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Pwning Mobile Apps
Without Root or Jailbreak
> Abraham Aranguren
> @7asecurity
> @7a_
CureCon 2018, Berlin
• Motivation
• Repackaging & Instrumentation examples
• Android
• iOS
• Q&A
• Director at 7ASecurity, check out our public reports, presentations, etc:
• Author of Practical Web Defense, a hands-on attack & defense course:
• Founder and leader of OWASP OWTF, an OWASP flagship project:
• Some presentations:
• Some sec certs: CISSP, OSCP, GWEB, OSWP, CPTS, CEH, MCSE: Security,
MCSA: Security, Security+
• Some dev certs: ZCE PHP 5, ZCE PHP 4, Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified
Associate, MySQL 5 CMDev, MCTS SQL Server 2005
Who am I
● iOS jailbreaks are not always available:
○ The app requires iOS version X, without a public jailbreak available
● iOS/Android jailbreak/root detection might take too long to bypass
○ Example: root/jailbreak detection via obfuscated binary
● Test an app on a device you don’t want to root/jailbreak
● Avoid ptrace/debugging app checks due to tampered environment
Repackaging: Android - Problem: App filesystem access
● When using the Android emulator/Genymotion you have a root shell
● BUT sometimes the app will only work on a real phone
● A non-rooted phone won’t give you a root shell
● A non-rooted phone won’t give you access to application files in
● The app often has backups disabled too
Repackaging Solution:
● Modify the APK, enable backups
Repackaging: Android - Problem: Debugging
● Some apps enable debugging features, such as Webview debugging or other
useful information in logcat, etc., when the app has debugging enabled
Repackaging Solution:
● Modify the APK, enable debugging
Step 1: Disassemble APK - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled
Step 2: Edit AndroidManifest.xml
Change: <application android:allowBackup="false"
To: <application android:allowBackup="true" android:debuggable="true"
Step 3: Repackage APK - apktool b some_app_disassembled -o
Step 4: Sign - jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore
my-release-key.keystore some_app_debug.apk alias_name
Step 5: Install - adb install some_app_debug.apk
Example: Backups + Debugging
Example: Backups + Debugging
Now we have access to app files via adb backup:
Step 1: Backup app files
adb backup
Step 2: Make the backup useful
( printf "x1fx8bx08x00x00x00x00x00" ; tail -c +25 backup.ab ) | tar xfvz -
Step 3: Review files :)
Yay file access!
Repackaging: Android - Problem: Pinning
● Often a problem at the start of the test as you try to MitM :)
● We can modify the APK to skip certificate pinning checks
Repackaging: Android - Problem: Pinning Examp
Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled
Step 2: Find file to modify - grep -Ir checkServerTrusted *
Step 3: Modify the file
.method public final
[...] return-void # Pinning bypass
Steps 4-6: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
Wait, is it that easy?
Repackaging: Android - Problem: Root detection
● Sometimes apps refuse to run when your phone is rooted
● Repackaging often allows us to bypass these checks and enjoy root powers
Android repackaging - Root detection bypass example 1
Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some.apk -o some_disassembled
Step 2: Remove check from app
Java Code: if (isRooted()) [...]
Related Smali Code: if-eqz v0, :cond_0
Change Smali Code to: if-nez v0, :cond_0
NOTE: The if-nez opcode inverts the condition, hence bypassing the check
Steps 3-5: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
Android repackaging - Root detection bypass example 2
Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some.apk -o some_disassembled
Step 2: Remove check from app, return “False” from isRooted
.method public isRooted()Z
const/4 v0, 0x0 # False
return v0 # Return false
Steps 3-5: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
So this is awesome, right?
Limitations of apktool-style Android repackaging
● Limited to changes in smali code:
○ We can only modify Java code disassembled as smali
○ If the app loads and runs code from a binary we cannot modify that (at
least not as easily :D)
● Changes are static
○ If you notice later that you need further changes you need to:
■ Disassemble
■ Modify
■ Repackage, Sign and Install
■ … For each modification! :P
Further reading
Must-use tool for Android repackaging:
Cool smali opcode references:
What is Frida? -
● Dynamic Instrumentation Toolkit
● Allows hooking and observing/modifying any app function:
○ Crypto APIs
○ Proprietary functions
○ Even functionality in binaries
● Lets you inject snippets of JavaScript into native apps that run on Windows,
Mac, Linux, iOS and Android
In short:
Frida Gadgets allow root-like access on apps from not-rooted/jailbroken devices
How to add Frida to an APK so we can run it without root?
Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled
Step 2: Add the frida-gadget binaries to the APK - For the correct architecture! :)
How do I know the architecture?
ADB Command:
adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
Example Output (Genymotion):
Step 2: Adding the Frida-Gadget to the APK - (ARM 32bits)
Uncompress: unxz
Step 3: Make the APK load the Gadget
Find main activity:
find . | grep -i main | grep smali$
Add the following smali code to the constructor:
const-string v0, "frida-gadget"
invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V
Corresponding Java Code:
Step 4: Ensure network permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
We will talk to Frida over the network so the app needs to use the internet, most
apps do but worth double checking:
Make sure it has:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Repackage, Sign & Install
Step 5: Repackage APK - apktool b some_app_disassembled -o
Step 6: Sign - jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore
my-release-key.keystore some_app_debug.apk alias_name
Step 7: Install - adb install some_app_debug.apk
Basic Frida usage
Logcat - Frida: Listening on TCP port 27042
The PID will show Gadget instead of the original package name:
$ frida-ps –U
PID Name
----- ------
16071 Gadget
Basic Frida usage – Interactive Instrumentation Shell
frida -U Gadget --no-pause
/_/ |_| help -> Displays the help system
. . . . object? -> Display information about 'object'
. . . . exit/quit -> Exit
[USB::Android Emulator 5556::['']]-> Java.androidVersion
Basic Frida usage – Public script example: Root Bypass
Usage (Frida Server): frida -U -f -l raptor_frida_android.js
Usage (Frida Gadget): frida -U Gadget -l raptor_frida_android.js --no-pause
Basic Frida usage – Public script example: Root Bypass
setTimeout(function() { // avoid java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Java.perform(function() {// Root detection bypass example
var hook = Java.use("");
hook.isRooted.overload().implementation = function() {
console.log("info: entered target method");
var retval = this.isRooted.overload().call(this); //old retval
console.log("old ret value: " + retval);
var retnew = false; // set new retval
console.log("new ret value: " + retnew);
return retnew;
}, 0);
Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator");
keyGenerator.generateKey.implementation = function () {
console.log("[*] Generate symmetric key called. ");
return this.generateKey();
Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator");
keyGenerator.getInstance.overload('java.lang.String').implementation =
function (var0) {
console.log("[*] KeyGenerator.getInstance called with algorithm: " + var0 +
return this.getInstance(var0);
Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator");
'java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0, var1) {
console.log("[*] KeyGenerator.getInstance called with algorithm: " + var0 + "
and provider: " + var1 + "n");
return this.getInstance(var0, var1);
Basic Frida usage – Shared Preferences
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var contextWrapper = Java.use("android.content.ContextWrapper");
var sharedPreferencesEditor =
'java.lang.String').implementation = function(var0, var1) {
console.log("[*] Added a new String value to SharedPreferences with key: " +
var0 + " and value " + var1 + "n");
var editor = this.putString(var0, var1);
return editor;
Basic Frida usage – SQLite query hooks
setImmediate(function() {
Java.perform(function() {
var sqliteDatabase = Java.use("android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase");
sqliteDatabase.execSQL.overload('java.lang.String').implementation =
function(var0) {
console.log("[*] SQLiteDatabase.exeqSQL called with query: " + var0 + "n");
var execSQLRes = this.execSQL(var0);
return execSQLRes;
Further reading & Frida script examples
Can this be automated?
