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13 November 2015
12:14 PM
1st Entry :- Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment
We tend to conform to others’ view. Humans are somehow selfish. We conform and
make the same decision as others as a result of being fearful of outcome that would turn out
to be disadvantageous to us. Rarely, someone would stand out and ride in another boat.
People always feel safer with the majority. People would go into a same boat because when
the boat sinks, everyone sinks/dies with them. People are afraid to go wrong when making
decision or judgement. However, conforming blindly to the majority may not always turn out
to be good.
More people in a boat, more weight added, stability decreases and finally sinks, unless
they take deep consideration and are wise enough to consider many other aspects like the
geometrical or sustainable design to help the boat float. On the hand, the empty boat may not
always be the ideal choice. Who knows? The boat was made geometrically asymmetrical
which then cause it to sink. To overcome this, we must be determined to think out of the box
and look into other aspects and the cause and effect before conforming to opinions of the
people and society. But how many would do that?
People conform because of the pressure created when there is a group of people
surrounding them. When they are uncertain of something, they will pick the best possible
answer which is following the majority. With reference to health care or diet, I am in doubts
of what to eat and what not to eat. Olive oil is believed to enhance health if consumed in
minimal. However, high consumption of oil, all along since the olden times, is believed to
build up cholesterol in our body so I would disregard the fact of the optimum amount of olive
oil that can be consumed to enhance health. Hence, I dislike consuming olive oil.
Business/Finance :- Although people have their own principle of life, when people
are in real struggle, saying that they have a family to support or in need of money for some
urgency or medication, they start to be diverted from their principle. For example, a
husband/father working outstation promised to be home after every 3 months. Due to the
request of the employer, he was asked to stay for another 6 months (total 9 months). As to
impress the employer for a better future (maybe to rank up) or to secure his job, he would do
it though he is breaking his promises. It could be worse to do something immoral to gain
benefits, by means of stealing milk powder for the child when that theft criminal cannot even
afford to buy milk powder.
Consumer Science :- as the technology and lifestyle are advancing, I tend to dream to
live a luxurious lifestyle, meaning some aesthetic objects are weighed heavier than needs to
me. I tend to think, to be part of the modern world, valuable objects are greatly in need than
what are really needed to sustain life. Objects hold a great value to them. I would save up
money to buy high end branded products than to use the standard level of products. It is
believed to show a good status. Perhaps, wealth is proportional to status. The richer you are,
the better your life is. Materialism is getting more serious in today’s world.
Government :- political views are extremely, extremely subjective to each and every
individual. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all have our own perception and we would
definitely support the view/party that is more beneficial to us. With regards to the fact, be it
obvious or not, some people are conforming to the view that brings about benefits to them
though it might be seemingly wrong. We would support the “side/party” that would give us
opportunity to get wealthy or job opportunities simply because they are SELFISH and
INSECURED. In my case, I perceive the current government as being inefficient. I as a
student, am feeling the price hike in food, petrol and toll bill. Therefore, to my
benefits/welfare, even though the transparency of any parties is not there, I conform to what’s
perceived by others in the media, which I support any choice that would be beneficial to me,
especially to secure my future in the next few years and decades. Who does not want to be
spoon fed? It is up to us to go against our morality. Hence, some are said to be conformed to
the unconvincing party. Eating rotten egg for goods.
Clearly, human beings tend to be selfish at times for their own gains. We also
conform when we are in an uncertain state. We are afraid of being judged when we are bold
enough to quit from the crowd and make decision based on our thoughts in a pressured state.
We have our own perception and it might just go wrong so the fear makes us think that we
are peculiar to others. Therefore, it is always easier for us to conform to the society.
(848 words)
13 November 2015
1:47 PM
2nd Entry : Self-Concepts (Self-Schema , Self-Efficacy , Social Influences)
I used to be a person with self-efficacy. Everything I ever wanted to achieve, I could.
If there is a will, there is a way. Self-efficacy itself means one’s belief of their ability to
achieve certain goals. It requires a person to have high optimism and faith to stay persistent to
achieve goals. We must first be inspired and determined with the path we were going to take.
