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Done by: Antonio Bernard
They will take ideas from the Roman Catholic trinity , then shuffle, turn ,twist, add, subtract,
multiply and divided these ideas then present them as something new and original. When its only
a modified version of Catholism they are teaching and promoting. Below is example of this:
Original Statement Anna ate bread at John’s house yesterday.
1. Revised Statement Twenty-four hours ago Anna Ate bread at John’s house.
2. Revising the
revised Statement
Bread was consumed by Anna at John’s house one day ago.
3. Revising the revision
of the revised Statement
Anna loves to devour bread and John entertained
her at his home one day ago from.
4. Revising for the
last time
Yesterday John accommodated Anna at his house
and O How she relished the taste of the bread.
1. They Subscribes to Arianism.
2. They teach a modified version of the Catholic Trinity.
3. They have a Mother-Father God giving birth to a son.
4. They Diminish The Deity of Jesus Christ.
5. They Diminish the Deity of the Holy Spirit.
6. They ascribe Deity to the Angels
7. They Promotes Spiritualism
8. They Support Jesuitism
9. They Support Free-Masonry
10. They Support Islam doctrine of The Holy Spirit
11. They Destroy the Inspiration of The Bible
12. They twist the writings of Ellen G. White
ARIANISM, n. The doctrines of the Arians.
ARIAN, a. Pertaining to Arius, a presbyter of the church of Alexandria, in the fourth century; or to his doctrines.
ARIAN, n. One who adheres to the doctrines of Arius, who held Christ to
be a created being, inferior to God the father in nature and dignity,
though ; and also that the Holy
Spirit is not God, but created by the power of the Son.
{Webster’s 1828 Dictionary}
“God was not always a Father,	for	
and	not	yet	a	Father,	but	afterwards	He	became	a	Father.	
;	for	whereas	all	things	were	made	out	of	nothing,	and	all	existing	
creatures	and	works	were	made,	so the Word of God Himself was made
out of nothing and	
.”	-From	Arius’	Thalia,	quoted	in	Athanasius,	Oratio
contra	Arianos I	5,	in	J.	P.	Migne,	Patrologiae Cursus	Completus,	Series	Graeca,	26.21.	
“The	Word	is	not	true	God.	Though	He	is	called	God,	yet	He	is	not	truly	God	but	
by	participation	of	grace,	He,	as	all	the	others,	is	called	God	only	in	name.”	
-Athanasius,	Oratio contra	Arianos I	6,	in	J.	P.	Migne,	Patrologiae Cursus Completus,	Series	Graeca,	26.21-2.	
Arius (in his Thalia) as cited by Athanasius:
(i)	 .	
,	and	was	not	yet	a	
father;	only	later	did	he	become	a	father.
(ii)	 .	Everything	created	is	
out	of	nothing	{ex ouk onton)	all	existing	creatures,	
all	things	that	are	made;	
.	There	was	(a	time]	
when	he	did	not	exist	{en pote hote ouk en);	
.	He	
too	had	a	beginning	to	his	created	existence.
Arius (Arianism) and Their Theology
- ARIUS ,Heresy and Tradition
REVISED EDITION by Rowan Williams ,page 100
“This	true	God	has	designed	to	use	to	give	me	some	conception	
of	the	 .	He	said	to	us,	“My	son	is	my	
word.	In	stark	reality	he	is	other	than	I,	for	I	am	the	Father	and	
he	is	my	son.	 .	I	beget	
him	by	my	act	of	infinite	self-knowledge as	the	
infinite	object	of	my	thought.	I	am	a	living	God,	and	my	life	is	
thought.	Being	God,	I	know	my	Godhead,	and	what	I	know	is	
my	son.	 ,	and	He	is	the	
Godhead	as	uttered	by	Infinite	Intelligence
The Holy Trinity By J. P. Arendzen , page 90. / Understanding the Trinity By J. P. Arendzen , page
“…although these Three are utterly equal to one another with an equality
that is absolute ,since each of them is the same god, yet they are so far
from being identical with one another that they are related to one another as
relative terms in direct opposition and their opposition lies in their relation of
origin, the one to the other.
The Father is distinct from the son, because He eternally begets Him.
The Son is distinct from the Father because He is eternally being begotten by
Him. The Holy Spirit is distinct from booth Father and Son, because He is
breathedfrom both and proceeds from them as from one principleof origin. ”
Understanding the Trinity By J. P. Arendzen , page 16-17
“	Thus,	in	the	words	of	the	Athanasian Creed:	"the	Father	is	
God,	the	Son	is	God,	and	the	Holy	Spirit	is	God,	and	yet	there	
are	not	three	Gods	but	one	God."	In	this	Trinity	of	Persons	the	
and	the	
.	Yet,	notwithstanding	this	
difference	as	to	origin,	the	Persons	are	co-eternal	and	co-equal
This,	the	Church	
teaches,	is	the	revelation	regarding	God's	nature	which	Jesus	
Christ,	the	Son	of	God,	came	upon	earth	to	deliver	to	the	world:	
and	which	she	proposes	to	man	as	the	foundation	of	her	whole	
dogmatic	system.	”
New Advent 2012 By Kevin Knight
“	Thus,	in	the	words	of	the	Athanasian Creed:	"the	Father	is	
God,	the	Son	is	God,	and	the	Holy	Spirit	is	God,	and	yet	there	
are	not	three	Gods	but	one	God."	In	this	Trinity	of	Persons	the	
,	and	the	
…..	”
New Advent 2012 By Kevin Knight
“ The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine
of Catholicfaith. Upon it are based all the other
teachings of the Church. …..The Father is God, the
Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and
(Handbookfor Today’s Catholic, p. 16; 1994).
-One God in Three Persons,” My Catholic
Faith: A Manual of Religion, Louis Laravoire
Morrow, Bishop of Krishnagar, p30.
Anti-Trinitariansin Adventism employ Jesuit Rhetoric:
What may appear to be in anti-Trinitarian expressions as an opposition towards the
Roman Catholic version of the trinity in terminology is not an opposition at all but
rather the very acceptanceof it in an modified form.
Understanding	the	Trinity
By	J.	P.	Arendzen ,	page	117.
This	true	God	has	designed	to	use	to	give	
me	some	conception	of	the birthof	
his	only		son.	He	said	to	us,	“My	son	is	my	
word.	in	stark	reality	he	is	other	than	I,	for	
I	am	the	Father	and	he	is	my	son.	He	is	my	
Son,	because	I	think	him.	I	beget	him	by	
my	act	of	infinite	self-knowledge;	I	utter	
Him	as	the	infinite	object	of	my	thought.	I	
am	a	living	God,	and	my	life	is	thought.	
Being	God,	I	know	my	Godhead,	and	what	
I	know	is	my	son.	I	am	the	sourceof	
the	Godhead,	and	He	is	the	Godhead	as	
uttered	by	Infinite	Intelligence.	He	is	not	I,	
although	He	and	I	are	the	same	one	God.”
The	Holy	Trinity
By	J.	P.	Arendzen ,	page	90.
Maranatha	Media
Begotten	or	Created?
