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My Chehalis Watershed Pledge!
A watershed is an area of land (including deserts, cities, and farms) that is drained by
rivers and tributaries to a common waterway like a lake, river, Puget Sound or the
ocean. A watershed is also defined by the plants, animals and people living in the
watershed including their stories and traditions.
The Chehalis Watershed is the one of the largest in Washington State, covering
2,660 square miles. The headwaters are high in the Willapa Hills south of the town of
Pe Ell. Here the mainstem and South Fork Chehalis drain uplands south and west of
Chehalis. For over a hundred miles, the Chehalis River winds its way through the
towns of Centralia, Chehalis, Rochester, Oakville, Elma, and Montesano before
emptying into the Pacific Ocean between the twin cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam.
There are 180 lakes, ponds, streams and reservoirs in the Chehalis Basin Watershed.
Agricultural and urban areas are common throughout the lowland regions of the
Basin. Many people use the Chehalis River and its tributaries for a variety of purposes
including drinking water, irrigation, industry, navigation, commercial and tribal
fishing and recreation.
The basin has a high proportion of forestlands; however, development is
concentrated in areas close to important basin streams and rivers. This can have
negative impacts on both water quality and quantity. The Chehalis Watershed faces
many challenges, threats -- and opportunities.
We are working to learn about, protect and enhance this special
watershed, and we invite you to join us!
Did you know that all of the water around you is connected?
Did you know that we all live in a watershed?
What do you know about watersheds?
Each person affects the watershed they
live in with their daily actions. Things
like pollution and over-use of water
threaten the health of a watershed. A
healthy watershed in turn helps ensure
the health of every person, animal, and
plant that lives within it, including you
and your family!
This booklet will help you understand
the watershed you live in and how to
protect it. You’ll learn how water cycles
through the environment, how
different forms of pollution can enter
watersheds, and how to conserve
You’ll also learn what actions YOU can
take to prevent these problems, enjoy
nature, and help keep your watershed
1.The Water Cycle
2. Drinking Water
3. Runoff
4. Getting Started
5. Hazards in Your Home
6. Hazards in Your Yard and Garden
7. The Scoop on Poop
8. Car Waste
9. Trash!
10. Lights Out
11. Recreation
12. Get Outside and Get Involved
13. Resources
14. Glossary
15. Sources
16. Watershed Pledge
The water cycle is the endless movement of water through
three states– solid, liquid and gas- around the planet Earth.
Though it has no starting point we'll begin in the oceans,
since that is where most of Earth's water exists. The sun,
which drives the water cycle, heats ocean water which
evaporates as water vapor (a gas) into the air. A relatively
small amount of water also enters the atmosphere when
ice and snow change from solid water to water vapor
through sublimation.
Water is also released into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration,
where liquid water transpires to water vapor through a plant’s leaves. Rising air
currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere where cooler temperatures cause it
to condense into clouds.
Find these words
in the water cycle
 Evaporation
 Transpiration
 Precipitation
 Condensation
 Runoff
Air currents move
clouds around the
globe, and cloud
particles collide, grow,
and fall out of the sky
as precipitation.
Some precipitation falls
as snow and can
accumulate as ice caps
and glaciers, which can
store frozen water for
thousands of years!
Most precipitation falls back into the oceans or onto land as rain or
snow. As the seasons change from winter to spring, snow thaws and
Rain, snow, snowmelt and any other sources of surface water can
flow over the land as surface runoff. A portion of runoff enters rivers
in valleys in the landscape, with stream flow moving water towards
the oceans. Runoff and groundwater seepage accumulate and are
stored as freshwater in lakes.
Not all runoff flows into rivers, though. Much of it percolates into the
ground and replenishes aquifers. An aquifer is a layer of permeable rock, sand, or gravel that
stores and holds water.
Pipes are drilled into groundwater to supply wells with water for drinking. Groundwater, under
pressure, also finds openings in the land surface and emerges as freshwater springs. Some
groundwater stays close to the land surface and can seep back into and recharge surface-water
bodies (and the ocean).
Yet more groundwater is
absorbed by plant roots through a
process called absorption. Over
time all of this water keeps
moving, some to reenter the
ocean, where the water cycle
"begins again"!
Find these words
in the water cycle
 Bedrock
 Vapor
 Aquifers
 Precipitation
 Groundwater
Play the Blue Traveler Game!
Out of all of the water on
Earth, 97% is saltwater, 2%
is glacial ice — and less
than 1% is drinkable
Go to:
and learn more about
the water cycle!
The water around you is truly
ancient, even as it is renewed
through the water cycle. In fact, the
water you drink today may have
been a drink for a dinosaur, 200
million years ago! (EPA).
Much more fresh
water is stored
under the ground in
aquifers than on the
earth’s surface.
Water dissolves
more substances
than any other
liquid. Wherever it
travels, water carries
chemicals, minerals,
and nutrients with it.
The total amount of
water on the earth is
about 326 million
cubic miles of water.
Callout Jokes:
“What did one tide pool say to the other?” Show me
your mussels!
“What did the beach say to the tide?” Long tide, no sea.
“Why did the kid dump a bucket of water off the school
roof?” He wanted to make a big splash in front of his
Water that falls onto a forest, prairies, or meadow is absorbed or
soaked up by the plants and soil. Surfaces that absorb water are called
pervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, paved
roads, parking lots, and roof tops prevent runoff from naturally soaking
into the ground.
“Polluted runoff" is created when rain, snowmelt, irrigation water, and
other water sources run over the land, picking up pollutants like
pesticides, fertilizers, leaking car fluids, animal wastes, and transporting
them to local water bodies. This water is discharged untreated into
water bodies we use for swimming, fishing and providing drinking
Nonpoint source pollution occurs when there are many sources of pollution and cannot be easily
identified, while point source pollution has a single, identifiable source. Nonpoint source
pollution is also called "people pollution" because much of it is the result of activities that people
do everyday. With each rainfall, pollutants are washed from impervious surfaces and land areas
into ditches and storm drains that flow into our nearby waterways. Nonpoint source pollution is
the biggest threat to our creeks, lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries and oceans.
“In 2011, one quarter
of our monitored
beaches [in Puget
Sound] were unsafe
for swimming because
they failed to meet
water quality
Can you find
these words?
 Nonpoint Source
 People Pollution
 Pervious
 Polluted Runoff
The good news is that we can all help prevent "people pollution"! Simple
lifestyle changes can make a tremendous difference in the quality of our water
and air resources.
Here are a few simple changes we can all make to help minimize nonpoint
source pollution in the environment.
To help keep water clean, I promise to:
B- Never pour harmful
chemical or materials onto
the ground, or into a
storm drain.
C- Plant native plants, or a
rain garden, to help absorb
water and limit runoff.
A– Recycle what I can and
dispose of trash correctly.
“Pack it in, pack it out”
D- (Write your own!)
