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Dissertation Production Log
Brandon Boyd
‘The Power of Social Media (Final Edit):
Idea Development(How you developed the final idea from initial ideas)
Initial Brainstorming
-How does my story hinder?
-Decisions on the specific topics (University life related) and save the
school projects/general life for future additions to project
-How long, what scenes, action, people, sound/music, where it will be
shot?; (storyboard of what’s happening but also some production
Initial Brainstorming (Part 2)
My First Project Idea:
Concept 1 - Video
-Inspiration from
Disney’s story book for
a video concept
-People I
wanted to
include in
the video
-Initial notes
and ideas
I thought it was important to take brief
notes as I was coming up with more ideas
to ensure I could narrow them down later
on during this process.
Concept 2 - Magazines
inspirations for
the style
inspirations for
position and
-Magazine template with
examples of how a double
page spread would look
-Include quotes
that each of the
believe in
I believe that magazines
are a good way of
telling stories so I
wanted to look at
various ways I could do
this. If not a real life
magazine/news article, I
would think about
creating a digital
magazine available to
read online.
Concept 3 - Sketchbook
-Sketchbook inspirations for
specific details
(Layout of the images, size of
texts and titles)
inspirations for
the style/layout
After creating
sketchbooks during
my A levels, I
thought about using
this as an alternative
approach to creating
my content, rather
than just using my
photography or
videography skills.
Photography Inspirations:
-A small group of photographers
whose work I would like to try
and include in a video format or
use specific techniques of
-For my video I was planning to initially have it in
black and white or using black, grey and white as
the main colours (as colour can sometimes
distract you from a piece of work either in a
photographic, video or artistic format), but this
will all depend on the final idea I come up with
Using photography as concept for my video
would help me think of creative ways to bring
the images to life rather than relying on video
content. For my Dissertation project I felt it was
the time I could experiment with various
different types of content and then choose my
favourites to link together.
Story Structures:
-In terms of the video structure, I
wanted to try and use either a three or
five part structure, to introduce the
characters, my personal story and take
the viewer on a journey through the
video aspect of the project
-I also did some research into what ‘biopic’ films are,
which are films that speak the truth about a famous
person/character or an event of the past
1st meeting about my planned idea:
-In terms of moving onto a different idea, I have decided to pick a
particular theme that I am interested in researching / showcasing
creatively in a video format and begin planning some interesting concepts
to include in videos. I also want to get some inspiration from other
content creators and analyse what I like and don’t like about their work.
In addition, I would take into account the length of the video, where the
video was shared, who was in the video, what the video was about and if
there was a meaning behind why the video was created/shared.
-I came to a realisation that trying to create a video about either my personal life or my media journey (and the
development of my skills) would be too much of a broad topic to make and would take too much time to plan out
which angle I want to create the video in. The main aim for creating more of a personal video would be to help inspire
other students who are going through difficult times or unable to express their creativity, that it comes from within,
and everyone is creative in their own ways.
Final Idea:
-3 or 4 short videos with a creative tone on topics I feel strongly about:
(including topics such as Social Media, Mental Health & LGBTQ+)
Next Steps:
(1) -Plan three potential ideas around three possible topics (with extra details if possible)...
(1) -Start researching into people that have done work in those categories and how I can showcase my video differently…
(1) -Researching why things in collections of three are beneficial/easier to reflect upon/analyse/are more appealing;
(Rule of thirds in photography, Shopping lists in threes, English Language/Vocabulary)
Research(Which relevant works or resources you looked at for research/how they inspired you/significant
information on the topic of your project)
Initial Inspirations/Examples of work:
-Daniel Sax
-Ellen Degeneres
-Des Herbert
-Erik Qualman
Daniel Sax
One of the creative people that I decided
to research into was Daniel Sax. Here are
some screenshots from his showreel which
easily showcase him as an interesting
media figure. As you can see, he is very
creative and works with a variety of
different concepts, so I am going to
research into some specific aspects i some
of his videos to help me come up with a
final idea for my video.
‘Blomus’ - a short production video
for a food retailer called REWE. The
video includes simple concepts with
quite basic backgrounds and colours.
The simplicity of the video gives a
better meaning to the video, and this
is something I would plan on
incorporating into my own video.
From the screen shots you can see
how he has potentially experimented
and chosen a particular layout that
he likes which takes a lot of planning
‘Dental from Deutschland’ - a
short video promoting the dental
care available from the VHF
Camfacture product ‘Z4’. The
video has used comedy as its
main feature and promotes a
variety of other positives to do
with Germany, and that dental
care is important...and the
product will be beneficial for
‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass - a short video inspired by the work of
David Shiyang Liu. Ira Glass spoke about the importance of
taste when thinking about your skills as an individual and
Liu decided to turn the words into a short visual with the
words appearing as animation. In 2014, Daniel Sax decided
to take Glass’ words one step further and create a short
video, with the voiceover snippet, and include short video
shots when he was using particular words. Some examples
above include ‘What you’re making’, ‘Do a lot’, ‘Totally
normal’ and ‘Killer’ when comparing the link between
creating content, and having an initial taste/interest in
creating content. He explains that sometimes people fail,
but the taste is what should motivate us to keep creating
content. I want to brainstorm some potential concepts to
think about using in my short video to make it more
Ellen Degeneres One of the videos that gave me some more inspiration into
telling stories was a video made about Ellen Degeneres
presented by ‘The Outcome’. The 4 minute video gave an
overview on how Ellen’s life changed when she came out as a
lesbian. She was a big name in the media and had her first talk
show scrapped because people in charge of the channel were
‘wary’ of a lot of programmes had a gay theme.
The main problem that I would have creating a short
documentary about myself, is that I wouldn’t be able to pick
one specific aspect of my life to talk about, and even if I was
able to, I wouldn’t be able to speak about it in only 4-5
minutes. Some things that I noticed were included in the video
were archived clips, speeches, pictures and mentions/features
in social media.
Something else that I noticed about the Ellen documentary
was that there were a variety of clips put together in the
style of a showreel and gave an overview of who she was as a
person and some of the highlights of her career so far. For
me, it would be quite difficult to get archived pictures and
videos as I’ve not had someone filming me during each stage
of my life. The only videos I would have access to would be
work I've done as a student, both at Secondary school and
University which would differ from my original idea of telling
the story of my life. Instead of focusing on my personal life, I
want to create a video focused on one specific topic that I am
interested in.
Des Herbert
As I wanted to use the topic of social media as the
main focus for my Dissertation video, I thought
that I would begin checking out some people on
social media who have already created videos
about social media, and message a few to see if
they would be able to bring my idea to life, or at
least tailor my original video idea.
Herbert explains that people are more likely to
engage with social media content that includes a
video, compared to any other type of content.
Another reason why videos are engaging are that it
shows the audience you’ve actually taken time to
think about the audio/music, potential interviews,
information gathered and the time to edit
everything together.
Videos are also created as they are easy to upload
and watch on social media platforms; which is
where you are most likely to post videos that are
based on social media. Social platforms including
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram also have
autoplay functions which means you can watch
videos directly from the site rather than having to
convert any files or be redirected to another site.
Other aspects that I like about this video are;
-Simple background colour. The white background
allows the text and the speaker to have the focus,
rather than having a distracting background which
would draw away the focus.
-Important text on the screen. The use of short words
and phrases being highlighted on the screen is very
beneficial for the audience, as they are able to be
visually reminded of the key aspects that are being
spoken about in the video. One thing I would take
into consideration when creating my video would be
not to have too much audio/speech, but focus on the
visuals, background, lighting, character development
and non-copyrighted music.
-He has created the video alone. A lot of people that
create short videos (whether they are about social
media or another topic altogether); they usually
speak about they can relate to the chosen issue, and
therefore ‘interview themselves’. For my project, I’m
not giving information about how people use social
media or whether it’s necessarily a good or a bad
thing, but more showcasing the variety of people that
we stereotypically see on a day to day basis
depending on the platform you access/use.
I decided to send Herbert a
message, explaining what idea I
currently have, to get a
perspective from somebody who
spends their day on social
media and is regularly creating
Erik Qualman
In addition to thinking about how to plan out my video in terms of layout, I also wanted to
look into some social media statistics just to get a different perspective on the topic or
think of other things to include in my final video that I wouldn’t have found anywhere
I decided to look into Erik Qualman whose video was recommended when I initially typed
in ‘Social Media Video’ onto YouTube. His video on social media which was called ‘Social
Media Revolution - Did You Know?’ is one of his most successful videos and gives a better
insight on some statistics about social media.
