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上海宋庆龄基金会 . 中国美基金

                                                                 爱儿童的精神,于 1986 年成立。

                                                                   上海宋庆龄基金会致力于妇女儿童的医疗保健、 文化教育事业,积极募集资金,坚持为贫困地区,
                                                                 开展文化教育扶贫工作 ;重视国际间的文化交流和学术研究,注重海峡两岸交流与交往,广泛开展

                                                                 门项目 ;同时任命羽西女士为中国美基金的形象大使和该基金的执行主席。

                                                                     In 1986, the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation (   “SSCLF” was established
                                                                 in commemoration of Soong Ching Ling, the late Honorary President of the People’     s
                                                                 Republic of China, and wife of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. This non-profit government-sanctioned
                                                                 charity, operating under strict government welfare guidelines, has donated millions of
                                                                 RMB for:

                                                                     Programs for the improvement of women and children throughout China;
                                                                     Cultural exchange programs with many countries around the world;
                                                                     Scholarships for poor students;
                                                                     The Children’ Football Program;
                                                                     Charitable Bookstacks project which provides mini-libraries in poor rural areas in
                                                                 western China;
                                                                     Disaster Relief

                                                                     In recognition of Yue-Sai Kan's many years of contributions to society and charity,
                                                                 the China Beauty Charity Fund was established for the purpose of using beauty for
                                                                 benefical social change.

                              01                                                                            02
筹委 会主 席致辞

亲爱的朋友 :                                                               Dear Friends,
  感谢您光临上海宋庆龄基金会环球小姐中国美基金慈善晚会!                作为中国美基金主席和环球小姐中国              As Chairman of the China Beauty Foundation and National Director of Miss Universe China, I
赛区总裁,我感到特别荣幸,欢迎你们来参加我们的活动,特别是那些远道而来参加这次盛会的朋友。                         welcome you to the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Miss Universe China Beauty Charity Gala! All my
  在我此生中,我始终深信并且不遗余力地支持着慈善事业。近几十年来我为支持这些重要的慈善                          life I have been a strong believer in, and supporter of, charity. For decades I have given my time
活动,付出了很多的时间和金钱。中国环球小姐大赛不仅仅只是一个选美比赛——这是一个鼓励人                           and money to suppor t impor tant causes. Miss Universe China is more than a beauty pageant
                                                                      - it is about encouraging people to be charitable, educating about exemplary values, creating
                                                                      a positive image and celebrating women by empowering them to use beauty for positive social
  今晚的任 务是为三项意义非凡的慈善项目筹集善款,它们是 :微笑行动,上海国际电影节和上
                                                                           Tonight's mission is to raise money for three wonderful charities which are dear to our hearts:
海宋庆龄基金会的      “母婴平安计划”。我们很高兴在欢迎致辞中宣布,我们已经筹得善款 6 百万人民
                                                                      Operation Smile, the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling
币,相当惊人!     我们希望能够通过接下来的拍卖和抽奖奖品筹集更多的善款。                               Foundation Safety for Mothers and Infants Project.
  今晚的活动是国际性的,汇聚了中国乃至全世界各地的力量!                 那么多慷慨的朋友们从全世界各个              There are many who helped the success of this event. Emotion China (Shanghai) Limited
角落来到这里,让人觉得非常的温馨。                                                     has provided outstanding logistics and setup at cost. The beautiful decorations and lovely theme
  有很多人需要得到我们由衷的感谢,因为他们为这一次盛会艰辛地工作。                                    was made possible by the amazing worldwide efforts of Wilson Associates. Richmond Tanya
  感谢一流的活动管理公司 Emotion 提供的后勤服务和现场活动流程掌控。他们的帮助和指导于                      Hospitality donated 2,200 meters of fabrics for tonight ’ impeccable decoration. Sennheiser
我们来说是无可估量的。感谢 Trisha Wilson Associates 为我们提供了这个宴会厅的美妙装饰物              donated the entire sound system and super vised the complicated setup for tonight ’ beautiful             s
和绝佳的设计。感谢 Richmond Tanya Hospitality 捐助的今晚装饰所用的超过 2300 米的布料。          sound. Christies Auction House provided distinguished auctioneer Carrie Li to assist with the
感谢 Sennheiser 慷慨的捐赠,包括让他们的一流的设计师从南美和洛杉矶飞到上海来为我们今晚                     auction. The champagne and vodka were provided by Pernod Ricard, the wines by Chateau
的活动调音,    带来了无可挑剔的声音。  还有今晚所有的香槟和伏特加都是由保乐利加公司免费提供的,                   Haut Brion, and the soft drinks and water donated by Coca-Cola. Free auditing services from
还有可口可乐公司为我们无偿提供饮用水和软饮料。还要感谢 Ernst & Young 安永会计师事务所                    Ernst & Young to ensure every dollar we raise is properly expended.
为我们提供了免费的审计服务,确保我们每一分善款的筹集和利用。还有佳士得拍卖行提供了杰出                              T han ks to a l l of yo u fo r p u rc hasi n g t a b l e s an d g e n e r o u s d o nat i o ns -- t h e re a re 15
                                                                      outstanding auction items and more than 400 raffles, prizes and silent auction items. Some of the
的专业拍卖师 Carrie Li 来此协助我们的拍卖活动。
                                                                      auction items are literally priceless, including the exclusive collection of Chateau Haut-Brion wine
                                                                      donated by Prince Rober t of Luxembourg, Christian Louboutin’ custom made shoes, the rare
设置和运输的工作。还有 Cecilia He, Sarah El Asri, Sasa Xu, 和 Monica Lim,这四位女士花
                                                                      rainbow color pearl necklace from Robert Wan, and the incredible trips to experience Australia
了接近 4 个月的时间为今晚的宴会做准备。你们付出了很多宝贵的时间和精力!                   除此之外,还有 100
                                                                      and European lifestyle in France and Italy. These exceptionally special prizes and others amount
                                                                      to millions of US dollars. Thank you to those who have made cash donations, especially the
  感谢所有各位,无论是席位赞助还是慷慨的捐赠——今天我们有 15 个出色的拍卖品和超过 400                      Footwear Association Charity Event for contributing a generous sum of $150,000 USD.
个精美的抽奖奖品和静拍品。一些拍卖物品只能用            “无价”   来形容。其中包括了卢森堡王子 Prince            Thanks to our celebrities from the Shanghai Film Festival, Miss Universe China contestants,
Robert 的全球限 量侯伯王 75 年美酒,红 底 鞋教 父 Christian Louboutin 为我们这次活 动亲自设      and all our esteemed per formers who have donated their outstanding talent -- the legendar y
计的独一无二的鞋履,珍珠之父 Robert Wan 提供的稀有珍珠项链,和各种去法国和意大利体验尊                     Charles Aznavour of France, ELEW of the United States, Chadleen of the Philippines, Sue Shen,
贵欧洲生活的机会。这些别致的拍品总价也超越数百万人民币。感谢所有现金捐款的朋友。特别是                           Ying Huang, Betty Ni of Shanghai and our orchestra conductor Rolf Becker of Germany who
FACE 捐出了 15 万美金。                                                      made all the musical arrangements for this evening - they are all performing for free.
  感谢各位上海国际电影节的嘉宾和中国环球小姐的参赛佳丽。感谢各位表演嘉宾。你们无偿的                               My entire staff of Miss Universe China has worked very hard in helping to secure sponsors,
演出令今晚活动精彩纷呈。远道而来的法国传奇歌手 Charles Aznavour, 来自美国的 ELEW, 来               coordinate withwith media, setup logistics, and Cecilia He, Sarah Elasri, Sasa Xu, Monica Lim
自菲律宾的 Chadleen, 沈小岑,黄英和倪迎春这些著名艺人等。最后是我们今晚来自德国的乐队指                     have worked full time for months as selfless volunteers! In addition, almost 100 volunteers have
                                                                      been involved in the last few days of preparation and the execution of the event. And finally, a big
挥 Rolf Becker,他为今晚的整个活动提供了免费的音乐指导。你们的慷慨让我们感动。
                                                                      thank-you to Mrs. Guan Jian Hua and the staff of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation
  最后,   十分感谢上海宋庆龄基金会的工作人员,    你们为今晚活动能成功举办,         不辞劳苦地工作了 9 个月!
                                                                      who worked tirelessly for nine months to make this happen!
  我衷心感谢大家!      希望大家在这里结识新朋友,相聚老朋友,享受今天所有的娱乐,也用你们的
                                                                          Tonight I hope you will make new friends and re-acquaint with old ones while being beautifully
善心回馈社会,造福他人!      尽情享受这个夜晚,并期待与您下次相聚!
                                                                      entertained, and know that your contributions DO make a difference to countless individuals.
  此致,                                                                     With deep gratitude,

                                                          筹委会主席                                                                                               Chairman, Charity Gala
                                03                                                                                              04
筹 委 会成员


    On these two pages are the angels of the event. All these beautiful women have
helped in endless ways, from buying tables, selling tables, making donations, securing
auction and raffle items, committing to sell or buy them, plus encouragement and advice
                                                                                            陈怡               陈碧华            窦雯霞                 黛安娜·何             江文彦
whenever I need them. Tonight simply would not happen without them.
                                                                                           Chen Yi        Joanna Chen     Jenny Dou             Diana He       Wenyan Jiang

                     主席 Chairman                   主席 Chairman                               刘映彤              睢天舒            潘慰                王敏                吴安雅
                        靳羽西                          邱海宁                                  J n ie Lu
                                                                                           e nf r i        Diana Kuan       Wei Pan         Susie Wang          Anya Wu
                       Yue-sai                      Helen Yau

                                                                                            吴梦颖              夏曼             徐丹丹                  杨阿莉             杨雅琪
  副主席 Vice Chairman             副主席 Vice Chairman             副主席 Vice Chairman
                                                                                          Sharon Wu        Maggie Xia     Dandan Xu             Lily Yang       Yaqi Yang
       乔慧君                            安然                            林瑛
    Grace Chiao                    Annie An                       Lin Ying

  副主席 Vice Chairman            副主席 Vice Chairman              副主席 Vice Chairman                       颜正安            姚志桦               于小慧                 朱莎
       林雪莉                          夏鹤庭                             曾真                               Ann Yen      Richard Yeow        Echo Yu           Vivan Zhu
    Shelley Lim                    Lisa Xia                      Zeng Zhen
                                          05                                                                                     06
主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾

                     罗紫琳 Luo Zilin "Roseline"                           拍卖师 :李佳 (Carrie Li)
                     2011 年环球小姐中国区大赛冠军                                  李佳现任香港佳士得中国瓷器及艺术品部专家。李佳亦是拍卖官,
                     2011 年第 60 届环球小姐全球总决赛第 5 名                         为不少中国大陆 的慈 善 机 构 筹 款。李 佳能 操流 利英 文,普 通话,
                     2011 Miss Universe China
                     2011 Miss Universe 4th runner-up                   Carrie Li is currently a specialist in Chinese Ceramics and
                                                                        Works of Ar t at Christie’ Hong Kong, an auctioneer that
                                                                        has aided several charitable organizations in mainland
                                                                        China with fund raising. She is fluent in English, Mandarin,
                     张雯 Wen Zhang                                       Cantonese and the Shanghainese dialect.
                     2011 年环球小姐中国区大赛前十强

                     2011 Miss Universe China Top 10
                                                                        Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten
                                                                        宋庆龄 幼儿园是 一所 致 力于推 广优质早 期教育的知名国际学 校,
                                                                        儿 童 来自于世界 35 个不同国家和 地区。学 校 秉 承“把 最 宝贵 的
                     许继丹 Jidan Xu                                       好学的态度,开阔的国际视野和文明的行为习惯。宋庆龄幼儿园
                     2012 环球小姐上海区大赛选手                                   坚持 “在教育过程中尊重与要求和谐统一”    ,努力为孩子提供丰富
                     2012 Miss Universe China Contestent                健康发展。

                                                                        Founded by Soong Ching Ling, the Soong Ching Ling
                                                                        Kindergar ten is a model international kindergar ten with
                                                           邢潇予 Fifi     children from many countries and regions. The Soong
                                                                        C h i n g L i n g K i n d e r g a r te n i s c o m m i t te d to p r ov i d i n g
                                                                        young children with the best possible early learning and
                     陈雪 Xue Chen                                        foundations for living in an inter national environment
                                                                        in a rapidly changing world. The goals include creating
                     2012 年环球小姐中国区大赛天津赛区前十强                             a h a p py a n d h e a l t hy e nv i r o n m e n t , p r o m o t i n g s e l f-
                                                                        confidence, polite communication, curiosity, cooperation
                     Miss Universe China Tianjin Top 10                 and exploration of independent learning.