Posted	Feb	26,	2011	by	Dejan	Andov	in	The	Son	of	God
“The	Bible	clearly	teaches	that	Jesus	is	not	created	but	
begotten	of	God	(John	1:	14;	3:	16,	etc.)....	"begotten"	means	
the	opposite	of	created.	It	is	to	give	existence	to	a	being	from	
the	being	of	the	one	who	beget,	a	being	who	by birth
inherits	the	nature	and	all	attributes	of	his	parent.
Jesus	was	the	only	begotten	Son	of	God.	By	birth	he	has	
inherited	all	the	fullness	of	the	divine	nature.	He	
was	God	by	nature	having	all	divine	attributes	and	thereby	He	
was	entitled	to	participate	in	the	counsel	of	His	Father.		...”
New Advent
2012By Kevin Knight
his Father’s Spirit, as he did
“all things,” by as the divine Son of God
from eternity. He retained his Father’s Spirit when he
came into the world to be “manifest in the flesh.”
His Spirit is Himself, the same person, the same
identity, but divested of his humanity—as he was
before he became flesh.
But not only does the Father send the Spirit of His
Son, but the Son sends his own Spirit from the
Jesus says that he will send the Spirit of truth which
Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: "the Father
is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet
there are not three Gods but one God." In this Trinity of
Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal
generation, and the
. Yet,
notwithstanding this difference as to origin, the Persons
are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and
omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation
regarding God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which
she proposes to man as the foundation of her whole
New Advent
2012By Kevin Knight
But	not	only	does	the	Father	send	the	Spirit	of	
His	Son,	…
but	the	Son	sends	his	own	Spirit	from	the	Father!	
Jesus	says	that	he	will	send	the	Spirit	of	truth	
.	 ..
….	the	
.	…
Those who believe and teach that the Holy is not person but the
presence and power of God are teaching Catholicism and Pantheism .
Jesus	says	that	he	will	send	the	Spirit	of	truth	which	
proceeds	from	the	Father,	because	Jesus	
proceeded	from	the	Father.	
I	proceeded	forth	and	came	from	God.	John	8:42.	
"The	Father	may	be	said	in	some	
manner	to	be	greater	than	the	Son,	if	
we	consider	the	order	of	the	divine	
processions,	that	is,	that	the	Father	
is	the	first	person,	and	
proceeds	from	no	other;	whereas	the	
Son	 from	the	Father."	
(Haydock's	Catholic	Bible	Commentary,	1859)
The	Father	is	the	great	Source	of	all	
things.	He	gave	His	only	begotten	Son.	He	gives	a	
holy	Spirit	to	those	who	ask	(Luke	11:13).	Jesus	is	that	
Spirit	(2Cor	3:17).	And	because	Jesus	is	God’s	Son,	his	
Spirit	is	God’s	Spirit.	This	is	how	both	dwell	in	us.	
(THEOS 8, page 10-11)
“The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of
Christ. He is also the Spirit of the
Father.	Thus	St.	Augustine	argues	(In	
Joan,	tr.	xcix,	6,	7	in	P.L.,	XXXV,	188)	.	.	Just	
as	there	is	only	one	Father,	just	as	there	is	
only	one	Lord	or	one	Son,	so	there	is	only
one Spirit, who is, consequently, the
Spirit of both [of the other two] .”	
—The Catholic Encyclopedia,
1914 Edition, art. “Holy Ghost.”
If you accept the teaching that The Holy Spirit is the not a separate person from the Father and
the Christ, you are a good Catholic. Beware of the errors you accept from teachers in our ranks.
“	The	Holy	Spirit	was	not	another	
person	with	individuality	like	God	
and	Christ	but	was	both	of	them	
(God	and	Christ)	omnipresent.	In	
other	words,	the	Holy	Spirit	was	
said	to	be	the	Spirit	of	both	God	
and	Christ	.”
A study of the Godhead – as it pertains to Seventh-
day Adventism by Terry Hill, Chapter twenty , The
Holy Spirit - spirit of prophecy comments (part 2)
,page 331
The Non-Trinitarian believes that there are:
Two Divine Beings in the Godhead and that the Father
is the eternal God with Jesus having been begotten of
the Father at some point in eternity. That He came
forth with the same substance as the Father and that
the Father gave His Son all His attributes including
Omniscience, Omnipotence and
His Omnipresent Spirit which is a shared Spirit and
would be the third Person of the Godhead.
The	Omega	of	Apostasy	– Study	#4	
The	title	of	today’s	study	is:	"The	Alpha	– The	Omega"	Part	3		,	page	3
1. Jesus came out of the father in eternity pass.
2. Jesus has a spirit which is Himself the same
3. The Holy Spirit is sent by the Father.
4. Jesus can also send Himself from the Father.
5. The Spirit in Jesus (which is the same
person), resides in the Father and outside of
the Father at the same time in Jesus.
1. The Father is the great Source of all things
2. Jesus is God’s son by birth
3. God gives His only begotten Son
4. He (The Father) gives a Holy Spirit
5. Jesus is that Spirit
6. His (Son’s) Spirit is Himself, the same
person ,same identity
7. Father sent forth the spirit of His Son
8. His Son’s Spirit is Gods Spirit
9. Son sends his own Spirit from the Father
10. This is how they are numerically one.
11. This is how both dwell in us,
"Father-Mother God"
“ We shall meet those who allow their
minds to wander into idle speculations
about things of which nothing is said in
the word of God. God has spoken in the
plainest language upon every subject
that affects the salvation of the soul. ”
-The Review and Herald ,
February 5, 1901,par.3
“ Today there are coming into educational
institutions and into the churches everywhere
spiritualistic teachings that undermine faith in
God and in His Word. The theory that God is an
“essence” pervading all nature is received by
many who profess to believe the Scriptures; but,
however beautifully clothed, this theory is a
most dangerous deception. It misrepresents God
and is a dishonor to His greatness and majesty.
And it surely tends not only to mislead, but to
debase men. Darkness is its element, sensuality
its sphere. The result of accepting it is separation
from God. And to fallen human nature this
means ruin…”
-Ministry of Healing pg. 428-429
“The spiritualistic theories concerning God make
His grace [Divine Influence, Spirit] of no effect. If
God is an essence pervading all nature, then He
dwells in all men; and in order to attain holiness,
man has only to develop the power within him
[self]. These theories, followed to their logical
conclusion, sweep away the whole Christian
economy [plan of Salvation]. They do away with
the necessity for the atonement and make man his
own savior. These theories regarding God make
His Word of no effect (John 6:63), and those who
accept them are in great danger of being led
finally to look upon the whole Bible as a fiction. ”
-Ministry of Healing pg. 428-429
“When Satan has undermined faith in the
Bible, he directs men to other sources for light
and power. Thus he insinuates himself. Those
who turn from the plain teaching of Scripture
and the convicting power of God’s Holy Spirit
are inviting the control of demons. Criticism
and have
opened the way for Spiritism and Theosophy –
those modernized forms of ancient
heathenism—to gain a foothold even in the
professed churches of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
-The Desire of Ages ,pg.258
“Side by side with the preaching of the gospel,
agencies are at work which are but the
medium of lying spirits. Many a man tampers
with these merely from curiosity, but seeing
evidence of the working
, he is lured on and on, until he is
controlled by a will stronger than his own. He
cannot escape from its mysterious power. ”
-The Desire of Ages ,pg.258
Jerry	Moon:	“Waggoner	was	not	yet	
fully	trinitarian [by	1890	when	he	
wrote	his	book	Christ	and	His	
Righteousness],	but	he	saw	clearly	that	
a	more	exalted	conception	of	Christ’s	
work	of	redemption	demanded	a	
higher	conception	of	his	being	as	
Dissatisfaction with anti Trinitarianism,
While Ellen G. White said that the massages
presented by A.T Jones and E.J Waggoner
,where a most precious massage given to us
of God. She did not necessary agreed with
them in all points and even W.W Prescott
who later sounded the same massage in his
own unique way.
