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Chapter One

  I Believe in
God the Father
He’s the alpha and the omega
He is the first person of the Trinity
We begin with creation, the foundation of
God’s works
He’s the alpha and the omega
He is the first person of the Trinity
We begin with creation, the foundation of
God’s works
We begin with God

 He’s the alpha and the omega
 He is the first person of the Trinity
 We begin with creation, the foundation of
 God’s works
Article 1

I Believe in God the
 Father Almighty,
    Creator of
 Heaven & Earth
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 1:
 This is the most fundamental because the
 whole creed speaks about God
 When it speaks about man and the world, it
 is in relation to God
 The other articles help us to know God
I believe in ONE GOD
I believe in ONE GOD
What is revealed in Old Covenant is
inseparable and fundamentally equal with
His existence
Christian faith: He is one in nature,
substance and essence
Dt 6:4-5 (see CCC#201)
Jesus Himself said, (see 202) and the
Lateran Council (cf 202 footnote #8)
God has a name and not an anonymous
force. To disclose one’s name is to make
onself known to others. With name, God
becomes accessible, capable of being known
more intimately and more personal
God revealed diff names but the
fundamental one is one revealed in
theophany of the burning bush, Exodus and
Mt. Sinai.
God Reveals His Name
God has a name and not an anonymous
force. To disclose one’s name is to make
onself known to others. With name, God
becomes accessible, capable of being known
more intimately and more personal
God revealed diff names but the
fundamental one is one revealed in
theophany of the burning bush, Exodus and
Mt. Sinai.
The Living God
 Burning bush, Patriarchs, Exodus,
 Faithful to his promises
 He came to free the descendants from
 Beyond space and time,He is God who
 can do this and wills to do it to work for
 his plan
“I am who I am”
 God revealed his name to Moses (cf
 CCC 205 Ex 3:13-15)
 It is both a revealed name and a refusal
 of name; He is infinitely above everything
 that we can understand or say: he is the
 “hidden God,” his name is ineffable, and
 is the God who makes himself close men.
“I AM” tells us that God is always there.
He is faithful valid for the past (I am the
God of your Fathers) and for the future
(I will be with you) (cf CCC 207)
Faced with this fascinating and
mysterious presence, man discovers his
own insignificance but God is Holy and
       Deuteronomy 6:4-9


       Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One!
       Praised be His Name, whose kingdom is forever and forever!

Out of respect for the holiness of God,
the revealed name (YHWH)is replaced
by the divine title “Lord” (Heb: Adonai,
Gk: Kyrios).
Under this title that the divinity of Jesus
will be revealed
“ A God merciful and gracious”
  cf CCC 210-211
  Despite the faithlessness like worshipping
  the godlen calf, God hears the prayer of
  Moses to walk amidst these
  YHWH represents a God merciful and
  He even went to giving his own Son
God alone IS
 cf 213-214
 God is the fullness of Being and of
 every perfection without origin or end.
 “He who is” reveals as the one
 abounding in steadfast love and
God is truth
 cf CCC 215-217
 God is Truth itself, whose words cannot
 deceive. Therefore we must abandon
 our trust in him. Sin is lie of tempter.
 Mal 2:6 When he sends his Son into the
 world it will be “to bear witness to the
God is love cf CCC 218-221
 His single motive esp choosing them: his
 sheer gratuitous love. God never stopped
 saving and pardoning them.
 It is compared to a father’s love to son. It is
 stronger than a mother’s love for her
 children. More than bridegroom to his
 beloved. Victorious even in worst
 His being is love esp in His Son
Implication of faith in One God
    Faith in one God has enormous
    Majesty and Greatness
    unity and true dignity of all men
    to use created things for him
    Trusting God in every circumstance
 Paragraph 2 p. 70
I. In the name of Father...
 In baptism, we are baptized in the name of the Trinity
 The Trinity is the most fundamental teaching and
 highest in the hierarchy of truths
 Theologia: God’s inmost life; Oikonomia: works of
 God. Through oikonmia, theologia is revealed.
 Theologia illuminates oikonomia.
 So also the person, his actions reveal himself and
 knowing him makes us understand his actions
CCC 237
Trinity, in strict sense, one of the
mysteries hidden which cannot never be
known unless revealed by God
There are traces in the Old Testament
This is inaccessible to reason alone even
to Israel’s faith before the Incarnation
and sending of the Holy Spirit.
II. The Revelation of God as Trinity
The Father revealed by Son
 The Father transcends human
 fatherhood and motherhood, no one is
 father as God is father.
 Jesus: He is not only the Creator but
 eternal Father of the Son (CCC 240).
 Jesus is the word: He is the image of the
 invisible God
The Father & Son revealed by the Spirit
     Jesus promised the sending of another
     Paraclete before his passover
     It is at work since creation, spoken
     through prophets and revealed as
     another person with Jesus and Father
     The sending of the Spirit after Jesus’
     glorification reveals in its fullness the
     mystery of the Trinity
Conciliar Declarations:
 Constantinople(381)”... Yet he is not
 called the Spirit of the Father alone...
 but the Spirit of both the Father and
 the Son
 Latin Creed: “proceeds from the Father
 and the Son” (filioque)
 Florence (1438): “The HS is eternally
 from the Father and Son”
III. The Holy Trinity
  In the Teaching of the Faith
The formation of the Trinitarian Dogma

