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   Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD,

Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD,
Historical overview of psychiatric care
• Primitive beliefs
1. People with mental illness has been dispossessed by
   his or her soul
2. People with mental illness are possessed by evil
• Hippocrates (400 BC)
1. Associated insanity and mental illness with an
   irregularity in the interaction of the four body fluids
   or humors (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm)
2. Disequilibrium of these humors led to being treated
   with potent cathartic agents
(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
• Middle Ages
1. Middle Eastern Islamic countries start to believe that
   people with mental illness are actually ill
2. Establishment of special units within general hospitals
• 16th and 17th Centuries
1. Mental institutions did not exist in the US, and care
   for the mentally ill is a family responsibility
2. Those without family became the responsibility of the
   community and are incarcerated

(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
1790s – The Period of Enlightenment
• Phillippe Pinel in France and William Tukes in
   Englang formulated the concept of asylum as
   a safe refuge or haven offering protection at
   institutions where people have been
   whipped, beaten, and starved just because
   they were mentally ill

(Chapter 1, Videbeck)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
• 18th Century
1. First hospital for the mentally ill was established in the US
2. Benjamin Rush – the father of American Psychiatry,
   introduced more humane treatment but also used methods
   like bloodletting, purging, various types of restraints, and
   extremes of temperatures
• 19th Century
1. Establishments of the asylum thanks to Dorothea Dix, a
   former New England schoolteacher, who lobbied on behalf
   of the mentally ill
2. Humanistic therapeutic care
3. Asylums became overcrowded over time and conditions
   deteriorated and therapeutic care reverted to custodial care.
(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
• 1873
1. Linda Richards – graduated from New England Hospital for
   Women and became known as the first American Psychiatric
2. She was instrumental in the establishment of a number of
   psychiatric hospitals and the first school of psychiatric
   nursing at the McLean Asylum in Waverly , Massachusettes
   in 1882
3. Focus: training in how to provide custodial care in psychiatric
(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
• After WWII
1. US government passed the National Health Act of 1946
2. This legislation provided funds for the education of
   psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and psychiatric
3. Introduction of antipsychotic medications
• 1955
1. Incorporation of psychiatric nursing curicula
2. Incorporation of nursing interventions in the somatic
   therapies (insulin shock and electroconvulsive therapy)
(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Historical overview of psychiatric care
•    20th Century onwards
•    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) I – 1952
•    DSM II - 1962
•    DSM III – 1980
•    DSM III-R – 1987
•    DSM IV – 1994
•    DSM IV-TR – 2000
•    DSM V – soon to be released (May 2013)
(The Internet)
Hellingly hospital (East sussex mental asylum)
the “Tranquilizer,” which was
designed to “keep the maniacs
in the inflammatory stage of
their disease in a
perpendicular position so as to
save the head from the
impetus of the blood as much
as possible.”
“We went through the top of the head,
I think she was awake. She had a mild
tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision
in the brain through the skull. It was
near the front. It was on both sides.
We just made a small incision, no more
than an inch… We put an instrument
inside… We made an estimate on how
far to cut based on how she
responded.” James Watts
These words describe the lobotomy
that was carried out in 1941 on
Rosemary Kennedy, sister of the then
future US President. Said to have been
intended to cure her mood swings, the
procedure left Rosemary with urinary
incontinence and the mental age of a
child – staring blankly at walls for
hours, her speech unintelligible.
First lobotomy

Went into
relapse –
Development of Psychopharmacology
•    Began in about the 1950s
•    Chlorpromazine (Thorazine), and lithium – the first
     to be developed
•    Over the following 10 years – MAOIs, haloperidol
     (Haldol), TCAs and benzodiazepines
•    Hospital stays were shortened and many people
     were well enough to go home

(Chapter 1, Videbeck)
Mental health
•    Maslow – a “healthy” or “self-actualized” individuals
     possessed the following characteristics
1.   An appropriate perception of reality
2.   The ability to accept oneself, others, and human nature
3.   The ability to manifest spontaneity
4.   The capacity for focusing concentration on problem solving
5.   A need for detachment and desire privacy
6.   Independence, autonomy, and a resistance to enculturation
(Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
Mental health
•     Maslow – a “healthy” or “self-actualized” individuals
      possessed the following characteristics
7.    An intensity of emotional reaction
8.    A frequency of “peak” experiences that validates the
      worthwhileness of, richness, and beauty in life
9.    An identification with humankind
10.   A democratic character structure and strong sense of ethics
11.   Creativity
12.   A degree of nonconformance
(Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
Mental health
•    Jahoda (1958) – identified six indicators that are a reflection
     of mental health
1.   A positive attitude toward self
2.   Growth, development, and the ability to achieve self-
3.   Integration
4.   Autonomy
5.   Perception of reality
6.   Environmental mastery
(Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
Mental health
•    The American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2003) – a state of
     being that is relative rather than absolute. The successful
     performance of mental functions shown by productive activities,
     fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt
     to change and to cope with adversity
•    Robinson (1983) –
1.   A dynamic state in which thought, feeling, and behavior that age-
     appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms is
2.   It is viewed as the successful adaptation to stressors from the
     internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings,
     and behaviors that are age-appropriate and congruent with local
     and cultural norms (Robinson)
(Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
Mental health
1. A state of complete physical, mental, and social wellness and
   not just merely the absence of disease or infirmity
2. Emphasis is on health as a positive state of well-being
3. People in a state of emotional, physical, and social well-
   being fulfill responsibilities, function effectively in life, and
   are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and
(pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
Mental health
•    Factors that influence:
1.   Individual make-up
2.   Interpersonal
3.   Social/cultural, or environmental
(pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
Mental illness
•  Horowitz has identified two elements that are associated
   with individuals’ perceptions of mental illness, regardless of
   cultural origin
1. Incomprehensibility – relates to the inability of the general
   population to understand the motivation behind the
2. Cultural relativity – considers that some behaviors that are
   considered “normal” and “abnormal” is defined by one’s
   cultural or social norms
(Chapter 2, Townsend)
Mental illness
• APA (2000)
1. Mental disorder is a clinically significant behavioral or
   psyschological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an
   individual and is associated with present distress (i.e.,
   painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or
   more important areas of functioning) or with a significantly
   increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an
   important loss of freedom
(pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
Mental illness
• APA (2000)
2. General criteria to diagnose mental illness:
a. Dissatisfaction with one’s characteristics, abilities, and
b. Ineffective or unsatisfying relationships
c. Dissatisfaction with one’s place in the world
d. Ineffective coping with life events
e. Lack of personal growth
(pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
Mental illness
•    Factors contributing to mental illness:
1.   Individual
2.   Interpersonal
3.   Social/cultural or environmental
(pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
•    Diagnostic Statistical Manual 4th Edition Text Revision
•    Multiaxial evaluation system
•    Endorsed by the APA to facilitate comprehensive and
     systematic evaluation with attention to the various mental
     disorders and general medical problems, and level of
     functioning that might be overlooked if the focus were on
     assessing a single presenting problem
•    5 Axes (Axis I, II, III, IV and V)
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
•    Axis I – Clinical Disorders and other Conditions That May Be
     a Focus of Clinical Attention. This includes all mental
     disorders: depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and substance
     abuse disorder (except personality disorders and mental
•    Axis II – Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation. These
     disorders usually begin in childhood or adolescence and
     persist in a stable form into adult life; also for reporting
     prominent maladaptive personality features and defense
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
•    Axis III – General Medical Condition. These include any current
     general medical condition that is potentially relevant to the
     understanding or management of the individual’s mental disorder
•    Axis IV – Psychosocial and Environmental Problems. These are
     problems that may affect the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
     of mental disorders named on Axes I and II.
•    Axis V – Global Assessment of Functioning. This allows clinician to
     rate the individual’s overall functioning on the Global Assessment
     of Functioning (GAF) Scale. This scale represents in global terms as
     a single measure of the individual’s psychological , social, and
     occupational functioning
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
•   Note: A copy of the GAF can be seen in Chapter of Townsend
    page 26
•   Note: DSM-IV-TR Classification of Diseases are in pages 465
    to 473 of Videbeck 5th ed
• Example of a Psychiatric Diagnosis:
Axis I 300.4       Dysthymic Disorder
Axis II 301.6      Dependent Personality Disorder
Axis III 244.9     Hypothyroidism
Axis IV            Unemployed
Axis V GAF = 65
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
The mental health nurse
•    Peplau (1991) applied interpersonal theory to nursing
     practice and, most specifically, to nurse-client relationship
•    She provided a framework for “psychodynamic nursing”, the
     interpersonal development of the nurse with the client in a
     given nursing situation
•    She states, “Nursing is helpful when both the patient and the
     nurse grow as a result of the learning that occurs in the
(Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
The mental health nurse
•  Psychodynamic Nursing – being able to understand one’s
   own behavior, to help others identify felt difficulties, and
   apply principles of human relations to the problems that
   arise at all levels of experience
• Roles of the Nurse
1. Resource person – provides specific, needed information
   that helps the client understand his or her problem and the
   new situation
2. Counselor – listens as the client reviews feelings related to
   difficulties he or she is experiencing in any aspect of life
(Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
The mental health nurse
• Roles of the Nurse
3. Teacher – identifies learning needs and provides information
   to the client or family that may aid in improvement of the
   life situation
4. Leader – directs the nurse-client interaction and ensures
   that appropriate actions are undertaken to facilitate
   achievement of the designated goals
5. Technical expert – understands various professional devices
   and possesses the clinical skills necessary to perform the
   interventions that are in the best interest of the client
6. Surrogate – serves as a substitute figure for another
(Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
The interdisciplinary team
•    Multidisciplinary team
•    Functioning as an effective team member requires the
     development and practice of several core skill areas:
1.   Interpersonal skills
2.   Humanity
3.   Knowledge
4.   Communication skills
5.   Personal qualities, such as consistency, assertiveness, and
     problem-solving abilities
6.   Teamwork skills, such as collaborating, sharing, and integrating
7.   Risk assessment and risk management skills
(pages 72 to 73, Videbeck)
The interdisciplinary team
•    Pharmacist
•    Psychiatrist
•    Psychologist
•    Psychiatric Nurse
•    Psychiatric social worker
•    Occupational therapist
•    Recreation therapist
•    Vocational rehabilitation specialist
(pages 72 to 73, Videbeck)
The mental health/mental illness
•    Mental Health Continuum

