openstack openstack australia openstack australia day cloud cloud computing technology open source openstackau government aptira enterprise infrastructure innovation containers ceph storage nfv red hat melbourne security big data suse hewlett packard enterprise hpe hewlett packard sdn infrastructure as code iac michael still alex tesch anthony rees infrastructure as a service iaas vault systems distribution rackspace operations networks cumulus networks migration oracle docker deployment helion telco netapp devops lbaas kieran spear shunde zhang swinburne university of technology pycon quinton anderson cba commonwealth bank of australia open networking scott laffer veritas tarso dos santos christoph dwertmann steve kowalik andrew hatfield marc van hoof dez blanchfield avi miller john martin david flanders tom fifield alexander tsirel danny elmarji scott coulton openstack day kumulus hivetec swift coreos windows core os automation openstatckau data cloning openstack foundation isp autopilothq auto pilot hq dell emc dell department of defence culture risk agile governance application database disaster recovery crowbar performance internet of things iot continuous integration infinite storage bandwidth sandisk production hardware catalyst it brocade mano metrics hpc university research ethernet nci national computational infrastructure vxlan routing networking migrate ci-as-a-service guts stackbuffet software defined storage high availability neutron fwaas ansible vpnaas product development development telstra bank banking bankwest vmware health direct keynote aptra digital innovation nsw government onegov puppet distro openstack cloud australia india world amazon india openstack nova kvm aptira openstack keystone aptira data sovereignty user support groups spring2012 aosug
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