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Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
IoT et Azure,
Aymeric Weinbach
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
■L’IoT ?
■Les choix à faire pour vos objets
■Prototypez vos objets connectés
■Les services Azure IoT
■Les nouveautés de la build
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
L’IOT mais qu’est ce que c’est ?
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Harnessing the IoT Revolution
What if I could tell when it’s the best time for my things to _______ ?
What if my things could tell me when they go someplace they
What if I simply knew where my things were?
What if I knew when my things were going to break before they did?
What if I could use device telemetry to improve next generation devices?
What insights could I find from all of my devices?
It all starts with a great idea…
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Choices – What powers the device?
Option Upside Downside Common examples
Battery (primary) Device can operate in a mobile
environment for extended
periods of time.
Device now has a current /
wattage budget (CPU cycles are
not free).
Efficient and safe battery charging
requires sophisticated circuitry
(you won’t do it in firmware).
Mobile brains phones
Battery (secondary) Device can sustain function
through transient power
Efficient and safe battery charging
requires sophisticated circuitry
(you won’t do it in firmware).
May have to add additional
circuitry to run while charging
Main power (primary) Device can leverage all
available computing power
(barring thermal constraints)
Device functionality susceptible to
interruption during power supply
3D printer
Main power + backup Device can leverage all
available computing power
(barring thermal constraints),
and operate at reduced
Additional power management
circuitry. Need to reduce current
load during loss of main power.
NEST thermostat
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Choices – What connects the device to cloud services?
Option Upside Downside Common examples
Ethernet Cheap, easy to install. No hard
bandwidth or framing
Requires hard wired connection
provided by end-user. May
require additional configuration or
security enhancements to route
through firewalls, etc.
Industrial PLC (programmable
logic controllers)
WiFi Readily available on more
sophisticated microcontrollers
and embedded devices.
Requires ambient WiFi network,
and method of managing security
keys and access (including
May require additional
configuration or security
enhancements to route through
firewalls (commercial).
NEST thermostat.
Cellular Self-contained; plug and go. Communication heavily metered –
cost of operations (CoGS) borne
by service operator.
3rd party car data logger
Local (Bluetooth,
Zigbee, etc)
Minimal cost and power
Short ranged, require field
gateway or other “smart” edge
device to proxy connections.
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
With the ubiquity of firewalls and NAT (network address translators),
cloud services connecting inbound to devices is typically impractical.
If two local devices want to talk to each other, two options:
Device A connects directly to device B, or vice-versa
The devices communicate through a secured cloud endpoint (service
assisted communication)
Whom connects to whom?
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Messaging and Connectivity
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
■ LiFX lightbulbs create a mesh network between each other
■ One lightbulb elects as master, and proxies to WiFi router
■ Devices shipped from factory with a single GLOBAL PRE-SHARED KEY.
■ Break one device – break them all.
■ Remediation Options:
■ Global firmware update. How do the devices “call home” to get firmware
updates? At scale there will always be devices behind the update curve.
■ Don’t make any mistakes in the bootloader for in-field firmware updates. A
single RMA (return material authorization) can wipe out the profit from
dozens of devices.
■ Move to provisioned key-per-device. Need to build and manage key
infrastructure. Also need to incorporate key rotation (don’t make a mistake
here of the device will “bricked”).
■ Is there an out-of-band update mechanism (USB?). Is the end-user
community amenable to handling firmware updates (industrial, technical vs.
mass consumer)
Peer to peer sounds cool!
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Choices – Let’s connect!
Option Upside Downside
UDP • Simple; datagrams require no framing.
• Efficient on bandwidth metered links.
• Impractical to secure channel.
• Need faith or out of band acknowledgement mechanism
for reliable transfer.
• Cannot reliably support ordered data streams.
• Challenging to implement return-channel (cloud to
device) for commands
TCP/IP • Simple; minimal code footprint for RTOS
class devices.
• Can use TLS to secure channel
• Bi-directional channel for notifications and
• Need to handle framing on both sides of connection (or
hard code avoidance of MTU limits from end to end)
• Firewall traversal is challenging
HTTP/S • Straightforward firewall traversal, use of
SSL for channel encryption and signing
• Built in framing, can leverage semantic
conventions (REST) to publish data
• Inefficient for Signal-to-Noise ratio of bytes on wire
• Heavy device stack footprint to implement general
purpose HTTP client stack
AMQP, MQTT • Bi-directional channel for notifications and
• Efficient use of bandwidth (batching,
efficient framing, etc)
• Firewall traversal is challenging
• Client stack may not fit on smaller devices
• Evolving standards and implementation levels
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Choices – Let’s encode!