One of the interesting facts is that the population of people that use Facebook, is bigger
than the amount of people who live in China (based on figures from 2016). Other
interesting things include that over 50% of millennials would rather lose their sense of
smell than their access to technology and that the fastest growing audience on Twitter is
I decided to have a look at Qualman’s social media accounts and stumbled across this tweet that he posted
back in 2014 (Two years before he created his viral YouTube about social media). He said ‘We don’t have a
choice on whether we do social media, the choice is how well we do it which is something that crosses my
mind everyday. There are so many people who create content on social media who have the same styles, the
same looks, and have a different persona to their real life character, but I like to be as genuine and open
online as I am in real life.
One reason that I have decided to either create one video or multiple short videos regarding social media, is
that it’s such a big topic and I would be able to showcase the reality of social media in a more
truthful/comedic way, rather than just bombarding people with social media stats or the negative aspects
(which a lot of media companies and brands tend to do).
Key Creative/Design
Social Media:
Idea 1: Video can be designed like a game, learning about my social media usage and benefits of social media…
(4 main parts to the video and at each part 0%, 25%, 75%, 100% completed 100% is online profile complete)
Idea 2: ‘Social media is something that everyone wants to be on, or nobody wants to be on’...
Two actors/actresses giving information at the same time or staying quiet simultaneously
(Both addicted to phones, laptops, iPads, tablets, watches and constantly interrupting each-other, putting each-other down, posting the same content, spamming each-
other with likes/comments, using dating apps)
‘Maybe if you just put your phones down and actually spoke to one another, you might actually be able to build proper relationships’...
(Voiceover dictates what is going to happen in the video)
Idea 3: Using a variety of social media platforms/tools to make a short video about social media. Stating 2 or 3 key aspects/advantages of using a variety of different
social media apps…
(Instagram: Filming aspects using iPhone camera, and then filming myself watching the footage/Taking images if model/photographer
Twitter: Using images of birds to promote tweets or various people walking around with the same hashtags on their head
LinkedIn: People in suits in conversation/interviews/filming content/Searching for potential applicants with various shots of me interviewing potential candidates
Snapchat: Messing around with the Snapchat filters, but talk about how you can stay up to date with the latest celebrity gossip and instant messaging
Facebook: Spam posting pictures/videos from events or nights out/in with friends/family/work colleagues - walking through busy places
-Social media apps can be acted out in person form, or spoken about with actor and a comedic effect)
BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
Idea 1: Comedy introduction to the video. People looking into the camera/voices asking lots of common LGBTQ+ questions…
(‘Are you gay’ ‘What’s transgender’ ‘There’s only two genders’ ‘Wait so you have two dads’ ‘Haha you’re a homo’ ‘Don’t flirt with my boyfriend’ ‘Can you be my gay best
friend’ ‘You’re not a real gay if you don’t like sex’)
-Statistics/facts about the LGBTQ+ community. Discussion on whether it should be taught in schools. LGBTQ+ role models/inspirations or trend setters;
(Singers: Olly Alexander (Years & Years), Troye Sivan, Sam Smith
RPDR: Rupaul Andre Charles (Drag Queen/TV Personality/Actor/Singer, Todrick Hall, Kameron Michaels
TV: Judge Robert Rinder, Riyadh Khalaf
Social Media ‘Famous’/’Known’: Jon Bakarat, Oliver Vlogs, Nick Toteda & Anthony Cushion, Sam Morris, Lohanthony
Social Media ‘Unknown’/’Lower Profile’: Jojo Slipzz, Joshua Miles, Charlie Long)
Idea 2: ‘Bringing colour into people’s lives’ - Learning about/talking about LGBTQ+ topics isn’t a way to convert you, it’s just teaching you about alternative ways of life…
(Like a walkthrough video, people ask questions, I answer them whilst walking away to a different set/location;
For Example: ‘Hey, what does it mean to be non-binary?’ - Well, being non-binary just means that somebody doesn’t want to identify as a male or a female, they believe
that they could either fit in the category of no gender, more than one gender or that they have the ability to move between genders and thirdly, being non-binary is a
gender that is sometimes not associated with a gender expression such as androgyny (the ability to have both male and female characteristics), but in fact can
sometimes reject any gender identities altogether! It depends on the person you meet)...
Idea 3: Reality talk show/Panel
(multiple versions of myself or a panel of guests talking about LGBTQ+ issues)
BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
Mental Health:
Idea 1: Silent video (no audio, no sound, no talking) - communication between two people / actor and the audience is done through written communication:
(Social Media, Writing, Typing, Drawing, Holding up paper, D.I.Y Crafting)
Idea 2: Monster/other person vs Mental Health - showing that dealing with personal mental health issues can be challenging, but once you build up the courage you
can defeat it or at least be able to control it
(Character always being beaten in games, receiving bigger portions of food, getting higher grades, more likes on pictures etc and it’s making the character feels really
Eventually there’s some form of competition/content/challenge where the Monster/other person thinks they are going to win, but they mess up a performance or a
song, and the character goes on to win. They’ve battled the first challenge against mental health (and there are other monsters/people in the background ready to
battle against the main character with the character saying ‘Bring it on’!)
Idea 3: Always helping other people and putting themselves second. Light bulb moment is activated when they see someone being bullied/struggling with something at
school/college/University and not focusing on their own mental health.
(Introduction of video could be a variety of people curling up into balls/crying/sitting unhappily in their rooms...Quick shots of them helping other people and the
transition of them finding themselves and being in a better place;
They could all open a letter with the sentence ‘Mental health is important and there is help. The first step is to speak up. I did’)
BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
27/01/2020 - Meeting with Richard
-Focus on one chosen topic (out of Social Media, LGBTQ, Mental Health or something else)
-Research chosen organisations/charities/groups that specialise in that topic
-Interview a variety of people to do with the topic
Next Steps:
(1) -Choose only ONE topic to focus on, but think about including other elements in the video with the people that I use/stories
that I tell (Social Media)
(2) -Think of some more specific ideas for the chosen topic and finalise the outline of the idea
(3) -Begin thinking of people I would want to cast for the video/the location(s)/backgrounds/shot types/days that people are
(4) -Think about shooting anytime as soon as possible and have everything I need filmed by the end of February/first week of
Social Media - Video Ideas/Inspirations #1
- Think of a variety of ways in which social media can be used (for example through photography, modelling, quizzes, memes & create round of questions for people to answer. Each round could be
played in a particular show format. Questions relating to celebrities, social media, quotes, messages sent online
(‘A quiz show within a video- showcasing a vast amount of information that we know because of social media platforms)...
Some of the television shows that inspired my
idea of creating a form of show/contest came
from shows including ‘The Price is Right’
which was a show where you had to guess the
correct prices of items (or as close to the
value as possible) for a chance to play
minigames and win money/prizes. ‘The
Weakest Link’ was also a show that I got
inspiration from, as you start with 9
contestants and lose one person every round.
My video wouldn’t necessarily need to be
exactly the same as these shows, but just
have parts that include a form of
Other show formats include ‘Dirty Money’
which saw 6 contestants answering
questions on popular topics. Correct
answers meant they could steal $50 from
another player and a wrong answer meant
that they had to give $50 to another
player. ‘1 vs 100’ was the fourth and final
show format that I decided to include as
part of my research, as it involved 100
people competing against a lucky
contestant, trying to ‘out win’ the solo
player. If they did, they became the solo
player aiming to win the massive money
An additional concept that I thought would be to include in the video was a % showing the completion of an ‘online profile’. Social media is all
about creating profiles, accounts and using logins, so I was thinking to introduce the video with a short clip of me signing up to one/multiple
social media websites with the words ‘0% - begin/start/creating your profile. I would then go into the quiz/show concept, and end the video with
‘100% - profilecompleted’. The video would include interviews/voice overs, images, videos and also behind the scenes videos which would be
quiteinteresting to include.
Social Media - Video Ideas/Inspirations #2
- Cast somebody to represent each social media app in a video promoting the types of social media rather than the benefits/negatives of them) (for example Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram,
WhatsApp, YouTube, LinkedIn and Skype). I decided to research some social media statistics of who uses which platform. (See below)
Other Inspirations/Add ons:
-A group of mates could be looking at a particular video, and they can all show that they’ve
watched the same video on different social media apps???