I came up with this quote “Live my life as a legend, leave my life as a legacy”. I started
pursuing what I first visualized.
Passion. It is important to keep us going when we feel like we are going to give up.
Dream, ambition, it was never easy to pursue but with passion, there is where we would get
started. I saw it even at my younger age. It was never easy, I knew. I then took this difficult
task simply as a challenge. People with self-efficacy might have insufficient to none barrier
to negative impact later on. It is indeed very dangerous to try to climb high because when we
fall, though we might have safety measures, some unpredictable things might just happen and
that would break through. Same goes to our mental barrier.
I believe Asian culture is more conservative. We prioritize secured success in life than
to take risks to succeed extravagantly. We believe only studies can lead us to success, more
of a professional or entrepreneur than to become a scientist or inventor. I have a dream to
become a racer. All these years it may have seemed very unrealistic. I spent too much on it,
that was no way of withdrawing or all my years would gone into the drain.
Along the way, more obstacles came by, mainly financial support. My barrier was
someday broken 3 years ago. I no longer wanted to trust people. My positivity, my self-
esteem, they dropped. Since then I feel insecure to trust people. I never had the strength to
revert to the old self with full of optimism.
I then formed a new self-schema. I desperately reach for the light. Everything besides
success was out of sight. I pushed everyone away because I thought it would be easier to
climb a ladder of success without burden on me. They were like my backpack of food. I
abandoned them so that lesser burden would be on my shoulders and therefore I could climb
to the top easier. However, even if I reach the top, on the other side of new hopes, I would not
be able to survive if there is no food, no hope. What I did not realize was that I gave up too
many things, happiness, love and care. I killed my soul.
Still, my self-schema which I now believe I am a constant failure and in great fear of
failure, it paralyzes my will to achieve goals. I no longer have the self-esteem to do anything
because of the chronic negativity that stays in me. It has become my belief that I am no good
for anything and things would turn out in disappointment. Also, I tend to tell myself that this
world is full of lies. All these broken promises.
Physiological Influences of self-concepts are biological and environmental. We
always start off from biological factor, our innate will to get things done and strive
successfully. We naturally want to feel good through flattery or success. We are confident to
achieve something within our capability. If things are out of the boundary of our capability,
we would still try hard to achieve them but we must have extra determination and
perseverance to break through our limits and explore more of ourselves. This is
complementary with environmental factors to keep us going. However, it could result in the
other way round.
Associating with negativity (environmental) could affect our mind (biological) to
become negative. For example, friends and family who did not support me in times of
hardship, (example: depressive thinking/emotionally unstable) caused me to form disbelief in
people. As it prolonged, my mind was devastated. Damaged mentality requires a long time to
heal. Biologically, it is within us and we can be so consumed by our own thoughts. Outside
us, the environmental influences can do us no harm if our mental strength is retained.
(731 words)
23 November 2015
3rd Entry : Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Self-fulfilling prophecy is somewhat a belief of what you can and will be. You first
envision the outcome of what you will be and predict the events that will happen. Though the
happenings of the events can be avoided or improved by yourself, you have some sort of
predictability that the events can be changed. You then follow what you have set in your
mind. It may be a sincere or insincere intention, and may serve as a protective barrier or
attribution of fear.
What happens when you place a heavy metal ball on a rubberized platform or mattress?
It will take the shape of the metal ball over time. The shape of the metal ball might have been
molded, but you could have taken it away to let the rubber to return to its original shape.
Even if you know that you are committing the same mistake over and over again, you never
want to get out of the zone. You believe that is your comfort zone. Just like the rubber, the
same spot where it was molded, you felt like as if that spot was destined for you and it was
just comfortable for you to fit in without getting out of the comfort zone.
It is the fear of starting over again.
My story, after I was depressed, I could hardly let people into my life again. The
closer I got along with other people, the more insecure I became. Whenever I got close to a
female friend particularly, I would find ways to cut it off. I never want people to understand
me anymore, because who was there when I needed them the most. I see no shadow emerging
through the darkest hours. It was peculiar of what I envisioned that someday everyone would
leave, they would. It was just self-fulfilling prophecy. It was insincere to push people away, I
want them in my life but ironically, I intentionally did it. The bonds created were hard to
break, feelings (of any kind, friendship or relationship) existed, developed and persisted, but I
just had to cut the bonds. Cutting the rope/bonds was harder than to create but why?
