stars”
9.	 Open, Flexible Architectural Design
Enhances Scientific Collaboration
10.	 Layout, Floor Plan and Occupants
	 of the New Research Center
12.	 Geothermal Heat Pump System
Reduces Carbon Footprint by 53%
13.	 Eco-Friendly Green Elements
Maximize Building Sustainability
14.	 Fast-Track Lean Construction
Model Maximizes Value, Minimizes
17.	 With Longer Life Comes the Need
to Fund Chronic Disease Research
19.	 The Buck Institute: the First
National Center of Excellence for
Aging Research
It is my great pleasure to invite you
to join me in celebrating the opening
of our new Regenerative Medicine Re-
search Building on Saturday, April 14.
The afternoon event starting at 1 p.m.
will feature tours and science-based
activities that will appeal to all ages.
My hope is that this occasion will be an
opportunity for members of the local
community to become more familiar
with the Buck Institute and to share in
our excitement as we enter a significant
new phase of scientific exploration.
The Buck Institute exists to extend
healthspan – the healthy years of life.
The opening of our new facility affirms
the Institute’s commitment to apply
the full promise of stem cell research
to our efforts to detect, delay, prevent
and treat age-related conditions such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease,
cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular
degeneration and stroke.
This special section of the North Bay
Business Journal highlights our science
and some of the researchers who make
it possible. It also features information
on the construction of the new building,
its unique architecture, and the many
“green” technologies that are incorpo-
rated into it. I am particularly proud
of our new geothermal heat-exchange
system that is now serving our entire
campus, providing tremendous finan-
cial savings to the Institute and environ-
mental dividends to our region.
Our expanded focus into regenerative
medicine and our new facility would
not be possible without the continuing
support of the Cali-
fornia Institute for
Regenerative Medi-
cine (CIRM), which
provided half of the
funding for the $41
million building.
Our facility will be
a “CIRM Center of
Excellence” – one
of twelve stem cell
facilities approved
for funding
throughout the
A plaque will be affixed to
the building acknowledging the citizens
of California who have made, and will
continue to make the research possible.
We are also grateful for additional
CIRM funding which advances stem
cell research in many of our labs and
provides support for the training of
stem cell scientists, which will provide
benefits for generations to come.
I also want to acknowledge the
Buck Institute Board of Trustees, who
supported this project from its concep-
tion and the staff members who have
devoted countless hours during all
phases of this project and who continue
to work tirelessly as we bring this new
facility on line.
We are also grateful to the citizens of
Novato who had the vision to approve
the original master plan for the
Institute which
accelerated the per-
mitting process at a
critical time. I want
to especially thank
our donors who
continue to inspire
me as they invest in
our efforts aimed at
literally changing the
way all of us age.
I hope to meet as
many of you as pos-
sible on April 14th.
Our scientists and staff
members look forward to sharing their
excitement about our science and the
new activities that will take place on
our campus. Please join us as we em-
bark on a new path in a journey that’s
devoted to your health and the health
of your family and loved ones.
Warm regards,
Brian K. Kennedy, PhD
A message from Buck Institute President and CEO, Brian K. Kennedy, PhD
This advertising supplement to the March 26, 2012
issue of the North Bay Business Journal was
produced through a collaboration of the North Bay
Business Journal and the Buck Institute.
8001 Redwood Boulevard, Novato, CA 94945
North Bay Business Journal
427 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401
707-521-5270 • Fax: 707-521-5292
For advertising information, call: 707-521-5270
Photography courtesy of the Buck Institute
(Cindee Crawley and Loretta Sheridan)
and Perkins + Will
Plaque for the new RegenerativeMedicine Research Center
With gratitude to the CaliforniaInstitute of Regenerative Medicine,which provided major support for thisfacility. With thanks to the citizensof California, whose enactment ofProposition 71 created CIRM and thisopportunity for the advancement
of regenerative medicine
MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 3
Y o u a r e c o r d i a l ly i n v i t e d t o at t e n d
A C o m m u n i t y O p e n H o u s e
t o C e l e b r at e t h e O p e n i n g o f o u r N e w
Regenerative Medicine
Research Center
S at u r d ay, A p r i l 1 4 , 2 0 1 2
1 : 0 0 P. M . t o 4 : 0 0 p. m .
There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony, hands-on science exhibits,
activities for kids of all ages, videos, self-guided tours and opportunities
to talk to our scientists. Bring the family* and enjoy the afternoon at the
Institute’s Marin County Novato campus, while also enjoying beautiful
views from Mt. Burdell.
Free offsite parking and shuttle service will be provided at the Fireman’s Fund Insurance
located at 777 San Marin Drive in Novato, off Highway 101. Take the Atherton Avenue
and San Marin Drive exit. Proceed west on San Marin Drive. The Fireman’s Fund
Insurance parking lot is on your right. For information, go to:
Congratulations to the dedicated people at the
Buck Institute on the opening of their new
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to have been a
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4 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
Stem cells have generated a lot of excitement for their
therapeutic potential. These cells are blank canvases on
which scientists and clinicians can create new ways to
treat cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and a host of
other conditions. For example, researchers can direct
pluripotent stem cells, which can be reshaped into any
type of cell, to become neurons, which could lead to
treatments for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s
or stroke. But that’s only part of the picture.
Researchers at The Buck Institute for Research on
Aging are working to understand the fundamental
biological mechanisms that affect aging. They harness
a variety of techniques to illuminate these processes
and are using stem cells to investigate the root causes of
disease and find new ways to preserve health.
“The main focus is on the healthy years of life and
trying to extend those,” says Buck Institute President
and CEO, Brian Kennedy, PhD. “We are not looking for
the fountain of youth; we are looking for the fountain of
Damage Control
There are many different types of stem cells – adult,
embryonic, induced-pluripotent – and each type can
help us learn something about the aging process and the
diseases associated with it.
A number of researchers at the Buck Institute are
studying how adult stem cells regenerate damaged
tissue. These cells live in pockets throughout our bodies
and go to work when important tissues are damaged.
As we age, adult stem cells become less effective and
problems can go unrepaired.
One of the Institute’s newer labs is studying how
adult stem cells respond to aging. Specifically, they are
investigating intestinal and respiratory stem cells to
understand why these cells lose function. Researchers
hope to learn how biomedical science can intervene and
ultimately restore the body’s ability to self-repair.
Another lab has actually reversed the aging process in
human adult stem cells derived from fat. By reversing
the clock on these regenerative cells, scientists could po-
tentially use them to treat heart disease, Type 1 diabetes
and arthritis. Again, the ability to rejuvenate adult stem
cells could prevent disease by restoring the body’s own
damage-control systems.
However, adult stem cells also have a dark side. Buck
researchers are investigating how stem cells in breast
tissue are assimilated by malignant cells to become
metastatic cancer. This work is leading to new informa-
tion that may help researchers target aggressive breast
Better Treatments, Faster
What does it take to create a new drug? From
concept to clinic, it can take up to 20 years and more
than $1 billion—and these figures are just for the
winners. The Buck Institute has joined the ongoing
effort to improve how researchers screen potential
drugs and move them more rapidly to the finish line,
where they can help patients.
Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells may help us
shorten this process. Like their embryonic cousins,
iPS cells can be made to form any cell in the body. It is
how they’re derived that makes them different. These
cells are created from mature cells, often skin cells that
are “rewound” to their more primitive, pluripotent
state. This amazing piece of biochemistry is impor-
tant because it preserves the genome of the original,
mature cell, providing researchers the opportunity to
focus on how diseases develop and how those cells
respond to medication.
Buck Institute scientists are using this technology to
study glaucoma, macular degeneration, Huntington’s
disease and other conditions. By taking mature cells
from Huntington’s patients and reversing their develop-
ment to create iPS cells, researchers can then create neu-
rons to test new medications. Because they are testing
human cells with disease-causing genes, these studies
can complement traditional animal studies, disqualify
drugs that are toxic or ineffective early in the process
and help move promising treatments more rapidly
through the pipeline to your local pharmacy.
Replacing Diseased Cells
Quite often, when people talk about stem cell treat-
ments, they mean tissue replacement. What if it were
possible to transplant healthy neurons to cure neurode-
generative diseases?
One lab at the Buck Institute has created neurons
from stem cells, successfully treating Parkinson’s dis-
ease in animals. People suffering from Parkinson’s lose
neurons that regulate the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Buck researchers have not only created these neurons
from stem cells, they have produced them in both the
quantity and quality necessary for clinical trials. The
Institute is now partnering with City of Hope National
Medical Center to advance this promising research
towards clinical trials.
The Bottom Line
Aging is a fact of life, but it does not have to be bad
for our health. New research at the Buck Institute and
elsewhere is showing that healthy aging may soon be
within our grasp.
“We are keenly focused on improving quality of life,”
says Dr. Kennedy. “But we also need to remember, as
the population ages, this becomes an economic issue.
For governments, healthcare institutions and families
across the economic spectrum, preserving health is a
necessity. Using stem cells and other powerful tools we
are expanding our understanding of the aging process.
Ultimately, we will use that knowledge to cure disease
and, even more importantly, prevent it.”
Living Long, Living Well
An Expanding Program in Regenerative Medicine at the Buck Institute
By Kris Rebillot
Images from the Zeng and Lamba labs: Various types of neural cells at different stages of growth. All are derived from stem cells.
Scientist Benny Blackwell viewing adult stem cells through a micro-
scope in the Lunyak lab at the Buck Institute.
MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 5
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6 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
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MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 7
Heinrich Jasper, PhD
Enhancing stem cell
function to promote
longevity — Heinrich Jasper is
internationally recognized as a leader
in stem cell biology – in particular he is
acknowledged for making fundamental
discoveries about the role of stress
signaling and aging on stem cell
behavior. As the Buck Institute’s newest
faculty member, Dr. Jasper will spend
the summer moving his lab from the
University of Rochester to the Buck
Institute’s new Regenerative Medicine
Research Center.
Working with fruit flies, Dr. Jasper
was one of the first aging researchers to
use stem cells in the fly intestine to test
how aging affects stem cell function.
The fly is a superb model system in
which gene function in stem cells can
be manipulated in the living organism
to study age-related changes and to
test potential interventions that can
prevent such changes. Dr. Jasper is now
expanding his work into mammals. He
is focusing on the mouse respiratory
system, which regenerates from a stem
cell population that closely resembles fly
intestinal stem cells. He plans to extend
this research to characterize similar
mechanisms in human embryonic stem
cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.
Combining the strengths of the fly model
with studies in mammalian systems that
are closer to human tissues promises to
be an extremely powerful approach to
identify new targets for intervention.
Dr. Jasper received his PhD in
Biology at the University of Heidelberg,
Xianmin Zeng, PhD
Developing stem cell-
based treatments for
neurodegenerative dis-
orders — Xianmin Zeng is making
great progress in efforts to get a stem cell
derived treatment for Parkinson’s disease
(PD) ready for testing in humans. Sci-
entists in the Zeng lab have successfully
generated dopamine-producing neurons
from human embryonic stem cells and
human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter pro-
duced in the mid-brain that facilitates
many critical functions, including motor
skills. Patients with PD lack sufficient
dopamine regulation. The cells generated
in the Zeng lab, which have been success-
fully used in a rodent model of PD, may
also offer an unprecedented opportunity
to screen small molecule drugs and to
clarify the mechanisms of disease.
Dr. Zeng has developed a robust, scal-
able protocol that allows for the efficient
production of the type and quantity of
dopamine-producing neurons needed for
clinical trials. With funding from CIRM,
this process has been transferred to
partners at the City of Hope in Southern
California. Scientists have successfully
banked cells at several stages of dopamin-
ergic differentiation. Dr. Zeng is currently
in discussions with the National Institutes
of Health on using the cells for a Phase I
clinical trial. CIRM has also awarded Dr.