78% - Men, 68% Women
90% - 18 to 24 year olds
70% - 50 to 64 year olds
38% - 65+ year olds
73% - American adult
78% - Hispanic,
(77% Black, 71% White)
63% Men, 75% Women
84% - 25 to 29 year olds
79% - 30 to 49 year olds
76% - 18 to 24 year olds
48% Men, 52% Women
75% - 18 to 24 year olds
57% - 25 to 29 year olds
47% - 40 to 49 year olds
37% - American adults
51% - Hispanic,
(40% Black, 33% White)
21% Men, 24% Women
44% - 18 to 24 year olds
7% - 65+ year olds
25% - Hispanic,
(24% Black, 21% White)
29% Men, 24% Women,
44% - 25 to 29 year olds
37% - 30 to 49 year olds
17% - 18 to 24 year olds
28% - White,
(24% Black, 16% Hispanic)
24% Men, 24% Women
73% - 18 to 24 year olds
3% - 65+ year olds
21% Men, 24% Women
31% - 30 to 49 year olds
28% - 25 to 29 year olds
20% - 18 to 24 year olds
20% - American adults
42% - Hispanic
-The ‘Skype’ application usually takes a long time to load,
so potentially trying to add the comedy concept in the
video somewhere, or have it featured at the end of the
An example of where this concept could be used, would
be similar to that of Internet browsers. In the screenshot
to the side, you can see that the dominating search
engine (Google Chrome); is asking its competitors several
questions. Whilst Firefox and Safari are answering the
questions straightaway, Internet Explorer takes a while to
just answer the first question.
I would try something similar with Skype, by finishing the
video and then maybe having a little clip of Skype trying
to be included/used, or the ‘sign out’ process being on
the Skype platform.
Other Inspirations/Add ons:
-Along with the ‘casting calls’, I’d probably think of getting somebody to film behind the scenes
videos (and ask somebody to be in charge of taking pictures), to add a creative spin to the video
than just having set out scenes and scripts to follow.
-Using the Sims game as an inspiration. Having the social media platform buttons above the
person/actors head (or printed Diamonds/social media signs on their t shirt. This would depend
on my budget and how much time it would take to create).
Social Media - Video Idea #2 *CONTINUED*
Casting calls/Behind
the scenes
Sims Logo (but
social media)
The image to the left is a simple example
of what I was thinking so that you could
easily identify each social media platform.
I would try and get the actor/actress for
each of my short videos to wear the colour
that the social media is known for. For
example: LinkedIn, Dark blue, YouTube, Red
and Instagram, Purple.
Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (1)
‘Are You Lost In The World Like Me’ -
(By Moby & The Void Pacific Choir):
YouTube is a social media platform which enables a variety of content to be seen and
shown online. I decided to head over to YouTube to look into other people who have
created videos based around social media, and thinking about the composition of the
video instead of information about social media. I felt that using YouTube as a research
tool would be beneficial for when creating my final project as I would be hoping to post
the video on YouTube as well as other platforms too!
In this video by Moby, he tackles the stigmas around social media (including taking
photos of everything, everybody being antisocial, the difference online vs offline, dating
online, using emojis to showcase false emotions, bullying and the unfortunate situation
of suicide).
There is no voiceover, sound or written media that gives any information about social
media, but through the power of the visuals, it’s clear what short stories are being told.
I would try and tell a similar story about the individual social media platforms rather
than ‘social media’ as a whole, and use actual people to identify the different aspects of
a particular social media platform.
Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (2)
Social Media Short Film
(By Amalie Christensen):
‘The Influence of Social Media’
(By Baylee Davenport):This short film is a simple story about a
girl who has fallen in love with a guy,
and they reached a point in their
relationship where she convinced
herself to send explicit photos to him
over Snapchat. They had been
communicating over Facebook
Messenger, and there’s no information
on both of their lives growing up,
whether he felt unloved or had other
failed relationships which gave him this
The end of the video shows her pictures
being exposed online and having
rude/offensive phrases and words
spoken about her. This is a topic that
relates mainly to social media (the
sending and exposing of explicit photos)
and again, this video didn’t have any
audio, but you could guess what the
storyline was going to be due to the
outline of the story at the beginning.
Another short social media film
that I looked at told the story of a
girl who was sensitive to the
negative messages and online
abuse she was getting from
people on the Internet. She
invites her friend over for comfort
and begins to get angry with her,
which is a normal situation to
happen when people don’t
understand how much it affects
The girl is left alone in her room
and judges her body in the mirror,
before putting on a grey jumper.
She then analyses the messages
and comments she has been
receiving online. This short film
has sound and audio, but even if
the video was muted, you would
still know it’s about social media
due to a phone and a laptop being
used and the self judgement of
her own body.
Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (3)
Searching For Signatures
(By Richard Binnington):
As you can see here in the second
screenshot, the title is bold and in
capital letters, which is an aspect I
decided to include for my own video.
The only difference is that I wanted
my text to be black, not white.
The next video I decided to take a watch of was ‘Searching for Signatures’ which was a
similar style of video to what I intended to create. There was a variety of graphics, images,
videos and transitions between each of the concepts.
The third and final screenshot on this page shows a variety of
small images collated together into one shot. In terms of
including this in my final video, I will hopefully have groups of
images appearing on the screen together / after a short
pause. In terms of the background style, I am hoping to have a
simple theme but something that showcases social media
Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (4)
Casually Explained ‘Social Media’
This final video inspiration was from a YouTube
channel called ‘Casually Explained’ which is a
channel dedicated to giving information and advice
on topics, but in a casual way.
I decided to watch their video about social media
and was intrigued to try and create my own video;
but with updated information (as this video was
created back in 2016). I also wanted to try and
include some interviews, voiceovers and B
Roll/cutaway shots.
I will try and implement this idea into my final
video, as I didn’t want to have to rely on people
being in my video. This style of video allows me to
work remotely, and ask people to send in voice
recordings which I can overlay an image / graphic
Research(Ideas for Distribution, Exhibition or Showcasing)
The target audience for my video is probably anybody that uses social media, young people who may want to know how another
young person uses their social media, or potentially lecturers, teachers and parents who don’t see any advantages with using
social media. I hope that my video would be shared on a variety of different platforms (including social media accounts such as
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat) and that it is the continuation video from the previous social media
video I found back in 2016.
‘Pinterest is a
social media
profile which
allows people to
search for images
and ‘pin’ them to
certain boards on
their own
channel. Users
can also upload
their own photo
based content.
This is the first draft of the script that I would be using for my social media video. As you can, I have tried to let my personality shine through by speaking
sarcastically, and making sure that I still give enough information about what each of the social networking sites does. I have written out the whole script but
obviously this can change over time. Anything written in red or blue is about the social media apps and a variety of shots that I could use when planning the filming
aspect of my video, and when editing together, they could be used as B Roll footage.
I wanted to speak individually about the different types of social media platform, to give each of them a spotlight to be showcased. There are so many
platforms I could have chose, but from secondary research collated online and by looking at different sources, I found that Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat,
LinkedIn, Whatsapp, YouTube and Instagram were the top apps - and I still included my comedy concept of having Skype featured at the end of video due
to some people using it and some people not..
Updated Script
In terms of casting, I wanted to use
a variety of people that I am
connected with on social media. I
decided to reach out to over 50+
people, telling them briefly what
my social media inspired video was
to be about, and that they only
needed to send me some short
votes notes and b roll footage for
me to edit together.
I chose ‘Surreal Serene’,
‘Regina Eyite’, ‘Chloe Taylor’
and ‘Ben Szymanski’ as they
all use social media in
different ways and I wanted to
include their individual
opinions within the video…
Serene - ‘Outlet to express
identity/creativity & positive
environment for creatives’
Regina - ‘Entertainment
purposes, communicating with
friends & increase modelling
Ben - ‘Connecting with family and
friends, but also new people.
Advocating for the mental health
resources and good way to enjoy
yourself and post freely’
Chloe - ‘Treating social media
as work. Showcasing true
personality and brand.
Advocate for using TikTok’
Consent Forms
The Power of Social Media
The Power of Social Media
The Power of Social Media
The Power of Social Media
Chloe Taylor
Call Sheet
On the left, you can see the call sheet for my
first day of filming. I also received confirmation
from one of my friends who actually assisted me
on the video shoot.
Unfortunately I lost the footage so had to think
of a different way to get the content I needed for
my final video project.
I hosted an online video call with Regina and Ben and asked them
both to answer some questions;
-‘What are your overall thoughts on social media, why do you use
-‘What’s your favourite social media platform?’
(I was sent my final two voice notes through social media)
Jobs Audit
Location Recce
Risk Assessment
Scene Breakdown
Shoot Schedule
Film Log/Shot List
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak that
happened in 2020 from March/April, I
was unable to schedule another shoot for
From the beginning of the year I was
brainstorming ideas and only came up
with a final concept in the middle of
March, so I didn’t physically have enough
time to get a script, shot list or filming
dates prepared.
Luckily, I managed to message people I
wanted to cast in my final project and
they were able to send me voice notes
which I used in replacement of
Using Software
This is a screenshot using Adobe
Premiere Pro to collate all of my
content together. This includes
a voiceover which can be heard
throughout the whole video, a
variety of images, video clips
and GIF’s
I also included social media voice
notes from some of my
connections to add value to the
video rather than just my opinions
and research. Lastly, I added any
sound effects that could
accompany the content featured.