As negative as I was, I never want to go back to my depressive state again. I am
fearful of getting rejected and even getting into relationship. The fear of falling into
depression again, from disappointment of the negative outcome, was my struggle. I could not
overcome the fear so I decided to cut things off rather than to drag and hurt more. I thought
pain was temporary. Instead, I chose to give up and hurt myself instantly because it would
only last for a while but I was wrong. I guessed that I have only avoided the problem just for
a while rather than solving it.
It was obvious enough that I only paid attention to what I initially predicted.
Whenever bad feelings struck me, I paid attention to them. This could further affirm my
stereotype that I had. The stereotype was that getting close to people would bring joy at first
but then would end up in disappointment. There would be high expectations when we are
positive about anything. Therefore, disappointment would be much greater when we are
much happier.
I overlooked the fact that I had joy when I was with them. It should be the little things
that matter, before looking into the bigger puzzle pieces. I filtered out the joyous events and
moments that happened.
Regarding my love story, I knew that someday this girl would stop talking to me but I
had no idea when. It was a guess, very soon. I just turned very cold. It felt like it was not even
my intention at that time. Deep inside, I did not want to let that happen. However, the fear of
falling into depression was still greater and that naturally turned me very cold. It may have
served me a protective barrier at that moment. Eventually she walked off.
I intended to push her away but I was insincere for hurting her. It was all predicted
earlier that people could not tolerate if I were to continue with what I was doing. Whatever
that could happen, would happen if we let it.
(719 words)
27 November 2015
4th Entry : Harold Kelley Covariation Theory
In this theory, there are 3 factors which give attributions to others’ actions :-
Consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency. Consensus is a general agreement to a
particular event. Distinctiveness is the uniqueness of the action of the person while
consistency is the repetitiveness of the action.
When our individual’s choice is different from the majority, high probability of our
consensus is false. However, common sense or opinion varies from one to another. It is very
subjective whether our doings are classified as right or wrong. It is somewhat logical that the
right doing is followed by many others. “The big group will not go wrong”. Hence, the
consensus of that one individual is believed is to be false.
When our choice of action gives a significant change from our previous action, the
distinctiveness of our action is high. We always need time to change and adapt to our changes.
When changes are made, it is very likely that our choice is unique from previous action. It
stimulates the thoughts of others of why is there a need to change and it is strange to them.
This causes others’ attribution
We are always comfortable with the schema we formed. The perseverance effect
causes the automatic process of decision making to the one we are familiar and comfortable
with. When we repeat our action for every other action, our consistency of action is said to be
However, there are factors as to how our decision is made. They are dispositional
attributions and situational attributions. Dispositional attribution is internal, within us. The
cause of action is due to an individual’s personality, how a schema is formed and how the
cognition works. On the other hand, situation attribution is external. The cause of an action is
due to the consideration of external factors, something out of bound of us. In this case, there
is a need for deep thoughts and cognition as the external factors may vary.
Given a scenario :- I am a car enthusiast. Sending my car to workshop is regular. My
main focus is to build a race car, and not a show car. Whatever spending on my car, it is
highly related to performance enhancement and callisthenic. Spending RM1000 just to
change my car seat to second-hand racing seat may sound expensive to others but I was
willing to spend it. Why? Because it reduces overall car weight and I am a hard core weight
reduction person. I have always spent money to enhance car performance. Less weight=more
responsive=faster acceleration.
Consensus : Low
Distinctiveness : Low
Consistency : High
Therefore, it is likely to be dispositional attribution because the decision I made is right on
track of what I am working towards. It is an internal cause.
Given another scenario :- Brake kits come in different brand for my car and there are
options of moderate to extreme good grade. My friend introduced and offered me this brake
kit whereby it is unknown to others, but he commented that it was sufficient for our car.