                                                           黄山 Zachary

                           07                                                             08
主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾

                 查尔 . 阿兹纳弗 Charles Aznavour                                                                                          ELEW
查尔 . 阿兹纳弗是一个传奇人物,在 1998 年的 CNN 调查中被评为世纪最伟大的歌手,超越了流行                                           ELEW 是一个拥有不可思议天赋的美国爵士钢琴演奏家。他创造了一个独特的音乐种类 , 把摇滚和流
偶像猫王和鲍勃 . 迪伦。他是一个亚美尼亚法国歌手,词曲作者,演员,公共活动家和外交家。他是                                                行风格混合在一起创造的 Rockjazz。虽然 ELEW 没有与唱片公司签合同 , 但是他从小型的爵士酒吧
法国最受欢迎和资历最久的歌手,    而他也是在世界上最知名的歌手之一。他已经出演过 60 余部电影,                                           到有一万五千座位的宴会厅都演出过。ELEW 独一无二的创造力和精彩表演风格使他吸引了许多著名
写了约上千首歌,唱片销量过亿。他与许多著名的歌手合作过 :      如乔许 . 葛洛班,拉丁情歌王子胡里                                         音乐家和公司,包括乔什 . 格罗班,戴夫 马修斯 , 美国达人秀,谷歌,万豪,芬迪,甚至美国的白宫。
奥 . 伊格莱西亚斯和席琳 . 迪翁。他今晚特地从巴黎到上海为慈善表演,让我们感到非常荣幸。                                                ELEW 目前正在准备发行他期待已久的第二张专辑,ELEW Rockjazz Vol. 2,而他将会运用他的钢
                                                                                              琴天赋重新演绎一些著名音乐家如 Foo Fighters, 迈克尔·杰克逊 , Coldplay 等歌手的名曲。
Charles Aznavour is a living legend who was named Entertainer of the Century by CNN
polls in 1998, outshining popular icons Elvis and Bob Dylan. He is an Armenian-French         ELEW is a preternaturally talented American jaz z piano player who has used the
singer, songwriter, actor, public activist and diplomat. Besides being one of France's most   creation of his own genre -an inspired melding of ragtime, rock and pop that he calls
popular and enduring singers, he is also one of the best-known singers in the world.          Rockjazz-to reinvent himself as a mainstream musician. He has gone from playing
Charles Aznavour has appeared in more than sixty movies, composed about a thousand            tiny jazz clubs to bringing crowds to their feet in fifteen-thousand seat arenas-and
songs, and sold well over 100 million records. He has per formed and recorded with            he’ done it all without a record deal. Forsaking a piano bench, ELEW stands before
numerous distinguished singers such as Josh Groban, Julio Iglesias and Celine Dion.           his instrument like a runner at the starting line, furiously manipulating today’ rock and
The charity is truly honored to have such an extraordinary talent here tonight from Paris.    pop hits with a creative potency that has attracted the attention of today’ biggest stars
                                                                                              and companies, including Josh Groban, Dave Matthews, America’ Got Talent, Google,
                                                                                              Marriott, Fendi, and even the White House. ELEW is currently gearing up for the release
                                                                                              of his much-anticipated sophomore album, ELEW Rockjazz Vol.2, which will feature
                                                                                              blistering piano recreations of tunes by artists like the Foo Fighters, Michael Jackson,
                                                                                              Coldplay, and more.

                                            09                                                                                            10
主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾

                                                                                                我出生 时患有腭 裂。那时真的 像一场噩梦。我 从小到大 都知 道 我 众不同。
                                                                                                小时候 , 交朋友非常困难,因为没有人能明白我 说的话。尽管,我的梦想
                                                                                                还是能成为一位著名歌手。我的家人都为我祈祷 , 求上帝给我实现一个奇
                                                                                                迹。有一天在我 4 岁时,奇迹终于发生了。微笑行动来到菲律宾担任医疗
                                                                                                任 务。在很长的队里,我是最后一个病人。等了非常久后 , 我感到手术永
                                                                                                远不会进行,但我很吃惊,因为我那天终于接受了手术。从此 , 微笑行动

                                                                                                I was born with a cleft palate. It was a real nightmare. Making friends was difficult because
                                                                                                no one could understand when I talked, and even at that young age I wondered why I was so
                                                                                                different. Despite this, I dreamed of becoming a famous singer.My family prayed for a miracle,
                                                                                                and one day when I was 4 years old that miracle happened. Operation Smile came to Cebu,
                                                                                                Philippines for a medical mission. I was the last patient in a very long line of potential patients
                                                                                                and it seemed I would never make it, but to my great surprise, I received surgery that very
                           罗夫贝克及其乐队                                                             day. Operation Smile has changed my life and helped me to realize my dream. Now, I can
                     Rolf Becker and His Orchestra                                              inspire children around the world who are like me and bring attention to the amazing work
                                                                                                done by Operation Smile.
罗夫是一位作曲家、编曲、音乐制作人,同时他演奏萨克斯(高音和中音)    、单簧管、长笛,是一个乐队
的指挥。罗夫发明了一种新的教学方法演奏萨克斯管,被称为     “萨克斯时间”的时间管理概念,并已出
版了 6 本教学书籍和 CD,这是在所有欧洲德语国家最畅销的萨克斯教学用书。自 2004 年 8 月以来,                                           沈小岑 Sue Shen
他一直住在上海创作、写作和表演音乐。从 2009 年 3 月开始,罗尔夫成为金星剧院的音乐总监。他目
前正在为美国著名演员基努 . 里维斯的导演处女电影写的配乐。Rolf 先生特地为了这个活动带来了他的                                              沈小岑出生于上海,从她 1982 年个人首张专集 " 请到天涯海角来 " 发行后,
乐队,乐队由上海最出色的音乐家组成。他们分别来自巴西、美国、俄国、以色列和中国。                                                        她被视为中国独创的流行歌星之一。1991 年,她移居到澳大利亚,并成为
Rolf is a composer,arranger, music producer, plays saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor              5 年中,她经常出现在中国电视和中国各地的慈善机构表演。在 2011 年,
and baritone), clarinet, flute and is the leader of a Big Band. Rolf invented a new teaching    她在中国 6 大城市里演出了 200 多场“妈妈咪呀”音乐剧,并正在为澳门
technique for playing the Saxophone using a time management concept he calls“Time For           的第二轮长达 6 个月的演出做准备。现在沈小岑正在录制一个新的电视节
Sax” and has published 6 instructional books with audio CD’ which are the bestselling
                                                                 s,                             目,称为 “超级声音”,她是其中的裁判。
saxophone teaching books in all German speaking countries in Europe. Since August 2004
he has lived in Shanghai composing, producing and performing music and beginning in             Sue Shen, born in Shanghai, is regarded as one of the original Chinese Pop Singers
March 2009 Rolf became the Music Director of the Jin Xing Theatre. He is presently writing      since her 1982 hit record“Please Come to the Remotest Corners of the World” In     .
a soundtrack for a movie which will be the directorial debut of famed American actor Keanu      1991, she moved to Australia and became an International Enter tainer per forming in
Reeves. Especially for this event Rolf asked the most versatile musicians in town to join his   major Australian cities, the USA and Europe. In the past 5 years she has regularly
band, which includes members from Brazil, the US, Russia, Israel and China.                     appeared on Chinese television and made numerous charity and solo per formances
                                                                                                around China. In 2011 she played the lead role of Tanya in the musical‘Mamma Mia’in
                                                                                                more than 200 shows across 6 cities in China, and is preparing for a second six month
                                                                                                season of the play in Macau later this year. Sue is currently recording a new TV show
                                                                                                called Super Voice in which she is a judge.

                                             11                                                                                                  12
主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾

倪迎春 Betty Ni                                                                                             姚珏 Jue Yao
倪迎春是上海著名的演员与歌手。因在上海电视里播出最久的情景喜剧表演而                                                                       姚珏生于中国上海,在 1995 年北京国际妇女节大会所出版的《中华女名人》
被众人所熟知。她经常在现场演唱会和特别电视节目里表演中国传统歌曲和英                                                                       一书中,成为唯一入选的华人小提琴家。2001 年,因热心教育,创办了姚珏
文流行歌曲。她同时也是一位母亲,高尔夫球家和游泳者。她是 WA Hope 基                                                                   天才音乐学院及成立了香港儿童室乐园。她曾获得           “雷达表杰出成就大奖”
金会的和 WA Optimum 在上海和北京医疗保健诊所的大使。WA Hope 基金会                                                              颁发的  “杰出小提琴家奖” 并应;  “万宝龙国际艺术赞助大奖”邀请任评委。
是一个慈善机构,而它利用最顶尖的细胞疗法去挽救在希望边缘的儿童和成年                                                                       2004 年 10 月,更获选为香港
                                                                                                                          “十大杰出青年” 此外,
                                                                                                                                  。      姚珏获得浪琴 (Longines)
人。如此,她被邀请参加由 TED Talks 而在 TED 上海演讲了关于医疗界的发展。                                                             颁发 “十大最具魅力大奖”及获旭茉杂志 (Jessica) 颁发的     “成功女性大奖”  。
                                                                                                         2008 年 7 月,获香港女工商及专业人员联会颁发     “杰出专业女性大奖”    。姚
Betty Ni is an actor and singer from Shanghai, well known for her starring role on the longest running   氏成为第一位拥有 1713 年史特拉第瓦里 (Stradivarius) 小提琴的华人音乐家。
sitcom on Shanghai TV. She performs regularly in live concerts and television specials singing
traditional Chinese songs and English pop songs. Betty is a loving mother, keen golfer, swimmer, and     Born in Shanghai, China, Ms. Yao is the only violinist to be included in the 1995 book "China's Famous
Ambassador for the WA Hope Foundation and WA Optimum Health Care medical clinics in Shanghai             Females”   published by the International Women's Congress in Beijing. Ms.Yao also founded the    “Yao
and Beijing. The WA Hope Foundation is a charity that provides breakthrough medicine through             Jue Music Academy”and the“Hong Kong Children’ Chamber Orchestra”in Hong Kong. She is
cutting edge cell therapies to children and adults suffering from no hope diseases. Betty recently       also the first Chinese musician to be received by President Castro of Cuba. Ms. Yao was awarded
spoke at TED Shanghai on Breakthrough Medicine: Stories of Hope.                                         the“Outstanding Violinist Rado Timeless Award” 2002. She also served on the International Jury
                                                                                                         Panel for the Montblanc Arts Patronage Award in 2003. In 2004, she was named one of the“Ten
                                                                                                         Outstanding Young Persons” Hong Kong, and in 2005 she was named one of Hong Kong' s Ten
                                                                                                                                        in                                                                “
黄英 Ying Huang                                                                                            Most Successfuly Women.”

唱片等各种艺术领域,她以柔和甜美的音色、灵活高超的演唱技巧、丰富纯正                                                                       方俊 Jun Fang
泛而高度的赞誉,被西方权威媒体盛赞为   “中国飞来的夜莺”。黄英作为第一位                                                                   资深舞蹈人士,   曾留学英国 10 年,常年应邀担任中国 CCTV 舞蹈大赛总评审。
在歌剧电影中担任女主角的华人歌唱家,在法国导演密特朗执导的著名歌剧电                                                                       自 2006 年至今担任舞林大会艺术总监,为《舞林大会》创下了收视率奇迹。
影《蝴蝶夫人》中进行了精彩表演,从而赢得了世界性的声誉并成为在国际乐坛                                                                      2006 年投资创办 “香港舞林大会文化投资有限公司”   ,并担任董事长。2008
享有巨星知名度的中国女高音。 2009 年,黄英作为杰出的华人歌唱家代表荣登                                                                   年方俊老师成立   “舞林大会全国连锁机构”   ,并担任主席。2009 年方俊老师
大都会歌剧院 125 周年庆典的“明星照片墙”。                                                                                 创办了  “方俊创意” ,为各界人士举办个性创意的各类活动。2010 年 1 月,方
                                                                                                         俊老师为了提供更好的平台,    使中国舞者梦想成真, 创办《舞林大会慈善基金》  ,
Ying Huang, a native of shanghai, who trained in The Children's Palace, is a renowned lyric coloratura   并资助中国舞者去英国深造。同年 9 月,应邀担任冰上雅姿总导演,为申雪、
soprano and opera singer, is an outstanding vocal artists who has performed around the globe in          赵宏博打造了梦幻般的婚礼,受到各界好评。
famed opera houses including the Metropolitan Opera, Théatre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels
Belgium, Royal Danish Opera, Cologne Opera House as well as on television, in movies and                 Fang Jun studied dance in the UK for 10 years. Since 2006 he has served as the artistic
recording studios. Her tender and sweet voice, and impassioned stage performances, has won               director of“Let's Shake It” CCTV, and participates every year as a judge for the CCTV
accolades worldwide from colleagues, audiences and the media, who hail her as“the nightingale            dance competition. He has founded the Wulindahui HK Cultural Investment Company, the
from China.”  She came to international attention at age 27 with her sensational debut as Cio-Cio San    Wulindahui National Chain School, and also the Wulindahui Charitable Foundation to provide
in Frédéric Mitterrand's 1995 acclaimed feature film Madame Butterfly. One of Ying Huang’ notable
                                                                                             s           a charity platform for Chinese dancers to attend dance schools in the UK to obtain their
achievements is her creation of the role of Du Liniang in the world premiere of Tan Dun’ Peonys          postgraduate degrees. In 2009 he founded   “Created By Fangjun”    which provide creative
Pavilion directed by Peter Sellars. In 2009, Ying Huang was selected onto the   “Wall of Fame” the
                                                                                                in       assistance. He has also acted as the Chief Director of“Artistry on Ice” about a wedding
Metropolitan Opera’ 125th Anniversary celebration.
                     s                                                                                   ceremony that garnered critical acclaims.