When it came in to the Origins of Christ
whether it may have been His divinity or He
being begotten before His incarnation here
upon this earth, she openly disagreed with
them by publishing contrary statements on
the matter. She lets us know that The
But she was in agreement with their views
on the Incarnation of Christ taken man
fallen sinful nature, their wider
understanding of Justification by faith
surpassing what the great reformers Martin
Luther ,John Calvin and past protestant
reformers had thought on this subjected.
Their over all teachings about
Righteous by Faith in relationship with
the law of God was also in harmony
with her teachings on the subject.
given by Dr. Waggoner
. But I believe him to be
perfectly honest in his views, and I
would respect his feelings and treat him
as a Christian gentleman....”
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
“I know it would be dangerous to
denounce Dr. Waggoner’s position as
. This would please
the enemy. I see the beauty of truth in
the presentation of the righteousness of
Christ in relation to the law as the
doctor has placed it before us. You say,
many of you, it is light and truth.
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
“Yet you have not presented it in this
light heretofore. Is it not possible that
through earnest, prayerful searching of
the Scriptures he has seen still greater
light on some points? That which has
been presented harmonizes perfectly
with the light which God has been
pleased to give me during all the years of
my experience.”
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
“If our ministering brethren would
which has been
presented so clearly--
and I know they need to accept this,
their prejudices would not have a
controlling power, and the people
would be fed with their portion of meat
in due season...”
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
“I see no excuse for the wrought-up state
of feeling that has been created at this
meeting. This is the first time I have had
opportunity to listen to anything in
reference to this subject. I have had no
conversation in regard to it with my son
W. C. White, with Dr. Waggoner, or with
Elder A. T. Jones.”
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
“At this meeting I have heard for the
first time Dr. Waggoner's reasons for
his position.... Even if the position
which we have held upon the two laws
is truth, the Spirit of truth will not
countenance any such measures to
defend it as many of you would take.”
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
E.J Waggoner
The Scriptures declare that Christ is “the only-
begotten Son of God.” He is begotten, not
created. As to when He was begotten, it is not
for us to inquire, nor could our minds grasp it if
we were told.... There was a time when Christ
proceeded forth and came from God, from the
bosom of the Father (John 8: 42; 1: 18), but
that time was so far back in the days of eternity
that to finite comprehension it is practically
without beginning. –(E.J. Waggoner, Christ and
His Righteousness, 1890, pg 21, 22).
Ellen G. White
The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God,
existed from eternity, a distinct person, yet one with
the Father. mThe Review and Herald, April 5,
1906, p. 8.
In speaking of His pre-existence, Christ carries the
mind back through dateless ages. He assures us
that there never was a time when He was not in
close fellowship with the eternal God. He to whose
voice the Jews were then listening had been with
God as one brought up with Him.—The Signs of
the Times, August 29, 1900.
“ Some interpretations of Scripture given by Dr. Waggoner I do not regard
as correct. But I believe him to be perfectly honest in his views, and I would
respect his feelings and treat him as a Christian gentleman... "
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
E.J Waggoner
While both are of the same nature,
the Father is first in point of time. He
is also greater in that he had no
beginning, while Christ’s personality
had a beginning. (E.J. Waggoner,
Signs of the Times, April 8, 1889).
Ellen G. White
“ Some interpretations of Scripture given by Dr. Waggoner I do not regard
as correct. But I believe him to be perfectly honest in his views, and I would
respect his feelings and treat him as a Christian gentleman... "
(Manuscript 15, Nov., 1888; The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, pg 164, 165).
Christ was the Son of God. He had been
one with Him before the angels were
called into existence. He had ever stood at
the right hand of the Father." -Patriarchs and
Prophets, p. 38.
From all eternity Christ was united with the
Father, and when He took upon Himself
human nature, He was still one with God.
he Signs of the Times, August 2, 1905, p. 10.
E.J WaggonerEllen G. White
“The world is full of speculation and false theories regarding the nature
and character of God. The enemy of our souls is earnestly at work to
introduce among the Lord's people pleasing speculation, and incorrect
views regarding THE PERSONALITY OF GOD...” {8MR 304.1} 1903
“… The	Father	and	the	Son	each	have	a	
PERSONALITY.	…” {Ev 613.3} 1909
“The Holy Spirit has a PERSONALITY…” {Ev
617.1} 1906
“The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, in Christ's
name. He personifies Christ, yet is a distinct
PERSONALITY…” {20MR 324.2} 1893
While both are of the same nature, the Father is
first in point of time. He is also greater in that he
had no beginning, while Christ’s PERSONALITY
had a beginning. (E.J. Waggoner, Signs of the
Times, April 8, 1889).
Here we see where E.J Waggoner brings in speculative and
false theories regarding the personality of Christ.
And since He(Christ) is the only-begotten son of
God, He is of the very substance and nature of God
and POSSESSES BY BIRTH all the attributes of God,
for the Father was pleased that His Son should be
the express image of His Person. (E.J. Waggoner,
Christ and His Righteousness, 1890, pg 21, 22).
"Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God . .
In speaking of His pre-existence, Christ carries the
mind back through dateless ages. He assures us
that there never was a time when He was not in
close fellowship with the eternal God. He to whose
voice the Jews were then listening had been with God
as one broughtup with Him.”
—Signs,	August	29,	1900 (Evangelism,	615).
A brother asked, "Sister White, do you think we must understand the truth
for ourselves? Why can we not take the truths that others have gathered
together, and believe them because they have investigated the subjects, and
then we shall be free to go on without the taxing of the powers of the mind
in the investigation of all these subjects? Do you not think that these men
who have brought out the truth in the past were inspired of God?" I dare
not say they were not led of God, for Christ leads into all truth; but when it
comes to inspiration in the fullest sense of the word, I answer, No…
{Review & Herald, March 25, 1890 par. 4}
I believe that God has given them a work to do, but if they are not fully
consecrated to God at all times, they will weave self and their peculiar
traits of character into what they are doing, and will put their mold upon
the work, and fashion men in religious experience after their own pattern.
It is dangerous for us to make flesh our arm. We should lean upon the
arm of infinite power. God has been revealing this to us for years. We
must have living faith in our hearts, and reach out for larger knowledge
and more advanced light.
{Review & Herald, March 25, 1890 par. 4}
Paganism	and	Catholicism:	The	Mother-Son	Sun	Worship	System	
The idea that the Father existed “alone before all things” and later “subdivided Himself”
into Son and Holy Spirit is the exact opposite of what the bible teaches. Paganism always
had this concept of a mother father god that gave birth to literal son.
