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Losing Weight 
Table of Contents 
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 03 
Preface.............................................................................................................................. 04 
Chapter 1 : WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT.................................................................. 05 
Reality about sugar free alternatives and fat free food................................... 09 
Fact: The bitter truth about sweeteners........................................................... 09 
All fruits are friends ........................................................................................... 09 
Answer to all problems....................................................................................... 10 
Chapter 2 : LEARN HOW TO EAT........................................................................................... 11 
Situational over eating........................................................................................ 12 
Some Dos and Don’ts while eating.................................................................... 13 
Golden rules for golden health.......................................................................... 14 
Enrich or emptify................................................................................................ 16 
Chapter 3 : LEARN What TO EAT....................................................................................... 17 
A : Proteins.......................................................................................................... 17 
B : Carbohydrates................................................................................................ 19 
C : Fats................................................................................................................. 23 
D : Vitamins and Minerals................................................................................... 25 
E : Supplements.................................................................................................. 32 
F : Water.............................................................................................................. 33 
Chapter 4 : BASIC RULES OF DIET........................................................................................ 34 
A : Quit having tea first thing in the morning.................................................... 34 
B : Feed yourself every 2 hours........................................................................... 34 
Best way to Lose tummy fat...................................................................... 35 
C. Less activity eat less, more activity eat more................................................ 35 
D. After dinner wait for two hours before you sleep........................................ 36 
Chapter 5 : BALANCED DIET................................................................................................ 37 
How to achieve a healthy balanced diet ?.......................................................... 38 
Chapter 6 : BE WISE, BE HEALTHY ..................................................................................... 39 
Cheat sheet......................................................................................................... 39 
Losing Weight Mindfully
Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically 
Be SLOW and avoid making drastic changes overnight 
Connect with yourself 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
thin, or depriving yourself of the food you love. Rather, it is about feeling 
great, gaining more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as 
healthy as possible all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics 
and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy 
food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy 
To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of 
small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the 
changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than 
you think. There are 3 simple MANTRAS of a noble DIET: 
Instead of being extremely worried with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, it is better to 
think of your diet in terms of colour, smell, and freshness. This way it should be easier to make healthy 
choices. Focus on finding food you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. 
Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious. 
Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually 
leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of 
different colour vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. 
As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet. 
You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely give up on food items you enjoy to 
have. The long term goal is to feel good, gain more energy, along with a lean body. Don’t let your 
missteps derail you — every healthy food choice you make counts.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
We often think that DIET is all about starving and punishing 
ourselves, it is but about eating well, eating proper and 
eating regularly. We lose our minds by complicating simple 
things like eating. Losing weight is nothing but a by-product of eating 
proper by applying common sense. 
There is a slight difference between vivification and over-vivification. 
E.g. eating a balanced diet will keep you fit: A simple logic. The less 
we eat, the thinner we will become is an over vivification. In order to 
lose weight one has to be life-long committed towards eating proper 
and diet will be a reflection to this. It should be planned according to 
your lifestyle, activities, fitness levels, likes, dislikes etc. and it varies 
from person to person. One’s diet may not suit the other, in other 
words it has to be tailor made. It has to be a part of our daily life like 
sleeping and brushing. 
As a matter of fact our body needs all sorts of nutrients like carbs, fat, 
protein, vitamins, minerals etc. and despoiling any of the nutrients 
will create an imbalance in our system. All the nutrients are equally 
important for our body and it’s a simple scenario of demand and 
supply. Losing weight should not be treated as bravery as one can lose 
weight by just falling sick. What is more important is treating oneself 
well by eating proper. Punishing ourselves by depriving our body of 
nutrients and having unhealthy diets like low carbs diet, liquids, only 
fruits and salads is not going to work. In fact, this way it will come 
back to you and in double the quantity you lost. 
It’s well understood that all that we do, is with a strong desire of 
being happy. But at times we fail to understand that our happiness 
lies in wrong places. We want to have ice-cream because it makes us 
happy but we are unhappy if we are offered bitter gourd. Why? It’s 
because our mind set is like that. Tasteful things attract us in spite 
of their bad effects on our system. When we connect with ourselves 
by true means we will understand that happiness lies within. Dieting 
is nothing but a tool to realize our happiness from within and the 
results can be seen in the physical appearance.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
What question bangs in your mind when you go to a dietician? 
Can I eat Paratha? Can I eat aloo bhaji or even pasta? Won’t 
you be surprised if you are allowed to do so? The word DIET 
has become a nightmare for many of us. It’s an obvious philosophy 
among many of us that diet means starvation, health loss, energy 
loss, and more importantly eating rubbish tasteless food. 
But that’s not what it is my friend. DIET is a representation of what 
you are going to have throughout your life. Is it possible that you have 
boiled veggies and lauki juice for the rest of your life? The answer is a 
big No. Then why go on such a diet? Diet should be in accordance with 
your work, your activities, and your profile. Diet isn’t all about losing 
weight or fat loss but also changing your lifestyle. It is important to 
mention that a diet plan which has a primary goal of losing weight 
is a total failure even before you start doing it. Let’s take a few DIET 
FADS which work against you: 
Many times we all must have come across the term “compensation 
diet”. What is it all about, what does it mean and why it is 
being advised to you? Say for example you had a party where you 
ate stomach full and drank like a fish. The next morning you go to 
your dietician, you are asked not to eat like you do normally for the 
entire day and also to add on a few more exercises. That is called a 
compensation diet where you compensate your day’s diet because 
you had eaten the other day. 
Well, does it sound justified? We all at times over do, so what? Just 
eat, fill and forget. Get back to your normal pattern next day. It’s 
not a crime for which one has to be punished by depriving oneself 
of the next day’s food. It is not even so that your body retains the 
calories you gained at the party in some secret place, and overdoing 
an exercise will burn that extra fat. So, there is no point in carrying 
the baggage of compensation. Just get along with life in a normal 
and healthy manner.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
A modern term which simply says that all what you eat is TOXIC, 
and that is why you ought to have a detox diet. Now, if we take 
the meaning as explained by the dieticians, the process involves 
detoxifying the body after you have hogged everything you could 
by the intake of liquids like karela juice, papaya juice or gourd juice 
etc. So what about the side effects like weakness, severe headache 
and even blackouts? A dietician may recommend you a few dry fruits 
soaked overnight and milk for the entire day as DETOX diet but a 
matter of fact is after following this you yourself feel like a peeled 
almond. Your body’s and mind’s age and metabolism will deteriorate 
further. It is harmful for you both physically and mentally. And not 
only this, when you’ll get back to your normal plan the fat will creep 
back and you will look ugly. 
So, don’t ever get into a diet plan which deprives you from anything 
which is normal and routine. The simple point is to be cautious that 
the fat you have lost should never accumulate again. This can only 
happen if you connect with yourself and understand that how your 
body works and show the commitment to eat proper. 
We can better understand this with a case study. A working 
professional who takes pride at her work was forced to take a 
sabbatical from her job to look after her children. She took the plunge 
and planned to put the break to good use. She considered all the 
options and finally decided that she will invest this time in getting 
a better body as that was the only area where she was lacking. She 
did what most sensible people would do. The very next moment, she 
became a member of a GYM under the able guidance of a renowned 
dietician. Then the much awaited miracle happened to her. She lost 
15 kgs in 6 months. Wow! this is what she always wanted. It’s a kind 
of success story. She after losing weight met her friends but she got 
a reaction which she never expected. Her friends asked her that why 
was she looking so dull? Her skin underwent a huge change, turned a 
few shades darker, pigmented and crushed. Her nails chipped while 
she tried to open the zip of her big vanity bag. Her hair looked dull, 
shine less and coarse even after a two weeks hair spa. 
Being an intelligent woman, she had an analytical mind and when she 
was recommended to have certain protein shakes and vitamins by the 
dietician, she always denied. But she agreed to take some medicines
Exercise D and DIETING are Contradictory 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
because according to her, those were “SAFE”. Another reason was 
that they were HERBAL. 
As a popular saying goes “all that glitters is not gold”, similarly, 
everything which is herbal isn’t SAFE. NICOTINE is also herbal but 
can the regular users vouch on their health benefits? Before popping 
any type of pills or swallowing syrup one has to know his/her body 
constitution. It is important that you consult an Ayurvedacharya or a 
Doctor. Ayurveda is a very complex science and it takes a lifetime to 
decipher it. It is difficult to find a genuine ayurvedic doctor. It is not 
correct that everything which is made in laboratories is dangerous and 
everything printed as HERBAL is safe for you. Before trying anything 
you should know your body constitution. 
A lot of advertisements nowadays attract our attention while we 
travel by a bus or a local train, at traffic signals, in the newspapers 
and where not- “No exercise, No pills, No Diet- Only weight loss! 
-Guaranteed. Or Lose 15 kgs in 6 months, and many more.. How do 
you feel about it? 
Any offer that discourages you from exercise is not worth it. Being 
on diet may help you in losing your weight but without exercise we 
actually lose our muscle and bone density which results in AGEING. Our 
body understands only one principle and that’s “USE OR LOOSE” . You 
all must be aware that initially we were all having a tail but it became 
vestigial as we did not use it. The same way if we do not exercise, 
these live tissues will lose their density. So, it is of prime importance 
that we maintain equilibrium in DIET and EXERCISE. Exercise is a part 
of adopting a better lifestyle but it is not an alternative to healthy 
food. In fact when you decide of working out you have to be more 
committed towards eating right kind of nutrients. When you start 
exercising and eating right you will observe a drop in your body fat 
but your body weight remains unaltered. On the other hand when 
you crash on diet you will reduce on body weight because by this your 
lean body weight comes down and your body fat remains constant. 
Fat occupies a large space in our body but it weighs less. Muscles and 
bones are denser so occupy less space but gives body more weight. 
So, it is evident and important that we try to reduce on body fat rather 
than body weight. More the body weight more is the fat burning 
capacity. We have DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is a
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Essential fat 12 - 15 % 2 - 5 % 
Athletes 16 - 20 % 6 - 13 % 
Fitness 21 - 24 % 14 - 17 % 
Acceptable 25 - 31 % 18 - 25 % 
Obese 32 % + 25 % + 
This doesn’t state your body weight. If less than 25% of your weight is coming from 
metabolically inactive fat tissue, then whatever your total body weight may be (metabolically 
active tissues: bone, muscle, organ, water etc i.e. everything other than fat + metabolically 
inactive tissue i.e. fat) this is fine. 
We all must have experienced JUMPING FATS at some point of time while we were 
trying a dress or T-shirt in a changing room of a shopping mall and we change our 
mind soon after we come out from that 5”-7” room. We actually feel bad that we so want to 
wear it but because we look not as desired in it, we cannot. Then we become so conscious 
that we start trying everything which appears on net, glossies and grapevine to lose weight. 
DIETING is not rocket-science. It is a subject known to all. Doing random experiments on 
diet will always back-fire. Don’t you feel that we handle our mobile phones more delicately 
than our bodies? 
It’s a piece of advice to all the readers that never ever “just try” diets that your over 
enthusiastic friends, clients etc. swear by. It may have worked for them but it is not necessary 
that it will work for you as well. When it comes to diet it is not one treatment which suits 
everyone. Diet needs to be personalized and customized to your body needs, fitness levels, 
activities etc. There are certain ground rules which we will discuss further in this article. 
great way to measure your body composition. It will not only tell you about the body fat 
but also the density of your bones. DEXA scans are available at almost all multi speciality 
hospitals at a very nominal charge.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
It may sound weird but it’s true that low fat food items like fat free ice-creams, sugar free sweets, 
fibre loaded biscuits etc. are nothing but junk food coated with wrong information, with a garnishing 
of a sharp USP which is easily gullible to those who can have anything in the name of fat free. 
Eating fat free chaklis or sugar free sweets are alright only if you know that they have equal effects 
like the other full fat, full sugar stuffs have. We often keep on munching these things with a thought 
at the back of our mind that they are not harmful but it is a myth. The worst part of these things are 
they contain “TRANS FATS” which give that item longevity and texture, and at the same time make 
you fattier and clog your arteries. Also, you will become prone to heart diseases. The best answer to 
all this is to make your chaklis or chips at home. At least you will fry them in good oil and can enjoy 
your goodies hot. Since it is a long process, you will end up doing it either once in a fortnight or once 
in a month. The choice is yours. 
Now the question here is whether sugar should be replaced by a sweetener or not? The answer 
is a big NO. We all treat sweetener as a boon to diabetics, or to those who follow diet Still the 
answer is NO. Why? Anything which has a prefix of “DIET” has these sweeteners like diet colddrinks, 
diet sweets, diet ice-cream, diet yogurt etc. and the list is endless. Now let’s try to understand the 
You must have experienced how a sugar loaded biscotti is offered with tea or coffee even if you 
ask for a sugar free one. You might also be offered a diet coke (at times free refill) with a pizza. This 
is a lethal combination and this is exactly what the sweeteners do. They confuse the body almost 
immediately when it needs calorie dense food. Clearly you are not succeeding because you land up 
eating not just high glycemic index fats but also high trans fats. 
Again here, it is to be understood that one time use of sweeteners may not cause any harm at all 
unless it is being repeated. Also, it is a proven fact that certain sweeteners are associated with thyroid 
malfunction, memory loss, obesity, acidity and even cancer. A spoonful of sugar will not harm you 
the way a dose of sweetener will do. 
Is it too tough to understand that one should focus on reducing body weight by eating properly and 
doing exercise regularly? No powder, pill or sweetener will help the way eating properly on right 
time will do. 
Many nutritionists and dieticians think that having loads of fruits daily will surely be good in the 
process of losing weight. At times we see people replacing desserts post dinner with a cup of 
apples thinking that’s the best they can do. Among fruits also there are some evils and some angels. 
For ex. banana, chikoos, grapes etc. are fattening whereas water melon, orange, papaya are low in 
A recent development in nutrition science says that FRUCTOSE (the sugar we get in fruits) gets
Losing Weight Mindfully 
converted to TRIGLYCERIDES when eaten in a full stomach. These TRIGLYCERIDES are responsible 
for heart diseases, insulin insensivity, and bigger fat cells. Our body doesn’t believe in discrimination 
and will end up giving you triglycerides no matter which fruit you eat. So, eat fruit but don’t eat it 
as a dessert. Eat it as complete meal say in the morning or after exercise. The other example in this 
series is SOY. Sometime back, SOY had become a trend, when, anybody and everybody was losing 
on weight by having SOY but soon people started having medical complications. There were people 
who started having stretch marks, depression, high level of triglycerides and cancer as well. This 
was about the same time when SOY was linked with breast cancer too. Then everybody was quick 
to blame SOY. 
But the fact was people were not suffering because of SOY but because of crash on the other 
important nutrients from body. It was recorded that an extremity of SOY intake took place with 
no intake of other nutrients. There are no strong evidences found that SOY causes cancer but yes 
it is clinically proven that cancer is likely to happen to those who are stressed out, with less or no 
exercise , and no proper nutrients supply to body. 
So we can easily conclude that all food items are friend provided we maintain the balance and do not 
just jump on a particular thing by subsiding other important nutrients. Apply your common sense 
while choosing your meal is the best mantra. All food provide us nutrients one or the other, so 
picking up a particular food stuff and ignoring another is incorrect. We should not be biased and 
The best solution to all the problems is to never go on “DIET” but to upgrade the style of living i.e. to 
eat right, exercise and to always be committed towards your own self. It is not going to be easy but it 
is true. It is even more difficult than being loyal towards your marriage partner or any other relation. 
It might be boring at times but it is the key to your physical and mental well being. 
People eat erratically and then punish themselves with a crashed diet which is an unhealthy attitude 
towards themselves. Changing the mind is more important than changing a diet plan, because it is 
your mind which is going to accept this first and give you the needed push. It is more about wrong 
eating habits and wrong inhibitions. There is nothing wrong and right when it comes to eating. The 
only thing which matters is when you eat, how much you eat? 
Never undergo extreme DIETS. 
Strict no to Starving. Eating is a must. 
There is nothing called devil and angles in FOOD. 
Exercise should not be compromised with. 