Option Upside Downside
XML • You have more money than you know what
to do with. Enjoy another mojito on your
• Extremely inefficient for both
serialization/deserialization time and wire encoding.
JSON • Self-describing (“tagged”) format requiring
no type identifiers. Readable by
• Need to handle framing on both sides of connection (or
hard code avoidance of MTU limits from end to end)
• Firewall traversal is challenging
Tagged /
“standard” Binary
(Protobuf, Thrift,
• Highly efficient wire protocol with broad
range of encoder bindings for various
• Can use common IDL (definition) to
generate device and cloud code
• Built in support for protocol versioning
• Implementation may not be compatible with RTOS class
device BSP (board support packages)
• Until you’ve lived through the mistake, you probably
won’t use the versioning features.
Custom Binary
(roll your own)
• You can put “wrote yet another custom
protocol” on your resume
• High degree of control over bit packing,
ordering, etc.
• Can support any device.. Since you wrote it
for that device 
• Very few implementations use code generation from a
common definition (result -> divergent implementations
with subtle differences)
• Rarely incorporate version management, self-describing
type and version fields, rich variable support (arrays,
maps, etc)
• Take on a life of their own, generating support burdens
with inertia
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
■Cout d’un oubli ou d’un bug coté cloud :
corriger le bug , commit, push, build, deploy ( cout : 3 clics et un café)
■Cout d’un oubli ou d’un bug coté device :
Hardware : refaire tous les devices
Software : Mise à jour de firmware (est ce que c’est prévu)
Dans les 2 cas trés cher $$$
La nécessité de prototyper
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Choisir une plateforme de prototypage
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Starter Kits
Get started quickly
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
imprimante 3D
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Microsoft Cloud offer for IoT
Azure IoT SuiteAzure services (IoT and others)
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure Services for IoT
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Platform Services
Infrastructure Services
Web Apps
API Apps
Logic Apps
Network (CDN)
Service Bus
Azure Site
Azure AD
Health Monitoring
AD Privileged
Visual Studio
VS Online
Domain Services
HDInsight Machine
IoT Hub
Security &
Azure Active
Key Vault
VM Image Gallery
& VM Depot
Azure AD
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Suite
ERP/CRMEvent Hub
Storage Blobs DocumentDB
Web App
Stream Analytics Logic Apps
Active Directory
IoT Hub Web Jobs
Azure IoT SDK (OSS)
Linux, RTOS, mBed, Windows,
Android, iOS
Power BI
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub
Connectivity, Security & Management for billions of devices
Devices are not servers
Use IoT Hub to enable secure bi-directional communications
Device-to-cloud and Cloud-to-device
Durable message inbox/outbox per device
Delivery receipts, expired messages
Device communication errors
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Stream Analytics
Data Source Collect Process ConsumeDeliver
Event Inputs
- Event Hub
- Azure Blob
- Temporal joins
- Filter
- Aggregates
- Projections
- Windows
- Etc.