Interpersonal Adequacy                          Interpersonal Competency

•    Mental Illness Continuum

Interpersonal inadequacy                        Interpersonal

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide page 3)
The mental health/mental illness

Interpersonal Adequacy                          Interpersonal Inadequacy
    and and competency                                 Incompetency

         Mental Health               Mental Illness

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide page 3)
The mental health/mental illness
•    Anxiety
-    Peplau (1963) described four levels of anxiety
1.   Mild anxiety
2.   Moderate anxiety
3.   Severe anxiety
4.   Panic

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
The mental health/mental illness
• Anxiety
- Behavioral responses to anxiety
1. Mild anxiety – (coping mechanisms) sleeping, eating,
   physical exercise, smoking, crying, pacing, yawning, drinking,
   daydreaming, laughing, cursing, nail biting, foot swinging,
   fidgeting, finger tapping, talking to someone whom one feels
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
The mental health/mental illness
•  Anxiety
-  Behavioral responses to anxiety
2. Mild to Moderate Anxiety
a. Sigmund Freud (1961) identified the ego as the reality
   component of the person that governs problem solving and
   rational thinking, and as the level of anxiety increases, the
   strength of the ego is tested, and energy is mobilized to
   confront the threat
b. Anna Freud (1953) identified a number of defense
   mechanisms employed by the ego in the face of threat to
   biological or psychological integrity
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                       Example
Compensation                  Covering up a real or           A physically handicapped
                              perceived weakness by           boy is unable to participate
                              emphasizing a trait one         in football, so he
                              considers more desirable        compensated by becoming a
                                                              great scholar
Denial                        Refusing to acknowledge the     A woman drinks alcohol
                              existence of a real situation   every day and cannot stop,
                              or the feelings associated      failing to acknowledge that
                              with it                         she has a problem
Displacement                  The transfer of feelings from   A client is angry with his
                              one target to another that is   physician, does not express
                              considered less threatening     it, but becomes verbally
                              or that is neutral              abusive with the nurse

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                      Example
Rationalization               Attempting to make excuses     John tells the rehab nurse
                              or formulate logical reasons   “I’ll drink because it’s the
                              to justify unacceptable        only way I can deal with my
                              feelings or behaviors          bad marriage and my worse
Reaction Formation            Preventing unacceptable or     Jane hates nursing and
                              undesirable thoughts or        attends nursing school to
                              behaviors from being           please her parents. During
                              expressed by exaggerating      career day, she speaks to
                              opposite thoughts or types     prospective students about
                              of behaviors                   the excellence of nursing as
                                                             a career

((Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                       Example
Regression                    Retreating in response to       A 2-year-old boy is
                              stress to an earlier level of   hospitalized and he only
                              development and the             drinks from a bottle, even
                              comfort measures                though his mom says that he
                              associated with that level of   has been drinking from a
                              functioning                     cup for 6 months
Identification                An attempt to increase self-    A teenager who required
                              worth by acquiring certain      lengthy rehabilitation after
                              attributes and characteristic   an accident decides to
                              of an individual one admires    become a physical therapist
                                                              as a result of his experiences

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                     Example
Intellectualization           An attempt to avoid           S’s husband is being
                              expressing actual emotions    transferred with his job to
                              associated with a stressful   city far away from her
                              situation by using the        parents. She hides the
                              intellectual processes of     anxiety by explaining to her
                              logic, reasoning, and         parents the advantages
                              analysis                      associated with the move
Introjection                  Integrating the beliefs and  Children integrate their
                              values of another individual patents’ value system into
                              into one’s own ego structure the process of conscience
                                                           formation. A child says to a
                                                           friend, “Don’t cheat. It’s

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                  Definition                      Example
Isolation                     Separating a thought or        A young woman describes
                              memory from the feeling        being attacked and raped
                              tone or emotion associated     without showing any
                              with it                        emotion
Projection                    Attributing feelings of        Sue feels a strong sexual
                              impulses unacceptable to       attraction to her track coach
                              one’s self to another person   and tells a friend, “He’s
                                                             coming on to me!”
Repression                    Involuntarily blocking         An accident victim can
                              unpleasant feelings and        remember nothing about
                              experiences from one’s         the accident

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
Ego defense mechanisms
    Defense Mechanism                   Definition                      Example
Sublimation                   Rechanneling of drives or       A mother whose son was
                              impulse that are personally     killed by a drunk driver
                              or socially unacceptable into   channels her anger and
                              activities that are             energy into being the
                              constructive                    president of the local
                                                              chapter of Mothers Against
                                                              Drunk Drivers
Suppression                   The voluntary blocking          “I don’t want to think about
                              unpleasant feelings and         that now. I’ll think about
                              experiences from one’s          that tomorrow.”
Undoing                       Symbolically negating or     Joe is nervous about his new
                              cancelling out an experience job and yells at his wife. On
                              that one finds intolerable   his way home he stops and
                                                           buys her flowers.

(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
The mental health/mental illness
•  Anxiety
-  Behavioral responses to anxiety
3. Moderate to Severe Anxiety
a. If not resolved can contribute to a number of physiological
   disorders (pain, anorexia, arthritis, colitis, ulcers, asthma,
b. The presence of one or more specific psychological or
   behavioral factors that adversely affect a general medical
   condition (DSM-IV-TR)
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
The mental health/mental illness
•  Anxiety
-  Behavioral responses to anxiety
4. Severe Anxiety
a. Extended periods can lead to psychoneurotic patterns of
5. Panic Anxiety
a. At this level of extreme anxiety, an individual is not capable
   of processing what is happening in the environment, and
   may lose contact with reality
b. Psychosis may develop
(Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
The mental health/mental illness
• Grief
1. Is a subjective state of emotional, physical, and social
   responses to the loss of a valued entity
2. Stages (Kubler-Ross, 1969):
a. Denial
b. Anger
c. Bargaining
d. Depression
e. Acceptance
(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
The mental health/mental illness
•    Anxiety and grief just two of the major responses to stress
•    Both are presented on a continuum
•    Disorders appear in the DSM-IV-TR are identified at their
     appropriate placement along the continuum

(Chapter 2 of Townsend)
Feelings          Dytshymia                Major Depression
             of                Cyclothymia              Bipolar Disorder

       Life’s everyday         Neurotic                    Psychotic
       disappointments         responses                   responses

               Mild            Moderate                      Severe
    Grief                                                              Grief
Mental                                                                     Mental
Health                                                                     Illness
     Anxiety                                                          Anxiety
               Mild       Moderate           Severe       Panic

              Coping      Defense      Psychoneurotic     Psychotic
            mechanisms   mechanisms      responses       responses
Psychiatric nursing practice – the standards of care
            (psychiatric nursing process)
The Psychiatric History
• The record of the patient’s life
• It is to better understand who the patient is,
  where the patient has come from, and where
  is likely to go into the future