Others think that it is not sufficient for my car just because of the unknown brand. However, I
will be getting it because of the deep consideration of the cheaper price and the study of the
brake kit. Stereotype is that unknown brand and cheap stuffs are unreliable. It is not distinct
because I also improved my car handling, which is callisthenic, in Layman’s term handling
Consensus : Low
Distinctiveness : High
Consistency : High
Therefore, it is likely to be situational attribution because the price of the item is highly
weighed and considered. I am still working towards my goal to improve my car performance.
It is an external cause.
Last scenario :- Changing the car suspension is essential to every racer. I was excited
when my friend offered me a set of suspensions of this brand which I have been in love with.
I have been looking for this suspension set since long ago. The price is very worthy and value
to money is good. I then decided to change this and surely it makes a difference to improving
my timing in track. When I was asked for the specifications of the suspension, others were
intrigued and they perceived that it must be an item to be grabbed.
Consensus : High
Distinctiveness : Low
Consistency : High
Therefore, it is likely to be dispositional attribution because the factors are favorable to me in
every aspect. Others have the same opinion as me. The price is very heavily weighed here as
it highly worthy so it did not bother me. It is an internal cause.
(783 words)
29 November 2015
5th Entry : Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance can be so discomforting. It can be disturbing to our cognition. It
happens when two contradicting beliefs or opinions occur. Pathetically, we have to accept a
behaviour that we dislike, which sometimes can be inevitable but for the gains for it. Things
are not always conforming to us, there is a saying “the world does not revolves around you”
and we have to openly accept that. In instance, when attitude does not match behavior, a
dissonant relationship occurs whereas a consonant relationship occurs when attitude matches
Other than objects, social can also cause cognitive dissonance. For instance, a
manager can be so hypocritical. The way that manager treats you can be so unpleasant
compared to how he treats his employer. He would treat you like a piece of junk but when he
is around his employer, he would tell his employer that his priorities are the company’s
earning or revenue and the employees’ welfare. However, to keep and secure your job, you
would tolerate him as much as possible like as if nothing happened. You might be doing this
because of the high salary your company is paying you. To add a another consonant element
which reinforces and motivates your will to keep working in that company, you are
considering the monthly instalment and expenses you have to bear with for yourself or family.
A third consonant can aid so much in reducing the dissonance and sometimes overlook it.
In my case, I love driving my own sports car. It gives me a great sensation of
excitement and helps to relieves stress after a long stressful days at times when I am behind
the wheel of that car. Rather, I would drive other basic car (Swift) to campus or to anywhere
if I am predicting that the route I take would be congested or the parking lots do not suffice.
This is because my sports car is not convenient to low laying area, super loud especially
when taking passengers and bigger in size compared to my Swift. My main concern is my
sports car would bottoms out and damage some engine oil hose and bodykit. I get very
irritated when I have to decide whether to drive the fun car or convenient car. Adding another
consonant element, my Swift gets a better fuel consumption. This eases me a lot when comes
to decision making. Hence, I drive Swift more than my sports car.
Cognitive dissonance can change our point of view, sometimes a hard and stubborn
one. It changes our attitude to be in compliance with the behavior which is the reality. A
dissonance element can be a necessity whereby a consonant element can only be for self
pleasure. Adding a consonant element, which means to look at the bright side of the
dissonance and the other gains from it, can elicit changes in turn sometimes become
favorable towards the changes.
Besides that, I did not like the idea of keeping a pet. Someday, when I came home
from vacation, my family brought home a puppy. The reason why I did not want to rear a pet
was because it would take up my time to take care of it. At the early stage, I was not good at
babysitting the dog so it was quite frustrating. As time goes by, I had to bear with it and
things become more familiar to me like feeding and cleaning it. It became a routine so I got
used to it.
Come to think of it, it can be my companion when I am not occupied and free. I
would go for a jog with it, train it and play with it. The consonant element would be its
companionship. Other than that, it can also help us to guard our house. Additional consonant
element would be the protective function of it and it scaring away other stray animals like
monkeys, mice and cats.
Most of the time we find it rather disturbing to change our attitude (action) just to
comply with the behaviour, like as though to go against our liking or principle. However it
does make sense if it means to offset the downside of the disliked element. Truth is that we
cannot always have what we want. We must learn to give in and put other things in
consideration. When we play with fire, or go harsh on something hard, the outcome would be
the same or maybe even worse. Therefore, we have to be rational, tolerate and be realistic to
enable something to work in compatibility.