- SQL Azure
- Azure Blobs
- Event Hub
• Temporal Semantics
• Guaranteed delivery
• Guaranteed up time
Azure Stream Analytics
Reference Data
- Azure Blob
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
• Start with one of the Azure IoT Starter kits
• Start from a sample
– Simple Hello World samples: of the SDKs
– E2E samples :
– Get started on a specific platform:
• Start from scratch
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Device SDK
Everything is on GitHub, open source under MIT license
RTOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android
C, Node.js, Java, C#, Python
Includes Xamarin compatible libraries
Samples, walkthroughs to get you started quickly
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure Certified for IoT
Operating systems & devices
Azure IoT Device SDK supports more than Azure
Certified for IoT and is easy to adapt to new devices and
operating systems
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
New Offering Announcements
Update firmware, software, configuration on any device running any operating system
Organize and update devices based on hierarchical topologies
Cross platform middleware for field gateways
Connect, manage and monitor multiple devices
Protocol translation & data normalization
5 new kits to get started quickly
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub Device Management
Going beyond simple ‘Create, Remove, Update and Delete’ for devices
Fully extensile - works on any device running any operating system or firmware
Based on OMA LWM2M
Group devices into custom topologies
Update devices based on sub-sections of that topology
Role based access control
OT is responsible for keeping things running, IT is responsible for keeping things secure
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub Device Management
Enroll devices and determine properties and available operations
Group & manage based on your scenario
Role based access to sub-groups
Update software, firmware, configuration using “device jobs”
Operators can monitor device health and signal when it is safe to update devices
IT can update and rollback during maintenance windows
Decommission and replace devices after service lifetime
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Update Floor 1
Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
Permissions: Group 1 Permissions: Group 2
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Device Job - Firmware Update Example
Azure IoT HubDevice
Your code
on the device
IoT Hub DM
client library
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Device Job
Write Firmware
Package URI,
Trigger Client
Package URI
Package URI
Download Completed
Download the
Apply the
Apply Update
Reconnect after restart
Monitor State
Changes and
Apply Update
Azure IoT Suite
Your code
in the cloud
Step 1:
Start Firmware
Update Job
providing the
Package URI
On Job
Receive callback in
Anytime during
job execution:
Check the status of
the Job
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Azure IoT Gateway SDK
• Cloud connectivity for devices that don't speak TCP/IP
• Security Isolation for devices can't be updated/secured
• Protocol translation for existing and new protocols
• Data transformation compression, annotation, filtering
• Local intelligence local processing for low latency needs
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Availability
Australia (East, Southeast)
Japan (East, West)
Germany (Central, Northeast) – Preview
US Europe APAC Japan Australia LATAM China Germany India UK
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE

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Similaire à Aymeric Weinbach - IoT et Azure - Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 Paris

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Similaire à Aymeric Weinbach - IoT et Azure - Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 Paris (20)

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Plus de AZUG FR

I want my model to be deployed ! (another story of MLOps)
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Plus de AZUG FR (20)

I want my model to be deployed ! (another story of MLOps)
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GAB 2017 PARIS - IoT Azure - Aymeric Weinbach
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Aymeric Weinbach - IoT et Azure - Global Azure Bootcamp 2016 Paris

  • 1. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE 1 IoT et Azure, Aymeric Weinbach
  • 2. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE ■L’IoT ? ■Les choix à faire pour vos objets ■Prototypez vos objets connectés ■Les services Azure IoT ■Les nouveautés de la build Agenda
  • 3. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE L’IOT mais qu’est ce que c’est ?
  • 4. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Harnessing the IoT Revolution What if I could tell when it’s the best time for my things to _______ ? What if my things could tell me when they go someplace they shouldn’t? What if I simply knew where my things were? What if I knew when my things were going to break before they did? What if I could use device telemetry to improve next generation devices? What insights could I find from all of my devices? It all starts with a great idea…
  • 5. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
  • 6. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Choices – What powers the device? Option Upside Downside Common examples Battery (primary) Device can operate in a mobile environment for extended periods of time. Device now has a current / wattage budget (CPU cycles are not free). Efficient and safe battery charging requires sophisticated circuitry (you won’t do it in firmware). Mobile brains phones Battery (secondary) Device can sustain function through transient power interrupts Efficient and safe battery charging requires sophisticated circuitry (you won’t do it in firmware). May have to add additional circuitry to run while charging Laptops Main power (primary) Device can leverage all available computing power (barring thermal constraints) Device functionality susceptible to interruption during power supply events 3D printer Main power + backup Device can leverage all available computing power (barring thermal constraints), and operate at reduced Additional power management circuitry. Need to reduce current load during loss of main power. NEST thermostat
  • 7. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Choices – What connects the device to cloud services? Option Upside Downside Common examples Ethernet Cheap, easy to install. No hard bandwidth or framing limitations. Requires hard wired connection provided by end-user. May require additional configuration or security enhancements to route through firewalls, etc. Industrial PLC (programmable logic controllers) WiFi Readily available on more sophisticated microcontrollers and embedded devices. Requires ambient WiFi network, and method of managing security keys and access (including rotation). May require additional configuration or security enhancements to route through firewalls (commercial). NEST thermostat. Cellular Self-contained; plug and go. Communication heavily metered – cost of operations (CoGS) borne by service operator. 3rd party car data logger Local (Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc) Minimal cost and power requirements. Short ranged, require field gateway or other “smart” edge device to proxy connections. iBeacon
  • 8. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE With the ubiquity of firewalls and NAT (network address translators), cloud services connecting inbound to devices is typically impractical. If two local devices want to talk to each other, two options: Device A connects directly to device B, or vice-versa The devices communicate through a secured cloud endpoint (service assisted communication) Whom connects to whom?