“The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects: the father, mother,
and the son. In ancient Chaldean times, these were the god Bel or Merodach,
Ninus the son who was also worshiped as Tammuz, and the female goddess
Rhea who was also worshiped as Ishtar, Astarte, or Beltis. She was also referred
to as the “queen of heaven,” and the “wrath subduer” in the Bible. "
Paganism has embraced the
androgynous mindset since its
inception. Goddess worship is an
integral part of Paganism and
Gnosticism. This is androgyny.
Paganism is making a strong
comeback. Gnostic ideas are
attracting multitudes.
--The Dance of the Dissident Daughter,	p.	151,	Sue	Monk	Kidd,	former	Baptist	turned	feminist.	
A	Gnostic	Feminist	writes:	
"...the	main	thing	distinguishing	the	Gnostic	gospels	
from	the	orthodox	gospels	is	their	abundance	of	
powerful	feminine	imagery	of	the	Divine.	They	
reveal	that	many	early	Christians	described	and	
worshipped	God	as	dyad,	a	being	consisting	of	both	
masculine and feminine	elements.“	
“They	prayed	to	both	the	divine	Father	and	the	
divine	Mother--to	Mother-Father.	One	of	their	
prayers,	still	intact,	begins,	'From	thee,	Father,	and	
through	thee,	Mother...'	The	Gnostic	gospels	also	
referred	to	the	Holy	Spirit	as	female."
In	the	roots	of	modern	psychology,	we	find	the	
androgynous	theory:	
“Jungian	psychology,	itself	influenced	by	
eastern	religious	thought,	was	very	influential	
in	the	founding	of	modern	psychological	theory.	
The	operative	anthropology	of	Jungianism was	
a	belief	in	the	androgynous nature of	all	
people	- that	there	are	female/feminine	and	
male/masculine	characteristics	latent	within	
Carl	Jung	theories	were	highly	influenced	by	
“As	early	as	August	1912,	Jung	had	intimated	
a	letter	to	Freud	that	he	had	an	intuition	that	
the	essentially	feminine-tones	archaic	
wisdom	of	the	Gnostics,	symbolically	called	
Sophia,	was	destined	to	re-enter	modern	
Western	culture	by	way	of	depth	psychology.”
In the Gnostic myth of how the world works, Sophia, the
feminine personification of wisdom, lives happily with
spirits of light (especially her twin brother), in the unified
limitless potential of her Father's radiance, created by
the twin powers of Depth and Silence.
She's so dizzy with love for the Creative Source that
when she sees a brilliant shimmering light below, she
flings herself down into the darkness, mistakenly
following what she believes to be her Father's radiance,
fooled by a mere reflection. There, in the abysmal
unrealized potential of the world, she is trapped –
separated from the light, the spiritual realization of
Gnosis – the knowledge of transcendent unity.
There, the powers of the underworld have their
way with her, using, abusing, and exploiting her,
until all she knows is sadness in the struggle to
return herself up to the light she has lost, but not
forgotten. She gives birth to a bunch of bad
boys, demigods called archons, including the
worst of them all, the demiurge who becomes
the creator of this world, infecting it with pride,
ignorance, fear, and his lust for power and
But Sophia remains present, and in her resurgent power she brings great
beauty and spiritual potential to the earthly realm and its inhabitants.
Witnessing the irresponsible creation of the world by her errant offspring,
Sophia conceals Consciousness in the body of the demiurge’s first man,
"Adam," and then brings it into the world as "Eve."
Finally, Sophia breaks free and ascends back up
to the true light of life, raising humanity with
her ever so slightly. But she refuses to abandon
the sad world of humans, and so she divides
herself, keeping a part below, ever present and
available for the enlightenment of all.
Back up in the celestial realm of spiritual light,
Sophia rediscovers Gnosis by joining her twin
brother in a "marriage" of reunification,
balancing the masculine ego of unrealized
potential, and uniting it with the sacred feminine
– made ever more powerful by adversity – into
an androgynous whole. A complete person, full
with the knowledge of the transcendent, unified
Sophia ends up being the giver of wisdom in so
many forms: She is Shakti in Sanskrit, the
powerful Hindu personification of feminine
wisdom, and the personal and collective linking
soul as atman, realized in the transcendent state
of samadhi (Gnosis). She is the compassionate
boddhisatva (Avalokiteshvara) in Buddhism,
returning to light the path to nirvana (Gnosis);
personified by the deity Guanyin.
She is both Mother Mary, in her ascendant
form, and Mary Magdalene, as the earthly
companion of the Christ potential in Christian
Gnosticism. In Jungian psychology, she is the
unifying power ("individuation") of both the
feminine and masculine
archetypes, anima and animus, and of the
lower self of the psyche with the higher
spiritual self (Gnosis).
-Bill Muehlenberg Complementarian
The	Trinity:	What	Has	God	Revealed	- Objections	Answered	by	Glyn	Parfitt	B.	Sc.,	M.	Sc.,	Dip.	Ed..
“ This spiritualistic beliefthat there is only one true God, and that he existed
alone before all things – including Jesus, would lead you into the pantheistic
beliefthat Godjust subdivided Himself, His essence or His divine substance,
into different parts; such as a Son, or a Holy Spirit, etc. Thus God would be the
continuous source and sustainer of all these parts of His, because He would
be in all these parts. …one true God birthing out of Himself others ! Which is
nothing more than pureCatholicism pantheism and spiritualism!. ”
Truth	Matters	,page	216	
“ The Babylonian system of worship has essentially been maintained to this day. The ancient
Chaldeans worshipped a pantheon of male and female godsrepresenting the sun god.
… Mother and childworship was the basis of the ancient religions. Andin the various religions of
the world, the same system of worship was perpetuated under differentnames. In Egypt, they were
worshipped as Isis and Osiris or Horus; in India as Isi and Iswara; in China andJapan as the mother
goddess Shing-moo with child; in Greece as Ceres or Irene andPlutus; in Rome as Fortuna and
Jupitor-puer, or Venus and Adurnis; and in Scandinavia as Frigga and Balder. The mother and child
were worshipped in Babylon as Ishtar and Tammuz, and in Phoenicia, as Ashtoreth and Baal.
Moreover, the child was worshipped as both husband and son of the mother goddess. ”
The idea that the Father existed “alone before all
things” and later “subdivided Himself” into Son
and Holy Spirit is the exact opposite of what the
bible teaches. Paganism always had this concept of
a mother father god that gave birth to literal son.
“The pagan system of sun worship had three
main aspects: the father, mother, andthe son. ”
“… Mother and child worship was the basis of the
ancient religions. And in the various religions of the
world, the same system of worship was perpetuated
under different names. ”
Truth	Matters	,page	216	
“ The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is not created
but begotten of God (John 1: 14; 3: 16, etc.)....
"begotten" means the opposite of created. It is to
give existence to a being from the being of the one
who beget, a being who by birth inherits the
nature and all attributes of his parent.