Zeng funds to establish a shared research
laboratory and to develop a stem cell
course at the Buck Institute.
Dr. Zeng earned a PhD in Molecular
Biology at the Technical University of
Denmark. She came to the Buck Institute
in 2005.
Deepak Lamba, MBBS, PhD
Using stem cell technol-
ogies to develop treat-
ments for degenerative
eye disorders — Deepak
Lamba is considered a pioneer among
those developing efficient methods of
making retinal cells from human embry­
onic stem cells. He has been able to
generate differentiated photoreceptors, the
cells in the eye that respond to light, and
has shown that the cells can be success-
fully transplanted into rodents. When
testing residual vision in these otherwise
blind mice, he found that the stem cell
transplanted eyes have responded to light.
Dr. Lamba’s research will be of particular
interest to those suffering from age-related
macular degeneration, a disease that de-
stroys central vision and robs people of the
ability to read and drive as well as retinitis
pigmentosa. Retinitis pigmentosa includes
various inherited forms of retinal degen-
eration that often manifest much later in
life and cause progressive vision loss.
Dr. Lamba came to the Buck Institute
in 2011 from the University of Wash-
ington in Seattle. He is also utilizing
induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) in
his research. An iPS cell is a cell taken
from any tissue that has been genetically
modified to behave like an embryonic
stem cell. Dr. Lamba will be using iPS
technology to generate eye cells from
skin cells in order to understand and
develop treatments for various retinal
degenerative conditions.
Dr. Lamba earned his medical degree
from the University of Mumbai, India
where he practiced as a physician before
moving to the U.S. to pursue full-time
Victoria Lunyak, PhD
STUDYING Adult stem
cells and aging — Victoria
Lunyak has been able to reverse the
aging process in human adult stem cells,
those cells responsible for helping old or
damaged tissues regenerate. This work,
utilizing human fat tissue in cell culture,
could lead to medical treatments that
would repair a host of ailments that are
caused by tissue damage as people age.
The regenerative power of tissues
and organs declines as we grow older.
The modern day stem cell hypothesis of
aging suggests that living organisms are
as old as its tissue specific or adult stem
cells. Dr. Lunyak is a leader in a field
focused on understanding the molecules
and processes that enable human adult
stem cells to initiate self-renewal and
divide, proliferate and differentiate in
order to rejuvenate damaged tissue. Her
team recently reported that non-coding
RNA’s, which make up a large portion of
the genome, provide vital scaffolding for
cellular processes in adult stem cells. The
discovery implies that chronic diseases
of aging arise from the deterioration
of this scaffolding rather than genetic
Dr. Lunyak came to the Buck Institute
in 2008 from the Department of Medicine
at the University of California, San
Diego. She is known for groundbreaking
research that established a role for so-
called “junk” DNA. She received her
PhD in Molecular Biology from the St.
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, at
the Russian Academy of Science in St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Four Faculty Among Buck Institute
Stem Cell “Stars”
8 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
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MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 9
When Buck Institute officials decided
to expand their age-related stem cell
research program in Novato, they turned
to the San Francisco-based practice of
Perkins+Will, an internationally re-
nowned architectural and lab design
firm that has designed modern research
facilities around the world.
Perkins+Will designed an innovative
new research laboratory building for
the Buck Institute after assisting them
in securing a major grant for construc-
tion through the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine (CIRM).
The new Regenerative Medicine Re-
search Center has striking, angular lines
and varied geometric shapes, expand-
ing on I.M. Pei’s enduring five-building
circular campus master plan.
“While the external look and feel
of the new building integrates with
the campus master plan, substantial
improvements in the interior design
respond to the need for a more open and
flexible facility to support modern col-
laborative research,” said David Bendet,
principal in charge and project manager
for Perkins+Will.
“Our emphasis was on deliver-
ing a highly functional, efficient, and
multi-purpose facility that will address
changing research needs at the Buck for
decades to come.”
According to Mr. Bendet, lab designs
from decades past typically involved
floor plans that resulted in separating
biologists, chemists, geneticists and com-
puter scientists from each other.
The task for Perkins+Will was to
devise an interactive, dynamic environ-
ment based on contemporary design
criteria that require all researchers to
work together in order to enhance the
likelihood of scientific breakthroughs.
The labs in the new building are not
closed in, isolated or cellular in scope,
but open and allow for strong visual
and physical connectivity among the 12
principal investigators and their teams
who will occupy the building.
Non-essential walls were eliminated
in the new facility. Combined with an
attention to interaction goals and more
internal windows, the new concept
enables researchers to see each other and
to have much better access to exterior
views, and significantly improves natu-
ral day lighting.
“More daylight reduces the need for
artificial light and large windows pro-
vide Zen views of the beautiful country-
side, enhancing employee comfort and
satisfaction,” Mr. Bendet said.
Support labs are centrally located
in the middle of each floor so research
teams can easily obtain their services.
“The emphasis now is on having
complete flexibility. Wet labs of today
can serve as dry labs of tomorrow,
conference areas can be converted to dry
lab workstations, and vacant offices can
double as private meeting rooms,” said
Mr. Bendet.
A self-service cafeteria is located on
the ground floor adjacent to a large “L”
shaped employee lounge and gathering
place intended to foster staff cohesive-
ness. A large window wall reinforces the
link between indoor and outdoor space.
The landscape includes all native
plants with a goal of eliminating irriga-
tion, while integrating the building site
with its natural surroundings.
“The project is on track to receive
LEED certification, and with the innova-
tive systems and materials designed into
the project we believe we will exceed
these goals,” Mr. Bendet said.
While the original buildings were built
with a concrete structural frame, the
new Perkins+Will design utilizes a steel
braced-frame structure with an addition-
al row of columns to increase vibration
performance within a highly acceptable
range to enhance stability.
According to Mr. Bendet, modern labs
are being designed with significant dif-
ferences to keep pace with how science
occurs today.
Perkins+Will has one of the larg-
est portfolios of science facilities in the
world and has designed many award-
winning projects around the globe,
including the Clark Center at Stanford.
“We’ve taken pride in our ability
to deliver a project for the Buck Insti-
tute’s Regenerative Medicine Research
program that will support science-influ-
enced design well into the future,” Mr.
Bendet said.
Open, Flexible Architectural Design
Enhances Scientific Collaboration
New Lab Building by Perkins+Will Advances Science at the Buck Institute
by Gary Quackenbush
“More daylight reduces the need for artificial light and
large windows provide views of the beautiful countryside
enhancing employee comfort and satisfaction.”
– David Bendet, Perkins + Will
Main entry stairwell Interior stairwell under construction
Efforts in the Zeng lab are aimed at getting
a stem cell derived treatment for Parkinson’s
disease ready for testing in humans. Scientists
have successfully used stem cells to treat the
disease in rodents.
The Andersen lab is studying the impact of
brain aging on both native and transplanted
stem cells. Scientists are also using stem
cells to screen compounds that could be
therapeutic in the treatment of Parkinson’s
Stem cell research in the Lamba lab is
focused on identifying new methods to treat
degenerative vision disorders including
macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa
and glaucoma.
The Greenberg lab looks at stem cells in
the context of brain repair after stroke. This
includes normal repair by stem cells already in
the brain and the potential transplantation of
stem cells for therapeutic purposes.
The Brand lab is studying basic mechanisms
that impact energy efficiency and the
production of free radicals as pluripotent stem
cells develop into specific cells or tissue type.
The objective is to understand what happens
to these processes as stem cells age.
The footprint of the Morphology and Imaging
Core increases by 50% enabling significant
core support for stem cell projects. Two new
top-of-the-line confocal microscopes will
introduce additional imaging techniques to the
Buck Institute. The LSM780 will allow users
to collect spectral data of their biological
samples with the highest sensitivity detectors
(GaAsP PMTs). The 7MP, a dedicated multi-
photon system, will enable deep imaging in
live tissues.
The Bredesen lab is interested in signaling
pathways in human embryonic stem cells that
lead to cell death and neurodegeneration.
Understanding these pathways will further
efforts to culture stem cells at a scale sufficient
for clinical demand and provide a means of
eliminating tumor-forming cells from colonies
of stem cells. In addition, stem cells produce
ApoE-the major risk factor for Alzheimer’s
disease-and represent an excellent model
for screening for novel therapeutics for
Alzheimer’s disease.
The Benz lab is studying how cancer cells
usurp and dysregulate certain stem cell
molecular pathways to acquire their metastatic
properties. These studies are leading to novel
therapeutics against the most aggressive of
breast cancers, a subtype most commonly
arising in African women.
The Jasper lab uses fruit flies as model
systems to explore whether enhancing stem
cell regulation can promote tissue health and
increase lifespan. The fruit fly studies are now
informing studies in mouse models, and Dr.
Jasper plans to further extend this research
into human stem cell populations.
Andersen Lab:
Brand Lab:
Lamba Lab:
Greenberg Lab:
Morphology and Imaging Core:
Benz Lab:
Jasper Lab:
Zeng Lab:
Bredesen Lab:
Research Center
Conference Space
10 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 11
The Buck Institute exists to
extend healthspan – the healthy
years of life. The opening of
this new facility affirms the
Institute’s commitment to
apply the full promise of stem
cell research to our efforts to
detect, delay, prevent and treat
age-related conditions such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
disease, cancer, cardiovascular
disease, macular degeneration
and stroke.
12 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
Concern for preserving the environ-
ment and natural resources at the Buck
Institute involves planning for the
optimal use of power and water – while
reducing the carbon footprint for the
new building.
The Regenerative Medicine Research
Center alone will require 300 tons of
additional cooling capacity. Given this
increase in cost, alternative energy op-
tions were considered for this structure
and other campus buildings.
“We wanted to implement as many
forms of energy management technol-
ogy as we could to reduce electric and
gas consumption,” said Ralph O’Rear,
Buck Institute Vice President of Facilities.
“We looked at six different options, but
geothermal gave us the highest return on
“Our load demand is calculated to
provide energy for 24/7 research activi-
ties – even when the sun is down. We
also want to engage new technologies to
continue to manage the load and achieve
additional fuel reductions,” Mr. O’Rear
To help achieve energy self-sufficiency,
reduce costs and save water, the Buck
Institute completed a large-scale deploy-
ment of a geothermal heat pump system
in March 2012 designed to serve all
The geothermal field is located ap-
proximately 1,000 feet downhill from
the main campus and involved drilling
325 wells to a vertical depth of 400 feet –
along with the installation of horizontal
piping to carry water between the field
and the campus.
Water travels to and from the building
complex and then moves through miles
of heavy-duty polyethylene tubing in the
earth where the temperature remains a
constant and predictable 61 degrees.
Geothermal technology pulls energy
from the ground, as water is cycled
through subterranean wells and then
flows through exchangers to be heated
or chilled to a high of 165 degrees or to a
low of 65 degrees as needed.
“By deploying geothermal, the Insti-
tute can substitute evaporative cool-
ing towers, low and high pressure hot
water boilers and legacy autoclave glass
washing equipment for a ground-based
system that is efficient, economical and
uses much less energy,”
said Kirk Sheeley, construc-
tion manager with Kitchell
Corporation, who works
closely with Mr. O’Rear on
capital expenditure man-
“The management of fa-
cility energy consumption
is part of our greenhouse
gas and holistic life cycle
calculations. We are look-
ing to incorporate other
facility-based systems with
the long-term goal of gen-
erating all electricity on site
using renewable energy.
“Now that a geothermal
system is in place, solar,
fuel cell or co-generation
applications may be
considered in the future as
funding becomes avail-
able,” Mr. Sheeley said.