                                                  13                                                                                                       14
7 位 杰 出 的 上 海设 计 师 为 我 们 活 动 设 计了 7 套 精 美 的 礼 服 用 于 静 拍 卖。 今 天 由                                            设计师 Designers        模特 Models
2011 年和 2012 年环球小姐获奖者和参赛者为我们展示。
Seven fabulous designers based in Shanghai will donate seven gorgeous                                                                               华娟       Judy Hua
gowns for silent auction, which will be modeled by 2011 and 2012 Miss
Universe China winners/contestants.                                                                                                                 本件礼服源自 JUDYHUA 品牌以王玉平先生鱼
                                                                                                                                                    系类油画为灵 感 来源的 2012 春夏系列,以              “森
设计师 Designers         模特 Models
                                                                                                                                                    This gown, inspired by Wang Yuping’ oil
                                              Tina Fu                                                                                               painting“Fish in the Forest”symbolizes
                                                                                                                Judy Hua         阿丽娅 Aliya
                                                                                                                                                    the chaos and heat of modern urban life.
                                              奇水晶。                                                                                                  RMB 16,998
                                              T h i s h a n d -m a d e e l e g a n t r e d g o w n i s
                                              made of tulle and contains cut lace and                                                               Lovisa Tedestedt
                                              Swarovski crystals.
                                                                                                                                                    风格 :   DISA
   Tina Fu	            伊娜 Yina                RMB 50,000                                                                                            衣料 :   皱塔夫绸和薄纱描有一条龙,配有可拆卸
                                                                                                                                                    This gown uses crinkled taf feta and tulle
                                              郭俐儀            Ko LeYi
                                                                                                                                                    with a sweep train, and has a detachable
                                              巴黎婚纱法拉颂品牌设计师                                                                                          satin ribbon with crystal beading.
                                                                                                             Lovisa Tedestedt	   许继丹 Diana
                                              (Paris Bridal Designer)
                                                                                                                                                    RMB 10,000
                                              高级半宝 石与 礼服 进行完美 搭 配 组合。宝石的
                                              璀璨耀眼,礼服的雍容华贵,令人叹为观止,散                                                                                 陆坤       Lu Kun
   Ko LeYi             李莹 Liyin               发典雅气息。
                                              T h i s g o w n’ b o d i c e i s e x q u i s i t e l y
                                                              s                                                                                     这件礼服所要表达的是富有趣味的精彩的真善美
                                              embellished with fine topaz and cat’ eye    s                                                         的优雅淑女态度。
                                              stone creating a sophisticated aura.                                                                  This evening gown is inspired by the fun
                                                                                                                                                    and flirty flair of an elegant lady.
                                              RMB 100,000
                                                                                                                                                    RMB 35,000
                                                                                                                 Lu Kun	         李姿含 Lizihan
                                              张文轩            Chris Chang
                                              的柔与刚的并存个性。粉色与红色的绣线代表了                                                                                 韩枫       Han Feng 	
                                              T his m o de r n evenin g g ow n is insp ire d
                                                                                                                                                    This special evening gown has a duo-color
                                              by a n c i e n t Ro m a n a r m o r w i t h a r t i s t i c
 Chris Chang       张雅玫 Zhang Ya Mei                                                                                                                 silk chiffon overcoat with jersey fitted dress.
                                              e m b r o i d e r y t o d i s p l a y f e m i n i n i t y,
                                              individuality and vitality.                                                                           RMB 10,000

                                              RMB 28,800                                                         Han Feng	        丁囡 Dingnan
                                         15                                                                                                    16

                                                      Donations to the 2012 Charity Gala will fund the following three projects, and
                                                  all the funds will be audited by Ernst & Young:

                                                      Operation Smile: Operation Smile, which operates in over 70 countries,
                                                  which has a global charity alliance of Miss Universe Organization, provides free
                                                  operations to children with cleft pallets who are unable to pay for surgeries.
                                                  Operation Smile has provided more than 25,000 free operations for children in
  2012 慈善晚会所有筹集善款将用于资助以下三个项目 , 所得款项均由安永华明会计师事     China over the course of twenty years.Tonight's donation to Operation Smile
务所审计 :                                            will fund about 450 operations in Hebei, Hunan, and Yunan provinces, to heal
                                                  children's smiles and forever change their lives.
  微笑行动 :
       微笑行动是一个全球性的机构,在 70 多个国家为有唇腭裂及其他头面部
畸形的贫困家庭儿童提供免费医疗的非盈利性慈善机构,也是环球小姐的全球慈善联盟伙               SIFF Scholarships: This is the 15th year of the Shanghai International
伴。在中国的 20 年以来,微笑行动已经在中国为孩子们提供了 25,000 个以上的免费手术。   Film Festival, which is one of the largest and most prestigious film festivals in
而今晚的善款将会帮助在河北、湖南、云南三省的至少 500 个唇裂儿童提供免费的修复手术,      East Asia. It is organized under the authority of the Chinese government Ministry
还给他们美丽的微笑,并且将会永远改变他们的生活。                          of Culture and Ministry of TV Film and Broadcast. Donations to the Shanghai
                                                  Film Festival will be used to fund hard costs for four public service micro-film
  上海国际电影节 :
          今年是第 15 届上海国际电影节,该电影节是东亚最大和最具影响         projects that address impor tant women’ issues in today’ society from the
                                                                                         s                s
力的电影节,由中国文化部和国家广播电影电视总局主办。中国美基金将会资助四个中国著          perspective of four female Chinese directors selected by SIFF.
                                                      Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation / Safety for Mothers and
        上海宋庆龄基金会于 2001 年发起以
                                        “母        Infants Project: This program is dedicated to improving the lives of women and
婴平安”项目,该项目主要帮助我国最贫困边远地区建立妇幼保健站,增添基本医疗设备,          children throughout China in many impoverished areas of China. Funds donated
培训医护人员,推广科学生育。经过多年的实施及推广,有效降低了孕产妇及新生儿死亡率。         tonight will help assist the Safety for Mothers and Infants Project to improve
今晚部分所得善款将会用于母婴平安项目,向广西地区的妇幼保健院提供医疗设备和救护           facilities for maternal and children’ healthcare facilities in such impoverished
车来改善母亲及儿童的健康医疗环境。                                 areas.

                      17                                                                   18
爱 心大 使

        黄圣依              霍思燕           吕燕
      Eva Huang         Huo Siyan     Lv Yan
                                                  AUCTION PRIZES

      马艳丽                  翁虹           庄泳
     Mary Ma            Yung Hung   Joey Zhuang

                           19                     20

                                                                                                       泰国顶级 Chiva-som 7 天度假养生套票
                     Hermes Arceau 女士腕表
                                                                                             - 7 天 Emerald 房间的入住权,并可以享用 Spa 健康专用餐(到达当天可享用晚餐)
                                   21,600RMB                                                 - 每晚单人全身按摩一次(可选择泰式按摩,Chiva-Som 特色按摩,提神或放松足部按摩 –50 分钟)
                                                                                             - 私人健康保健咨询服务
Arceau 腕表系列是品牌设计师 Henrid’Origny 于 1978 年的经典之作,灵感源自与爱马仕结下不                                    - 每日健身与休闲活动,可以尽情享用我们的水疗室,包括蒸气浴,桑拿浴,按摩浴
现马镫形的表耳,令腕表整 体上看来有点不对称 ;而表盘上的阿拉伯数字时刻微微倾向腕表中心,
当中的数字 6 与两旁的倒转数字相映成趣。此划破传统的设计让腕表流露着一份玩味的感觉,截然                                                 7 Nights at Chivasom Resort in Hua Hin, Thailand
                                                                                             - 7 Chiva-Som spa cuisine meals per night of stay in the Emerald Room and taste of
                                                                                             Siam restaurant (arrival day will begin with dinner)
        Hermes Arceau 28mm Lady’ Watch
                                s                                                            - One Body massage per night of stay (choice of Thai, Chiva-Som, Invigorating or
                                                                                             relaxing foot massage – 50 minutes)
Arceau is the star of the collection and the quintessence of the Hermès style. The           - Individual Health and Wellness Consultation
classicism of its design and the distinction of its angled numerals are in contrast to the   - Par ticipation in daily f itness and leisure activities(please note spor ts shoes are
asymmetrical form of its upper attachment, which is like a horse-shoe, symbolising           necessary to use the gym)
good luck. Easily identif iable as a Hermes, it is without ostentation and is classic,       - Complimentary use of our Water Therapy Suites which include Steam, Sauna and Jacuzzi
elegant and timeless.

                                            21                                                                                          22

                                                                                                                      保乐利加溯源之旅 尽赏奢华
                                                                                                           马爹利,马姆和巴黎之花体验之旅 - 4 天 3 晚
                                                                                                                 大约 200,000RMB
                                                                                                保乐力加诚邀阁下,开启溯源奢华佳酿历蕴之旅。1715 年,马爹利品牌创始人尚 . 马爹利在法国干
 Christian Louboutin 专门为本次晚宴设计的高跟鞋                                                              邑区开创了延续三个多世纪的干邑传奇。而今,您可徜徉于香特露庄园,在这幢 1838 年由马爹利
                                   无价 Priceless                                                 创始者的第三代传人购置下的经典建筑中,感悟马爹利的世代传承与家族荣耀。1811 年,Pierre-
                                                                                                Nicolas-Marie Perrier 与 Adèle Jouēt 在法国埃佩尔内市喜结连理,巴黎之花香槟由此诞生。今
                                                                                                日,您可在此地的       “美丽时光之家”      ,品赏由众多艺术珍品为您重现的那段美丽时光。保乐力加公司
Christian Louboutin, 红底鞋教父,作为中国美基金的顾问委员之一,专为此次拍卖活动设计了一
                                                                                                将承担全程所有费用 : 张法国航空头等舱来回机票,TGV 头等舱火车票,五星级酒店住宿及餐饮,
款限量颜色的龙饰高跟鞋履。Louboutin 以著名的漆红鞋底闻名于世,深受追捧。设计师始终主张
要“让女人看起来性感,美丽,拥有无限延长的双腿”          。很荣幸他今天能来到我们的活动!

 Specially Designed Christian Louboutin Shoes                                                   4 Day Martell,Mumm and Perrier Jouet Journey
                                                                                                Pernod Ricard sincerely invites you to a luxurious journey to explore its heritage story.
Chr istian Louboutin, one of the most famous shoe designers in the wor ld, and a
                                                                                                In 1715, Jean Mar tell, the founder of Mar tell, arrived in the Cognac region and laid
member of the China Beauty Charity Fund Board advisory board, has designed a pair
                                                                                                the foundation to what would become 300 years of everlasting brilliance. The Maison
of his beautiful stilettos in an exclusive colour for this charity auction! Louboutin, who is
                                                                                                Martell was bought by his descendants in 1838, and has witnessed the glory of Martell
famous for his red-lacquered soles, has stated that his goal is to“make a woman look
                                                                                                family ever since. In 1811, Adèle Jouet was married to Pierre Nicolas Perrie in Apernay,
sexy, beautiful, to make her legs look as long as he can. ”We welcome him in Shanghai
                                                                                                France. Together, they founded the Champagne House named after them both. Today,
                                                                                                you will enjoy the collections of Art Nouveau in the Maison Belle Epoque and appreciate
                                                                                                the charm and elegance of its time. Pernod Ricard will cover all the expense including:
                                                                                                two Air France first class round-trip tickets, TGV first class train tickets, five-star hotel
                                                                                                accommodation & dining and limousine pick-up service.

                                             23                                                                                               24

                Robert Wan 大溪地珍珠彩虹项链                                                                  起拍价 Start bidding price: 180,000RMB
                                                                                                                       镜面不锈钢材料 23 x 67.5 x 40 厘米
ROBERT WAN 集团创始人温惠仁先生被誉为 “大溪地珍珠之父,黑珍珠大王”,ROBERT WAN                                                                    Stainless Steel 23 x 67.5 x 40 cm
是全球最大的大溪地珍珠生产商和出口商 , 旗下拥有 8 家大型珍珠养殖场及世界唯一一家珍珠博物
馆。ROBERT WAN 彩虹系列项链是经典永恒的,独家秘方培育出无与伦比的大溪地珍珠 :  直径超                                          张洹是在世的最伟大的艺术家,世界上很多重要的收藏家和博物馆都争相收集他的作品。这件作品是
过 15mm 并透出极佳的色泽和彩虹的光晕,浑圆剔透,纯净无瑕。大溪地珍珠经过天然泻湖的孕育                                              张洹先生最新系列作品,形式为一只张开翅膀,翱翔的和平鸽,象征着人类的飞行梦想和对自由和平
养殖过程长达 5 至 7 年之久,是极致珍贵的宝石。每一颗大溪地珍珠都完美地诠释着女性的内在美。                                            的追求。镜面不锈钢材料,寓意着世界万物都是一面镜子,我们可以从中看到的自我的投射。

  Robert Wan Rainbow Color Pearl Necklace                                                                Bird of Paradise by Zhanghuan
This beautiful multicolor pearl necklace contains 27 high-quality Tahitian Pearls larger    Zhanghuan is one of the greatest living ar tists whose works have been collected by
than 15mm each with the purest round shapes that have no equal. The incredible oriental     every important collector and museum in the world. This latest artwork, Bird of Paradise,
glow provides a rainbow ef fect that reveals the inner beauty of women. Legendar y          which symbolize the flying dream of mankind and the pursuit of freedom. The material of
Tahitian pearl pioneer, Robert Wan, nicknamed the“Emperor of Pearls” is the largest
                                                                          ,                 stainless steel conveys the metaphor that everything in the world is a mirror, from which
producer of Tahitian pearls in the world. No woman should be without a stunning strand of   we can see our own reflections.
these rare and unique black pearls.

                                           25                                                                                           26

                                                                                                                                颜正安作品 :红伞
                                                                                                                               80 厘米 x 55 厘米 80cmx55cm
                               独特的意大利体验                                                                                         水彩画 Watercolor on paper

                                   无价 Priceless                                                  书香世家出生的颜正安,自小耳濡目染,于中国传统艺术一道根基扎实。青年时代以中国电影专业首
本品是由一个非常尊贵的意大利皇室朋友提供,是其名下三处产业的使用权,这个是绝对独一无二                                                      为观止的效果。她的画历来是慈善拍卖会上最受瞩目的拍品,为各类慈善项目捐赠数百万元价值的作
的拍品,供给 6 人使用。介绍如下 :                                                                              品,深受国内外收藏家的青睐。这幅画描绘了两个人抱着孩子行走在都市的大街上 :尽管天是阴沉的,
1 其威尼斯历史悠久的私人隐修院(Cloister of the Madonna dell'Orto church)四天的使用权                                 环境是灰色的,但在象征着爱和希望的红伞下,他们相互支持着走向未来。
2 享有其威尼斯歌剧院 La Fenice 的包厢使用权
3 享有其在威尼斯郊外的城堡 Villalta 的五天使用权,这座城堡令人叹为观止,它坐落于山顶,是全
世界最让人惊叹的城堡之一!                                                                                      "Red Umbrella" by Famous Painter Ann Yen
                                                                                                 Ann Yen was born to a family of scholars. From early childhood, she was exposed
                    Unique Italian Experience                                                    to concepts of traditional Chinese art. In 1981 she went to America on a government
                                                                                                 scholarship as the first Chinese student to study filmmaking. That experience left her fully
Offered by a Royal Italian, this trip for 6 people, includes:                                    steeped in the philosophy and history of Western art. Her art work can be described as
1. 4 days stay in a private Cloister in Venice                                                   a beautiful mixture of eastern and western culture and a perfect combination of strength
2. The use of a royal private opera box at the Opera House La Fenice in Venice(one of            and gentleness. Ann puts her soul into her paintings and life. Her artwork has been the
the most famous theatres in Europe)                                                              centerpiece of many charity auctions and raised millions of RMB for the needy. The
3. 5 day stay in an historic private mountaintop Castle, called Castello Di Villalta in Italy.   painting shows a couple holding a child and walking down an imposing city street. The red
                                                                                                 umbrella is the symbol of love and hope, set against the harsh urban environment.

