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ProxySQL at Scale on AWS
Percona Live 2022
● Over 100 diverse backend types, 400+ EC2 instances
○ Different query routing
○ Different users and configurations
● Cloud environment
○ Short lived instances
○ Shorter lifetime
● Disposable infrastructure
○ Configuration drift
○ History of changes
Three level provisioning
● AWS resources
○ Load balancer
○ Auto Scaling Group
● Zero downtime
● OS level
● Packages
● Configs
● Services
● Config Agent
○ ProxySQL final
○ Updating configs
○ Restarts
● Healthchecks
○ Flexible logic
Guiding principles
● Infrastructure as code
○ Git as UI
● Declarative is favored over imperative
● Terraform - one time change
● Puppet - rare changes
● Python - frequent changes
ProxySQL Unit
Load Balancer
to provision
Example: Terraform
module "sandboxdb" {
source = "git::ssh://"
security_group_ids = [
iam_instance_profile = data.aws_iam_instance_profile.proxysql.arn
aws_ami = var.aws_ami_map["default"]
subnets = var.subnets
backend_type = "sandboxdb"
enable_deletion_protection = false
health_check_type = "EC2"
health_check_grace_period = 1800
healthcheck_port = "traffic-port"
elb_zone = var.elb_zone
min_size = length(var.subnets)
ports = [3306]
nlb_cname = "sandbox.proxysql"
aws_instance_type = "c5.xlarge"
pinfo_env = "sandbox"
WhyTF module
● Cookiecutter
○ Repeatable infrastructure
○ Good for juniors
● Splits complexity:
○ module maintainer vs module user
● Versioning
● Testable
What module creates
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" {...}
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {...}
resource "aws_placement_group" "proxysql_placement" {...}
resource "aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook" "terminating" {...}
resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "cpu_load" {...}
What module creates
resource "aws_lb" "proxysql" {...}
resource "aws_lb_listener" "proxysql" {...}
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "proxysql" {...}
What module creates
resource "aws_route53_record" "elb" {
name = "${var.backend_type}.proxysql"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = local.dns_ttl
zone_id =
records = [
What module creates
output "nlb_dns_name" {
value = aws_lb.proxysql.dns_name
output "nlb_cname" {
value =
Two decisions to make:
1. Shall I forward traffic to X?
2. Shall I terminate X?
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {
health_check_type = “EC2|ELB”
ELB type Healthchecks
● Traffic port vs health check port
● TCP connection success?
○ Yes
■ Forward traffic
○ No
■ Do not forward traffic
■ Terminate instance
EC2 type Healthchecks
● Traffic port == health check port
● TCP connection success?
○ Yes
■ Forward traffic
○ No
■ Do not forward traffic
● ProxySQL healthcheck agent
Zero downtime migration
● Needed when change:
○ AMI, subnet, security group, IAM role
○ ami-12345678 -> ami-87654321
● Blue/green deployment
● Must be tested for a proof
Zero downtime migration: Step 1
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" {
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {
name =
target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
Zero downtime migration: Step 2
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" {
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {
name =
target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
Zero downtime migration: Step 3
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" {
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {
name =
target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
Zero downtime migrations: How to test
Must be tested (tests/zero_downtime/
● ProxySQL acts as an HTTP server
● Create pool A
● Start a probe in a loop
● Create pool B
● Watch for probe errors
Testing a module: terraform-ci
def test_zero_downtime(ec2_client):
# Pool A
with open(osp.join(terraform_dir, "configuration.tfvars"), "w") as fp:
fp.write(configuration_template.format(payload=”old payload”))
with terraform_apply(terraform_dir) as tf_output:
proxysql_nlb = tf_output["proxysql_nlb"]["value"]
# Probe
que = Queue()
child = Process(target=ping, args=(url, que))
# Pool B
with open(osp.join(terraform_dir, "configuration.tfvars"), "w") as fp:
fp.write(configuration_template.format(payload=”new payload”))
with terraform_apply(terraform_dir):
result = que.get()
assert result["error"] == 0
terraform-ci · PyPI
module "proxysql" {
source = "../"
iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile.ProxySQL_development.arn
ports = [22, local.traffic_port]
user_data_base64 = data.template_cloudinit_config.cloud_config["proxysql"].rendered
aws_instance_type = "t3.micro"
wait_for_capacity_timeout = "10m"
ProxySQL user-data
userdata_proxysql = format(
write_files : [
content : var.index_content,
path : "/root/index.html"
package_update : true
packages : [...],
runcmd : [
"hostname proxysql",
"pip3 install webdev",
"cd /root; webdev -p ${local.traffic_port} &",
"/usr/local/bin/ &"
Test results
Destroy complete! Resources: 24 destroyed.