Upgrade your lifestyle.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
In this chapter we will try to focus on eating etiquettes. Many 
of us must be knowing a lot about the heart, lungs, kidneys etc. 
but how many of us have the same amount of knowledge about 
STOMACH. Very few. We pay all our attention to other involuntary 
organs of our body but we simply ignore the stomach. Why? Is it 
because there is no such serious term which says stomach attack, 
just like heart attack? In fact, even in case of the latter, it is we 
who attack our heart with our bad eating and drinking habits. 
Similarly we even abuse our stomach to a point when it starts 
We are not fair towards our stomach most of the time because 
stomach problems rarely get more than serious. We do not pay much attention to problems like acidity, 
indigestion, burps, nausea etc. and rely on digestive pills and laxatives for relief. Once we feel better, we 
get back to the same eating habits, making way for the problems to recur. 
We only maintain ourselves externally. We go to parlours/spas and spend thousands and thousands of 
rupees why? Because we like to look good overlooking the fact that we have got some assets which are 
more important to be taken care of? Our internal organs give us love and nourishment 24X7, day and 
night and what do they demand in return? They only need a little care towards them. 
Eating one’s heart out is as big a crime just like overloading a child with work. Over eating is like an 
employee who sits free for the entire day and as soon as he packs up for leaving, he is allotted with hell 
lot of work. Not to mention that this kind of bosses never gain respect neither love from the team mates. 
Such behaviours just lead to non productivity and loss of organizational health. 
Extrapolate this to our eating habits. Everything which is natural is disciplined. The sun rises and sets 
almost at the same time every day. So does the moon. In the same way our natural internal process has 
a start up and end up time. Say for ex: Our stomach digests best between 7 am to 10 am but many of 
us give it tea, coffee, cigarettes during that period instead of proper food. Then we start working on 
making our stomach dull and weak. We barely eat our lunch, and generally give a gap of say 5-6 hours in 
between. After that when our stomach is already winding up, we put additional load of bhelpuri, sevpuri, 
dahi vada, phuckha, sandwiches, tea, coffee and what not. This is not all; the worst part is when our 
stomach goes to rest after somehow managing the evening SNACK ATTACK, we have a heavy dinner of 
chicken/ mutton/ fried rice/ pasta/ pizza/ cold drink/ hard drinks and all sorts of spicy items as we cannot 
say no to mummy’s food. (Here also apart from all this our centre of attraction isn’t food but our favourite 
serial). So, our stomach receives such ill treatment years after years day in day out. Then if it calls out for 
help by bloating, burping, farting we feel its ill and not behaving well. Our burps smell of samosa, kadhi, 
dahi phuchka and what not? Someone correctly said “WHY TO FART AND WASTE” RATHER “BURP AND 
TASTE” You eat at such a time when there is almost no digestive juice left in the stomach and there is no 
further chance of its collection, and then you expect the food to get digested properly? How fair is it? 
Instead of adding on antacids and laxatives all most every day with meal why cannot we just learn to eat
right at the right time? Either stop bombing or stop curing. The same rule is applicable with overeating 
and digestive pills. 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Overeating is eating beyond the ability to digest at that point of time. It is very much similar to 
spending more than earning. If you cannot control your expenses and over spend it than your 
income you are sure to face trouble. The same law is applicable here too. As per Ayurveda, over 
eating is the reason of all diseases. 
All of us nowadays demand mental attention and are always entangled in work which demand more 
of mental involvement and less of physical, resulting in a diminishing digestive system. Eating and 
over eating has a very thin line. You may cross this “Laxman Rekha” with just one spoonful or a bite. 
It is an alarming point because once you cross this line you can go on and on and on even up to the 
capacity of 6 times more. We can understand this much better with these examples. 
i) Last night you called your friend on dinner at your place and you had a wholesome meal 
comprising of dal, chapati, paneer and sabzi. Your friend has finished his dinner but you still 
need half a chapati more. You took a chapati and you forcefully gave the the other half to your 
friend so that it doesn’t get wasted. Your friend did not need it, still had it to avoid wastage; 
and there he crossed the LOC (Line of control). Often we ask for that extra helping knowing well 
that we are done and there we cross the LOC. Most people tend to overeat when with friends 
or family, because they give company to one another till the end of the meal. 
ii) Another good example is you go to a marriage where you expect a good spread of food. But 
since you are on a diet, you start and finish with small servings of salad, starters and just a bit 
or naan or tandoori roti. When you are done and you are waiting for others to finish, a relative 
comes up to you with a plate full of rasmalai and rabri, imarti etc. These mouth watering dishes 
that taste amazing are just a single nod away from you. And then comes the turning point when 
your relative offers you a spoonful of rabri and you almost jump on it. You experience a sensory 
overload and you know that you have crossed the LOC. You find yourself marching towards 
the dessert counter and finally the greed explodes in you. You take almost all the desserts and 
gobble them in a minute’s time. 
These diet accidents occur so fast that you fail to understand or control. The pleasure of overeating 
remains for a while but the effect goes deep inside. So, next time you face such a moment try and 
accept that you get tempted by these mouth watering desserts but refrain yourself from having 
them. No half or small or quarter piece because it’s a coiled downloads. 
However it’s not possible always to have control over ourselves. At times we should set ourselves 
free from all concerns, but not at the cost of our stomach’s happiness. A happy stomach is key to a 
happy individual. The most important thing here to learn is to be attentive while eating. In simpler 
words relish every bit of your food and eat mindfully. 
If we look into the process of eating, it involves lot many movements like movement of hands, 
movement of jaws, movement of mouth, movement of internal muscles etc. When we were young,
our teachers and parents used to tell us to chew the food properly. There was a logic behind this. 
When we are chewing/grinding the food properly, we are actually helping our stomach to work less. 
It is just like if you plan to cook and your husband helps you in cutting the vegetables and arranging 
other ingredients. Your work gets reduced. Hence, the correct process is to chew the food till the 
time you get a sweet taste. It is the signal by our system to us for swallowing the same. 
Another major concern is that we are engrossed in so many activities while having our food that we 
actually defeat the purpose. We have been blessed with 5 senses i.e. eyes, nose, tongue, ear and skin 
to see, smell, taste, listen and feel respectively. While eating we need to employ all our senses to get 
the maximum benefit. We should see the colour of the food, smell the aroma of hot chapatis, listen 
to the sound of munching, and feel the taste of the food and the texture by our skin sense. The idea 
behind this is when we will experience the food slowly, we will get to understand our threshold and 
will never overeat. 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
• Eat slowly with your hands. 
• Drink water at the end of each meal. 
• Use both jaws while chewing. 
• Chew slowly and mindfully. 
• Take the next bite once you finish the first bite. 
• Wonder about the nourishment you are going to get. 
• Don’t be in a rush while eating. 
• Switch off your amusement devices like iPad, TV, etc. 
• Wash your hands properly. 
• Don’t bend while you eat rather take the food close to your mouth. 
• Always serve yourself in proportions, this will refrain you in eating extra and wasting 
• After finishing your meal, stay for a few minutes on the same stature and then get up.
RULE 4 : CTUING Etiquettes 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
So far we all have learnt about how to eat but we still need to know what to eat? Our food comprises 
of some basic nutrients like Proteins, Fats, Carbs, Vitamins and Minerals etc. The first three fall 
under the category of macro nutrients and the rest two fall under micro nutrients category as our 
body needs them in less quantity. Also 70% of our body is made up of water so, we need it all the 
time as much as we can. 
In this point we would like to share that one should remain loyal 
to its childhood food platter. For example, if you are a Punjabi, you 
should always stick to your aloo–paratha and lassi. Yes it is a fact. Our 
body from the time we were in our mother’s womb is accustomed 
to certain types of nutrients which became sort of familiar to our 
system. Have You Ever Heard A Punjabi Having Indigestion After 
Having Dal Makhani And Chole Bhature? OR - A Gujrati Bloating After 
Having Fafda, Thepla, Dhokla etc.? The obvious answer is NO. So it 
is recommended that one should restrict himself/herself to eating 
one’s mother’s meal. 
It is important that we intake freshly made food. Best if taken within 
3 hours of cooking. It clearly indicates that we should not refrigerate 
food for long hours. Nowadays we all work for long hours and it is 
almost impossible to get freshly made food during lunch. But what 
we can ensure is at least one freshly made meal in a day. 
Here the message is simple. Better is the quality of food (nutrients 
level) when it is prepared in small portions. Also, it gets finished and 
we don’t have to refrigerate it for long hours. The more quantity you 
make, the more oil and spices you add which actually create imbalance 
and ultimately the food doesn’t remain as healthy as it should be. 
This is the reason why we cannot compare restaurant food with 
homemade food. 
Cutting manners and requirements are equally important. Everything 
has a logic which needs to be understood. If a reason to do something 
convinces you, you easily start following it. This is the way how our
Losing Weight Mindfully 
mind works. We should try to eat fruits whole rather than cutting 
them in pieces. Say we can always eat apple, banana, pear, plum, 
strawberry etc. whole rather than cutting them because when we 
cut them, we lose vitamins from the surfaces. The larger the exposed 
area, more are the nutrients. Of course, large fruits are exceptions to 
this as you cannot have water melon or papaya as whole. So the next 
time you take an Apple or Guava, wash it, chew it and let the juice 
flow. Never put the fruits in a juicer because this will lead to loss of 
In case of vegetables, wash them first and then cut them. Don’t cut 
them into very small pieces. Cutting first and then washing will wipe 
away all most all nutrients from that vegetable. Also never cut the 
vegetables and store them, they will be nutrients less by the time you 
cook them. 
Confused? Don’t be. Trendy means whatever is IN. We follow the 
fashion which is current/is in and we call it being trendy. So, EAT 
TRENDY. Eat whatever is in i.e. which is seasonal. Eat spinach, cabbage, 
coriander leaves, cauliflower etc. in winters and egg plant, cucumber, 
pepper, toriya, gourd etc. during summers. Also it is important that we 
eat locally produced food as much as we can. Ayurveda recommends 
tweaking our food habits according to the seasons. Also we all must 
have noticed that the seasonal veggies/fruits taste much better 
than the ones stored in the cold storage. One more thing to keep in 
mind-THINK GLOBAL, EAT LOCAL. That means the next time you visit 
Ladakh try Thukpa and Momos because the weather is dry, windy 
and cold, or Sarson Saag with Makai Roti when in Chandigarh but if 
you experiment the same in Kolkata you will become fat. 
Previously we had mentioned that we should apply all our senses 
i.e. eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin while having food. It is equally 
important that we pay all our attention to our food and be calm. A 
calm state of mind actually helps in absorbing all nutrients from the 
food. In other words we can say that a calm state of mind actually 
prevents the conversion of food into fat. It is understood that when 
we are calm, our body secretes the right amount of digestive juices. 
Contrary to this when you are disturbed, agitated, angry, sad etc; 
you hardly secrete any digestive juice because when your mind is
Losing Weight Mindfully 
disturbed the body perceives it as a threat to its existence resulting 
in the conversion of food into fat. It happens so, that when you are 
depressed, sad , angry, hurt, tensed our body produces cortisol which 
lowers the metabolism. Lower metabolism results in burning of fat 
and helps convert food to fat. This implies that the cells need energy. 
At present, they are deprived of the same and the fat cells become 
bigger day by day. We can reduce the cortiso production by leading a 
disciplined lifestyle. We have to inculcate good habits like waking up 
early in the morning, doing regular exercise, eating properly and on 
proper time, eating methodically and keeping our minds in peace. 
The most important thing among all is that we have to collect nutrients and we cannot 
deny that there is a direct relation of nutrients with calories. So, we should not be bothered 
about how many calories are we in taking but we should remain conscious towards gaining 
more nutrient on those calories. Let’s understand this with a few examples. 
If you are offered with “PEANUTS” and “LOW FAT SUGAR FREE BISCUIT” , what will you 
choose? The obvious answer will be “BISCUIT” and there you go wrong. The peanuts 
will increase your HDL, Vitamin B3, amino acids, folic acids, and high level of antioxidants 
which will enhance the glow and freshness of your skin. So all the calories you gained is 
enriched by nutrients. Well the fibre and protein enriched biscuit will give you nothing. 
We will choose to eat a LOW FAT PASTA instead of a Paneer Paratha, unknowingly that 
paneer paratha is way richer in nutrients than the low fat pasta as it has good amount 
of amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals like calcium etc. and one paratha will be 
equivalent to 3 pieces of empty pasta. 
Bottom line is when it comes to food, think of loading nutrients rather than calories.
In our previous lessons we understood that what is 
DIET all about and how should we eat. Here comes 
the next question that what should we eat? To 
answer this, we need to know certain basic things 
about the nutrients and how they function for us. 
Let’s have a look at the different types of nutrients 
and their benefits: 
The word has been derived from the word proteious which means primary. It has many roles 
to play in the system without which the normal functioning of the system will get hampered. 
Proteins also help during the wear and tear of the muscles by rebuilding them. It is known 
as a BUILDER among other nutrients. Amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins are 
what make up all the different parts of our body. Different amino acids come together to make 
specific proteins which then make the body system. Not only this, proteins are also responsible for 
the maintenance of the parts. There are two types of amino acids: 
i) IAA (Indispensible amino acids) 
ii) DAA (Dispensable Amino acids) 
As we can understand that IAA needs to be provided through DIET and can’t be manufactured 
whereas DAA are manufactured by the body so, need not be taken in food. 
Proteins play an important role when it comes to DIET and getting a lean body. Protein helps in burning 
fat by increasing its mobility and circulation. In this process of circulation of fat and converting fat 
into energy we need certain important IAAs like METHIONINE and this can be acquired by eating 
adequate amount of good quality FISH, EGG, MILK PRODUCTS ETC. 
Another function which protein performs is it helps our body to repair from the microscopic damages 
of workouts. When we exercise many of our muscles get damaged and it results in ageing. Protein is 
one thing which can turn exercise into a tool for anti ageing. The only thing which is to be taken care 
of is the immediate supply to body after a strenuous exercise. Without protein, workout is a waste, 
because without the amino acids reaching the sites, exercise is useless. 
17 Losing Weight Mindfully
Amino acids and their significance for sleep, mood and performance 
Glutamine has a calming effect and counteracts symptoms of stress 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Sleep, a good mood and performance are directly related. Anyone who starts his/her day after a 
restful night is better able to concentrate on work and feels more balanced. Conversely, constant 
fatigue leads to a drop in performance which can lead to unhappiness over an extended period of 
time. The potential outcome is worry and sleeplessness which is certainly a vicious circle. 
To balance body and soul, a balanced supply of necessary nutrients is important. New findings in the 
field of food supplements stress the importance of amino acids. 
The amino acid GLUTAMINE is involved in many metabolic processes. It stabilises the immune 
system, strengthens the intestinal cells and helps against stress, depression and anxiety. 
Loads of pre-conceived notions are there which do nothing but 
confuse our minds. We already discussed that no extremity is good. 
We should always try and be balanced. When it comes to eating and 
eating proper there are no short cuts. Be it a high protein diet or a low 
protein diet, both fails in improving health and body composition. 
The thumb rule of diet is to gain in health and a sense of being well, 
and not just focus on reduction of body weight. 
The safest is to consume an adequate protein diet along with the 
balanced proportions of fat and carbohydrates so that the protein 
is free to perform its functions. A 60 kg weighed body demands 
around 60 grams of protein in a day and most of us don’t get our 
quota fulfilled. 
This protein requirement varies at different stages in life. Young 
and adolescent children, pregnant and nursing women, ageing or 
stressed people actually need more amount of protein than this 
standard of 1 gram/ kg. The body wastes 40% protein in just few days if 
it experiences operation, long sickness, starvation etc. During these 
times the body not only needs proteins but also need calories. When 
the inflow of proteins is adequate, you will feel strong, can sleep well 
and will look great.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Carbohydrates are known for providing us energy for our 
day to day functioning. Also it synthesizes and forms DNA/ 
RNA, fatty acids like cholesterol, hormones, cleansing 
the body, regularizes bowel movement etc. Carbohydrates 
also help in the proper functioning of brain and brain cells. We 
can get Carbohydrates from plant food like vegetables, fruits, 
grains, legumes etc. We generally know that there are of two 
types of carbohydrates - simple and complex. But it has also 
been classified into GI (glycemic index) and GL (glycemic load). 