                                              27                                                                                              28

                                                                                         卢森堡罗伯特王子 提 供的 28 瓶 75 年来 最好的侯伯王
                                                                                             酒庄佳酿 , 以及 2 个限量版皇室酒柜
                                                                                                                           无价 Priceless
                                                                                              ( 最近曾拍出 210 万美金的高价 2.1 million US dollars in a recent charity auction)

                                                                                         侯伯王酒庄(Chateau Haut-Brion)是法国波尔多 5 大 酒庄中历史 最悠久的。为了庆 祝帝龙家族
                                                                                         (Clarence Dillon)收购侯伯王酒庄 75 周年,卢森堡罗伯特王子,克兰斯帝龙酒业的主席,特约英
                                                                                         国皇室著名设计师 Viscount Linley(英国女王的侄子)设计限量版葡萄酒酒柜。红酒酒柜全球只有
                                                                                         手工制作的 15 个,而白葡萄酒酒柜只有 5 个。今晚我们会见到其中的两个。这些酒柜中的酒全都是
                                                                                         侯伯王酒庄 75 年来最好的,各装有 8 瓶。它们从来没有离开过酒庄,而其中 1945 年的葡萄酒是酒
                                                                                         庄仅存的 7 瓶之一,是无价之宝。
                                                                                         酒柜 还包括了一个隐形抽屉,内含有 3 个由意大利著名的珠宝设计师 Buccelatti 操刀的纯银碟器,
                                                                                         另有 12 个水晶酒杯。如果这还不够的话,幸运购买者还将获得 2010 年侯伯王酒庄红葡萄酒和白葡
                                                                                         萄酒礼盒装各一套,每套含 6 瓶佳酿。2010 年份的葡萄酒被外界公认为波尔多最好的年份之一。将
                                                                                         于 2012 年秋天装瓶后交付幸运的买主,并由酒庄直接运到买主手中。
                                                                                         红葡萄酒酒柜中包含以下年份 :1935, 1945, 1959, 1961, 1975, 1989, 1990, 2009
                                                                                         白葡萄酒酒柜中包含以下年份 :1969, 1976, 1983, 1989, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2007
                                208,800RMB                                               28 bottles rare Chateau Haut-Brion vintage from
                                                                                           Prince Robert, and 2 limited royal consoles
这件水貂大衣,让人联想到芬迪价值(罗马、二元性、创新、时尚、手工艺)。通过别出匠裁的精湛手工艺,                                         Chateau Haut Brion is the oldest of the five first growths of Bordeaux. To celebrate the
完美地将黑色和咖啡色的水貂毛编织在一起,体现了芬迪 Pequin 设计元素。透过 Pequin 的立体效                                     75th anniversary of Clarence Dillon, Prince Robert of Luxembourg has commissioned the
果,突显了女性的线条美 ;衣领和腰带的设计,完美映衬了贵族金和水貂毛的光泽度,呈现了优雅和                                            great furniture designer Viscount Linley, nephew of Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain to
低调的风格。                                                                                   create 15 consoles for red wines and 5 for white wine. These exceptional limited edition
                                                                                         pieces of furniture are used to hold the best vintages of chateau Haut-Brion in the last 75
                                                                                         years. Each console contians.
                            Fendi Fur Coat                                               Chateau Haut-Brion rouge: 1935, 1945, 1959, 1961, 1975, 1989, 1990, 2009
                                                                                         Chateau Haut-Brion blanc: 1969, 1976, 1983, 1989, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2007
This fur coat unveils the values of Fendi, which evoke keywords such as Roma, Dualism,   These rare bottles have never left the Estate's cellar and for some of them represent
Innovation, Fashion and Craftmanship. The black and brown mink fur has been woven        the very last existing bottles at Haut-Brion. In addition, the cabinets contain 2 drawers
together per fectly through the craftsman’ exquisite skill, and the dual-colour design
                                            s                                            from the great Italian silver maker Buccelatti, and also a set of crystal wine of glasses.
reflects Fendi's classical Pequin design element. The Pequin design creates volume and   Additionally, Prince Robert has added 6 bottles of 2010 red and white wines, generally
movement to the fur, thus emphasizing the beauty of a Fendi Lady’ silhouette.
                                                                  s                      known to be a great year for Bordeaux. These wines are to be bottled this fall.

                                          29                                                                                          30

             Dior 高级珠宝 My Dior 系列黄金手镯
My Dior 系列是迪奥高级珠宝部艺术总监维多利娅 . 徳卡斯特兰 ( Victoire de Castellane ) 的灵
感之作,作为迪奥品牌象征符号的      “藤格纹”外观犹如一片金质的丝网、编织的麦草和名贵的缎带,
好 似用丝线编织而成的情网,象征着爱情、亲情与友情的相互交织。如同 Jean Cocteau 对 Dior
名字的定 义 :一 个 结合了 Dieu(上帝)和 or(黄 金)的有魔力的名字。My Dior 系列正 是 对 Dior                                                   来自罗马的楚萨迪特别款手提包
品牌精髓的最新演绎。在座诸位女性或清新自然,或典雅精致,或两者兼而有之 ;然而每位皆可以                                                                                 无价 Priceless
其独特风格于这款    “藤格纹”黄金手镯上烙下专属印记,令其世代相传。
                                                                                                   TRUSSARDI 经典 IT 包款“TUC”
                                                                                                                         。此款由 Gaia Trussardi 女士为慈善夜度身打造 ,
                            My Dior Bracelet                                                                              全球仅此两款。

Designed by Victoire de Castellane, the My Dior collection is like gold mesh, like woven
straw, like precious ribbon, like intertwined bonds of friendship or love, in the spirit of
                                                                                                   Trussardi Special Bag Sent From Rome
the House of Dior:“cannage” My Dior is the most recent sentimental interpretation
                                .                                                             Trussardi“TUC” bag sent from Rome. These 2 bags are personalized by Mrs. Gaia
illustrating Jean Cocteau’ quotation about Dior: a magical name combining Dieu
                            s                        “                                        Trussardi and especially made for this charity event. Only two exist in the world.
(God) and or (gold)” Some of the ladies here are fresh and bright; some, exquisite and
classic; some, carry both. But all of you could engrave your own“cannage”    story on this
bracelet and pass it generation to generation.

                                            31                                                                                         32

                     宝格丽地中海伊甸园黄金项链                                                                                      “夜星”钻石耳环
                                 154,000RMB                                                                                  120,000RMB
宝格丽全新 Monete 系列作品透过无限的色彩与迷人的标志性元素古钱币,将宝格丽悠久传承的独                                              「夜星」为香港「第六届最受买家欢迎首饰设计比赛」亚军作品。「夜星」以 18K 金打造,再配上璀璨
特风格与文化内涵烘托至极。Bulgari 宝格丽 Monete 黄金长项链,装饰金珠和古铜币 ;这是宝格丽                                        夺目的钻石,就如流星划破静夜,为您带来闪烁璀璨的希望。
2012 年 Pillar 系列中最受欢迎的项链。

                                                                                                        “Meteor”Earrings by Luk Fook
Bvlgari Monete Yellow Gold Sautoir Necklace
                                                                                             Designed by Lukfook Jewelr y, the“Meteor”  won the Silver Prize at the 6th Buyers'
The Monete yellow gold sautoir necklace contains antique bronze coins is the most            Favorite Jewelr y Design Competition in Hong Kong. The earrings, set in glit tering
popular necklace from its Pillar Collection this year. Impeccably elegant Monete line with   diamonds and 18 K gold, spar kle like a meteor falling dur ing a star r y night. This
an ancient coin motif, which often returns on Bulgari’ famous jewellery, adorns the slim
                                                        s                                    masterpiece of craf tsmanship exudes positive energy and warmth for a bright and
temples of sophisticated frames available in several colors, including black, pearly red     successful future.
and streaked brown.

                                            33                                                                                         34

                                                                                              SILENT AUCTION

          BDS 800 时尚 5.1 声道蓝光家庭影院系统
BDS800 简约时尚的设计配合黑色钢琴烤漆,为家居环境增添上乘质感,彰显不凡品味。它真实还
原各类音源的电影与音乐,音效丰富逼真,让您置身于不可思议的 360 度环绕立体声中,加上 200

               Blu-ray Home Theater System
Think of the BDS 800 as small but mighty. This powerful home theatre system won’ take
up much space in your home but will deliver room-filling surround sound and enchanting
visuals. With superb audio/video performance from the Blu-ray Disc receiver, four satellite
speakers, one dual-driver centre speaker and a 200watt-powered subwoofer, the BDS
800 system can transform any ordinary TV viewing into a truly cinematic experience.

                                            35                                                36
静 拍品介 绍

                                                                                                             WA 健康与美容咨询中心尊享卡                            摩纳哥第一品牌 Jiki 的特别限量版包                    埃及艳后克利欧佩特拉 晚装包
                                                                                                            WA H e a l t h & B e a u t y V I P           exclusive bag from the No.1            The Cleopatra minaudiere
                                                                                                            Membership for our f lagship                  fashion brand in Monaco                     RMB 20,500
                                                                                                                center in Shanghai                               RMB 20,000
                                                                                                                   RMB 625,000                                                                CuR 为羽西女 士 和 宋氏 姐 妹 独 家
                                                                                                                                                                                              设 计 的 D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳
Hope Chen 提供的美国 50 最佳                2 套高级男士西装布料                     上海柏悦大酒店总统套房 1 晚                                                                                                          T hre e S i ste r s S o n g: L a V i e
滑雪胜地之一 Squaw Creek 的旅           2 pieces of luxurious fabric for              和两人晚餐                                                                                                           En Rose( 宋 氏 三 姐 妹 : 玫 瑰
           行套餐 5 天                   2 Suits by Dormeuil           O ne ni ght stay in Chair man                                                                                              人 生 ) Limited edition hand-
Hotel package at Squaw Creek             RMB 20,000                suite with butler bath and                                                                                                 craf ted shell and stone
   for 5 days by Hope Chen                                                  dinner for two                                                                                                    D -S ATA m i n a u d i e r e c l u t c h
          RMB 40,800                                                        RMB 110,000                     最 好的酒店 Villa Padierna, 包括                                                         bag designed exclusively by
                                                                                                            7 张通往 3 个不同高尔夫球场的免                                                                CuR for Madame YueSai and
                                                                                                               费入场券和所有的交通接送。                                                                          the Song Sisters
                                                                                                             7 night stay in the Villa                                                                    RMB 8,500
                                                                                                            Padierna Palace, the best                    姚明的大鲨鱼队提供的自行车
                                                                                                            hotel in Spain, 7 green fees                exclusive bicycle from                手工镶嵌玛瑙贝和黑色玳瑁配以手
                                                                                                            at our 3 golf courses and all                    Yaomin's Sharks                             工打磨黄铜
                                                                                                                  Limousine transfer                           RMB 2,800                      Hand-inlayed cowrie shells in
                                                                                                                     RMB 34,000                                                               han d-inl aye d b l ac k to r to ise
                                                                                                                                                                                              shell and hand-brushed brass
                                                                                                                                                                                              D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳 和 黄 铜
                                                                                                                                                                                              JINGJING set of the Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                              and M oon: limited edition
                                                                                                                                                          Trafalgar 2 人澳大利亚之旅                 hand-crafted shell and brass
                                                                                                                                                             trip for 2 to Australia          D-SATA minaudiere clutch bag
                                                                                                                                                                  RMB 60,000                            RMB 7,500
日本最好的皮草品牌 Chie Imai 特别款            一对 Harman 水晶音响                  法 国 Majestic 海 景 高 级 房 2 晚,
A special designed“MOSAIQUE     A pair of Harman Cr ystal                          含早餐                                                                                                        D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳 和 不 锈
                                                                                                            歌 诗 达 将 提 供 9 月 25 日出 发 全
    de CHIE”  Mink fur jacket            Speakers                  2 n i g h t st ay i n D e l u xe S e a                                                                                              钢材质的晚装包
         RMB 140,000                    RMB 8,000                    View Room with breakfast                                                                                                 limite d e dition hand-c raf te d
                                                                                                            住) 上海 . 济州 . 福冈 . 细岛 / 宫崎 .
                                                                                RMB 6,500                                                                                                     shell and stainless steel
                                                                                                                上海 5 晚 6 天游邮轮船票。
                                                                                                            C o s t a C r u i se p r ov i d e s o n e                                         D-SATA minaudiere clutch bag
                                                                                                            spacious Balcony cabin for two                                                               RMB 4,500
                                                                                                            people over the course of 6 days
                                                                                                            and 5 nights, from Shanghai                          5 星奢华欧洲邮轮
                                                                                                            to J e j u I s l a n d , Fu g a n g a n d   5 star luxary river cruse in Europe
                                                                                                            Hiroshima. The ship departs on                         RMB 60,000
                                                                                                                       Sept. 25, 2012.
                                                                                                                       RMB 20,000
                                               37                                                                                                                        38
静 拍品介 绍

 全新威斯汀周日早午餐给 8 位                        上海至奥克兰往返经济舱机票两张                            Lawless Accessories 劳伦思
 每周日上午 11:30 至下午 2:30,                  Tw o S h a n g h a i to A u c k l a n d            魅惑标致包
The New Westin Sunday                        Round Trip Tickets                   鱼子酱纹理的珍贵珍珠鱼,手工制作
        Brunch for 8 People                    (Economy class)                     Conlyn Chen signature clutch
Va l i d f r o m J u l y 1st 2 012 to            RMB 20,000                          Handcrafted in pearl like
          Sept 20th, 2012.                                                           genuine stingray leather
RMB 538 +15% Service Charge                                                                RMB 7,000