2022-05-16 13:53:39,416: INFO: __init__.execute():416: Executing: terraform destroy
-var-file=configuration.tfvars -input=false -auto-approve
Changes to Outputs:
- subnet_ids = [
- "subnet-5c19e837",
- "subnet-53d7411f",
- "subnet-43d5fa39",
] -> null
- traffic_port = 13 -> null
- vpc_id = "vpc-2ef53c45" -> null
- zone_id = "Z07524281VZN9F9H2TZCX" -> null
You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform
state, without changing any real infrastructure.
Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed.
======================== 1 passed in 1098.00s (0:18:18) ========================
(rare changes)
Bootstrapping instance
AWS Starts EC2 instance
AMI starts cloud-init
cloud-init starts puppet
[root@proxysql-0a01b51c:~]# ec2metadata --user-data
pinfo_team: proxysql
pinfo_env: sandbox
pinfo_role: sandboxdb
backend_type: sandboxdb
spiffe_id: spiffe://
Puppet: what to run?!
[root@proxysql-0a01b51c:~]# puppet lookup 
--facts /etc/facter/facts.d/pinfo-$HOSTNAME.yaml 
--merge deep 
--hiera_config /mnt/puppet/hiera.yaml 
--render-as json classes
Example: Puppet
proxysql_manager::package_version: "latest"
pinterest::profile::proxysql::mtls::enabled: true
pinterest::profile::proxysql::package_version: "2.3.2"
class pinterest::profile::proxysql (...) {
service { 'proxysql':
ensure => running,
provider => 'debian',
require => Exec['generate_proxysql_cnf']
service { "proxysql-manager-agent":
ensure => $enabled ? { true => running, default => stopped },
subscribe => Package['proxysql-manager'],
require => [
Bootstrap ProxySQL configuration
[root@proxysql:~]# proxysql-manager generate-config --save-to=/dev/stdout
}2022-05-16 19:05:25,546: INFO: MainProcess(30966) generate_config.generate_config():35: Successfully saved
ProxySQL config in /dev/stdout
ProxySQL Manager logs
class pinterest::profile::proxysql_efs (
$efs_mount_options = 'nfsvers=4.1',
) {
file { $efs_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
mount { $efs_dir:
ensure => mounted,
atboot => true,
device => $efs_target,
fstype => 'nfs4',
options => $efs_mount_options,
require => [
ProxySQL Manager logs
[root@proxysql-sharddb-prod-0a019037:~]# df -h /var/log/proxysql
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 8.0E 102G 8.0E 1% /var/log/proxysql
# ll /var/log/proxysql-manager.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 May 13 02:01 /var/log/proxysql-manager.log ->
frequent changes
Arch & Workflow (GitOps)
Data model
CREATE TABLE global_variables (
variable_value VARCHAR NOT NULL
Table is a Class
[root@proxysql-sharddb-prod-0a019037:~]# proxysql-manager admin login -e "show tables"
| tables |
| global_variables |
| mysql_aws_aurora_hostgroups |
| mysql_collations |
| mysql_firewall_whitelist_rules |
| mysql_firewall_whitelist_sqli_fingerprints |
| mysql_firewall_whitelist_users |
| mysql_galera_hostgroups |
| mysql_group_replication_hostgroups |
| mysql_query_rules |
| mysql_query_rules_fast_routing |
| mysql_replication_hostgroups |
| mysql_servers |
| mysql_users |
| scheduler |
PSList (table == list of records)
Source of Truth(s)
● SourceOfTruth(ABC):
● SOTLocalProxy(SourceOfTruth):
● SOTRemoteMySQL(SourceOfTruth):
ProxySQL Manager
# proxysql-manager
Usage: proxysql-manager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
ProxySQL manager helps to manage local ProxySQL instance
--debug Print debug messages
-q, --quiet Print only errors
--logfile TEXT Log messages to this file [default: /var/log/proxysql-
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
admin ProxySQL admin credentials
deregister-server Deregister MySQL server from a ProxySQL Source of...