Rain gardens can help filter runoff! Rain
gardens are made up of special soil mix and native,
drought and insect/disease resistant plants. The
soil and plants work together to mimic a native
forest by collecting, absorbing, and filtering water
that would otherwise become runoff.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) rain gardens can effectively remove
up to 97% of the copper from roof shingles, oil, grease and the soil!
Create a rain garden at your home, or your school, and have an impact on the
amount of polluted runoff entering local waters!
Polluted runoff is the
number one source of
toxins entering
Puget Sound.
Students at Oakville Middle/High
School created a rain garden at
their school!
Are There Hazardous Materials in your home?
Household hazardous materials (HHM) contain ingredients that could be
harmful to human health or the environment. Hazards such as cleaning
products, paints, and glues are used at home every day by people like you and
If they are not used properly, they can be harmful to people and pets.
If they are not disposed of properly, these materials become household
hazardous waste and they can get into our drinking water, rivers, creeks and
Puget Sound and the ocean!
Improper disposal of hazardous products can cause chemical
burns, or poisoning of people, drinking water, plants and
animals, and in some cases, can even cause explosions!
Here are some common household products that are hazardous, and important to dispose of
properly: batteries, old electronics, cleaning products, and oil-based paints.
Follow this link to learn about where you can dispose of hazardous items in your community:
For home care, I promise to:
B- Dispose of toxic products
at household hazardous
waste drop points
See 13.Resource Page for links
to more information
C- Make a product out of safe
ingredients that can be used
instead of a hazardous product.
toxicfreetips to make your own
A– Read the label on
household products and talk to
parents about using safer
alternatives. If I must use them,
I will follow the instructions
with care.
D- (Write your own!)
Products used in yards and gardens can be hazardous, too. Pesticides used to kill
bugs and herbicides used to kill weeds often contain hazardous chemicals that are
poisonous to plants, helpful bugs (such as local bees) and people. If used on the
lawn or garden when it rains, they may be washed into local waters and harm the
A healthy lawn only needs about an inch of water per week. If your lawn or garden
receives more water than it needs each week through rain or over-watering, prod-
ucts such as fertilizers, bug and weed killers can run off into nearby ditches, rivers
and creeks.
Create a simple water gage by setting an empty tuna or cat food can onto the lawn.
Check it often when watering to know when the inch of water has been met. If you
reach an inch in one week from rain, there is no need to water that week!
With an adult, follow the link below to the Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget
Sound (
Kari Winsor, with students from Komachin MS at
Blue Earth Farm, a small farm in Chehalis
Use a weed puller to get rid of weeds!
B- Use compost and organic
fertilizers instead of quick-
release fertilizers.
C- Plant native trees and plants
because they are resistant to
diseases and insects.
A– Pull weeds by hand, or
with a tool, or use a safer
substitute like water and white
D- Make a water gauge to
keep track of how much water
the lawn gets from the
sprinkler/rain each week, to
only water one inch per week.
E- Write your own!
Create your own soil amendment!
Follow this link to learn how to start
your own compost!
To help keep water clean, I promise to:
Here are a few simple changes we can
all make to help prevent pollution from
yards and gardens!
Based on 2007 census dogs
generate approximately 6 TONS
OF FECES PER DAY in Thurston
County (that’s the weight of a full
size Killer Whale!).
A single gram of dog waste
(the weight of a business card)
contains an average of 23 million
fecal coliform bacteria.
Bacteria in pet waste creates a
health risk to people in parks
and yards, especially children
who often play in the grass.
Waste from dogs and humans contains more
fecal coliform bacteria per gram than cows,
horses and other wildlife. On average, a dog
will produce over 7 billion
fecal coliform bacteria!
For Pets, I promise to:
B -- Carry an extra pet waste
bag to offer to a friend who
forgets one.
C-- Have my cat use a litter box
instead of going outside, and
clean the litter box so they keep
using it, and dispose of the dirty
litter in the garbage.
A – Scoop the poop, bag it,
and place it in the trash. Don’t
forget to wash your hands!
F -- Write your own!
E - Collect, cover and compost
manure from cows, horses,
goats and other livestock.
D – Keep livestock and other animals
away from the edges of bodies of water;
where they could hurt important native
plants. And do NOT feed or allow your
pets to chase wildlife.
For Livestock, I promise to:
Don’t Let the Family Car Drip!
How to see if your family car is leaking fluids:
First place a large piece of paper or cardboard under-
neath the engine of your family car. (Tip: Pick a night
without rain or wind.) Hold the edges of the paper
with something heavy. Leave the cardboard under
your car overnight, or for at least 6 hours. In the
morning, remove the paper and see if there are any
leaks. If your vehicle did not have a leak – that's
terrific. Continue to maintain it and watch for leaks.
Periodically, do the "paper test".
If your vehicle has a leak, Talk to your parents about
taking the car and the paper to an auto repair shop
to repair the leak as soon as possible. If you cannot
get the leak repaired right away, put paper,
cardboard, or a drip pan under the leak while your
vehicle is parked, until you can get the leak repaired.
For spills and leaks: Cover with an absorbent
material, such as soil or kitty litter, sweep it up and
put it in the trash.
A lot of pollution can come from
vehicles. Cars often leak fluids,
which can be washed into local
waters by runoff. Leaks in
driveways or garages may also
end up in the water, and can be
poisonous to pets and people. A
car’s exhaust contains chemicals
and small bits of metal and soot
that are released into the air, or
left on the road where they can
be picked up by runoff.
Vehicles are important to people, but
we must use and manage them
carefully. What can you do? Get
physical! 40% of all car trips are for
distances less than 2 miles. Walk,
bike, or skateboard to school, the
store or your friends house when you
can. Physical activity is important for
your overall health, and using a car
less often means less pollution. You
can also taking the bus or carpool to
reduce pollution!
Create no idle zones.
Idling is when a car is left in park, with the engine on. For every ten minutes
that a car is idling, it releases a pound of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere!
Turning the engine off while a car is parked saves gas and money, and
prevents pollution. You could talk to your teacher or principal about putting
up “No Idle-Zone” signs in the student pick-up and drop-off area at your
Follow this link to a video on
car washes by the Puget Sound
Car Wash Association:
To reduce pollution from vehicles, I promise to:
F- Write your own!
D– Encourage my family to
take the car to a commercial
car wash, where the water is
cleaned and recycled on site,
and the grime is sent to a
wastewater treatment plant.
C- Check to see if our family
car has a leak and letting my
parents know about the leak.
B- Ask my teacher or principal
about putting “No Idle Zone”
signs in the pick-up/drop-off
A– Reduce the amount of cars
on the road by carpooling,
taking the bus, walking, riding a
bike, skateboard, or some
other form of transportation.
E– If I wash the car at home, I’ll
use a non phosphate soap and
wash it over the lawn or
gravelly area (not over a
drinking area or septic system )
so the wash water can soak into
the ground. I’ll save water by
using a bucket and a hose with
a spray nozzle.