(769 words)

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Journal compilation

  • 1. 13 November 2015 12:14 PM 1st Entry :- Solomon Asch’s Conformity Experiment We tend to conform to others’ view. Humans are somehow selfish. We conform and make the same decision as others as a result of being fearful of outcome that would turn out to be disadvantageous to us. Rarely, someone would stand out and ride in another boat. People always feel safer with the majority. People would go into a same boat because when the boat sinks, everyone sinks/dies with them. People are afraid to go wrong when making decision or judgement. However, conforming blindly to the majority may not always turn out to be good. More people in a boat, more weight added, stability decreases and finally sinks, unless they take deep consideration and are wise enough to consider many other aspects like the geometrical or sustainable design to help the boat float. On the hand, the empty boat may not always be the ideal choice. Who knows? The boat was made geometrically asymmetrical which then cause it to sink. To overcome this, we must be determined to think out of the box and look into other aspects and the cause and effect before conforming to opinions of the people and society. But how many would do that? People conform because of the pressure created when there is a group of people surrounding them. When they are uncertain of something, they will pick the best possible answer which is following the majority. With reference to health care or diet, I am in doubts of what to eat and what not to eat. Olive oil is believed to enhance health if consumed in minimal. However, high consumption of oil, all along since the olden times, is believed to build up cholesterol in our body so I would disregard the fact of the optimum amount of olive oil that can be consumed to enhance health. Hence, I dislike consuming olive oil. Business/Finance :- Although people have their own principle of life, when people are in real struggle, saying that they have a family to support or in need of money for some urgency or medication, they start to be diverted from their principle. For example, a husband/father working outstation promised to be home after every 3 months. Due to the request of the employer, he was asked to stay for another 6 months (total 9 months). As to impress the employer for a better future (maybe to rank up) or to secure his job, he would do it though he is breaking his promises. It could be worse to do something immoral to gain
  • 2. benefits, by means of stealing milk powder for the child when that theft criminal cannot even afford to buy milk powder. Consumer Science :- as the technology and lifestyle are advancing, I tend to dream to live a luxurious lifestyle, meaning some aesthetic objects are weighed heavier than needs to me. I tend to think, to be part of the modern world, valuable objects are greatly in need than what are really needed to sustain life. Objects hold a great value to them. I would save up money to buy high end branded products than to use the standard level of products. It is believed to show a good status. Perhaps, wealth is proportional to status. The richer you are, the better your life is. Materialism is getting more serious in today’s world. Government :- political views are extremely, extremely subjective to each and every individual. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all have our own perception and we would definitely support the view/party that is more beneficial to us. With regards to the fact, be it obvious or not, some people are conforming to the view that brings about benefits to them though it might be seemingly wrong. We would support the “side/party” that would give us opportunity to get wealthy or job opportunities simply because they are SELFISH and INSECURED. In my case, I perceive the current government as being inefficient. I as a student, am feeling the price hike in food, petrol and toll bill. Therefore, to my benefits/welfare, even though the transparency of any parties is not there, I conform to what’s perceived by others in the media, which I support any choice that would be beneficial to me, especially to secure my future in the next few years and decades. Who does not want to be spoon fed? It is up to us to go against our morality. Hence, some are said to be conformed to the unconvincing party. Eating rotten egg for goods. Clearly, human beings tend to be selfish at times for their own gains. We also conform when we are in an uncertain state. We are afraid of being judged when we are bold enough to quit from the crowd and make decision based on our thoughts in a pressured state. We have our own perception and it might just go wrong so the fear makes us think that we are peculiar to others. Therefore, it is always easier for us to conform to the society. (848 words)
  • 3. 