deregister-unknown Deregister non-ZK MySQL servers.
expert ProxySQL manager advanced commands.
generate-config Generate ProxySQL config and save it on disk.
is-server-registered The tool will inspect the latest ProxySQL config...
register-server Register MySQL server in a ProxySQL Source of Truth.
show-backends Show all backend types and their NLB DNS name.
show-instance Show ProxySQL instance for given backend_type
show-instances Same as ``proxysql-manager show-instance`` command.
start-agent Update latest configuration to local ProxySQL.
start-healthcheck Health check for upstream NLB.
sync-sot Synchronize ProxySQL config to remote Source of...
ProxySQL Manager: Agent
def _watch_table(self, klass, interval):
Start agent daemon.
:param klass: Table class to watch
:param int interval: Time in seconds between SoT
while True:
with global_lock():
if klass == PSMysqlUsers:
ProxySQL Manager: Agent (cont)
def update_one_table(self, tblclass):
pslist =, self._backend_type)
if pslist.version and pslist.version > self.versions[tblclass]:
# pslist is empty or pslist has newer version
"It is a new version %d for table %s",
self.versions[tblclass] = pslist.version
self.update_versions_file(tblclass=tblclass, version=pslist.version)
ProxySQL Manager: Healthcheck
def watcher(self, credentials):
while True:
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
except (
) as err:
self._unhealthy_count += 1
if self._unhealthy_count > self._healthy_threshold:
LOG.warning("Health check failed %d times", self._unhealthy_count)
Source of Truth configuration
"proxy_port": 3306,
"active": 1,
"rule_id": 1,
"destination_hostgroup": 1
"username": "knox://<knox key>",
"default_hostgroup": 3,
"attributes": {
"spiffe_id": "spiffe://"
"comment": {
"fallback_group": 4
● global_variables.json
● mysql_replication_hostgroups.json
Thank you!

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ProxySQL at Scale on AWS.pdf

  • 1. ProxySQL at Scale on AWS Percona Live 2022
  • 2. Challenges ● Over 100 diverse backend types, 400+ EC2 instances ○ Different query routing ○ Different users and configurations ● Cloud environment ○ Short lived instances ○ Shorter lifetime ● Disposable infrastructure ○ Configuration drift ○ History of changes
  • 3. Three level provisioning ● AWS resources ○ Load balancer ○ Auto Scaling Group ○ CNAME ● Zero downtime migrations ● OS level ● Packages ● Configs ● Services ● Config Agent ○ ProxySQL final configuration ○ Updating configs ○ Restarts ● Healthchecks ○ Flexible logic
  • 4. Guiding principles ● Infrastructure as code ○ Git as UI ● Declarative is favored over imperative ● Terraform - one time change ● Puppet - rare changes ● Python - frequent changes
  • 7. Example: Terraform module "sandboxdb" { source = "git::ssh://" security_group_ids = [ data.aws_security_group.proxysql["vpc-db-automation"].id, data.aws_security_group.proxysql["proxysql_use1_healthcheck"].id, data.aws_security_group.proxysql["proxysql_data"].id, data.aws_security_group.proxysql["vpc-dev-data-layer"].id ] iam_instance_profile = data.aws_iam_instance_profile.proxysql.arn aws_ami = var.aws_ami_map["default"] subnets = var.subnets backend_type = "sandboxdb" enable_deletion_protection = false health_check_type = "EC2" health_check_grace_period = 1800 healthcheck_port = "traffic-port" elb_zone = var.elb_zone min_size = length(var.subnets) ports = [3306] nlb_cname = "sandbox.proxysql" aws_instance_type = "c5.xlarge" pinfo_env = "sandbox" }
  • 8. WhyTF module ● Cookiecutter ○ Repeatable infrastructure ○ Good for juniors ● Splits complexity: ○ module maintainer vs module user ● Versioning ● Testable