On the right hand side, you can see that I decided to
experiment with the fonts to make sure that it stood
out, but that it was also big enough for people to be
able to read. To create the same text throughout my
video, I just copy and pasted the original text and
changed the duration details after moving it into
On the screenshots here, you can see that I have begun experimenting
with creating a social media background using Adobe Photoshop. After
reviewing the first draft of my video, the black background wasn’t visually
pleasing and I knew I could try and create something that would help my
video to stand out.
I also merged the social media logo layers together so
it was easier for me to continue editing the photo. I
decided to lower the opacity level to 60% so that the
bold colours wouldn’t over power the other content
used in the video.
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image Facebook Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Twitter Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Snapchat Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image LinkedIn Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Whatsapp Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Skype Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Instagram Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image YouTube Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image NTU Logo Educational Purposes N/A
Image Theatre Stage (Background) Unsplash Free Usage Credit: Rob Laughter
Image Jigsaw Piece (Partner in crime) Pinterest Free Usage Credit: DreamsTime
Image Salt & Pep Shirt Pinterest Free Usage Credit: Muselot
Image Hammer (Tool) Pinclipart Free Usage Credit: Pin Clipart
Image Glasses (Visions) Specsavers Free Usage Credit: Specsavers
GIF Clock (24/7) Wikimedia Commons Free Usage Credit: Amada44
Image S. Beauty (Sleep) Pinterest Free Usage N/A
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image iPhone (Expensive) Telemart Free Usage N/A
Image S. Media #1 (Girl) Medium Free Usage Credit:
Image S. Media #2 (Boy/Close Up Boy) India Today Free Usage Credit: Roshni
Image Trend Blocks (2019-2020 blocks) CNBC Select Free Usage Credit: Alexandria White
Image Networking (Speech bubbles) Go Graph Free Usage Credit: mast3r
Image Online Views
Unknown Free Usage N/A
GIF S. Media Clicks GFY Cat Free Usage Credit: Yahoo Health
Image ‘Help’ (Man drowning in phone) ILNA Club Free Usage Credit: Delores Lawrence
Image FB - Click Clean PNG Free Usage Credit: Tisho
Audio FB - Pool Sound Free Usage Credit: N Beats
Image FB - Paper Escape Out The Blocks Free Usage Credit: Luan van Rhyn
Image FB - Blue Share’ That’s Nonsense Free Usage Credit: Craig Charles
Image FB - Room of Fans Post Media Free Usage Credit: Andrew Matte
Image FB - Group of Friends Pinterest Free Usage Credit: raw pixel
Image FB - Angry Pug Anderson Technologies Free Usage Credit: Anderson Technologies
Image FB - Comm. #1 (Old people) Huffpost Free Usage Credit; Randall Horton
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image FB - Comm. #2 (Young girls) Know Your Value Free Usage Credit: Stephanie Rausser/Getty
Image FB - Comm. #3 (Group of students) Office for Students Free Usage Credit: Office for Students
Image FB - Oberlo Stat #1 Oberlo Free Usage Credit: Maryam Mohsin
Image FB - Oberlo Stat #2 Oberlo Free Usage Credit: Maryam Mohsin
Image FB - Trophy (Winning) Shutterstock Free Usage Credit: irin-k
Image Popular S.Media DreamGrow Free Usage Credit: Priit Kallas
Image White Plug RS Free Usage Credit: RS
Image SC - Messages Freepik Free Usage Credit: pikisuperstar
Image SC - Messages2 iConfinder Free Usage Credit: iConfinder
Image SC - Messages3 Turkey Blocks Free Usage Credit: Turkey Blocks
Image SC - Boy covering Sharp Sight Free Usage Credit: Sharp Sight
Image SC - Three people SincroGuia TV Free Usage Credit: Javier Aguirresarobe
Image SC - News #1 Capital FM Free Usage Credit: Instagram
Image SC - News #2 Mail Online Free Usage Credit: Instagram
Image SC - News #3 The Mirror Free Usage Credit: Emmeline Saunders &
Frances Kindon
Image SC - FNews1 News at Northeastern Free Usage Credit: Jason Kornwitz
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image SC - FNews2 Scientific American Free Usage Credit:
Image SC - FNews3 CBS News Free Usage Credit: Facebook
Image SC - Code #1 Twitter Free Usage Credit: Twitter
Image SC - Code #2 Snapchat Support Free Usage Credit: Snapchat Support
Image IG - ‘Why am I single’ Focus Media Free Usage Credit: SaLu
Image IG - Filter #1 (White girl rainbow
Pinterest Free Usage Credit:
Image IG - Filter #2 (Botox filter) Mille Free Usage Credit: Amina Kaabi
Image IG - Filter #3 (Sims 3 plumbob) Twitter Free Usage Credit: @TheSimCommunity
Image TW - Limited Tech Crunch Free Usage Credit: Sarah Perez
Image TW - Talent #1 (Guy with painting) Reddit Free Usage Credit: r/pics
Image TW - Talent #2 (Madison Beer) Pop Buzz Free Usage Credit: Pop Buzz
Image TW - Talent #3 (Bhad Bhabie) Song Whip Free Usage Credit: Song Whip
Image TW - Retweet Tech Republic Free Usage Credit: Jack Wallen
GIF TW - Love hearts Buffer Free Usage Credit: Kevan Lee
Image TW - Blue Heart Clip Art Library Free Usage Credit: Clip Art Library
Image TW - King of Social Media One Legal Free Usage Credit: Lisa Mason
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image TW - Popular Creator Tag PicsArt Free Usage Credit: Johnny Jupitine
Image TW - Guitar Gear4Music Free Usage Credit: Gear4Music
Image TW - Half and Half makeup Business Insider Free Usage Credit: Amanda Krause
Image TW - World Pin Clip Art Free Usage Credit: Pin Clip Art
Image YT - Free Platform 9 to 5 Toys Free Usage Credit: 9 to 5 Toys
GIF YT - ‘No’ Tenor Free Usage Credit: Taci GIF
Image YT - ‘Ssh’ Vector Stock Free Usage Credit: Elena_
Image YT - Popcorn Spain on a Fork Free Usage Credit: Albert Bevia
Audio YT - Boxing YouTube Free Usage Credit: Desi Comedy Studio
Image YT - Alfie Deyes Business Insider Free Usage Credit: Shona Gosh
Image YT - Days of the Week Website Taken Down Free Usage N/A
GIF YT - Vomit Giphy Free Usage Credit: CBS
GIF Communicate Medium Free Usage Credit: Unbox Social
Image Dog Paws American Kennel Club Free Usage Credit: Anna Burke
GIF Clock #2 GIF Image Free Usage Credit: GIF Image
Audio Clock #2b YouTube Free Usage Credit: Eben Ndraha
‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020
Image IN - Crown Wikipedia Commons Free Usage Credit: Heralder
Image IN - Friend Request LinkedIn Free Usage Credit: Brenden Goetz
Image IN - Hot Guy Twitter Free Usage Credit: Stefan Dierauf
GIF Boy waving (Brown hair/jacket) Medium Free Usage Credit: @jukesie
I decided to use Adobe Photoshop to experiment
with the available options there. I chose ‘Cooper
Black - Regular’ as my font and decided to add an
outer glow & drop shadow to the text to make it
stand out.
I also opened the .PNG background file that I
created earlier to see if the text would work on the
background, or whether the opacity of the
background needed to be reduced.
The social media titles are slightly bigger
and stretched out, as I needed to cover the
entire screen, compared to the above text
which only needed to cover part of the
Marketing Charts, 2019. ‘Social
Networking Platforms’ User
Demographics Update 2019’.
Mohsin, M., 2019. ‘Top 10 Facebook
Stats Every Marketer Should Know In
Friedel, I., 2016. ‘5 Job Skills You Can
Learn From Social Media Networks’.
Clement, J., 2020. ‘Most Popular
social networks worldwide as of April
2020, ranked by number of active
Disney Book Week (Inspiration):
SHOWREEL - Daniel Sax:
‘REWE’, Blomus - Daniel Sax:
‘Dental from Deutschland’ - Daniel Sax:
‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass - Daniel Sax:
The Ellen Degeneres Story:
Tips on short video in Social Media - Des Herbert:
Social Media Revolution - ‘Did You Know’ (By Erik
Moby & The Void Pacific Choir (‘Are You Lost In The
World Like Me’):
Social Media Short Film (By Amalie Christensen):
‘The Influence of Social Media’ (By Baylee Davenport):
Searching For Signatures- A Film By Richard
Casually Explained - Social Media:

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Dissertation Production Log

  • 1. Dissertation Production Log Brandon Boyd N0703554 ‘The Power of Social Media (Final Edit):
  • 2. Idea Development(How you developed the final idea from initial ideas)
  • 3. Initial Brainstorming -How does my story hinder? -Decisions on the specific topics (University life related) and save the school projects/general life for future additions to project -How long, what scenes, action, people, sound/music, where it will be shot?; (storyboard of what’s happening but also some production information)
  • 6. Concept 1 - Video -Inspiration from Disney’s story book for a video concept -People I wanted to include in the video -Initial notes and ideas I thought it was important to take brief notes as I was coming up with more ideas to ensure I could narrow them down later on during this process.
