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Computational Thinking
GCSE Computer Science
Learning Objectives
• To understand that you can tackle big
problems by breaking them down into
smaller parts using Computational
• To understand the four parts of
Computational Thinking; decomposition,
pattern recognition, abstraction and
• To create your own solutions to problems
using Computational Thinking.
•Why are we learning? (Purpose & Goals)
We are learning how to overcome complex problems
•How are we learning? (Skills, Techniques, Software, etc.)
We will be using a strategy known as Computational thinking
•What are we learning? (Knowledge)
We are learning the four elements of computational thinking:
• Decomposition
• Pattern Recognition
• Abstraction
• Algorithm
Key words
• Decomposition: breaking down a complex problem or system into
smaller, more manageable parts.
• Pattern Recognition: looking for similarities among and within
• Abstraction: focuses on the important information only, ignoring
irrelevant detail.
• Algorithms: a step-by-step solution to the problem, or the rules to
follow to solve the problem.
Introduction to Computational Thinking
Computational thinking
allows us to take a
complex problem,
understand what the
problem is and develop
possible solutions. We can
then present these
solutions in a way that a
computer, a human, or
both, can understand.
There are four key
techniques to
computational thinking:
How does it work?
Computational thinking involves
taking that complex problem and
breaking it down into a series of small,
more manageable problems
(decomposition). Each of these
smaller problems can then be looked
at individually, considering how
similar problems have been solved
previously (pattern recognition) and
focusing only on the important details,
while ignoring irrelevant information
(abstraction). Next, simple steps or
rules to solve each of the smaller
problems can be designed
Finally, these simple steps or rules are used
to program a computer to help solve the
complex problem in the best way.
Thinking Computationally
• Thinking computationally is not programming. It is not even thinking
like a computer, as computers do not, and cannot, think.
• Programming tells a computer what to do and how to do it.
Computational thinking enables you to work out exactly what to tell
the computer to do.
• Being able to turn a complex problem into one we can easily
understand is a skill that is extremely useful. In fact, it's a skill you
already have and probably use every day.
• Watch the following video:
Thinking Computationally Task 1
You are meeting up with a group of friends this afternoon. All of
you like different things, but you have been put in charge of
finding something to do that will keep most of your friends
happy. Think of some questions could you consider in order to
come up with a plan?
Possible questions to consider
E.g. where could you go?
Friends Interests
From this information,
do you think that you
and your friends could
decide more easily
where to go and what to
do – in order to keep
most of your friends
Thinking Computationally Task 2
Look at the videogame screen to
the right. What do you need to
consider in order to complete the
level as efficiently as possible?
From these details you can work out a strategy for completing the level in the most efficient way.
Possible questions to consider
E.g. What items do I need to collect?
Thinking Computationally Task 3
Computational Thinking Explanation
Example 1 – Meeting up
with friends
Example 2 – Creating a
computer game
Pattern Recognition
Options of
where to go
Explanation of how to
complete the level
of the exit
Including similar
features used within
similar games
What you have previously
done that has been a
success in the past
Where your going to
go, how to get there,
what time to meet
and go home
Ways of getting to the
Developing a step-by-step solution to
the problem, or the rules to follow to
solve the problem.
Focusing on the
important information
only, ignoring irrelevant
Looking for similarities among and within problems.
Breaking down a complex problem
or system into smaller, more
manageable parts.
Task: Can you put the correct
statements below in the
table? They have been colour
coded to help you!
• Decomposition involves breaking
down a complex problem or
system into smaller parts that
are more manageable and easier
to understand. The smaller parts
can then be examined and solved,
or designed individually, as they
are simpler to work with.
• If a problem is not decomposed,
it is much harder to solve.
Decomposition Task 1
A crime has been committed. Solving
a crime can be a very complex
problem as there are many things to
The police officer needs to know the
answer to a series of smaller
problems. Look at the crime scene;
what problems do you think the
police officer needs to consider?
Decomposition Task 2
How would you decompose the problem of making a sandwich? Think of questions
you need to know the answers to in order to make a sandwich for someone else!
Developing Decomposition Task 3: Articulate!
• Get into groups of 4, 2 vs 2!
• Each pair gets a pack of articulate cards.
• You have 30 seconds to try and describe as many items
as you can (use the clock feature to time).
• One partner must describe what is on the card without
using the name of the item. If the partner answers
correctly, the team get a point.
• If the name of the item is used the team get -1 point.
• The team with the most points at the end wins!
• Only one pass is allowed per turn. Use it wisely!
Pattern Recognition
• When we decompose a complex problem
we often find patterns among the smaller
problems we create. The patterns are
similarities or characteristics that some of
the problems share.
• Pattern recognition is one of the four
cornerstones of Computer Science. It
involves finding the similarities or patterns
among small, decomposed problems that
can help us solve more complex problems
more efficiently.
Pattern Recognition Task 1: Sudoku!