(Synopsis of Psychiatry by Kaplan and Sadock)
The nursing process – the standards of
• Standard 1 – Assessment
• Standard 2 – Diagnosis
• Standard 3 – Outcomes Identification
• Standard 4 – Planning
• Standard 5 – Implementation
1. Standard 5a – Coordination of Care
2. Standard 5b – Health Teaching and Health Promotion
3. Standard 5c – Milieu Therapy
4. Standard 5d – Pharmacological, Biological, and Integrative Therapies
5. Standard 5e – Prescriptive Authority and Treatment
6. Standard 5f – Psychotherapy
7. Standard 5g – Consultation
• Standard 6 – Evaluation
(Videbeck page 9 to 10)
Standard 1. Assessment
• Identifying data
• Chief complaint
“I am having thoughts of wanting to harm myself.”
“People are trying to drive me insane.”
“I feel I am going mad.”
“I am angry all the time.”
• History of Present Illness
• Family History
Standard 1. Assessment
• Personal History
a. Prenatal and perinatal
b. Infancy and early childhood
c. Middle childhood
d. Adolescence
e. Young adulthood
f. Middle adulthood and old age
Standard 1. Assessment
• Sexual History
• Mental status examination – part of clinical
  assessment that describes the sum total of the
  examiner’s observations and impressions of
  the psychiatric patient at the time of the
Mental Status examination (MSE)
•   General description
•   Mood and affect
•   Perception
•   Sensorium and cognition
•   Impulsivity
•   Judgment and insight
General Description
•   Appearance
•   Attitude toward the examiner
•   Speech characteristics
•   Overt behavior and psychomotor activity
Mood and Affect
•    Mood – how does the client say he or she feels; depressed, euphoric,
     empty, guilty, irritable, anxious terrified
•    Affect – how the examiner evaluates client’s affect; broad, restricted,
     blunted, flat, shallow, amount
a.   Blunted – showing little or a slow-to-respond facial expression
b.   Broad affect – displaying a full range of emotional expressions
c.   Flat affect – showing no facial expression
d.   Inappropriate affect – displaying a facial expression that is
     incongruent with the mood or situation; often silly or giddy
     regardless of circumstances
e.   Restricted affect – displaying one type of expression, usually serious
     or somber
a. Hallucinations – false sensory perceptions or
   perceptual experiences that do not exist; visual,
   auditory, tactile, olfactory
b. Illusion - mental impression derived from
   misinterpretation of an actual experience
c. Depersonalization – feelings of being
   disconnected form him/herself; the client feels
   detached from his/her behavior
d. Derealization – client senses that events are not
   real, when, in fact, they are
• Thought content and thought process
• Thought content – refers to what a person is
  actually thinking about: ideas, beliefs,
  preoccupations, obsessions; refers to what the
  client thinks
• Thought process – refers to the way in which a
  person thinks; refers to what the client says
• Circumstantial thinking – a client answers a
  question but only after giving excessive
  unnecessary detail
• Delusion – a fixed false belief not based on
• Flight of ideas – excessive amount and rate of
  speech composed of fragmented or unrelated
• Ideas of reference – client’s inaccurate
  interpretation that general events are personally
  directed to him or her
• Loose associations – disorganized thinking that
  jumps from one idea to another with little or no
  evident relationship between the thoughts
• Tangential thinking – wandering off topic and
  never providing the information requested
• Thought blocking – stopping abruptly in the
  middle of a sentence or train of thought;
  sometimes unable to continue the idea
• Thought broadcasting – a delusional belief that
  others can hear or know what the client is
• Thought insertion – a delusional belief that
  others are putting ideas or thoughts into the
  client’s head – that is, the ideas are not those
  of the client
• Thought withdrawal – a delusional belief that
  others are taking the client’s thoughts away
  and the client is powerless to stop it
• Word salad – flow of unconnected words that
  convey no meaning to the listener
Sensorium and Cognition
• Intellectual functioning
a. Abstract ability – can be assessed by asking the client
   to interpret proverbs
b. Calculations
c. Alertness
d. Concentration and attention
e. Reading and writing
f. Information and intelligence
• Ego defense mechanisms
• Level of self esteem
Sensorium and Cognition
• Orientation and memory
a. Remote memory loss– memory impairment involves
   experiences or incidents 6 months or longer or data of
   personal identification
b. Recent memory loss– memory loss includes
   experiences or incidents which happened hours or a
   few days ago
• Is the patient capable of controlling sexual,
  aggressive, and other impulses?
• To ascertain the patient’s awareness of
  socially appropriate behavior and is a measure
  of the patient’s potential danger to self and
Judgment and Insight
• Judgment – refers to the ability to interpret
  one’s environment and situation correctly
  and to adapt one’s behavior and decisions
• Insight – the ability to understand the true
  nature of the situation and accept some
  personal responsibility for that situation
Standard 2 - diagnosis
•    The psychiatric-mental health nurse analyzes the assessment
     data to determine diagnoses of problems, including level of
1.   Sensory perception disturbed (auditory)
2.   Disturbed thought process related to impaired judgment
     associated with manic behavior
3.   Impaired verbal communication – flight of ideas related to
     accelerated thinking
4.   Risk for violence related to hostile and angry behavior
5.   Potential for self harm related to poor impulse control
     associated with substance abuse
Standard 3 – outcomes identification
      and standard 4 - planning
• Standard 3 - The psychiatric-mental health nurse
  identifies outcomes for a plan individualized to
  the patient or the situation
• Standard 4 - The psychiatric-mental health nurse
  develops a plan that prescribes strategies and
  alternatives to attain expected outcomes
• Clarifying goals is an essential step in the
  therapeutic process. Therefore the patient nurse
  relationship should be based upon mutually
  agreed goals. Once the goals are a greed on they
  must be stated in writing
Standard 3 – outcomes identification
      and standard 4 - planning
• Expected outcomes and short term goals should
  be developed with short tem objectives
  contributing to the long term expected
• Example of short term goals:
1. At the end of the two weeks patients will stay
   out of bed and participate in activities
2. At the end of the one week patient will sleep
   well at night.
3. At the end of the one week patient will eat
   properly and maintain weight.
Standard 3 – outcomes identification
       and standard 4 - planning
• As soon as the patient‘s problems are identified, nursing diagnosis made,
   planning nursing care begins.
• The planning consists of:
1. Determining priorities
2. Setting goals
3. Selecting nursing actions
4. Developing /writing nursing care plan
• In planning the care the nurse can involve the patient, family, members of
   the health team.
• Once the goals are chosen the next task is to outline the plan achieving
• On the basis of an analysis, the nurse decides which problem requires
   priority attention or immediate attention.
Standard 3 – outcomes identification
      and Standard 4 – planning
• Example: A client with schizophrenia having delusions
Expected Outcomes (Goals)
A. Immediate (Short-term Goals) – The client will be:
1. Free from injury
2. Demonstrate decreased level of anxiety
3. Respond to reality-based interactions
B. Stabilization (Long-term Goals) – The client will be:
1. Interact on reality-based topics such as daily activities
   or local events
2. Sustain attention and concentration to complete task
   or activities
Standard 5 – implementation –
   psychiatric treatment modalities:
• The psychiatric-mental health nurse
  implements the identified plan
• Psychotropic drugs - drugs used to treat
  mental disorders
• ECT – electroconvulsive therapy (?)
• Psychotherapy
• Community-based care
Standard 5 – implementation –
   psychiatric treatment modalities:
• The psychiatric-mental health nurse implements
   the identified plan
• Psychotropic drugs - drugs used to treat mental
1. Antipsychotics
2. Antidepressants
3. Mood stabilizers
4. Anxiolytics
5. Stimulants
• Also known as neuroleptics
• Used to treat the symptoms of psychosis, such as
  delusions and hallucinations seen in
  schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and the
  manic phase of bipolar disorder
• Used to modify behavior
• Affect the CNS and ANS
• Do not cure mental illness but relieve symptoms
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – mode of action
•    Major action in the nervous system is to block receptors
     for the neurotransmitter dopamine
•    Dopamine are classified into subcategories (D1 to D5)
•    D2, D3 and D4 have been associated with mental illness
•    Effective in treating target symptoms
•    But also produces side effects, the extrapyramidal
     symptoms (EPS)
•    Conventional or first generation antipsychotics
•    Atypical of second generation antipsychotics
•    New generation antipsychotics
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Conventional Antipsychotics:
• Phenothiazines:
1. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
2. Thioridazine (Mellaril)
• Butyrophenones
1. Haloperidol (Haldol)
Atypical Antipsychotics
• Clozapine (Clozaril)
• Risperidone (Risperidal)
New Generation Antipsychotics
• Aripirazole (Abilify)
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – side effects
Extrapyramidal side effects/symptoms (EPS)
• Serious neurologic symptoms
1. Acute dystonia – acute muscular rigidity and
   cramping, stiff or thick tongue with dysphagia, and in
   severe cases laryngospasm and respiratory difficulties
2. Pseudoparkinsonism – drug-induced parkinsonism
3. Akathisia – reported by the client as an intense need
   to move about. The client appears restless or anxious
   and agitated, often with a rigid posture or gait and a
   lack of spontaneous gestures
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Drugs used to treat eps
•   Amantidine (Symmetrel)
•   Benztropine (Cogentin)
•   Biperiden (Akineton)
•   Diazepam (Valium)
•   Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
•   Lorazepam (Ativan)
•   Propanolol (Inderal)

( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – side effects
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
• Potentially fatal
• Rigidity, high fever, autonomic instability such
  as unstable BP, diaphoresis, and pallor
• Delirium and elevated enzymes, particularly
  creatine phosphokinase
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – side effects
Tardive dyskinesia (TD)
• Syndrome of permanent involuntary movements, is
   most commonly caused by the long-term use of
   conventional antipsychotics.
• Involuntary movements of the tongue, facial and neck
   muscles, upper and lower extremities, and truncal
• Tongue thrusting and protruding, lip smacking, blinking,
   grimacing, and other excessive unnecessary facial
   movements are characteristic
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – side effects
Anticholinergic Side-Effects
• Orthostatic hypotension
• Dry mouth
• Constipation
• Urinary hesitance or retention
• Blurred near vision
• Dry eyes
• Photophobia
• Nasal congestion
• Decreased memory
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – side effects
Other Side Effects
• Increase prolactin levels – may cause breast
  enlargement and tenderness in men and
  women; diminished libido, erectile and orgasmic
  dysfunction; menstrual irregularities; increased
  risk for breast cancer; may contribute to weight
• Postural hypotension
• Agranulocyctosis – always check CBC particularly
  the WBC count
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – client teaching
•     Inform the client about the types of side effects that may occur
      and encourage the client to report such problems to the physician
      instead of discontinuing the medication
•     Teach the client methods of managing or avoiding unpleasant side
      effects and maintaining medication regimen
•     Sugar-free fluids and sugar-free candies for dry mouth
•     Avoid calorie-laden beverages and candy because of dental caries,
      weight gain, and do little to relieve dry mouth
•     Dietary modifications as well as exercise to prevent constipation
•     Sunscreen for photosensitivity
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antipsychotics – client teaching
• Causes drowsiness and sleepiness so avoid any
  activities that require alertness
• A missed dose (because the client forgets) can
  be taken if it is only 3 to 4 hours late, a missed
  dose that is more than 4 hours should be
• Encourage the client to use a chart and record
  doses if they have difficulty remembering doses
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs
• Primarily used in the treatment of major
   depressive illness, anxiety disorders, the
   depressed phase of bipolar disorder, and
   psychotic depression
• 4 groups:
1. TCA – Tricyclic antidepressants
2. SSRI – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
3. MAOI – Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
4. Others: Wellburtin, Effexor, Desyrel
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs - TCAs
• Imipramine (Tofranil)
• Amitriptyline (Elavil)
• Cause varying degrees of sedation, orthostatic
  hypotension, and anticholinergic side effects
• Potentially fatal if taken in overdose
• Clients should report sexual dysfunction
• Sexual dysfunction and weight gain are common
  reasons for noncompliance
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs - SSRIs
•    Fluoxetine (Prozac)
•    Sertraline (Zoloft)
•    Paroxetine (Paxil)
•    Have replaced the TCAs as the first line of drugs
•    Cause fewer troublesome side effects
•    Preferred drug along with Effexor for suicide which is always a
     primary consideration in depression
•    Carry no risk for lethal overdose
•    Effective only for mild to moderate depression
•    There is FDA-required warning and increased suicide risk among
     children and adolescent
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs - SSRIs
•    Side effects: anxiety, agitation, akathisia (motor
     restlessness), nausea, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction
     (due to enhanced serotonin transmission), weight gain
     (initial and ongoing problem, but less compared to other
•    Less common side effects: sedation, sweating, diarrhea,
     hand tremor, and headaches
•    Taking with food usually minimizes the nausea
•    Akathisia can be treated with beta-blockers or a
•    Insomnia can be treated with low dose sedative-hypnotic
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs - MAOIs
•    Phenelzine (Nardil)
•    Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
•    Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
•    Most common side effects: sedation, insomnia, weight
     gain, dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, and sexual
•    Life-threatening side effect: hypertensive crisis
•    Must not be combined with other antidepressants
•    Avoid foods rich in tyramine, tryptophan and tryptamine
     because of the development of hypertensive crisis (see
     page 32 of Videbeck 5th edition for the list of foods to
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs – client
• Clients should take SSRIs first thing in the
  morning unless sedation is a problem
• If a client forgets a dose of SSRI, he or she can
  take it up to 8 hours after the missed dose
• To minimize side effects, clients generally should
  take TCAs at night in a single daily dose when
• If a client forgets a dose of a TCA, he or she
  should take it within 3 hours of the missed dose
  or omit the dose for that day
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Antidepressant drugs – client
• Clients should exercise caution when driving
  or performing activities requiring sharp, alert
  reflexes until sedative effects can be
• Dietary restrictions when taking MAOIs
• Avoid taking OTC medications without telling
  the nurse or the physician
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Mood stabilizers
• Used to treat bipolar disorder
• Stabilizes mood, preventing or minimizing the highs and
  lows that characterize bipolar disorder
• Treats acute episodes of mania
• Lithium – the most established mood stabilizer
• Some anticonvulsants, particularly carbamazepine
  (Tegretol) and valproic acid (Depakote, Depakene), are
  effective mood stabilizers
• Occasionally clonazepam (Klonopin) an anxiolytic is also
  used to treat acute mania
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Mood stabilizers - Lithium
• Mode of action is poorly understood
• Normalizes the reuptake of certain
  neurotransmitters such serotonin,
  norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine
• It also reduces the release of norepinephrine
  through competition with calcium and produces
  its effects intracellularly rather than within the
  neuronal synapses
• Considered as a first-line agent in the treatment
  of bipolar disorder
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Mood stabilizers - Lithium
• Serum levels should be about 1.0 mEq/L
• Less than 0.5 mEq/L are rarely therapeutic
• More than 1.5 mEq/L are usually considered toxic
• Levels should be monitored every 2 to 3 days
  while the therapeutic dosage is being
  determined; then, it should be monitored weekly
• When the client’s condition is stable, the level
  may need to be checked once a month or less
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Mood stabilizers - Lithium
• Side-effects: mild nausea or diarrhea, anorexia, fine
  hand tremor (can be treated by propanolol),
  polydipsia, polyuria, a metallic taste in the mouth, and
  fatigue or lethargy
• Later side effects: weight gain and acne
• Toxic effects: severe diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness,
  muscle weakness, and lack of coordination
• When toxic signs occur, the drug should be
• If levels exceed 3.0 mEq/L, dialysis may be indicated
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Mood stabilizers - Lithium
• Other side effects include hair loss – thyroid
  function tests should be performed
• Always check and record accurately intake and
• Also competes with Na in its absorption in the
  renal tubules – check for serum electrolytes
  (Na and Ca)
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Or antianxiety medications
• Used to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders, insomnia, OCD, depression,
    posttraumatic stress disorder, and alcohol withdrawal
• Benzodiazepines
a. Clonazepam (Klonopin)
b. Alprazolam (Xanax)
c. Diazepam (Valium)
d. Lorazepam (Ativan)
• Nonbenzodiazepines
a. Buspirone (Buspar)
b. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Mechanism of action: mediates the action of GABA,
  the major inhibitor neurotransmitter in the brain
• CNS depressant
• Side effects: physical dependence, which is not
  considered a side effect in the true sense, but is a
  major problem
• Psychological dependence (clients fear the return of
  the anxiety or believe they are incapable of handling
  anxiety without the drug) is also common, although
  buspirone does not cause this type of physical

( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• The side effects most commonly reported with
  benzodiazepines are those associated with
  CNS depression
• Elderly clients may have more difficulty
  managing the effects of CNS depression and
  may have more pronounced memory deficits,
  urinary incontinence, particularly at night
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
Anxiolytics – client teaching
• The drugs are aimed at relieving symptoms, but
  do not treat the underlying disorder that cause
• Avoid other CNS depressants like alcohol and any
  activity that require alertness
• Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be fatal, and
  should not be discontinued abruptly after the
  course of therapy without the supervision of the
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Specifically amphetamines are primarily being used for
  treating ADHD in children and adolescents, residual
  attention deficit disorder in adults, and narcolepsy
  (attacks of unwanted but irresistible daytime
  sleepiness that disrupt the person’s life)
• Amphetamines – potential for abuse, may lead to
  dependence in prolonged use
• Methylphenidate – used with caution in emotionally
  unstable clients such as those with alcohol or drug
  dependence because they may increase the dosage on
  their own
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Drugs used to treat ADHD
1. Stimulants:
a. methylphenidate (Ritalin)
b. Amphetamine (Adderall)
2. Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI)
a. Atomoxetine (Strattera)
•  Mode of action: stimulates the inhibitory centers of the brain, so
   that there is greater ability to filter out distractions and manage
   behavior (stimulants)
• Mode of action of SNRI: prevents the reuptake of NE, thereby
   leaving more of the neurotransmitter in the synapse to help
   convey electrical impulses in the brain
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Side effects
a. Anorexia
b. Weight loss
c. Nausea
d. Irritability
• Client teaching:
a. Avoid caffeine, chocolate and sugar, which may worsen the symptom
b. May cause growth and weight suppression in some children – clients
   must have “drug holidays” during the weekend, holidays or summer
c. Potential for abuse
d. Give with meals
e. Keep medications out of reach of children (as little as a 10-day supply can
   be fatal)
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Antabuse
• A sensitizing agent that causes an adverse reaction
  when mixed with alcohol in the body
• Only used as a deterrent to drinking alcohol in
  persons being treated for alcoholism
• Inhibits the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which
  is involved in the metabolism of ethanol, leading to
  an increase in the levels of acetaldehyde in the
  blood, resulting in disulferam-alcohol reaction
  within 5 to 10 minutes
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Disulferam-Alcohol Reactions
a. Facial and body flushing from vasodilation
b. Throbbing headache
c. Sweating
d. Dry mouth
e. Nausea and vomiting
f. Dizziness
g. Weakness
h. Chest pain, dyspnea, severe hypotension, confusion,
   and even death – in severe cases
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
• Education is extremely important
• Many common products such as shaving cream,
  aftershave lotion, cologne, and deodorant and
  OTC medications such as cough preparations
  contain alcohol
• When the above products are used by the client
  taking disulferam, these products can produce
  the same reaction as drinking alcohol
• Read the labels carefully
( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)

