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Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal
How to build robust,
scalable applications with
Cloud Services
About Chris
(About Chris)
About Chris()
About Chris
About Chris
vmc push About-Chris
Developer Advocate for
• Why use cloud services?
• Developing location-based applications
• Building SMS and telephony enabled applications
• Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
Three phases of every galactic
Three phases of every galactic
can we eat?
do we eat?
Where shall we have lunch?
Where shall we
have lunch?
•What restaurants are nearby?
•Which friends are close by?
•Where do your friends prefer to eat?
To sign up text
"register" to 510-
Friend and restaurant location databases
Voice calls
To sign up text
"register" to 510-
Key story: registration
Key story: registration
Key story: voting
555 1212
Key story: announce location
To sign up text
"register" to 510-
High-level architecture
Friend Geo
Do we really want to
build all this?
Use cloud-based services
• Highly scalable services
• Someone else’s headache to develop and maintain
• Provided by IaaS/PaaS
• Provided by 3rd party
Cloud Foundry services
Thousands of 3rd party services
• Predominantly REST
• Predominantly JSON
• > billion API calls/day:Twitter, Google, Facebook, Netflix,
Accuweather, ...
• Increasing number of API-only companies
Cloud service trends
Benefits of cloud services
• Someone else’s headache to develop and operate
• Focus on your core business problem
• Get up and running quickly
• Elasticity
• Capex Opex
Drawbacks of cloud services
• Complexity and drawbacks of a distributed system
• You are dependent on service provider
Risks of cloud services
Urban Airship’s Strategic Partnership With
SimpleGeoTurns Into An Acquisition
Cloud Services-based
• Why use cloud services?
• Developing location-based applications
• Building SMS and telephony enabled applications
• Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
Location-based services are hot!
Client-side APIs for finding
W3C Geolocation API
BUT what about the server-side?
Lots of really difficult problems
•Scalable, spatial database – CRUD records, find nearby
•Data management – database of places, street information
•Forward geo-coding: address lat/lon
•Reverse geo-coding: lat/lon address
Easier to use Geo-aaS
Examples of Geo-aaS
Beware the terms of
• Maps
• Forward and reverse geocoding
• Directions
• Elevation
• Places
• Freely available geographic
• Various APIs including
reverse geocoding
• Business+review database
• Neighborhood database
• Places database
• Reverse geocoding
@crichardson & Geo
trait FriendService {
def addOrUpdate(request : AddOrUpdateUserRequest)
def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) :
trait RestaurantService {
def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) :
trait FriendService {
def addOrUpdate(request : AddOrUpdateUserRequest)
def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) :
Implementing the friends
• Document-oriented database
• Very fast, highly scalable and available
• Rich query language that supports location-
based queries
• Provided by
MongoDB server
Database: VoteMeetEat
Collection: friendRecord
Storing friends in MongoDB
"_id": "+15105551212",
"name": "Chris R.",
"location": {
"x": -122.25206103187264,
"y": 37.847427441773796
Spring Data for MongoDB
• Provides MongoTemplate
• Analogous to JdbcTemplate
• Hides boilerplate code
• Domain object Document mapping
Using Spring data: creating an
index on location attribute
class MongoFriendService extends FriendService {
var mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate = _
def createGeoIndex {
val dbo = new BasicDBObject
dbo.put("location", "2d")
Create geospatial 2d index
Collection name
Attribute and
index type
Using Spring Data: adding record
class MongoFriendService extends FriendService {
override def addOrUpdate(request: AddOrUpdateUserRequest) = {
val name =
val phoneNumber = request.phoneNumber
val fr = new FriendRecord(phoneNumber, name,
new Point(request.longitude, request.latitude))
case class FriendRecord(id : String,
name : String,
location : Point)
Using Spring Data: finding nearby
class MongoFriendService extends FriendService {
override def findNearbyFriends(request: NearbyFriendsRequest) = {