The Institute expects to
see the geothermal system
pay for itself in seven and
a half years. It will enable
the Institute to save about
$436,000 per year in energy
It will also result in
conserving more than
18,000 gallons of water a
day (seven million gallons
per year) while reducing
the institute’s annual carbon footprint by
53 percent.
Some 2,484 metric tons of carbon emis-
sions will be eliminated annually. These
greenhouse gas savings are comparable
to taking 9,738 vehicles off the road.
Oklahoma City-based Trison Con-
struction, Inc., was contracted to design
and build the geothermal system. They
conducted a thermal conductivity test
to determine exactly where to locate the
field and did other calculations to assess
how much ground loop work would be
needed per ton of load.
“Geothermal systems have distinct ad-
vantages,” said Brian Haggart, President
of Trison. “They help save 60 percent or
more in energy costs. The geothermal
ground loop will be the system con-
denser. The ground loop comes with a
50-year warranty and will require no
maintenance. This will allow Buck Insti-
tute to achieve significant savings.”
Mr. Haggart said that geothermal heat
pump shipments have jumped from few-
er than 11,000 units in 1983 per year to
112,000 units shipped in 2011, showing
the increasing popularity of this system
for residential and commercial use based
on data.
“Geothermal is achieving a major
turnaround for the Institute. It will go
from being a large energy consumer
to being one of the smallest, while also
enabling it to stay within environmental
impact report limits for water use,” said
Mike Lucas, principal with PAE Engi-
neering, the engineering design- consult-
ing firm of record for the project under
contract to Trison Construction.
PAE was the firm responsible for
implementing the overall geo-system
design and revisions to the existing
central plant.
At the heart of the Institute’s water
circulation network is a bank of modular
chillers that eliminate the need for sepa-
rate heating and cooling equipment.
“These units significantly lower ener-
gy requirements, overall operating costs
and provide up to 75 percent footprint
savings when compared with conven-
tional boiler/chiller systems,” said Ross
Miglio, president of Clima-Cool. “Our
SHC onDemand® ground water heat
recovery system has the unique ability
to index heating or cooling modules to
match building demand. Additionally,
the systems are ideally suited for vari-
able water flow saving additional energy
The Buck Institute has participated
in several PGE-sponsored energy
conservation programs saving more than
$425,000 since 1999.
Geothermal Heat Pump System
Reduces Carbon Footprint by 53%by Gary Quackenbush
Geothermal field in development, located 1000 feet downhill from main campus
MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 13
From initial concept through construc-
tion, the project team for the Regenera-
tive Medicine Research center incor-
porated Green building best practices
to ensure that the structure would be
intelligently designed, environmentally
friendly and highly sustainable.
Formal Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) worksite
management criteria were written into
the job plan from day one.
LEED is an internationally recognized
certification system developed by the
U.S. Green Building Council that pro-
motes sustainable building and develop-
ment practices.
“With a wide range of green ele-
ments incorporated in our new research
center, we expect to receive a Silver or
higher LEED rating,” said Ralph O’Rear,
Vice President of Facilities at the Buck
“The Buck Institute’s interests in the
LEED certification process were repre-
sented by our own Loretta Sheridan. 
She coordinated the efforts to gather
and report the data required by the U.S.
Green Building Council to determine the
level of certification ultimately garnered
for the project.”
A key concern from the beginning was
how to properly dispose of construction
Over 80 percent of debris accumulated
during building phases was cataloged,
diverted from the landfill and recycled
as part of the institute’s waste stream
management program.
Care was taken to use materials that
have a significant percentage of recycled
or renewable content.
Structural steel framing contains
recycled metal.
Insulation used in the walls and ceil-
ings was made from reprocessed and
shredded denim (blue jeans), creating a
high “R” factor.
Space between the outer and inner
skin of the building forms a thermal bar-
rier that further insulates the structure.
The durable stone and concrete
exterior was designed to last with only
minor maintenance required every two
decades to replace caulking.
Rapidly renewable bamboo was used
in cabinets and recycled content case-
work was installed in the laboratories.
Highly energy-efficient, free-standing
refrigeration units are used for tissue
storage. Electronic probes inside these
units monitor temperatures and an
alarm is sent to facility managers if set-
tings are not within optimal limits.
Durable, high quality marmoleum
(linoleum) – an eco-friendly, sustainable
green flooring made from linseed oil,
wood flour and pine rosins –
provides a naturally bacterio-
static, easy-to-clean surface.
Motion-controlled light-
ing sensors help to conserve
energy. Skylights and large
windows maximize natural
day lighting.
Low-emissivity (Low-E)
coatings on insulated win-
dows control heat transfer
through glazing, reduce glare
and significantly improve
window energy efficiency.
To ensure sufficient ventila-
tion throughout the building,
variable air volume fume
hoods with automatic sash
positioning systems were in-
stalled providing a 100 percent
fresh outdoor air exchange
every 10 minutes, or six times
per hour.
Large Vektor exhaust fans,
designed by Alfa Tech Cambridge and
installed by Bell Products, contain en-
ergy recovery coils that send heat from
lab exhaust back to the comfort heating
and cooling system for reuse, saving ad-
ditional energy costs.
Perhaps the most significant sus-
tainable element on the project is the
geothermal ground water heating and
cooling system, designed by Mike Lucas,
with PAE Engineers in San Francisco.
Designed to serve the entire campus,
heat pump technology dramatically re-
duces energy consumption and replaces
less efficient steam boilers and evapora-
tive towers.
Rubberized ground vibration buffers,
shock absorbing spring isolators and
large neoprene pads were installed un-
der heavy equipment to reduce vibration
and noise.
An extra row of columns was added
to the building and positioned at closer
intervals to improve vibration perfor-
mance and increase stability in lab areas.
Low-flow plumbing fixtures, includ-
ing toilets and faucet aerators, save
substantial amounts of water compared
to conventional fixtures while providing
the same utility.
“We were very diligent about
maintaining our storm water pollution
prevention program,” said Blair Allison,
project executive with the Cahill/Otto
joint construction venture.
“Our team prepared for every storm
by ensuring that all erosion control
measures were properly employed. In
areas of the site disrupted by earthwork,
we hydroseeded exposed soil with na-
tive grasses to further reinforce erosion
Vektor exhaust fans on the roof contain energy recovery coils
that send heat from lab exhaust back to the comfort heating and
cooling system for reuse, saving energy costs.
Eco-Friendly Green Elements
Maximize Building Sustainabilityby Gary Quackenbush
Rapidly renewable bamboo was used in cabinetry.
14 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
Lean techniques were imple-
mented during construction of
the 65,708 square foot, three-story
Regenerative Medicine Research
Center with the goal of improving
total project performance while
saving time and money.
“We had less than two years
from ground-breaking on March
31, 2010, to completion and oc-
cupancy in time for the April
14, 2012, opening,” said Ralph
O’Rear, Vice President for Facili-
ties at the Buck Institute.
“The project’s fast-track sched-
ule defined the critical timetable
for success. The project flow had
to be continuous. We outlined a
plan for achieving objectives and
implemented stringent produc-
tion and cost controls.”
The $17 million construction
phase was awarded to Cahill-Otto
as the prime contractors for Phase
II core and shell work. This was a
joint venture between Cahill Con-
tractors of San Francisco and Otto
Construction of Sacramento.
Teamwork was essential. Jay
Cahill, CEO and Chairman of Ca-
hill Contractors, assembled more
than 50 suppliers and subcontractors to
support the project, with emphasis on
firms located in the North Bay.
Some 250 jobs were created through-
out the construction process, with an
average of 75 workers at the site on a
daily basis.
Blair Allison was the project execu-
tive in charge of the Cahill/Otto joint
“All contractors and subs worked well
together and communicated effectively.
We issued a baseline schedule imme-
diately and our Superintendent, Jim
Farmer, delivered the job right on time
– hitting every milestone to the day. The
entire project team worked diligently to
monitor and control costs and minimize
change orders.
“Having a talented pool of local con-
tractors was beneficial. Once the build-
ing was closed in, we were able to seam-
lessly integrate tenant-improvement
subcontractors into the space, allowing
interior work to occur concurrently with
core and shell work,” Allison said.
The new Regenerative Medicine
Research Center was constructed in
three phases with design being led
by David Bendet, Associate Principal
with Perkins+Will Architecture of San
Phase I involved earthwork and site
grading by North Bay Construction, later
acquired by Ghilotti Construction of
Santa Rosa.
During Phase II the Kitchell Corpora-
tion managed core and shell work under
the direction of Kirk Sheeley.
CSW Stuber-Stroeh of Novato, and
the Miller Pacific Engineering Group of
Petaluma provided civil engineering and
design consulting services.
Rutherford  Chekene was the project
structural engineering firm that designed
the building frame.
High-performance, Buckle Restrained
Brace Frames (BRBF) were used to
ensure the survivability of the building
during a seismic event. With BRBF, the
brace is a steel plate within a concrete
filled steel tube. Braces are designed to
yield and absorb earthquake energy pro-
tecting the surrounding structural frame.
Shamrock Materials of San Rafael sup-
plied the concrete for foundations and
During Phase III, the Kitchell Corpo-
ration was the general contractor and
mechanical, electrical and plumbing
engineer of record for tenant
Alfa Tech Cambridge of
San Francisco was the con-
sulting engineering firm that
designed the HVAC system
for the research center.
Alfa Tech Project Man-
ager T.G. Davallou worked
closely with contractor Bell
Products of Napa, the firm
that installed the HVAC and
the lab exhaust equipment,
and its subcontractor, Indoor
Environmental Services
of Santa Rosa, during the
ClimaCool of Oklahoma
City provided a simultaneous
heating and cooling heat pump
and thermal recovery system
that lowers energy costs and
provides up to 40 percent in
footprint savings.
Sonoma-based Peterson
Mechanical installed plumbing
and low-flow fixtures.
Northern Electric of Santa
Rosa and W. Bradley Electric
(WBE) of Novato provided
electrical systems.
Alcal-Arcade of Santa Rosa
supplied roofing, waterproof-
ing, insulation and glazing.
Some 250 precast, 20-by-22
foot panels or “tiles” (com-
prised of six inches of concrete
overlaid with a two-inch
veneer of travertine limestone)
are attached to the steel. This
eight-inch thickness gives the
building a high R insulating
factor and a durable outer
“Low maintenance require-
ments for the building’s
exterior means that we will
normally only have to re-caulk
joints between panels and
building sections every 20 years,” Mr.
O’Rear said.
When sourcing materials for the
administration building, travertine
limestone was imported from Italy for
the facade.
Fast-Track Lean Construction Model
Maximizes Value, Minimizes Wasteby Gary Quackenbush
CONSTRUCTION continued page 15
stone) are attached to the steel. This eight-inch thickness gives the building a high R insulating factor and a durable outer shell.
Complete super structure with base forms in place
MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 15
CONSTRUCTION continued from page 14
To save shipping charges, avoid
delays and support U.S. enterprise in the
construction of the new building, some
50,000 rectangular blocks of travertine
were obtained from an Idaho quarry
with a very close color match to traver-
tine on the administration building.
Raw stone was transported to the
Clark Pacific Corporation in Sacramento
where it was cut, bonded to concrete and
polished. Groups of three to five panels
were transported on flat bed trucks to
the job site each day.
The Regenerative Medicine Research
Center was built with the future in view.
A fiber optic conduit is already in place
that will enable Institute researchers to
one day conduct Internet training ses-
sions, distance learning programs and
remote seminars.
“All of our construction efforts have
been designed with the intent of being
able to quickly ramp up new services and
new technologies so the Buck Institute
will be in a position to continually
increase the value of science and
biomedical research,” Mr. O’Rear said.
Holes being dug for column bases.
Forms for foundation and basement walls.