                                                                                                                       RA FFLE ITEMS

咖 啡 色 编 织 小 羊 皮 MEMORY                  莫干山高级树顶别墅周末休闲套餐                                 菲拉格慕鳄鱼皮手包
     KNOT 记忆结手拿包                        3 Weekend nights stay for 10              Luxur ious seasonal alligator
2012 Season Ebano Intreccio             people at Naked Retreats in                        leather bag
    Memory Nappa Knot                      Moganshan Mountain                              RMB 72,000
       RMB 19,870                               RMB 86,000

       全家福 / 艺术照拍摄                       2 枚 Earth & Heaven 系列戒指
     Family Photo shooting/             2 jewelry rings from my Earth
     Art portraits Shooting              and Heaven Collection Rings
          RMB 60,000                           RMB 1,200 每个

                                                          39                                                      40

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Accessible Digital Futures project (20/03/2024)

  • 1. 上海宋庆龄基金会 . 中国美基金 SHANGHAI SOONG CHING LING FOUNDATION.CHINA BEAUTY CHARITY FUND 上海宋庆龄基金会是以宋庆龄名字命名的公募基金会,为继承和发扬宋庆龄女士关心妇女、热 爱儿童的精神,于 1986 年成立。 上海宋庆龄基金会致力于妇女儿童的医疗保健、 文化教育事业,积极募集资金,坚持为贫困地区, 开展文化教育扶贫工作 ;重视国际间的文化交流和学术研究,注重海峡两岸交流与交往,广泛开展 国际少年儿童文化艺术交流活动,并与加拿大、日本、匈牙利、菲律宾、意大利、澳大利亚、南非、 新西兰等宋庆龄基金会建立了良好的关系,开展广泛的合作,为维护世界和平做出了积极贡献。 靳羽西女士多年来全心投入慈善事业和参与各地宋庆龄基金会的活动。为表彰她长期以来对中 国社会,尤其是慈善事业所付出的努力和取得的功就,上海宋庆龄基金会特别设立了中国美基金专 门项目 ;同时任命羽西女士为中国美基金的形象大使和该基金的执行主席。 In 1986, the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation ( “SSCLF” was established ) in commemoration of Soong Ching Ling, the late Honorary President of the People’ s Republic of China, and wife of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. This non-profit government-sanctioned charity, operating under strict government welfare guidelines, has donated millions of RMB for: Programs for the improvement of women and children throughout China; Cultural exchange programs with many countries around the world; Scholarships for poor students; The Children’ Football Program; s Charitable Bookstacks project which provides mini-libraries in poor rural areas in western China; Disaster Relief In recognition of Yue-Sai Kan's many years of contributions to society and charity, the China Beauty Charity Fund was established for the purpose of using beauty for benefical social change. 01 02
  • 2. 筹委 会主 席致辞 CHA IR M A N'S T HA N K YOU LET T ER 亲爱的朋友 : Dear Friends, 感谢您光临上海宋庆龄基金会环球小姐中国美基金慈善晚会! 作为中国美基金主席和环球小姐中国 As Chairman of the China Beauty Foundation and National Director of Miss Universe China, I 赛区总裁,我感到特别荣幸,欢迎你们来参加我们的活动,特别是那些远道而来参加这次盛会的朋友。 welcome you to the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Miss Universe China Beauty Charity Gala! All my 在我此生中,我始终深信并且不遗余力地支持着慈善事业。近几十年来我为支持这些重要的慈善 life I have been a strong believer in, and supporter of, charity. For decades I have given my time 活动,付出了很多的时间和金钱。中国环球小姐大赛不仅仅只是一个选美比赛——这是一个鼓励人 and money to suppor t impor tant causes. Miss Universe China is more than a beauty pageant - it is about encouraging people to be charitable, educating about exemplary values, creating 们去做慈善事业,教育可作为典范的价值观,创造正面的形象,为我们的佳丽能够运用她们的美丽 a positive image and celebrating women by empowering them to use beauty for positive social 做积极的事情而表示庆祝。 change. 今晚的任 务是为三项意义非凡的慈善项目筹集善款,它们是 :微笑行动,上海国际电影节和上 Tonight's mission is to raise money for three wonderful charities which are dear to our hearts: 海宋庆龄基金会的 “母婴平安计划”。我们很高兴在欢迎致辞中宣布,我们已经筹得善款 6 百万人民 Operation Smile, the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling 币,相当惊人! 我们希望能够通过接下来的拍卖和抽奖奖品筹集更多的善款。 Foundation Safety for Mothers and Infants Project. 今晚的活动是国际性的,汇聚了中国乃至全世界各地的力量! 那么多慷慨的朋友们从全世界各个 There are many who helped the success of this event. Emotion China (Shanghai) Limited 角落来到这里,让人觉得非常的温馨。 has provided outstanding logistics and setup at cost. The beautiful decorations and lovely theme 有很多人需要得到我们由衷的感谢,因为他们为这一次盛会艰辛地工作。 was made possible by the amazing worldwide efforts of Wilson Associates. Richmond Tanya 感谢一流的活动管理公司 Emotion 提供的后勤服务和现场活动流程掌控。他们的帮助和指导于 Hospitality donated 2,200 meters of fabrics for tonight ’ impeccable decoration. Sennheiser s 我们来说是无可估量的。感谢 Trisha Wilson Associates 为我们提供了这个宴会厅的美妙装饰物 donated the entire sound system and super vised the complicated setup for tonight ’ beautiful s 和绝佳的设计。感谢 Richmond Tanya Hospitality 捐助的今晚装饰所用的超过 2300 米的布料。 sound. Christies Auction House provided distinguished auctioneer Carrie Li to assist with the 感谢 Sennheiser 慷慨的捐赠,包括让他们的一流的设计师从南美和洛杉矶飞到上海来为我们今晚 auction. The champagne and vodka were provided by Pernod Ricard, the wines by Chateau 的活动调音, 带来了无可挑剔的声音。 还有今晚所有的香槟和伏特加都是由保乐利加公司免费提供的, Haut Brion, and the soft drinks and water donated by Coca-Cola. Free auditing services from 还有可口可乐公司为我们无偿提供饮用水和软饮料。还要感谢 Ernst & Young 安永会计师事务所 Ernst & Young to ensure every dollar we raise is properly expended. 为我们提供了免费的审计服务,确保我们每一分善款的筹集和利用。还有佳士得拍卖行提供了杰出 T han ks to a l l of yo u fo r p u rc hasi n g t a b l e s an d g e n e r o u s d o nat i o ns -- t h e re a re 15 outstanding auction items and more than 400 raffles, prizes and silent auction items. Some of the 的专业拍卖师 Carrie Li 来此协助我们的拍卖活动。 auction items are literally priceless, including the exclusive collection of Chateau Haut-Brion wine 特别感谢环球小姐中国赛区组委会的全体工作人员,他们确保了我们的赞助商,协助完成了媒体 donated by Prince Rober t of Luxembourg, Christian Louboutin’ custom made shoes, the rare s 设置和运输的工作。还有 Cecilia He, Sarah El Asri, Sasa Xu, 和 Monica Lim,这四位女士花 rainbow color pearl necklace from Robert Wan, and the incredible trips to experience Australia 了接近 4 个月的时间为今晚的宴会做准备。你们付出了很多宝贵的时间和精力! 除此之外,还有 100 and European lifestyle in France and Italy. These exceptionally special prizes and others amount 多位志愿者参与到我们最后几天的准备和执行工作。 to millions of US dollars. Thank you to those who have made cash donations, especially the 感谢所有各位,无论是席位赞助还是慷慨的捐赠——今天我们有 15 个出色的拍卖品和超过 400 Footwear Association Charity Event for contributing a generous sum of $150,000 USD. 个精美的抽奖奖品和静拍品。一些拍卖物品只能用 “无价” 来形容。其中包括了卢森堡王子 Prince Thanks to our celebrities from the Shanghai Film Festival, Miss Universe China contestants, Robert 的全球限 量侯伯王 75 年美酒,红 底 鞋教 父 Christian Louboutin 为我们这次活 动亲自设 and all our esteemed per formers who have donated their outstanding talent -- the legendar y 计的独一无二的鞋履,珍珠之父 Robert Wan 提供的稀有珍珠项链,和各种去法国和意大利体验尊 Charles Aznavour of France, ELEW of the United States, Chadleen of the Philippines, Sue Shen, 贵欧洲生活的机会。这些别致的拍品总价也超越数百万人民币。感谢所有现金捐款的朋友。特别是 Ying Huang, Betty Ni of Shanghai and our orchestra conductor Rolf Becker of Germany who FACE 捐出了 15 万美金。 made all the musical arrangements for this evening - they are all performing for free. 感谢各位上海国际电影节的嘉宾和中国环球小姐的参赛佳丽。感谢各位表演嘉宾。你们无偿的 My entire staff of Miss Universe China has worked very hard in helping to secure sponsors, 演出令今晚活动精彩纷呈。远道而来的法国传奇歌手 Charles Aznavour, 来自美国的 ELEW, 来 coordinate withwith media, setup logistics, and Cecilia He, Sarah Elasri, Sasa Xu, Monica Lim 自菲律宾的 Chadleen, 沈小岑,黄英和倪迎春这些著名艺人等。最后是我们今晚来自德国的乐队指 have worked full time for months as selfless volunteers! In addition, almost 100 volunteers have been involved in the last few days of preparation and the execution of the event. And finally, a big 挥 Rolf Becker,他为今晚的整个活动提供了免费的音乐指导。你们的慷慨让我们感动。 thank-you to Mrs. Guan Jian Hua and the staff of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation 最后, 十分感谢上海宋庆龄基金会的工作人员, 你们为今晚活动能成功举办, 不辞劳苦地工作了 9 个月! who worked tirelessly for nine months to make this happen! 我衷心感谢大家! 希望大家在这里结识新朋友,相聚老朋友,享受今天所有的娱乐,也用你们的 Tonight I hope you will make new friends and re-acquaint with old ones while being beautifully 善心回馈社会,造福他人! 尽情享受这个夜晚,并期待与您下次相聚! entertained, and know that your contributions DO make a difference to countless individuals. 此致, With deep gratitude, 敬礼 筹委会主席 Chairman, Charity Gala 03 04
  • 3. 筹 委 会成员 CHA R IT Y COM M IT T EE 这两页上的是我们这次晚会的天使。这些美丽的人们为我们提供了无尽的帮助,从买桌,卖桌, 捐款,保证拍卖,提供抽奖大礼,和承诺买或卖这些物品,并在随时随地给予我鼓励和帮助。 今晚的成功是离不开他们的。 On these two pages are the angels of the event. All these beautiful women have helped in endless ways, from buying tables, selling tables, making donations, securing auction and raffle items, committing to sell or buy them, plus encouragement and advice 陈怡 陈碧华 窦雯霞 黛安娜·何 江文彦 whenever I need them. Tonight simply would not happen without them. Chen Yi Joanna Chen Jenny Dou Diana He Wenyan Jiang 主席 Chairman 主席 Chairman 刘映彤 睢天舒 潘慰 王敏 吴安雅 靳羽西 邱海宁 J n ie Lu e nf r i Diana Kuan Wei Pan Susie Wang Anya Wu Yue-sai Helen Yau 吴梦颖 夏曼 徐丹丹 杨阿莉 杨雅琪 副主席 Vice Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman Sharon Wu Maggie Xia Dandan Xu Lily Yang Yaqi Yang 乔慧君 安然 林瑛 Grace Chiao Annie An Lin Ying 副主席 Vice Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 颜正安 姚志桦 于小慧 朱莎 林雪莉 夏鹤庭 曾真 Ann Yen Richard Yeow Echo Yu Vivan Zhu Shelley Lim Lisa Xia Zeng Zhen 05 06
  • 4. 主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾 HOST A ND PER FOR M ING A RTIST S 罗紫琳 Luo Zilin "Roseline" 拍卖师 :李佳 (Carrie Li)   香港佳士得中国瓷器及艺术品部专家   2011 年环球小姐中国区大赛冠军 李佳现任香港佳士得中国瓷器及艺术品部专家。李佳亦是拍卖官, 2011 年第 60 届环球小姐全球总决赛第 5 名 为不少中国大陆 的慈 善 机 构 筹 款。李 佳能 操流 利英 文,普 通话, 粤语及上海方言。 2011 Miss Universe China 2011 Miss Universe 4th runner-up Carrie Li is currently a specialist in Chinese Ceramics and Works of Ar t at Christie’ Hong Kong, an auctioneer that s has aided several charitable organizations in mainland China with fund raising. She is fluent in English, Mandarin, 张雯 Wen Zhang Cantonese and the Shanghainese dialect.   2011 年环球小姐中国区大赛前十强 2011 Miss Universe China Top 10 宋庆龄幼儿园 Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten 宋庆龄 幼儿园是 一所 致 力于推 广优质早 期教育的知名国际学 校, 儿 童 来自于世界 35 个不同国家和 地区。学 校 秉 承“把 最 宝贵 的 东西给予儿童”的教育思想,培养孩子宽阔的胸襟,活跃的思维, 许继丹 Jidan Xu 好学的态度,开阔的国际视野和文明的行为习惯。宋庆龄幼儿园   2012 环球小姐上海区大赛选手 坚持 “在教育过程中尊重与要求和谐统一” ,努力为孩子提供丰富 适宜的课程,温馨开放的环境与敬业优秀的教师,以促进孩子的 2012 Miss Universe China Contestent 健康发展。 Founded by Soong Ching Ling, the Soong Ching Ling Kindergar ten is a model international kindergar ten with 邢潇予 Fifi children from many countries and regions. The Soong C h i n g L i n g K i n d e r g a r te n i s c o m m i t te d to p r ov i d i n g young children with the best possible early learning and 陈雪 Xue Chen foundations for living in an inter national environment   in a rapidly changing world. The goals include creating 2012 年环球小姐中国区大赛天津赛区前十强 a h a p py a n d h e a l t hy e nv i r o n m e n t , p r o m o t i n g s e l f- confidence, polite communication, curiosity, cooperation Miss Universe China Tianjin Top 10 and exploration of independent learning. 黄山 Zachary 07 08