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NCM 105 Overview

  • 1. NCM105 – PSYCHIATRIC/MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD, DPSP
  • 2. OVERVIEW Lectured by Leila T. Salera, RN, MD, DPSP
  • 3. Historical overview of psychiatric care • Primitive beliefs 1. People with mental illness has been dispossessed by his or her soul 2. People with mental illness are possessed by evil spirits • Hippocrates (400 BC) 1. Associated insanity and mental illness with an irregularity in the interaction of the four body fluids or humors (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm) 2. Disequilibrium of these humors led to being treated with potent cathartic agents (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 4. Historical overview of psychiatric care • Middle Ages 1. Middle Eastern Islamic countries start to believe that people with mental illness are actually ill 2. Establishment of special units within general hospitals • 16th and 17th Centuries 1. Mental institutions did not exist in the US, and care for the mentally ill is a family responsibility 2. Those without family became the responsibility of the community and are incarcerated (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 5. Historical overview of psychiatric care 1790s – The Period of Enlightenment • Phillippe Pinel in France and William Tukes in Englang formulated the concept of asylum as a safe refuge or haven offering protection at institutions where people have been whipped, beaten, and starved just because they were mentally ill (Chapter 1, Videbeck)
  • 6. Historical overview of psychiatric care • 18th Century 1. First hospital for the mentally ill was established in the US 2. Benjamin Rush – the father of American Psychiatry, introduced more humane treatment but also used methods like bloodletting, purging, various types of restraints, and extremes of temperatures • 19th Century 1. Establishments of the asylum thanks to Dorothea Dix, a former New England schoolteacher, who lobbied on behalf of the mentally ill 2. Humanistic therapeutic care 3. Asylums became overcrowded over time and conditions deteriorated and therapeutic care reverted to custodial care. (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 7. Historical overview of psychiatric care • 1873 1. Linda Richards – graduated from New England Hospital for Women and became known as the first American Psychiatric Nurse 2. She was instrumental in the establishment of a number of psychiatric hospitals and the first school of psychiatric nursing at the McLean Asylum in Waverly , Massachusettes in 1882 3. Focus: training in how to provide custodial care in psychiatric asylums (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 8. Historical overview of psychiatric care • After WWII 1. US government passed the National Health Act of 1946 2. This legislation provided funds for the education of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and psychiatric nurses 3. Introduction of antipsychotic medications • 1955 1. Incorporation of psychiatric nursing curicula 2. Incorporation of nursing interventions in the somatic therapies (insulin shock and electroconvulsive therapy) (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 9. Historical overview of psychiatric care • 20th Century onwards • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) I – 1952 • DSM II - 1962 • DSM III – 1980 • DSM III-R – 1987 • DSM IV – 1994 • DSM IV-TR – 2000 • DSM V – soon to be released (May 2013) (The Internet)
  • 10. Hellingly hospital (East sussex mental asylum)
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  • 13. the “Tranquilizer,” which was designed to “keep the maniacs in the inflammatory stage of their disease in a perpendicular position so as to save the head from the impetus of the blood as much as possible.”
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  • 19. “We went through the top of the head, I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch… We put an instrument inside… We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded.” James Watts
  • 20. These words describe the lobotomy that was carried out in 1941 on Rosemary Kennedy, sister of the then future US President. Said to have been intended to cure her mood swings, the procedure left Rosemary with urinary incontinence and the mental age of a child – staring blankly at walls for hours, her speech unintelligible. ( 0/02/chilling-pictures-of- prefrontal.html)
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  • 24. Development of Psychopharmacology • Began in about the 1950s • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine), and lithium – the first to be developed • Over the following 10 years – MAOIs, haloperidol (Haldol), TCAs and benzodiazepines • Hospital stays were shortened and many people were well enough to go home (Chapter 1, Videbeck)
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  • 26. Mental health • Maslow – a “healthy” or “self-actualized” individuals possessed the following characteristics 1. An appropriate perception of reality 2. The ability to accept oneself, others, and human nature 3. The ability to manifest spontaneity 4. The capacity for focusing concentration on problem solving 5. A need for detachment and desire privacy 6. Independence, autonomy, and a resistance to enculturation (Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
  • 27. Mental health • Maslow – a “healthy” or “self-actualized” individuals possessed the following characteristics 7. An intensity of emotional reaction 8. A frequency of “peak” experiences that validates the worthwhileness of, richness, and beauty in life 9. An identification with humankind 10. A democratic character structure and strong sense of ethics 11. Creativity 12. A degree of nonconformance (Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
  • 28. Mental health • Jahoda (1958) – identified six indicators that are a reflection of mental health 1. A positive attitude toward self 2. Growth, development, and the ability to achieve self- actualization 3. Integration 4. Autonomy 5. Perception of reality 6. Environmental mastery (Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
  • 29. Mental health • The American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2003) – a state of being that is relative rather than absolute. The successful performance of mental functions shown by productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity • Robinson (1983) – 1. A dynamic state in which thought, feeling, and behavior that age- appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms is demonstrated 2. It is viewed as the successful adaptation to stressors from the internal or external environment, evidenced by thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are age-appropriate and congruent with local and cultural norms (Robinson) (Chapter 2 Townsend; pages 1 to 2, Student Guide)
  • 30. Mental health • WHO 1. A state of complete physical, mental, and social wellness and not just merely the absence of disease or infirmity 2. Emphasis is on health as a positive state of well-being 3. People in a state of emotional, physical, and social well- being fulfill responsibilities, function effectively in life, and are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and themselves (pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 31. Mental health • Factors that influence: 1. Individual make-up 2. Interpersonal 3. Social/cultural, or environmental (pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 32. Mental illness • Horowitz has identified two elements that are associated with individuals’ perceptions of mental illness, regardless of cultural origin 1. Incomprehensibility – relates to the inability of the general population to understand the motivation behind the behavior 2. Cultural relativity – considers that some behaviors that are considered “normal” and “abnormal” is defined by one’s cultural or social norms (Chapter 2, Townsend)
  • 33. Mental illness • APA (2000) 1. Mental disorder is a clinically significant behavioral or psyschological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and is associated with present distress (i.e., painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more important areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom (pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 34. Mental illness • APA (2000) 2. General criteria to diagnose mental illness: a. Dissatisfaction with one’s characteristics, abilities, and accomplishments b. Ineffective or unsatisfying relationships c. Dissatisfaction with one’s place in the world d. Ineffective coping with life events e. Lack of personal growth (pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 35. Mental illness • Factors contributing to mental illness: 1. Individual 2. Interpersonal 3. Social/cultural or environmental (pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 36. DSM-IV-TR • Diagnostic Statistical Manual 4th Edition Text Revision • Multiaxial evaluation system • Endorsed by the APA to facilitate comprehensive and systematic evaluation with attention to the various mental disorders and general medical problems, and level of functioning that might be overlooked if the focus were on assessing a single presenting problem • 5 Axes (Axis I, II, III, IV and V) (Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 37. DSM-IV-TR • Axis I – Clinical Disorders and other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention. This includes all mental disorders: depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and substance abuse disorder (except personality disorders and mental retardation) • Axis II – Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation. These disorders usually begin in childhood or adolescence and persist in a stable form into adult life; also for reporting prominent maladaptive personality features and defense mechanisms (Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 38. DSM-IV-TR • Axis III – General Medical Condition. These include any current general medical condition that is potentially relevant to the understanding or management of the individual’s mental disorder • Axis IV – Psychosocial and Environmental Problems. These are problems that may affect the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of mental disorders named on Axes I and II. • Axis V – Global Assessment of Functioning. This allows clinician to rate the individual’s overall functioning on the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale. This scale represents in global terms as a single measure of the individual’s psychological , social, and occupational functioning (Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 39. DSM-IV-TR • Note: A copy of the GAF can be seen in Chapter of Townsend page 26 • Note: DSM-IV-TR Classification of Diseases are in pages 465 to 473 of Videbeck 5th ed
  • 40. DSM-IV-TR • Example of a Psychiatric Diagnosis: Axis I 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder Axis II 301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder Axis III 244.9 Hypothyroidism Axis IV Unemployed Axis V GAF = 65 (current) (Chapter 2 of Townsend; pages 2 to 3, Videbeck)