Jesus was the only begotten Son of God. By
birth he has inherited all the
fullness of the divine nature. He was God by
nature having all divine attributes and thereby He
was entitled to participate in the counsel of His
Father. ”
-Maranatha	Media	:	Article	called	“Begotten	or	Created	”
“All the Kabalists and Occultists, Eastern and Western, recognise
(a) the identity of "Father-Mother" with primordial Æther or
Akâsa, (Astral Light)†, and (b) its homogeneity before the
evolution of the “Son”
Spirit . . . . Matter. Beginning with the pure spiritual plane, it
becomes grosser as it descends until it becomes the Maya or the
tempting and deceitful serpent on our plane."
“God	the	Father	eternally	knows	Himself,	and	
continues	to	know	Himself	[copula;	that	is,	
copulates with	Himself	],	and	continues	to	
know	Himself,	and	thus	continues	to	bring	forth	the	
Son	in	a	continual	birth.	God	the	Father	and	God	the	
Son	continue	to	love	each	other,	and	their	delight	in	
each	other	continues	to	bring	forth	the	Spirit	of	
Love,	God	the	Holy	Ghost.	In	a	similar	way,	fire	has	
light	and	color.	As	long	as	there	is	fire,	it	continues	
to	produce	light.	As	long	as	there	is	fire	with	light,	
there	is	produced	color.”	
-My	Catholic	Faith:	A	Manual	of	Religion,	Louis	Laravoire
Morrow,	Bishop	of	Krishnagar,	p.	31	
If you accept the teaching that some time in eternity Christ was brought forth by the Father,
you are a good Catholic. Beware of the errors you accept from teachers in our ranks.
“All	the	Kabalists and	Occultists,	Eastern	and	Western,	
recognise (a)	the	identity	of	"Father-Mother"	with	
primordial	Æther or	Akâsa,	(Astral	Light)†,	and	(b)	its	
homogeneity	before	the	evolution	of	the "Son	”… The	
Astral	Light,	or	the	AEther,	of	the	ancient	pagans	(for	the	
name	of	Astral	Light	is	quite	modern)	is	Spirit .	.	.	.	Matter.	
Beginning	with	the	pure	spiritual	plane,	it	becomes	
grosser	as	it	descends	until	it	becomes	the	Maya	or	the	
tempting	and	deceitful	serpent	on	our	plane."
H.	P.	BLAVATSKY	,page	12,10
If you accept the teaching that some time in eternity Christ was brought forth by the Father,
you are a good Catholic. Beware of the errors you accept from teachers in our ranks.
“All	the	Kabalists and	Occultists,	Eastern	and	Western,	
recognise (a)	the	identity	of	"Father-Mother"	with	
primordial	Æther or	Akâsa,	(Astral	Light)†,	and	(b)	its	
homogeneity	before	the	evolution	of	the "Son	”… The	
Astral	Light,	or	the	AEther,	of	the	ancient	pagans	(for	the	
name	of	Astral	Light	is	quite	modern)	is	Spirit .	.	.	.	Matter.	
Beginning	with	the	pure	spiritual	plane,	it	becomes	
grosser	as	it	descends	until	it	becomes	the	Maya	or	the	
tempting	and	deceitful	serpent	on	our	plane."
H.	P.	BLAVATSKY	,page	12,10
This	true	God	has	designed	to	use	to	give	me	some	
conception	of	the birthof	his	only		son.
He	said	to	us,	“My	son	is	my	word.	In	stark	reality	he	is	
other	than	I,	for	I	am	the	Father	and	he	is	my	son.	He	is	my	
Son,	because	I	think	him.	I	beget	him	by	my	act	of	infinite	
self-knowledge;	I	utter	Him	as	the	infinite	object	of	
my	thought.	I	am	a	living	God,	and	my	life	is	thought.	Being	
God,	I	know	my	Godhead,	and	what	I	know	is	my	son.	I	am	
the	sourceof	the	Godhead,	and	He	is	the	Godhead	as	
uttered	by	Infinite	Intelligence.	He	is	not	I,	although	He	and	
I	are	the	same	one	God.”
The	Holy	Trinity,	By	J.	P.	Arendzen ,	page	90.
“ What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name
Lucifer to the devil, that is, to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is
the spirit of intelligence and love; it is the paraclete [an advocate]; it is
the Holy Spirit, where the physical Lucifer is the great angel of universal
magnetism. ”
- Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic, A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi.
Mighty Angel's Ministries
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit Revealed A Divine
Secrete That Has Been Kept For Ages, page 3
“ The Holy spirit was discovered to be
not a single person who is God or a Spirit
that God possesses: but a name for the
agency in which God will work as a
And this agency is the ministration of
the Holy Angels. The "THIRD
PERSON" is an alternative for this
agency or the Holy Spirit.”
- Eliphas Levi, The Mysteries of Magic, A
Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi.
“ What is more absurd and more impious
than to attribute the name Lucifer to the
devil, that is, to personified evil.
The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of
intelligence and love; it is the paraclete
[an advocate]; it is the Holy Spirit, where
the physical Lucifer is the great angel of
universal magnetism.”
Some Anti-Trinitarians and Freemasonry teaches
that the Holy Spirit is the Angels
Multiple	or	simultaneous	presence	of	the	same	substance	or	
.	Bilocations have	
been	frequently	reported	in	the	lives	of	the	saints.	
- John	Hardon's Modern	Catholic	Dictionary,	page	67
(Out On a Limb, by Shirley MacLaine, Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
"I stared at the flickering candle. My headfelt light. I physically
felt a kindof tunnel open in my mind ... Once again I felt myself
become the flame ... I became the space in my mind. I felt myself
flow into the space, Fill it, and floatoff, rising out of my body
until I began to soar.
Astral Project and Bilocation
I was aware that my body remainedin the water. I looked
down and saw it. Davidstood next to it. My spiritor mind or
soul, or whatever it was, climbed higher into space. Right
through the ceiling of the pool house and upward over the
twilight river. I literally feltI was flying
... wafting higher and higheruntil I could see the mountains
and the landscape below me and I recognized what I had seen
during the day."
(Out On a Limb, by Shirley MacLaine, Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
"And attached to my spirit was a thin, thin silver cord that
remained stretched though attached to my body in the
pool of water. I wasn't in a dream. No, I was conscious of
everything, it seemed. I was even conscious that I didn't
want to soar too high ... I definitely felt connected. What
was certain to me was that I felt two forms
... my body form below and my spirit form that soared. I
was in two places at once, and I accepted it completely ...
I watched the silver cord attached to my body ... It
glistened in the air. It felt limitless in length ... totally
elastic, always attached to my body. My sight came from
some kind of spiritual eye."
Astral Project and Bilocation
(Out On a Limb, by Shirley MacLaine, Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
“ It wasn't like seeing with real eyes. I soared higher and
wondered how far the cord would stretch without snapping.
The moment I thought about hesitation, my soaring stopped.
I stopped my flight, consciously, in space ... I directed
myself downward, back to my body. Slowly I descended ...
with a soft fusion of contact that felt like a puff, I melded
back into my body. My body felt comfortable, familiar, but it
also felt restricting and cumbersome and limiting ... I was
glad to be back, but knew that I would want to go out again.”