The classic Sudoku game involves a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine
squares. The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its
squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.
Use your pattern recognition skills to solve the puzzle!
Rookie Pro BEAST!
Why do we need to look for patterns?
• Finding patterns is extremely important.
Patterns make our task simpler. Problems are
easier to solve when they share patterns,
because we can use the same problem-solving
solution wherever the pattern exists.
• The more patterns we can find, the easier and
quicker our overall task of problem solving will
• To find patterns among problems we look for
things that are the same (or very similar) for
each problem.
Pattern Recognition Task 2
Look at the two cakes to the below. From the instructions provided can you
identify any similarities in how to prepare them?
Once we have the patterns identified, we can
work on common solutions between the
Pattern Recognition Task 3
1. Consider a typical week. Write a list of the things you do that are
the same from day to day.
2. How do you think having a pattern with these consistencies benefits
Abstraction is the process of filtering out – ignoring - the characteristics
of patterns that we don't need in order to concentrate on those that
we do. It is also the filtering out of specific details. From this we create
a representation (idea) of what we are trying to solve.
Abstraction allows us to create a general idea of what the problem is
and how to solve it. The process instructs us to remove all specific
detail, and any patterns that will not help us solve our problem. This
helps us form our idea of the problem. This idea is known as a ‘model’.
How to Abstract Task 1
When baking a cake, there are
some general characteristics. For
• a cake needs ingredients
• each ingredient needs a specified
• a cake needs timings
When abstracting, we remove
specific details and keep the
general relevant patterns.
General Patterns Specific Details
A Victoria sponge cake has a
layer of strawberry jam in the
A cake needs ingredients.
Cake needs a specified
time to bake.
It takes 1 hour 45 minutes to
cook a Christmas cake.
Know the specific
ingredient quantities. Banana cake uses 600g of sliced bananas.
Can you add the statements below
into the correct table columns. Some
of them are General Statements,
others are Specific Details.
Abstracting Task 2: Football team
Using the statements below, can you identify the ones that are useful (General Patterns)
and those that are not (Specific Details) in in explaining the model of a football team.
General Patterns Specific Details
A football team is
made up of 11
Gareth Bale is a Welsh International player
Players wear a shirt,
shorts, socks and
football boots.
Manchester United’s home kit is Red
A team is made up of a goalkeeper,
defenders, midfielders and forwards.
FC Barcelona play with one goalkeeper, three
defenders, four midfielders and three strikers.
A football team is run by a manager
Roy Hodgson is the England team Manager
An algorithm is a plan, a
set of step-by-step
instructions to solve a
problem. If you can tie
shoelaces, make a cup of
tea, get dressed or prepare
a meal then you already
know how to follow an
In an algorithm, each instruction is identified and the order in
which they should be carried out is planned. Algorithms are
often used as a starting point for creating a computer program,
and they are sometimes written as a flowchart or in
Code needs algorithms!
• You use code to tell a computer what to do. Before you write code
you need an algorithm.
• An algorithm is a list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem.
• Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. Think about an
algorithm for getting dressed in the morning. What if you put on your
coat before your jumper? Your jumper would be on top of your coat
and that would be silly! When you write an algorithm the order of the
instructions is very important.
• Watch the following video:
How do you use algorithms?
People use lots of algorithms every day even if they don’t realise it.
Choose from three problems and guess what the algorithm might be!
We need to make a cake! We can’t find the park! We need to build a toy!
The algorithm here is a cake
recipe. You can find the
algorithm to solve this
problem in a cookbook!
The algorithm you need is a set of
directions to get to the park! There
might be different ways to the park
so you can have different algorithms.
The algorithm to follow here is
the list of instructions that tell
you how to make the toy.
Task 1: Clear instructions
• When you write an algorithm you need to
include precise, step-by-step instructions.
• Task: Can you put the following
instructions in order for making a
Add fruit to the blender
Add milk to the blender
Put the lid on the blender
Switch the blender on
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Imagine if we missed out one of the steps or
reversed the order. We could end up
switching on the blender with nothing in it.
Or there could just be milk in the blender and
no fruit.
That wouldn't make a very tasty smoothie,
would it? In fact, it wouldn't make a smoothie
at all!
Representing an Algorithm: Pseudocode
• Pseudocode is not a programming language, it is a simple way of
describing a set of instructions that does not have to use specific
• Writing in pseudocode is similar to writing in a programming
language. Each step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own in
sequence. Usually, instructions are written in uppercase, variables in
lowercase and messages in sentence case.
• In pseudocode, INPUT asks a question. OUTPUT prints a message on
Pseudocode Example Task
• A simple program could be created to ask someone
their name and age, and to make a comment based on
these. This program represented in pseudocode would
look like this:
OUTPUT 'What is your name?'
INPUT user inputs their name
STORE the user's input in the name variable
OUTPUT 'Hello' + name
OUTPUT 'How old are you?'