    already professed during baptism
    also found in the preaching, catechesis
    and prayer of the Church and apostolic
    it is defended and clarified during the
    first centuries
 Substance - to designate the divine
 being in its unity
 hypostasis - to designate the Father,
 Son and Holy Spirit
 relation - to designate the fact that
 their distinction lies in their relationship
The Dogma (253-256)

 Trinity is one. One God in three
 persons. The divine persons do not
 share the one divinity among themselves
 but each of them is God whole and
They are really distinct from one another
    Toledo: “F, S, HS are not simply names
    designating modalities of the divine
    being, for they are really distinct form
    one another”
    Lateran: “It is the Father who generates,
    the Son who is begotten, and the HS
    who proceeds.”
The divine persons are relative to
        one another (255)

The real distinction of the persons from
one another resides solely in the
relationships which relate them to one
The F is wholly in the Son.....
St. Gregory of Nazianzus

  Existing one in three, containing three in
  a distinct way. Divinity without disparity
  of substance or nature, w/o superior
  degree that raises up or inferior degree
  that casts down... Each person
  considered himself is entirely God.
IV. The Divine Works
   and the Trinitarian Missions
(257) It unfolds in the work of creation, the
whole history of salvation after fall, and the
missions of the Son and the Spirit, which are
continued in the mission of the Church.
(258) The whole divine economy is the common
work of three divine persons. The Trinity has
only one and same nature, so too does it have
only one and same operation. Each divine
person performs the common work according
to his unique personal property.
(259) The whole Christian life is a
communion with each of the divine
persons, without in any way separating
them. “Everyone who glorifies the
Father does so through the Son in the
HS, everyone who follows Christ does
so bec the Father draws him and the
Spirit moves him.”
(260) The ultimate end of the whole
divine economy is the the entry of God’s
creatures into the perfect unity of the
Blessed Trinity. But even now we are
called to be a dwelling for the Most Holy
Trinity: “If a man loves me,” says the
Lord, “he will keep my word, and my
Father will love him, and we will come to
him, and make our home with him.”
Paragraph 3

The Almighty
Of all the divine attributes, only God’s
omnipotence is named in creed: to confess this
power has great bearing in our lives
His might is universal, for God who rules
everything and can do everything.
God’s power is loving, for he is our Father
Mysterious, only faith can discern it when it is
made perfect in weakness.
“He does whatever he pleases” 269

 Holy Scriptures confess the universal
 power of God. Nothing is impossible
 with God, who disposes his works accdg
 to his will
 Order of the universe is subject to him
 and he is the master of history
“You are merciful to all, for you can
              do all things.”

He takes care of our needs as our Father.
By his infinite mercy, he displays his
power at its height by freely forgiving sins
His power is no way arbitrary, in Him,
power, essence, will, intellect, wisdom and
justice are all identical
The mystery of God’s apparent
              powerlessness 272
Faith in the Father Almighty can be put into test by
experience of evil and suffering. He can sometime seem
absent and incapable of stopping evil.
In most mysterious way, God the Father revealed his
almighty power in the voluntary humiliation and
Resurrection of his Son by which he conquered evil
It is the power and wisdom of God. “The foolishness of
God is wiser than men, and weakness of God is stronger
than men.”

 Only faith can embrace the mysterious ways of
 God’s almighty power. The faith glories in its
 weakness in order to draw to itself Christ’s
 power. Mama Mary is the supreme model.
 Nothing is impossible with God
The Creator
  Paragraph 4
We confess that God the Father
Almighty is Creator of heaven and earth
of all that is seen and unseen.
Creation is the foundation of “all God’s
saving plans,” the “beginning of the
history of salvation” that culminates in
I. Catechesis on Creation
  It is of major importance because it
  deals with basic questions, “Where do
  we come from?” “Where are we going?”
  These two questions are decisive for the
  meaning and orientation of our life and
Many scientific researches had been
employed and the discoveries led them
to greater admiration to God. It is he
who gives unerring knowledge of what
Also not only of the origin but the
meaning of such origin? How about evil?
285 There are many philosophies and
beliefs that came up. This is the human
286 Human intelligence is surely already
capable of finding a response. It is the
faith that gives light to it.
288 The revelation of creation is
inseparable from the revelation and
forging of the covenant of one God with
his People. It is the first and universal
witness to God’s all powerful love.
Beginning of Scriptures: Creation - Fall
- Promise of Salvation
II. Creation - Work of the Holy Trinity
“In the beginning God created the
       heavens and the earth.”
  Three Things are affirmed:
1. The eternal God gave a beginning to all
  that exists outside of himself
2. He alone is the Creator (Heb. bara)
3. The totality of what exists (heavens &
  earth) depends on the One who gives it
 NT reveals that God created everything
 by the eternal Word, his beloved Son.
 1 Col 1:16-17 “All things were created
 through him and for him.”
 Veni, Creator Spiritus - the Creator
 Spirit, the source of every good
 Creation is the common work of the
 Holy Trinity
III. The World was created for the
            Glory of God
Dei Filius, can. 5
St. Bonaventure: “God created all
things ‘not to increase his glory, but to
show it forth and communicate it.’”
Eph: 1:5-6 “God made us ‘to be his sons
through JC, according to the purpose
of his will, to the praise of his glorious
The glory of God is man fully alive;
moreover man’s life is the vision of
God...” St. Irenaeus
The ultimate purpose of creation is that
God “who is the creator of all things
may at last become “all in all,” thus
simultaneously assuring his own glory
and beatitude
The Mystery of Creation
God creates by wisdom & love
 It is not by blind fate, chance or necessity.
 It was from God’s free will to share in his
 being, wisdom and goodness
 Ps 104:24; 145:9 - “O Lord, how manifold
 are your works! In wisdom you have made
 them all” “The Lord is good to all, and his
 compassion is over all that he has made.”
“Out of Nothing”

 296: “We believe that God needs no pre-
 existent thing or any help in order to
 create, nor is creation any sort of
 necessary emanation from the divine
 substance.” God creates freely “out of
 nothing” (Lateran IV)
Therefore through HS:

298 He can give pure heart to sinners,
life to the dead through Resurrection.
He can also give light of faith to those
who do not yet know him.
God creates an ordered
    and good world (299)
The universe, “created in and by the eternal Word,
the image of the invisible God,” is destined for and
addressed to man, himself created in the “image of
God” and called to a personal relationship with God.
“And God saw it was good... very good” - for God
willed creation as a gift addressed to man, an
inheritance destined for and entrusted to him. On
many occasions the Church had to defend the
goodness of creation, including that of the physical
God transcends creation is
    present to it (300)
God is infinitely greater than all his
God is present to his creatures’ inmost
St. Augustine: God is “higher than my
highest and more inward than my
innermost self.”
God upholds and sustains
       creation (301)
With creation, God does not abandon
his creatures to themselves.
Recognizing this utter dependence with
respect to the Creator is a source of
wisdom and freedom, of joy and
confidence (cf Wis 11:24-26)
V. God carries out his
plan: Divine Providence
Creation has its own goodness and proper
perfection, but it did not spring forth complete
from the hands of Creator.
The universe was created “in a state of
journeying” (in statu viae) toward an ultimate
perfection yet to be attained, to which God
destined it.
We call “divine providence” the dispositions by
which God guides his creation toward this
perfection (302)

The witness of the Scriptures is
unanimous that the solicitude of divine
providence is concrete and immediate.
“Many are the plans in the minds of a
man, but it is the purpose of the Lord
that will be established.” (Prov 19:21)

HS, principal author of Sacred
Scripture attributes actions to God -
His primacy and absolute Lordship over
history and world.
Jesus asks for childlike abandonment to
the providence of our heavenly Father.
Providence &
  Secondary Causes
God is the sovereign master of his plan
but he also makes us of his creatures’
cooperation. Not a sign of weakness but
a toke of his greatness.
God grants his creatures not only their
existence but also the dignity of acting
on their own, of being causes and
principles for each other.
Providence and Scandal of Evil
   Why does evil exist?
   There is not a single aspect of the Christian
   message that is not in part an answer to the
   question of evil.
   “state of journeying” process of becoming
   God is in no way, directly or indirectly the cause of
   moral evil. He permits it, however, because he
   respects the freedom of men and mysteriously
   knows how to derive good from it.
Rom 8:28 “We know that in everything
God works for good and for those who
love him.”

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Article 1 CCC

  • 1. Chapter One I Believe in God the Father
  • 2.
  • 3. He’s the alpha and the omega He is the first person of the Trinity We begin with creation, the foundation of God’s works
  • 4. He’s the alpha and the omega He is the first person of the Trinity We begin with creation, the foundation of God’s works
  • 5. We begin with God He’s the alpha and the omega He is the first person of the Trinity We begin with creation, the foundation of God’s works
  • 6. Article 1 I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven & Earth
  • 7.
  • 9. Paragraph 1: I BELIEVE IN GOD This is the most fundamental because the whole creed speaks about God When it speaks about man and the world, it is in relation to God The other articles help us to know God better
  • 10.
  • 11. I believe in ONE GOD
  • 12. I believe in ONE GOD What is revealed in Old Covenant is inseparable and fundamentally equal with His existence Christian faith: He is one in nature, substance and essence Dt 6:4-5 (see CCC#201) Jesus Himself said, (see 202) and the Lateran Council (cf 202 footnote #8)
  • 13. God has a name and not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make onself known to others. With name, God becomes accessible, capable of being known more intimately and more personal God revealed diff names but the fundamental one is one revealed in theophany of the burning bush, Exodus and Mt. Sinai.
  • 14. God Reveals His Name God has a name and not an anonymous force. To disclose one’s name is to make onself known to others. With name, God becomes accessible, capable of being known more intimately and more personal God revealed diff names but the fundamental one is one revealed in theophany of the burning bush, Exodus and Mt. Sinai.
  • 15. The Living God Burning bush, Patriarchs, Exodus, Faithful to his promises He came to free the descendants from slavery Beyond space and time,He is God who can do this and wills to do it to work for his plan
  • 16. “I am who I am” God revealed his name to Moses (cf CCC 205 Ex 3:13-15) It is both a revealed name and a refusal of name; He is infinitely above everything that we can understand or say: he is the “hidden God,” his name is ineffable, and is the God who makes himself close men.
  • 18. “I AM” tells us that God is always there. He is faithful valid for the past (I am the God of your Fathers) and for the future (I will be with you) (cf CCC 207) Faced with this fascinating and mysterious presence, man discovers his own insignificance but God is Holy and forgiving
  • 19. SH'MA Deuteronomy 6:4-9 SH’MA YISRAEL, ADONAI ELOHENU, ADONAI ECHAD! BARUCH SHEM, K'VOD MALCHUTO L'OLAM VA-ED! Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One! Praised be His Name, whose kingdom is forever and forever! Out of respect for the holiness of God, the revealed name (YHWH)is replaced by the divine title “Lord” (Heb: Adonai, Gk: Kyrios). Under this title that the divinity of Jesus will be revealed
  • 20. “ A God merciful and gracious” cf CCC 210-211 Despite the faithlessness like worshipping the godlen calf, God hears the prayer of Moses to walk amidst these YHWH represents a God merciful and gracious He even went to giving his own Son
  • 21. God alone IS cf 213-214 God is the fullness of Being and of every perfection without origin or end. “He who is” reveals as the one abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
  • 22. God is truth cf CCC 215-217 God is Truth itself, whose words cannot deceive. Therefore we must abandon our trust in him. Sin is lie of tempter. Mal 2:6 When he sends his Son into the world it will be “to bear witness to the truth.”
  • 23. God is love cf CCC 218-221 His single motive esp choosing them: his sheer gratuitous love. God never stopped saving and pardoning them. It is compared to a father’s love to son. It is stronger than a mother’s love for her children. More than bridegroom to his beloved. Victorious even in worst infidelities. His being is love esp in His Son
  • 24. Implication of faith in One God Faith in one God has enormous consequences: Majesty and Greatness thanksgiving unity and true dignity of all men to use created things for him Trusting God in every circumstance
  • 26. I. In the name of Father... In baptism, we are baptized in the name of the Trinity The Trinity is the most fundamental teaching and highest in the hierarchy of truths Theologia: God’s inmost life; Oikonomia: works of God. Through oikonmia, theologia is revealed. Theologia illuminates oikonomia. So also the person, his actions reveal himself and knowing him makes us understand his actions
  • 27. CCC 237 Trinity, in strict sense, one of the mysteries hidden which cannot never be known unless revealed by God There are traces in the Old Testament This is inaccessible to reason alone even to Israel’s faith before the Incarnation and sending of the Holy Spirit.
  • 28. II. The Revelation of God as Trinity
  • 29. The Father revealed by Son The Father transcends human fatherhood and motherhood, no one is father as God is father. Jesus: He is not only the Creator but eternal Father of the Son (CCC 240). Jesus is the word: He is the image of the invisible God
  • 30. The Father & Son revealed by the Spirit Jesus promised the sending of another Paraclete before his passover It is at work since creation, spoken through prophets and revealed as another person with Jesus and Father The sending of the Spirit after Jesus’ glorification reveals in its fullness the mystery of the Trinity
  • 31. Conciliar Declarations: Constantinople(381)”... Yet he is not called the Spirit of the Father alone... but the Spirit of both the Father and the Son Latin Creed: “proceeds from the Father and the Son” (filioque) Florence (1438): “The HS is eternally from the Father and Son”
  • 32. III. The Holy Trinity In the Teaching of the Faith
  • 33. The formation of the Trinitarian Dogma already professed during baptism also found in the preaching, catechesis and prayer of the Church and apostolic writings it is defended and clarified during the first centuries
  • 34. Terminologies Substance - to designate the divine being in its unity hypostasis - to designate the Father, Son and Holy Spirit relation - to designate the fact that their distinction lies in their relationship
  • 35. The Dogma (253-256) Trinity is one. One God in three persons. The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire
  • 36. They are really distinct from one another (254) Toledo: “F, S, HS are not simply names designating modalities of the divine being, for they are really distinct form one another” Lateran: “It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the HS who proceeds.”
  • 37. The divine persons are relative to one another (255) The real distinction of the persons from one another resides solely in the relationships which relate them to one another. The F is wholly in the Son.....
  • 38. St. Gregory of Nazianzus Existing one in three, containing three in a distinct way. Divinity without disparity of substance or nature, w/o superior degree that raises up or inferior degree that casts down... Each person considered himself is entirely God.
  • 39. IV. The Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions
  • 40. (257) It unfolds in the work of creation, the whole history of salvation after fall, and the missions of the Son and the Spirit, which are continued in the mission of the Church. (258) The whole divine economy is the common work of three divine persons. The Trinity has only one and same nature, so too does it have only one and same operation. Each divine person performs the common work according to his unique personal property.
  • 41. (259) The whole Christian life is a communion with each of the divine persons, without in any way separating them. “Everyone who glorifies the Father does so through the Son in the HS, everyone who follows Christ does so bec the Father draws him and the Spirit moves him.”
  • 42. (260) The ultimate end of the whole divine economy is the the entry of God’s creatures into the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity. But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity: “If a man loves me,” says the Lord, “he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him.”
  • 44. #268: Of all the divine attributes, only God’s omnipotence is named in creed: to confess this power has great bearing in our lives His might is universal, for God who rules everything and can do everything. God’s power is loving, for he is our Father Mysterious, only faith can discern it when it is made perfect in weakness.
  • 45. “He does whatever he pleases” 269 Holy Scriptures confess the universal power of God. Nothing is impossible with God, who disposes his works accdg to his will Order of the universe is subject to him and he is the master of history
  • 46. “You are merciful to all, for you can do all things.” He takes care of our needs as our Father. By his infinite mercy, he displays his power at its height by freely forgiving sins His power is no way arbitrary, in Him, power, essence, will, intellect, wisdom and justice are all identical
  • 47. The mystery of God’s apparent powerlessness 272 Faith in the Father Almighty can be put into test by experience of evil and suffering. He can sometime seem absent and incapable of stopping evil. In most mysterious way, God the Father revealed his almighty power in the voluntary humiliation and Resurrection of his Son by which he conquered evil It is the power and wisdom of God. “The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and weakness of God is stronger than men.”
  • 48. 273 Only faith can embrace the mysterious ways of God’s almighty power. The faith glories in its weakness in order to draw to itself Christ’s power. Mama Mary is the supreme model. Nothing is impossible with God
  • 49. The Creator Paragraph 4
  • 50. We confess that God the Father Almighty is Creator of heaven and earth of all that is seen and unseen. Creation is the foundation of “all God’s saving plans,” the “beginning of the history of salvation” that culminates in Christ.
  • 51. I. Catechesis on Creation 282 It is of major importance because it deals with basic questions, “Where do we come from?” “Where are we going?” These two questions are decisive for the meaning and orientation of our life and actions
  • 52. 283-284 Many scientific researches had been employed and the discoveries led them to greater admiration to God. It is he who gives unerring knowledge of what exists. Also not only of the origin but the meaning of such origin? How about evil?
  • 53. 285 There are many philosophies and beliefs that came up. This is the human inquiry. 286 Human intelligence is surely already capable of finding a response. It is the faith that gives light to it.
  • 54. 288 The revelation of creation is inseparable from the revelation and forging of the covenant of one God with his People. It is the first and universal witness to God’s all powerful love. Beginning of Scriptures: Creation - Fall - Promise of Salvation
  • 55. II. Creation - Work of the Holy Trinity
  • 56. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Three Things are affirmed: 1. The eternal God gave a beginning to all that exists outside of himself 2. He alone is the Creator (Heb. bara) 3. The totality of what exists (heavens & earth) depends on the One who gives it being.
  • 57. 291-292 NT reveals that God created everything by the eternal Word, his beloved Son. 1 Col 1:16-17 “All things were created through him and for him.” Veni, Creator Spiritus - the Creator Spirit, the source of every good Creation is the common work of the Holy Trinity
  • 58. III. The World was created for the Glory of God Dei Filius, can. 5 St. Bonaventure: “God created all things ‘not to increase his glory, but to show it forth and communicate it.’” Eph: 1:5-6 “God made us ‘to be his sons through JC, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace.”
  • 59. The glory of God is man fully alive; moreover man’s life is the vision of God...” St. Irenaeus The ultimate purpose of creation is that God “who is the creator of all things may at last become “all in all,” thus simultaneously assuring his own glory and beatitude
  • 60. The Mystery of Creation #295-314
  • 61. God creates by wisdom & love It is not by blind fate, chance or necessity. It was from God’s free will to share in his being, wisdom and goodness Ps 104:24; 145:9 - “O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all” “The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.”
  • 62. “Out of Nothing” 296: “We believe that God needs no pre- existent thing or any help in order to create, nor is creation any sort of necessary emanation from the divine substance.” God creates freely “out of nothing” (Lateran IV)
  • 63. Therefore through HS: 298 He can give pure heart to sinners, life to the dead through Resurrection. He can also give light of faith to those who do not yet know him.
  • 64. God creates an ordered and good world (299) The universe, “created in and by the eternal Word, the image of the invisible God,” is destined for and addressed to man, himself created in the “image of God” and called to a personal relationship with God. “And God saw it was good... very good” - for God willed creation as a gift addressed to man, an inheritance destined for and entrusted to him. On many occasions the Church had to defend the goodness of creation, including that of the physical world.
  • 65. God transcends creation is present to it (300) God is infinitely greater than all his works. God is present to his creatures’ inmost being. St. Augustine: God is “higher than my highest and more inward than my innermost self.”
  • 66. God upholds and sustains creation (301) With creation, God does not abandon his creatures to themselves. Recognizing this utter dependence with respect to the Creator is a source of wisdom and freedom, of joy and confidence (cf Wis 11:24-26)
  • 67. V. God carries out his plan: Divine Providence
  • 68. Creation has its own goodness and proper perfection, but it did not spring forth complete from the hands of Creator. The universe was created “in a state of journeying” (in statu viae) toward an ultimate perfection yet to be attained, to which God destined it. We call “divine providence” the dispositions by which God guides his creation toward this perfection (302)
  • 69. 303 The witness of the Scriptures is unanimous that the solicitude of divine providence is concrete and immediate. “Many are the plans in the minds of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.” (Prov 19:21)
  • 70. 304-305 HS, principal author of Sacred Scripture attributes actions to God - His primacy and absolute Lordship over history and world. Jesus asks for childlike abandonment to the providence of our heavenly Father.
  • 71. Providence & Secondary Causes God is the sovereign master of his plan but he also makes us of his creatures’ cooperation. Not a sign of weakness but a toke of his greatness. God grants his creatures not only their existence but also the dignity of acting on their own, of being causes and principles for each other.
  • 72. Providence and Scandal of Evil Why does evil exist? There is not a single aspect of the Christian message that is not in part an answer to the question of evil. “state of journeying” process of becoming God is in no way, directly or indirectly the cause of moral evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of men and mysteriously knows how to derive good from it.
  • 73. Rom 8:28 “We know that in everything God works for good and for those who love him.”

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