Astral Project and Bilocation
“ My	spirit	or	mind	or	soul,	or	whatever	it	was,	
climbed	higher	into	space.	Right	through	the	
ceiling	of	the	pool	house	and	upward	over	the	
twilight	river.	I	literally	felt	I	was	flying	...	
What	was	certain	to	me	was	that	I	felt	two	
forms	...	my	body	form	below	and	my	spirit	form	
that	soared.	I	was	in	two	places	at	once,	and	I	
accepted	it	completely	...	
I	directed	myself	downward,	back	to	my	body.	
Slowly	I	descended	...	with	a	soft	fusion	of	
contact	that	felt	like	a	puff,	I	melded	back	into	
my	body.	"
(Out On .4 Limb, by Shirley MacLaine,
Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
Astral Project and Bilocation Anti-Trinitarians
-THESOS MAGAZINE ,volume 8, page 10-11
“ Both	Christ	and	his	Spirit	make	intercession	for	
us	because Christ	and	his	Spirit	are	the	same	
person ...But	the	location	of	intercession	is	in	
different	places:	in	heaven	and	on	earth.	
In heaven, he	ministers	the	benefits	of	his	
innocent,	voluntary	sacrifice:	forgiveness	for	sin,	
justification,	in his humanity as our High
Priest mediator, the man Jesus Christ.	
On earth,	he	ministers	the	benefits	of	his	
perfect,	victorious	life:	grace,	the	divine	power	
to	overcome	sin,	sanctification,	in his divinity
as our Comforter and intercessor, as the
Spirit of Christ.	”
(Out On .4 Limb, by Shirley MacLaine,
Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
Astral Project and Bilocation Anti-Trinitarians
A study of the Godhead – as it pertains to
Seventh-day Adventism by Terry Hill, Chapter
twenty , The Holy Spirit - spirit of prophecy
comments (part 2) ,page 331
Jesus	said	here	to	His	disciples,	it	is	evident	that	
when	the	Comforter	came	it	would	be	both	God	
the	Father	and	Christ	that	came
(“we	will	come	unto	him”)	yet not bodily.
This is because bodily, both God the
Father and Christ would still be in heaven.
… The	Holy	Spirit	was	not	another	person	with	
individuality	like	God	and	Christ	but	was	both	of	
them	(God	and	Christ)	omnipresent.	In	other	
words,	the	Holy	Spirit	was	said	to	be	the	Spirit	of	
both	God	and	Christ	.”
"And attached to my spirit was a thin, thin silver
cord that remained stretched though attached
to my body in the pool of water.
I wasn't in a dream. No, I was conscious of
everything, it seemed. I was even conscious
that I didn't want to soar too high ...
I definitely felt connected. What was certain to
me was that I felt two forms
... my body form below and my spirit form that
soared. I was in two places at once, and I
accepted it completely ... I watched the silver
cord attached to my body. ”
(Out On .4 Limb, by Shirley MacLaine,
Bantam Books, 1983, pp. 327-329)
Astral Project and Bilocation Anti-Trinitarians
“	It	was	“expedient”	for	Christ	to	leave	this	
earth	and	return	to	his	Father	that	he	might	
dispense	his	omnipresent	Spirit	to	all	his	
children.	And his Spirit is a real person,
the personality of Jesus Christ himself.
It	is	his mind, his “conscious presence.”
Not that of a separate person.	"
“ My	spirit	or	mind	or	soul,	or	whatever	it	was,	
climbed	higher	into	space.	Right	through	the	
ceiling	of	the	pool	house	and	upward	over	the	
twilight	river.	I	literally	felt	I	was	flying	...	
What	was	certain	to	me	was	that	I	felt	two	
forms	...	my	body	form	below	and	my	spirit	form	
that	soared.	I	was	in	two	places	at	once,	and	I	
accepted	it	completely	...	
I	directed	myself	downward,	back	to	my	body.	
Slowly	I	descended	...	with	a	soft	fusion	of	
contact	that	felt	like	a	puff,	I	melded	back	into	
my	body.	"
THESOS MAGAZINE ,volume 8, page 11-
“ So, Jesus is still with us today.
His Bodily presence is in heaven.
His Divine presence is on earth. ”
Astral Project and Bilocation Anti-Trinitarians
“	It	was	“expedient”	for	Christ	to	leave	this	
earth	and	return	to	his	Father	that	he	might	
dispense	his	omnipresent	Spirit	to	all	his	
children.	And his Spirit is a real person,
the personality of Jesus Christ himself.
It	is	his mind, his “conscious presence.”
Not that of a separate person.	"
“Multiple	or	simultaneous	presence	of	the	
same	substance	or	soul	in	two	places	distant	
from	each	other.	Bilocationshave	been	
frequently	reported	in	the	lives	of	the	saints.”	
- John	Hardon's	Modern	Catholic	Dictionary,	page	67
THESOS MAGAZINE ,volume 8, page 11-
“ So, Jesus is still with us today.
His Bodily presence is in heaven.
His Divine presence is on earth. ”
“	The	appearance	of	an	individual	in	two	
places	simultaneously….The	prevailing	theory	
suggests	that	it	is	a	projection	of	a	double.	In	
appearance	to	others	the	double	may	appear	
to	be	a	solid	physical	form,	or	may	be	ghostly.	"
Matthew	6:6
Psalms	139:7-10
Psalms	99:1
1	Kings	8:27
2	Chronicles	6:18
Psalms	113
Proverbs	15:4
Isaiah	57:15
Act	17:24,27,28
Astral	Project	is	NOT possible	with	the	Father.
His	whole	state	as	Deity	is	divinely	intrinsically	
His	Omnipresence	is	independent	of	Jesus	
Christ	and	The	Holy	Spirit.
Astral	Project	is	NOT possible	with	the	Holy	Spirit.
His	whole	state	as	Deity	is	divinely	intrinsically	omnipresent.
His	Omnipresence	is	independent	of	the	Father	and	Jesus	Christ.
Psalms	139:7
John	chapters	14-16
Astral	Project	is	NOT possible	with	the	Jesus	Christ	before	or	after	the	
incarnation/resurrection.	His	whole	state	as	Deity	prior	to	the	
incarnation	was	divinely	intrinsically	omnipresent.
Since	the	time	of	Jesus	Christ's	incarnation/resurrection	,	His	Deity	is	
cumbered	by	humanity.	Hence	after	the	resurrection	Jesus	Christ	is	
not	capable	of	omnipresent	activities	on	His	own.	So	He	is	dependent	
upon	the	THIRD	PERSON	of	The	Holy	Trio.	Jesus	is	dependent	on	The	
Holy	Spirit	for	all	his	omnipresent	activities.	Jesus	Omnipotence	and	
Omniscience	has	not	been	affect	by	the	incarnation.
Psalms 145:18 ,Psalms 34:18 Psalms 24:7-10 , Jeremiah 23:16-17 ,23-24 ,John 20;24-29,
Acts 1:9-11 , Revelation 5:5-7 , Desire of ages 669.2
When He should come forth from the tomb, their
sorrow would be turned to joy. After His ascension He
was to be absent in person; but through the Comforter
He would still be with them, and they were not to spend
their time in mourning. This was what Satan wanted.