  • 9. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Messaging and Connectivity
  • 10. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE ■ LiFX lightbulbs create a mesh network between each other ■ One lightbulb elects as master, and proxies to WiFi router ■ Devices shipped from factory with a single GLOBAL PRE-SHARED KEY. ■ Break one device – break them all. ■ Remediation Options: ■ Global firmware update. How do the devices “call home” to get firmware updates? At scale there will always be devices behind the update curve. ■ Don’t make any mistakes in the bootloader for in-field firmware updates. A single RMA (return material authorization) can wipe out the profit from dozens of devices. ■ Move to provisioned key-per-device. Need to build and manage key infrastructure. Also need to incorporate key rotation (don’t make a mistake here of the device will “bricked”). ■ Is there an out-of-band update mechanism (USB?). Is the end-user community amenable to handling firmware updates (industrial, technical vs. mass consumer) Peer to peer sounds cool!
  • 11. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Choices – Let’s connect! Option Upside Downside UDP • Simple; datagrams require no framing. • Efficient on bandwidth metered links. • Impractical to secure channel. • Need faith or out of band acknowledgement mechanism for reliable transfer. • Cannot reliably support ordered data streams. • Challenging to implement return-channel (cloud to device) for commands TCP/IP • Simple; minimal code footprint for RTOS class devices. • Can use TLS to secure channel • Bi-directional channel for notifications and commands • Need to handle framing on both sides of connection (or hard code avoidance of MTU limits from end to end) • Firewall traversal is challenging HTTP/S • Straightforward firewall traversal, use of SSL for channel encryption and signing • Built in framing, can leverage semantic conventions (REST) to publish data • Inefficient for Signal-to-Noise ratio of bytes on wire • Heavy device stack footprint to implement general purpose HTTP client stack AMQP, MQTT • Bi-directional channel for notifications and commands • Efficient use of bandwidth (batching, efficient framing, etc) • Firewall traversal is challenging • Client stack may not fit on smaller devices • Evolving standards and implementation levels
  • 12. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Choices – Let’s encode! Option Upside Downside XML • You have more money than you know what to do with. Enjoy another mojito on your yacht. • Extremely inefficient for both serialization/deserialization time and wire encoding. JSON • Self-describing (“tagged”) format requiring no type identifiers. Readable by convention. • Need to handle framing on both sides of connection (or hard code avoidance of MTU limits from end to end) • Firewall traversal is challenging Tagged / Untagged “standard” Binary (Protobuf, Thrift, etc) • Highly efficient wire protocol with broad range of encoder bindings for various languages • Can use common IDL (definition) to generate device and cloud code • Built in support for protocol versioning • Implementation may not be compatible with RTOS class device BSP (board support packages) • Until you’ve lived through the mistake, you probably won’t use the versioning features. Custom Binary (roll your own) • You can put “wrote yet another custom protocol” on your resume • High degree of control over bit packing, ordering, etc. • Can support any device.. Since you wrote it for that device  • Very few implementations use code generation from a common definition (result -> divergent implementations with subtle differences) • Rarely incorporate version management, self-describing type and version fields, rich variable support (arrays, maps, etc) • Take on a life of their own, generating support burdens with inertia
  • 13. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
  • 14. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE ■Cout d’un oubli ou d’un bug coté cloud : corriger le bug , commit, push, build, deploy ( cout : 3 clics et un café) ■Cout d’un oubli ou d’un bug coté device : Hardware : refaire tous les devices Software : Mise à jour de firmware (est ce que c’est prévu) Dans les 2 cas trés cher $$$ La nécessité de prototyper
  • 15. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Choisir une plateforme de prototypage
  • 16. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Starter Kits Get started quickly
  • 17. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE imprimante 3D
  • 18. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
  • 19. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Microsoft Cloud offer for IoT Predictive maintenance Asset management Azure IoT SuiteAzure services (IoT and others)
  • 20. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure Services for IoT
  • 21. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Platform Services Infrastructure Services Web Apps Mobile Apps API Management API Apps Logic Apps Notification Hubs Content Delivery Network (CDN) Media Services BizTalk Services Hybrid Connections Service Bus Storage Queues Hybrid Operations Backup StorSimple Azure Site Recovery Import/Export SQL Database DocumentDB Redis Cache Azure Search Storage Tables Data Warehouse Azure AD Health Monitoring AD Privileged Identity Management Operational Analytics Cloud Services Batch RemoteApp Service Fabric Visual Studio App Insights Azure SDK VS Online Domain Services HDInsight Machine Learning Stream Analytics Data Factory Event Hubs Mobile Engagement Data Lake IoT Hub Data Catalog Security & Management Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Automation Portal Key Vault Store/ Marketplace VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Azure AD B2C Scheduler