Each year, Americans generate millions of pounds
of garbage. In 2011, Washingtonians generated an
average of 13.1 pounds of trash per day, with 6.8
pounds diverted through recycling and composting.
In many cities in Western Washington, our landfills
are filled to capacity, capped and closed. Much of
the garbage that we produce locally is now trucked
and then sent by train to landfills in Eastern
We can conserve valuable resources, save energy,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harm-
ful pollutants, conserve landfill space and create
jobs by reducing the amount of garbage we
Simple things we can do:
 Buy more durable goods, (did you know that
more than 97% of what we buy lasts less than 6
 Reuse things! Upcycle and recycle items around
your house by giving them a new use and pur-
 Donate items you are done with but might be
useful to someone else.
 At
you can watch a video about the stuff we buy
and its affects on the world.
Watch this video about an island in the Pacific Ocean that is being affected by
large and micro-plastics:
Plastics in the sea! Plastics
and other forms of
garbage are swept into
local waters and can be
carried on currents far out
into the ocean.
Currents from all over the
world meet in the ocean,
and the litter they carry
collects to form garbage
patches as big as a
The Great Pacific garbage
patch was predicted in
1988 and discovered in
1997. Another garbage
patch exists in the Atlantic
A surprising source of plastics in our waterways comes from household products
used and flushed down the drain. From micro beads in body care products washed
down the shower drain to tiny bits of synthetic fabric such as fleece discharged with
washing machine water. All these household products contribute to the problem.
Sewage treatment plants screen out larger plastic items that get into the sewage
waste stream, but microplastics pass right through. You can help eliminate this
source by checking the products you buy. Avoid anything with microbeads and
choose products with a minimal use of plastic packaging. Check out Plastics and
Water — A dangerous mix for aquatic life:
Learn more at
H- Write your own!
B- Buy things with my
spending money that will
last me a long time, and
that use less packaging
or are made of recycled
E- “Pack it in” and “
pack it out”
C- Recycle and compost
what I can, rather than
throwing it away in the
A– Use my own
reusable shopping bag,
instead of taking plastic
or paper ones from the
F- Follow Ten Tips for
trash free seas
D–Organize a dumpster-
dive at my school, so that
everyone can learn how
many things are being
thrown away that could
have been recycled or
composted instead.
G- Encourage your
school to participate in
Food 2 Flowers (in
Thurston County) or
other compost/recycling
For reducing my waste, I promise to:
Power Down and Lights Out
Most of the energy you use at home
and at school comes from burning
fossil fuels. In Washington State 50% of
energy used is from non-renewable
sources including coal, oil and natural
gas. Using less energy means burning
fewer fossil fuels and putting less car-
bon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Washington state produces lots of electricity from water—hydropower. It is
considered renewable, but it still comes at a cost. For example, hydropower is
considered renewable because it uses the Earth's water cycle to generate
electricity. The movement of water as it flows downstream creates kinetic en-
ergy that can be converted into electricity. A hydroelectric power plant con-
verts this energy into electricity by forcing water, often held at a dam, through
a hydraulic turbine that is connected to a generator.
The water exits the turbine and is returned to a stream or riverbed below the
dam. However, dams have a large impact on the natural river systems and to
plants, fish, and other wildlife.
Hydropower is one of the four H’s when
considering the problems resulting in the
decline of native salmon runs (the other H’s
are: loss of habitat, hatcheries and over -
Four thousand gallons of water will
produce one kilowatt-hour of
hydroelectric power which equates
to ten “100 watt” light bulbs or one
hour of using a space heater!
Mike Town, high school teacher, Cool School
Challenge Program creator. To learn how to join
the program check out:
-USA/Become-an-Eco-School.aspx (Also found
on the 13. ResourcesPage)
F. Write your own! -
C- I’ll do the math. An energy
audit will help me calculate how
much energy my family uses at
home and identify ways to
reduce your energy use.
D– I’ll look for the ENERGY
STAR label. Energy–efficient
appliances and electronics use
between 10 and 50 % less
energy than regular models.
When I’m shopping for a
computer, DVD player, or other
electronic device, I’ll look for
products that display the
Energy Star label.
B- Power down. Did you know that
some appliances and electronics
plugged into an outlet still use
power, even when they're turned
off? Unplug “energy vampires” like
video game consoles, cell phone
chargers and MP3 players whenever
I can. Or I may buy a “smart” power
strip, which automatically cuts off
power when I you turn off an
A– Turn off the
lights when I leave a
E– I will involve my school and
classmates in the Cool School
Challenge (CSC) Program. The
CSC engages students and
teachers in practical strategies
to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2)
and other greenhouse gas
emissions school-wide.
For reducing my energy use, I promise to:
The rivers and streams in your watershed are
popular with anglers, boaters, tubers, hikers,
and other recreational users. While you're out
enjoying your local creek or river, please
remember that there may be fish spawning or
rearing in the same creek or river. Here are
ways to keep salmon and your watershed
Fishing and Hunting:
If you like to ride your ATV or dirt bike in the
woods, those shallow gravel beds that look like
the perfect place to cross a stream are also the
perfect place for fish to spawn. It's especially
important to leave gravel beds alone from May
through February, when adult fish are spawn-
ing and eggs are incubating. Please use bridges
whenever possible.
Salmon return to
Washington rivers and
creeks to spawn each year.
They have important work
to take care of– laying eggs
will insure the future of
their species!
When visiting a stream with
spawning salmon, make
sure to give them space.
Salmon see you as a
predator and will use up
their own precious
resources trying to swim
away. Also, try not walk in
the creek where you may
trample fragile fish eggs.
List of salmon viewing
 Schafer State Park near
 Kennedy Creek Salmon
Trail (
 Tumwater Falls, McLane
Nature Trail or the 4th
Ave. Bridge in downtown
Artwork courtesy of Jessie Moyers, WDFW AmeriCorps Volunteer
Invasive plants are not native to western Washington, but aggressively out-compete
native plants for resources such as sun, water, and mineral nutrients. Many of these
plants have adaptations that allow them to “hitchhike” from one area to another on
your clothes, hunting and fishing equipment, or even your dog’s fur and paws! Make
sure to inspect your gear for these unwanted plant and animal “hitchhikers” and
clean thoroughly by submerging your boots and waders in hot water (140 C) for five
minutes OR freezing your gear for at least eight hours.
The New Zealand Mud Snail is a tiny “hitchhiker” that has been found in several
areas around western Washington, including Capitol Lake in Olympia. They quickly
reproduce by cloning themselves, and just one female mud snail can create a colony
of 40 million in one year!
For more information on the New Zealand Mud Snail and other aquatic invasive species visit
When I go outside for recreation I promise to:
B -- Not litter in or near water,
or anywhere!
“Pack it in! Pack it out!”
C-- Not ride my motorized
vehicle in a riparian zone-- the
area around a body of water.
A –Follow fishing and hunting
regulations developed by the
Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife.