Here are some attempts:
BUT BUT BUT … What about iOS????
iOS Reversing 101
Usual approach overview:
● Decrypt IPA with Clutch -
● Generate Objective-C headers with class-dump -
● Disassemble with Hopper -
Explained by filedescriptor ☺
iOS Repackaging Guides
iOS Repackaging - Step 1: Add Apple ID to XCode
Add an Apple ID to Xcode: Xcode / Preferences / Accounts / Add Apple ID
iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates
iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates – iOS Dev
iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates – Done
iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Verify Code Signing Certificate
security find-identity -p codesigning -v
1) xxx[…] "iPhone Developer: ([…]XX)"
1 valid identities found
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
Just login :D
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
● Plug your iPhone
● Select the iPhone as the target device on Xcode
● Hit the “Play” button
● Verify the mobileprovision file has been created:
find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ -name
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
Do we have to do all this nonsense every time?
iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
From here, each time we will “only” need to:
● Create a blank app
● Deploy it to an iDevice
This will create a new, valid provisioning file
iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies
● objection – from:
● applesign - from:
● insert_dylib - from:
● security, codesign, xcodebuild` - macOS/XCode commands
● zip & unzip - builtin, or just installed using homebrew
● 7z - installed using homebrew with brew install p7zip
iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies
Objection Installation:
pip3 install -U objection
More details and options:
iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies
applesign Installation:
npm install -g applesign.
If npm is missing:
brew install npm
iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies
insert_dylib installation:
Compile from source like so:
git clone
cd insert_dylib
cp build/Release/insert_dylib /usr/local/bin/insert_dylib
iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching
objection patchipa --source my-app.ipa --codesign-signature xxxx
iOS Repackaging - Step 5: Running the patched IPA
More dependencies :D
Install ios-deploy:
npm install -g ios-deploy
iOS Repackaging - Step 5: Running the patched IPA
Installing and running the app:
unzip my-app.ipa # Creates a Payload/ directory.
Unlock iDevice and plug via USB to your Mac
Run ios-deploy:
ios-deploy --bundle Payload/ -W -d
More intel and Linux instructions:
iOS Repackaging - Step 6: Using Frida ☺
So now we can run Frida scripts:
frida -U Gadget -l <frida_script> --no-pause
Some nice examples for iOS inspiration:
Frida Examples – Filesystem access
const fs = require('frida-fs');
Frida Examples – Grab iOS Screenshots
const screenshot = require('frida-screenshot');
const png = yield screenshot();
name: '+screenshot',
payload: {
}}, png);
Frida Examples – iOS instance member values
ObjC.choose(ObjC.classes[clazz], {
onMatch: function (obj) {
console.log('onMatch: ', obj);
Object.keys(obj.$ivars).forEach(function(v) {
console.log('t', v, '=', obj.$ivars[v]);
}); },
onComplete: function () { console.log('onComplete', arguments.length); }});
Frida Examples – iOS extract cookies
var cookieJar = [];
var cookies =
for (var i = 0, l = cookies.count(); i < l; i++) {
var cookie = cookies['- objectAtIndex:'](i);
cookieJar.push(cookie.Name() + '=' + cookie.Value());
console.log(cookieJar.join("; "));
Frida Examples – iOS monitor file access
fileExistsAtPath:'].implementation, {
onEnter: function (args) {
console.log('open' , ObjC.Object(args[2]).toString());
What is Objection?
