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503 Alen Condo. 92 Gil
  Puyat Ave. Pasay City
  Tel. No.:(02)483-9753/
  (02)526-0178 Email
Colonics (Hydro-therapy) - involve a
multiple infusion of water into the large
intestines. It helps eliminate hardened toxic
materials from the lining of the colon,
through water irrigation.

It is safe and effective in eliminating the
environment of the harmful bacteria in the
body which is the common source of
different diseases such as cancer,
respiratory illness, headache, high blood
pressure abdominal pains, digestive
problems, among others.

Vitamin C is an anti-
oxidant and an
immune system
booster. It cleanses
and detoxifies
the blood. Richter C
Drip is done by
Microscopy allows a health professional to
evaluate the shapes and other properties
of individual blood cells, indicating nutritional
conditions which can be adversely affecting a
person’s health. The advantage of this analysis
over standard blood test, which detects
chemical changes in the blood, is the ability of
dark field microscopy to detect
nutritional disorders sooner, when the problem
is in its infancy stages. By monitoring the
blood’s condition, a health professional can
assist in “balancing” the blood by giving
dietary and lifestyle recommendations which
can enhance health.
This is a revival of an ancient way
of relieving pain where a vacuum
device are placed strategically
over the areas of pain. This is
excellent for fatigue, cramps and
other manifestations of stress.

Bacteria destroy good blood cells
and damage different organs.
Biozapper therapy helps eliminate
destructive bacteria by the use of
electric current. This therapy is
especially effective for sinusitis,
asthma, allergy bronchitis, and
other bacterial diseases.

This treatment is used for pain
management. The BIO - TENS
stimulation is an all-around
extermination of pain. It is applied
after surgical procedure and
recharges body resistance against
fatigue and disease.

Steam-bath - is health giving as well
as enjoyable. As a supportive activity,
a steam bath is especially
recommended to alleviate the
conditions such as Bronchial asthma,
Bronchitis, catarrh of the upper
respiratory tract, Coughs,
Hoarseness, expectoration
(particularly with the assistance of
essential oils) non– acute rheumatic
complaints and restricted or painful
movements of the joints of the body.
 Richter Juice Therapy
 Iris Analysis
 Coffee Enema
 Carbon Pack Therapy 
 Stem Cell
 Sound Therapy
1.Blood detoxifier

2. Prevents diabetes

3. Lowers sugar level in high dosage

4. Good source of antioxidant

5. Offers anti-cancer properties

6.Reduces            cholesterol        and

7.It works as an anti-inflammatory agent
8. Helps treat asthma and related

9. A highly recommended herb in
patients suffering from obesity and
metabolism related disorders.

10. Helpful in menstrual disorders

11. An immune booster because it is

Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and Folic Acid

Zinc, copper, and magnesium

12. Remedy for gastrointestinal
RICHTER COFFEE – is a good form of detoxifier.
It contains natural ingredient with no added
preservatives. It contains natural brewed coffee
which is good for liver cleansing. It also contains
Arabica and Robusta Coffee with Herbs such a
Malunggay, Ginseng, Mushroom, Mascuvado and
Coco Sugar.
SOYA COFFEE – A beverage that is natural,
complete and high in nutrients. It helps to detoxify the
body. All ingredients are natural without preservatives.


CHOCO DELIGHT – is a natural drink, high in
nutrients and good for detoxification. All
ingredients are natural with out preservatives. It
contains Cocoa, Mascuvado, Coco Sugar and
Herbs such as Gotu kola and Ginseng.


Nutrifiber is a complete food for detoxification.
It is natural (no preservative added) and high
in fiber. It can also help you to lose weight. It
contains Oats, Wheat Germ, Mascuvado, Milk,
Malunggay and Agaricus Mushroom.