The GI ranks carbohydrates depending upon how quickly they 
lead to an increase in our blood glucose and insulin levels. High GI or FAST CARBS, lead to a quick 
rise in the glucose levels whereas Low GI or SLOW CARBS lead to a slow steady rise in the same. So, 
practically speaking LOW GI is better because it has all the more chances of getting absorbed and 
not just converted into fat. 
So, our next obvious question is should we cut down on carbs? Well the answer is NO if you are an 
Indian because since childhood we are used to eat carb rich food like grains, pulses, legumes, spices, 
etc. Carbohydrate provides certain essential nutrients and fibres. Fibres slow down the release of 
sugar in the blood level and reduce the GI of food. Hence, we can ascertain that carbs help in burning 
fat. All we need to focus upon is to choose “SLOW CARBS” and items like brown rice, barley, whole 
wheat, bajra, legumes, pulses because they contain fibres. Food stuff like sweets, pizza, processed 
juice, jams, alcohol, biscuit, bread etc. are high in GI and lack fibres. Drastically cutting carbohydrates 
may lead to increased feelings of anger, tension, and depression - a side effect some researchers have 
termed the “Atkins attitude”. The body needs carbs in order to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter 
in the brain that regulates mood, emotions, sleep and appetite. 
GL is the accumulation of GI which we gain from our food. It is to be noticed, that eating SLOW CARB 
will result in the rise of GL. So, one should be content while eating and never cross his/her eating 
threshold. Whether you go on a low carbohydrate diet or a high carbohydrate diet, the overarching 
purpose is to burn fat and experience weight loss while getting the protein and other nutrition your 
body needs. It is a fact that the only way to burn fat is to expend more energy than you take in, and 
what exactly you choose to take in becomes very important when you’re watching your diet. High 
and low carbohydrate diets alike are touted as being a solution to lose weight, but which one is 
Low Carbohydrate Diet 
High Carbohydrate Diet 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Low carb diets are that they are very low in calories, which is the basis behind weight loss with 
this program. Two very popular diets in the market today, the Atkins and the Zone diet, both 
use low calorie and low carb foods. This can be a good thing, as long as you keep your calorie intake 
to a minimum of 1300 per day for women and 1700 per day for men. You should also take a fibre 
Another good thing about low carbohydrate diets is that they stick with small quantities of low 
glycemic carbs in combination with fat and protein. This prevents your body from losing lean body 
mass and muscle, but allows it to shed weight in fat. Recent studies show that low carbohydrate, 
high protein diets will lower your triglycerides and glucose levels. The main problem with low-carb 
diets is that they are known to be devoid of essential micronutrients, but this can be combated with 
careful diet planning and dietary supplements. 
Recent studies show that high carbohydrate diets contain a greater intake of these vitamins: 
i) A 
ii) C 
iii) Foliate 
iv) Carotene 
v) Calcium 
vi) Iron 
vii) Magnesium 
But a lower intake of: 
i) zinc 
ii) Sodium 
iii) B 12 
The main threat with high-carb diets is not paying close attention to the kinds of carbohydrates you 
are consuming, which can easily result in weight gain. Carbohydrates are easily overeaten and lack 
essential, healthy fats, so seeing a good nutritionist for proper meals and menus prior to starting a 
diet is essential.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Added sugar, be it granulated sugar, brown 
sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, 
or honey. 
Naturally sweet food such as fruit, peppers, or 
natural peanut butter. 
Dairy fat from ice cream, whole milk, and 
Low-fat versions, such as skimmed milk and 
reduced-fat cheeses. 
Baked sweets. Cookies, snack cakes, 
doughnuts, pastries etc. 
Making homemade cookies or bars using grains 
such as oatmeal, and less sugar and unhealthy fats. 
White carbohydrates. Bread, pasta, 
potatoes, rice, cookies, cake or pancakes. 
Whole-grain pancake mix, whole-wheat pastas and 
breads, brown rice. 
Processed meats like bacon, ham, 
pepperoni, hot dogs and many lunch meats. 
Protein from fish, skinless chicken, nuts, beans, soy, 
and whole grains. 
Added salt. Flavouring food with garlic, herbs. 
There’s no doubt that eating fruit is important for our overall 
health and well-being. Fruit is healthy for you, we all know that, 
but, it’s good to know that eating it should follow some general 
guidelines to fully benefit our health. Fruit should be eaten alone 
or with other fruits on an empty stomach. This is because when 
fruit is eaten, the digestive process works very quickly and our 
body uses different enzymes to digest the fruit. The simple sugars 
contained in fruit need time to be completely absorbed by your 
body. When fruits are eaten alone, your stomach can more easily 
process all of the nutrients, fibre and the simple sugars contained 
in the fruit. This is the optimal ‘proper way’ to benefit from the 
fruit you eat. 
The best time to eat a bounty of fruit is either first thing in 
the morning on an empty stomach, or as a mid-morning snack 
(preferred) - in between breakfast and lunch. It’s a good idea, to 
just eat more fruit at one time, whether it’s fruit salad, an apple or 
a fruit smoothie. (3-4 servings of fruit is a proper daily requirement, 
that’s 2 1/2 - 2 cups of fruit). If you feel very hungry after your fruit 
servings, pay attention to what you’ve had for breakfast and maybe 
your meal planning needs to be adjusted. You should be able to wait 
it out about 1-2 hours with success. That will ensure all the fruit is 
processed and gone into your body to do what it’s supposed to do. 
Definitely avoid eating fruit close to bedtime as there’s plenty of sugar 
in fruit to spike up your energy and keep you up when you need your 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated 
from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product 
of cheese production. The effects of whey protein on 
human health are of great interest and are currently being 
investigated as a way of reducing disease risks, as well as a 
possible supplementary treatment for several diseases. 
The effects of whey protein supplementation on muscle 
growth in response to resistance training are debatable. A 
study of elderly men showed supplementation with whey 
protein after exercise improved muscle protein synthesis.
Saturated Fats 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Fat, fat, fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved 
if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it’s 
not that simple. We actually need fats -- can’t live without 
them, in fact. Fats are an important part of a healthy diet. 
They provide essential fatty acids, keep our skin soft, deliver 
fatsoluble vitamins, and are a great source of energizing fuel. 
We can better say fats are the answer from body at bad times 
like depression, stress, starvation etc. It is the only nutrient 
which can help us in surviving even during the toughest phases 
of life. 
Dietary fat plays a significant role in obesity. Fat is caloriedense, at 9 calories per gram, while 
carbs and protein have only 4 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram. It is easy 
to over eat fats because they lurk in so many food items we love: french fries, processed foods, 
cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, thick steaks, and cheese. 
Apart from giving us energy fat also transports vitamin A, D,E,K , protects vital organs like heart, 
liver, lungs, kidneys etc. acts as insulator and prevents body warmth, required for milk production 
and normal growth of foetus in a pregnant lady, stimulates production of bile (digestive juice) 
, helps in nerve transmission. So, in short fat is not only responsible for better health but for 
survival also. 
There are two kinds of fats: 
i) Saturated Fats 
ii) Unsaturated Fats 
These are fats which are solid in form( long chain fatty acids are found) when in room temperature 
for ex. butter, animal fat, milk and milk products, Coconut and palm oil, ghee (a clarified butter 
obtained from milk after process) contains short fatty acid chains and hence is good for health. 
These are easy to digest. 
These are fats which are liquid in form when in room temperature. All type of oil except coconut oil 
are good examples of this. Just like IAA , even fats have essential fatty acids which our body cannot 
synthesise and we have to get them through a balanced diet. Unsaturated fats can further be divided 
MUFA : It is a good fat. It is found in olives, avocados and almonds and is always considered a 
friend to the heart. You surely understand the craze we have now a days for olive oil. Few of the
nutritionists suggest olive oil as a cooking derivative. You can also use peanuts oil and rice bran 
oil as both these oils have a great content of MUFA. Their fatty acid content is almost equal to 
olive oil. 
PUFA : It is again a good fat. It has two types Omega 3 and Omega 6. Omega 3 is found in fish 
oil, walnuts and flax seeds whereas Omega 3 is found in Sunflower oil and Soya bean oil. Both 
have heart protecting qualities. There should be an equilibrium in consumption of Omega 3 and 
6 but with our today’s life style, we intake Omega 3 up-to an extent of ratio 20:1 which can lead 
to hardening of arteries and increase cardio vascular problems. 
TRANS-FAT S : A bad fat. This is basically the fat which is being used to preserve food by converting 
un-saturated fat into saturated by the process called Hydrogenation. It increases the lipoprotein 
content and cholesterol in our body so, better to avoid this. 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Yes you get it right. By increasing your fat intake and lowering 
carbohydrates, you will allow your body to burn fat and use it for 
energy, rather than store it. Fat is energy. 
Your body does not want to give up this valuable fuel source. We 
may think that fat is a nuisance, but your body thinks otherwise. 
It loves fat. Providing 9 calories per gram, fat provides a dense 
source of energy for your body. 
Great for your body, but bad for you when you want to get rid of 
it. By not severely limiting your fat intake, you signal to your body 
that there is no famine or lack of available energy in the near future, and that it is OK to shed some 
of the energy reserves it currently holds. 
Now that you know how important healthy fats are for fat loss, don’t be one of those people who 
take everything to the extreme. Everything should be in moderation. The point of this article is to 
show you that your fears of fat are unfounded. Fat is healthy. Fat is good. Don’t be afraid of eating 
too much fat – be afraid of eating too many calories.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients which your body requires in small quantities 
to work properly. 
Most people should get all nutrients they need by having a balanced diet. Every day, your 
body produces skin, muscle, and bone. It churns out rich red blood that carries nutrients 
and oxygen to remote outposts and it sends nerve signals skipping along thousands of 
miles of brain and body pathways. It also formulates chemical messengers that shuttle from one 
organ to another, issuing the instructions that help sustain your life. 
But to do all this, your body requires some raw materials. These include at least 30 vitamins, minerals, 
and dietary components that your body needs but cannot manufacture on its own in sufficient 
Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients - because acting in concert, they perform 
hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune 
system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage. 
In this article, you’ll gain a better understanding of what these vitamins and minerals actually do in 
the body and why you want to make sure you’re getting enough of them. 
Key Points 
• Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients because they 
perform hundreds of roles in the body. 
• There is a fine line between getting enough of these 
nutrients (which is healthy) and getting too much (which 
can end up harming you). 
• Eating a healthy diet remains the best way to get sufficient 
amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need.
i) Although they are all considered micronutrients, vitamins and minerals differ in basic ways. 
Vitamins are organic and can be broken down by heat, air, or acid. Minerals are inorganic and 
hold on to their chemical structure. 
ii) So why does this matter? It means the minerals in soil and water easily find their way into 
your body through the plants, fish, animals, and fluids you consume. But it’s tough to shuttle 
vitamins from food and other sources into your body because cooking, storage, and simple 
exposure to air can inactivate these more fragile compounds. 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients because your body needs only tiny amounts 
of them. Yet failing to get even those small quantities virtually guarantee diseases. Here are a 
few examples of diseases that can result from vitamin deficiencies: 
Scurvy : Old-time sailors learned that living for months without fresh fruits or vegetables – the 
main sources of vitamin C - cause the bleeding gums and listlessness of scurvy. 
Blindness : In some developing countries, people still become blind due to vitamin A deficiency. 
Rickets : A deficiency in vitamin D can cause rickets, a condition marked by soft, weak bones 
that can lead to skeletal deformities such as bowed legs. Partly to combat rickets, the U.S. 
has fortified milk with vitamin D since the 1930s. Just as a lack of key micronutrients can cause 
substantial harm to your body, getting sufficient quantities can provide a substantial benefit. 
Some examples of these benefits: 
Strong bones : A combination of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus 
protects your bones against fractures. 
Prevents birth defects : Taking folic acid supplements early in pregnancy helps prevent brain 
and spinal birth defects in offsprings. 
Healthy teeth : The mineral fluoride not only helps bone formation but also keeps dental cavities 
from starting or worsening. 
difference between vitamins and minerals 
Many micronutrients interact. Vitamin D enables your body to pluck calcium from food sources 
passing through your digestive tract rather than harvesting it from your bones. Vitamin C helps 
you absorb iron. 
The interplay of micronutrients isn’t always cooperative, however. For example, vitamin C blocks 
your body’s ability to assimilate the essential mineral copper. And even a minor overload of the 
mineral manganese can worsen iron deficiency.
Water - so luble vita mins 
a. Vitamin - B : 
i) Biotin (vitamin B7) 
ii) Folic acid (folate, vitamin B9) 
iii) Niacin (vitamin B3) 
iv) Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5 
v) Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 
vi) Thiamin (vitamin B1) 
vi) Vitamin B6 
vii) Vitamin B12 
B. Vitamin - c 
What they do : 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Water-soluble vitamins are packed into the watery portions of the food you eat. They are absorbed 
directly into the bloodstream as food is broken down during digestion or as a supplement 
Because much of your body consists of water, many of the water-soluble vitamins circulate easily in 
your body. Your kidneys continuously regulate levels of water-soluble vitamins, shunting excesses 
out of the body in your urine. 
Although water-soluble vitamins have many tasks in the body, one of the most important is helping to 
free the energy found in the food you eat. Others help keep tissues healthy. Here are some examples 
of how different vitamins help you maintain health: 
Release energy : Several B vitamins are key components of certain coenzymes (molecules 
that aid enzymes) that help release energy from food. 
Produce energy : Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin engage in energy 
Build proteins and cells : Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid metabolize amino acids (the 
building blocks of proteins) and help cells multiply. 
Make collagen : One of the many roles played by vitamin C is to help make collagen, which 
knits together wounds, supports blood vessel walls, and forms a base for teeth and bones.
Words to the wise 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Contrary to popular belief, some water-soluble vitamins can stay in the body for long periods of 
time. You probably have several years’ supply of vitamin B12 in your liver. Even folic acid and vitamin 
C stores can last more than a couple of days. 
Generally, though, water-soluble vitamins should be replenished every few days. Just be aware 
that there is a small risk that consuming large amounts of some of these micronutrients through 
supplements may be quite harmful and can damage nerves, causing numbness and muscle weakness. 
Rather than slipping easily into the bloodstream like most water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins 
gain entry to the blood via lymph channels in the intestinal wall. Many fat-soluble vitamins travel 
through the body only under escort by proteins that act as carriers. Food containing fat-soluble 
vitamins is ingested. 
The food is digested by stomach acid and then travels to the small intestine, where it is digested 
further. Bile is needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. This substance, which is produced 
in the liver, flows into the small intestine, where it breaks down fats. Nutrients are then absorbed 
through the wall of the small intestine. 
Upon absorption, the fat-soluble vitamins enter the lymph vessels before making their way into the 
bloodstream. In most cases, fat-soluble vitamins must be coupled with a protein in order to travel 
through the body. These vitamins are used throughout the body, but excesses are stored in the 
liver and fat tissues. As additional amounts of these vitamins are needed, your body taps into the 
reserves, releasing them into the bloodstream from the liver. Fatty food and oils are reservoirs for 
the four fat-soluble vitamins. Within your body, fat tissues and the liver act as the main holding pens 
for these vitamins and release them as needed. 
To some extent, you can think of these vitamins as time-release micronutrients. It’s possible to 
consume them every now and again, perhaps in doses weeks or months apart rather than daily, and 
still get your fill. Your body squirrels away the excess and doles it out gradually to meet your needs.
i. Vitamin - A 
ii. Vitamin - D 
iii . Vita min - E 
iv. Vitamin - K 
What they do : 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Together this vitamin quartet helps keep your eyes, skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous 
system in good repair. Here are some of the other essential roles these vitamins play: 
Build bones : Bone formation would be impossible without vitamins A, D, and K. 
Protect vision : Vitamin A also helps keep cells healthy and protects your vision. 
Interact favourably: Without vitamin E, your body will have difficulty absorbing and 
storing vitamin A. 
Protect the body : Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant (a compound that helps protect the 
body against damage from unstable molecules). 
Because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body for long periods, toxic levels can build up. This 
is most likely to happen if you take supplements. It’s very rare to get too much of a vitamin just from 
The body needs, and stores, fairly larger amounts of the major minerals. These minerals are no more 
important to your health than the trace minerals; they’re just present in your body in greater amounts. 
Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed 
into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble 
vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption 
and transport.
i. Calcium 
ii. Chloride 
iii. Magnesium 
iv. Phosphorus 
v. Potassium 
vi. Sodium 
vii. Sulphur 
What they do : 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
One of the key tasks of major minerals is to maintain the proper balance of water in the body. Sodium, 
chloride, and potassium take the lead in doing this. Three other major minerals - calcium, phosphorus, 
and magnesium are important for healthy bones. Sulphur helps stabilize protein structures, including 
some of those that make up hair, skin, and nails. 
Having too much of one major mineral can result in a deficiency of another. These sorts of imbalances 
are usually caused by overloads from supplements, not food sources. Here are two examples: 
Salt overload : Calcium binds with excess sodium in the body and is excreted when the body senses 
that sodium levels must be lowered. That means that if you ingest too much sodium through table 
salt or processed foods, you could end up losing needed calcium as your body rids itself of the surplus 
Excess phosphorus : Likewise, too much phosphorus can hamper your ability to absorb magnesium.
A thimble could easily contain the distillation of all the trace minerals normally found in your 
body. Yet their contributions are just as essential as those of major minerals such as calcium and 
phosphorus and each accounts for more than a pound of your body weight. 
i. Chromium 
ii. Copper 
iii. Copper 
iv. Iodine 
v. Iron 
What they do : 
vi. Manganese 
vii. Molybdenum 
VIII. Selenium 
IX. Zinc 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Trace minerals carry out a diverse set of tasks. Here are a few examples: 
>> Iron is best known for ferrying oxygen throughout the body. 
>> Fluoride strengthens bones and wards off tooth decay. 
>> Zinc helps blood clot, is essential for taste and smell, and bolsters the immune response. 
>> Copper helps form several enzymes, one of which assists with iron metabolism and the 
creation of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. 
The other trace minerals perform equally vital jobs, such as helping to block damage to body cells 
and forming parts of key enzymes or enhancing their activity. 
Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances. Too much 
of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another. Here are some examples: 
>> A minor overload of manganese can exacerbate iron deficiency. Having too little can also 
cause problems. 
>> When the body has too little iodine, thyroid hormone production slows, causing sluggishness 
and weight gain as well as other health concerns. The problem worsens if the body also has too 
little selenium. 
The difference between “just enough” and “too much” of the trace minerals is often tiny. Generally, 
food is a safe source of trace minerals, but if you take supplements, it’s important to make sure 
you’re not exceeding safe levels.
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Supplements means the additional support 
other than your food. In an ideal condition 
we should not take supplements, right? 
But are you living in an ideal condition? We are 
surrounded by a hell lot of contamination being 
in the food or in relations. If we see we will find 
that the soil, the grains, the fruits, the meat, the 
fish everything eatable is contaminated either 
by pesticides or by wax coating, or comes with 
artificial blood like colour which gives us immense 
happiness when we eat fresh fish. There is an 
unnecessary lengthy octroi process where the 
crop loses half of its nutrients value. Then of 
course the way we store those in our so called 
warehouses or bib malls leave them almost 
tainted. Nevertheless then comes the way we 
store them, we cook them, our mentality or our 
cook’s mentality while cooking and our mentality while eating makes supplements a must. However 
if, you grow your crops, milk your cows, sow seeds on your own, rise with the sun and sleep with 
the sun set, you need no supplements. 
We have another niche class who are very conscious what these supplements do to us but they 
probably forget the long term effects like heart attack, insulin insensitivity, brain damage, stress etc. 
and short term effects like stomach ache, headache, lethargy when they go clubbing twice a week , 
night outs or even do joints (marijuana). 
In villages located at the eastern ranges of Himalaya or the villages upside in Sikkim where there are 
hardly any vehicles passing by producing sound or air pollution, where they can trace the source of 
the food they have, where everything is so blessed by nature truly need no supplements.
f : WATER 
Losing Weight Mindfully 
Ever noticed how lifeless a house plant looks when you forget to water it? Just a little water 
and it seems to perk back up. Water is just as essential for our body because it is in every cell, 
tissue, and organ of your body. This is why getting enough water every day is important for 
your health. 
Water is the most important nutrient for our body. 70% of our body comprises of water. Water is the 
primary transporter of nutrients in the body and without water all the nutrients like carbs, proteins 
etc. will be of no use for us. We can survive without food upto 5 weeks but we can’t survive for more 
than 5 days without water. 
Healthy people meet their fluid needs by drinking when thirsty and drinking fluids with meals. But, if 
you’re outside in hot weather for most of the day or doing vigorous physical activity, you’ll need to 
make an effort to drink more fluids. 
>> Maintains the health and integrity of every cell in the body 
>> Keeps the bloodstream liquid enough to flow through blood vessels 
>> Helps eliminate the by products of the body’s metabolism, excess electrolytes (for example, 
sodium and potassium), and urea, which is a waste product formed through the processing of 
dietary protein 
>> Regulates body temperature through sweating 
>> Moistens mucous membranes such as those of the lungs and mouth 
>> Lubricates and cushions joints 
>> Reduces the risk of cystitis by keeping the bladder clear of bacteria 
>> Aids digestion and prevents constipation 
>> Moisturises the skin to maintain its texture and appearance 
>> Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells 
>> Serves as a shock absorber inside the eyes, spinal cord and in the amniotic sac surrounding 
the foetus in pregnancy. 
WOMEN – 2.1 LTR MEN – 2.6 LTR
The physical body that we see in the mirror is called the “ananmaya kosha” according to the yogic 
philosophy. It is also be described as Anna means Food and Kosha means the time. So we can 
conclude annamaya kosha as food and the time we eat it. 
To bring out any changes in the mirror image, we have to first figure out what we eat and when we 
eat it. In order to look like “Kareena Kapoor” we only have to follow these guidelines: 
Is drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach bad? 
Yes, drinking tea on an empty stomach is bad for us. When 
you sleep, the blood sugar level falls and in the morning our 
liver stores are almost empty. So, this way our blood sugar 
is low and it is our responsibility to take it to an optimum 
level. Low blood sugar is also a reason why we feel low in 
the morning. The body sometimes takes to break muscles to 
keep our dropping sugar level which is not a good thing for 
those who DIET. Tea causes the suppression of the secretions 
of gastric juices and can reduce acid and bile in the stomach. 
It also affects the body’s absorption of proteins and other 
nutrients. Drinking tea while you are hungry will stimulate your gastric mucosa, causing you to lose 
appetite. So, to keep our body’s fat burning tissue (muscle) alive we need to eat good first thing in 
the morning, something that would lead to a sturdy rise to the low sugar levels. 
I am able to diet (starve) till evening, then I feel really hungry and eat whatever I can find, mostly 
quick fixes like burger, french fries, chola bhatura, samosas, chocolates etc. I believe, in spite of 
eating all this, I am able to manage my calorie intake as I have not eaten much since morning 
Are you able to correlate? Undoubtedly, most of us would be. As a result, most of us suffer from 
indigestion, constipation, skin diseases and overweight. This is precisely the reason I do not believe 
in calorie counting per se. 
We should gradually feed ourselves with all the basics enabling our body to assimilate better and 
hence perform better. Logical? 
34 Losing Weight Mindfully
Similarly, loading our stomach with a lot of food at one time makes it dull and unresponsive. Whereas, 
feeding it gradually throughout the day increases its assimilative and digestive power. Gotcha? So, 
the next time when we take pride in declaring the number of hours we stayed hungry, we will only 
be assuring people around us that we have a weak digestive system and we are more susceptible to 
burps, farts, hiccups, fat tummy and all that. 
Best way to Lose Tummy Fat 
The 2 main reasons that help fat burning by eating every 2 hours are. 
1) There is a process called Diet Induced Thermogenesis. It is the method by which energy is 
expended during digesting, absorbing and metabolizing the food we consume. 
2) Eating every two hours helps in maintaining stable blood sugar level throughout the day. Once 
you are able to maintain a stable blood sugar level, your metabolic rate will increase manifolds. 
There are so many in between meal options around us that are good for our health, are easy on 
our stomach, boosts our metabolism and can be kept in our bags, office drawers, hostel rooms, 
refrigerators etc. Nuts (almonds, walnuts), peanuts, chana, lightly roasted makahana (fox nut), 
Cottage cheese (paneer slices), butter milk, coconut milk, poha, upma, dosa, idli, fruits, olives, 
tomato, cucumber, sprouts, curd with fruits, soya milk etc. 
Always fine tune your eating with your activity. The more hectic day you are going to spend the 
better you should eat. There should be a fine tuning between activity and eating. 
With the sunrise the body’s metabolic rate gets faster. We can simplify this as in the morning if we 
sit and read a book our body will burn more calories rather than with the sunset. It goes without 
saying that we should eat full in the morning and less with the setting sun. We grow fat because we 
stop caring about the stomach and load and unload it as per our convenience and not in accordance 
with the stomach’s need and capacity. If deprivation is punishment, then over eating is a crime. If we 
don’t eat at the time our body needs food, it creates a huge calorie and nutrient deficit, later when 
the metabolic processes are slower and the time is wrong the mind will demand food to make up 
the deficit. 
Here, high activity could be both physical and mental. For ex. going to the gym, shifting house, 
extensive mental work, organising marriages etc. It means any activity where you are actively 
involved and a lot of energy is being expected out of you . Similarly low activity means the time you 
are passive, for example chatting over phone, watching tv or playing indoor games etc. We need 
to increase our food intake when our body demands higher energy, and keep it low when involved 
in less activities. When you are just chilling, the cells become dull and they are in no mood/need to 
absorb nutrients and see no reasons to give energy and this time if you eat, it will get converted into 
fat. Just opposite if you went through a mental/ physical activity the body cells are energy deprived 
that means whatever you will eat will replenish those hungry cells. 
35 Losing Weight Mindfully
What do you do after eating dinner? I bet it involves sitting – whether it 
be in front of the television or the computer. And then you go to bed a 
few hours later. Think about what’s going on in your body after eating. 
Food is getting digested, blood sugar levels are going up, fat levels are 
rising in your blood vessels. Want to do something for your health that 
only takes about 15 minutes? Head for the door instead of the couch! 
Studies have shown that taking a walk after meals, especially after 
dinner, can help lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels. In addition, 
it improves digestion, burns calories and helps lose weight. 
We need to start developing the habit of eating early if at all 
we dream for a lean body. Eating less after sunset is good for 
health for a simple reason that after sunset our activities wind 
down and so does our metabolism. 
Ok, lets see what we do before we go off to sleep. We chat up 
or watch TV or read magazine. So basically our activities are 
less than that in the morning. One of the most harmful habits 
which we all have developed is eating really late . After we 
reach home from our offices we don’t feel like having dinner 
rather what we want is a light snack like pakodi, samosaa, 
biscuits, namkeen etc . Remember digestion is a calorie burner 
and a work to our body. At night cells are naturally not sensitive to energy or nutrients as they really 
don’t need them. So, if you overload your tummy all the food will get converted into fat. 
In the night when we sleep, our body’s intelligence should feel free to do what it wants to; repair, 
wear and tear, rejuvenate etc. If at this time our stomach is overloaded, the mechanism of our body 
gets confused and is unable to function properly. 
Our body recovery system goes for a toss and most of the food doesn’t get broken down, absorbed 
properly as a result instead of feeling light and fresh you will feel heavy, dull and low. If you eat 
dinner early, the food will be better digested and this will reduce the likelihood of gastro problems 
and acidity, which tend to impede weight loss. You will also sleep comfortably and uninterrupted, 
which does not happen when you eat right before bedtime. Your last meal should be the lightest – 
this will aid in digestion and prevent unnecessary calories from piling up. 
36 Losing Weight Mindfully
Why is a balanced diet important? 
A balanced diet is one that provides the body with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and 
minerals required to maintain cells, tissues and organs as well as to function correctly. A diet 
that is lacking in nutrients can lead to many different health problems ranging from tiredness 
and lack of energy to serious problems with the function of vital organs and lack of growth and 
A balanced diet needs to contain food from all the main food 
groups in the correct proportions to provide the body with 
optimum nutrition. It should also be made up of the correct 
number of calories to maintain a healthy weight, and be low in 
processed foods. Every person is different and hence the correct 
diet for health may vary from person to person. However, by 
following a diet that is varied, covers all foods groups and is 
low in undesirable nutrients such as sodium, saturated fats and 
sugar, you are well on your way to a healthy body. When thinking 
about planning your meals, remember your A, B, Cs - Awareness, 
Balance and Control. These are the building blocks of life-long, 
healthy eating habits that will help install good habits in you and 
your family. 
What is a balanced diet? 
Be aware of what you are eating and its nutritional value. What 
amount of calories, fat and carbohydrates are present in the food 
items you eat? Read labels and become food-conscious to make 
healthy eating decisions. It is also important to look at all the food 
and ingredients you are eating rather than focus on just one. If not, 
you may inadvertently limit your access to quality food and drinks. 
Balance your daily food selection to include whole-grain products, 
fruits, vegetables, dairy products and food items high in protein. You 
need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single 
food supplies them all. 
Offering balanced choices in every meal provides necessary nutrients 
for proper growth and health. 
37 Losing Weight Mindfully
Control portion size and intake of food high in fat, salt or sugar. Eat 
them in moderation and choose other food to provide the balance 
and variety that are vital to good health. 
How to achieve a healthy balanced diet ? 
To achieve a healthy, balanced diet, it is important to eat at least three meals a day and not to skip 
breakfast. Each meal should be composed of a variety of food items from each food group and 
portion sizes should be moderated to control calorie intake. And most importantly never overdo it. 
Diagram of a balanced diet 
Vegetables & Fruits Fats - Sugar etc. Protein - Meat, Fish, Beans etc. 
Milk & Diary products Rice, Bread, Potatoes etc. 
38 Losing Weight Mindfully
In this last chapter we would be compiling all the information we shared so far with the vision of 
staying health and fit. In the past chapters we understood that how a DIET is important and what 
are the methods by which we can achieve a lean body. 
We live in a super-fast age. The Internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 
24×7. Multitasking is the order of the day as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities to everyone in 
our lives. They may include employers, parents, spouses, children, clients and many others. In this 
melee, too often we forget to spare time for ourselves. The stress levels continue to build up until 
one day a major collapse may make us aware that in all this frenzied activity, we have forgotten to 
take care of one important thing – our health. As we spend days shuttling between hospital and 
home, subjecting our body to one test after another trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are 
forced to remember that Health is indeed Wealth. 
Nowadays people don’t have time to exercise which is very essential for good health. Because of 
this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, etc. are on the rise even 
among the young. This has alarming implications on the nation as a whole. If our young people are 
going to fall seriously sick sick, or even worse lose their lives in the most productive years of their 
life, the country’s future looks very bleak indeed. 
Follow these 10 simple tips to have a good diet and lose weight at the same time. 
i) Make your mind : Be determined with your diet plan. Once you start with a plan, resolute to 
stick to it and abandon all the bad eating habits. 
ii) Be realistic : Make your goals pragmatic. You cannot lose weight within days of dieting and 
exercising. Everything takes time and so does dieting. 
iii) Strong resistance : Avoid eating things which you know are bad for your health or weight 
loss program. Be consistent and don’t lose control over yourself when at a friend’s place or at 
a restaurant. 
iv) Don’t skip a meal : Eat regularly and slowly. Skipping meals only starves you more and by 
skipping a breakfast you eat more at the end of the day which proves to be more detrimental. 
v) Eat fruits and veggies : Fruits and vegetables provide a healthy diet with fewer calories. You 
get all the vitamins and nutrition without posing any threat to your diet plan or health. 
39 Losing Weight Mindfully
vi) Add fiber to your diet : Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Fiber slows down 
your digestion and helps in moving fat. It makes you feel full without taking in many calories. 
Taking in more fiber helps in optimizing your sugar level. 
vii) Eat less sugar : Be aware of all the sugar you’re taking in. A can of soft drink contains 10-12 
spoonfuls of sugar. Many products labeled fat free aren’t calorie free as they add sugar for lost 
flavor. Taking in sugar makes your body feel that it’s getting energy, hence it starts to store fat 
and all that is not burnt turns into fat too. 
viii) Too many calories : Be careful of how many calories you’re taking in. Avoid fried foods. 