  • 41. The mental health nurse • Peplau (1991) applied interpersonal theory to nursing practice and, most specifically, to nurse-client relationship development • She provided a framework for “psychodynamic nursing”, the interpersonal development of the nurse with the client in a given nursing situation • She states, “Nursing is helpful when both the patient and the nurse grow as a result of the learning that occurs in the situation.” (Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
  • 42. The mental health nurse • Psychodynamic Nursing – being able to understand one’s own behavior, to help others identify felt difficulties, and apply principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of experience • Roles of the Nurse 1. Resource person – provides specific, needed information that helps the client understand his or her problem and the new situation 2. Counselor – listens as the client reviews feelings related to difficulties he or she is experiencing in any aspect of life (Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
  • 43. The mental health nurse • Roles of the Nurse 3. Teacher – identifies learning needs and provides information to the client or family that may aid in improvement of the life situation 4. Leader – directs the nurse-client interaction and ensures that appropriate actions are undertaken to facilitate achievement of the designated goals 5. Technical expert – understands various professional devices and possesses the clinical skills necessary to perform the interventions that are in the best interest of the client 6. Surrogate – serves as a substitute figure for another (Chapter 2 of Townsend page 44 to 45)
  • 44. The interdisciplinary team • Multidisciplinary team • Functioning as an effective team member requires the development and practice of several core skill areas: 1. Interpersonal skills 2. Humanity 3. Knowledge 4. Communication skills 5. Personal qualities, such as consistency, assertiveness, and problem-solving abilities 6. Teamwork skills, such as collaborating, sharing, and integrating 7. Risk assessment and risk management skills (pages 72 to 73, Videbeck)
  • 45. The interdisciplinary team • Pharmacist • Psychiatrist • Psychologist • Psychiatric Nurse • Psychiatric social worker • Occupational therapist • Recreation therapist • Vocational rehabilitation specialist (pages 72 to 73, Videbeck)
  • 46. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Mental Health Continuum Interpersonal Adequacy Interpersonal Competency • Mental Illness Continuum Interpersonal inadequacy Interpersonal incompetency (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide page 3)
  • 47. The mental health/mental illness continuum Interpersonal Adequacy Interpersonal Inadequacy and and competency Incompetency Mental Health Mental Illness (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide page 3)
  • 48. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety - Peplau (1963) described four levels of anxiety 1. Mild anxiety 2. Moderate anxiety 3. Severe anxiety 4. Panic (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
  • 49. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety - Behavioral responses to anxiety 1. Mild anxiety – (coping mechanisms) sleeping, eating, physical exercise, smoking, crying, pacing, yawning, drinking, daydreaming, laughing, cursing, nail biting, foot swinging, fidgeting, finger tapping, talking to someone whom one feels comfortable (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
  • 50. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety - Behavioral responses to anxiety 2. Mild to Moderate Anxiety a. Sigmund Freud (1961) identified the ego as the reality component of the person that governs problem solving and rational thinking, and as the level of anxiety increases, the strength of the ego is tested, and energy is mobilized to confront the threat b. Anna Freud (1953) identified a number of defense mechanisms employed by the ego in the face of threat to biological or psychological integrity (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
  • 51. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Compensation Covering up a real or A physically handicapped perceived weakness by boy is unable to participate emphasizing a trait one in football, so he considers more desirable compensated by becoming a great scholar Denial Refusing to acknowledge the A woman drinks alcohol existence of a real situation every day and cannot stop, or the feelings associated failing to acknowledge that with it she has a problem Displacement The transfer of feelings from A client is angry with his one target to another that is physician, does not express considered less threatening it, but becomes verbally or that is neutral abusive with the nurse (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 52. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Rationalization Attempting to make excuses John tells the rehab nurse or formulate logical reasons “I’ll drink because it’s the to justify unacceptable only way I can deal with my feelings or behaviors bad marriage and my worse job.” Reaction Formation Preventing unacceptable or Jane hates nursing and undesirable thoughts or attends nursing school to behaviors from being please her parents. During expressed by exaggerating career day, she speaks to opposite thoughts or types prospective students about of behaviors the excellence of nursing as a career ((Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 53. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Regression Retreating in response to A 2-year-old boy is stress to an earlier level of hospitalized and he only development and the drinks from a bottle, even comfort measures though his mom says that he associated with that level of has been drinking from a functioning cup for 6 months Identification An attempt to increase self- A teenager who required worth by acquiring certain lengthy rehabilitation after attributes and characteristic an accident decides to of an individual one admires become a physical therapist as a result of his experiences (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 54. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Intellectualization An attempt to avoid S’s husband is being expressing actual emotions transferred with his job to associated with a stressful city far away from her situation by using the parents. She hides the intellectual processes of anxiety by explaining to her logic, reasoning, and parents the advantages analysis associated with the move Introjection Integrating the beliefs and Children integrate their values of another individual patents’ value system into into one’s own ego structure the process of conscience formation. A child says to a friend, “Don’t cheat. It’s wrong.” (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 55. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Isolation Separating a thought or A young woman describes memory from the feeling being attacked and raped tone or emotion associated without showing any with it emotion Projection Attributing feelings of Sue feels a strong sexual impulses unacceptable to attraction to her track coach one’s self to another person and tells a friend, “He’s coming on to me!” Repression Involuntarily blocking An accident victim can unpleasant feelings and remember nothing about experiences from one’s the accident awareness (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 56. Ego defense mechanisms Defense Mechanism Definition Example Sublimation Rechanneling of drives or A mother whose son was impulse that are personally killed by a drunk driver or socially unacceptable into channels her anger and activities that are energy into being the constructive president of the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers Suppression The voluntary blocking “I don’t want to think about unpleasant feelings and that now. I’ll think about experiences from one’s that tomorrow.” awareness Undoing Symbolically negating or Joe is nervous about his new cancelling out an experience job and yells at his wife. On that one finds intolerable his way home he stops and buys her flowers. (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Videbeck , page 46; Student Guide pages 14 to 16)
  • 57. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety - Behavioral responses to anxiety 3. Moderate to Severe Anxiety a. If not resolved can contribute to a number of physiological disorders (pain, anorexia, arthritis, colitis, ulcers, asthma, etc…) b. The presence of one or more specific psychological or behavioral factors that adversely affect a general medical condition (DSM-IV-TR) (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
  • 58. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety - Behavioral responses to anxiety 4. Severe Anxiety a. Extended periods can lead to psychoneurotic patterns of behaving 5. Panic Anxiety a. At this level of extreme anxiety, an individual is not capable of processing what is happening in the environment, and may lose contact with reality b. Psychosis may develop (Chapter 2 of Townsend; Student Guide pages 8 to 11)
  • 59. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Grief 1. Is a subjective state of emotional, physical, and social responses to the loss of a valued entity 2. Stages (Kubler-Ross, 1969): a. Denial b. Anger c. Bargaining d. Depression e. Acceptance (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 60. The mental health/mental illness continuum • Anxiety and grief just two of the major responses to stress • Both are presented on a continuum • Disorders appear in the DSM-IV-TR are identified at their appropriate placement along the continuum (Chapter 2 of Townsend)
  • 61. Feelings Dytshymia Major Depression of Cyclothymia Bipolar Disorder sadness Life’s everyday Neurotic Psychotic disappointments responses responses Mild Moderate Severe Grief Grief Mental Mental Health Illness Anxiety Anxiety Mild Moderate Severe Panic Coping Defense Psychoneurotic Psychotic mechanisms mechanisms responses responses
  • 62. Psychiatric nursing practice – the standards of care (psychiatric nursing process)
  • 63. The Psychiatric History • The record of the patient’s life • It is to better understand who the patient is, where the patient has come from, and where is likely to go into the future (Synopsis of Psychiatry by Kaplan and Sadock)
  • 64. The nursing process – the standards of care • Standard 1 – Assessment • Standard 2 – Diagnosis • Standard 3 – Outcomes Identification • Standard 4 – Planning • Standard 5 – Implementation 1. Standard 5a – Coordination of Care 2. Standard 5b – Health Teaching and Health Promotion 3. Standard 5c – Milieu Therapy 4. Standard 5d – Pharmacological, Biological, and Integrative Therapies 5. Standard 5e – Prescriptive Authority and Treatment 6. Standard 5f – Psychotherapy 7. Standard 5g – Consultation • Standard 6 – Evaluation (Videbeck page 9 to 10)
  • 65. Standard 1. Assessment • Identifying data • Chief complaint “I am having thoughts of wanting to harm myself.” “People are trying to drive me insane.” “I feel I am going mad.” “I am angry all the time.” • History of Present Illness • Family History
  • 66. Standard 1. Assessment • Personal History a. Prenatal and perinatal b. Infancy and early childhood c. Middle childhood d. Adolescence e. Young adulthood f. Middle adulthood and old age