INPUT user inputs their age
STORE the user's input in the age variable
IF age >= 70 THEN
OUTPUT 'You are aged to perfection!'
OUTPUT 'You are a spring chicken!'
In programming, > means ‘greater
than’, < means ‘less than’, ≥ means
‘greater than or equal to’ and ≤ means
‘less than or equal to’.
Try it out!
In pairs, one of you is the
computer, the other is the
user. Talk through the
conversation and see if it
makes sense!
Task 2: Writing Pseudocode
Using the rules set in the last example, write a pseudocode so that the
computer asks a true or false question. If the user answers true then a
congratulations message is shown, but if the answer is false output a
message to say they were wrong.
Write your pseudocode here:
Representing an Algorithm: Flowcharts
• A flowchart is a diagram that represents a set of instructions.
Flowcharts normally use standard symbols to represent the different
• There are few real rules about the level of detail needed in a
• Sometimes flowcharts are broken down into many steps to provide a
lot of detail about exactly what is happening.
• Sometimes they are simplified so that a number of steps occur in just
one step.
Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart
Add 5
Is x > 10?
Process are written in a
rectangular box. It
represents an operation (or
task) to be carried out.
The boxes at the start/end are
written using ‘rounded
rectangles’. A start symbol
represents the start of a
process and produces exactly
one output. An end symbol
represents the end of a process
and has exactly one input.
When the algorithm has to
make a decision, it is
written in a rhombus. It has
one input and two outputs.
These are the basic building blocks of a flowchart algorithm:
Process Decision
Start / End
Arrows are used to
show the direction
of flow within the
Input Name
Input / Output
Parallelograms show
inputs and outputs
Flowchart Example Task
This flowchart
shows the
equivalent code
from the
Try it out!
In pairs, one of you is
the computer, the
other is the user. Talk
through the
conversation and see
if it makes sense!
“What is your name?”
User inputs their name
Store user name
“Hello” + name
“How old are you?”
User inputs their age
Store user’s age
Is age>= 70?
“You’re aged to perfection!”
“You’re a spring chicken!”
Flowchart Task Complete the previous example using the
correct flowchart symbols.
Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart
Consider this simple
algorithm for calculating
how old a dog is in dog
years. It contains three
steps, all in sequence
In pseudocode, the algorithm would look like this
OUTPUT 'How old is your dog?'
INPUT user inputs their dog's age in human years STORE the user's
input in the human_years variable dog_years = human_years * 7
OUTPUT 'In dog years, your dog is aged' + dog_years
Representing sequencing in a flowchart?
Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart
Task 3: Flowchart Creation Output: (Your
Game show Question
Can you recreate your
pseudocode question into a
The symbols have been
created for you. Fill them in
Task 4: Flowchart Practice
• If your lamp doesn’t work, what
would you do?
• Complete the broken lamp algorithm
by adding the sentences below;
1. Buy new lamp
2. Has the bulb burned out?
3. Plug the lamp in
4. Replace the bulb
5. Is the lamp plugged in?
Lamp doesn’t work
Broken lamp algorithm
Watch the following video:
Is where a statement is
executed in a loop until the
program reaches a certain state
or the intended operations have
been applied.
Looping statements: are
efficient loops that will continue
to loop until the condition is
This loop keeps on
repeating until a false
statement is reached.
Action 1
Task 4: Testing a Countdown Clock
The aim of the following loop statement is to create a
countdown clock. The timer is set to 10 then each loop through
it reduces the number by 1 until it gets to 0 and displays “Time
time = time-1
time >0
Set time to 10
Print “Time
Timer Step Number
1 10
2 9
At what step would the
statement become FALSE?
Test it works
Go through the loop sequence
and see if you get to 0. You can
do this with a Trace Table (the
first part has been started for
Applying Computational Thinking:
Supermarket Sweep!
• You have been asked to go to the
supermarket to buy food for the
• But you have agreed to meet friends
• How can you make your trip to the
supermarket as fast as possible while
still getting all the required items?
i.e. how will you make your shop as
efficient as possible?
Break down the problem
Knowing exactly what we
need to buy
Grouping the items into
similar categories
Trialling different routes
through the supermarket
Writing down, step-by-
step, the best route
through the supermarket
Task: how can we apply what we have
learned so far about Computational
Thinking to this problem? Place the
statements below into the correct boxes.
Part 1: Decomposition - The shopping list
fresh tuna
Minced beef
This is your shopping list. It
shows a breakdown of every
item you need to get from the
Part 2: Pattern Recognition – Grouping the items
• Consider the items in the
shopping list. Could you group
them into similar categories, for
example, Fruits, Vegetables,
Meat, Dairy etc.
• Colour code or move the items
on the shopping list so that they
are placed within groups.
• Give each group a clear title.
Part 3: Abstraction – Trialling routes around the supermarket
• On the next slide you will see the layout of the
supermarket where you will be going to do your shop.