val location = new Point(request.longitude, request.latitude)
val distance = new Distance(3, Metrics.MILES)
val query = NearQuery.near(location).maxDistance(distance)
val result = mongoTemplate.geoNear(query, classOf[FriendRecord])
val nearby =
FindNearbyFriendsResponse( => FriendInfo(,
MongoDB and Cloud Foundry
$ vmc create-service mongodb vme-mongo
$ vmc push vme-user --path web/target/
Application Deployed URL []:
Detected a Java SpringSource Spring Application, is this correct? [Yn]:
Memory Reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G) [512M]:
Creating Application: OK
Would you like to bind any services to 'vme-user'? [yN]: y
Would you like to use an existing provisioned service? [yN]: y
The following provisioned services are available
1: vme-mongo
2: mysql-135e0
Please select one you wish to use: 1
Binding Service [vme-mongo]: OK
Uploading Application:
Checking for available resources: OK
Processing resources: OK
Packing application: OK
Uploading (12K): OK
Push Status: OK
Binding a service to an application
Would you like to bind any services to 'vme-user'? [yN]: y
Would you like to use an existing provisioned service? [yN]: y
The following provisioned services are available
1: vme-mongo
2: mysql-135e0
Please select one you wish to use: 1
Binding Service [vme-mongo]: OK
Connecting to MongoDB
	 <bean id="mongoTemplate"
	 	 <constructor-arg ref="mongoFactory" />
	 <beans profile="default">
	 	 <mongo:db-factory id="mongoFactory" dbname="surveygeo" />
	 <beans profile="cloud">
	 	 <cloud:mongo-db-factory id="mongoFactory" />
Outside of Cloud Foundry
Inside Cloud Foundry
Implementing the restaurant
trait RestaurantService {
def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) :
Using Factual
• Geographic database as a Service
• Including 1.2M restaurants in the US
• Pricing: 10K calls day free, pay per use
Factual API
• RESTful/JSON interface
• Uses 2-legged OAuth 1.0.
• Geo and text filters
• Pagination
• Libraries for various languages
Restaurant Service
class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService {
@Value("${factual_consumer_key}") var consumerKey: String = _
@Value("${factual_consumer_secret}") var consumerSecret: String = _
var factual: Factual = _
def initialize {
factual = new Factual(consumerKey, consumerSecret, true)
override def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) = {
val restaurants = factual.get.fetch("restaurants-us",
new Query().within(new Circle(, location.lon, 1000)).limit(5))
val rs = { map =>
5 restaurants within 1km
• Why use cloud services?
• Developing location-based applications
• Building SMS and telephony enabled applications
• Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
The telephony and SMS are
7/ waking hr !
Reporting traffic light problems in London
Google 2-Factor authentication
@crichardson &Telephony
• Handling registration SMS
• Sending SMS notifying users to vote
• Handling incoming voice call from voters:
• Text-to-speech of restaurants options
• Collecting digits entered via keypad
• Sending SMS/Voice notifications of voting results
DIY telephony = Difficult
• Difficult to setup and operate
• Expensive
• Complex SMS protocols
• …
Better to use SMS/Telephony-aaS:
Telephony/SMS - aaS
• Inbound and outgoing calls
• Recording and transcription
• Inbound and outgoing calls
• Recording and transcription
• Twitter
• IM
Twilio -Telephony and SMS as a
• Allocate phone numbers
• Make and receive phone calls
• Send and receive SMS messages
• Pay per use:
• Phone calls - per-minute
• SMS – per SMS sent or received
• Phone number – per month
• Examples
• OpenVBX is a web-based, open source phone system
• StubHub – notifies sellers of a pending sale via phone
• SurveyMonkey – interactive polling
• Salesforce – SMS-based voting for 19,000 conference attendees
Twilio Your
TwiML doc
Manage resources
Send SMS
Initiate voice calls
Handle incoming SMS and voice calls
Respond to user input
Phone number
Handling SMS registration
Handling SMS registration
<Sms>To complete registration please
go to http://...
Handling SMS registration
TwiML document
describing the
Inviting users to vote
System sends
Inviting users to vote
POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/≪AccountSID≫/SMS/Messages
Authorization: Basic ....