F -- Write your own!
E - Clean my boots and other
equipment thoroughly using
hot water or by freezing
D – Stay on trails while I am
enjoying nature areas in the
Want to learn more?
Check out the
Children and
Nature Network at:
Also check out:
farms for a listing of
farms in the area
that you can buy
directly from!
Children who play together in nature are less likely to take part in
bullying behavior and instead more collaborative skills and will
demonstrate respect for others. Time outside also improves
In a recent study from Japan, it has been shown that trees give off
chemical compounds called phytoncides that naturally boost our
immunity and enhance how we feel overall. Pretty cool huh?
Even a 20-minute walk outside in nature can help with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), so kids can concentrate better! Students
that are exposed to nature also score higher test score in math, reading
and writing than their non-nature exposed peers!
Children who spend more time outdoors are less likely to be overweight
by 27% -41%. Today, medical doctors even prescribe time outside to get
kids healthier!
Did you know that being active in nature can make you
happier, healthier, kinder and smarter? Ever catch a cold or the
flu? Even kids feel stress, right? According to studies by Dr.
Michelfelder, Loyola School of Medicine, Chicago, (and
others), being in nature improves ones’ immunity to fight off
colds, makes you less likely to have asthma or be near-sighted!
Spending time outside can also reduce anxiety and stress levels
by as much as 28% in children!
Get outside and discover where your food comes from! Visit
one of our region’s farmers markets (Centralia, Chehalis,
Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater) or one of our many local farms!
Below are other ways time outdoors is good for your health!
There are so many natural places calling for you and your
family to explore! Take a look at the Chehalis outdoor
recreational activity map:
B. Join my local Stream Team or land trust and help improve
local creeks, streams and river!
A. Get outdoors in my own neighborhood!
C. Take my family and friends out to enjoy our amazing parks,
lakes, rivers, streams and natural trails!
E. (Write Your Own!)
Want to learn more?
 Check out the Children
and Nature Network at:
 Check out South Sound
Watersheds at: http://
 Check out the
International River of
Words and Poetry
Contest at:
To get outside and get involved, I pledge to:
D. Enter a nature drawing or poem in the River of Words
International Art and Poetry Contest!
Grays Harbor County
 Grays Harbor Conservation District (360) 249-5980
 Grays Harbor PUD (360) 532-4220
 Grays Harbor Recycling Information (360) 249-4222
 WSU Grays Harbor Noxious Weeds (360) 482-2265
 Household Hazardous Waste Drop off: 4201 Olympic Hwy (360) 538-7080
Every Wed. and 1st Sat.
 For Grays Harbor Stream Team, please contact Jane Atha at Jane Atha, Ph.D.,
Watershed Coordinator/Chehalis Basin Partnership and Grays Harbor;
Mobile: 512-297-8743; Email:
Lewis County
 Lewis County Recycling Information (360) 740-1451
 Household Hazardous Waste Drop off: 1411 S. Tower Ave. (360) 740-1221
(April–Oct: Every Sat., Nov-March: 1st Sat. only)
 Lewis County Conservation District (360) 748-0083
 Lewis County PUD (360) 748-9261
 Centralia Stream Team, please contact: Kim Ashmore, City of Centralia at
Artwork by Jessie Moyers
Volunteering in the
outdoors is a great way to get
outside and give back to your
Thurston County
 Thurston County Environmental Health—
360-867-2500 (TDD 1-800-658-6384)
 Thurston Conservation District–
 LOTT Wastewater Treatment Plant-
360) 664-2333
 Thurston County Solid Waste-
 Thurston County Household Hazardous
Waste Drop Off-(360) 867-2912 or email
 Thurston County Water Resources
 Stream Team (serving Olympia, Lacey,
Tumwater and Thurston County)
 Capitol Land Trust (360) 943-3012 or
 Nisqually Land Trust (360) 489-3400 or
 Chehalis Land Trust 360-807-0764 or
 Nisqually Stream Stewards 360-438-8687
 Nature Deficit Disorder: Miranda
Anderson at TedxKids@BC Youtube:
 Condensation: Warm air carries moisture (water vapor) upward in
the atmosphere, where it cools and forms clouds.
 Evaporation: A body of water sheds moisture into the atmosphere.
 Infiltration: Water enters soil, and becomes groundwater.
 Impervious: any hard surface that prevents the flow of water into
the soil
 Pervious: a type of surface that water can soak through.
 Precipitation: Water stored in clouds falls to Earth as rain, or snow,
or sleet.
 Runoff: Water travels across soil that is too wet to absorb it (soak it
up) and makes its way to a body of water.
 Transpiration: Plants draw groundwater up from the Earth, and
shed moisture into the atmosphere.
 Watershed: an area of land where all the water drains to a common
waterway such as a lake, river, or ocean.
What words do you think should be added to this glossary list?
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 Interactive web based
water cycle
Page 4
 Coho study facts—
Page 7
 (Surf the web at to find out what watershed
you live in.)
Page 8
Page 10
Page 13
Page 15
Page 17
Page 24
Page 25
Page 30
Nisqually Watershed Information:
Chehalis Watershed Pledge Card
Thank you for everything you’re already doing to protect the Chehalis
watershed! To keep the watershed healthy and improve some areas that
have challenges now, we can all do a little more.
Please check √ the activities you are currently practicing and circle the
new activities you would like to adopt (corresponding pledge list is
below). The numbers will show you which section to find which activities
in the booklet.
Fill out and return this card by May 30th to your CBEC Teacher.
Your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize such as a reusable
water bottle, lunch bag, or another cool sustainable prize!
4 - Getting Started A B C D
5 - Hazards in the Home: A B C D
6 - Hazards in the Yard and Garden: A B C D E
7 - Scoop That Poop: A B C D E F
8 - Car Waste: A B C D E F
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
School Teacher: ___________________________________________________________________
School Address: ___________________________________________________________________
School Phone Number: _________________________________________________
9 - Trash: A B C D E F G
10 - Power Down and Lights Out: A B C D E
11 - Recreation: A B C D E
12 - Get Outside and Get Involved: A B C D E
Did you know that Seattle was named after Chief Seattle (Seathl),
the Duwamish tribal Chief? Legend states that Chief Seattle once said,
“All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth
befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life;
he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself.”