Steel workers erecting super structure.
16 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
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MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 17
The new Regenerative Medicine
Research Center provides donors with
an excellent opportunity to become part
of an ongoing process that has already
resulted in scientific breakthroughs, find-
ings and promising research that can lead
to better and healthier lives for seniors.
Americans are living longer than ever.
In California alone, 11.4 percent of the
state’s population in 2010 was over age
65, some 4.2 million people. This was an
increase of 18.3 percent since 2000, ac-
cording to statistics from the U.S. Census
Bureau and the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.
Nationwide, those aged 65 and over
totaled 40.4 million in 2010, up by 15.3
percent since 2000 – representing one
in every eight Americans. This figure is
expected to reach 72.1 million by 2030.
As the senior population continues to
grow, so will the incidence and frequen-
cy of debilitating and chronic diseases,
along with costs associated with treat-
ment and care.
There is an urgent need to accelerate
funding of scientific research focused on
discovering ways to enhance the quality
of life and increase the healthspan of this
growing population segment. This is the
charter of the Buck Institute. The open-
ing of the new facility will help drive
that mission.
“The addition of new faculty, along
with the relocation of some of our labs
combined with the installation of new
state-of-the-art equipment, will create the
critical mass needed to conduct parallel
lines of investigation,” said Blair R. Winn,
Director of Resource Development.
“Collaboration has always been at the
core of Buck Institute science. Activities
in this new facility will enrich our efforts
to take research to a new level,” he said.
Half of the cost of the new Regenerative
Medicine Research Building was funded
by a generous $20.5 million challenge
grant – requiring a one-to-one match –
from the California Institute for Regen-
erative Medicine (CIRM). CIRM was
created when California voters approved
Proposition 71.
While state and federal (National
Institutes of Health) grants have been the
largest sources of support for the Insti-
tute in the past, representing 42 percent
of the Buck Institute’s $39 million annual
operating budget, these resources are in
dramatic decline as other government
priorities take precedence and competi-
tion for grants intensifies.
With 19 labs and approximately 200
scientists dedicated to advancing re-
search for chronic, age-related diseases,
the Institute is actively reaching out in
different directions to create new part-
nerships that will generate additional
resources for science.
“Many believe that the Institute has
access to hundreds of millions of dollars
from the Buck Trust. However, while this
endowment fund contains a very signifi-
cant amount, the Institute receives about
$6 million a year – or only 15 percent of its
budget – from the Trust,” Mr. Winn said.
A number of new and promising op-
portunities are being developed under
the leadership of Buck Institute President
 CEO, Brian Kennedy.
These initiatives include new business
ventures designed to attract invest-
ment in the Institute’s groundbreaking
research, along with efforts to move
discoveries from the lab bench to the
bedside – based on scientific discoveries
that are transformed into commercial
opportunities such as international drug
development and licensing agreements.
A variety of new business formation
plans and sponsored research agree-
ments are beginning to impact the many
areas where the Institute is committed to
making a difference.
“It is not that the science itself is cost-
ing so much more, it is that funding is
not keeping pace with the vastly grow-
ing need,” Mr. Winn said.
Many individual donors have been
instrumental in the creation and expan-
sion of the Buck Institute over the years.
“The commitment and dedication of
these contributors has been truly inspira-
tional to us. Our hope is that as the need
and urgency increase, so too will public
support of this unique enterprise.”
Contributions are needed to fill the
gap and ensure that the Institute has the
resources to intensify its focus and con-
tinue its quest for new ways to extend
the healthy years of life.
There are several ways that individu-
als can help:
Gifts to the Annual Fund: The Institute
seeks contributions to help finance its
annual budget.
These gifts will be
used to underwrite
important day-to-
day operations and
costs that are not
frequently covered
by grants.
A gift to the
annual fund may
be directed to a
particular area of
research, a field,
or lab. All gifts to
the annual fund
facilitate the design
of experiments to test promising new
ideas before they qualify for funding
from other sources.
Education Programs: The Institute is
expanding its popular and highly suc-
cessful education programs designed
for elementary school through graduate
school students.
Through the years, these programs
have reached hundreds of exceptional
and underserved students. The Institute
is helping to connect hands-on science
With Longer Life Comes the Need to
Fund Chronic Disease Researchby Gary Quackenbush
funding continued page 18
Original buildings in white, new research building in pink. Future funding will
enable construction of two additional research buildings approved in the Buck
master plan.
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18 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
with math and real-world experience to
ensure that bright minds are encouraged
to learn and achieve.
Community Lecture Series: The Institute
seeks gifts and corporate sponsorships
to underwrite its community lecture
series on aging, age-related diseases and
cutting-edge research throughout North-
ern California.
Naming Drexler Auditorium Seats: The
Drexler Auditorium, named in honor of
founding trustee Fred Drexler, is a hub
of activity at the Buck Institute and one
of the architectural highlights of our I.M.
Pei designed campus.
Donors can now have their name or the
name of a loved one memorialized as part
of the Drexler Auditorium – which is used
almost daily for scientific presentations,
community seminars and special events.
Acorn Society: Established in 2004,
membership in this popular donor group
starts with gifts of $250 or more.
Members are invited to special lun-
cheon presentations where they hear
about scientific developments before
news is announced to the public. Acorn
Society members also get priority seat-
ing at Community Seminars and other
Institute events.
Capital Campaign: The Institute is
currently seeking significant gifts to
underwrite and name new public areas,
classrooms, and laboratory spaces,
acquire new equipment, and endow
faculty positions.
“Some donors prefer to establish
tribute or memorial gifts at the Institute
as a way to honor the memory of a
person, a special occasion or birthday,”
Mr. Winn said.
“Others elect to support the Buck In-
stitute with proceeds of a will or bequest.
A current commitment of a planned gift
is recognized through membership in the
Institute’s Live Oak Society,” he said.
The Institute honors donors at various
giving levels with benefits that include:
naming opportunities, introductions
to key faculty, invitations to intimate
scientific meetings and receptions,
exclusive international travel, and
special mailings and newsletters.
Donations can be made by mail, or
online. For more information about how
you can become a welcome and honored
contributor to the Buck Institute, please
contact: Blair Richard Winn, Director of
Resource Development, (415) 209-2267,
funding continued from page 17
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Environments that inspire people,
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MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 19
The Buck Institute: The First
National Center of Excellence
for Aging Research
by Gary Quackenbush
The Buck Institute is the nation’s first
nonprofit, independent research organiza-
tion focused on Geroscience, the study of
the connection between normal aging and
chronic diseases.
The Institute is also the first research
center in the U.S. to fulfill the chal-
lenge of a 1991 National Academy
of Science appeal calling for the
establishment of at least 10 centers
of excellence focused exclusively
on aging research.
The Institute’s mission is to
extend healthspan, the healthy
years of life. The goal of the
Institute’s interdisciplinary
research is to discover new ways
to detect, prevent, delay and
treat age-related conditions such
as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
disease, cancer, cardiovascular
disease, macular degeneration,
diabetes, glaucoma and stroke.
Institute History
Events leading to the
creation of the Buck Institute
date back to 1975, the year that
philanthropist Beryl Hamilton
Buck died leaving most of her
estate to be used for charitable
purposes in Marin County.
She identified three “uses
and purposes” for expendi-
tures from her trust, includ-
ing addressing problems of
the aged -- indigent seniors
as well as those who could
not afford adequate care.
In 1984, the San Francisco
Foundation filed a legal
challenge in an attempt
to break the Marin-only
restriction of the trust.
As the debate continued, a Marin
County supervisor delivered a speech
to the Commonwealth Club proposing
that half of the estate be used to create a
new research center in Marin focused on
Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related
The trial judge in the case called for
settlement proposals. The executor of
Mrs. Buck’s estate proposed the creation
of an independent research institute on
aging in Marin County.
In preparation for the trial during 1985,
the attorney for the executor enlisted Dr.
John W. Rowe, an eminent gerontologist
from Harvard University, to convene a
panel of experts on aging to consider the
feasibility and scope of such a center.
This panel recommended the formation
of an institute that would bring together
distinguished scientists from various
research disciplines to focus on ways with
highest potential to extend the healthy
years of life.
The panel’s advisors envisioned an in-
stitute on aging with a national reputation
that would contribute significantly to the
reduction of disability and dependency in
later life.
After a six-month trial, litigation was
settled in 1986. The Marin Community
Foundation was appointed to succeed the
San Francisco Foundation as the desig-
nated trustee as part of a decision that
included the selection of three “major
projects” to share 20 percent of the annual
income of the Buck
The Buck Cen-
ter on Aging was
incorporated in 1986
at the request of the
estate executor. That
year, attorney Mary
McEachron, currently
the organization’s
Chief Administrative
Officer, worked to
gain public support
for the selection of
the Buck Institute as a
major project.
In 1987, with en-
dorsements from local
government and thou-
sands of supporters, the
Marin Superior Court
named the Institute as
the recipient of 15 per-
cent of the net income
from Beryl Buck’s estate
in perpetuity.
The Institute pur-
chased a 488-acre parcel
on Mt. Burdell in Novato
and chose the proposal
from internationally ac-
claimed architect I.M. Pei
for the overall campus
Construction of the first
building began in 1996 and
the grand opening was
held in August 1999.
After a nationwide search, Dale E.
Bredesen, MD, a distinguished Alzheim-
er’s investigator, became the Institute’s
founding President and CEO.
In June 2010, Brian K. Kennedy, PhD, a
renowned aging research specialist on the
faculty of the University of Washington in
Seattle, was name the second President 
Board of Trustees
James Edgar, Chair
Russell H. Ellison, MD
Shahab Fatheazam
M. Arthur Gensler, Jr.
Stephen Hauser, MD
Linda Hothem
Harlan P. Kleiman
Charles La Follette
Amb. Fay Hartog Levin
Barbara Morrison
Catherine H. Munson
Herbert H. Myers
David M. Perry
Bill R. Poland
The Honorable Edward A.