Chicken and fish do contain les fat but when fried they provide more calories than meat and 
pork. Do not use mayonnaises in your salad dressings; instead use fat free yogurt, barbeque 
sauce or ketchup. 
ix) Good fats : Your body does need some good fats. These help in the absorption of nutrients 
and vitamins. They help in the building of body tissues and vital cells. 
x) Exercise : Only a healthy diet is not helpful in your weight loss program. Remember you have 
to burn your fats with exercise. Dieting only slows down your metabolism and when you stop 
dieting you regain weight. Exercise to maintain a good metabolism and a lean body. 
40 Losing Weight Mindfully

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Losing wweight Mindfully

  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................. 03 Preface.............................................................................................................................. 04 Chapter 1 : WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT.................................................................. 05 Reality about sugar free alternatives and fat free food................................... 09 Fact: The bitter truth about sweeteners........................................................... 09 All fruits are friends ........................................................................................... 09 Answer to all problems....................................................................................... 10 Chapter 2 : LEARN HOW TO EAT........................................................................................... 11 Situational over eating........................................................................................ 12 Some Dos and Don’ts while eating.................................................................... 13 Golden rules for golden health.......................................................................... 14 Enrich or emptify................................................................................................ 16 Chapter 3 : LEARN What TO EAT....................................................................................... 17 A : Proteins.......................................................................................................... 17 B : Carbohydrates................................................................................................ 19 C : Fats................................................................................................................. 23 D : Vitamins and Minerals................................................................................... 25 E : Supplements.................................................................................................. 32 F : Water.............................................................................................................. 33 Chapter 4 : BASIC RULES OF DIET........................................................................................ 34 A : Quit having tea first thing in the morning.................................................... 34 B : Feed yourself every 2 hours........................................................................... 34 Best way to Lose tummy fat...................................................................... 35 C. Less activity eat less, more activity eat more................................................ 35 D. After dinner wait for two hours before you sleep........................................ 36 Chapter 5 : BALANCED DIET................................................................................................ 37 How to achieve a healthy balanced diet ?.......................................................... 38 Chapter 6 : BE WISE, BE HEALTHY ..................................................................................... 39 Cheat sheet......................................................................................................... 39 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically Go EASY Be SLOW and avoid making drastic changes overnight Connect with yourself Losing Weight Mindfully 03 thin, or depriving yourself of the food you love. Rather, it is about feeling great, gaining more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet. To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think. There are 3 simple MANTRAS of a noble DIET: Instead of being extremely worried with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, it is better to think of your diet in terms of colour, smell, and freshness. This way it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding food you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious. Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different colour vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely give up on food items you enjoy to have. The long term goal is to feel good, gain more energy, along with a lean body. Don’t let your missteps derail you — every healthy food choice you make counts.
  • 4. PREFACE Losing Weight Mindfully 04 We often think that DIET is all about starving and punishing ourselves, it is but about eating well, eating proper and eating regularly. We lose our minds by complicating simple things like eating. Losing weight is nothing but a by-product of eating proper by applying common sense. There is a slight difference between vivification and over-vivification. E.g. eating a balanced diet will keep you fit: A simple logic. The less we eat, the thinner we will become is an over vivification. In order to lose weight one has to be life-long committed towards eating proper and diet will be a reflection to this. It should be planned according to your lifestyle, activities, fitness levels, likes, dislikes etc. and it varies from person to person. One’s diet may not suit the other, in other words it has to be tailor made. It has to be a part of our daily life like sleeping and brushing. As a matter of fact our body needs all sorts of nutrients like carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals etc. and despoiling any of the nutrients will create an imbalance in our system. All the nutrients are equally important for our body and it’s a simple scenario of demand and supply. Losing weight should not be treated as bravery as one can lose weight by just falling sick. What is more important is treating oneself well by eating proper. Punishing ourselves by depriving our body of nutrients and having unhealthy diets like low carbs diet, liquids, only fruits and salads is not going to work. In fact, this way it will come back to you and in double the quantity you lost. It’s well understood that all that we do, is with a strong desire of being happy. But at times we fail to understand that our happiness lies in wrong places. We want to have ice-cream because it makes us happy but we are unhappy if we are offered bitter gourd. Why? It’s because our mind set is like that. Tasteful things attract us in spite of their bad effects on our system. When we connect with ourselves by true means we will understand that happiness lies within. Dieting is nothing but a tool to realize our happiness from within and the results can be seen in the physical appearance.
  • 5. 1WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT A DIET as VICTIMIZATINO : Losing Weight Mindfully 05 What question bangs in your mind when you go to a dietician? Can I eat Paratha? Can I eat aloo bhaji or even pasta? Won’t you be surprised if you are allowed to do so? The word DIET has become a nightmare for many of us. It’s an obvious philosophy among many of us that diet means starvation, health loss, energy loss, and more importantly eating rubbish tasteless food. But that’s not what it is my friend. DIET is a representation of what you are going to have throughout your life. Is it possible that you have boiled veggies and lauki juice for the rest of your life? The answer is a big No. Then why go on such a diet? Diet should be in accordance with your work, your activities, and your profile. Diet isn’t all about losing weight or fat loss but also changing your lifestyle. It is important to mention that a diet plan which has a primary goal of losing weight is a total failure even before you start doing it. Let’s take a few DIET FADS which work against you: Many times we all must have come across the term “compensation diet”. What is it all about, what does it mean and why it is being advised to you? Say for example you had a party where you ate stomach full and drank like a fish. The next morning you go to your dietician, you are asked not to eat like you do normally for the entire day and also to add on a few more exercises. That is called a compensation diet where you compensate your day’s diet because you had eaten the other day. Well, does it sound justified? We all at times over do, so what? Just eat, fill and forget. Get back to your normal pattern next day. It’s not a crime for which one has to be punished by depriving oneself of the next day’s food. It is not even so that your body retains the calories you gained at the party in some secret place, and overdoing an exercise will burn that extra fat. So, there is no point in carrying the baggage of compensation. Just get along with life in a normal and healthy manner.
  • 6. 1 WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT B DEOTX DIET : C HERBAL means SAEF Losing Weight Mindfully 06 A modern term which simply says that all what you eat is TOXIC, and that is why you ought to have a detox diet. Now, if we take the meaning as explained by the dieticians, the process involves detoxifying the body after you have hogged everything you could by the intake of liquids like karela juice, papaya juice or gourd juice etc. So what about the side effects like weakness, severe headache and even blackouts? A dietician may recommend you a few dry fruits soaked overnight and milk for the entire day as DETOX diet but a matter of fact is after following this you yourself feel like a peeled almond. Your body’s and mind’s age and metabolism will deteriorate further. It is harmful for you both physically and mentally. And not only this, when you’ll get back to your normal plan the fat will creep back and you will look ugly. So, don’t ever get into a diet plan which deprives you from anything which is normal and routine. The simple point is to be cautious that the fat you have lost should never accumulate again. This can only happen if you connect with yourself and understand that how your body works and show the commitment to eat proper. We can better understand this with a case study. A working professional who takes pride at her work was forced to take a sabbatical from her job to look after her children. She took the plunge and planned to put the break to good use. She considered all the options and finally decided that she will invest this time in getting a better body as that was the only area where she was lacking. She did what most sensible people would do. The very next moment, she became a member of a GYM under the able guidance of a renowned dietician. Then the much awaited miracle happened to her. She lost 15 kgs in 6 months. Wow! this is what she always wanted. It’s a kind of success story. She after losing weight met her friends but she got a reaction which she never expected. Her friends asked her that why was she looking so dull? Her skin underwent a huge change, turned a few shades darker, pigmented and crushed. Her nails chipped while she tried to open the zip of her big vanity bag. Her hair looked dull, shine less and coarse even after a two weeks hair spa. Being an intelligent woman, she had an analytical mind and when she was recommended to have certain protein shakes and vitamins by the dietician, she always denied. But she agreed to take some medicines
  • 7. 1 WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT Exercise D and DIETING are Contradictory Losing Weight Mindfully 07 because according to her, those were “SAFE”. Another reason was that they were HERBAL. As a popular saying goes “all that glitters is not gold”, similarly, everything which is herbal isn’t SAFE. NICOTINE is also herbal but can the regular users vouch on their health benefits? Before popping any type of pills or swallowing syrup one has to know his/her body constitution. It is important that you consult an Ayurvedacharya or a Doctor. Ayurveda is a very complex science and it takes a lifetime to decipher it. It is difficult to find a genuine ayurvedic doctor. It is not correct that everything which is made in laboratories is dangerous and everything printed as HERBAL is safe for you. Before trying anything you should know your body constitution. A lot of advertisements nowadays attract our attention while we travel by a bus or a local train, at traffic signals, in the newspapers and where not- “No exercise, No pills, No Diet- Only weight loss! -Guaranteed. Or Lose 15 kgs in 6 months, and many more.. How do you feel about it? Any offer that discourages you from exercise is not worth it. Being on diet may help you in losing your weight but without exercise we actually lose our muscle and bone density which results in AGEING. Our body understands only one principle and that’s “USE OR LOOSE” . You all must be aware that initially we were all having a tail but it became vestigial as we did not use it. The same way if we do not exercise, these live tissues will lose their density. So, it is of prime importance that we maintain equilibrium in DIET and EXERCISE. Exercise is a part of adopting a better lifestyle but it is not an alternative to healthy food. In fact when you decide of working out you have to be more committed towards eating right kind of nutrients. When you start exercising and eating right you will observe a drop in your body fat but your body weight remains unaltered. On the other hand when you crash on diet you will reduce on body weight because by this your lean body weight comes down and your body fat remains constant. Fat occupies a large space in our body but it weighs less. Muscles and bones are denser so occupy less space but gives body more weight. So, it is evident and important that we try to reduce on body fat rather than body weight. More the body weight more is the fat burning capacity. We have DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is a
  • 8. 1 WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT BODY FAT TABLE Losing Weight Mindfully 08 DESCRIPTION WOMEN MEN Essential fat 12 - 15 % 2 - 5 % Athletes 16 - 20 % 6 - 13 % Fitness 21 - 24 % 14 - 17 % Acceptable 25 - 31 % 18 - 25 % Obese 32 % + 25 % + This doesn’t state your body weight. If less than 25% of your weight is coming from metabolically inactive fat tissue, then whatever your total body weight may be (metabolically active tissues: bone, muscle, organ, water etc i.e. everything other than fat + metabolically inactive tissue i.e. fat) this is fine. We all must have experienced JUMPING FATS at some point of time while we were trying a dress or T-shirt in a changing room of a shopping mall and we change our mind soon after we come out from that 5”-7” room. We actually feel bad that we so want to wear it but because we look not as desired in it, we cannot. Then we become so conscious that we start trying everything which appears on net, glossies and grapevine to lose weight. DIETING is not rocket-science. It is a subject known to all. Doing random experiments on diet will always back-fire. Don’t you feel that we handle our mobile phones more delicately than our bodies? It’s a piece of advice to all the readers that never ever “just try” diets that your over enthusiastic friends, clients etc. swear by. It may have worked for them but it is not necessary that it will work for you as well. When it comes to diet it is not one treatment which suits everyone. Diet needs to be personalized and customized to your body needs, fitness levels, activities etc. There are certain ground rules which we will discuss further in this article. NOTE great way to measure your body composition. It will not only tell you about the body fat but also the density of your bones. DEXA scans are available at almost all multi speciality hospitals at a very nominal charge.
  • 9. 1 WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT REALITY ABOUT SUGAR FRE ALTERNATIVES AND FAT FRE FOOD FACT: THE BITTER TRUTH ABOUT SWEETENERS ALL FRUITS ARE FRIENDS Losing Weight Mindfully 09 It may sound weird but it’s true that low fat food items like fat free ice-creams, sugar free sweets, fibre loaded biscuits etc. are nothing but junk food coated with wrong information, with a garnishing of a sharp USP which is easily gullible to those who can have anything in the name of fat free. Eating fat free chaklis or sugar free sweets are alright only if you know that they have equal effects like the other full fat, full sugar stuffs have. We often keep on munching these things with a thought at the back of our mind that they are not harmful but it is a myth. The worst part of these things are they contain “TRANS FATS” which give that item longevity and texture, and at the same time make you fattier and clog your arteries. Also, you will become prone to heart diseases. The best answer to all this is to make your chaklis or chips at home. At least you will fry them in good oil and can enjoy your goodies hot. Since it is a long process, you will end up doing it either once in a fortnight or once in a month. The choice is yours. Now the question here is whether sugar should be replaced by a sweetener or not? The answer is a big NO. We all treat sweetener as a boon to diabetics, or to those who follow diet Still the answer is NO. Why? Anything which has a prefix of “DIET” has these sweeteners like diet colddrinks, diet sweets, diet ice-cream, diet yogurt etc. and the list is endless. Now let’s try to understand the mechanism. You must have experienced how a sugar loaded biscotti is offered with tea or coffee even if you ask for a sugar free one. You might also be offered a diet coke (at times free refill) with a pizza. This is a lethal combination and this is exactly what the sweeteners do. They confuse the body almost immediately when it needs calorie dense food. Clearly you are not succeeding because you land up eating not just high glycemic index fats but also high trans fats. Again here, it is to be understood that one time use of sweeteners may not cause any harm at all unless it is being repeated. Also, it is a proven fact that certain sweeteners are associated with thyroid malfunction, memory loss, obesity, acidity and even cancer. A spoonful of sugar will not harm you the way a dose of sweetener will do. Is it too tough to understand that one should focus on reducing body weight by eating properly and doing exercise regularly? No powder, pill or sweetener will help the way eating properly on right time will do. Many nutritionists and dieticians think that having loads of fruits daily will surely be good in the process of losing weight. At times we see people replacing desserts post dinner with a cup of apples thinking that’s the best they can do. Among fruits also there are some evils and some angels. For ex. banana, chikoos, grapes etc. are fattening whereas water melon, orange, papaya are low in fat. A recent development in nutrition science says that FRUCTOSE (the sugar we get in fruits) gets
  • 10. 1 WHAT IS A DIET & WHAT IT IS NOT ANSWER TO ALL PROBLEMS : ONE LINERS Losing Weight Mindfully 10 converted to TRIGLYCERIDES when eaten in a full stomach. These TRIGLYCERIDES are responsible for heart diseases, insulin insensivity, and bigger fat cells. Our body doesn’t believe in discrimination and will end up giving you triglycerides no matter which fruit you eat. So, eat fruit but don’t eat it as a dessert. Eat it as complete meal say in the morning or after exercise. The other example in this series is SOY. Sometime back, SOY had become a trend, when, anybody and everybody was losing on weight by having SOY but soon people started having medical complications. There were people who started having stretch marks, depression, high level of triglycerides and cancer as well. This was about the same time when SOY was linked with breast cancer too. Then everybody was quick to blame SOY. But the fact was people were not suffering because of SOY but because of crash on the other important nutrients from body. It was recorded that an extremity of SOY intake took place with no intake of other nutrients. There are no strong evidences found that SOY causes cancer but yes it is clinically proven that cancer is likely to happen to those who are stressed out, with less or no exercise , and no proper nutrients supply to body. So we can easily conclude that all food items are friend provided we maintain the balance and do not just jump on a particular thing by subsiding other important nutrients. Apply your common sense while choosing your meal is the best mantra. All food provide us nutrients one or the other, so picking up a particular food stuff and ignoring another is incorrect. We should not be biased and must EAT PROPER. The best solution to all the problems is to never go on “DIET” but to upgrade the style of living i.e. to eat right, exercise and to always be committed towards your own self. It is not going to be easy but it is true. It is even more difficult than being loyal towards your marriage partner or any other relation. It might be boring at times but it is the key to your physical and mental well being. People eat erratically and then punish themselves with a crashed diet which is an unhealthy attitude towards themselves. Changing the mind is more important than changing a diet plan, because it is your mind which is going to accept this first and give you the needed push. It is more about wrong eating habits and wrong inhibitions. There is nothing wrong and right when it comes to eating. The only thing which matters is when you eat, how much you eat? Never undergo extreme DIETS. Strict no to Starving. Eating is a must. There is nothing called devil and angles in FOOD. Exercise should not be compromised with. Upgrade your lifestyle.