  • 5. 主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾 HOST A ND PER FOR M ING A RTIST S 查尔 . 阿兹纳弗 Charles Aznavour ELEW 查尔 . 阿兹纳弗是一个传奇人物,在 1998 年的 CNN 调查中被评为世纪最伟大的歌手,超越了流行 ELEW 是一个拥有不可思议天赋的美国爵士钢琴演奏家。他创造了一个独特的音乐种类 , 把摇滚和流 偶像猫王和鲍勃 . 迪伦。他是一个亚美尼亚法国歌手,词曲作者,演员,公共活动家和外交家。他是 行风格混合在一起创造的 Rockjazz。虽然 ELEW 没有与唱片公司签合同 , 但是他从小型的爵士酒吧 法国最受欢迎和资历最久的歌手, 而他也是在世界上最知名的歌手之一。他已经出演过 60 余部电影, 到有一万五千座位的宴会厅都演出过。ELEW 独一无二的创造力和精彩表演风格使他吸引了许多著名 写了约上千首歌,唱片销量过亿。他与许多著名的歌手合作过 : 如乔许 . 葛洛班,拉丁情歌王子胡里 音乐家和公司,包括乔什 . 格罗班,戴夫 马修斯 , 美国达人秀,谷歌,万豪,芬迪,甚至美国的白宫。 · 奥 . 伊格莱西亚斯和席琳 . 迪翁。他今晚特地从巴黎到上海为慈善表演,让我们感到非常荣幸。 ELEW 目前正在准备发行他期待已久的第二张专辑,ELEW Rockjazz Vol. 2,而他将会运用他的钢 琴天赋重新演绎一些著名音乐家如 Foo Fighters, 迈克尔·杰克逊 , Coldplay 等歌手的名曲。 Charles Aznavour is a living legend who was named Entertainer of the Century by CNN polls in 1998, outshining popular icons Elvis and Bob Dylan. He is an Armenian-French ELEW is a preternaturally talented American jaz z piano player who has used the singer, songwriter, actor, public activist and diplomat. Besides being one of France's most creation of his own genre -an inspired melding of ragtime, rock and pop that he calls popular and enduring singers, he is also one of the best-known singers in the world. Rockjazz-to reinvent himself as a mainstream musician. He has gone from playing Charles Aznavour has appeared in more than sixty movies, composed about a thousand tiny jazz clubs to bringing crowds to their feet in fifteen-thousand seat arenas-and songs, and sold well over 100 million records. He has per formed and recorded with he’ done it all without a record deal. Forsaking a piano bench, ELEW stands before s numerous distinguished singers such as Josh Groban, Julio Iglesias and Celine Dion. his instrument like a runner at the starting line, furiously manipulating today’ rock and s The charity is truly honored to have such an extraordinary talent here tonight from Paris. pop hits with a creative potency that has attracted the attention of today’ biggest stars s and companies, including Josh Groban, Dave Matthews, America’ Got Talent, Google, s Marriott, Fendi, and even the White House. ELEW is currently gearing up for the release of his much-anticipated sophomore album, ELEW Rockjazz Vol.2, which will feature blistering piano recreations of tunes by artists like the Foo Fighters, Michael Jackson, Coldplay, and more. 09 10
  • 6. 主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾 HOST A ND PER FOR M ING A RTIST S Chadleen 我出生 时患有腭 裂。那时真的 像一场噩梦。我 从小到大 都知 道 我 众不同。 小时候 , 交朋友非常困难,因为没有人能明白我 说的话。尽管,我的梦想 还是能成为一位著名歌手。我的家人都为我祈祷 , 求上帝给我实现一个奇 迹。有一天在我 4 岁时,奇迹终于发生了。微笑行动来到菲律宾担任医疗 任 务。在很长的队里,我是最后一个病人。等了非常久后 , 我感到手术永 远不会进行,但我很吃惊,因为我那天终于接受了手术。从此 , 微笑行动 改变了我的生活,帮助我实现梦想。现在,我可以鼓励世界各地的孩子们 和我一样感受到微笑行动所做出的伟大的事情。 I was born with a cleft palate. It was a real nightmare. Making friends was difficult because no one could understand when I talked, and even at that young age I wondered why I was so different. Despite this, I dreamed of becoming a famous singer.My family prayed for a miracle, and one day when I was 4 years old that miracle happened. Operation Smile came to Cebu, Philippines for a medical mission. I was the last patient in a very long line of potential patients and it seemed I would never make it, but to my great surprise, I received surgery that very 罗夫贝克及其乐队 day. Operation Smile has changed my life and helped me to realize my dream. Now, I can Rolf Becker and His Orchestra inspire children around the world who are like me and bring attention to the amazing work done by Operation Smile. 罗夫是一位作曲家、编曲、音乐制作人,同时他演奏萨克斯(高音和中音) 、单簧管、长笛,是一个乐队 的指挥。罗夫发明了一种新的教学方法演奏萨克斯管,被称为 “萨克斯时间”的时间管理概念,并已出 版了 6 本教学书籍和 CD,这是在所有欧洲德语国家最畅销的萨克斯教学用书。自 2004 年 8 月以来, 沈小岑 Sue Shen 他一直住在上海创作、写作和表演音乐。从 2009 年 3 月开始,罗尔夫成为金星剧院的音乐总监。他目 前正在为美国著名演员基努 . 里维斯的导演处女电影写的配乐。Rolf 先生特地为了这个活动带来了他的 沈小岑出生于上海,从她 1982 年个人首张专集 " 请到天涯海角来 " 发行后, 乐队,乐队由上海最出色的音乐家组成。他们分别来自巴西、美国、俄国、以色列和中国。 她被视为中国独创的流行歌星之一。1991 年,她移居到澳大利亚,并成为 国际娱乐表演家,在澳大利亚主要城市,美国和欧洲都演出过。在过去的 Rolf is a composer,arranger, music producer, plays saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor 5 年中,她经常出现在中国电视和中国各地的慈善机构表演。在 2011 年, and baritone), clarinet, flute and is the leader of a Big Band. Rolf invented a new teaching 她在中国 6 大城市里演出了 200 多场“妈妈咪呀”音乐剧,并正在为澳门 technique for playing the Saxophone using a time management concept he calls“Time For 的第二轮长达 6 个月的演出做准备。现在沈小岑正在录制一个新的电视节 Sax” and has published 6 instructional books with audio CD’ which are the bestselling s, 目,称为 “超级声音”,她是其中的裁判。 saxophone teaching books in all German speaking countries in Europe. Since August 2004 he has lived in Shanghai composing, producing and performing music and beginning in Sue Shen, born in Shanghai, is regarded as one of the original Chinese Pop Singers March 2009 Rolf became the Music Director of the Jin Xing Theatre. He is presently writing since her 1982 hit record“Please Come to the Remotest Corners of the World” In . a soundtrack for a movie which will be the directorial debut of famed American actor Keanu 1991, she moved to Australia and became an International Enter tainer per forming in Reeves. Especially for this event Rolf asked the most versatile musicians in town to join his major Australian cities, the USA and Europe. In the past 5 years she has regularly band, which includes members from Brazil, the US, Russia, Israel and China. appeared on Chinese television and made numerous charity and solo per formances around China. In 2011 she played the lead role of Tanya in the musical‘Mamma Mia’in more than 200 shows across 6 cities in China, and is preparing for a second six month season of the play in Macau later this year. Sue is currently recording a new TV show called Super Voice in which she is a judge. 11 12
  • 7. 主 持人 及 表 演 嘉 宾 HOST A ND PER FOR M ING A RTIST S 倪迎春 Betty Ni 姚珏 Jue Yao 倪迎春是上海著名的演员与歌手。因在上海电视里播出最久的情景喜剧表演而 姚珏生于中国上海,在 1995 年北京国际妇女节大会所出版的《中华女名人》 被众人所熟知。她经常在现场演唱会和特别电视节目里表演中国传统歌曲和英 一书中,成为唯一入选的华人小提琴家。2001 年,因热心教育,创办了姚珏 文流行歌曲。她同时也是一位母亲,高尔夫球家和游泳者。她是 WA Hope 基 天才音乐学院及成立了香港儿童室乐园。她曾获得 “雷达表杰出成就大奖” 金会的和 WA Optimum 在上海和北京医疗保健诊所的大使。WA Hope 基金会 颁发的 “杰出小提琴家奖” 并应; “万宝龙国际艺术赞助大奖”邀请任评委。 是一个慈善机构,而它利用最顶尖的细胞疗法去挽救在希望边缘的儿童和成年 2004 年 10 月,更获选为香港 “十大杰出青年” 此外, 。 姚珏获得浪琴 (Longines) 人。如此,她被邀请参加由 TED Talks 而在 TED 上海演讲了关于医疗界的发展。 颁发 “十大最具魅力大奖”及获旭茉杂志 (Jessica) 颁发的 “成功女性大奖” 。 2008 年 7 月,获香港女工商及专业人员联会颁发 “杰出专业女性大奖” 。姚 Betty Ni is an actor and singer from Shanghai, well known for her starring role on the longest running 氏成为第一位拥有 1713 年史特拉第瓦里 (Stradivarius) 小提琴的华人音乐家。 sitcom on Shanghai TV. She performs regularly in live concerts and television specials singing traditional Chinese songs and English pop songs. Betty is a loving mother, keen golfer, swimmer, and Born in Shanghai, China, Ms. Yao is the only violinist to be included in the 1995 book "China's Famous Ambassador for the WA Hope Foundation and WA Optimum Health Care medical clinics in Shanghai Females” published by the International Women's Congress in Beijing. Ms.Yao also founded the “Yao and Beijing. The WA Hope Foundation is a charity that provides breakthrough medicine through Jue Music Academy”and the“Hong Kong Children’ Chamber Orchestra”in Hong Kong. She is s cutting edge cell therapies to children and adults suffering from no hope diseases. Betty recently also the first Chinese musician to be received by President Castro of Cuba. Ms. Yao was awarded spoke at TED Shanghai on Breakthrough Medicine: Stories of Hope. the“Outstanding Violinist Rado Timeless Award” 2002. She also served on the International Jury in Panel for the Montblanc Arts Patronage Award in 2003. In 2004, she was named one of the“Ten Outstanding Young Persons” Hong Kong, and in 2005 she was named one of Hong Kong' s Ten in “ 黄英 Ying Huang Most Successfuly Women.” 黄英,上海著名抒情花腔女高音歌唱家、歌剧表演艺术家。她是活跃在当今世 界乐坛的杰出华人歌唱家,她艺术生涯的足迹遍布歌剧、音乐会、电视、电影、 唱片等各种艺术领域,她以柔和甜美的音色、灵活高超的演唱技巧、丰富纯正 方俊 Jun Fang 的音乐风格、激情生动的舞台表演,赢得了世界歌剧界同行、观众和媒体的广 泛而高度的赞誉,被西方权威媒体盛赞为 “中国飞来的夜莺”。黄英作为第一位 资深舞蹈人士, 曾留学英国 10 年,常年应邀担任中国 CCTV 舞蹈大赛总评审。 在歌剧电影中担任女主角的华人歌唱家,在法国导演密特朗执导的著名歌剧电 自 2006 年至今担任舞林大会艺术总监,为《舞林大会》创下了收视率奇迹。 影《蝴蝶夫人》中进行了精彩表演,从而赢得了世界性的声誉并成为在国际乐坛 2006 年投资创办 “香港舞林大会文化投资有限公司” ,并担任董事长。2008 享有巨星知名度的中国女高音。 2009 年,黄英作为杰出的华人歌唱家代表荣登 年方俊老师成立 “舞林大会全国连锁机构” ,并担任主席。2009 年方俊老师 大都会歌剧院 125 周年庆典的“明星照片墙”。 创办了 “方俊创意” ,为各界人士举办个性创意的各类活动。2010 年 1 月,方 俊老师为了提供更好的平台, 使中国舞者梦想成真, 创办《舞林大会慈善基金》 , Ying Huang, a native of shanghai, who trained in The Children's Palace, is a renowned lyric coloratura 并资助中国舞者去英国深造。同年 9 月,应邀担任冰上雅姿总导演,为申雪、 soprano and opera singer, is an outstanding vocal artists who has performed around the globe in 赵宏博打造了梦幻般的婚礼,受到各界好评。 famed opera houses including the Metropolitan Opera, Théatre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels Belgium, Royal Danish Opera, Cologne Opera House as well as on television, in movies and Fang Jun studied dance in the UK for 10 years. Since 2006 he has served as the artistic recording studios. Her tender and sweet voice, and impassioned stage performances, has won director of“Let's Shake It” CCTV, and participates every year as a judge for the CCTV on accolades worldwide from colleagues, audiences and the media, who hail her as“the nightingale dance competition. He has founded the Wulindahui HK Cultural Investment Company, the from China.” She came to international attention at age 27 with her sensational debut as Cio-Cio San Wulindahui National Chain School, and also the Wulindahui Charitable Foundation to provide in Frédéric Mitterrand's 1995 acclaimed feature film Madame Butterfly. One of Ying Huang’ notable s a charity platform for Chinese dancers to attend dance schools in the UK to obtain their achievements is her creation of the role of Du Liniang in the world premiere of Tan Dun’ Peonys postgraduate degrees. In 2009 he founded “Created By Fangjun” which provide creative Pavilion directed by Peter Sellars. In 2009, Ying Huang was selected onto the “Wall of Fame” the in assistance. He has also acted as the Chief Director of“Artistry on Ice” about a wedding , Metropolitan Opera’ 125th Anniversary celebration. s ceremony that garnered critical acclaims. 13 14