• Considering the items on the shopping list and how
you’ve grouped them, use PowerPoint draw tools to trial
at least three different paths through the supermarket.
• Make sure you collect every item on the shopping list.
• Which route do you think is the quickest? Can you think
of a way of measuring the length of the routes
(Decompose this problem using computational
Meat Seafood Bakery
Wine & Spirits Checkout
Part 4: Algorithm – Writing down clear instructions
• On the next slide write down a set
of clear instructions to follow in
order to follow your chosen route
through the supermarket as
closely as possible.
• Make sure you remember to say
what items need collecting. These
can be grouped as you have
suggested in Part 2: Pattern
• Add some more lines if required.
Step Part 4: Instructions
Part 4: Algorithm - Flowchart
Use the space
below to create
a flowchart of
the instructions
used within the
Make sure you
use the correct
dependant on if
you are giving an
instruction for a
process or a
Another method of presenting an
algorithm is through a flow chart.
Some people find it easier to
demonstrate their plan through this
visual method.
Get three of your classmates to test out your instructions and identify
any problems encountered. Use the table below to record any
problems encountered and what improvements you need to make.
Test Problems Encountered Improvements Made
Go back to your instructions and make any required changes. Change the font
colour to red for any lines of instructions improved.
Your turn…
• Using the structures you have learned through Computational
Thinking, choose one of the problems below to solve…
Level Task
Rookie You have to make your own dinner.
Pro Negotiate a typical day at school.
Beast Organise a surprise birthday party for a friend.
Use the following slides to help structure your solution;
Computational Thinking Checklist
Level Task Complete
Choose the Rookie task
Decomposition – You can break down the task into some sensible parts
Pattern recognition – You consider some patterns
Abstraction – You create a simple overview or model of how you want the solution to work
Algorithm design – You create an algorithm, which includes some sensible instructions.
Testing – Conduct two tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required.
Choose the Pro task
Decomposition – You can break down the task into sensible parts
Pattern recognition – You can identify patterns, some of which will help you develop an understanding of the problem.
Abstraction – You create an overview of your solution plan which mostly makes sense.
Algorithm design – You create an algorithm which includes some sensible instructions and logical decision pathways.
Testing - Conduct four tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required.
Choose the Beast task
Decomposition – You can break down the task into a range of logical parts
Pattern recognition – You can identify a range of patterns which help you develop an understanding of the problem.
Abstraction – You create a comprehensive and considered overview of your solution which makes sense.
Algorithm design – Your algorithm includes logical decision pathways and sound solutions to complex issues (loops).
Testing - Conduct six tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required. Loops are tested using a step test table.
Break down the problem
Pattern Recognition
Part 1: Decomposition
Methods of tackling this task:
• Table
• Sentences
• List
• Mind map
Break down the task into sections. The more sections
you can break the task down into, the clearer an idea
you will have about how to tackle the problem.
Part 2: Pattern Recognition
What patterns can you identify within the
task? Are there any consistencies or
common trends within the problem
you’ve chosen? Identify them here!
Methods of tackling this task:
• Table
• Sentences
• List
• Mind map
Part 3: Abstraction
Methods of tackling this task:
• Drawings
• Flowchart
• Action plan (Table, list)
What do you want the solution to look
like? This could be a model of the physical
solution or a plan of what you want to
Part 4: Algorithm - Flowchart
Create a step by step explanation of how
you will tackle the problem. How will you
make the decision? Remember to use the
correct symbols!
Step Part 4: Algorithm - Pseudocode
As an
alternative to
a flowchart,
you can write
Test Which part did you test? Were there any problems? Did you make any
Test your algorithm
Rookie: Conduct two tests on your algorithm.
Pro: Conduct 4 tests on your algorithm.
Beast: Conduct 6 tests on your algorithm. Test loops using a step test table (next page).
Change the font colour to red for any lines of instructions improved.
Step test tables (Beast)
Step Value Step Value Step Value
Title: Title: Title:
Question Answer
What did you do in order to decompose the
What patterns did you recognise from this?
How did you use abstraction effectively?
What method did you use to write your
instructions? Why did you choose this method?
What parts of your algorithm did you test? Did
you find any errors?
What improvements did you make as a result of

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  • 2. Learning Objectives • To understand that you can tackle big problems by breaking them down into smaller parts using Computational Thinking. • To understand the four parts of Computational Thinking; decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms. • To create your own solutions to problems using Computational Thinking. ?
  • 3. •Why are we learning? (Purpose & Goals) We are learning how to overcome complex problems •How are we learning? (Skills, Techniques, Software, etc.) We will be using a strategy known as Computational thinking •What are we learning? (Knowledge) We are learning the four elements of computational thinking: • Decomposition • Pattern Recognition • Abstraction • Algorithm ?