Basic auth usingTwilio
Sending SMS using the Spring
class TwilioService {
	 def sendSms(recipient : String, message : String) = {
	 	 val response = postToTwilio("SMS/Messages",
	 	 Map("From" -> twilioPhoneNumber, "To" -> recipient, "Body" -> message))
	 	 (response  "SMSMessage"  "Sid").text
Sending SMS using the Spring
class TwilioService {
def postToTwilio(resourcePath : String, requestParams : Map[String, String]) = {
	 val entity = makeEntity(requestParams)
	 try {
	 val response = restTemplate.postForObject(twilioUrl +
	 entity, classOf[String],
accountSid, resourcePath)
	 } catch {
	 case e : HttpClientErrorException if e.getStatusCode == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST =>
	 val body = e.getResponseBodyAsString()
	 val xmlBody = XML.loadString(body)
	 val code = Integer.parseInt((xmlBody  "Code").text)
	 val message = (xmlBody  "Message").text
	 throw new TwilioRestException(message, code)
Voting: user calls number
555 1212
Survey Management
<Say> Chris would like to meet and eat. </Say>
<Gather action="handleresponse.html"
method="POST" numDigits="1">
<Say>Press 1 for ....</Say>
<Say>Press 2 for ....</Say>
Survey Management
<Say>Thank you for choosing.
The most popular place so far is ...
<Say>You will hear from us soon. Good bye</Say>
Voting code 1
class TwilioController {
var surveyManagementService: SurveyManagementService = _
@RequestMapping(value = Array("/begincall.html"))
def beginCall(@RequestParam("From") callerId: String) = {
surveyManagementService.findSurveyByCallerId(callerId) match {
case None =>
<Say>Sorry don't recognize your number</Say>
case Some(survey) =>
<Say>{ survey.prompt }</Say>
<Gather action="handleresponse.html" method="POST" numDigits="1">
for ((choice, index) <- survey.choices zipWithIndex)
yield <Say>Press { index } for { choice }</Say>
<Say>We are sorry you could not decide</Say>
Voting code 2
class TwilioController {
@RequestMapping(value = Array("/handleresponse.html"))
def handleUserResponse(@RequestParam("From") callerId: String,
@RequestParam("Digits") digits: Int) = {
val survey = surveyManagementService.recordVote(callerId, digits)
<Say>Thank you for choosing. The most popular place so far is
{ getOrElse "oops" }
<Say>You will hear from us soon. Good bye</Say>
• Why use cloud services?
• Developing location-based applications
• Building SMS and telephony enabled applications
• Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
The need for parallelism
Service A
Service B
Service C
Service D
b = serviceB()
c = serviceC()
d = serviceD(b, c)
Call in parallel
Futures are a great concurrency
• Object that will contain the result of a concurrent computation -
• Various implementations
• Java 7 Futures = ok
• Guava ListenableFutures = better
• Scala’s composable Futures = really good
• Java 8 CompletableFuture = great
Future<Integer> result =
executorService.submit(new Callable<Integer>() {... });
Using futures to parallelize requests
trait FriendService {
def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) :
trait RestaurantService {
def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) :
val f1 = friendsService.findNearbyFriends(NearbyFriendsRequest.fromLocation(vmeRecord.location))
val f2 = restaurantService.findNearbyRestaurants(vmeRecord.location)
val nearbyFriends = f1.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val nearbyRestaurants = f2.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Two calls execute concurrently
Using external web services =
Distributed system
Internally = Distributed System
web app
web app
Handling failure
Service A Service B
Errors happen
in distributed systems
About Netflix
> 1B API calls/day
1 API call average 6 service calls
Fault tolerance is essential
How to run out of threads
Execute thread
HTTP Request
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread n
Service A Service B
If service B is down
then thread will be
Eventually all threads
will be blocked
Their approach
• Network timeouts and retries
• Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool
• Use the Circuit Breaker pattern
• On failure:
• return default/cached data
• return error to caller
class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService {
var factualHystrixConfig: HystrixCommand.Setter = _
override def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) = {
class FindRestaurantsCommand
extends HystrixCommand[FindNearbyRestaurantResponse]
.andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("FindRestaurantsCommand"))) {
override def run() = {
val restaurants = factual.fetch("restaurants",
new Query().within(new Circle(, location.lon, 1000)).limit(5))
val rs = for (map <- restaurants.getData) yield {
new FindRestaurantsCommand().queue()
Using Hystrix
Cloud services are highly scalable services developed and
operated by a 3rd party
Let’s you focus on your core business problem
Risk: provider is acquired and stops offering service
Developing an application that reliably consumes cloud
services requires careful design
@crichardson - code and slides
Sign up for

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Developing applications with Cloud Services (jax jax2013)

  • 1. DEVELOPING WITH CLOUD SERVICES Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. @crichardson Presentation goal How to build robust, scalable applications with Cloud Services
  • 8. @crichardson vmc push About-Chris Developer Advocate for
  • 9. @crichardson Agenda • Why use cloud services? • Developing location-based applications • Building SMS and telephony enabled applications • Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
  • 10. @crichardson Three phases of every galactic civilization Survival Inquiry Sophistication
  • 11. @crichardson Three phases of every galactic civilization How Why Where can we eat? do we eat? Where shall we have lunch?