“Ned” Powell
E. Lewis Reid
Richard. M Rosenberg
Larry E. Rosenberger
Mary C. Sauer
Thank you to our
hospitality sponsor:
20 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012
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  • 1. A NEW ERA IN AGING RESEARCH supplement underwriters: Celebrate our expansion! The Institute plans an open house to inaugurate the new Regenerative Medicine Research Center Buck researchers utilize stem cell technology to look for the “fountain of health” paid advertising supplement march 26, 2012
  • 2. 2 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 2. Celebrate a New Era at the Buck Institute; A Message from Buck Institute President/CEO Brian Kennedy, PhD 3. Public Invitation to the April 14 Open House for the New Research Center 4. Living Long, Living Well 7. Four Faculty Among Buck Institute Stem Cell “Stars” 9. Open, Flexible Architectural Design Enhances Scientific Collaboration 10. Layout, Floor Plan and Occupants of the New Research Center 12. Geothermal Heat Pump System Reduces Carbon Footprint by 53% 13. Eco-Friendly Green Elements Maximize Building Sustainability 14. Fast-Track Lean Construction Model Maximizes Value, Minimizes Waste 17. With Longer Life Comes the Need to Fund Chronic Disease Research 19. The Buck Institute: the First National Center of Excellence for Aging Research CONTENTS It is my great pleasure to invite you to join me in celebrating the opening of our new Regenerative Medicine Re- search Building on Saturday, April 14. The afternoon event starting at 1 p.m. will feature tours and science-based activities that will appeal to all ages. My hope is that this occasion will be an opportunity for members of the local community to become more familiar with the Buck Institute and to share in our excitement as we enter a significant new phase of scientific exploration. The Buck Institute exists to extend healthspan – the healthy years of life. The opening of our new facility affirms the Institute’s commitment to apply the full promise of stem cell research to our efforts to detect, delay, prevent and treat age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and stroke. This special section of the North Bay Business Journal highlights our science and some of the researchers who make it possible. It also features information on the construction of the new building, its unique architecture, and the many “green” technologies that are incorpo- rated into it. I am particularly proud of our new geothermal heat-exchange system that is now serving our entire campus, providing tremendous finan- cial savings to the Institute and environ- mental dividends to our region. Our expanded focus into regenerative medicine and our new facility would not be possible without the continuing support of the Cali- fornia Institute for Regenerative Medi- cine (CIRM), which provided half of the funding for the $41 million building. Our facility will be a “CIRM Center of Excellence” – one of twelve stem cell facilities approved for funding throughout the state. A plaque will be affixed to the building acknowledging the citizens of California who have made, and will continue to make the research possible. We are also grateful for additional CIRM funding which advances stem cell research in many of our labs and provides support for the training of stem cell scientists, which will provide benefits for generations to come. I also want to acknowledge the Buck Institute Board of Trustees, who supported this project from its concep- tion and the staff members who have devoted countless hours during all phases of this project and who continue to work tirelessly as we bring this new facility on line. We are also grateful to the citizens of Novato who had the vision to approve the original master plan for the Institute which accelerated the per- mitting process at a critical time. I want to especially thank our donors who continue to inspire me as they invest in our efforts aimed at literally changing the way all of us age. I hope to meet as many of you as pos- sible on April 14th. Our scientists and staff members look forward to sharing their excitement about our science and the new activities that will take place on our campus. Please join us as we em- bark on a new path in a journey that’s devoted to your health and the health of your family and loved ones. Warm regards, Brian K. Kennedy, PhD CELEBRATE A NEW ERA AT THE BUCK INSTITUTE A message from Buck Institute President and CEO, Brian K. Kennedy, PhD This advertising supplement to the March 26, 2012 issue of the North Bay Business Journal was produced through a collaboration of the North Bay Business Journal and the Buck Institute. 8001 Redwood Boulevard, Novato, CA 94945 North Bay Business Journal 427 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401 707-521-5270 • Fax: 707-521-5292 E-mail: For advertising information, call: 707-521-5270 A PART OF Photography courtesy of the Buck Institute (Cindee Crawley and Loretta Sheridan) and Perkins + Will Plaque for the new RegenerativeMedicine Research Center With gratitude to the CaliforniaInstitute of Regenerative Medicine,which provided major support for thisfacility. With thanks to the citizensof California, whose enactment ofProposition 71 created CIRM and thisopportunity for the advancement of regenerative medicine
  • 3. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 3 Y o u a r e c o r d i a l ly i n v i t e d t o at t e n d A C o m m u n i t y O p e n H o u s e t o C e l e b r at e t h e O p e n i n g o f o u r N e w Regenerative Medicine Research Center S at u r d ay, A p r i l 1 4 , 2 0 1 2 1 : 0 0 P. M . t o 4 : 0 0 p. m . There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony, hands-on science exhibits, activities for kids of all ages, videos, self-guided tours and opportunities to talk to our scientists. Bring the family* and enjoy the afternoon at the Institute’s Marin County Novato campus, while also enjoying beautiful views from Mt. Burdell. Free offsite parking and shuttle service will be provided at the Fireman’s Fund Insurance located at 777 San Marin Drive in Novato, off Highway 101. Take the Atherton Avenue and San Marin Drive exit. Proceed west on San Marin Drive. The Fireman’s Fund Insurance parking lot is on your right. For information, go to: Congratulations to the dedicated people at the Buck Institute on the opening of their new Regenerative Medicine Research Center.Shamrock is proud to have been a part of the team that helped make the latest phase a success, by providing eco-friendly concrete mixes utilizing green technology. Shamrock is committed to achieving sustainability in our products, our company, and our environment. For more information please call 1-800-779-5777
  • 4. 4 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 Stem cells have generated a lot of excitement for their therapeutic potential. These cells are blank canvases on which scientists and clinicians can create new ways to treat cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and a host of other conditions. For example, researchers can direct pluripotent stem cells, which can be reshaped into any type of cell, to become neurons, which could lead to treatments for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s or stroke. But that’s only part of the picture. Researchers at The Buck Institute for Research on Aging are working to understand the fundamental biological mechanisms that affect aging. They harness a variety of techniques to illuminate these processes and are using stem cells to investigate the root causes of disease and find new ways to preserve health. “The main focus is on the healthy years of life and trying to extend those,” says Buck Institute President and CEO, Brian Kennedy, PhD. “We are not looking for the fountain of youth; we are looking for the fountain of health.” Damage Control There are many different types of stem cells – adult, embryonic, induced-pluripotent – and each type can help us learn something about the aging process and the diseases associated with it. A number of researchers at the Buck Institute are studying how adult stem cells regenerate damaged tissue. These cells live in pockets throughout our bodies and go to work when important tissues are damaged. As we age, adult stem cells become less effective and problems can go unrepaired. One of the Institute’s newer labs is studying how adult stem cells respond to aging. Specifically, they are investigating intestinal and respiratory stem cells to understand why these cells lose function. Researchers hope to learn how biomedical science can intervene and ultimately restore the body’s ability to self-repair. Another lab has actually reversed the aging process in human adult stem cells derived from fat. By reversing the clock on these regenerative cells, scientists could po- tentially use them to treat heart disease, Type 1 diabetes and arthritis. Again, the ability to rejuvenate adult stem cells could prevent disease by restoring the body’s own damage-control systems. However, adult stem cells also have a dark side. Buck researchers are investigating how stem cells in breast tissue are assimilated by malignant cells to become metastatic cancer. This work is leading to new informa- tion that may help researchers target aggressive breast cancers. Better Treatments, Faster What does it take to create a new drug? From concept to clinic, it can take up to 20 years and more than $1 billion—and these figures are just for the winners. The Buck Institute has joined the ongoing effort to improve how researchers screen potential drugs and move them more rapidly to the finish line, where they can help patients. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells may help us shorten this process. Like their embryonic cousins, iPS cells can be made to form any cell in the body. It is how they’re derived that makes them different. These cells are created from mature cells, often skin cells that are “rewound” to their more primitive, pluripotent state. This amazing piece of biochemistry is impor- tant because it preserves the genome of the original, mature cell, providing researchers the opportunity to focus on how diseases develop and how those cells respond to medication. Buck Institute scientists are using this technology to study glaucoma, macular degeneration, Huntington’s disease and other conditions. By taking mature cells from Huntington’s patients and reversing their develop- ment to create iPS cells, researchers can then create neu- rons to test new medications. Because they are testing human cells with disease-causing genes, these studies can complement traditional animal studies, disqualify drugs that are toxic or ineffective early in the process and help move promising treatments more rapidly through the pipeline to your local pharmacy. Replacing Diseased Cells Quite often, when people talk about stem cell treat- ments, they mean tissue replacement. What if it were possible to transplant healthy neurons to cure neurode- generative diseases? One lab at the Buck Institute has created neurons from stem cells, successfully treating Parkinson’s dis- ease in animals. People suffering from Parkinson’s lose neurons that regulate the neurotransmitter dopamine. Buck researchers have not only created these neurons from stem cells, they have produced them in both the quantity and quality necessary for clinical trials. The Institute is now partnering with City of Hope National Medical Center to advance this promising research towards clinical trials. The Bottom Line Aging is a fact of life, but it does not have to be bad for our health. New research at the Buck Institute and elsewhere is showing that healthy aging may soon be within our grasp. “We are keenly focused on improving quality of life,” says Dr. Kennedy. “But we also need to remember, as the population ages, this becomes an economic issue. For governments, healthcare institutions and families across the economic spectrum, preserving health is a necessity. Using stem cells and other powerful tools we are expanding our understanding of the aging process. Ultimately, we will use that knowledge to cure disease and, even more importantly, prevent it.” Living Long, Living Well An Expanding Program in Regenerative Medicine at the Buck Institute By Kris Rebillot Images from the Zeng and Lamba labs: Various types of neural cells at different stages of growth. All are derived from stem cells. Scientist Benny Blackwell viewing adult stem cells through a micro- scope in the Lunyak lab at the Buck Institute.
  • 5. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 5 San Francisco Office: 415.986.0600 Sacramento Office: 916.441.6870 BUCK INSTITUTE A CAHILL OTTO JOINT VENTURE NOVATO, CA are proud to have served the Buck Institute in the Construction of their New Facility CAHILL CONTRACTORS OTTO CONSTRUCTION Established 1911 Established 1947
  • 6. 6 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 Leaders in Engineering, Sustainability... and Beyond. SAN JOSE | SAN FRANCISCO | LONDON | DUBLIN | SHANGHAI | TAIPEI | HONG KONG | SINGAPORE | INDIA | TORONTO MISSION CRITICAL Facebook, Prineville, OR LEED GOLD TENANT IMPROVEMENT Buck Institute, Novato, CA TARGET: LEED CERTIFIED MISSION CRITICAL EquInix SV5, San Jose, CA TARGET: LEED GOLD HI-TECH Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA COMMERCIAL Morrision Foerster, LLP/425 Market St., San Francisco, CA EDUCATION Ohlone College, Newark, CA LEED PLATINUM HEALTHCARE Kaiser Hospital, Various Locations, CA BIOTECH Abbott Biotherapeutics, Redwood City, CA photo credit: » Mechanical, Electrical Plumbing Engineering Design » Architectural Lighting » Technology Design » Fire Protection » Energy Solutions » LEED/Sustainable Design, LEED Consulting Services » Commissioning » Project Delivery