  • 4. Key words • Decomposition: breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable parts. • Pattern Recognition: looking for similarities among and within problems. • Abstraction: focuses on the important information only, ignoring irrelevant detail. • Algorithms: a step-by-step solution to the problem, or the rules to follow to solve the problem.
  • 5. Introduction to Computational Thinking Computational thinking allows us to take a complex problem, understand what the problem is and develop possible solutions. We can then present these solutions in a way that a computer, a human, or both, can understand. There are four key techniques to computational thinking:
  • 6. How does it work? Computational thinking involves taking that complex problem and breaking it down into a series of small, more manageable problems (decomposition). Each of these smaller problems can then be looked at individually, considering how similar problems have been solved previously (pattern recognition) and focusing only on the important details, while ignoring irrelevant information (abstraction). Next, simple steps or rules to solve each of the smaller problems can be designed (algorithms). Finally, these simple steps or rules are used to program a computer to help solve the complex problem in the best way.
  • 7. Thinking Computationally • Thinking computationally is not programming. It is not even thinking like a computer, as computers do not, and cannot, think. • Programming tells a computer what to do and how to do it. Computational thinking enables you to work out exactly what to tell the computer to do. • Being able to turn a complex problem into one we can easily understand is a skill that is extremely useful. In fact, it's a skill you already have and probably use every day. • Watch the following video:
  • 8. Thinking Computationally Task 1 You are meeting up with a group of friends this afternoon. All of you like different things, but you have been put in charge of finding something to do that will keep most of your friends happy. Think of some questions could you consider in order to come up with a plan? Possible questions to consider E.g. where could you go? Consider: Time Money Weather Friends Interests From this information, do you think that you and your friends could decide more easily where to go and what to do – in order to keep most of your friends happy?
  • 9. Thinking Computationally Task 2 Look at the videogame screen to the right. What do you need to consider in order to complete the level as efficiently as possible? From these details you can work out a strategy for completing the level in the most efficient way. Possible questions to consider E.g. What items do I need to collect?
  • 10. Thinking Computationally Task 3 Computational Thinking Explanation Example 1 – Meeting up with friends Example 2 – Creating a computer game Decomposition Pattern Recognition Abstraction Algorithm Options of where to go Explanation of how to complete the level Weather conditions Location of the exit Including similar features used within similar games What you have previously done that has been a success in the past Where your going to go, how to get there, what time to meet and go home Ways of getting to the exit Developing a step-by-step solution to the problem, or the rules to follow to solve the problem. Focusing on the important information only, ignoring irrelevant detail. Looking for similarities among and within problems. Breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller, more manageable parts. Task: Can you put the correct statements below in the table? They have been colour coded to help you!
  • 11. Decomposition • Decomposition involves breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller parts that are more manageable and easier to understand. The smaller parts can then be examined and solved, or designed individually, as they are simpler to work with. • If a problem is not decomposed, it is much harder to solve.
  • 12. Decomposition Task 1 A crime has been committed. Solving a crime can be a very complex problem as there are many things to consider. The police officer needs to know the answer to a series of smaller problems. Look at the crime scene; what problems do you think the police officer needs to consider? Considerations
  • 13. Decomposition Task 2 How would you decompose the problem of making a sandwich? Think of questions you need to know the answers to in order to make a sandwich for someone else! Considerations
  • 14. Developing Decomposition Task 3: Articulate! • Get into groups of 4, 2 vs 2! • Each pair gets a pack of articulate cards. • You have 30 seconds to try and describe as many items as you can (use the clock feature to time). • One partner must describe what is on the card without using the name of the item. If the partner answers correctly, the team get a point. • If the name of the item is used the team get -1 point. • The team with the most points at the end wins! • Only one pass is allowed per turn. Use it wisely!
  • 15. Pattern Recognition • When we decompose a complex problem we often find patterns among the smaller problems we create. The patterns are similarities or characteristics that some of the problems share. • Pattern recognition is one of the four cornerstones of Computer Science. It involves finding the similarities or patterns among small, decomposed problems that can help us solve more complex problems more efficiently.
  • 16. Pattern Recognition Task 1: Sudoku! The classic Sudoku game involves a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine squares. The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box. Use your pattern recognition skills to solve the puzzle! Rookie Pro BEAST!
  • 17. Why do we need to look for patterns? • Finding patterns is extremely important. Patterns make our task simpler. Problems are easier to solve when they share patterns, because we can use the same problem-solving solution wherever the pattern exists. • The more patterns we can find, the easier and quicker our overall task of problem solving will be. • To find patterns among problems we look for things that are the same (or very similar) for each problem.
  • 18. Pattern Recognition Task 2 Look at the two cakes to the below. From the instructions provided can you identify any similarities in how to prepare them? Once we have the patterns identified, we can work on common solutions between the problems. Similarity 1 2 3 4
  • 19. Pattern Recognition Task 3 1. Consider a typical week. Write a list of the things you do that are the same from day to day. 2. How do you think having a pattern with these consistencies benefits you?