  • 13. @crichardson Solved •What restaurants are nearby? •Which friends are close by? •Where do your friends prefer to eat? To sign up text "register" to 510- XXX-YYYY
  • 14. @crichardson Friend and restaurant location databases + SMS + Voice calls To sign up text "register" to 510- XXX-YYYY
  • 19. VOTEMEETEAT.COM To sign up text "register" to 510- XXX-YYYY
  • 21. @crichardson Use cloud-based services • Highly scalable services • Someone else’s headache to develop and maintain • Provided by IaaS/PaaS • Provided by 3rd party
  • 23. @crichardson Thousands of 3rd party services
  • 24. @crichardson • Predominantly REST • Predominantly JSON • > billion API calls/day:Twitter, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Accuweather, ... • Increasing number of API-only companies Cloud service trends
  • 26. @crichardson Benefits of cloud services • Someone else’s headache to develop and operate • Focus on your core business problem • Get up and running quickly • Elasticity • Capex Opex
  • 27. @crichardson Drawbacks of cloud services • Complexity and drawbacks of a distributed system • You are dependent on service provider
  • 28. @crichardson Risks of cloud services Urban Airship’s Strategic Partnership With SimpleGeoTurns Into An Acquisition
  • 31. @crichardson Agenda • Why use cloud services? • Developing location-based applications • Building SMS and telephony enabled applications • Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
  • 33.
  • 34. @crichardson Client-side APIs for finding location W3C Geolocation API
  • 35. @crichardson BUT what about the server-side?
  • 36. @crichardson Lots of really difficult problems •Scalable, spatial database – CRUD records, find nearby •Data management – database of places, street information •Forward geo-coding: address lat/lon •Reverse geo-coding: lat/lon address •Maps •Directions Easier to use Geo-aaS
  • 37. @crichardson Examples of Geo-aaS Beware the terms of service • Maps • Forward and reverse geocoding • Directions • Elevation • Places • Freely available geographic database • Various APIs including reverse geocoding • Business+review database • Neighborhood database • Places database • Reverse geocoding
  • 38. @crichardson & Geo trait FriendService { def addOrUpdate(request : AddOrUpdateUserRequest) def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) : FindNearbyFriendsResponse } trait RestaurantService { def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) : FindNearbyRestaurantResponse }
  • 39. @crichardson trait FriendService { def addOrUpdate(request : AddOrUpdateUserRequest) def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) : FindNearbyFriendsResponse } Implementing the friends database
  • 40. @crichardson MongoDB • Document-oriented database • Very fast, highly scalable and available • Rich query language that supports location- based queries • Provided by
  • 41. @crichardson MongoDB server Database: VoteMeetEat Collection: friendRecord Storing friends in MongoDB { "_id": "+15105551212", "name": "Chris R.", "location": { "x": -122.25206103187264, "y": 37.847427441773796 } }
  • 42. @crichardson Spring Data for MongoDB • Provides MongoTemplate • Analogous to JdbcTemplate • Hides boilerplate code • Domain object Document mapping
  • 43. @crichardson Using Spring data: creating an index on location attribute @Component class MongoFriendService extends FriendService { @Autowired var mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate = _ @PostConstruct def createGeoIndex { val dbo = new BasicDBObject dbo.put("location", "2d") mongoTemplate.getCollection("friendRecord").ensureIndex(dbo) } Create geospatial 2d index Collection name Attribute and index type
  • 44. @crichardson Using Spring Data: adding record @Component class MongoFriendService extends FriendService { override def addOrUpdate(request: AddOrUpdateUserRequest) = { val name = val phoneNumber = request.phoneNumber val fr = new FriendRecord(phoneNumber, name, new Point(request.longitude, request.latitude)) } case class FriendRecord(id : String, name : String, location : Point)