  • 11. 2LEARN HOW TO EAT Losing Weight Mindfully 11 In this chapter we will try to focus on eating etiquettes. Many of us must be knowing a lot about the heart, lungs, kidneys etc. but how many of us have the same amount of knowledge about STOMACH. Very few. We pay all our attention to other involuntary organs of our body but we simply ignore the stomach. Why? Is it because there is no such serious term which says stomach attack, just like heart attack? In fact, even in case of the latter, it is we who attack our heart with our bad eating and drinking habits. Similarly we even abuse our stomach to a point when it starts malfunctioning. We are not fair towards our stomach most of the time because stomach problems rarely get more than serious. We do not pay much attention to problems like acidity, indigestion, burps, nausea etc. and rely on digestive pills and laxatives for relief. Once we feel better, we get back to the same eating habits, making way for the problems to recur. We only maintain ourselves externally. We go to parlours/spas and spend thousands and thousands of rupees why? Because we like to look good overlooking the fact that we have got some assets which are more important to be taken care of? Our internal organs give us love and nourishment 24X7, day and night and what do they demand in return? They only need a little care towards them. Eating one’s heart out is as big a crime just like overloading a child with work. Over eating is like an employee who sits free for the entire day and as soon as he packs up for leaving, he is allotted with hell lot of work. Not to mention that this kind of bosses never gain respect neither love from the team mates. Such behaviours just lead to non productivity and loss of organizational health. Extrapolate this to our eating habits. Everything which is natural is disciplined. The sun rises and sets almost at the same time every day. So does the moon. In the same way our natural internal process has a start up and end up time. Say for ex: Our stomach digests best between 7 am to 10 am but many of us give it tea, coffee, cigarettes during that period instead of proper food. Then we start working on making our stomach dull and weak. We barely eat our lunch, and generally give a gap of say 5-6 hours in between. After that when our stomach is already winding up, we put additional load of bhelpuri, sevpuri, dahi vada, phuckha, sandwiches, tea, coffee and what not. This is not all; the worst part is when our stomach goes to rest after somehow managing the evening SNACK ATTACK, we have a heavy dinner of chicken/ mutton/ fried rice/ pasta/ pizza/ cold drink/ hard drinks and all sorts of spicy items as we cannot say no to mummy’s food. (Here also apart from all this our centre of attraction isn’t food but our favourite serial). So, our stomach receives such ill treatment years after years day in day out. Then if it calls out for help by bloating, burping, farting we feel its ill and not behaving well. Our burps smell of samosa, kadhi, dahi phuchka and what not? Someone correctly said “WHY TO FART AND WASTE” RATHER “BURP AND TASTE” You eat at such a time when there is almost no digestive juice left in the stomach and there is no further chance of its collection, and then you expect the food to get digested properly? How fair is it? Instead of adding on antacids and laxatives all most every day with meal why cannot we just learn to eat
  • 12. 2 LEARN HOW TO EAT right at the right time? Either stop bombing or stop curing. The same rule is applicable with overeating and digestive pills. SITUATIONAL OVEREATING : Losing Weight Mindfully 12 Overeating is eating beyond the ability to digest at that point of time. It is very much similar to spending more than earning. If you cannot control your expenses and over spend it than your income you are sure to face trouble. The same law is applicable here too. As per Ayurveda, over eating is the reason of all diseases. All of us nowadays demand mental attention and are always entangled in work which demand more of mental involvement and less of physical, resulting in a diminishing digestive system. Eating and over eating has a very thin line. You may cross this “Laxman Rekha” with just one spoonful or a bite. It is an alarming point because once you cross this line you can go on and on and on even up to the capacity of 6 times more. We can understand this much better with these examples. i) Last night you called your friend on dinner at your place and you had a wholesome meal comprising of dal, chapati, paneer and sabzi. Your friend has finished his dinner but you still need half a chapati more. You took a chapati and you forcefully gave the the other half to your friend so that it doesn’t get wasted. Your friend did not need it, still had it to avoid wastage; and there he crossed the LOC (Line of control). Often we ask for that extra helping knowing well that we are done and there we cross the LOC. Most people tend to overeat when with friends or family, because they give company to one another till the end of the meal. ii) Another good example is you go to a marriage where you expect a good spread of food. But since you are on a diet, you start and finish with small servings of salad, starters and just a bit or naan or tandoori roti. When you are done and you are waiting for others to finish, a relative comes up to you with a plate full of rasmalai and rabri, imarti etc. These mouth watering dishes that taste amazing are just a single nod away from you. And then comes the turning point when your relative offers you a spoonful of rabri and you almost jump on it. You experience a sensory overload and you know that you have crossed the LOC. You find yourself marching towards the dessert counter and finally the greed explodes in you. You take almost all the desserts and gobble them in a minute’s time. These diet accidents occur so fast that you fail to understand or control. The pleasure of overeating remains for a while but the effect goes deep inside. So, next time you face such a moment try and accept that you get tempted by these mouth watering desserts but refrain yourself from having them. No half or small or quarter piece because it’s a coiled downloads. However it’s not possible always to have control over ourselves. At times we should set ourselves free from all concerns, but not at the cost of our stomach’s happiness. A happy stomach is key to a happy individual. The most important thing here to learn is to be attentive while eating. In simpler words relish every bit of your food and eat mindfully. If we look into the process of eating, it involves lot many movements like movement of hands, movement of jaws, movement of mouth, movement of internal muscles etc. When we were young,
  • 13. 2 LEARN HOW TO EAT our teachers and parents used to tell us to chew the food properly. There was a logic behind this. When we are chewing/grinding the food properly, we are actually helping our stomach to work less. It is just like if you plan to cook and your husband helps you in cutting the vegetables and arranging other ingredients. Your work gets reduced. Hence, the correct process is to chew the food till the time you get a sweet taste. It is the signal by our system to us for swallowing the same. Another major concern is that we are engrossed in so many activities while having our food that we actually defeat the purpose. We have been blessed with 5 senses i.e. eyes, nose, tongue, ear and skin to see, smell, taste, listen and feel respectively. While eating we need to employ all our senses to get the maximum benefit. We should see the colour of the food, smell the aroma of hot chapatis, listen to the sound of munching, and feel the taste of the food and the texture by our skin sense. The idea behind this is when we will experience the food slowly, we will get to understand our threshold and will never overeat. SOME DOS AND DON’TS WHILE EATING Losing Weight Mindfully 13 • Eat slowly with your hands. • Drink water at the end of each meal. • Use both jaws while chewing. • Chew slowly and mindfully. • Take the next bite once you finish the first bite. • Wonder about the nourishment you are going to get. • Don’t be in a rush while eating. • Switch off your amusement devices like iPad, TV, etc. • Wash your hands properly. • Don’t bend while you eat rather take the food close to your mouth. • Always serve yourself in proportions, this will refrain you in eating extra and wasting food. • After finishing your meal, stay for a few minutes on the same stature and then get up.
  • 14. 2 LEARN HOW TO EAT GOLDEN RULES FOR GOLDEN HEALTH : RULE 1 : FOLLOW YORU ADRTITINOS RULE 2 : AET EFRSH DFOO RULE 3 : CKOO AS PER ERQUIEMNRT RULE 4 : CTUING Etiquettes Losing Weight Mindfully 14 So far we all have learnt about how to eat but we still need to know what to eat? Our food comprises of some basic nutrients like Proteins, Fats, Carbs, Vitamins and Minerals etc. The first three fall under the category of macro nutrients and the rest two fall under micro nutrients category as our body needs them in less quantity. Also 70% of our body is made up of water so, we need it all the time as much as we can. In this point we would like to share that one should remain loyal to its childhood food platter. For example, if you are a Punjabi, you should always stick to your aloo–paratha and lassi. Yes it is a fact. Our body from the time we were in our mother’s womb is accustomed to certain types of nutrients which became sort of familiar to our system. Have You Ever Heard A Punjabi Having Indigestion After Having Dal Makhani And Chole Bhature? OR - A Gujrati Bloating After Having Fafda, Thepla, Dhokla etc.? The obvious answer is NO. So it is recommended that one should restrict himself/herself to eating one’s mother’s meal. It is important that we intake freshly made food. Best if taken within 3 hours of cooking. It clearly indicates that we should not refrigerate food for long hours. Nowadays we all work for long hours and it is almost impossible to get freshly made food during lunch. But what we can ensure is at least one freshly made meal in a day. Here the message is simple. Better is the quality of food (nutrients level) when it is prepared in small portions. Also, it gets finished and we don’t have to refrigerate it for long hours. The more quantity you make, the more oil and spices you add which actually create imbalance and ultimately the food doesn’t remain as healthy as it should be. This is the reason why we cannot compare restaurant food with homemade food. Cutting manners and requirements are equally important. Everything has a logic which needs to be understood. If a reason to do something convinces you, you easily start following it. This is the way how our
  • 15. 2 LEARN HOW TO EAT RULE 5 : AETING DENRTY RULE 6 : HAPPY AETING Losing Weight Mindfully 15 mind works. We should try to eat fruits whole rather than cutting them in pieces. Say we can always eat apple, banana, pear, plum, strawberry etc. whole rather than cutting them because when we cut them, we lose vitamins from the surfaces. The larger the exposed area, more are the nutrients. Of course, large fruits are exceptions to this as you cannot have water melon or papaya as whole. So the next time you take an Apple or Guava, wash it, chew it and let the juice flow. Never put the fruits in a juicer because this will lead to loss of nutrients. In case of vegetables, wash them first and then cut them. Don’t cut them into very small pieces. Cutting first and then washing will wipe away all most all nutrients from that vegetable. Also never cut the vegetables and store them, they will be nutrients less by the time you cook them. Confused? Don’t be. Trendy means whatever is IN. We follow the fashion which is current/is in and we call it being trendy. So, EAT TRENDY. Eat whatever is in i.e. which is seasonal. Eat spinach, cabbage, coriander leaves, cauliflower etc. in winters and egg plant, cucumber, pepper, toriya, gourd etc. during summers. Also it is important that we eat locally produced food as much as we can. Ayurveda recommends tweaking our food habits according to the seasons. Also we all must have noticed that the seasonal veggies/fruits taste much better than the ones stored in the cold storage. One more thing to keep in mind-THINK GLOBAL, EAT LOCAL. That means the next time you visit Ladakh try Thukpa and Momos because the weather is dry, windy and cold, or Sarson Saag with Makai Roti when in Chandigarh but if you experiment the same in Kolkata you will become fat. Previously we had mentioned that we should apply all our senses i.e. eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin while having food. It is equally important that we pay all our attention to our food and be calm. A calm state of mind actually helps in absorbing all nutrients from the food. In other words we can say that a calm state of mind actually prevents the conversion of food into fat. It is understood that when we are calm, our body secretes the right amount of digestive juices. Contrary to this when you are disturbed, agitated, angry, sad etc; you hardly secrete any digestive juice because when your mind is
  • 16. 2 LEARN HOW TO EAT ENRICH OR EMPTIFY NOTE Losing Weight Mindfully 16 disturbed the body perceives it as a threat to its existence resulting in the conversion of food into fat. It happens so, that when you are depressed, sad , angry, hurt, tensed our body produces cortisol which lowers the metabolism. Lower metabolism results in burning of fat and helps convert food to fat. This implies that the cells need energy. At present, they are deprived of the same and the fat cells become bigger day by day. We can reduce the cortiso production by leading a disciplined lifestyle. We have to inculcate good habits like waking up early in the morning, doing regular exercise, eating properly and on proper time, eating methodically and keeping our minds in peace. The most important thing among all is that we have to collect nutrients and we cannot deny that there is a direct relation of nutrients with calories. So, we should not be bothered about how many calories are we in taking but we should remain conscious towards gaining more nutrient on those calories. Let’s understand this with a few examples. Example: If you are offered with “PEANUTS” and “LOW FAT SUGAR FREE BISCUIT” , what will you choose? The obvious answer will be “BISCUIT” and there you go wrong. The peanuts will increase your HDL, Vitamin B3, amino acids, folic acids, and high level of antioxidants which will enhance the glow and freshness of your skin. So all the calories you gained is enriched by nutrients. Well the fibre and protein enriched biscuit will give you nothing. Example: We will choose to eat a LOW FAT PASTA instead of a Paneer Paratha, unknowingly that paneer paratha is way richer in nutrients than the low fat pasta as it has good amount of amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals like calcium etc. and one paratha will be equivalent to 3 pieces of empty pasta. Bottom line is when it comes to food, think of loading nutrients rather than calories.
  • 17. In our previous lessons we understood that what is DIET all about and how should we eat. Here comes the next question that what should we eat? To answer this, we need to know certain basic things about the nutrients and how they function for us. Let’s have a look at the different types of nutrients and their benefits: 3LEARN WHAT TO EAT A : PROTEINS The word has been derived from the word proteious which means primary. It has many roles to play in the system without which the normal functioning of the system will get hampered. Proteins also help during the wear and tear of the muscles by rebuilding them. It is known as a BUILDER among other nutrients. Amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins are what make up all the different parts of our body. Different amino acids come together to make specific proteins which then make the body system. Not only this, proteins are also responsible for the maintenance of the parts. There are two types of amino acids: i) IAA (Indispensible amino acids) ii) DAA (Dispensable Amino acids) As we can understand that IAA needs to be provided through DIET and can’t be manufactured whereas DAA are manufactured by the body so, need not be taken in food. Proteins play an important role when it comes to DIET and getting a lean body. Protein helps in burning fat by increasing its mobility and circulation. In this process of circulation of fat and converting fat into energy we need certain important IAAs like METHIONINE and this can be acquired by eating adequate amount of good quality FISH, EGG, MILK PRODUCTS ETC. Another function which protein performs is it helps our body to repair from the microscopic damages of workouts. When we exercise many of our muscles get damaged and it results in ageing. Protein is one thing which can turn exercise into a tool for anti ageing. The only thing which is to be taken care of is the immediate supply to body after a strenuous exercise. Without protein, workout is a waste, because without the amino acids reaching the sites, exercise is useless. CONCLUSION: DIET WHICH DOES NOT CONTAIN PROTEIN WILL NOT CATALYSE FAT BURNING. 17 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 18. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT Amino acids and their significance for sleep, mood and performance Glutamine has a calming effect and counteracts symptoms of stress ACFT SHEET: LOW PEORTINS VS HIGH PEORTINS Losing Weight Mindfully 18 Sleep, a good mood and performance are directly related. Anyone who starts his/her day after a restful night is better able to concentrate on work and feels more balanced. Conversely, constant fatigue leads to a drop in performance which can lead to unhappiness over an extended period of time. The potential outcome is worry and sleeplessness which is certainly a vicious circle. To balance body and soul, a balanced supply of necessary nutrients is important. New findings in the field of food supplements stress the importance of amino acids. The amino acid GLUTAMINE is involved in many metabolic processes. It stabilises the immune system, strengthens the intestinal cells and helps against stress, depression and anxiety. Loads of pre-conceived notions are there which do nothing but confuse our minds. We already discussed that no extremity is good. We should always try and be balanced. When it comes to eating and eating proper there are no short cuts. Be it a high protein diet or a low protein diet, both fails in improving health and body composition. The thumb rule of diet is to gain in health and a sense of being well, and not just focus on reduction of body weight. The safest is to consume an adequate protein diet along with the balanced proportions of fat and carbohydrates so that the protein is free to perform its functions. A 60 kg weighed body demands around 60 grams of protein in a day and most of us don’t get our quota fulfilled. This protein requirement varies at different stages in life. Young and adolescent children, pregnant and nursing women, ageing or stressed people actually need more amount of protein than this standard of 1 gram/ kg. The body wastes 40% protein in just few days if it experiences operation, long sickness, starvation etc. During these times the body not only needs proteins but also need calories. When the inflow of proteins is adequate, you will feel strong, can sleep well and will look great.