HERBAL TEA – is composed of 9 kinds of herbs
Sambong - help alleviate hypertension and in
dissolving kidney stones
Lagundi - pain reliever, bitter tonic, expectorant
and diuretic
Turmeric - Detoxify the liver; Balance
cholesterol levels; Fight allergies; Stimulate
digestion; Boost immune system; Enhance the
Gotu kola – helps to treat skin problem ulcers,
asthma, diarrhea, and even hepatitis; helps in
blood circulation; relieves anxiety and insomia
Corn Silk - herb can be used to treat many types of urinary
tract problems including kidney stones and cystitis

Malunggay – ( miracle vegetable ) treat / prevent the onset
of various chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, and heart
and kidney diseases; lowers bad cholesterol and controls
blood pressure

Lemon Grass – anti-bacterial ; anti-fungal

Pandan –      is diuretic; the roots have anti-diabetic
properties, and the leaves are used for treating diseases of
the skin

Ampalaya - controls the blood sugar for diabetics;
excellent sources of Vitamin B, iron, calcium, and
phosphorus. It is also rich in beta carotene ; treats HIV,
coughs, skin diseases, sterility in women, parasiticide,
antipyretic and as purgative
1   bottle Bitter Melon
1   Richter Choco or Coffee
1   Live Blood Analysis
1   Bio-Zapper
1   Ventosa             Free Lifetime Consultation
                         Discounts on services (20 %)
                         Online Business
                         Personal Website
                         Personal I.D.
                         Distributors I.D.
                         ATM Card
                         Inheritance Income
        18-25% profit on all products
(Ex: Coffee: SRP -P400.00 DIST-P350.00 Profit-P50.00)

                               YOU                       A

                  YOU                    A                   B
                         P200.00               P300.00
ENTRY UNI-LEVEL   (based on P1,880 entry level)
Enrollee Profit Sharing

The system will set aside Php 50 for every enrollee

Mindanao                                         FUND*

                       *will be divided among those who
                       referred 4 enrollees or more
  Per Share is multiple by 4

Example: GLOBAL FUND: P5,000,000.00
Number of Qualifiers:    Total of 200 shares
5,000,000 divided by 200 = P25,000

1 share: P 25,000 ( 4 invites )
2 shares: P 50,000 ( 8 invites )
3 shares: P 75,000 ( 12 invite )

So on…
* 850 PV monthly maintenance
* higher minus lower rebates
* no time limit points accumulation
* push up position

                              30%     With 3 Gold

               25%      Gold
                        35,000 Group Points

   15%  5000 PV
  QUALIFYING POINTS= 500 Personal Point Value

                                                 Platinum Position
                                             36% With 7 Gold

                                      Ruby Position
                            30%       With 3 Gold

            25%       Gold Position
                      35,000 GPV
                                          * 850 PV monthly maintenance
                                          * higher minus lower rebates
        SILVER Position                   * no time limit points accumulation
  15%   5000 PV                           * push up position
                                                     40%     With 9 Gold

                                       36%     With 7 Gold

                           30%   With 3 Gold

            25%       Gold
                      35000 PV
                                   * 850 PV monthly maintenance
                                   * higher minus lower rebates
        SILVER Position            * no time limit points accumulation
  15%   5000 PV                    * push up position
                   DIAMOND 40%          Production of A:
                                             150,000 PV
                                               X    15%
            A       GOLD          25%

                                 15%    P22,500 INCOME


            less                                                less

 REBATE from ALL of your



  = 25%                                 less

                EXAMPLE   YOU   30%
         30%    1ST gen
                          A     RUBY   5%
                                RUBY   4%
  A             2ND gen   B
(Ruby)   30%
                3RD gen         RUBY   3%
                4TH gen         RUBY   2%

                5TH gen   E     RUBY   1%
Repeat Purchase and 850pv personal monthly maintenance of your
  downlines up to 7th level.