Photo Courtesy of:
This booklet was created in partnership with the Chehalis Basin
Education Consortium, Capital Region Educational Service District 113,
(CRESD 113), the Nisqually River Education Project, Nisqually River
Foundation, and South Sound GREEN Thurston Conservation
District. Funding for the Chehalis Watershed pledge version of this booklet
was provided by CRESD 113 and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

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My Chehalis Watershed Pledge

  • 2. 2 A watershed is an area of land (including deserts, cities, and farms) that is drained by rivers and tributaries to a common waterway like a lake, river, Puget Sound or the ocean. A watershed is also defined by the plants, animals and people living in the watershed including their stories and traditions. The Chehalis Watershed is the one of the largest in Washington State, covering 2,660 square miles. The headwaters are high in the Willapa Hills south of the town of Pe Ell. Here the mainstem and South Fork Chehalis drain uplands south and west of Chehalis. For over a hundred miles, the Chehalis River winds its way through the towns of Centralia, Chehalis, Rochester, Oakville, Elma, and Montesano before emptying into the Pacific Ocean between the twin cities of Aberdeen and Hoquiam. There are 180 lakes, ponds, streams and reservoirs in the Chehalis Basin Watershed. Agricultural and urban areas are common throughout the lowland regions of the Basin. Many people use the Chehalis River and its tributaries for a variety of purposes including drinking water, irrigation, industry, navigation, commercial and tribal fishing and recreation. The basin has a high proportion of forestlands; however, development is concentrated in areas close to important basin streams and rivers. This can have negative impacts on both water quality and quantity. The Chehalis Watershed faces many challenges, threats -- and opportunities. We are working to learn about, protect and enhance this special watershed, and we invite you to join us! Did you know that all of the water around you is connected? Did you know that we all live in a watershed? What do you know about watersheds?
  • 3. 3 Each person affects the watershed they live in with their daily actions. Things like pollution and over-use of water threaten the health of a watershed. A healthy watershed in turn helps ensure the health of every person, animal, and plant that lives within it, including you and your family! This booklet will help you understand the watershed you live in and how to protect it. You’ll learn how water cycles through the environment, how different forms of pollution can enter watersheds, and how to conserve water. You’ll also learn what actions YOU can take to prevent these problems, enjoy nature, and help keep your watershed healthy! INTRODUCTION 1.The Water Cycle 2. Drinking Water 3. Runoff 4. Getting Started 5. Hazards in Your Home 6. Hazards in Your Yard and Garden 7. The Scoop on Poop 8. Car Waste 9. Trash! 10. Lights Out 11. Recreation 12. Get Outside and Get Involved 13. Resources 14. Glossary 15. Sources 16. Watershed Pledge CONTENTS
  • 4. 4 The water cycle is the endless movement of water through three states– solid, liquid and gas- around the planet Earth. Though it has no starting point we'll begin in the oceans, since that is where most of Earth's water exists. The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats ocean water which evaporates as water vapor (a gas) into the air. A relatively small amount of water also enters the atmosphere when ice and snow change from solid water to water vapor through sublimation. Water is also released into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration, where liquid water transpires to water vapor through a plant’s leaves. Rising air currents take the vapor up into the atmosphere where cooler temperatures cause it to condense into clouds. I. THE WATER CYCLE Find these words in the water cycle  Evaporation  Transpiration  Precipitation  Condensation  Runoff Air currents move clouds around the globe, and cloud particles collide, grow, and fall out of the sky as precipitation. Some precipitation falls as snow and can accumulate as ice caps and glaciers, which can store frozen water for thousands of years!
  • 5. 5 Most precipitation falls back into the oceans or onto land as rain or snow. As the seasons change from winter to spring, snow thaws and melts. Rain, snow, snowmelt and any other sources of surface water can flow over the land as surface runoff. A portion of runoff enters rivers in valleys in the landscape, with stream flow moving water towards the oceans. Runoff and groundwater seepage accumulate and are stored as freshwater in lakes. Not all runoff flows into rivers, though. Much of it percolates into the ground and replenishes aquifers. An aquifer is a layer of permeable rock, sand, or gravel that stores and holds water. Pipes are drilled into groundwater to supply wells with water for drinking. Groundwater, under pressure, also finds openings in the land surface and emerges as freshwater springs. Some groundwater stays close to the land surface and can seep back into and recharge surface-water bodies (and the ocean). Yet more groundwater is absorbed by plant roots through a process called absorption. Over time all of this water keeps moving, some to reenter the ocean, where the water cycle "begins again"! I. THE WATER CYCLE Find these words in the water cycle  Bedrock  Vapor  Aquifers  Precipitation  Groundwater precipitation aquifer
  • 6. 6 I. THE WATER CYCLE Play the Blue Traveler Game! Out of all of the water on Earth, 97% is saltwater, 2% is glacial ice — and less than 1% is drinkable groundwater Go to: www.discoverwater. org/water-cycle/ and learn more about the water cycle!
  • 7. 7 The water around you is truly ancient, even as it is renewed through the water cycle. In fact, the water you drink today may have been a drink for a dinosaur, 200 million years ago! (EPA). 2. DRINKING WATER Much more fresh water is stored under the ground in aquifers than on the earth’s surface. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it travels, water carries chemicals, minerals, and nutrients with it. The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water. Callout Jokes: “What did one tide pool say to the other?” Show me your mussels! “What did the beach say to the tide?” Long tide, no sea. “Why did the kid dump a bucket of water off the school roof?” He wanted to make a big splash in front of his class.
  • 8. 8 Water that falls onto a forest, prairies, or meadow is absorbed or soaked up by the plants and soil. Surfaces that absorb water are called pervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, paved roads, parking lots, and roof tops prevent runoff from naturally soaking into the ground. “Polluted runoff" is created when rain, snowmelt, irrigation water, and other water sources run over the land, picking up pollutants like pesticides, fertilizers, leaking car fluids, animal wastes, and transporting them to local water bodies. This water is discharged untreated into water bodies we use for swimming, fishing and providing drinking water. Nonpoint source pollution occurs when there are many sources of pollution and cannot be easily identified, while point source pollution has a single, identifiable source. Nonpoint source pollution is also called "people pollution" because much of it is the result of activities that people do everyday. With each rainfall, pollutants are washed from impervious surfaces and land areas into ditches and storm drains that flow into our nearby waterways. Nonpoint source pollution is the biggest threat to our creeks, lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries and oceans. 3. RUNOFF “In 2011, one quarter of our monitored beaches [in Puget Sound] were unsafe for swimming because they failed to meet water quality standard” Can you find these words?  Nonpoint Source Pollution  People Pollution  Pervious  Polluted Runoff
  • 9. 9 The good news is that we can all help prevent "people pollution"! Simple lifestyle changes can make a tremendous difference in the quality of our water and air resources. Here are a few simple changes we can all make to help minimize nonpoint source pollution in the environment. To help keep water clean, I promise to: 4. GETTING STARTED B- Never pour harmful chemical or materials onto the ground, or into a storm drain. C- Plant native plants, or a rain garden, to help absorb water and limit runoff. A– Recycle what I can and dispose of trash correctly. “Pack it in, pack it out” D- (Write your own!) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
  • 10. 10 4. GETTING STARTED Rain gardens can help filter runoff! Rain gardens are made up of special soil mix and native, drought and insect/disease resistant plants. The soil and plants work together to mimic a native forest by collecting, absorbing, and filtering water that would otherwise become runoff. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rain gardens can effectively remove up to 97% of the copper from roof shingles, oil, grease and the soil! Create a rain garden at your home, or your school, and have an impact on the amount of polluted runoff entering local waters! Polluted runoff is the number one source of toxins entering Puget Sound. Students at Oakville Middle/High School created a rain garden at their school!