  • 7. Concept 2 - Magazines -Magazine inspirations for the style -Portrait inspirations for position and background -Magazine template with examples of how a double page spread would look -Include quotes that each of the interviewees believe in I believe that magazines are a good way of telling stories so I wanted to look at various ways I could do this. If not a real life magazine/news article, I would think about creating a digital magazine available to read online.
  • 8. Concept 3 - Sketchbook -Sketchbook inspirations for specific details (Layout of the images, size of texts and titles) -Sketchbook inspirations for the style/layout After creating multiple sketchbooks during my A levels, I thought about using this as an alternative approach to creating my content, rather than just using my photography or videography skills.
  • 9. Photography Inspirations: -A small group of photographers whose work I would like to try and include in a video format or use specific techniques of -For my video I was planning to initially have it in black and white or using black, grey and white as the main colours (as colour can sometimes distract you from a piece of work either in a photographic, video or artistic format), but this will all depend on the final idea I come up with Using photography as concept for my video would help me think of creative ways to bring the images to life rather than relying on video content. For my Dissertation project I felt it was the time I could experiment with various different types of content and then choose my favourites to link together.
  • 10. Story Structures: -In terms of the video structure, I wanted to try and use either a three or five part structure, to introduce the characters, my personal story and take the viewer on a journey through the video aspect of the project -I also did some research into what ‘biopic’ films are, which are films that speak the truth about a famous person/character or an event of the past
  • 11. 1st meeting about my planned idea: -In terms of moving onto a different idea, I have decided to pick a particular theme that I am interested in researching / showcasing creatively in a video format and begin planning some interesting concepts to include in videos. I also want to get some inspiration from other content creators and analyse what I like and don’t like about their work. In addition, I would take into account the length of the video, where the video was shared, who was in the video, what the video was about and if there was a meaning behind why the video was created/shared. -I came to a realisation that trying to create a video about either my personal life or my media journey (and the development of my skills) would be too much of a broad topic to make and would take too much time to plan out which angle I want to create the video in. The main aim for creating more of a personal video would be to help inspire other students who are going through difficult times or unable to express their creativity, that it comes from within, and everyone is creative in their own ways.
  • 12. Final Idea: -3 or 4 short videos with a creative tone on topics I feel strongly about: (including topics such as Social Media, Mental Health & LGBTQ+) Next Steps: (1) -Plan three potential ideas around three possible topics (with extra details if possible)... (1) -Start researching into people that have done work in those categories and how I can showcase my video differently… (1) -Researching why things in collections of three are beneficial/easier to reflect upon/analyse/are more appealing; (Rule of thirds in photography, Shopping lists in threes, English Language/Vocabulary)
  • 13. Research(Which relevant works or resources you looked at for research/how they inspired you/significant information on the topic of your project)
  • 14. Initial Inspirations/Examples of work: -Daniel Sax -Ellen Degeneres -Des Herbert -Erik Qualman
  • 15. Daniel Sax One of the creative people that I decided to research into was Daniel Sax. Here are some screenshots from his showreel which easily showcase him as an interesting media figure. As you can see, he is very creative and works with a variety of different concepts, so I am going to research into some specific aspects i some of his videos to help me come up with a final idea for my video. ‘Blomus’ - a short production video for a food retailer called REWE. The video includes simple concepts with quite basic backgrounds and colours. The simplicity of the video gives a better meaning to the video, and this is something I would plan on incorporating into my own video. From the screen shots you can see how he has potentially experimented and chosen a particular layout that he likes which takes a lot of planning beforehand. ‘Dental from Deutschland’ - a short video promoting the dental care available from the VHF Camfacture product ‘Z4’. The video has used comedy as its main feature and promotes a variety of other positives to do with Germany, and that dental care is important...and the product will be beneficial for people. ‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass - a short video inspired by the work of David Shiyang Liu. Ira Glass spoke about the importance of taste when thinking about your skills as an individual and Liu decided to turn the words into a short visual with the words appearing as animation. In 2014, Daniel Sax decided to take Glass’ words one step further and create a short video, with the voiceover snippet, and include short video shots when he was using particular words. Some examples above include ‘What you’re making’, ‘Do a lot’, ‘Totally normal’ and ‘Killer’ when comparing the link between creating content, and having an initial taste/interest in creating content. He explains that sometimes people fail, but the taste is what should motivate us to keep creating content. I want to brainstorm some potential concepts to think about using in my short video to make it more interesting.
  • 16. Ellen Degeneres One of the videos that gave me some more inspiration into telling stories was a video made about Ellen Degeneres presented by ‘The Outcome’. The 4 minute video gave an overview on how Ellen’s life changed when she came out as a lesbian. She was a big name in the media and had her first talk show scrapped because people in charge of the channel were ‘wary’ of a lot of programmes had a gay theme. The main problem that I would have creating a short documentary about myself, is that I wouldn’t be able to pick one specific aspect of my life to talk about, and even if I was able to, I wouldn’t be able to speak about it in only 4-5 minutes. Some things that I noticed were included in the video were archived clips, speeches, pictures and mentions/features in social media. Something else that I noticed about the Ellen documentary was that there were a variety of clips put together in the style of a showreel and gave an overview of who she was as a person and some of the highlights of her career so far. For me, it would be quite difficult to get archived pictures and videos as I’ve not had someone filming me during each stage of my life. The only videos I would have access to would be work I've done as a student, both at Secondary school and University which would differ from my original idea of telling the story of my life. Instead of focusing on my personal life, I want to create a video focused on one specific topic that I am interested in.
  • 17. Des Herbert As I wanted to use the topic of social media as the main focus for my Dissertation video, I thought that I would begin checking out some people on social media who have already created videos about social media, and message a few to see if they would be able to bring my idea to life, or at least tailor my original video idea. Herbert explains that people are more likely to engage with social media content that includes a video, compared to any other type of content. Another reason why videos are engaging are that it shows the audience you’ve actually taken time to think about the audio/music, potential interviews, information gathered and the time to edit everything together. Videos are also created as they are easy to upload and watch on social media platforms; which is where you are most likely to post videos that are based on social media. Social platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram also have autoplay functions which means you can watch videos directly from the site rather than having to convert any files or be redirected to another site. Other aspects that I like about this video are; -Simple background colour. The white background allows the text and the speaker to have the focus, rather than having a distracting background which would draw away the focus. -Important text on the screen. The use of short words and phrases being highlighted on the screen is very beneficial for the audience, as they are able to be visually reminded of the key aspects that are being spoken about in the video. One thing I would take into consideration when creating my video would be not to have too much audio/speech, but focus on the visuals, background, lighting, character development and non-copyrighted music. -He has created the video alone. A lot of people that create short videos (whether they are about social media or another topic altogether); they usually speak about they can relate to the chosen issue, and therefore ‘interview themselves’. For my project, I’m not giving information about how people use social media or whether it’s necessarily a good or a bad thing, but more showcasing the variety of people that we stereotypically see on a day to day basis depending on the platform you access/use. I decided to send Herbert a message, explaining what idea I currently have, to get a perspective from somebody who spends their day on social media and is regularly creating content.
  • 18. Erik Qualman In addition to thinking about how to plan out my video in terms of layout, I also wanted to look into some social media statistics just to get a different perspective on the topic or think of other things to include in my final video that I wouldn’t have found anywhere else. I decided to look into Erik Qualman whose video was recommended when I initially typed in ‘Social Media Video’ onto YouTube. His video on social media which was called ‘Social Media Revolution - Did You Know?’ is one of his most successful videos and gives a better insight on some statistics about social media. One of the interesting facts is that the population of people that use Facebook, is bigger than the amount of people who live in China (based on figures from 2016). Other interesting things include that over 50% of millennials would rather lose their sense of smell than their access to technology and that the fastest growing audience on Twitter is grandparents. I decided to have a look at Qualman’s social media accounts and stumbled across this tweet that he posted back in 2014 (Two years before he created his viral YouTube about social media). He said ‘We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the choice is how well we do it which is something that crosses my mind everyday. There are so many people who create content on social media who have the same styles, the same looks, and have a different persona to their real life character, but I like to be as genuine and open online as I am in real life. One reason that I have decided to either create one video or multiple short videos regarding social media, is that it’s such a big topic and I would be able to showcase the reality of social media in a more truthful/comedic way, rather than just bombarding people with social media stats or the negative aspects (which a lot of media companies and brands tend to do).