13 November 2015 1:47 PM 2nd Entry : Self-Concepts (Self-Schema , Self-Efficacy , Social Influences) I used to be a person with self-efficacy. Everything I ever wanted to achieve, I could. If there is a will, there is a way. Self-efficacy itself means one’s belief of their ability to achieve certain goals. It requires a person to have high optimism and faith to stay persistent to achieve goals. We must first be inspired and determined with the path we were going to take. I came up with this quote “Live my life as a legend, leave my life as a legacy”. I started pursuing what I first visualized. Passion. It is important to keep us going when we feel like we are going to give up. Dream, ambition, it was never easy to pursue but with passion, there is where we would get started. I saw it even at my younger age. It was never easy, I knew. I then took this difficult task simply as a challenge. People with self-efficacy might have insufficient to none barrier to negative impact later on. It is indeed very dangerous to try to climb high because when we fall, though we might have safety measures, some unpredictable things might just happen and that would break through. Same goes to our mental barrier. I believe Asian culture is more conservative. We prioritize secured success in life than to take risks to succeed extravagantly. We believe only studies can lead us to success, more of a professional or entrepreneur than to become a scientist or inventor. I have a dream to become a racer. All these years it may have seemed very unrealistic. I spent too much on it, that was no way of withdrawing or all my years would gone into the drain. Along the way, more obstacles came by, mainly financial support. My barrier was someday broken 3 years ago. I no longer wanted to trust people. My positivity, my self- esteem, they dropped. Since then I feel insecure to trust people. I never had the strength to revert to the old self with full of optimism. I then formed a new self-schema. I desperately reach for the light. Everything besides success was out of sight. I pushed everyone away because I thought it would be easier to climb a ladder of success without burden on me. They were like my backpack of food. I abandoned them so that lesser burden would be on my shoulders and therefore I could climb to the top easier. However, even if I reach the top, on the other side of new hopes, I would not be able to survive if there is no food, no hope. What I did not realize was that I gave up too
  • 4. many things, happiness, love and care. I killed my soul. Still, my self-schema which I now believe I am a constant failure and in great fear of failure, it paralyzes my will to achieve goals. I no longer have the self-esteem to do anything because of the chronic negativity that stays in me. It has become my belief that I am no good for anything and things would turn out in disappointment. Also, I tend to tell myself that this world is full of lies. All these broken promises. Physiological Influences of self-concepts are biological and environmental. We always start off from biological factor, our innate will to get things done and strive successfully. We naturally want to feel good through flattery or success. We are confident to achieve something within our capability. If things are out of the boundary of our capability, we would still try hard to achieve them but we must have extra determination and perseverance to break through our limits and explore more of ourselves. This is complementary with environmental factors to keep us going. However, it could result in the other way round. Associating with negativity (environmental) could affect our mind (biological) to become negative. For example, friends and family who did not support me in times of hardship, (example: depressive thinking/emotionally unstable) caused me to form disbelief in people. As it prolonged, my mind was devastated. Damaged mentality requires a long time to heal. Biologically, it is within us and we can be so consumed by our own thoughts. Outside us, the environmental influences can do us no harm if our mental strength is retained. (731 words)
  • 5. 23 November 2015 5:36pm 3rd Entry : Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Self-fulfilling prophecy is somewhat a belief of what you can and will be. You first envision the outcome of what you will be and predict the events that will happen. Though the happenings of the events can be avoided or improved by yourself, you have some sort of predictability that the events can be changed. You then follow what you have set in your mind. It may be a sincere or insincere intention, and may serve as a protective barrier or attribution of fear. What happens when you place a heavy metal ball on a rubberized platform or mattress? It will take the shape of the metal ball over time. The shape of the metal ball might have been molded, but you could have taken it away to let the rubber to return to its original shape. Even if you know that you are committing the same mistake over and over again, you never want to get out of the zone. You believe that is your comfort zone. Just like the rubber, the same spot where it was molded, you felt like as if that spot was destined for you and it was just comfortable for you to fit in without getting out of the comfort zone. It is the fear of starting over again. My story, after I was depressed, I could hardly let people into my life again. The closer I got along with other people, the more insecure I became. Whenever I got close to a female friend particularly, I would find ways to cut it off. I never want people to understand me anymore, because who was there when I needed them the most. I see no shadow emerging through the darkest hours. It was peculiar of what I envisioned that someday everyone would leave, they would. It was just self-fulfilling prophecy. It was insincere to push people away, I want them in my life but ironically, I intentionally did it. The bonds created were hard to break, feelings (of any kind, friendship or relationship) existed, developed and persisted, but I just had to cut the bonds. Cutting the rope/bonds was harder than to create but why? As negative as I was, I never want to go back to my depressive state again. I am fearful of getting rejected and even getting into relationship. The fear of falling into depression again, from disappointment of the negative outcome, was my struggle. I could not overcome the fear so I decided to cut things off rather than to drag and hurt more. I thought