  • 7. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 7 Heinrich Jasper, PhD Enhancing stem cell function to promote longevity — Heinrich Jasper is internationally recognized as a leader in stem cell biology – in particular he is acknowledged for making fundamental discoveries about the role of stress signaling and aging on stem cell behavior. As the Buck Institute’s newest faculty member, Dr. Jasper will spend the summer moving his lab from the University of Rochester to the Buck Institute’s new Regenerative Medicine Research Center. Working with fruit flies, Dr. Jasper was one of the first aging researchers to use stem cells in the fly intestine to test how aging affects stem cell function. The fly is a superb model system in which gene function in stem cells can be manipulated in the living organism to study age-related changes and to test potential interventions that can prevent such changes. Dr. Jasper is now expanding his work into mammals. He is focusing on the mouse respiratory system, which regenerates from a stem cell population that closely resembles fly intestinal stem cells. He plans to extend this research to characterize similar mechanisms in human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Combining the strengths of the fly model with studies in mammalian systems that are closer to human tissues promises to be an extremely powerful approach to identify new targets for intervention. Dr. Jasper received his PhD in Biology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Xianmin Zeng, PhD Developing stem cell- based treatments for neurodegenerative dis- orders — Xianmin Zeng is making great progress in efforts to get a stem cell derived treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD) ready for testing in humans. Sci- entists in the Zeng lab have successfully generated dopamine-producing neurons from human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter pro- duced in the mid-brain that facilitates many critical functions, including motor skills. Patients with PD lack sufficient dopamine regulation. The cells generated in the Zeng lab, which have been success- fully used in a rodent model of PD, may also offer an unprecedented opportunity to screen small molecule drugs and to clarify the mechanisms of disease. Dr. Zeng has developed a robust, scal- able protocol that allows for the efficient production of the type and quantity of dopamine-producing neurons needed for clinical trials. With funding from CIRM, this process has been transferred to partners at the City of Hope in Southern California. Scientists have successfully banked cells at several stages of dopamin- ergic differentiation. Dr. Zeng is currently in discussions with the National Institutes of Health on using the cells for a Phase I clinical trial. CIRM has also awarded Dr. Zeng funds to establish a shared research laboratory and to develop a stem cell course at the Buck Institute. Dr. Zeng earned a PhD in Molecular Biology at the Technical University of Denmark. She came to the Buck Institute in 2005. Deepak Lamba, MBBS, PhD Using stem cell technol- ogies to develop treat- ments for degenerative eye disorders — Deepak Lamba is considered a pioneer among those developing efficient methods of making retinal cells from human embry­ onic stem cells. He has been able to generate differentiated photoreceptors, the cells in the eye that respond to light, and has shown that the cells can be success- fully transplanted into rodents. When testing residual vision in these otherwise blind mice, he found that the stem cell transplanted eyes have responded to light. Dr. Lamba’s research will be of particular interest to those suffering from age-related macular degeneration, a disease that de- stroys central vision and robs people of the ability to read and drive as well as retinitis pigmentosa. Retinitis pigmentosa includes various inherited forms of retinal degen- eration that often manifest much later in life and cause progressive vision loss. Dr. Lamba came to the Buck Institute in 2011 from the University of Wash- ington in Seattle. He is also utilizing induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) in his research. An iPS cell is a cell taken from any tissue that has been genetically modified to behave like an embryonic stem cell. Dr. Lamba will be using iPS technology to generate eye cells from skin cells in order to understand and develop treatments for various retinal degenerative conditions. Dr. Lamba earned his medical degree from the University of Mumbai, India where he practiced as a physician before moving to the U.S. to pursue full-time research. Victoria Lunyak, PhD STUDYING Adult stem cells and aging — Victoria Lunyak has been able to reverse the aging process in human adult stem cells, those cells responsible for helping old or damaged tissues regenerate. This work, utilizing human fat tissue in cell culture, could lead to medical treatments that would repair a host of ailments that are caused by tissue damage as people age. The regenerative power of tissues and organs declines as we grow older. The modern day stem cell hypothesis of aging suggests that living organisms are as old as its tissue specific or adult stem cells. Dr. Lunyak is a leader in a field focused on understanding the molecules and processes that enable human adult stem cells to initiate self-renewal and divide, proliferate and differentiate in order to rejuvenate damaged tissue. Her team recently reported that non-coding RNA’s, which make up a large portion of the genome, provide vital scaffolding for cellular processes in adult stem cells. The discovery implies that chronic diseases of aging arise from the deterioration of this scaffolding rather than genetic mutations. Dr. Lunyak came to the Buck Institute in 2008 from the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. She is known for groundbreaking research that established a role for so- called “junk” DNA. She received her PhD in Molecular Biology from the St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, at the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg, Russia. Four Faculty Among Buck Institute Stem Cell “Stars”
  • 8. 8 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 The Buck Institute turned to Geothermal heating and cooling for significant savings on energy,water usage, maintenance and replacement costs. They turned toTrison to ensure that it was all done right,on time and on budget. With a desire to reduce costs and preserve the environment while tackling energy efficiency and water usage challenges, the Buck Institute needed an extraordinary heating and cooling solution; one that would accomplish their goals while offering a sustainable return-on-investment. They found it in Geothermal. Next,they needed an extraordinary design/build partner with the reputation and expertise to ensure a successful project. The answer was clear. Trison Construction. From feasibility analysis and engineering to construction and maintenance of your geothermal HVAC project,Trison is the design/build,single source expert. Trison is the leader in renewable/sustainable Geother- mal heating and cooling systems and domes- tic hot water installations across the US. To learn more about what Trison and Geother- mal can do for you,visit our site at TheBuckInstituteforResearchonAging MarinCounty, Novato,CA 4000 Northwest 39th Street Oklahoma City,OK 73112 (405) 949-2244,X200
  • 9. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 9 When Buck Institute officials decided to expand their age-related stem cell research program in Novato, they turned to the San Francisco-based practice of Perkins+Will, an internationally re- nowned architectural and lab design firm that has designed modern research facilities around the world. Perkins+Will designed an innovative new research laboratory building for the Buck Institute after assisting them in securing a major grant for construc- tion through the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). The new Regenerative Medicine Re- search Center has striking, angular lines and varied geometric shapes, expand- ing on I.M. Pei’s enduring five-building circular campus master plan. “While the external look and feel of the new building integrates with the campus master plan, substantial improvements in the interior design respond to the need for a more open and flexible facility to support modern col- laborative research,” said David Bendet, principal in charge and project manager for Perkins+Will. “Our emphasis was on deliver- ing a highly functional, efficient, and multi-purpose facility that will address changing research needs at the Buck for decades to come.” According to Mr. Bendet, lab designs from decades past typically involved floor plans that resulted in separating biologists, chemists, geneticists and com- puter scientists from each other. The task for Perkins+Will was to devise an interactive, dynamic environ- ment based on contemporary design criteria that require all researchers to work together in order to enhance the likelihood of scientific breakthroughs. The labs in the new building are not closed in, isolated or cellular in scope, but open and allow for strong visual and physical connectivity among the 12 principal investigators and their teams who will occupy the building. Non-essential walls were eliminated in the new facility. Combined with an attention to interaction goals and more internal windows, the new concept enables researchers to see each other and to have much better access to exterior views, and significantly improves natu- ral day lighting. “More daylight reduces the need for artificial light and large windows pro- vide Zen views of the beautiful country- side, enhancing employee comfort and satisfaction,” Mr. Bendet said. Support labs are centrally located in the middle of each floor so research teams can easily obtain their services. “The emphasis now is on having complete flexibility. Wet labs of today can serve as dry labs of tomorrow, conference areas can be converted to dry lab workstations, and vacant offices can double as private meeting rooms,” said Mr. Bendet. A self-service cafeteria is located on the ground floor adjacent to a large “L” shaped employee lounge and gathering place intended to foster staff cohesive- ness. A large window wall reinforces the link between indoor and outdoor space. The landscape includes all native plants with a goal of eliminating irriga- tion, while integrating the building site with its natural surroundings. “The project is on track to receive LEED certification, and with the innova- tive systems and materials designed into the project we believe we will exceed these goals,” Mr. Bendet said. While the original buildings were built with a concrete structural frame, the new Perkins+Will design utilizes a steel braced-frame structure with an addition- al row of columns to increase vibration performance within a highly acceptable range to enhance stability. According to Mr. Bendet, modern labs are being designed with significant dif- ferences to keep pace with how science occurs today. Perkins+Will has one of the larg- est portfolios of science facilities in the world and has designed many award- winning projects around the globe, including the Clark Center at Stanford. “We’ve taken pride in our ability to deliver a project for the Buck Insti- tute’s Regenerative Medicine Research program that will support science-influ- enced design well into the future,” Mr. Bendet said. Open, Flexible Architectural Design Enhances Scientific Collaboration New Lab Building by Perkins+Will Advances Science at the Buck Institute by Gary Quackenbush “More daylight reduces the need for artificial light and large windows provide views of the beautiful countryside enhancing employee comfort and satisfaction.” – David Bendet, Perkins + Will Main entry stairwell Interior stairwell under construction PHOTOSCOURTESYOFPERKINS+WILL
  • 10. Efforts in the Zeng lab are aimed at getting a stem cell derived treatment for Parkinson’s disease ready for testing in humans. Scientists have successfully used stem cells to treat the disease in rodents. The Andersen lab is studying the impact of brain aging on both native and transplanted stem cells. Scientists are also using stem cells to screen compounds that could be therapeutic in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Stem cell research in the Lamba lab is focused on identifying new methods to treat degenerative vision disorders including macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma. The Greenberg lab looks at stem cells in the context of brain repair after stroke. This includes normal repair by stem cells already in the brain and the potential transplantation of stem cells for therapeutic purposes. The Brand lab is studying basic mechanisms that impact energy efficiency and the production of free radicals as pluripotent stem cells develop into specific cells or tissue type. The objective is to understand what happens to these processes as stem cells age. The footprint of the Morphology and Imaging Core increases by 50% enabling significant core support for stem cell projects. Two new top-of-the-line confocal microscopes will introduce additional imaging techniques to the Buck Institute. The LSM780 will allow users to collect spectral data of their biological samples with the highest sensitivity detectors (GaAsP PMTs). The 7MP, a dedicated multi- photon system, will enable deep imaging in live tissues. The Bredesen lab is interested in signaling pathways in human embryonic stem cells that lead to cell death and neurodegeneration. Understanding these pathways will further efforts to culture stem cells at a scale sufficient for clinical demand and provide a means of eliminating tumor-forming cells from colonies of stem cells. In addition, stem cells produce ApoE-the major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease-and represent an excellent model for screening for novel therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease. The Benz lab is studying how cancer cells usurp and dysregulate certain stem cell molecular pathways to acquire their metastatic properties. These studies are leading to novel therapeutics against the most aggressive of breast cancers, a subtype most commonly arising in African women. The Jasper lab uses fruit flies as model systems to explore whether enhancing stem cell regulation can promote tissue health and increase lifespan. The fruit fly studies are now informing studies in mouse models, and Dr. Jasper plans to further extend this research into human stem cell populations. PERKINS + WILL MASTER PLAN: I.M. PEI Andersen Lab: Brand Lab: Lamba Lab: Greenberg Lab: Morphology and Imaging Core: Benz Lab: Jasper Lab: Zeng Lab: Bredesen Lab: New Regenerative Medicine Research Center Cafeteria/ Conference Space 10 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 11 The Buck Institute exists to extend healthspan – the healthy years of life. The opening of this new facility affirms the Institute’s commitment to apply the full promise of stem cell research to our efforts to detect, delay, prevent and treat age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and stroke.