  • 8. 精美绝伦的时装秀 DESIGN ER FA SHION SHOW 7 位 杰 出 的 上 海设 计 师 为 我 们 活 动 设 计了 7 套 精 美 的 礼 服 用 于 静 拍 卖。 今 天 由 设计师 Designers 模特 Models 2011 年和 2012 年环球小姐获奖者和参赛者为我们展示。 Seven fabulous designers based in Shanghai will donate seven gorgeous 华娟 Judy Hua gowns for silent auction, which will be modeled by 2011 and 2012 Miss Universe China winners/contestants. 本件礼服源自 JUDYHUA 品牌以王玉平先生鱼 系类油画为灵 感 来源的 2012 春夏系列,以 “森 林里的鱼”隐喻现代社会生活的喧嚣,如离开水 设计师 Designers 模特 Models 的鱼,寻求缺失的爱。 This gown, inspired by Wang Yuping’ oil s Tina Fu painting“Fish in the Forest”symbolizes Judy Hua 阿丽娅 Aliya the chaos and heat of modern urban life. 手工制作的薄纱切花边红色长袍,镶嵌施华洛世 奇水晶。 RMB 16,998 T h i s h a n d -m a d e e l e g a n t r e d g o w n i s made of tulle and contains cut lace and Lovisa Tedestedt Swarovski crystals. 风格 : DISA Tina Fu 伊娜 Yina RMB 50,000 衣料 : 皱塔夫绸和薄纱描有一条龙,配有可拆卸 的缎带和水晶珠。 This gown uses crinkled taf feta and tulle 郭俐儀 Ko LeYi with a sweep train, and has a detachable 巴黎婚纱法拉颂品牌设计师 satin ribbon with crystal beading. Lovisa Tedestedt 许继丹 Diana (Paris Bridal Designer) RMB 10,000 此件礼服上半身大量采用拓帕石、猫眼石等多种 高级半宝 石与 礼服 进行完美 搭 配 组合。宝石的 璀璨耀眼,礼服的雍容华贵,令人叹为观止,散 陆坤 Lu Kun Ko LeYi 李莹 Liyin 发典雅气息。 T h i s g o w n’ b o d i c e i s e x q u i s i t e l y s 这件礼服所要表达的是富有趣味的精彩的真善美 embellished with fine topaz and cat’ eye s 的优雅淑女态度。 stone creating a sophisticated aura. This evening gown is inspired by the fun and flirty flair of an elegant lady. RMB 100,000 RMB 35,000 Lu Kun 李姿含 Lizihan 张文轩 Chris Chang 现代感十足的短礼服。灵感来自于兵马俑战服及 古罗马时代的盔甲,珠片及羽毛与表现现代女人 的柔与刚的并存个性。粉色与红色的绣线代表了 韩枫 Han Feng 强烈的生命力。 特别款两色真丝雪纺大衣和晚礼服 T his m o de r n evenin g g ow n is insp ire d This special evening gown has a duo-color by a n c i e n t Ro m a n a r m o r w i t h a r t i s t i c Chris Chang 张雅玫 Zhang Ya Mei silk chiffon overcoat with jersey fitted dress. e m b r o i d e r y t o d i s p l a y f e m i n i n i t y, individuality and vitality. RMB 10,000 RMB 28,800 Han Feng 丁囡 Dingnan 15 16
  • 9. 今晚善款用途 TONIGHT'S M ISSION Donations to the 2012 Charity Gala will fund the following three projects, and all the funds will be audited by Ernst & Young: Operation Smile: Operation Smile, which operates in over 70 countries, which has a global charity alliance of Miss Universe Organization, provides free operations to children with cleft pallets who are unable to pay for surgeries. Operation Smile has provided more than 25,000 free operations for children in 2012 慈善晚会所有筹集善款将用于资助以下三个项目 , 所得款项均由安永华明会计师事 China over the course of twenty years.Tonight's donation to Operation Smile 务所审计 : will fund about 450 operations in Hebei, Hunan, and Yunan provinces, to heal children's smiles and forever change their lives. 微笑行动 : 微笑行动是一个全球性的机构,在 70 多个国家为有唇腭裂及其他头面部 畸形的贫困家庭儿童提供免费医疗的非盈利性慈善机构,也是环球小姐的全球慈善联盟伙 SIFF Scholarships: This is the 15th year of the Shanghai International 伴。在中国的 20 年以来,微笑行动已经在中国为孩子们提供了 25,000 个以上的免费手术。 Film Festival, which is one of the largest and most prestigious film festivals in 而今晚的善款将会帮助在河北、湖南、云南三省的至少 500 个唇裂儿童提供免费的修复手术, East Asia. It is organized under the authority of the Chinese government Ministry 还给他们美丽的微笑,并且将会永远改变他们的生活。 of Culture and Ministry of TV Film and Broadcast. Donations to the Shanghai Film Festival will be used to fund hard costs for four public service micro-film 上海国际电影节 : 今年是第 15 届上海国际电影节,该电影节是东亚最大和最具影响 projects that address impor tant women’ issues in today’ society from the s s 力的电影节,由中国文化部和国家广播电影电视总局主办。中国美基金将会资助四个中国著 perspective of four female Chinese directors selected by SIFF. 名女导演,用于微电影公益计划,鼓励女性电影制片及宣传,关心妇女和社会问题。 Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation / Safety for Mothers and 母婴平安项目: 上海宋庆龄基金会于 2001 年发起以 “母亲安全,儿童健康”为主题的 “母 Infants Project: This program is dedicated to improving the lives of women and 婴平安”项目,该项目主要帮助我国最贫困边远地区建立妇幼保健站,增添基本医疗设备, children throughout China in many impoverished areas of China. Funds donated 培训医护人员,推广科学生育。经过多年的实施及推广,有效降低了孕产妇及新生儿死亡率。 tonight will help assist the Safety for Mothers and Infants Project to improve 今晚部分所得善款将会用于母婴平安项目,向广西地区的妇幼保健院提供医疗设备和救护 facilities for maternal and children’ healthcare facilities in such impoverished s 车来改善母亲及儿童的健康医疗环境。 areas. 17 18
  • 10. 爱 心大 使 LOV E A M BA SSA DORS 黄圣依 霍思燕 吕燕 Eva Huang Huo Siyan Lv Yan 拍卖品介绍 AUCTION PRIZES 马艳丽 翁虹 庄泳 Mary Ma Yung Hung Joey Zhuang 19 20
  • 11. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 泰国顶级 Chiva-som 7 天度假养生套票 80,000RMB Hermes Arceau 女士腕表 - 7 天 Emerald 房间的入住权,并可以享用 Spa 健康专用餐(到达当天可享用晚餐) 21,600RMB - 每晚单人全身按摩一次(可选择泰式按摩,Chiva-Som 特色按摩,提神或放松足部按摩 –50 分钟) - 私人健康保健咨询服务 Arceau 腕表系列是品牌设计师 Henrid’Origny 于 1978 年的经典之作,灵感源自与爱马仕结下不 - 每日健身与休闲活动,可以尽情享用我们的水疗室,包括蒸气浴,桑拿浴,按摩浴 解之缘的马术世界。其超凡的创意,体现于把马镫的造型融入腕表的设计中,圆形表壳的上半部出 现马镫形的表耳,令腕表整 体上看来有点不对称 ;而表盘上的阿拉伯数字时刻微微倾向腕表中心, 当中的数字 6 与两旁的倒转数字相映成趣。此划破传统的设计让腕表流露着一份玩味的感觉,截然 7 Nights at Chivasom Resort in Hua Hin, Thailand 不同的创造力亦显示出爱马仕于设计上所追求的迴异与艺术感。 - 7 Chiva-Som spa cuisine meals per night of stay in the Emerald Room and taste of Siam restaurant (arrival day will begin with dinner) Hermes Arceau 28mm Lady’ Watch s - One Body massage per night of stay (choice of Thai, Chiva-Som, Invigorating or relaxing foot massage – 50 minutes) Arceau is the star of the collection and the quintessence of the Hermès style. The - Individual Health and Wellness Consultation classicism of its design and the distinction of its angled numerals are in contrast to the - Par ticipation in daily f itness and leisure activities(please note spor ts shoes are asymmetrical form of its upper attachment, which is like a horse-shoe, symbolising necessary to use the gym) good luck. Easily identif iable as a Hermes, it is without ostentation and is classic, - Complimentary use of our Water Therapy Suites which include Steam, Sauna and Jacuzzi elegant and timeless. 21 22
  • 12. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 保乐利加溯源之旅 尽赏奢华 马爹利,马姆和巴黎之花体验之旅 - 4 天 3 晚 大约 200,000RMB 保乐力加诚邀阁下,开启溯源奢华佳酿历蕴之旅。1715 年,马爹利品牌创始人尚 . 马爹利在法国干 Christian Louboutin 专门为本次晚宴设计的高跟鞋 邑区开创了延续三个多世纪的干邑传奇。而今,您可徜徉于香特露庄园,在这幢 1838 年由马爹利 无价 Priceless 创始者的第三代传人购置下的经典建筑中,感悟马爹利的世代传承与家族荣耀。1811 年,Pierre- Nicolas-Marie Perrier 与 Adèle Jouēt 在法国埃佩尔内市喜结连理,巴黎之花香槟由此诞生。今 日,您可在此地的 “美丽时光之家” ,品赏由众多艺术珍品为您重现的那段美丽时光。保乐力加公司 Christian Louboutin, 红底鞋教父,作为中国美基金的顾问委员之一,专为此次拍卖活动设计了一 将承担全程所有费用 : 张法国航空头等舱来回机票,TGV 头等舱火车票,五星级酒店住宿及餐饮, 2 款限量颜色的龙饰高跟鞋履。Louboutin 以著名的漆红鞋底闻名于世,深受追捧。设计师始终主张 以及机场来回接送服务。 要“让女人看起来性感,美丽,拥有无限延长的双腿” 。很荣幸他今天能来到我们的活动! Specially Designed Christian Louboutin Shoes 4 Day Martell,Mumm and Perrier Jouet Journey Pernod Ricard sincerely invites you to a luxurious journey to explore its heritage story. Chr istian Louboutin, one of the most famous shoe designers in the wor ld, and a In 1715, Jean Mar tell, the founder of Mar tell, arrived in the Cognac region and laid member of the China Beauty Charity Fund Board advisory board, has designed a pair the foundation to what would become 300 years of everlasting brilliance. The Maison of his beautiful stilettos in an exclusive colour for this charity auction! Louboutin, who is Martell was bought by his descendants in 1838, and has witnessed the glory of Martell famous for his red-lacquered soles, has stated that his goal is to“make a woman look family ever since. In 1811, Adèle Jouet was married to Pierre Nicolas Perrie in Apernay, sexy, beautiful, to make her legs look as long as he can. ”We welcome him in Shanghai France. Together, they founded the Champagne House named after them both. Today, Today! you will enjoy the collections of Art Nouveau in the Maison Belle Epoque and appreciate the charm and elegance of its time. Pernod Ricard will cover all the expense including: two Air France first class round-trip tickets, TGV first class train tickets, five-star hotel accommodation & dining and limousine pick-up service. 23 24
  • 13. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 张洹的雕塑作品天堂鸟 Robert Wan 大溪地珍珠彩虹项链 起拍价 Start bidding price: 180,000RMB 838,000RMB 镜面不锈钢材料 23 x 67.5 x 40 厘米 ROBERT WAN 集团创始人温惠仁先生被誉为 “大溪地珍珠之父,黑珍珠大王”,ROBERT WAN Stainless Steel 23 x 67.5 x 40 cm 是全球最大的大溪地珍珠生产商和出口商 , 旗下拥有 8 家大型珍珠养殖场及世界唯一一家珍珠博物 馆。ROBERT WAN 彩虹系列项链是经典永恒的,独家秘方培育出无与伦比的大溪地珍珠 : 直径超 张洹是在世的最伟大的艺术家,世界上很多重要的收藏家和博物馆都争相收集他的作品。这件作品是 过 15mm 并透出极佳的色泽和彩虹的光晕,浑圆剔透,纯净无瑕。大溪地珍珠经过天然泻湖的孕育 张洹先生最新系列作品,形式为一只张开翅膀,翱翔的和平鸽,象征着人类的飞行梦想和对自由和平 养殖过程长达 5 至 7 年之久,是极致珍贵的宝石。每一颗大溪地珍珠都完美地诠释着女性的内在美。 的追求。镜面不锈钢材料,寓意着世界万物都是一面镜子,我们可以从中看到的自我的投射。 Robert Wan Rainbow Color Pearl Necklace Bird of Paradise by Zhanghuan This beautiful multicolor pearl necklace contains 27 high-quality Tahitian Pearls larger Zhanghuan is one of the greatest living ar tists whose works have been collected by than 15mm each with the purest round shapes that have no equal. The incredible oriental every important collector and museum in the world. This latest artwork, Bird of Paradise, glow provides a rainbow ef fect that reveals the inner beauty of women. Legendar y which symbolize the flying dream of mankind and the pursuit of freedom. The material of Tahitian pearl pioneer, Robert Wan, nicknamed the“Emperor of Pearls” is the largest , stainless steel conveys the metaphor that everything in the world is a mirror, from which producer of Tahitian pearls in the world. No woman should be without a stunning strand of we can see our own reflections. these rare and unique black pearls. 25 26