  • 20. Abstraction Abstraction is the process of filtering out – ignoring - the characteristics of patterns that we don't need in order to concentrate on those that we do. It is also the filtering out of specific details. From this we create a representation (idea) of what we are trying to solve. Abstraction allows us to create a general idea of what the problem is and how to solve it. The process instructs us to remove all specific detail, and any patterns that will not help us solve our problem. This helps us form our idea of the problem. This idea is known as a ‘model’.
  • 21. How to Abstract Task 1 When baking a cake, there are some general characteristics. For example: • a cake needs ingredients • each ingredient needs a specified quantity • a cake needs timings When abstracting, we remove specific details and keep the general relevant patterns. General Patterns Specific Details A Victoria sponge cake has a layer of strawberry jam in the middle. A cake needs ingredients. Cake needs a specified time to bake. It takes 1 hour 45 minutes to cook a Christmas cake. Know the specific ingredient quantities. Banana cake uses 600g of sliced bananas. Can you add the statements below into the correct table columns. Some of them are General Statements, others are Specific Details.
  • 22. Abstracting Task 2: Football team Using the statements below, can you identify the ones that are useful (General Patterns) and those that are not (Specific Details) in in explaining the model of a football team. General Patterns Specific Details A football team is made up of 11 players. Gareth Bale is a Welsh International player Players wear a shirt, shorts, socks and football boots. Manchester United’s home kit is Red A team is made up of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and forwards. FC Barcelona play with one goalkeeper, three defenders, four midfielders and three strikers. A football team is run by a manager Roy Hodgson is the England team Manager
  • 23. Algorithms An algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions to solve a problem. If you can tie shoelaces, make a cup of tea, get dressed or prepare a meal then you already know how to follow an algorithm. In an algorithm, each instruction is identified and the order in which they should be carried out is planned. Algorithms are often used as a starting point for creating a computer program, and they are sometimes written as a flowchart or in pseudocode.
  • 24. Code needs algorithms! • You use code to tell a computer what to do. Before you write code you need an algorithm. • An algorithm is a list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem. • Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. Think about an algorithm for getting dressed in the morning. What if you put on your coat before your jumper? Your jumper would be on top of your coat and that would be silly! When you write an algorithm the order of the instructions is very important. • Watch the following video:
  • 25. How do you use algorithms? People use lots of algorithms every day even if they don’t realise it. Choose from three problems and guess what the algorithm might be! We need to make a cake! We can’t find the park! We need to build a toy! The algorithm here is a cake recipe. You can find the algorithm to solve this problem in a cookbook! The algorithm you need is a set of directions to get to the park! There might be different ways to the park so you can have different algorithms. The algorithm to follow here is the list of instructions that tell you how to make the toy.
  • 26. Task 1: Clear instructions • When you write an algorithm you need to include precise, step-by-step instructions. • Task: Can you put the following instructions in order for making a smoothie: Add fruit to the blender Add milk to the blender Put the lid on the blender Switch the blender on Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Imagine if we missed out one of the steps or reversed the order. We could end up switching on the blender with nothing in it. Or there could just be milk in the blender and no fruit. That wouldn't make a very tasty smoothie, would it? In fact, it wouldn't make a smoothie at all!
  • 27. Representing an Algorithm: Pseudocode • Pseudocode is not a programming language, it is a simple way of describing a set of instructions that does not have to use specific syntax. • Writing in pseudocode is similar to writing in a programming language. Each step of the algorithm is written on a line of its own in sequence. Usually, instructions are written in uppercase, variables in lowercase and messages in sentence case. • In pseudocode, INPUT asks a question. OUTPUT prints a message on screen.
  • 28. Pseudocode Example Task • A simple program could be created to ask someone their name and age, and to make a comment based on these. This program represented in pseudocode would look like this: OUTPUT 'What is your name?' INPUT user inputs their name STORE the user's input in the name variable OUTPUT 'Hello' + name OUTPUT 'How old are you?' INPUT user inputs their age STORE the user's input in the age variable IF age >= 70 THEN OUTPUT 'You are aged to perfection!' ELSE OUTPUT 'You are a spring chicken!' In programming, > means ‘greater than’, < means ‘less than’, ≥ means ‘greater than or equal to’ and ≤ means ‘less than or equal to’. Try it out! In pairs, one of you is the computer, the other is the user. Talk through the conversation and see if it makes sense!
  • 29. Task 2: Writing Pseudocode Using the rules set in the last example, write a pseudocode so that the computer asks a true or false question. If the user answers true then a congratulations message is shown, but if the answer is false output a message to say they were wrong. Write your pseudocode here:
  • 30. Representing an Algorithm: Flowcharts • A flowchart is a diagram that represents a set of instructions. Flowcharts normally use standard symbols to represent the different instructions. • There are few real rules about the level of detail needed in a flowchart. • Sometimes flowcharts are broken down into many steps to provide a lot of detail about exactly what is happening. • Sometimes they are simplified so that a number of steps occur in just one step.