  • 11. 12 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 Concern for preserving the environ- ment and natural resources at the Buck Institute involves planning for the optimal use of power and water – while reducing the carbon footprint for the new building. The Regenerative Medicine Research Center alone will require 300 tons of additional cooling capacity. Given this increase in cost, alternative energy op- tions were considered for this structure and other campus buildings. “We wanted to implement as many forms of energy management technol- ogy as we could to reduce electric and gas consumption,” said Ralph O’Rear, Buck Institute Vice President of Facilities. “We looked at six different options, but geothermal gave us the highest return on investment. “Our load demand is calculated to provide energy for 24/7 research activi- ties – even when the sun is down. We also want to engage new technologies to continue to manage the load and achieve additional fuel reductions,” Mr. O’Rear added. To help achieve energy self-sufficiency, reduce costs and save water, the Buck Institute completed a large-scale deploy- ment of a geothermal heat pump system in March 2012 designed to serve all buildings. The geothermal field is located ap- proximately 1,000 feet downhill from the main campus and involved drilling 325 wells to a vertical depth of 400 feet – along with the installation of horizontal piping to carry water between the field and the campus. Water travels to and from the building complex and then moves through miles of heavy-duty polyethylene tubing in the earth where the temperature remains a constant and predictable 61 degrees. Geothermal technology pulls energy from the ground, as water is cycled through subterranean wells and then flows through exchangers to be heated or chilled to a high of 165 degrees or to a low of 65 degrees as needed. “By deploying geothermal, the Insti- tute can substitute evaporative cool- ing towers, low and high pressure hot water boilers and legacy autoclave glass washing equipment for a ground-based system that is efficient, economical and uses much less energy,” said Kirk Sheeley, construc- tion manager with Kitchell Corporation, who works closely with Mr. O’Rear on capital expenditure man- agement. “The management of fa- cility energy consumption is part of our greenhouse gas and holistic life cycle calculations. We are look- ing to incorporate other facility-based systems with the long-term goal of gen- erating all electricity on site using renewable energy. “Now that a geothermal system is in place, solar, fuel cell or co-generation applications may be considered in the future as funding becomes avail- able,” Mr. Sheeley said. The Institute expects to see the geothermal system pay for itself in seven and a half years. It will enable the Institute to save about $436,000 per year in energy costs. It will also result in conserving more than 18,000 gallons of water a day (seven million gallons per year) while reducing the institute’s annual carbon footprint by 53 percent. Some 2,484 metric tons of carbon emis- sions will be eliminated annually. These greenhouse gas savings are comparable to taking 9,738 vehicles off the road. Oklahoma City-based Trison Con- struction, Inc., was contracted to design and build the geothermal system. They conducted a thermal conductivity test to determine exactly where to locate the field and did other calculations to assess how much ground loop work would be needed per ton of load. “Geothermal systems have distinct ad- vantages,” said Brian Haggart, President of Trison. “They help save 60 percent or more in energy costs. The geothermal ground loop will be the system con- denser. The ground loop comes with a 50-year warranty and will require no maintenance. This will allow Buck Insti- tute to achieve significant savings.” Mr. Haggart said that geothermal heat pump shipments have jumped from few- er than 11,000 units in 1983 per year to 112,000 units shipped in 2011, showing the increasing popularity of this system for residential and commercial use based on data. “Geothermal is achieving a major turnaround for the Institute. It will go from being a large energy consumer to being one of the smallest, while also enabling it to stay within environmental impact report limits for water use,” said Mike Lucas, principal with PAE Engi- neering, the engineering design- consult- ing firm of record for the project under contract to Trison Construction. PAE was the firm responsible for implementing the overall geo-system design and revisions to the existing central plant. At the heart of the Institute’s water circulation network is a bank of modular chillers that eliminate the need for sepa- rate heating and cooling equipment. “These units significantly lower ener- gy requirements, overall operating costs and provide up to 75 percent footprint savings when compared with conven- tional boiler/chiller systems,” said Ross Miglio, president of Clima-Cool. “Our SHC onDemand® ground water heat recovery system has the unique ability to index heating or cooling modules to match building demand. Additionally, the systems are ideally suited for vari- able water flow saving additional energy resources. The Buck Institute has participated in several PGE-sponsored energy conservation programs saving more than $425,000 since 1999. Geothermal Heat Pump System Reduces Carbon Footprint by 53%by Gary Quackenbush Geothermal field in development, located 1000 feet downhill from main campus
  • 12. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 13 From initial concept through construc- tion, the project team for the Regenera- tive Medicine Research center incor- porated Green building best practices to ensure that the structure would be intelligently designed, environmentally friendly and highly sustainable. Formal Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) worksite management criteria were written into the job plan from day one. LEED is an internationally recognized certification system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council that pro- motes sustainable building and develop- ment practices. “With a wide range of green ele- ments incorporated in our new research center, we expect to receive a Silver or higher LEED rating,” said Ralph O’Rear, Vice President of Facilities at the Buck Institute. “The Buck Institute’s interests in the LEED certification process were repre- sented by our own Loretta Sheridan.  She coordinated the efforts to gather and report the data required by the U.S. Green Building Council to determine the level of certification ultimately garnered for the project.” A key concern from the beginning was how to properly dispose of construction waste. Over 80 percent of debris accumulated during building phases was cataloged, diverted from the landfill and recycled as part of the institute’s waste stream management program. Care was taken to use materials that have a significant percentage of recycled or renewable content. Structural steel framing contains recycled metal. Insulation used in the walls and ceil- ings was made from reprocessed and shredded denim (blue jeans), creating a high “R” factor. Space between the outer and inner skin of the building forms a thermal bar- rier that further insulates the structure. The durable stone and concrete exterior was designed to last with only minor maintenance required every two decades to replace caulking. Rapidly renewable bamboo was used in cabinets and recycled content case- work was installed in the laboratories. Highly energy-efficient, free-standing refrigeration units are used for tissue storage. Electronic probes inside these units monitor temperatures and an alarm is sent to facility managers if set- tings are not within optimal limits. Durable, high quality marmoleum (linoleum) – an eco-friendly, sustainable green flooring made from linseed oil, wood flour and pine rosins – provides a naturally bacterio- static, easy-to-clean surface. Motion-controlled light- ing sensors help to conserve energy. Skylights and large windows maximize natural day lighting. Low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings on insulated win- dows control heat transfer through glazing, reduce glare and significantly improve window energy efficiency. To ensure sufficient ventila- tion throughout the building, variable air volume fume hoods with automatic sash positioning systems were in- stalled providing a 100 percent fresh outdoor air exchange every 10 minutes, or six times per hour. Large Vektor exhaust fans, designed by Alfa Tech Cambridge and installed by Bell Products, contain en- ergy recovery coils that send heat from lab exhaust back to the comfort heating and cooling system for reuse, saving ad- ditional energy costs. Perhaps the most significant sus- tainable element on the project is the geothermal ground water heating and cooling system, designed by Mike Lucas, with PAE Engineers in San Francisco. Designed to serve the entire campus, heat pump technology dramatically re- duces energy consumption and replaces less efficient steam boilers and evapora- tive towers. Rubberized ground vibration buffers, shock absorbing spring isolators and large neoprene pads were installed un- der heavy equipment to reduce vibration and noise. An extra row of columns was added to the building and positioned at closer intervals to improve vibration perfor- mance and increase stability in lab areas. Low-flow plumbing fixtures, includ- ing toilets and faucet aerators, save substantial amounts of water compared to conventional fixtures while providing the same utility. “We were very diligent about maintaining our storm water pollution prevention program,” said Blair Allison, project executive with the Cahill/Otto joint construction venture. “Our team prepared for every storm by ensuring that all erosion control measures were properly employed. In areas of the site disrupted by earthwork, we hydroseeded exposed soil with na- tive grasses to further reinforce erosion control.” Vektor exhaust fans on the roof contain energy recovery coils that send heat from lab exhaust back to the comfort heating and cooling system for reuse, saving energy costs. Eco-Friendly Green Elements Maximize Building Sustainabilityby Gary Quackenbush Rapidly renewable bamboo was used in cabinetry.
  • 13. 14 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 Lean techniques were imple- mented during construction of the 65,708 square foot, three-story Regenerative Medicine Research Center with the goal of improving total project performance while saving time and money. “We had less than two years from ground-breaking on March 31, 2010, to completion and oc- cupancy in time for the April 14, 2012, opening,” said Ralph O’Rear, Vice President for Facili- ties at the Buck Institute. “The project’s fast-track sched- ule defined the critical timetable for success. The project flow had to be continuous. We outlined a plan for achieving objectives and implemented stringent produc- tion and cost controls.” The $17 million construction phase was awarded to Cahill-Otto as the prime contractors for Phase II core and shell work. This was a joint venture between Cahill Con- tractors of San Francisco and Otto Construction of Sacramento. Teamwork was essential. Jay Cahill, CEO and Chairman of Ca- hill Contractors, assembled more than 50 suppliers and subcontractors to support the project, with emphasis on firms located in the North Bay. Some 250 jobs were created through- out the construction process, with an average of 75 workers at the site on a daily basis. Blair Allison was the project execu- tive in charge of the Cahill/Otto joint venture. “All contractors and subs worked well together and communicated effectively. We issued a baseline schedule imme- diately and our Superintendent, Jim Farmer, delivered the job right on time – hitting every milestone to the day. The entire project team worked diligently to monitor and control costs and minimize change orders. “Having a talented pool of local con- tractors was beneficial. Once the build- ing was closed in, we were able to seam- lessly integrate tenant-improvement subcontractors into the space, allowing interior work to occur concurrently with core and shell work,” Allison said. The new Regenerative Medicine Research Center was constructed in three phases with design being led by David Bendet, Associate Principal with Perkins+Will Architecture of San Francisco. Phase I involved earthwork and site grading by North Bay Construction, later acquired by Ghilotti Construction of Santa Rosa. During Phase II the Kitchell Corpora- tion managed core and shell work under the direction of Kirk Sheeley. CSW Stuber-Stroeh of Novato, and the Miller Pacific Engineering Group of Petaluma provided civil engineering and design consulting services. Rutherford Chekene was the project structural engineering firm that designed the building frame. High-performance, Buckle Restrained Brace Frames (BRBF) were used to ensure the survivability of the building during a seismic event. With BRBF, the brace is a steel plate within a concrete filled steel tube. Braces are designed to yield and absorb earthquake energy pro- tecting the surrounding structural frame. Shamrock Materials of San Rafael sup- plied the concrete for foundations and decks. During Phase III, the Kitchell Corpo- ration was the general contractor and mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineer of record for tenant improvements. Alfa Tech Cambridge of San Francisco was the con- sulting engineering firm that designed the HVAC system for the research center. Alfa Tech Project Man- ager T.G. Davallou worked closely with contractor Bell Products of Napa, the firm that installed the HVAC and the lab exhaust equipment, and its subcontractor, Indoor Environmental Services of Santa Rosa, during the installation. ClimaCool of Oklahoma City provided a simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump and thermal recovery system that lowers energy costs and provides up to 40 percent in footprint savings. Sonoma-based Peterson Mechanical installed plumbing and low-flow fixtures. Northern Electric of Santa Rosa and W. Bradley Electric (WBE) of Novato provided electrical systems. Alcal-Arcade of Santa Rosa supplied roofing, waterproof- ing, insulation and glazing. Some 250 precast, 20-by-22 foot panels or “tiles” (com- prised of six inches of concrete overlaid with a two-inch veneer of travertine limestone) are attached to the steel. This eight-inch thickness gives the building a high R insulating factor and a durable outer shell. “Low maintenance require- ments for the building’s exterior means that we will normally only have to re-caulk joints between panels and building sections every 20 years,” Mr. O’Rear said. When sourcing materials for the administration building, travertine limestone was imported from Italy for the facade. Fast-Track Lean Construction Model Maximizes Value, Minimizes Wasteby Gary Quackenbush CONSTRUCTION continued page 15 Some250precast,20-by-22footpanelsor“tiles”(comprisedofsixinchesofconcreteoverlaidwithatwo-inchveneeroftravertinelime- stone) are attached to the steel. This eight-inch thickness gives the building a high R insulating factor and a durable outer shell. Complete super structure with base forms in place
  • 14. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 15 CONSTRUCTION continued from page 14 To save shipping charges, avoid delays and support U.S. enterprise in the construction of the new building, some 50,000 rectangular blocks of travertine were obtained from an Idaho quarry with a very close color match to traver- tine on the administration building. Raw stone was transported to the Clark Pacific Corporation in Sacramento where it was cut, bonded to concrete and polished. Groups of three to five panels were transported on flat bed trucks to the job site each day. The Regenerative Medicine Research Center was built with the future in view. A fiber optic conduit is already in place that will enable Institute researchers to one day conduct Internet training ses- sions, distance learning programs and remote seminars. “All of our construction efforts have been designed with the intent of being able to quickly ramp up new services and new technologies so the Buck Institute will be in a position to continually increase the value of science and biomedical research,” Mr. O’Rear said. Holes being dug for column bases. Forms for foundation and basement walls. Steel workers erecting super structure.
  • 15. 16 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 CORPORATE OFFICE: (707) 585-1221 MARIN OFFICE: (415) 256-1525 AMERICAN CANYON OFFICE: (707) 556-9145 LIVERMORE OFFICE: (925) 583-0979 CSLB #644515 TOTAL SITE PREPARATION GRADING AND EXCAVATING PAVING STORM DRAIN WATER AND SEWER LINES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SOIL STABILIZATION SITE AND STRUCTURE CONCRETE UNDERGROUND A Name You Can Build With. GCC’s expertise is seen throughout northern California, from the renovation of Infineon Raceway to the Buck Institute in Novato, and North Village developments in Vacaville to San Marcos developments in Pittsburg for Discovery Builders. As well as public infrastructure contracts totaling more than $150 million, including the completed U.S. Highway 101 project (Santa Rosa), the $35 million Highway 580 project (Livermore), and the $48 million 101 Central project (from Rohnert Park to Penngrove). Reshaping Northern CaliforniaReshaping Northern California GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR SERVICES SINCE 1914 Ghilotti Construction Company Family-owned and operated since 1914, GCC has garnered acclaim for its commercial and residential development, and infrastructure projects, establishing a reputation for engineering expertise, quality workmanship, dependability, and community enhancement. From humble origins to a multi-million dollar presence, GCC has consistently embraced the future. GCC’s founding values resonate in every project, as well as in its dedication to its employees and clients, community, and environment. Congratulations to the Buck Institute on their groundbreaking research and new facility.