  • 11. 11 Are There Hazardous Materials in your home? Household hazardous materials (HHM) contain ingredients that could be harmful to human health or the environment. Hazards such as cleaning products, paints, and glues are used at home every day by people like you and me. If they are not used properly, they can be harmful to people and pets. If they are not disposed of properly, these materials become household hazardous waste and they can get into our drinking water, rivers, creeks and Puget Sound and the ocean! 5. HAZARDS IN THE HOME
  • 12. 12 5. HAZARDS IN THE HOME Improper disposal of hazardous products can cause chemical burns, or poisoning of people, drinking water, plants and animals, and in some cases, can even cause explosions!
  • 13. 13 Here are some common household products that are hazardous, and important to dispose of properly: batteries, old electronics, cleaning products, and oil-based paints. Follow this link to learn about where you can dispose of hazardous items in your community: For home care, I promise to: 5. HAZARDS IN THE HOME B- Dispose of toxic products at household hazardous waste drop points See 13.Resource Page for links to more information C- Make a product out of safe ingredients that can be used instead of a hazardous product. Visit toxicfreetips to make your own A– Read the label on household products and talk to parents about using safer alternatives. If I must use them, I will follow the instructions with care. D- (Write your own!) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
  • 14. 14 Products used in yards and gardens can be hazardous, too. Pesticides used to kill bugs and herbicides used to kill weeds often contain hazardous chemicals that are poisonous to plants, helpful bugs (such as local bees) and people. If used on the lawn or garden when it rains, they may be washed into local waters and harm the environment. A healthy lawn only needs about an inch of water per week. If your lawn or garden receives more water than it needs each week through rain or over-watering, prod- ucts such as fertilizers, bug and weed killers can run off into nearby ditches, rivers and creeks. Create a simple water gage by setting an empty tuna or cat food can onto the lawn. Check it often when watering to know when the inch of water has been met. If you reach an inch in one week from rain, there is no need to water that week! With an adult, follow the link below to the Control of Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound ( Kari Winsor, with students from Komachin MS at Blue Earth Farm, a small farm in Chehalis 6. HAZARDS IN YOUR YARD AND GARDEN Use a weed puller to get rid of weeds!
  • 15. 15 B- Use compost and organic fertilizers instead of quick- release fertilizers. C- Plant native trees and plants because they are resistant to diseases and insects. A– Pull weeds by hand, or with a tool, or use a safer substitute like water and white vinegar. D- Make a water gauge to keep track of how much water the lawn gets from the sprinkler/rain each week, to only water one inch per week. E- Write your own! __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Create your own soil amendment! Follow this link to learn how to start your own compost! recycle/composting-home To help keep water clean, I promise to: Here are a few simple changes we can all make to help prevent pollution from yards and gardens! 6. HAZARDS IN YOUR YARD AND GARDEN
  • 16. 16 7. THE SCOOP ON POOP Based on 2007 census dogs generate approximately 6 TONS OF FECES PER DAY in Thurston County (that’s the weight of a full size Killer Whale!). A single gram of dog waste (the weight of a business card) contains an average of 23 million fecal coliform bacteria. Bacteria in pet waste creates a health risk to people in parks and yards, especially children who often play in the grass. Waste from dogs and humans contains more fecal coliform bacteria per gram than cows, horses and other wildlife. On average, a dog will produce over 7 billion fecal coliform bacteria!
  • 17. 17 7. THE SCOOP ON POOP For Pets, I promise to: B -- Carry an extra pet waste bag to offer to a friend who forgets one. C-- Have my cat use a litter box instead of going outside, and clean the litter box so they keep using it, and dispose of the dirty litter in the garbage. A – Scoop the poop, bag it, and place it in the trash. Don’t forget to wash your hands! F -- Write your own! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ E - Collect, cover and compost manure from cows, horses, goats and other livestock. D – Keep livestock and other animals away from the edges of bodies of water; where they could hurt important native plants. And do NOT feed or allow your pets to chase wildlife. For Livestock, I promise to:
  • 18. 18 8. CAR WASTE Don’t Let the Family Car Drip! How to see if your family car is leaking fluids: First place a large piece of paper or cardboard under- neath the engine of your family car. (Tip: Pick a night without rain or wind.) Hold the edges of the paper with something heavy. Leave the cardboard under your car overnight, or for at least 6 hours. In the morning, remove the paper and see if there are any leaks. If your vehicle did not have a leak – that's terrific. Continue to maintain it and watch for leaks. Periodically, do the "paper test". If your vehicle has a leak, Talk to your parents about taking the car and the paper to an auto repair shop to repair the leak as soon as possible. If you cannot get the leak repaired right away, put paper, cardboard, or a drip pan under the leak while your vehicle is parked, until you can get the leak repaired. For spills and leaks: Cover with an absorbent material, such as soil or kitty litter, sweep it up and put it in the trash. A lot of pollution can come from vehicles. Cars often leak fluids, which can be washed into local waters by runoff. Leaks in driveways or garages may also end up in the water, and can be poisonous to pets and people. A car’s exhaust contains chemicals and small bits of metal and soot that are released into the air, or left on the road where they can be picked up by runoff. Vehicles are important to people, but we must use and manage them carefully. What can you do? Get physical! 40% of all car trips are for distances less than 2 miles. Walk, bike, or skateboard to school, the store or your friends house when you can. Physical activity is important for your overall health, and using a car less often means less pollution. You can also taking the bus or carpool to reduce pollution!
  • 19. 19 Create no idle zones. Idling is when a car is left in park, with the engine on. For every ten minutes that a car is idling, it releases a pound of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! Turning the engine off while a car is parked saves gas and money, and prevents pollution. You could talk to your teacher or principal about putting up “No Idle-Zone” signs in the student pick-up and drop-off area at your school! 8. CAR WASTE Follow this link to a video on car washes by the Puget Sound Car Wash Association: watch?v=FBSpHZz9f0Q
  • 20. 20 To reduce pollution from vehicles, I promise to: F- Write your own! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ D– Encourage my family to take the car to a commercial car wash, where the water is cleaned and recycled on site, and the grime is sent to a wastewater treatment plant. C- Check to see if our family car has a leak and letting my parents know about the leak. B- Ask my teacher or principal about putting “No Idle Zone” signs in the pick-up/drop-off area. A– Reduce the amount of cars on the road by carpooling, taking the bus, walking, riding a bike, skateboard, or some other form of transportation. 8. CAR WASTE E– If I wash the car at home, I’ll use a non phosphate soap and wash it over the lawn or gravelly area (not over a drinking area or septic system ) so the wash water can soak into the ground. I’ll save water by using a bucket and a hose with a spray nozzle.