  • 31. Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart Add 5 Start Is x > 10? Process are written in a rectangular box. It represents an operation (or task) to be carried out. The boxes at the start/end are written using ‘rounded rectangles’. A start symbol represents the start of a process and produces exactly one output. An end symbol represents the end of a process and has exactly one input. When the algorithm has to make a decision, it is written in a rhombus. It has one input and two outputs. These are the basic building blocks of a flowchart algorithm: Process Decision Start / End Arrows are used to show the direction of flow within the algorithm. True False Input Name Input / Output Parallelograms show inputs and outputs
  • 32. Flowchart Example Task This flowchart shows the equivalent code from the pseudocode example! Try it out! In pairs, one of you is the computer, the other is the user. Talk through the conversation and see if it makes sense! Start Output “What is your name?” Input User inputs their name Store user name Output “Hello” + name Output “How old are you?” Input User inputs their age Store user’s age Is age>= 70? Output “You’re aged to perfection!” End Output “You’re a spring chicken!”
  • 33. Flowchart Task Complete the previous example using the correct flowchart symbols.
  • 34. Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart Consider this simple algorithm for calculating how old a dog is in dog years. It contains three steps, all in sequence In pseudocode, the algorithm would look like this OUTPUT 'How old is your dog?' INPUT user inputs their dog's age in human years STORE the user's input in the human_years variable dog_years = human_years * 7 OUTPUT 'In dog years, your dog is aged' + dog_years Representing sequencing in a flowchart?
  • 35. Presenting an Algorithm as a Flowchart
  • 36. Task 3: Flowchart Creation Output: (Your question) False True Game show Question Can you recreate your pseudocode question into a flowchart? The symbols have been created for you. Fill them in accordingly.
  • 37. Task 4: Flowchart Practice • If your lamp doesn’t work, what would you do? • Complete the broken lamp algorithm by adding the sentences below; 1. Buy new lamp 2. Has the bulb burned out? 3. Plug the lamp in 4. Replace the bulb 5. Is the lamp plugged in? Lamp doesn’t work True False False True Broken lamp algorithm
  • 38. Looping Watch the following video: h?v=k0xgjUhEG3U Is where a statement is executed in a loop until the program reaches a certain state or the intended operations have been applied. Looping statements: are efficient loops that will continue to loop until the condition is false. Iteration (Loop) This loop keeps on repeating until a false statement is reached. Start End Action 1 Decision False True
  • 39. Task 4: Testing a Countdown Clock The aim of the following loop statement is to create a countdown clock. The timer is set to 10 then each loop through it reduces the number by 1 until it gets to 0 and displays “Time up!” Start End time = time-1 time >0 False True Set time to 10 (time=10) Print “Time up!” Timer Step Number 1 10 2 9 At what step would the statement become FALSE? Answer: Test it works Go through the loop sequence and see if you get to 0. You can do this with a Trace Table (the first part has been started for you);
  • 40. Applying Computational Thinking: Supermarket Sweep! • You have been asked to go to the supermarket to buy food for the week. • But you have agreed to meet friends later. • How can you make your trip to the supermarket as fast as possible while still getting all the required items? i.e. how will you make your shop as efficient as possible?
  • 41. Break down the problem Computational Thinking Application Decomposition Pattern Recognition Abstraction Algorithm Knowing exactly what we need to buy Grouping the items into similar categories Trialling different routes through the supermarket Writing down, step-by- step, the best route through the supermarket Task: how can we apply what we have learned so far about Computational Thinking to this problem? Place the statements below into the correct boxes.
  • 42. Part 1: Decomposition - The shopping list bananas milk bread apples eggs mayonnaise Tomato sauce tea Cheddar cheese oranges butter Coffee potatoes carrots croissants fresh tuna Minced beef chicken This is your shopping list. It shows a breakdown of every item you need to get from the supermarket. baked beans tinned tomatoes
  • 43. Part 2: Pattern Recognition – Grouping the items • Consider the items in the shopping list. Could you group them into similar categories, for example, Fruits, Vegetables, Meat, Dairy etc. • Colour code or move the items on the shopping list so that they are placed within groups. • Give each group a clear title.
  • 44. Part 3: Abstraction – Trialling routes around the supermarket • On the next slide you will see the layout of the supermarket where you will be going to do your shop. • Considering the items on the shopping list and how you’ve grouped them, use PowerPoint draw tools to trial at least three different paths through the supermarket. • Make sure you collect every item on the shopping list. • Which route do you think is the quickest? Can you think of a way of measuring the length of the routes (Decompose this problem using computational thinking!!!)?