  • 20. Social Media: Idea 1: Video can be designed like a game, learning about my social media usage and benefits of social media… (4 main parts to the video and at each part 0%, 25%, 75%, 100% completed 100% is online profile complete) Idea 2: ‘Social media is something that everyone wants to be on, or nobody wants to be on’... Two actors/actresses giving information at the same time or staying quiet simultaneously (Both addicted to phones, laptops, iPads, tablets, watches and constantly interrupting each-other, putting each-other down, posting the same content, spamming each- other with likes/comments, using dating apps) ‘Maybe if you just put your phones down and actually spoke to one another, you might actually be able to build proper relationships’... (Voiceover dictates what is going to happen in the video) Idea 3: Using a variety of social media platforms/tools to make a short video about social media. Stating 2 or 3 key aspects/advantages of using a variety of different social media apps… (Instagram: Filming aspects using iPhone camera, and then filming myself watching the footage/Taking images if model/photographer Twitter: Using images of birds to promote tweets or various people walking around with the same hashtags on their head LinkedIn: People in suits in conversation/interviews/filming content/Searching for potential applicants with various shots of me interviewing potential candidates Snapchat: Messing around with the Snapchat filters, but talk about how you can stay up to date with the latest celebrity gossip and instant messaging Facebook: Spam posting pictures/videos from events or nights out/in with friends/family/work colleagues - walking through busy places -Social media apps can be acted out in person form, or spoken about with actor and a comedic effect) BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
  • 21. LGBTQ+: Idea 1: Comedy introduction to the video. People looking into the camera/voices asking lots of common LGBTQ+ questions… (‘Are you gay’ ‘What’s transgender’ ‘There’s only two genders’ ‘Wait so you have two dads’ ‘Haha you’re a homo’ ‘Don’t flirt with my boyfriend’ ‘Can you be my gay best friend’ ‘You’re not a real gay if you don’t like sex’) -Statistics/facts about the LGBTQ+ community. Discussion on whether it should be taught in schools. LGBTQ+ role models/inspirations or trend setters; (Singers: Olly Alexander (Years & Years), Troye Sivan, Sam Smith RPDR: Rupaul Andre Charles (Drag Queen/TV Personality/Actor/Singer, Todrick Hall, Kameron Michaels TV: Judge Robert Rinder, Riyadh Khalaf Social Media ‘Famous’/’Known’: Jon Bakarat, Oliver Vlogs, Nick Toteda & Anthony Cushion, Sam Morris, Lohanthony Social Media ‘Unknown’/’Lower Profile’: Jojo Slipzz, Joshua Miles, Charlie Long) Idea 2: ‘Bringing colour into people’s lives’ - Learning about/talking about LGBTQ+ topics isn’t a way to convert you, it’s just teaching you about alternative ways of life… (Like a walkthrough video, people ask questions, I answer them whilst walking away to a different set/location; For Example: ‘Hey, what does it mean to be non-binary?’ - Well, being non-binary just means that somebody doesn’t want to identify as a male or a female, they believe that they could either fit in the category of no gender, more than one gender or that they have the ability to move between genders and thirdly, being non-binary is a gender that is sometimes not associated with a gender expression such as androgyny (the ability to have both male and female characteristics), but in fact can sometimes reject any gender identities altogether! It depends on the person you meet)... Idea 3: Reality talk show/Panel (multiple versions of myself or a panel of guests talking about LGBTQ+ issues) BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
  • 22. Mental Health: Idea 1: Silent video (no audio, no sound, no talking) - communication between two people / actor and the audience is done through written communication: (Social Media, Writing, Typing, Drawing, Holding up paper, D.I.Y Crafting) Idea 2: Monster/other person vs Mental Health - showing that dealing with personal mental health issues can be challenging, but once you build up the courage you can defeat it or at least be able to control it (Character always being beaten in games, receiving bigger portions of food, getting higher grades, more likes on pictures etc and it’s making the character feels really depressed/lonely/sad… Eventually there’s some form of competition/content/challenge where the Monster/other person thinks they are going to win, but they mess up a performance or a song, and the character goes on to win. They’ve battled the first challenge against mental health (and there are other monsters/people in the background ready to battle against the main character with the character saying ‘Bring it on’!) Idea 3: Always helping other people and putting themselves second. Light bulb moment is activated when they see someone being bullied/struggling with something at school/college/University and not focusing on their own mental health. (Introduction of video could be a variety of people curling up into balls/crying/sitting unhappily in their rooms...Quick shots of them helping other people and the transition of them finding themselves and being in a better place; They could all open a letter with the sentence ‘Mental health is important and there is help. The first step is to speak up. I did’) BLACK - Idea BLUE - Details RED - Not planned further
  • 23. 27/01/2020 - Meeting with Richard -Focus on one chosen topic (out of Social Media, LGBTQ, Mental Health or something else) -Research chosen organisations/charities/groups that specialise in that topic -Interview a variety of people to do with the topic Next Steps: (1) -Choose only ONE topic to focus on, but think about including other elements in the video with the people that I use/stories that I tell (Social Media) (2) -Think of some more specific ideas for the chosen topic and finalise the outline of the idea (3) -Begin thinking of people I would want to cast for the video/the location(s)/backgrounds/shot types/days that people are available/interviews (4) -Think about shooting anytime as soon as possible and have everything I need filmed by the end of February/first week of March
  • 24. Social Media - Video Ideas/Inspirations #1 - Think of a variety of ways in which social media can be used (for example through photography, modelling, quizzes, memes & create round of questions for people to answer. Each round could be played in a particular show format. Questions relating to celebrities, social media, quotes, messages sent online (‘A quiz show within a video- showcasing a vast amount of information that we know because of social media platforms)... Some of the television shows that inspired my idea of creating a form of show/contest came from shows including ‘The Price is Right’ which was a show where you had to guess the correct prices of items (or as close to the value as possible) for a chance to play minigames and win money/prizes. ‘The Weakest Link’ was also a show that I got inspiration from, as you start with 9 contestants and lose one person every round. My video wouldn’t necessarily need to be exactly the same as these shows, but just have parts that include a form of quiz/contest. Other show formats include ‘Dirty Money’ which saw 6 contestants answering questions on popular topics. Correct answers meant they could steal $50 from another player and a wrong answer meant that they had to give $50 to another player. ‘1 vs 100’ was the fourth and final show format that I decided to include as part of my research, as it involved 100 people competing against a lucky contestant, trying to ‘out win’ the solo player. If they did, they became the solo player aiming to win the massive money prize. An additional concept that I thought would be to include in the video was a % showing the completion of an ‘online profile’. Social media is all about creating profiles, accounts and using logins, so I was thinking to introduce the video with a short clip of me signing up to one/multiple social media websites with the words ‘0% - begin/start/creating your profile. I would then go into the quiz/show concept, and end the video with ‘100% - profilecompleted’. The video would include interviews/voice overs, images, videos and also behind the scenes videos which would be quiteinteresting to include.
  • 25. Social Media - Video Ideas/Inspirations #2 - Cast somebody to represent each social media app in a video promoting the types of social media rather than the benefits/negatives of them) (for example Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, LinkedIn and Skype). I decided to research some social media statistics of who uses which platform. (See below) Other Inspirations/Add ons: -A group of mates could be looking at a particular video, and they can all show that they’ve watched the same video on different social media apps??? YouTube: 78% - Men, 68% Women 90% - 18 to 24 year olds 70% - 50 to 64 year olds 38% - 65+ year olds 73% - American adult 78% - Hispanic, (77% Black, 71% White) Facebook: 63% Men, 75% Women 84% - 25 to 29 year olds 79% - 30 to 49 year olds 76% - 18 to 24 year olds Instagram: 48% Men, 52% Women 75% - 18 to 24 year olds 57% - 25 to 29 year olds 47% - 40 to 49 year olds 37% - American adults 51% - Hispanic, (40% Black, 33% White) Twitter: 21% Men, 24% Women 44% - 18 to 24 year olds 7% - 65+ year olds 25% - Hispanic, (24% Black, 21% White) LinkedIn: 29% Men, 24% Women, 44% - 25 to 29 year olds 37% - 30 to 49 year olds 17% - 18 to 24 year olds 28% - White, (24% Black, 16% Hispanic) Snapchat: 24% Men, 24% Women 73% - 18 to 24 year olds 3% - 65+ year olds WhatsApp: 21% Men, 24% Women 31% - 30 to 49 year olds 28% - 25 to 29 year olds 20% - 18 to 24 year olds 20% - American adults 42% - Hispanic -The ‘Skype’ application usually takes a long time to load, so potentially trying to add the comedy concept in the video somewhere, or have it featured at the end of the video. An example of where this concept could be used, would be similar to that of Internet browsers. In the screenshot to the side, you can see that the dominating search engine (Google Chrome); is asking its competitors several questions. Whilst Firefox and Safari are answering the questions straightaway, Internet Explorer takes a while to just answer the first question. I would try something similar with Skype, by finishing the video and then maybe having a little clip of Skype trying to be included/used, or the ‘sign out’ process being on the Skype platform.