He desired them to give the world the impression that
they had been deceived and disappointed; but by faith
they were to look to the sanctuary above, where Jesus
was ministering for them; they were to open their hearts
to the Holy Spirit, His representative, and to rejoice in
the light of His presence.
-E.G.	White,	 The	Desire	of	ages	,	page	277
Yet days of temptation and trial would come,
when they would be brought into conflict with the
rulers of this world, and the leaders of the
kingdom of darkness; when Christ was not
personally with them, and they failed to discern
the Comforter, then it would be more fitting for
them to fast.
-E.G.	White,	 The	Desire	of	ages	,	page	277
Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not
be in every place personally; therefore it
was altogether for their advantage that He
should leave them, go to His father, and
send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on
earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of
the personality of humanity and independent
thereof. He would represent Himself as
present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as
the Omnipresent.
-Manuscript Release ,Vol.14 ,page 23.3
“The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but
divested of the personality of humanity, and
independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity,
Christ could not be in every place personally.
Therefore it was for their interest that He
should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to
be His successor on earth. No one could then
have any advantage because of his location or
his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit
the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this
sense He would be nearer to them than if He
had not ascended on high.” DA 669.2
Authorized	to	
act	as	an	official	
deprived	of;
hindered	from	
“The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but
divested of the personality of humanity, and
independent thereof.”
The	Holy	Spirit	is	authorized	to	act	as	
Christ’s	official	delegate,	but	hindered	
from	possessing the	personality	of	
humanity,	and	independent	thereof.
Who was Divested of the
Personality of Humanity?
The Holy Spirit
In contemplating the incarnation of Christ in humanity, we stand baffled before an
unfathomable mystery, that the human mind cannot comprehend. The more we
reflect upon it, the more amazing does it appear. How wide is the contrast between
the divinity of Christ and the helpless infant in Bethlehem's manger! How can we
span the distance between the mighty God and a helpless child? And yet the Creator
of worlds, He in whom was the fullness of the Godhead bodily, was manifest in the
helpless babe in the manger.
--The Signs of the Times, July 30, 1896.
Far higher than any of the angels, equal with the Father in dignity and glory, and
yet wearing the garb of humanity!
. It is in this union that we find the hope
of our fallen race. Looking upon , we look upon God, and see in
Him the brightness of His glory, the express image of His person.
--The Signs of the Times, July 30, 1896. {7ABC 443.3}
It	would	have	been	an	almost	infinite	humiliation	for	the	Son	of	God	to	take	man’s	nature,	
even	when	Adam	stood	in	his	innocence	in	Eden.	But	Jesus	accepted	humanity	when	the	
race	had	been	weakened	by	four	thousand	years	of	sin.	Like	every	child	of	Adam	He	
accepted	the	results	of	the	working	of	the	great	law	of	heredity.	What	these	results	were	
is	shown	in	the	history	of	His	earthly	ancestors.	He	came	with	such	a	heredity to	share	our	
sorrows	and	temptations,	and	to	give	us	the	example	of	a	sinless	life.
{The	Call	to	Stand	Apart	Chap	1	page	6.7}	 Desire	of	Ages	chap	4	p	48
The Review	and	Herald, July	5,	1887
He was God while upon earth, but He divested Himself of the form of God,
and in its stead took the form and fashion of a man. He walked the earth as a
man. For our sakes He became Poor, that we through His poverty might be
made rich. He laid aside His glory and His majesty. He was God, but the
glories of the form of God He for a while relinquished. Though He walked
among men in poverty, scattering His blessings wherever He went, at His word
legions of angels would surround their Redeemer, and do Him homage.
“Clad in the vestments of humanity, the Son of God came down to the
level of those He wished to save. In Him was no guile or sinfulness; He was
ever pure and undefiled; yet He took upon Him our sinful nature. Clothing
His divinity with humanity, that He might associate with fallen humanity, He
sought to redeem for man that which by disobedience Adam had lost.”
Review	and	Herald,	August	22,	1907.
“Satanic	agencies	confederated	with	evil	men	to	lead	
the	people	to	believe	that	Christ	was	the	chief	of	
sinners,	and	to	make	Him	an	object	of	detestation.	
But	the	priests	and	rulers	failed	to	realize	that	in	
Christ	divinity	was	enthroned	in	humanity.	Christ's	
humanity	could	not	be	separated	from	His	divinity.”	
-E.G.	White,	ST	April	14,	1898,	par.	6
“When Christ took human nature upon Him, He
bound humanity to Himself by a tie of love that can
never be broken by any power save the choice of
man himself.” Steps to Christ ,pg. 72
“He gave His only-begotten Son to come to earth, to
take the nature of man, not only for the brief years of
life, but to retain his nature in the heavenly courts, an
everlasting pledge of the faithfulness of God.”
Selected Messages, bk. 1, 258.
“By taking our nature, He bound Himself to us
through eternal ages . He is our representative
and head. He represents our race before God, still
and forever bearing the humanity of the race.”
Signs of the Times, January 27, 1898.
“To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace,
God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of
the human family, forever to retain His human
nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His
(Desire of Ages, pg 25; S.D.A. Bible Commentary, Vol.
7A, pg 456; The Faith I Live By, pg 45; [similar in]
Review & Herald, April 3, 1894; S.D.A. Bible
Commentary, Vol. 7A, pg 488).
I”n taking our nature, the Saviour has bound
Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be
broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked
with us…. To assure us of His immutable counsel
of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to
become one of the human family, forever to
retain His human nature…. God has adopted
human nature in the . person of His Son, and has
carried the same into the highest heaven.”
(Reflecting Christ, pg 45).
“Christ thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
and yet He pleased not Himself. He took upon
Himself human nature for no other purpose than to
place man on vantage ground before the world and
the whole heavenly universe.
He carries sanctified humanity to heaven, there
always to retain humanity as it would have been if
man had never violated God’s law. The overcomers,
who upon the earth were partakers of the divine
nature, He makes kings and priests unto God.”
The Upward Look, 313.
Spiritualism in the last days and the truth about the Holy Spirit
slides 19, 20,22 Gods Love P.O Box 542
"There is a difference between the ministering spirits of God and the Spirit of God
- both referred to as "Holy Spirit" and "Holy Ghost”
Zechariah 6:5 And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits
of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.
Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with
power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the
devil; for God was with him.
“Holy Ghost” here is that which Jesus was anointed
Mighty Angel's Ministries
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit Revealed A Divine Secrete That Has Been Kept For Ages, page 3
“ The Holy spirit was discovered to be not a
single person who is God or a Spirit that God
possesses: but a name for the agency in which
God will work as a representative. And this
agency is the ministration of the Holy Angels.
The "THIRD PERSON" is an alternative
for this agency or the Holy Spirit. ”
Dear scholars, As-Salamu `alaykum. I was a Christian before, and now I
am confused about the definition of the Holy Spirit. What is the Holy
Spirit according to Islam? I would like to know the meaning of the Holy
Spirit specifically in surat al-Ma'idah (5: 110). Jazakum Allah khayran.
What Is Meant by the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an?
As-Salamu `alaykum
What Is Meant by the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an?
As-Salamu `alaykum
Answering the question you raised, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic
scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:
" also
known as Jibraaeel; he is the message-bearer par excellence from Allah, the Lord of
Glory and Grace; he is also the conduit of divine support and assistance bestowed on
Prophets, Messengers as well as righteous people who strive in the path of Allah.