  • 14. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 颜正安作品 :红伞 60,000RMB 80 厘米 x 55 厘米 80cmx55cm 独特的意大利体验 水彩画 Watercolor on paper 无价 Priceless 书香世家出生的颜正安,自小耳濡目染,于中国传统艺术一道根基扎实。青年时代以中国电影专业首 位留学生身份赴美深造,又得西方艺术之熏陶。她作画不拘成法,皆从审美直感出发。产生出令人叹 本品是由一个非常尊贵的意大利皇室朋友提供,是其名下三处产业的使用权,这个是绝对独一无二 为观止的效果。她的画历来是慈善拍卖会上最受瞩目的拍品,为各类慈善项目捐赠数百万元价值的作 的拍品,供给 6 人使用。介绍如下 : 品,深受国内外收藏家的青睐。这幅画描绘了两个人抱着孩子行走在都市的大街上 :尽管天是阴沉的, 1 其威尼斯历史悠久的私人隐修院(Cloister of the Madonna dell'Orto church)四天的使用权 环境是灰色的,但在象征着爱和希望的红伞下,他们相互支持着走向未来。 2 享有其威尼斯歌剧院 La Fenice 的包厢使用权 3 享有其在威尼斯郊外的城堡 Villalta 的五天使用权,这座城堡令人叹为观止,它坐落于山顶,是全 世界最让人惊叹的城堡之一! "Red Umbrella" by Famous Painter Ann Yen Ann Yen was born to a family of scholars. From early childhood, she was exposed Unique Italian Experience to concepts of traditional Chinese art. In 1981 she went to America on a government scholarship as the first Chinese student to study filmmaking. That experience left her fully Offered by a Royal Italian, this trip for 6 people, includes: steeped in the philosophy and history of Western art. Her art work can be described as 1. 4 days stay in a private Cloister in Venice a beautiful mixture of eastern and western culture and a perfect combination of strength 2. The use of a royal private opera box at the Opera House La Fenice in Venice(one of and gentleness. Ann puts her soul into her paintings and life. Her artwork has been the the most famous theatres in Europe) centerpiece of many charity auctions and raised millions of RMB for the needy. The 3. 5 day stay in an historic private mountaintop Castle, called Castello Di Villalta in Italy. painting shows a couple holding a child and walking down an imposing city street. The red umbrella is the symbol of love and hope, set against the harsh urban environment. 27 28
  • 15. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 卢森堡罗伯特王子 提 供的 28 瓶 75 年来 最好的侯伯王 酒庄佳酿 , 以及 2 个限量版皇室酒柜 无价 Priceless ( 最近曾拍出 210 万美金的高价 2.1 million US dollars in a recent charity auction) 侯伯王酒庄(Chateau Haut-Brion)是法国波尔多 5 大 酒庄中历史 最悠久的。为了庆 祝帝龙家族 (Clarence Dillon)收购侯伯王酒庄 75 周年,卢森堡罗伯特王子,克兰斯帝龙酒业的主席,特约英 国皇室著名设计师 Viscount Linley(英国女王的侄子)设计限量版葡萄酒酒柜。红酒酒柜全球只有 手工制作的 15 个,而白葡萄酒酒柜只有 5 个。今晚我们会见到其中的两个。这些酒柜中的酒全都是 侯伯王酒庄 75 年来最好的,各装有 8 瓶。它们从来没有离开过酒庄,而其中 1945 年的葡萄酒是酒 庄仅存的 7 瓶之一,是无价之宝。 酒柜 还包括了一个隐形抽屉,内含有 3 个由意大利著名的珠宝设计师 Buccelatti 操刀的纯银碟器, 另有 12 个水晶酒杯。如果这还不够的话,幸运购买者还将获得 2010 年侯伯王酒庄红葡萄酒和白葡 萄酒礼盒装各一套,每套含 6 瓶佳酿。2010 年份的葡萄酒被外界公认为波尔多最好的年份之一。将 于 2012 年秋天装瓶后交付幸运的买主,并由酒庄直接运到买主手中。 红葡萄酒酒柜中包含以下年份 :1935, 1945, 1959, 1961, 1975, 1989, 1990, 2009 白葡萄酒酒柜中包含以下年份 :1969, 1976, 1983, 1989, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2007 芬迪貂皮大衣 208,800RMB 28 bottles rare Chateau Haut-Brion vintage from Prince Robert, and 2 limited royal consoles 这件水貂大衣,让人联想到芬迪价值(罗马、二元性、创新、时尚、手工艺)。通过别出匠裁的精湛手工艺, Chateau Haut Brion is the oldest of the five first growths of Bordeaux. To celebrate the 完美地将黑色和咖啡色的水貂毛编织在一起,体现了芬迪 Pequin 设计元素。透过 Pequin 的立体效 75th anniversary of Clarence Dillon, Prince Robert of Luxembourg has commissioned the 果,突显了女性的线条美 ;衣领和腰带的设计,完美映衬了贵族金和水貂毛的光泽度,呈现了优雅和 great furniture designer Viscount Linley, nephew of Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain to 低调的风格。 create 15 consoles for red wines and 5 for white wine. These exceptional limited edition pieces of furniture are used to hold the best vintages of chateau Haut-Brion in the last 75 years. Each console contians. Fendi Fur Coat Chateau Haut-Brion rouge: 1935, 1945, 1959, 1961, 1975, 1989, 1990, 2009 Chateau Haut-Brion blanc: 1969, 1976, 1983, 1989, 1994, 2003, 2005, 2007 This fur coat unveils the values of Fendi, which evoke keywords such as Roma, Dualism, These rare bottles have never left the Estate's cellar and for some of them represent Innovation, Fashion and Craftmanship. The black and brown mink fur has been woven the very last existing bottles at Haut-Brion. In addition, the cabinets contain 2 drawers together per fectly through the craftsman’ exquisite skill, and the dual-colour design s from the great Italian silver maker Buccelatti, and also a set of crystal wine of glasses. reflects Fendi's classical Pequin design element. The Pequin design creates volume and Additionally, Prince Robert has added 6 bottles of 2010 red and white wines, generally movement to the fur, thus emphasizing the beauty of a Fendi Lady’ silhouette. s known to be a great year for Bordeaux. These wines are to be bottled this fall. 29 30
  • 16. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES Dior 高级珠宝 My Dior 系列黄金手镯 78,000RMB My Dior 系列是迪奥高级珠宝部艺术总监维多利娅 . 徳卡斯特兰 ( Victoire de Castellane ) 的灵 感之作,作为迪奥品牌象征符号的 “藤格纹”外观犹如一片金质的丝网、编织的麦草和名贵的缎带, 好 似用丝线编织而成的情网,象征着爱情、亲情与友情的相互交织。如同 Jean Cocteau 对 Dior 名字的定 义 :一 个 结合了 Dieu(上帝)和 or(黄 金)的有魔力的名字。My Dior 系列正 是 对 Dior 来自罗马的楚萨迪特别款手提包 品牌精髓的最新演绎。在座诸位女性或清新自然,或典雅精致,或两者兼而有之 ;然而每位皆可以 无价 Priceless 其独特风格于这款 “藤格纹”黄金手镯上烙下专属印记,令其世代相传。 TRUSSARDI 经典 IT 包款“TUC” 。此款由 Gaia Trussardi 女士为慈善夜度身打造 , My Dior Bracelet 全球仅此两款。 Designed by Victoire de Castellane, the My Dior collection is like gold mesh, like woven straw, like precious ribbon, like intertwined bonds of friendship or love, in the spirit of Trussardi Special Bag Sent From Rome the House of Dior:“cannage” My Dior is the most recent sentimental interpretation . Trussardi“TUC” bag sent from Rome. These 2 bags are personalized by Mrs. Gaia IT illustrating Jean Cocteau’ quotation about Dior: a magical name combining Dieu s “ Trussardi and especially made for this charity event. Only two exist in the world. (God) and or (gold)” Some of the ladies here are fresh and bright; some, exquisite and . classic; some, carry both. But all of you could engrave your own“cannage” story on this bracelet and pass it generation to generation. 31 32
  • 17. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 宝格丽地中海伊甸园黄金项链 “夜星”钻石耳环 154,000RMB 120,000RMB 宝格丽全新 Monete 系列作品透过无限的色彩与迷人的标志性元素古钱币,将宝格丽悠久传承的独 「夜星」为香港「第六届最受买家欢迎首饰设计比赛」亚军作品。「夜星」以 18K 金打造,再配上璀璨 特风格与文化内涵烘托至极。Bulgari 宝格丽 Monete 黄金长项链,装饰金珠和古铜币 ;这是宝格丽 夺目的钻石,就如流星划破静夜,为您带来闪烁璀璨的希望。 2012 年 Pillar 系列中最受欢迎的项链。 “Meteor”Earrings by Luk Fook Bvlgari Monete Yellow Gold Sautoir Necklace Designed by Lukfook Jewelr y, the“Meteor” won the Silver Prize at the 6th Buyers' The Monete yellow gold sautoir necklace contains antique bronze coins is the most Favorite Jewelr y Design Competition in Hong Kong. The earrings, set in glit tering popular necklace from its Pillar Collection this year. Impeccably elegant Monete line with diamonds and 18 K gold, spar kle like a meteor falling dur ing a star r y night. This an ancient coin motif, which often returns on Bulgari’ famous jewellery, adorns the slim s masterpiece of craf tsmanship exudes positive energy and warmth for a bright and temples of sophisticated frames available in several colors, including black, pearly red successful future. and streaked brown. 33 34
  • 18. 拍卖品介绍 AUCT ION PR IZES 静拍品介绍 SILENT AUCTION BDS 800 时尚 5.1 声道蓝光家庭影院系统 19,600RMB BDS800 简约时尚的设计配合黑色钢琴烤漆,为家居环境增添上乘质感,彰显不凡品味。它真实还 原各类音源的电影与音乐,音效丰富逼真,让您置身于不可思议的 360 度环绕立体声中,加上 200 瓦低音炮,全方位地增添音场深度,达到令人叹为观止的完美音响效果。 Blu-ray Home Theater System Think of the BDS 800 as small but mighty. This powerful home theatre system won’ take t up much space in your home but will deliver room-filling surround sound and enchanting visuals. With superb audio/video performance from the Blu-ray Disc receiver, four satellite speakers, one dual-driver centre speaker and a 200watt-powered subwoofer, the BDS 800 system can transform any ordinary TV viewing into a truly cinematic experience. 35 36
  • 19. 静 拍品介 绍 SILENT ACU T ION WA 健康与美容咨询中心尊享卡 摩纳哥第一品牌 Jiki 的特别限量版包 埃及艳后克利欧佩特拉 晚装包 WA H e a l t h & B e a u t y V I P exclusive bag from the No.1 The Cleopatra minaudiere Membership for our f lagship fashion brand in Monaco RMB 20,500 center in Shanghai RMB 20,000 RMB 625,000 CuR 为羽西女 士 和 宋氏 姐 妹 独 家 设 计 的 D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳 和宝石材质的晚装包 Hope Chen 提供的美国 50 最佳 2 套高级男士西装布料 上海柏悦大酒店总统套房 1 晚 T hre e S i ste r s S o n g: L a V i e 滑雪胜地之一 Squaw Creek 的旅 2 pieces of luxurious fabric for 和两人晚餐 En Rose( 宋 氏 三 姐 妹 : 玫 瑰 行套餐 5 天 2 Suits by Dormeuil O ne ni ght stay in Chair man 人 生 ) Limited edition hand- Hotel package at Squaw Creek RMB 20,000 suite with butler bath and craf ted shell and stone for 5 days by Hope Chen dinner for two D -S ATA m i n a u d i e r e c l u t c h RMB 40,800 RMB 110,000 最 好的酒店 Villa Padierna, 包括 bag designed exclusively by 7 张通往 3 个不同高尔夫球场的免 CuR for Madame YueSai and 费入场券和所有的交通接送。 the Song Sisters 7 night stay in the Villa RMB 8,500 Padierna Palace, the best 姚明的大鲨鱼队提供的自行车 hotel in Spain, 7 green fees exclusive bicycle from 手工镶嵌玛瑙贝和黑色玳瑁配以手 at our 3 golf courses and all Yaomin's Sharks 工打磨黄铜 Limousine transfer RMB 2,800 Hand-inlayed cowrie shells in RMB 34,000 han d-inl aye d b l ac k to r to ise shell and hand-brushed brass D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳 和 黄 铜 材质的晚装包 JINGJING set of the Sun and M oon: limited edition Trafalgar 2 人澳大利亚之旅 hand-crafted shell and brass trip for 2 to Australia D-SATA minaudiere clutch bag RMB 60,000 RMB 7,500 日本最好的皮草品牌 Chie Imai 特别款 一对 Harman 水晶音响 法 国 Majestic 海 景 高 级 房 2 晚, A special designed“MOSAIQUE A pair of Harman Cr ystal 含早餐 D-SATA 手工 制 作、 贝 壳 和 不 锈 歌 诗 达 将 提 供 9 月 25 日出 发 全 de CHIE” Mink fur jacket Speakers 2 n i g h t st ay i n D e l u xe S e a 钢材质的晚装包 景露台双人海景房一间(供两人入 RMB 140,000 RMB 8,000 View Room with breakfast limite d e dition hand-c raf te d 住) 上海 . 济州 . 福冈 . 细岛 / 宫崎 . , RMB 6,500 shell and stainless steel 上海 5 晚 6 天游邮轮船票。 C o s t a C r u i se p r ov i d e s o n e D-SATA minaudiere clutch bag spacious Balcony cabin for two RMB 4,500 people over the course of 6 days and 5 nights, from Shanghai 5 星奢华欧洲邮轮 to J e j u I s l a n d , Fu g a n g a n d 5 star luxary river cruse in Europe Hiroshima. The ship departs on RMB 60,000 Sept. 25, 2012. RMB 20,000 37 38
  • 20. 静 拍品介 绍 SILENT ACUTION 全新威斯汀周日早午餐给 8 位 上海至奥克兰往返经济舱机票两张 Lawless Accessories 劳伦思 每周日上午 11:30 至下午 2:30, Tw o S h a n g h a i to A u c k l a n d 魅惑标致包 The New Westin Sunday Round Trip Tickets 鱼子酱纹理的珍贵珍珠鱼,手工制作 Brunch for 8 People (Economy class) Conlyn Chen signature clutch Va l i d f r o m J u l y 1st 2 012 to RMB 20,000 Handcrafted in pearl like Sept 20th, 2012. genuine stingray leather RMB 538 +15% Service Charge RMB 7,000 抽奖品 RA FFLE ITEMS 咖 啡 色 编 织 小 羊 皮 MEMORY 莫干山高级树顶别墅周末休闲套餐 菲拉格慕鳄鱼皮手包 KNOT 记忆结手拿包 3 Weekend nights stay for 10 Luxur ious seasonal alligator 2012 Season Ebano Intreccio people at Naked Retreats in leather bag Memory Nappa Knot Moganshan Mountain RMB 72,000 RMB 19,870 RMB 86,000 全家福 / 艺术照拍摄 2 枚 Earth & Heaven 系列戒指 Family Photo shooting/ 2 jewelry rings from my Earth Art portraits Shooting and Heaven Collection Rings RMB 60,000 RMB 1,200 每个 39 40