  • 26. Other Inspirations/Add ons: -Along with the ‘casting calls’, I’d probably think of getting somebody to film behind the scenes videos (and ask somebody to be in charge of taking pictures), to add a creative spin to the video than just having set out scenes and scripts to follow. -Using the Sims game as an inspiration. Having the social media platform buttons above the person/actors head (or printed Diamonds/social media signs on their t shirt. This would depend on my budget and how much time it would take to create). Social Media - Video Idea #2 *CONTINUED* Inspiration: Casting calls/Behind the scenes Inspiration: Sims Logo (but social media) The image to the left is a simple example of what I was thinking so that you could easily identify each social media platform. I would try and get the actor/actress for each of my short videos to wear the colour that the social media is known for. For example: LinkedIn, Dark blue, YouTube, Red and Instagram, Purple.
  • 27. Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (1) ‘Are You Lost In The World Like Me’ - (By Moby & The Void Pacific Choir): YouTube is a social media platform which enables a variety of content to be seen and shown online. I decided to head over to YouTube to look into other people who have created videos based around social media, and thinking about the composition of the video instead of information about social media. I felt that using YouTube as a research tool would be beneficial for when creating my final project as I would be hoping to post the video on YouTube as well as other platforms too! In this video by Moby, he tackles the stigmas around social media (including taking photos of everything, everybody being antisocial, the difference online vs offline, dating online, using emojis to showcase false emotions, bullying and the unfortunate situation of suicide). There is no voiceover, sound or written media that gives any information about social media, but through the power of the visuals, it’s clear what short stories are being told. I would try and tell a similar story about the individual social media platforms rather than ‘social media’ as a whole, and use actual people to identify the different aspects of a particular social media platform.
  • 28. Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (2) Social Media Short Film (By Amalie Christensen): ‘The Influence of Social Media’ (By Baylee Davenport):This short film is a simple story about a girl who has fallen in love with a guy, and they reached a point in their relationship where she convinced herself to send explicit photos to him over Snapchat. They had been communicating over Facebook Messenger, and there’s no information on both of their lives growing up, whether he felt unloved or had other failed relationships which gave him this mindset. The end of the video shows her pictures being exposed online and having rude/offensive phrases and words spoken about her. This is a topic that relates mainly to social media (the sending and exposing of explicit photos) and again, this video didn’t have any audio, but you could guess what the storyline was going to be due to the outline of the story at the beginning. Another short social media film that I looked at told the story of a girl who was sensitive to the negative messages and online abuse she was getting from people on the Internet. She invites her friend over for comfort and begins to get angry with her, which is a normal situation to happen when people don’t understand how much it affects you. The girl is left alone in her room and judges her body in the mirror, before putting on a grey jumper. She then analyses the messages and comments she has been receiving online. This short film has sound and audio, but even if the video was muted, you would still know it’s about social media due to a phone and a laptop being used and the self judgement of her own body.
  • 29. Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (3) Searching For Signatures (By Richard Binnington): As you can see here in the second screenshot, the title is bold and in capital letters, which is an aspect I decided to include for my own video. The only difference is that I wanted my text to be black, not white. The next video I decided to take a watch of was ‘Searching for Signatures’ which was a similar style of video to what I intended to create. There was a variety of graphics, images, videos and transitions between each of the concepts. The third and final screenshot on this page shows a variety of small images collated together into one shot. In terms of including this in my final video, I will hopefully have groups of images appearing on the screen together / after a short pause. In terms of the background style, I am hoping to have a simple theme but something that showcases social media easily.
  • 30. Social Media - YouTube Video Inspirations (4) Casually Explained ‘Social Media’ This final video inspiration was from a YouTube channel called ‘Casually Explained’ which is a channel dedicated to giving information and advice on topics, but in a casual way. I decided to watch their video about social media and was intrigued to try and create my own video; but with updated information (as this video was created back in 2016). I also wanted to try and include some interviews, voiceovers and B Roll/cutaway shots. I will try and implement this idea into my final video, as I didn’t want to have to rely on people being in my video. This style of video allows me to work remotely, and ask people to send in voice recordings which I can overlay an image / graphic to.
  • 32. The target audience for my video is probably anybody that uses social media, young people who may want to know how another young person uses their social media, or potentially lecturers, teachers and parents who don’t see any advantages with using social media. I hope that my video would be shared on a variety of different platforms (including social media accounts such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat) and that it is the continuation video from the previous social media video I found back in 2016. ‘Pinterest is a social media profile which allows people to search for images and ‘pin’ them to certain boards on their own channel. Users can also upload their own photo based content.
  • 34. This is the first draft of the script that I would be using for my social media video. As you can, I have tried to let my personality shine through by speaking sarcastically, and making sure that I still give enough information about what each of the social networking sites does. I have written out the whole script but obviously this can change over time. Anything written in red or blue is about the social media apps and a variety of shots that I could use when planning the filming aspect of my video, and when editing together, they could be used as B Roll footage. I wanted to speak individually about the different types of social media platform, to give each of them a spotlight to be showcased. There are so many platforms I could have chose, but from secondary research collated online and by looking at different sources, I found that Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, YouTube and Instagram were the top apps - and I still included my comedy concept of having Skype featured at the end of video due to some people using it and some people not..
  • 40. In terms of casting, I wanted to use a variety of people that I am connected with on social media. I decided to reach out to over 50+ people, telling them briefly what my social media inspired video was to be about, and that they only needed to send me some short votes notes and b roll footage for me to edit together. I chose ‘Surreal Serene’, ‘Regina Eyite’, ‘Chloe Taylor’ and ‘Ben Szymanski’ as they all use social media in different ways and I wanted to include their individual opinions within the video… Serene - ‘Outlet to express identity/creativity & positive environment for creatives’ Regina - ‘Entertainment purposes, communicating with friends & increase modelling influence’ Ben - ‘Connecting with family and friends, but also new people. Advocating for the mental health resources and good way to enjoy yourself and post freely’ Chloe - ‘Treating social media as work. Showcasing true personality and brand. Advocate for using TikTok’
  • 42. 23/04/2020 The Power of Social Media BRANDON BOYD 23/04/2020 The Power of Social Media BRANDON BOYD 23/04/2020 The Power of Social Media BRANDON BOYD 23/04/2020 The Power of Social Media BRANDON BOYD Chloe Taylor
  • 44. On the left, you can see the call sheet for my first day of filming. I also received confirmation from one of my friends who actually assisted me on the video shoot. Unfortunately I lost the footage so had to think of a different way to get the content I needed for my final video project. I hosted an online video call with Regina and Ben and asked them both to answer some questions; -‘What are your overall thoughts on social media, why do you use it?’ -‘What’s your favourite social media platform?’ (I was sent my final two voice notes through social media)
  • 46.
  • 48.
  • 50.
  • 52.
  • 54.
  • 56. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak that happened in 2020 from March/April, I was unable to schedule another shoot for filming. From the beginning of the year I was brainstorming ideas and only came up with a final concept in the middle of March, so I didn’t physically have enough time to get a script, shot list or filming dates prepared. Luckily, I managed to message people I wanted to cast in my final project and they were able to send me voice notes which I used in replacement of interviews.
  • 58. This is a screenshot using Adobe Premiere Pro to collate all of my content together. This includes a voiceover which can be heard throughout the whole video, a variety of images, video clips and GIF’s I also included social media voice notes from some of my connections to add value to the video rather than just my opinions and research. Lastly, I added any sound effects that could accompany the content featured.
  • 59. On the right hand side, you can see that I decided to experiment with the fonts to make sure that it stood out, but that it was also big enough for people to be able to read. To create the same text throughout my video, I just copy and pasted the original text and changed the duration details after moving it into position.
  • 63.
  • 64. On the screenshots here, you can see that I have begun experimenting with creating a social media background using Adobe Photoshop. After reviewing the first draft of my video, the black background wasn’t visually pleasing and I knew I could try and create something that would help my video to stand out. I also merged the social media logo layers together so it was easier for me to continue editing the photo. I decided to lower the opacity level to 60% so that the bold colours wouldn’t over power the other content used in the video.