  • 67. Standard 1. Assessment • Sexual History • Mental status examination – part of clinical assessment that describes the sum total of the examiner’s observations and impressions of the psychiatric patient at the time of the interview
  • 68. Mental Status examination (MSE) • General description • Mood and affect • Perception • Sensorium and cognition • Impulsivity • Judgment and insight
  • 69. General Description • Appearance • Attitude toward the examiner • Speech characteristics • Overt behavior and psychomotor activity
  • 70. Mood and Affect • Mood – how does the client say he or she feels; depressed, euphoric, empty, guilty, irritable, anxious terrified • Affect – how the examiner evaluates client’s affect; broad, restricted, blunted, flat, shallow, amount a. Blunted – showing little or a slow-to-respond facial expression b. Broad affect – displaying a full range of emotional expressions c. Flat affect – showing no facial expression d. Inappropriate affect – displaying a facial expression that is incongruent with the mood or situation; often silly or giddy regardless of circumstances e. Restricted affect – displaying one type of expression, usually serious or somber
  • 71. Perception a. Hallucinations – false sensory perceptions or perceptual experiences that do not exist; visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory b. Illusion - mental impression derived from misinterpretation of an actual experience c. Depersonalization – feelings of being disconnected form him/herself; the client feels detached from his/her behavior d. Derealization – client senses that events are not real, when, in fact, they are
  • 72. Perception • Thought content and thought process • Thought content – refers to what a person is actually thinking about: ideas, beliefs, preoccupations, obsessions; refers to what the client thinks • Thought process – refers to the way in which a person thinks; refers to what the client says
  • 73. Perception • Circumstantial thinking – a client answers a question but only after giving excessive unnecessary detail • Delusion – a fixed false belief not based on reality • Flight of ideas – excessive amount and rate of speech composed of fragmented or unrelated ideas • Ideas of reference – client’s inaccurate interpretation that general events are personally directed to him or her
  • 74. Perception • Loose associations – disorganized thinking that jumps from one idea to another with little or no evident relationship between the thoughts • Tangential thinking – wandering off topic and never providing the information requested • Thought blocking – stopping abruptly in the middle of a sentence or train of thought; sometimes unable to continue the idea • Thought broadcasting – a delusional belief that others can hear or know what the client is thinking
  • 75. Perception • Thought insertion – a delusional belief that others are putting ideas or thoughts into the client’s head – that is, the ideas are not those of the client • Thought withdrawal – a delusional belief that others are taking the client’s thoughts away and the client is powerless to stop it • Word salad – flow of unconnected words that convey no meaning to the listener
  • 76. Sensorium and Cognition • Intellectual functioning a. Abstract ability – can be assessed by asking the client to interpret proverbs b. Calculations c. Alertness d. Concentration and attention e. Reading and writing f. Information and intelligence • Ego defense mechanisms • Level of self esteem
  • 77. Sensorium and Cognition • Orientation and memory a. Remote memory loss– memory impairment involves experiences or incidents 6 months or longer or data of personal identification b. Recent memory loss– memory loss includes experiences or incidents which happened hours or a few days ago
  • 78. impulsivity • Is the patient capable of controlling sexual, aggressive, and other impulses? • To ascertain the patient’s awareness of socially appropriate behavior and is a measure of the patient’s potential danger to self and others
  • 79. Judgment and Insight • Judgment – refers to the ability to interpret one’s environment and situation correctly and to adapt one’s behavior and decisions accordingly • Insight – the ability to understand the true nature of the situation and accept some personal responsibility for that situation
  • 80. Standard 2 - diagnosis • The psychiatric-mental health nurse analyzes the assessment data to determine diagnoses of problems, including level of risk 1. Sensory perception disturbed (auditory) 2. Disturbed thought process related to impaired judgment associated with manic behavior 3. Impaired verbal communication – flight of ideas related to accelerated thinking 4. Risk for violence related to hostile and angry behavior 5. Potential for self harm related to poor impulse control associated with substance abuse
  • 81. Standard 3 – outcomes identification and standard 4 - planning • Standard 3 - The psychiatric-mental health nurse identifies outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or the situation • Standard 4 - The psychiatric-mental health nurse develops a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcomes • Clarifying goals is an essential step in the therapeutic process. Therefore the patient nurse relationship should be based upon mutually agreed goals. Once the goals are a greed on they must be stated in writing
  • 82. Standard 3 – outcomes identification and standard 4 - planning • Expected outcomes and short term goals should be developed with short tem objectives contributing to the long term expected outcomes. • Example of short term goals: 1. At the end of the two weeks patients will stay out of bed and participate in activities 2. At the end of the one week patient will sleep well at night. 3. At the end of the one week patient will eat properly and maintain weight.
  • 83. Standard 3 – outcomes identification and standard 4 - planning • As soon as the patient‘s problems are identified, nursing diagnosis made, planning nursing care begins. • The planning consists of: 1. Determining priorities 2. Setting goals 3. Selecting nursing actions 4. Developing /writing nursing care plan • In planning the care the nurse can involve the patient, family, members of the health team. • Once the goals are chosen the next task is to outline the plan achieving them. • On the basis of an analysis, the nurse decides which problem requires priority attention or immediate attention.
  • 84. Standard 3 – outcomes identification and Standard 4 – planning • Example: A client with schizophrenia having delusions Expected Outcomes (Goals) A. Immediate (Short-term Goals) – The client will be: 1. Free from injury 2. Demonstrate decreased level of anxiety 3. Respond to reality-based interactions B. Stabilization (Long-term Goals) – The client will be: 1. Interact on reality-based topics such as daily activities or local events 2. Sustain attention and concentration to complete task or activities
  • 85. Standard 5 – implementation – psychiatric treatment modalities: psychopharmacology • The psychiatric-mental health nurse implements the identified plan • Psychotropic drugs - drugs used to treat mental disorders • ECT – electroconvulsive therapy (?) • Psychotherapy • Community-based care
  • 86. Standard 5 – implementation – psychiatric treatment modalities: psychopharmacology • The psychiatric-mental health nurse implements the identified plan • Psychotropic drugs - drugs used to treat mental disorders 1. Antipsychotics 2. Antidepressants 3. Mood stabilizers 4. Anxiolytics 5. Stimulants
  • 87. Antipsychotics • Also known as neuroleptics • Used to treat the symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions and hallucinations seen in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and the manic phase of bipolar disorder • Used to modify behavior • Affect the CNS and ANS • Do not cure mental illness but relieve symptoms ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 88. Antipsychotics – mode of action • Major action in the nervous system is to block receptors for the neurotransmitter dopamine • Dopamine are classified into subcategories (D1 to D5) • D2, D3 and D4 have been associated with mental illness • Effective in treating target symptoms • But also produces side effects, the extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) • Conventional or first generation antipsychotics • Atypical of second generation antipsychotics • New generation antipsychotics ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 89. Antipsychotics Conventional Antipsychotics: • Phenothiazines: 1. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 2. Thioridazine (Mellaril) • Butyrophenones 1. Haloperidol (Haldol) Atypical Antipsychotics • Clozapine (Clozaril) • Risperidone (Risperidal) New Generation Antipsychotics • Aripirazole (Abilify) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 90. Antipsychotics – side effects Extrapyramidal side effects/symptoms (EPS) • Serious neurologic symptoms 1. Acute dystonia – acute muscular rigidity and cramping, stiff or thick tongue with dysphagia, and in severe cases laryngospasm and respiratory difficulties 2. Pseudoparkinsonism – drug-induced parkinsonism 3. Akathisia – reported by the client as an intense need to move about. The client appears restless or anxious and agitated, often with a rigid posture or gait and a lack of spontaneous gestures ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 91. Drugs used to treat eps • Amantidine (Symmetrel) • Benztropine (Cogentin) • Biperiden (Akineton) • Diazepam (Valium) • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) • Lorazepam (Ativan) • Propanolol (Inderal) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 92. Antipsychotics – side effects Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) • Potentially fatal • Rigidity, high fever, autonomic instability such as unstable BP, diaphoresis, and pallor • Delirium and elevated enzymes, particularly creatine phosphokinase ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 93. Antipsychotics – side effects Tardive dyskinesia (TD) • Syndrome of permanent involuntary movements, is most commonly caused by the long-term use of conventional antipsychotics. • Involuntary movements of the tongue, facial and neck muscles, upper and lower extremities, and truncal musculature • Tongue thrusting and protruding, lip smacking, blinking, grimacing, and other excessive unnecessary facial movements are characteristic ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 94. Antipsychotics – side effects Anticholinergic Side-Effects • Orthostatic hypotension • Dry mouth • Constipation • Urinary hesitance or retention • Blurred near vision • Dry eyes • Photophobia • Nasal congestion • Decreased memory ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 95. Antipsychotics – side effects Other Side Effects • Increase prolactin levels – may cause breast enlargement and tenderness in men and women; diminished libido, erectile and orgasmic dysfunction; menstrual irregularities; increased risk for breast cancer; may contribute to weight gain • Postural hypotension • Agranulocyctosis – always check CBC particularly the WBC count ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 96. Antipsychotics – client teaching • Inform the client about the