  • 6. pain was temporary. Instead, I chose to give up and hurt myself instantly because it would only last for a while but I was wrong. I guessed that I have only avoided the problem just for a while rather than solving it. It was obvious enough that I only paid attention to what I initially predicted. Whenever bad feelings struck me, I paid attention to them. This could further affirm my stereotype that I had. The stereotype was that getting close to people would bring joy at first but then would end up in disappointment. There would be high expectations when we are positive about anything. Therefore, disappointment would be much greater when we are much happier. I overlooked the fact that I had joy when I was with them. It should be the little things that matter, before looking into the bigger puzzle pieces. I filtered out the joyous events and moments that happened. Regarding my love story, I knew that someday this girl would stop talking to me but I had no idea when. It was a guess, very soon. I just turned very cold. It felt like it was not even my intention at that time. Deep inside, I did not want to let that happen. However, the fear of falling into depression was still greater and that naturally turned me very cold. It may have served me a protective barrier at that moment. Eventually she walked off. I intended to push her away but I was insincere for hurting her. It was all predicted earlier that people could not tolerate if I were to continue with what I was doing. Whatever that could happen, would happen if we let it. (719 words)
  • 7. 27 November 2015 8.14pm 4th Entry : Harold Kelley Covariation Theory In this theory, there are 3 factors which give attributions to others’ actions :- Consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency. Consensus is a general agreement to a particular event. Distinctiveness is the uniqueness of the action of the person while consistency is the repetitiveness of the action. When our individual’s choice is different from the majority, high probability of our consensus is false. However, common sense or opinion varies from one to another. It is very subjective whether our doings are classified as right or wrong. It is somewhat logical that the right doing is followed by many others. “The big group will not go wrong”. Hence, the consensus of that one individual is believed is to be false. When our choice of action gives a significant change from our previous action, the distinctiveness of our action is high. We always need time to change and adapt to our changes. When changes are made, it is very likely that our choice is unique from previous action. It stimulates the thoughts of others of why is there a need to change and it is strange to them. This causes others’ attribution We are always comfortable with the schema we formed. The perseverance effect causes the automatic process of decision making to the one we are familiar and comfortable with. When we repeat our action for every other action, our consistency of action is said to be high. However, there are factors as to how our decision is made. They are dispositional attributions and situational attributions. Dispositional attribution is internal, within us. The cause of action is due to an individual’s personality, how a schema is formed and how the cognition works. On the other hand, situation attribution is external. The cause of an action is due to the consideration of external factors, something out of bound of us. In this case, there is a need for deep thoughts and cognition as the external factors may vary. Given a scenario :- I am a car enthusiast. Sending my car to workshop is regular. My main focus is to build a race car, and not a show car. Whatever spending on my car, it is highly related to performance enhancement and callisthenic. Spending RM1000 just to
  • 8. change my car seat to second-hand racing seat may sound expensive to others but I was willing to spend it. Why? Because it reduces overall car weight and I am a hard core weight reduction person. I have always spent money to enhance car performance. Less weight=more responsive=faster acceleration. Consensus : Low Distinctiveness : Low Consistency : High Therefore, it is likely to be dispositional attribution because the decision I made is right on track of what I am working towards. It is an internal cause. Given another scenario :- Brake kits come in different brand for my car and there are options of moderate to extreme good grade. My friend introduced and offered me this brake kit whereby it is unknown to others, but he commented that it was sufficient for our car. Others think that it is not sufficient for my car just because of the unknown brand. However, I will be getting it because of the deep consideration of the cheaper price and the study of the brake kit. Stereotype is that unknown brand and cheap stuffs are unreliable. It is not distinct because I also improved my car handling, which is callisthenic, in Layman’s term handling performance. Consensus : Low Distinctiveness : High Consistency : High Therefore, it is likely to be situational attribution because the price of the item is highly weighed and considered. I am still working towards my goal to improve my car performance. It is an external cause. Last scenario :- Changing the car suspension is essential to every racer. I was excited when my friend offered me a set of suspensions of this brand which I have been in love with. I have been looking for this suspension set since long ago. The price is very worthy and value to money is good. I then decided to change this and surely it makes a difference to improving my timing in track. When I was asked for the specifications of the suspension, others were intrigued and they perceived that it must be an item to be grabbed.
  • 9. Consensus : High Distinctiveness : Low Consistency : High Therefore, it is likely to be dispositional attribution because the factors are favorable to me in every aspect. Others have the same opinion as me. The price is very heavily weighed here as it highly worthy so it did not bother me. It is an internal cause. (783 words)
  • 10. 29 November 2015 1:53am 5th Entry : Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive dissonance can be so discomforting. It can be disturbing to our cognition. It happens when two contradicting beliefs or opinions occur. Pathetically, we have to accept a behaviour that we dislike, which sometimes can be inevitable but for the gains for it. Things are not always conforming to us, there is a saying “the world does not revolves around you” and we have to openly accept that. In instance, when attitude does not match behavior, a dissonant relationship occurs whereas a consonant relationship occurs when attitude matches behaviour. Other than objects, social can also cause cognitive dissonance. For instance, a manager can be so hypocritical. The way that manager treats you can be so unpleasant compared to how he treats his employer. He would treat you like a piece of junk but when he is around his employer, he would tell his employer that his priorities are the company’s earning or revenue and the employees’ welfare. However, to keep and secure your job, you would tolerate him as much as possible like as if nothing happened. You might be doing this because of the high salary your company is paying you. To add a another consonant element which reinforces and motivates your will to keep working in that company, you are considering the monthly instalment and expenses you have to bear with for yourself or family. A third consonant can aid so much in reducing the dissonance and sometimes overlook it. In my case, I love driving my own sports car. It gives me a great sensation of excitement and helps to relieves stress after a long stressful days at times when I am behind the wheel of that car. Rather, I would drive other basic car (Swift) to campus or to anywhere if I am predicting that the route I take would be congested or the parking lots do not suffice. This is because my sports car is not convenient to low laying area, super loud especially when taking passengers and bigger in size compared to my Swift. My main concern is my sports car would bottoms out and damage some engine oil hose and bodykit. I get very irritated when I have to decide whether to drive the fun car or convenient car. Adding another consonant element, my Swift gets a better fuel consumption. This eases me a lot when comes to decision making. Hence, I drive Swift more than my sports car.
  • 11. Cognitive dissonance can change our point of view, sometimes a hard and stubborn one. It changes our attitude to be in compliance with the behavior which is the reality. A dissonance element can be a necessity whereby a consonant element can only be for self pleasure. Adding a consonant element, which means to look at the bright side of the dissonance and the other gains from it, can elicit changes in turn sometimes become favorable towards the changes. Besides that, I did not like the idea of keeping a pet. Someday, when I came home from vacation, my family brought home a puppy. The reason why I did not want to rear a pet was because it would take up my time to take care of it. At the early stage, I was not good at babysitting the dog so it was quite frustrating. As time goes by, I had to bear with it and things become more familiar to me like feeding and cleaning it. It became a routine so I got used to it. Come to think of it, it can be my companion when I am not occupied and free. I would go for a jog with it, train it and play with it. The consonant element would be its companionship. Other than that, it can also help us to guard our house. Additional consonant element would be the protective function of it and it scaring away other stray animals like monkeys, mice and cats. Most of the time we find it rather disturbing to change our attitude (action) just to comply with the behaviour, like as though to go against our liking or principle. However it does make sense if it means to offset the downside of the disliked element. Truth is that we cannot always have what we want. We must learn to give in and put other things in consideration. When we play with fire, or go harsh on something hard, the outcome would be the same or maybe even worse. Therefore, we have to be rational, tolerate and be realistic to enable something to work in compatibility. (769 words)