  • 19. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT B : CARBOHYDRATES Losing Weight Mindfully 19 Carbohydrates are known for providing us energy for our day to day functioning. Also it synthesizes and forms DNA/ RNA, fatty acids like cholesterol, hormones, cleansing the body, regularizes bowel movement etc. Carbohydrates also help in the proper functioning of brain and brain cells. We can get Carbohydrates from plant food like vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes etc. We generally know that there are of two types of carbohydrates - simple and complex. But it has also been classified into GI (glycemic index) and GL (glycemic load). The GI ranks carbohydrates depending upon how quickly they lead to an increase in our blood glucose and insulin levels. High GI or FAST CARBS, lead to a quick rise in the glucose levels whereas Low GI or SLOW CARBS lead to a slow steady rise in the same. So, practically speaking LOW GI is better because it has all the more chances of getting absorbed and not just converted into fat. So, our next obvious question is should we cut down on carbs? Well the answer is NO if you are an Indian because since childhood we are used to eat carb rich food like grains, pulses, legumes, spices, etc. Carbohydrate provides certain essential nutrients and fibres. Fibres slow down the release of sugar in the blood level and reduce the GI of food. Hence, we can ascertain that carbs help in burning fat. All we need to focus upon is to choose “SLOW CARBS” and items like brown rice, barley, whole wheat, bajra, legumes, pulses because they contain fibres. Food stuff like sweets, pizza, processed juice, jams, alcohol, biscuit, bread etc. are high in GI and lack fibres. Drastically cutting carbohydrates may lead to increased feelings of anger, tension, and depression - a side effect some researchers have termed the “Atkins attitude”. The body needs carbs in order to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood, emotions, sleep and appetite. GL is the accumulation of GI which we gain from our food. It is to be noticed, that eating SLOW CARB will result in the rise of GL. So, one should be content while eating and never cross his/her eating threshold. Whether you go on a low carbohydrate diet or a high carbohydrate diet, the overarching purpose is to burn fat and experience weight loss while getting the protein and other nutrition your body needs. It is a fact that the only way to burn fat is to expend more energy than you take in, and what exactly you choose to take in becomes very important when you’re watching your diet. High and low carbohydrate diets alike are touted as being a solution to lose weight, but which one is better?
  • 20. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT Low Carbohydrate Diet High Carbohydrate Diet Losing Weight Mindfully 20 Low carb diets are that they are very low in calories, which is the basis behind weight loss with this program. Two very popular diets in the market today, the Atkins and the Zone diet, both use low calorie and low carb foods. This can be a good thing, as long as you keep your calorie intake to a minimum of 1300 per day for women and 1700 per day for men. You should also take a fibre supplement. Another good thing about low carbohydrate diets is that they stick with small quantities of low glycemic carbs in combination with fat and protein. This prevents your body from losing lean body mass and muscle, but allows it to shed weight in fat. Recent studies show that low carbohydrate, high protein diets will lower your triglycerides and glucose levels. The main problem with low-carb diets is that they are known to be devoid of essential micronutrients, but this can be combated with careful diet planning and dietary supplements. Recent studies show that high carbohydrate diets contain a greater intake of these vitamins: i) A ii) C iii) Foliate iv) Carotene v) Calcium vi) Iron vii) Magnesium But a lower intake of: i) zinc ii) Sodium iii) B 12 The main threat with high-carb diets is not paying close attention to the kinds of carbohydrates you are consuming, which can easily result in weight gain. Carbohydrates are easily overeaten and lack essential, healthy fats, so seeing a good nutritionist for proper meals and menus prior to starting a diet is essential.
  • 21. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT CHECKLIST OF HEALTHY EATING Losing Weight Mindfully 21 INSTEAD OF TRY Added sugar, be it granulated sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, or honey. Naturally sweet food such as fruit, peppers, or natural peanut butter. Dairy fat from ice cream, whole milk, and cheese. Low-fat versions, such as skimmed milk and reduced-fat cheeses. Baked sweets. Cookies, snack cakes, doughnuts, pastries etc. Making homemade cookies or bars using grains such as oatmeal, and less sugar and unhealthy fats. White carbohydrates. Bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cookies, cake or pancakes. Whole-grain pancake mix, whole-wheat pastas and breads, brown rice. Processed meats like bacon, ham, pepperoni, hot dogs and many lunch meats. Protein from fish, skinless chicken, nuts, beans, soy, and whole grains. Added salt. Flavouring food with garlic, herbs. There’s no doubt that eating fruit is important for our overall health and well-being. Fruit is healthy for you, we all know that, but, it’s good to know that eating it should follow some general guidelines to fully benefit our health. Fruit should be eaten alone or with other fruits on an empty stomach. This is because when fruit is eaten, the digestive process works very quickly and our body uses different enzymes to digest the fruit. The simple sugars contained in fruit need time to be completely absorbed by your body. When fruits are eaten alone, your stomach can more easily process all of the nutrients, fibre and the simple sugars contained in the fruit. This is the optimal ‘proper way’ to benefit from the fruit you eat. The best time to eat a bounty of fruit is either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or as a mid-morning snack (preferred) - in between breakfast and lunch. It’s a good idea, to WHEN TO EAT FRUITS
  • 22. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT just eat more fruit at one time, whether it’s fruit salad, an apple or a fruit smoothie. (3-4 servings of fruit is a proper daily requirement, that’s 2 1/2 - 2 cups of fruit). If you feel very hungry after your fruit servings, pay attention to what you’ve had for breakfast and maybe your meal planning needs to be adjusted. You should be able to wait it out about 1-2 hours with success. That will ensure all the fruit is processed and gone into your body to do what it’s supposed to do. Definitely avoid eating fruit close to bedtime as there’s plenty of sugar in fruit to spike up your energy and keep you up when you need your sleep. WHEY PROTEINS Losing Weight Mindfully 22 Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. The effects of whey protein on human health are of great interest and are currently being investigated as a way of reducing disease risks, as well as a possible supplementary treatment for several diseases. The effects of whey protein supplementation on muscle growth in response to resistance training are debatable. A study of elderly men showed supplementation with whey protein after exercise improved muscle protein synthesis.
  • 23. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT C : FATS Saturated Fats UNSATURATED FATS Losing Weight Mindfully 23 Fat, fat, fat! Would all of our weight loss problems be solved if we just eliminated fat from our diets? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. We actually need fats -- can’t live without them, in fact. Fats are an important part of a healthy diet. They provide essential fatty acids, keep our skin soft, deliver fatsoluble vitamins, and are a great source of energizing fuel. We can better say fats are the answer from body at bad times like depression, stress, starvation etc. It is the only nutrient which can help us in surviving even during the toughest phases of life. Dietary fat plays a significant role in obesity. Fat is caloriedense, at 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein have only 4 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories per gram. It is easy to over eat fats because they lurk in so many food items we love: french fries, processed foods, cakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, thick steaks, and cheese. Apart from giving us energy fat also transports vitamin A, D,E,K , protects vital organs like heart, liver, lungs, kidneys etc. acts as insulator and prevents body warmth, required for milk production and normal growth of foetus in a pregnant lady, stimulates production of bile (digestive juice) , helps in nerve transmission. So, in short fat is not only responsible for better health but for survival also. There are two kinds of fats: i) Saturated Fats ii) Unsaturated Fats These are fats which are solid in form( long chain fatty acids are found) when in room temperature for ex. butter, animal fat, milk and milk products, Coconut and palm oil, ghee (a clarified butter obtained from milk after process) contains short fatty acid chains and hence is good for health. These are easy to digest. These are fats which are liquid in form when in room temperature. All type of oil except coconut oil are good examples of this. Just like IAA , even fats have essential fatty acids which our body cannot synthesise and we have to get them through a balanced diet. Unsaturated fats can further be divided into MUFA, PUFA and TRANS FATS. MUFA : It is a good fat. It is found in olives, avocados and almonds and is always considered a friend to the heart. You surely understand the craze we have now a days for olive oil. Few of the
  • 24. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT nutritionists suggest olive oil as a cooking derivative. You can also use peanuts oil and rice bran oil as both these oils have a great content of MUFA. Their fatty acid content is almost equal to olive oil. PUFA : It is again a good fat. It has two types Omega 3 and Omega 6. Omega 3 is found in fish oil, walnuts and flax seeds whereas Omega 3 is found in Sunflower oil and Soya bean oil. Both have heart protecting qualities. There should be an equilibrium in consumption of Omega 3 and 6 but with our today’s life style, we intake Omega 3 up-to an extent of ratio 20:1 which can lead to hardening of arteries and increase cardio vascular problems. TRANS-FAT S : A bad fat. This is basically the fat which is being used to preserve food by converting un-saturated fat into saturated by the process called Hydrogenation. It increases the lipoprotein content and cholesterol in our body so, better to avoid this. EAT FAT TO LOSE FAT : Losing Weight Mindfully 24 Yes you get it right. By increasing your fat intake and lowering carbohydrates, you will allow your body to burn fat and use it for energy, rather than store it. Fat is energy. Your body does not want to give up this valuable fuel source. We may think that fat is a nuisance, but your body thinks otherwise. It loves fat. Providing 9 calories per gram, fat provides a dense source of energy for your body. Great for your body, but bad for you when you want to get rid of it. By not severely limiting your fat intake, you signal to your body that there is no famine or lack of available energy in the near future, and that it is OK to shed some of the energy reserves it currently holds. Now that you know how important healthy fats are for fat loss, don’t be one of those people who take everything to the extreme. Everything should be in moderation. The point of this article is to show you that your fears of fat are unfounded. Fat is healthy. Fat is good. Don’t be afraid of eating too much fat – be afraid of eating too many calories.
  • 25. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT D : VITAMINS AND MINERALS Losing Weight Mindfully 25 Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients which your body requires in small quantities to work properly. Most people should get all nutrients they need by having a balanced diet. Every day, your body produces skin, muscle, and bone. It churns out rich red blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to remote outposts and it sends nerve signals skipping along thousands of miles of brain and body pathways. It also formulates chemical messengers that shuttle from one organ to another, issuing the instructions that help sustain your life. But to do all this, your body requires some raw materials. These include at least 30 vitamins, minerals, and dietary components that your body needs but cannot manufacture on its own in sufficient amounts. Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients - because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage. In this article, you’ll gain a better understanding of what these vitamins and minerals actually do in the body and why you want to make sure you’re getting enough of them. Key Points • Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients because they perform hundreds of roles in the body. • There is a fine line between getting enough of these nutrients (which is healthy) and getting too much (which can end up harming you). • Eating a healthy diet remains the best way to get sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need.
  • 26. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT MICRONUTRIENTS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE BODY i) Although they are all considered micronutrients, vitamins and minerals differ in basic ways. Vitamins are organic and can be broken down by heat, air, or acid. Minerals are inorganic and hold on to their chemical structure. ii) So why does this matter? It means the minerals in soil and water easily find their way into your body through the plants, fish, animals, and fluids you consume. But it’s tough to shuttle vitamins from food and other sources into your body because cooking, storage, and simple exposure to air can inactivate these more fragile compounds. Losing Weight Mindfully 26 Vitamins and minerals are often called micronutrients because your body needs only tiny amounts of them. Yet failing to get even those small quantities virtually guarantee diseases. Here are a few examples of diseases that can result from vitamin deficiencies: Scurvy : Old-time sailors learned that living for months without fresh fruits or vegetables – the main sources of vitamin C - cause the bleeding gums and listlessness of scurvy. Blindness : In some developing countries, people still become blind due to vitamin A deficiency. Rickets : A deficiency in vitamin D can cause rickets, a condition marked by soft, weak bones that can lead to skeletal deformities such as bowed legs. Partly to combat rickets, the U.S. has fortified milk with vitamin D since the 1930s. Just as a lack of key micronutrients can cause substantial harm to your body, getting sufficient quantities can provide a substantial benefit. Some examples of these benefits: Strong bones : A combination of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus protects your bones against fractures. Prevents birth defects : Taking folic acid supplements early in pregnancy helps prevent brain and spinal birth defects in offsprings. Healthy teeth : The mineral fluoride not only helps bone formation but also keeps dental cavities from starting or worsening. difference between vitamins and minerals INTERACTING - IN GOOD WAYS AND BAD Many micronutrients interact. Vitamin D enables your body to pluck calcium from food sources passing through your digestive tract rather than harvesting it from your bones. Vitamin C helps you absorb iron. The interplay of micronutrients isn’t always cooperative, however. For example, vitamin C blocks your body’s ability to assimilate the essential mineral copper. And even a minor overload of the mineral manganese can worsen iron deficiency.
  • 27. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT Water - so luble vita mins a. Vitamin - B : i) Biotin (vitamin B7) ii) Folic acid (folate, vitamin B9) iii) Niacin (vitamin B3) iv) Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5 v) Riboflavin (vitamin B2) vi) Thiamin (vitamin B1) vi) Vitamin B6 vii) Vitamin B12 B. Vitamin - c What they do : Losing Weight Mindfully 27 Water-soluble vitamins are packed into the watery portions of the food you eat. They are absorbed directly into the bloodstream as food is broken down during digestion or as a supplement dissolves. Because much of your body consists of water, many of the water-soluble vitamins circulate easily in your body. Your kidneys continuously regulate levels of water-soluble vitamins, shunting excesses out of the body in your urine. Although water-soluble vitamins have many tasks in the body, one of the most important is helping to free the energy found in the food you eat. Others help keep tissues healthy. Here are some examples of how different vitamins help you maintain health: Release energy : Several B vitamins are key components of certain coenzymes (molecules that aid enzymes) that help release energy from food. Produce energy : Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin engage in energy production. Build proteins and cells : Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid metabolize amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and help cells multiply. Make collagen : One of the many roles played by vitamin C is to help make collagen, which knits together wounds, supports blood vessel walls, and forms a base for teeth and bones.
  • 28. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT Words to the wise Losing Weight Mindfully 28 Contrary to popular belief, some water-soluble vitamins can stay in the body for long periods of time. You probably have several years’ supply of vitamin B12 in your liver. Even folic acid and vitamin C stores can last more than a couple of days. Generally, though, water-soluble vitamins should be replenished every few days. Just be aware that there is a small risk that consuming large amounts of some of these micronutrients through supplements may be quite harmful and can damage nerves, causing numbness and muscle weakness. Rather than slipping easily into the bloodstream like most water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins gain entry to the blood via lymph channels in the intestinal wall. Many fat-soluble vitamins travel through the body only under escort by proteins that act as carriers. Food containing fat-soluble vitamins is ingested. The food is digested by stomach acid and then travels to the small intestine, where it is digested further. Bile is needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. This substance, which is produced in the liver, flows into the small intestine, where it breaks down fats. Nutrients are then absorbed through the wall of the small intestine. Upon absorption, the fat-soluble vitamins enter the lymph vessels before making their way into the bloodstream. In most cases, fat-soluble vitamins must be coupled with a protein in order to travel through the body. These vitamins are used throughout the body, but excesses are stored in the liver and fat tissues. As additional amounts of these vitamins are needed, your body taps into the reserves, releasing them into the bloodstream from the liver. Fatty food and oils are reservoirs for the four fat-soluble vitamins. Within your body, fat tissues and the liver act as the main holding pens for these vitamins and release them as needed. To some extent, you can think of these vitamins as time-release micronutrients. It’s possible to consume them every now and again, perhaps in doses weeks or months apart rather than daily, and still get your fill. Your body squirrels away the excess and doles it out gradually to meet your needs.
  • 29. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT FAT-SOLU BLE VITAMINS i. Vitamin - A ii. Vitamin - D iii . Vita min - E iv. Vitamin - K What they do : WORDS TO THE WISE Losing Weight Mindfully 29 Together this vitamin quartet helps keep your eyes, skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system in good repair. Here are some of the other essential roles these vitamins play: Build bones : Bone formation would be impossible without vitamins A, D, and K. Protect vision : Vitamin A also helps keep cells healthy and protects your vision. Interact favourably: Without vitamin E, your body will have difficulty absorbing and storing vitamin A. Protect the body : Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant (a compound that helps protect the body against damage from unstable molecules). Because fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your body for long periods, toxic levels can build up. This is most likely to happen if you take supplements. It’s very rare to get too much of a vitamin just from food. The body needs, and stores, fairly larger amounts of the major minerals. These minerals are no more important to your health than the trace minerals; they’re just present in your body in greater amounts. Major minerals travel through the body in various ways. Potassium, for example, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, where it circulates freely and is excreted by the kidneys, much like a water-soluble vitamin. Calcium is more like a fat-soluble vitamin because it requires a carrier for absorption and transport.