  • 21. 21 9. TRASH Each year, Americans generate millions of pounds of garbage. In 2011, Washingtonians generated an average of 13.1 pounds of trash per day, with 6.8 pounds diverted through recycling and composting. In many cities in Western Washington, our landfills are filled to capacity, capped and closed. Much of the garbage that we produce locally is now trucked and then sent by train to landfills in Eastern Washington. We can conserve valuable resources, save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harm- ful pollutants, conserve landfill space and create jobs by reducing the amount of garbage we produce. Simple things we can do:  Buy more durable goods, (did you know that more than 97% of what we buy lasts less than 6 months?)  Reuse things! Upcycle and recycle items around your house by giving them a new use and pur- pose.  Donate items you are done with but might be useful to someone else.  At you can watch a video about the stuff we buy and its affects on the world. Watch this video about an island in the Pacific Ocean that is being affected by large and micro-plastics: Plastics in the sea! Plastics and other forms of garbage are swept into local waters and can be carried on currents far out into the ocean. Currents from all over the world meet in the ocean, and the litter they carry collects to form garbage patches as big as a continent. The Great Pacific garbage patch was predicted in 1988 and discovered in 1997. Another garbage patch exists in the Atlantic Ocean!
  • 22. 22 A surprising source of plastics in our waterways comes from household products used and flushed down the drain. From micro beads in body care products washed down the shower drain to tiny bits of synthetic fabric such as fleece discharged with washing machine water. All these household products contribute to the problem. Sewage treatment plants screen out larger plastic items that get into the sewage waste stream, but microplastics pass right through. You can help eliminate this source by checking the products you buy. Avoid anything with microbeads and choose products with a minimal use of plastic packaging. Check out Plastics and Water — A dangerous mix for aquatic life: 9. TRASH Learn more at
  • 23. 23 9. TRASH H- Write your own! _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ B- Buy things with my spending money that will last me a long time, and that use less packaging or are made of recycled materials. E- “Pack it in” and “ pack it out” C- Recycle and compost what I can, rather than throwing it away in the trash. A– Use my own reusable shopping bag, instead of taking plastic or paper ones from the store. F- Follow Ten Tips for trash free seas D–Organize a dumpster- dive at my school, so that everyone can learn how many things are being thrown away that could have been recycled or composted instead. G- Encourage your school to participate in Food 2 Flowers (in Thurston County) or other compost/recycling program! For reducing my waste, I promise to:
  • 24. 24 Power Down and Lights Out Most of the energy you use at home and at school comes from burning fossil fuels. In Washington State 50% of energy used is from non-renewable sources including coal, oil and natural gas. Using less energy means burning fewer fossil fuels and putting less car- bon dioxide into the atmosphere. Washington state produces lots of electricity from water—hydropower. It is considered renewable, but it still comes at a cost. For example, hydropower is considered renewable because it uses the Earth's water cycle to generate electricity. The movement of water as it flows downstream creates kinetic en- ergy that can be converted into electricity. A hydroelectric power plant con- verts this energy into electricity by forcing water, often held at a dam, through a hydraulic turbine that is connected to a generator. The water exits the turbine and is returned to a stream or riverbed below the dam. However, dams have a large impact on the natural river systems and to plants, fish, and other wildlife. Hydropower is one of the four H’s when considering the problems resulting in the decline of native salmon runs (the other H’s are: loss of habitat, hatcheries and over - harvest.) Four thousand gallons of water will produce one kilowatt-hour of hydroelectric power which equates to ten “100 watt” light bulbs or one hour of using a space heater! 10. LIGHTS OUT Mike Town, high school teacher, Cool School Challenge Program creator. To learn how to join the program check out: -USA/Become-an-Eco-School.aspx (Also found on the 13. ResourcesPage)
  • 25. 25 8. TRASH!10. LIGHTS OUT F. Write your own! - ________________________________________________ C- I’ll do the math. An energy audit will help me calculate how much energy my family uses at home and identify ways to reduce your energy use. solutions/actions/less- energy.html D– I’ll look for the ENERGY STAR label. Energy–efficient appliances and electronics use between 10 and 50 % less energy than regular models. When I’m shopping for a computer, DVD player, or other electronic device, I’ll look for products that display the Energy Star label. B- Power down. Did you know that some appliances and electronics plugged into an outlet still use power, even when they're turned off? Unplug “energy vampires” like video game consoles, cell phone chargers and MP3 players whenever I can. Or I may buy a “smart” power strip, which automatically cuts off power when I you turn off an appliance. A– Turn off the lights when I leave a room. E– I will involve my school and classmates in the Cool School Challenge (CSC) Program. The CSC engages students and teachers in practical strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions school-wide. For reducing my energy use, I promise to:
  • 26. 26 The rivers and streams in your watershed are popular with anglers, boaters, tubers, hikers, and other recreational users. While you're out enjoying your local creek or river, please remember that there may be fish spawning or rearing in the same creek or river. Here are ways to keep salmon and your watershed healthy. Fishing and Hunting: If you like to ride your ATV or dirt bike in the woods, those shallow gravel beds that look like the perfect place to cross a stream are also the perfect place for fish to spawn. It's especially important to leave gravel beds alone from May through February, when adult fish are spawn- ing and eggs are incubating. Please use bridges whenever possible. Salmon return to Washington rivers and creeks to spawn each year. They have important work to take care of– laying eggs will insure the future of their species! When visiting a stream with spawning salmon, make sure to give them space. Salmon see you as a predator and will use up their own precious resources trying to swim away. Also, try not walk in the creek where you may trample fragile fish eggs. List of salmon viewing areas:  Schafer State Park near Elma  Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail ( kcst/)  Tumwater Falls, McLane Nature Trail or the 4th Ave. Bridge in downtown Olympia 11. RECREATION Artwork courtesy of Jessie Moyers, WDFW AmeriCorps Volunteer
  • 27. 27 Invasive plants are not native to western Washington, but aggressively out-compete native plants for resources such as sun, water, and mineral nutrients. Many of these plants have adaptations that allow them to “hitchhike” from one area to another on your clothes, hunting and fishing equipment, or even your dog’s fur and paws! Make sure to inspect your gear for these unwanted plant and animal “hitchhikers” and clean thoroughly by submerging your boots and waders in hot water (140 C) for five minutes OR freezing your gear for at least eight hours. The New Zealand Mud Snail is a tiny “hitchhiker” that has been found in several areas around western Washington, including Capitol Lake in Olympia. They quickly reproduce by cloning themselves, and just one female mud snail can create a colony of 40 million in one year! For more information on the New Zealand Mud Snail and other aquatic invasive species visit 11. RECREATION
  • 28. 28 When I go outside for recreation I promise to: B -- Not litter in or near water, or anywhere! “Pack it in! Pack it out!” C-- Not ride my motorized vehicle in a riparian zone-- the area around a body of water. A –Follow fishing and hunting regulations developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. F -- Write your own! __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ E - Clean my boots and other equipment thoroughly using hot water or by freezing D – Stay on trails while I am enjoying nature areas in the watershed. 11. RECREATION
  • 29. 29 Want to learn more? Check out the Children and Nature Network at: www.childrenandna Also check out: www.visitolympia. com/direct-sale- farms for a listing of farms in the area that you can buy directly from! 12. GET OUTSIDE AND GET INVOLVED Children who play together in nature are less likely to take part in bullying behavior and instead more collaborative skills and will demonstrate respect for others. Time outside also improves In a recent study from Japan, it has been shown that trees give off chemical compounds called phytoncides that naturally boost our immunity and enhance how we feel overall. Pretty cool huh? Even a 20-minute walk outside in nature can help with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), so kids can concentrate better! Students that are exposed to nature also score higher test score in math, reading and writing than their non-nature exposed peers! Children who spend more time outdoors are less likely to be overweight by 27% -41%. Today, medical doctors even prescribe time outside to get kids healthier! Did you know that being active in nature can make you happier, healthier, kinder and smarter? Ever catch a cold or the flu? Even kids feel stress, right? According to studies by Dr. Michelfelder, Loyola School of Medicine, Chicago, (and others), being in nature improves ones’ immunity to fight off colds, makes you less likely to have asthma or be near-sighted! Spending time outside can also reduce anxiety and stress levels by as much as 28% in children! Get outside and discover where your food comes from! Visit one of our region’s farmers markets (Centralia, Chehalis, Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater) or one of our many local farms! Below are other ways time outdoors is good for your health!