What Is Meant by the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an?
As-Salamu `alaykum
“Even more perplexing for Muslims is the doctrine that Jesus
is the Second Person of the Trinity. For Muslims, there is only
one God, and Jesus is one of his greatest creatures. Christians
agree that there is only one God. But they add that the one
God subsists in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. To Muslims, however, the Holy Spirit is the angel
Gabriel; and of the three persons only The Father, whom
Muslims call Allah, can be truly God. Hence the simple
Muslim declaration of faith: “There is no god but God.”
Mighty Angel's Ministries
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit Revealed A Divine
Secrete That Has Been Kept For Ages, page 3
“ The Holy spirit was discovered to be
not a single person who is God or a
Spirit that God possesses: but a name for
the agency in which God will work as a
representative. And this agency is the
ministration of the Holy Angels. The
"THIRD PERSON" is an alternative
for this agency or the Holy Spirit.”
Some Anti-Trinitarians and Islam teaches that the
Holy Spirit is Gabriel or God’s Angels
What Is Meant by the Holy Spirit in the Qur'an?
As-Salamu `alaykum
Answering the question you raised, Sheikh Ahmad
Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the
Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:
“ The Holy Spirit mentioned in the above
verse refers to the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), also
known as Jibraaeel; he is the message-bearer par
excellence from Allah, the Lord of Glory and Grace… ”
“His	soldiers	are	coworkers	with	heavenly	
intelligences,	and	One	higher	than	angels	is	in	the	
ranks;	for	the	Holy	Spirit,	Christ’s	representative,	is	
Signs	of	the	Times,	May	27,	1897.
“All	the	intelligences	of	heaven	are	in	this	army.	And	
more	than	angels	are	in	the	ranks.	The	Holy	Spirit,	
the representative	of	the	Captain	of	the	Lord's	host,	
comes	down	to	direct	the	battle.	Our	infirmities	may	
be	many,	our	sins	and	mistakes	grievous;	but	the	
grace	of	God	is	for	all	who	seek	it	with	contrition.	
The	power	of	Omnipotence	is	enlisted	in	behalf	of	
those	who	trust	in	God.”
The	Desire	of	Ages	,p.	352.2
The following quotes show that The Angels are in addition to
the Holy Spirit and are different form him. The first group of
seven quotes mention the Holy Spirit separately from the
angels. The word “and” which joins them shows that the
angels are in addition to the Holy Spirit.
“Who	will	stand	on	the	Lord’s	side,	in	the	
presence	of	good	and	evil	men,	in	the	presence	
of	angels,	in	the	presence	of	the	Father,	the	Son,	
and	the	Holy	Spirit?	You	can	no	longer	remain	
neutral,	and	yet	be	Christ’s	followers,	His	faithful	
Spalding	and	Magan Collection,	pg 364.
“Through	the	agency	of	His	Spirit	and His	angels	
He	ministers	to	the	children	of	men.”	
Ministry	of	Healing,	pg 417.	
“Those	who	separate	from	God	and	lose	their	
spirituality,	do	not	fall	back	all	at	once	into	a	state	
which	the	true	Witness	calls	lukewarm.	They	
conform	to	the	world	little	by	little….	They	grow	
weaker	and	weaker,	until	the	Spirit	of	God	is	
withdrawn,	and God	bids	his	angels,	Let	them	
alone!	Jesus	spues them	out	of	his	mouth.”	
Review	&	Herald,	Nov.	26,	1861.
”A	knowledge	of	our	wrongs	should	be	more	highly	
prized	than	a	happy	flight	of	feeling;	for	it	is	
evidence	that	the	Spirit	of	God	is	striving	with	us	
and that	angels are	round	about	us.”	
(Signs	of	the	Times,	June	26,	1884).
“At	Berrien	Springs	my	work	was	exceedingly	
difficult.	It	was	terrible	to	see	the	blindness	upon	
minds.	But	the	Lord	gave	me	special	victories;	
angels	of	God	stood	by	my	side,	and	His	spirit	
rested	on	me.”
(Loma	Linda	Messages,	pg 48)
“Fathers	and	mothers,	sisters	and	brothers,	old	
and	young,	work	in	harmony	with	Christ,	so	that	
the	Spirit	of	God	and	holy	angels	can	dwell	with	
you	and	mold	your	lives.”
(Notebook	Leaflets	from	the	Elmshaven
Library,	Vol.	1,	pg 88)
“Only	as	they	were	united	with	Christ	could	the	
disciples	hope	to	have	the	accompanying	power	
of	the	Holy	Spirit	and the	co-operation	of	angels	
of	heaven.	With	the	help	of	these	divine	agencies	
they	would	present	before	the	world	a	united	
front	and	would	be	victorious	in	the	conflict	they	
were	compelled	to	wage	unceasingly	against	the	
powers	of	darkness.”
(Acts	of	the	Apostles,	pg 90,	91).
“When	Christ	ascended	to	the	Father,	He	did	not	
leave	His	followers	without	help.	The	Holy	Spirit,	
as	His	representative,	and the	heavenly	angels,	
as	ministering	spirits,	are	sent	forth	to	aid	those	
who	against	great	odds	are	fighting	the	good	
fight	of	faith.	“
-Youth’s	Instructor,	Nov.	21,	1911;	
-Messages	to	Young	People,	pg 17;	
-Sons	and	Daughters	of	God,	pg 35.
Clear Statement
(Manuscript	130,	Nov.	27,	1901,	pg 18;	Manuscript	Releases,	Vol.	16,	pg 205;	[partly	in]	S.D.A.	Bible	
Commentary,	Vol.	7A,	pg 442;	Evangelism,	pg616.	Punctuation	and	wording	as	in	Manuscript	Releases).	
“But they were not left to fight the battles in
their own human strength. The angelic host
coming as ministers of God would be in that
battle. Also there would be the eternal heavenly
dignitaries--God, and Christ, and the Holy
Spirit--arming them with more than mortal
energy, and would advance with them to the
work, and convince the world of sin. ”

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13. TRANSGENDER MEDICINE - Gender Identity and Sex Reassignment History
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17. The TRANSGENDER Movement- Gender Revolution and Religious Liberty Threate...
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10. The LGBT Movement Health Issues- Higher Incidents of Mental Health Proble...
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15. The TRANSGENDER Agenda Failed- Differences in the Brain and Nervous Syste...
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13. TRANSGENDER MEDICINE- Gender Identity and Sex Reassignment History
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12. THE GAY GENES -Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ?
12. THE GAY GENES -Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ? 12. THE GAY GENES -Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ?
12. THE GAY GENES -Are Persons born Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered ?
11. ARE THERE ONLY TWO SEXES ?- Ambiguous Genitalia, Intersexed, Hermaphrodit...
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9. The LGBT Movements Health Issues- Higher Rates of HIV/AIDS and Other STDs ...
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8. The LGBT Movement Health Issues - The Dangers of Anal Sex
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7. The LGBT Movement Health Issues - Oral Sex Dangers
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5. The LGBT Movement- SameSex Relationships Fidelity , Domestic Violence and ...
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