  • 30. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT MAJOR MINERALS i. Calcium ii. Chloride iii. Magnesium iv. Phosphorus v. Potassium vi. Sodium vii. Sulphur What they do : WORDS TO THE WISE Losing Weight Mindfully 30 One of the key tasks of major minerals is to maintain the proper balance of water in the body. Sodium, chloride, and potassium take the lead in doing this. Three other major minerals - calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are important for healthy bones. Sulphur helps stabilize protein structures, including some of those that make up hair, skin, and nails. Having too much of one major mineral can result in a deficiency of another. These sorts of imbalances are usually caused by overloads from supplements, not food sources. Here are two examples: Salt overload : Calcium binds with excess sodium in the body and is excreted when the body senses that sodium levels must be lowered. That means that if you ingest too much sodium through table salt or processed foods, you could end up losing needed calcium as your body rids itself of the surplus sodium. Excess phosphorus : Likewise, too much phosphorus can hamper your ability to absorb magnesium.
  • 31. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT TRACE MINERALS A thimble could easily contain the distillation of all the trace minerals normally found in your body. Yet their contributions are just as essential as those of major minerals such as calcium and phosphorus and each accounts for more than a pound of your body weight. i. Chromium ii. Copper iii. Copper iv. Iodine v. Iron What they do : vi. Manganese vii. Molybdenum VIII. Selenium IX. Zinc WORDS TO THE WISE Losing Weight Mindfully 31 Trace minerals carry out a diverse set of tasks. Here are a few examples: >> Iron is best known for ferrying oxygen throughout the body. >> Fluoride strengthens bones and wards off tooth decay. >> Zinc helps blood clot, is essential for taste and smell, and bolsters the immune response. >> Copper helps form several enzymes, one of which assists with iron metabolism and the creation of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. The other trace minerals perform equally vital jobs, such as helping to block damage to body cells and forming parts of key enzymes or enhancing their activity. Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances. Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another. Here are some examples: >> A minor overload of manganese can exacerbate iron deficiency. Having too little can also cause problems. >> When the body has too little iodine, thyroid hormone production slows, causing sluggishness and weight gain as well as other health concerns. The problem worsens if the body also has too little selenium. The difference between “just enough” and “too much” of the trace minerals is often tiny. Generally, food is a safe source of trace minerals, but if you take supplements, it’s important to make sure you’re not exceeding safe levels.
  • 32. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT e : SUPPLEMENTS Losing Weight Mindfully 32 Supplements means the additional support other than your food. In an ideal condition we should not take supplements, right? But are you living in an ideal condition? We are surrounded by a hell lot of contamination being in the food or in relations. If we see we will find that the soil, the grains, the fruits, the meat, the fish everything eatable is contaminated either by pesticides or by wax coating, or comes with artificial blood like colour which gives us immense happiness when we eat fresh fish. There is an unnecessary lengthy octroi process where the crop loses half of its nutrients value. Then of course the way we store those in our so called warehouses or bib malls leave them almost tainted. Nevertheless then comes the way we store them, we cook them, our mentality or our cook’s mentality while cooking and our mentality while eating makes supplements a must. However if, you grow your crops, milk your cows, sow seeds on your own, rise with the sun and sleep with the sun set, you need no supplements. We have another niche class who are very conscious what these supplements do to us but they probably forget the long term effects like heart attack, insulin insensitivity, brain damage, stress etc. and short term effects like stomach ache, headache, lethargy when they go clubbing twice a week , night outs or even do joints (marijuana). In villages located at the eastern ranges of Himalaya or the villages upside in Sikkim where there are hardly any vehicles passing by producing sound or air pollution, where they can trace the source of the food they have, where everything is so blessed by nature truly need no supplements.
  • 33. 3 LEARN WHAT TO EAT f : WATER THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER APPROXIMATE ADEQUATE DAILY INTAKES OF FLUIDS IN LITRES PER DAY Losing Weight Mindfully 33 Ever noticed how lifeless a house plant looks when you forget to water it? Just a little water and it seems to perk back up. Water is just as essential for our body because it is in every cell, tissue, and organ of your body. This is why getting enough water every day is important for your health. Water is the most important nutrient for our body. 70% of our body comprises of water. Water is the primary transporter of nutrients in the body and without water all the nutrients like carbs, proteins etc. will be of no use for us. We can survive without food upto 5 weeks but we can’t survive for more than 5 days without water. Healthy people meet their fluid needs by drinking when thirsty and drinking fluids with meals. But, if you’re outside in hot weather for most of the day or doing vigorous physical activity, you’ll need to make an effort to drink more fluids. >> Maintains the health and integrity of every cell in the body >> Keeps the bloodstream liquid enough to flow through blood vessels >> Helps eliminate the by products of the body’s metabolism, excess electrolytes (for example, sodium and potassium), and urea, which is a waste product formed through the processing of dietary protein >> Regulates body temperature through sweating >> Moistens mucous membranes such as those of the lungs and mouth >> Lubricates and cushions joints >> Reduces the risk of cystitis by keeping the bladder clear of bacteria >> Aids digestion and prevents constipation >> Moisturises the skin to maintain its texture and appearance >> Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells >> Serves as a shock absorber inside the eyes, spinal cord and in the amniotic sac surrounding the foetus in pregnancy. WOMEN – 2.1 LTR MEN – 2.6 LTR
  • 34. 4BASIC RULES OF DIET The physical body that we see in the mirror is called the “ananmaya kosha” according to the yogic philosophy. It is also be described as Anna means Food and Kosha means the time. So we can conclude annamaya kosha as food and the time we eat it. To bring out any changes in the mirror image, we have to first figure out what we eat and when we eat it. In order to look like “Kareena Kapoor” we only have to follow these guidelines: A : QUIT HAVING TEA FIRST THING IN THE MORNING Is drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach bad? Yes, drinking tea on an empty stomach is bad for us. When you sleep, the blood sugar level falls and in the morning our liver stores are almost empty. So, this way our blood sugar is low and it is our responsibility to take it to an optimum level. Low blood sugar is also a reason why we feel low in the morning. The body sometimes takes to break muscles to keep our dropping sugar level which is not a good thing for those who DIET. Tea causes the suppression of the secretions of gastric juices and can reduce acid and bile in the stomach. It also affects the body’s absorption of proteins and other nutrients. Drinking tea while you are hungry will stimulate your gastric mucosa, causing you to lose appetite. So, to keep our body’s fat burning tissue (muscle) alive we need to eat good first thing in the morning, something that would lead to a sturdy rise to the low sugar levels. B : FED YOURSELF EVERY 2 HOURS I am able to diet (starve) till evening, then I feel really hungry and eat whatever I can find, mostly quick fixes like burger, french fries, chola bhatura, samosas, chocolates etc. I believe, in spite of eating all this, I am able to manage my calorie intake as I have not eaten much since morning Are you able to correlate? Undoubtedly, most of us would be. As a result, most of us suffer from indigestion, constipation, skin diseases and overweight. This is precisely the reason I do not believe in calorie counting per se. We should gradually feed ourselves with all the basics enabling our body to assimilate better and hence perform better. Logical? 34 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 35. 4 BASIC RULES OF DIET Similarly, loading our stomach with a lot of food at one time makes it dull and unresponsive. Whereas, feeding it gradually throughout the day increases its assimilative and digestive power. Gotcha? So, the next time when we take pride in declaring the number of hours we stayed hungry, we will only be assuring people around us that we have a weak digestive system and we are more susceptible to burps, farts, hiccups, fat tummy and all that. Best way to Lose Tummy Fat The 2 main reasons that help fat burning by eating every 2 hours are. 1) There is a process called Diet Induced Thermogenesis. It is the method by which energy is expended during digesting, absorbing and metabolizing the food we consume. 2) Eating every two hours helps in maintaining stable blood sugar level throughout the day. Once you are able to maintain a stable blood sugar level, your metabolic rate will increase manifolds. There are so many in between meal options around us that are good for our health, are easy on our stomach, boosts our metabolism and can be kept in our bags, office drawers, hostel rooms, refrigerators etc. Nuts (almonds, walnuts), peanuts, chana, lightly roasted makahana (fox nut), Cottage cheese (paneer slices), butter milk, coconut milk, poha, upma, dosa, idli, fruits, olives, tomato, cucumber, sprouts, curd with fruits, soya milk etc. C. LESS ACTIVITY EAT LESS, MORE ACTIVITY EAT MORE Always fine tune your eating with your activity. The more hectic day you are going to spend the better you should eat. There should be a fine tuning between activity and eating. With the sunrise the body’s metabolic rate gets faster. We can simplify this as in the morning if we sit and read a book our body will burn more calories rather than with the sunset. It goes without saying that we should eat full in the morning and less with the setting sun. We grow fat because we stop caring about the stomach and load and unload it as per our convenience and not in accordance with the stomach’s need and capacity. If deprivation is punishment, then over eating is a crime. If we don’t eat at the time our body needs food, it creates a huge calorie and nutrient deficit, later when the metabolic processes are slower and the time is wrong the mind will demand food to make up the deficit. Here, high activity could be both physical and mental. For ex. going to the gym, shifting house, extensive mental work, organising marriages etc. It means any activity where you are actively involved and a lot of energy is being expected out of you . Similarly low activity means the time you are passive, for example chatting over phone, watching tv or playing indoor games etc. We need to increase our food intake when our body demands higher energy, and keep it low when involved in less activities. When you are just chilling, the cells become dull and they are in no mood/need to absorb nutrients and see no reasons to give energy and this time if you eat, it will get converted into fat. Just opposite if you went through a mental/ physical activity the body cells are energy deprived that means whatever you will eat will replenish those hungry cells. 35 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 36. 4 BASIC RULES OF DIET What do you do after eating dinner? I bet it involves sitting – whether it be in front of the television or the computer. And then you go to bed a few hours later. Think about what’s going on in your body after eating. Food is getting digested, blood sugar levels are going up, fat levels are rising in your blood vessels. Want to do something for your health that only takes about 15 minutes? Head for the door instead of the couch! Studies have shown that taking a walk after meals, especially after dinner, can help lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels. In addition, it improves digestion, burns calories and helps lose weight. D. AFTER DINNER WAIT FOR TWO HOURS BEFORE YOU SLEP We need to start developing the habit of eating early if at all we dream for a lean body. Eating less after sunset is good for health for a simple reason that after sunset our activities wind down and so does our metabolism. Ok, lets see what we do before we go off to sleep. We chat up or watch TV or read magazine. So basically our activities are less than that in the morning. One of the most harmful habits which we all have developed is eating really late . After we reach home from our offices we don’t feel like having dinner rather what we want is a light snack like pakodi, samosaa, biscuits, namkeen etc . Remember digestion is a calorie burner and a work to our body. At night cells are naturally not sensitive to energy or nutrients as they really don’t need them. So, if you overload your tummy all the food will get converted into fat. In the night when we sleep, our body’s intelligence should feel free to do what it wants to; repair, wear and tear, rejuvenate etc. If at this time our stomach is overloaded, the mechanism of our body gets confused and is unable to function properly. Our body recovery system goes for a toss and most of the food doesn’t get broken down, absorbed properly as a result instead of feeling light and fresh you will feel heavy, dull and low. If you eat dinner early, the food will be better digested and this will reduce the likelihood of gastro problems and acidity, which tend to impede weight loss. You will also sleep comfortably and uninterrupted, which does not happen when you eat right before bedtime. Your last meal should be the lightest – this will aid in digestion and prevent unnecessary calories from piling up. 36 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 37. 5A BALANCED DIET Why is a balanced diet important? A balanced diet is one that provides the body with all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals required to maintain cells, tissues and organs as well as to function correctly. A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to many different health problems ranging from tiredness and lack of energy to serious problems with the function of vital organs and lack of growth and development. A balanced diet needs to contain food from all the main food groups in the correct proportions to provide the body with optimum nutrition. It should also be made up of the correct number of calories to maintain a healthy weight, and be low in processed foods. Every person is different and hence the correct diet for health may vary from person to person. However, by following a diet that is varied, covers all foods groups and is low in undesirable nutrients such as sodium, saturated fats and sugar, you are well on your way to a healthy body. When thinking about planning your meals, remember your A, B, Cs - Awareness, Balance and Control. These are the building blocks of life-long, healthy eating habits that will help install good habits in you and your family. What is a balanced diet? Be aware of what you are eating and its nutritional value. What amount of calories, fat and carbohydrates are present in the food items you eat? Read labels and become food-conscious to make healthy eating decisions. It is also important to look at all the food and ingredients you are eating rather than focus on just one. If not, you may inadvertently limit your access to quality food and drinks. A = AWARENESS Balance your daily food selection to include whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and food items high in protein. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Offering balanced choices in every meal provides necessary nutrients for proper growth and health. B = BALANCE 37 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 38. 5 A BALANCED DIET Control portion size and intake of food high in fat, salt or sugar. Eat them in moderation and choose other food to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health. C = CONTROL How to achieve a healthy balanced diet ? To achieve a healthy, balanced diet, it is important to eat at least three meals a day and not to skip breakfast. Each meal should be composed of a variety of food items from each food group and portion sizes should be moderated to control calorie intake. And most importantly never overdo it. Diagram of a balanced diet Vegetables & Fruits Fats - Sugar etc. Protein - Meat, Fish, Beans etc. Milk & Diary products Rice, Bread, Potatoes etc. 38 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 39. 6BE WISE, BE HEALTHY In this last chapter we would be compiling all the information we shared so far with the vision of staying health and fit. In the past chapters we understood that how a DIET is important and what are the methods by which we can achieve a lean body. We live in a super-fast age. The Internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 24×7. Multitasking is the order of the day as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities to everyone in our lives. They may include employers, parents, spouses, children, clients and many others. In this melee, too often we forget to spare time for ourselves. The stress levels continue to build up until one day a major collapse may make us aware that in all this frenzied activity, we have forgotten to take care of one important thing – our health. As we spend days shuttling between hospital and home, subjecting our body to one test after another trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are forced to remember that Health is indeed Wealth. Nowadays people don’t have time to exercise which is very essential for good health. Because of this lack of exercise, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, etc. are on the rise even among the young. This has alarming implications on the nation as a whole. If our young people are going to fall seriously sick sick, or even worse lose their lives in the most productive years of their life, the country’s future looks very bleak indeed. CHEAT SHEET: Follow these 10 simple tips to have a good diet and lose weight at the same time. i) Make your mind : Be determined with your diet plan. Once you start with a plan, resolute to stick to it and abandon all the bad eating habits. ii) Be realistic : Make your goals pragmatic. You cannot lose weight within days of dieting and exercising. Everything takes time and so does dieting. iii) Strong resistance : Avoid eating things which you know are bad for your health or weight loss program. Be consistent and don’t lose control over yourself when at a friend’s place or at a restaurant. iv) Don’t skip a meal : Eat regularly and slowly. Skipping meals only starves you more and by skipping a breakfast you eat more at the end of the day which proves to be more detrimental. v) Eat fruits and veggies : Fruits and vegetables provide a healthy diet with fewer calories. You get all the vitamins and nutrition without posing any threat to your diet plan or health. 39 Losing Weight Mindfully
  • 40. 6 BE WISE, BE HEALTHY vi) Add fiber to your diet : Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Fiber slows down your digestion and helps in moving fat. It makes you feel full without taking in many calories. Taking in more fiber helps in optimizing your sugar level. vii) Eat less sugar : Be aware of all the sugar you’re taking in. A can of soft drink contains 10-12 spoonfuls of sugar. Many products labeled fat free aren’t calorie free as they add sugar for lost flavor. Taking in sugar makes your body feel that it’s getting energy, hence it starts to store fat and all that is not burnt turns into fat too. viii) Too many calories : Be careful of how many calories you’re taking in. Avoid fried foods. Chicken and fish do contain les fat but when fried they provide more calories than meat and pork. Do not use mayonnaises in your salad dressings; instead use fat free yogurt, barbeque sauce or ketchup. ix) Good fats : Your body does need some good fats. These help in the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. They help in the building of body tissues and vital cells. x) Exercise : Only a healthy diet is not helpful in your weight loss program. Remember you have to burn your fats with exercise. Dieting only slows down your metabolism and when you stop dieting you regain weight. Exercise to maintain a good metabolism and a lean body. 40 Losing Weight Mindfully