● Wrapper around Frida
● Automates a lot of stuff via Frida hooks
● Works for iOS and Android
Demos from the author of objection
@7asecurity | +
@owtfp | +
Q & A
Thank you for your time

Contenu connexe


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Pwning mobile apps without root or jailbreak

  • 1. Pwning Mobile Apps Without Root or Jailbreak > Abraham Aranguren > > @7asecurity > @7a_ + CureCon 2018, Berlin
  • 2. Agenda • Motivation • Repackaging & Instrumentation examples • Android • iOS • Q&A
  • 3. • Director at 7ASecurity, check out our public reports, presentations, etc: • Author of Practical Web Defense, a hands-on attack & defense course: • Founder and leader of OWASP OWTF, an OWASP flagship project: • Some presentations: • Some sec certs: CISSP, OSCP, GWEB, OSWP, CPTS, CEH, MCSE: Security, MCSA: Security, Security+ • Some dev certs: ZCE PHP 5, ZCE PHP 4, Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate, MySQL 5 CMDev, MCTS SQL Server 2005 Who am I
  • 4. Motivation ● iOS jailbreaks are not always available: ○ The app requires iOS version X, without a public jailbreak available ● iOS/Android jailbreak/root detection might take too long to bypass ○ Example: root/jailbreak detection via obfuscated binary ● Test an app on a device you don’t want to root/jailbreak ● Avoid ptrace/debugging app checks due to tampered environment
  • 5. Repackaging: Android - Problem: App filesystem access Problem: ● When using the Android emulator/Genymotion you have a root shell ● BUT sometimes the app will only work on a real phone ● A non-rooted phone won’t give you a root shell ● A non-rooted phone won’t give you access to application files in /data/data/… ● The app often has backups disabled too Repackaging Solution: ● Modify the APK, enable backups
  • 6. Repackaging: Android - Problem: Debugging Problem: ● Some apps enable debugging features, such as Webview debugging or other useful information in logcat, etc., when the app has debugging enabled Repackaging Solution: ● Modify the APK, enable debugging
  • 7. Step 1: Disassemble APK - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled Step 2: Edit AndroidManifest.xml Change: <application android:allowBackup="false" To: <application android:allowBackup="true" android:debuggable="true" Step 3: Repackage APK - apktool b some_app_disassembled -o some_app_debug.apk Step 4: Sign - jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore some_app_debug.apk alias_name Step 5: Install - adb install some_app_debug.apk Example: Backups + Debugging
  • 8. Example: Backups + Debugging Now we have access to app files via adb backup: Step 1: Backup app files adb backup Step 2: Make the backup useful ( printf "x1fx8bx08x00x00x00x00x00" ; tail -c +25 backup.ab ) | tar xfvz - Step 3: Review files :)
  • 10. Repackaging: Android - Problem: Pinning ● Often a problem at the start of the test as you try to MitM :) ● We can modify the APK to skip certificate pinning checks
  • 11. Repackaging: Android - Problem: Pinning Examp Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled Step 2: Find file to modify - grep -Ir checkServerTrusted * Step 3: Modify the file .method public final checkServerTrusted([Ljava/security/cert/X509Certificate;Ljava/lang/String;) V [...] return-void # Pinning bypass Steps 4-6: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
  • 12. Wait, is it that easy?
  • 13. Repackaging: Android - Problem: Root detection ● Sometimes apps refuse to run when your phone is rooted ● Repackaging often allows us to bypass these checks and enjoy root powers :D
  • 14. Android repackaging - Root detection bypass example 1 Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some.apk -o some_disassembled Step 2: Remove check from app Java Code: if (isRooted()) [...] Related Smali Code: if-eqz v0, :cond_0 Change Smali Code to: if-nez v0, :cond_0 NOTE: The if-nez opcode inverts the condition, hence bypassing the check Steps 3-5: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
  • 15. Android repackaging - Root detection bypass example 2 Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some.apk -o some_disassembled Step 2: Remove check from app, return “False” from isRooted .method public isRooted()Z const/4 v0, 0x0 # False return v0 # Return false [...] Steps 3-5: Repackage, Sign & Install :)
  • 16. So this is awesome, right?
