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7 Lessons from Game Design

                            When badges ain’t enough

See notes:
These are the wise people I learned from

Some I interviewed, some I read their books, some I watched their videos…
7 Lessons from game design
      1.Find your North Star
         2.Player Types
        3.Player Journey
     4.Know your mechanics
        6.Learn to Teach
7.Measure the f*ck out of everything
Find your North Star
               Every project needs a goal that everyone agrees is worth doing.

What is a north star? It is the goal, the thing you are aiming for, and when you arrive, you can launch.,
Game designers have an inherent North Star because they are building a game. It’s FUN. Game designers constantly ask
“Is it fun yet” and if the answer is no, they don’t launch. And their team doesn’t launch. Even when it’s late late late.
Because there is no point in launching an un-fun game.
The Player Should
                                                                Have The Fun, Not
                                                                 The Designer Or
                                                                  The Computer

                                                               The algorithms were, of course, very
                                                               fun to construct and interesting to
                                                               discuss outside of the game. The
                                                               players, however, felt left behind --
                                                               the computer was having all the fun --
                                                               so we cut the feature.

  From a Gamasutra Article “Analysis: Sid Meier's Key Design

Game designers are very user centered. They have to be.
                  Your northstar is for the heart, not the head

So when you are working on your project, your northstar should be a strong emotion.
Brenda Braithwaite
Warning: this video will make you cry. It’s awesome. Watch 4:30-7:20
Design for An Emotion
    Conversion is a crap north star
We have been designing in Black and White. There is a world of amazing emotions in technicolor just waiting

   CONNECTION                                    CONNECTION continued           HONESTY        MEANING
   acceptance                                    safety                         authenticity   awareness
   affection                                     security                       integrity      celebration of
   appreciation                                  stability                      presence       life
   belonging                                     support                        PLAY           challenge
   cooperation                                   to know and be known           joy            clarity
   communication                                 to see and be seen             humor          competence
   closeness                                     to understand and              PEACE          consciousness
   community                                     be understood                  beauty         contribution
   companionship                                 trust                          communion      creativity
   compassion                                    warmth                         ease           discovery
   consideration                                 PHYSICAL WELL-BEING            equality       efficacy
   consistency                                   air                            harmony        effectiveness
   empathy                                       food                           inspiration    growth
   inclusion                                     movement/exercise              order          hope
   intimacy                                      rest/sleep                     AUTONOMY       learning
   love                                          sexual expression              choice         mourning
   mutuality                                     safety                         freedom        participation
   nurturing                                     shelter                        independence   purpose
   respect/self-respect                          touch                          space          self-expression
                                                 water                          spontaneity    stimulation
                                                                                               to matter
(c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website:                          understanding

We are often facile when discussing needs in wed design. If we tap deeper into basic needs, we can get more
satisfying products.
AFFECTIONATE                              CONFIDENT                     GRATEFUL       PEACEFUL
compassionate                             empowered                     appreciative   calm
friendly                                  open                          moved          clear headed
loving                                    proud                         thankful       comfortable
open hearted                              safe                          touched        centered
sympathetic                               secure                                       content
tender                                                                  INSPIRED       equanimous
warm                                      EXCITED                       amazed         fulfilled
                                          amazed                        awed           mellow
ENGAGED                                   animated                      wonder         quiet
absorbed                                  ardent                                       relaxed
alert                                     aroused                       JOYFUL         relieved
curious                                   astonished                    amused         satisfied
engrossed                                 dazzled                       delighted      serene
enchanted                                 eager                         glad           still
entranced                                 energetic                     happy          tranquil
fascinated                                enthusiastic                  jubilant       trusting
interested                                giddy                         pleased
intrigued                                 invigorated                   tickled        REFRESHED
involved                                  lively                                       enlivened
spellbound                                passionate                    EXHILARATED    rejuvenated
stimulated                                surprised                     blissful       renewed
                                          vibrant                       ecstatic       rested
HOPEFUL                                                                 elated         restored
expectant                                                               enthralled     revived
encouraged                                                              exuberant
optimistic                                                              radiant
(c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website:

We are limited in how we talk about emotion in Wed Design. We talk about delight, and frustration.
But there are many more words we could be designing for…
AFRAID            lost         DISQUIET                            PAIN                           TENSE          AVERSION
 apprehensive      mystified    agitated                            agony                          anxious        animosity
 dread             perplexed    alarmed                             anguished                      cranky         appalled
 foreboding        puzzled      discombobulated                     bereaved                       distressed     contempt
 frightened        torn         disconcerted                        devastated                     distraught     disgusted
 mistrustful                    disturbed                           grief                          edgy           dislike
 panicked          DISCONNECTED perturbed                           heartbroken                    fidgety        hate
 petrified         alienated    rattled                             hurt                           frazzled       horrified
 scared            aloof        restless                            lonely                         irritable      hostile
 suspicious        apathetic    shocked                             miserable                      jittery        repulsed
 terrified         bored        startled                            regretful                      nervous
 wary              cold         surprised                           remorseful                     overwhelmed    FATIGUE
 worried           detached     troubled                            SAD                            restless       beat
                   distant      turbulent                           depressed                      stressed out   burnt out
 ANNOYED           distracted   turmoil                             dejected                                      depleted
 aggravated        indifferent  uncomfortable                       despair                        VULNERABLE     exhausted
 dismayed          numb         uneasy                              despondent                     fragile        lethargic
 disgruntled       removed      unnerved                            disappointed                   guarded        listless
 displeased        uninterested unsettled                           discouraged                    helpless       tired
 exasperated       withdrawn    upset                               disheartened                   insecure       weary
 frustrated                                                         forlorn                        leery          worn out
 impatient         EMBARRASSED           YEARNING                   gloomy                         reserved
 irritated         ashamed               envious                    heavy hearted                  sensitive      ANGRY
 irked             chagrined             jealous                    hopeless                       shaky          enraged
 CONFUSED          flustered             longing                    melancholy                                    furious
 ambivalent        guilty                nostalgic                  unhappy                                       incensed
 baffled           mortified             pining                     wretched                                      indignant
 bewildered        self-conscious        wistful                                                                  irate
 dazed                                                                                                            livid
 hesitant                  (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website:

As well, Game designers are much more comfortable with creating negative emotions than wed designers, who
Mostly aim for “happy.” But as part of a sequence, a slight negative can increase a positive.
People find role playing
                                              cheesy, makes them self
                                              The game forces you into
                                              uncomfortable situations.

                                              You take a situation and a
                                              pattern and match them
                                              up.. It might be a pattern
                                              you avoid because you
                                              aren’t good at it. And it
                                              creates much more
                                              teachable scenarios.
Dan Brown’s Communicating Design Game. Sometimes stress can teach.
incensed                                  invigorated


                             perplexed                          serene

              burnt out                                           empowered

Design exercise: what could be made to create these emotions?
Well, I didn’t expect that.
Types vs Personas
Grace                             (62/ female/ widowed/ Little Rock, AR.)
                                          “I like playing my favorite games online, but if I can play with
                                          friends, well that’s even better!”

                                          Personal Background: Her husband has passed on. She has
                                          two grown kids, both of whom live far away. She misses the
                                          kids, but has a fairly large circle of friends that she spends time

                                          Technical Proficiency: Limited. Can use her browser and her
                                          email. MS Word confuses her, and she doesn’t like using it.
                                          Doesn’t know what an OS is. Tends to click yes if the browser
                                          prompts her to do anything, and will click wildly until things
                                          History with games: Plays crossword puzzles daily and saves
                                          them. Plays card games, PhotoJam, but is offended by South
                                          Park cartoons

                                          Game’s opportunity: If Grace can be convinced to participate
                                          in community activities, she will become a loyal user of the site.
               2001                       She needs to be sheltered from the sick and twisted content,

This is a classic persona my old company CarbonIQ made for a casual gaming site. It was useful. But….
Richard Bartle      Drawing: Frank Caron

Understanding behavioral patterns in player types, and what features support the behavior desired is also useful.
Maybe more useful.
4 Key Engagement Styles in Social Gaming
       Express                                                                     Compete

       Explore                                                              Collaborate

       Copyright Amy Jo Kim

Amy Jo Kim has developed different player types that you find in Social Games. Each one has his or her own
play style. Knowing these needs shapes the feature set and core loop.
The Core Loop
   And the Mechanics
This is a core loop for a very simple game. I’m actually shocked we don’t map this on other projects. Amazon’s is
Seek, evaluate, buy.
Will Wright on Game Design: Watch 30:27-33:27
Backyard Monsters takes the classic tower defense loop (build defense, get attacked, redo) and adds complexity
by letting you also attack and build offensive as well as defensive tools.