  • 16. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 17 The new Regenerative Medicine Research Center provides donors with an excellent opportunity to become part of an ongoing process that has already resulted in scientific breakthroughs, find- ings and promising research that can lead to better and healthier lives for seniors. Americans are living longer than ever. In California alone, 11.4 percent of the state’s population in 2010 was over age 65, some 4.2 million people. This was an increase of 18.3 percent since 2000, ac- cording to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nationwide, those aged 65 and over totaled 40.4 million in 2010, up by 15.3 percent since 2000 – representing one in every eight Americans. This figure is expected to reach 72.1 million by 2030. As the senior population continues to grow, so will the incidence and frequen- cy of debilitating and chronic diseases, along with costs associated with treat- ment and care. There is an urgent need to accelerate funding of scientific research focused on discovering ways to enhance the quality of life and increase the healthspan of this growing population segment. This is the charter of the Buck Institute. The open- ing of the new facility will help drive that mission. “The addition of new faculty, along with the relocation of some of our labs combined with the installation of new state-of-the-art equipment, will create the critical mass needed to conduct parallel lines of investigation,” said Blair R. Winn, Director of Resource Development. “Collaboration has always been at the core of Buck Institute science. Activities in this new facility will enrich our efforts to take research to a new level,” he said. Half of the cost of the new Regenerative Medicine Research Building was funded by a generous $20.5 million challenge grant – requiring a one-to-one match – from the California Institute for Regen- erative Medicine (CIRM). CIRM was created when California voters approved Proposition 71. While state and federal (National Institutes of Health) grants have been the largest sources of support for the Insti- tute in the past, representing 42 percent of the Buck Institute’s $39 million annual operating budget, these resources are in dramatic decline as other government priorities take precedence and competi- tion for grants intensifies. With 19 labs and approximately 200 scientists dedicated to advancing re- search for chronic, age-related diseases, the Institute is actively reaching out in different directions to create new part- nerships that will generate additional resources for science. “Many believe that the Institute has access to hundreds of millions of dollars from the Buck Trust. However, while this endowment fund contains a very signifi- cant amount, the Institute receives about $6 million a year – or only 15 percent of its budget – from the Trust,” Mr. Winn said. A number of new and promising op- portunities are being developed under the leadership of Buck Institute President CEO, Brian Kennedy. These initiatives include new business ventures designed to attract invest- ment in the Institute’s groundbreaking research, along with efforts to move discoveries from the lab bench to the bedside – based on scientific discoveries that are transformed into commercial opportunities such as international drug development and licensing agreements. A variety of new business formation plans and sponsored research agree- ments are beginning to impact the many areas where the Institute is committed to making a difference. “It is not that the science itself is cost- ing so much more, it is that funding is not keeping pace with the vastly grow- ing need,” Mr. Winn said. Many individual donors have been instrumental in the creation and expan- sion of the Buck Institute over the years. “The commitment and dedication of these contributors has been truly inspira- tional to us. Our hope is that as the need and urgency increase, so too will public support of this unique enterprise.” Contributions are needed to fill the gap and ensure that the Institute has the resources to intensify its focus and con- tinue its quest for new ways to extend the healthy years of life. There are several ways that individu- als can help: Gifts to the Annual Fund: The Institute seeks contributions to help finance its annual budget. These gifts will be used to underwrite important day-to- day operations and costs that are not frequently covered by grants. A gift to the annual fund may be directed to a particular area of research, a field, or lab. All gifts to the annual fund facilitate the design of experiments to test promising new ideas before they qualify for funding from other sources. Education Programs: The Institute is expanding its popular and highly suc- cessful education programs designed for elementary school through graduate school students. Through the years, these programs have reached hundreds of exceptional and underserved students. The Institute is helping to connect hands-on science With Longer Life Comes the Need to Fund Chronic Disease Researchby Gary Quackenbush funding continued page 18 Original buildings in white, new research building in pink. Future funding will enable construction of two additional research buildings approved in the Buck master plan. Civil Engineering  Structural Engineering Land Planning  Environmental Planning Surveying Mapping  Construction Management Proudly serving the Buck Institute Novato campus since 1989 Novato 415.883.9850 * Petaluma 707.795.4764 * Sacramento 916.979.7057
  • 17. 18 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 with math and real-world experience to ensure that bright minds are encouraged to learn and achieve. Community Lecture Series: The Institute seeks gifts and corporate sponsorships to underwrite its community lecture series on aging, age-related diseases and cutting-edge research throughout North- ern California. Naming Drexler Auditorium Seats: The Drexler Auditorium, named in honor of founding trustee Fred Drexler, is a hub of activity at the Buck Institute and one of the architectural highlights of our I.M. Pei designed campus. Donors can now have their name or the name of a loved one memorialized as part of the Drexler Auditorium – which is used almost daily for scientific presentations, community seminars and special events. Acorn Society: Established in 2004, membership in this popular donor group starts with gifts of $250 or more. Members are invited to special lun- cheon presentations where they hear about scientific developments before news is announced to the public. Acorn Society members also get priority seat- ing at Community Seminars and other Institute events. Capital Campaign: The Institute is currently seeking significant gifts to underwrite and name new public areas, classrooms, and laboratory spaces, acquire new equipment, and endow faculty positions. “Some donors prefer to establish tribute or memorial gifts at the Institute as a way to honor the memory of a person, a special occasion or birthday,” Mr. Winn said. “Others elect to support the Buck In- stitute with proceeds of a will or bequest. A current commitment of a planned gift is recognized through membership in the Institute’s Live Oak Society,” he said. The Institute honors donors at various giving levels with benefits that include: naming opportunities, introductions to key faculty, invitations to intimate scientific meetings and receptions, exclusive international travel, and special mailings and newsletters. Donations can be made by mail, or online. For more information about how you can become a welcome and honored contributor to the Buck Institute, please contact: Blair Richard Winn, Director of Resource Development, (415) 209-2267, funding continued from page 17 Complete Geotechnical, Geologic Geo-Civil Engineering Services ProudLY PROVIDING GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN, CONSULTATION AND INSPECTION SERVICES TO THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR THE PAST 15 YEARS. Marin County 504 Redwood Blvd. Suite 220 Novato, CA 94947 (415) 382-3444 Sonoma County 1333 N. McDowell Blvd. Suite C Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 765-6140 Napa County 135 Camino Dorado Suite 3 Napa, CA 94458 (707) 265-7936 GREAT BUILDINGS COME FROM GREAT CLIENTS. Environments that inspire people, connect research, and accelerate discovery Congratulations to the Buck Institute! W. Bradley Electric, Inc. would like to thank The Buck Center and Kitchell Construction for allowing us to be connected to this quality project A certified woman owned business serving California with six divisions: ELECTRICAL ❯ TELCOM ❯ NETWORK ❯ SECURITY ❯ AUDIO VISUAL ❯ TRAFFIC SIGNAL W. Bradley Electric, Inc. 90 Hill Road ❯ Novato, CA 94945 415.898.1400
  • 18. MARCH 26, 2012 | THE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING North Bay Business Journal | 19 The Buck Institute: The First National Center of Excellence for Aging Research by Gary Quackenbush The Buck Institute is the nation’s first nonprofit, independent research organiza- tion focused on Geroscience, the study of the connection between normal aging and chronic diseases. The Institute is also the first research center in the U.S. to fulfill the chal- lenge of a 1991 National Academy of Science appeal calling for the establishment of at least 10 centers of excellence focused exclusively on aging research. The Institute’s mission is to extend healthspan, the healthy years of life. The goal of the Institute’s interdisciplinary research is to discover new ways to detect, prevent, delay and treat age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, glaucoma and stroke. Institute History Events leading to the creation of the Buck Institute date back to 1975, the year that philanthropist Beryl Hamilton Buck died leaving most of her estate to be used for charitable purposes in Marin County. She identified three “uses and purposes” for expendi- tures from her trust, includ- ing addressing problems of the aged -- indigent seniors as well as those who could not afford adequate care. In 1984, the San Francisco Foundation filed a legal challenge in an attempt to break the Marin-only restriction of the trust. As the debate continued, a Marin County supervisor delivered a speech to the Commonwealth Club proposing that half of the estate be used to create a new research center in Marin focused on Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related conditions. The trial judge in the case called for settlement proposals. The executor of Mrs. Buck’s estate proposed the creation of an independent research institute on aging in Marin County. In preparation for the trial during 1985, the attorney for the executor enlisted Dr. John W. Rowe, an eminent gerontologist from Harvard University, to convene a panel of experts on aging to consider the feasibility and scope of such a center. This panel recommended the formation of an institute that would bring together distinguished scientists from various research disciplines to focus on ways with highest potential to extend the healthy years of life. The panel’s advisors envisioned an in- stitute on aging with a national reputation that would contribute significantly to the reduction of disability and dependency in later life. After a six-month trial, litigation was settled in 1986. The Marin Community Foundation was appointed to succeed the San Francisco Foundation as the desig- nated trustee as part of a decision that included the selection of three “major projects” to share 20 percent of the annual income of the Buck Trust. The Buck Cen- ter on Aging was incorporated in 1986 at the request of the estate executor. That year, attorney Mary McEachron, currently the organization’s Chief Administrative Officer, worked to gain public support for the selection of the Buck Institute as a major project. In 1987, with en- dorsements from local government and thou- sands of supporters, the Marin Superior Court named the Institute as the recipient of 15 per- cent of the net income from Beryl Buck’s estate in perpetuity. The Institute pur- chased a 488-acre parcel on Mt. Burdell in Novato and chose the proposal from internationally ac- claimed architect I.M. Pei for the overall campus design. Construction of the first building began in 1996 and the grand opening was held in August 1999. After a nationwide search, Dale E. Bredesen, MD, a distinguished Alzheim- er’s investigator, became the Institute’s founding President and CEO. In June 2010, Brian K. Kennedy, PhD, a renowned aging research specialist on the faculty of the University of Washington in Seattle, was name the second President CEO. Board of Trustees James Edgar, Chair Russell H. Ellison, MD Shahab Fatheazam M. Arthur Gensler, Jr. F.A.I.A. Stephen Hauser, MD Linda Hothem Harlan P. Kleiman Charles La Follette Amb. Fay Hartog Levin Barbara Morrison Catherine H. Munson Herbert H. Myers David M. Perry Bill R. Poland The Honorable Edward A. “Ned” Powell E. Lewis Reid Richard. M Rosenberg Larry E. Rosenberger Mary C. Sauer HHH Beryl Buck Thank you to our hospitality sponsor:
  • 19. 20 | North Bay Business JournalTHE BUCK INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON AGING | MARCH 26, 2012 architectural woodwork l laboratory furniture l laboratory medical equipment l general trades l ornamental metals l specialties l doors, frames hardware CongratulationstotheBuckInstituteforResearchonAgingonthegrandopening oftheNewRegenerative Medicine Research Center! ISEC was a proud subcontractor for all the laboratory casework and equipment. For all your design build laboratory furniture needs, visit, email or call 510-490-1333.