  • 17. Limitations of apktool-style Android repackaging ● Limited to changes in smali code: ○ We can only modify Java code disassembled as smali ○ If the app loads and runs code from a binary we cannot modify that (at least not as easily :D) ● Changes are static ○ If you notice later that you need further changes you need to: ■ Disassemble ■ Modify ■ Repackage, Sign and Install ■ … For each modification! :P
  • 18. Further reading Must-use tool for Android repackaging: Cool smali opcode references:
  • 19. What is Frida? - ● Dynamic Instrumentation Toolkit ● Allows hooking and observing/modifying any app function: ○ Crypto APIs ○ Proprietary functions ○ Even functionality in binaries ● Lets you inject snippets of JavaScript into native apps that run on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android In short: Frida Gadgets allow root-like access on apps from not-rooted/jailbroken devices
  • 20. How to add Frida to an APK so we can run it without root? Step 1: Disassemble - apktool d some_app.apk -o some_app_disassembled Step 2: Add the frida-gadget binaries to the APK - For the correct architecture! :)
  • 21. How do I know the architecture? ADB Command: adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi Example Output (Genymotion): x86
  • 22. Step 2: Adding the Frida-Gadget to the APK - (ARM 32bits) Download: wget Uncompress: unxz Copy: cp some_disassembled/lib/armeabi/
  • 23. Step 3: Make the APK load the Gadget Find main activity: find . | grep -i main | grep smali$ Add the following smali code to the constructor: const-string v0, "frida-gadget" invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V Corresponding Java Code: System.loadLibrary("frida-gadget")
  • 24. Step 4: Ensure network permissions in AndroidManifest.xml We will talk to Frida over the network so the app needs to use the internet, most apps do but worth double checking: File: AndroidManifest.xml Make sure it has: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  • 25. Repackage, Sign & Install Step 5: Repackage APK - apktool b some_app_disassembled -o some_app_debug.apk Step 6: Sign - jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore some_app_debug.apk alias_name Step 7: Install - adb install some_app_debug.apk
  • 26. Basic Frida usage Logcat - Frida: Listening on TCP port 27042 The PID will show Gadget instead of the original package name: Command: $ frida-ps –U Output: PID Name ----- ------ 16071 Gadget
  • 27. Basic Frida usage – Interactive Instrumentation Shell Command: frida -U Gadget --no-pause Output: Commands: /_/ |_| help -> Displays the help system . . . . object? -> Display information about 'object' . . . . exit/quit -> Exit [USB::Android Emulator 5556::['']]-> Java.androidVersion "7.1.1"
  • 28. Basic Frida usage – Public script example: Root Bypass _android_bypass.js Usage (Frida Server): frida -U -f -l raptor_frida_android.js --no-pause Usage (Frida Gadget): frida -U Gadget -l raptor_frida_android.js --no-pause
  • 29. Basic Frida usage – Public script example: Root Bypass setTimeout(function() { // avoid java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Java.perform(function() {// Root detection bypass example var hook = Java.use(""); hook.isRooted.overload().implementation = function() { console.log("info: entered target method"); var retval = this.isRooted.overload().call(this); //old retval console.log("old ret value: " + retval); var retnew = false; // set new retval console.log("new ret value: " + retnew); return retnew; } }); }, 0);
  • 30. Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks ography.js setImmediate(function() { Java.perform(function() { var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator"); keyGenerator.generateKey.implementation = function () { console.log("[*] Generate symmetric key called. "); return this.generateKey(); }; }); });
  • 31. Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks setImmediate(function() { Java.perform(function() { var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator"); keyGenerator.getInstance.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0) { console.log("[*] KeyGenerator.getInstance called with algorithm: " + var0 + "n"); return this.getInstance(var0); }; }); });
  • 32. Basic Frida usage – Crypto Hooks setImmediate(function() { Java.perform(function() { var keyGenerator = Java.use("javax.crypto.KeyGenerator"); keyGenerator.getInstance.overload('java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function (var0, var1) { console.log("[*] KeyGenerator.getInstance called with algorithm: " + var0 + " and provider: " + var1 + "n"); return this.getInstance(var0, var1); }; }); });
  • 33. Basic Frida usage – Shared Preferences setImmediate(function() { Java.perform(function() { var contextWrapper = Java.use("android.content.ContextWrapper"); var sharedPreferencesEditor = Java.use("$EditorImpl"); sharedPreferencesEditor.putString.overload('java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function(var0, var1) { console.log("[*] Added a new String value to SharedPreferences with key: " + var0 + " and value " + var1 + "n"); var editor = this.putString(var0, var1); return editor; }});});
  • 34. Basic Frida usage – SQLite query hooks setImmediate(function() { Java.perform(function() { var sqliteDatabase = Java.use("android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase"); sqliteDatabase.execSQL.overload('java.lang.String').implementation = function(var0) { console.log("[*] SQLiteDatabase.exeqSQL called with query: " + var0 + "n"); var execSQLRes = this.execSQL(var0); return execSQLRes; };});}); atabase.js
  • 35. Further reading & Frida script examples
  • 36. Can this be automated? Here are some attempts:
  • 37. BUT BUT BUT … What about iOS????