  • 45. @crichardson Using Spring Data: finding nearby friends @Component class MongoFriendService extends FriendService { override def findNearbyFriends(request: NearbyFriendsRequest) = { val location = new Point(request.longitude, request.latitude) val distance = new Distance(3, Metrics.MILES) val query = NearQuery.near(location).maxDistance(distance) val result = mongoTemplate.geoNear(query, classOf[FriendRecord]) val nearby = FindNearbyFriendsResponse( => FriendInfo(, }
  • 46. @crichardson MongoDB and Cloud Foundry $ vmc create-service mongodb vme-mongo
  • 47. @crichardson $ vmc push vme-user --path web/target/ Application Deployed URL []: Detected a Java SpringSource Spring Application, is this correct? [Yn]: Memory Reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G) [512M]: Creating Application: OK Would you like to bind any services to 'vme-user'? [yN]: y Would you like to use an existing provisioned service? [yN]: y The following provisioned services are available 1: vme-mongo 2: mysql-135e0 Please select one you wish to use: 1 Binding Service [vme-mongo]: OK Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Processing resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (12K): OK Push Status: OK Binding a service to an application Would you like to bind any services to 'vme-user'? [yN]: y Would you like to use an existing provisioned service? [yN]: y The following provisioned services are available 1: vme-mongo 2: mysql-135e0 Please select one you wish to use: 1 Binding Service [vme-mongo]: OK
  • 48. @crichardson Connecting to MongoDB <bean id="mongoTemplate" class=""> <constructor-arg ref="mongoFactory" /> </bean> <beans profile="default"> <mongo:db-factory id="mongoFactory" dbname="surveygeo" /> </beans> <beans profile="cloud"> <cloud:mongo-db-factory id="mongoFactory" /> </beans> Outside of Cloud Foundry Inside Cloud Foundry
  • 49. @crichardson Implementing the restaurant database trait RestaurantService { def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) : FindNearbyRestaurantResponse }
  • 50. @crichardson Using Factual • Geographic database as a Service • Including 1.2M restaurants in the US • Pricing: 10K calls day free, pay per use
  • 51. @crichardson Factual API • RESTful/JSON interface • Uses 2-legged OAuth 1.0. • Geo and text filters • Pagination • Libraries for various languages
  • 52. @crichardson Restaurant Service @Service class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService { @Value("${factual_consumer_key}") var consumerKey: String = _ @Value("${factual_consumer_secret}") var consumerSecret: String = _ var factual: Factual = _ @PostConstruct def initialize { factual = new Factual(consumerKey, consumerSecret, true) } override def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) = { ... val restaurants = factual.get.fetch("restaurants-us", new Query().within(new Circle(, location.lon, 1000)).limit(5)) val rs = { map => RestaurantInfo(map.get("name").asInstanceOf[String]) } FindNearbyRestaurantResponse(rs.toList) } ... 5 restaurants within 1km
  • 53. @crichardson Agenda • Why use cloud services? • Developing location-based applications • Building SMS and telephony enabled applications • Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
  • 54. @crichardson The telephony and SMS are important u-s-teens-triple-data-usage/ 7/ waking hr ! Nielsen
  • 57. @crichardson &Telephony • Handling registration SMS • Sending SMS notifying users to vote • Handling incoming voice call from voters: • Text-to-speech of restaurants options • Collecting digits entered via keypad • Sending SMS/Voice notifications of voting results
  • 58. @crichardson DIY telephony = Difficult • Difficult to setup and operate • Expensive • Complex SMS protocols • … Better to use SMS/Telephony-aaS:
  • 59. @crichardson Telephony/SMS - aaS • SMS • Inbound and outgoing calls • Recording and transcription • SMS • Inbound and outgoing calls • Recording and transcription • Twitter • IM
  • 60. @crichardson Twilio -Telephony and SMS as a service • REST API • Allocate phone numbers • Make and receive phone calls • Send and receive SMS messages • Pay per use: • Phone calls - per-minute • SMS – per SMS sent or received • Phone number – per month • Examples • OpenVBX is a web-based, open source phone system • StubHub – notifies sellers of a pending sale via phone • SurveyMonkey – interactive polling • Salesforce – SMS-based voting for 19,000 conference attendees
  • 61. @crichardson UsingTwilio Twilio Your Application TwiML doc HTTP GET/ POST REST API Manage resources Send SMS Initiate voice calls Handle incoming SMS and voice calls Respond to user input Voice SMS Phone number SMS URL +VOICE URL
  • 63. @crichardson Handling SMS registration Twilio SMS REGISTRATION HTTP POST http://≪smsUrl≫?From=≪PhoneNumber≫& Body=≪Message≫&... <Response> <Sms>To complete registration please go to http://... </Sms> </Response> SMS
  • 64. @crichardson Handling SMS registration TwiML document describing the response
  • 65. @crichardson Inviting users to vote 5551212555121255512125551212 System sends text
  • 66. @crichardson Inviting users to vote POST /2010-04-01/Accounts/≪AccountSID≫/SMS/Messages From=+15105551212 &To=+14155551212 &Body=≪MESSAGE≫ Authorization: Basic .... Basic auth usingTwilio AccountSid+AuthToken
  • 67. @crichardson Sending SMS using the Spring RestTemplate @Component class TwilioService { def sendSms(recipient : String, message : String) = { val response = postToTwilio("SMS/Messages", Map("From" -> twilioPhoneNumber, "To" -> recipient, "Body" -> message)) (response "SMSMessage" "Sid").text }
  • 68. @crichardson Sending SMS using the Spring RestTemplate @Component class TwilioService { def postToTwilio(resourcePath : String, requestParams : Map[String, String]) = { val entity = makeEntity(requestParams) try { val response = restTemplate.postForObject(twilioUrl + "/Accounts/{accountSid}/{resource}", entity, classOf[String], accountSid, resourcePath) XML.loadString(response) } catch { case e : HttpClientErrorException if e.getStatusCode == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST => val body = e.getResponseBodyAsString() val xmlBody = XML.loadString(body) val code = Integer.parseInt((xmlBody "Code").text) val message = (xmlBody "Message").text throw new TwilioRestException(message, code) } }
  • 70. @crichardson Voting Twilio Survey Management <Response> <Say> Chris would like to meet and eat. </Say> <Gather action="handleresponse.html" method="POST" numDigits="1"> <Say>Press 1 for ....</Say> <Say>Press 2 for ....</Say> </Gather> </Response> HTTP POST http://≪voiceUrl≫?From=≪PhoneNumber≫ Call
  • 71. @crichardson Voting Twilio Survey Management <Response> <Say>Thank you for choosing. The most popular place so far is ... </Say> <Pause/> <Say>You will hear from us soon. Good bye</Say> <Hangup/> </Response> HTTP POST http://....handleresponse.html? From=≪PhoneNumber≫&Digits=≪...≫ Digits
  • 72. @crichardson Voting code 1 @Controller class TwilioController { @Autowired var surveyManagementService: SurveyManagementService = _ @RequestMapping(value = Array("/begincall.html")) @ResponseBody def beginCall(@RequestParam("From") callerId: String) = { surveyManagementService.findSurveyByCallerId(callerId) match { case None => <Response> <Say>Sorry don't recognize your number</Say> <Hangup/> </Response> case Some(survey) => <Response> <Say>{ survey.prompt }</Say> <Gather action="handleresponse.html" method="POST" numDigits="1"> { for ((choice, index) <- survey.choices zipWithIndex) yield <Say>Press { index } for { choice }</Say> } </Gather> <Say>We are sorry you could not decide</Say> <Hangup/> </Response> } }