  • 9. What module creates resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" {...} resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" {...} resource "aws_placement_group" "proxysql_placement" {...} resource "aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook" "terminating" {...} resource "aws_autoscaling_policy" "cpu_load" {...}
  • 10. What module creates resource "aws_lb" "proxysql" {...} resource "aws_lb_listener" "proxysql" {...} resource "aws_lb_target_group" "proxysql" {...}
  • 11. What module creates resource "aws_route53_record" "elb" { name = "${var.backend_type}.proxysql" type = "CNAME" ttl = local.dns_ttl zone_id = records = [ aws_lb.proxysql.dns_name ] }
  • 12. What module creates output "nlb_dns_name" { value = aws_lb.proxysql.dns_name } output "nlb_cname" { value = }
  • 13. Healthchecks Two decisions to make: 1. Shall I forward traffic to X? 2. Shall I terminate X? ? Load Balancer ? resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" { … health_check_type = “EC2|ELB” … }
  • 14. ELB type Healthchecks ● Traffic port vs health check port ● TCP connection success? ○ Yes ■ Forward traffic ○ No ■ Do not forward traffic ■ Terminate instance :8080 :3306
  • 15. EC2 type Healthchecks ● Traffic port == health check port ● TCP connection success? ○ Yes ■ Forward traffic ○ No ■ Do not forward traffic ● ProxySQL healthcheck agent :8080 :3306 try: self.check_health(cursor) self.check_at_least_one_live(cursor) self.check_whg_count(cursor) self.check_instance_state(local_instance) self.mark_healthy(local_instance) except: self.mark_unhealthy(local_instance)
  • 16. Zero downtime migration ● Needed when change: ○ AMI, subnet, security group, IAM role ○ ami-12345678 -> ami-87654321 ● Blue/green deployment ● Must be tested for a proof Load Balancer
  • 17. Zero downtime migration: Step 1 resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" { … } resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" { name = "${local.asg_prefix}-${}" target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } }
  • 18. Zero downtime migration: Step 2 resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" { … } resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" { name = "${local.asg_prefix}-${}" target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } }
  • 19. Zero downtime migration: Step 3 resource "aws_launch_configuration" "proxysql_zero" { … } resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "proxysql_zero" { name = "${local.asg_prefix}-${}" target_group_arns = aws_lb_target_group.proxysql[*].arn lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } }
  • 20. Zero downtime migrations: How to test Must be tested (tests/zero_downtime/ Plan: ● ProxySQL acts as an HTTP server ● Create pool A ● Start a probe in a loop ● Create pool B ● Watch for probe errors
  • 21. Testing a module: terraform-ci def test_zero_downtime(ec2_client): # Pool A with open(osp.join(terraform_dir, "configuration.tfvars"), "w") as fp: fp.write(configuration_template.format(payload=”old payload”)) with terraform_apply(terraform_dir) as tf_output: proxysql_nlb = tf_output["proxysql_nlb"]["value"] # Probe que = Queue() child = Process(target=ping, args=(url, que)) # Pool B with open(osp.join(terraform_dir, "configuration.tfvars"), "w") as fp: fp.write(configuration_template.format(payload=”new payload”)) with terraform_apply(terraform_dir): child.terminate() result = que.get() assert result["error"] == 0 terraform-ci · PyPI
  • 22. test_data/ module "proxysql" { source = "../" ... iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile.ProxySQL_development.arn ports = [22, local.traffic_port] user_data_base64 = data.template_cloudinit_config.cloud_config["proxysql"].rendered aws_instance_type = "t3.micro" wait_for_capacity_timeout = "10m" }