types of side effects that may occur and encourage the client to report such problems to the physician instead of discontinuing the medication • Teach the client methods of managing or avoiding unpleasant side effects and maintaining medication regimen • Sugar-free fluids and sugar-free candies for dry mouth • Avoid calorie-laden beverages and candy because of dental caries, weight gain, and do little to relieve dry mouth • Dietary modifications as well as exercise to prevent constipation • Sunscreen for photosensitivity ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 97. Antipsychotics – client teaching • Causes drowsiness and sleepiness so avoid any activities that require alertness • A missed dose (because the client forgets) can be taken if it is only 3 to 4 hours late, a missed dose that is more than 4 hours should be omitted • Encourage the client to use a chart and record doses if they have difficulty remembering doses ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 98. Antidepressant drugs • Primarily used in the treatment of major depressive illness, anxiety disorders, the depressed phase of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression • 4 groups: 1. TCA – Tricyclic antidepressants 2. SSRI – Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 3. MAOI – Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 4. Others: Wellburtin, Effexor, Desyrel ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 99. Antidepressant drugs - TCAs • Imipramine (Tofranil) • Amitriptyline (Elavil) • Cause varying degrees of sedation, orthostatic hypotension, and anticholinergic side effects • Potentially fatal if taken in overdose • Clients should report sexual dysfunction • Sexual dysfunction and weight gain are common reasons for noncompliance ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 100. Antidepressant drugs - SSRIs • Fluoxetine (Prozac) • Sertraline (Zoloft) • Paroxetine (Paxil) • Have replaced the TCAs as the first line of drugs • Cause fewer troublesome side effects • Preferred drug along with Effexor for suicide which is always a primary consideration in depression • Carry no risk for lethal overdose • Effective only for mild to moderate depression • There is FDA-required warning and increased suicide risk among children and adolescent ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 101. Antidepressant drugs - SSRIs • Side effects: anxiety, agitation, akathisia (motor restlessness), nausea, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction (due to enhanced serotonin transmission), weight gain (initial and ongoing problem, but less compared to other antidepressants) • Less common side effects: sedation, sweating, diarrhea, hand tremor, and headaches • Taking with food usually minimizes the nausea • Akathisia can be treated with beta-blockers or a benzodiazepine • Insomnia can be treated with low dose sedative-hypnotic ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 102. Antidepressant drugs - MAOIs • Phenelzine (Nardil) • Tranylcypromine (Parnate) • Isocarboxazid (Marplan) • Most common side effects: sedation, insomnia, weight gain, dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, and sexual dysfunction • Life-threatening side effect: hypertensive crisis • Must not be combined with other antidepressants • Avoid foods rich in tyramine, tryptophan and tryptamine because of the development of hypertensive crisis (see page 32 of Videbeck 5th edition for the list of foods to avoid) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 103. Antidepressant drugs – client teaching • Clients should take SSRIs first thing in the morning unless sedation is a problem • If a client forgets a dose of SSRI, he or she can take it up to 8 hours after the missed dose • To minimize side effects, clients generally should take TCAs at night in a single daily dose when possible • If a client forgets a dose of a TCA, he or she should take it within 3 hours of the missed dose or omit the dose for that day ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 104. Antidepressant drugs – client teaching • Clients should exercise caution when driving or performing activities requiring sharp, alert reflexes until sedative effects can be determined • Dietary restrictions when taking MAOIs • Avoid taking OTC medications without telling the nurse or the physician ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 105. Mood stabilizers • Used to treat bipolar disorder • Stabilizes mood, preventing or minimizing the highs and lows that characterize bipolar disorder • Treats acute episodes of mania • Lithium – the most established mood stabilizer • Some anticonvulsants, particularly carbamazepine (Tegretol) and valproic acid (Depakote, Depakene), are effective mood stabilizers • Occasionally clonazepam (Klonopin) an anxiolytic is also used to treat acute mania ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 106. Mood stabilizers - Lithium • Mode of action is poorly understood • Normalizes the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters such serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine • It also reduces the release of norepinephrine through competition with calcium and produces its effects intracellularly rather than within the neuronal synapses • Considered as a first-line agent in the treatment of bipolar disorder ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 107. Mood stabilizers - Lithium • Serum levels should be about 1.0 mEq/L • Less than 0.5 mEq/L are rarely therapeutic • More than 1.5 mEq/L are usually considered toxic • Levels should be monitored every 2 to 3 days while the therapeutic dosage is being determined; then, it should be monitored weekly • When the client’s condition is stable, the level may need to be checked once a month or less frequently ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 108. Mood stabilizers - Lithium • Side-effects: mild nausea or diarrhea, anorexia, fine hand tremor (can be treated by propanolol), polydipsia, polyuria, a metallic taste in the mouth, and fatigue or lethargy • Later side effects: weight gain and acne • Toxic effects: severe diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscle weakness, and lack of coordination • When toxic signs occur, the drug should be discontinued • If levels exceed 3.0 mEq/L, dialysis may be indicated ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 109. Mood stabilizers - Lithium • Other side effects include hair loss – thyroid function tests should be performed • Always check and record accurately intake and output • Also competes with Na in its absorption in the renal tubules – check for serum electrolytes (Na and Ca) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 110. Anxiolytics • Or antianxiety medications • Used to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders, insomnia, OCD, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and alcohol withdrawal • Benzodiazepines a. Clonazepam (Klonopin) b. Alprazolam (Xanax) c. Diazepam (Valium) d. Lorazepam (Ativan) • Nonbenzodiazepines a. Buspirone (Buspar) b. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 111. Anxiolytics • Mechanism of action: mediates the action of GABA, the major inhibitor neurotransmitter in the brain • CNS depressant • Side effects: physical dependence, which is not considered a side effect in the true sense, but is a major problem • Psychological dependence (clients fear the return of the anxiety or believe they are incapable of handling anxiety without the drug) is also common, although buspirone does not cause this type of physical dependence ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 112. Anxiolytics • The side effects most commonly reported with benzodiazepines are those associated with CNS depression • Elderly clients may have more difficulty managing the effects of CNS depression and may have more pronounced memory deficits, urinary incontinence, particularly at night ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 113. Anxiolytics – client teaching • The drugs are aimed at relieving symptoms, but do not treat the underlying disorder that cause anxiety • Avoid other CNS depressants like alcohol and any activity that require alertness • Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be fatal, and should not be discontinued abruptly after the course of therapy without the supervision of the physician ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 114. Stimulants • Specifically amphetamines are primarily being used for treating ADHD in children and adolescents, residual attention deficit disorder in adults, and narcolepsy (attacks of unwanted but irresistible daytime sleepiness that disrupt the person’s life) • Amphetamines – potential for abuse, may lead to dependence in prolonged use • Methylphenidate – used with caution in emotionally unstable clients such as those with alcohol or drug dependence because they may increase the dosage on their own ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 115. Stimulants • Drugs used to treat ADHD 1. Stimulants: a. methylphenidate (Ritalin) b. Amphetamine (Adderall) 2. Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI) a. Atomoxetine (Strattera) • Mode of action: stimulates the inhibitory centers of the brain, so that there is greater ability to filter out distractions and manage behavior (stimulants) • Mode of action of SNRI: prevents the reuptake of NE, thereby leaving more of the neurotransmitter in the synapse to help convey electrical impulses in the brain ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 116. Stimulants • Side effects a. Anorexia b. Weight loss c. Nausea d. Irritability • Client teaching: a. Avoid caffeine, chocolate and sugar, which may worsen the symptom b. May cause growth and weight suppression in some children – clients must have “drug holidays” during the weekend, holidays or summer vacation c. Potential for abuse d. Give with meals e. Keep medications out of reach of children (as little as a 10-day supply can be fatal) ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 117. Disulferam • Antabuse • A sensitizing agent that causes an adverse reaction when mixed with alcohol in the body • Only used as a deterrent to drinking alcohol in persons being treated for alcoholism • Inhibits the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which is involved in the metabolism of ethanol, leading to an increase in the levels of acetaldehyde in the blood, resulting in disulferam-alcohol reaction within 5 to 10 minutes ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 118. Disulferam • Disulferam-Alcohol Reactions a. Facial and body flushing from vasodilation b. Throbbing headache c. Sweating d. Dry mouth e. Nausea and vomiting f. Dizziness g. Weakness h. Chest pain, dyspnea, severe hypotension, confusion, and even death – in severe cases ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)
  • 119. Disulferam • Education is extremely important • Many common products such as shaving cream, aftershave lotion, cologne, and deodorant and OTC medications such as cough preparations contain alcohol • When the above products are used by the client taking disulferam, these products can produce the same reaction as drinking alcohol • Read the labels carefully ( Videbeck, pages 24 39; Student Guide, pages 43 to 53)