  • 30. 30 There are so many natural places calling for you and your family to explore! Take a look at the Chehalis outdoor recreational activity map: B. Join my local Stream Team or land trust and help improve local creeks, streams and river! A. Get outdoors in my own neighborhood! C. Take my family and friends out to enjoy our amazing parks, lakes, rivers, streams and natural trails! E. (Write Your Own!) ___________________________________________________ Want to learn more?  Check out the Children and Nature Network at:  Check out South Sound Watersheds at: http:// lib3/WA01001093/ Centricity/Domain/17/ NatureJournalingforK- idsBooklet.pdf  Check out the International River of Words and Poetry Contest at: center-for-environmental -literacy/river-of-words To get outside and get involved, I pledge to: 12. GET OUTSIDE AND GET INVOLVED D. Enter a nature drawing or poem in the River of Words International Art and Poetry Contest!
  • 31. 31 Grays Harbor County  Grays Harbor Conservation District (360) 249-5980  Grays Harbor PUD (360) 532-4220  Grays Harbor Recycling Information (360) 249-4222  WSU Grays Harbor Noxious Weeds (360) 482-2265  Household Hazardous Waste Drop off: 4201 Olympic Hwy (360) 538-7080 Every Wed. and 1st Sat.  For Grays Harbor Stream Team, please contact Jane Atha at Jane Atha, Ph.D., Watershed Coordinator/Chehalis Basin Partnership and Grays Harbor; Mobile: 512-297-8743; Email: Lewis County  Lewis County Recycling Information (360) 740-1451  Household Hazardous Waste Drop off: 1411 S. Tower Ave. (360) 740-1221 (April–Oct: Every Sat., Nov-March: 1st Sat. only)  Lewis County Conservation District (360) 748-0083  Lewis County PUD (360) 748-9261  Centralia Stream Team, please contact: Kim Ashmore, City of Centralia at 13. RESOURCES Artwork by Jessie Moyers
  • 32. 32 13. RESOURCES Volunteering in the outdoors is a great way to get outside and give back to your community! Thurston County  Thurston County Environmental Health— 360-867-2500 (TDD 1-800-658-6384)  Thurston Conservation District– 360-754-3588  LOTT Wastewater Treatment Plant- 360) 664-2333  Thurston County Solid Waste- 360-867-2491  Thurston County Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off-(360) 867-2912 or email  Thurston County Water Resources  Stream Team (serving Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Thurston County)  Capitol Land Trust (360) 943-3012 or  Nisqually Land Trust (360) 489-3400 or  Chehalis Land Trust 360-807-0764 or  Nisqually Stream Stewards 360-438-8687 x2143  Nature Deficit Disorder: Miranda Anderson at TedxKids@BC Youtube:
  • 33. 33 14. GLOSSARY  Condensation: Warm air carries moisture (water vapor) upward in the atmosphere, where it cools and forms clouds.  Evaporation: A body of water sheds moisture into the atmosphere.  Infiltration: Water enters soil, and becomes groundwater.  Impervious: any hard surface that prevents the flow of water into the soil  Pervious: a type of surface that water can soak through.  Precipitation: Water stored in clouds falls to Earth as rain, or snow, or sleet.  Runoff: Water travels across soil that is too wet to absorb it (soak it up) and makes its way to a body of water.  Transpiration: Plants draw groundwater up from the Earth, and shed moisture into the atmosphere.  Watershed: an area of land where all the water drains to a common waterway such as a lake, river, or ocean. What words do you think should be added to this glossary list?
  • 34. 34 Page 2  Interactive web based water cycle Page 4  Coho study facts— Page 7  (Surf the web at to find out what watershed you live in.)  Page 8  Page 10    Page 13  Page 15  Page 17  Page 24  Page 25  Page 30 Nisqually Watershed Information: page/ 15. SOURCES USED (PARTIAL LIST)
  • 35. 35 Chehalis Watershed Pledge Card Thank you for everything you’re already doing to protect the Chehalis watershed! To keep the watershed healthy and improve some areas that have challenges now, we can all do a little more. Please check √ the activities you are currently practicing and circle the new activities you would like to adopt (corresponding pledge list is below). The numbers will show you which section to find which activities in the booklet. Fill out and return this card by May 30th to your CBEC Teacher. Your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize such as a reusable water bottle, lunch bag, or another cool sustainable prize! 4 - Getting Started A B C D 5 - Hazards in the Home: A B C D 6 - Hazards in the Yard and Garden: A B C D E 7 - Scoop That Poop: A B C D E F 8 - Car Waste: A B C D E F Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ School Teacher: ___________________________________________________________________ School Address: ___________________________________________________________________ School Phone Number: _________________________________________________ 9 - Trash: A B C D E F G 10 - Power Down and Lights Out: A B C D E 11 - Recreation: A B C D E 12 - Get Outside and Get Involved: A B C D E CutHereCutHereCutHere 16. CHEHALIS WATERSHED PLEDGE
  • 36. 36 Did you know that Seattle was named after Chief Seattle (Seathl), the Duwamish tribal Chief? Legend states that Chief Seattle once said, “All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” Photo Courtesy of: This booklet was created in partnership with the Chehalis Basin Education Consortium, Capital Region Educational Service District 113, (CRESD 113), the Nisqually River Education Project, Nisqually River Foundation, and South Sound GREEN Thurston Conservation District. Funding for the Chehalis Watershed pledge version of this booklet was provided by CRESD 113 and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.