  • 38. iOS Reversing 101 Usual approach overview: ● Decrypt IPA with Clutch - ● Generate Objective-C headers with class-dump - ● Disassemble with Hopper - Explained by filedescriptor ☺
  • 40. iOS Repackaging - Step 1: Add Apple ID to XCode Add an Apple ID to Xcode: Xcode / Preferences / Accounts / Add Apple ID
  • 41. iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates
  • 42. iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates – iOS Dev
  • 43. iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Manage Certificates – Done
  • 44. iOS Repackaging - Step 2: Verify Code Signing Certificate Command: security find-identity -p codesigning -v Output: 1) xxx[…] "iPhone Developer: ([…]XX)" 1 valid identities found
  • 45. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
  • 46. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
  • 47. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
  • 48. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
  • 49. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file
  • 50. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file Just login :D
  • 51. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file ● Plug your iPhone ● Select the iPhone as the target device on Xcode ● Hit the “Play” button ● Verify the mobileprovision file has been created: find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ -name embedded.mobileprovision
  • 52. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file Do we have to do all this nonsense every time?
  • 53. iOS Repackaging - Step 3: Create mobileprovision file From here, each time we will “only” need to: ● Create a blank app ● Deploy it to an iDevice This will create a new, valid provisioning file
  • 54. iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies ● objection – from: ● applesign - from: ● insert_dylib - from: ● security, codesign, xcodebuild` - macOS/XCode commands ● zip & unzip - builtin, or just installed using homebrew ● 7z - installed using homebrew with brew install p7zip
  • 55. iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies Objection Installation: pip3 install -U objection More details and options:
  • 56. iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies applesign Installation: npm install -g applesign. If npm is missing: brew install npm
  • 57. iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Dependencies insert_dylib installation: Compile from source like so: git clone cd insert_dylib xcodebuild cp build/Release/insert_dylib /usr/local/bin/insert_dylib
  • 58. iOS Repackaging - Step 4: IPA Patching Command: objection patchipa --source my-app.ipa --codesign-signature xxxx
  • 59. iOS Repackaging - Step 5: Running the patched IPA More dependencies :D Install ios-deploy: npm install -g ios-deploy
  • 60. iOS Repackaging - Step 5: Running the patched IPA Installing and running the app: unzip my-app.ipa # Creates a Payload/ directory. Unlock iDevice and plug via USB to your Mac Run ios-deploy: ios-deploy --bundle Payload/ -W -d More intel and Linux instructions:
  • 61. iOS Repackaging - Step 6: Using Frida ☺ So now we can run Frida scripts: frida -U Gadget -l <frida_script> --no-pause Some nice examples for iOS inspiration:
  • 62. Frida Examples – Filesystem access const fs = require('frida-fs'); fs.createReadStream('/etc/hosts').pipe(networkStream);
  • 63. Frida Examples – Grab iOS Screenshots const screenshot = require('frida-screenshot'); const png = yield screenshot(); send({ name: '+screenshot', payload: { timestamp: }}, png);
  • 64. Frida Examples – iOS instance member values ObjC.choose(ObjC.classes[clazz], { onMatch: function (obj) { console.log('onMatch: ', obj); Object.keys(obj.$ivars).forEach(function(v) { console.log('t', v, '=', obj.$ivars[v]); }); }, onComplete: function () { console.log('onComplete', arguments.length); }});
  • 65. Frida Examples – iOS extract cookies var cookieJar = []; var cookies = ObjC.classes.NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage().cookies(); for (var i = 0, l = cookies.count(); i < l; i++) { var cookie = cookies['- objectAtIndex:'](i); cookieJar.push(cookie.Name() + '=' + cookie.Value()); } console.log(cookieJar.join("; "));
  • 66. Frida Examples – iOS monitor file access Interceptor.attach(ObjC.classes.NSFileManager['- fileExistsAtPath:'].implementation, { onEnter: function (args) { console.log('open' , ObjC.Object(args[2]).toString()); } });
  • 67. What is Objection? ● Wrapper around Frida ● Automates a lot of stuff via Frida hooks ● Works for iOS and Android
  • 68. Demos from the author of objection
  • 69. > @7asecurity | + @7a_ OWASP OWTF: @owtfp | + Q & A Thank you for your time