Avoiding big data antipatterns

grepalex il y a 8 ans

Data science and_analytics_for_ordinary_people_ebook

Jeffrey Strickland, Ph.D., CMSP il y a 8 ans

A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0

Legacy Typesafe (now Lightbend) il y a 8 ans

Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)

Legacy Typesafe (now Lightbend) il y a 8 ans

Transform your State \/ Err

Germán Ferrari il y a 8 ans

Scala Days San Francisco

Martin Odersky il y a 9 ans

Introduction to Apache Spark Developer Training

Cloudera, Inc. il y a 9 ans


Samir Bessalah il y a 10 ans

Why Zsh is Cooler than Your Shell

jaguardesignstudio il y a 11 ans