Some of the more sleezy gamification gurus use this term as mind-control tricks. But really they are just what
makes games tick.
Sometimes they are
Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper. The game of rock paper scissors lizard spock adds
In two more elements for added complexity. And nerdity.
Just in case you need it
Sometimes they are

A constraint is usually about resource management. How much energy/money/stuff you need.

The pinch is the place where you run out of something. I.e. You run out of lives in the arcade, and you reach in
your pocked for a quarter. Or twelve.
Energy is a typical social game pinch. You can solve with money or with being “social” i.e. begging from friends.
In cityville, real estate is an excellent pinch. You could just buy more land, but you could also upgrade to better
buildings, rearrange your items, or store something. More options + more fun play.
In Castleville the pinch is also part of the play. New land is shrouded in shadow, so you may discover new
mysteries as you look to expand.
Sometimes they are
                          But it’s ok because I feel something?

Manipulation is tough. We go to the theater to be manipulated. We like a certain amount of orchestration of our
feelings. But we sure don’t like being taken advantage of.
6 key principles of persuasion
                                            by Robert Cialdini
                                            Social Proof
                                            Commitment and Consistency

Name the persuasion techniques being used by these social games. Trust me, a little time on Facebook and
you can collect all six. And find a few new ones.
All game designers I’ve met talk about FTUE (first time user experience) and elder game at a minimum. Almost
no web/app developer I speak with discusses these much if at all. Is a tutorial enough?
    Reward me
Short term:
        Actions taken
        create mini-
        rewards in the
        form of

Zynga invented the “doobers” which is when something good happens you see an outflowing of stars or coins.
It’s the equivalent of the slot machine flowing out, and very satisfying.

There is a certain satisfaction in kicking a friends bum. However, if you have a place where not much social is
happening, be sure to motivate me by making me beat my own high score. Not feel lonely.

    Crafting in Castleville, and many other games
    is all about repetition. Is the user really feeling
    mastery here?

                In Bubblewich saga, like many match-
                three games, it’s all about beating your
                own score as well as others. You can
                see and feel your improvement.

Moving from a novice to a master is why we play tennis, chess or even do things like knitting or woodworking.
We humans love to know we are getting better at something.
Stop, drop and roll
      Your own game
                             Chance                          anxious
                                                             cranky                 moved
                                                             edgy                   thankful
                                                             fidgety                touched
                                                             frazzled               amazed
                                                             irritable              awed
                                                             jittery                wonder
                                                             nervous                amused
                                                             overwhel               delighted
                                                             med                    glad
                             Narrative,                      restless               happy
                                                             stressed               jubilant
                             mechanics                       fragile                pleased
                                                             guarded                tickled
                                                             helpless               blissful
                                                             insecure               ecstatic
                                                             leery                  elated
                                                             reserved               enthralled
                                  Chits                      sensitive              exuberant
This slide was up for the Design exercise. Everyone got dice, five index cards and a token.
Classic waterfall. Even web people don’t like this anymore.
From Art of Game Design, by Jesse Schell. This his process diagram, and looks accurate to me. Game people
often talk about “wandering in the wilderness”: the time while you are trying to achieve fun.
This ain’t flip this house
Make it pretty, make a profit. Often web and app design just slaps some pretty on it at the end.
Grace and Glory enemy concept
                                                    designs by Yusuke Hashimoto. From
                                                    the upcoming video game Bayonetta.

         Concept design by Min Zhou

However, in game design the aesthetics are considered as much a part of the game as the mechanics and loop,
and work is begun on exploring direction on day one… and this inspires the mechanics.
Pretend you have OCD.
                                         like you mean it

Again, game designers seem way more user centered than most others. They don’t say “we’ll do two rounds of
testing.” They’ll test over and over until fun arrives.
Sid Meir, Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong. Watch 18:40-23:53
Learn how to teach

Most web app designers through learning into a quickie tutorial in the beginning. But game designers, focused
on mastery and that satisfaction weave it through the game.
Dance Central: you have to do the moves along with the dancer to earn points
Dance Central made learning the moves a key part of the game, not just a simple add on. You feel like you are
really learning to dance.
                    Release the hounds of project management

Optimize, optimize, optimize. Determine key metrics, and watch them like a hawk. Measure everything, but know
what key metrics are your life blood. Test all assumptions.
Now Playtest!

This was the last design exercise. Users taught each other how to play their game.

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No Stinking Badges: Better Lessons from Game Design

  • 1. 7 Lessons from Game Design When badges ain’t enough See notes:
  • 2. These are the wise people I learned from Some I interviewed, some I read their books, some I watched their videos…
  • 3. 7 Lessons from game design 1.Find your North Star 2.Player Types 3.Player Journey 4.Know your mechanics 5.Aesthetics 6.Learn to Teach 7.Measure the f*ck out of everything
  • 4. Find your North Star Every project needs a goal that everyone agrees is worth doing. What is a north star? It is the goal, the thing you are aiming for, and when you arrive, you can launch.,
  • 5. Game designers have an inherent North Star because they are building a game. It’s FUN. Game designers constantly ask “Is it fun yet” and if the answer is no, they don’t launch. And their team doesn’t launch. Even when it’s late late late. Because there is no point in launching an un-fun game.
  • 6. The Player Should Have The Fun, Not The Designer Or The Computer The algorithms were, of course, very fun to construct and interesting to discuss outside of the game. The players, however, felt left behind -- the computer was having all the fun -- so we cut the feature. From a Gamasutra Article “Analysis: Sid Meier's Key Design Lessons” Game designers are very user centered. They have to be.
  • 7. Emotion Your northstar is for the heart, not the head So when you are working on your project, your northstar should be a strong emotion.
  • 9. Design for An Emotion Conversion is a crap north star
  • 10. We have been designing in Black and White. There is a world of amazing emotions in technicolor just waiting
  • 11. Needs CONNECTION CONNECTION continued HONESTY MEANING acceptance safety authenticity awareness affection security integrity celebration of appreciation stability presence life belonging support PLAY challenge cooperation to know and be known joy clarity communication to see and be seen humor competence closeness to understand and PEACE consciousness community be understood beauty contribution companionship trust communion creativity compassion warmth ease discovery consideration PHYSICAL WELL-BEING equality efficacy consistency air harmony effectiveness empathy food inspiration growth inclusion movement/exercise order hope intimacy rest/sleep AUTONOMY learning love sexual expression choice mourning mutuality safety freedom participation nurturing shelter independence purpose respect/self-respect touch space self-expression water spontaneity stimulation to matter (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: understanding We are often facile when discussing needs in wed design. If we tap deeper into basic needs, we can get more satisfying products.
  • 12. AFFECTIONATE CONFIDENT GRATEFUL PEACEFUL compassionate empowered appreciative calm friendly open moved clear headed loving proud thankful comfortable open hearted safe touched centered sympathetic secure content tender INSPIRED equanimous warm EXCITED amazed fulfilled amazed awed mellow ENGAGED animated wonder quiet absorbed ardent relaxed alert aroused JOYFUL relieved curious astonished amused satisfied engrossed dazzled delighted serene enchanted eager glad still entranced energetic happy tranquil fascinated enthusiastic jubilant trusting interested giddy pleased intrigued invigorated tickled REFRESHED involved lively enlivened spellbound passionate EXHILARATED rejuvenated stimulated surprised blissful renewed vibrant ecstatic rested HOPEFUL elated restored expectant enthralled revived encouraged exuberant optimistic radiant (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: rapturous thrilled We are limited in how we talk about emotion in Wed Design. We talk about delight, and frustration. But there are many more words we could be designing for…
  • 13. AFRAID lost DISQUIET PAIN TENSE AVERSION apprehensive mystified agitated agony anxious animosity dread perplexed alarmed anguished cranky appalled foreboding puzzled discombobulated bereaved distressed contempt frightened torn disconcerted devastated distraught disgusted mistrustful disturbed grief edgy dislike panicked DISCONNECTED perturbed heartbroken fidgety hate petrified alienated rattled hurt frazzled horrified scared aloof restless lonely irritable hostile suspicious apathetic shocked miserable jittery repulsed terrified bored startled regretful nervous wary cold surprised remorseful overwhelmed FATIGUE worried detached troubled SAD restless beat distant turbulent depressed stressed out burnt out ANNOYED distracted turmoil dejected depleted aggravated indifferent uncomfortable despair VULNERABLE exhausted dismayed numb uneasy despondent fragile lethargic disgruntled removed unnerved disappointed guarded listless displeased uninterested unsettled discouraged helpless tired exasperated withdrawn upset disheartened insecure weary frustrated forlorn leery worn out impatient EMBARRASSED YEARNING gloomy reserved irritated ashamed envious heavy hearted sensitive ANGRY irked chagrined jealous hopeless shaky enraged CONFUSED flustered longing melancholy furious ambivalent guilty nostalgic unhappy incensed baffled mortified pining wretched indignant bewildered self-conscious wistful irate dazed livid hesitant (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: outraged resentful As well, Game designers are much more comfortable with creating negative emotions than wed designers, who Mostly aim for “happy.” But as part of a sequence, a slight negative can increase a positive.
  • 14. People find role playing cheesy, makes them self conscious. The game forces you into uncomfortable situations. You take a situation and a pattern and match them up.. It might be a pattern you avoid because you aren’t good at it. And it creates much more teachable scenarios. Dan Brown’s Communicating Design Game. Sometimes stress can teach.
  • 15. incensed invigorated giddy discouraged encouraged aggravated perplexed serene burnt out empowered Design exercise: what could be made to create these emotions?
  • 16. Well, I didn’t expect that.
  • 18. Grace (62/ female/ widowed/ Little Rock, AR.) “I like playing my favorite games online, but if I can play with friends, well that’s even better!” Personal Background: Her husband has passed on. She has two grown kids, both of whom live far away. She misses the kids, but has a fairly large circle of friends that she spends time with. Technical Proficiency: Limited. Can use her browser and her email. MS Word confuses her, and she doesn’t like using it. Doesn’t know what an OS is. Tends to click yes if the browser prompts her to do anything, and will click wildly until things work. History with games: Plays crossword puzzles daily and saves them. Plays card games, PhotoJam, but is offended by South Park cartoons Game’s opportunity: If Grace can be convinced to participate in community activities, she will become a loyal user of the site. 2001 She needs to be sheltered from the sick and twisted content, however. This is a classic persona my old company CarbonIQ made for a casual gaming site. It was useful. But….
  • 19. Richard Bartle Drawing: Frank Caron Understanding behavioral patterns in player types, and what features support the behavior desired is also useful. Maybe more useful.
  • 20. 4 Key Engagement Styles in Social Gaming Express Compete Explore Collaborate Copyright Amy Jo Kim Amy Jo Kim has developed different player types that you find in Social Games. Each one has his or her own play style. Knowing these needs shapes the feature set and core loop.
  • 21. The Core Loop And the Mechanics
  • 22. This is a core loop for a very simple game. I’m actually shocked we don’t map this on other projects. Amazon’s is Seek, evaluate, buy.
  • 23. Will Wright on Game Design: Watch 30:27-33:27
  • 24. Backyard Monsters takes the classic tower defense loop (build defense, get attacked, redo) and adds complexity by letting you also attack and build offensive as well as defensive tools.
  • 25. Mechanics Some of the more sleezy gamification gurus use this term as mind-control tricks. But really they are just what makes games tick.
  • 27. Paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper. The game of rock paper scissors lizard spock adds In two more elements for added complexity. And nerdity.
  • 28. Just in case you need it
  • 29. Sometimes they are constraints A constraint is usually about resource management. How much energy/money/stuff you need.
  • 30. Pinch The pinch is the place where you run out of something. I.e. You run out of lives in the arcade, and you reach in your pocked for a quarter. Or twelve.
  • 31. Energy is a typical social game pinch. You can solve with money or with being “social” i.e. begging from friends.
  • 32. In cityville, real estate is an excellent pinch. You could just buy more land, but you could also upgrade to better buildings, rearrange your items, or store something. More options + more fun play.
  • 33. In Castleville the pinch is also part of the play. New land is shrouded in shadow, so you may discover new mysteries as you look to expand.
  • 34. Sometimes they are manipulations But it’s ok because I feel something? Manipulation is tough. We go to the theater to be manipulated. We like a certain amount of orchestration of our feelings. But we sure don’t like being taken advantage of.
  • 35. 6 key principles of persuasion by Robert Cialdini Reciprocity Social Proof Commitment and Consistency Authority Liking Scarcity Name the persuasion techniques being used by these social games. Trust me, a little time on Facebook and you can collect all six. And find a few new ones.
  • 37. All game designers I’ve met talk about FTUE (first time user experience) and elder game at a minimum. Almost no web/app developer I speak with discusses these much if at all. Is a tutorial enough?
  • 38. Acheivements Reward me
  • 39. Short term: Actions taken successfully create mini- rewards in the form of doobers. Zynga invented the “doobers” which is when something good happens you see an outflowing of stars or coins. It’s the equivalent of the slot machine flowing out, and very satisfying.
  • 40. Leaderboards There is a certain satisfaction in kicking a friends bum. However, if you have a place where not much social is happening, be sure to motivate me by making me beat my own high score. Not feel lonely.
  • 41. Mastery Crafting in Castleville, and many other games is all about repetition. Is the user really feeling mastery here? In Bubblewich saga, like many match- three games, it’s all about beating your own score as well as others. You can see and feel your improvement. Moving from a novice to a master is why we play tennis, chess or even do things like knitting or woodworking. We humans love to know we are getting better at something.
  • 42. Stop, drop and roll Your own game
  • 43. Emotions appreciative Chance anxious cranky moved edgy thankful fidgety touched frazzled amazed irritable awed jittery wonder nervous amused overwhel delighted med glad Narrative, restless happy stressed jubilant mechanics fragile pleased guarded tickled helpless blissful insecure ecstatic leery elated reserved enthralled Chits sensitive exuberant shaky (characters) This slide was up for the Design exercise. Everyone got dice, five index cards and a token.
  • 45. Classic waterfall. Even web people don’t like this anymore.
  • 46. From Art of Game Design, by Jesse Schell. This his process diagram, and looks accurate to me. Game people often talk about “wandering in the wilderness”: the time while you are trying to achieve fun.
  • 48. Make it pretty, make a profit. Often web and app design just slaps some pretty on it at the end.
  • 49. Grace and Glory enemy concept designs by Yusuke Hashimoto. From the upcoming video game Bayonetta. Concept design by Min Zhou However, in game design the aesthetics are considered as much a part of the game as the mechanics and loop, and work is begun on exploring direction on day one… and this inspires the mechanics.
  • 51. Playtest like you mean it Again, game designers seem way more user centered than most others. They don’t say “we’ll do two rounds of testing.” They’ll test over and over until fun arrives.
  • 52.
  • 53. Sid Meir, Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong. Watch 18:40-23:53
  • 54. Learn how to teach Most web app designers through learning into a quickie tutorial in the beginning. But game designers, focused on mastery and that satisfaction weave it through the game.
  • 55. Dance Central: you have to do the moves along with the dancer to earn points
  • 56. Dance Central made learning the moves a key part of the game, not just a simple add on. You feel like you are really learning to dance.
  • 57. After Release the hounds of project management Optimize, optimize, optimize. Determine key metrics, and watch them like a hawk. Measure everything, but know what key metrics are your life blood. Test all assumptions.
  • 58. Now Playtest! This was the last design exercise. Users taught each other how to play their game.