  • 23. ProxySQL user-data userdata_proxysql = format( "#cloud-confign%s", yamlencode( { write_files : [ { content : var.index_content, path : "/root/index.html" }, ] package_update : true packages : [...], runcmd : [ "hostname proxysql", "pip3 install webdev", "cd /root; webdev -p ${local.traffic_port} &", "/usr/local/bin/ &" ] } ) )
  • 24. Test results Destroy complete! Resources: 24 destroyed. 2022-05-16 13:53:39,416: INFO: __init__.execute():416: Executing: terraform destroy -var-file=configuration.tfvars -input=false -auto-approve Changes to Outputs: - subnet_ids = [ - "subnet-5c19e837", - "subnet-53d7411f", - "subnet-43d5fa39", ] -> null - traffic_port = 13 -> null - vpc_id = "vpc-2ef53c45" -> null - zone_id = "Z07524281VZN9F9H2TZCX" -> null You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, without changing any real infrastructure. Destroy complete! Resources: 0 destroyed. PASSED ======================== 1 passed in 1098.00s (0:18:18) ========================
  • 26. Bootstrapping instance AWS Starts EC2 instance AMI starts cloud-init cloud-init starts puppet
  • 27. User-data [root@proxysql-0a01b51c:~]# ec2metadata --user-data #cloud-config pinfo_team: proxysql pinfo_env: sandbox pinfo_role: sandboxdb backend_type: sandboxdb spiffe_id: spiffe://
  • 28. Puppet: what to run?! [root@proxysql-0a01b51c:~]# puppet lookup --facts /etc/facter/facts.d/pinfo-$HOSTNAME.yaml --merge deep --hiera_config /mnt/puppet/hiera.yaml --render-as json classes ["pinterest::profile::proxysql"]
  • 29. Example: Puppet --- proxysql_manager::package_version: "latest" pinterest::profile::proxysql::mtls::enabled: true pinterest::profile::proxysql::package_version: "2.3.2" class pinterest::profile::proxysql (...) { service { 'proxysql': ensure => running, provider => 'debian', require => Exec['generate_proxysql_cnf'] } service { "proxysql-manager-agent": ensure => $enabled ? { true => running, default => stopped }, subscribe => Package['proxysql-manager'], require => [ Package['proxysql-manager'], File["/etc/proxysql-manager-agent.conf"], File["/etc/systemd/system/proxysql-manager-agent.service"], ] } }
  • 30. Bootstrap ProxySQL configuration [root@proxysql:~]# proxysql-manager generate-config --save-to=/dev/stdout datadir="/var/lib/proxysql" errorlog="/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log" admin_variables={ admin_credentials="superadmin:qwerty" mysql_ifaces="" }2022-05-16 19:05:25,546: INFO: MainProcess(30966) generate_config.generate_config():35: Successfully saved ProxySQL config in /dev/stdout
  • 31. ProxySQL Manager logs class pinterest::profile::proxysql_efs ( $efs_dir, $efs_target, $efs_mount_options = 'nfsvers=4.1', ) { file { $efs_dir: ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', } mount { $efs_dir: ensure => mounted, atboot => true, device => $efs_target, fstype => 'nfs4', options => $efs_mount_options, require => [ Package['nfs-common'], File[$efs_dir], ] } }
  • 32. ProxySQL Manager logs [root@proxysql-sharddb-prod-0a019037:~]# df -h /var/log/proxysql Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 8.0E 102G 8.0E 1% /var/log/proxysql # ll /var/log/proxysql-manager.log lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 May 13 02:01 /var/log/proxysql-manager.log -> /var/log/proxysql/i-0ec0c1de5b2190f4a/proxysql-manager.log
  • 34. Arch & Workflow (GitOps) VCS Jenkins SoT ProxySQL Node agent ProxySQL Node agent ProxySQL Node agent git test deploy test watch
  • 35. Data model CREATE TABLE global_variables ( variable_name VARCHAR NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, variable_value VARCHAR NOT NULL )