  • 22. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Suite Business Process ERP/CRMEvent Hub Storage Blobs DocumentDB Web App Stream Analytics Logic Apps Azure Active Directory IoT Hub Web Jobs Devices Azure IoT SDK (OSS) Linux, RTOS, mBed, Windows, Android, iOS Power BI
  • 23. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub Connectivity, Security & Management for billions of devices Devices are not servers Use IoT Hub to enable secure bi-directional communications Device-to-cloud and Cloud-to-device Durable message inbox/outbox per device Delivery receipts, expired messages Device communication errors
  • 24. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Stream Analytics Data Source Collect Process ConsumeDeliver Event Inputs - Event Hub - Azure Blob Transform - Temporal joins - Filter - Aggregates - Projections - Windows - Etc. Enrich Correlate Outputs - SQL Azure - Azure Blobs - Event Hub Azure Storage • Temporal Semantics • Guaranteed delivery • Guaranteed up time Azure Stream Analytics Reference Data - Azure Blob
  • 25. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE • Start with one of the Azure IoT Starter kits – • Start from a sample – Simple Hello World samples: of the SDKs repo – E2E samples : – Get started on a specific platform: • Start from scratch DIY
  • 26. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Device SDK Everything is on GitHub, open source under MIT license RTOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android C, Node.js, Java, C#, Python Includes Xamarin compatible libraries Samples, walkthroughs to get you started quickly
  • 27. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure Certified for IoT Operating systems & devices Azure IoT Device SDK supports more than Azure Certified for IoT and is easy to adapt to new devices and operating systems
  • 28. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
  • 29. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE New Offering Announcements Update firmware, software, configuration on any device running any operating system Organize and update devices based on hierarchical topologies Cross platform middleware for field gateways Connect, manage and monitor multiple devices Protocol translation & data normalization 5 new kits to get started quickly
  • 30. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub Device Management Going beyond simple ‘Create, Remove, Update and Delete’ for devices Fully extensile - works on any device running any operating system or firmware Based on OMA LWM2M Group devices into custom topologies Update devices based on sub-sections of that topology Role based access control OT is responsible for keeping things running, IT is responsible for keeping things secure
  • 31. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub Device Management Enroll devices and determine properties and available operations Group & manage based on your scenario Role based access to sub-groups Update software, firmware, configuration using “device jobs” Operators can monitor device health and signal when it is safe to update devices IT can update and rollback during maintenance windows Decommission and replace devices after service lifetime
  • 32. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
  • 33. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
  • 34. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Update Floor 1 Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support
  • 35. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Hub – Device Topology Support Permissions: Group 1 Permissions: Group 2
  • 36. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Device Job - Firmware Update Example Azure IoT HubDevice Your code on the device IoT Hub DM client library Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Device Job Write Firmware Package URI, Trigger Client Download Package URI Download Package URI Download Completed Download the firmware Apply the Update Apply Update Reconnect after restart Monitor State Changes and Apply Update Azure IoT Suite Your code in the cloud Step 1: Start Firmware Update Job providing the Package URI On Job Completed: Receive callback in cloud Anytime during job execution: Check the status of the Job
  • 37. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Azure IoT Gateway SDK • Cloud connectivity for devices that don't speak TCP/IP • Security Isolation for devices can't be updated/secured • Protocol translation for existing and new protocols • Data transformation compression, annotation, filtering • Local intelligence local processing for low latency needs
  • 38. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE Global Availability Australia (East, Southeast) Japan (East, West) Germany (Central, Northeast) – Preview US Europe APAC Japan Australia LATAM China Germany India UK
  • 39. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE
  • 40. Global Azure Bootcamp#GlobalAzure @AZUGFR PARIS - FRANCE ORGANISATION GAB 2016 SPONSORS LOCAUX 40

Notes de l'éditeur

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