  • 73. @crichardson Voting code 2 class TwilioController { ... @RequestMapping(value = Array("/handleresponse.html")) @ResponseBody def handleUserResponse(@RequestParam("From") callerId: String, @RequestParam("Digits") digits: Int) = { val survey = surveyManagementService.recordVote(callerId, digits) <Response> <Say>Thank you for choosing. The most popular place so far is { getOrElse "oops" } </Say> <Pause/> <Say>You will hear from us soon. Good bye</Say> <Hangup/> </Response> } }
  • 74. @crichardson Agenda • Why use cloud services? • Developing location-based applications • Building SMS and telephony enabled applications • Developing robust, fault tolerant applications
  • 75. @crichardson The need for parallelism Service A Service B Service C Service D b = serviceB() c = serviceC() d = serviceD(b, c) Call in parallel
  • 76. @crichardson Futures are a great concurrency abstraction • Object that will contain the result of a concurrent computation - • Various implementations • Java 7 Futures = ok • Guava ListenableFutures = better • Scala’s composable Futures = really good • Java 8 CompletableFuture = great Future<Integer> result = executorService.submit(new Callable<Integer>() {... });
  • 77. @crichardson Using futures to parallelize requests trait FriendService { def findNearbyFriends(request : NearbyFriendsRequest) : Future[FindNearbyFriendsResponse] } trait RestaurantService { def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) : Future[FindNearbyRestaurantResponse] } val f1 = friendsService.findNearbyFriends(NearbyFriendsRequest.fromLocation(vmeRecord.location)) val f2 = restaurantService.findNearbyRestaurants(vmeRecord.location) val nearbyFriends = f1.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) val nearbyRestaurants = f2.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) Two calls execute concurrently Client Side Proxies
  • 78. @crichardson Using external web services = Distributed system VoteMeetEat Twilio MongoDB Factual.Com Mobile Phone
  • 79. @crichardson Internally = Distributed System Survey management VME management Registration SMS Registration web app VME web app User management Rabbit MQ
  • 80. @crichardson Handling failure Service A Service B Errors happen in distributed systems
  • 81. @crichardson About Netflix > 1B API calls/day 1 API call average 6 service calls Fault tolerance is essential
  • 82. @crichardson How to run out of threads Tomcat Execute thread pool HTTP Request Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread n Service A Service B If service B is down then thread will be blocked XX X X X Eventually all threads will be blocked
  • 83. @crichardson Their approach • Network timeouts and retries • Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool • Use the Circuit Breaker pattern • On failure: • return default/cached data • return error to caller •
  • 84. @crichardson @Service class FactualRestaurantService extends RestaurantService { @Autowired @Qualifier("factualHystrixConfig") var factualHystrixConfig: HystrixCommand.Setter = _ override def findNearbyRestaurants(location: Location) = { class FindRestaurantsCommand extends HystrixCommand[FindNearbyRestaurantResponse] (factualHystrixConfig .andCommandKey(HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("FindRestaurantsCommand"))) { override def run() = { val restaurants = factual.fetch("restaurants", new Query().within(new Circle(, location.lon, 1000)).limit(5)) val rs = for (map <- restaurants.getData) yield { RestaurantInfo(map.get("name").asInstanceOf[String]) } FindNearbyRestaurantResponse(rs.toList) } } new FindRestaurantsCommand().queue() } } Using Hystrix
  • 85. @crichardson Summary Cloud services are highly scalable services developed and operated by a 3rd party Let’s you focus on your core business problem Risk: provider is acquired and stops offering service Developing an application that reliably consumes cloud services requires careful design