  • 36. Table is a Class [root@proxysql-sharddb-prod-0a019037:~]# proxysql-manager admin login -e "show tables" +----------------------------------------------------+ | tables | +----------------------------------------------------+ | global_variables | | mysql_aws_aurora_hostgroups | | mysql_collations | | mysql_firewall_whitelist_rules | | mysql_firewall_whitelist_sqli_fingerprints | | mysql_firewall_whitelist_users | | mysql_galera_hostgroups | | mysql_group_replication_hostgroups | | mysql_query_rules | | mysql_query_rules_fast_routing | | mysql_replication_hostgroups | | mysql_servers | | mysql_users | | scheduler | +----------------------------------------------------+
  • 38. PSList (table == list of records)
  • 39. Source of Truth(s) ● SourceOfTruth(ABC): ● SOTLocalProxy(SourceOfTruth): ● SOTRemoteMySQL(SourceOfTruth):
  • 40. ProxySQL Manager # proxysql-manager Usage: proxysql-manager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ProxySQL manager helps to manage local ProxySQL instance Options: --debug Print debug messages -q, --quiet Print only errors --logfile TEXT Log messages to this file [default: /var/log/proxysql- manager.log] --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: admin ProxySQL admin credentials deregister-server Deregister MySQL server from a ProxySQL Source of... deregister-unknown Deregister non-ZK MySQL servers. expert ProxySQL manager advanced commands. generate-config Generate ProxySQL config and save it on disk. is-server-registered The tool will inspect the latest ProxySQL config... register-server Register MySQL server in a ProxySQL Source of Truth. show-backends Show all backend types and their NLB DNS name. show-instance Show ProxySQL instance for given backend_type show-instances Same as ``proxysql-manager show-instance`` command. start-agent Update latest configuration to local ProxySQL. start-healthcheck Health check for upstream NLB. sync-sot Synchronize ProxySQL config to remote Source of...
  • 41. ProxySQL Manager: Agent def _watch_table(self, klass, interval): """ Start agent daemon. :param klass: Table class to watch :param int interval: Time in seconds between SoT checks. """ while True: with global_lock(): if klass == PSMysqlUsers: self._sync_mysql_users_with_knox() else: self.update_one_table(klass) sleep(interval)
  • 42. ProxySQL Manager: Agent (cont) def update_one_table(self, tblclass): try: pslist =, self._backend_type) if pslist.version and pslist.version > self.versions[tblclass]: # pslist is empty or pslist has newer version "It is a new version %d for table %s", pslist.version, tblclass.TABLE, ) self._local_proxysql.write(pslist) self.versions[tblclass] = pslist.version self.update_versions_file(tblclass=tblclass, version=pslist.version) self._handle_fallback(pslist)
  • 43. ProxySQL Manager: Healthcheck def watcher(self, credentials): while True: try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: self.check_health(cursor) self._check_at_least_one_live(cursor) self._check_whg_count(cursor) self._check_instance_state(local_instance) self._mark_healthy(local_instance) except ( ProxySQLNotHealthy, MySQLError, ConnectionRefusedError, ) as err: self._unhealthy_count += 1 LOG.error(err) if self._unhealthy_count > self._healthy_threshold: self._mark_unhealthy(local_instance) else: LOG.warning("Health check failed %d times", self._unhealthy_count) sleep(self._probe_interval)
  • 44. Source of Truth configuration mysql_query_rules.json [ { "proxy_port": 3306, "active": 1, "rule_id": 1, "destination_hostgroup": 1 } ] mysql_users.json [ { "username": "knox://<knox key>", "default_hostgroup": 3, "attributes": { "spiffe_id": "spiffe://" }, "comment": { "fallback_group": 4 } }, ] ● global_variables.json ● mysql_replication_hostgroups.json