  • 45. Meat Seafood Bakery Vegetables Floral Sweets Berries Fruit Root Vegetables Deli Beer Frozen Food Wine & Spirits Checkout 1 Checkout 2 Checkout 3 Checkout 4 Cheese Eggs Butter Milk Beverages - Water Coffee – Tea - Cereal Baked Goods Canned Food – Grains - Sauces Baking – Spices - Oil Condiments Entrance
  • 46. Part 4: Algorithm – Writing down clear instructions • On the next slide write down a set of clear instructions to follow in order to follow your chosen route through the supermarket as closely as possible. • Make sure you remember to say what items need collecting. These can be grouped as you have suggested in Part 2: Pattern Recognition. • Add some more lines if required.
  • 47. Step Part 4: Instructions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  • 48. Part 4: Algorithm - Flowchart Use the space below to create a flowchart of the instructions used within the pseudocode. Make sure you use the correct symbols dependant on if you are giving an instruction for a process or a decision. Another method of presenting an algorithm is through a flow chart. Some people find it easier to demonstrate their plan through this visual method.
  • 49. Testing Get three of your classmates to test out your instructions and identify any problems encountered. Use the table below to record any problems encountered and what improvements you need to make. Test Problems Encountered Improvements Made 1 2 3 Go back to your instructions and make any required changes. Change the font colour to red for any lines of instructions improved.
  • 50. Your turn… • Using the structures you have learned through Computational Thinking, choose one of the problems below to solve… Level Task Rookie You have to make your own dinner. Pro Negotiate a typical day at school. Beast Organise a surprise birthday party for a friend. Use the following slides to help structure your solution;
  • 51. Computational Thinking Checklist Level Task Complete Rookie Choose the Rookie task Decomposition – You can break down the task into some sensible parts Pattern recognition – You consider some patterns Abstraction – You create a simple overview or model of how you want the solution to work Algorithm design – You create an algorithm, which includes some sensible instructions. Testing – Conduct two tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required. Pro Choose the Pro task Decomposition – You can break down the task into sensible parts Pattern recognition – You can identify patterns, some of which will help you develop an understanding of the problem. Abstraction – You create an overview of your solution plan which mostly makes sense. Algorithm design – You create an algorithm which includes some sensible instructions and logical decision pathways. Testing - Conduct four tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required. Beast Choose the Beast task Decomposition – You can break down the task into a range of logical parts Pattern recognition – You can identify a range of patterns which help you develop an understanding of the problem. Abstraction – You create a comprehensive and considered overview of your solution which makes sense. Algorithm design – Your algorithm includes logical decision pathways and sound solutions to complex issues (loops). Testing - Conduct six tests on your algorithm. Make improvements if required. Loops are tested using a step test table.
  • 52. Break down the problem Computational Thinking Application Decomposition Pattern Recognition Abstraction Algorithm
  • 53. Part 1: Decomposition Methods of tackling this task: • Table • Sentences • List • Mind map Break down the task into sections. The more sections you can break the task down into, the clearer an idea you will have about how to tackle the problem.
  • 54. Part 2: Pattern Recognition What patterns can you identify within the task? Are there any consistencies or common trends within the problem you’ve chosen? Identify them here! Methods of tackling this task: • Table • Sentences • List • Mind map
  • 55. Part 3: Abstraction Methods of tackling this task: • Drawings • Flowchart • Action plan (Table, list) What do you want the solution to look like? This could be a model of the physical solution or a plan of what you want to happen.
  • 56. Part 4: Algorithm - Flowchart Create a step by step explanation of how you will tackle the problem. How will you make the decision? Remember to use the correct symbols!
  • 57. Step Part 4: Algorithm - Pseudocode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 As an alternative to a flowchart, you can write your instructions in pseudocode.
  • 58. Testing Test Which part did you test? Were there any problems? Did you make any improvements? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test your algorithm Rookie: Conduct two tests on your algorithm. Pro: Conduct 4 tests on your algorithm. Beast: Conduct 6 tests on your algorithm. Test loops using a step test table (next page). Change the font colour to red for any lines of instructions improved.
  • 59. Step test tables (Beast) Step Value Step Value Step Value Title: Title: Title:
  • 60. Review Question Answer What did you do in order to decompose the problem? What patterns did you recognise from this? How did you use abstraction effectively? What method did you use to write your instructions? Why did you choose this method? What parts of your algorithm did you test? Did you find any errors? What improvements did you make as a result of testing?

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Some example ideas: what you could do where you could go who wants to do what what you have previously done that has been a success in the past how much money you have and the cost of any of the options what the weather might be doing how much time you have
  2. Examples: what items you need to collect, how you can collect them, and how long you have in which to collect them. where the exit is and the best route to reach it in the quickest time possible what kinds of enemies there are and their weak points
  3. e.g. what crime was committed when the crime was committed where the crime was committed what evidence there is if there were any witnesses if there have recently been any similar crimes
  4. What type of bread do you want? Do you want butter? What do you want in the sandwich? Do you want it cut in half, squares or not at all? Do you want it toasted? How quickly do you want the sandwich?