  • 66. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image Facebook Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Twitter Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Snapchat Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image LinkedIn Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Whatsapp Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Skype Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Instagram Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image YouTube Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image NTU Logo Educational Purposes N/A Image Theatre Stage (Background) Unsplash Free Usage Credit: Rob Laughter Image Jigsaw Piece (Partner in crime) Pinterest Free Usage Credit: DreamsTime Image Salt & Pep Shirt Pinterest Free Usage Credit: Muselot Image Hammer (Tool) Pinclipart Free Usage Credit: Pin Clipart Image Glasses (Visions) Specsavers Free Usage Credit: Specsavers GIF Clock (24/7) Wikimedia Commons Free Usage Credit: Amada44 Image S. Beauty (Sleep) Pinterest Free Usage N/A
  • 67. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image iPhone (Expensive) Telemart Free Usage N/A Image S. Media #1 (Girl) Medium Free Usage Credit: Image S. Media #2 (Boy/Close Up Boy) India Today Free Usage Credit: Roshni Image Trend Blocks (2019-2020 blocks) CNBC Select Free Usage Credit: Alexandria White Image Networking (Speech bubbles) Go Graph Free Usage Credit: mast3r Image Online Views (Couple) Unknown Free Usage N/A GIF S. Media Clicks GFY Cat Free Usage Credit: Yahoo Health Image ‘Help’ (Man drowning in phone) ILNA Club Free Usage Credit: Delores Lawrence Image FB - Click Clean PNG Free Usage Credit: Tisho Audio FB - Pool Sound Free Usage Credit: N Beats Image FB - Paper Escape Out The Blocks Free Usage Credit: Luan van Rhyn Image FB - Blue Share’ That’s Nonsense Free Usage Credit: Craig Charles Image FB - Room of Fans Post Media Free Usage Credit: Andrew Matte Image FB - Group of Friends Pinterest Free Usage Credit: raw pixel Image FB - Angry Pug Anderson Technologies Free Usage Credit: Anderson Technologies Image FB - Comm. #1 (Old people) Huffpost Free Usage Credit; Randall Horton
  • 68. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image FB - Comm. #2 (Young girls) Know Your Value Free Usage Credit: Stephanie Rausser/Getty Images Image FB - Comm. #3 (Group of students) Office for Students Free Usage Credit: Office for Students Image FB - Oberlo Stat #1 Oberlo Free Usage Credit: Maryam Mohsin Image FB - Oberlo Stat #2 Oberlo Free Usage Credit: Maryam Mohsin Image FB - Trophy (Winning) Shutterstock Free Usage Credit: irin-k Image Popular S.Media DreamGrow Free Usage Credit: Priit Kallas Image White Plug RS Free Usage Credit: RS Image SC - Messages Freepik Free Usage Credit: pikisuperstar Image SC - Messages2 iConfinder Free Usage Credit: iConfinder Image SC - Messages3 Turkey Blocks Free Usage Credit: Turkey Blocks Image SC - Boy covering Sharp Sight Free Usage Credit: Sharp Sight Image SC - Three people SincroGuia TV Free Usage Credit: Javier Aguirresarobe Image SC - News #1 Capital FM Free Usage Credit: Instagram Image SC - News #2 Mail Online Free Usage Credit: Instagram Image SC - News #3 The Mirror Free Usage Credit: Emmeline Saunders & Frances Kindon Image SC - FNews1 News at Northeastern Free Usage Credit: Jason Kornwitz
  • 69. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image SC - FNews2 Scientific American Free Usage Credit: Image SC - FNews3 CBS News Free Usage Credit: Facebook Image SC - Code #1 Twitter Free Usage Credit: Twitter Image SC - Code #2 Snapchat Support Free Usage Credit: Snapchat Support Image IG - ‘Why am I single’ Focus Media Free Usage Credit: SaLu Image IG - Filter #1 (White girl rainbow mouth) Pinterest Free Usage Credit: Image IG - Filter #2 (Botox filter) Mille Free Usage Credit: Amina Kaabi Image IG - Filter #3 (Sims 3 plumbob) Twitter Free Usage Credit: @TheSimCommunity Image TW - Limited Tech Crunch Free Usage Credit: Sarah Perez Image TW - Talent #1 (Guy with painting) Reddit Free Usage Credit: r/pics Image TW - Talent #2 (Madison Beer) Pop Buzz Free Usage Credit: Pop Buzz Image TW - Talent #3 (Bhad Bhabie) Song Whip Free Usage Credit: Song Whip Image TW - Retweet Tech Republic Free Usage Credit: Jack Wallen GIF TW - Love hearts Buffer Free Usage Credit: Kevan Lee Image TW - Blue Heart Clip Art Library Free Usage Credit: Clip Art Library Image TW - King of Social Media One Legal Free Usage Credit: Lisa Mason
  • 70. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image TW - Popular Creator Tag PicsArt Free Usage Credit: Johnny Jupitine Image TW - Guitar Gear4Music Free Usage Credit: Gear4Music Image TW - Half and Half makeup Business Insider Free Usage Credit: Amanda Krause Image TW - World Pin Clip Art Free Usage Credit: Pin Clip Art Image YT - Free Platform 9 to 5 Toys Free Usage Credit: 9 to 5 Toys GIF YT - ‘No’ Tenor Free Usage Credit: Taci GIF Image YT - ‘Ssh’ Vector Stock Free Usage Credit: Elena_ Image YT - Popcorn Spain on a Fork Free Usage Credit: Albert Bevia Audio YT - Boxing YouTube Free Usage Credit: Desi Comedy Studio Image YT - Alfie Deyes Business Insider Free Usage Credit: Shona Gosh Image YT - Days of the Week Website Taken Down Free Usage N/A GIF YT - Vomit Giphy Free Usage Credit: CBS GIF Communicate Medium Free Usage Credit: Unbox Social Image Dog Paws American Kennel Club Free Usage Credit: Anna Burke GIF Clock #2 GIF Image Free Usage Credit: GIF Image Audio Clock #2b YouTube Free Usage Credit: Eben Ndraha
  • 71. NAME OF PRODUCTION: XXXXX NAME OF PRODUCERS: XXXXX DATE CREATED: ‘The Power of Social Media’ XXXXX Brandon Boyd XXXXX 28/04/2020 MEDIA FORM DESCRIPTION WHERE? COPYRIGHT STATUS PERMISSION GAINED Image IN - Crown Wikipedia Commons Free Usage Credit: Heralder Image IN - Friend Request LinkedIn Free Usage Credit: Brenden Goetz Image IN - Hot Guy Twitter Free Usage Credit: Stefan Dierauf GIF Boy waving (Brown hair/jacket) Medium Free Usage Credit: @jukesie
  • 73.
  • 74. Props
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 79.
  • 80. I decided to use Adobe Photoshop to experiment with the available options there. I chose ‘Cooper Black - Regular’ as my font and decided to add an outer glow & drop shadow to the text to make it stand out. I also opened the .PNG background file that I created earlier to see if the text would work on the background, or whether the opacity of the background needed to be reduced.
  • 81. The social media titles are slightly bigger and stretched out, as I needed to cover the entire screen, compared to the above text which only needed to cover part of the screen.
  • 83.
  • 85.
  • 86. Bibliography: Marketing Charts, 2019. ‘Social Networking Platforms’ User Demographics Update 2019’. igital/social-media-108184 Mohsin, M., 2019. ‘Top 10 Facebook Stats Every Marketer Should Know In 2020’. book-statistics Friedel, I., 2016. ‘5 Job Skills You Can Learn From Social Media Networks’. /5-job-skills-can-learn-social- networks/ Clement, J., 2020. ‘Most Popular social networks worldwide as of April 2020, ranked by number of active users’. 272014/global-social-networks- ranked-by-number-of-users/ Filmography: Disney Book Week (Inspiration): cIE SHOWREEL - Daniel Sax: ‘REWE’, Blomus - Daniel Sax: ‘Dental from Deutschland’ - Daniel Sax: ‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass - Daniel Sax: The Ellen Degeneres Story: jU5lg Tips on short video in Social Media - Des Herbert: mdE0I Social Media Revolution - ‘Did You Know’ (By Erik Qualman): Moby & The Void Pacific Choir (‘Are You Lost In The World Like Me’): Social Media Short Film (By Amalie Christensen): ‘The Influence of Social Media’ (By Baylee Davenport): Searching For Signatures- A Film By Richard Binnington: o Casually Explained - Social Media:

Editor's Notes

  1. Disney Book Week (Inspiration):
  2. SHOWREEL - Daniel Sax: ‘REWE’, Blomus - Daniel Sax: ‘Dental from Deutschland’ - Daniel Sax: ‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass - Daniel Sax:
  3. The Ellen Degeneres Story:
  4. Tips on short video in Social Media - Des Herbert:
  5. Social Media Revolution - ‘Did You Know’ (By Erik Qualman):
  6. Social Media Marketing Chart 2019: Facebook Statistics:
  7. Moby & The Void Pacific Choir (‘Are You Lost In The World Like Me’):
  8. Social Media Short Film (By Amalie Christensen): ‘The Influence of Social Media’ (By Baylee Davenport):
  9. Searching For Signatures- A Film By Richard Binnington:
  10. Casually Explained - Social Media:
  11. 5 Job Skills You Can Learn From Social Networks: Global social media ranking 2020: