business warwick school nexus magazine wbs uk management finance entrepreneurship alumni global risk future telecoms developing country strategy investment economy wbs entrepreneurship mentoring pilot start up mentoring 2009 student university british equity private world project management; warwick midlands alumni women in business women at board level it negotiating marketing start up's sales london alumni bankings private equity deans online forum supply chain board warwick business school ownership funding source case study financial """entrepreneurship pilot launch""" rob england uk border agency visa immigration comparison and consumption professor nick chater behavioural science relativity of choice peter summerfield mentors best practice tools career development wbs mentoring programme mentee contract protocol agreement innovation creativity spring brand openday anniversary celebration development support case brochure phd vision career past reward refugee value professionalism passion council competition charity transport challenges coucher network rail networks bt patmore social technology enterprise santander banking banks wariwck jaguar manufacture automotive severn trent disaster water purpose corporate singapore wealth ethics change climate gas energy centrica stratford entrepreneur dcs denys shortt million
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