You will receive 2% bonus for your performance

The company will set aside 2% for your future car or travel

 1.5%    PLATINUM

 3%     DIAMOND
An official richter ppt

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An official richter ppt

  • 1.
  • 2. RICHTER PHIL. - GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION 503 Alen Condo. 92 Gil Puyat Ave. Pasay City Tel. No.:(02)483-9753/ (02)526-0178 Email add.: Info.@richterwellness. com
  • 3.
  • 5. Colonics (Hydro-therapy) - involve a multiple infusion of water into the large intestines. It helps eliminate hardened toxic materials from the lining of the colon, through water irrigation. It is safe and effective in eliminating the environment of the harmful bacteria in the body which is the common source of different diseases such as cancer, respiratory illness, headache, high blood pressure abdominal pains, digestive problems, among others. 5
  • 6. Vitamin C is an anti- oxidant and an immune system booster. It cleanses and detoxifies the blood. Richter C Drip is done by intravenous insertion.
  • 7. Microscopy allows a health professional to evaluate the shapes and other properties of individual blood cells, indicating nutritional conditions which can be adversely affecting a person’s health. The advantage of this analysis over standard blood test, which detects chemical changes in the blood, is the ability of dark field microscopy to detect nutritional disorders sooner, when the problem is in its infancy stages. By monitoring the blood’s condition, a health professional can assist in “balancing” the blood by giving dietary and lifestyle recommendations which can enhance health.
  • 8. This is a revival of an ancient way of relieving pain where a vacuum device are placed strategically over the areas of pain. This is excellent for fatigue, cramps and other manifestations of stress. 8
  • 9. Bacteria destroy good blood cells and damage different organs. Biozapper therapy helps eliminate destructive bacteria by the use of electric current. This therapy is especially effective for sinusitis, asthma, allergy bronchitis, and other bacterial diseases. 9
  • 10. This treatment is used for pain management. The BIO - TENS stimulation is an all-around extermination of pain. It is applied after surgical procedure and recharges body resistance against fatigue and disease. 10
  • 11. Steam-bath - is health giving as well as enjoyable. As a supportive activity, a steam bath is especially recommended to alleviate the conditions such as Bronchial asthma, Bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, Coughs, Hoarseness, expectoration (particularly with the assistance of essential oils) non– acute rheumatic complaints and restricted or painful movements of the joints of the body. 11
  • 12.  Richter Juice Therapy  Iris Analysis  Coffee Enema  Carbon Pack Therapy   Stem Cell  Sound Therapy
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 1.Blood detoxifier 2. Prevents diabetes 3. Lowers sugar level in high dosage 4. Good source of antioxidant 5. Offers anti-cancer properties 6.Reduces cholesterol and Triglycerides 7.It works as an anti-inflammatory agent 14
  • 15. 8. Helps treat asthma and related illness 9. A highly recommended herb in patients suffering from obesity and metabolism related disorders. 10. Helpful in menstrual disorders 11. An immune booster because it is Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and Folic Acid Zinc, copper, and magnesium 12. Remedy for gastrointestinal problem
  • 16. RICHTER COFFEE – is a good form of detoxifier. It contains natural ingredient with no added preservatives. It contains natural brewed coffee which is good for liver cleansing. It also contains Arabica and Robusta Coffee with Herbs such a Malunggay, Ginseng, Mushroom, Mascuvado and Coco Sugar. 16
  • 17. SOYA COFFEE – A beverage that is natural, complete and high in nutrients. It helps to detoxify the body. All ingredients are natural without preservatives. 17
  • 18. CHOCO DELIGHT CHOCO DELIGHT – is a natural drink, high in nutrients and good for detoxification. All ingredients are natural with out preservatives. It contains Cocoa, Mascuvado, Coco Sugar and Herbs such as Gotu kola and Ginseng. 18
  • 19. NUTRI-FIBER Nutrifiber is a complete food for detoxification. It is natural (no preservative added) and high in fiber. It can also help you to lose weight. It contains Oats, Wheat Germ, Mascuvado, Milk, Malunggay and Agaricus Mushroom. 19
  • 20. HERBAL TEA – is composed of 9 kinds of herbs Sambong - help alleviate hypertension and in dissolving kidney stones Lagundi - pain reliever, bitter tonic, expectorant and diuretic Turmeric - Detoxify the liver; Balance cholesterol levels; Fight allergies; Stimulate digestion; Boost immune system; Enhance the complexion Gotu kola – helps to treat skin problem ulcers, asthma, diarrhea, and even hepatitis; helps in blood circulation; relieves anxiety and insomia 20
  • 21. Corn Silk - herb can be used to treat many types of urinary tract problems including kidney stones and cystitis Malunggay – ( miracle vegetable ) treat / prevent the onset of various chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, and heart and kidney diseases; lowers bad cholesterol and controls blood pressure Lemon Grass – anti-bacterial ; anti-fungal Pandan – is diuretic; the roots have anti-diabetic properties, and the leaves are used for treating diseases of the skin Ampalaya - controls the blood sugar for diabetics; excellent sources of Vitamin B, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. It is also rich in beta carotene ; treats HIV, coughs, skin diseases, sterility in women, parasiticide, antipyretic and as purgative
  • 22. 22
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
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  • 27.
  • 28. ENROLLMENT FEE: Php1,880 1 bottle Bitter Melon 1 Richter Choco or Coffee 1 Live Blood Analysis 1 Bio-Zapper BENEFITS: 1 Ventosa Free Lifetime Consultation Discounts on services (20 %) Online Business Personal Website Personal I.D. Distributors I.D. ATM Card Inheritance Income
  • 29. DIRECT SELLING INCOME 18-25% profit on all products (Ex: Coffee: SRP -P400.00 DIST-P350.00 Profit-P50.00) REFERRAL BONUS P300 - DIRECT REFERRAL MOTIVATOR BONUS P200 - PRESENTOR YOU A P500.00 YOU A B P200.00 P300.00
  • 30. ENTRY UNI-LEVEL (based on P1,880 entry level)
  • 31. Enrollee Profit Sharing The system will set aside Php 50 for every enrollee Luzon Visayas *GLOBAL Mindanao FUND* ENROLLEE *will be divided among those who referred 4 enrollees or more Per Share is multiple by 4
  • 32. ENROLLEE PROFIT SHARING Example: GLOBAL FUND: P5,000,000.00 Number of Qualifiers: Total of 200 shares 5,000,000 divided by 200 = P25,000 1 share: P 25,000 ( 4 invites ) 2 shares: P 50,000 ( 8 invites ) 3 shares: P 75,000 ( 12 invite ) So on…
  • 33. LADDER TO SUCCESS * 850 PV monthly maintenance * higher minus lower rebates * no time limit points accumulation * push up position Ruby 30% With 3 Gold Downlines 25% Gold 35,000 Group Points Value silver 15% 5000 PV QUALIFYING POINTS= 500 Personal Point Value
  • 34. LADDER TO SUCCESS Platinum Position 36% With 7 Gold Downlines Ruby Position 30% With 3 Gold Downlines 25% Gold Position 35,000 GPV * 850 PV monthly maintenance * higher minus lower rebates SILVER Position * no time limit points accumulation 15% 5000 PV * push up position
  • 35. LADDER TO SUCCESS Diamond 40% With 9 Gold downlines Platinum 36% With 7 Gold downlines Ruby 30% With 3 Gold downlines 25% Gold 35000 PV * 850 PV monthly maintenance * higher minus lower rebates SILVER Position * no time limit points accumulation 15% 5000 PV * push up position
  • 36. OVERRIDE COMMISSION Example: YOU DIAMOND 40% Production of A: 150,000 PV X 15% A GOLD 25% 15% P22,500 INCOME HIGHER minus LOWER 40% less less REBATE from ALL of your 15% less less 40% =0% FIRST LEVEL DOWNLINES = 25% less 36% 25% 30% =4% =15% =10%
  • 37. LEADERSHIP BONUS EXAMPLE YOU 30% You 30% 1ST gen (ruby) A RUBY 5% less RUBY 4% A 2ND gen B (Ruby) 30% 3RD gen RUBY 3% C 0% 4TH gen RUBY 2% D 5TH gen E RUBY 1%
  • 38. MONTHLY UNILEVEL INCOME Repeat Purchase and 850pv personal monthly maintenance of your downlines up to 7th level. 25 25 25 25 25 2 5 25
  • 39.
  • 40. BENEFITS FOR RUBY, PLATINUM AND DIAMOND POSITION PERFORMANCE BONUS You will receive 2% bonus for your performance CAR and TRAVEL FUND The company will set aside 2% for your future car or travel